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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQnF07Owwd8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LUExu3qU-o [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDPhkX2oMmQ [Embed]

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVPqv7ZyfWo [Embed]

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>502820718
Bring back CHADlex
>no tekken op
>can't post reina
say it ain't so waifubros..
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
Tekken threads lowkey /sfg/ culture though
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tekgen was colonized by sfg, we know
You retards aint funny
Hopefully Cheez get his wings clipped like the polack mindbroken Tekkenfag
The most manufactured shit I’ve ever seen this year besides concord hype(remember it has an episode bought). Please kys
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The most manufactured shit I’ve ever seen this year is SF6
This would make sense if it was 2023 little bro
You failed at this too
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
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I'm gonna miss Reina's big titties and supple ass. For now, Its Juri's turn
SF6 keeps being artificial slop no matter the year micro bro
Bocchi > Bocce
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Support Hershuar
>micro bro
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next OP pic
>t. Juri
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imagine the smell
where did Chun's tits go?
>nano bro replying to himself
Again. SF6 is here to stay, go play fightcade if you can’t stomach it, oh wait you can’t even do that either
what's a yuri
>SF6 is here to stay
Didn't stay for long in EU lol
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how is liking beautiful women troon behavior?
I just thought it was funny because Micro bro can be obviously calling you a micro which is pathetically small, but could also backfire by saying he is a "bro" therefore a micro as well, was a pretty funny post
And that’s a fine thing. What has the EU produced outside of Ryan Hart and DTN and I guess ending Walker
why are you talking like a person of black colour?
Sure anon, we’ll assume that
>instead of with a man
cuck lmao
>MANrisa and is TIME FOR MANon
Jimmy really jerking off to muscles like a faggot just accept your sexuality already women are built to be soft and plump
>he doesn't know
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not gonna lie rashid is kind of fun
>Yurishit is built for the losers who are so off in the deep end they can't see any woman being attracted to them anymore, so they imagine themselves watching or being the girl themselves.
>next thread OP post in last thread deleted with mai OP
Of course lmao
This nigga is literally a South Park/Boondocks character in real life
Shit meant to >>502973101
>That smile after he imagined a scenario about a man overpowering and cumming in him
Zesty unc day dreaming
im high t but porn with a guy on a girl is a huge turn off. i don't want to see the girl i'm lusting over with another man. i only enjoy girl on girl or guy on guy. its also enjoyable just for the taboo and its cute when people are the same sex.
Porn is not real life, so is understandable you rather look at pussies than cocks but defending gay relationships is still cringe, women are built for cock. That said learn to use pictures or softcore solo vids of chicks, is even better and healthier.

Tom Clancy said something about needing to write characters in a way that they don't feel too stereotypical or outta pocket so they feel "realistic" so even by Tom Clancy's standards LTG could never be a character because the audience would not buy it.
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i hate fighting modern players in 1600+ so much
you literally can't press anything
my friends are straight but they make homosexual jokes all the time. dale is immature but hes not necessarily gay.
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Will she return???
dogshit game
I sincerely do not grasp how you AA as DJ. I'm honestly pretty confident at it with Juri but holy fuck this character can do nothing when someone is in the air.
i don't mind guest characters in mk
what i mind is how the games consistently feel like absolute ass to play
is he right?
or is he just trying to fill tournament brackets?
lets hear your takes /sfg/
SF playerbase is too e-sport sloppa pilled. They dont care for soulful shit only framedata.
what are you supposed to do when lily is charging stocks in your face?

