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>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm "Area 52", Wildcard Season Realm "Elune")
(CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, Bronzebeard V+ Server Soon)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+,TBC as design base and Wrath client)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Mistblade 3 (Mop(+?)) | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Patch 1.17.2 new class and gameplay changes - https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=15157
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org
Guild - <Full Moon Company> (whisper anyone - looking for doms!)

>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)
By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.

>Sites with mods, tutorials and so on
https://www.wowmodding.net/files/ - Needs register, full of tools.
https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/ - Same as above but with MoP stuff
https://forums.darknestfantasy.com/ - Use a dump gmail for register, note for anons, Titaa's Armory |Classic HD mods is open source

>Bikini mod (Works on Vanilla and Wrath clients, Still missing some stuff)
Skimpier vanilla outfits for females.

>HD curvy mod, Turtle Only for now, Open to be ported to other clients

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>502701024
kek that's a good way to rustle up the thread with no context
Turtle's recent class changes suck ass
worgen males hnghghhh
Why would you say these things?
Is the server up yet or what?
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You better have meant females or I'm gonna call you mean names like idiot and retard
excuse me worgen males hnngh posting is almost a year old and deserves respect
>all these fixes with the launcher and shit
>turtle devs still refuse to fix the bug where speaking to an inkeeper activates a trick or treat effect
are they really that busy that they just cant fix that?
sylmabros what's the cope here?
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>and deserves respect
incorrect right at the end
worgen males hnnngh
Sylma... not again...
turtletrannies ruined any chance of there being a normal WoW thread on /vg/
>a normal WoW thread on /vg/
I think that ship sailed with years ago, but quality will be low for a while due to heals crossposting
a slightly more expensive prostitute
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. . .
question for the erp experts in the chat.
how long does a typical wow erp session last?
Ask /heals/.
Did you please her?
2 hours easily.
that's quite long
that's what "she" said
if it is some quick suck n fuck, 1 hour
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>15sec of combat mana regen on each kill as drood
can't complain, feels good man

depends on some things. Usually 1-2 hours is good enough. I've been in sessions that last 4 hours and for me that's too long but if the other person is happy then its fine.
I'm loving them as a holy priest
You're saying "two hours" and acting like you don't nut in the first five minutes.
I don't nut until the end. No need to project now. Some people find quickshots cute.
i dont even jerk off during erp
i'm too busy typefucking
I usually just walk up to people and describe how my character whips out their cock and jerks off over their ass and nuts then I /camp before they can respond.
if we're talking a two to four hour session then i'll nut at least two or three times
I kneel.
Nah I jerk during downtime when I am waiting for them to post. Like a degenerate ritual with my mind running wild of what they would think is hot or what I would think is hot.

Although what this anon >>502922226
I type better and make raunchier posts when not fapping.

If I have a 2-4 hour type fuck session I usually got for round 2. Like a nut every 2 hours.
That's baby numbers if you actually care about syntax, punctuation and creating a story that is stimulating and just pleasant to read. People that tread ERP as sexting are missing the forest for the trees.

Learn to edge. More than once I've had six hour sessions.
The best method is you type something and then slow pump it and edge while they type something up. Then when they type something up, you read it and give your balls a break by typing something else up.
The other person is preferably doing this too, so you're just passing the baton and relay race masturbating until you both finish up.
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what in the name of fuck?
its so over, classic won fr
They're just installing software to spy on you, Anon. Don't worry about it.
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nearly finished whole human campaign since server went down for the first time
for me? it's only cunning when i get permission
are the servers up yet?
I recoil in disgust and have to fight my impluse to punch someone when I see an elf or panda now.
i'm a half elf panda
No, you're just gay.
based neanderthal
instead of downloading a patch file it's downloading the entire client and files alongwith its patch file
not really. it shouldn't be that way.
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I'm sure the codemonkeys at Turtle HQ are working very hard to figure out how Ascension push patches individually
has someone sewn an image of turtle and ascension's launcher beside each other? i still think it might be epoch's code since the team over there has open sourced their launcher.
Damn how is Sylma spending all this money on tauren penis?
she works very very hard
fmc has weekly tithes
they also work very very hard
tried the ass n titties mod for fun and holy god
i've never been so glad to play dwarf female and undead female characters
if the anon who made it reads this good shit man now make the dwarves even thicker and the undead milkers even saggier next time
>TRP wiped
fuck off
It's all that fishing.
Woah, I thought the "FMC is the furry erp guild" posts were just jokes but they really are cucks, huh?
You ok there "big" guy?
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Why does the guild roster always do this after I take my schizophrenia medication?
euro times be like that
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chuddies win again
Doesn't help either that it's a work day
>FMC is just a bunch of fat american men jacking off in BFD while pretending to be elf girls or bulls
FMCxisters? Is it true?
Bäsed böys
Euros playing the game. Amerikeks pretending to be uwu sissy heal sluts in game. Sad!
I think the Amerikeks are sleeping at the moment anon...
I don't suppose anyone took a screenshot of my TRP? Kek
Nevermind I remembered someone else did it so its in the previous threads somewhere probably
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2.5k gold on the way thanks
I cringe.
That was a poor in-between draft, may just re-write it all because it wasn't all that great
post your own profile
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Anyone know of a good fishing addon for twow? It's a lot more janky than it was in MoP, have to give the bob my full focus if I even want to notice the catch.
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I've met a few women who erp on wow but none on private servers and I doubt any would post here
>still only raiding MC after all of this years
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i was having so much fun as enchancement shaman and now i felt less powerful after the patch... they nerfed lightning strike
how the fuck did the previous thread got to thew post limit so fast, also

