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Previous >>502779191

Coat Owner Edition!

>Persona 5: The Phantom X pre-registration started in Japan -
>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- is now available on all platforms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
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Claiming this dainty, daring, delightful dancer.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
Coat acknowledged.
When I play as Kotone I always go the slut route and sometimes I click on the male bathroom and pretend I'm going in there to suck and get fucked
Nicely Ann'd!
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Thanks for loving coat
My body is a machine that turns dicks into sucked dicks
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Shes growing on me day by day...
Door and Kotone having threesomes with the SEES girls during PQ2
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what does yukari say if you try going into boys bathroom during fuuka fullmoon
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Thanks fren.
>using a schizo thread
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Carrying Noot around in full nelson
I want to believe the follow up is sex but I'm sure it isn't
Still hot though, need more art of the Persona girls like that
Get out of my general please.
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I'm going to fall for brownka
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I'm flattered, anon *chuckle*
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Here's your brownka anon
God fuck I hope we will get more dark skinned grils in P6
I've been putting off Metaphor until I finish some other Atlus games, but it's good to know I've got that to look forward to
Maybe by the time I pick it up someone will have modded Eupha to wear a Fuuka wig
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Why did she do it?
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P3 didn't satisfy your brown fix?
Yukiko's final moments.
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Threadly orbs
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One can never get enough of them...
What'd she die of?
citrusy orbs
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Just Ryuji
tfw no trauma center PC collection use mouse and keyboard controls
After p6
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>Steam cracking down on Season Passes
Atlus BTFO
>Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates. If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
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>when he doesn't let you stack donuts on it
Makoto using the male PT's dicks to play hanoi towers
Haru would insist
And I'd let her
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He pulls the same stunt in Q2, only instead of poki it's going across a balance bar
I love Yusuke but fuck him
Persona 5 was one of the last games with genuine sovl to ever release (excluding remakes) prove me wrong
I just started metaphor but its feeling pretty soulful. You're right, though.
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How many donuts will your waifu be able to stack on your stick, /pg/?
>has to include donuts somehow or Makoto’s not even going to take off her socks, let alone anything else
On a tangental note, did you guys see that the Fat Ohya and Fat Chihaya mods are out now - meaning that all the female confidants have their mods done??
Iirc he’s doing one more for misc. characters and some of the female personas, but it’s really impressive we’ve gotten to this point
one, maybe, if I suck in my gut
What kinda donuts
Mentally ill people should be encouraged to do useful things
is there a chihaya one for just the tits?
0 because i'm trans
P6 will be even more soulful. I'm taking the whitepill.

ann type shit
No but it does have 3 size options. You could run the smallest one and get some more boobs that way without going into full fat.
I'm feeling depressed, I need to see Ann's boobs to be happy again.
That depends on the thickness of the donut but a standard chocolate dip donut? 4
A baker's dozen (including sprinkles)
The Niijima family’s chocolate donuts are pretty damn thick and wide
sorry, we only have Makoto's ass and Futaba's feet left
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Why are you faggots using Derrik's thread?
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fine, happy?
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hifumi kawaii
It's honestly fascinating how Ayane's design filters normalfags so much.
She's short, that's too much for most people
It really is a shame how awful most people are
the height of consent...
No, she's an unattractively designed child. That's called having tastes. No one actively hates her, and she's a good friend.
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The height of consent is 5 foot 6 inch
The bust size of consent is D cup
The voice pitch of consent is 170Hz
The body fat percentage of content is 18%
The intelligent quotient of consent is 110 IQ
The hair length of consent is 20 inches
The education level of consent is Masters Degree
The age gap of consent is 4 months

Everything not meeting these standards is pedophilia
I assume "filters normalfags" is in the context of romance, you couldn't help but be derisive to see something that straightforward
It's not a secret that western audiences and devs tend to avoid short characters as romance options, which is stupid but that's how it is
Besides, Ayane is cute even with her cartoonish cheeks and those sweat patches on her head, aesthetics aren't everything
I used to like futaba platonically, but now i want to smother her with my fat smelly body as i mating press her so her little legs dangle out the sides
Persona is for people in their 30s. If you're younger than that, go play fucking fortnite.
