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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>502771381

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/10/29)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
post your character!
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I just want to empty my photons into Esvatira's mouth.
Cumming inside left until she breaks
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What are my chances with karinas
>ai and koi in b4
>both using gene's outfit
>can't help myself but start stroking
I don't feel like logging in to do it...
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I havent played in like a month?
Why don't any of you look like this
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The LTQ is pretty fast. You shouldn't have more than 2 minutes in Rank 3
ngs claim to fame: new content after weekly maint can be speedrun in 2 minutes
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>only 3 ranks
Analogous to cumming too fast during sex. Was hoping for more. It was fun while it lasted. I'll keep grinding it for the mat.
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I'm horny but my wife isn't online yet...
you should play with your pso2g wife one final time before eos
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I ran out of salon passes...
Like I said, once you go T2. You're stuck forever.
femrice is based though, stay that way
It's ok, Sega will give one to me soon. They always do.
Only if you're bad with T1 fashion.
Lost to A again...
I wish someone would lose to me.
Lost to H...
lost to this post
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Now that maintenance is over, it's time for maintenance.

I scratched.
remember use to your living onaholes
Who are the living onaholes
Newman and caseals mains
Caseals are all prudes
Only if they don't like you.
Does the solo quest drop anything?
>.mp4 uploads possible now
The future is now.
>still no sound
>mp4 support
you lie
>fucked it up again
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>log in
>normie friend jumps to invite me
>quickly acts weird out of nowhere
>accuses me of "not being horny" because i was "caught" "plapping" "the other day"
>complains about being sleepy, i comment well maybe you should get some rest then, so they double complain "wow you care? first time"
>keeps complaining at me to go back to bed, i just got out of bed
>now went offline
what the hell did i do
Well, did you plap someone?
because it looks bad in game but good in fanart
sure but thats none of anyones business
Lmao what the fuck
Laugh at him for being a frantic panicky retard I guess
How the hell did you get caught and not notice? Sounds like he wants something more.
1 minute LQ for some rewards, I guess that's fine, easy to do the rewards.
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I tried my best.
i didnt "get caught", i plap whoever i want like most of us do
yep he demoted himself away from getting plaps instead
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you guys waited a whole year for this garbage pso2 content

Is the file you shared anywhere close to up to date? It looks almost nothing alike in the salon with much tinier eyes and fatter legs compared to your pictures. Just curious.
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Why isn't there a Toblerone version of this? You guys have the freaks for it.
updated my game and logged in, saw nothing new and logged out. what was even in the update?
maybe next time don’t befriend a schizo
If you weren't black you'd make one yourself instead of waiting for gibs
>my skin color indicates to others that i'm not a mentally ill troon with thread enemies living rent free in my head 24/7
holy based
>this coming from the same nigga who believed we were gangstalking him to ratio his lookbook
nothing new
>desperately going back to spreading misinformation as a coping mechanism
this is because you're light skinned that you're a troon
also you retards have admitted to this multiple times, dumbass
only after you gave us to the idea to do it
I’m going to do it right now in fact
uh oh the light skinned troon is having a melty
do it you sperg you wont
The last one I gave is pretty much this.
I need something to watch while farming
I just open my wallet. want gear? I drop an easy $100
want meseta? I drop an easy $200
That's cool but you can't buy the upgrade mats for tri selio...
you were given more than half the materals from the seasonal event. ran ltq a few times got my tri
But tri selio didn't come out until the seasonal event went away... and I'm working on a second one...
New LTQ is gonna make getting tri pretty easy.
It's pretty easy but a bit tedious especially since you can still get only 1 Evoluvolt drop per run even with 100% RDR
How do you not have it, I farmed it out like two weeks ago.
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I already have one, but I'm working on getting a second
Also I didn't run Solus or farm the previous LQ much cause they're boring
They are, I can't believe they hyped this shit so much as " difficult solo boss " only for it to be a 1 minute fight.
The difficulty lies in the amount of time you're willing to farm it over and over and over again
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That's coming out next week, they didn't say anything about the difficulty for this one.
Almost nonexistent chances that it'll actually be difficult, but yeah.
>it's just a solo purple
lmao... why am I even playing this shit anymore
>only 1
I've been getting between 1 to 3 per run. It's just not consistent. 1 is guaranteed.
Worded it poorly, but that's what I meant. There's still a significant chance to only get 1 per run even when using boosters
>expecting hard content
>on a coomer dress-up game
that's just dumb
post your endless score
Friend how much dps do you do on r2 Solus, r2 Dalion with sword only?
you could always enter the challenges hosted by the shadowboss and ourgirl Kat. The last time they did a team one with a 200 million meseta pay out to each person on the winning team. Good luck!
What? What the hell are you talking about, I'm not going to play with some normies.
if kat is a normie then got damn what are we lmao
I literally have no clue who kat is?