these sprites looks so bad

Knot totes wont admit but his launcher code was given to him by ascension
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One day we're going to clear Molten Core and then we'll be the ones laughing!
my screengrab software doesn't work anymore...
Sharbull buck status = broken
windows has a decent enough built in screenshot now
Just press print screen you buffoon
Might do some more lbrs after work... Finding someone with a ubrs key is always such a hassle, so i'm trying to get my own. But only one gem so far...
i don't want the whole screen
nobody tell him
Windows key +shift+S
just use sharex, anything else is for sissies
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uhh based?
>b cup
Not interested.
very boring, very cliche
most imaginative high elf player
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i'm scared bwos...
I think i'll write a batch script that autoupdates all addons since it should be easy to do
The backstory doesn't match up with the lore of the game. High elves fled Quel'thalas only about four years ago. If she were "born to a refugee family" she would be, at maximum, four years old. That makes zero sense.
try not to use extremely hackneyed phrases like 'bounces with every step' and 'sways her hips' and you use 'her' way too much that it reads like bullet points, very boring and dry read

2/10, reads like ai slop
You retards are being baited, do you seriously believe any faggot would actually post his own profile here? This is probably grabbed from some afker in Stormwind.
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fmc when they read a erp profile without bbc addiction
>guy who constantly ai gens boring slop has absolutely no creativity
pottery lmao
>no big bull cock
my frenulum aches
Except Elaynna has made multiple AI slop drawings and written little stories of their elf character being raped by trolls and other monster races, including Hogger. Dude wants the BBC but his whole gimmick is to act like he doesn't. It's all very gay.
because writing your trp to explicitly mention beast rape is any better
If you erp or do indecent stuff you must put that in your profile? What non-sense is that?
It isn't. Both are equally bad.
Nobody said that you fucking dolt.

