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Welcome to the Dragon Quest General! Everything related to the Dragon Quest series, also known as Dragon Warrior, is discussed here

Difficultyspikepillar Edition
Last Thread:>>502637070

- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is now available on Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince is now available on Switch, PC, and mobile phones.
- Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi and Dragon Quest Champions ended their service.
- Dragon Quest I & II HD-2D Remake has been confirmed for the Switch and will release in 2025.
- Dragon Quest Builders is now available on PC, including all QoL that the mobile port had.
- Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai is now available on PS4/5, Switch, and PC.
- Dragon Quest Treasures, a treasure hunting RPG featuring Erik and Mia from Dragon Quest XI, is now available for the Switch and PC.
- Dragon Quest X is available on PC in English via a fan translation. Check DQX Resources for more info.
- Dragon Quest XII: The Flames of Fate has been announced. Details aside from the title are unknown.

/dqg/ Beginner's Guide to Dragon Quest: https://imgur.com/gallery/kE7vCn2
Versions to Play/Buy: https://pastebin.com/TcW5bgqv
DQM3 Resource: https://dev.metalkid.info/DQM3/Monsterpedia
Dragon Quest IX DLC/Treasure Map Searcher: https://pastebin.com/Paf0Ypme
DQB2 Resources: https://pastebin.com/ykdKc201
DQX Resources: https://pastebin.com/kE3XGQNS

ROMs/Hacks/Mods/Translations: https://pastebin.com/QbQS5i2S
Anime/TV: https://pastebin.com/a2cRRuzi
Music: https://pastebin.com/NceqwLAa
日本DQ Wiki: https://wikiwiki.jp/dqdic3rd/
DQ Art, Guide Books, Non-H Doujins: https://pastebin.com/GnaCV4vW


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also this was the captcha i got when making this thread
what did he mean by this?
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beat me to the OP because of this 900s bullshit.
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It's surprising that Mage has better stats than Sage.
You would think Sage would be a direct upgrade.
my only friend on dqx removed me
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Personalities are overrated. Simply give your characters ones that are vaguely related to what you want them to do, and it'll be fine. No need to min/max and play an already easy game on Easy Mode.
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>Going through Zoma's Castle (I'm the GBC anon from the other day)
>Enemy uses thwack
>3 of my party members die

Fuck me I guess.228d6
Doing the Kidnapper's Cave on Hard, not really sure if I'm underleveled or overleveled.
Had to leave to heal after exploring the first floor because it actually drained my MP quite a lot. Not actually tough but annoying encounters like 2 Hoodies, 2 Shades and 3 Lump Mages.
Sage is a better all-rounder and provides more utility
Mage is just there to nuke things with magic
i think my lowest level was 23 when i did it
I mean yeah but once you have learned all the spells you can switch to Mage since it unexpectedly has better stats.
Probably to make up for their main gimmick no longer being a selling point since everyone has multihits now
Don't forget to wash your balls, /dqg/
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dont tell me what to do
>defeat whip demon whatever from the pyramid
>hero jumps up two levels
was i underleveled? Sounds weird cause besides trying to block their magic (with the dedicated staff, didn't want to waste mp, though i did basically waste turns cause even if i could block it the block would come undone in less than 2 turns, sometimes in the same turn) hero did big dick damage with zap
At lvl40, you should be changing your Sage to either something that is fast, or hits hard with a lot of defense or better equipment selection. Additional Wisdom is pointless at a certain point, and seed farming all stats to 255 is always going to be the most optimal way to play the game regardless.
Zap is supposed to be a thing during the fight as all enemies there were weak to it. I say you were fine
My squad is
warrior (was thief)
sage (was mage)

I'm keeping wrangler until he gets wild side, what should I change him to after that? I'm thinking either gadabout -> sage for extra spells or MA/thief for agility. Need some help boys
Optimal path after learning all Sage spells > MW for Beast Mode -> Goof off for Angry magic -> Class you think looks the best for your caster (Mage obviously)
Straight to MA if you're either going to just get Zoma done asap OR turbo autism grind for giga optimal Xenron strats (you'll want the MA auto crit for that)

