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Blood of Lathander Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 7: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-7-now-live_121
Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>502758149
Missionary with Astarion
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literally unplayable
What is the summoning class. I want to have a lil army
And how early does it actually start summoning.
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Spore Druid starts at level 5
Necromancer Wizard starts at level 6
Spore Druid can summon a lot more, but Necro gets stronger summons
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artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming
>meet this guy
>"Oh who's that"
>quit game

>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room
>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work
>pages and pages of Halsin lewds
no no no NO NO NO NO NO
Summoners are kind of stupid in a turn-based game.
Git gud
Summons can all take their turns basically simultaneously with micro
What is arguably the best class for using two-handed weapons?
Would this work for Rogues with Polearm racial trait?
>17 DEX at CharGen
>Auntie Ethel +1 DEX to reach +4 Modifier
>Act I - Pickup "Phalar Aluve" Finesse longsword
>Level 4 Great Weapon Master
>Level 8 ASI +2 DEX to reach +5 Modifier and cap the stat
>Act III - Pickup "Dancing Breeze" finesse glaive from Rivington blacksmith
>Level 10 - Polearm Master
>Level 12 - Sentinel to complete the Bastard combo
Swap ASI with GWM
With only one attack, you don’t want a -5 penalty
But yeah this works and is a fun little build
-5 penalty in the early game, I mean
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>My porcine blood whispers to me: cheat, cheat, and cheat again. My WARPED nature yearns to sow slop in this board, and when this foul Urge calls, it possesses my whole being. Injured beyond repair, I know nothing besides this: I must indulge in my sloppy routine, lest it consume my mind. I must seek attention and waste time. Before my twitching pig hooves write a tragedy in slop.
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are you justy randomly attributing this cute pig to some shitposter or do you genuinely believe that there is a conspiracy
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I love my husband!
Asterion. Twerking on my dick. Right now.
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Somewhat amusing, although the Shakespearean flair remains far too dramatic for the slopswine. What's funnier to me is that it tried to parody that monologue first, only to butcher the "lest" part.
>I must resist the good anons, lest the namefag shall be disappointed;
Many such cases many such cases
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, plus the PAM + Sentinel combo is notoriously bugged (requires a mod fix) and isn't worth the cost of two feats anyway. I don't see anything wrong with GWM Rogue on paper, but you need Extra Attack somehow. You could even go for a weird Rogue/Paladin build for the irony of Sneaky Divine Smites.
Never forget Gortash rape
Thread theme
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The last thread was really embarrassing: insipid AI generated poems, Giths going full ghaik, ad hominem attacks in absentia: kind of pathetic, honestly.

This is what happens when some people lose sight of their precious Waifus, their beloved Hubandos for too long...when the celebration of foolishnees and stupidity takes over Love, and even Harmony.

How much better would it be to talk about Mephistopheles not receiving his promised 7000 souls after the player stops Cazador and his ritual? One more reason to visit Avernus, besides stealing the plans to Karlach's infernal engine...sigh, what could this game have been with a proper DLC.
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The slopswine is a subhuman that for months suffered the negative influence of a BULLY general, which constantly abused it, and which WARPED its nature. When the swine distances itself from its sloppy routine, it demonstrates and understands that, while remaining faithful to its attention-seeking and time-wasting nature, it is also possible to be completely society's waste, maintaining its porcine aspect.

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>tragic and toothsome
Raphael surely loves his drama.

It's also worth noting that his obsession with continually thwarting his father's plans are peak daddy issues.

He's been planning to get the Crown for centuries just to have a "Pa, look at me!" moment. It's pretty sad, if he weren't yet another BG3 character with a parental figure problem.
Seeking attention, lack of a father figure...mhm, someone else came to my mind: weird.
It really loves the sound of its own porcine voice.
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What voice?
There is only written text here, what do you mean you hear voices, oh anon this is not a good sign.

You're starting to go full delulu, but there's a solution: maybe taking a small amount of Bibberbang rectall-, er I mean, try this Noblestalk, just eat it a little: it should help you remember.

Remembering for example that here you are among many friends; mind you, there is one who has changed name and identity since the last time, maybe you remembered him with another name before but now that person (Seranafag) no longer exists. They are a new person now! Completely reformed.
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>namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag namefag
Mintharafag (Seranafag) WARPED you.
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Missionary with Astarion
it was a parallel with nocturne that unfortunately went over your head
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Turns out, you can't be a bad gothic bitch 24/7 without feeling a little burned out: sometimes you need to expose a more... gentle nature.
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>What is "slop"?
anecdotally works on my machine
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Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more

>Astarion to Godey on that faithful day in 1356 DR
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It's still funny as fuck how that Astarion thing got under your skin. I wonder if Godey ever boned Astarion? Get it? The joke is rape. The punchline is rape. It's hilarious, right? Heh, finger guns. It gets funnier the more you repeat it. Mintharafag was never this funny.
Why 16 strikes, why exactly sixteen?
Why not 15, or seventeen?

No one left behind not unlocking until game completion is such crap. I dont want to slog through act 3 AGAIN just to end the game and realized I missed irchilon who was taking a shit inna woods and got killed when I wasnt looking.
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Don't worry, it doesn't matter. Nobody cares that Mintharafag 100%'d the game, or that the worthless pig fuck only cares about cheating and slop. It's all inconsequential.
I care if I 100% the game, what now nihilist?
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New RS update just dropped quit being metafagging niggers for 5 secs and talk about BG3 made by larian studios and the ramifications of romancing a sharran
Then you can follow a step-by-step guide for that achievement. It's really not complicated. You can do it on Explorer, too.
Don't use the n-word here. It's not acceptable.
imagine needing a mod to romance someone
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Imagine having cuck content in your videotoys, stand with beauty, stand with RS, kill the obese goblin that keeps giving people shitty and buggy character quests. KILL HIM. Save Larian.
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thats the face face of my sleep paralysis demon
it chases me around the corner of every dream
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>shittiest quests in the game
>next to no redeeming quality
>ruins act 3
why is he even here?
cucked by a fictional character
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Wow, I didn't know about that.

I posted it as a joke, but turns out Mr Borislav Slavov is truly a musical genius, and a very cultured musician.
This game never cease to amaze me, truly the Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy of video games.
it was hot when she said she hoped to “corrupt me” when discussing differences in faith. but rather than actively pursue and seduce you in the interest of corruption, she lets the tension build because she wants the relationship to mean something. I think she was intended to be the inverse of a “true” Sharran of which we have a few examples of in game, one a Dark Justiciar that is described as cool-headed and intelligent under pressure, and a reclusive nobleman that took the secret of his faith to the grave. Sh is emotional and strangely honest, and rather than rely on her own convictions tends to turn to others for comfort. I imagine dating a Sharran would play out similarly to dating a German desu
>I imagine dating a Sharran would play out similarly to dating a German desu
Oak Father preserve us all.
>Romancing a Sharran
Miss me with that bullshit:

even for Evil run standards, Sharran are pants on head retarded.

See how even a Mother Superior like Viconia is not exempt from acting like a fool: basically the plot of BG3 is set in motion because Viconia seethe the idea that her Goddess of DECEPTION and BETRAYAL abandons her for a younger and more beautiful girl.