Couldn't post a more pathetic and embarrassing phrase if you wanted to.
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Adamas Witches
such a good artist wasting their talent on yukiko
Now that she's dead he might do art of other girls
Ayane is the most sexually compatible romance option
Sex with Ayane will feel better and leave you happier and more satisfied.
I hate femc so much I hope atlus kills the slut one day. She deserves nothing but to be beaten and raped by junpei.
I'd replace Yukiko with Ayane
Chie can be friends with Ayane or Naoto
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junpei wouldn't touch that harlot with a 10 foot pole
Wut wud u do????
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stay mad moids
>tfw ywn be good enough for Junpei
This abstract feel
>Horrible design
>Only liked by actual troons and fags or closet troons and fags
>Will become irrelevant and forgotten in the future especially when P6 come out
>Reddit dialogue options
>r*ddit out of nowhere
go back.
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I miss that drawfren
>XD so quirky she told the girl she'd sell photo's of mitsuru to her for money
>Single bells
this screams cope
I accept your concession good luck coping when atlus never does anything with her again and she leaves the public conscious through her never getting added to a game again kek.
shes returning as the main character in p6
>A social link with a dog isn't reddit
>i-is that a heckin pupper I see?? Holy chungus here take your gold award kind stranger!
guys, every persona game is reddit.
>Not in the remake because even Sega knows she's not profitable
>Not even hashino wants to acknowledge her for the atlus 35th anniversary bgm collection for metaphor
>All of her most popular fanart is being attached to door or somebody else like a tumor while all of her solo art has way less engagement compared to the other protags
Cope nobody cares about your irrelevant whore
The shitposting hour
>bunch of made up nonsense
you sound woefully uninformed to me
>silent majority
A huge majority didn't play her route and the people who cares didn't play the game she came from. Only 20% played her route most people who "care" are virtue signaling and when P6 comes out they will all forget about her and latch onto something else.
Piercy = tatsuya = Maya = Door = Yu = joker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kotroone
Omg, I love Tatsuya so much. Atlus were so real for making him canonically gay.
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We will never forget her let alone abandone her. And that is an irrefutable fact.
Atlus already are forgetting her multiple times it's shown that P3 doesn't need her and she doesn't sell shit kek
Starting to get extremely upset and annoyed at this point. I'd recommend to stop it now.
Nobody cares if you're getting upset she sucks and so does Sumire all rerelease girls do that's a known fact.
>this place is so dead that people have to shitpost for entertainment
that's been the absolute state of /pg/ for years anon
There are going to be consequences if this continues. This is the final warning.
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>Starting to get extremely upset and annoyed at this point. I'd recommend to stop it now.
what're you gonna do, spam Sumire yet again? oh noes...
Nobody cares you spam regardless you act like a toddler throwing a hissy fit. The fact you can't even tell that the anon is shitposting and you're taking the obvious bait is pathetic. Use filters if it bugs you so much.
Absolutely, as that's the punishment for retardation. It's called cause and effect.
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>There are going to be consequences if this continues. This is the final warning.
>they were saying nothing but the truth and you’re melding because of it
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Oh dear, Derrik is getting uppity
Anyway, we can post mp4 videos now
worst persona game
That’s P5R actually P5 vanilla is so much better
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Hopefully I can find some good Rise merch with ■■■ next week
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I barely post here as much as I used to because of multiple reasons but I’ll always love shuyuka and Persona.
The only acknowledgement that deserves is a "shuyuck".
isn't webm better when it comes to file size
maybe will get bigger size limit next
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Persona but it's a western
Me on top right
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Ok, what do you people think of him?
He Based.
>still no audio
>still 4mb filesize limit
Useless change.
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Well, this IS modern 4ch.
That's like asking moderation to do it's job.
I hope the core focus of these games does not get forgotten. Yes persona 5 did reference the whole jungian shebang, but something feels missing. There just isn’t any sort of intimate connection with mystical symbolism and archetypes that could be that could be felt outside of the whole Yaldabaoth thing, yeah sure pop-cultural archetypes but everything feels kinda eh like it’s slowly being brushed aside and being given less thought.
>no goro posts
what happened to this place?
