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Ferry pits edition

1.62 Update on Friday, hug your replays for the last time

Vikala Trailer
Battle pass


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
Yuel guide for big gains
>Upcoming DLC
Sandalphon in early 2025 (January?)
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Lancelot, Soriz, Anre
>Patch Notes (1.60)
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays
>Graphic Enhancements for PC
>Enable sound while the game runs in the background
>Remove Figure Mode censorship/black void

Previous thread: >>502797815
Critical levels of Ferrymones detected in the OP image
ooohhh ferrypits
and this is a sheep
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When was the last time we saw pigposter
pig poster?
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Specifically this pig
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actually I was thinking of this specific image
Spread your cheeks, gents.
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Timer post.
thats a pig
I, in fact, had sex with Cag.
>t. me
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crazy how I made these posts
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Where did you find this picture of me?
You're Cagliostro?
what are you doing stupid... puts some pants on gosh.
Oh, cool.
why is her ass so fat
She's too young to give her massive bazongas, but a fat arse is still somewhat believable for a 14 years old without looking out of place.
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explain this then
Draph breast development is rapid
Potentially hot aryan
Hmm... Bratty old man.... seducing a danchud....
It's not a human.
And it's also the original design.
Way to miss the point, anon.
I kneel japan...
which character is the biggest footslut?
Assuming that she actually loves me, what would a Vira gf be like?
Would she still be an insane schizo 24/7 or would she be somewhat normal/loving/affectionate
Also, does she cook and clean
Depends on how the writers feel that day.
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offense was improved beyond just 66L and ult skills
cL is +4 now when it used to be plus 2. While 2L got nuked in exchange, fL was also made to be plus nearly universally when before only certain characters had a plus fL. This means that up close you can always 2L cL to be plus and far you can 2L fL to be plus. Old fLs that were plus were Yuel, Metera, Ladiva, and Katalina. Gran's fL was -3, zeta's was -5. Things like this are another reason why offense feels so much strong and why it would be stronger than vanilla even without 66L.
??? What do you mean anon
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Remember when we had + c.Ms back in season 1 of vanilla
guys im new to fighting games. is this game good to get for someone like me?
that was a problem yeah
My wife is so cute!
its as good as any. most modern fighters have a pretty low skill floor nowadays, and this game is no exception
shouldn't be an issue at all. Try the free version of the game first to see if you like it
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Meet your season 2 harvin wife
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ok thank you anons for replying. i will be trying this game out
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Season 2 will be year of the horse
once i get the leverless controller with analog sticks on it I'll finally be able to play granbruise
It's the year of the snake, but okay.
How do we fix Rising?
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Give Belial the Nier treatment
You can't revive the dead.
The thumbnail makes it look like he has a blonde mustache.
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I want to marry aya hirano and make her happy
remove BC
remove 66L
region block spics
add Cupitan
remove 2B
more figure mode poses
buff Djeeta
2P coop boss rush
Granblue Kart
Housing for personal lobbies
Fishing in public lobbies
Hopefully you don’t become as scrubby as her in fg games
add Iron Tager
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>Fishing in public lobbies
>Fishing in public lobbies
no ffs no. No more fucking minigames shit in lobbies.
It's already bad enough, you boot up the game and literally can't find a match because everybody just fucks around and is doing push ups.
But what if they gave you the ability to queue up for a match... while fishing...?
then they would just afk while fishing
>start fishing
>catch a super rare fish that gives you 50k rupies and a nude skin for Vikala
>the fishing animation gets interrupted because you got matched with a Chinese Belial player with 800 ping so you lose the fish
What servers?
I never have any problems getting matches.
>strive just got censored in a patch
its fucking over......

Clown world
>buff djeeta
b-b-but discord and reddit claims that she got buffed in the big meaty le epic 5U throwbait hurrr!!!
So why would you buff a character who was top 5 prepatch and now stronger than ever???
yes. there are people this stupid.
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shit I can't dodge this
>CERO went after their asses
KEKYPOW! Japan is such a cuck country.
lol what did these cocksuckers think was gonna happen? all that tranny shit comes in a package. including dei.
>fights S+
>dodges A rank
something doesn't add up
but...charlotta mirror...
why do you dodge A ranks stinky
it's just an A rank
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sir, I dodge color
not rank
learn the difference
>dodge color
ah so you're a little bitch then
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no I'm racist toward my own kind
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This game is so bad.
This game is very bad.
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I love the Granblue Fantasy Versus...........Rising
it's so bad
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the japanese ratings board, CERO, hates upskirts. western DEI trends have nothing to do with it.
Zeta mirrors are so fun.
the game is so dead
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i was bored
Do people really downplay cag?
I hear people complain about her but I don’t hear cagliostros complain about their character other than 214L not comboing off max range f.L.
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This but unironically
Nezu has constantly shitposted since the game launched that Cag is bottom 5, that alone is enough to put her in schizo downplay tier.
lowain fucking sucks leave him alone
Who the fuck is downplaying Grimnir?
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Ferry's back... erotic...
An obvious top 1 char placed top 7 by zane essa downplay
I can't believe you forced me to ditch my lobby rival
Do I actually have to hold Zeta's pogo sequences even after I block the first hit overhead?
you don't need to hold anything if you have a good enough reversal
Yuel's stinky asshole...
Sieg is constantly upplayed though. Supposedly top tier but less tournament results than Soriz or Vaseraga.
Depends on how deep
I would lick Yuel’s asshole
Same height where she can do a normal again after the series
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My two heroes!
Because she can stagger them at variable timings, sometimes you have to hold it, other times she's forced to true block string to avoid letting her opponent dp or roll out. Her bounce is higher than it used to be so doing pogo higher up now isn't as good as it used to be and can often be rolled out if they stagger it. Deep meaty pogo you usually hold.
silly fox
you can't beat me at 400ms 7rbf
I'm at my maximum power here
I see. How hard is to do it? Might just lab it on my own.
Ferry back and side boob erotic...
silly bubs
you can't beat me at 400ms 7rbf
I'm at my maximum power here
I will genuinely kill myself
I hope nobody makes these kinds of posts with serious intent, because nobody here will take them serious.
And this is not a place to get help anyway.
Do a flip!
What the fuck are you talking about? Sieg is constantly in top 8s, he has some of the best results of any character.
Oh I didn't count those because they don't support my narrative.
luci one tier up, everyone else in subtle downplay one tier down
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>Ferry, Metera, Ladiva
>ur char is bad
Kill yourself downplaying nigger
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GGs yool/bubs anon
you might think you did really bad today
but it's actually me gaining power boost from slow framerate
that's why I can react to your yool flip and bubs teleport with ease