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>my fetish: good
>ur fetish: bad
ummm wpsg your response????
The porn-addled brain can't comprehend a human being playing World of Warcraft as anything other than a sex simulator.
My fetish is good and white, your fetish is bad and black.
this is me, yes
>most people will react negatively to bestiality, anon proceeds to pretend it is a shocking development
>most people will react negatively to bestiality, anon proceeds to pretend it is a shocking development
Hogger is a real humanoid
Being horny for Hogger is bestiality because it's a hyena-man.
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A subhuman dogcreature that is also a criminal.
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What do you think humans are if not monkey-man? What separates humans to others species is the capacity to understand the concept of rape
>What do you think humans are if not monkey-man?
Humans are human.
Pic related is a monkey man and if it turns you on, you're into bestiality.
Here's a crazy thought how about instead of jerking off to animal people you just play World of Warcraft?
>turdel updates day before FRESH
>error couldn't install patch
Thanks for making it easy for me turtle. I'll miss the higher rage generation you had while I'm playing FRESH but it'll be okay.
>Pic related is a monkey man and if it turns you on, you're into bestiality.
no but no one calls this bestiality
When does classic actually start? Do you have any sources on that? Because I always thought frozen throne alone took a very long time.
a 2 hour mara que only for it to go down again :))))) cool cool
I watched all of chinatown in the time it took me to find a group for strat ud
is turtle actively sabotaging itself on purpose just as classic 2.0 is releasing? is blizzard paying them to shit the bed like this? because i dont believe that they can be this incompetent at everything.
the server is old dummy, she's on the prime sex age of 9-10
Vanilla takes place four years after Warcraft III according to the original intro trailer.
It's the very first thing that's said. "Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion."
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open bob
>because i dont believe that they can be this incompetent at everything.
Are you new to Turtle Wow? They've always been this incompetent.
I do.
how are you having issues? the update took less than 2 seconds to install for me
you're a retard
Don't use the launcher. Just use WoW.exe. When you try to log in, it will update, then you restart and play.
I did exactly that. I executed the patcher myself now and it worked just fine, beats me.
The Burning Legion is not the Scourge and vice versa. The Scourge simply opened up the way for the Burning Legion to enter Azeroth at the end of the undead campaign they destroyed Quel'thalas before that.
After that you have a massive campaign that goes on for years with the orcs how they settle Kalimdor and after that you have the entire night elf campaign. With "Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion" they mean the final battle at the end of the game, in the last mission in the night elf campaign.
So you'd have to take all the events that happened during the orc and night elf campaign into consideration + the 4 years.
Personally, I think all the crashes are worth having a client that server no purpose
>server dies the moment you try to enter the game...
It's back
If you want to get super technical
The Third War starts in Year 20. Battle of Hyjal is Year 21.
So the Scourge Invasion of Quel'thalas takes place at max five years before the events of Vanilla World of Warcraft.
Hm... okay I had the feeling that took a little bit more time settling Kalimdor and all. But if that's the case I'm gonna rewrite it a bit. So Elaynna will be a refugee herself, rather than being born a refugee.
Are you niggers going to play Conquest of Azeroth open beta? I'm curious but a bit scared of it feeling too much like retail.
Someone said in another thread that Turtle WoW added tranny socks to the game.
What are they referring to?
Just "programmer socks" in general (thigh high) or did they add the trans flag stripes on them too?
You could get programmer socks in the past, you still can if you find them at the GM island
Could you post an example of what they look like?
it isn't retail, it feels more like modded morrowind these days under OpenMW and MWSE
Also Barb has a Bard build
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>is the editing of MPQ files in order to reach GM island for a pair of programming socks a bannable offense? my cow is getting cold feet, i dont want to break any rules though
>Yes. Also, the socks are no longer there. We removed them due to too many people hacking to get there.
dang, olivine is a faggot
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Okay is that better?
do you have the one with the GMs erping with anime models in goldshire?
I like reading what people put on their TurtleRP. That profile is pretty good.
Well I'll give it a try, some classes look interesting but most look very over the top.
AN alluring
t. ESL monkeh
I need to see this
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I'm sorry sir. I've fixed it.
>cc2 update to deal with the introduced issues
>rogue: crickets
lmao even
They have literally never given a fuck about rogues
calm down I just corrected your grammar and didn't threaten you with anal rape
enough fucks to constantly nerf them in the most retarded and random ways despite the class already being beyond dead
elves are coke addict trolls, please understand
>be the most OP, brainless piece of shit class for PvP AND PvE for almost 20 years straight
>some pserver doesn't make you even more bullshit overpowered
fuck all rogues
genocide all rogues
curbstomp all rogues
now you know how actual shit classes felt for the past 20 years
serbers are dead again...
>Actively crashing your server just so people go over to Fresh and MB3 more
Turtle devs...I kneel
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why not?
cuz my char is a futa
I'll never get my set in time for the weekly raid
settle down torta we know you don't like rogues
REMOVE GELKIS remove gelkis you are worst centar. you are the horse idiot you are the horse smell. return to kolkar. to our kolkkar cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,gelkis we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole horse stink gelkis sqhipere shqipare..gelkis genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead gelkis..ahahahahahGELKIS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget khan shaka .kolkar we kill the khan , kolkar return to your precious thosen needle….hahahahaha idiot horse and gelkis smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE GELKIS FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. magram+horde+goblin=kill gelkis…you will deaded tupac alive in magram village, tupac making album of magram . fast rap tupac centaru. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink horse… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
>go to bed because servers are fucked and game patched like 3 times
>wake up 7 hours later
>game still fucked
what the hell turdle
Rogue is actually pretty strong.
NOBODY fucking likes rogues except the braindead mongoloids playing them
warlocks being close 2nd
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nta, but here you go
>be the most OP, brainless piece of shit class for PvP AND PvE for almost 20 years straight
what kind of deranged schizo tranny fantast is this?
that shit is hilarious and based
fucking anime girls in WoW
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is this good for retardo? i won't take improved blessings to be useful once a week
Which class does Torta even play?
It'll all be worth it when they get the launcher working, just think it will have the same function as the wow.exe but uhhh in a separate program
lmao thanks
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another one, no erp though
yeah that boggles my noggin too
>launch launcher