if SF was soulful, we would have had clone character Li Fen by selecting chun li and holding KKK. That weird guy from world tour over dhalsim by holding PPP, and bosch by selecting Luke, then jamie, then jp, then go back to luke and hold start.
bison 3hk into OD mating press command grab
blame esports
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Excuse you?
so your world tour character has bisons normals but honda's specials?
Yeah 100% if you make a mistake during a match you feel is important you'll kick yourself for it harder and it'll leave a much better impression on your memory. I made a simple mistake during the shitty /sfg/ tournament that I wasn't even trying to win and it still stuck with me and I haven't done it since.
>Check Tekken general
>Schizo slop and mentally ill discord blogpost
Wheres the Tekkuck larping that their general had quality discussions going on?
do not question the unholy things i would do to her womb
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Yeah. The pressure of a ft2 tournament set is a lot different from ranked or casuals (especially if you're not used to it), so you'll probably find yourself messing up in new ways. Analyzing what you resort to when your back is against the wall and there's more at stake than just a few ranked points is helpful.
will fapping to my main help me imoprove?
Of course, just look at idom
who would juri han be without her meaty soles
kami game
https://streamable.com/aued4m (all vs. Marisa)
Would appreciate any advice I really want to win some games again.
my copium is that having a nut before queueing up helps because of a clearer mind
Evil ryu when
everyone keep saying lily is bad just don't let her get wind stocks while at the same time saying that shes busted with wind stocks but you literally can't stop her from getting stocks. i guess i can just raw drive rush in constantly and hope she doesn't check it? i can't reach past her buttons so she can just do it raw a lot of the time when i'm trying to make her whiff. or she can just do crhp store, or some half screen button into drive rush into any correct guess or blockstring into store. the only time i beat this character is if i parry every condor spire or if my ex dps work and i don't end up guessing wrong after and going into burnout.
>being too liberal with drive usage below 3 bars
>not cashing out your level 3 after the machine gun punch special when you were low on drive AND had round lead
>not drive reversaling marisa after her st.mp target combo
>corner opponent and just backs far away which lets them get away for free
>too few usages of his stupid ass jump knee
>>too few usages of his stupid ass jump knee
they kinda butchered that move in his defense.
>drive reversaling
he should actually flashkick.
it beats anything marisa might do on block besides fully held od gladius or a true blockstring into c.lp
but doesn't drive reversal beat od gladius as well? unless you're talking about OD flash kick.

that being said, marisa CAN do a drive rush into level 1 after he st.mp target combo to call out drive reversal, but i have only seen one person do this ever and it wasn't even someone i fought
She's "bad" because she has some of the worst matchups in the game, but against certain characters she's really annoying. Any "just do x" advice for any character is downplay or plat tier advice at best.
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we don't need a shoto every season, unless they're cute
>we don't need a shoto every season, unless they're Dan
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>not cashing out your level 3 after the machine gun punch special when you were low on drive AND had round lead
In what round did this happen? I struggle with finding routes in his level 3, I usually die with 3 bars lol
1:00 first webm
I'm not sure if I could have gone in level 3 there because I got 3 bars from the last hit
Looking back on the early history of the FGC it's quite clear to me that John Choi must have been from a wealthy family given how much he traveled at the time period.
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yeah, OD
>drive rush into level 1 after he st.mp target combo to call out drive reversal
does that work?
drive reversal beats armor.
does she sway back enough during the startup that you can avoid it?
dj's od flashkick loses to armored moves at least give real advice
He would roll his tournament winnings into his plane ticket to the next tournament. Which made him become a stronger player which in turn made him more likely to win more tournaments, etc, etc.

I used to do this with Magic: The Gathering. Loved the game, didn't care at all about the collecting aspect (which in hindsight lost me a lot of money) so I'd just immediately sell off all the cards I'd pull in a draft + what I won to fund my next go around.
is there any way for me to do chun lis launch combo off 2MK drive rush? I thought you can do heavy kick into it but I guess not
oh shit, my bad.
i forgot it's one of the shitty ones that only hits once on the way up.
i'm so used to doing reversals with shotos and guile in that situation that i forgot
happens all the time because the average person will never accept dj is the only actual sf character in this game, just masked by his retarded drive rush
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it works. it requires a very hard callout, though.
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Sajam, that guy who has more play hours touching his hair than playing Dix.
he has more hours in the game than me
this it took me like 12 years to get 1k hours on tf2
yeah, you're a poser too
500 hours is a lot for a normal human being.
>community so content starved they're actually begging Capcom for DLC outfits