Never trust an old drow woman, they're googoo gaga crazy.
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Sorry forgot my boat pic, fundamental for getting my point across

get it? Because they're crossing the Chionthar in that very same boat
this is why i always romance gale instead
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how can we fix him?
I speak from experience
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>trans orc
is nothing sacred anymore?
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>Stupid worm-infested cockhead!
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There he is, my good old friend: we're like two Peas in a pot.
Pee pee
The prophecies foretold that, someday, Pea would return
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the fact that swen took his vacations in november and not in december like the rest of larian proves that he's planning something big next month, I'm expecting either a new larian studio being open or a game reveal during the game awards
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Source on this orc pirate, please?
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Ah. Thanky.
maybe he just assumed they're going to win best community support at the game awards

still feels too early for a game announcement, maybe next year
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No, Pea?!? What are you doing??
You were supposed to bring balance to /bgg/, not leave it in darkness!?!!
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his more gentil nature....
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These idiots missed out on winning GOTY this year because they didnt want to make a DLC. Sad!
well they gotta let someone else win once in a while
>work yourself to the bone for recognition you already have
They'll win best community support anyway, nothing this year can match the kino kisses AND evil endings
Why are you ignoring the slopfriend? He just extended his arm for you in friendship.
>get ignored
>post cuckshit
uh oh a certain backstabbing swine is gonna freak over getting ghosted again
now that larian is an AAA company they'll take a page from the other huge projects and announce their game early and drip freed news every 2 to 3 months
Durge kinda sucks roleplay wise. Like it doesn't make sense for half of the classes, how the fuck does a barely functioning amnesiac retard manage to be a Wizard? How can you worship a god as a Cleric when you can't even remember that you were #1 Bhaal Simp?
imagine the crying if they locked durge behind certain classes
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>dev'zel now fully embracing the quickload
Meh, selective amnesia is a staple of video games that want to hide some big twist. Its a problem generally but what can you do, at least you start at lvl 1 not knowing shit as a Wizard so that can be you RP excuse.
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Another thread of Pea spamming and the swine being an attention whore. Time is a flat circle.
Whats wrong with the pig guy?

I kinda like him.
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>Whats wrong with the pig guy?
>Pea is alright. What's wrong with posting images of your game on an imageboard?
>What is "slop"?
You are replying to a known fatherless individual known as the slopwhiner.

Do not mind him, for it strives for nothing more than to bringing good anons like you down. A sad, sad creature
>a known fatherless individual
This is 4chan, most of us wouldnt be here if we had present fathers.
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Now one post of mine is enough to generate a chain of 1 reply I gave myself. Just talk to each other. It almost doesn't even matter what you say anymore. All that matters is that you suck.
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Monk getting advantage on any monk dialogue option is tight, not to mention open hand subclass and holy hell I know why people love this class now.
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Yeah I know, it just feels really fucking stupid being any class that needs to know very specific things and/or have a great deal of history with said things be an amnesiac. Especially Cleric.
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Here's a topic of conversation for you imbeciles: Does DD2 deserve to be RPGOTY over ER's DLC? I think so. It was probably the closest thing to The Lord of the Rings movies of video games of 2024. It even had a discount Lae'zel.
cute frog
I'll take it
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Thank you, good anon!! It is good to post cute frogs. You may now proceed to use this piece of information, along with this screenshot, to determine my real identity. ('Tis I, Mintharafag.)
because you’re not a barely functioning amnesiac retard. Durge was healed at the start of the game, it’s implied Bhaal had a hand in it. It would not make sense for Bhaal to restore your bodily faculties but leave you a vegetable. If you dislike this, you can get a sense for Durge’s mental capacity from his intro cinematic, he is fully lucid. Cleric is easy, Bhaal is the true source of your powers, or, like the paladin, you sought aide from an order of clerics as a youth and despite your deeds and inclinations, the deity never abandoned you
Answer the question >>502969939
Mintharafag would never go as low as copying a gimmick from the swine of all people. Specially one as unfunny and parasocial as "good anons".
Looks like a script running, considering the timestamps. Not much human thought behind that kind of spam. Probably why the worthless pig fuck condones it, because it is also subhuman.
The nametranny isn't actually a person, but an identity adopted by an entire discord hellbent on gaying all of /vg/
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This is kino actually
>Paladin of Selune
>breaks oath and loses his divine powers after losing his battle to the urge
>lives as the Chosen of Bhaal for a time, stabbing
>is rendered a vegetable amnesiac
>Selune intervenes, restoring his powers, making him a cleric, and restoring everything but his memory to give him a second chance

Begone heretic
I'll tell you, you're projecting aspects of my personality that aren't mine - but we both know that already, right anon? tut tut, on a slow Thursday, none the les...
talk about slop…
That is what I was thinking. Your choice of deity is not necessarily limited either, Durge could have committed himself to an evil deity instead. It could also be that there is no true divine patron or divinity at all, just that instead of weaving sorcerous magic directly into Durge, Bhaal wove in a form of bastard divine magic instead
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Ah, but the "good anons" bit is most likely not something it thought of itself. It can only pick up human language cues here and there, believing they might help it assimilate among human posters. And just as you can drink a potion of Speak with Animals, and perhaps even exchange pleasantries with the fat pig in Rivington before slaughtering it, its disgusting porcine nature remains unchanged. A swine that imitates human language remains a swine. Even a goblin is more intelligent.
Lae’zel enjoyers are not known for their taste, but rather their lack thereof
Where can I find this nice Piggu in game?
Follow the stench of obnoxious slop and the squealing (sighing) of pigbabble.
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>everything I dislike is a transsexual buzzword
are you jewish?
not because of the "pigs are filthy" religious thing but because you always play the victim even when nobody is talking about you
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>are you jewish?
Please remain on-topic. This isn't about me. Talk about the game, and the various characters and animals within it. You have not contributed in any way to the moral and content growth of this thread.
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That's right.
so, in other words, you are. got it, it also makes things more clear now
*hits the griddy*
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>tfw shadowheart and tav will let you join their party in act 3
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Full moon makes Selunites horny for boring sex.
>talk about pigs
>brings up jews
Gentle missionary is peak however
Are there any mods that let me have dialogue with everyone without making the combat a 10 character stomp? I remember seeing one on the nexus ages ago but it's out of date and no longer works.
who cares?
Me that's why I asked, silly.
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One thing can be said about the namefag: he really has many, many moral problems regarding telling lies, he will rather distort reality by circumventing rules with mental gymnastics but in his heart he knows that he is not a liar
unfortunately he is now so dissociated from reality because of this
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Aahhhh, late stage /vg/. Waifufagging and complaining about regular posters.
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Just pick your favorite companions and live with the intended limitations. See it as part of your roleplaying and the player-created narrative that is your responsibility. Even if, in such a large game, going AWOL is tempting, you only YOLO once, and FOMO is around the corner, IMHO.
>Sorry Halsin, you didn’t get the memo? I handed the grove over to Minthara. You’re not going to be making it past act 1 buddy
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>late stage /vg/
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why did they cut the mizora companion at the last minute?
mizora was never going to be a comanion, the only cut companiosn that we know of are ketheric and helia
yes she was moron
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Nope, sorry. "Everyone In Dialogue" was the only mod that allowed it without bringing everyone along, I hope they update it once APtch 8 is released.
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when? where?
preview builds, mizora dialogue tags, etc
Aahhhh, late-stage attention whore cancer. Begging for a crumb of attention even as PeaBot2.0 is already shitting up the thread with worthless spam.
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What will become of your work in vec Whiner, when it is inevitably deported by Archduke Gortrump?

Have you thought about your future without me?
Damn, it's amazing how you can't find ONE SINGLE topic of discussion that comes from your own thoughts, even the off topic comes from another anon.