>log in to launcher
>launch game
>log in to WoW
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kill ALL weebs
>hugs you
erping WHORE
>bottom of the meters
>free kill in pvp
paladin and hates that holy shock could be used offensively
doing damage control already dragunovi? you wont convince the masses that don't already hate rogue.
I thought that was the dragonuvi guy not torta?
this is a strange format for fmc logs
based /tttt/
everyone i hate is the same person
If I wanted rank 13 on Turtle how much Honor would I need to get?
Rogue is actually bussin.
dragqueenovi is not responsible for class changes and we don't know who the fuck keeps messing things up
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we need someone to pin the changes on this shit is ridiculous
i guess i have to shoot akalix
get honorspy and check for yourself
it sounds like the rest of the staff isn't happy about it either because they keep receiving the brunt of the player rage for all the retarded shit some angry troon pulls from the shadows
What would you do if you were the orc in this situation?
they probably suggested 90% of the changes anon
it was most likely a team feedback for each class change and now that they see most changes are hated they're upset they can't blame one person
they all deserve backlash
Lock my fingers around their necks and fuck them against the wall
the whole team should be gassed, i agree
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turn 360 and walk away
settle down fernando, it's just some pixels and it can be fixed
i don't think it will be fixed, but it can be. we just gotta kill the turtleman.
they've had years to fix shit but instead made things worse and buffed warriors lmao
go back to fishing
my wow.exe disappeared from troontle folder, what the fuck is this shit?
i thought warriors were essentially unchanged?
if anything, deep prot should've been buffed
I'm sorry miss- Sylma i'll be back fishing a once
they buffed prot and fury and arms
warriors went from being #1 to being even further ahead
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This is the correct answer
If you ask nicely windows defender might give your .exe back
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Rogues are actually super dominant and the slightest buff would skyrocket them, see the improved backstab change - the saving grace of CC2.
stop baiting, troon
And why did this happen now and not a single time for the last few years?
it happens to me every week or so, maybe you were spared from getting your exe silently patched
because the launcher works in a different way and now wd think it's a threat
the complaints are overblown rogue is still the second best melee dps
deca i'm gonna hurt you in game
lol after the buffs to melee hunters i don't think so
oh that's funny
shame they ban people for hacking to gm island
it's a private server shit like that should be given a green light IMO or just put a portal up in the capitals to TP there
>they decide to create a completely pointless launcher that does literally hothing useful
>it breaks everything
this is the quality standard going forward. They can't even make a shitty glorified downloader without making it an absolute disaster and retards trust them to port an entire game to a new client. rofl.
imagine the erp
it updated 4 addons for me, I wouldn't call it useless
Man I just want to play wow, I guess I should expect shit like this from pservers
>ummm yes just add an exclusion from the turtle wow folder pls do not tust the antivirus saar
>male nightelf
>uses o.O unironically
>wtfs at random assets
>cringe af music
this is like a scientific paper on "normalfaggots" condensed into a single being, what causes this kind of brainrot? it's way too fucking common
it's the same kind of person to call you gay for playing a female char, they do not have the ability to imagine a rotating apple in their mind
New to private servers? Winblows flags anything that modifies files and isn't approved by the saar department as dangerous.
Even malwarebytes is screaming about trojans.
Shenna put something in there and is trying to cover it up.
Cause my char is a cutedom orc who wants to hold hands, talk about his fears and then stretch someone ass so much that you would able to put a melon on it
>still using antivir
>in 2024
holy fucking tech illiterate retard lmao
uhhh bros why is my CPU and GPU running at 100% while running turtle? Is this normal? It didnt even hit 10% before.
This! Dust of Disappearance, Remorseless, Attacks, Improved Backstab, and Improved Ambush making you a menace on the battlefield. Maybe some of you rogues just aren't playing the class right, hmm?
>slightly tickle somebody
>they turn around and oneshot you
>a bunch of fake system files written to disk by wow.exe
yeah okay im uninstalling this trash and never reinstalling again
I'm glad someone understands...
My PC keeps bluescreening after the latest turtle update even when im not playing turtle
why is my pc suddenly emitting an estrogen fog
>cmd opens showing some ASCII art of an anthro with the text "You've been PAWNED by xXCyberFuzziesXx" and the closes and 0.47 seconds
Yeah I think I'm done with this server
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Having to post from my other PC because my main one is asking me to send Monero to some crypto wallet to let me log back in??? the fuck???
>A paladin must be good and will lose all Light-given abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act.
>While he may adventure with others from different organizations, a paladin will never knowingly associate with evil persons, nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code.
How does that even work in-game, if i party with a warlock i go back to level one?
Just got an email that someone used my credit card to buy something called "Chance Unflared" wtf???
you become an oathbreaker and cannot call upon the light as well.
Why did dominos just show up at my front door with 6 pizzas im not paying for that shit
are you fucking serious
>you are now enlisted as a blackwater mercenary you deploy to ukraine on friday
Its cool that the launcher updates my addons but what is this
Turtle devs just giving everybody more reason to abandon their shitware and go back to classic
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wtf I got that too
Where is that anon that was crying about paladin being too OP and the only viable class in the game
likely finally realized warriors are way better besides tanking and gave up because that's what he actually cares about
>slava uk...ACK!!
wouldn't it be funny if shenna reported the IPs of all those ukrainian draft dodgers playing on the server to jewlensky?
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3 more mounts! *coughs blood*
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I just received a huge package of HRT and I'm expected to pay for it...
How did torta get my address?
>turtle wow does fine with just some custom content
>attempts to change classes and fails miserably pissing everyone off
why even try
they have 0 experience and didn't even try to copy successful changes others have made
like all you had to do was look at what people liked from tbc/wotlk about certain classes, look at the problems in vanilla and find a balance of new and fun and fixing bad.
i'm having fun with the changes, the complainers are dps/hps logs monkeys or pvpers (this one is fair)
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I'm happy with the class changes
They HAVE to reinvent the wheel because TBC and beyond is BAD and SOULLESS
Should have gone to the drylands
nah the only ones seething are cucked faggot rogues because the only reason they picked rogue was because of how ridiculously overpowered it was compared to other classes and now everyone else caught up to the powerlevel so they can no longer "pwn nubz" with 0 effort
you can't prove me wrong and will cope by spamming the same replies ala "schizo" and "fanfic"
the twow launcher makes me feel funny...
We're getting the day one fresh classic classic experience on turtle today.
It's a story as old as fucking time.

