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Raids Edition

>Patch notes for 20th Nov 2024
>Make Hopeport hairdresser able to change your entire appearance (not just your hair)
>Show damage numbers when watching other players doing combat.
>Make 'use item' the default action on the reagent preparation station.
Full patch notes: https://steamcommunity.com/games/2791440/announcements/detail/4442333105001332751

Website: https://brightershores.com/
Wiki: https://brightershoreswiki.org/
Patch notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2791440

Map: https://brighterfinder.com/
Merchant routes: https://brighter-shores-routefinder.com/
Skill calculator: https://brighter-shores-skill-calculators.pages.dev/
Why did you make this thread? Accept that this soulless game is dead and has no chance.
if u dont like the game u can always go back to the tranny nest, body type a/b, non-binary runescape, im pretty sure the 59% that didnt kill they/themselves will enjoy ur presence there
Captain of the guard is a woman and your commanding officer gets reprimanded by a stong black woman for not respecting her rank, all that happens in first 5 minutes of the game and only a start. If you so upset about "woke nonbinaries" then you chose a wrong game to defend.
if u think just because a character is a woman or black it instantly makes the game woke you are deeply retarded
I looked at wiki and noticed that different weapons have different attack speeds. When it comes to ranged attacks, which would be better for a cryoknight, throwing disks or a metal bow? Both have the same fastest attack speed on the wiki but one is 1-handed and the other is 2-handed. I don't have the blacksmith lvl to do a side by side comparison to see if the bow does more damage. I know the disks will get the shield benefits but considering that it's a ranged attack weapon, I think the shield would be pointless.
attack speed barely matters, the only stat u should look for is strength, if a weapon has higher strength just use that weapon, that being said all 2h weapons have a higher str compared to 1h so just use that
>attack speed barely matters, the only stat u should look for is strength
I honestly disagree. I just looked at the wiki and fastest weapons have an attack speed of 1.35s while the slowest had an attack speed of 2.30s. A slight increase in strength probably isn't worth it if it's noticable slower. Plus, I like having a faster ranged weapon as it means that I now consistently get 3-4 hits in before the enemy reaches me as opposed to the 2-3 hits I got previously.
unlike in runescape the strength stat is a DPS stat rather than a "max hit stat", two str 100 weapons may have different attack speed but their dps will be the same, eg if a weapon is slower it will have a significantly higher max hit to compensate for their slower attack speed. the only time attack speed matters is when factoring overkill DPS (in this case faster weapons are better) or if you are trading hits 1:1 with a fast hitting enemy (slower weapons are better). tbf i didnt test all the ranged weapons but im pretty sure u can always kite and use all their ammo before the enemy reaches u, and because there is no overkill, attack speed is even more useless than in melee combat
>unlike in runescape the strength stat is a DPS stat rather than a "max hit stat", two str 100 weapons may have different attack speed but their dps will be the same
Even if that's true, 2-handed ranged weapons will probably always have a higher strength than 1-handed ranged weapons because 1-handed weapons get to use a shield. Thus, "benefit" 1-handed ranged weapons get is entirely pointless because the enemy isn't even able to hit you.
my character is a hijabi ex-muslim ninja and she's a massive chud
don't judge the cover by its page, chud
Cope general lmao
>no type a/b body type
nazi game
It does because it's white male replacement / hate.
>woke is when i see a brown person
>unlike in runescape the strength stat is a DPS stat rather than a "max hit stat"
Doesn't this still mean faster weapons are better because of the immense randomness in damage rolls? More damage rolls per fight means less chance to get fucked by bad RNG.
slower weapons are still better for survivability if the enemies attack faster than you do. like imagine the enemy attacks at a speed of 1.5s and ur weapon attacks at the speed of 1s, if both ur DPS are the same then every single encounter is going to be a 50/50 chance of you winning/losing, but if you are using a weapon w/ a 2s attack speed and flinching, the enemy will also attack at 2s intervals, but his damage will remain the same, resulting in a 25% dps loss to him and increasing ur odds of winning by quite a lot
Unironically so
this thread is hanging on... by a thread
it will be saved when andrew releases 50 new quests
two more weeks
trust the plan
where is everyone?
all too busy playing the game...??
crazy cope but like this is the absolute worse BS will ever be, ppl seem to forget other Mmos had 10+ years of active development and new content
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how about a FEMALE mugger? with BIG ARMS?
owning the chuds
Lol it's deader than dead. He's out of qol changes to make. He's not going to change combat or professions or gear.
Which in turn means that Andrew had an almost 20 year headstart on knowing what should and shouldn't be added, only to decide to ignore it all anyway
This is what happens when you don't assign a tard wrangler to the ideas guy

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