#6294 - Premium Pack Reveals editionPrevious: >>502697067>Recommended SimulatorsAutomated:●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_DuelManual:●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.comHosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.>Useful LinksRulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdfWiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/YugipediaProbability Calculator: https://yugioh.partyStock Market: https://yugiohprices.comDatabase: https://www.db.yugioh-card.comMisc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/>BanlistsTCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)OCG: https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=2055 (Oct 1st/Next Banlist: Jan 1st)>DecklistsOCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocgTCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-deckshttps://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)>NewsJP: https://yugioh-starlight.comEN: https://ygorganization.com>Upcoming ReleasesOCG:●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)●Premium Pack 2025 (Dec 21)●Quarter Century Trinity Box (Dec 21)●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)●Quarter Century Art Collection (Feb 22)TCG:●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)●Supreme Darkness (Jan 23)●Structure Deck: Blue Eyes White Destiny (Feb 7)●Maze of the Master (Feb 21)>Events●AMC Cup 13 (Dec 1, 1930 UTC):Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp>Polls●TCG Next QCSR Poll:https://x.com/YuGiOh_TCG/status/1848409050444136695
>>502947872Anybody else feel like Ryzeal isn't really that bad as much as it's just super consistent? Zoos and PePe were far more gamebreaking than they are.
>>502948236What was PePe's big power play? R4nk spam with a Performapal draw engine?
>>502947872Young Aleister's companion looks like a Digimon (aka it's sovl)
>>502948427T1 Shock Master, Abyss Dweller with Solemn Strikes set and an absurd amount of advantage in the hand and ED due to how stupid the Pendulum mechanic was back them. It didn't matter if you could out their board since they'd just resummon all their shit back and make it again.
>>502948236It's the DPE issue where people underestimate the power a no strings attached quick pop can do. Make it non opt with a negate attached and it will already make a very good board.But the real issue are the handtraps. There are just so many that can shut down a turn that a super consistent engine of one card starters while you fill the rest of the deck with them is the way to go. Ryzeal is just very good at that.
>>502949078Shock Master is a retarded card that shouldn't be used in arguments about a decks power and I honestly can't believe how the nips had it be legal for years.
These are Premium Pack 2025's currently revealed cards. Say anything about them.
>>502950317the magistus cards are greatare they really printing bandit keiths stuff one card per set?
>>502949789Discussing PePe without Shock Master is like Chaos Dragons without Future Fusion or Shaddolls without Construct or Thundra without Colossus. It's a key card which made them so oppressive in the first place.
>>502950568Not in TCG, where Ptolemaus was the best "Spam as many level 4s as possible" payoff
>>502919313Charge of the Light Brigade and Gateway of the Six are also Tewart CaCs>>502950317>Should have also used backrow as material but still pretty good/10>Nice versatile extender/10>Good Motor card never ever lmao/10>Should have searched any D/D but still pretty good/10>Should have not targeted so I could bounce what Gilgamesh scales but still pretty good/10
>>502951886PePe got raped by an emergency banlist in the TCG and had to evolve into Dracopals to survive.
toon support doko
Why did Konmai treated R card/ DM card like shit, bro?
>>502952951Paying for Green Baboon's sins
how does changing your ban in the amc interact with late bans? if you ban a card before the deadline, can you change ite afterward snd have that change only take effect the tournament after the next one? if you don't submit a ban before the deadline and instead only submit a late ban can you change that?
Play PUNK Centurion
Why does ze amin cause such intense homolust?
>>502956505That card is a dude?!
>>502955115Give me a list then diaperfag
>>502950317magistus cards are brokenmotor are just as bad as the previous motor cardsD/D is nice
>>502958104>he doesn't knowJAM Fever is also a reference to the play of a father lion passing on his role to his Lion Cub aka Ze Amin's role in the card.
wheres my DDD link-3 or 4 konami?
>Magistus Blue-Eyeshttps://x.com/TCG_SRMY/status/1859105926520934761/video/1
Dutiful and Devoted Exorsisters
>>502956505Same reason Son loves Sora and Mieru. They're guys but with the build of girls.
>>502961293magistus does have some unintentional synergy with BEtyrant dragon can also be summoned with BE and a equipped magistus fusion
>>502962457>You can Hermos equip REBDS to BEWD and go into BETDRed-Eyesbros, the cucking never ends...
>>502961424>Irene is 175>FUB in the picture is almost a head tallerThat's a bigass nigga right there.
>>502961293>>502962457You see this little bastard? Thanks to him any Level 4 or lower Dragon/Spellcaster is a Blue-eyes
>>502965016based little bastard
>>502964236>around 6'4>bigassManlet detected.
>>502965982Fat and over 6 feet is a bigass, in the sense that it's a big ass. Tall + Fat = massive bed breaking weight, Irene will get bent like origami.