you're literally retarded and have no idea about the game
t. keyboardturning rogue faggot
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keyboard turning classes are paladin and hunter
You can't do that on turtle, they nerfed reckoning to 1 attack stack max.
>losing to paladins and hunters as a rogue
>if it isn't troon erp posting it's some retard with cheap baits
Great general you've got here.
the only thing my rogue is good for is worshipping hogger~
can you explain to me how they were overpowered specifically?
Maybe that's for the better, I don't do much pvp. Just posted the webm because I find it very funny.
>The crazy thing to me is that sunder requires no talent points, and is so efficient of an ability that warriors are willing to spam it just for extra wf procs even when they dont need to reapply the debuff. So maintaining it is literally no dps loss to them whatsoever because its part of their dps rotation. Not to mention that they dont have to talent into it either. While I dont think maintaining IEA is as bad as Sringaram makes it out to be, its def much worse than sunder. Investing talent points and combo points into it for a barely better sunder that warriors get for free and we still do less damage regardless feels real bad. Its obviously still worth to maintain on bosses since it is impacting every physical dps by roughly 5% damage increase but it just feels bad that the support capabilities we have are just worse overall than what warriors have, and they still do 20% more damage
>If we go full damage ignoring any support talents whatsoever, we shouldnt be doing 20% less damage than a class that is able to easily apply sunder on every trash mob and initial boss before IEA is applied (equates to around a 35-40% damage bonus for every single physical dps in raid, easily the most impactful debuff in the game) plus provide 290 party wide AP from BS. Like in what world does that make sense balance wise. The only argument for why warriors should be doing significantly more damage than rogues is from a leveling/pvp balance side of things, since they are often quite lackluster in those areas, and therefore in theory could be buffed in pve to compensate, but rested xp + warmode makes leveling an absolute joke on this server and pvp should be a minor consideration since pve content is far more popular
did rogues just realize warriors are op or something
Good girl
he can't because it's bullshit
I don't even play on turtle
It is funny, but not every paladin can do and you have to give up a lot of utility to spec for it. And it only works if someone keeps critting you repeatedly.
i dunno, having a toolkit that has more abilities available for control in pvp than 3 classes combined maybe? the ability to guarantee kill anything below 5k hp with a cookie cutter rotation? don't make me post that retarded dwarf video using a literal revolver reel to kill people
inbred nigger
World of Roguecraft should answer that question. Watch it, it's educational and entertaining both.
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WoW retail sub ends in a few days, was thinking of trying Turtle WoW... what faction is the /vg/ guild in? Please be Horde because I want to be a goblin...
Don't play turtle
they cant keep the server up for more than 10 minutes for over a day straight now
it's a disaster
it's le wholesome crossfaction
hope you like ERP
>retarded dwarf video using a literal revolver reel to kill people
You mean THE DEATH WHEEL performed by a hero dwarf wearing his BLAST gearset? I fucking love it.
and the joke is, literally anyone can copy it regardless of gear level and get free kills on people
except the mouthbreathing rogue mongoloids that keep crying how weak rogue is
Faction doesn't matter since you can party up and talk with anyone so you can be a goblin in a party of high elves
cross faction and guild enforced erp, you will have to satsify 3 elves a day
and two of them are sylma's alts
I'm gonna make a high elf paladin (male) and nobody can stop me
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Now where do I go first.. fishing for some flagged hcs maybe?
>things that don't happen
get lobotmized
Do you think Sylma likes handholding and kissing with other elves
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Shitposters aside, guilds on Turtlewow are indeed crossfaction. We've got a few anons in <Full Moon Company>. Not enough anons to start raiding quite yet but we've been growing steadily.
That video is from patch 1.3 or 1.4 or somewhere around there vs undergeared, half-AFK players who don't even fight back. It has nothing to do with 1.12, much less turdle.
>a real humanoid
>denying the well documented existence of cb/prep rogue that does ~4,5k dmg with a grey lvl1 dagger and 0 gear equipped
>want to aoe farm for gold
>turdle cucks redoubt because high end players don't have a reason to gear more defense against bosses
>farming lashers
actual cancerous tumor
Rogue is really strong, if you want I can teach you a few tricks later~
>"i-i-it's an old patch an irrelevant!"
please tell us what prohibits you from pressing the exact same sequence of skills in 1.12, go ahead
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i never expected to spend as much as i have on twow. my girlfriend's husband has told me to quit. how can i stop when they're constantly putting things up for sale at a really good price?
yes, you are one for not being able to press a fixed sequence of buttons
I have a nelf twink, how do I send xer to fmc
I'm just gonna bury you now.

