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>Recent News
Shion (Dark) & Diablo (Dark) Collab Draw now available
Surprise Ticket available - (19/11 - 27/11)
Extra Drops Campaign (Fire) - (11/20 - 11/25)
Collab Event Campaign & Collab Missions - (11/15 - 11/27)
Daily Single Draw, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP, ½AP/EP, ½Off Sidestory Shop, ½Off Host Mats, Replicard Defender +1 & Sephira Doubled etc.
QoL: Copy Raid/Co-op ID, Collab Wepon/Summon Filter - Live
Side Story: Alchemist's Desire - 11/21
QoL: Crew Buff Extend, Extend Crew & Journey Drop buff on Home Page & Filter by Awakening & Favorite - 11/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

>November Schedule
11/15 - 11/27 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Wedges of the Sky
11/28 - 12/05 Story Event

>Future Schedule
01/22 - 01/29 Unite & Fight (Water Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous >>502841724
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
did the cord leave or where did everyone go?
we just had a heated debate about percy cope
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the HIVroon is still looking for the fabled percy cope. give him some time
niggers keep flexing like faggots they are. i dont want to continue
kill all primals
Based PercyGOD making roons seethe 2 years later
I will keep Lich as an onahole
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Right after he's done finding the Relink page on the PDF
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>Side Story: Alchemist's Desire - 11/21
C.Cog soon
Threadly reminder that if you ringed cog you are a maleringer.
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dark now have 2 cogs, orogolia and slime
lil slurping blud wanted to take more Ls?
Mimlemel resurgence
Danua resurrection
Zooey reparations
Lamretta renascence
he's been seething ever since he got BTFO last thread
Who are the G.Percys of the other elements?
Shion, apparently.
What will be the next soulless collab?
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Give me more Cogs for my collection
whatever else with gender bender tag
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Fucking hell
Only element that has a crutch (heh) even close to as big as him would be light with Nehan
it has to be something that can bait players with girls and then release mostly males. witch of mercury maybe?
onimai would be soulful as hell thoughbeit
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>witch of mercury maybe?
Cantate Content!
Snek will save fire from homo knight menace
Sounds great. I like the Aerial
Nevermind you’re definitely trans
post some good genderbender anime/manga recommendations. Boku girl was hot and wholesome
Literally any anime that Cygames helped produced would have been a better/more organic cross over.
we could get a good and free for cygames collab with rotb and steal some of their monster girls or whoever else.
something with big burly males and no girls
Da Dragalia collab that never came.......
can someone help me with a disapora farming setup? i have no dao, s.rat, s.illnot, h.cuc and s.raziel. do i really need to ticket dao to be able to farm this shitty raid?
Post your characters
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Hardest choice in the entire game...
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here you go
>troonito lvl 1
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WHAT sucker?
Galleon to give someone her kiss during the 97 hit phase to go into phase 2
Flex(probably Cock)
You're not gonna have a fun time but it should work
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queen has spoken
But it's boring if everyone picks that name
>Emiri made her twitter private
>He moves onto Umikin
umikin is my wife albeit
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we love sloppa here
we love ntr bodies here
we love getting ntr'd by draph bvlls here
The five bug chasing 'roons of /gbfg/
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>Sony buying Kadokawa
nothing of value was lost
being from the fucking COLLAB GACHA, they could've at least made these 2 dog shit collab units not rely on the free gacha character
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>just lost over 400million on the biggest flop in videogame industry history
>now about to burn even more money trying to get a foot hold in the anime industry by buying out one of the biggest publishers in the medium
A comedy of errors
windbabs why did we get the homo
sony is backed by world bankers. they have unlimited money.
they are gonna destroy the anime industry out of spite after everyone turned away from westoid slop like capeshit because the writers dare actually make non-woke shit
>can't be recast
>buff only lasts 3 turns
nice FACKING collab unit
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Not for long, our big winner who doesn't play the game will be making all that garbage scatter to the wind.
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post the good version
what the fuck are you talking about blud
They can try.
Based, I know exactly what you're talking about.
I partially know what you're talking about
they are already doing it for years. japan is now have a lot of no-no rules. some zogged anime with globalist agenda and etc. sony is owning a lot of anime shit and pressure those who they dont own yet. and etc
>abortiontranny is back
Wait is it confirmed Snoy is gonna buy Kusokawa? I thought it was all rumors
Like I said, they can try. They won’t win this war.