She is the Ship 2 Shadowboss and President of GitGud HighSchool
Normies really underestimate how much we keep to ourselves and don't care about them
I literally never heard of this guy. I just play by myself.
Calling any NGS player a normies is an insult to normies
If you haven't heard of Kat and are playing global you've basically confirmed you suck at the game.
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don't care
nah lil nigga check the twitch stats lmao
aint no celebs here
list pso2g celebrities
>rank 3
>literally the same reward as rank 1
Nice game
jackie chan
rank 3 gives more medals
Literally nothing then since the shop didn't even reset
doppel (multi fashion show top prize winner)
platinum ix (infamously dependable and skilled player both in base and ngs)
jack (ship 2s biggest desperste gooner rapist, fame is fame)
aiatar (one of ship 2s prime twitter thots)
maru (but only within pso2g)
meant for >>502959384
I love minheights!
No e-celebrities play NGS.
Hey that’s me!
Every player who's barefoot in their fashion is fucking disgusting. Instant turn-off.
Come sit on my lap
Every player who's barefoot in their fashion is fucking hot. Instant turn-on.
enjoy your tetanus
feet are overrate everyone has them
Dangerously based
What kind of logic is this? Is anal low tier because everyone has a butthole too?
>responding to the ESL contrarian
Barefoot minheights? desu?
That's me!
Hey that's me!
Minheights without feet desu?
bobs are hot because i dont have
price check on legless csl set
This is the only game where the threshold to become a celebrity is 20 twitch viewers
you can't afford it
Steppies? Ideally from both of you at once?
krittening is the hottest pso2g its not even a question
Smug bullying steppies!
Low supply+bogged+demand
>he didn't buy during the initial release
To this day I also regret skipping Andrawn body
Only need to wait two years to get csl and cast sets for free in mission pass
I didnt have the game installed then, sadly.
>they put that ugly camo variant instead
Why does it even exist?
also cheapfuck SEGA refuses to give us the hairs while the casts can get the full set
>>they put that ugly camo variant instead
>Why does it even exist?
so you can't have something that looks almost as good as the set you have to pay/grind/save dripfeed meseta for
they have the chrome variant
I wish they give us that instead
>almost as good
lol, lmao
They used to give us /B or /2 variants of AC CAST parts that were basically the same as the parts people had to scratch or grind/save up for
noticed how they stopped doing that and only do camo now, rarely metal finish?
camo is now the 'poorfag'/F2P mark of shame for CAST/casl
CASTs get the normal versions too, caseals are stuck with the ugly camo
I want to rub the face of barefoot loving anon with my bare feet.
well yeah cause the caseal parts are what sells and they want you spend real money to get them or miss out, and settle for your camo poop smeared cope version
I spy a new cute little one and I'm not in my Sylphid look right now. I'll have to save him for later.
stop shota harassment
Hi, i heard you liked feet.
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my cute friend!!!
no u!!!
Which emote is that
its the new IDOLA emote with the reystern burn effect and shadows eye glow for the effect.
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why this quest even exist?
for the tryhard bwos
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I beat Lucifer 30 times. Now what?
I want to mating press a caseal
>"I reek of insecurity" The post.

Verification not required.
You do it another 30 times until you hate yourself. Then you realize stalker 2 is out and play that
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It's shit though
Your loss
How PSO2 NGS Headlines are
We're getting a new scratch next week
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meanwhile in some obscure corner of the net
but why
Kek. Now we can reenact ragne vs rockbear fights again
>4 weeks ago
I feel bad for him. That's a lot of effort for a shitpost
It's a learning experience regardless so he still gets something out of it. Can't say the same for the chronic shitposters here
He would ahve been better off putting that effort into something like Genshin
people spend weeks/months speedrunning shit like DFD just to get 50-100 views, less than any pso2 twitter post
it's hilarious
whats your problem you friendless fuck
>you get placed on the special olympics leaderboard
>a full ass smash pos2 mod taking hundreds of hours of your life away
>into the trash
I don't make the rules here. Market awareness is market awareness. I have seen ZZZ content creators who flip out, delete, reupload their own videos because they didn't get the views they wanted. Youtube is kinda shitty anyway
when was the last time english pso2 devs spoke to the community?
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solus is dead, see you in 3 hours
same LQ but with a party next week, enjoy!
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Speaking of shit games lmao
NGSchads stay winning
>at launch, New Genesis is what it is: a game released in 2021 that’s stuck in bad practices from 2012.
Got damn this is the most truthpill take ever and this was back in 1.0 yet nothing changed
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Playing genshin teaches you.. what?
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it's up
He means he should've made a fangame for Genshin instead retard
>i wasnt told or invited
Reading comprehension.
So same process of ripping assets and animations and applying it to the fangame? Nothing different?
Reading comprehension.
