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Previous: >>502889473

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of War
[Arcane] Singed, Vi (Legendary) and Caitlyn (+Prestige)
[11/20-12/11] Essence Emporium

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
spreading caitlyn's asshole open.
if you play a mage bot, you owe me sex
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Fits the description of this one so far to a tee.

well that was 40k BE gone in ~6 minutes
no ragrets
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ok, violet
Got filled support
Poppy is still good sometimes
it was annoying because i was shitting on him as pyke even though it was yas/malph bot didnt really matter not like i truly give a fuck because >quickplay
anyway, vex needs a new skin, she's joined the 730 days club.
Am I misremembering or did they drop the free tokens for passless players from 80 like they were on the last event to 60 each? 80*5=400, two orbs worth, 60*5=300, 1 orb and a half's worth.
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https://www.twitch.tv/miximumdennis i am streaming league
I was expecting some good yordle porn and upload this..
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I love you, /lolg/!
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These are aram only... fuck my life.
*buys a new sex slave from the emporium shop*
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Agreed. Even just port the WR ones, holy fuck. Please. Any good skin at all.
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>load stream
>getting bussy gapped by nigress
>close stream
lol lmao even
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>you have to play aram to..
I pass
how much blue essence is that
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this scene of warwick learning Vi's new pronouns is so powerful
lucky violet
thats a man
good thing I play them support instead
I will now watch arcane if this is real
>free tokens only yield 60 instead of 80
greedy capitalists...
>these fucking league cover songs
maroon5 when
this is an act 3 leak where vi tries top caitlyn but ends up getting strap on fucked by caitlyn instead
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Remember falconshield?
Vladimir mid or top and why?
genuinely doesnt matter
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Qiyana sexo
baus viewer detected. ok i turned on maroon 5 now
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blue? blue
sex with women
So how are you supposed to beat an akali in lane
Her Q is never on cooldown and does ten million damage
If she whiffs an E and you engage on her she can just W
If she misues her W and you engage on her she can just E away
She has no weakness
What a disgusting champion
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Briar won
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>Jayce legendary is a legacy skin
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>supports you
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Limited time content probably
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weren't we supposed to have at least five briarfags here? what happened to them? I think you're the only one left
mid was more fun when i played him, though you can make him work top.
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>immediately pings the jungler

she's been the #1 support for a good while now, ever since they nerfed dirk stacking at the very least. she was incredibly strong in proplay as well too
her W used to make towers ignore her and would also not reveal her.
just be thankful they removed that.
Here's your leaked Viktor design but it's a horse
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Opened the 4 orbs from the battlepass
got 1 repeated skin, 1 ok skin, and 2 meh skins. so I rerolled the repeated skin and the 2 meh skins and got this
Normally I'd be mad, but it's an Annie skin, so I'll let it slide
i'm a briar and vex fag but i'm not vbl. i just dont post often
>this guy is what bronzies get in their games
i feel kind of bad for them now. just a little bit.
I am one but I am shy and rarely post..
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I just played into a Briar who was like 5/1 early game but when late came around she was completely worthless in teamfights