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gbfpags are mentally ill
>join Tefnut for the missions
>loading stuck on the black screen
>there's like 16 people in her already
WTF? I could understand the 6Dragons, but fucking Ennead are assploding too? Make this game dead again.
only because shadowp is too greedy to give us ennead pro skip
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>>there's like 16 people in her already
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sorry I'm not as active recently
>posts actual mentally ill bugwoman
she's perfectly sane. people deserve to be bugged
it's not about winning for them
who will win. megacorp with unlimited money, goverment support and no restrains or a bunch of corps with a billion limitations and limited money?
ennead raids are only 2 years old
and M2 just got their skip last year
I don't care, I don't want to do waste time doing them every collab and skycope mission
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>>there's like 16 people in her already
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Suptixed my last Varuna.
Now what?
The people, who see them for the demons they are.
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calm down stuey
>our hero Krillin out of nowhere
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Shave your head and sit in the cuck chair or something.
now get a dupe so you can use their subaura
were you in coma for the past 10 years or so? my dog is smarter than average modern person
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It's not just her. There are a lot of people in Ra-chan too.
yep yep krillin is our hero alright, he perfectly represents the average grubba
Sony already has a manga publisher.
Spoilers its comically censored and everyone in japan mocks and shits on them for it.
halloween ra...
i wish that were me
What does Krillinposting have to do with Stuey?
and now they are buying up the competition, cant get mocked when they have monopoly
he's a massive cuckposter
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am I missing something here, where is this fucking quest?
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Does anyone know where ~Shinsho Hokiuta Emban~ is?
I can't find it on youtube and even the gbfwiki doesnt have a page for it but it released months ago.
how are the newcuties supposed to know how to check for trophies
Little known fact: 2024 is year of the dragon!
Now you know.
Finally 250 all my magna summons.
>the strongest humans are cucks
what the FUCK did toriyama mean by this?
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I have the cd ordered, I'll rip it eventually
Mr. Satan isn't a cuck.
havent really seen anyone upload the character songs since the song/silva one
>she skipped
why is vegeta smiling...
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I have no idea but apparently I did it
cucked by gohan (who is also a cuck lmao
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Evolution mindbroke the fuck out of him, and he's been going nuts ever since. He inspired a lot of FKHR's questionable creative practices with DBS and Daima, especially the latter after what happened last week.
*hits pipe*
>no collab units in the 40 free rolls
I'm free
I want to fall asleep on top of my draph wive's bountiful bosom
what happened last week?
What happened in Daima?
Hopefully it's Panzy sex scene
Already seen some good art of her
Just do the raid until she assists you I think
WHERE is it, you do not want to make me angry...
it's scripted during the fight with gay dragon. how could you not get it?
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ah you were right, yippie!
I think you will fit right in with this game
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Is this supposed to be gojo tier...
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FKHR became a guest writer and decided to change what kais are.
>can't resummon
for what purpose
I thought you were talking about grub last week.
Tell me what you're talking about and what the fuck kais are and what FKHR did.
Fucking tell me its real and not just a forced meme of blaming bad decisions in other games on FKHR
>singed in dark
There are missions to beat the enneads specifically 5 times each, and joining them helps with the join any raid X times missions.
>Pant... Pant...
Aww I only got 1 SSR from my 30 collab pulls
Oh, who cares
Clown series.
i don't think anyone cares about hitting mirim with yatima with that call
FKHR didn't actually but all kais are now "genderless"
>no subaura
Why would anyone slot her in when there are better choices
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>the rest of the onis now appear on the event banner
>they only showed up at the very end as a joke filling 10 lines total
what the fuck was the point of giving all these characters an appearance, giving them sprites and pulling in their voice actors if they only show up for a minute?
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I dont still dont know what Kais are or where they are from
That's my Goonchang right there
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The whole being born from a tree thing has been canon for a while now even if it was only explained in supplementary material until now (to my knowledge) which means they reproduce asexually so it makes sense that they're genderless, sorry if you had a crush on that one female looking one Buu killed, though.
it's so i can forget rimuru exists and have shuna in my character list instead
doesn't help get rid of the other two homos bricking my account though
Where's the collab roulette