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He's a crank but in the best way and I enjoy his work and seeing it thread through these games in fun ways
The way that its been handled over the course of the P5 games has not given me a lot of confidence for P6, but I'm hoping to be surprised
If not its been a good run and I can go do something else instead
Lone Star Fuuka and the Door Kid
I love Stan Lee
The jungian stuff is still there in every persona game it's just not as in your face about it like P1 P2 and P4 is. P3 and P5 still has jungian just not the forefront which is fine. There isn't much to do with a subject like this before it becomes too repetitive.
Persona 6 but it has a blackjack minigame
Persona 5: Poker night at the inventory
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Wish she was here with me constantly
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I really appreciate that s**ire's DL is completely optional past the first forced level, and that it isn't necessary for the True ending
Ohya’s DSL
I'd say P3 actually delves into it directly more than any of the other games, but 2 plays with the whole concept combined with Japanese everyday life to its absolute limit which is great, whereas 4 and 5 are more about the actual psychology while putting the esotericism to the side which is an approach I'm less fond of
>The moon is dead. Your soul went to the moon, to the preserver of souls. Thus the soul moved toward death. I went into the inner death and saw that outer dying is better than inner death. And I decided to die outside and to live within. For that reason I turned away and sought the place of the inner life.
Psychology is still very interesting but there's plenty of media that does it better than Persona ever will, and the specific strain of Jungian weirdness that Persona works almost uniquely with is being whittled away in favour of the former, if 4 and 5 are any indication
Like there's plenty of fiction out there dealing with the collective unconscious at all levels, but there aren't many tales of Philemon, Randolph Carter and Igor handing out sticks to kids and telling them to go beat up Freud
That's the good shit
I'd play Persona Tycoon ft. all persona characters every day
>Persona Tycoon ft. all persona characters every day
doesn't p5r have that?
I hate that I read that in her voice.
ALL characters
P5 Tycoon doesn't even have all my favourite P5 characters
Surprised nobody's attempted Tycoon modding other than changing cards, I wonder how much work would go into making new characters/character replacements for it
No, it is necessary.
p5 only has main cast members play tycoon.
i see where you're coming from.
you seem to put a lot of thought into things. so i'd like to know who your favorite persona characters are and why if you don't mind.
No, you need to save her and you need to love her. Or else you didn't beat the game.
Guess we can add compulsive liar to the list
I will NEVER do her shitty SL
I wish atlus will just leave all of the persona games alone in rereleased in terms of adding new characters that make the game worst Maruki is fine because what he adds is great but Marie Femc and Sumire suck. Marie is a poochie Femc is Mary sue and Sumire adds nothing of value to P5 besides wasting people's time by atlus hyping her up as some big deal just for her to be some plot device that you can only use in 1 dungeon.
You need to be slapped in the cunt every day for all the misery you've caused the general. That much is certain now.
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that's not happening
who do you think will be metaphor's rerelease character?
I agree. Royal should've been the 1st and only game they made and Sumi should've been in most of the game. Then most of your irrelevant bitching wouldn't be possible.
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Oh no! Not my problem though.
Goodnight, peanut.
Maybe if I wasn't running on no sleep, but I should've gone to bed hours ago, sorry
I think above all other Persona characters I have the most fondness for Elly, anyone else I'd have to think about, putting together a tier list feels pretty cheap but also too much effort for my current brain
I don't even hate her in fact I find her the least offensive out of the 3 simply because she's not poochie tier like Marie or some fanservice route that's misses the point of P3 like Femc. I'm just disappointed that atlus made her out as this big deal just for her to be some red herring and Maruki ended up being more important than her.
do you need to have played a game to like it?
Hasn't stopped derrik kek
Louis will get a bond story
You can like parts of a game without playing it, but you'll never have a proper appreciation of the whole of it otherwise
Passing off your appreciation as the genuine article is the worst thing but it happens all the time
Derrik probably didn't even play any persona game he most likely just looked at all of the parts with Sumire in all of the games she's in and assumed that shes way more important in it those games than what she actually is.
just watch a playthrough, its just as good
Of course she was going to be the center of attention in advertisements. You built up your own expectations and there's no one responsible for that. Fortunately I've never seen a single advertisement for the original or Royal so I have an actual objective experience and impression of her and I wasn't disappointed at all. I suppose if you were a 30+ year old manchild that still plays video games and played 3 and 4 when they came out then it might be disappointing.
how much of a playthrough should you watch? Is just looking at the thumbnail enough?