Champ seems to be in a real bad spot right now
Probably didn't help that Qiqi can completely invalidate her kit with a single Q though
>Her Q is never on cooldown and does ten million damage
if she goes pta she falls off cliff after 3 items territory
>force her to use W
>aha now I can fight her
>she E's away
wow thanks
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>i'm a briar and vex fag but i'm not vbl
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Another day, another win in GM elo. I thought about unmuting chat but the amount of insults i get is just too much, back to muting all.
didn't her q used to stun instead of just slow too? kek
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posting that you're shy just makes me want to tease you, shy poster.
lolg romance check?
streaming duo abusing with majin come watch us please!!!
Imagine the slapping sounds...
Keep abusing your broken champion
One day she'll finally get the nerfs she deserves and the illusion will pop, freefall plummet to gold like the elo inflated balloon you are
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same but not same
what the fuck is with choncc users in tft being so fucking annoying.
I love my lolg!
I like briar but I would never identify as a “briarfag” because I don’t want to associate with those freaks
It brings me some solace when I feel bad about not being a good jungle and getting pinged. To think that people like this are the ones pinging me
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are we freaks?
jungle diff
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>Jungler ping
This is why we /mute all you
pisslow, please. No one's complaining about him in high elo
you are for sure
i hate riot
Been out of the loop with reworks.
Who's next after Shyv?
i love riot
Why does he ping the jungler for that??
Rate my skin ideas
>general seraphine
Instead of singing about peace and harmony she barks orders and calls people maggots
>corporate yorick
basically a graveyard shift office worker, maiden is a secretary and the ghouls are wagies in suits
Haven't played in a while. Do you no longer get chests for mastery and whatnot? How do I get more chests now?
rell LMAO
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>no bushy pubes
lucky pablo
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You go to the champion section and look at the grade requirements to get a hextech chest now.
If you want to bother wasting more time for an extra yellow chest you can try to get the required masteries based on the list of champs suggested.
You can get multiple chests for a single camp now the progress can be seen by selecting the champ and going to the mastery tab.
you just know they are going to fuck up the Shyv rework
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I'm still around
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>could win the first game but too decided to go afk because he was losing
>could win the second but mid threw away the lead hard because reasons
>won the third game but one of their teammates went afk, stealing away any kind of satisfaction
you really can't win in this game no matter what uh
I miss toxic lux and janna mommy...
by making her a shemale like Nambessa
you should play their champ today to honor them
this is cutting it close
>toxic lux
every single lux player
>janna mommy
every single janna player
u ain't missin shit bro
good I hate playing against the abomination
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I don't play the role their champion's in..
literally, all they needed to do was make her an AD tank like Mundo (not the same/similar kit ofc, just tanky and deals physical damage)
I feel like I'm only able to climb using warwick but he's fucking boring to play and takes advantage of other players being bad and not recalling, not me being good
>make shyvana an ad tank
>riot have gone on record numerous times that they hate ap shyvana
>literally buff ap shyvana after saying this
>leave her alone for months
>nerf ap shyvana
>don't do anything to her
>vgu on the horizon
riot r gay
he's also riddled with bugs right now post-kit-rejig.
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Everytime I roll him in ARAM I have to play him tank.
Play the champion in your normal role
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the wild runes are trancending arcane itself
its corrupting my client
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They don't work in the jungle...
>queue for ranked
>support locks in sejuani
>takes cs
>flames me
>flames jungler
>solo farms lanes
>suicide engages the team into a loss
who could have guessed
Always overlap with these champs someone here always plays atleast 2 of them in their champ pools.
can't believe i play all of those and i'm being called out like this... they're fun so i don't mind lol.
i love niggas like this they never get banned for literal griefing
I play Nilah and imagine her sweaty Pajeeta bush
winning isnt the point
the point is to make ur team so mad they throw a hissy fit mid game and do mental gymnastics to cope
wish i could have gotten a slur out of that guy
I can think of 3 people that main 1 without playing the others off the top of my head