>>502961293that little rat chorizo
>>502965982You have to remember that 2 of our most prominent posters are small as shit.>Mieru Claims to be sub 5ft>Sorafag5'26ft is giant to them
So how do you all feel about the change in the way Konami handles support? I remember some saying they liked that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't like other card games with endless versions of characters, but I feel we gotten to the point Konami wants to to shift from that since game originals now get new versions or retrains of older characters whenever they get new support with way more frequency than before and they're also cranking out alt arts more often too.
>Mechaba discards to negateWith all the Light Fiendslop running around I'm sure this new Magistus support won't be giving them any more negates right
>>502971373Magistus will be more for white forest.
>>502968308it's really bad with anime decks in particular, but there are still some original things once in a while
>>502963069You can also just equip REBDS to BETD itself and then swing for massive damage since it attacks everything.
>>502974005>Trinity Box shilling 3 archetypesSee I get why they did Orcust and why they went with the Link 1 off the art alone and even their lack of merchandise but why Punk? Dragonmaid is a marketable archetype to Waifufags but Punk getting the same treatment instead of just Orcust tier shilling? Why?
>>502950317I really hate how hard Konami gimped Motors because of Links.
This is surprisingly more fun than I thought it would be.
Leave Ryzeol to me
>>502982510Instant Synchro when (actually don't I don't want to see arc light everywhere)
>>502983356>You can only summon Synchro monsters from your Extra Deck until the end of this turn.There, balanced.
>only Stardust to not be a tranny
>>502983740>>502957456i need those boobs in my face
Is there a place that lists all official playmats?
>>502989401>Lil-la vtoob is just holding her plushie showing Ki-sikil whatever the hell's on her screen>Ki-sikil vtoob is going full awooga hummina hummina over Lil-laSafe to say Ki-sikil is a power top, if not a rapist.
God I fucking hate Baronne. Ban him in every format
>>502982510>opponent smugly reaches for a material to detatch for the field spell>"CL2, Cosmic"Entity GODs we have defeated the meta. Now, to unseal Azzathot.
>>502989401I wanna buy this mat
Strongest Tearlaments player
>>502992785Merrli growing up larger than Kitkallos is why Kitkallos should rot in hell, all Merrli needs is push one or maybe two babies and she'll outgrow Kitkat
>>502982510>Chain Deadnader pop itself>Twins effect in GY on res>Exact same boardstateWow this sure is an answer to Ryzeal.
>>502993773Only reason she's slutty is to grab attention, otherwise she does not get any action if her usage stats are anything to go by.
>>502947872Can Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll be modernized? With the new handful of Magistus/Invoked support cards that have come out I would really like to play it againA lot of those cards are LIGHT Spellcasters, is there room to soup with White Forest?
>>502997924Normal Aleister still is pretty good so probably. Aleister is kinda better than Crowley for the fact Meltdown exists
>>502997924all these archetypes are outdated if you want a modern spellcaster pile try centurion/whitewoods/magistus/azamina
>>502961293man japs suck i came up with a way better combo from just spoon using the maiden line in like 15 minutes
I legit want to have a cosplay photoshoot with Mieru and Sora as the Punk twins.
>>502999537post it
>>502999682And lidl...
>>503000308Why would I want that ugly fucker? He's oversized and not appealing. Punk twins arent tall, theyre small and cute.
>>503000974You just can't handle a real man
>>502999719no it's a trade secret
Plant groomer
I dont want witchcraftets to turn into spellcasterpile slop
>>503006631Nowadays your archetype getting support is 33.3/33.3/33.3 chances of being a curse in disguise, shilled slop for something else or schizo support if you're a dbp deck/red-eyes
>add a spellcaster monster from your deck to your hand, except a level 1 normal monster or a level 3 DARK spellcaster
>>503008426Why not just openly state except a "Forbidden One"?
>>503007192I blame dlink niggers. They fomented shizo piles and 30 minute long combos
what's the lore behind Zoroa equipping other Magistus to itself anyways
>>503010558he tops them like he tops spoon every night
>>503010692people joke about gay shit all the time but spoon is genuinely the most faggot homosexual gay card i've ever seen
>>503010558He needs more power
>>503010558The official Yoshida sanctioned lore is that Zoroa is gay and Spoon the Bard was his buttbuddy. Spoon died and Zoroa got super mad and hates everything because he can't live without Spoon.
Old school Psychic support soon.
>>503012010>Psychic support soonDiaper Boy Ze Amin will suck up all that support and you know it.
>>503010848Jap women don't actually like big muscular men like Zoroa, they much prefer skinny androgynous guys like Spoon. Being a big muscular man in Japan is considered to be a hard gay.
>>503012010they just have to unban mind master
>>503012359There's no reason he couldn't come off right now.
>>503012929she will never be lurrie
>>503011473What happens when he goes first?
>>503012929Straight correcting her.
>>503013071Set d barrier pass
>>503013071It's Sky Striker. You do what you've always done in that deck, generate a bunch of cards then set quick plays.
>>503012010>Psychic supportYou mean his support
>>503010692Does it it means he goes 50/50 with edymion?