Else Warrior to Sword Dance -> MA final because it Will outpace MW damage before too long in the endgame
my plan was to make my warrior a MA too, is there anything I should change my sage to after he learns all the necessary spells?
Is the Hero sub-optimal for a post-game party simply because they can't learn Wild Side? Why would anyone not want to double their actions? Why even re-balance the game if they were just going to break it again with one ability?
it's really a moot question since you can't change it. gotta accept the boy for the way he is, he's just trying his best
Every Wisdom/Magic Seed belongs to Hero, Omniheal is the lifeblood that allows your other 3 characters to do their thug thizzle without worrying about wasting Anger/Beast turns on Healing and you can just let MA and Sage1 do full damage while Hero and Sage2 Heal/Buff
You don't need your entire party taking double actions because it always doubles the one you're taking, leaving it either too slow to set up with many actions or outright dead on others. Hero is eternally relevant for healing and access to unique gear
>they're doing the haiku thing for Japanese type characters again

It's interesting the kids in Jipang don't speak in haikus. Guess they learn that in college or something
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Finally beat the game, now I get to play 1 and 2.
Congrats but you're in for quite the downgrade.
aiieeee 30 year old game spoilers!!!
Yeah my friend already told me, I just figured if I'm playing one game in the trilogy misewell play them all.
recently replayed 1 and it is still great, the simplicity of it is actually more appealing now then when i was younger. there is not any wasted time in the game
Dragon Quest Builders 3 with Sage-Chan when?
Trying to decide on my next run. 100% with achievements run, solo hero, or monster wrangler banned
Is it possible to beat Xenlon in 15 or less turns without going all in on optimization in the remake? My postgame party was probably going to be the following because I didn't want to double-up on classes while unlocking the full ability and spell lists:
>Thief > Warrior
>Monster Wrangler > Merchant > Martial Artist
>Mage > Gadabout > Sage
My idea was my Warrior being a tank, using Forbearance when other are too low on health or using Sword Dance when in the clear, my Hero using Fullheal or Omniheal as necessary, the new Wild Side Martial Artist cheese, and Channel Anger with my Sage.
>That close to getting a vamp hero
Meh. I'll stick to my blind decision-making. See if I can still pull it off in spite of my choices.
You can patch it up with personality items in the worst case scenario, the game will stat correct after some levels
Seed farm strats? I need to solo Baramos on Draconian. I’ve heard there’s a special reward if you do.
Unless it was changed it the remake, the reward is just a Bastard Sword, which you can already buy in a shop. It's a wholly unnecessary reward.
Does Warrior-chan want anything from Thief besides the speed boost?
I might just feed her a bunch of seeds.
How long is DQ3 again
How long is a piece of string?
Managed to beat it with these >>502942454 levels. Hero had to be a healbot for most of the fight but the rest of the team can dish out enough damage.
if you take your time you can easily get 70 hours out of it
The Jipang music reminds me of Kakariko Village in BotW
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So I take the whole Ortega becomes a party member after you resurrect him thing was a lie?
Mods will fix it.
Dammit, that means the special romantic scene with a randomized party member of the opposite sex was a lie too :(
persecutter is the most powerful ability in the game
Bird really needed a sprint if the overworld size was going to double
Just got the bird, any must haves I should go find before going to baramos' place?
Is Hero, Monster Wrangler + 2 the new baby mode team?
Martial artists really suck early in the game, I had to make a monster wrangler cause there was no claws or anything and it was doing 5 damage with fists.
Hey bros is there an option have the kanas above the kanjis in DQ3 HD remake?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they said they have furigana in an interview
I bought the game on steam and then set the language in japanese. I hope it's here somewhere in the options in the game... I can't find them so far, my nihongo is still weak
Yeah. Three Wranglers is too much but two Wranglers and a priest or merchant is probably the strongest possible start.
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>mfw went merchant, wrangler and gadabout thinking it'll just be a ragtag team of retarded picks (with wrangler simply being the new one i wanted to try)
>turns out i basically went with the best meta team
on all levels except physical i am draque
They pretty much made the wrangler mandatory it's the only way to recruit monsters without any bullshit
It might only be in native Japanese copies. You might have to do something like set Steam to Japanese and redownload if that makes any difference.