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Damn Atalanta got filtered hard by Animatica
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>tfw Luther's VA died years ago

>EN VA got ass cancer
>JP VA got canceled
cursed character
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We are some of the lowest IQ individuals out there. We skip over better MMOs, singleplayer games, anime, books, TV shows, touching some fucking grass, anything that is out there to play this garbage every day of the week. And then we pretend like things will get better. We are hopeless. Helpless. We have some serious issues. All of us. For example, here comes Monster Hunter Wilds, some of you are going to buy it day 1: Deluxe Edition, play for 1(ONE) day, then drop the game and come back to NGS and say the game is boring or some other shit lmao! Earlier this year we got Granblue Relink: a Singleplayer and Co-op Online Action JRPG that is PSO2 without the MMO. Majority of you didn't play it. We got people like this guy >>502984472 lmao. We have no right to speak on anything. Not a single one of us. I write this post and tomorrow I'm still going to play this shit game LMAOOOOO
did any anons save the modded creepshot pics?
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That's a lot of words to say
>your opinion a shit! SHITTTT!!!
Yes. Opinions are like assholes. Nothing new. Now excuse me while I kill time by engaging in slop activity #81648284738
then what are you waiting for? post it!
dat Red Shoes tho
I want to breed Buelle.
I play because my wife plays
this post is too much for us. dumb it down a bit
Nice mouse cursor.
hey... share it...
>mouse cursor gets to plap that butt
how do I become a mouse cursor bwos?
its how you lure caseals
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Oh son of a bitch.
Why are you cucking mouse cursor kun!
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I need a better way to take screenshots.
>placing the cursor above your ass
this caseal is a slut! she is asking for it!
The game's built in SS function?
I would let mouse cursor kun plap.
The ingame screens gives a big ass logo for no reason, and I haven't bothered with reshade yet, but I probably should.
You can use steam screenshot function too if you're playing through that.
i can fix her
Oh right. The dumb fat logo. I take in 4k so I usually just crop it out and resize to 1080p
reshade screenshot button, maybe print screen if you're desperate
>caseal doesn't know how to use computers
I run linux, and it doesn't hide the mouse when I print screen, so I have to do some really jank shenanigans for it to properly work.
Post butt
there is a mod that removes the watermark
So that's how you groomer work. First there is a mod that removes the watermark then there's a mod that removes your clothes.
>wake up
>lots of lewd browser tabs
i did it
I got the mods that remove clothes before the one that removes watermark.
I would tell you about removing your clothes before a watermark desu
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well, yes
It was me, anon. I opened up your history to see all the porn sites you've been to then started opening more tabs to drown your computer in coom!
You almost make it sound like a bad thing.
Caseal sex is so based.
GOD I love slutty caseals.
Nothin to fix
It was just lots of sadpanda links and some twitter stuff, you could've done better!
I'll fill your browser with pictures of my character next time then
Hey... Should I share them?
Alright anon. Next time I'll use an onahole and jerk you off while you're asleep then poor the mess on top of you afterwards
good job
I wouldn't mind, in fact that does sound nice
This was perfect till you mentioned the very last part, but at the same time... maybe it wouldn't be that bad of a trade off.
csl doko
Yeah, ignore that other anon, they're gross. My plan was cooler.
But how else am I supppse to make it look like you had an explosive nut and passed out because of it
I'd fill your browser tabs with my secret unshared stash.
Yeah I'd infect every tobleseal with coomer.exe desu desu desu
Stop sexualizing caseals you cowards
4chan supports mp4 uploads now. Post some NGS videos of whatever you want.
Shut up sexbot. Now come here so I can install the newest wombforce in you.
Only in wsg for now. Also only 264 codec. It's meh.
What's the most erotic outfit to post with in aco
No it's rolled out to other boards. /v/>>>695152652
it's live for most boards anon
wont work on me, not compatible!
Oh cool. Guess I'll check it out in a bit.
fug I messed up the link >>>/v/695152652
Both sound good but I must take a shower now...
Well fug. You win this time! But it won't save you from the csl hunters. They'll do it even if you don't have wombforce install!
Post NGS mp4s!
reminds that i need to prepare those!
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I got you
I'm not in this!
>mp4 support
>still no audio
What's the point?
So we don't get more fucking garbage twitter reposts.
How does it solve anything?
It gatekeeps a bit but it doesn't solve.
I can imagine it helps newfags as most don't even know how to convert videos to webm
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solus is dead, see you in 3 hours (again)
But what does it change compared to just having webms?
You're still gonna need to convert it since it's unlikely that an MP4 won't have audio
Better support across platforms. Yes it's outdated, yes it's only h.264 but it's something. Also fuck audio I don't need to be opening videos and it screams nigger at me.
Man this game is really fucking dead when no one has anything they want to show off in a mp4 post. It can be literally anything but no one is posting.
