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Lamp of Malice (until 31 December)

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Wanderer Princess Lanavaille (until 31 December)
Knight Errant Gerard the Thundersmiter (until 31 December)

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Previous: >>502757394
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Made a tierlist out of characters I have used so far based purely on taste instead of anything gameplay related.

Please do post your own taste too /wizg/, I want to see
Got the IQ lantern and still no mark on my Lana or Debra. I've come to the conclusion that level 40 or bronze grade is a requirement.
Pray for an update
>puts my party below B tier
You are no longer anon to me..
From this day one.. you shall be anenemy...
Super Amelia Anon!
Discipline her to level 3 or inherit Stealth to 3 first?
>Marianne lowest tier
When should I start doing the mausoleums? As soon as they're available?
Whenever you want but prioritize crucible since it resets biweekly.
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rest characters are not used(don't have gerard and alicia)
NTA but she's fucking obnoxious, reminds me of a damn Ashley Burch character.
She's based, and you're clearly a smelly poorfag.
i found her charming, she is honest and cheerful
Money makes the church go round.

Serious answer, she is both extremely practical and very caring. Marianne has a very level headed philosophy and works hard.
Just like devs!
>I hope you had money ... for resurrection
true, one of my fav alongside of slut, I mean older sis Flut
The jeweler having a new "deal" every time you take a step in the dungeon is funny, but obnoxious.
new wizardry game just dropped
Action... blobber?
Looks more like King's Field to me
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It is I, John Wizardry
I watched someone play this in early access, it's basically a King's Field roguelite with very simple randomly generated levels.
about as close to wizardry as it is to devil may cry
Very nice
>Years down the line, you and your companions who have been through thick and thin together finally defeat the Warlock
>All across the land are celebrating!
>The Jeweler is ready to offer you a pack for $79.99 (tax not included)
>vanquished the warlock pack 5 bones and 300 gems!
So Den of Fire is just reskinned Den of Earth but with firetraps and mid tier iron?
It got lot less traps in it but yeah, then den of wind has even less traps. Kind of weird progression
Bleh, was hoping for something actually different.
>He doesn't know
(You) are the warlock
MC is easily the least likely candidate for being the warlock
>Albano keeps on waking up everyone I put to sleep
I should have known taking that useless piece of shit with me would be a mistake
That's good to know, I'll swap my other adventurers and get them a quick level up
That's just a Doom wad!

Is Doom a dungeon crawler?
How do can you tell if adventure pass is active? Not sure if I already picked one up from guild mailbox and want it active before I offload all this crap at the blacksmith.
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Everyone I've used so far, although some of the lower ranks haven't talked much so they may be ranked lower than their eventual final place.
Kill off a low level in the den and check to see if you get a free revive at the temple.
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Get into any battle and see if you have an icon next to the EXP gain.
Good ol' Doom. It truly has it all.
>dungeon level layouts
>keys and secrets
It's crazy how people can so shamelessly steal other people's work and claim it as their own.
Request icon > Passport
what are top 3 dispatches?
The 20 hour ones.
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I'm getting fucked up in my first grade up exam. This dude summons 6 bunnies that can instant kill you whenever they want to and it seems like he has like 4-6k health or something because I've been clobbering him with opening attacks. It's the damn bunny instant kills ruining the flow. My party is Ophelia, Lana, Yekat, Alice, and Debra. All lv20 or almost 20 except Yek at 16/17. Am I just bricked here for now or are there ways to prevent instant kills besides killing them on sight?
Cool thanks. Says I font have it but I 2 dispatch slots.
Do you get more as you progress in the story?
Kill on sight. Have Yeka use her enemy party AOE clear and kill all the bunnies (or if they are just in a line, use line clear). If she is not going 1st, give her more aspeed boosters.
bring two fats mages and kill them with in first turn
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>That's just a Doom wad!
I hate that this made me click the link out of interest. I need everyone under 40 years old to leave this thread, before I go on about how the young ones can't appreciate a good ole doom wad like back in the day.
He has 3.2k hp.

Delete the bunnies immediately with a mage. One line AOE plus a precise or heavy strike should do it. Save Secret Art for wave 2. By wave 3 he should be almost dead.
i wish you could setup default auto attack(or skill) for characters
I've felt this way in every game ever that had has an auto battle option, yet it has never happened (at least as far as I can tell). Why not?
Dude doom wads are bussin frfr. Brutal Doom is gyatt GOATED no cap.
Hey i didn't say that was a bad thing.
So if you get a dupe of a char that has more starting points, can you activate this char, and then feed them an already activated version as a dupe as well (with less starting points)?

Or do I need to use a not yet activated one as a dupe and simply can't get the extra stats?

Also how does this work when you have an activated wanderer Lana with less starting stats, and a not yet activated normal Lana that as such has more? I heard you can merge them so you can swap between the two at will.

It's such a weird system.
Pretty sure you get the extra points, but they're auto-assigned so they're junk anyway.
Most stats are handy on any character desu.
Literally good on anyone.
Are you trying to use the Dupe to level a skill or level Discipline?

>So if you get a dupe of a char that has more starting points, can you activate this char, and then feed them an already activated version as a dupe as well (with less starting points)?

The one with higher stats can be the base but anything on the fodder wont carry over (XP, fed skills, possibly affection)
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Is this enough aoe
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since this game is like the hardest in the market. are we like the ultimate gamers bros
No, you need to become a mage too, and convert your other units to mage.
So I can use activated stuff? Cool. It's an account I have and just want to start, so all is lvl 1. But I had it for a while now due to some info I got about them handing out massive apologems, so I've just been logging in for a while. Everything is lvl 1.
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So for class changing the MC, do you just need to unlock the correct node in the Well of the Mind?
>farming gems in a game he hasn't even played
There is something legitimately wrong with gacha gamers. I'm just going to warn you right now, you're not going to like the game when you finally decide to play it. You have to actual think about things, it doesn't play itself.
Which weapons(other than spear) are good for backline?
Switching to Debra so I could actually farm some affection (party was too mixed alignment wise to gain points with evil members) was a mistake. The cat-brained idiot sucks at disarming traps and she has the worst luck with them too.
> You have to actual think about things, it doesn't play itself.
Lmao, even
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>shittng on Galina and Flut
Throwing weapons(not currently implemented)
Uh-huh, other than bows?
Is two handed mace any good?
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Do the Shag
Flut has a granny voice. At least in JP.
I started it before on launch, but it was unplayable so I stopped and uninstalled it again. Figured I'd give it some time and try again. But I simply didn't have time for that till about now, so what's the issue of having an account with a few extra starting things?

I've played a lot of D-Rpgs before, so don't worry. Wizardry isn't exactly a new word to me. I'd prefer a non gacha (or a gacha blobber that doesn't use wizardry mechanics because I feel that would be better), but I take what I can get. Can't deny that seeing QTE in 2024 made me really unhappy though. Was that REALLY necessary...
Is this a bait question? Or which one is better?
not in backrow(half damage to attack)
well then can't really agree or argue(I am using eng Dub)
Any weapons that aren't spears and bows have no way to counter the backline damage and accuracy penalty.
Later on a thief with hide and sneak attack can use daggers.
And magic of course.
dagger thief
No, all melee aside from spear have accuracy and damage debuffs if used from the back line.

I took the globes and they were shit. The weapon is probably shit too.
Fuck, Gerulf can't find the place then
Dagger thief is better in frontline(2 of them, hiding+knight)
By backline damage do you mean attack FROM the party's backline or attack TO the enemy's backline (or both)?
Apparently I didn't managed to get all the ore in the level, even I fucking wandered everywhere in the map and that Lunubitch complained that the material was luckster. Guess I've no way to retry this quest and I fucked up
>Fuck, Gerulf can't find the place then
Nothing wrong with spears.

It's basically a distance thing. Attacking the near enemy line is full damage, while attacking an enemy line more than one line away incurss the penalty.
Bows and magic ignore this penalty. While spears give you +1 row reach.
So basically a frontliner with a spear can attack the enemy 2nd row no issue.
But a backliner attacking the enemy backline will still suffer the penalty.
I think you can go back in multiple times and get more ore, the second time in I found at least 1 ore. But maybe I just missed it the first time.

There's a good chance the ore is just straight up bugged or something and if you grab more than it takes for him to say his whole dialogue chain it resets back to 0, though.
>The cat-brained idiot sucks at disarming traps and she has the worst luck with them too.
I have seen this said so often that I am almost starting to think its actual feature and not just player imagination
Galina never lets me down on dispatches
2 max, but you could always spend 100 Green Gems for a 7-day temporary slot...
Worth noting bows suffer the penalty if you are too close too. IE if you are front row and so is the enemy.
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Dispatches are so trash
Valdor and the two generic priests have absolutely mogged Galina at every turn on dispatches. Galina is consistently one of the biggest screw-ups which is funny because all she has to do is sit in the backline and heal; she's not even tasked with being a pseudo-tank like ValdorGOD and the generics but nooo she just HAS to facetank everything she comes across. What kind of Priest impulsively tries to open EVERY chest in a party with two thieves anyway!?
Oh and I have a 10 point 80 fort Flut so that cunt gets chucked into the grinder the moment she has enough fort to dispatch. Fuck her, if she gets an alt I'll be feeding her max level ass to it.
You should try using Bakesh, especially one with some discipline levels (look at them, he has one of the best discipline passives in the game). The arrow moves slower, is more predictable with where it lands, there's a more generous area to land on, he often just straight up opens chests without a QTE, and on the rare occasion a trap triggers it's just a crossbow bolt that doesn't phase him one bit. Debra is just fucking awful in comparison but she does crit more often in battle at least.
>look at them, he has one of the best discipline passives in the game
>detect and disarm
>no surety
>no damage stat
It's fucking trash m8. Not to mention you should be feeding bakesh to your MC and mages. Absolute waste of S class skill fodder.
Shag really needs to stop dabbing and flossing over the corpses of kids' parents. I mean, if he has to do it he could at least wait until the child is no longer present... I once caught him performing a one-man solo of YMCA over a toddler's dead parents; he was maintaining eye contact with the kid the entire time too, shit was so fucked up.
Skill issue lmao get wrecked kid
What number are anons aiming for with Surety on their Thieves and Fighters?
Doe that mean that I can go back and get the weapon in better condition? I doubt that.
I've got 80-100 on my party. Seems to trigger higher on my 90 thief than my 100 knight.