Discuss how the Brand of the Absolute doesn't matter anymore after Act 1
>merely mention "attention whore"
>the worthless pig fuck immediately replies
buying the astarion funko so I can put it in my vagina
>mention "attention whore"
>reply to self as noted forum personality with no identifying features of any kind
Gets the noggin joggin I tell ya what
Whiner, the situation you helped normalize is embarrassing enough in itself, don't dig yourself further.
but not for too long bc I don't want the acidity to mess with the paint
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there's only one vagina in this thread, and she hates astarion
Oskar is such a moron. Jannath is pretty, she obviously cares about him and is patient with him through the entire possession thing, and is also patient with him when he absconds. She's even patient with him when he tried to kill her. She's not marrying for money, and he's kind of an idiot so she's patient with that too.

People who have someone and they abuse them like that are, as the kids would say, cringe.
virgin mindset
I was just quoting the original brilliant mind that posted this image. "Who", you ask? My sweet naive anon...

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I hate living in a crèche where the discourse around the individual is more important than the individual themselves. Mintharafag gave me hundreds of hours of fun, joy, sadness, everything I could ask from a namefag, and more. They will always have a special place in my heart, like many other namefags I've talked to. Mintharafag is lightning in a bottle, they've been at it for many years, and it's the work of love of a dedicated scholar. They're The Lord of the Rings movies of namefags... for now.
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>random japanese survey mentions divinity
it's kind of crazy how popular larian got after bg3 next game will turn them Rockstar famous, I'm expecting further studios acquisitions and a DOS/other larian anime/movie in the next decade
the journos have turned on them, guaranteeing that their next game will be portrayed differently, which will influence the lemmings here.
>the journos have turned on them
they did not, they've been calling DA4 shit and comparing it to bg3 before the game was even released, journalists love larian
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i'll post my labia as proof
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please don't
what if I said I look like shadowheart irl
I love Astarion and I have a vagina though
no one wants to see your stinky vagina lil bro
we've already seen your man hands and your hairy feet
We only like wyll.
the anime waifoos have warped your mind I'm sorry you don't know what an actual woman looks like
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>the anime waifoos have warped your mind I'm sorry you don't know what an actual woman looks like
aw the little moid is upset would you like your blanky
Why did the modding scene become less active after official tools were released? Seems like lots of big mods just stopped working.
they did, even before the game released they were running articles on how 'unusual' they were
I like how she never weighs in on these topics. Best girl
Bearschizo is gay
Go ahead, I posted my vagina once and all they did was report me and then keep pretending to be women
the mod tools are trash and larian's mod manager doesn't support 3/4th of the nexus mods + we don't even have a steam workshop because WOTC is full of greedy jews
The mod manager is shit
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can we not post our vaginas and talk about literally anything else
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the dynamic duo
Let’s see it then
not for this troony ass thread
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thoughts on korean lakrissa?
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the real dynamic duo
Then why bring it up at all? Makes one think
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they turned ethel into a farmer
I didn't bring it up, the troon offering to post their surgically created frankenlabia did, I just noted that it didn't matter because this thread hates the vagina anyways, most of you are guzzling troonshine on a thousand discords and thinking of ways to be even more lame
Just post it and stop being a pussy(pun intended)
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Shut up Timmy, no one wants to see that shit get the fuck out of my general.
Still ugly but cute hood
think about it, the troons truly won if this is the way you think all the time
Shadowheart haters are so fucking weird. Holy fuck
Jesus fucking Christ how horryfying.

>t. Slopfag™
Stop posting slop, unless you do it to mock the slopswine.
Wow! Hot a what baabhabhiat
I unironically like it
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Not bad l, but the clothes don’t look aesthetically consistent
literally no one talked about shadowheart
no they have to be victimized at all times you see
read the thread
wah wah wah
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ignore the thread, hug Shadowheart.
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I appreciate how you weave spoiler tags into a joke.
Consider a monk gnome Durge run
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how about another joke murray
the bear and the bull
Ranking the vaginas of faerun by smell:
I cannot believe the slopfaggot is antisemitic
just goes to show you can find a nugget of gold in every pile of shit
How come the portal disappear after you break/insert the dawn star crest.
Stopped reading there.
Happy or fearful ascended kiss?
>Baldur's Gate 3 fans discovered Dammon voice actor Frazer Blaxland liked anti-LGBTQ and pro-Israel posts,

Baldur's Gate 3
The joke being that Halsin is a bottom and Wyll is gay
Happy if you’re 40 IQ and BPD
Fearful if you’re 40 IQ and neurotypical
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Wow Ascended Astarion (AA) fans are vocal about the new kiss and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way AA tells Tav to kneel like a slave and Tav has no say in the matter. I guess they were holding out hope for further intimacy depending on the choice Tav made. There's even a discord poll that's garnered hundreds of votes to have the new kiss changed. Obviously that won't happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Can you reliably use mods from the ingame manager alongside the mod manager? I just want a permanent shillelagh.
I’m sure you’re very smart
With anyone else? You _____ with ___.
compared to you slimes
For me? It’s using Astarion like a disposable sex toy, gaslighting him when he throws a bitchfit over the Potion of Everlasting vitality, then laughing at him when he “stands his ground” and breaks up, moments before the sun starts to burn him and he’s forced to run away
>C-cazador hurt me.
>Well. That was a whole lot of nothing.