This is pathetic
A player should be able to win tier 3 tournaments at 500 hours in a game.
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apparently you can now post mp4
still no sound? dumb ass website
mp4 with h264 is inferior to webm with VP9. So this is an unironic downgrade by Hirotard.
Why are sf6 arcade stories so ass
>What is....strength..?
Like jesus christ fuck off
>removes IP counter and refuses to put sound in webms outside of gif/wsg
what a gooktard
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>stream starts
>looks up random shit on twitter from two weeks ago
>spends two hours talking about it
>touches his hair
>boots up League of Legends
>touches his hair again
>spends an hour talking about how publishers can further monetize their games
>boots up Dix, plays for five minutes before shutting that shit down
>puts a Japanese tournament replay on as he auto pilots commentary

What a streamer!
>Best Specials in the Game
If Sajam says sway is good I'm gonna hate him even more.
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upside is that cutting up the video is much, much quicker tho
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wtf alex leak
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why do the graphics actually look good?
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Alpha was the peak of the franchise btw.
modder edited the lighting to not be blown out fullbright for no reason, i hope capcom realizes it looks god awful by ssf6 and fixes it
nice but why tho
these games have zero popularity on fightcade (pun not intended) sadly
They had an entire article with the lighting director on why this was a decision made btw. So no they won’t tone it down, I’ll assume we’ll get a pity graphics change in USF6 but it’s a filter like SFVCE
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I wish tekken had expressive characters like you guys have
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Da expressive trannies!!
>instantly deleted
whos the jannie
Alpha 3 has a good bunch of players.
is there a link to that article? i can't find it on the dev part of the 6 website
kuji cooked with this one
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i wish...
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Bro the expressions!! They're so expressive!!!
i know, i'm C tier on it but its still nothing compared to 3rd strike and brazilhop
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How it going in these Streets. Idk I crashed out last night after playing ranked. How do you guys deal with not crashing out over SF6
>having that wojak saved
Well one, realize it’s a video game
It will be easier when you’re older little bro
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How big is his dick?
It my bad that i have that saved. didn't mean to send that. Thanks for the help.
this is the most dogshit design ever
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Jamie players are such fucking scumbags. Holy shit, enjoy that one and done nigger
No one owes you a remtach
>Muh expressions, muuuh smileys
It's a female fighter, not a clown.
i feel we've had an influx or younger posters, or it's just one really obnoxious zoomer
Property of Cheez
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That is fair. on the other hand artists just cook with Manon. So her fan art is pretty fire.
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I'm betting the only reason the game doesn't look like the left always, is because of them wanting to run it on Switch 2(barely better than a PS4 according to leaks)/POS4.
dhalsims never jump like this
Jp should get with kimberly
>Visual calculus (Easy) : Failure
yeah 100%. idk about the switch 2 stuff, but it looks like shit so that it can run on ps4. they just straight up turn off the contact shadows during anything that isn't a cinematic, fuck that shitty console and every company that continues to release stuff for it
omg are those cherry picked lighting screenshots? i am convinced capcom sucks now!
its like taking photos of yourself. little changes of lighting and angles can make you look incredible or make you look like a goblin.
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the pic is just comparing cinematic to in match lighting
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>snoyshit plagued two street fighters in a row and now evo
wow they are on a roll
if posting on /v/ locked out out of other boards for a month, this thread quality would improve immensely
both picks are ugly
Is it worth learning SF4 to get better at fighting game mechanics.
i hope sakura isnt season 3, boring ass character
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Learning SFV or doing basic tutorial for six would help. The game will give bad habits but if you enjoy the genre, picking up other games is also the fun part
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Tongue-punching Cammy's sweaty asshole. Simple as.
She's underage
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1500 MR is pretty good
I would play V more if it had better netcode desu. and 6 just isn't fun.
The best school is Super Turbo. Everything you'll need is already in this game.
Learn that game and then just pick a SF flavor.
>I would play V more if it had better netcode
what do you want to play sf4 for then
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it has now been 1 year since costume pack 3 was announced.
No content for 5 months :)
To play Yang. I love the roster of 4.
dealing with that games throws and random stuns will make that dude never play street fighter again
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why is the western fgc so scared of growing
>wanna see my kung-fu?
Why would I want to see that? Stupid bitch
It's kind of amazing how I was able to reach diamond while getting hit by every single DI in the corner on every match.
Modern is a poison
who got nerfed the hardest in this game so far
a poison that's helped make street fighter insanely popular overseas
deejay jp, and luke but he still can win
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>opponent is a Ken
>you are playing a character that can punish Hadouken with a Super
>Ken finished Level 3 on you, and now you're on sliver health and on burnout on the last round
>Ken toss a meaty ex hadouken on your wake-up

