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Dragon Slaying edition

Previous Thread: >>502777454

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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Versa's roast beef cunny.
Sell me on playing VP
it's a nostalgia game if you don't already know about it there's no point shilling it
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Good evening hagbros.
Holy fucking newfag
Since when does violated princess have qos content?
Do you like to watch naïve little blond girls suffer?
If so, VP is your jam.
Do you want to corrupt them into double-peaceing ahegaos?
If so, VP probably isn't your jam.
if you like qos and gruesome rape this is your game, otherwise stay clear because the dev poured all his hatred towards serena
Name me three other than the doom one
Can she actually get a qos tattoo?
game is bad, do it if you are a contrarian or just hate yourself
Why should I?
Ryuu is back!
Is it worth it for the preg stuff?
It's worth it. VP is a great game. They're the contrarians.
Their website used to load rather slowly for me, now it's blazing fast. I guess they moved servers or something?
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Any games with capable and mature adult women?
Couldn't say, since that was a part of it I wasn't too into.
But probably, you can put lots of different things in Serena's belly.

I didn't say anything against it, though?
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I said mature, not psychopathic. It's Wizard's Climber
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ntr knight
You just need to try it. VP is a game tailormade for a few very specific polarized fetishes. Either you like it or you hate it
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She's not a psycho, she's just very practical.
the game tries to sell her as that but she acted the entire game as a weak blackmailed generic ntr whore
a nut from the butt
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When can we get a game exclusively about Erika or Ashley?
Because you can't even if you wanted to
You know you were wrong and I was right
Ok newfag.
Mature Quest.
She defeats the demon king all by herself and rescues her husband from petrification.
>answers are all ntrslop
the state
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Any suspicious area or decision she will have to make is noted and analyzed. The only reason she would make a dumb decision is because the player chose it. She clearly states whether something is off or suspicious and that she should avoid that area. It's why the H-sections are basically non-canon since she wouldn't actually fall for it. You basically have to resort to hypnosis/drugs or magically turn yourself into a gnome to get into her pants.

And even then, that doesn't stop her from finishing her job, she's still very capable and dependable.
did they? in what way? the site seems to still be online to me.
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By mature I mean that the girl has an adult-ish relationship with the male. I didn't really make it clear.
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How can a woman be mature without having experience? And if she's a good woman, she doesn't have experience with just anyone, she chooses carefully. So you'd expect her to be with a good man by then, and she'd probably be married.
I was mistaken. I thought he replied to the ones hating on the game just for the sake of hating it but he specifically replied to the two objective replies.
oh, whoops.
Makina was such a good time.
I don't think I've cum as much to any other h-game since
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Mature Quest 2 was kino
i call it ntrkino
When is Kagura gonna localize it
So it's basically rape but without the fun corruption. Just sad girl being sad?
If so, what a waste of talent.
the V stands for Violated not Verygoodgame
VH had corruption.
Why not VP.
If that's what you're after in a game, then yeah.
Game aimed at specific fetishes doesn't appeal to people without those fetishes, imagine that.
why do some like Makina even? it's one of those cookier-cutter CG hunter slops kek
It's a pretty good cookie-cutter h game.
Is loveydovey vanilla a fetish?
it makes sense for a litte girl to be incorruptible, she can't consent in the first place
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>I'm sad that Pakkuri Paradise seems to be inactive
He's been working on a new game for a pretty long time, but he's just logging his work on twitter and doesn't bother updating his ci-en.
It's the norm. Fetishes are deviations from the norm.
Vanilla is a flavor.
If you're having vanilla yogurt, that's not the same as plain yogurt.
Though I don't know what the plain yogurt would be a porn game analogy for.
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I like it when devs make fanart of other games.
I've got 1600 DLsite points leftover for various reasons. What's some kino I can buy and enjoy as an EOP? I've got Night of Revenge, the SEQUEL and MGQP games, Hachina/Mermaiden, and a few other titles.