I don't know if you can re-do the quest, I think it's just a brick. I wish you could turn off Gerulf's glowing fucking fists, they're annoying as shit.
99% of the gameplay is farming. Tell me, anon. When you're grinding for junk and gold what do you want out of a thief?
One that consistently and easily opens every chest he finds, while being considerably bulky and offering decent damage from standard attacks...
Or one that consistently fucks up every other chest she finds, often hitting the entire party with arrows and explosions, sometimes even deleting the item out of existence (explosion) or getting scared of traps... but hey, she crits almost every time with her precision strikes?
Does unification give a stat boost?
Maybe i just havent been in ship for a long time, but how much damage do your melees do in ship1/2 with autos? I feel like im doing much less today
with +5 soil weapons, one handed swords, like 50x2 I think when hitting water element enemies. But a heavy strike will boost that up to like 80 - 100 x2.
My gerulf with an earth axe does like 150ish to standard enemies and 200+ to water creatures, then like 400+ with heavy strike 2 or more with wild strike.
No. The play is to ditch the thief and inherit detect/disarm passives to MC. MC is more than enough to open chests. If you are bringing a thief, it's for damage
I have almost never had debra fuck up a chest, so yeah I'd much rather have the one that hits harder. The point of thieves is fat crit damage anyway. Chest utility is good enough at base.
The only one opening chests should be the MC fed with chest opening passives.
When does Bronze gear fall off?
Active skills deal much more dmg every 2 levels (1 ->3 -> 5), same for healing. But what about passives? Do you get a bigger bonus at lvl3?
As soon as you get iron and earth gear

Actually it depends on the slot and the special traits it has. If you have a 3+ star bronze ring for example, giving + magic to your mage, that will be good to keep till you get a better tier ring with same or better + magic.
But for like weapons the base damage is super important so unless you have a godly 10+ damage on your weapon, probably better just to move up to the next tier.

tl;dr it actually is very variable, you just need to read closely and understand the item system
I know that Alice gets her additional buff turn at 3, so I'd assume so.
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This is mine

Debra is definitely one of the best characters in the game
When do you start getting Iron gear?
For people who killed Octo, what gear are you farming now? no need for earth anymore so...
As you get later into the beginning abyss dungeon. Maybe like floor 6? Definitely on 7 and 8.
I am just grinding better steel gear and on the side I get water weapons so decided I might as well upgrade some to +10 and armor too if I get nice drops. Will give them to my dispatch teams for bigger stats but can then throw them to my main team if we get some fire dungeon when they finally start rolling out content again...
what were the 2 dungeons in the trailer? One was snowy mountains, so we'll need fire weapons, what about the other one?
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The one true list.
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I still don't know what's the best path to use my Luck Lights on
You get enough to open all of them.
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you are gay faggot obsessed with anal, kys and rewind time back before your uncle molested you
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I'm putting you in the rape tier.
>grind out 400+ items
>like 2 of them are slightly better than what I already have
The gear in this game is disgusting.
why fags like you can't keep your shitty fetish to yourself?
go back to your faggotry discord or whatever other shithole you crawl from
It's ok honey, one day a a man will love you.
how hard is the bronze exam?
like they love you?
no thanks you fag
Does "Stealth" Stack amongst team or take the highest value?
I'm gonna send an inquiry and ask but I doubt my answer will get a reply.
Seems the only way to find out is if you happen to have an another Gerulf dupe and try to max his affection on him again and check IF you get the quest again
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Surely it can't be that hard to fix such things, right?
Hard on your first try but you get the hang of it afterwards
Try to map the map on one trip and go for the swamps where the boss might be on a second trip
I doubt they've even tried or care, the English side of things is probably dead last priority.
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Goodnight chat
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>Have been running Adam for three weeks
>got debra few days ago
>Adam still not maxed affection
>Debra somehow hit max without me even noticing it
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Kek, for some reason I'm already expecting them to take that anon's route picture for mausoleum too.
your MC is good?
>undead can be put to sleep
that change everything
Yes, it does seem to affect it a ton. I hope they add aligment change when they get their shit together. Too many good evil characters in this game I didnt expect that
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Daily bones are a lie, I tell you.
>"It's just your imagination."
Going back to the tutorial and choosing the cunt options towards Lulu is fun.
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A man of intellect and fine taste. However may I dare suggest another path. I would love to humiliate my adventurers with a cute outfit such as this; their complaints would be like music to my ears.
same, looks like anything than neutral is bricked game
I've gotten that bone to respawn, I changed all the choices to default bad ends and it was like a month after I originally picked it if that matters, also my party members didn't greet me at all like they normally do when you go back to town on NG+ after tutorial warp.
that bone isn't worth it btw just stick to fresh start -> rest -> warp to anywhere past end of abyss and go to b7, check if bone respawned and if it did warp to b8 and clear rubble
This is why you add anti-normalfag text in your work.
Kids shouldn't be allowed to be this sexy. Look at those expressions.
>A Warped-one has broken containment from the Abyss.
Are there any benefits to having friendships with other players?
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this is not okay
just leave so rubble next to the Harken for easier access to the floor
It's annoying that warping past these points doesn't fix this stuff for you, like how you have to re-do B7F all the time.
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Albano...! How could you say such a thing!?
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why are elves like this
Someone sent me a thank you message in Japanese, but I have no idea what he was thanking me for so I ignored it.
>head to the jewellers
>he's wearing swim shorts and holding a board
Well at least his lines make sense in the port town...
what is the best emulator to play this on? is it bluestack?
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I stepped aside and tried to leave the princess to get fucked by the merchant instead of helping her. Lulu didn't let me leave and forced me to save her just because "It would be fun".
Now, again, there's this shit where I can't choose the option to go against her because she just repeats dialogue.
What a cunt.
ah yes, the illusion of choice, a JRPG classic.
So Asha has such big fat tits because she doesn't lik exercise? Is that it?
i think they fucked translation and misplaced quotes in some situations
>like ''I wasn't trained for this'' would make more sense
any nippon speakers here?
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Maurice noooooo
idk if its the best but thats the one I'm using, they're all pretty interchangeable desu
So, can't we just run at extremely fast speeds so Lulu can't follow us and end up with a blank mind?
Did you already out yourself by taking a NG+ choice? I'm pretty sure you can play dumb until the B2F Harken for the Achievement (when she forces it out of you).
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Hmmm, today, I'll take on both of them
in a fight right?
in a fight..?
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Didn't even defend this time just rushed damage
In Mausoleum, can i just visit same chest every time?
Or do i have to clear each possible chest room to get every bone?
>He befriends weaklings.
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I have no friends.
Also didn't even accept any invitation code from anyone.
I just visited same chest location
Crucible I was able to visit multiple times in one day
The other mausoleums I have no idea, I brought less than 6 party members one time and got so confused as to why I got locked out, that I became retarded and stopped checking them.
Is this game new? Looks pretty kino, but I usually like to start playing when a game is semi fresh so I don't miss out on anything
Yes, you can visit the same chest and get all bones.
Did it in Thief Tomb and Crucible.
Do note that there's a chance to get junk though.
I got junk once, but it was in new chest
Anyway, thanks, will do the same route then
>semi fresh
It's gonna have a relaunch in february.
You can come back then when it's "new" and "fresh" again.
It's about a month old, but you haven't missed anything. We're still on the first banner and first event because the game was released in a borderline unplayable state so they had to extend every event and banner until they fix all of their shit
There is no evidence of that.
its fresh and you play it(or should) like SP anyway
Who are those so called "entities" Asha calls?
>but you haven't missed anything
He missed twice preregistation bonuses+like 20 apologems rolls
There's no evidence but it would be pretty fucking retarded if they didn't do that to attract players again.
We gain them daily anyway. it won't matter in a few months
>It's gonna have a relaunch in february.
>because the game was released in a borderline unplayable state
Should I wait for them to fix their shit?
What's SP?
We get like 10 pulls if you do everything daily for a month
It would matter in few months, as it's 2 months income+extra(and that extra matters a lot in early game)
they'll probably do some sort of relaunch when the pc version is out.
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6 mausoleum biweekly
3 weekly
2 daily
all banners will be added to common pulls.
It doesn't matter at all
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>B1F Old Remains (Awakening)
>B1F Adventurer Remains (Room you wake up in)
>B1F Fig/Thi/Kni/Mag/Pri Remains (Death Stench request)
Not dusted. Succesfully obtained.
>B4F Remains (Left chest in the room with two chests)
Didn't spawn.
>B5F Remains (Breeze Sword Chest)
Not dusted. Succesfully obtained.
>B7F Remains
Not dusted. Succesfully obtained.
>B8F Mimic
Didn't spawn. But [Nourishing Extract] x3 and [Impure Bracelet] spawned.
Any other bone I'm missing?
Has anyone gotten more pick axes? That's the real prize.
single player
>he doesn't knows how to force respawns
If you are going to get banned might as well go all the way.
Ok so I can merge this lanavaille to my shittier lanavaille. Should I do it?
>fixed rolls
>standard rolls
>standard rolls
>we don't know when or how long will it take after their banner, you still have to fish for a non-rateup
It absolutely DOES matter. Anyone who missed the extra apologems shouldn't start this at all or come to terms that they will not get the next character or the one after that.
Tell me more about those 3 weekly and 2 daily.
Are you talking about gems or adventurer remains such as >>502934095 ?
calm your tits anon
He rolled for broken skills
What are those daily bones?
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this is nice
yes it is
Defense is a spook. Only damage matters. Iron is better than steel for armor.
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I might be wrong, but I think the pickaxe is weekly just like the sword of the breeze, maybe?
I don't know anything anymore. Sold my pickaxe a few weeks ago, but didn't get it again after doing the quest, and only today after trying out >>502934095 did the request give the pickaxe.
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Speaking of Iron I wonder what next tier of equipment we'll have in the future after Steel and Elemental ones