I laugh every time
Why are you like this?
I do not care about the Ao3 romance
For me? It's fingering Shadowheart's asshole gently and softly for ages, just exploring and mentally mapping the inside of her rectum. Afterwards, without washing the hand, we sneak over to lae'zel's tent and surprise her by rubbing it in her eye, giving her pink eye. Our cleric could heal her...but she won't. She won't do anything. That's HER ass in Lae'zel's eye, eventually blinding her. Just as it should be.
Dark Lady, embrace us.
So, do you think mods will eventually add back in cut content in a way that feels cohesive?
>o you think mods will eventually add back in cut content
>in a way that feels cohesive
No, it'll be heavily editorialized and increasingly out of place, like most of these mods.
how will outsiders have a better grasp than the actual devs?
with these devs, how could they not
>cut dialogue lines
Some already are already doing that like the wyll and shadowheart ones
>cut ares, characters and quests
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I can think of one instance.
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I can think of two. The mod that gives wyll an extra romance scene is 10 times more impactful than all of the shitty drama with his father or Florick
doubly so
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Given enough time, yeah. A lot of Skyrim's cut content has been added by modders. AI voice acting can fill in gaps where there's no voice acting. Even stuff like companions and new world spaces have been shown off by proof of concept demos already. I think we'll be eating good in the future, but I think people should also remember that these things take time. Most mods are made by a few people in their spare time. It can take years.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, istik? Chk, I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Crèche K'liir, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the ghaik, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in githyanki warfare and I'm the top warrior in the entire Astral Plane. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this plane, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, kainyank. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of gish across the realm and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, istik. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, k’chkahi. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in gith combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the kith’raki and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little k’chakhi. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. Chk, but you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn shka’keth. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, istik.
>AI voice acting
had no idea the nametranny was a literal rapist
literally everybody ITT is a better writer than john
The camp in early EA made way more sense. There was a cutscene the first time you went to find a camp spot, nobody started with a tent, and nobody even had camp clothes or anything. The tents they did get later in Act 1 were pretty plain looking and not the prepackaged thematic Barbie shit they get today. Wish someone would mod that version of the camp back in
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bring this back
If I’m going to be used and abused, the guy had better be tall, intelligent, and hot. Astarion is a low IQ grandma that sleeps with men. But maybe that’s just me
nah he's perfect
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*male Amish
This is a bot, they make the same post on a schedule
Yep. It was cute that they'd all sit around the campfire. Characters would end up in different spots in the morning after the Daisy cutscenes too. Like you would find Astarion laying on the ground still dreaming about Cazador. It was way more dynamic versus the way companions robotically stand at their Barbie tents now
I don't know if the BG3 modding scene will ever take off. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I don't see it happening. AI voice acting is impressive in terms of what it can do, but it's not the limiting factor when it comes to creativity. Ultimately, you need passionate fans and creative writers, not just clowns that can only come up with cosmetic slop.
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What's he dreaming about, /bgg/?
Sharran twat
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2028's GOTY
>AI voice acting
retards are gonna flip shit at any big mod that uses ai for voice acting
It might enter early access in 2028, but it won't be out this decade. Larian's pipeline is fucked.
>beeline to the prostitutes with Halsin in tow
>Shadowheart is disgusted by the prospect
Ok….I’ve been played. Not a bad meme
Well yeah my best friend Neil didn't consent to his voice being used to say the holocaust was fake
kill yourself
the only way the game would release later than 2028 is if larian decides to expands their scopes or would rather focus on their other project instead
>disgusted by the prospect
>when she's already dreamt of sex with halsin
Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me
if it has an ea, it'll prob be in 2026. space game has been in development a year already
she wants to have sex with halsin, not you lol
In development means nothing to Larian. Wyll and Karlach were in development for five years and yet shipped with three months worth of work. You have no idea how much time they're wasting on vitiligo, MAP representation, rerererewriting the same thing, or whatever else. They've expanded beyond the level of Swen's ability to control anything.
dos2 only had a year of EA as far as I know and BG3 had 3 because it got delayed due to COVID, studio expansion xbox issues and the russian war, the next game's development will go way smoother
Girl was like “bruh. I only want you.” I laughed ngl
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>he didn't unlock the full camp orgy + Scratch
Wyll and karlach got rewritten at the last minute because the devs couldn't come up with satisfying stories and were cucked by covid and the russian war, you're a dumb nigger and I shan't reply to your dumbass anymore. All of their games keep getting better and better, you'd have to be retarded to think that the next game won't be just as good if not way better than BG3 who had tons of issues and next to no relevant support post release. The next larian game will change WRPGs.
>because the devs couldn't come up with satisfying stories
glad they solved that one
Teaching babygirl how to conquer her fears
Beating the shit out of babygirl to prove my physical, mental, and spiritual dominance
why not both?
Larian already lost their best writer Stephen Rooney. Their most prominent writers now are the gay poly furry Kevin VanOrd and John Corcoran. Corcoran doesn't give a flying shit about his characters and adds in whatever fanfiction-tier shit he thinks is funny at the time.
I’m not arguing
They have an army of writers and went on a hiring spree during the bioware and CDRP layoffs, they hired one of the Kingdomecome deliverance writers 2 years ago, writers are the least of their worries. What they need is a lead writer with a brain
Irrelevant if they're not senior writers. There's no doubt Johnny boy will be writing another doomed companion or two next go around. VanOrd is hit or miss
they have tons of senior writers and will get even more after bg3, Welch was hired in 2020 and was tasked to write arguably the most important character in the game, Kevin and John are the worst larian writers, they have tons of other talents.
>Welch was hired in 2020 and was tasked to write arguably the most important character in the game
durge is not very important
Hire me, and I will write precious babygirls that did nothing wrong, mysterious male protagonists with chips on their shoulders, and graying wizards that speak with squeaky lisps. *sits back down*
the first custom origin ever made is pretty fucking important
no its not
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Do people really have an issue with what Welch wrote?
man you're a faggot
>dark urge
>halsin's romance
most players never even see durge and welch didn't write halsin's romance
The fuck is a babygirl?
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Elaborate then you’re hired

she oversaw all of the romances you retard
blud really said
>AI voice acting
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welch herself said swen and john wrote halsin's romance not her you retard. if you look at her blog you'll see that most of her actual work was on astarion aside from durge
swen and john came up with the bear idea you retard, she WROTE the scene, that's her job, she made a whole ted talk about it
don't remind me
>she WROTE the scene
no she didn't lmao. she lists out all the actual scene writing she did and that was not in there
Babygirl. Noble background, born in the capital. Her parents died in a tragic fire(sad!) and she was sent to live with an elderly alchemist who lives on the outskirts of a distant village. She is struggling to develop her powers but is proficient in healing magic. The alchemist is sought out by plague victims
Mysterious male protagonist. His life? His code. A life spent in the grey wastes. He forgot who he is, was. After a horrific defeat in which he was one of only a few survivors, he is traveling back to the capital to demand his pay from the king. His scowl alone could kill hundreds
Graying wizard: he is the most powerful wizard of all the realms! He dabbles in this, twiddles his wand at that, and all with a twinkle of his shiny blue hat! But that, they say, is not the full story. For the wizard hides a secret most gory….
very powerful autistic aura from this one
fun fact neil directed dave in the scene
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Get this man a line notebook and a fresh Pilot G2 PRONTO
Neil is also a skilled mocap actor so hat doesn't surprise me
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>autistik frog
*bows* I accept your offer, gracious sir.
4channel now supports mp4 format, chat.
We are training to fight GHAIK.
You think they will HESITATE?
I'm really nervous that I'll make the game unwinnable by missing a key event. Should I just start over to make sure?
For reference, I'm halfway to level 2 after just getting a high priest of Jergal (that's what I'm assuming he is, anyway) out of his sarcophagus.
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The future is now. Maybe we will get vp9 and webp support in the next decade. Just wait.
there are no softlocks in this game, if you can't deal with an encounter, feel free to lower the difficulty
I take it you're coming to BG3 as someone who actually spends a lot of time playing tabletop?
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Now that the dust has settled...

Why does she generate so much seething?
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what's her game?
I need them to increase the MB cap so bad, 4MB ain't shit
kill yourself I'm sick of the metafagging, him and his stalking should get a job asap
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Baldur’s Gate 3
>webp support
Literally no one wants this, google shill
>webp support
how does a game get this popular yet have such a dead nothingburger modding scene 18 months in
maybe this community does suck
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The slopswine's been here for months. If it wanted attention, it would have already put on a name. It doesn't want to and it won't do it just because you can't contain yourself from interacting with things that bother you. What kind of disorder is this? Leave it alone and suck on this drow.
or maybe the mod tools are just bad because the people who own the IP are making a virtual tabletop engine with MTX and don't want a dnd video game to be consumer friendly because they're that jewish and evil just a theory
>kill yourself I'm sick of the metafagging
then why are you in the marcelline general
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Wake me up when she puts her boots on
what happen to the custom campaign mods, i swear someone was remaking bg2
the grinch smile...
The slopswine refers to its avatar (the same for half a year) by her name.
The slopswine avatarfags.
But the slopswine is not an attention whore, by the way. No way, Norway.
It's okay to be a cheating lowlife on your 3rd "playthrough," by the way.
So you can't lose any key items or miss events that will prevent you advancing the main quest?
I've had some tabletop experience, although never with D&D before.
I have larian game shaped hole in my larian shaped heart and I need more larian rpgs to fill that void
>So you can't lose any key items or miss events that will prevent you advancing the main quest?
no you can't, the developpers made sure to make a ton of fail safe dialogues and scenes to be sure that no paths or decisions will ever block the player's progress, you can for example strike a deal to get an important item and if you ever sell it or throw it away, a major character will summon said item when you need it and will call you a moron for getting rid of it, the game is filled with these kind of moments
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You're wasting your time.

You're most likely going to look at the classes, get excited and plan a Fighter-Rogue-Wizard-Cleric build, then make your first character, probably on a shitter difficulty, then kill yourself after the first 2 hours, and then come back here asking what you did wrong, expecting us to spoonfeed you.