If you've got any suggestions similar to any of those, I'd appreciate it.
There should be a winter sale coming up. So maybe save up until then.
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You know what part of VP broke me? It was that part where Serena was feeling sad because of the malicious things being done to her and while walking down the street in a disheartened mood, she came across a cute kitten and played with it, which cheered her up a little. It's probably one of the most "human" scenes in all of h-games.
Disastaposter you're alright
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God this game is so cute, I wish I played it earlier
The norm should be dead fish girl emotionless sex.
any game where you can romance and impregnate lolis?
Very true. Cute Disaster too, gonna fap to one of the scenes in her very good game.
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God this game is so cute, I wish I played it earlier
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I miss the times when the MC cuck in NTR games actually had functional spines and just iced whoever was trying to steal their girl.
is the game time limited?
Then that isn't NTR game anymore.
MC saving the damsel in distress tropes have been a thing since forever.
a real MC with spine would ditch the now used-goods girl too
Are you talking about op or your post?
which version is this? the UI looks totally different.
That one and her despair when rescuing the unicorn who now hates her, but she still wants to save it because it was her friend. scenes hit hard man.
I don't think it's possible for the Conquista series to be cute in any way.
I don't have the heart to view it. I've only seen the good ending.
Not that I know of. There is no counter whatsoever
The GoG version
If are same anon please give sauce
If aren't but know please give sauce
Is there any non-Western futa NTR game?
cool, now it's on my radar
Why are western ntr games obsessed with futa?
I think I saw at least 3, which is a lot considering the pool.
In my case I play games with fetishes which I would never, ever try in real life - futa (dickgirls), NTR, bestiality etc. So a combination of those two is always a treat.
They want dicks.
Sure but was just wondering, it's not nearly as prevalent in JP ntr.
If I had to guess it would be because western games self censor on non consensual stuff (like classic ntr blackmail or rape), so they have to use other fetishes, maybe.
So, do you know any Japanese futa NTR games?
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*rapes you*
illegal blob...
No. Art alone is not enough. The game needs good writing and progression. Does it?
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Is this a another nostalgia game like picrel or actually an old game?
What are some ESSENTIAL TRANSLATED PC-98 ges?
I'm glad to see our goblin is back. Also Kaname too. Her son is actually an intelligent goblin. I didn't realize a character was our goblin until they mentioned additional stuff when you meet them again. Dedicated to protecting Kaname's son since he sees him as the hope for goblins.
What was that VN-ish game with a touching system that was posted here recently? One of the heroines had medium tits and gray hair iirc.
lolige where the mc is a cute blonde who has strong will but is very naive and is on a journey to claim her stolen unicorn back?
RJ01161200 ? Supposedly really bad MTL
Natsuiro Lesson: The last summer time
why does everyone always act like a nigger in porn threads? you wont die if you share the game name jesus fucking christ
did she wash the lettuce with soap?
not that anon but the version i played did have some time limits on events that IIRC could end in a game over but for the most part they weren't too difficult to get through
that's acceptable
I just hate when hentai games have a general "end of game after 30 days/turns"
for me it's lolis with milf hairstyles
Not that one. There were two girls on the cover art.
And Snatcher. Wish there was something like it but porn, Possessioner has a similar vibe but obviously no depth. And fuck yurishit
Erika had some great scenes in VP
highlight of the game
Serana fucking sucks as a character and the game is shit, too
very true if you enjoy terrible art and masturbate to 2girls1cup
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whats the best games of the now involving a cast thats almost exclusively huge titty anime women? pretty sure I've played most of the classics by now
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Yes she is sex.
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>Faggot will use glaze to fuck up his images because "much ai"
>Moves over to blue sky because "much ai" and policy changes
>Takes a great strain on his mental health
What a collosal faggot. Mainly and especially because of the glaze bullshit lmao
>moves to bluesky because of AI
his brain function is definitely impaired
someone should tell him
>Moves over to blue sky because "much ai" and policy changes
Good for him. I hope he suffers a complete nervous breakdown, recovers and makes a game from his experience of going literally insane. I'd play it.
>makes a game from his experience of going literally insane.
so.. black souls 3?
oh no
A game about leading a resistance against a robot invasion, only to learn that the resistance was just more robots there to trick the MC.
that's just Nier Automata
ge with fishing mechanics
Is Tokyo Necro and Tokyo Necro SUICIDE MISSION the same game?
Not a good thing if it did happen because it limits everything by 1. I'd like to see as many hentai sharing sites as possible as backup in case the hentaidomor happens.
Black Souls inspired me to create my first eroge because the art is so bad but because it's dark and edgy people call it sovl.
ntr brainrot
No idea, but aren't these VNs? This is a game thread.
Does this look like VN to you: https://www.turboimagehost.com/p/94167801/nitroplus_0002jp-003.jpg.html ?
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Kinda? That's showcasing the... BGM screen where you can listen to the VN's various tracks. As for the image on the right, I really can't tell. It could easily be some kind of still, depending on the style the game's story is presented in. Got any video of the gameplay?
I wouldn't be asking stuff if I researched that deep.
No. You could've just looked that up on vndb.
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Ryoka is not even a good ntr game
So... why don't you Google it yourself? I checked YT for Tokyo Necro & found words, words, words. Looks like a common VN with choices. Didn't see any gameplay. Dunno about the other game. Assuming it has gameplay it isn't translated.
Oops, I really could, my brainrot got better of me.
Niggas should panik because tomorrow it could be fag95 or whatever else is out there.
Feels like you're watching a spineless(maybe confused too) fag who doesn't have the balls to confess while the literal world is rigged so Ryoka gets plowed by anyone with a dick.
Now i know why this game upsets me but spelled out NTR doesn't.
Suicide Mission WAS a ero gacha
Big oof.
Oh. Thx. Now I don't need to waste my time on downloading it.
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Tokyo Necro was full of girls that are pure sex. Shame that Nitroplus won't ever make another VN.
Rusty Rabbit is planned for 2025, no?
So maybe there will be something after that since they aren't dead...

I didn't know this existed, looks interesting
That big download in sukebei is only for the scenes and story, without the gameplay it is just a big vn and most likely cant be hooked so yeah, no point unless you like to read and are jop
games where a holy knight/priestess/nun/warrior has to protect her purity?
games with non-ningen female sex?
Le Dernier Saint Chevalier
played those, unlike RJ146155, Flode and Amane doesn't lose their powers when they are;t virgin anymore
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>I make a joke about a cowgirl
>get reported and get warned
>people posting VNs
>nothing happens
This place sucks.
Power is not the only reason to protect their pussy.
Have all the bugs from VP been ironed out?
Played a little of it shortly after it released but my save was fucked 5-6 hours in when a quest wouldn't progress due to a known random bug with an NPC's dialogue not triggering.
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I can't remember how many times I've been allowed to post or get banned for posting certain bodysuit images
hgg2d has always had /vn/ roots.
Forest of Blue Skin
Succubus Affection
Shiro no Yakata
Three Charms series
Sequel series
Dragon Princess is Hungry
Spoonfeeders have made me complacent. Why should I include game names in my posts or give sauce when someone will do it for me anyway?
One of them is a (dead) ero gacha
all pretty human looking though
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VP feels too slow for me. I have to juggle my work hour and gaming time already.
>Let's show how she eat, live her life and stuff in slow motion
>Even the menu feels slow
I just want her to get pregnant and give birth over and over again.
I can just play Violated Heroine but there is no future there.
Anyone have full save?
>Forest of Blue Skin
>Succubus Affection
God, these games. THESE GAMES.
>Shiro no Yakata
by same dev as FoBS and SA? can only find some shitty apk malware sites
Which VP am I even supposed to play?
The jp version is translated but that menu isn't >>502934187
Which is being affected by the dazed MTL? jp or eng?
Just play games designed for quick faps.
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is this emotional support ge?
Not many game have loli pregnancy and birthing mechanic without game over
Are there any p*kemon style battlefuck games where (you) send in a (monster-)girl to fuck the opposing (monster-)girl?
There is one. The one with meme "are you a boy or a boy (looks like a girl)?"
I forgot the name. You fuck the monster girl to catch them.
is that side scroller thorn sin a chinese game? i always get confused when chinese devs make a game with japanese as the main language
It's not BF.
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Yes. Just get it from f95. There’s also Mysterious Abandoned House from zell23 (the dev), he likes to work on multiple projects at once for some reason. Last I saw was he was working on a FoBS remake in Unity.
>FoBS remake
got any links? every post is paywalled on ci-en from what I understand
>Last I saw was he was working on a FoBS remake in Unity.
Uoooooh, if true.
Check kemono and f95.
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I like Sequel monster girls since even though most of them are almost cosplay-tier, they’re still both monster-like in nature and very cute. Hakika knows how to write them well. They’re not all murderwhores.
It's a shame that Forest of Blue Skin feels like a janky alpha version compared to Succubus Affection
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Show me her sex stats.
First partner: Goblin
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how do i stop liking rape?
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time to put her where she belongs.
that's just a pokeball throw disguised as sex, I don't think it counts as battlefuck
try reverse rape instead
Let's talk about games.
Go to a psychologist to unravel your hidden problems and then come back.
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I love Nenena! I hope the dev's elf wife game will be good too!
Will the elf wife have a former bf that didn't treat her right?
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Game with pure vegan gamer gf?
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Does anyone have a fucking game where you play as a fucking man that is fucking women