Iron is nice
>t.Bronze Adventurer
i think its all fucked with timers maybe getting reseted or not by the wheel
>Change bluestacks max fps to 60
>Game starts crashing on launch
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>Yumi Toma is credited in WizDaphne
HOLY MOTHER OF BASED; if she IS Flut, she goes straight to my team even at 80f5p.
how do i make my game in japanese? Do i need to change system language to jp?
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Leave it to Sir Elmon
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Okay, you can bypass the censor with gimmicky letters
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I'm yet to find a high grade Undead Bane weapon
Curios considering how many I have
I don't think you can, we got fucked by localization once again.
Setting > change language
it changes the text into Japanese too though
Because they don't exist. look at the drop table. 3 star blue is the best you can hope for.
And? You do speak Japanese right?
If you don't know, stick to English. The dub version is soulful.
I can understand it pretty well but kanji is a bitch.
lulunarde sounds like a 5 year old at a play, shes so fucking bad, the rest of the cast aren't so bad though
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just fucking leave this general; this rhetoric is literally /r/gachagaming peak reddit mentality. no tagalog here, go pagpag elsewhere
disgusting wormed fomo brain; just point at it and laugh
What the fuck is tagalog and pagpag? Are those slurs? Why not just call people niggers?
>plays a gacha game
>frequents a gacha general
>seethes at gacha
Have you tried not being mentally ill?
That anon is right though, you know
I believe in the new director
I'm fighting Melgina for the first time. What do I do against the big charge up attack/Song of Storms thunderbolt that OHKO's one of my members? Is defending useless and I should just attack/heal/remove debuffs?
Song of Thunder is absolutely defendable. Which level are you at?
First gacha? Fucking chill. It'll balance out later when everything we have now is fucking worthless.
I got adventurer remains from chests on B7 and B6 today
All B1 remains and the Death Stench quest has always dusted for me
B4 remains have never spawned
>The game might become more generous a few years down the line so it's fine to get assfucked now
It's not that it'll be more generous, it's that everything we have now won't matter.
you are right anon
gachaniggers deserve rope or at last public flogging
their mentality is at worst
does it matter what I pick when lulunarde ask "what kind of friends are you looking for?"
nothing in this game will be useless because in the worst scenario you can inherit everything into MC
Lvl 40. There were times that my priest was asleep and she targeted him twice, instantly killing him both times. Currently I'm waiting for fortitude/flames to regenerate so I'll have a better chance at her.
Bring scrolls of awakening.
...about that. I finished the 5th Arena fight and I can't go back to get scrolls since it spawns me with the boss. I guess I'm fucked without some good luck.
You can always just give up and redo the 5th fight. It isn't that hard anyway.
If you're asleep you take double damage, so get a 2nd priest/scrolls
I've fought her three times and I only remember getting thunderbolted once and I just revived the character and continued the fight.
I wished for a heal before the fight though, and when I used flames to restart, I was full HP/MP and got to choose a different wish.
You're using your hand of reversal to prevent flooding, right?
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fucking nippies.
Another one gets his second pickaxe today.
Haven't fought the Ents on B8F yet.
Already gave the Saint's Shield to Knight Commander.
Completed the Root request.
Is it after I fight the Ents?
Why do I always get blackscreens after fleeing two times in a row?
It's ok because everything will get worse
B4F is probably linked to the problem of it always resetting when you accept death.
As annoying as B7F is, it isn't actually required for progress so I don't see it changing unless enough people complain.
because the games a mess
Probably your device
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Also, why does this happens when using auto-path? Is there some hidden mechanics I don't know?
it depends on your movement when you were mapping the location
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Mage Jean
Jean anon in shambles
About to fight Helmut on my 2nd loop and finally hopefully save the king.
Any tips? Everyone already at lvl 30 and pickaxe at +5.
Shouldn't be too hard at level 30.
The pickaxe kind of sucks. Takes two turns and the faggot will shit out even more rocks right after breaking them if you're unlucky. Honestly if I were to fight him again I'd go with spears and bows while ignoring the rocks completely.
Bro looks tired as fuck.
I don't see the point of the pickaxe, also I don't think the puppet soldiers he summons at lower health count for the everyone came back achievement, helmut flattened them with the boulders but the cheevo still popped
you need to enchant the pickaxe.
btw you can switch weapon in the middle of battle
Auto path will only step on squares you have actually stepped on, whereas your automap will darken squares you have seen but not actually stepped on.
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Don't tell me this is still bugged and gives gems again
Might just be a display error for english this time. Change language and see if it still say's there's gems.
The Man from Abyss...
The Masked Adventurer...
The Jester...
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Fire Den giving me something useful at last
What's up with the drop rate of the place? It gives from low tier ore to high tier ore
one of the quests gives you a scroll of blasting
I heard that using it on rocks breaks them easier, or it could be some anon bullshitting here and giving bad advice
savor the risk
Too many adventures. But I'm waiting until game relaunches to do anything with them lest I brick myself.
>he reversed bones obtained by exploiting coding oversights
Daily bones faggot or Mausoleum cheater? No matter, enjoy your ban.
It was just a visual bug, It said i got 50 gems, but amount didn't update
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Thanks, did it again with a clearer mindset and without the scrolls. The only thing I did wrong was not defending when she used the big lightning(in that case she targeted my MC who was the tankiest and awake. RNG was also on my side as only 2-3 people were asleep at a time.
My priest is Daniel so water does jack shit to him with Earth. I ran a human front row to take advantage of his unique skill, though I don’t know how effective it is by the numbers. I also equipped everyone with at least one piece of earth armor.
Yes, did you got the bladeless thing on b7f? Swap it from a dude in the tavern once you defeated the two ents
Never FUCKING mind. I got 50 gems, it was just delayed. Time to wheel again to check if i can repeat it once more
2H Hammer fucking sucks holy shit
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I'm not trolling i swear. I can repeat Albano's quest for gems over and over. Did they mess up fixing it? Can anyone check if you have it too?
Anons itt really savouring the risk
I used the scroll of blasting on one set and the hand of reversal on the other on my first run, so can confirm the scroll works at least
>bones observed to be on monthly, weekly, and daily timers
>n-no it's all glitches! y-you'll be banned because I was too stupid to do them and I missed a whole month of them so y-you and half of Japan will be banned!
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Shouldn't those remains be added to the Daily/Weekly To do list? Genuinely only knowing about them now because today's a holiday so for once I can spend time in the general.
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So do these just not drop at the Den of Fire or what? It's been 4 clears of it and nothing
Infinite gem glitches have a high ban risk. Some nips apparently got away with farming 20k, but one guy farmed 100k and got banned.
>struggled hard with oar collector for a few days now
>fuck it i'll just go level other classes for mc
>go back with thief mc and pummel it the moment water rises
Thief really is overpowered for combat
guess ill stop at 15k then
Den junks are really rare, you gotta farm those 4star purples
>getting to 100k, 50 gems at a time
At that point it'd be more efficient to just get a job and pay
You really think someone would just go on the internet and lie?
The problem is getting a job in first place. It's hard to find a place to hire you if you are a nobody
As long as you don't have criminal career, I'm pretty sure you can look up dish washing, burger flipping, boxed lunch heating jobs
Nobody is sane enough to farm 100k gems. They either lied or made a macro
I don't think you could buy enough gems with the wages from those jobs
You doubt the power of autism and stubborn determination.
Entry states that after getting the bad ending and PIE light I Cursed Wheel to Arena Round 3 and do the request to make the missing person survive. Which one is it/what is it called and how do I make it appear? I’m on Admiral route and Vernant is still the round 3 fight.
seem possible but what part of the quest do you need to finish?
finding the flower? if you need to did that i'd say that is pretty crazy
Wtf ents can chop without licking their bigass nigga lips???
Yes, windup is for Slant Cut
horizontal chop is always lick lips
there's some other single target chop with very low accuracy which hits like a truck
What's the best place or mission to grind levels when you're level 40?
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Hmmmm.... maybe I just don't feel like telling you? You dogfucker.
Yeah. Kill mimic, then go pick up 2 flowers
After you fight round 3, the missing person fights the bomber dude and dies.
Once he dies, you can rewind, find the bomber dude, and make him not blow up so the man doesn't die.
He's by the stairs on the arena.
grind what? xp? chests? bones? your meat against the pole?
sorry. it should've been arena round 2, not 3. you'll find npc named Butch near the stairs on the arena and do his request so the missing person doesn't die. i'll edit that.
>grind what?
>best place or mission to grind levels
yeah that is too much work for 50 gem
Is the bone timer separate from daily reset >>502934095?
>B1F Awakening
>B1F Junk Room
>B1F Stench
Didn't spawn
Didn't spawn
Didn't spawn
>B8F Mimic
Diddn't spawn
is viviana a good enough thief
Her passive isn't that good.
+10 Evasion isn't much after you start farming Trade Waterway Junk.
I'd say Milana is better.
current assumption is that b7f respawns after 24-28h, rest after a few days
I've gotten b7f less than 20h apart, some of the weeklies 5 days apart, etc. There is a lot of variance or something else resetting them (but somehow not the other ones)
This is because when people say 24 hours, they mean daily. You can get dailies within 5 minutes, if you get them right before JP midnight and right after. Same with weeklies, it's Sunday.
any advice to fighting two ents?
they are wasting me
how much hp they had?
Why are all my bows strength based, shouldn't my thieves have bows?
B2F? You don't need to do that shit.
No, incorrect. Bone timers are totally separate from Dailies reset
Any updated information on where the bones spawn?
Tutorial abyss has 8 bones, please correct me if I'm mistaken (serious).
How many bones port town has?
0 (zero)
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No B5F bone today
I wish trade waterway rooms had as many chests as the early abyss had.
I'm still on floor 6 and it's a pain to farm chests because there's so little and they are so far away
But most of the abyss chests are crap though.
You forgot the 2 goblin cave bones.
What the fuck. My whole F1 and F2 maps are suddenly gone.
Were you viewing them while on a different floor? Too bad, map erased. Yes, it's bugged.
waterway has very nice chest farm location later on on the ship. Just tp there, run up stairs, and there is 1-3 chests almost right infront of you, stairs back and harken then repeat. You can potentially avoid fights too
Yep. This is a risk I wasn't prepared to savor.
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this is so slow, how did they farm 20k... i guess ill stick to 200-400gems a day
You were lazy, so you spent an entire month without getting the daily/weekly bones.
How do you feel now that you missed out?
I feel my account will be safe once they start purging accounts with more bones than they should be having.
great, dont care desu
they couldn't take back pre reg rewards within 24h of obtaining them. Do you think they can do anything about month old bones?
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For me it goes like this. This game has lots of fun characters i can't wait to use. But i must finish the main story/take my main part to 50 first.
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Nothing on B6F but B7F is there
Weird since it wasn't there for me yesterday
nta but they couldn't afford to take back rewards during that period, the general sentiment was too negative. By giving them to everyone they both solve the issue and smooth things over.
that's why we should spread all gem farms everywhere.
They can purge 10 or 20 accounts. But thousands? Millions?
imagine the disaster.
They will never do this
They can
You really think the game has that many players?
It will be a disaster, yes. But you can't really say
>They will never do this
Because it only takes one frustrated developer
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Yea, that's what I did as well
I'd do the exp quest on the pier first, then go to the cook to buy the cheesy meal and restore MP while collecting chests, before harkening back to the pier to fight again