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Hello sisters
rabbit summon is core
For your dick maybe
bro? it's shitter than nobuo from years ago
>enter thread
>150schizo meltdown and ackout
>leave thread
it's a sub summon for when you're faing gw.
150schizoschizo is losing it
more like
>enter thread
>remember how hard i got BTFO last thread
>skedaddle like the bitch i am
>enter little girl
who the FUCK is 150schizo
Ranma is too good for this kusoge however
>Got Diablo from final free draws and not Shion
0/10 collab I hate it.
Not a single cute girl (besides Milim but shes a bad summon)
glad 150schizo has now admitted it was him making shit up so i was right to drop it
Some bullshit that Seraph really wants to catch on.
but what does it MEAN
the mentally ill loliraging doomposter who does his best to make real doomGODs look bad
but then what does the 150 in the name have to do with anything?
Why's Trooneraph going nuts today?
maleringers? yeah they're nuts
the first confirmation of his existence was this thread with 142 deleted posts https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/tnum/499675534/deleted/deleted/
lmao baggot larpers keep taking Ls
but what does the 150 mean?
I thought it'd be about NM150 for some reason or 150GM weapon coping but I don't get it.
it's like calling a guy who shitposts Athena the Sigschizo
Why are you responding to mentally ill schizos with their random boogeymen?
if you can't figure out what it means i'm sorry but i'm done spoonfeeding you
I didn't consider I as doing that until this reply...
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>gay damascus
do those crystals even drop? I didn't get a single one
Stan respects danchou plapping both Aliza and Alicia
i'm gonna make sigschizo a thing just to spite you now
just shit myself again
150 is because this alleged schizo had 150 of his posts wiped in a thread
Just homoflop things
Honestly i think what's more fun about this thread is looking at the posts that didn't get deleted. It's still not any better.
mnyes all of /gbfg/ should be purged
nice troonvatar sis
Why is Ruria a troon now
Every post that’s had a ruria image attached in the last 6 months has been some slurpytroon shit.
it's the same troon every time
We love all non grub Rurias here
this is true but if you could try speaking like a human it might be easier to communicate your point
Pure coincidence
so you're just off your meds
>shilled cockflop
The three unbreedable flops of /gbfg/
Padjeeta siding with Trooneraph to defend grubflop and slurp FKTRN every thread is the funniest shit ever.
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Rezero Collab
Gacha Roswaal
Gacha Garfiel
Emilia Raise Glaciate level by 1 (can't resummon)
no self-respecting property will ever collab with grub again
Replace emilia with Puck and you got a deal
Why wouldn't they? They get the money before the collab is even announced
It will be Gacha Summer Roswaal and he will be in a man thong
Grub doesn’t have the money to give. That’s why they could only get a cheap shameless IP like troonslime. That brand will take pennies.
>FKTRN defender
The four HIVspects of /gbfg/
That's because we are SOPHISTICATED fuck priconne with their icky coombait Rem unit for INCELS
What does that disprove? That just means grub is going into debt because of all the homoflops they release, not the IPs refusing them.
>stuey was mentioned this thread
/our/ guy wont be here for water gw, how do we survive?
>Rem unit for INCELS
This but unironically, they have all those females and what do all collabs get? silverslut and the retard twins. I'm so tired of them.
>shittey talking in third person again
yes Im sure trooneraph wont be here either
I just genuinally want him back its not the same without him
They're never here bro
They never existed even!
Who cares? Those are other games. This is Grub and Grub should have the characters people care about, not C-list characters selected for the sake of being a unique snowflake.
This logic is why we got fucking Diablo the flop instead of Milim.
Based Seraph putting incel coomers in their place
I'd love to get a female in a relationship with another male YIPPE
You don't have to talk about yourself every thread retarded maleringer
god i can't wait to cuck rito's harem away from him in half a day
He's always here. He lives in your head.
Remrager is LOSING it
Oigem going nuts
Not really. Anyone who played more than grub probably caught a re:tard collab many probably caught multiple and this combo isn't that well received outside the rezero echochamber, so change would be good. Nobody asked for veltrash and pablo, it's just grub trooning out for no reason.
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>perci replacement post
lmao it really was him
can't believe i wasted so many posts treating him like a human last thread
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>tfw you destroyed your directing career for making an event about a slime that has HIV
He's right, you still haven't posted a Percy replacement lol
Monster Girl Quest Collab. but only get male humans as ssr.
>11 grains
>not 1 (one) crystal
I hope every axewound that participated in making this event dies a painful death
Slurpyroon is back to get humiliated some more.
150schizo is ARMED and READY for the da /gbg/ wars
blud is convulsing again
bleach galge collab so it can shit all over the jjk homo collab
>Please care about Bleach!
>ran away after he got destroyed last thread
>still hasn't posted the percy cope pick
Remember when you were pretending to be some random slurper who just wandered in here


