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>PoE 2: Early Access December 6th
>PoE 2: Teasers

>PoE 3.25: Settlers of Kalguur (6 Month League)
>Necrogurr Event

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat
/global 1488

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hi quin69
poop of excrement
Talkative Tranny
le crying developer face
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little man on suicide watch
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Post witch
I hope Quin dies
fact: every streamer with a puzzle box has played poe more than quin69 this year
>jeet doesn't realize player designed uniques have been a thing for half a decade now
which what?
Who are you quoting sir
>Pohx still hasn't opened the box
the absolute state of RF players.
Keyword: Player
Most of the uniques are garbage so someone that has nothing to do with poe design their own unique item means that there is a chance it could be good.

GGG is not going to be able to tell them "no, it's too good, we want it to be bad" as the streamer can just tell them to fuck off, get excellent drama content for his next stream were he tells his viewers that GGG is a bunch of faggot scammers, then GGG has to deal with more haters than people who even tried their game once.

They can piss on their own playerbase as much as they want, but the non-poe streamers can kill their game whenever they want.
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genuinely, what's the quick rundown on the jeet schizo?
actual obsessed schizo or a paid blizzard shill?
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Witch IEM (endgame)
what the fuck, this d4 shill has barely played poe?
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delete this, its still in the mail, it takes longer to mail shit to alaska than to wanganui
quinposters are worse than literal shitposters
PoE was funded by the fans. Poop2 is funded by the same corpo blizzard tactics that kills studios
>yfw poe2's story is about the sneed of corruption inside GGG
My boy stroud frfr boutta make a fire unique blud he is HIM baby gronk type beat rizzler fr on god griddy outta ohio ain't no way :skull:
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Stalker poo runs like shit and it doesn't even look good.
nothing left to discuss
Want to hear something funny?
/poeg/ will enjoy PoE2 while the jeet schizo malds and seethes since he cannot afford a good PC, hell, not even the early access pack
don't worry jeetbro, maybe next life
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wonder who could be behind this post
generally the doomposting completely stops during a league's busy period, almost as if it was never real in the first place.
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>Meanwhile in PoE 2 Act 1 Town.
11 hours campaign to die in act 9
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Just think bros in 26 hours we'll all be pogging the fuck out
you spin me right round, baby
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doomposting is only necessary when the situation is dire. and dire it is!
>"the Gods of our ancestors used to be... le good"
>"Gods these days are... le bad"
and so it falls to me, us
our fate is to walk
>*bam bam Bam BAM BAM BAM*

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I like your edit
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Tomorrow's reveal looking grim, swordfriends
>pay literally whos
>make your loyal fans of 12 years pay for EA
Its not fair
>2 not too
Almost perfect anon!
lmao that look, he's genuinely shellshocked
wouldn't it be funny if GGG had sent him the Lament Configuration by accident?
>make a game that shits on the fans who funded you
>attract new players in the hopes they stick around
>cancel the game that funded you
DM gets further into endgame each league than quin, he shouldn't be surprised to get skipped as the more casual player
he gets no viewers, doesn't understand anything and is hard to listen to and watch
the only thing he has going is his unbridled retarded positivity
why would any company fund a guy like that?
I put my gears on PoB and it says I have 250k total dps. Getting a 6th slot+link would bump it to 350k.
How long does it take (You) usually to reach dps in the millions? I have yet to fully understand crafting. Part of it is I don't have the currencies needed (SSF)
Sometimes there are enemies in t5/6 maps that just outheals my dps lol
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he actually plays the game
i am not trying to compare him to quin like some faggot quinposters here, i am asking why anyone watches that guy flat out (all 300 of them)
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Quin has brought thousands of players into the game and is consistently the most viewed stream when he is playing. I can understand them skipping him, because he'll occasionally say something like "women need to be punched in the face", but he is far more important to the poe ecosystem than this dysgenic newfag.
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>no box
no idea, but the marketing department doesn't care. he has an audience, so he gets a box
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8 More sleeps until the announcement stream...
DM has people constantly helping him while Quin is constantly let down by the limitations of himself and others.
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this the faggot you guys shilling? ain't nobody watching this dood lol
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Based narcoleptic.
Does the livestream starts at midnight PST?
>does starts
T1 is 1 million on trash gear. T16 is like 10m on better trash gear. Having a shit build in early maps kinda ruins my fun. I have multiple branches i created over the years depending on what gear i have or what the prices are. But i worked hard on that over the years. Knowledge is king and suffering the best teacher.
Crafting is hard to get. Kinda. Mods have weight when an item is rolled. Craft of exile has a good craft emulator to fuck around and get a basic understanding.
the single best DPS items are well-rolled weapons for attack builds and optimal cluster jewel setups for casters.
I never understood the point of adding a picture of yourself on the thumbnails. I know there's likely some retarded Youtube algorithm shit involved but it just looks stupid.
He looks like he smells really bad
isnt the specs gtx 1060 recommended?
My bad, mr. policeman.
Does it (the livestream) start at midnight PST?
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>makes unique crossbow
>All projectiles home in on targets through walls
>good PC
I upgraded my pc two years ago and every game ran much faster, usually >100 fps at 1440p even on AAA titles, but PoO now crashes every half hour. This game is a total dice roll of hoping your CPU + GPU combo isn't the one that gets fucked over.
Youtube algorithm cares because normalnigger goys like clicking on faces. It communicates subconscious information about what you're going to be watching and lets you associate/connect with the person behind the video. Everyone in the industry agrees it's retarded and cringe and yet everyone does it because it makes number go up

Yeah if you want 5fps at 720p. Unreal Engine is fucking trash.
>i am asking why anyone watches that guy
He makes fun videos
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it's retarded Youtube user shit.
people are more likely to click on videos with faces, especially (this is true) if they have their mouths open. hence basedface
>Chris' girlfriend basically admits she shlicks to Quinn's stream every night
/ourguy/ owns the only box that matters kek
I have a 2017 graphics card (that will be okay for poe2) and a 2019 motherboard and Poe never crashes. is it possible that your computer is just more alpha than you? you need to show it who is in charge.
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Why would you lie on the internet, anon ?
>Chris' girlfriend
You know he's gay, right? The vast majority of men on the autistic spectrum are homosexuals.
he successfully identified the most entertaining use for a mageblood, pretty impressive for a relatively new player.
There are very few personalities in the PoE space that do anything at all to appeal to normalfags like being a clown. You may think that your favorite PoE streamer counts, and they might a little bit, but the vast majority of PoE streamers are mumbling neckbeards in dimly-lit rooms. They don't make youtube videos beyond build guides. That is how ugly grifters like DM and Tri have been able to force themselves into the space. Jung talked about this once but for the amount of success that PoE has had as a game, the content creators are incredibly lazy and don't take advantage of how Youtube works to make gains
I play on an iGPU just fine.
Maybe you shouldn't be buying indian knockoff
PC parts?
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lol its so fucking over...
Win11 24H2 is what does this, downgrade to 23H2
>schizo is jeet
>every one of his posts mentions poo at least once
Of course it's the jeets at microsoft, thanks for the tip
I've spent $80 on poe, surely that'll grandfather me into poe 2 access right bros
Ofc anon. I only have the breach badge but since everyone is saying breach best league evaaar im sure to get a key aswell.
people kept saying Ulti was the best league ever, then GGG put it back in the game and no one mentioned it again.
Nobody ever said that wtf
What sort of complete mongoloid retard would give a shit about wow
it was fucking constant. it was always cited as the last great league before the game became le bad.
disingenuous faggot, ultimatum was "adjusted" (read: nerfed into irrelevance) and that was the version that was brought back into the game
Alright lads, where is this guy hiding
>4090 getting 40fps at max settings and 60fps on medium
lmfao wtf
Im asking the same thing every fucking time someone mentions wow but then you see another 500 reply thread on v about wow super classic redux and just yesterday i saw there is even a wow general. Cucks anon. The answer is cucks!
But why it was boring as fuck. I dropped a hateforge that league and it still was a shitty league. Am i missing something?
JAnK IZ ParT oF DA ChARm xD!
You can’t possibly be this retarded. The page says when it starts in PST, and in your local time.
If you can’t read that, you need to kill yourself.
I asked anons in v and they said its more like far cry than stalker. My dong shriveled to 0,5 cm.
ai frame generation is the future ggg better get in on it
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Path of Exile has always been a strange game. It is objectively one of the most popular live service games to ever exist that has had consistent growth over its life. Keep in mind, there are A LOT of live service games. PoE is not Fortnite/Warzone/Valorant tier but it is in the top 1%. Getting 250k+ concurrent players for a new league in a 10+ year old game is mind bogglingly impressive. People consistently come back for new leagues, spend money, and it attracts new players each league. It had/has a larger player base than Diablo III/IV which are made by the biggest gaming company in the world (Activision-Blizzard-King).
However, PoE has a remarkably insular community with virtually no presence on twitch, youtube, twitter, or any other social media platform. The content creators are, as you said, fairly uncharismatic and appeal strictly to the core PoE community. There are virtually no memes, nothing viral that markets the game on its own. The content creators it does have are incredibly lazy and give virtually no effort. I believe Path of Exile might be the live service game with the greatest disparity between players, consumers of content, and creators of content. Games that have 250k+ players should be getting videos with hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views. Yes it is entirely possible that the average gamer has never heard of it despite PoE probably being more popular than their game of choice unless it is one of the absolute pinnacle of the live service pyramid.