Make something yourself then?
It's over.
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No new sex video this week?
post butt?
i'm in this!

and i didn't die
Show us the view from behind.
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I haven't even taken a single nsfw pic in two weeks. No ideas or motivation.

H.264 mp4 stink
>I haven't even taken a single nsfw pic in two weeks. No ideas or motivation.
It's over.
lets come up with ideas together...
>over 10 min gap between posts
literally only ingmae faggots are here in this thread despite saying they are not
Can we get more T2s doing this with the new mp4 feature? More dances from behind while wearing Gene's outfit please.
>We skip over better MMOs
Stopped reading there. NGS is the only game on the market that delivers what it does. You're a retard with learning disabilities if you think otherwise. NGS is the only game like it and it automatically shits on anything with tab targeting or gacha characters.
I don't care about this drama. Post more videos of T2's wearing Gene outfit dancing from behind.
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Also front. The 4mb limit is still pretty annoying. Probably better off resizing to 720p and increasing the bitrate a bit more to compensate. Can always catbox the high quality version I guess.

Very low rizz.
Very uncanny face. Creepy rather than ugly. Lifeless.
I like the ass more...
>Gets called rizzless
>gets upset and shitposts
lmao T3s are embarrassing
Wdym that's t1 behavior to a T
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There's nothing wrong from having tastes that are different than the majority of the market. It's just how it is.
And plus with how popular NGS is in Japan, I'm pretty sure if this game were to ever EOS then we'd eventually see a company eventually attempt to emulate it's success while avoiding it's failures.
I literally just idle here while playing a gacha or watching a show/movie
Name some T1s who have done that. Here are some T3s who have done that: Asuka Eros, Grizzermach and buttons.
T1 here. I like Ai, in fact a bit too much. That's all.
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Just this once.
Enough to get weekly clears done.
Literally what are you talking about? The shitposting hasn't even happened yet. Are you clairvoyant?
Based we need more mp4s and not this pointless shitposting.
Azrice had an actual tantrum in the thread when Ai rejected him
Orc bro?
To rare drop koi koi?

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>Indian Boxy
Was that real though? Azrice is a bit of the class clown who would clown it up for funsies.
qrd on azrice
qrd on aiatar
qrd on hennika
No. Play the game and find out yourself.
Buelle please post a video of you dancing while wearing Gene's outfit.
Let's give this a try then.
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Blabla relink better blabla monster hunter better blabla sao better blabla some chinese predatory gachaslop with production value better
Ngs may be an aged built on 2012 game but get real
But not you, goddamn it
Heh heh~
Tiny head
>pretty much confessed to my crush
>they have been avoiding me since
I did not think it would hurt this much
who is your crush
Time to move on
You'll get used to it. That's the life of a T1.
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I made it bigger
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Me when I see another caseal.
Looks good
same but i sex sex sex the caseal
>almost perfect heart
tell wakaba to make his micro head normal sized
are all caseals's valid?
You know the rules...
Stop being a sex pest grizzer
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thanks fren!!!!!!!!
Fuck off Niggermacht
im convinced bluey is an alt
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It's weird that you see a csl and think of a greasy italian guy desu
That blue bot from shop 1?
It's pretty obvious...
>Little Finger Pose rerun
Get it...
Who is Bluey?
Dabadi dabadie
Post one more... I need to judge it more closely
>csl gets hit on
>must be grizz starting a new account asdfasdfsd
You mean it's not benchy still seething?
I was trying to avoid namedropping the faggot, but yeah
>shitroped pants wasn't able to stop himself from naming his boyfriend again
I'm gonna start over on a fresh account and rizz every T2 up as a T1. I'll be Azrice but successful. It's time to become the ugly bastard...
And here comes the bencher, right on time lmao
Gotta admit though. Many lols were had because of his retardation
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I've had it since it came out though...
ill always wonder why you ghosted me
because you're a fucking weirdo benchy
>benchwarmer got negative rizz to the point even a slut denies him
benchy tried to hit up a lot of anons, it was during his "everyone actually likes me and my shitposters are just outliers" phase
the only ghoster here is stella/zerotaiga who got groomed frpm based cast to a mediocre t2 then downgraded into literal paedophile bait
But zero has ghosted no one.
who groomed him?
I talk to him every day.