This is true for me, I hated every second playing the series from 3, 4, 5, and the spinoffs that didn't have Sumi in it.
>Schizo babble
I accept your concession more power to you though. You can like Sumire but you can't force others to like her.
No, I can, and I will continue doing so.
To be perfectly honest? I love Sumi.
Based and true
Trying to force 4chan into things hasn't and never will go the way he wants it to
She's just a little Soom after all.
No it has, I've seen it happen. It's called lifelong persistence, so we're just getting started.
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Sad little samefag drug addict

Look, I used an aigis image! I'm definitely an aigis poster
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Filthy cuck.
It never works it's like trying to gatekeep people are going to play a game if they're interested in it. If somebody doesn't play a game it doesn't mean it's because you gatekept the game by being annoying they probably don't even care enough to play in the first place. Nobody is stopping anybody from playing games besides the companies themselves. It's the same with trying to force people into liking Sumire it's never going to work because you can't force people into liking something they don't want to like no matter what.
>Multiple device use exist
People aren't that stupid to fall for this it's obviously you samefagging
You can think it doesn't when I've seen it has. I'll continuing doing it forever as usual.
Nice inspect element
Meant for
Also calling everybody you don't like a cuck is shows how immature you are.
There's no reason to love anything other than Sumi. That's an objective fact at this point.
Oh good, so you'll only be doing this for a couple more years.
I can wait.
Zero proof it works
And no derrik, your sissy nahobino hypno porn doesn't count.
No, not at all when you've been proven wrong.
It's not a blanket statement. You have been caught admitting that you are a cuck, multiple times.
It isn't you samefagging trying to make people believe it's working isn't working it's clearly you just talking to yourself to try and make it look like everybody loves her here when people show dislike of her multiple times even in other threads that aren't even pg threads
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Jesus christ derrik is pethetic
Eventually you guys are going to stop taking the bait the sociopathic narcissist keeps laying out for you
I have faith
That's still one of the funniest things I've posted there. And he was drawn with a pussy there so it's fine. In fact I will jerk off to it in your honor at the start of next month.
Why are you assuming I'm the anon you're arguing with every thread not every person who replies to you is the same person. There are multiple people here unless you think these threads are just 2 people which are you and Aigisfag which isn't true at all.
Yes people are retarded and sadistic, but it'll continue at any rate.
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I'd gladly pay for a Bighaya mod desu
Go back to your shithole thread
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why are p5 modders like this
Can’t wait for P6 bros…
You're wasting your time it isn't working and you just be here forever trying to achieve something that is impossible to achieve. You can love Sumire on your own. Nobody is saying you can't people shit talk her all the time because you ruined her for people here with your obsessive spamming and trying to brainwash people into liking her with spam.
>Another years worth of Derrik seething about P6 and spamming sumire while trying to discuss the game
Can't wait
Something something Vaas definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over expecting shit to change etc etc.
He’s a retarded drug addict that only lives out of spite, don’t give him the attention.
No, she needs to be loved, and the world is a worse place when she isn't being posted. That's as true as it was day 1 and right now. End of conversation.
>sissy nahobino hypno porn
This is 2000% more homosexual than any of the fat mods
That's not a mod that's some Jap fan edit. And even if it was it looks cool.
You should've loved her as much as I do then. Now I'm going to do even more drugs, and post her far more often. Funny how that works.
Derrick’s a discordtranny and we only know that he posted that because the people that obsess over Derrick are also discordtrannies.
I hope they all die tbdesu.
I want to see the sissy nahobino hypno porn tho
This is true. I post on it every day about drugs and sexually degenerate shit and don't ever let me tell you otherwise.
>the schizo is 1 of the few reasons why pg isn't as active as it used to be
>Most of the actual good posters left to make other threads on /v/ or /a/
>He takes up 90% of the post here
pg is dead
Just gotta beg them to come back more and it should work out eventually.