I am not saying this is a good or a bad thing, just a weird thing. Maybe PoE as a game doesn't serve to create highlightable moments that appeal to normalfags who are not already in the game's ecosystem. Maybe it is the grafix. Maybe it is just because people who play PoE wanna play and not watch. Whatever it is, I got no idea.
Didnt read
the slower boss fights and dodge rolling will give it more clippable moments for viralbility
Actual question: Do you guys think Blizzard gives a fuck about GGG/PoE or do you think they mostly don't care? People say they schedule streams and stuff at the same time to try to take away from PoE but I don't know if blizzard as a company is that petty. I am genuinely curious what you guys think.
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Thanks anon, it was here. How do you place that grid?
Also he dropped the map so that was cool of him
No need to be so aggressive, anon-kun. I was going by the description of the video linked in this very fucking OP where it just says November 21st PST. I didn't realize the retards had put the time in the forum post where the video was originally posted in the first place.

>If you can’t read that, you need to kill yourself.
I wish
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I just used the ruler in the snip tool.
It's an autistic spreadsheet simulator were 99% of the gameplay takes place outside of the game and then it's just mindlessly farming that's left. It's not a real game, it's daycare for autists. PoE 2 might change things up but that means none that "plays" PoE1 will like it.
Daily reminder that uber uber shaper is a fucking pussy
Awesome. Thanks again.
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Hearts of Iron is a game that has a smaller fanbase than PoE, is just as autistic, yet has meme videos with hundreds of thousands or millions of views.
They barely care about their own games, they obviously don't give a shit about some small competitor that isn't a threat.
PoE attracts logicians and math wizards, they don't specialize in the creative hemisphere of the brain.
It's not rocket surgery m8.

It's why games that require little to no brainpower, generate more creative content, art, music etc.
name 1 poe meme
hardmode: no epic 4chan maymay like bfr
>supervive today
>poe stream tomorrow
>overwatch hero test the day after
I'm eating good
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Too much clutter
that one abaxoth video

that's all I can think about
more like cuckwatch, fag lol
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My wife.
Someone did make the worst guide to PoE video that has like 180k views, so that is doing decent. Otherwise it's all just build guides made for people playing the game already.
>people weren't nostalgic for the mechanic they just wanted Q and R +100%
exactly, I'm saying people should ignore league nostalgia.
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Double boss DD
tyty is already in maps
Back to the beach
I fuck for god exile, who do you fuck for
The skill tree
Kripps secret build
Einhar's entire character
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Will he be back?
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i think anon should have clarfied no reddit memes either because i know none of them
For me it's cull-step, the best movement ability PoE2 has to offer
For me its .. i dont know what you are talking about ..
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I am just genuinely curious what the reaction to PoE2 will be and if it will replace PoE1, exist in some kind of balance with it, or end up failing and PoE1 becomes the main game again. You'd assume that eventually PoE2 will be the replacement for PoE1, but we've seen with OSRS, AoE2, WoW Classic, and others that the older version can be much more popular and last longer than the new one. I think there is a genuine risk with PoE2 that it ends up like Runescape III or AoEIII. For what its worth though, PoE2 looks like it is appealing directly to me because I am a huge soulsfag+PoEfag so the combination of the two gets my lifesprig hard but you have gay retards like Ziz LITERALLY saying shit like "I don't want the game to be hard. I want to watch movies on my second monitor while playing"
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>he doesn't know
>act like a complete and utter retard
>talk like a retard
>look like a retard
Nigger im not reading that block. Say poe2 bad or Diablo 4 bad or Slayer gud. Dont shit out them 1000 words.
D4 bad
Slayer good
PoE2 mysterious
PoE2 would be good if it was actually hard
It's just reddit hard instead where you have to do dodge roll QTEs every trash pack and do your world of warcraft skill rotation
report back if that was it
i recently rebuilt my pc 9800x3d, 64gig ram, x670e mainboard, reused my 3090 and went 10gig of NVME SSDs, and every game ran fine except for PoE just froze my whole PC constantly
i set up my PC a few days after 24H2 released and was so clueless until i went out of my way to reinstall with 23H2 the next day, everything is fine since that day
>if it was actually hard
that's not the strength of a gear-based arpg.
the real question is how much people will be able to outskill the content with low gear, as opposed to just running past almost completely harmless monsters to the endgame like in poe1.
if speedrunning just means "playing the game well", instead of being a whole unrelated metagame you have to learn, then ggg have succeeded.
ultimatum is OP as fuck right now for currency, but it needs a good build and some investment to start off that's why most shitters don't run it
The game is not that popular, it has huge numbers of bots that pad numbers, has significant following in third world countries that don't speak english and is actually very boring and not interesting from a narrative and character standpoint. The only quality that makes it popular at all is the flawless skinner box design that is great at trapping autistic neets with nothing better to do with their time.
you now remember bex
ummm actually poe 2 is easy
ummm actually its hard
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There is nothing they can do to PoE 1 UNLESS they completely strip down the game numerically and fundamentally change it to where it wont be the same game anymore, which will cause the PoE 1 autismos to have a complete meltie.
They have straight up said verbatim "We completely capped on design space in PoE 1 where we can't do anything without upsetting huge portions of the community".

PoE 1 is completely "Done", the turbo autistic community who refused to accept change solidified it's death.
Just look at them screeching and pissing their pants over PoE 2.
>"PoE 2 development wont effect PoE 1 EXDEEE, FUCK GGG REEEEEEEEEEEE"
Every time there have been poll, the "PoE 1 fundamentalists" only make up like 3-5% of the votes, extremely small, but vocal minority.
Even on poog, the only people seething about PoE 2 are Kraut and Mqecco and random Blizzard shitposters, like 5 people total out of the hundreds who post here.
I wish they would desu
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>The game is not that popular
Yes it is. Unless you strictly compare it to the most successful, viral games that have ever existed. Black Ops 6, with the warzone update, hit nearly 500k players on steam, while PoE had 225k. Being at around half of CoD's concurrent player numbers is INSANE for a game like PoE that started out with a few kiwis in a garage. Saying it is bots is cope. The number of bots was already drastically reduced via banwaves and updates (anyone who regularly trades knew this) and was reduced even more with the currency exchange.
It just doesn't FEEL popular. Maybe part of it is the global community. The game is super popular in Korea and none of us are watching Korean content other than k-pop. The game is popular in Eastern Europe and none of us speak Russian.
She's working for Blizzard now on some unannounced survival MMOslop.
wasnt it riot?
she was working for riot and was IMMEDIATELY cut when they did that recent downsizing thing
piggy said :(
no more riot idk about that blizzard thing though
When she got fired from Riot because the MMO got scrapped, she made some coy tweet about getting a new job and a bunch of Blizz community managers all congratulated her with wink emojis and shit, was obvious.
She hasn't announced the new position yet.
Saying there isn't bots is actually the cope. There is a massive RMT industry for the game, of course there are bots.
It doesn't FEEL popular because it ISN'T popular on the level of CoD or other normie games. Keep in mind you are a retard that forgets that normie games are fucking massive on consoles and you don't have a website that will give you those numbers to compare.
Play the game, retard. Even trading currency via the tradesite has way fewer bots and has had fewer bots for a while now. Yes, there are still some, but the massive ban waves and changes to infrastructure made it harder, and then the advent of the currency exchange market made it less important. I never said there were none, but 225k players just on steam is a lot. How many fucking bots do you think there are? 100,000?
We're also not counting PoE's client and console, which are certainly less than steam but all 3 together could bump it up to 300,000 concurrent players. Yes, CoD is more popular and so is Valorant but saying PoE isn't is just objectively wrong.
kek is she just getting kicked out of everywhere
>don't give a shit about some small competitor that isn't a threat.
why do they invest so many rupees into shills to post here then?
>My dick is shooting fire
Oh yeah
>solidified it is death
find the next rope, poo2 will fail and poe1 will reign supreme
aint no way lil bro
aint no way
don't bother, claiming poe isn't popular is just a generic shill strat aimed at putting off normies who are anxious about liking Unpopular Thing.
Don't forget about the people who play without launcher. Does CoD have any non-steam launcher?
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You can play via bnet or gamepass too
>third world countries that don't speak english
just like yours?
Tell me where you think I am posting from, retard?
New Delhi
50% correct. Try again.
Thats even worse
What's next for her?
>Old Delhi
Weird flex
poeg recommend me a bunch of games to play till january
no ill not play or watch anything poe 2 related
New Mexico?
>old mexico
both on pc gamepass :)
I played Majoras Mask for the first time this year. I was literally blown the fuck away. They dont make em like they used to.
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alright you got me
I always avoided that game cause it has a time limit i hate games with time limits
I thought so too 20 years ago. Its not an issue.
Man, Breach and Legion must've given you quite the scare.
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>time limit in Majoras Mask
more like a time flavor
>while downsizing
what's happening in january?
does ziggyd still make people seethe?
We are officially 24 hours away from PoE2 in its entirety being revealed. We are beyond the looking glass gentlemen
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>eating well
nothing convinces me more than a negro twitter meme from jitteryd
I think they'd be saying "eating good" instead of eating well, at least well is grammatically correct.
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shut the fuck up and just GIVE ME POE 2