>>503012010Another Psy-Framegear for me to steal and use against the S-Force? Don't mind if I do.
>>503012138>[headcanon about jap culture]uh ok?
>5 out of 6 characters here are canonically dead>2 of them don't even have their cards printed at allCool 'memberberry.
>>503012010God please no
>>503014647>headcanonyou know nothing this has been a known fact for decades
>>503013460How do you generate a bunch of cards if most of your spells are going second?To get advantage off engage you need 3 spells in GY. How he's dumping them turn 1?
>>503014875You use your stacked rota into stacked called for the hand trap into stacked talents into engageEZ
>>503014647>headcanonBara and anything remotely close to that muscular aesthetic has been consider the fag aesthetic in japan for years. Asians love lithe builds you moron, why do you think all the big cultural shifts hitting teenage girls rn are also pushing the feminized man or why its gone too far in Japan with grassfed men?
>>503014875You've got like 10 spells that're active turn one one way or another. If you don't manage to draw enough between them to fund your engage budget, then odds are pretty good that you drew enough to survive to turn 3. Sky Strikers has a very stable game plan, the problem is just getting straight up outscaled by newer decks or fighting against someone who remembers the match up and is running an explosive turn 3 strat.
Psychic Lifetrancer is trying her best!
>>503016071>That knee positionYeah she's doing her best holding it in.
>>503017434>piss/diaper jokeOf course, what else to expect from /dng/
>>503017546>Thode taking all those negateswhat a lad…
>>503017615It's less of a pee joke and more like she's holding an orgasm.
>>503013164lacrima's joining in though
>>503019929Lacrima watches while Engraver fucks others
>>503019929>>503020248Lacrima is just the girl that sets the example, Ki-sikil will first watch the fiendsmith grab Lacrima like a ragdoll and break every piece of furniture available while fucking her at the same time and once Lacrima is on the floor, bruiser, trembling, hyperventilating and twitching after squirting 10 times, Engraver is going to turn and look at the evil twins, namely Ki-sikil, and say "you're next"
>>503021214this but with lurrie instead
>>503023359Fiendsmith isn't gay, Lurrie is his partner in gangbang, he'll get him to help him soak Lacrima in cum.
>VV can run a small Nekroz package (4 cards) to end with Skull Guardian and UnicoreCool. Still liking more pure but that's neat
>>503024395Cute diaper boy
>>502962457Tyrant is such a cool fucking card man. So many little synergies it has.
>>503025105Reminder that Tyrant Dragon is actually a 4kids thing that the OCG made into a card.
>>503025457Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon anon.
>>503025263Elaborate. I didn't watch the original series.
>>503024395Why is he so ugly compared to Zeamin?
Is white forest azamina hard to play?
>>503025651Kaiba uses Critis to turn Tyrant Wing into the monster Tyrant Burst Dragon. He then uses its effect on Blue-Eyes, changing its appearance and boosting its ATK. But in the dub only, he declares he's fusing them into Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon.
https://yu-gi-oh.jp/news_detail.php?page=details&id=2104More PP cards
zoroa's new card revealed
>>503025836Visible ribcage in the original art makes him look anorexic.
Magistus Ursuragna ZoroaLevel 8 FIRE Spellcaster Fusion Effect MonsterATK 2900 / DEF 2900Materials: 1 "Magistus" monster + 1 Fusion / Synchro / Xyz / Link MonsterYou can only use the (1) and (2) effects of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls or in your GY; Equip that Effect Monster to this card.(2) When a monster effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can send 1 face-up "Magistus" Monster Card you control to the GY; negate that effect, then you can destroy 1 card your opponent controls.
Why are the Sky Striker manga cards so soulless while the Magistus ones are so sovlful?
>>503027913UH OH
>>503027993>Yoshida fanfic>Soul
>>503027913we have baron at home
>>503027913Finally, some good fucking food.
>>503027913This card references when Zoroa absorbs Vahram during their duel in Chapter 25 in the manga
Magia Magic - Thor's HammerNormal SpellThis card is always treated as a "Magistus" and "Endymion" card.(1) You can either send 1 other face-up "Magistus" card you control to the GY, or remove 2 Spell Counters on your field, then activate 1 of these effects (but you can only use each sub-effect of cards with this card's name once per turn).*Special Summon 1 Spellcaster monster from your hand / (face-up) Extra Deck / GY.*Banish 1 other card on the field.
>>503028245Seem weak
>>503028327>non-targeting banish
>>503024395Cunny game
>>503028170>Game original decks also fell to the Remember That Thing pitLame.