also wtf is going on? our connection was not THAT bad before
Anyone EU wants to play?
They are aware of anything.
Still at work, but in a couple of hours I probably will.
GGs Stinky
I don't know what was up with the connection, it was bordering on unplayable territory at few times
It also messed with my shitty execution on top of that so uhhh, fuck me i guess
>you might think you did really bad today
i don't just think that as the webm demonstrates it
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>It also messed with my shitty execution on top of that
I'm a retard button masher so slowdown just make it harder for me to drop combo
>i don't just think that as the webm demonstrates it
no that was a knowledge check
dormouse can be rolled.
a lot of Vikala shit can be rolled
stinky plays from atlantis
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Get fucked, stinky fox
Also her f.H is CRIMINAL
masturbation gloves
i can’t find matches...
and even when i manage to find one i get obliterated...
are you queueing casual anon... go to to the lo bby
casual is for grand master violence
but in lobbies in can see my opponent...
and i see them laughing at me...
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consider a draph wife (child)
holy shit that's insane
to think that you could be doing a normal diorama but if it shows even a bit of nono parts and the character turns invisible
likely easily removable, but it is much more aggressive that grub's black void
I'm an old man
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I'm a tranny
I'm a siscon
I've been told that I look like this
I'm a loli
Where are you guys finding all these GMs on casual.
I've played mostly casual queue for weeks and the skill level is pretty low, probably around S+/S++ on average.
i recently learnt there's a skill setting in casual queue, you probably have it set to "same skill" instead of "any skill" which would match you into GMs
I honestly forget rolling is in this game sometimes
>I'm a retard button masher so slowdown just make it harder for me to drop combo
Not running into obvious reversal situations might be a good start for me
i play a lot of casual too. in my experience every other player is a master or master on an alt in S+/S++. the actual lower ranks i run into are always S or lower and there aren't that many
bros... I got 2000 grub pics to sort out...
Move gran to upplayed. That nigga is trash
why don’t fighting games just use ELO
Japan is 20 years behind in live service game development
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Io understands
>connecting to server
Lowain is literally the only good zoner in the game and has better mix and setups than the dedicated setup characters.
i have no idea why but the 1 minute wait to connect to server is perhaps the most upsetting part of this videogame
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>even male upskirts are ceonsored

Meanwhile, in grub.
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>strive ''males'' wear skirts
charlotta won
Won what?
the stupid idiot award
Kizzingtons I gotta fyart or shid but I can't force either
I am in extreme discomfort
gotta do some forbidden techniques(exercise) to force it out shiddington.
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Simply make the skirt so flimsy, ineffective, and revealing it doesn't technically count as a skirt anymore.
my mom is so smart
Arcsys doesn't want you to know this
>but not THAT bad
Genuinely all 4 of those characters are quite ass so I get why their playerbase is like that.
Other than that very agreeable. Grimnir downplayers have made me seethe since launch. Also Zeta gets upplayed so much it's crazy. I'm glad Potential Woman has caught on.
I wish we had some autist make Totsugeki but for Granblue
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I can only get to grandmaster by beating masters and GMs beat my ass
I'm a fraud
Gooooooooood Afternoon RAGGERTROON!
You’re still in the minority of better players anon. And no need to beat yourself up
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it just dawned on me that we have no female redhead characters in this game
in fact, 90% of females are blonde
It’s because this game has soul
grub has more than enough soul
i am fine with losing some soul
gib me alexiel
I realize it's autism but I feel somewhat frustrated because it feels there is something I'm missing and I'm not quite sure what to do about it.
>feels there is something I'm missing
10 years of experience in fgs
grinding 24 hours a day
the gene(tm)
nothing that is worth going after for
its totally understandable. Hitting plateaus are never fun
Checking the ones with at least an SSR, I doubt we'll get any
Desu, I don't wanna remote work anymore and payday is coming up anyway so let's play GWANBLUE
larp, we all know Niers are NEETs
>do 2l to catch 66l
>get crushed
It would hurt less if it just said counter.

I know the feeling. It feels like there's just something missing or a weakness that for some reason only GMs exploit.
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I'm the breadwinner and my fast food worker wife Niia pays the basic expenses
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Yes, I do have Parade's Lust on my playlist on Spotify.
I cannot get to Master. I beat other S++ players but always get my ass handed to me by Masters.
This djeeta is a whore
No shit, she's corrupted by homoslut Belial
Grub is really weird with hair colors, with most of the characters having fairly realistic, very toned down hair colors but then there are a few with wild anime hair color that stand out like a sore thumb.
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Give us the KEK
We want the KEK
What does it say about me that I can beat some GMs but still will lose to Johnny Donuts Master players?
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Wait, since when does this board censor ''cuck''?
Nice pits
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Girls with bags under their eyes are the cutest...
bros im trying to play and this faggot scaleheart bot keeps showing up
If playing grub is depressing sometimes
Playing other FGs is straight up miseryporn
Fighting games are for masochists
Isn't Beatrix a redhead?
yeah, but only if you are color blind
She looks brunette to me
anons... eroi...
rat upplayers are really strange individuals. There's no more clear bottom 1 than her, the other bottom characters have at least one thing going for them, she has nothing. she fundamentally doesn't works in this game.
I guess the dowplayers are fundamentally bad at the game and can't deal with her mediocre basic bitch zoning in a game that hates zoners with passion
Clarisse in S2, she has a cozy slot in the character select screen right next to uncle cali
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>i got him again

