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>Update on 11/13/24



NA East, Lottie; <menhera club>
EU, Kazar; <Pettanko> pw 555444
So cool
This place is dead now. Everyone that posted here has found their own home or quit.
am I missing something or there are no purple amulet that drops outside world bosses
clasp of the conquerer and pvp necks
If you roll crossbow/dagger you are bricked. Easiest the weakest class in game and ez points in pvp.
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she is so pretty
dead as fuck
So I hit 3600, now what?
Nothing, everyone is around there now
>xbow buff
>dagger buff
>staff buff
>gs nerf
>bow "nerf"
>healing nerf
these niggers don't know shit about balance
>we succeeded tax event on Zenith
rich get richer
Those niggers nerfed my worthless memebuild (GS/xbow).
>Selfless Diffusion: Removed the specialization: Remove CC.
>Mana Exchange: Added the specialization: Remove CC. Costs 7 Specialization Points.
Actually retarded. Having a second CC removal was like the only good thing about this build compared to being another daggernigger.
that's what you get for playing a meme specc i guess
So tax event delivers lucent to the guild that owns the castle? Nice concept, makes sense why my zerg didn't do it and made a deal to let enemy zerg take castle. Another server is apparently coming here to retaliate
>daggers are op and is the most overplayed weapon
>hmm let's nerf LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE and BUFF daggers
the lucent rewards for both tax event and winning castle is chump change tbqh

my alliance won and with an equal split we got 1600 lucent each, i guess if we won castle every other week it would add up, but that would mean dead server and less lucent altogether
the dagger buffed underused skills, the vampiric strike nobody uses ever, and still wont after buff, same with frenzied sword.

the knife throw buff is nice, but it's just a debuff, not much dmg, and not room for it in most builds, especially now that cc escape is moved from selfless diffusion to mana exchange
why did those niggers have to destroy selfless diffusion?
who the fuck is even going to use the mana skill?
retarded gooks
it's better now, you can use selfless diffusion as a dps buff and mana exchange as an escape
there's no space for that skill
this qt is still playing? praise be!
they got almost everything right. they should have nerfed staff and bow to the fucking dirt. everything else is good.
don't worry, reddit will continue to complain about bow and AGS will listen and pressure NCSoft, they gonna remove heavy dmg from flash wave or some dumb shit
Bow was buffed in the end, that's why I put it in quotes. They literally buffed the weapons that were top rank killers.
they also buffed dagger which is the most used overall weapon lmao
You're about to learn how NCSoft operates. They only care about the whales. They buffed those weapons BECAUSE its what the whales use. I mean the whole monetization and content system of the game should've clued people in from the start. It's designed entirely for the whale.
This game is giving me lost ark vibes. Even combat is the same spastic shit where classes that have "long" windups/cast times/channels are cucked out of playing because you're getting interrupted every second and have to dodge/block something every other.
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Are these women anal coded?
I don’t like the cooldowns on the spells they are all way too long
>cc removal doesn't remove prone, the absolute most common cc in the game
>cc dr is nowhere to be seen
every single fucking time i use my cc removal rock i either get cc'd again or i can't even use it because i'm prone
this game is designed for whales to prone bone you
in my case I use it, it goes on cd, and I'm still stunned

so either I'm getting stunned again 0.01s after using it, or it isn't working properly
what happens is you're both stunned and prone which is what happened 99% of the times so it just goes on cd lmao
Kind of yeah. Usually there's a core of whales in a zerg that lots of players orbit around because no wants to be the antizerg that gets buttfucked all day. However, zerg players are typically annoying whiny fags that resort to world chat when they lose so the salt is worth it.
Are you all ready for spear? I have all my conversion books ready, I will shish kabob.
I can't believe this place is still alive
Not really. One retard trying to keep it alive.
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I was so sad I missed this skin the first time around. I'm glad it came back so I could get it :)
It looks a bit like the soulfist legendary skin, so I really wanted it, but I didn't have enough lucent saved up and it left even though it didn't have a timer on it. I barely made enough lucent in time before it left the store.

id like to see that coping nigga whining about coomer and meme outfits, hes shitting himself right now
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I hit the 10% chance and gained 70%!
grats sis!
(nice bosom)
Shart and pooperty, what happened xisters???
I still like the game! I just avoid the pvp.
Plenty of people even from here still play, this general is only dead because retards ruined it with constant fake doomposting and trannyposting. Why talk with retards here when you can just chat in game
>you can exit the game during maintenance without having to kill it
>maint is over
how are the new dungeons bros? am i going to be able to do the mechs? io cant play rn
it's not over you dumb fucking nigger monkey
3 more hours
ok i won't
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*cancels your prime and blacklists your address*
It's over. Gooks just can't make normal games.
what the fuck is this did I download a PR client why I can see my username in-game
>new dungeons
>no world boss pants
Yeah fuck those kikes.

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