It's just sad seeing the state of pg now I see more actual discussion of persona in /meta/ than pg because discussion here is near impossible. That's the fate of all generals eventually.
Well it is Sumi's general and the degeneracy is at an all time low, so it's actually far better than I could've hoped.
Please stay in /meta/ then
No most of what's posted here isn't even Sumire it's schizo's and coomer post. This place used to be a good mix of everything but now it feels like it's just the same 5 or 10 people here with the rare occasionally new one here once in a blue moon. /pg/ isn't even the best place to discuss persona anymore because it's near impossible and there isn't anything new to talk about.
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At least we still have Sumi. As long as she gets posted, everything will be alright.
Stop noticing things.
Yeeeeeeeaah, Sumi.
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im good thanks
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Post literally anything other than Sumicuck's shitty poochies and unclefucker.
Get this abysmal thread over with
The fentanyl arc begins now.
My response to sumishart
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Door Kun!
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Just wish she was in the demake.
My response to sumishart
Reminder to add words like saori and demake to the filters
Anti Spammer Tech:
You're not human you post like a bot the same responses and handful of images every thread
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I'm parahuman so technically you're right.
Some terms to add to the filters to help ignore the schizo:
>Evidently not
>Repulsive creature
>Getting really angry right now
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why is he smol
Also "soom" and "soooom" (various lengthenings to try and get around filters)
Getting extremely upset at this point.
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He sure does like to mention feces a lot
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That one too, thanks
>There isn't much to do with a subject like this before it becomes too repetitive.
Not if you are unimaginative with it, SMT is based on the same concept for its all games
Rank the girls of each game by the size of their dumps
I feel that Persona has had much more variation in its themes than SMT despite every game taking place in a Japanese high school. On the other hand, with SMT having a story where basically any setting can be used, all of the stories are bland and very predictable. (Extremism is bad, not even multiple types of extremism, it's always the same law and chaos vs neutral.)
Yeah I've seen lots of media even outside of Persona take jungian and do a unique take on it.
Yeah in my opinion I found P3 to be the game that handles it best despite it not being perfect.
I love this artist, they make lots of great artwork for the P3 girls, Yukari most of all.

I liked that P3 didn't just reuse the shadow is an evil doppelganger trope again like in P4/P5. As you said, they went into the more esoteric Jungian stuff which is harder to notice, but provides more interesting creative fuel for stories.
I know some people don't like the movies but I did like that part where yukari gets depressed over her dad and her Io turned on her trying to kill her. Something P3 brought up but never really touched up on a lot.
To be perfectly honest? I hate Shitmire.
>her Io turned on her trying to kill her
damn Chidorita much? That said I do like the angle that the Persona is basically your Shadow in alignment with you rather than being an obedient summoned pet. P4 was a little one-note in that the Shadow was always antagonistic until you beat it down and I would like it if the Shadow had more of its own will and consciousness. Either it's what second-guesses you, or you're the one that checks its impulses (the latter is better).
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i want someone to hack atlus and steal all the data they've collected with telemetry
what's the first game to have online features? was it p4g?
and they've never published any official stats
The only time they said anything about stats was with P3P when it was new
Persona needs to explore jungian alchemy

Though I suspect a lot of the younger workers at Atlus are more interested in cute girls than psychoanalysis, spirituality and esotericism - if they know about these subjects at all
Yukari > Yuko > Mitsuru > Fuuka > Kotone > Chihiro > Aigis = Metis
Rise > Yukiko > Yumi > Chie > Marie > Naoto > Ayane > Ai
Ann > Kawakami > Hifumi > Kas*mi > Chihaya > Haru > Ohya > Tae > Makoto > Sae > Futaba
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The movies aren't all bad, there are a lot of parts I don't like in them, chief among them being the changes to the Yakushima beach scene...