That's it, that's the last fucking drop, I'm out of here for good. This worthless shit dank hole that is /pso2g/ isn't worth my fucking time anyway. I did not come here with the intention to shitpost or complain about the coomers or whatsoever, but it seems people can't fucking deal with an opinion. But who the fuck am I kidding I have not ever seen someone on here who doesn't go full retard or spend all their time shitposting about fucking vagueposts, benchy and hornyposts. Every fucking day in the month that I have been here have has every fucking day been repost day, with the occasional buttpost and gameplay discussion that effortlessly overthrow the god damn faggotry that has infested that cursed fucking place. You are no better than reddit, you are no better than twitter and I bet even /xivg/ laughs at you pieces of shit. Everyone in Toblerone fucking denying that they're a bunch of shitposters, but I am seeing the same fucking pattern, uninterrupted, seamlessly every fucking day without the slightest bit of change. And if there is a god damned baitpost, how about you don't fucking feed the god damn troll, don't play their stupid fucking games. Holy fuck, I am so fucking sick of this fucking thread, all of you, kill your fucking selves. You are intellectually, emotionally and socially incapable to argue over anything, you are a fucking waste of time and space and if I could I would gas you all fucking Hitler style. FUCK YOU AND THIS RETARDED ABYSMAL HELLHOLE.
dies irae
Came. Thank you
What's the quicksands of this game
0/10 pasta
Sorry bro. I'm not in the mood for pasta.
everywhere, people only play this to have sex
struck a nerve stella? faggot
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>I would gas you all fucking Hitler style
Same experience. We were hanging out talking about Gundam one day and the next he ignored me to my face as I watched him emote with other players. Whatever then.
Why are you guys like this?
He probably dropped you for being an entry level poser
Grow up
Yeah it's a wonder people vaguepost about the randomest shit ever. 4chan is truly the internet hate machine amirite???
I did nothing wrong? I'm simply disappointed in S.
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>anon didn't give me attention once that means he's groomed
Why are you guys like this...
>GranBlue Fantasy ReLink
>Monster Hunter Wilds
I agree people who play PSO2 but ignore those games are fucking morons. But PSO2 is the waifu crafting gooner game out of the 3. It's expected for people to come back to it once in a while because of that fact alone.
It just wasn't your day nigga, god.
If you get messaged you respond. This is common sense.
You sure? Nobody ever messages me
Why are you owed a response, though?
you ugly
I'm not but that makes you a ghosting faggot lol.
Not responding once means they're a ghoster? You sure you're not just a clingy faggot, because that's what you sound like lmao
>don't get messaged 1 day
>lose your freaking mind
Maybe Stella did the right thing here.
>anon starts yapping about Gundam for an hour
Yeah, I'd ignore you too lol
fuck do you even mean retard? hes right...
This is probably Buttons lmao
Why would you ever not reply if someone whispers you hello? How am I the only sane one here...
Alright angery, that's enough adding fuel to the fire you raging faggot
Would you reply if EMV whispered you? Same concept
No I would ghost EMV by not replying. Thanks for proving my point.
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But this was my only post... >>503022257 I never knew the kong had such effect.
Yes this general is ass. And it says a lot about the state of the game, kek. You can't actually discuss the game here, not like there is much to discuss in the first place since content gets ran through so quickly. It's either SS, drama, or horny posting. Every single thread.
What if she didn't see it? What if you sent it to the wrong person? What if she didn't want to talk to you that day? Just move on.
Yeah? Then we agree that Stella ghosted. Why are we having this argument?
Arguing semantics is meaningless
What's concrete is that you're a faggot
He absolutely saw it because he stopped running around when I sent it. I do not send messages to the wrong people.
What the fuck do you even suggest with "didn't wanat to talk to me that day?", he was very obviously chatting with other anons and emoting with them. By every definition of the word he still ghosted me. I'm in the right.
I don't know what to tell you anymore. You're so hung up on this and I find that funny because I talk to her when I feel like it and she never turns me down.
Another day, another round of made up drama.
honestly you deserved it because you are a trash person for making this huge of a fuss in thread. literally everyone needs to avoid people like you, you're a cancer.
Good for you? The only thing I'm getting out of this is that he's a fucking weasel that conveniently ghosts people for no reason. I have every right to be furious because I tried to be his fucking friend and apparently I wasted my fucking time.
Even friends don't talk to each other every day what the fuck. You're trying to rush something that takes time.
His experience doesn't match with yours because he's lying out of his ass. By pretending to be super serious about it he's hoping to convince lurkers who never talked to Stella of his lies and "ruin" his target's reputation. It's a very transparent shitpost. Tomorrow he'll do it to someone else.
I'd ignore you too lmao, you sound like an enormous kind of faggot whose idea is a conversation is to send 15 messages in a row complaining about something
We'd talked for a year what the fuck do you mean rush? I was there for him when he fucking bitched and moaned about SK and Maku every other day. We had a good conversation literally the day before he ghosted me. I thought fuck sure ignore me then and I'll wait for him to hit me up and he's been silent for a year now. Fucking prick. I should remove him but I MISS MY FRIEND. I'm so fucking frustrated.
You talk like Buttons
I'm not even friends with B1-NG0. Piss off.
>grimjak crying again
lmao it's definitely him
it could actually be them
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>all this bitching over being ghosted
i've been ghosted several times, it's not that big of a deal.