We'll tell you to fuck off and read the OP and use the wiki like the rest of us, and you will; you'll make a new character and try something new. You'll get to level 4 or something, get bored, and ask when the game gets fun. You'll eventually start asking inane questions, like what happens if you eat tadpoles, and we'll tell you to read the OP and fuck off again. You'll say something like "wah wah you bullies" and continue playing; you'll hit level 6 and realize this game is just about rolling dice so you get to roll more dice. You'll complain about this here, and we'll tell you, "It's a D&D GAME, you faggot." A game in which you roll dice.

Enjoy, you fucking moron. Get the fuck out of our general.
unless a companion died through dialogue/story, you are safe to continue. long rests are safe and you should do so frequently, there are many story events/moments you can otherwise miss
Don't listen to this anon >>503009619
Please post here and continue to discuss the actual game
kill yourself holy fuck
I just did. What did I do wrong? When does the game get fun? What happens if I eat tadpoles?
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I hate to convert pictures, even if it's just a line in the cli.
but we already have vp9 support?
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I'm 'bout to fight the brain on HM, ain't nobody got Elixirs of Vigilance or the Hooks for it. Anyone know more on that? Should I just keep on long resting 'til someone's got it? I got 4000 cs to burn through.
it's sold by dantheleon the dwarf vendor in rivington according to the wiki
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I'm not going to look at most of the posts here to avoid spoilers, but can you do Dark Urge as a Paladin and not fall? I was hoping on my first playthrough tomorrow after work to go the classic good guy route as a Paladin of Devotion but be a dark urge if it's possible to resist it with saving throws and the like, to have a neat sounding secondary narrative going on.
Also do any of the female companions have a Viconia from bg2 vibe? Evil, but can change to something better, or at least not be pants on head retarded evil? Think that could be fun to try and romance even as a more noble oath bound character
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k Act 1 is over

Been there. Bought the only one. LR'd and had no more. I'm LRing about now. So, let's see again 'en.
Yep, one more. Why can't he sell 10 ffs.
She’s a precious baby btw
>Also do any of the female companions have a Viconia from bg2 vibe? Evil, but can change to something better, or at least not be pants on head retarded evil?
that fits laezel to a T
>can you do Dark Urge as a Paladin and not fall?
Sure. Just remember your Oath.
>Also do any of the female companions have a Viconia from bg2 vibe?
That would be Lae'zel. Shadowheart is another Cleric of Shar, but she's a very different character.
You only need Gale.
Gale is useless without his spells.
Asking again. Is Guided Strike worth losing your 3rd attack?
Shadowheart, Gale, Astarion. In that order. Every single game
Male companions are so unnecessary.
Astarion Karlach Wyll
replace etika by laezel
Every companion is precious.
Except you, Tav. You are less than worthless.
yeah wyll and lae'zel share custody of the coveted 4th party slot
Lae'zel Jaheira Minthara (Minthy replaced when a companion is relevant for a quest)
Act 1 Lae'zel, Karlach, Shart
>Lae'zel Jaheira Minthara
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Kill yourself TN scum, pick a lane
Lorelet here:
Which god would be fitting a paladin if its was a classicalone? Like holy/divine magic, against undead and demons, knightly and so on
lathander or helm
No one wants to see your midget. Do you understand?
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Would be Torm but you cant for spoiler reasons
look at Tyr lathander und ilmater
I don't think helm fits, helm followers are often considered kinda distant
yes OoV and lae'zel
thanks i look into those
Why are there so many fucking retarded Paladin questions pretending there's some grand conspiracy where Paladin isn't an archetype with clearly defined goals
"Guys I wanna play a Fighter is there a god about fighting"
"Guys I wanna play a rogue is there a god about sneaking"
I'm Chaotic Good, which is what TN wishes they were.
Because 5e is shit and so are the oaths
See filename >>503016445
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cause if someone is not familiar with the setting and the retard shit WoC no sane most people do a double think if they see they can be a paladin of Tiamat
>most people do a double think if they see they can be a paladin of Tiamat
Right, right. And can you pick a god in the base game, anon?
>if they're not familiar with the setting, they're going to be confused about being a paladin of a *hyperspecific in-universe god*
I miss when you guys used to put effort into the bait
....yes? you just take a level in cleric
Play the game retard, there is blurp to every god
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>yes? you just take a level in cleric
Okay, so a Cleric of X. Not a Paladin of X. Tight.
>Play the game retard
Done. Post your gameplay.
> there is blurp to every god
A new player unfamiliar with the setting isn't going to go "well golllllllleeeee gee i picked the evil god but can be paladin? gee willickers that dont make no sense to me"
It's just weirdo bait
Pitch me your quest mod, must be:
taking place in existing story, in existing location, with existing NPCs or creature types
no faggots or troons, lesbians are fine
self contained, can't be something that would reasonably be assumed to impact other stuff in the game because it won't
Every one of your party members can only summon one elemental through scrolls, right?
Dame Aylin and Isobel need your help defending the Selunite temple they leave for in act 3.
>Tower Defense mod
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>shadowheart has been disappearing in the middle night
>follow her to discover what she's been doing behind your back
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raising dhampir babies with Astarion
Interesting, but it's a new location.

Uninteresting, terminal with faggot AIDS
>taking place in existing story, in existing location, with existing NPCs or creature types
which it does
>no faggots or troons, lesbians are fine
neither shart or halsin is a faggot or troon
>self contained, can't be something that would reasonably be assumed to impact other stuff in the game because it won't
your discovery won't change a thing
but only one companion is the most pwecious baby girl YES uwu
>new location
So? point out in your post where this disqualifies it
>taking place in existing story
>in existing location
Yes, they canonically go there to do the thing
>with existing NPCs or creature types
Fact nvke
>So? point out in your post where this disqualifies it
"taking place in existing story, in existing location,"
I should have known better than to try and farm ideas from the retards and faggots factory
hey which part of >>503019050
disqualifies it
Bruh's trying to beg for questmods where you do everything in Rivington lmao
Your involvement immediately trips the requirement for no faggots or troon, since you're certainly a trooned faggot. There's also an assumed requirement for being interesting which you failed by being a trooned faggot again.
ohhh it's a butthurt sharty
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is the troon in the room with us
If I were infested with faggot AIDS like you I probably would
did you remember to take your medicine today
if by room you mean thread, then yeah, you've been here stinking up the joint and posting troonery for a while
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I would do something with the lost children from Moonhaven. Maybe you can access a small cave system connected to the mine shaft a little ways from the goblin camp that conceals a small Sharran themed dungeon. It could be the headquarters for the Sharran strike team that launched the attack a hundred or so years ago
mentally ill holy shit
cute shadowheart poster <3
the only medicine I take is grapefruit, unlike your daily dose of swilling homemade troonshine and posting here

yeah you are
>Mentally ill tranny shits up thread all day
>Idle comment about tranny being annoying
>M-m-m-mentally ILLLLLLLLLL You're so OBSESSED with me xoxox heres some more kpop and astarion bulge owo
>here comes the thread long meltdown because someone made fun of shart
But in all seriousness, how genuinely mentally ill do you have to be to pose a question as "genuine" and then turn it into this insane hours-long rant?
I appreciate the effort of a non-tranny suggestion. I'm hesitant to add direct Sharran content because it feels like something Shadowheart should mention later, and I don't want the first one to be too big, but I do like the idea of something with Moonhaven.
moids who never learned how to control their emotions LMAO jesus christ
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Hours and hours, time keeps on slipping slipping slipping...into the future
Lisa posters still REELING from last thread
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honestly the quest to discover what shadowheart has been doing behind your back is pretty kino
>fits her theme of secrecy
>fits the theme of cuckolds seeking solace in the shadows
>doesn't require new locations
>self contained
>doesn't impact the main story at all
but because he's so butthurt about getting cucked he has to seek lesser ideas
>so anon, what do you like to do for fun?
>well I've spent the last year posting fanfiction online about how my fictional video game girlfriend cucks me with a big cocked druid be...hey, wait, where are you going?!
Once it latches onto a topic, it samefags and repeats itself ceaselessly until its special topic becomes the focus of the thread. If that doesn't happen in a timely fashion, a tantrum ensues. Once you notice, you can't not notice.
>my quest idea is fetish dialogue and 0 real content