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He's back..
splitting hairs
i 'member that dyke!
if they reveal Templar tomorrow and show a trailer of it using D2 Paladin-like abilities, Blizzard's offices will be swallowed up by the earth.
He's their CM or what?
rate my plan for tomorrow
>tune in stream
>mute it
>go play something else
>close stream when after claiming the hands mtx
hands not worth the effort
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>They lied about the 3 acts so they could reveal its actually the entire campaign for some poggie woggies reactions.
4D chess
I got permabanned on Twitch after filing an anonymous police report on Quin69. Don't care enough to make a second account for a literal ballsack.
10/10 the worst of both worlds
That'd be fucking stupid. Are they that stupid?
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everyone but quin has gotten a puzzle box
nobody "important" from GGG team say there are going to be only 3 acts at EA launch, they used a literal who console fall guy, knowing the community is disseminating every piece of information out there
normies arent on board with poe2 as much as GGG wants them to be, so they manufacture this to drive higher engagement
he's just been with the game for a long time and has a good relationship for GGG, so when they want to do Q&A at big events, they bring him on to host
They did the same thing with 3.0.
>Were only adding Act 5
>Actually were adding 6 more acts, lol gotcha hahaa
sup fuckers im Ziggy Fucking D
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>That'd be fucking stupid. Are they that stupid?
You have to be retarded to be innovative, that is the mantra of humanity
>You have to be retarded to be innovative
then why aren't i innovative?
i recently rewatched kb2 again. that scene is so fucking good but the 2nd half was pure shit.
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Because you are not retarded enough
it won't take nearly that amount of unexpected shit to get us pogging
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just wanna turn the not-ranger into a cat, don't let me down ggg
pathofmatth did nothing wrong
uphold marxism-leninism-mathism
him hiding behind 10 proxies and 500 ping just to get a taste of that sweet sweet poe2 nectar says otherwise
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The vision has been hidden until now
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16 days until poe 2
24 hours until poe 2 stream
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It doesn't make sense but ok lmao
where does he find the time between working double shifts at mcdonalds?
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we WILL see chris tomorrow
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hype hype hype
just got laid off boys
think im going to become a poe 2 streamer
box status?
I really don't know what this could possibly mean. They've shown off everything that seems to be finished and even some stuff that isn't. I can only imagine it means the end game might be more fleshed out expected, with more returning PoE1 mechanics than anticipated. Perhaps even some unique PoE2 stuff. Still though, I am not getting my hopes up. We already know it is 3 acts + 6 classes with a bunch of weapon types not even existing yet.
i wouldnt know
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He should ask if there are more weapon types planned for the future.
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>I felt a great disturbance in the Vision, as if millions of bald men suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly nerfed. I fear something terrible has happened.

This will be /poeg/ tomorrow. Disappointment galore.
anon they are entirely capable of simply releasing way more than they announced in advance. they're not Blizzard, they've done it before and they will get rewarded directly by euphoric autists throwing money at them for exceeding expectations.
>I am not saying this is a good or a bad thing, just a weird thing
It is irrefutably a good thing, the last thing you ever want your hobby to become is popular. Everything good dies when normalfags get get slimy hands on it. The less memes, the less meme streamers the better. They already fucked up gacha forever with genshit, don't try to bring them here.
gacha was never meant to be good you idiot.
Too late anon. Poo2 is a normie game, and they will drag down ggg.
It needs to be a normie game, they invested too much into it and you can tell Jonathan just wants to be loved.
someone with twitter say will there be 40/40 challenges for mtx for EA for poe2 i dont have twitter otherwise i would
if they werent good they wouldnt be making any money
Sure, they could, but I really don't think PoE2 development has been smooth at all. I think probably only within the last 2-3 years has it actually been on track and before then was a dumpster fire. I get what you're saying and that'd be awesome but for Christ's sake we haven't even seen any sword skills yet. In the fucking melee game. Just maces and quarterstaves.
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I fucked it up. The stream will be in 23h (22h and 45m from now) not 24h!
>It is irrefutably a good thing, the last thing you ever want your hobby to become is popular
Coping hipster take lmao
you have to commit sudoku now. sorry
good evening sisters
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Go away, you have better things to be doing like looking for your lost brain.
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I wish.
We might, MIGHT, get 20 seconds of chris right near the start.
But more likely, we are just gonna get a lot of neon(mark2) who is cool. And a ton of stuttering adhd jonny boy.
I want more of the art guy up there.
what if poe2 wont make me happy?
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Bros I'm excited
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Haha so embarrassing
>rue nor quantrik nor ventrua didngt a box
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i'd be surprised if we got any chris desu
It works for movie reviews, I don't need to waste my time watching the review anymore. I just look at the face on the thumbnail and if he is smiling I know the movie is bad and if he is frowning I know there is a chance it might be good.
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You're not really going to spend $30 on an unfinished free product, right?
But most of the poe playerbase are poor third worlders. If they can't play the game it's going to look real bad for the numbers.

Which one did you get? I got the Karui Elemancer Supporter pack
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Chris with be in both the presentation and the QnA.
He's gonna say shit like "This was my idea, I thought up this system, I wanted this added to the game etc etc" and everyone will be like "What Chris helped make PoE 2??? WHAAA" like their complete retards who have no idea how GGG works.
bro ziggyd said 'eatin gud'. dont you get what that means?
No cause I've spent $590 on a free product already so I should be good.
Im gonna spend more.
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What do New Zealand streamers eat?
you smart fucking asshole
Stopped at Elemancer too. The final tier was shit.
Kiwi are omnivorous and although worms form a major part of their diet, they will also readily eat woodlice, millipedes, centipedes, slugs, snails, spiders, insects, seeds, berries and plant material.
Are we gonna be able to buy the PoE2 supporter packs via Steam? I got Gaben Funbux in my wallet I'd love to use.
Yes, I expect you people to know even though the stream hasn't even happened yet.
i think bugs, spiders and crocos.
vaal serpant god because i wanted the portal device
This is good.
This is great.
If there was one thing Path of Exile was lacking then it was the amount of uniques.
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30 bucks?
I genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcasm.
Can you do it currently?
They changed the account system this week and I have heard some turdworlders crying about how they can't get regional pricing anymore because of it.
>PoE2 would be good if it was actually hard
How would you make it "actually hard" without every enemy just one shotting you and still being fun.
You don't have an answer for this because nobody does. The arpg genre can't be truly difficult fundamentally.
wtf there's #numbers on my poe name now
Well I live in America, but you buy them IN PoE1. How would you access PoE2 to buy a supporter pack in the game if you don't have access? Maybe the store page can have them.
If you don't have a #00XX number you are not welcome.
That got canceled like a year ago.
now you know how jews felt back in the day
you are going straight to New zealands gulags
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the kiwi gas chambers
Don't ask me how I know this but they are now working on a third person camera mode which they will announce tomorrow. They say it will change the genre but it will probably delay the true launch of the game for another few years.
I'm going to win the key lottery instead lmao
People who play the game I don't have a problem with, its people like Shroud and D4 grifters that are a baffling choice.
That thick slampig Velyna got one too for example.
Aris will prob get one.

Quin will get one too, its just delayed because his in NZ.
based, can't wait for them to discover first person too
>That thick slampig Velyna
bought all the diablo games last month
just uninstalled them all kek
I love Chris. Hes gods gift.
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damn gurlll
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GGG did this on purpose, their level of trolling is unmatched
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getting people to pay for a surprise gift is literally a tactic used for marketing chocolate to kids.
I don't find lilly attractive but I'd take her on a date and I think we'd have fun. she seems like a nice dude
larry is seething
Sending them to D4 people is just marketing, so that the D4 audience will see whoa look how cool that other game's devs are while our devs do jack shit
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None because I got Voidborn last year
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Who asked?
really nice hideout
larry handles turds
>have fond memories of kinder bars
>Buy one the other day
>It taste like absolute garbage like its full of grease
did they change the recipe
whoever came up with this idea in fashion shows is a lvl 100 gooner
Every recipe from the 80's/90's changed for the worse. They don't want you to know that everything used to be better. They will tell you it's just nostalgia and it's impossible that anything was better in the past but they are lying to you. A prime example of foods that used to be amazing and are now butchered is the totinos frozen pizza.