Does anyone have a link to that lengthy interview with Horii? Famitsu I think. They mentioned it in there IIRC
Looks like he's strangling a black guy.
Thief is more meta than Merchant because any class it changes to at alltrades will be faster than normal
ah damn...
I found it for you. My Japanese is weak but I put it on Japanese and saw "furigana" there in hiragana. Incidentally the option right below is to put it all in hiragana. But you probably want furigana so you can learn the kanji.
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Just explore, my guy. Take some time and fly about the world. I'm sure you'll find or remember some spot you found earlier that you couldn't get too on foot before.
It's not the point of no return you can kill Baramos and still explore the world after
thank you bro going to check it out
Im just asking if there are any must haves I'd be better off getting sooner than later
Do you lose the merchant you give to that weirdo?
No. You can pick them up later.
iirc only in the NES original, every other version you can get them back
You get them back after 6 orbs
the vengaboys reference made me laugh
I wish you could sit on chairs in this game. Maximum comfy. And fish, that'd be nice.
Stop bee-lining to the finish line and enjoy the journey. Explore what you want to explore. You really don't need find/buy equipment upgrades since you can find stuff that's good enough in dungeon chests.
are the magical bikini and scandalous swimsuit different in appearance?
Their item icons when picking them up are different, but when wearing them it's all the same graphic.
/dqg/ is so fast these days, it's hard to keep up.
Ah, so THAT'S why I was so confused yesterday when people were talking about getting their merchant back. I've only beaten the NES version.
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thank you so much
Puff puff...
Smart Hero or Sexy Hero? Its the SNES version.
All the remakes add an additional stage to the town's growth in which your merchant is released and decides to go back to Patty's.
Where's the monster in Persistence? Is it the horse?
do you have a mirror?
Sexy for SNES
If you ever have to ask, the right answer is sexy.
No but I thought it would be a Ra's mirror thing. Thanks. I can't remember, can I get it after getting the body but before any orbs?
Uh, boat, I mean.
not sure, sorry. didnt get it myself till getting a few orbs i think but i was dicking around
You at least need the Ultimate Key (or power-level a Mage for Click) before you can get Ra's Mirror. It isn't locked behind any bosses.
Neat! Though my merchant will probably still be a throwaway character. Don't wanna go without them for that long.
How do a grind in dq3 mid game? I almost got all the orbs, i just need to throw a sword in the volcano north west. I know several metal slime locations but they dont give much exp, i need to find liquid metal slimes.
you didn't beat the level
In Alaska or near Persistence, go to the bit nearby and NW of it - though they may be everywhere around there, that's where I found them.
Yeah there is, been playing the past week with it on. They really went ham with the language options in this, I'm very happy about it. DQXI 3DS also had furigana which was cool but back then I was just starting out with Japanese, I might go back and play it after III.
Thanks, ill look when i get home. Level ups feel kinda bricked when you get around level 25, need to find liquid metal slimes to get the extra boost. Im cutting it close on some boss fights in draconian mode.