it's not fetish it's canon
not with their cute little mod its not!
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So when hovering your cursor over a container that would be marked as stealing, has the icon always displayed as an open chest (as in it appears as though you've already searched the container even if you haven't)? I feel like it normally isn't. Can't tell if it's either a bug or possibly an honor mode difficulty tweak.
bug since release
unless it's intentional? but that would be weird
Based based based based
I think it’s hilarious that the dumbest posters in the thread always congregate to complain about Shadowheart. What would Sigmund have to say about this?
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>17 posts since you last checked the thread
>trrannoid having tantrum
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no u, see you in another 20
Yes it has always appeared that way
in real life wyll would stomp astarion to death
>anon baiting for Astarion questline mods stops posting
>pookie-posting starts
In real life, everyone except the most absolute morally pure person would kill the guy who tried sexually assaulting you in the middle of the night and who murders you if you don’t physically stop him
>anon baiting for Astarion questline mods stops posting
>pookie-posting starts
look everyone!! look how smart this anon is! *headpats*
They have no idea who you’re talking about
Neither do you
Ah thank you
>has been doing behind your back
What do you mean?
>conversation drifts away from it, even for an instant
>immediately responds to itself to bring itself back into focus
Sad. But true
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and the best part of that sidequest? you can easily add a twist to it: Halsin has been teaching her how to swim

DC30 WIS check to see if they're lying

If you pass you get Cuckold's Solace buff: any time you heal Shadowheart Halsin gets healed 25% of the value
not funny
she talks about sex dreams with halsin in the past tense before sharess' caress
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bad skin
I like the added realism, personally
he just looks gross, bad skin, mail man face, weird hair, unironic ear rings, gay lisp, I don't get it
Pookie? Pookie where are you? I’m alone and it’s… Pookie? We can be together! Oh remember when I helped you, pookie? I did everything you wanted
Please let me out…
Pookie…. I’m sorry….
he just looks cute, great skin, model face, pretty hair, nice ear rings, sexy lisp, I just get it.
to me he's attractive, they could've given him perfect skin but they chose not too I like that, handsome face, sexy hair, sexy earrings, sexy voice

he's like crack to me
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You're S TILL going???
bad breath phenotype
If any gods are listening, please…. Help me
If any gods are listening, please…. Help me
If any gods are listening, please…. Help me
look, it didn't get enough attention so it's changing gears
Shadowheart broke his mind(based)
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ikr he’s so nasty I thought it was shitposting at first
Please… please… I’ll be good… please… pookie
*scratches at the coffin top*
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Astarion is perfect, you are jealous Wyllfags
It’s changing it’s tactics
It’s the enemy
Don’t you understand Bgg IT is evil IT is the cause of everything WE dislike
it being your discord, yes
Retards? They were always the enemy
>there you are. I was worried
>you know I hate to do this, dear, but sometimes you just act so…. Free spirited
>now now, don’t cry. I’m helping you
…pookie…… pookie… pookie
they still think its a discord LOL
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Your point being what, anon
That's a complaint box attached to a paper shredder.
After he eats my period
stomping on pookies. crushing his silly little neck <33 <3
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putting an extra hole in pookie’s soft little throat <3 <3
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Man, this evil+honor mode playthrough is starting to open up and become fun. I was scared things were going to feel limiting with a single save, but having to roll with the punches and improvise when shit doesn't go my way instead of reloading is honestly great. Also turning Lae'zel into a tavern brawler monk and throwing people into each other is hilarious.
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How about some handsome younger man for a change
he's a beautiful man
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stepping too hard and paralyzing pookie ://
This thing looks gross, bad skin, mail man face, weird hair, I don't get it
you can always tell when their chit chat room got really mad
That pig looks like a violent sociopath.
Astarion shaped meds NOW
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I really like this art of him
squeezing paralyzed pookie’s face and telling him he’s my sweet little baby pumpkin <3 <3
after all this time, still you dance
smashing spiders into a sloppy red paste for pookie’s breakfast <3
I don't, he's icky
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Gortash is the guy that peaked hard in high school and now spends his time lurking emo shows giving girls half his age HPV
sitting on pookie’s chest and feeding him with my bare hands <3 <33
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who's worse the ones in denial about shadowheart's dreams or the sisters
slapping pookie when he tries to bite my hand ://
Astarion mindbroke him......
the shartie is having a big melty rn so
leaving pookie alone in the dark until he begs me to come back <3
pookie listening intently as I tell him my plans for world domination <3 <3 <3
people pretending lazy isnt ugly as shit take the cake
But bro, Shadowheart had a dream
tracing circles on pookie’s forehead while his body slowly atrophies <3 <3
calling the frog ugly won't make shadowheart undream about sex with halsin but admitting you've been cucked will lift the weight off your shoulders
Builds for this feel?
let the hag take your eye
v true
Dimitri my love...
>your bf's mind falls apart

Best girl is so powerful
Groom yourself.
Doesn't that conflict with the lore? Wasn't it a Sharran army that wiped Moonhaven, not a little strike team?
Builds for this feel?
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best girl & best frog
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Unironically human male Champion fighter with a spear
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true and real
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she looks so good in dark green
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Oh good is it no-context screenshot time?

Astarion literally DREAMING of Cazador, his "bedroom master"
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Why did they change the 1d4 radiant buff to not be permanent? You can't even carry it to moonrise tower because of the force long rest.
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Because getting an extra 3 radiant damage for the entire game for casting Knock once is probably OP
Because everyone having constant radiant damage invalidates Radiant Retort
radiant retort is dumb af anyways
If you can successfully guess who I actually am, I will leave you forever, put your vaunted noticing to the test
>makes it completely useless for half an act
why did they do this?
I randomly had the idea to make a monk that looks like Ivy Valentine, though she should probably be a sorlock instead.

Is radiant retort in the table top? It's kinda retarded.
Like, what's the point of holy magic if you can't blast some demons with it? Completely stupid.
Spreading rumors about the new girl’s stupid name and making her cry
Darkliver. We talked about this.
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what is gale's problem
Best boy was WAY out of line here
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because she drinks too much?
1. Nocturne
2. Gimblebock
3. Darkliver
4. Cazador
5. Araj
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No that’s what I meant. I was thinking of an Shar cell originating in the mines because miners are known to pray to Shar for protection from the darkness. The quest could about uncovering the plot that drew the attention of Grymforge
Are there any good bg3 streamers? I was watching one I thought was good but he suddenly went into a weird anti-male rant like he actually believes men aren't being shit on constantly. It's all so tiring.
i fucking hate not having reliable talent
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>watching STREAMERS
kek parasocial trannoid
If every long rest meal isn’t 80% random bottles of wine literally what are you even doing at this point
I'm the only decent one, but I wouldn't want the roaches here anywhere near it
no other game has impressed me as much or drawn me into the game's world as much as BG3, since ME2 14 years ago
I highkey want to stream my self-insert run but I won’t have the time or privacy to do so
what kind of a person spontaneously dips into an “anti-male rant”? who does that?
Consider giving fellatios to bugbears
yeah, sorry
i just wanted to watch high level runs, solo honor. he seems really immature, and smug and angry, ironically toxic and lashes out sometimes, given that he complained about 'toxic men' but he was good at the game.
no idea. he's really smug and toxic like I said, somehow 'woke' was brought up, and the real toxic men are the leftists without fathers as always, but he was good at the game and i wanted to watch. but he ruined it for me.
oh well.
Straight males are inherently violent, hateful and reactionaries tho
>or privacy
lmao at u
Only the str8 ones tho