I think the 3F map was the best/easiest for farming chests
felt like there was less mobs there

I regret maxing Viviana's affection
I don't like the way she calls me her cherry.
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I've been using floor 4 to farm chests.
Start from the Harken, check if there's any chests on the bottom. There is? Pick them. There isn't? Go back and try again.
After picking up the chests I just take the floor 3 Harken and either do it all over again or rest at an inn.
Will try floor 3 later though.
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Uuuuuuu why me?
Big difference between them fucking up and sending out rewards vs abusing a bug in the game. It's just not worth it after maxing out your characters already. Too much to lose, too little to gain.
Pier quest is still very good. You'll get less exp than if you were 30 but it's quick and braindead.
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My stone cold ghost wife...
>I don't like the way she calls me her cherry.
S-she never calls me that... I'm also pretty sure i only have two pages of her story unlocked, while everyone else has like 6 or something
When idling, Viviana sometimes says she wants to eat something sweet, like berries and cherries.
She calls me cherry.
Does that means she wants to....?
Hoarding junk in this game is suffering
wait, does literal junk really count toward the inventory limit?
nah.. which is what makes this happen when you finally do reverse all your junk
Yes. Check you consumables tag.
Junk, alteration stones etc do count towards it
It doesn't. But once you use your hand to turn them into equipments they start taking space like everything else.
The V in Viviana is short for Vore
Ops, i stand corrected then
She's calling you naive, anon! Like a kid who doesn't know any better. Correction is clearly needed
Congrats! She's the coolest
You probably shouldn't. Not yet at least.
Skill inheritance deletes the char you get the skill from right?
Exactly. So be careful while doing it, specially when using named characters as food
I'm gonna grow big and strong!
should thieves wear armor or cloth
So how do you get the luck light from a perfect clear of the first dungeon? I think I've got all the checkpoints now, but last I heard you had to go back to floor 7 and re-do the fucking Albano, shield, and root quests?
I just did uncle's quest until albano received the armor, used cursed wheel to go back to b8f and killed helmut.
Got the lantern
i didnt have to redo any of the ones i already did to get the light, but i think u need to do albinos if u want to increase his bond because he didnt show up for me
>uncle's quest until albano received the armor
the what?
That's the most annoying part of the perfect clear because it becomes unavaiable after a certain point. Unlike the root and shield which you can always do.
tell me everything from teh start to end
i only could meet uncle and then send albano back
So I got Yeka and Alice to lvl 50, and I have both their respective alt jobs, should I just switch them?
They keep all their skills so I would just have all of mages/priest skills right?
I'm kinda afraid to get fucked in the ass by future content for some reason.
You don't send Albano back.
Instead of giving the letter to Knight Commander, you should keep trying to stubbornly talk to Albano until he vents about his uncle.
Then you go talk to his uncle.
After getting the request, talk to the Inn lady.
Kill the mimic for the glowstone and pick up the flowers.
And that's it, you don't need to go back to floor 7.
Floor 7 is the progression limit until when you can do it, because if you don't do it by then Albano gets the bad end.
just buy more books
but seriously class switching costing rare consumable item is retarded
Yeah, just wheeling to B8F worked fine for me, just got the light. Apparently you can bug the Albano quest if you don't go to B8F after clearing it, so the flag won't show up and you have to do it again.
wait outside of the books that you can get weekly do you also need another item to switch class?
no the books are consumables
I can see you laughing bibiana
She's calling you spergy virgy.
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Oh what the fuck that's retarded, you pay 400 and it's a 1 and done thing? You can't switch back once you already own it?
So it's a complete waste of gems to do that unless you already hit level cap which will be increasing in future updates anyway until EOS.
I'm mad now. That killed my mood Alice looks so cute in a mage hat.
yeah now you know
and you need another book to switch back
So, there's an asterisk. Nobody (inexplicably, literally nobody) has seemed to get a page to switch to a class, and to switch back.
We don't know if you can freely switch once you buy both pages.
You need another book to switch back but we truly don't know is if you're free to switch back and forth freely then if you've both.
Lanaville Requiem...
We still don't know what the next generation of classes is going to look like. It could be that all these skills are just limited to level 40 forever, and there's a secondary class unlock that requires both previous classes maxed out or something.
Agora's blessing is upon her
How has a nip ojisan whale not done this and reported back yet, I'm truly baffled
You can't whale the class change gacha with more rolls.
Because they still need to get lucky enough to get both books. It's only been 5 weeks or so, think what the odds are of getting 2 books out of 50.
I mean I have, I just didn't buy them because it was an SR character I didn't care about
I'm expecting the worst, but I've been holding off rolling so I can buy alt classes so maybe I'll get lucky next week.
At the very least that is how it should work, considering you can only buy once per week it would be insane if you had to stockpile them.