bros its over they banned me unironically..
Why didn't you... just block him?
Wait what the fuck
you were getting matrched with a bot and you LEFT the games?
>Winning match-up against Siegfried
>Bad character
Yeah okay.
you can?
yea i dont wanna play bots
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>Clarisse in S2, she has a cozy slot in the character select screen right next to uncle cali
Is she an alchemist too? Never played the gacha
Anon, I am sorry that happened to you, it's totally unfair
But holy fuck you are retarded
How giga retarded do you have to be to not just one and day and then block him. This is your average gbvsg poster btw
if you've finished a match you can go to your match history and block them
otherwise if you care enough you can search them out in the rankings to block them properly
>Winning match-up against Siegfried
ok retard
Yeah. Cog is her ancestor and teacher.
Vikky really is the worst character in the game, huh?
Go to recently played and click the profile of a player. From there you can go into another menu and block them
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How sad is it when you try to do something free form and it doesn't work?
that never happens to me because that would be a skill issue and i am plentiful of skill
My biggest issue sometimes is when I land a rare hit and I'm not sure how far I am from combo limit and I end up either not doing as much damage as I could have or I overextend and I do a super or an unsafe combo ender that gets me punish on the whiff.
Sieg might be her worst match up by far.
Even the Lucillius MU is easy in comparison.
They spent all their time making her animations cute instead of making her kit functional
Granblue needs a combo limit meter.
Rape the alchemists
I'm not sure what Vikky is really... supposed to be good at? Why would you even play her unless you just really wanna fuck her that badly.
wtf.. thanks
I don't wanna fuck her, I wanna headpet her and tell her it's okay and that she's doing her best.
this but I want to fuck her
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How does Cagliostro deal with the fact that Clarisse is cuter?
Nier doesn't have RS, Rat has RS
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I don't play rat so my opinion is worthless but I would like to see them focus on her cannons and nerf her projectiles, so she's more focused on setplay rather than zoning
it's so weird, you have these cannons that should be the centerpiece of her kit, but then you can just randomly heal or give your opponent meter. It's not like Faust where you are throwing items near you or in the middle of the screen and then sometimes you can throw good shit to them or bad and it's a clusterfuck, you're never gonna throw stuff at your feet fishing for heart/cheese because they're too rare for that, but then you try to use the cannons in corner pressure or fuck it even midscreen and you end up healing your opponent because balls do no chip (except for the rare cannonball iirc) and you have a chance of throwing a cheese/heart that incur no hitstun.
Ratfuckers, thoughts?
Rat's RS combos result in less damage than Nier's normal mid-screen comboes, though.
Nice try but cagliostro is the cutest girl in the world. Clarisse is alright though
Yeah that's her problem, other bottom chars have one or two things to cling to as cope but rat has nothing.
Well that settles it big boy, you will become a Niia main today
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Also her trap seem mighty useless. I've seen Rats combo off it the same amount of times I've seen rats lose a confirm because of it.
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So she deals with it with denial then. I see.
I don’t play rat but does buffing her kit warrant nerfing her zoning? It’s obnoxious but many characters have a lot of ways to bypass zoning in general
I do think buffing cannons to give her setplay focus would make the most sense because I think she lacks a good win condition
>Ratfuckers, thoughts?
Nah, you're almost right.
I think cancelling her chees/heart should give the benefits to her instead of just negating it altogether.
Also, her 214X already sucks enough as it is since it's so slow. If anything I'd reduce the damage and also reduce the recovery frames to compensate.
Her trap is a pretty important part of her zoning though
the traps are really good at stopping jumps but that feels like that's the only thing they're good at
her 214x is the best part of her kit but it's not really interesting, so I'm all around not sure what they're going to do for her.
Also make the trap faster.
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>0:13 to 0:23
now this is just funny
Cag traps should be patched to be destroyed by the same moves that destroy Vikala's trap. I am sick and tired of hitting 2M only to have it not hit Cag's trap because it isn't a low lmao, while someone like Fastiva can literally do an aerial dropkick to destroy them.
>make her setplay cringe cog lite
No thanks, I can just play cog if I want that. I prefer her more zoning focused gameplay.
Her L and M traps need more hitstun, there's no reason comboing off them to be so hard when they are already so hard to set up.

>nerf her already mediocre zoning
why are you like this
>I think cancelling her chees/heart
Cancelling items in general should be faster than 35 frame too.
S++ rank is the most boring, sterile, sweaty shit ever. No one is happy winning or losing
Just let Vikala pull star every time
Cygames hire this man
An actually functional dp would also be nice, even if metered.
ratnigs are delusional
I indeed want to fuck her that badly and hug her and love her. She's my wife.
That describes Clarise actually. She's insecure, and a bit retarded and uses her cutest facade as cope. She's very cute though just not the cutest.
ye this happens with every low tier character
they think because the character has it rough in one aspect or two it means everything the character has is irredeemable garbage
I mean, they could re-work her 5U so just pressing it she randomly throws an item but holding it the item non th thought bubble keeps changing and star is just the latest/less likely item to appear so you can get it guaranteed.... with enough time.
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You guys are missing the point of playing Rat.
It's like playing Dan in SF.
If you win, you're amazing. If you lose your opponent didn't really win because of the sheer power discrepancy.