I am mixed on what you brought up. I do think the Io going berserk part was very interesting and it made the depression section really intense. On the other hand, I liked how in the game Yukari was the first one to reject Ryoji's ultimatum. It is a nice contrast the beginning of the game where she views having a Persona as just a burden.
what kind of stats?
p3p (including the modern ports) doesn't have online features
maybe ports have hidden telemetry, but i doubt it
To be honest the issue with the movies was because multiple directors worked on different movies with different directions with a script written by a singular guy. The movies wasn't even meant to be about aikoto or shuyuka it was like that because the director of the first movie wanted more yukari so he changed some part of the script to include her more in the first and then the 2nd movie introduced aigis and third is Fujo focused because it's directed by a women and the final movie is directed by the 2nd the one who wrote the actual script. It's just a bunch of ideas and the fact it's them trying to cram in 50+ hours of a game into a 4+ hour series of movies should've been a multi season anime
Rise's aren't only the biggest they're also the greasiest
Years ago when P3P was new atlus said ryoji's slink was the most popular one in Femc's route and that in terms of completion only 20% of the people who played the game fully played femc while 80% played Male MC we never got any more official stats stated by atlus besides that. That was years before the ports sadly nothing new.
She takes powerful bitchshits
Why does every persona mod suck?
>femc mod that doesn’t even look good or add any of the stuff that makes her route worth playing in the first place
>coomer slop
>tranny and faggotry shit
>simple music swap and model swap mods that don’t look or sound good
Yes I have heard about the change of directors thing. I'm not so petty that I would hate the movies just for not focusing on my favorite ship or anything. To me the problem with the movies is that if you are a fan of any character other than Door, Aigis or, Ryoji; your favorite is going to take a bit of a backseat here. As you said, they tried to take 50+ hours of plot and cram it into ~4-5 hours of movies. That isn't to say there aren't any redeeming qualities of course. I liked the way Ken/Shinji was done in the movies and even though I hate fujobait, it is nice to see Ryoji have more of a presence in the story.
The people behind persona's modding scene are either kids or hypocritical peoples who don't want to do anything cool outside for clout before canning the idea
She's just a puke shittle poomi
I genuinely find the movies enjoyable like how I find the P4 movies enjoyable I get door being a focus because he’s the MC but yeah I do get some of the problems with the movies it’s like how I have a problem with the manga for the same reason and more. It should’ve been longer.
The coolest mod is that emo mod for P3R and that’s sad. The rest is just making door have the option to say gay shit or adding femc plushies on his head it’s lame.
There are combat mods and nude mods. Part of it is that it's different from P5R's backend, and there was a thing with the P4 modding scene having people behind it but Atlus changed stuff to actively benefits P5 modders with screwing P4 modders. Then there are the main people behind the modding scene for the series mostly doing really easy stuff instead of attempting more complex stuff. It's a total mess.
Persona mostly caters to what people want it to be, and the games aren't broken messes that need mods to function. It's why you'll find most modders on things like Bethesda games, which exist in a generic fantasy setting where anything is possible and the player often needs mods to fix game features that are broken.
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Despite my negative tone, I would still recommend people watch the movies. They are easily the highest quality Persona related animation out there. I liked the manga myself, it takes its time with the story, the art is great, and I don't mind the weird structure the mangaka took with the plot.

At the end of the day, it's all more Persona 3!

Now I need to watch the stage plays.
The only Megaten modder that’s made anything substantial that’s worth a damn is Zombero, Nocturne Hardtype’s fun.
Stage plays are interesting, they are sort of fujo focused, at least with stuff like the Ultimax one where gay kissing happens.
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Yeah I actually enjoyed the movies in their own like the P4 anime they’re not a replacement for the games but definitely enjoyable on their own as a new way to experience the stories. P5’s anime is the only one I can say sucks.
Does this change the music too?
Someone posted a clip of the hotsprings scene for the P3 stageplay on twitter and I died laughing. I do want to give them a shot.


Yeah none of the adaptations are a replacement, but they are worth checking out. Except for P5A...
They fucked the p5 anime so badly lmaooo
The stage plays are great and worth watching Door’s is the better one between the 2 but femc’s is also good
They made it very cheap to make all of the money through bluerays alone
It’s a too faithful adaption where they made joker into a plank of wood for no reason unlike yu and door where they actually get to be characters. Expecially door where he gets to develop and grow it’s not done the best but it’s better than what ren is in the anime
most memorable part of the anime is how it ended with joker dying that’s how boring the anime was.
everything about p5a is a consequence of p3 movies
latter two movies flopped and p5a was made on barebones budget
movies gave door dogshit overly dramatic characterization and p5a joker was as bland as possible
P4G’s anime flopping didn’t help either nobody liked that shit.