D/D Extra SurveyorPendulum EffectYou can only use the Pendulum effect of this card's name once per turn.(1) If a faceup Monster your opponent controls is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can target 1 "D/D/D" Monster you control: banish 2 cards from your Pendulum Zones, and if you do, the target may attack twice during this turn's Battle Phase.Fiend/Pendulum/EffectYou can only use each effect of this card's name once per turn.(1) You can discard this card: add 1 faceup "D/D" Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand, other than "D/D Extra Surveyor".(2) If this card is banished, you can: banish a number of cards from the top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of faceup Pendulum Monsters in your opponent's Extra Deck, then increase the Atk of 1 "D/D" Monster you control by 200 x the number of cards banished by this effect.
>>503027195No. It's ebin twin tier.
>>503028327You would be playing this with Endy stuff splashed in, it's a searchable Monster Reborn and/or good removal
>>503028245>(face-up) Extra DeckDa Pendulum support
>>503028245And this references Chapter 26 where all the wildlife becomes affected by Zoroa opening the Theugy. Endymion uses his spell to defeat the Flying Kamakiri while Rilliona goes to meet her servant who is infected with magic deficiency disease.
>>503028517which variant of evil twin?
>>503028170How many times the striker manga cards did this?
>more Super Poly slopThis card will hurt Magistus more than help it
>>503028497> If this card is banished, you can: banish a number of cards from the top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of faceup Pendulum Monsters in your opponent's Extra Deck>Things that will almost never happen
NikoichiNormal SpellYou can only use either the (1) or (2) effect of cards with this card's name per turn, and only once that turn.(1) Banish 1 DARK Machine monster from your GY; Special Summon 1 monster that mentions "Engine Token" from your hand / Deck / GY.(2) If a face-up DARK Machine monster you control is sent to the GY, except by battle, while this card is in your GY: You can banish it; Special Summon 1 "Engine Token" (Level 1 / EARTH / Machine / ATK 200 / DEF 200).
>>503028716Maybe Orcust can use this but it seems weak as hell
>>503028672Was super poly a mistake?
>>503028716>and only once that turn.But ... why?
With how much of a dumpster fire the Sky Striker manga stuff is it's impressive how the Magistus cards have not only basically all been good but are making all of these individual archetypes blend together
>>503028716Its name is Two-for-One Repair Job.
>>503028646Off the top of of my head>Raye alt art (cover, not a panel)>Roze alt art (cover, not a panel)>All 4 of the sages>Aileron>Azalea Temperance>SPECTRA>HAMP>Engage ZeroNot a Sky Striker card but Red Arrows was a modified panel.
Scrap GarageNORMAL TRAP CARDYou can only use the following effects, (1) and (2), of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) If a face-up Machine monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect: Target up to 3 DARK Machine monsters in your GY; Special Summon them, but their ATK/DEF become 0.(2) You can banish this card from your GY; then target 1 Machine monster you control; destroy it. ‹Quick-like.›
>>503028615>BUT WHY IS IT ANOTHER ZOROAHes the Magistus original who doesnt belong to another archetype, obviously hes going to be the boss. Either that or groupshot.jpg
>>503028716>You can only use either the (1) or (2) effect of cards with this card's name per turn, and only once that turn.As soon as you read that you just know the card is gonna be shit.
>>503028956There is no Machine deck that can benefit from the pop
>>503029038Why doesn't the OCG/TCG have rarity exclusive alt arts that just make the girl have less clothes
>>503027913>not a contact fusion>has to send magistus cards specifically meh its just a worse gearfried
Is that all of Keith's cards?
So what are you gonna fuse with Crowley?Mechaba or new Zoroa?
>>503027913zoroa keeps his "topping everyone else and cumming in their (boy)pussies" effect
>Saga of the Blue-Eyed Dragon is bad now
>>503027913this is gonna be a crazy superpoly target especially in the mirror
>>503029352Yes. They did it by theme.Next time we’ll get the remaining ten cards.
>>503029352He has two R cards left unprinted.>Card Hexative>Spell>Seals any face-down cards on your opponent's side of the field so they cannot be activated. (Cards played after Card Hexative are not affected.)>Engine Tuner>Equip Spell>A monster equipped with this card cannot be switched to Defense Position. The equipped monster has its ATK increased by an amount equal to half of its DEF. When the monster equipped with this card is destroyed, this card remains on the field and can be activated again during your Main Phase.
>>503029352No, but almostThis card still not printed yet
>>503029212>There is no Machine deck that can benefit from the popDodge Veiler/Imperm
>>503027913Damn, that's good.>>503028245Not bad.>>503028497eh>>503028716Wait, is that a passive GY effect or did you miss a word?>>503028956Man, Konami really hate Motors...
>>503027913welp i think this settles it magistus will be meta, just when aiwass seemed decent they print a strictly better version lmoa
>>503027993Why did you swap the two?
>>503029535>Magistus Mirrorlol
>>503029635I think the second effect banishes itself, with "it" referring to itself, the card in the grave
>Cyberdarkness Dragon but better
>>503029567Synchro Barrel Dragon when?
>>503029549Please don't nerf Card Hexative, Konami. That card can actually be useful.>>503029849That's what I thought it meant.
What should I buy from Magistus now?