your HIV particles follow you around, troon.

rukia summon

Fuark that is so galge
oh nah the maleringer is SHAKING
Slurpyroon is LOSING it
>minor spelling mistake
OK OK 150schizo, calm down
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Begone maleringer, you don't belong in this world!
Slurpyroon literally convulsing and acking out LMAO
What was THAT about?????

You do the math
blue rare is not a thing retard
So what does slime's flb give him aside from the 4th skill (which seems kinda shit at a glance)?
Who the fuck cares all collab units are weakshit.
transition powers
Is Shion even good??
Relink 2 When
so which one of you posted this
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Please spark
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>Relink 2
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our creative director...
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Right after grub 2...
Two things:
1. Thus definitely reads like a /gbfg/ shitpost
2. Why do you know what gets posted on Reddit and why did you immediately assume it was someone here?
>Name the rabbit
>All these obvious random picks by the localizer
>2. Why do you know what gets posted on Reddit and why did you immediately assume it was someone here?
weird looking fkhr
nyes we are the granblue general
GalgeGAWDS won so hard...
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I thought the only SSRs there were the event characters.
That's unironically a better roll than the collab shit...
the 3% ssr rate might make sense then
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funny how the AI just ignored cantate
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had it been any other primal I would have agreed, but this is zeph we're talking about
The Devil doesn’t drag people to Hell, he sends his minions to do it. God doesn’t bring people to Heaven, the Angels do.
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Looking through my crate because I haven't done it in a while...
I wish you can reduce them for something good
Me too. I stoned mine after I rolled him on release banner.
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gj cutie
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Reminder that every Diablo brick would have been a free Milim if this was a good game.
designed for stealth blowjobs
If this was a good game we wouldn’t be collaborating with slimeshit.
If this was a good game we would finally collab with FATE on our 10th anni, but look
If this was a good game we would have eos'd already
>free Milim
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If those counted then Fenrirfags would still be alive.
You're not even trying
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>meanwhile Nexon makes Satsuki special so you cant have a full Pandemonium team
not defending grub here but Im fucking pissed considering they made collab misaki a striker when they are practically the same character
What difference does it make? Not like you'd ever use a collab character in the first place and you can set the summon as homo screen background
>homo screen
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what if I told you I do that on porpoise?
You okay?
They're different elements and have conflicting kits. You can't actually use them for anything real, you'd just put them in a party once to take a screenshot, and you're better off doing that in the cafe anyway since then you can actually see the Specials.
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>I do that
slurpyroon is still trying holy shit LMAOOOO
>you'd just put them in a party once to take a screenshot
Yes. And?
But I want to see her milkers on the team screen when dangling her and in combat bouncing around.
I write "did" before, but then I changed it to do, because I keep doing these things for fun, but yeah I'm Gerwoman
he can't let go
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we missed out
>But I want to see her milkers on the team screen when dangling her and in combat bouncing around.
Yeah being Special sucks in general, it's the "you can't put them in the same party" complaint I don't really agree with (and didn't agree with about summer Abydos either, even though I was annoyed by s.Serika being special).
she's ditching us for minecraft...
this is just the whole render with what's out of bound
If Seia is special i'm actually going to fucking uninstall
And i very much so have feeling she will be
FKNTS is just deranged beyond all reason.
3/4 homoshit for an isekai coomer series.
Insane behavior.
women can be coomers too
She will be, might as well quit now. She'll be another broken buffer.
Doubt [x]
She's never coming so i can continue playing
It's that simple
Himari is dead, Ako and NY.Fuuka need to be shot next.
4th skill looks alright for FA since it also lets you get stacks faster and dispels at the end of every tu
>Can only be used when Analytical Appraisal lvl is 5.
ah nevermind
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i can't read this, but he's hot
Uh yeah the "massive" yume and fujo audience we have been striving for for YEARS. Remind me what's our sales looking like?
This our best performing collab
....if killing the game is the goal.
...on opposite day
this is the only collab with paid options
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Meant for
remember when the idolmaster cinderella girls collab flopped so they never ran it again?
I excitedly suck large breasts?
c.cog will save us...
we don't do galge things around here
>large breasts
i don't understand your memes, but I would definitively ring belial
hiv moment
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>i don't understand your memes, but I would definitively ring belial
not everyone knows your lgbt abbreviations unless you explain them
maleringer ackout
Meant for
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No, what I remember is the collab being so successful they ran it seven more times before bamco saw the writing on the wall and decided to pull out before grub committed the most spectacular suicide/humiliation ritual known to man. Dunno what the fuck you're talking about.
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what does ack even mean?
What does gbfg even mean?
Common GODraph W.
A colony of the halls.
In the Granblue Fantasy fanbase, "ACK" is often used as a shorthand for "Aegis/Charity Knights". It refers to the Charity Knights, which is a group of players and fans within the community who are known for their generosity, often helping other players with raids, content, or simply providing advice and support.

However, there could be other uses depending on the context, since acronyms can have different meanings based on the situation. But "Charity Knights" is one of the common interpretations when associated with the Granblue Fantasy fanbase.
why is he talking about himself in third person?
gay boyfriends general I think?