Ganbare, fellow ratfuckers!
I forgot about that. Her DP is ASS
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just f.H into ratwheel
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ratnigs got quiet real quick since this was posted.
average sharting enjoyer*
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-Lucilius, probably
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I wish a very painful death upon all rodents
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vikky 2 touches you at any range while also having the best keepaway in the entire game and incredible buttons but shes weak because uhhhhhh
uhhh if you hit her she takes damage
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vikky 2 touches my penis and i end up splurting white goo all over the stage
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Is the Vikky 2 touch and best keepaway in the entire game in the room with us?
if you don't have 5000 crystals you aren't allowed to post here
post pits
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>f.H gets stuffed by anything
Wut now?
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>rolls or backdashes the ratwheel
>rat is now with her main combo and pressure tool on cooldown and/or dead
>rolls or backdashes the ratwheel
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There's a real chance they put Raziel in
I'm gonna be honest I don't dig Magus' visuals. Not sure why because in a vacuum I like all her major characteristics; hime cut, leotard and I'm a MASSIVE hornfag. But there's just something off about her, even in fanart.
>blocks dormouse after backdashing ratwheel or c.l's after rolling ratwheel
Sieg... CHADS!
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Magus hasn't even gotten a standard unit, just the Swimsuit version.
Sucks to be you I guess.
her bangs are too short?
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Always thought she looked kinda like a One Piece character design.
I love extra raw onions on my sandwiches and burgers
ratwheel into f.H is a true blockstring, they can only challenge the ratwheel once you get started.
>blocks dormouse because its a true blocktring from where you want to use ratwheel
lmfao SiegGODS

Magus is the one angelslut Lucilius did NOT make
You can't roll the ratwheel when it's spaced properly.
raw onions and caramellized onions both go well in burgers
that plays a part
but i think i dont like her horns placement or some shit like that
she does look better here
does anyone want to play on EU
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What did they mean by this?
theres narmaya wanting to take a bath with djeeta too
Oh right Astaroth, who constantly seethes about Lucilius being better, made her and she's practically in love with him because of it.
>when it's spaced properly.
So in other words you can practically always roll it.
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I'm joining the lobby in 5 mins
>boot up game
>hop into ranked
>I do a ex special
>shader stutter
>shader stutter
>opponent does ult special
>shader stutter
>i get a counterhit
>shader stutter
>drop most combos
>lose first game
>shaders are loaded and ready
>next match runs smooth
>win the rest of the game
>next opponent
>he plays a different character
>endure it all over again
This looks more standard than her standard outfit
>ratwheel into f.H is a true blockstring
but f.H into ratwheel isn't
>blocks dormouse because its a true blocktring from where you want to use ratwheel
no wonder this ratard is spamming the thread asking for buffs. he doesn't know how to play the character
where the hell is this from?
Your rat rank?
are you using the graphic enhancements? I had slowdown in my game so i turned it off and it runs fine
>post patch master
So C rank, got it.
Who the fuck downplays Grimnir and 2B?
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I'm sleepy
when "spaced properly" it just whiffs and now her main combo and pressure tool on cooldown and gained nothing from
and lets not forget the gap is so big when "spaced properly" you can dash in and roll if you want but lets not talk about that we are gonna pretend her kit is functional
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>Decide to replay some Relink
>Get kinda sad at how Cygames just went up and abandonned it
Not that it's bad, but I just want a Grub game that doesn't suck ass man, I actually like the setting even if the writing is extremely naive.
the story that comes with the Kimi to Boku no Mirai CD
sure bro we use ratwheel at max range and we pretend its belial's projectile but with a cooldown
whiffing your one pressure tool is based
i am going to punch cagliostro in the cunt
It popped off better than they thought it would, clearly. It is a single player RPG from what I understand, but they probably could have ran with the multiplayer aspect a little further and longer.
it happens without the enhacements too. it's not slowdown. it's stutter when performing a attack that requires the gpu to load assets for effects. once that data is loaded it doesn't happen again until I reboot my pc or something.
My main gripe with Relink is gameplay and progression.
Gameplay, you just fight the same stuff but spongier, progression is all about dickramming damage cap as hard as you possibly can. It's a fun game but once you figure out its inner working it feels like a chinese MMO.
hello katgawd
sorry to disappoint but no.
I feel that. It sucks that the main game’s gameplay sucks ass. Maybe there’ll be Relink 2
Oh I see what you mean. It happens to me sometimes as well. Pretty annoying
That is weird, it shouldn't nuke itself when you reboot your pc
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This move is funnier than I initially gave it credit for. So many skulls, crushed.
don't do that...
how can cag call himself the cutest when anila exists
is he delusional
cows are just cum storage devices, they aren't cute.
delete your shader cache, my shaders get corrupted every patch and i have to delete them and load them back every patch
increase your cache folder size
before starting your session go to training mode and do counterhit, blue stuff, throw, RS>RC and super
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not cool
i tried deleting the cache already
>increase your cache folder size
>dropped from s2 down to s4
Should I just pick a top tier?
pick Vira so you get be stuck at s+5~s+4 instead
Who do you play
What character are you playing?
Sure picking strong characters help, but at that level there is more hindering you than character pick.
Even if you pick a strong character like Grimnir, if you're new to the game you'll have to learn the character + the game, so putting in twice the effort than someone who just picks a simple character.
The cunny rat.
this nigga really picked hard mode
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Narmaya if she SF6
then you are just trash. mash f.H in neutral
nvidia control panel
>just spam her 11 startup -23 on whiff move bro
You struggling against the worst character in the game or something?
nta but are you really gonna pretend her fH is bad lol
I mean it's one of her better buttons but it's still kinda bad, yeah.
>-23 on whiff
You mean 23f recovery, yeah? That's a very different thing. Something being "minus [blank]" refers to frame advantage.
yeah, let's ignore the range on that button...
There's plenty of characters with similar range and faster buttons as well as better pay off.
*jumps vs any vikala outside of her 2h range*
Damn this character zoning is so strong! Good thing all her specials are air blockable or I would be cooked bros!
You're right, I might have oversold it. Out of the 48 frames of this move it's only active for 4. It also extends her hurtbox by a mile.
So you only have 11 frames where you can stuff it with anything you want and she only has 23 frames where you can get a counter hit from a mile away.