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>log in
>see this fat ass
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yesterday anons belittled me for wanting to clean up my friend list
anons like mister wall of text above is why lol
I'm horny...
>There's nothing wrong from having tastes that are different than the majority of the market.
We don't have "different" taste. We have mental ill taste. If "waifu" is the only good feature on the GOOD side of the paper while everything else is on the BAD side of the paper = bad game. How can you play PSO2 but dislike the following:

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream
Monster Hunter World
Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Wilds
Granblue Fantasy Relink
Star Ocean 4 & 6
Xenoblade Chronicles X

None of those games are perfect but they all have more GOOD than BAD unlike PSO2, and they're closest thing to another PSO2. That would be like a Devil May Cry fan disliking Bayonetta, the LITERAL Sister game that is made by the ex-Capcom developers and same director who created DMC1, Hideki Kamiya.
>And plus with how popular NGS is in Japan, I'm pretty sure if this game were to ever EOS then we'd eventually see a company eventually attempt to emulate it's success while avoiding it's failures.
No company attempted to clone it when it was JP-only and very successful. I doubt anyone will try to clone it now that it is deemed shit game.
>kind lady
>wallflower slut
>weird furfag
>csl sex enjoyer
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You are all lovely! Now lets all be nice.
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Yeah same... I get ghosted all the time it's practically a super power now.
>gpof body paint
I ghost and get ghosted, that's just how people are man
Every freaking modder decides to mod over my deuman tats, what do you want me to do about it? Get salty? Because i am.
I'm in this picture!
Post butt if you're Buelle
because it's accessible day 0. It's why quartz is a popular candidate for nude mods
So is the deuman tats that's unusable because it takes your inner color.
I don't care about your failures to communicate, I only care about caseals and caseal breeding.
hmmm if i miss someones message for even one minute i feel bad and rush to apologize
its weird to me that it isnt the norm but i acknowledge that its more normal to blatantly ignore someone
humanity is long doomed. its too much effort to put in the bare, bare minimum energy to be a decent person. nine out of ten people will only respond at all if its beneficial to them.
what happened to just going on the internet and chatting with strangers and making friends? i feel like im the only one left in this circle who initiates and keeps a chat going and its taking a toll on me too...
no wonder gpof likes them
Csl don't have ovaries
You just haven't plapped them hard enough
I can mod that for you so it works like the first one. For a price heheeheh
Actually would be better to just mod some other bodypaint or make a custom one for you
you probably don't lewd so nobody wants to do anything with you, simple as
>mention of grimjak
>rant abruptly ends
oh lol
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>because you like this anime game that must mean you're stupid for not liking these anime games!!!
>comparing bayonetta to dmc just because they have similar combat
you must be one of those tards who only plays meta classes because it does good damage
believe it or not, but people like to play games for the aesthetic it brings
i like playing new genesis because i like to feel like a force or ranger
other people like playing new genesis because it's good for erp
it's also the same for a lot of people who do the same in final fantasy xiv or wow
also of course no one is going to make a direct pso2 competitor when pso2 isn't record breaking like a game in the battle royale market would be. pso2 is a lobby-instance game, those already are rare in existence already. there's a demand for it, sure, but the demand isn't that high. that's why i said eventually someone would replace it if pso2 were to EOS. and I don't think it would ever EOS in the JP market anyways.
>other people like playing new genesis because it's good for erp
Do you still ERP? I find your character very cute.
i suggested taking lewd pictures with Zero when she said that my minheight looked hot. she hastily responded that she isn`t comfortable doing lewd stuff and no thanks. we dropped it at that.
then for the last year i`ve been reading about how she`s an easy slut that plaps anyone that asks. ouch... sorry i wasn`t good enough?
work on your sliders then
So much negative rizz...
why are all of your fake stories so pathetic anon
>another anon with negative rizz
You can't make this shit up
what are my chances with Juggador?
>i suggested taking lewd pictures
Just tell him you want to have sex instead
I used to be a coomer just like you gais. Then a slut drained my balls completely dry and my dick fell off. It was a dark day.
>you are a retard if you dont play the bad classes in a mmo
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What if you don't "wanna" and you just like them?
how would that help and not make her react even more awkwardly
Wakaba are you finally free?!
He is a cuck? How so?
>i like playing new genesis because i like to feel like a force or ranger
there are way better game that do this bro. even action mobile games. force is boring as fuck in pso2.
sex with K*you desu
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ask me in-game
more like you have no tastes if you don't play what you actually like because you don't want to miss out on the best
>force is boring as fuck in pso2.
if you say so, but i like it
sex with M*rgan desu
Wha... I mean. That can happen, but, is it even fun to "wanna" with someone that you have no mutual attachment to? I feel like it'd be better to get to know someone first.