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All the QoL options they've put in the game are very nice. I'm going to use this game to start my learning of japanese
What's the deal with the party dress and smart suit? No one can wear them and they have bad stats but they seem like they should be good. Is there some use for them?
Hero/Thief/Mage/Priest in SNES
Hero/Wrangler/Gadabout/Filler in HD
>martial artist opens every fight with all-out assault
>instantly gets dicked down every time
remind me why I babysit this retard again
Who is your Arus/Aileen making babies with?
I can’t decide between my bimbo bunny sage and my cute, secretly quite feminine musclefu warrior.
I have never used martial artist in any dq3 play through ever. What do they even do
they punch
Unique gear for gadabouts who didn’t have as many armour options in previous versions of the game
They crit for days but fall over if something so much as breathes on them.
With all this talk shitting on Martial Artists, I'm starting to wonder if I should alter my plans.
I've got a Thief that's going to go martial artist, but now I'm wondering if I should make her a monster wrangler instead. I originally wanted to make my mage into a wrangler, but I could go back on my no-sage rule and make her that instead.
Martial Artist is great late game
Apparently they're pretty good later in the game when they get a guaranteed crit and moves that target groups but they suck early.
I see. I guess I'm jumping the gun then. I'll stick with my original plan.
>monster wrangler
perfect class for if you don't actually like the game or want to play it
>monster wrangler
perfect class for if you don't actually like the game or want to play it
this is a funny comment when warrior, sage & martial artist are all still better than it
He means it's overpowered as hell to the point it's gamebreaking
Did your girlfriend get wrangled?
How many slime hills are there? Are they all about the same or is any one better than the others? I only know of 2 atm
No it isn't.
rimuldar appears to be surrounded by metal slimes :)
>when your warrior has lower Def than your sage
That's the personality system for ya
But my sage has been Wit and Genius all this time. I think she just has shit gear, though she does have the best body armour I've seen so far - full plate.
Whats the appeal of warrior? I reclassed by priest into one for the sake of stats balancing themselves out, but this movelist aside from the tank related aspects are so unimpressive. My monster tamer with meh stats thats level 30 and never reclassed still outdamages with monster pile on. Does warrior learn anything significant ever?
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>Zoma killed himself by attacking my warrior equipped with spiked armor
I'll take it
I think it's more to do with equipment, at least prior to this remake. Now MW has that one super move that makes them so useful.
Warriors have tank abilities they can protect your squishy members from dying long enough to heal them if they're close to death.
>10 metal slimes
I'll let you guess how many I managed to kill.....
I hate to speak ill of the dead but how much of a shitter was Ortega if he died to enemies his 16 year old daughter could beat?
Monster Pile-On scales with the number of monsters you've rescued, not your level or equipment. It's absolutely game-breaking, if you're a completionist.
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Was it more than the 2 I managed from this lot?
Ortega went solo, if he had 3 more guys he would've easily completed the quest.
Peak performance
In having even worse luck with these.