I assume they will just unlock 60 for now when the new update rolls out and not new classes, considering that that will mean they would have to give them to the MC as well and Mage is barely fucking stable as it is.
i had that one respawn once with like 2-3 weeks between tries. tried it in a few days and it dusted.
>Auto stat distribution is 10 times better than putting in on one stat
we win autobros.
min max get fucked

this only tells me that bonus stats do not matter and they are just for funsies
>game crashes
>boot it up again
>eternal black screen even after cache clear

it's not. You must put one point on every stat.
Except for IQ DIV for non-magic, and str dex for non-physical.
What does this say, I cannot into moonrunes and translate is shit.
I've failed to extract fucking 5 4* blue items in a row.
just click auto when distributing statd and you are fine
>source: it came to me in a dream
Can you alter only one stat? even on a red gear?
People should just be focusing on datamining and decrypting the game files for information instead of trying to guess shit,
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Use google chrome, auto translate it
Mage need at least 1 stat in both speed and iq.
Fighter knight need at least all 1 stat in STR, dex, vit, luck, speed
Priest need at least 1 stat in DIV, speed
just because some jap said it doesn't make it true, especially if he never posted any source
But there's still no proof, just guesses. Could end up being true but no need to lose sleep over just one more hidden mechanic.
That's why >>502969906
It's over, EVERYONE is bricked.
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I want to see really powerful items. Show me your really powerful items, everyone. I need inspiration.
Shouldn't that be pretty easy to prove either way by comparing 50s who dumped in one stat to someone who did 1 in each? I will wait for PROOFS
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2 out of 5 double evasion pieces obtained. Soon my Gerard will be broken
How does Gerard work? What does evasion do for him?
What does evasion do for him?
Make him dodge????
I know that, but why specifically focus on evasion for Gerard? Does he have a special evasion effect? Or do you just want him to dodge a lot?
Gerard would be much better if he was a Fighter instead of Knight.
Just class change, anon
Oh wait
Treat his passive just as something extra, but not something you will base your entire build around.
It's mechanically no different than Viviana's evasion passive.
He gets bonus evasion if he uses 1h sword
save your password and reinstall your game anon
How do I get affinity for my Geralf quest. How do I tell how much he has currently?
I've noticed that the only people who say kek are Mexicans and Brazilians. Why is that?
kek senor
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Just build Girard as you would any other Knight you'd use.
His evasion bonus is not much different from an item with an EVA enchantment slot. So no need to build evasion unless you really want a dodgy knight somehow.
Can you get evasion on gloves/helmets? Can you check if you have any?
What ever happened to hue
Kek isn't a brazilian laught though. I'd expect hue or kkk
Reminder that this is who you're posting in this thread with.
Yes, that's me.
Use him. A lot. My observations make it seem like:
Having a different alignment seems to slow down the rate at which it accumulates.
Pub/Camp talks seem to either affect it, or their frequency reflects how high it is.
Interacting with them in battle by casting on them or being cast on by that character seems to raise it.
That or some characters are just naturally more friendly than others.
Does Chronostasis and delay attack stack?
I don't trust this, the Japs, or you
I don't think that autotranslated post is proof, it sounds like the guy is saying auto distribute makes his units well-rounded and comfier to level, rather than stat growths

There's stat variance between characters. I had two Eulalia's at lvl20, one grew to have extra DEX, the other had extra PIE. Iirc, I had to choose between +2 acc and +4 mdef.
Here's my +7 Luck Eulalia at lvl 40 if anyone wants to compare

Didn't find any evasion enchants on mine
But it looked like I could use evade alteration stones
I just finished sweeping 100% of F1 and F2 for crystals too. Can you tell me, is another reset required, or should I be able to clear the event this run after collecting the rest of the crystals from F3?
How do you start Albanos quest? I wheel at first points and return to town but i don't see the quest.
Do abyssal steel quest on 4F
Do we even know how level statups work? Are they random, fixed or FEH style where it's random-ish midway leading to fixed final result?
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Cleaned up somewhat.
Extraced and sold stuff.
Problem is unified items I made just in case I get some 4-star purple trade waterway just is taking some space. Even with everything at <2> it's still taking this much space.
it only took you 2 hours, congrats!
bro ur mules?
She's calling you a virgin.
>1 different pass for every single thing
lmao do they think anyone will buy all that?
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>using even numbered skill levels
>heals 20 more HP
Absolutely broken
Can anyone tell me what's the difference between clear water stance and turbulence water stance for Gessi?
More actions on one of them.
>60 ASPD Yekaterina
>59 ASPD Flut
>55 ASPD Alice
Is this enough action speed for the entirety of water waterway?
They don't end in a fixed final result at least, unless that "fixed final result" is like, at the Orichalcum Grade level
I bet some random bum will become so autistically butthurt about all those hidden mechanics that he will either decrypt the game or hack Drecom's servers and dump shit.
It shouldn't be terribly hard to figure out with enough data.
Once everything is working right, yeah.
The succs on the ship can still outspeed you sometimes but they're not common
I'm greedy. I want english subtitles but the option to individually chose a character's dub. just like in some other gachas e.g. Snowbreak.
Really want to play with japanese dub. Flut while keeping Barbara's english dub.
I don't mind the engish voices but some like Clarissa are so bad that I just won't use the character. Would be nice to have JP voice acting disconnnected from text language for sure. Individual characters though? Didn't know any other games did that
Is cave of malice a good place to farm xp? Thinking about b3f on impassable diff.
Rule of thumb, armor. If there are good leathers or light armors that have good stats, go for those.
Only on the side while farming crystals.
So how much bonus does those weapon/armor proficiency add on for?
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I fucking got an adventurer's remains on a post-battle chest while farming cave of malice b3f
Did that ever happen to anyone before?
>get out of the dungeon
>3 dudes cutscene takes like 1 min to progress when Lulu replaces one of the model
can i do anything about that or it's just how the game works?
I LOVE getting 4* purple maces and handaxes
Yeah it happened to me. Only one in the time it took me to farm out everything except 8 helms though. I think you're allowed to get x amount of adventurers remains from random chests weekly. It would be a hassle to keep track of if the remains were also tied to specific dungeons.
Remains are super rare drops from any battle chest.
they cost 2 points and they give +4, normal stat nodes cost 1 and give +2
Staff Proficiency gives +4 Magic and +4 Divine Power
I picked another staff proficiency node on priest tree, and it only gave me +2 for the second node
Also, if you pick 6 of the same stat nodes it resets to 0 like it says in the rentry.

I got one from a random chest when farming for cash in the Beginner Dungeon
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What? I don't follow
It shouldn't take long for the game to load the town when you Return
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I always keep on rusty coin aside for my goblin bro.
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It takes like a minute to load the models and even more to swap one with another during cutscenes
I guess omething broke during the download
When you are in the beginning of the game, there are points where it does huge downloads, maybe that is what you are dealing with? Unless something is borked, but yeah, that's not part of the game for me.
I have an impression farming on b4f of cave of malice is somehow safer than b3f.
Maybe it's the less frequent ambushes due to less corridors drifts?
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Oh you're in the beginning
Yeah for some reason the game takes some time to progress the dialogue and such in the initial part
It isn't common after this part tho don't worry
Some anons imagined it's because when they translated the texts they kept the same pace as the japanese version of the game or something
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The face of a mass murderer.
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Looks like the game that some anon posted last week was an one man project or something
Pretty cool
he killed thousands
millions even
So why the fuck can't I bulk trade the gold on lamp of malice's shop?
I want to pull but have no banners
Funny thing is you can exchange multiple of other items at once roru
>open chest
>three medicinal herbs
Thanks, I guess.
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holy ring!
>wanting your priest higher in the turn order
news when
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Holy shit everything is so much faster than me in the Den of Wind
having priests high in turn order is good
buff team before enemies take their turn
heal team before end of battle so you don't get exploded by the treasure chest
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And what's up with this invisible wall?
>Also, if you pick 6 of the same stat nodes it resets to 0 like it says in the rentry.
Bruh. How much of an amateur do you be to have overflow errors in current year? Government funded, btw.
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I'll get fucked by this dont I
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You can take them
>confuses half your party

What are you talking about?
bros i dont want to eos
>180 damage aoe WITH confusion
What the fuck
Yeah no, fuck this shit, I'm out of here, guess i'll farm the LUC and get the true ending for the port
I ran 2 priests and had everyone carry multiple scrolls of sedation for this fight
its easier then gessi at full power imo
Problem is not even the confusion is the damage itself that nukes my Yuka from 230 hp to 50.
I don't think I have enough DPS to make it work, just like in the demon fight, I can't seems to defeat him and lose because my priest/mage runs out of MP
So the shagtis fight is a pure stat check on your MC's hp and defenses, right?
No, it's a pure "do you know how to block" check.
Well he is faster than my entire team and both times he targeted me and just one shot me. So yeah.
sleep can affect them, it seems to be a pretty low chance but even getting one to skip a turn can be huge until you kill one, after that it gets way easier
I was lucky and got a priest scroll for my mage so my backline has 350hp minimum
Protip: Put your MC in the back row to enjoy 50% dmg reduction
If you don't like the fortitude damage, put some of your dispatch shitters in the front row as fodder
Lucky, I got the mage scroll for Yuka in the shop now but I ain't got the priest one.
Will buy the priest one asap in case it appears on the shop also for >>502967330
>Protip: Put your MC in the back row to enjoy 50% dmg reduction
Oh yeah, duh. That was pretty obvious.
>Finally get Lana
>5 points
it's over
It's only a 5 point difference, anon, you'll be fine
Unless it affects growths like some japs were suggesting
Knowing this game, the 5 point adventurers will actually have better growths and end up stronger.
I don't think it does, just looking at the japs' level 50 stat depository. At the very least it's not a huge amount if it does.
Sacrifice her to the MC.
When Albano's supposed to turn into a Warped one? I think it was at the dog part but I might be wrong
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I can't be assed to level her past this but here are my results so far with two Olives, both with the same starting stats before bonus points. Auto allocated got -1 str, +1 iq, -1 vit from levels. No significant difference.
After the second half of the poison path.
Thank you, I was miss remembering
Bruh you gotta do it with a +9 or +10 in one stat and the same in another to see any significant difference. Characters START with 1 point differences in stats.
>He doesn't have ASPD on his casters to wipe the enemy before they do anything