It used to be round and had a flakey crispy crust. The cheese was real and melted it was oozy and you could squeeze it between your fingers. Now it just hardens into a shell. The pepperonis used to be plentiful and real not made of mostly sawdust. They would crisp up and release their oils flavoring the pizza. All for sometimes less than a dollar. They were God tier highschool/college food.

Now they are quite possibly one of the worst things you can buy. Every part of it has been ruined. It's square, the crust turns into gum stabbing shards, the sauce has no flavor, the cheese I already mentioned and the pepperonis barely exist and they taste like nothing.

They took everything that was great and made it worse to fatting a few peoples wallets. It's sad how much we have lost in so little time and most people didn't even notice they were so checked out.
Stupid cute baby!
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less than 24 hours
It was a former photographer for Playboy that designed it for strip clubs, then turned into runway fashion after his work with some popular model got viral.
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Aye, me.
im going to spend 30 dollars on a supporter pack and you can't do anything to stop me
African children are starving.
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Can I pay $30 to make them starve harder?
its really going to be 6 acts, isnt it?
Who's Chris'?
check your links before you post you spastic
sorry J O S H U A
Don't worry, I got your back : https://x.com/pathofexile/status/1859357556092830176
I wasn't going to buy a basedporter pack but you've convinced me
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What's hilarious is that reddit is down right now so those retards wont know what's going on because other retards won't be spoonfeeding them.
I bet they would miss the livestream if it doesn't come back up before then.
Guys I am playing pd2 diablo 2, and I am at the end-game of the arpg. Do I just run maps non-stop, hoard wealth, buy end-game items after months of savings?

I will get like a 0.001% increase in survivability and dmg if i buy these item.
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surely this plus the previous trailer confirms a prerendered cinematic?
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all good famalam
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>Act 4
How do you know it? Are you Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Game?
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I don't think it is, the enemies don't look right and the area had ocean to the sides and zero trees.
t. played that island a lot at exilecon
Just calm down, they might show more than 3 acts tomorrow but we won't get them at the start of early access.
are you responsible for the death of the characters you didnt pick
What a magnificent sperg.
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came to post this, that looks like we've got shadow, marauder and duelist, can't see witch or monk there
Sorc, Floyd, Ranger, Witch, Mercenary, Shadow
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why the fuck does anyone bother posting videos on x?
hell why does anyone even still use it
it's gone down the drain
their video encoding is so fucking bad

thats literally witch in the middle

in the teaser act 4 is the 4th zone the mercenary goes through, and then 2 others after that, are we getting 6 acts? Damn the delay was worth it I guess?
Six acts and a Templar.

>plays broken spiritborn metabuild
>thinks he's some kind of gamer god, thinks hes cracked the matrix
i hate this guy so much
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isnt that the duelist and the shadow on the right?

wtf is happening? they are pre cumming the chaos!
oh true, well how about shadow, duelist and marauder? it doesn't look like the warrior and duelist definitely stands out.
Also x is the most downloaded app in the world at the moment, it's beating every single metric of any other social media app. You can put 1080p videos up, no idea why they didn't
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wait a minute slow that down
https://youtu.be/jiFS1GcNZQk looks more like this zone
badass dood
You're prob right.
Only Act 3 then, were bricked. Dead game.
>no templar/druid
thats sad. i bet there's should be one character per stat combo, but instead of druid/templar there's sorc.
the acts are shown out of order
>don't even put the marauder in the game
>hang him in the trailer just so you can hang a black guy
Chris is fucked up
based anon. based is the word you were looking for.
Everyone is just going to play mercenary right, literally 100% play rate. Its the most iconic thing and they put it in basically every trailer
based up? chris is based up?
Everyone is going to play witch.
Whichever character that gets the most braindead playstyle will get it.

All the homo's maybe. For me it's Witch.
Erm... Doomsisters, our response...?
Chris is going to give her shoes, your time is coming to an end
no he is fucked based you retard.
im going to play witch just for the chance to see her perky breasts when the game loads
...fucked based? sorry, anon, you lost me
its a white thing. you wouldnt get it.
"fucked based" is... a white thing? what?
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Deleted my posts about Act 4, I was wrong.
It's just an Act 3 zone, >>502998830

Here is Ziz playing the zone at Exilecon for more proof its only Act 3.
sudoku now
what 'what?'? are you gay?
If shadow + daggers are in the game I will be satisfied. Currently I am actually pretty annoyed that it is supposed to be THE melee game and EA looks like it will only have maces and staves for melee which is total bullshit. They're basically the same shit, both blunt weapons. No swords, axes, spears, daggers, or flails.
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good for you for holding yourself to a higher journalistic standard than literally any current gaming news site
chris is "a white thing"? what are you on about? what has being gay to do with the topic at hand?
you fucking mongoloid! im so mad right now.
you just shut up you inbred hillbilly..
>chris is "a white thing"?
Yeah, I think they call him a "skinhead".
Wait, so are the playable classes;

So no Str/Int character? I guess that was supposed to be Druid, but they're not in.
No based down they are in nz at the bottom of the earth.
templar bro
ah, because he's bald, that makes sense, thank you for explaining, anon
The picture that tripped trannies into suicide.
not me
I'm playing ranger
because we have the same haircut
>Templar forgotten
Ouch. Time to increase the neck height!
so is poe2 goty?
it was 5 minutes ago
I know that Templar is Str/int, but he is not playable yet. I expected one of each stat/combo. Huntress was the other who was gonna be playable, but I think she is just Dex as well.

I also forgot Monk, that is now shadow, it has to be monk and he is Dex/Int, so revise my statement to remove shadow. The full class list is:
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i didnt even know you could delete your own post
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shoes with holes in them
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time to sleep
>very recipe from the 80's/90's changed for the worse. They don't want you to know that everything used to be better.
a good, likely true conspiracy theory is that coke created new coke and actually stopped making old coke (coca cola classic) to mask the taste difference between sugar and real sugar and hfcs, which they were switching into. you never got to wake up one morning and just have coke taste not quite the same. but then pepsi did just switch and i guess nobody really cared
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Good night, Sleep tight!
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that looks like fucking garbage
>sleeping this early so you'll wake up way before the stream
are they stupid?
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stupid this!
alright you got me you fucker
what happened to the templar and druid? they arent in the trailer?
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One sleepy til hope returns.
Is scion good?
It's midnight, billy bob
Templar hasn't even been officially announced yet, and Druid was already confirmed not in beta
sort of not really. it's really rough to start because you're mostly getting stats / travel nodes, maybe plus resistances which you could argue help you live, but doing zero damage to an enemy is going to get you killed also.
and all of the ascendancies are just worse versions of the other ones, obviously, but you can do some neat things with a scion. you get more passive points. starting at other locations on the tree can actually be good. the ascendancies arent that bad.
i think it also weirdly specializes in reap / exsaung. you can get to those damage nodes super fast
up your ass you faggot :)
Not her then. What about the witch and the marauder? Are they good?
witch is terrible
marauder is good
if you want to just play the game, open the skill tree and click on the nodes that sound good to you then marauder is a great choice
holy fucking sexo.
marauder is great if you want to be immortal and smash shit. that's the jugg's speciality. you can also righteous fire as a marauder if you want the easiest most documented skill ever. it's not as strong as it used to be but pohx still has a whole wiki on how to play the thing. if you're new it's a goodish way to start.
witch is unfortunately not as good as Templar if you want to go i dunno like some kind of blast their ass off elemental spell. if you want to play wave of conviction ignite or any ignite then witch is fine. necro is also witch and i have a friend who does 40 challenges every league with skeletons or golems but i think people here argue minions being bad. occultist is in kind of a wonky place. bane / chaos stuff is in a kind of wonky place. even cold dot isn't the powerhouse it used to be. you could caustic arrow occultist though
oh gosh blizzisters! a pre-rendered heckin' cinematic!
this turns poe2 from a 6 to a 10/10!
Looks like the Grug class is the one for me. Thanks.
>t. sorc
the current "quality" differences aren't really going to make much difference to you as a new player (e.g. the guy who said witch is bad, meant in endgame after the campaign, and it isn't even true because it depends what build she uses).
just pick an archetype you think is cool, or which you plan to play in PoE2 (even though they'll probably be different).
They reworked defenses this league and the witch absolutely got the bad end of the stick. I would say Witch is overall the worst class right now though there are still some strong builds for her but weird shit like what they call BAMA.
it absolutely makes a difference
playing marauder with any slam skill is an infinitely better experience than playing witch
the character just sucks at every stage of the game
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login dude
This is one of the most devastating images ever captured
whats the point if its already public knowledge whats inside
whats inside i missed it
They still have to get the code out.
this faggot in the videos >>502967648 already spoiled it; its a code that lets the owner of the box make a custom unique item in POE2
Talkative Tri operates such a blatant level of shilling that it's legitimately off-putting, even to a corporation. It's like those Disney fanboys that would give anything a 10/10, like you probably don't want to invite them to new Marvel movies just because they make the press rollout look inauthentic.
just ignore the talktativetranny
He recognizes vacancy in an upcoming game and is going all in. It could pay off, it might now.
Square grallyboar
its grifting, not shilling. he sees that a subject is popular so he makes a video about it
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the rats have to get out of the maze for their reward
real life world of warcraft item
>no one can like something they all have to be pretending because I can't imagine a world that isn't painted in 100% irony
You are boring, grow up.
it's either a unique or a div card from what we know but it could be other things, unsure of what though. Honestly I'd laugh if he got a div card and retard darth got a unique.
honestly GGG probably already know what streamers have the unique boxes and which dont
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>>no one can like something they all have to be pretending because I can't imagine a world that isn't painted in 100% irony
rate my unique
Unique 2 hander
0.25 attack per second
deal 2000% increased damage every third strike
Thank you for agreeing with me.
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that's just Trypanon
thats just glacial hammer with extra steps
he is evil
How many of these new streamers are going to make their unique a tier 0?
I actually came up with an idea extremely similar to The Squire years before it came out and even posted it on the forums. It'd be cool if GGG got the inspiration from that, but I don't believe they did. People probably had the idea for that long before I played for the first time, but still. It was neat to see when Squire came out, except my version was more busted but build around attack skills, adding flat phys to attacks and additional crit chance.
GGG is the one who gets to decide that. They cannot all submit mageblood. Apparently GGG are actually pretty annoying to work with when it comes to designing uniques unless you win it from an event. I imagine most of these will be alch shards (are those even in PoE2?) and then a few will have niche cases or be decent, then like 1 or 2 will be genuinely good.
where the puzzlenigga at
lets do some puzzles
some NSFW kino
>Inspired by Diablo IV
What a retard
This is just Ruthless as an entire weapon. Insta Cyclone bait. 10 Divs.
Bro when even Alk is getting paid over a million dollars to shill PoE 2 at launch Tri would be retarded if he didn't slurp big Jonathan cock 24/7 to get his retirement funded.
>even to a corporation
GGG included him in one of their videos.
I'm happy that this is fake
Whats this Tri retard going to do after the release of EA and there is no longer news spam?
He has nothing to offer the community and will have to move onto some other game or politics to grift.
answered your own question anon
Would Elon be good at the puzzle box?
He'll be posting about the game?
the real tweet is even worse, if you can believe it
I doubt it. He is not that smart (not dumb, but just above average) and has virtually no attention span anymore like most people.
he would go off cam, get one of his engineers to look at it, then come back on cam and claim the accomplishment of opening it as his own
How much would Musk have to pay you to be his D4 account guy?
i honestly dont understand the hate this guy gets, he has all the news instantly out on youtube just like sirgog hes positive about the game we all love and yet everyone is acting like a bunch of old fucking faggot grumpy and pissed for no reason, you say he grifts? they all fucking grift, all the asian faggot streamers trannydog the asian cat faggot all of them alk grifts by playing the game, ziz is the biggest fucking grifter with the most annoying voice imaginable that plays the nice guy i have yet to see one bad thing from this tri faggot and yet they are all shit talking about him