I got 3 out of the 10
Oh so thats how it works, nuts.
Retconned. Now he partied with a dwarf and a Brazilian.
They weren't around during the big fights
How do I get Ortega's beautiful, manly, rock hard helmet?
Based anon, DQXI 3DS is what finally got me on the path to studying Japanese. I'm sitting my N1 in December so it's been a long journey since then to now, this series kind of changed my life in that way. I never expected a fucking 3DS game to be the catalyst for learning a whole new language but I hope it has the same effect for you.
They're shit at the start but once you get claws they get pretty good
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Maximum comfy
There's a russian village out there called Mur
I've been enjoying sitting in my bed playing on my Switch, then during the day in tabletop mode
Despite the performance issues I haven't been this comfy with a game in a long time
Post monster teams.
My monke/healie/wizzie team dominated until rank 6, now they’re total jobbers.
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>I never expected a fucking 3DS game to be the catalyst for learning a whole new language but I hope it has the same effect for you.
Bless you anon, feels good to see someone else making it, especially thanks to DQ. Makes me hopeful. I've set up my anki deck, I have my Cure Dolly playlist and my grammar references index ready. I'm going to immerse myself right away with DQ3 HD while doing my daily anki reps and watching my cure dolly videos.
>best girl is (You)
Many such cases!
Yeah, I went there and saw it but I'm not sure how to get it off those thieves.
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DQ is a great game for learning Japanese so I wish you the best of luck anon, I've been adding some words to my anki deck while playing too.
>Cure Dolly
Man that's nostalgic, RIP, her vids really helped me when I did N3
You're already doing all the right stuff anon, godspeed and I sincerely hope you enjoy the journey - it's a little cringe to say but language learning is a lot like a JRPG in that sense.
Does the 4 DS remake have a full translation patch yet?
>I've been adding some words to my anki deck while playing too.
Did you do a lot of mining? Did it help you a lot?
>You're already doing all the right stuff anon, godspeed and I sincerely hope you enjoy the journey - it's a little cringe to say but language learning is a lot like a JRPG in that sense.
Thank you anon.
>That can of Kronenbourg
I need to know your favorite DQ3 class and favorite Metaphor character
You just go in the backdoor of the place where the helmet is and hear the story of what happened
Where even is rank 5 and 6?
>Did you do a lot of mining? Did it help you a lot?
Honestly I didn't start using Anki until this year, previously I just consumed a lot of material (reading NHK articles and books, playing vidya, listening to podcasts etc.) and making notes of words in a word doc every now and then. I was lucky enough to get to spend time in Japan and then around Japanese people these past two years in particular so by using the language my skill level rose a fair bit, that was more valuable than a lot of my actual study. If you can, getting a tutor or going to a language exchange group is a great idea in my opinion.
Mining has been helping me lately as I'm encountering a lot of words that I guess are common in fantasy stories like DQ, such as 嘆かわしい or 征服(する ), that I hadn't seen before.
I did that but I still didn't get it. I clicked on it again and spoke to the fat green-clothed guy again too. I did go there before the boat if that makes any difference. Maybe I need to go there later.
The thief. I haven't actually played Metaphor yet, it arrived today after I got it on sale yesterday off Amazon. Kind of dreading the time management to be honest.
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The time management in Metaphor is very lenient. You can easily do everything with days to spare at the end, without using a guide.
Dragon Quest.
Ore wa Ortega-sama. Ore ga chinpo tabetai.
>Get puff-puff
>Warrior was dialogue
>Hero has dialogue
I thought everyone in the party was mute... this is unbelievable...
This is why he left his wife and daughter
mostly mute.
I hate that I know what that means. What have I done with my life?
its box art looks ai
not that anon but
>that was more valuable than a lot of my actual study
no kidding, studying is for chumps and autists. It's like minmaxxing, it's just tedious, boring and mostly useless busywork, and this goes for everything not just languages
>If you can, getting a tutor or going to a language exchange group is a great idea in my opinion.
makes me wonder if those email exchange things are still a thing, the ones where you basically find a jap that wants to learn your language and you start talking and teaching each other stuff