also I hate the Den of Earth with a passion. It is the primary source of the low tier ore and chests are rare in it.
you have like 3 chests on the entire map + 1 guaranteed from the teleporter boss. So yeah, it sucks, and no easy automap travel so you have to manually navigate the absolute maze layout manually every time.
>+9 or +10
You test it then, I don't have two +9 of a single character.
>Characters START with 1 point differences in stats
I specifically chose two Olives that had the exact same starting stats.
I get like 4-5 chests a run in the Den of Wind easy.
I search like 80% of the map in the Den of Earth and am lucky to find 1 before just go to boss and hope I don't get mid ore form its chest
Do you have a level 40 Jean? He's the only one I remember my bonus points for because i put them all in luck to see what happens.
You think they'll have an update this Friday? It'll be one week since they announced the indefinite hiatus. Surely they'll at least have an announcement that they'll try to release new content by December?
>devs go into an EoS-like hiatus
>storage is still 400
wizkeks defend this
holy hek, fiah!
you DID level flut, right?
I do but while the number of points he has is written down I don't remember how they were distributed exactly.
Do you actually struggle with 400 slots?
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Post him, as long as they weren't in luck, we should see a difference.
better, I have my fertile Yeka who learns watah

and philip
I read your post wrong, mine is only 30. I need to go to sleep.
Don't worry I'll tuck you in grandpa.
damn. Even if i'd tracked his growth i don't think 30 is close enough to cap to be a valid comparison. and iron exam keeps kicking my ass.
What's giving you trouble anon?
Mob density?
Boss itself?
The mob density, absolutely. I got to the boss last time by stocking up on rockfall scrolls and healing potions but that's expensive.
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>Mark floor
>Marks disappear randomly
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devious woman
It would be cool if the den of earth and fire had a low chance to drop Erlik and Halito skill items. Sucks that Migal and Feru have characters you can inherit from but not other elements.
imo charting the map is the most important part for exams.
Find the poison swamps/boss spawn points since the map carrys over and after you've done that you can setup to do a real run.
Stocking up on pots and scrolls to protect our mp reserves is great but, if you have access to the sleep scroll I highly recommend those over traditional attack scrolls.
So tl;dr find the boss spawns run from every fight that you can avoid while making your way to walk to the boss.
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I'll add that you'll run into less mobs and have more opportunities to run around them going to the swamp on the right. If the boss isn't there leave and come back until it is.
Also forgot to mention the boss itself IS the easy part.
Just try not to needlessly waste your priest's mp because iirc he applies critical poison but, aside from that you just beat the fuck out of it.
So is the spell Mage Mc learns really random or is it affected by choosing an element in the well of the mind?
Anyone have dark magic MC?
Not that I've seen. Seems to be either Fire/Wind or Wind/Earth
If i get another 1 star steel anyhting and a 4 star old wood purple I'm going to scream.
I just use a lot of iron gear.
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I have a Luck Light yet I can't unlock this border node
I image they're not available yet, right?
Evil Light magic MC here
Me and my dark magic Elf-Mag waifu make a pair now
So how reliable is the Parallel Break skill for the MC? High chance of inflicting all the debuffs or don't even bother?

And how much slower does the circle move with Deep Look Back? If I can get it on the first try and negate the paralyze, this would be amazing.
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I think the biggest problem with Parallel Break is that it has an AoE skill cost but it's a row skill
Unless it has better chances to proc than Katino I see no reason to use it over the 3 cost skills you generally use
It's for when you absolutely need to shut down something right now and you don't have time to guess at immunities.
With four debuffs going on, something has to proc, right?
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Looks like something I can use against a full-powered Gessi to buy myself a full turn. Unless he's immune to all of that shit.
Have they fixed the game yet? I'm guessing not.
Come back next year
>full-powered Gessi
You figured out how to cast mp spells underwater?
Yeah, when I race change into a Sahuagin.
Hasn't even been a week since the hiatus started anon
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Should I just snag the lego bone and use/save? The only Legendary I really need is alt Lana and I don't know if I can get her from it.
Is there a way to buy scrolls of cascading weakness? I need more debuffs scrolls but the store doesn't seem to sell much of those. Do I really have to farm them from chests?
I got two different skins of Lanavaille. Should I merge them?
i hate to sound like a concern troll but i went from really enjoying this game and racing against the clock so that i could play the event to barely logging in and playing

idk if grinding the event made me dislike the game or the lack of updates pushing me to clear content

i still have a ton of content left to finish. just kinda weird, is all.
You can always use more legendary if only for skill fodder or discipline fodder.
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At first I thought blacksmith jumpscared me with glitched nameless rock but turns out he can just sometimes give you this one when you extract.
imo 500 gems are better since you can only buy limited banner pulls with gems.
Daily shop is one of the few ways you can actually save gems up.
You'll eventually be able to buy the lego bone next month too regardless without gimpign your gem income.
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if you're a newfren talk to the old man in the tavern and give them this code for some gold.


figure its worth another shot. some troll wasted 4 /5 of my attempts.
What the fuck.
I need this.
What should I do to my two Lanavaille? I can't use them both on the same party
Wanderer Lana has stronger skills
Princess Lana is cuter
You must choose
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If that's the case then why not merge them both?
What's with the weird inactive teleporter in B1F of the Beginning abyss behind the rubble?
kek, I'll make a new account and waste that last attempt of yours
but I'm lazy
I wanna spend but I don't think this game is gonna last long from the looks of it.
easy place for them to insert future content
yep that's getting saved til EOS
That's gonna be New Game ++ content and it will go like this
>Lulunarde: " Oh, you've finally killed the grewter warped ones but you shouldn't have killed them because they're your friends all along!"
>Lulunarde: "...What do you mean I told you to kill the abyss creatures? It's your fault for wielding a sword. See ya in the next life lol!"
did /wizg/ talk about this? https://x.com/sakepon_diary/status/1859218113541398848
bunch of info on lulu but I don't read jap so the only thing I can tell she's saying is that she's SEVENTEEN years old
How much of a buff is Elise's passive?
could I for example stack it on yeka with alice's passive if I did,
X Elise X
Alice Yeka (N or E)
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Holy shit, you really can post mp4s now.
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Why the fuck can I sort my storage but I can't sort my storage when I'm in the sell screen. I can't tell how much of anything I have because it's scattered randomly
I've gotten into the habit of just locking the recent white items I want to unify in the inventory menu, and then bulk selling at the item shop. I just wish I could sort by item tier.
>he fell for lulu's lies
17 is a nip meme used by hags
To add to that, it's probably gonna tie into the secret teleporter caves in the tutorial part too.

>Lulu came to the abyss not because she wanted to but because her house/family got caught up in the collapse of the Abyss
>before her death, only 2 people in her group survived
>the other guy (specifically male) sacrificed himself in order for Lulu to run away from a Warped One (I think? Not sure what it's called in Japanese, I'm just guessing from context), but she died shortly after anyway
>she says she's 17