What do you do in this sittuation? You wake-up super knowing that after all that Ken just needs to DR into EX DP to kill you, so you're gonna have to get lucky multiple times just to survive? Or you just give up, eat the EX hadouken and die?
dj and luke i would say. i think dj got nerfed the hardest but luke fell off more because they introduced another overpowered shoto in his place.
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i think every dj player dropped him for bison lol
you only need one game to understand the basic mechanics. sfiv is a labboar setup hell that won't help with sf6 much. sfv and, as shit as it is, sf6, are pretty good for learning fundamental skills imo.
i can't imagine kens beating wakeup super with ex dp unless you're fighting 1900 MR+ kens. buffer and let it rip if you see them do anything
Me. They literally killed everything I was good at
wish i was cammy in this scenario and this was during a class presentation
I would just like to improve better as a fighting game player as a whole and i feel 6 just ain't doing it for me since it's just Drive rush hell.
that reminds me of this
Cammy after I punch her in the face and whip out my jr.
At least it's just sweaty this time.
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Ingrid came to me in a dream..season 4
Trust the plan
>"I'm very excited for Street Fighter V to die. Street Fighter V is the most fakest, unauthentic Street Fighter game that has ever existed. It is not real."
guess the quote
It would be really funny if it was Idom though.
Ummm Sanford kelly
yo you can post mp4s instead of webms now
Vappa after 0-10'd by me
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Sorry, better luck next time.
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Fuck I should've seen that coming
Could of swore it was Sanford
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no sound
no refunds goy
You did not understand the question, anon. Ken after level 3 can only meaty with DR into medium, or with EX Hadouken. Anything else can be mashed. So if you're at sliver health or at sliver meter, they won't DR into medium, they will just toss a EX Hadouken to safely kill you/burn you out. Some characters can punish that with level 3 though

The question is, if you're on that position, do you level 3 and survive, but now have to endure like 15 seconds of trying to survive, while Ken can basically kill you with DR into EX DP, or do you just give up?
i like watching brian_f
bet you love to think about his cock and ball too
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i want to make side cash reuploading dix streams too
they need to change the point gain/loss. its way easier to hold a rank when you fight people at that rank than when you fight people below that rank
everything is working as designed
characters timmies hate

>T hawk
>fei Long
i want fei long back but he shouldn't be added till like season 5
i'm talking about the MR system not the tutorial ranks
would you guys watch my stream if I stream league of legends?
everytime I read anything about slavery it makes me want to play the blackest nigga like Balrog and beat the ass out of white timmies
holy FUARK....
no one wants to watch you a middle aged beaner
>ASSFAGGOTS players lurk here
take care of your daughter, king brown.
sf6 appeals to leaguefags. Think about it, the game is ass but addictive. When you lose its not because you got outplayed, its because you got unlucky, so you keep playing get your win rate back up.
no fighters are all inwards all my losses are on me but that makes it clear to improve
lol is cause the retards on my team
dont mind these nigs though, theyre my fans and follow me wherever I lead them
...........costume 4
fuck that shit wheres season 3
costume 4 is fursuits for every fighter
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when's rollback for SF4
why this nigga playing footsies with bison
press the plus frames button nigga
*dis this post*
is it true? is cheez banned?
No. Probably lost his janny privileges
he insists it wasnt him though
/fgg/ literally goes dead silent when he and his goons raid this place and /tekgen/ lol
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Why is Chris g of all people a modern player? He has such good execution & a storied fgc resume that him being on modern is just tarnishing is legacy.
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It’s not that serious
DeadAceBS is good, but his ego is too fragile for him to go competitive
DeadAce plays too risky. He's in 1700 MR purgatory
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horror engine
That looks like a badly wrapped tamale.
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Well yeah, that's like his thing. He says or does something, gets caught and/or laughed at, and then denies it was him.
fucking pattern players