Post HOGGED rogues
i hate ring menu with passion but that's funny
>vgtroons are so bad at this game they die to rogues
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I don't give a shit about the ring menu, but I love everything in that video, especially how he kills 3.5k health players as a level 52 rogue with there being zero opportunity for the players to do anything about it and here you have bitch rogues coming in to complain about being underpowered.
the beta is about to have a major patch update, and after that, a launch window should be on schedule for early 2025. playing the beta right now is as expected for an mmo with zero players in the world.
New skibidi toilet kinda bussin frfr
>3.5k hp
In case you didn't know, eviscerate does static damage.
Meanwhile geared players have 6k+ HP and deal considerably more damage overall because their shit actually scales.

Man, you're like a fucking copy of Mute. It's hilarious.
literally who
Literally you.
ye we should buff eviscerate to do 6k crits
Crit evis is like 2k damage top. Stop smoking cock.
Your expose armor bro? You do know how to expose sapped targets, right?
How do they manage to break their entire game just by putting out a launcher and nerfing paladins
Blizzard tier dev quality
man fuck fmc I'm joining dairy tales
'tis what happens when your server is built upon a known bad core, either you live with bugs, risk crashing everything or pointlessly rewrite everything
Wait, is this the sameOlivine? Pffffffff hahahaha
I said top.
And I said down.
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Please remember to make mention of the Tauri guilds n the next thread.
>don't make me post that retarded dwarf video using a literal revolver reel to kill people
what is this i wana see
rogues are weak
how can he backstab an enemy while they are facing him?
that's season of discovery shenanigans
>season of dogshit
maybe you don't understand but the word backstab implies stabbing in the back, not the front. i'll ask this time, who is responsible for changing the meaning of words without changing the actual words?
Facestabbed him
it's a back-backstab in SoD
Honestly though real talk, TurtleWoW's rogue would rinse on any 1.12 server. The class on here is actually pretty fucking litty. Not sure what that anon is about.
erm bro, the script says bussin
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It's perfectly fine to have pvp/utility-focused talent trees, not everything has to be viable for dragon-killing
Another good balance patch
sisters ive never played a day one launch before...what should i expect tomorrow?
i got my lube, doritos and redbulls ready haha...i'm just really nervous to be honest
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>lvl 60 undead warrior in grp
>just runs into a radom direction while half the grp is still flying
>doesn't even know where to go or what to do
why are zugzugs like this?
plugged and caged for launch
200 niggers competing for the same 10 mobs
launch days are grim shit
oh wow im not sure i can handle that people haha i get really nervous. im planning on playing a female night elf priest. can you be my guide?
Kill yourself retard
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>melee hunters escaped with just a 4 second cd increase on carve
finally a dev that doesnt instantly nerf huntards into the ground after giving us strong buffs. dont care if theyre shady troons, twow devs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blizzard
I'll be playing futa nelf warrior...
Patchnotes doko?
i can't wait for classic bros
At this point a braindead monkey> blizzard when it comes to development. At least the monkey won't actively try to make things worse.
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>"Solve" the issue of druid hots not stacking
>lock it behind tree of life form
based, fuck balance
Wpsg, Tauri discord link:
shan't use discord
dead guild, i don't make the rules
if someone have some time >>502913025
the full tutorial to port HD to classic/Wrath/vanilla
why discord if only 3 people play on tauri?
are we cursed to play private wow servers forever
you can play retail at any time anon
It’s a server discord since there are no cross faction guilds.
i keep coming back
I forgot my username for tauri wow fuuuuuuck
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mistakes were made
ok pearl
There will never be an mmo that focuses on rpg elements, class fantasy, leveling and doesnt have a cash shop, so yes.
What guild is this? Its not an anon guild right?
>anon guild
this thread is bad company, too many ERPers
It's the guild for asmon fans
literal reddit guild
Its the alliance counter part to dairy tales
And what's Dairy Tales
But is Texas Knights a cool guild y/n? Can I hate on troons in guild chat?
you can and you may
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This is your DPS for BRD.
Say something nice.
She's cute
Join us on Tauri :)
every elf should be executed
i enjoy the changes made to the xp system in wallcarft, in particular the boosted xp gained from completing quests. however, im not a big fan of playing beta by myself.
Do you want some gold?
Don't play on tauri. It's dead. Legion in 2 years.
sure. mail me two gold, and only two gold, so that i can replace my shitty level 4 mace with a white weapon sold by a vendor. ingame name is mozart, horde.
there's a beta?
I thought that shit was vaporware
>half of eles talents don't work
quality server turtle.
>wipe once in BRD due to healer pulling extra 2 packs
>paladin tank rages "-9k exp. nice run" and hearths out
paladins you're so soft.
theres only 2 types of paladins.
Gods or fucking shitters who need to be wiped off the fucking planet.
she looks weak to fel corruption
>hunter asspulls 3 mobs>no traps>gets dazed because he's on cheetos stance
me oneshotting his retard ass was a kindness
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On that fishing grind. Goblin bro started dancing with me on the boat to Stranglethorn.