So not exactly very informative
Is there a limit to how many debuffs an enemy can have at a time? I've noticed that they stop displaying when you go past 4, but I don't know if they are still affecting the target.
You can only have three blue debuffs, same with orange buffs.
I see. That's a bit disappointing.
Post some powerful equipment. I need inspiration. I want to see the strongest stuff you've got.
You can't handle my strongest stuff.
>daily request has a cursed doll
>60k exp for my lv40s, 30k for my 40+s
>Daily request has a cursed doll
>It ran away on first move because I was bringing my low level chums
Wasn't the memory after defeating Helmut her staying back to fight a demon for (you) to escape? So she's still hiding things.
have glass
I still don't trust Lulu
What if she remembers everytime we use the cursed wheel but pretends she doesn't?
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now this is a surprise
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Savour the Horror
I mean... not knowing how long the Lana banner will last or whether EoS announcement is coming tomorrow is pretty horrifying.
for someone's first blobber, yeah I can see it as a horror experience
Damn girl, did anybody ever tell you you have beautiful... uh. T-tits?
Where is the 4th Entity Shard? I've got the one to the west of B4F, the one in the new section in the north east of B2F, and the one at the end of the new south west stretch of B3F.
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Game has cute bunny wabbits.
B1F. Or any of the other ones again since they respawn.
There's one on each floor so probably behind a hidden corridor on B1F that's opened by smashing a crystal. But apparently you can just exit the dungeon and fight a respawned entity for more shards.
Thanks bros.
I'd like to remind you that the intro of the game is you being chased down the halls of a dungeon your only escape locking before your very eyes as this F.O.E looking motherfucker closes in on you.
If this game survives that long, Easter is going to have a quest going into the Vorpal Bunny Den or some shit.
That's standard stuff.
Spooky scary skeletons
They can be pretty spoopy.
>Priest: BADIOS *miss*
>Skellington: ADIOS (casts MAERLIK)
>win fight
>look right to see Elise
>'you could've done better.'
>fight was a 1ohko by yeka
someone needs to shut this elf bitch up
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Where is my Lulu Kot
Don't be obtuse
is there a reason to NOT go with the "with bonus" banner instead of the normal banner?
Bonus banner rolls can only be obtained using premium currency.
Man she really do be woking the shit out of that rice.
how did you guys farm earth equipment?
did you guys rush to the exit or explore the dungeon properly?
which one is more "efficient"?
With 60 gems at the jeweler kek. I'll farm wind or fire for my +20 because they're a lot more generous than the den of earth. Already ate Adam so no downsides for me.
new daily bone
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I did my own test with two 8 point Ophelias. Same starting stats aside from fortitude, Phelia is WORLD OF STR, Ophelia is auto distribution(1 point in everything except STR, which got 2).
Take aways:
>there is exactly 6 str difference, same as the bonus points
>ophelia got 1 extra vit from levels
>all other stats are 1 point in difference, again same as bonus point distribution
Conclusion? At least up to level 20 there is no real difference in growth rate based off point assignment. I can't be assed to go further and invest tags to check if that remains true up to 50. I'd chalk any variance up to RNG though.
The 7th floor bone has been known about for a while and you don't need to jump through the hoops mentioned for it. Just reset shit as normal.
if you go back to Awakening, then pretend to knowing lulu, OP said you can get it again
I ran about a dozen times and got a (white)1 star dagger and 2h sword and called it a day, +5 and theyve been good enough with a yeka for port town
compared to the other elements so far I have a full arsenal of green 2star water from basically getting to the boat and around 5 fire spears + dagger + fire armor from about 3 clears of fire, not going to lvl the fire gear yet but I have the option to
earth den sucks
Oh yeah, one more thing. The one with more vit has more HP as well. So HP might actually be tied to vit after all, but not to a meaningful amount. 1 point after 20 levels is pretty shit.
You can get it again after it respawns even if you don't do that as long as the cooldown is up. It's not new. All you need to do is wheel to the start, rest at the inn, and then wheel back to the rescue again. No need to do any of the other shit.
the link said you can do it twice daily
No it doesn't. It says daily.
Never fucking again. Used up all of my luck of 2 perfect rez in a row just to counter the horrible luck of him killing Yeka twice in a row. At least now I can finally start prepping for Octonarus.
How exactly does this work, you replace all 4 slots with what you want? It randomly rerolls every slot? It's a wildcard alteration for any one individual slot?
You are supposed to go solo MC with a full evasion build and water GOD mask.
nip lies without source and wastes the time of two anons. devilish
Random bullshit is more credible if I have to use google translate to read it, apparently?
Eh, I was grinding the pier request anyway. Not a big deal to toss a character in and let her sponge up exp. I can toss them into dispatches later anyway.
Don't have enough eva gear and eva stones to pull that off but I am working on it.
Anon it doesn't say anything about getting it again in the same day after doing the normal reset we all know about. They're just getting it once, and putting way more effort than they have to to get it
I don't know if you're memeing or not, but I want to eventually try this
Can thieves hide against Gessi?
Best class otherwise? Priest for more PIE for higher self-healing?
How do you stat Gerard, EVA Knight?
Speed and luck?
Yes, evenly for both is probably best since luck also seems to increase evasion, and you'll want it for activating counterattack/followup attack which you should inherit on him.
Luck or Strength, pick one
Guy doesn't get much out of Luck without follow up or counterattack though
Just because he has that evade passive it doesn't mean investing in it does any more for him than it does others
I'm being 100% serious. If you go hyper evasion MC, I'm talking like 200+ evasion, you can consistently solo it. Yes, that's a lot of investment but you can run iron tier gear to reach it since you aren't gonna be getting hit much anyway.
Show me your evade gear anon
Post your most powerful gear 1st so I don't have to embarrass myself by posting something weaker
I haven't done it myself. just watched videos of japs doing it. You will have to dig through their threads.
Pure evasion is bullshit because you won't be able to dodge spells and crits
Surely you don't need that much evasion?
is it possible for MC to tank with defend and knight's DEF up buff?
Can you blind Gessi with thief's accuracy debuff?
Ummm where is the monster egg during the monster soup quest....I reversed the nest but the egg isnt anywhere
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C-content next week? Any chance?
How is everyone farming good gear? I was grinding xp on the boat and didn't get too many 4* much less ones with decent blessings
If I merge Lana who gets the mist bonus stats? I just rolled a vanilla Lana for the first time and she has 9 bonus points, while my wandering Lana had only 5, but she's level 40 and I don't want to have to grind again a new copy. I still don't understand how merging works, if I merge base Lana with wandering, does she get the bonus points? Or do I have to merge Wandering to base to keep the bonus points?
You have two options, the boat and dens. Neither has high odds. By the way, if you want 4* steel you need at least fey junk which has very low odds of even showing up.
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>got the second pickaxe
>realize I need the third one to +10
how to get the third one?
I got junk after 5 times try
I've been farming the boat to get sellables for this event, but I noticed that the junk I get there seems to give me more steels than irons compared to when I was farming B1-2 of the waterway, and you only really see 3-4* gear from irons. So I think farming good substats for extracting or building might have best odds in the early waterway
I'm fairly certain the early waterway junk has lower odds of good iron pieces. I've seen a ton more since I moved to farming the boat at least.
I've found the exact opposite myself. I see fewer irons in general, but the irons I do find have around the same odds of being good as the ones I found before. I just end up with a bunch more shit tier steels only good for unifying than I did farming early waterway.
Late waterway muddies the water a bit too with water gear and stuff
I dunno, I've been swimming in 3-4* blue and purple iron. Could just be luck though. My kingdom for a 3* green or blue steel......
I forgot to revive Ira before killing Helmut on my 2nd account, I was meant to hold it off for as long as possible to see if you could get her bond on the first round.
I think Mattock is in the weekly reset timer. But it is tied to other weekly rewards.
For example, if you claimed b5f breeze sword or b6f bone then you can't claim pickaxe this week.
this will explain why some people respawn their bone in b4f but not in b1f, b8f, goblin cave, etc
Does +10ing the pickaxe give it more hits or something? Why does anyone care about it?
Set phone down to do something else.
>Adam stats complaining about something
>Gerulf tells him to shutup before he breaks his spine.
>He does.
Adam gets bullied everywhere.
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to make it OP i guess
he is the most knife-eared of the knife ears, he SHOULD be bullied at any moment's notice
Pickaxe has the single highest damage potential of any weapon at the moment, as long as you have a way around defense and enough accuracy to land. That's true even at +5 by the way.
Is the Cave of Malice body part collection just a matter of retreading the floors?
There are certain spots where they spawn, I suggest reading the jp wiki so you don't waste your time.
Can someone explain traits?
I made it to 6FL and none of my weapons say not effective against undead but all my attacks are being resisted. Shouldnt I be doing neutral damage?
Oh, I think I sold mine...
Floor 3 and 2.
undead require special weapons that you can get from "nether" junk from that same floor.
if you got mages or, even better a priest, you can do damage with magic.
Undead resist weapons by default. You need undead slaying weapons to bypass their defensive trait and deal normal damage. Priest spells have the undead killing trait as well, and so does Yekaterina.
Ran into this same problem but thankfully fighter doesn't need it.
Went to the ruins after the guild for the old remains reversal part of the tutorial, then left and went back which unlocked well of the mind, but no STR light.

Unlike my 1st account, Lulu hasn't pushed me to confess about the loops yet, which means I just messed up picking too many new options at the time. Didn't get the old remains either even though it's been over 3 weeks. They're probably forced to dust in order to get the knowledge and the respawn timer doesn't start until after.
Also, it seems like pretending you're new nerfs your daily requests. It's 500 gold now when I'm pretty sure it was 1.5k before Helmut and 2k on my first account when Lulu forced a confession right outside the city.
>know what to expect since I read dungeon meshi
>kinda disappointed that they bite instead of silently slitting your throat
Bro it's a fucking monty python reference. How underaged are you?
I never watched monty python...
I did this on my second account and you can't. When revived she walks off without the game giving you the choice to take her with you.
Holy fuck
Wait till my friend, Biggus Dickus, hears about this!
pretty sure she does that the first time you meet her regardless..
In other words it's not possible on the first round.
Time to find out whether it happens the first time you meet her or if it's just the tutorial loop that forces her to walk off.
Did the game bug out out? I saved albano for yhe lantern and now every time i wheel, even to the port town, it gives me albano quest again and again woth 50 gems as reward which i could claim
it's a bug. you could get away with farming a few gems from it if you're willing to redo the quest several times.
I did the herb quest before the 2 Ent fights but Elmon still fucking dies like a retard before fighting Helmut. Am I missing something?
you choose run faster?
If its the same as me, you might not have saved everyone from the second vine trap. There was a missing option in the Cursed Wheel menu that made it clear for me.
Did you redo B1F after unlocking the cursed wheel?
>Thank you, its nice to have good friend
she really sounds like that girl from that video where she was commenting comments to her video ''thank you, its nice to get some real appreciation''
Oh nevermind, just found you're a girl.
it may be be but murder rabbits are medieval joke, its centuries old
I literally didn't get any prompts. I read in the guide that they ask for strategies but at no point did they ask me that.

Well yeah it's obviously NG+.