thanks ChadGPT
Just maleringer things.
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Big galgeliostro W
ACK - All Cogs Killed
djtroon moment
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In the context of the Granblue Fantasy general on 4chan, the acronym "HIV" typically stands for "Hype Intensifies Vigorously." It's used humorously to describe a situation where excitement or hype around something in the game (like a new character release, event, or announcement) is building up, often exaggerated for comedic effect.
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All cocks kissed uwu
only the ones with disgusting sacks of fat like >>503000094
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troon ackout moment
Meant for
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She may as well be a collab summon too since there's no way to get her anymore.
It should have been a Puniru collab instead
massive grubba L
as usual
>meantfor schizo instantly recognizes the troon
very funny
HIV moment
Yep it's a hype intensifies vigorously moment
the 'roon cord is out in full force tonight
Just maleringeroon things
man even this shitposting feels lifeless, you guys must be really demoralized
it's been the same shitposting as always for the past year and a half. maybe you're just finally bored of it
It's been like this for a while
An empty husk of shitflinging
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google tl
>Belial has mastered Sumo.
>Belial: Faa-san, I've been practicing Sumo... Won't you take it?
>Lucilius: No.
>Belial: Well, don't say that... I want you to evaluate me...
>Lucilius: You can't help yourself. I'll just put up with it for a minute.
>>One minute later.
>Belial: ... There!!! It's a push!
>Lucilius: ... ugh! You exceeded my expectations so far!
>Belial: Sorry, Faa-san, I won... Wait, it can't be...
>Lucilius: What's wrong? Some kind of backlash...
>Belial: No, that's not it...! The Faa's manatura dropped...
>Lucilius: It's possible given the low probability.
this guy draws some peak ntr
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>removing all females from all existing content
>Domain ackspansion
we should just agree to let the general die until legfes/the event then let it die again until the stream. it's not worth schizoposting to bump it for two weeks at a time
150schizo would lose his meaning in life if he couldn't make a hundred retarded kekypow posts like this >>503003212
But sometimes I have a question and there's always some anon kind enough to b myself...
gacha battlefield general
We need more ERP here
JJKschizo is that you?
Trooneraph melty
OK uwu *hugs you*
*eats the shart*
*farts and sharts*
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accurate depiction of this collab
She looks so much better when she's not dressed like a whore.
>GODpers disrespect
My hounds.... NOW
out of nowhere
Next collab will be better...
seeing as they've moved from shueisha to kodansha, next collab is liable to be blue lock or rent-a-whore
Blue lock is kino though
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I never said it wasn't
Kino lost all meaning the moment weebs and ranime fans started using it.
^pozkino post
>cringe lock
lmao even tranime fans are retarded
>slideshow lock
>sideshow bob
sex with yami and mikan(she'll be in the sequel collab) while riko watches
F5 blackscreen slurpers would love Frame Lock.
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Give me some ideas for Katalina tricking Vira into taking Gran cock.
This, i prefer ao ashi
She tells Vira singularity cock can make her orgasm instantly
dying so vira has no better choice
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our next collab
What collab is this supposed to be exactly...
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galge archive won
All Chiaki
Proclaim the pixivbux
There's nothing to do :/
He won't because it goes against his Ioliflop narrative.
no one asked you, padjeeta
>big tits
What does Chiaki have to do with lolis
>big tits
Pick one
>A cup
>>>>big tits
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>it really was padjeeta
oh wow
stfu granchud
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Is this A cup?
Too small, so probably yeah.
whalechasers are mentally ill
B, maybe C
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Look at them MASSIVE tits bro
This is the upper limit before becoming comical and disgusting, yes.
HIV moment
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maleringer moment
i'm glad everyone enjoyed the second half of the event's story so much. not a single criticism of it!
oh shit the second half started gotta go skip that real quick.
They worked hard on this collab. You can't just skip it.
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Can't skip if I don't log in
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>-ACK *pozzes out*
Just FKTRN things
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Watch me.
In the context of the *Granblue Fantasy* General thread on 4chan, the term "pozzing out" is a slang phrase that originated from the thread's unique culture and often has a specific connotation in the *Granblue Fantasy* community.

It refers to the idea of either:

1. **Getting overwhelmed or becoming excessively involved** in the game's mechanics or events to the point where someone becomes over-invested in grinding or spending resources (such as money) on the game. It can be used to describe someone who has "gone too deep" into the game, especially when they've spent significant amounts of time or money to advance or optimize their account, which may be seen as obsessive or even self-destructive.

2. **A more humorous or exaggerated usage** where it describes a person who has become too enthusiastic or obsessed with certain aspects of the game or its community, sometimes to the point of losing perspective on the broader picture. It can sometimes carry a tone of mockery or teasing when used by other members.

The term "pozzing out" is part of the tongue-in-cheek, meme-heavy atmosphere of 4chan's *Granblue Fantasy* community, and like many such slang phrases, it can vary slightly depending on context or who is using it. However, it usually carries a sense of someone getting *too invested*—whether it's in the game mechanics, events, or in-game purchases.
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pic related
Mr Paneflop 0 fanart 0 revenue 0 sparks 0 usage 0 relevance 0 cultural impact
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Vanerager is fucking nuts
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maleringers are freaking trans
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Many are saying this.
just maleringeroon things
>getting to top 10 with a rerun
>meanwhile grub can't even break into top 50 with a collab, collab gacha, suptix and a scamcha