>>503027913Isn't it weird that they made the gay pedophile the strongest Magistus?
>>503029856Wut?This card is omninegate, while >>503027913Is monster negate
>>503029856Anything is better than this.
>>503030045But Aleister isn't the strongest
>>503030045he already was the strongest before
Meanwhile, /v/'s YGO discussion of the new cards.
>>503030045all wizards and witches are either pedophiles or incels since they're huge nerds that never leave their castle/tower/cave/hut and never talk with anyone else since they're busy pondering the orb or studying the scrolls
Cyberdark retrain when? Also I want more Arcana Force support.
>>503030023her and the spells
>>503030045aren't spoon and zoroa the same age? spoon is just a faggot twink while zoroa got jacked to avoid doing magic
>>503030045You have a lot to learn about magic, my friend.
>>503030337The set's only 4 years old and that's a rare, it ain't gonna jump>>503030438what's with the random ass mill effect?
Magitus?More likeMagiTURD
Feels good i have most of the magistus cards
Would would a Magistus lore pile even look like?
>>503030351There is a non-zero chance of two Arcana Force cards in Alliance Insight.
>>503030126Aleister canonically has sex with grown women and then writes multiple books describing the crazy positions he had her in, and the Prophecies have to read it since he actually left a cool spell mentioned somewhere in there.Meanwhile, Endymion, Zoroa, and Verre are all pedophiles.
>>503030572>random ass >mill effectPick one
>>503028245>normal spelllame should have been a quick spell
>>503030814but thats his momaleister merged with the spellbook tower and then some huge creature from another dimension
>>503031207That's not his mom, Crowley's family gets mentioned in OCG stories.
>>503027913>First effect isn't quickDamn, this is still pretty damn good though isn't it? It's a monster negate that can blow up something that isn't the thing you're negating.
What's left in the lore to get a new card, is it just Spellbooks?
>>503030814I miss wemkoanon even if his waifu gets railed by the great ali.
>>503031656new ED forms for aleister and verreendy is getting a link-2
>>503030045They gave Verre a new card?
>>50302855926+ chapters? If you'd asked me before today I'd have said the manga isn't even out yet. I don't think I've ever seen it discussed.
The game original legacy support that's just a panel from OCG Stories.
There's something really fucking funny about having the Verre magic be an attack that was 1/3rd of an attack that didn't even cause a bruise and the Endymion magic just kill literal vanilla fodder. Like, there goes our heroes, harassing the local wildlife or doing dickfuck nothing.
>>503030045Spoon is actually just a twink since he comes from a royal magical family, but he and Zoroa went to school together so they're about the same age.Zoroa is just buff since he was afraid to use his fire magic since he always hurt everyone around him when he'd use it, so he worked out instead so he wouldn't need to use fire magic.
>>503033634thats why they're spell cards and not monster versions
>>503032816After many years, Magistus finally got a proper boss instead of a meme floodgate
>>503033214I counted cumulative. Sky Striker had 19. So this would be Magistus Chapters 6 and 7.
>>503033918Oh. Had no idea what the fuck was happening for a second. That makes more sense. You made me think it was somehow a weekly series.
>>503033634why did he draw chorozo erotic like that
>>503034052It’s monthly. About 40 pages each. Magistus is also a much slower series so it will likely be longer than Sky Striker. We just got through the first act.
Why did Konmai treated DM archtype like shit?
>>503034730They love Blue-Eyes though
>>503034796ESL franchise
>>503034730because you'll buy it anyway
>>503034730magistus support is dm support though
https://files.catbox.moe/sjogkm.mp4Post Yugioh mp4s.
>>503034098Shut the fuck up common
>>503034730Blue-Eyes got good support in the form of a new SD and Red-Eyes Fullmetal Dragon is also a good card.
>>503036612Who is that level 9 semen demon?
>>503035759I have none...
>>503037649secret foil speed duel is pretty.
I loved playing Magistus in some of the early low-power festivals that Master duel had. I'm glad the support is making it into a real deck
>>503034884Egyptian Second Language?
https://x.com/channel_anko/status/1859196555141824514?t=OvnG-acHhwz-BO8eEPrhOA&s=19This is like the 2nd time I have seen Purrely mixed with Water XYZ. Is there something to this mix?
>Invoker is a fusion archetype>Witchcrafter got a fusion>Zoroa got a fusion>Endymion stays fusionlessENTERThe Incorruptible Chad
hyper autistic question: I've been out of yugioh for years now, is there an archetype that has a roughly equal focus on warrior and spellcaster types?
>>503039003bahamut can spit out beauty probably
Trapcaster monster type when?
>>503039456Off the top of my head, I guess Empowered but there's a bunch of other types too and the deck is laughably weak.
>>503039456Silent Magician/Swordsman I guess
>>503039456Dark Magician
>>503039456I was gonna say Skysaviors but they're Warrior/Fairy instead.
They're probably making Keith's cards dogshit on purpose as an indirect fuck you to America.