>5A Joker
>faithful to the game version
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Everybody hated P4GA anon it was so bad that japs begged the studio to make a new ending for it. It’s how it got that OVA that adapted adachi stuff and people memeing about how he’s the true heroine of P4 because people hated Marie that much.
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I liked the golden animation
which persona girl will fall for "I'm killing myself unless a girl has sex with me"?
The Adachi stuff was cool with Marie's boobs
I was surprised that P5A was so bad. I figured that the story would work better outside of the calendar system. A-1 Pictures phoned it in here.
It depends. If you're Goro then all of them. If you're Nozomi or Mitsuo then none of them.
I hate myself
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Post babs who love themselves! I'll start:
While we are on the subject of anime adaptations.

Has anyone tried to watch Trinity Soul? I remember giving it a shot 10+ years ago and dropping out half way through.
thank you ann... maybe... there is some good in this world. .... Do you want to have sex....?
I like it. Very slow but has a lot of build up, last episode is really good even with the cop out ending
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Only after marriage.
It's weird but mainly because it's a now reconned supposed to be canon sequel to P3. It's not worth watching and the only thing noteworthy about it is burning men's soul and Akihiko.
You both would've jumped off a bridge years ago if you actually wanted to kill yourselves. A girl isn’t going to magically fall in love with you, either accept you’re forever alone and quit crying about it like a bitch, or actually try doing something about it.
>P3 is a flop and didn't sell well
>It's the 2nd worst selling persona game
>Gets multiple anime
>A manga
>Stage plays
>Spin offs
>Light novels
>A rerelease
And is still getting milked to this day but it's still somehow a flop
P3 and P4 saved Atlus, but P4 sold 5x that P3 did
I'm gonna keep crying about it like a bitch
You’re an actual worm.
can you use a picture of makoto while you berate me?
holy shit emo mitsuru
A cope option. This is what I did for Episode Aigis and P5 Strikers.
Only P3 saved atlus P4 sold more but P3 is the game that got them out of the red back then. If P3 sold like shit there would be no P4.
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Do you want me to tell you to kill yourself or something?
They got into the red with P4 anyways, it's why Index bought them up
persona girls telling me to kill myself might be the push I need
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And index filed for bankruptcy and Sega bought atlus now were here.
I don't think they will sell Atlus
It's not just sales, it's the profit that matters. I don't know if there are public figures for the development cost of P3, but it must have been way lower than sales.

The calendar system was a pretty good idea for making a 80+ hour JRPG on a shoestring budget. All the action takes place in one city so you don't have to spend too much designing new environments or creating unique models and textures.
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episode mitsuru when
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Yeah, I the fight choreography is basically spamming AOAs. SUrprised because they managed to get it right in the P4 animu, down to fusing and changing personas on the fly.
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Two donuts, isn't that a sight! Alright, thanks for indulging me in this silly request. Let's... not eat these, alright? That was fun, I learned this in college where some of my study partners could stack up to 4! Don't tell my sister, -snrk-
An idol promoting her own manure brand???
It's more common than you'd think
Technically no, since 2 donuts can't be considered a penis at all
>not eating the dighcknuts
people kept telling me makoto was a mary sue but she's not?
I feel like Makoto was a bad choice for this meme.
She is a snrker, which is a bonus to the desired attitude of the girl chosen, but the simple fact is Makoto is too autistic for this. She would not okay with food touching genitals - in fact, food touching other foods is intrinsically wrong to her as well.
I feel like Haru or Naoto would do better in this role.
nonchalant autistic ntr burns harder than spite-filled ntr
For me, it's mind control/corruption ntr
I think NTRfags should be thrown into a volcano
For me, it's cumming inside their tights/socks and making them wear it out.
imagining NTRfag volcano orgy
The ones responsible for the downfall of /pg/!
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Oh and Mitsurutroon and Yukabab, I forgot about those faggots
>No dramaschizo
>No metafaggots
Dramaschizo isn’t real and /pg/ died spiritually years before Metaphor was announced.
metafags did nothing wrong
that's okay. ty!
have a good sleep, my man (or woman).