you know why they are mad? because they are not doing what he is doing, not doing daily podcasts and talking about the game, they all fucking seethe about bullshit or sound like fucking nerds with spreadsheets you can be a nerd in this game and not make your content so fucking boring

anyway im not gonna rant i think everyone talking shit is a faggot fuck you in advance if you disagree
His "content" will be outclassed by everyone else though.
Like i said, he has nothing unique to offer.
>Not charismatic
>Not a god gamer
>Not knowledgeable about PoE enough to make builds
Any sort of niche like Lore or Boss guides, Tips and Tricks etc all covered by existing PoE players better.
If he's desperate he will resort to stealing other peoples builds or pushing retarded dogshit builds, but then Rue and Jung will just shitpost him out of the community.

Without news people can't be fucked to look up themselves, he's fucked.
>tfw witch pantsu is not canon anymore
now i WONT play your game
dude is like 60, let him think hes a l33t esportsman
The ceiling is high in pd2. You use corruptions. Facets. Etc. You have a ton of power to gain still.
Maps are nowhere close to end game. You still have stuff like dungeons and bosses to aim for like Rathama.
>you know why they are mad? because they are not doing what he is doing, not doing daily podcasts and talking about the game
ok talktativetranny, go dilate or kill yourself.
It's just that his shilling is disgusting. He acts like a fucking dog begging for scraps from GGG's plate. He embodies basically every aspect of content regurgitation youtube that people hate.
its true who else is doing this daily talking podcast to other streamers? no one they are seething about this shit, he makes 20 min videos talking about the game instantly and they as content creators are pissed because it takes away views from them its a poison the well tactic, talk shit about the guy their viewers wont view his content simple marketing start
I am not saying it is viable, but that is clearly his plan. However, considering the average PoE content creator has decayed to the point of just putting a PoB in a youtube description and mumbling about the build long enough to put in ads, I could see people watching him if he has fancy graphics and an editor. I stopped following guides like 2 years ago but I still enjoyed watching them and they're so embarrassingly bad now. It is like the entire community just goes through the motions of build guides and league starters now... though that might also be because shit has mostly been the same.
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>reddit spacing
>defending a pedophile
yep, it's a redditor
See: >>503010351
new unique int helmete
75% less cast speed
every 3rd cast deal 2000% increased damage
Most PoE streamers only make content because people requested it.
>Hey what's this build can you make a guide for it?? Bandits??
Or they just get fed up answering 20 questing ad nauseam so they make a guide to just go "Go look at the guide".
I just think he is annoying and tries too hard to stretch out every piece of news into something MINDBLOWING that will CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER and is INSANE and CRAZY. If he just was recapping news and giving some theories based on teasers I think only the most hardcore /v/irgins would hate him. But it is the fact that he tries as hard as he does to stretch every sentence GGG speaks into a 30 minute video that makes him so grating. It also has to do with how he defends everything they do, no matter how stupid.
look im not defending the faggot all im saying is the hate is dumb because he does the exact same shit all other CCs do hes just shit at hiding it. all CCs suck the companys dick off that they are making content of, look at ziz for example this faggot says he loves GGG he loves neon all this shit during the gauntlet remember that? but thats fine? its bullshit

i got banned from reddit years ago for calling the janny a tranny but i used 4chan before that so whatever

he does the exact same shit anyone else does, says what he likes says what he doesnt like for example he recently said the transmog mtx 1 time use was shit and should be changed for poe2 typical shit you hear streamers say you wont hear whats that faggots name interviewing GGG tomorrows name you wont see him going pathofmath of GGG will you? calling them niggers, games shit yadayada none of them do that but you expect it of this guy

its clickbait they all do that shit
Go to bed Tri
trifaggot pls leave and dont come back
he does do the same thing in principle but worse and more grotesque than anyone else but again, he doesn't actually offer anything beyond the shilling as some of the others do with build guides and actual game knowledge or exclusive interviews with people who actually know things, that one TERRIBLE interview with jonathan aside (another great example of him being the worst of these types of shitters)
Hating things that are worse than the current standard is allowed
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nah you are just mad to be mad. they all suck GGGs dick all of them especially if they want invited to events. i think all CCs are faggots you like some of them because you are a fanboy thats the difference between you and i
He looks like an onionsboy and he makes money doing it. This makes me mad, faggoty looking faggots shouldn't have such easy lives.
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i was busy mapping, but i can take a rest, as should you anon
wtf guys why didn't you tell me that /ourguy/ is opening a box? https://www.twitch.tv/waggle
No, puzzle solving is a specific skill. Unless you do something similar every day you're not going to be good at it.
>He embodies basically every aspect of content regurgitation youtube that people hate.
It's also exactly what people like and watch youtubers for. If he keeps it up he's going to be the biggest poe youtuber by far before the EA has ended.
elon musk is a retard that thought children can change gender through cutting their sexual organs off im honestly in shock he owns anything
a fanboy of what? a fanboy of who?
the only thing I want from "content creators" is good information on whatever topic I'm searching for. In the case of PoE shit, that to me means mapping strats and build ideas. Good examples would be Wolfio who is probably dead, Thatsrealneato, etc for builds, and maybe empyrean for his latest series on the basic mapping strats and what their average return is, though I wouldn't take it for ROI but mash up the things I like to do
Guess that talkative tranny won't be able to do in between his bouts of shilling and others who are well established and knowledgable will?
Tri is going to be our xQc or Asmongold.
thats how i feel. plus i despise how hes under every single GGG tweet with some reddit-tier wholesome 100 reply to draw attention to himself. im very much looking forward to the point where there are no more poe2 news to talk about, resulting in his channel instantly withering.
There is going to be a whole new wave of youtubers coming with poe2. This is their big push for the mainstream audience. If you think this fag is bad you aren't even prepared. It's going to get so much worse after the game is actually playable.
my foil hat take is that he was either directly or indirectly hired/boosted by tencent to be the most inoffensive ambassador for bringing new players into the fold.
he reminds me of a cross between the diablo content creators rhyyker and mr llama.
i don't expect him to go anywhere any time soon.
maybe, maybe not dont really care either way im just pointing out the hypocrisy
>he opens it
>its just a big shit
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that's believable
it's not hypocrisy you stupid faggot
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lets do another one anons, last one was finished too fast
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what's his day 1 build?
what's this shit with only seeing the edge pieces first? are we complete children all of a sudden?
>it's not hypocrisy you stupid faggot
Technically it is hypocrisy regardless of whether you personally think he offers anything of worth that is subjective to the viewer i again am pointing out they all do the exact same shit, i know this because i play other games, i see youtubers of all games in different genres all crowd around a piece of information like flies around shit, like you are trying to tell me you dont notice the "react" videos or "what im doing for poe2" videos or "breakdown of info" video or "gameplay reaction" videos? they all do it