I don't want to play as some whore Jesus Christ why do faggots make these games instead of men who aren't weak manlets that unironically sympathize more with women
/^Game with cute pure gamer gf\?$/
/^Game with cute pure vegan gf\?$/
/^Game with pure vegan gamer gf\?$/
/\bblob bin\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\bvyner blob\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\balice blob\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\bversa blob\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\bshe'll never blob\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\bHimecut supremacy\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
/\bSEX with Alcy everyday\b/i;stub:no;boards:vg
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No clue but she's cute
You forget: game for this feel
filter THIS faggot
Sometimes they post funny or hot images. I don't reply to them though.
Sequel series
Black Souls series
A New Game
Mercenary’s Adventure
Princess Honey Trap

Somehow it’s pretty difficult to find regular male MC games. Lots of devs are too focused on making shota protags.
Hi game for this feel poster
I can't. The game's not worth it. While Serena is really endearing and the pixel art is very good, the entire experience is lackluster. It starts quite strong and is very charming, but eventually the progression grinds to a halt.

It's essentially a ryona defeat based scene collector. You can do a virgin run but then you don't get to experience the game's content. And if you do the content all you get from it is repeated suffering. If you're really into ryona you may enjoy that, but the issue is that much like Kurone's game but for different reasons, VP lacks the ultimate delivery and satisfaction of completely conquering Serena, in body, heart, mind, and soul. She never completely breaks down. She's defeated, raped, impregnated, beaten, repeatedly gives birth, but she always picks herself back up, dusts herself off, and fights on another day.