>>503041549There are bunch of idolm@ster there.And Yusei.
>>503041512I love the lack of reaction to this deck. I swear only the diaperfag has shown excitement. I saw more hype for Orcust.
To be fair, what even were Motors in the manga? What exactly are they supposed to do? They had no gameplan to speak off
>>503042805>They're probably making Keith's cards dogshit on purposeThe Sho of Duel Monsters.
>>503043113Something something the Wicked God
>>503043113Tribute fodder for higher level monster.Also increase ATK a lot.Basically, Skill Drain.deck but without Skill Drain
>we're already halfway done with PP21 revealsMan
What would you like to say on this set?
>>503044993Do gem-knights actually do something besides FTK yet?
>>503044993Emilia erotic.
>>503044993The average post Master Duel era player does not care about Duel Terminal.
>>503044993Wow, I don't care about this set at all
Is dark machine soup becoming a thing?
>>503014732That's not right. It's been hundreds of years since vrains. They're all gone.
>>503050879Galaxy JourneyQUICK-PLAY SPELL CARDYou can only use the following effects, (1), and (2), of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) Special Summon 1 of your banished LIGHT Dragon monsters.(2) If a face-up Xyz Monster(s) you control is banished while this card is in the GY: You can banish this card, then target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon it.ITS OVER
Ice DollLevel 2 WATER Spellcaster Effect Monster800 ATK / 1000 DEFYou can only use the following effects, (1), (2), and (3), of cards with this card's name once per turn, also you cannot Special Summon monster the turn you activate either of them, except WATER monsters.(1) You can discard 1 other WATER monster; Special Summon this card from your hand.(2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 WATER Spellcaster monster from your Deck to your hand.(3) If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Ice Doll Mirror" from your Deck to your hand.Twin Pillars of IceQUICK-PLAY SPELL CARDYou can only use the following effects, (1), and (2), of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) Special Summon 2 "Ice Pillar Token" (Aqua/WATER/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1200) in Defense Position, but for the rest of this turn, after this effect resolves, you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck.(2) You can banish this card from the GY; immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 WATER monster.Ice Doll MirrorNORMAL SPELL CARDYou can only use the following effects, (1), and (2), of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) Send 1 WATER monster from your hand or face-up field to the GY; Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your hand or Deck with the same name as 1 WATER monster you control, also for the rest of this turn, after this effect resolves, you cannot Special Summon, except WATER monsters.(2) You can banish this card from the GY; add 1 "Ice Doll" from your Deck or GY to your hand.
Bat, The Forest NinjaLevel 3 LIGHT Beast Tuner Effect Monster800 ATK/DEFYou can only, Special Summon with the (1) effect of, and use the following effect (2) from, cards with this card's name, once per turn each.(1) If a card is face-up in the Field Zone, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).(2) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned and "Fairy Tale Prologue: Journey's Dawn" is in your field or GY: You can add 1 LIGHT Beast monster from your Deck to your hand.Fairy Tale Prologue: Journey's DawnFIELD SPELL CARDYou can only use the following effect (2) of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) Any battle damage taken while this card is in the Field Zone becomes halved.(2) If you control a LIGHT Beast monster, or a Level 7 or 8 Dragon Synchro Monster: You can draw 1 card.(3) Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: You can send this card in the Field Zone to the GY; place 1 Field Spell from your Deck or GY face-up in your Field Zone, except "Fairy Tale Prologue: Journey's Dawn".Wonko, Noble Knight of the ForestLevel 4 LIGHT Beast Effect Monster1100 ATK / 1600 DEFYou can only use the following effect (2) of cards with this card's name once per turn.(1) If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Fairy Tale Prologue: Journey's Dawn" from your Deck to your hand. If that card is in your field or GY, you can draw 1 card instead.(2) While a card is in the Field Zone, your opponent's monsters cannot target any monsters for attacks, except this one.(3) If this card is destroyed by battle: You can make the monster that destroyed it lose 500 ATK.
>>503030878Can be easily fixed by a discard itself to search monster, but man that super OTP is painful.
>>503051130Revelation of HopeNORMAL SPELL CARDYou can only activate 1 card with this card's name once per turn.(1) Send 1 face-up Level 8 Dragon monster you control to the GY; Special Summon 1 Rank 8 Dragon monster from your Extra Deck. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon.)
Looks like Ice Dolls are the only remotely decent cards in this set
>>503051414Nigga did you forget about Magistus? Also S38 + the card it searches is broken.