I guess most characters really can't compete with her amazing f.H.
Can someone please refute the rat slander? I don't want my underage rodent wife to be bad...
>when "spaced properly" it just whiffs
No it doesn't.
>her main combo and pressure tool on cooldown
Use the L version.
>and lets not forget the gap is so big when "spaced properly" you can dash in and roll if you want but lets not talk about that we are gonna pretend her kit is functional
The gap is 11f at most, and even if they manage to read correctly, they are still minus after their dash roll, not to mention that they will explode if you don't ratwheel.
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Bubs anon...?
L version isn't a true blockstring and also doesn't allow you to extend her combo.
>L ratwheel
she's not good, but the people in here are somewhat delusional
again, your character being bad, even the worst, doesn't mean literally EVERYTHING they have is bad
nobody is biting, ratsis. what do we do now?
We were talking about her block pressure, so it not comboing is not an issue. I don't know what you mean by it not being a true blockstring, L ratwheel into f.H is a true blockstring, the only gap is between f.H into another ratwheel as established previously, which the opponent has to hard-commit to stop since it beats low-committal options like dodging and rolling, and cannot really be punished except by supers and projectile-destroying moves with 11f or less start-up.
No one says she's bad at everything.
Just that she's at best mediocre at, like one or maybe two things and terrible at everything else.
>"horrible" ass vikala has better results than the majority of the cast in tournaments
deboonked faggots
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Thank you for playing me, anons in the lobby. I will try to get stronger!
How many tournaments did she win?
it's not about tournament results
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She won the only tournament that matters.
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ratfags btfo
OwO another ferry anon?
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Thanks Sieg anon and Bubs anon for the games!

This game is really fun in little doses.
Now I'm back to Elin
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Not sure what that means but yes I do play Ferry.
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I think MP4's are neat
Are you new to the game or the thread?
Just the thread. I've been playing for a while now.
We appreciate new anons here
how's the game doing overall
I haven't kept up in a while
fuck if i know im not cygames
but it has been holding steadily since the rrat patch
It's doing alright. Better than I'd have expected it to at this point in it's lifespan, really.
Healthy player base, steady stream of new content, plenty of tournament representation.
Not bad at all, all things considered.
be wary of the other ferrys...
what the fuck they work now? what about HEVC?
Are you a gmGAWD like our resident ferry
i dont know the context but thought it was funni
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No I'm sadly just a master pleb...
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how many gmGAWDS do we have? i need to know what characters not to shittalk
what the point
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Sorry about the afks bwo... Had to help out ppl rq...
Charlotta? BANNED
they all play fraud characters
what does that have to do with being GM. you're competing against your same, own character
why be wary of them?
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Last thread's word cloud
once again we discuss anything but the game...
"game" is literally right at the center m8
>game play 66l
Yup, that's Rising alright.
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I have the worst luck imaginable.
>Charlotta fun character
>two master fwehs here now
i dont think im strong enough to deal with two now
>Rising Strive
Fear was right.
>get battlepass maxed out
>no longer have to play this garbage kusotrash
thank god
hopefully they make the game good in season 2 by removing every single sharting addition
niia has downs syndrome dayo
Season 2's balance patch will make big meaty look like a joke, and soivers will all take a collective knee and weep
season 2 will make all of belial's plus on block moves be +0 or -1
trust the plan
ferry downplayers really are on another planet
it's one thing to downplay a mid tier
but downplaying an actual top 2 character?
99% of Vikalas quit before they roll star and turn the match around.
what do you use to create clips and censoring names?
>normals sharting normal 50/50s nigger
Which character is this?
Dunno about anyone else, but I record with OBS and edit in Lightworks.
How they manage to keep the resolution so smooth without insane file sizes, though, I've got no clue.
apparently webm for retards has an overlay feature for "easy" censorship
total cog death
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the version without OD
Another night of losing so far. I’m so sorry Nier. I am failing you.
>vanillacunt being dishonest again
Time to review your games.
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yeah thanks for the games teehee
I meant in life, not in the game
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>See a couple posts about Relink
>Get the hitch
>Figure I'll start with some slimeblasting to grind up the characters I never really bothered with
>No one is online
My auto clicker Rackam is lonely...
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Desu... I can't get close to the harlot with the bow...
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You're stepping on Metera's turf, Satyr...
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Didn't that get taken down because retard is now a no-no word on github?
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Satyr might be even cuter and sexier than Ferry
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>Guy in S with twitch link in his comment