Gay men are chill
then you're easily impressed because the whole thing is smoke and mirrors
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/bgg/ is giving off some WEIRD vibes rn
same faggots, retards, troons, and discorders as always
I want to be Taehyung, but I know in my heart I’m a Jungkook
is sis still mad nobody wanted her to post her vagina?
Please tell me I can go back to Withers and collect SH's soul, because this damn woman really had to fall by the nautiloid.
Should have seen it coming, happened twice during my HM.
must be why you were begging
Sis is MAD Big Stinky Winky P U P U Stinky pussy
It's the stalker
Yoongi bros ww@
Facts fr
she a baddie she know she a 10
she a baddie wit her baddie friend
your not smart
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she was patient with my selfish mind
I was crazy and I didn't even realize
if she died in combat after the nautiloid you should be fine
Yes you can
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Auf der Heide blĂĽht ein kleines BlĂĽmelein
und das heiĂźt Lae'zel!
No, it’s not in the tabletop but the half the tabletop’s rules for monster generation are “idk make it up lol” so it’s completely fitting
Fiends don’t take extra damage from radiant damage in the tabletop anyway, so idk
You cannot
“Fell” from the Nautiloid, I got you anon we’re speaking the same language
That was extremely low quality
That’s what the doctor said, abruptly, seconds after pulling you out
Kinda crazy how Shadowheart just tells me to get naked and then shimmies up to me and starts kissing and pulling my penis into her vagina, isn't that sexual harassment or are girls just allowed to do whatever?
What WAS the deal with that scene? On the bedroll right next to everyone? No comments from the gang afterward?
does anyone sit down to get boppin pull up the playlist and find that half the songs were nuked off the app for political reasons?
>girls just allowed to do whatever
girls can't even dream around here
Stay away from solo honor streams, the whole thing is just woke retards doing the same tried-and-tested garbage
Russian bro….
I raise you this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIll0-AyMa0#ddg-play

This is me every time I pull up /bgg/
American hours are truly the new singer of Linkin Park of Linkin Park
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One of the Girls (with JENNIE)
>speed scroll through hours of shitposting
Why is it always the Astarionfag(s)?
>modded Shadowheart hair in Act 1
You didn't beat the game.
false flags
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If I already pissed off Auntie Ethel and chased her halfway into her cave, but leave to go long rest and do other shit in Act 1, will she be gone when I come back? I'm not nearly as prepared as I thought to deal with her and can't reload prior saves due to honor mode ruleset. I already missed shit like the Owlbears because I left and long rested and when I came back they were all dead.
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pookie OWNS you
>install Mystic mod
>go Soul Knife
>go psychic weapon
>Bonus Action that adds 1d10 per psi point to my next hit
>Lae’zel is hitting for 3d10+1d8+4 psychic damage at level 4 while also being a full caster
Starting to think this mod might be OP
Shouldn't you be worried about Mayrina? I'm not going to help someone as amoral as you.
The pile behind Dror Ragzlin's throne comes to mind

Yes, she’ll be gone along with Mayrina
Time to nut up and do honor mode
Yes I did. I embraced Shadowheart and her unmodded hair my first playthrough. As someone who digs girls with fringe bangs, I've earned the right to mod that yee yee ass haircut out of my game.
Thanks for driving by... We'll take the posts we can get...
That bitch knew what she was getting into dealing with a hag. I'm roleplaying a power hungry sorcerer, not a paladin of Tyr
Well shit
She’s an easy fight
Your sorc’s job is to clear the illusions. Pop magic Missile on everyone, then a speed pot, then magic Missile the clones she’s made from her LA from your first MM.
Then your martials just beat her face in. Your cleric casts Bless and sort of just waits
>I'm roleplaying a power hungry sorcerer
Yeah? Go seek some power like a fool then, it's no longer my problem.
Auntie Ethel? For me? 6 barrels of smokepowder placed from sneak mode, 1 vial of a alchemist's fire, and a well-placed CHA character. Then, once the dialogue is finished, I kill her from range. It wasn't personal, just hate the fight. Simple as
the monk class feels out of place
You should feel right at home playing it then
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Dex > Wis > Cha
Just pick whatever your MC has a 17 in
no, not really
edging karlach in the middle of camp is probably the funniest shit ever
Meant for >>503049261
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She wants you to sit on my face so I can recite my oath directly into your ass
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If you want to multiclass fighter a few levels into a caster with some control magic (between 3 and 5 levels) which class is better? Bard, Cleric or Warlock?
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Multiclassing is debasing yourself. It's the video game equivalent to pissing into your own face.
the only reason to multiclass fighter is to pick up 2 levels for action surge or 6 levels for two feats
*Another one: does the improved bard inspiration from valor add damage to both weapons of a dual wielding char on its next attack?
no it only applies to one attack
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I love Dolly
Dolly Dolly
Not a bad idea (shared caster ability and divination rolls).
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Gale, you look different.
wyll should be a rapper
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Thanks for the advice anon, just had to tighten up my gameplan, swap Wyll for Lae'zel and was fortunate enough to have a spare potion of speed for clearing the clones.
>(Ability Score +1)
Annnnd immersion broken.
is my cleric supposed to just sit around in sanctuary casting bless, healing word, and water on people
Yeah that's one way to play, but clerics can also deal major damage themselves. What subclass did you pick?
Well, what did you expect? Maybe you should have picked a real domain. Like War. With its Guided Strike at level 2 that outperforms a Fighter with 3 APR plus a feat.
Then yes. Spirit Guardians too. Or respec to either Light or Tempest and Blast people.
If you strike a critical hit with a braced weapon ability are each of the individual damage rolls rolled twice (best of each 2)?
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Almost every control magic spell involves a save, usually wisdom or intelligence. Control spells are bad when the caster has a low spell save difficulty class, because enemies will pass the save more often than not. Spell save dc is dictated by the caster's spell ability. Most classes cast with either intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. But Fighters care about Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Which means a properly built control mage clashes with the stats a fighter needs to be a fighter.

So if your end result is a fighter that has a handful of control spells, that's actually one of the hardest things to built in all of dnd, because control spells care about spellcasting spell save dc and fighters care about str/con.

My advice would be to build a warlock that chooses pact of the blade. That way you can build a warlock by pumping Charisma, get your charisma based spell save dc really high so your control spells function properly, and then use the pact of the blade subclass features to also stab people really well, because pact of the blade gets to use the character's spellcasting modifier for their attack rolls (in this case for a warlock that would be charisma).

The only downside of this build is that you're not actually a fighter, you're just good at stabbing people, so you lack the defensive boons fighters get like large hit dice, armor proficiencies, and the Indomitable class feature.