I'm playing the first game on PS1 do I spend all my skill point on tec and agility?
Oh yeah I forgot about him too.
Speaks to how much of a failure he is among schizos that he's even easily forgotten
It's junpeischizo
>Dramaschizo isn't real
He's from /smtg/ and comes her and sometimes goes into /meta/ also
Dramaschizo pretends he isn't a schizo, so despite the name "dramaschizo" explicitly referring to him, he likes to argue that dramaschizo isn't real instead of seeing that the phrase "dramaschizo" just refers to him, regardless of any other quantifiers.
Yeah that's why I know he's real because he acts the same way in those 2 other generals whenever he's called out.
I haven’t been to /meta/ but the only times I’ve see dramaschizo get brought up is when somebody says something mean to one of the other namefags. Maybe it means something different there but historically here it more often then not gets used as a shield against criticism or bullying.
God I fucking hate discord, and Steve Jobs, the former for destroying forums and imageboards, and the latter for making the internet mainstream.
Devil's biggest trick...
I've seen him multiple times in /meta/ ranting about Persona and getting called out when doing so and every time he's called out he did his typical schizo babble about discordtroons
Oh wait are you talking about that retard that spergs about everything, samefags, and spams a bunch of ESL babble?
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Annbab is really the most precious souls in these threads, still to this day
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yukari would not approve of this tranny shit
Here's a party trick - if you see an incoherent rant about
>Aigis or Aigisfag
>Persona 3 in general
>Other schizos in the thread
completely unprompted and out of nowhere - it's going to be him 80% of the time.
Reminds me of HyssHo
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Nah he’s similar but he’s not as braindamaged as the dograper.
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Bold to call Mitsuru out on that, given that she could buy her entire house on a whim
What started all of this anyway I don't see how P3 can make somebody get to the point that they enter a general that has nothing to do with P3 just to rant about it out of nowhere.
It's actually kind of sad to think that despite pg having a schizo problem our schizo's aren't even as bad as the others I've seen outside of pg
>Ack Kun
>That one schizo who's in /feg/ that's Derrik tier but also infiltrates op images
>Nora kisiragi
Derrik is nothing compared to them
I like how vidya butts managed to buck break all the jannies on /v/ (even if /gfg/ did catch some flak by accident)
bikinischizo comes around occasionally.
Why’d they give her SMT1 Heroine’s outfit in Reload anyway? In jap she’s called Y-Ko, after Yumiko from the Digital Devil Story Megami Tensei book and game (while Door’s username is N-Jima, Nakajima), so it doesn’t make any sense either way.
He’s just crazy, obsessed, and vindictive. That’s all it takes, back in the day, before the internet really took off, schizos mostly flew under the radar or they never really interacted with anybody. Think of coming across your local babbling methhead who’d scream at you about something that doesn’t make any sense, that’s about as much exposure as you’d get of the incredibly mentally ill. Now the deranged can battle with their perceived enemies on the internet from the comfort of their own dilapidated homes. That’s where most of the younger generations of crazies live, on the internet.
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Uhhh, what does carry over into NG+ for Portable?
Money and Personas do, do weapons (everyone) also carry over?
Yo mama's so fat she can't be carried over to ng+
Ok, serious answer?
Use google retard
4chan at its fucking finest.
Invest in tec until it's at max. It's optimal to only upgrade one stat at a time because that way you can maximize your benefits from persona stat boosts. Every point that's below the persona is wasted so you should just keep pumping one stat.
yeah I think levels and social stats are carried over too
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I reinstalled this after a couple of years because after Metaphor I wanna play it again. Was the UI always this obnoxiously huge?
wait until you get to moving around in the dungeon
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yup, good times
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Night Personababs.
no one could ever actually fall asleep in that postion
>after Metaphor
Either way you're downsizing UI going back to P5
Its made for Persona fans so they have to retard proof it
I'd go Tec, Agi, Vit, Str and Luk in that order of maxing out but I don't think you'll get anywhere near maxing out all of them, maybe two or three
Especially if you don't go NG+ and instead use a save for starting up the route you're not doing faster
Cute Fuuk
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mona is cool
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Future Queen comin' through!!
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why not
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sex alert!!!

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