Yep, that's a jutsu
Sub-Master rank streams are sovl
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cwub not found
thank you
bubs is weak because um...
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Thanks I will try out that.
>How they manage to keep the resolution so smooth without insane file sizes
Probably by using VP9 with CRF
I know about that but only allows one image overlay
why doesnt this maya just ufwip when bubs charges his proj
Cog raped me with her feet
praying for you, brother
shhhh my unisonic plus on block +0 quick recovery shhhh
nooo bea look out above you
bubs is good because um...
+ on block divekick that can only be invincible reversed or you have to eat it
+ frame teleport
command grab super
all normals hit 2/3ds of the screen
3 unblockables
2 touch character
imma throw...
scrubbiest divekick in the game. up back +frames. fucking retard character
you know sharting is a dead game for retards with no competition when a straight up broken character like bubs is considered weak by the retards that play the game
but enough about charlotta
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Halfway through it I was still going to reply half-seriously, but I'll just post babu instead
its definitely bubs keeping you in A rank dont worry
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we have multiple bubs players, if you have trouble with him just politely ask for advice or some sets against them, they won't bite
Dragalia... lost
sorry im not a rank so i dont think our garbage bubs downplayers will be of much use for anything
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the shining light from her womb...no....
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>How they manage to keep the resolution so smooth without insane file sizes, though, I've got no clue.
Personally I found an off the shelf double pass script for ffmpeg. It's a little finnicky and I have no idea how it actually works but it gets the job done.
I have JUST the perfect solution for that...
this is more pathetic than the grimnir downplay.
auto neuch ass fireballs
best anti fb tools in the game. extremely high damage, no setup required throwbait/mash bait. INVULN HIGH DMG 50/50 WITH CMD GRAB
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Anila is garbage, this nigga is GAPPING
Why didn't the DP hit Narm?
That's a lot of hits for little damage...
way to jinx it . . .
get fraudnir'd lil nigga
>Anila players are garbage*
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Jinxed it...
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god DAMN
GBVSR commentators are so ass man...
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Huh??? What tournament is the thread watching?
Just like the game
Anyone who says Kekaroo needs to take a gun, point it to the roof of their mouth and pull the trigger.
Commentators as a whole are a mistake.
I don't need someone talking over the entirety of the fucking match, maybe just say something when extraordinary things happen.
this kat isn't very good
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Thank you Bubs anon for playing me a lot. I may have lost a bunch, but I learned a lot as well.
Nah, cat speak posters need to do that though.
>kat isn't very good
Nyes, we know...
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We used to have Peco posters.
We still have Kot and Kok, but I rarely see Peco
dave bros we are in it
I opened it up for sheep milk
It's fine, everyone has to start somewhere and it's just a weekly tournament anyway.
At least, their mic are not too shitty and they talk about the game, even if it's not too informative.
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>kat hits you in the corner and she has 100% meter
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desu and i broke your afk bot again ribbit
the bot is playing robomi now...
if you bc im just gonna jutsu
no sharting antics are allowed, sorry hon
Delinquent Nier...
where is ferry... where is she?
Granblue commentators aren't really bad, at least by FG standards
SF is the biggest FG and they have offensively bad commentators. I'm guessing you niggas missed Marine.
>but oh marine was just a one time thing
nigga, saintcola then. james ''WILL IT KILL?'' chen
FG just has shit commentary, that's all
t. league baby
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was that stupid?
yes, it was
fucking belial nigger deserves it i dont give a shit
gg bwo
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Meet your season 2 guest
if they do any guests for season 2 im uninstalling this liquid shart once and for all
what if guest was hors
grimnir is a blazblue character
>ferry gets one hit on you
>every interaction from then on is a 50/50 and if you guess wrong twice you lose

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yeah that's why hes good
it's fake oki
>Ferry is bad
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shit, autocorrect got me, meant to say Grimnir
>ferry is back
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Narmaya's c.H[k] can low profile a lot of DPs, and it has little to no extended hurtbox. Basically she can do c.H oki and most characters have to respect it.
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heres your tier list if actual players played the game you're welcome
Lucitard... I...
>B: Luci
i play metera
I always knew Percy was an honest and hardworking bottom tier
deicider is definitely the most mentally ill motherfucker in this thread
I'm convinced anyone who posts tierlists are
nah, it has to be green Nier, but he's mentally ill in a severely less obnoxious way
Which pass did I have to slurp to get Christmas edition Lucifaa?
shut up decider, you will never be S+ rank
move lowain up one and ill accept it
>luci is so strong guys, here's all the tournaments he's won!
>i left them in my other pants
no one knows who am i
you are a nobody
this anon got jutsu'd
yeah pretty much, i only observe and judge the other anons
xerom on the telly
hi im playing stalker rn but I'm S++ 2 thanks
xewom... if you played sets against out FerryGAWD you'd do better in the MU...
>using literal cheats to rank up
>STILL not Master rank
please understand lucilius is holding him back
lucilius is 0:10 against ferry
I only jutsu kat niggers and play everything else out but nice try buddy
Vaseraga in the top tier is highly suspect
Bitch shut the fuck up, I have seen you sperg out about the most random, inoffensive characters in the game, you are absolutely cheating all your way through and you still can't make it lmao
I've seen you chase ghosts in half the threads I look back into as well, and i find it funny.
Please keep it up!

You realize I'm one of probably several people posting jutsu shit, right? You're not /that/ retarded are you?
Whatever helps you cope retard.
iago just bc's everything
If it helps, you're too low ranked to ever run into me.
I want to kiss Jitta's boo-boos...
did you get molested as a kid?
you're too much of a pussy
that's a projection if I ever saw one
sure ft10 in vanilla
donkey vs rat on the telly
Crazy how there's more "muh low tier" or unpopular characters in tourneys than one of the most popular characters in the game.
most people aren't tier whores

no you see ferry just has super high tournament representation because uh....
Ferry has a 10-0 MU against my penis
Ferry has a 0-10 mu against a sniffa
Ferry has a matchup.
>le cope
you are the ones making excuses for losing against low tiers. but sure king.
>All the sudden Luci and Belial's after the big meaty
If you say so. Anyway, the character I am referring to isn't even a top tier.
>a gen full of A ranks think any character with a gameplan harder than mashing 66l into autoconfirms and a 70% combo is trash and that any character that can punish braindead mashing is broken