What? Elmon was safe but the people she went to rescue died. Were they supposed to live? This fucking game is so stupid with flag implementation holy shit.
>Did the game bug out out?
answer is always yes
or maybe you didn't save the sabotage unit?
i think you maybe need all 3 unit there sabotage, defense and craftsman
you mean skirmishers, shieldmen and sappers?
Maybe I did. I just checked and Helmut had a corpse. Fuck it I'm killing him, I'm not spending like 2 hours redoing everything to get the perfect ending. Elmon can stay dead. Insufferable fucking knights, this isn't a dungeon crawler but a babysitting game. Literally too stupid and incompetent to live.
It's a reference to Lewis Carrol, actually. Both Alice's tale for the rabbits, and the Jabberwocky for being Vorpal.
I meant when you unlock the ability to go back whenever you want. Or let me rephrase, did you you send Elmon away for B1F and do the boss, and then redo B1F and fight the boss again afterwards?
You have to do it minimum 3 times, the first is automatic when she gets injured, and then you do it twice while she's gone.
well, you can always redo it later, it might even be easier after you get better gear
I still don't know how to save them. Lulu mentions something about having someone accompany Elmon so the other soldiers live, but I don't know how to save the first group of jobbers.
You save them by first having them die and then you get on replay the option to send in the shield dudes who have their shields to cover them against the sudden death stroke attack
Once you see that scene you should be able to go back to B1F and choose the shield guys to go investigate after you kill the mini boss, which saves the team so they can go with Elmon there.
Now I feel retarded. Thanks.
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Jabber isn't a rabbit and it's the sword that is vorpal, not the 'wock. Neither the Jubjub nor frumious Bandersnatch more. Tis' only the beamish boy's blade. That poem was one of my favorites as a kid.
The Jabberwocky as in the poem, of course, not the creature itself.
Don't feel that way. It's awful game design and stupidly implemented. Having to do the herb quest before the Ents but not being able to do so after for example is retarded.

Damn maybe that's what it is. I didn't know I had to run the damn thing three times. Thanks anon.
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
Reveal yourself...
You have the type advantage.
I have the type advantage.
I have the type advantage.
I have the type advantage.
I have the type advantage.
I have the type advantage.
Only to the extent that the word vorpal originates there, being a nonsense word that Carol made up. That said, while Monty Python is almost certainly what popularized killer rabbits in modern pop culture I will concede that it's hardly the origin of the idea itself, as such things have existed for at least a thousand years back in various European literature.
>finally pull alice
>90 fortitude

Good enough. Fortitude hardly matters. Especially since 90 still gives 2 revives without having to let it recover or risk sub-50 same as 100.
Is it possible to save Albino on the first run?
Was I supposed to do requests as soon as they appeared?
God these retarded knights. I swear to Christ if I have to rewind one more time...
>You have the power
Man another black screen? Do I have to reinstall AGAIN?
>You have the power
Why the fuck is my map data reset?! FUCK
>You have the power
>You have the power... to kill yourself
I dont think you can do the smell pouch trade on first run
This is fun. No matter what you do everyone dies and your ghost companion mocks you.
You check for a chest near the exit first.
>If nothing's there, walk out and back in.
>If a chest is there, walk your way to it, then sweep the boss and leave.
The thing about the torch crystals is that there's 6 on the map, but you only need 4 of them. I forgot to explore B1f before I killed Theodoric, so now I have two useless crystals in my Key Items. As for the entity shards, the one east of the B2F Harken is the easiest one to farm since you can just walk out and in to respawn it.
You can cursed wheel the quest to get rid of any excess Purification Crystals/Entity Shards. I decided to keep 1 of each just to have it.
that bitch, i laughed
i don't know how faithful(or not) the translation is but Lulu always have something to crack me up
She's a cheeky one
Also the Japanese depict her with the same kind of attitudes and such so either way, the English and Japanese are in the same spirit.
how can I tell which guiding lights for well of mind Ive gotten already.............
what's the best end/late game item farm strat? if I just want to roll 4* steel shit all day and grind chests
I just run around the top part of the second level of the boat
damn the jump in quality of junk when you go from beginning dungeon to water way
On the ship. Start at the first floor harken, go up the stairs, the rooms close by will have 1-3 chests (usually 2 or 3 but sometimes you are unlucky). Collect those and then run back to stairs and harken. Then leave dungeon and repeat. Usually you can avoid fights too
Trying to farm specific pieces is so annoying

So which one is actually the best route? We can assume that the choice will be relevant later on when we get updates to the story (unless the game does EOS before that)

Almost feels like they reduce the drop rates on items you got to strength level 1 or 2
I perfectly remember that she just walk it off and can't do much about it.
The church I think
Don't you get a LUK lantern and the skill book?
Is the oarsmen quest bugged on the 2nd time around? They're not showing up on the boat at all.
The voices are much better, it's not fair...
I doubt the choice will make any real difference in the long run, it's just introducing you to a few different NPCs. Both of the NPCs who die in the third arena fight can be saved, so in terms of progress there's no real differences.
Does jp dub flut also talks with the same musicality?
I haven't heard English Flut, but I don't use Flut in JP because she sounds like her VA is in her fifties.
I need to hear this now. I like cute young girls (japanese) with granny voices
Let's be honest here, a vast majority of people aren't actually going to do all three routes. Maybe later on when we unlock level 60 so beating the boss becomes easier but it's just too much hassle for the average player. They will most likely consolidate all three routes into one singular all-encompassing route for the next story chapter.
I think we might get some minor dialogue changes. Kind of like how right now there are few differences in the side quest depending on if you have certain races/classes in party (the admiral route one will add your beastmen to the quest if any are in the party and then there is the mage thing when trying to first enter the town on all three routes)
>Anons will blow all their savings for a unit
>only to get 80 fortitude trash
You guys are not ready for the first real banner.
even more honest, average player won't even reach true ending, octo will wall them
Ok, so the STR light is actually obtained after using the cursed wheel once as part of the tutorial.
After the tutorial sends you back to the trap, you can get it slightly faster by letting Elmon die again for a quick return to town. Or you can just return normally after she survives. Elmon always dies here if Vernant isn't alive anyway.
>Let's be honest here, a vast majority of people aren't actually going to do all three routes.
It's literally the only way to get all the luck lights. I'm sure there are people who will wait until they hit level 60 to beat the true boss, but it's just free shit. All they need to do to integrate the 3 routes into later progression is add a throwaway line here and there.

Nobody is expecting the game to take these 3 routes and then make a new third dungeon route for each of them, each with its own branching routes, but it's really not hard to have a callback where if you did X route then X character shows up for a fight, vs Y character on Y route. I doubt they'll do anything like expect you to go back to different route clears to progress because you needed to be buddies with the admiral to learn something in the third dungeon, but little things can change without much work.
Reminder that those rabbits killed Shagtis while(you) and your entire party can't do shit to him.
I got her from a single bone I found, but I never use her, I just use a unnamed priest. I just try to use whoever I want
I consider myself an average player. And though I've been playing since the game was launched, I'm still on trade waterway floor 6.
I dare say it's possible for other players to be walled or get bored even earlier.
Also, it's okay that the game is "hard", but it takes too much "time and effort" to even progress the story even a little when compared to other gachas. Which combined with them not knowing how to properly run a cash store properly makes me belive the game will have to depend on whale boomers to stay afloat.
Yeah they want you to get really used to resetting the fucking well, since you have to reset to use the light, then reset again to adjust your tree for the new nodes.
I don't really understand people who play for an hour a day like this is gachaslop. There's no stamina, you can play as much as you want.
1. Time.
2. Effort.
Whats bad about that, people complain about lack of content in mmos and gachas because they finish every patch in a day
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He has a wife you know
It deserves to EoS
Just because a few does it doesn't means the majority does it.
What's bad to me is that I don't really feel I'm progressing unless you spend a significant amount of time. At some point in port town you will have to farm junk, gold and experience.
I already wasted years of my life being a slave on Granblue. So the amount I play now is exactly how much I want.
Does anybody even use Earth element equipment? It feels like it doesn't save a fire element character really, only the weapons seem to be good.
I don't really think this game requires much grinding, luck has a huge part of it, you mentioned b6 waterways but that area is fucking bullshit, it drags on way too long and if you get unlucky and get ambushed it will ruin your entire progress. Same with the final boss, the true final boss you get after the first clear is so bullshit I only believe I beat them because I got lucky and I already killed them twice.
I use them on Asha and Lana, but I wish we knew how much damage they reduced.
From my testing weapons seem to be anywhere from 40% to 60% though.
I think it's 15% res per piece
I wonder why is the disparity so large?
I'm just doing dailies and weeklies to get gems so I can pull for future powercrept characters and blow thru the story with no effort.
Because weapons are one slot while you can stack resistance on multiple armor pieces. Duh.
Because if you stack multiple armor pieces it will be 40-60% too
Are you dudes really sure you can stack armor pieces? Nothing on the trait list indicates they can be stacked.
You can test it yourself. Put one piece on lana, get hit, and then put another on her, get hit, and so on.
I don't have multiple pieces.
I only have 2 helmets because den of earth has been shit to me.
I saw a video for it earlier today, but can't be bothered searching for it again.
english or jap?
Made it to 8F and got slap around by undead. How much time should I spend on 7F beefing up party and getting undead killer weapons?
you don't really have to bother, just kill as much mobs as you can, go heal at the spring and then go fight the boss at the end. you can dodge most of them too
Jp of course, why would there be a useful video in english?
So, to unlock the sex option you have to max. affinity first and book a royal suite with only the two of you in a party? Did I get it right? What about soapland play? How to unlock it?
Not worth it as Debra doesn't take her mask off.
>Do you want the mask on or off?
>Off please
>Too bad.

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