I miss Jive so much. So much more fun than 6
>broski randomly typesssss 1500mr is good
>everybody eats it up
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gonna get rich and then buy the bank that owns the kasugano family home's mortgage and threaten to foreclose on it unless sakura agrees to marry me
Even if the bank was yours, you can't do that unless they're in debt

Also, who is to even say the house have a mortgage? Only retarded people do mortgages. Imagine risking losing your house to the jews just to get a loan. Why do you even need so much money if you have a house? Mortgage on a house is something so fucking stupid, I only saw americans doing
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>tiger tiger tiger tiger
>whiff knee into EX DP
>tiger tiger tiger tiger
>mash EX DP when pressured
>tiger tiger tiger tiger
>*gets jumped and v-trigger robbed*

Honestly, I don't know who I hate more
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You’re all talk but one fucking punch is all I need and Sakura is mine when you’re K.O’ed
>but but I’d fuck you up an-
No you won’t. I’ll literally Steve segal fuck you up UGLY if you so much as dare try to claim my Sakura.
if you hate fireball wars, you hate street fighter.
Li-Fen was playing on a cab so I was giving her tips on how to beat these battlehub roleplayers, but I just wanted an excuse to feel up her body under her jacket while she tried to concentrate.
to quote the best manon player. "Game sucks"
Man the hub is so dead if you're bad at this game. I'm literally fighting people who hit crossups constantly. And it's fucking Ed, Guile, Ed, Guile Bison bullshit too.
that's why they added the bots
I am considering learning dhalsim
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Chun-Li got the most humiliating nerf for her mains:

>so you're actually hit confirming with a good medium buttons instead of bowing to the DR meta?
>you're playing FOOTSIES? In slime fighter 6?
>well, fuck you then, f.mp is not confirmable anymore, now go play like everyone else

Dropped the game then and there.
this picture makes me want to protect her and play better
She’s my teacher, it’s the least I can do
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>Japan gets all the sloppa Merch
>meanwhile over here I’m lucky if my udon order is on time and if Capcom USA manages to sell us a another Juri keychain
anyone else struggle with depression while playing? i put so much of my self worth into these games, it's not even about the rank numbers on the screen so doing unranked doesn't help, it's like a sudden realization of how shit i am after spending so much time on one thing, that makes me wonder where did everything go wrong, and my mind wanders into all directions and it's awful, it makes me do unhealthy shit to cope with the feeling of being so bad that has long term effects on my health and that makes me feel even worse and play worse.
I saw my dad die for like 15 minutes before being put into a coma and coming out of it, living to see another day. He told he didn’t see anything when he blacked out. I live every day since 2017 with that dreadful fear of what comes after life, but at the same time it makes me enjoy the small things in my day to day. So ranked matches for me don’t really get me that mad unless I’m on a streak of losing(4 games in a row I get raped, I take a break) or I face a walking back Shoto/bison/terry
I struggle with figuring out why I play this game.
That's all well and good, but the game is dead anyway. There's no reason to play anymore when there's no one left to learn against.
Pseudoscientific nonsense
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Honestly I don't know if fighting games are even for me at this point. I'd just feel very stagnant in the same place and I don't know if i'm progressing or regressing. I'd just get worse the more i play.
I'm not improving fast enough to keep up. Battle hub is just a guaranteed loss now.
Lately not even he can hold back on shitting on Capslop and the insane content drought.
capcom killed street fighter to please the same tiny group of people who ruined guilty gear
Tekken gets new costumes on a weekly basis, on top of a decent customization mode and well developed modding scene. Street Shitters has to wait a whole year just for one new outfit YIKES
They're both shit.
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Why can't they make a computer AI that plays like an actual human instead of >lol i whiff punished your jab with raw dr super XD? They have millions of matches they could feed into some machine learning bullshit or whatever to create realistic play.
did every sfv capcom cup winner get a costume?
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the AI has faint glimmers of humanity here and there
They did that nigga. Go to the batltehub and play with the bot there, it trains on daily matches based on the rank you choose.
only the last SF4 winner and every SFV winner except the last
I completely disregard any faggot who pines for old fireballs. That shit is beyond cancer and unfun for everyone except people who take pleasure in not letting the other guy play the game. Like it's not about having fun it's about making sure the other guy doesn't.
>game so dead they have to train bots on match real match data to give people something to play against
>t. asianlamb
Do people just grind the World Tour mode?
those refrigerators ain't gonna fight themselves