I can't believe my asshole feels so amazing when I feel like shitting while taking troon dick really gave us the worst collab possible
Not even skip no mr. paiba (aka troon slayer) was this bad
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grubs for this feel?
Only just noticed the pinks have Belial, Satan, and Astaroth as their middle names.
Meanwhile Grub...
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New FKTRN just dropped
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>Only just noticed
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piet mondrian fktrn
How many times are their middle names even said in the Darkness anime? It's been over a decade since I watched the original series and I never really discussed either with anyone since I don't use /a/.
The next collab will be better.
remember the g percy cope pick
if it makes you feel better about being wrong, i was also right about 10 ideans a week being good too.
No fucking way they actually did it.
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This really isn’t who I wanted from my collab free roll…
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being wrong?
even disregarding the anime, the boorus use their full names
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being wrong about what?
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Certified homoflop
Shadow P looked and went "yeah people are really gonna spark for some 8.5 collab characters on a special 3% collab banner that specifically made sure to not have any meta characters/weapons in the possible draw pool"
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is this a sub aura effect? the wiki doesn't say the summon has any other effect besides the call.
>be doomposter
>make insufficiently negative post about grub
>the creature immediately melts down
Unoringer isn't real
Urarager isn't real
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someone would know a thing about melting down around here
No, it's the dread barrage mechanic unrelated to the summon
Heart of the Sun was kino
...on opposite day
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the current state of grub can be compared to something being cooked inside the literal heart of the sun.
Not just ShadowP, the HIV infested maleringer was also claiming people would be sparrking the banner just because.

>lowest sales of the year during collab month
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november always has the lowest numbers of the year, collab or no
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homos always lose
Never post an MP4 ever again
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the four galge queens of /gbfg/
how many novembers did they release a collab gacha, sunstone scam, selector scam and suptix all in the same weeklong period and still have the lowest sales of the year?
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Grubs of this feel?
this thread
It's a moot point anyway because this year will be down significant over last year despite the fact that they've milked the game 10x harder than last year. Their attempts are futile. It's a dying zombie game.

The 4 unplayable successes of gbf
Ain't no way blud put lawfrog
How do I unring someone? I ringed a character during GW for the stat boosts.
Good post
>no nierey
Bad post
oh nah
transringers are freaking male
Meant for
ain't no way blud ringed k*tze
I was thinking today on my way to work how based Katze was
I was thinking today on my way to the monster girl brothel how trans shitraph is

Lil L do be a mickey looney 'roon
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Hell nah, only a rurouni kenshin collab can save this shitty flopge
isn't that the unironic pedo series?
The autor, yes
umm....SHUT UP
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We RING Haase 'round these parts
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no homos
the joke?
she's fucking dying
funny lmeow
No homos? Based as fuck
poz lost
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cog won
is not happening it's too early and these don't mean anything anyway
wish it used her gimmick somehow but remembering she's a gundam is good too
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what do we think about Hasumi (track)
I'm glad they gave us newcuties UE50 for free but I've still never used her.
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clothed paizuri core
>schizo cope about why diablo being second most popular doesn't count
Milim lost.
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alt when
Correction: It only means anything if the character is HIVcoded
If the character is organic, it can show up in the TV show and mean nothing, but if a tranner like Cassius' VA shows up, it's 100% guaranteed to be xir
When they unmurder all of those villagers
So what's the flop status of the collab banner? Are people still crying about missing out on two 9.2 characters in the most stacked element?
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>So what's the flop status of the collab banner?
Absolute truth
it flopped
all 900 new players are gone by now
>save the dog
nyo I am not saving lil L
Where's the zzzlurper?
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>diablo being second most popular
And look at all the good Diablo being viceMVP has done for grub.
Villager lives don't matter
Bluddies seriously think milim in the gacha would make this shitshow of a collab any better
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At least it wouldn't be as bad as it is with the Sakuraiflop.
it'd mean one less m*le in my account, so yes that would be better
Mihomo gigacuck? Gave up a long time ago, Granblue Archive GAWDS are that powerful.
we needed the collab to be bad so they won't try it ever again
now what?
that's an insult to dogs
maint in an hour, collab gacha when it ends six hours later
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>grub is being beaten by this during a collab
I like circus peanuts
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Let's be real: the only reason they won't try it again is because grub will EoS before they get a chance, not because for once they saw the error of their ways.
Peak galge
Geak palge
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draw something to save FKHR from flopping
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real talk, we need to hate kikemura as much as we hate fkhrt
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>as much
Way more.
Galgehara was in charge of the good old days while Kimura has personally claimed responsibility for the causes of this game's downfall.
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I knew you posted here FKTRN
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Let it be known that it was a waifufag that brought us down to pre-PL level twitterbux
just hagflop things
oops, meant waifuFLOP
>isekaislop with a roon MC
I don't think homoflops being more popular here is the own you think it is...
'tis true, we love homoflops like Cog and troonch around here.
Summer 2025
>Galgeliostro seasonals are for Gran, meanwhile Ladiva seasonals are for Djeeta
HIVraph loves Ladiva quite a lot huh
I noticed he hasn't called lich richard in a long time, what happened lil sis
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>sex with Naru is for Djeeta, sex with Siete is for Gran
This makes trooneraph and padjeeta ACKout
>sex with Oxy is for Gran, sex with mugen is for Djeeta
Yep yep
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I already do. I'm more than willing to admit that as Director, FKHR is responsible for the Granblue IP and his handling of it has been atrocious. However, he has always been Director, even during the HRT days. While those were turbulent times, we weren't exactly in as much danger of actually EOSing at a moment's notice back then. Monkeygate was HRT's one scandal and they canned him for it, and since KMR took over its been nothing but scandals. We basically have one every year since he's been Producer, and just this year we've had three of them. KMR was even the one who insisted we get WMTSB II and 000. The homoangel shit would've been a one-off if not for him. He's FKHR's boss - literally. KMR is the Executive Director of Cygames. If we consider GBF to be an allegory for Hell, FKHR is Beelzebub while KMR is Satan himself.
not reading all that shit
read all that shit
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if an effortpost uses a grub image it is not worth reading
if an effortpost uses a granblue image it's wisdom imparted by the gods
Cantate, a character from the Granblue Fantasy series, is indeed a transgender character. She is part of the Granblue Fantasy universe, and her backstory reveals that she is a trans woman. Cantate is notable for being one of the few explicitly transgender characters in the game, which has sparked discussions about representation in media, especially in the context of video games.