S38>Gains attack for each material, can be summoned on top of Hope Harbinger, can target two backrow your opponent controls (no response allowed from those cards) to absorb them, can reduce its attack to 1500 to attack directly.Number S37: Spider SharkRank 5 WATER Sea Serpent Xyz Effect MonsterMaterials: 3 Level 5 WATER monsters2600 ATK / 2100 DEFYou can also Xyz Summon this card by using 1 "Number 37: Hope Woven Spider Shark" as material (Transfer its materials).(1) Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it (until your opponent's next Standby Phase), and if you do, if your opponent still controls a monster(s), all monsters they currently control lose 1000 ATK until the next turn.(2) During the End Phase of the turn this Xyz Summoned card was destroyed and sent to the GY: You can Special Summon this card from the GY.>>503051550Yeah I forgot about the Magistus and D/Ds lmao
>>503050640>>503050928the leak was fake so it confirms the dark world is also fake, nice.
>>503050640>>503051274>Chink leak was wrong>Malissbros, it so over...
>>503051631IT'S SHIT
>>503051651>>503051659Huh? I'm pretty sure the leak mentioned SNo 38
>>503051659maliss, cydra, twins and ignister were leaked all together, s38 and DW were after >>503051835yeah but the effect is wrong
>Luna.dek is shitAs I expected
Now that the dust has settled, are these the worst reveals of all time?
>>503052260>>503051631Damn talk about shit upgrades.>>503051310Pretty funny Metamorphosis like card.>>503051202I wasn't expecting it to be much and seems like I was right, it's basically just an engine for AFD to search another Field Spell and a few draws. Also I feel like the effects are somewhat backwards, Leo's last effect should've been Bat's search effect, but oh well.>>503051061Cool to see more of Alexis's Ice cards, but>but for the rest of this turn, after this effect resolves, you cannot Special Summon from the Extra Deck.BLEH
>>503027913I am buster locking, thanks.
Synchro MonumentSynchro Summons cannot be negated. Neither player can activate Spell/Trap Cards when a monster is Synchro Summoned.
Odd eyes gate when?
>>503053082This artwork does not match the effect at all
>>503053226>Galaxy Soldier but it locks you if you do anything with itWhy though
>>503053359>Level 2I wonder why.
>>503053452This is for Ice Master isn’t it?
>>503053558Yeah.Alexis manga cards (which they never planned to make into a cohesive deck so now they're trying to bandaid her remaining cards)
>>503052620>need the originalfor fuck’s sake
this set sucks, DD and magistus got all the good cards lmao
I came as soon as I heard about Luna.dek getting support, how are our diaperbros feeling?
>>503053505Spright has ruined this game almost as much as Tearlaments
>>503053359I guess they didn't want you adding Water Enchantress and doing Adventure stuff
>>503053805Does this field placing actually work with Ancient Pixie Dragon or did they actually fuck up on adapting the card?
>>503053805war rock support
This game has gone so far down its own ass any field spell that doesn't immediately give you +1 is garbage.
>>503053826Abyss in general was a mistake.
>>503009220They don't like making it obviousOther examples>Agent Neptune forbidding Tributing what it revives>TW02 Gem-Knights halving, not eliminating, MP burn damage>>503025263Also "Blood Rose Dragon" (Yusei's dub VA calls Black Rose the wrong name by accident)>>503029103>>503029129tbf Shaddoll, BA, and Thundra got away with itAdmittedly they are exceptions though>>503029212Isn't earth_machine.dek a selfpop deck?
>>503030814>Aleister canonically has sex with grown women>>503031207>but thats his momheadcanon>>503042363Search SHS Motorbike too strong, please understa->not actually a Motor card
>>503054160The Ryzeol fieldspell though?
noble knightgods won
>the leak said the zexal cards would be goodShould have known the leak was fake
>>503054234>The starter is searchableAh cool
>coincidentally, Regulus and Sunlight Unicorn are LIGHTheh>but not Armored White Bear, the legacy print (read: buffed effects)fug
Actually mad about how shit the Number Ss are>captcha: SNKKYAppropriate
>Alexis cards synergize with another ice-themed archetype and another Ritual archetypekek
>>503053359>>503053505Well, it is a massive fucking improvement over White Sardine that's for sure. It also means WATER decks playing this now have a way to bypass Shifter since Ice Doll + any WATER lets you do Mannequin Cat into Chaos Hunter shit
>Galaxy Journey's 1st effect is a Banish Reborn for any LIGHT/DARK monsterOkay I was initially seething over a potentialman anime/manga card being adapted to mid but this is actually pretty good now, although it probably needs an Xyz archetype that banishes Xyz monsters (that also don't need mats) at some point to be really usable
>>503055946S-shitI mistakenly thinking this shit is Beast
>>503051202Shame it's a 2 card setup, a LIGHT Beast searcher would be a godsend for Fabled
We are so back
Free him
Hope harbinger should have the og effect too if og is attached as material
>>503053805>>503054053>>503054234I will own Luna.dek
The upgrade that's somehow literally worse than the original
>>503053505Won't someone think of the BROKEN extender that requires a semi-specific discard and searches the badonken water caster pool?Thank God we avoided a Spright Nekroz T0 meta
>>503056950Adventure Spright
>>503057095Ok, Adventurer Spright gets a situational extenderNow what?
I'm legit so fucking happy right now. I don't care if the deck is good or bad or if it's Manga Luna.