>having trouble farming exp as a paladin on turtle of all fucking servers
>running dungeons for exp and not quests/loot
These retards need to reroll off my class
I like doing dungeons as a little break inbetween the chainpull levelling. Some of the loot in the custom dungeons and their related quest rewards are too good to pass up.
they STILL haven't fixed the launcher?
oh fuck who gave this schizobeard gunpowder
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I'm not gonna make it.
>release malware
>it rightfully gets detected as malware
>wtf why aren't they fixing the thing they intended???
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Just pretend the launcher does not exist. Why is every retard on discord crying that the launcher does not work instead of just booting the game with the WoW.exe like they always did?
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>$50 FOMO on a private server
>launcher installed lexies version of atlasloot
well I'm done with this shit.
i remember interacting with lexie from my brief time(2 weeks) in macro
most stuck up holier than thou cunt i've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
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just edit the lua and remove the flags
i was wondering why my atlasloot was suddenly fucked
god dammit i thought the patcher would be nice with its one-button update addons feature
lexies version doesn't have shit the other one has.
reason is "waaah I don't have access to the database." fucking pansy cunt.
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Levelling fishing can be a bit dull but atleast you get to chill in Sun Rock Retreat again.
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>Don't use launcher
>TRP profiles are all back
It was a bad dream nothing more
There is a beta, and it's still vaporware funslop
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Is that... a FULL MOON
As hideous as that creature may be, at least she's still a woman unlike sylma who will never be one.
Do I have to reach a certain level to send mail on Turtle? Currently level 8 and it says I can't use the mailbox.
that's a man
Okay I just understood what full moon company means, fuck you guys, what's wrong with you?
mental illness what else
funny how jannies condone it and never ban those brainrotted faggots
I don't get it
actually it was named after sylma's ass as it was predominantly is what got the guild going a year ago
Think you have to be level 10 to send mail if it's your first character
Does lft sometimes get stuck? I was in a party earlier, the leader said lets reque and we instantly found a group, what am I not aware of
I need more of Sylma's ass tbqh
>turdle anon discovers store donations
meanwhile i am livid that i cant get 15k to get DP and buy a Tmog for me at that shop because i keep wasting gold with shit, and forgetting to sell tmogs and mats
Oh and the lottery is a pain
>tfw 100g on twow
i sure can't afford this new weapon skill book shit
No. It's because Sylma posted butt all the time. The "Full Moon" is in reference to butt. It was spelled out when they were coming up with names in this thread (because it's a /wpsg/ guild) and some anon said "why don't we name it full moon after Sylma's butt" and people liked it because it was one of the less obvious and obnoxious names.
>wonder why the fuck the earth elementals near kargath are always dead 100% of the time
>elemental earth sells for 2g each in a flash
guess that'll do it
Hope you like spamming dungeons then for them.
What should I roll on turtle wow, bros? I like gnomes.
>elem earth worth something now
I only /need/ one, eventually two. Feel bad for new players.
I dont see many warlocks if you want to be unique, disc priests are pretty good if you want a healer, and pally if you want an overall good class
that's even worse than what I could have imagined
Winterpine Stormguard...
NTA but what's THE warlock spec
please don't say demo please don't say demo please don't say demo please don't say demo
that's a filthy harlot, not wife
Did I stutter? I like harlots!
that's so stupid I believe it, a bit funny too
I mean I didn't say it was any better. But if you're going to rage at their guild name, rage at it for the right reason instead of making up some werewolf shit.
If you're not a 2H warrior, you are gay.
Like I said I havent seen many.I think destro and affliction work in dungeons, I'm not sure if demo even is a spec, lock also had some recent qol features like soulshards stacking to 3 and soul bags having a chance to not consume shards
Warrior is the second most homosexual class after paladin.
>ywn have an entire guild named after your ass
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There better be lots of rogue fixes and changes once I get home and log in.
It's been fun bros but I deleted my turtle character since Fresh is coming out again. See you guys there
I know right? I've been trying to enchant mine to be bigger, but...
lol, lmao even
they fucked stealth again
Rogue is the gayest class. Hiding is for faggots and they're obsessed with buttsex. And just the name. "Rogue." So faggy.
Paladin is second gayest. Warrior is the third gayest.
Then it goes Druid, Hunter, Priest. Those classes are gay.
After that we get to the straight classes. Shaman (which is borderline), Warlock, and Mage. Mage is the most heterosexual class in the game. If you play a Mage, you will have sex with women in real life. Guaranteed.
I play rogue and fuck my wife daily so what gives?
Its true, women lust over my pointy blue hat
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as they say "rogues do it from behind", have you ever seen wife's dick?
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Used to get full lobbies on days like theses...
>If you play a Mage, you will have sex with women in real life. Guaranteed.
Do you think PvE support sub rogue is worthwhile? I'm fiddling around with talents but I can't seem to find the sauce.
you retarded?
>lying to try and trick anons into going the gay way