hmmm im sensing a pattern
insane how hard an honest mid-tier like Djeeta has to work for a fraction of the pay off as Katkucks
insightful post, deinigger
umm, pissbros? our response?
our narrative is being shattered
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>get lv5 against rat
>rat is at 40% health
>do nothing
>rat has better normals than luci
>omg luci's normals are so broken he's S++ tier!
>throwing just to keep the downplay alive
pissfags we won
see you guys in a few months when rat wins the arc world tour, and downplayers slice open their own bellies
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it was supposed to be zeta's turn first...
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Bread-sama... are you a coomer?
Luci is low tier. Rat is top tier
never listen to rattards
Why does run-up DP keep working...
it is unbeatable
Lucilius mains have ONE (1) combo to learn and they can't even do it properly
What a miserable existence
whyd that guy pussy out on the og ft10
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ggs ferry anon.
ggs nier anon.
thanks for playing. have a goodnight.
Another grand finals with the tiny gorilla
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ggs ladiva
ggs afk farm guy, ill come back for you
Think of the Kizzingers, Xerom...
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It's not just a dream tonight, it's a reality, Charlotta is FEASTING de arimasu
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GGs Ferry Anon, Ladiva Anon, and Bubs anon. I enjoyed my time playing with you all!
Now I must eat.
Forgot to mention, Charlotta's DP is one of those that gets low profiled. You don't even need to space yourself.
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GGs Ferryanon, G's to bubsanon hes cheating op character see me at locals. I must eat too.
no wonder you dumb niggers downplay all the top tiers luhmeow
>commentators page doesn't even exist on itch.io
>doesnt exist anywhere
djeeter's 15 year old pussy
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Ackshually, we have a rather big amount of masters and grand masters
I should know, they kick my ass in the lobby pretty often!
I wouldn't be surprised if decider was also the rinna stalker
he seems starved for attention
is decider in the thread with us right now schizobro
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she's so cute
i love her
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>yuel big feels
It's true, I love her.

I think it's a good thing all young women like boy penis
Djeeta gives great head and swallows. 15yo.
I give great head to Djeeta.
And swallow.
Was this posted? I forgot the read when I got home.
nyes someone posted it
Fixed an issue x8 and some other minor bugs.
much needed vikala nerfs lets goooo
A real fighting game balances character every patch
luci is op because um.... his 5m hits kinda far...
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Here's your season 2 guest character, bro.
I knew Percival was broken
Are you guys having fun
wait we have two ferryanons im confused now
ferryanons are made for sniffing
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Buff Vira
Nerf Djeeta
i would rather fight belial than ferry
decider has a point
You haven't fought a "good" belial
belial is just a spicy shoto he still has to play granblue
ferry is just a nigger rock paper scissor generator
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found a good ferry blocking sim
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my honest reaction
>won 5 games of rock paper scissors in a row
yeah im kinda nice
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Time for game 2, ferrybro
I immediately went 0-3 in rock paper scissors
why doesnt that guy just go back and read all the tips ferryanon1 posted about how to beat her
>having more fun on RPS than sharting
oh nyo... the OGs were right...
>8+ stalemates
I've finally found my soulmate...
no tip will help you beat pachinko nigger characters like ferry, ladiva and grimnig
if the world willed you to lose, you will lose
i just Pd on one of you niggas
d-do I get to be ferryanon2
I can beat most masters and some grandmasters that I fight but still lose to some random S+ Vikala, which feels way worse.
im too fucking nice at rock paper scissors maybe i should be a ferryfaggot
queue for bruise I got a daily kizzingtons
So uhh what characters should I play if I lose of my matches on this site?
something braindead like sieg or bea
dishonest neuch will carry you
the effectiveness will depend on your penis size though
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Vira. privileged cunt will carry you even youre blindfolded
just got a belial matchmaking banned for 24 hours
you're welcome
>he doesnt pick paper every time
i did that and my opponent caught on in one turn...
you go paper till they go scissors twice in a row then you go rock and then you go paper and then you go scissors
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gawdlike strat, haven't lost a game since
wtf it works
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I wouldn't have told you to do it if it didn't work
Rushifer... lend me your power to win at RPS...
only if you play a certified not fag character
The game is so awful right now, the big meaty just shifted power around but everything is still cancer. Lucifer and Belial and Kat are so fucking broken it's driving me insane fighting these characters over and over in ranked
Yes, you're a carried retard. Please stop infesting ranked.
and yet not a single one of those top tiers could ever hope to make me seethe as hard as fraud niggers on "worse" characters like cag, lowain, grimnig, soriz, bubs, ferry, metera, 2b, lance, seox, charlotta, ladiva, etc.
the game is perfectly fine right now with those characters being the best
>noooo i keep mashing and he keeps hitting me
Belial, Luci and Kat are all cancer but none of them are nearly as bad as pre-meaty Nier.
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Your rat looks a bit crooked
luci is literally just a worse soriz
and you niggers cried about soriz at launch and then he turned out to be a low tier noob stomper

weird how history just repeats
I at least didn't run into Nier very often.
man, you've been at it the entire fucking day, give it a rest will ya
I would much rather play against any other character than fucking Belial for the 5th consecutive year.
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anon is chasing ghosts again
that guy lives rent free in his head
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You harlot. Wench.
That's our whore wife you're talking about here anon, show some respect.
guys luci tournament results just flew over my house
two more weeks
trust the plan
Those Chickadees were so scared. They cried for help...They didn't fully understand what was happening to them..
They were being made into full fledged knights, anon, it's no easy task.
Does Zippy not exist as a player to you
he got 8th in a tournament 3 weeks ago
damn thats crazy
what other people are playing luci cause hes high tier so we def know all the metafags who care about tournaments will play him
luciGAWD straight moggin u lil niggies
Luci just fits my playstyle, ya know? I just vibe with him lol idk what it is
Sieg just fits my playstyle, ya know? I just vibe with him lol idk what it is
he already won an offline tournament with luci
>umm akshually he won an offline at brads house with all of my casual friends over while they were all shitfaced and barely paying attention to the game so luci is BROKEN!!!!
This but unironically
Kat just fits my playstyle, ya know? I just vibe with her lol idk what it is
I'll drop her after the nerf tho
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>a bunch of literal whos
kinda not helping
Clearly just gap. We all know how hard he was gapping on Nier after all, so why wouldn't it be the same on Lucilius?
kouji got 2nd at arc world tour finals and aaron won evo
>I want to be known in a /vg/ thread
>do I be good at the game the general is about, or do I be a huge faggot
i think both
>wanting to be famous on an anonymous site
If you want attention there’s easier ways to do it
So why do counters and DPs and supers have so few recovery frames? THis is scrubby as fuck
>why do dps have so few recovery frames?
Fraudlotta player detected
Gran whiffs an ult DP and can move the instant he touches the fucking ground. I can't get an H punish on belial's DP. what the fuck is going on in this game?
Belial's DP is retarded but gran's ult DP is -25 on block so if you can't punish it that's just a you problem.
you are just bad at the game
damn I guess I'm just bad okay retard
What is it on whiff?
invuln ends on frame 20 and he recovers on frame 52
checking in and seeing people pretend to be me is hilarious. love you guys