>>503057459>???>Total Spright Victory
>>503053805So we are getting Seething Sun, Evening Sun and Moon of Oblivion right? Surprised they went the Chapter Mechanic given the speed of the game. God damn I need to buy some Pink sleeves and a new custom mat. Only took 17 years of waiting.
>>503053226revealer searcher...
>S38 and S37 have effects meant to reference Titanic Moth and Malevolent Sin>have absolutely 0 visual changes from their base forms barring golden color?
Another premium pack and no manga roid cards. They broke Bandit keith's tradition of "1 card a year" and they even printed Asuka cards. What the actual fuck..
>>503058792This is just the right amount of effort Konami considers okay
>>503058850>mindnumbing spam>effeminate posting style>desperate crawl through twitter and pixiv to spam literally anything Exosister related xhe findsOh look, it's the Exotroon!
How do I into memento?
>>503058850>>503059112>trying this hard to start dramaI think you'll have more fun in /gig/
>>503058792>meant to reference Titanic Moth and Malevolent SinSo what's with S38's ATK gain?
>>503059112This is the second most forced shitposting in this general.
>>503059457Chances are it's one dude replying to himself much like the average shitposting here so it's better to just ignore both
>>503059457The first?
>>503059279random ass effect because why not
>>503059178files.catbox.moe/3qlksq.7zHere's combo replays of pure Memento 1 card combos pre-Akihiron (I don't think any 1 card combo utilizes Akihiron, maybe Mace? But I don't think it makes Mace any less the worst), I think they're generally unorthodox combo lines since Memento is pretty branching in the ways you can do shit, there is a lot, lot of ways you can choose to play things out, even with the same starter.>>503059457"Actually, I think the singleton literal unplayer spamming /dng/ for over a year trying to get people to give a shit about Exosister is the most forced shitposting in this general."
>>503054825>Sherry cards support Yusei and Luna>Luna cards support Aki>Aki cards support Yusei>Yusei card supports Leo>Leo card supports SherryThese coincidental synergies are cuteAny Fusions you could fit into Luna.dek btw?
...so does engine stuff even function in anything? I guess there's orcust but they are better of without it. Looks like it was made for duel links to play with barrel dragon or something because it's just so much worse than anything else in the set
It's unfortunate this thing doesn't give Goblin a way to 1 card combo if you draw all your Ghattics or make Mace like a true 1 card combo and not just literally Tecuhtlica pass
>>503059840>over a year
>>503059742Only thing I can think of is>62 is the final anime form & has a "+200 ATK per [Xyz-related thing]" effect>38 is the final manga formAlso fun fact, their Numbers a) are both related to 39 in some way and b) add up to 100
Wonder if older Luna cards will get a rarity bumps treatment or alt art. Man I can't sleep.
>>503060063You can use the new Spell to get 2 mats off this, and Motor Kaiser is technically a bad Sakitama, and the new Trap is an exceptionally scuffed Soul Charge, otherwise not really, all of these seem suboptimal.>>503060130>actually the spam has been going for what will be 3 years in 2 months (which is technically still over a year)
>>503059706The diaper bullshit of course
>>503060278>or alt artVery low chance of that, but who knows about the next reprint set>lots of Photon reprints in an OTS pack around PHHY
>>503060130>this person has been spamming for longer than Common has spammed PurrelyEpic! I sure do appreciate that while /dng/ is hemorrhaging posters, our most abhorrent ritual posters stick around like a cancer no amount of chemotherapy will just fucking end
>>503060321So they might work as a gimped token generating link/synchro climb tool. Too bad this one needed to be specifically tribute summoned, otherwise it'd almost be okay
>Engine Tokens are EARTH and not DARKFucking why tho
>>503060750Konami gets really anal the moment more than 1 token is made>>503060987Uhhhhhh because that's the sort of card design Konami gives to cards they hate
>Orcust is DARK and not EARTHWHY?
>>503061359Pretty sure EARTH Machine would still be dogshit even if Orcusts were Earth
>>503061441You should read more about earth machine synchro
>>503061685Now it can REALLY do nothing.
>>503058951>Do I look like I know what a "Vehicroid" is?
>>503052260>le meme 200 ATK gain >loses the negation for a Twin Twister >can only do 1500 damage directly >>503052620>Number 37 with a removal effect Why was ZA LIGHTINGU allowed to be so broken?
>>503053082>not a quick-play spell So close yet so far...
Isn't the original Spider Shark technically better?Like yeah, you lose the temporary removal effect but in exchange, you have a way better revival effect AND the ATK drop works on any attack
>>503053452monarchbros we're so back
>>503053082Say it with meCHEATXyz
>>503063135The sad part is that even with its better OG effect, the cover card that not even shark players like using is a much better option.
BUY BUY BUYhttps://x.com/yugioh_anime/status/1859522145337970999
>>503053220>The generic anime/manga card that is turned into hyper-specific support without changing the flavor