thats the hypocrisy, here is a easy one, what has all the streamers been doing today? sitting in front of a camera and opening a fucking box

do you see my point? Hypocrisy senator objection overruled
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18 hours until d4 campfire kino
blizzpajeet is a homosexual not surprising
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This made me laugh.
point proven
That he's the Rhykker of PoE?
he guys its RIGHKUR
hey guys it's NIGGER
the existence of other turdtubers doesnt make tri any less of a faggot. why do you keep saying that?
take the L faggot, it's not subjective that he can't do things of value for the community, like build guides or game mechanic explanations/examples/demonstration, he is too stupid to do those things and given that he's a secondary, will never catch up to those who can, OBJECTIVELY.
that they all do promo shit is secondary to my point which I have never denied but again, he even makes this promo shit WORSE (OBJECTIVELY) and MORE UNBEARABLE because of his complete lack of charisma and authenticity
really shit like this should speak to the people posting here. i know you young people want to be streamers, so just stream poe. oh it's too late for me there's already too many people streaming, fucking tri just got into poe what like six months ago? and there's that diablo 4 guy too. tarke was hosting baeclast with fucking chris and neon and he only got a few hundred viewers. it does seem like there's a lot more people in that category, though
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so i need to ask right, if someone cant make a build guide they shouldnt be a content creator for PoE? also im not a faggot you faggot big faggot fuck you faggot double triple x10 ultra poe2 combo faggot

dont flip what i just said back to me you retard you are too dumb for that
does anyone actually have footage of them opening it? All i've ever seen is people just posting their gifts, likely having just taken a sledgehammer to the thing
>so i need to ask right, if someone cant make a build guide they shouldnt be a content creator for PoE
pretty sure there is a tutorial on yt if you are gigaretarded
hasnt smashed it with a hammer yet
how much would you pay for the puzzle box?
flat tidied
bathroom cleaned
brew made
pyjamas on
drum and bass on
blackbeltbarrister on
poe on
heating on
boiler on ready for me baff
incense lit
feeling comfy
imagine not getting a box
i got a box
hell even my grandma got a box
thought this was listing qualities a girl needs with flat tiddies being the most important
Your grandma is going to be in a box in the next 152 days.
what they should have done instead of the puzzle boxes was flown these streamers to some resort for the third or fourth time and then have them all play poe 2 while trying to escape an escape room and then live stream that to us
>Path of Exile Fishtank crossover
let Dark Burt sort them out
>are we complete children all of a sudden?
always have been
i do this so it doesnt drag for a fucking hour
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fair enough faggot
>flat tiddies
god I wish that were me
im not sure if i can survive the next two weeks
so, tomorrow is the day, is it going to be more food for doomsissys or more for hopeniggers?
most epiciest PoE clip of all time
forgot link
poe anocuments are usully hope
but then yo uget hit with the harsh reality of patchnotes/launch and you become a doomnigger
bros...poch flopped
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how'd i do lads
based grandma obeying the universal law of impermanence
it wasnt even that funny
no matter what I'll be depresso mode cause I gotta wait for the beta to start
>poe2 delayed by bazilion weeks
>migration is still fucked and they got milion threads how peoples accounts got deleted
does he randomly say THIS WORLD IS AN ILLUSION EXILE
no its not delayed anymore
and migration is not fucked anymore, it was fucked first try, they rolled back, did it again, now its fine
I played their necro and ranger, didn't like any of the skills so didn't get anywhere with it
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GGG is going to murder blizzard tomorrow
Apparently you can post mp4s now just seen it in /v/ still no sound which is gay
doesnt work for me in here
>darth micro is 33 years of age
bloody hell sisters
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maybe its just on /v/ or maybe just OP?
poch is a good example of arpgs being greater than just the sum of its parts. It has all the "systems" that people want Path of Exile to have but none of the soul, aesthetic, or sense of internal VISION that GGG has. You can tell when you're playing the endgame that they have no idea where they want the game to go.
>reddit is also dooming about poe2
>i fuck for god exile
I'm 36 but look way better than him in every way
Half of the comments on reddit are basically people saying they don't want PoE2 and are mad that PoE1 is getting fucked over because of it. Pretty wild to see, honestly.
reddit is stuck in the midwit zone of path of exile, where they think they enjoy the speed of path of exile (1/100000th the speed of an actually good player) and so they think any nerf to that pace is going to make the game feel like shit to them
different character
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>breeding sludge
yeahhhh probably.
blizzard don't know what the fuck they are doing so it is to be expected.
based elderbro
I'm 35
don't look it tho
look even younger now I have hair, used to be a skinhead
>still haven't hit 50 in necro sett
You should check zizarans latest doomsis video, got blasted in the comments.
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went to find some salt, found this which is bretty gud.
what level disenchant do you have to be to disenchant uniques? max?
i dont get it
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>open stream
>first thing I hear is "I'm not stupid, right?"
oh ye
thanks bro
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>i'm starting on softcore
it's over
I think PoE 2 is going to be good.
Enemies having lightning totem is so gay
>ziz starting on sc
>my casual streamer is starting on hc
It's fucked.
i think they all are, even the goat quin is going to play cuckcore.
I don't only think PoE 2 will be good, it's going to be so good PoE 1 will be dead on arrival (poe2's arrival)
i think it's going to be a d2 into lord of destruction situation where people love the original and then they get hit with something they didn't know they needed.
regardless it's going to kill every other arpg for the next 8-10 years.
If you play path of exile and the literal only thing you enjoy about the game is blowing up an entire map in 60 seconds or less then you actually do not enjoy the game or the genre and should be ridiculed then ignored.
>then you actually do not enjoy the game or the genre
thats the whole point of the genre tho?
people play arpgs to minmax characters so they can kill shit as fast as possible.
Quin is going SSFHC and will rake in all the viewership and hype.
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You are playing on Hardcore... right?
these people do not create builds, they do not think about min maxing characters
they see a guide, treat it as a shopping list, and then they run into a map and """""blast""""" while watching some netflix slop on their second monitor.
calling that "playing" the game is laughable.

bingo bitches
I wonder if poo 2 will actually let me fulfill my fantasy of playing a battlemage in an arpg. No game has succeeded in a way that I felt was satisfying.
Wrong, you do that because you have been dopamine programmed. Not everyone needs constant 100% dopamine rush to enjoy things.
I'll do a couple runs to endgame on softcore first
nice reddit grab, faggot
I made it myself thank you very much though I did steal the middle pic
Will there be a spear/javelin kind of build?

I've not played PoE since there were only 3 or 4 acts in the game, and I'm really excited for PoE 2 because it removes all the stuff I disliked so heavily from PoE.
>ziggy d getting rekt by bosses
didn't have an issue with a single boss
even if I died once, I figured out the phasing on attempt 2 and from then onwards it was farm time
>Alk getting completely filtered.
>All he needs to do is reverse the latches on the first 3 puzzles to complete the 4th.
This is funny, he's about to smash the box.
I think huntress(?) is the new spear class. I'm not sure if she will be in early access, though.
How long has he been doing this puzzle?
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im really under the assumption GGG is pulling a fast one with these interviews and lying to everyone only to go on this stream and be like yeah bitches all acts all classes most of the endgame all this other crazy shit buy the packs boom boom boom 2 hours of kino d4 dead fuck every ARPG poe1 and poe2 from now on thats how good i expect this shit to be, because if ziggy faggot is saying its more than he expected for everything and shit he didnt even know about we are in for some onions facing in a few hours
I missed it
and not everyone needs to drive fast in forza but thats the point of the game.
there are much better games to play if you want slow tactical combat or deep character driven stories.
Wrong again, no one died and decided you get to dictate what other people do or find fun. There are plenty of people who don't play with an "the game starts at endgame" zoom zoom mentality. Sorry lil bro but you'll find out one day that there is a wide world out there with all kinds of different tastes. You should try to broaden your horizons it would do you some good.
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well, going to sleep now, have fun tomorrow
i'm not dictating anything, it's been the general consensus of the arpg community for decades.
you are free to spend 3 months struggling through the campaign just don't bitch and moan about it.
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Waggle got a Div card, Alk if on the last step now.
god this was so based
>for decades
You haven't even been on this earth for decades let alone have any knowledge of the history of how arpg's have been played. Fuck off kid, I don't have anymore patience for people whose world started after 9/11.
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no logout macro, lil man going bitchcore 100 no cap ong
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what in the niggerfuck
The Bazaar is pretty fun lads, desu
>div cards confirmed in PoE 2
some other streamer got div card yestrerday in his box, and they did say they were bringing them forward in some capacity but it's not known what that means
have you ever played diablo 2? the gold standard of the genre kek
i will give you diablo 1 was much slower but initially it was desiged as a turn based rougelike, hence the stamina system compromise.
you just sound like a shitter.
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your loss anon, it was fun
thats honestly pretty cute
who the fuck is bignose??
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what did he get?
div card
it's a right wing dog whistle, alk and quin are nazis
He got a unique, but he's pretending he didn't.
He'll show it and end his stream when he gets tired of the bit.
friend of gralliboar
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he should get a unique hes alright at the game
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at least quin doesnt hide it
hey you were right
i wanna fuck this hot bitch in her eyesocket
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Quins Friend playing PoE for the first time.
I think Jonathan said he was pretty disappointed with the implementation of div cards in poe 1, maybe they are going to actually use them as proper fractional rewards in poe 2
div cards will have a mini game like pokeyman cards
have to solve a puzzle box in game to get your div card
i would actually cum if they built a whole little card game in path of exile 2
i want witcher 3 gwent
I think 1 card = 1 reward instead of the fragment system.
And just have rare foil versions and "Misprint" versions etc.