cause issa party masher
Belial or shit like Charlotta I can understand but you have no excuses for Gran's
anybody west coast/east coast wanna play? I'm in the lobby.
I can play for a bit but my internet might die in the middle of the set
I wish I had the sol dp webm but man if you can't punish Gran's DP that's on you
it has happened to me, but i just accepted it was my mistake and moved on
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>I wish I had the sol dp webm
You mean Sol DPing in your face while blocking but recovering fast enough to DP again?
no its one where sol whiffs dp then millia runs in to punish but he recovers instantly in the ground
I hate fall and winter. Cold weather makes my hands too stiff to play consistently
Bro, your AC?
np decider, keep fighting the good fight
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Cygames will pay for not giving us the new game mode
Ferry… T.T
Also that’s amazing news
That wasn't part of the season pass though, everyone was supposed to get the new game mode.
the new game mode was robomi
they listed lobby minigame separately
lobby minigame is soccer
soccer was in since the beta
no, they added it later
you can't prove otherwise, it's the lobby minigame
I'm gonna do it
I'm actually gonna watch my replays to figure out what the fuck I'm doing wrong
huh so maybe they will indeed reveal season 2 all at once
I wonder if they'll need to specify which characters are included in the pass instead of going pay 30 bucks for 6 mystery negroes.
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GGs lobby. Sorry for leaving the convo short but my game got stuck on the messaging screen so I alt+f4'd
Why aren't you watching Rinna stream you fucking homosexuals
Don't lewd loli Ferry
She is for headpats and feeding healthy food only
I honestly liked the drip feed reveals of characters. I was pretty disappointed that the characters for season 1 was leaked with exception of 2B
fuck off stan
Oh she's back to Vira now? What happened to the Kat grind?
I will fuck off when you watch her stream
My tea's gone cold
I wonder why I got out of bed at all...
teazzington... das not very gawdlike...
I promise to not lewd loli Ferry but only if she shows me her pits first.
And kissing and licking her all over her body
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another swimsuit cag screenshot from your guys' sets
ggs cagGOD. you're quite good for having so few games. and good games ferrynon always a pleasure
Hey faggots I said watch RInna's stream, stop pretending you didn't see my post
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Ggs bros, fun games.
Vikala bullying Cag...hopefully we get that Vikala swimsuit mod ASAP.
GGs bro, our games are always so close
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The morning rain clouds up my window..
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be gray,
But His Largeness picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad, it's not so bad..
>Rinna stream sitting at 26 viewers
>Yell at gbvsg
>Viewer count spikes to 39
that's it? We only have 13 niggers here?
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Yeah they are. you're a great sparring partner.
Cag raped me
All I know about Rinna is some screenshots I saw of that person yelling at someone in chat and looking like a retard so I will not be watching.
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i am feeling left out
>he doesn't want the GFE of being bitched at by a biological woman
Join the FUCKING lobby next time.
If I wanted to be bitched at by a woman I could do that anywhere.
Thanks anon. Your adaptation and awareness for combos are really good
Your Vikala was very strong she was kicking my ass
>King Kizzie and Queen D(K)izzy
No wonder he plays Ky and Sin
Is that
built for molestation
Oh maybe I should've joined the lobby...
But I already played so much today and I thought it would be awkward...
I'm regretting my decision...
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huge tits on the left
this bea is pushing rinna's shit in
good to see
surely I can't be the only one who has read a variety of loli doujins but still gets weirded out by people sexualizing this ferry
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Timer post.
I always forgot just how fucking massive his Vastness truly is. That nigga is built like a fucking brick, if he wasn't so fat he could've easily been the next Mike Tyson or some shit.
how do i get ferryanon to notice me
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she's so cool
she MOGS that dumb whore
discuss the stream matches you niggers
Yeah. He has a good frame. if he stopped being a lardass he could look good
imagine the smell
nigga she looks one year old
He says he practice muay thai but I don't believe a word of it, unless it has a sumo-like branch that I'm not aware of.
She looks more five or six I'd say.
Patch notes
wow, it's fucking nothing!
I should've asked ferryanon for ferry tips after we played the ferry mirror earlier today...
I got distracted by food...
fat fuck
no... everyone needs food to live...
Fasting is good for you.
don't listen to him kizzington. you need that triple quarter pounder to SURVIVE. he doesn't understand us
Im sure if you ask tomorrow he'll see it, he said he lurks often.
Our Kizzingtonness will be proud of you for prioritizing food over matches
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They won't
I'm getting bullied... I didn't do anything wrong...
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kind of wild how viper had a woman kidnapped and imprisoned in his garage for years..
Huh, is this a recent change. I got dark souls 3 on release and bought the season pass when there was no dlc out yet.
It just got changed a few hours ago apparently.
Interesting. Seems like a benign change to me
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sex with cagliostro
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Would he let me put it in her pooper?
did you win anon
we went pretty even though he had a winning record in the end I think
nice, did he make you go through his lesbian gauntlet
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only the vikala and the ferry
>forgot the c
You want one early? Fine.

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