>time management
if you mean the calendar, and if it's anything like persona (and i'm assuming it is, i have started the game myself but still not at the point where i guess i can manage my time on my own), then you should be able to do everything unless you really do something clearly wrong. I bet the game will keep reminding you about deadlines and stuff anyway, tldr just play normally and you shouldn't have any issues. Same goes for the other stuff, like when it gets to choosing archetypes don't think too much about it cause everything will work just fine. Not that different from DQ i guess, or to go with another Toriyama game like Blue Dragon in fact, metaphor is pretty much just blue dragon
>If you can, getting a tutor or going to a language exchange group is a great idea in my opinion.
Damn no I don't have anything like that. And going to Japan is really not possible right now :(
When will DQ be as good as FF?
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Thief's sprite is pure sex
Ah damn anon, but regardless I only went to Japan for the first time last year so that was basically 6 years that I studied in a vacuum. And when I first got there, I was barely able to speak, but if you have the underlying knowledge then it won't be long before you're able to string together increasingly longer sentences. But like >>503000074 alluded to, there are exchange things (not email these days but apps like HelloTalk or iTalki) where you can find a language partner. Beware though, while you do find cute girls there you also find some crazy people, but definitely once you've spent time learning vocab and basic grammar I highly encourage you to give it a shit!

>no kidding, studying is for chumps and autists.
I'm definitely the latter kek but yeah studying in a vacuum is a really dumb idea, the whole purpose of language is to communicate with others (being able to play DQ is a good goal to a certain point though). I have hated having to cram a lot of antiquated and niche grammar structures for this upcoming exam but screw it, the game is the game. I am inclined to agree with you in that practical experience is the best, but it's not like people can just zoom to Japan so I understand people grinding away autistically in secret first.
>makes me wonder if those email exchange things are still a thing
I mentioned those apps before but when I made friends in Japan I ended up exchanging LINE and Instagram, the only issue is that a lot of those guys seem to just resort to Google Translate and aren't really all that interested in learning English in my opinion, and plus it's hard to keep longform chats going over social media these days due to the attention deficit that everybody has now thanks to what the internet has become.
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>give it a shit!
Kek, but yeah give it a shot
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Honestly right now my main priority is to be able to play vidya in full japanese, I'm not worrying too much if I'll be able to talk or not.
Also how many hours did you put in your study a day? I want to be effective but I don't want to burn myself out. What was your routine like?
Did you go upstairs too? If you did, you are cooked
Was Ramia always so slow in the original versions? I was hoping to be able to swoop across the map in swift fashion but it feels like a flying turtle.
beat it
the credits got me bros
I am 16 years and definitely not qualified to drive a boat with 3 wives.
At the start (2017-2021-ish I'd say, I was busy with uni back then too) I was pretty undisciplined, but I'd still make a point of watching stuff in Japanese without subs and trying to incrementally build an understanding of speech. I didn't start doing kanji drills until 2021.
Since February 2022 I've been studying every day, and because I was unemployed since April this year I've been doing like 3 hours a day minimum excluding gaming, often more since I set myself the goal of passing N1 this year and had to learn another 1000 jouyou Kanji on top of the 1000-ish I learnt for N3/N2.
When I worked it would still be about 1-2 a day minimum, I'd do kanji drills and reading while at the office and put on Japanese videos while doing mundane office stuff.

That's pretty valid, like I said it's definitely a goal to strive towards. Right now being able to play this game in moonrunes is very cathartic for me.
I've never played a DQ game where Warriors had abilities other than the Fight command and it's still my fave vocation. Love me big weapons and heavy armour.
This may not work for you but my routine is basically:
30 mins Kanji drills (writing challenges, flash card challenges) using an app (Kanji Study) and a bit of writing out for 3 new Kanji a day
30 mins studying grammar from N2-N1
1 hour of reading - includes random articles or a book (been slowly reading Norwegian Woods since last month), I often mine words from articles
Then right now I'm doing practice questions through the Migii JLPT app and grinding Anki flashcards for vocab most of the day
Plus I played like 4 hours of this game today too lol
It is a little extreme and I won't be able to/need to do this pretty soon, like I said a lot of this is due to this N1 exam. Once that's out of the way I'll take a break from JLPT stuff and just do my daily kanji and vocab drills whilst consuming media
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Jesus it came down to the wire.
L O N D O N?
Now you just need to go back to Jipang and be welcomed as a savior...
A buddy of mine is practicing by translating DQXI. Every word he doesn't know is added to an anki deck. Seems like a lot of work to me. Better off using a prebuilt no?
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What is this?
You need the second wrecking ball to get it.
nta but thanks i had no idea what that shit was either
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I think I've collected literally everything before entering Baramos's Lair. That smelly lizard doesn't know what's coming for him.
A smelly human?
Unironically what's with the DQ localizations and puns? Some are good but they make literally everything a pun.
I'm on postgame. How should I go about tackling Xenlon? Thinking of changing my Warrior to a Thief to get some utility stuff and monster collecting, then to a Monster Wrangler for Beast Mode, then back to Warrior. My female Sage is probably gonna stay Sage, but I'm debating on whether I should change my male Sage or not.