Sex with (You)
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Date with a happy ending with (You).
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Please... god....
sex with nuM*rgan desu
The only date you're getting is a date with my t3 cock desu
qrd on stella like actually
you safely got me home after dark and we agreed on a second date?
It’s okay, it can be a secret!
Hard to discuss that when you are constantly squeezing my butt, you are such an energetic one~
Epic Win
Only old man with deteriorating hands like ngs combat because it was made specifically for (You)
pretty pog broski
You haven't spoken to any of these anons
What a fine one you have there, i better take real good care of it~
I don't even flirty anymore because that lientri nigga is always here.
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Still waiting for you to tell me who's the best looking T3. You talk about T3s all day, so, let's hear it.
I would french kiss most tobles desu
Log in and I'll show you the bulge
I hope it's me!
You just want all the T3s for yourself
You are not worthy of that.
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i am the cutest and prettiest pso2g!
I logged in. Come to A1 and show me "the bulge"
Not true.
im in toble
You wish emv
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What happened between you and Galama?
Mega cool...
Cool erufu...
Erufu sexo…
Weird head posture. you used /cf didn't you
not just the posture, whole head has as weird shape
Her head is forward like a king ghidorah looking at its pray
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emv is up
lmao im done
>meant to take photo
>was focused on the wrong monitor
Its over
That outfit seems to make everyone thicker
That’s just what happens during newman breeding season
>People say caseal sex
>No one has sexed my caseal
I want a refund.
It's newman breeding season right now. Come back for caseal spring.
If you use the Print button, just past it in photoshop and chop out the other screen?
Deuman breeding season never ends.
I wish anons liked my big derriere...
please tell me those fingers were in galamas ass
>"the bulge" turned out to be "the shrimp"
>floor rag is acting uppity again
Has any T3 approached you?
Nigga how do you get dunked on by tomomi? Just shove your tongue in her mouth. What is she gonna do? Stop you? She has a rape kink so go nuts.
I've recently hit my 10 year landmark of consecutive lifting, gunna train for a PR in two months
We're so back bros
post upperbody
Disgusting creep.
I already have before
based baraGAWD
Why did you respond to my 24 hour old post?
Maru won
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Oh noes... I was hoping to shitpost tonight but... I'm being summoned
>I'm hard
holy based tomomi is gonna get FUCKED
>public use ultra submissive slut acting uppity
>east coast pedophile amerilard
>Past midnight
I'm appreciating this Basedposter
Really bringing some joy to this thread
>i'm gonna blur out this username so no one thinks it's my friend spamming my shitty lookbook
pathetic faggot
they call me the 24hourpostlord not a single post escapes my wrath.
with 24 nothings a bore thats my motto

vote 24
Xevel if he was a pedophile from america
>he doesn't have horny friends
Stella is my horny friend which makes that guys melty earlier on even funnier.
I'm west coast. Wanna bang?
>she doest have well mannered polite pure christian friends who beleive in our lord and savior and only indulging in sexual relations after marriage
i do, but i'm not pathetic enough to do some sad shit like that.
WestCHADS where we at
hey pso2g I bought a pack of mountain dew today so I could get the red motorcycle in world of warcraft
On the west? I dunno
how does tomomi do it bwos
Probably begs them for it.
Central niggas remain ghosts...
He is xevel on an alt
it's pretty easy
"hey, i want to shitpost itt. can you send lewd kudos and cutes?"
it adds skindentation
does boxy still post here?
>openly express her love for shotas
>has thirsty dudes giving her meseta
>isn't afraid of pso2g
based Based BASED
Shitrope pretends to be him from time to time.
The things I send Shortii are far lewder
Tell us how it goes when you’re done.
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Well that ended faster than I thought. And stop bullying!
I'm not p-public use. P-paying clients only!
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Do I send it as a kudos this time...?
Based, gonna send Tomomi a tribute? Good luck.
I’ll give you a Grinder for a grinder.
Only thing you are getting from me is my cold disgusted stare.
Paying is for chumps I'll just get hands on instead.
plot twist its him using his old red box farming account to message himself
GOD I wish every tobleseal looked down on me in disgust while i f*cking jorked it
no shit
after talking to xivg trannies I realized a lot of you are probably short and weigh like 160 pounds. lard ass midgets.
How's it going, anon?
hello my long lost Lov_ greeter friend
Y-you too.. I don't know what this means.
These are actual robots, right? It's not just fancy cyber gear?
women are generally shorter while trannys are tall mentally ill men so yes your deduction makes sense
troons = ffxiv
women = pso2
the lore is humans/elves/alien humans (deumans) died gruesome deaths so their brains were removed and put into android bodies so its a human/elf/deuman brain piloting a robotic body
They have some human organs, and can reproduce, since they're like androids/cyborgs made of meat creatures (humans/elves/deuman) with too much photons for their body to handle
qrd on blender and hibana? I just want to take them to my cs for a bit, or the lake if they prefer that...
qrd on diablo 4 expansion?
qrd on you?