Her gender identity is part of her narrative, and it is explored in her character dialogue, making her an important character in terms of representation for the LGBTQ+ community. If you have more questions or need further details on her character, feel free to ask!
TrooneraphGPT do be like that
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>cantateraging out of nowhere
out of nowhere
Seraph is considered one of the strongest players in the Granblue Fantasy general on 4chan for a number of reasons, both in terms of gameplay achievements and their unique presence in the community. One key factor is their performance in the highly competitive "Rage of Super Ultimate Bahamut" raid, where Seraph earned the second most honors, showcasing their exceptional skill and dedication. This achievement is a testament to their ability to maximize efficiency, damage output, and raid coordination, crucial in one of the toughest challenges in the game.

In addition to their in-game prowess, Seraph stands out as one of the first openly LGBT+ players in the Granblue Fantasy community, adding another layer of significance to their role. Their openness about their identity has not only inspired others within the LGBT+ community but also fostered a more inclusive environment in a space that can sometimes be less welcoming. This has helped set Seraph apart as a prominent figure not just for their gameplay, but for their contributions to creating a more accepting and diverse space within the fandom.

Together, Seraph's remarkable raid achievements and their position as a trailblazer for LGBT+ representation in the community make them a respected and influential figure in the Granblue Fantasy general on 4chan.
Cantate, a character in Granblue Fantasy, is not explicitly portrayed as transgender in the game. However, she is depicted as a character with a somewhat fluid or ambiguous gender presentation, which has led to some interpretations by players.

Cantate is a member of the Elysian race, and her character design and story include aspects that don't strictly align with typical gender roles. In the game, Cantate is introduced as having a feminine appearance, but it's revealed in some dialogue that she is biologically male. The game presents her as a character whose gender identity is more complex and not entirely defined by her physical appearance.

Because of this, some players may interpret Cantate as being gender non-conforming or as having an identity that doesn't fit neatly into traditional male or female categories, potentially viewing her as a transgender or non-binary character. However, the game itself does not specifically label her as transgender, and the character's gender is more of a narrative point about identity and presentation.