not today satan
trying to use the turtle patcher/launcher and my pc wont let me allow the .exe to launch the game. am i just fucked?
>Mage is the most heterosexual class in the game. If you play a Mage, you will have sex with women in real life. Guaranteed.
LMAO Good one anon
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here's a tip
double click this instead of using the launcher
>sub rogue PvE
hahahah what the fuck, are turtle devs retarded?
then why are you asking about shenna's humiliation ritual spec?
How much are the new JC enchants? I know it depends on the exact one, any rough averages?
now read his post again, slowly this time
not a terrible idea but they sure made it so it was bad numerically because fuck you
What happened to the turtle guild? Did it get changed again?
>support tree for a pure damage dealer
It seemed interesting. Who is shenna?
Retarded take, both assasination and sub already had support abilities and rogues providing loads of CC is a kind of support, that it doesn't work well for hitting bosses or aoeing packs is a different topic
it is a terrible idea
who the fuck plays rogue on a vanilla+ server and thinks
>hmm I sure wish I could gimp myself to buff my fury warrior's damage
If it worked out numerically no one would be complaining because (You)'d rather be playing assa or combat to deal better personal dps and for pvp it's irrelevant
olivine threw a melty at shitposters and erp drama so we all moved to FMC
Just watched this human paladin run straight into the Sepulcher and get insta killed by the Deathguards. Did she just go mad? We will never know.
>"Solve" the issue of druid hots not stacking
What was the issue and how did they solve it?
t. druid healing enthusiast but doesn't play turtle
The issue was that they don't stack so tree-druids who can ONLY use HoTs felt a bit awkward if you had more than one of them
Now if your Regrowth or Rejuv are replaced they instantly heal for a portion of their remaining duration
windows defender locked your executable. try turning it off and if still doesn't work you might need to download the game again to get your wow.exe back
I outran through brill before and died to a patrol, some 60 laughed at my corpse :(
And then they locked that functionality behind being in tree form? Man that is pretty retarded
I don't think so personally, tree form needed something to sweeten the deal and people have been complaining about how not worth it it is since its inception
Resto druid has a lot of neat ways to play now and each healing spell has a way to interact with at least one other healing spell which is cool, tree needed something to corner the King of HoTs niche
Honestly, this is the correct answer.
t. Warrior main
What about Monks, DKs and Deon Hunters? DKs / DHs vie for first place with Rogues in my opinion.
extremely gay
transexual, even
This anon is correct >>503017618
dh fly around like fairies, very gay
dk resurrect former lovers(male)
monks have never seen a woman except pandas(gay)
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We are anxiously awaiting the Turtle refugees on Tauri.
I shant be playing tauri
>used launcher to update addons
>log in to launcher
>launch game
>have to log in to game
>fucks my UI
>installs lexibean piece of shit atlas
>fucks my autoloot settings
>fucks my fov setttings
gee nice fucking launcher
i'm doing a fresh install and not touching that bloatware
Stuff fixed itself for me by updating the launcher aids and then just going back to using the .exe
i was using superwow and i could not get the autoloot to fix itself
What I did for that problem was get the new superwow release and reapply the dll from that
Across the sea
ye i'm snagging it now
new install doesn't take too long and i backed up my binds/settings/ui/addons.
beyond the sea
my cat stands on golden saaaands
and watches the zepps
that go sailing
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Seriously thinking about sailing to kalimdor too. It's getting harder and harder to come up with in character excuses to continue doing quests for the forsaken. Also I just know the micro second I get distracted this thing roaming Silverpine will rip my head off and there goes my run.
Is there anybody in the turtle community that does custom model edits for cash?
not coming
youre ebtter off finding a 3d model artist or some shit on fiver or twitter or whatever
>half the guild going to fresh fresh...
>moving away from worgens
why tho
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>two paladins
>ones prot other is ret
>ret is clearly new
>middle of zf tank gets hexed
>paladins are the only ones who can dispel in the group
>ret paladin casts hand of freedom on the tank.
>hes still hexed
>he casts blessing of protection
>hes still hexed
>whole time tank is spamming "cleanse" in chat
>he casts blessing of wisdom on the tank
>hex wears off and tank is free
fresh won
>a new player doesn't know exactly what to do
meant for >>503033254
Is turtle still shitting itself? Can't seem to log in
Yeah it is, we’re all playing on Tauri now.
I just finished a 2 hour session where I queued up for rdf as soon as I logged on and it didn't even pop once
Goodbye mold
That can happen, questing is faster than dungeons, but the best times to queue for RDF is the evening and afternoons of CET
what's rdf
pserv bros... I don't feel so good
take some zicam and drink water
i'll get you some 7up and chicken noodle soup
thanks bro
Join us on Tauri, we can do CMs and get moggies!
sylma balls
i'm making a list of every player who has wronged me and i intend to exact vengeance in any way possible.
what's the worst erp you've ever come across?
worgen males hnghghhh
>i will never know why a quilboar knew that spell
Who asked for this shitty launcher? I just want to fucking play
No one asked for it and it's funny that they're eventually going to force people to use it sometime later just to even play
Not like this...

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