Just made it cards can only come from Stacked Decks and its rare to actually pull item reward cards from them.
Maybe the filler are gold redeems and currency cards.
why didn't Joe Rogan get a box?
im trying to get voice of the storm, is it better to do the stones in maven rotations or just harvest swap them to esh?
give me a valdo box and i'll break the motherfucker open i ain't playin round wit yo gay ass puzzle shit
It's going to be shit. Combat looks great in quick cuts then when you see people play you realize it's some jank garbage. Doesn't look fun at all constantly facing down turboboosted white packs as strong as rares. Not sure who the fuck is gonna play this shit
w true
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15 hours hype
dumb nigger
bloody hell
verisium mobs are quite a challenge
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how many of these would i need to fill around my map device? 5?

fukken gottem, poor alk
Jesus Christ, 7 months between leagues? You're out of your mind! If this is the path GGG follows for PoE1, I'll be extremely, extremely disappointed.

We need to stop being apologists for such a bad customer experience, lest we become enablers of more of it.

They set expectations of a 3-4 month cadence, and have promised to continue it post-PoE2, so PoE2 EA of a half-done game should not disturb that cadence.
saars! this so much saars! yes sir! *shits in street*
If your first thought when you see someone is making millions of dollars from RMTing in PoE is "he should be banned" instead of "I want to make millions of dollars from RMTing as well", then you're not going to make it.
Jenebu's net worth is well over $10m by now, while Belton is somehow in debt despite having an army of bitchboys funneling resources to him kek
Maybe not banned
But he should be arrested for tax evasion :)
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as a new player (actually new, literally 3 hours in) this was very funny to see. is this a common occurence?
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it's over
you mean chinks? yes, there are many in this game.
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Tomorrow is a new beginning
no i meant moreso the game publicly humiliating people who play on what i assume to be hardcore and who reach leaderboards
that's not hardcore. you don't see hardcore announcement in softcore.
that's from a special type of map where you lose your character if you die.
the next 2 weeks are going to be painfully slow
funnier in HC
also everyone who is level 100 counts as rank 1 on the leaderboard. so him being position 1 is nothing special. basically everyone who does void maps are 100 anyway.
for context, this guy was attempting to clear a special kind of map which gives you a unique item but deletes your character if you die, even in softcore. dumb fucker
he had some pretty good gear though
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Most people who do void maps have good gear.
But yeah that's godlike gear. Every rare piece but the gloves and amulet is mirrored. Insane double corrupted mb.
Prob 15.
Honestly just wait for PoE 2, there will be new Hideout deco.
what actually is the value of that mageblood? hundreds of mirrors? thats pretty fucked
Am I the only one that can't enjoy softcore anymore? It feels like you're playing a tutorial or something while hardcore is the real game.
fuck off quin
Rate my unique.
-Every attack gets 10000% increased damage.
do you play trade? i prefer sc ssf over hc trade / hc ssf, but im also pretty new to the game
sc trade however is the ultimate brainrot
bloody bitch bastsaar
its korean, retarded murifat
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don't know if this is 1.5 mirror one is real
feels like it's not considering worse ones are more expensive
but i still don't think it's more 10 mirrors.
i used to like hardcore but it feels like a waste of time at this point and the ceiling is so high for endgame your build choice is virtually nonexistent.
Quin destroyed his stream and viewer count by having some other retard costream with him for weeks.
both look cute to me

I thought it was trying to insert himself into politics and other drama he's extremely distant to that killed it.
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>He got a Div Card design
Thank Christ.
yeah, maybe its not really BIS and you could hit an equally good one in one out of 50 attempts, meaning 25 deleted magebloods which is like 10 mirrors assuming you can sell the corrupted ones back at somewhere close to buying price. its still pretty insane though
same difference kimchichink
silver linings as they say
you'll never be a real YouTuber, stop pretending
Imagine the dumb uniques him or any other streamer is going to design. Yo I call this item after myself. Flavour text, watch my stream, bro.
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>real youtuber

wtf did he mean by this?
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Is it any worse than having Bex twitter avatar in-game?
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level 50 box.
CBT game
>early access
I wish Lily would do a cbt session with me
>play poo2 campaign once
>beat it eventually
>move on without spending a dime
that's the shitter audience getting into poo2, you're not magically evolve from a poe1 shitter into a poo2 god
his man hands would make your dick look small
based god transcended the biological fact that dopamine feels good and abstains all dopamine release
that has been a pretty common cope for awhile now. between traditional shitters and souls newfags the game is going to mercilessly filter countless people.
It's probably the same.
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finally have a 6 link!
dunning Kruger in action it's sad
shitters can't beat the souls like bosses, soulsfags can't cope with the grind and building a character it's gonna filter everyone
I’ve seen baldness… baldness that you’ve seen. But you have no right to call me a sell out. You have a right to kill PoE. You have a right to do that… but you have no right to judge me. It’s impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what baldness means. Baldness. Baldness has a face… and you must make a friend of baldness. Baldness and China are your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies. I remember when I owned part of GGG. Seems a thousand centuries ago. We went into a garage to create our own Diablo 2 clone. We left the garage after we had conquered Diablo 3, and this Chinese company came running after us and they offered money. They couldn’t have hair. We went back there and they had come and paid off everyone in GGG. They all got a slice of the pie. A bit for everyone. And I remember… I… I… I cried. I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it. I never want to forget it. I never want to forget. And then I realized… like I was shot… like I was shot with a diamond… a diamond bullet right through my bald forehead. And I thought: My God… the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure baldness. And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not gweilo. These were bald men from China… trained in Chinese business. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love… but they had the baldness… the baldness… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are bald… and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to ruin a game without feeling… without passion… without judgment… without judgment. Because it’s judgment that defeats us.
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i ain't reading that shit chief. summarize that in 10 words or less
the more people filtered the better not even going to LIE, I don't know why we pretend like poe2 appealing to an even more niche audience is a bad thing
because I don't see myself in that niche
i love poe1 and don't want it to end
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we're so close...
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I want poe1 to die and rollslop 2 to succeed.