In summary, while Cantate’s gender identity is ambiguous and not explicitly tied to traditional concepts, the game does not directly classify her as transgender, leaving room for player interpretation.
nuts I tell you
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...on opposite day.
thanks Razielgpt
quality posts as always
yep that's our sexo grand!
i think we wont eos next year, but player count might drop even lower
trust is at an all time low, imo they need to step up their game and regain player trust asap, some of my crew members and oomfies is in seasonal mode rn and waiting for the next stream/anniv before calling it quit
you've been saying that for years
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oomfies is a perfecly cromulent word
...on opposite day
...in bizzaro world
two negatives make a positive
Why is she using oomfies outside of the numperscord xisters.....
that is the intention yes
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>clear the collab event True Dragon Chimera S rank quest with a collab character in your party
>put umas in my party
>doesnt work
Funny guy right here
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extremely cursed
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Meant for one of
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Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
I'm such a happy cuck.
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I am smiling alright
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I'll smile as I dance on grub's grave.
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Just 2 more years sisters, then grub will be dead
can't wait
You're being generous assuming it'll be 2 years.
13 months until all zodiacs are out...
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you all need to go back
Go back where? We belong here.
I am back!!
Numpers has returned...
>go back
You are under the mistaken impression that this place still belongs to you. Well guess what? /gbfg/ is under new management, and your kind isn't welcome here.
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why are you laughing at us...
ok that was funnyroo
I have Rimuru in the subslot to grind out to level 100 and the uncap art's "fuck me eyes" is getting to me.
FKHR's master plan to make me gay is working.
Why is this the first time i have seen this?
because it's the first time it's been posted genius
because I genned it 10 minutes ago
It's brand new. I think I saw it a few days ago.
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His teeth are truly vile
This one actually looks somewhat convincing. Scary
because it's actually real retard
Am I real?
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enjoying the game in its current state grubbas?
I love millennium mob (glasses) so mich bros
sex with mobgirls
shut the fuck up
i remember back when oomf was the sound someone makes when having a penis shoved inside you.
i guess it is related.
mature mia...
HRT hours
He won.
umaschizo won MVP nyes
MVP of the thread raid perhaps
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Is this how /gbfg/ finally dies?
two more weeks
damn... vice mvp of subaha and vice mvp of the thread raid...
I kneel...
The power of maleringers...
Until the graphics archive?
I should be able to skip the story in the Hina event rerun.
he's da vice mvp of his own life as well
his wife's bf is the mvp of his life.
Unironically the only real galgegod left in this general.
I had a fever yesterday. want to know what I did? I took a cold shower and saw neechang, and when I woke up, my fever was gone.
You have to do the chibi shit again?
Yes, and it's unlocked daily again.
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Please no
Neechang saves lives
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Maybe event story skips will be 4th anni QoL and Global will get it early and be able to call us beta testers.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
...to get away from the maleringer!
his phone was on the other end of the road and he wanted to play Granblue.
kaede headpats
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
To dodge Shiva's callout and blame the wipe on someone else in the raid.
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I was going to say to escape the giant pancake but you beat me to it with an even even more horrifying creature.
>even even
you're cooked
>giant pancake
the thought of a maleringer being around me inspires this level of fear onto me as well.
A bit over a month until they reveal the new zodiac. Between that and Cunnygers FLB another round of zodiac wars will save the general until anni.
are there FA setups for revan raids? only thing I know is that mugen hits like a truck so you need hp, and diaspora needs y100
I can't believe the Year of the Dragon is already almost over. She sure did get so much content, and you can tell Cygames really enjoyed writing her events!
gotta appreciate that zodiac shitflinging can keep the thread alive when retards arent busy pogging about fkhr
reminder flopcarus got more strips than her
he did appear in the sumo event to be fair
dark souls
yeah so did raiden, in 2 events even
>kadokawa about to be ACKquired by snoy
its gonna fit right in with cygame's dei policies
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Everytime I open the game and it shows me art of these character outfits that dont actually exist I just feel like its mocking me
Your Chloe event?
at least Chloe was remembered this year, Almeida is forgotten
not that it matters since she's cuckshit anyway
modern almeida content will be about her slobbering all over vase and grubpags going YIPPEEEE
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I've heard this before and it's such an autistic thing to get bothered by. Do you get upset when you see Azur Lane promo art that isn't actually in-game too?
modern as in going even further into cuckshit
That's not what modern means.
Ok keisuke apologist.
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nta but yes, gimme those taihou milkers
aw hell nah lil slurp just woke up from his 4 hour slumber
uh oh, 150schizo ackout incoming
KEKYPOW just trooneraph things
>she was only a little cuckshit before
>but she's EXTRA cuckshit now
that's not how it works, krillin
everything is cuck shit to you
when you play grub you're cucked nonstop nyes
just failed my labor in faa0, but somehow im still the mvp and we still got a clear. im such a girlfailure, lol...
lil maleringer...
blud really be like
>she only had 5 ex boyfriends, its fine
If only they were exes lol, in grub they're current boyfriends.
>old almeida
>cuckshit with vas
>keisuke almeida
>lesbian with zeta
keishitke would make almeida both shipshit with vas and dykeshit with zeta
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Where's the three males?
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amazing how this guy is even gayer than fkhr
Zesty as fuck
I do when its character I like that hasnt gotten any new content in ages
what the fuck is that jacket, it looks like someone opened up paint and doodled words on it.
cant believe it took them like 4 years to give Atago content again
Kaga got a skin in a season pass just last year
>meanwhile Graf Zeppelin
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short hair lyria sex
not lyria
bro google agnès b
seems maleringer
What the fuck is up with all those artifacts and messed up colors? I can't enjoy the pit like that.
anti ai filter
A placebo that artists believe has an effect LMAO.
It's more likely to make me think the artist themselves uses AI to generate pictures for them, and then manually fix the most glaring AI parts of the image.
there are, you can find examples on youtube, but they tend to be either character reliant or unstable or slow or all of the above (e.g. mugen needs FLB anne). still worth looking into cause you have to farm so much and sometimes you need a break from manualsharting
I just punch dragons to get 10 of their balls, and FA my daily Revans hosts.
>page 8
This thread will last us another 10 hours.
>page 8
lmao gbfpags

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