The other way to do something similar is to make a bard and pump their spellcasting stat so your control spells function properly, then take the Valor or Swords subclass so you're also good at stabbing people. This has the same downside as above. It's not a coincidence that this is one of the strongest subclasses in the game, since being to cast spells effectively and stab people effectively means you step on every other class's toes. Bards are jacks of all trades while being bad at nothing, since they also talk well and have skill expertise.
Another long winded nothing from a literal tranny
If you want to be a gish it's better to play something like a Swords Bard, a Bladelock or some variant of Paladin (pure, Bardadin or Sorcadin)
i might be retarded but im ~10hours into the game and just entered Act2. so far it feels like non of my characters do any damage and are missing their hits 80% of the time
my custom character is a fighter with a 1h sword + shield and my companions are the goth gf, the greenskin and the vampire dude. i even had to go to explorer difficulty since i wasnt able to beat 10+ npcs in certain fights (goblin hideout / the big forge in the underdark)
am i doing something wrong or is this how the game is supposed to work? im at a point where im trying to avoid combat whenever i can
You either have wonky builds and gear, or you're extremely unlucky. Very rare for everyone to miss.
>10 hours
>Act 2
You're speedrunning it and not leveling enough, plus you have shit builds.
I miss swen's shitty twitter posts comeback to me my sweet ceo
>You're speedrunning it
i try not to. i finished the whole underdark before i even met Halsin. when i encountered him for the first time he basically told me to either go to the Grymforge or just walk straight to the Moonrise Tower (which turned out to be the end of act1)
>plus you have shit builds
most likely this. my main character is just a fighter that spams either sword slashes or bow shots, the green warrior lady basically does the same but misses 70% of the time, the goth cleric either heals my wounded party members or hits people with a flail (also misses most of the time) and the vampire dude stabs with two daggers or shoots his bow. not sure what constitutes for a build in this game since all of my party members, except for the goth cleric have barely any abilities and just use basic attacks(?)
Anyway in Explorer it shoudln't really matter, my first time was with Honor rules (with reload) and I found the game very easy except for a couple of encounters, but I do a lot of homework with my builds.
Are you a single dad or mom by any chance..
>build a warlock that chooses pact of the blade
Yeah I noticed. Im planning a party with one control divination wizard (2 levels of fighter for surge) and one wild magic sorcerer with 3 rogue and 2 fighter so it can misty step on top of the enemy and spam lvl 3 spells to trigger wild magic (waiting for those negative rolls).
There are 2 chars left, one melee combatant and one ranged, both single target DPS focused.
One alternative is to have 2 multiclassed warlocks, one focused on eldritch blast and another would be more melee focused with fighter so any of them could also cast bane and maximize chances of the wizard (or the other warlock) succeeding on a hold person/monster. The alternative would be to make a ranger/fighter/rogue/cleric with dual crossbow along with (not sure if this one is possible) a fighter/monk/rogue to take advantage of both the monks stunning strikes and battle master abilities (in theory if it works I could have guaranteed disarms if a stun lands).
it was a shartie having a BIG melty yesterday
Potion of Hill Giant Strength is Le Cheese.
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Is there going to be a lot of trouble in migrating from an older save of the game (~patch 5) that had a few basic mods installed, to the current version? Going to see my family this Christmas and letting my brother finish his playthrough from last year. I see there's a built-in mod manager now, which seems to be missing stuff that's on nexus. Do I have to choose which one to use, do they work together...?
Another nice, helpful, and informative post. Thanks, Mintharafag.
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Good afternoon /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony!

We all deserve it during these tiring times
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Surprise! The slopswine is no stranger to doublethink. Its signature shitpost includes "Love & Harmony," but what it really stands for is "Slop & Hypocrisy." See the slopswine for what it subverts, without the slightest shame. Instead of beauty, you will have slop. Instead of truth, you will have slander. It seeks to sow strife by accusing you of being a samefag. Since the slopswine sees no shame in shaming sexual assault survivors, it should be stigmatized and shunned. Self-evident as that may be, a silent spectator I shall be no more. Surely, this soliloquy is but a mere show of schizophrenia, courtesy of the Silfyschizo. Suck on this subterranean elf screenshot.

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Well, either use the built-in mod manager, or BG3MM, not both! This is to avoid conflicts and problems. It's not forbidden, but it's just common sense.

Mods, that's another story: they often need to be updated for the latest patch, otherwise they can lead to problems and bugs.
You can use either the built-in mod manager, or the unofficial one, or both! This may or may not cause conflicts: that's how things are.
As for your question about mods: some will work just fine after updating the game to the latest version, while others won't. It might be helpful to update the mods themselves: you can often fix issues with this simple trick! Let me know if you need more help. I can also recommend working cheats!
I can't let her go as an OoA paladin.
Smite the evil out of her pussy
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Anyone got the pregnancy version of this?
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Astarion is either a narcissistic, opportunistic asshole, or someone who actually cares, not both! This is to avoid inconsistent characterization. It's not impossible, but it's just being part of society.

In Baldur's Gate, that's another story: his alignment needs to be updated when he sees the colors of the city for the first time in centuries, reminding him of his more "gentle" nature.
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Six months since this game came out and I still love Shadowheart
It's been over a year since the game came out...
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no but I got this instead
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What level are you anon? You should be at least around level 6 when you get to Grymforge; also 10 hours to finish Act 1 are really less than normal, it could be that you lost some very useful gear that can be decisive for success in the early stages. It's a game that rewards exploration, or maybe it would be better to say the opposite: it's a game that knows how to punish those who want to face it with a "speedrun" approach.

I also read the other post, it seems that there is something strange (Lae'zel who misses his attacks) but also a certain inexperience on your part in the DND system: and that's fine! I also really pitied at the beginning, it takes a while. In particular BG3 has mechanics that border on metagaming but that are effective and fun for the fights.

For example, your Fighter Tav, how is he/she equipped?
>Lae'zel who misses his attacks
The worthless pig fuck misgenders a female character. Reminds you of another form of shitposting targeting Minthara. I just think that's interesting.
Would you miss the schizo spamming his copy pastas if he ever killed himself out of shame?
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>her atatcks
..chk! whoopsie
>Whoops! Totally didn't mean this as a pretext to post slop twice!
I'm glad Omeluum has that teleport spell.
>Would you miss the schizo
no because I use CHEATS
1 billion barve
Learn to ignore and filter people you don't like, and stop acting all mighty and superior, and eventually people will stop even thinking about "Who's behind this post?!"
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>So...I'm non binary.

Veilguard's writing is a great example of ostracizing the fanbase from the world and lore and worldbuilding they helped create.

Some people have complained about how Viconia, Jaheira and Minsc are portrayed in BG3, and how they are different from BG2: it's their right to do so, but it's nothing compared to the treatment given to Isebella, Morrigan and the others from previous DA games.

Remember the "...for now" in my famous pasta? That's what I was referring to: who will be able to take the crown of BG3, and how long will it be? There are no other challengers on the horizon at the moment, even judging by the TGA nominees this year.
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BG3's writing is actually laughable. Even Astarion, who is often touted as a well-written character by video game standards, is a joke. Did you know he was sexually abused or something? And that's supposed to make you care? Hah. Nice joke. It makes you laugh in disbelief. Male rape is HILARIOUS. Do you think GODey BONED him?
I wish I could report extreme bouts of schizophrenia as such
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anyone wanna play multiplayer this morning?
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Having an opinion doesn't make you a schizo, or a hypocrite. Unless that opinion is as changeable as the weather. Sometimes, you feel like rambling about Astarion's more "gentle" nature, something players can easily overlook. Sometimes, you feel like joking about him being raped, or BONED. What matters is being consistent. Anyway, it was a joke.
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>shadowheart is the only one with a scene down by the river
>dream visitor daisy song plays during her romance scene and no one else's
what did they mean by this
Playing a crpg with other people sounds like a terrible experience and an easy way to kill the immersion fuck that
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It means the lyrics of "I Want To Live" do not suggest that it's about Astarion.
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