It's this lack of total capitulation outside of the bad endings which are essentially just boring GOR, that makes the game unsatisfying to play.
>start game with intent of doing a non virgin run
>serena learns about sex
>she goes to main town
>she's raped, does various jobs, suffers
>gives birth
>is raped and gives birth some more
>eventually she doesn't react any different anymore, the cap is reached
>she suffers, wails, despairs, but always recovers again and the story continues
>she fight and fights until the end
And that's just boring. She never either mind breaks into a hollow sex doll or gives into the pleasure as a coping mechanism. Her suffering gets capped out at a certain point and it remains like that until the end.
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Well? Should she?
Hi there, newfriend.
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What would a supreme gentleman do?
Clothed naizuri.
What's the difference between Ignore her and Do nothing?
Second option would steal her heart, it’s the chad move
Ask her if she is a virgin.
Do nothing probably just cancels the dialogue. Ignore her and go home gets you a game over.
Would be creepy irl.
Ask her game for this feel?
What besides "avoid getting closer than 10m to her" would not be creepy IRL?
>filterBITCH attention whoring again
tsk tsk tsk
Talk to her
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She gave me a giant onigiri. perfect wife material
>unironic supreme gentleman
Ask if she's alright and if she needs help but don't impose yourself on her if she doesn't respond or want help.
>ironic supreme gentleman
Seethe about her not wanting your umbrella online, then do a school shooting.
Sorry anon, but you're playing another shit game. At this point you're essentially done with it. Fuck her, get the ending. That's it. My condolences for your terrible taste.
Just play male MC games nigga its not hard
I haven't played anything with a female lead since that futa game from dieselmine
I'll check these out, thanks.
I like to self insert. What game to play?
Offer to sell her my umbrella for a big markup
>you can now upload MP4 files
what did hiromoot mean by this?
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>zero fucking good vanilla (ONE girl romance) with an exciting story and awesome gameplay in 2024
is it over?
try not being an EOP
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¡yadyreve yclA htiw XES
you can? bet you still cant upload webms with sound
Take the /teg/pill bro.
is her ge good? I want opinion from a real human
Alcyge is one of those games that manages to stay fun until the end of the game
>real human
What we need is Webm+sound, not MP4
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robotge doko?
>pregnancy is a game over
This alone makes me avoid it
Forgot to say, no hakika games.
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Give me some other cohab games like this. The Fallen Angel Next Door was alright, the chink one with the debt was pretty bad.
Too much work.
You do it for me.
I dunno anon. I don't like wife NTR too much.
>not murderwhores
>when they straight up murder
noja noja.....
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Fumika just broke into my home and raped my dog
Don't worry, I'll like wife NTR for you while you just watch
What's the appeal of ritual posting the same thing instead of something new? A lot of the games from which these memes stem from were good, but to post them in every thread, for months or even years? Eh...? I liked Fumika, Polca, and even Alcy to a lesser extent, but I'm over them at this point. I kinda wanna know what goes through these anon's heads and what kind of lives they live.
ritualposting is simply 4chan culture you newfaggot
get Polca-ed
What's the appeal of madposting and seething?
Okay? Now what?
The only other side-scrolling pixel art cohab game I can think of is RJ01048388. This genre is surprisingly rare.
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I get Black Souls but you fight and play as the girl 80% of the time in every game.
A shame he can't capitalize on a certain fetish like exhibitionism and go all the way with it. He always falls short. It feels like he's randomly throwing darts at the wall, hoping one sticks. His recent two or already three games, have been utter disasters. And it's basically impossible staying subbed to his Ci-en because he incessantly spams ads for his games twice or thrice a week.
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Not all of them do. Hakika learned how to not make them murderwhores after blight and awake. A lot of the ones in Innocent Rules are very cute.
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>male MC faggots
>had to project to the whole thread their fragile masculinity all the time
kekerino maximerino
Sequel is a male MC game, the MC gives orders to the party during battle and he’s the navigator too
>gives orders to the party during battle and he’s the navigator too
Oh, so it's that kind of game.
Yeah. It’s like EO/blobber games where the flagbearer is (you).
This ain't it.
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The translated versions of his games are always broken or horribly translated. What gives
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Nah, i meant in a sense that the protag is probably just another flavor of pic related
Is that a...?
Real men fuck real women.
who the fuck asks for vegan games though?
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salvation or corruption?
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where do I go after killing the snake dude in the slums in dragon conquista?
Who knows? You're the only one playing the game.
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There's a fortune teller in the slum area. You can pay her $100 and she'll tell you the next part of the main quest.
thanks anon
salvation through corruption
peace through power
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i ONLY self insert as the shota.
i refuse to play any games that don't have shota mc's anymore. they're so fucking lame.
I self insert as the blob.
>red riding hood still isn't released
At this rate he'll die of hyperaids or whatever hgame devs die from before releasing BS 3, it's joever
how the fuck do you play this shit?
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With your joystick, of course
multitasking is hard
With one hand.
they should be selling a specialized controller for these kinds of games
RJ01129004 seems neet
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Go away
Looks decent
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Looks nice. Thanks.
He'll never blob.
I will never understand how people can tolerate looking at that thing on the left let alone drawing it
I like ugly bastard porn but yeah, that is a bit too much.
This, but on the right
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Give me cute JK vanilla games.
This looks really good actually, damn
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What does the ring that she gives you do?
black souls...my soul...my blackest soul...our blackest soul...
sex with a doll!
Which version of Violated Princess should I play, and where can I download it?
>playing ge
>went to India in ge
>first event is me getting robbed
wow, this dev knows how to write
The latest one, from dlsite.
the corruption modded one, good luck finding it though
Nta but what numer is the version?
i should have been the one to fill your black soul with light
>not raped
No one wanna see 6cm tiny pajeet dicks
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>Talk to first girl outside
>Choose sex option
>Instantly shows creampie CG
>Seeding complete
What the fuck is this? This is way too fast, no dialogue, no build-up, nothing.
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Gehenna next month.
Konoha early 2025.
tan or no tan?
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tan lines
>not recognizing ybuta
You have to go back
is it one of the "fuck npcs" games?
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Living clothes games where?
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You play any VTuberge lately?
>tfw cuckshed game will never come out
its been 84 years....
CouncilRyS RPG
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You play any VTuberge?
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They're not going to ban R18 content from games made in the RPG Maker engine going forward, are they? What's stopping them from adding a clause that forbids any adult content in published games as a result of appealing to their Ethics Department and western pressure? They could even back-cease-and-desist if they successfully argue these types of games hurt their brand image.
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Okay, the game does have some good points. There are tons of companions to get and each have a lot of scenes. The scenes have no dialogue though and the scenes are only slightly better than sketches.
Yes, but they're wnegs. (Western Non-Erotic Games)
They got a manga publishing branch in Japan that censors everything so..
why high power faggots love censoring everything again?
I'm no lawyer but if you don't update your version of RPGmaker I don't think they can force you to agree to anything like that.
Any day now konohabros...
Where can I get the best version of Violated Heroine?
it's in the peasant bin
eiyuu senki very hard is beating my ass fuck these indian
everything is going to shit
Yeah, I had to grind a little. You need to be able to one-shot at least one guy of the front line with Nobunaga.
I won with only Himiko and one of the mercs left.
Sorry I'm having an early onset dementia moment, either in one of these threads or a random h-game thread on /v/ there was mention of a game with pregnancy.

Something about getting impregnated by creatures and spawning soldiers to fight
There was a webm posted that showed a women wrapped in like a cocoon or something and a bug going at it?
It was called Invivezio or Livevio or something

I cannot for the life of me find the fucking post again
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>captcha won't work on PC
Am I banned, or what? Shirabe, Kanade, help me...
And neither are good. Imagine!
Art is a waste of time. What's the progression and characterization like? Any good buildup or is she a minute 1 prostitute, like every other heroine?
Make sure you conquer the capital last, btw.
>autodash off by default
nigger nigger nigger
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You can get her preggo in the extra chapter without a game over, though.