Personalities are Wit, Paragon, Daydreamer (just now changed to Wit), and Genius, respectively.
Examining the mirror in that house in Asham results in different text depending on personality.
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Man these guys SUCK without a caster.
Those names. A reference to the German book Der Rabe von Weidenschatten?
Where is the best place to grind once you get the boat? Some Orb fights are kicking my ass.
your wizard staffs bro
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Not smelly enough. One level short of Omniheal.
Found a video showing the best grinding spots
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How well do you anons know DQ3? Say you were trapped in the room with no internet. How long would it take for you to beat it?
I like to think I have enough common sense to be able to beat it without getting stuck.
Im not a huge fan, but its to match the mid evil aspect of the game. In a world where dq had a normal ass plain text translation (thats how it is in japanese) i could see it criticized for being very bland. Regardless i hate the forced accents, if you’re in esl some of this shit might be a nightmare to read.
The game gives enough hints to where if you stop and think hard enough you’ll eventually get to where you need to be
The Theddon fight is fucking ridiculous.
going as fast as i can? probably 13 hours
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This is the worst game of Whack-A-Mole invented ever.
what do you think will be added to 1+2? monster arena? extra side quests? after game? id like if 2 had the msx content
I've seen that port on MSX but I didn't know it had unique content. What does it include?
I got lucky as fuck in this fight. Find the swallow boomerang (better then edged boomerang), crackle the yellow dudes, flame breath with monster wrangler if you have them, and idk pray. Its such a retarded fight, killing everything in one turn doesnt work in dq
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Spam AoE spells/attacks anon.
a scene where the king lusts after the princess if she has nothing equipped and gifts you a bikini
i wonder if they will have to remove the lottery game because "muh gambling"
I'd bet one some form of skill tree system for customization purposes, since they added abilities to IIImake. Midenhall will 100% have an MP meter this time around. I'd like a post-game dungeon or something where Alef joins the Retard TrIIo that unlocks after clearing both games, but I wouldn't count on that. Maybe they'll add Pachisi as an apology for excluding it from III.
bridal carrying a kidnapped princess in hd2d
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Do we have more sexy mods?
Can't decide between party classes.
I want the wrangler and mage(sage), but not sure which I should choose between thief and martial artist.
The amount of time I accidentally zoomed out of a dungeon is too high.
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How much of a grinding autist are you in DQ bros? I admittedly go a bit crazy. Like in DQ6, as soon as I get access to the earliest area with the highest level cap of 99, I try and max out the most beneficial classes on all characters. In the DS versions of DQVII and VIII I abused the fuck out of the tablet system to get Champions/Hero/Druids early in VII and turn camera trick in Trodian for LMS in VIII. I did similar shit in DQIX with hunting liquids in that one tomb in IX as well. Currently, I'm on the slime hill hunting LMS's before Baramos. I guess I like being extremely OP.
>warrior without purple hair
Honestly this is just as bad as Moonbrooke without purple hair
I bumrush bosses at the lowest level possible, and go out of my way to avoid grinding. If I have more than 10MP left among my party at the end of a big fight, I feel unsatisfied.
Pigtails or Chun Li buns for Martial Artist?
Maybe cute hat?
Please, I’ve been stuck on this for the past 30 minutes.
I try not to grind overall, but I usually spend a little bit of time at the start of the game building a smallish stockpile of gold. Nothing too big considering drop sizes at the start, obviously.
wait for a mod to make them naked.