Who the fuck
qrd on pso blueburst?
I'm getting mixed messages here, but I'm just gonna think of them as robots.
Yeah I'd drag b*boo and k*riners to my quarters immediately
Monhun is just god eater lite now with worse story, worse voice acting and worse optimization
Japanese mmos have declined into gachaslop where open world exploration is rewarded with gacha currency just like china mobile game
Its like evolving, just backwards
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ok yea yea but would u bang dr house from House M.D?
Its namedrop hour it seems!
my turn my turn to namedrop
Joe Biden
They're robots you can fug and produce children with
You haven't lived until you've plapped K0umaru.
have you tried asking
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And do what?
Nope casts can't reproduce but they can have offspring if they have saved dna tissue samples
Uuuuuuuuuh wanna bet?
My caseal can reproduce (T3)
The game explicitly states that they keep "reproductive organs" in the base side story.
Based. Time to peg you.
everytime someonehere types that name it makes me think of konohamaru from naruto so I just read your post as
>"You haven't lived until you've plapped konohamaru "
Everyone's so horny, just get together everyone and plap.
>thinks of a little boy when plapping
When's the toblesealgangbang
asuka eros
why did you post my entire friendlist?
erdbeere's lb...
Thank you for this post
yeah i'd sq*ib all over j*ggu
Squib could not possibly hope to contain my lust desu
Why doesn't anyone want to do things to me
want to play dead island together?
To me not with me..
I legit dont get it. How am I being namedropped? I stopped playing
>somehow STILL manages to see the post and respond
[x] doubt
eat my weeny
Wanna plap?
stop making shit up you stupid faggot
do you want me to gift dead island to you then?
I would do very questionable things to you.
post ur weeny so I know what im working with first
If you were my boyfriend sure but you arent
pretend im ur girlfriend instead
Should I send material to the koharu anon?
Yeah, kudos me
I'm gonna touch you ollie...
Unironically yes
I like cute boys more though.
Wrong anon.
>not a cute peggable t1
fucking dropped
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i dont want to get pegged by some fat dude
Gooning to this
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Why are there so many troublemakers in this thread?
>Alice_01_10 My feelings on love between ARKS races? That's a bit out of the blue, isn't it?
>Alice_01_20 But now that you mention it, I've never thought deeply on the topic before now.
>Alice_01_30 子孫を残すという意味ならば遺伝子があればなんとでもなる。(original text)
>Alice_01_30 As far as leaving offspring goes, one set of genes is as good as another. (fan translation)
>Alice_01_30 From a reproductive standpoint, it would work out as long as there exists genetic material to pass down. (global like the rest of the text)
>Alice_01_40 Science has taught us that interracial offspring is plenty viable. Even with Even with CASTs, given the right union.
>Alice_01_50 But romance is trickier. Many irrational feelings mix in with the science, making for unpredictable, puzzling results.
>Alice_01_60 I personally have zero objection to the idea, but I can see many saying the opposite. To each their own.
>Alice_01_70 I'm not opposed to romance, myself, no. I'm simply not interested.
>this text explicitly stated...wait no, in some obscure side story...it proves that casts have organs!!!
retard, discard all "knowledge" gained from the global version. in no way did the original text talk about the act of reproduction or about keeping organs. all major thought process should be zero and complete instinct while playing global with how unreliable the translation is, making up shit with the photon art names and all.
I didnt make that repeated line typo either. global didnt even check their fuckin atrocious translation adapted from the google translated sea version which they took over.
who knows how much author agenda they tried to push through with a 2020 translation on the 2012 game either.
don't believe anything you read up in the global version.
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Im not gonna read all that babble
I know CAST can hit it from the back apeshit style
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I read your dumbass comment now read the response I have to give to that misinformation
What is she saying
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Sent, hope she likes...
kys yourself
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Why am I being namedropped...?
starting to get tired seeing your shitty low quality posts
I read this and it doesn't say she doesn't have organs
is it possible to turn off npc text in chat when they're on your team?
>Going into December when updates begin to slow down until February
>Nothing on the roadmap looking good
>Still don't understand the reason for the card game other than being a cash grab
>ARKS Friendship Caravan looks neat, but without a live event it's looking more like arksfest, they still haven't announced where it will be in Tokyo
>Same old enemies and bosses
>No fun English drama anymore because game's population is tiny
>/vg/ as always just fags namedropping themselves and others
Probably time to take a break from the game and thread, just check in when the headline is on.

Also NGS will apparently appear within this movie:
>inb4 it's the youngest brother that plays it
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nvm, I suck dick, just noticed it's the 2nd youngest son.
sent what to who?

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