there i said it.
i kind of feel the same way at this point.
i love poe but they pretty much pushed it to it's limit, there isn't anything left.
and you will know my name as the Lord! When I lay my baldness upon thee
I can tell from just reading your comment that you are a shitter hoping to ascend to being good in Poo2.
>they pretty much mushed it to it is limit
please find a rope, shitter
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are you a new player? i can't imagine anyone who has played for more than a few years doesn't feel like there is nothing left in the game.
it's good having global on just for random shit like this
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i felt like it after every league, and it never actually happened. i trust in ggg to keep the game fresh and add new content. i do enjoy the mindless grind interjected by crafting sessions.
Chris save us...
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Let's be honest. There's no way they will live up to the expectations.
are you one of those people who plays every few leagues for half of the campaign and then quits?
the hardest content in the game isn't hard, crafting and builds are completely solved, whats left?
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what do i even do with this, i dont want ralakeshs
do i gamba it on a belt?
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i didn't play much until 2.6, with 3.0 i started playing a lot and since metamorph i consider myself to be on a level where i clear all the content every league and go for either 36, 38, or 40 challenges.
I play this game a lot, and all it takes for me to keep me in the maze is some balance changes, some new skills, a new endgame every 2 years and 3 month resets.
I am the autistic target audience of poe1, and i don't play other games.
>the content isn't hard
>i have others carry me
>when i finally do the content i have outgeared it
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imo uber searing is probably the hardest fight, and all you need for that is the ability to take a ball or two to the face without dying.
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it's up
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early access?
more like late access
good luck to him.
searing and maven are both about on the same level, i think maven is slightly harder because you can't outgear all the mechanics on her like you can on exarch
you don't really need to outgear for uber maven, it's basically the same fight she's just a damage sponge.
tarkecat 2.0
couch coop looks kino. too bad i'll never buy a console
poe 2 finna be FIRE
>wasd automatic cast while walking
what is stutter stepping
clown dev
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anyone remember c dubbs crying on stage announcing poe2? we fucking made it, we're actually about to play the game
steamdeck, I'm getting one for sure, it'll live in my loungeroom and have however many controllers on it I need
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Why'd they have to make the barrier of entry to the early access so high
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in the final stretch now
we all gonna make it
that's what i said, you can't even outgear the most annoying mechanics on maven so she's slightly harder to me
literally WHO. gog has a full time job a family and has the best content on youtube why quit
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what is Gog's job? wild that he also has a family
i dont know what job he has who cares he also has a mistress i bet
anyone changed their account name through support yet? what number will they give you?
i want lower number i got like 9842 on the change wtf
streamer groupies must be fire
>Quit my job for another job
If i had to play this game i'd kill myself
not only do you have to play the game, but also others have to, so it needs to be good
the most retard thing is to quit the real job JUST before you know if it's gonna be good
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it's not like it's diablo 4. or when raiz and nugie quit poe to try to become lost ark streamers.
it sure looks like d4 and feels like d4 but SURELY it IS not d4
not sure if you've ever played it, but this is a boss in d4.
Wait they let some unrelated retarded streamers design div cards and uniques?
ironically enough that looks like a Poo2 boss
>health sponge
>need to constantly dodge
>builder spender gameplay
>stagger bar
>spends an hour watching a poe2 video and goes offline
we are truly living in a post gauntlet era
Right into cunny
after looking a little deeper into the differences i fear you might be right.
rip poo2
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give me the amulet you fucking bitch
>effects make a fight good
>comedic music reinforces opinion of poo2 good, d2 bad
people are so easy to manipulate, it's crazy
you are either retarded or have never played or seen diablo 4.
i am not saying d4 good, i am saying poo2 bad
all will be revealed in less than 12 hours
to be fair, the d4 fights and the poe2 fights look the same, poe2 just cranks up the visuals but it looks the same on a gameplay level of quality
absolute retard
i agree that the uber boss fights in d4 look pretty similar to miniboss fights in the early acts of poo2.
this is an uber boss in diablo 4
This game is dedicated to the brave mujahideen fighters of Kalguur. I am locking in the mercenary freedom fighter.
the only thing i shan't be playing during the early access is the marauder.
Mashallah my brother.
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it's crazy how mazed you are over a game that's not even out yet, solely on the hype generated by the people who want you to buy it
get ready to get disappointed
i want to see neon-chris-haired fucking retard cage fight, winner gets to design first poe2 league
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it is a well-known fact that chris has left the building and is only in the documents so people don't freak out and ask too many questions.
stating a demonstrable fact isn't being mazed jeetie
POE2 doesn't look like a turn your brain off game. You won't be able to farm while watching a tv show on the other monitor. I'm not sure how many people are going to want to be full focus dodging shit while playing hundreds of hours.
i don't think chris has had anything to do with game design in almost a decade. iirc talisman was 'his' league, and that shit fucking sucked.
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Alright lads, coming from D4, PoE is pretty alright after all, but I have a few questions :
>When do I unlock all the "you can build anything"?
My Arc elementalist is fun but I don't see any way to upgrade my Arc gem to hit the entire map for example, or for it to summon firestorms, elementals ...
>I'm level 45 on act 5, how should I approach items?
My gear is shite and the sockets are even worse. Is there anything to do beside just playing and looting gear that seems alright? I also upgraded several normal items to rare, that seems to do the trick. Also my (few) unique so far have been horrendous or not at all for my build.
>Can I change ONE stat on an item?

hasn't he literally been helping GGG test the game?
poe2 might flop harder than payday3
who the fuck banks their future on a non mainstream game that has been in development hell for 6 years?
please tell me how to demonstrate playing a fight and it being actually good and not annoying
you gotta wait for 2 weeks like everyone else
all the streamers are coping hard with the game and you can tell
>I'm only stating my opinion of the game I haven't played

so it's an opinion and not a demonstrable fact, got it.
And the opinionis informed by the hype train ggg has been running on your ass for over a year
i think its fine if those people want to outgear and grind say tier 2 maps without having to pay attention. highest tier stuff should be actual game though.
>you can build anything

you eventually unlock crafting bench options via syndicate mechanic and completing maps unlocking crafting options

>level 45
m8 just finish the acts first, maps is where the real game begins

>can i change one stat?
which stat and which gear
it'll be possible, you'll just need to be at an easier tier of content relative to if you played actively.
this will, of course, still be enough to enrage FOMO-afflicted autists who are constantly tortured with visions of other people doing better than them, but refuse to play differently.
but actual footage has already confirmed that you get 90% of character power by using 3 skill combos.
>I'm not sure people will want a game where you actually have to pay attention
Weird how we've come to this
people normally want games where they have to pay attention, when it's not a 10k hour gear grinding game and when the predecessor wasn't a game that incentivizes turning your brain off
in that case it is clearly your opinion.
saying boss mechanics are the same is demonstrably false because you can compare the two things side by side and see that they are very different.
no, because I've played D4, and not only that, the difference between good gameplay and bad is visible both on screen and via basic knowledge of game mechanics and the ARPG genre.
e.g. green arrow go up and player level scaling were always obviously terrible ideas from conception.
I don't mind paying attention but a game like poe which requires obscene amounts of grinding won't work as a full blown sweaty souls like. People are saying its not always like that though so hopefully its ends up okay when you are fully geared.
You do realize poo2 will have a green arrow go up thing on items you can equip to make it easy to gauge if an item is an upgrade
why lie about such retarded shit?
>weeb tr/a/nny defending his pedophilic kin , T*lkative Tr*
color me shocked
PooE2 is just D4 wannabe to capture a larger audence, at the cost of PoE1 players
Sure it won't be as bad as D4, but that's not saying much
PoE1 died for this btw
you mean you won't be able to
us ADHDchads will be able to with no problemo
there is zero chance that after 150 hours of poe2 we won't be at the hardest content tier deciding any added difficulty ourselves by choosing what map mods to run, just like in poe1. the only difference is that players using more than one button might be able to run harder content sooner.
that sounds about right.
please look into the interviews, it's a feature they bring in from pob.
you can see "what changes on your character if you would equip an item", e.g. green arrow go up or down
>campaign alone is 50 hours
Unlike you retards, I am hedging my bets.
Play fresh classic wow for now and try out poe 2 on launch. If it inevitably sucks I still my pick between different games.
gaming is dead
doomers lost
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are poe1 mazies and poe2 chads going to share a general after release?
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>number change so it is mean poe 2 is diablo 4 saar do not redeem!
show me this in poe 2
nigger sneed
>PoE2 is bad
>all the PoE1 devs stay on to fix it

>PoE2 is good
>the PoE1 team goes back to work but now doomsissies are ashamed their game is worse than 2
it has not been shown yet, but they talked about it. all the gameplay demos they did had the feature disabled, which you have to enable separately (just like in d4)
for (You) maybe
>I'm not sure how many people are going to want to be full focus dodging shit while playing hundreds of hours.
you are speaking to a playerbase who is half made up of former league of legends addicts.
Another case of a poe1 shitter thinking he will ascend into being a good player in poo2 simply by magic and because the game "now rewards skill" and he has all the skill but poe1 is stacked against him
cannot wait for the melties
>PoE2 is good
poe dead
poe2 dead on arrival
who is that qt?
I think 2/4 watchstones in PoE will translate to 2/4 watchstones in PoE2
poe 1 has been on borrowed time since nov 2019.
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fug i wasn't even thinking about atlas progression, i wonder if they will go over that today.
i was talking skill-wise with all those shitters who got filtered by yellow maps in poe1 who are hoping they'd be the big cheese in poo2
PooE2 won't be dead on arrival.
It will take time for people to get bored of damage sponge bosses.
And it will take a huge player number drop off for devs to realize that Elden Ring style damage sponge bosses don't work when you have to do them a few hundred times instead of once
yeah they aren't making it out of the campaign for months, at best they will be white map gaymers.
Only 10 more hours until they will reveal nothing at all, they will NOT mention ascendancies (because they dont exist), they will NOT mention endgame (because it doesnt exist) and they will NOT confirm any cope theories about 6 acts. It will be a 2 hour stream going over everything already said like the gem rework, then they will tell you where to buy the support packs and how long the EA lasts and then its time for the ziggy interview and his scripted questions about the gem rework and everything about how to socket your gems, where you can and can not socket your gems and what happens if you socket a red into a green gem.
So what happens if PoE 2 actually bombs?
Pretty sure GGG is putting most of their eggs in 1 basket at this point
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it's fucking crazy how much hotter white girls are than everyone else
2 options:
1) they realize they made shit and shelf it
2) they delay poe1, the money maker, for longer to polish the turd
in case of 1) they will make it, in case of 2 they will go under
it do be like that
the fuck is the point of heist locker if I can't put other heist shit?

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