the only right answer is buns tho
If this post ends in:
1-3 - Pigtails
4-6 - Buns
7-9 - Cute Hat
0 - Guess you'll have to go with the braid.
So is Lozamii just there for fun?
>a normal ass plain text translation (thats how it is in japanese)
Interesting. I just assumed the names were as punny in Japanese given the Japs seem to enjoy puns and wordplay more than any other culture I know plus the series has a fairly light-hearted tone for the most part.
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I'm getting filtered bros...
i grinded for 12 hours yesterday, not even in an optimal spot or anything i just love seeing crits on metal slimes
Two questions.
If a female is charmer does she get the vamp growthrate?
Also I have seen that your party members can talk.
Do their personalities affect their dialogue?
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What am I missing here?
Having sex with Valentina while Kalderasha is forced to watch....
I was really disappointed by the lack of personality influenced party talk. Maybe in 2make.
>they gave the princess of Aliahan a pronounthed lithp
>they didn’t give her a great-great-great-great-grandniece love interest
Hero/Merchant/Wrangler/Priest. Good to go or fated to Job?
It's fine the wrangler can use monster pile-on and carry the party
it's pretty decent i think but Monster Wrangler is gets better with how much Monsters you managed to have in your fight club since it learns their moves as well. early game is pretty meh. Merchant is decent and versatile but will fall off after mid game so you better use them for getting money and items. thief is great with boomerangs + whips and has the best speed up there with Martial Artists and Gadabouts. be sure you have somebody to heal you so, the merchant there is the best one for the role with the medical herb spam
Plan to Reclass Merchant as soon as I get the Chance, will make Merchant a Sage and Priest a Warrior but not until I get most of the spells.
above Hades Condor is Mermaniac, in the sea or ghost ship
below Wyrtle is Squidzilla, same areas
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man, look at that gold you're getting
Okay finally beat this, got this orb, the Orochi Orb, the Pirate Orb and the Solo challenge Orb, no idea where to get the other two but I guess I'm doing the Menoza part next.
you're through the hardest part already, the dying fires are more dangerous
doing that fight then boss troll with thief/priest/gadabout was hell
Geez, they really started running out of ideas for all these rescue monster locations, huh? The Castle of the Dragon Queen has three. It was already pretty silly some areas had two, but these ones are just sitting outside the castle, impossible to miss. Having 100 monsters to rescue seems like padding at this point, and I've only got 84 of them.
My party is Thief, merchant, Gadabout, 0 reclassing done yet. No party heals was hellish.
that was a huge handicap for me too. I ended up changing the priest to sage before they learned multiheal as well, just couldn't wait any longer and needed more damage
at least got the gadabout to hustle dance before also making her a sage, but that came a little while later
i gave up at 56
wait, i misread priest with thief for some reason. Priest is good too but i'd advise to change to Mage later for extra spells later
is there a skill worth getting for the monster wrangler beyond wild side and boulder toss or can I finally switch out of this shit class
Love my 3 gadabout team bro
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omg I just learned you can run in DQ3 HD by holding the B button. Am I a retard or does the game never tell you this?
It's one of the first tutorial popups you get.
You can set it a toggle in the system settings, too.
ah that explains it, I always skip reading the tutorials cause I'm super impatient. I guess this one's my bad
I named her after Elly from Xenogears, who is a redhead, so I made her hair red. I think it looks nice with this hair style.
>lazybones Hero
>meathead Warrior
>wimp Priest
>daydreamer Mage
Wonder how badly I messed up
>fighting the faggot at the volcano
>he casts dazzle
genuinely what the flying fuck, i have 0 spells even at 30 for all my units to cure this shit. I'm so fucking pissed, pussy boss can't do shit to my set up but all of a sudden he has this retarded spell that makes me miss all my attacks and thats it i can't play anymore. So fucking dumb
bro ur Dazzle-Me-Nots?
what the fuck is that
Even if you ignored them in shops, you should've picked up a lot from sparkle spots around the world.
Dazzle remedys you can get as early as the first island.
I'm also on the faggot at the volcano. I'm looking up a guide.
yeah, me too
>guy asks for a rock
>get it for him, no questions asked
>this makes me a villain
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i'm still pissed off, but thanks
If you used the Wrangler monster collection abilities you didn't beat the game.
>lowest brightness
>ultra fast combat
>ultra fast text
It's kino time
is it bad that I actually enjoy playing as the female MC
>Western continent
>It's in the east
Is this some sort of translation error
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I had my sound off when I made my team and accidentally gave the girl party members man voices
squint at the map a little
Pretty sure the appearance changer at Alltrades can edit voices too
man, no fucking aoe heal on draconian is a nightmare. My yggdrasil leaves are gone, the faggot in the volcano ate it all. These fights aren't getting any easier
yeah but I haven't gotten to alltrades abbey so I've had listen to girls with man voices like I picked a tranny this whole time
The left side is all male voices and the right side is female
How do you talk to your party members?
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R8 my harem
Kuudere tomboy wrangler
Genki tsundere fighter
Sexy flirty thief
sick cunt from down under/10
upside down out of 10
>there are real-life australians in dqg
what the slime...
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Here if you are done with having giraffe with me.
Lone wolf wrangler
Tough cookie fighter
Vamp thief
Horrible starting party
you aren't making out of the tower homie
Fuck you I vill make it out of the tower with my harem.
I'll do it on draconian even
No. If you’re gonna stare at a pixelated ass for 30+ hours it should be a girl’s pixelated ass. In fact it is those who choose Arus over Aileen who are the gay ones.

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