It's almost like A New Game where you can do whatever you want and by that I mean having segs with many of the female npcs you find right away or almost.
>vxace game
>auto run not included
>gotta hold down shift or walk
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chinese malware has me covered
i cannot play rpgm without this
Yeah, panko komachi
I want to sex the shark
Please tell me theres a game where i can sex the shark cunny
a this is nice
built for double anal penetration
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How do you even collect semen or pee with the empty bottles in Kohana? I can't fucking figure it out
Chinktool's pretty good. And for just a few dorra you get MTL too. It's far worse than dazed's stuff but for cheap slop it does the job.
This game was kind of a waste desu.
it's good but i'm not giving the bugman any money
it actually saved me the other day as i overrode my save by mistake, but the chinktools auto saves by itself in a different location, so i got everything back. also it's good for games that limit save slots
I will not lend my pc to the chinese jew
What was the ci-en link for this developer, again?
I have no idea how to advance this quest with the fat guy. Apparently I have to find someone who understands love, but I can't find the NPC for it and there's no real hint.
is there any though?
dunno much about the dev but seems bit fun and decent content to play
the cut-ins and animations sure feel like a nice touch to a game
You guys said her game was bad. So which is it?
I'm not saying it's bad, just a waste.
I played it all the way a week or two ago. It's bleh. I've played worse, and if I played it like 10-15 years ago it would have been cool. But as the other anon said, it's just a waste.
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You guys buying any merch from dieselmine?
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>no mage kanade merch
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anon, you posted a small pink circle within a bigger pink circle!
finally defeated those pajeets
had to use Oda to snipe them then fuck off, defend against the counter invasion, repeat until I can claim 2 territories in 1 turn while having enough troops to defend against a full health counter invasion, after that it's pretty easy
red dead hood...doko...toro...onegai...watashi...
He just uploaded it to the blob bin.
>owns a armor shop
>uses a bikini armor of choice
this game also oozes soul

speaking of which, when lewding the zombos the images sometimes don't load up
does it happen with anyone else?
Did you enjoy the reward? lol
Give it to Oda since she will be moving a lot.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
game devs be like:
better than a shitting scene out of nowhere
this in a NTR game would be kino
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>Wife-chan, why are you letting Chad eat your poo...
>You promised that I was the only one who'd ever eat it...
Depends on how you want to contribute.
>Mongolian introduction is voiced
>Pajeets introduction is not voiced
This game has interesing-ish combat and the scenes are good, its just held back by mediocre art. It could have been really good if they got an actual good artist
nothing beat a sexy well drawn back of a woman
nothing beats a sexy ( | ) of a LG
Nothing beats a roast beef cunny.
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I have played Rikune's game RJ406891. It was okay.
The gameplay is extremely simple. You have entirely linear dungeons and very few options in combat. Items don't take turns to use so the difficulty is very low. Equipment is gotten from a gacha system which is surprisingly annoying to farm resources so I guess it depends on how good the drops you get are.
The h scenes were decent but way, way too long. They also aren't too well integrated into the gameplay, since you only get h scenes from monsters after picking to do nothing on a turn at least once so you literally have to give up on purpose. There's technically only 5 scenes not counting progressive versions but again they're all very long.
Overall I give it 3 stars. The art is nice but the game part is pretty irrelevant and while the scene content was good the length is not something I like.
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>( | ) of a LG
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Is that fox or a bote?
anubis sleeping because she didn't see the versa blob in the OP
I just poison.ogg IRL to this.
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Sounds about right.
>steam apparently banned like 5k games over night
>find the list of games they removed
>its all porn games that could be posted here or in 3dpd threads etc.
fucking kek, does anyone know how hard Kagura got hit?
Show me the list
I made it up.
While I have to agree in regards to the rest of the game (the dungeons are pretty boring), I really liked the narration and the progression in the scenes and for that I have to say that it is a pretty erotic game far above most games where a femc without any experience jumps on the first cock she lays her eyes on.
Hope the sequel is even better.
This only happened to Germany no?
for example they removed RJ269742
I liked the scenes and the story. The gameplay was also fine. I liked that it didn’t really waste your time.
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>All pr0n games with cute girls get banned
>The gay homo shit wegs are more than likely still there
removing lgbtq games is literally a hate crime
the gay shit is unironically the least offensive thing with dragon age after what they did with the lore/writing
all lgbtq people I met irl are awful, why is it a hate crime to hate awful things
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Ugly people are truly the loudest minority.
>check fag95
>dazed already translated the OP dragon slayer game
it's over...
looks like they just hit a bunch of shitty AI shovelware games with an innocent bystander here or there.
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Still untranslated
is it worth playing maggot baits or euphoria if i dont really care about h-scenes? i just want to know if there's some greater message or for learning worldbuilding.
yeah when I initially saw the list I thought Kagura would be ruined but guess they were largely untouched
Funniest shit I have read in weeks.
that's bazed though
A fan of the game is inevitably gonna do those. Apparently it's really good? Fuck do I know. It basically just released.
First of all, wrong general. Second, not really because their stories are told through the sex scenes. In Euphoria for example, the MC has to degrade the girls through various public humiliation events. And you don't care about the scenes, so why would you waste your time reading them?
Yeah I mostly agree with what you're saying. The ending was pretty cool though.
i watched a bit of maggot baits on youtube and i thought the world was interesting. i dont know much about euphoria besides it being from the same creators.
can't you just read a real book like No Longer Human
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Euphoria is fun even if the h-scenes aren't your thing but don't expect some deep message. It plays like an okay B-movie.
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how could steam get rid of such hits
Okay but what I said remains true. The story is told through the sex scenes which you have no interest in. Euphoria features some quite vile shit, like human centipede type stuff. Look up the CGs on Panda. I mean, ultimately you could just download both and give them a shot to see if you changed your mind, if you can give a fuck about them or not. What's holding you back? They're free.
We should start advocating for sexy games
mother russia!
i had no idea you can get them for free
Did Artemis Pearl have shota?
does macro polo spying stuff do anything? she seem harmless after seeing all her goofy events
Anon, Kagura already released AntiDomi, years back. It was only on their website though cause Steam axed it for whatever reason. I think you can get it on egg or maybe even in the bin. It's a shitty VN.
there's been some reports some games just had their ID changed so double check it
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Ewww used goods
Maggot Baits on youtube? I imagine it was really short without the h-scenes, bad ending alone was like 8 hours.
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It's good, it reminded me of Kirsten
saw it a few years ago but it was two dudes (on webcam) doing a playthrough of it.
What is wtong with them?
eiyuu senki jumpscare, suddenly
Is this game more or less autistic than VB?
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Way less autistic. In general, it's like Brutal King Rance but more forgiving.
>Adventure with your onee-san
Can't have shit
I will now play you games.
I love VB, I truly doe but variety is the spice of life and I want to kill myself because farming gear isn't fun
Play in normal mode.
play in very hard mode, normal mode is literally for babies
VB, or ES/BKR?
Because I'm already farming on VHard Mode in VB.
oh nooo did steam take away your child porn? baww
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I look like this irl
Man, Venus blood stinks of NTR. Is it NTR ? Looks like the perfect stolen heroines scenario ge.
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Pull down your shirt, you dummy.
>no NTR
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>survived a year with the pregnant konoha screenshot
This game is magical
Otaku Plan, I kneel.
ES, in very hard you will actually have to plan ahead (unless you cheese it) before engaging a war since if you stumble once it's all downhill from there
and you actually have to utilize the fact that enemies' troops damaged health will stay low (if you attacked them at all) even if you lose/retreat (it regens after every turn though)
in normal mode you can just click normal attack and win all fights...
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I think she doesn't like me bros.
I have no idea what this all mean, but I think I may start on Hard.