thats exactly what they did though. its just that despite what investors have been convinced of, computers still can't magically act like humans by just feeding them data.
Post the song
Literally just don't tell the AI algorithm what buttons the human player pressed until at least 16f after it happens. Problem solved.
I can only play well when I'm not playing on my main account. What's up with that?
The AI pyramid scheme scam is quite something
that might work
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Me trying to find a streamer that's non-Jap and isn't a blatant Sajam-tier shill
iDom, Punk
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Will never be refuted.
Different lighting doesn't affect graphics all that much. If they went for a clearer lighting style is due to readability concerns.
RE Engine is trash and all RE Engine games are ugly af
Is it possible to mod the game so that visuals look like in the left picture?

It also happened with DMC5 IIRC. They turned contact shadows off by default and the only way to turn them on is to modify some .ini settings. I don't know if it's also a thing in SF6 though, as I don't play on PC.
Who the fuck balanced Rashid? Where do they live?
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I cannot tell you, it's confidential.
No, I can't.
Anyway how is your sex life?
Don't have one. I thank god every day I was born ugly.
dogshit game
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Yikes, what a dud.
It took Jive 7 years to get 5 million…
Get a job
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Looks like fighter pass 3 is gonna sale worse on steam
If you exclude the astroturfed Jap sales, Dix is barely doing better. If not even worse in the west.
I'm in the office right now.
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Ha ha ha what a story anon
Damn crabba. Don’t need to make it so easy
Jive had a far more thriving community in the west. Even when twitch was less popular, it had more and better streamers playing.
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I was a dumb teenager anon. If I were hot, I'd have kids and be paying child support to some whore. I am truly blessed.
Nice. This is the best.
i'm not even ugly but im too autistic to not turn off every women or even have friends
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little brat
Same except I’m fat and ugly
"1500MR is pretty good"
- Broski, 2024
Times goes by and new people are born, but the history of Street Fighter and the perception of new games from previous iterations players never change.
>hates both jive and dicks
Am I alone on this?
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>1500MR is 7th percentile
lmfao 7th percentile was super plat in jive
NLBC 357 results:

Street Fighter 6 (11 entrants)

GG Strive (14 entrants)
Is this thread going to seethe about SF6 for the next 7 years?
40% of those strive players won't be here in 6 months to a year so sf6 wins again
>Godlike artists and developers like Akiman and Shimomura give their hands to make one of the most iconic games ever made
>Capcom fires them

>An incompetent director (Takayuki Nakayama) and Battle Planner who's known mostly for standing up too early (Ryuichi "Woshige" Shigeno) make one of the biggest flops in the series
>Capcom gives them a second chance

I have no idea how this company works.
if you'll allow it

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