>unless you cheese it
if onl we could do that in vb
also if you play it, use the fanTL 1.07 version, that one is uncensored with some neat QoL to the visual, and allow you to pick difficulty
technically you can't really cheese very hard mode late game since it has a soft cap on your strength at some point
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I think we're friends now.
it was just unfinished weggers and ai slops
why is she looking at me like that?
all women look at me like that
pretty good side quest about it
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I love Oyari's works!
machine child where
NTA, here you go. RJ01255069.
ribcage-ge, doko?
Is that bad?
anything below 4.6 is unplayable
Same. Been waiting for Machine Child to be released for years now.
even shit games generally stay above at least 4.0
>Far right is top cute
>One CG and scene in the entire game
Hate eiyuu senki so much, apparenty WW adds more content but gotta wait for the offline version
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Oyari's artstyle peaked at little witch romanesque and quarttet
the digital artstyle kinda butchered the fairytale vibe his art has, machine child artstyle look so bad...
I hope it get better when it is released...someday...
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hey, she at least got something
as a Perry fan, I'm roping myself
i have a thing for large forheads
I tried that train molester+Vampire Survivors trial (which apparently got an AI translation, too). The game really needs content, but does anyone know if it has more than 2 stages? I beat the stage 2 boss (after the game bugged out like 2 times) and nothing.
Also Selexonia's trial is lame, I'm cheating my way out of the combat on release.
>>Faggot will use glaze to fuck up his images because "much ai"
I don't quite notice a difference in image quality, seems like something only for the bend-over-willingly-for-the-AI-overlords cultists to care about. Though I find hilarious the dev seems to find disgusting the idea of his NTR H-game heroines appearing in AI output.
>B-but he may delay the AI porn singularity three picoseconds by using Glaze
Come on now.
just play all of his ge then
i did
Any more info I can use to try and find it?
ES right?
yeah, ES, they even translated and subbed the brief combat dialogue in-battle for you
I just learnt there was a moment in time where whenever Oyari draw little girl butt, an earthquake happens
it happened so often it became a gag
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Hey, a slightly unusual question. Anybody know some games that are strictly
speaking not porn but super heavy in terms of sexualization, but still have really good gameplay?
I'd even endure a gacha for a few weeks if the gameplay itself is good.
Bonus points for good cunny.
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.
Man, I wish VB could have the voiced lines when you deploy Commanders..
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Any games like this?
>About additional contents, the stage 2 released in this ver0.04 is the last one. Please wait for the full version of the product for the contents after this. The demo version will not be updated after next month. (Bug fixes may be made).
Never mind.
I don't knyow, sadly
I'm still searching for a ge like that again...
thx lad
I downloaded this game just yesterady. Weird coincidence.
It is a one of its kind ge with the unique magic training system and extensive quest map
Good morning!
How can i make my Ci-en article better?

I was guided by Anons to make a page on Ci-en or DLSITE, but i can't speak Japanese.

saars...the /agdg/ thread is here
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
You need to be 18 years or above to post here.
File deleted.
He's getting followed by a bunch of english bots on Xitter. It's tough guise.
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>However, he ran out of the company he was working for and set up his own company, LittleWitch, saying he would make eroge he really wanted to make
>kino quality for Shirotsume Souwa, Quartett!, Shoujo Mahou Gaku: Little Witch Romanesque with unique game system called FFD, Floating Frame Director
>sale is bad
>sale is so so bad
>art quality dropped significantly
>there isn't much care that goes into ge they make anymore
>ditched FFD completely later on
>LittleWitch doesn't make any ge any more today
real shame
i loved their games
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At least their older games remain, if it was gachashit all would be lost media. This is why gachashit/live service crap will NEVER replace real games
Props to the chads that upload the CGs to the panda.
thank god I'm not retarded and play weg
Remember to backup your h games.
Remember to backup your blobs.
Remember who you are.
I...I can't read the guide, am I stupid? do I need some extension or script for this?
>he fell for it
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Stinky NEET gf saved.
Remember, you will die
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Still scarred from crotch..
I still don't think THP is as bad as RJ170185
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is this fumika fantasy
Woah...those mobile game ads are real now?
This game was fun. I forgot play the second one though.
On shota?
Shan't play
Nta but RJ01010873 and RJ01088018
despite having yuri in the name it leaned more toward petrification, so slightly disappointing
So what? You clean her room up a bit and she opens her legs for you because shes "interested in ecchi" ?
Bitch ass nigga who wrote this should just do porn plots for IRL 3D.
game for this feel?
is there any realistic cohab, even?
aside from Akira Point
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You play any VTuberge lately?
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I'm going to
chilla's art but porn
any games with this feel where innocent girls are sacrificed by YOU to become mommies.
besides the araka stuff already downloaded those.
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that's not alice
Thanks for the info. I'm from Pakistan, not western.
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do you play ge more than normal games nowadays?
I remember Frontier had an extra scene added as a Kickstarter goal or something, for the most part not that I've seen though
that was so hot.
the scene where the girl shits in a plastic bag then uses it as fertilizer; so good.
scatbwos...I was having lunch...
What games do bad ends really well where you can see the girl's long and gradual descent into ever increasing despair without an end in sight?
If I made a black souls inspired erorpg but using religions of the world instead of fairytales would you guys buy it and play it
Blobbity blobbity blob.
irl religion is already black souls
the priests yearn for rape
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On stream!
I don't buy or play wegs except to make video essays about why they suck
>I don't buy or play wegs except
You sound very bitter and unlovable
why west even play their weg? it looks fucking disgusting, I don't get how some wegs even sell at all

I haven't seen anyone talking about it but the oneone1 artist's game, RJ01284200, just dropped an updated trial a few days ago
tits too small
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I will never understand why people watch and donate to these obviously fake retards
idol culture was supposed to be supporting a beacon of hope
now it's just prostitution + scam aiming at stupid retards
lmao even
now that's the sexiest JK I've seen this month
Because it's more fun to watch vtuber than modern anime.
Nowaday they buy Gura and Raiden Shogun figuge rather than whatever current anime sluts.
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The art in this game is fucking amazing you flaming homosexual.
Get out of my fucking HENTAI games you goddamn faggot
/a/bros...we lost to /vt/ and gacha...
Games Recommendation about Breast Expansion?
I do like the designs themselves, but the art is amateurish at best.
clown sex
>No Penetrative Sex
clown game
futa game but its the futa fucking the guys. bonus if shota
The girl on the left looks like Non Anon
I want to breed the Green
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imagine making a design that's both silly and sexo at the same time and not only is the character not the main focus but the game itself has no sex, is a card game and only has bondage
what a fucking let down, i hope the game flops hard just to prove a point to this retarded dev
they're just the offbrand hipsters of /a/
How far I am to ending celesphonia? Just got to the bunny bar boss
no it's just heavy corruption
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So what is the story of Sengoku rance and why did he turned evil
his childhood friend gf cheated on him
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>No sex, only bondage
I am 100% okay with this.
Not that into clowns, though.
Ask again in /haniho/ before they die in page 10.
anyone manage to get playnite working on linux?
lunas game would have been 100x better with sex focus
What's this cute fortune teller doing in a slum area?
people really do inject drugs in their toungues? is this really a thing?
simpleton take
based i was planning on restarting my run because i accidentally turned the MC into a whore losing to the slime boss multiple times until i figured out u had to rest for mana so mobs don't battle fuck u
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Ningen please give food
>I cant get hard today
I think I finally got ED
Game with ningen male and non-ningen female?
He didn't. You see this monkey on his side? He's actually an immortal apostle of a demon that tried to conquer JAPAN in the past. Eventually the demon got sealed and its soul was split and put in many gourds that were shared between all major families at the time. As part of the pact, a priest nation has the role of checking the gourd of all families every certain amount of years to make sure it's in good condition. However, times passes and JAPAN is a warring shithole. His clan lost much of its power during that time and he was forced to become to leader of his family prematurely. He was born with chronic health issues which got worse as he aged on and eventually also became widowed due the war developing a severe depression and lost his commitment to keep warring. That's where Rance enters. After meeting in bar, become friends almost instantly and he trusts Rance to become a temporary leader of the military so that he could war in his place while he dedicates himself to his little sister. Things were going well and he's making peace with his eventual death but it happens that they were in a year where the gourd had to be checked. He had no clue about what was the meaning behind the gourd because it was a spoken secret that he never had the opportunity to learn about and he brought his little monkey friend to the room that he believed to be just a monkey. He and Rance gets curious about the meaning behind the gourd and he holds out, then the little monkey friend starts acting strange and tries to steal the gourd from his hands, he eventually sneezes and the gourd falls and cracks in the floor. At that moment, he is possessed by a demon and falls unconscious. It looks like it was simply a symptom of his health problems at first but he starts noticing strange things like sleep-talking and the feeling of being constantly observed, at some point he gets possessed by a demon and starts ordering to burn priests and other stuff. The rest is more spoilers.
now you can finally play without jacking off getting in the way
tits too round
anon too gay
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>game has violence against women
>its either purely sexual violence with no punching or bruising or jumps straight into guro with blood and dismemberment
Why are ryona games so rare? Is it rare to want to see girls get beat up, but not get gored?
Tits too big semi-big averaged sized tits are okay this ones gonna sag so bad in a few years
Anime girls won't sag like 3DPD
ryona is only good when it's realistically voiced and the girl is begging for mercy, weeping, while you are punching her
or calling you a slur for every hit
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Thank you
>ryona is only good when
why is incest is hated by society
Because it's wrong
>why is NTR/cheating is hated by society
NTR/cheating involves a third party
incest is simply love from 2 consented party
>muh difference in power
difference in power exist whenever a male marries a female anyway
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sloppy kissing ge doko?
there's a ge that is dedicated to LOLI TITJOB only
surely there's a ge that dedicated to KISSING only
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>But the cuck is too likeable so you feel bad
RJ01234826 I have no idea how this game didn't get flagged for AI but here we are.
because it's not AI
kek no, even giga nerds would choose to befriend chads over their fellow nerds if given the chance
yes it is, you instant slop cuck
Are you a bot?
503039067 make me lose hope in life
Best spells in Celesphonia?
Are you an underage zoomer?
Of course, you are
holy light
Pot of Greed
Best combo comes from using magic focused equipment, magic focused sword and ice+thunder enagram.
spam thunder and when enemy resis just do ice and you will steamroll everything
Tsumi no gami
In the base game? Just pick the Explosion tree over and over. It's busted. Maybe grab a few heal spells like the auto-heal.
Explosion tree
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nothing topped this btw
hpmf did it better
Megumin approves
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When are we getting another game that is peak UOOOOHHH again?
we already did with RJ01192488
is this from the sailor splendor or whatever it was called series? or i've seen too many JK's to the point the designs start overlapping?
>cannot recognize each and every single one of black haired JKs even though many of their designs overlap
your evil will not prevail anon!

Isn't she in like her 40s?
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Shocked I've never really seen a not-Darkness h-ge.
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Is Dragon Conquistador simple enough where it's a decent jp learning experience? Considering playing it raw instead of the mtl
how many hours you niggas spent completing Celesphonia on hardest difficulty?
0, I don't play bad ge
Yeah, for the most part. At least the main story bits, could follow what's happening easily.
Is Sakura the horniest mahou shoujo? She makes such a perfect hge protag
literally goty of that year
I dunno how many updates it got but when I played it the content was kind of bare bones
does she even have h games? Nanoha's daughter just got one RJ01285346 and it looks like the rest of the dev's games are nanoha related too
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Soon, late November bros...
im so very interested on how autistic this hag will be
I NEED more pink haired sluts.
all good but I need more
embrace luxoria
Ayura and Eris
>big ol' tiddies
picked up already
I'm honestly surprised nobody has made a CCS rpmg hgame.

Something corrupts her cards with evil energy and fly off and she has to capture them again, but the corruption keeps putting her in perverted situations, and even once she gets them back she has new ideas of what can be done with them.
And if you've ever watched the show or manga you know that pretty much everyone in this world is already up for whatever sexually.
The h-scenes and scenarios practically write themselves.
because gacha and vtubers are the hot shit right now, wouldn't surprise me if we got a Mona ge first before her at this point
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We literally have Mona game at home
Can I save Kouhime?
because she is old, most people dont even know what a card captor is
Not on my pc right now but I think about 16 without the post game stuff? More if you grind everything especially the master memorias. The slowest part about crisis is always the first 2 dungeons but you can cheese some easy xp once you get high enough to assassinate mobs from the back.
>Kaname having the goblin baby is canon
holy based
how do you even do corruption without ningens?
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Anon help I'm stuckkk
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Any games where nobles abuse farm girls and commoners using their authority?
This game didn't have enough scenes and lack of free roaming with H sucked.
Also dev has been making the extra content patch for a fucking year even though the game sold really well due to pretty art
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Won't you play a game with her anons?
i dont play game at all
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okey dokey
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Are there any good games with female slaves that aren't exclusively for sex? Jerez Arena sucked btw.
How do I get the heart icon to show up?
Fuck her really hard
>just discovered that alicesoft has a BOOTH
we buy merch
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Hello gents. I don't have the time to write a long review right now but I want to say that, having finished, Dragon Conquista is easily the best game of the year so far for me and a reminder why I even bother to play HRPGs. In this era of scraping the bottom of the barrel just to have anything to play each month I get more and more used to garbage games and try to feel happy with mediocre ones when they show up, but games like this blow all that away and remind me what it's like to play something that's just good. Creative scenes, great unique art style, good characters, good plot, good writing, it's just fucking good. So glad to have experience it and so glad there's yet another consistently good dev out there. Really great main character. I love that one scene where a dude asks to jerk off to her and at first she just stands there, but as she gets more lewd you get the option to make her jump and bounce her tits for the guy as he jerks off while refusing to acknowledge what she's doing. It's peak. And the whole cast is great too. I really liked when the pink haired side character was stripped naked and made to pour alcohol for a bandit boss; the animation of her tits jiggling during this, while the bandit guy demanded she smile, was very inspiring. All in all 10/10 game, no notes, this is god's gift to Earth and one more reason for us not to kill ourselves. Even the combat is kinda fun and fast-paced. God, why is it so hard for hrpgs just to have creative scenes that go beyond basic fucking? This game makes it look so easy.
Any good new (or even old) yuri or futa?
I cringed and stopped reading at Hello gents.
*hides post*
>great unique art style
stopped readinged
based resident reviewfag
Does it have multiple endings?
>canonically can't crossbreed slaves pregnant
SHIT isekai.

Nice that they're getting an RPG Maker game instead of VN this time
Seriously, AI-bot that suggests you a h-game based on vague description, feels or random noise when?

Extremely low quality post
Juvenile opinion

Bodyfat percentage?
Start any meds recently? Also go lift weights
>first stream is taking off clothes
>second stream is masturbation
>third stream is viewers raping you
true oshi no ko
While I haven't tried it myself yet, I have a feeling that you're exaggerating with your assessment because you've been playing and dropping so many shitty games recently, that anything with any semblance of quality will shine like a diamond in a mountain of coal, except that it's ultimately just a glass bauble. Pretty, sure, but exceptional? Eh...

Hopefully not. Games with multiple endings tend to be dogshit due to limited creative vision forcing the dev to spend time on what if or alt routes, diverting meaningful attention and effort that could otherwise go into bettering the main plot. It totally depends on the dev's talent and ability, but let's face it, the majority of devs lack in those departments.

I think there's this strange expectation nowadays, that games need to have A, B, C, in order to be good, and multiple endings is some kind of prerequisite for that. Who the fuck says? Total linearity is completely fine as long as sufficient leeway is given to the player to explore, grind, do H, and enjoy the game at their own pace.
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How do I trigger the deliveryman event in this again?
That a fact? Brain rot has consumed the industry. 500% sale increase guaranteed. Everyone's upset and miserable with the Yen and Japan's economy in the shitter. Better distract themselves with slop!

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