Actually I can only think of 1 person this applies to
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Stop buying trinity with smolder and go crit you niggers
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smurf duo down
smurf duo down
how do I clip a game moment but without the distracting X HAS SLAIN Y giant text that pops up?
what a shame. it's the thought that counts at least
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>unwinnable game
>want to ff
>premade hits no
>”stop whining it’s aram”
>ok you’re right
>fuck around
>duo starts crying in all chat
>enemy agrees that I’m in the right
>”you two suck, why are you punishing everyone else”
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T1 bros, how are we feeling...
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Not building tank Swain? Instant loss. Makes my eye roll every time.
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I love Lissandra!
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what this tells me is we need a new female yordle.
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Arcane is sloooooopppppp..................................
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Yes we do. Also new good vex skin.
>new good vex skin
never gonna happen. us pc chuds are doomed
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reminder that Nami is soft
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Realistically, I know that.
But I've gotta hope.
Give me back everfrost so i can play vex support again
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Everfrost was really problematic but it coming back in the form of a slow and not a root I'd be okay with, like some weird balance between old Twin Shadows and Everfrost.
If they made Zeke’s Convergence into an active item I would be ok with that as well
It's not a bad item on him it's just that smolder players are allergic to sitting on sheen
Its a fine item to sit on and triforce is shit without AD
2nd Item after ER would be great because then you'll have 107 bonus AD for the sheen proc
They took everything from me..
i watched this
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Zeke's I honestly think should be reworked entirely. It's such an awkward oddball item and has been for its entire lifespan. All of those cheap support items are. Everyone tells you to build Knights' Vow to help your ADC have more survivability and whatnot but it never really feels like it does anything. Zeke's is the same, the AoE area thing it creates which, for instance, Rell and Rakan should be able to utilize extremely well is barely felt at all. I doubt it does any actual real damage in the first place, even. Both of these items (and more) are held back by their price point, their stat stick nature and more importantly Riot thinking support players are too retarded to actually have fun tools to play with besides braindead stuff like Locket. Riot needs to stop treating support as a joke.
give me back goredrinker
I miss old Zeke's when it was called Zeke's Harbinger.
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Some good down to earth palette.
Ultimately I'd like to grand up for that BE boarder. Maybe something for the next year or the next two years. This game is exhausting.
How do you fight an extremely fed Samira? Or do you just lose if Samira snowballs?
A 30 kill lead, yeah it's basically impossible to stop her unless you do that old season 6 strat of everyone concentrating their one cc on the single fed champ carrying the game and stomp everyone else to win. In scenarios such as a fed twitch/kog/kayle etc from back then.
You pay a jungler booster and get to masters
basically impossible, just need to focus fire & cc her to death but
realistically, this isn't going to happen
>How do you fight a Samira?
>Americans waking up
>Thread goes to shit
every time
why do so many stoners play league?
its a game with split section reactions and decision making, it seems like the game that would not go with stoners at all
>3 tanks on our team and we still have no engage
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Warning: Lewd picture in box.
>team gives up 2 inhibs and mountain soul for a t1 top turret
gold elo is insane
is there a BE emporium on the horizon or am I safe to use a few champ shards?
It's literally online atm, are you having a stroke?
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I’ve been jerking off to stupidly big all natural sometimes saggy tits for the last 3 days
I love tits so much when will Riot make a new titty champion, like when did we last get something like THIS?
Allay can be the new femyordle top
Literally that new rabbit champ.
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Damn I really don’t play a lot of champs that have good chromas lol. Already got all the Morg ones from coven and SG and a few others.
I just reinstalled oops
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Get the base stuff too. I like the pure black one compared to the purple shades she has on her base.
big fat veiny saggers are based
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mid game briar is basically a stun bot due the fact you cannot get multiple rotations of W out in a fight and your damage also falls off. however late game/full build she is basically unkillable.
>You cant climb because you are le bad xD
Ok then explain me why i just had a Teemo under my tower literally the whole game and my jungler ganked him ONCE (we killed him obviously) and would rather farm or play for my 0/15 botlane?
Kill all junglers
Kill all retards
Kill all Teemo players
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Eh. I’ve got them all but I hardly use the default one. Me piggy for MORGY.
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She looks like Qiyana cosplaying as Eve... I bought it because of that
just cc her bro
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gem second idea
Emporium? More like emPORNium
>velkoz is playing with blackstar again
you guys were right…
they're just friends
>I was getting shit on 1v1 all game
>it's le not cuz I'm bad though
what does he have that lolgs don’t?
just get a jungle bf duo to camp your lane..
And yet she doesn't play with her "friends" from here that much
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well if you have to ask
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just watched 3 coaching videos on youtube it's time to climb
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Whatever happened to these 3?
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where is your image anon
im more for a whole corporate office skin line to go with it too. Though I would see Yorick as more of a janitor with the maiden being his push stand and his ghouls being little wet floor signs
im going to be sick velkoz you are dead to me
I just did both nights of clash last weekend with lolg. and I played with a lolg friend all monday night
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Filthy, you should listen to "take me to church" before
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can’t really say that for sure if she never shows them off, like it could be some type of padding/layers on her outfit
ZASED vein enjoyer
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i love this chroma because it looks like she's tanned
>the spammer was right
Why is he right about literally everything?
does he know she posts here
Remember that time they revealed a tanned Ahri skin and everyone was gooning so hard but then Riot was like “ackshually it’s just the lighting” and then she was pale in game
I didnt die once tho but nice try, doggy dog
post opgg
>/lolg/ crush duos with someone else
>secretly hope they lose every game
they are only allowed to gain lp alone or with me
Must be nice to have people here at your beck and call when your bf is busy
/lolg/ romance in full bloom
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>Remember that time they revealed a tanned Ahri skin
what? I don't remember, which skin was that?
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>only lethality item not abused by adcs when it was broken was profane hydra
it's like if they put melee/ranged splits on items they work
>play with friend
>stop playing with friend
>they keep losing
>I keep winning
Champs for this feel?
that whore!
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Took me a while to remember the name, too many Ahri skins bruh
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and Profane was abused by bruisers more than it was by assassins. Item balance since the mythic rework has just been all over the place; the balance team needs to be less scared of making big changes. They'll tweak the numbers every now and then but never do anything actually drastic to fix the core issues - they just opt to instead move the issues around and create new ones to "fix" old ones.
that doesnt even looked tanned..
>make chests basically unobtainable on aram
>most retarded changes possible on new aram map
>now aram battlepass flooding the mode with more drooling sr retards
holy shit, they're trying to kill this mode no?
this but unironically
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>Secretly hope
Just ask them to duo with you only so that the progress is synched instead of leveling out of elo bounds. They're not gonna read your mind.
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/lolg/ daily champion discussion post


>Best skin?
>If you could, would you change anything about his current kit?
>Do you think he's well-designed/fun to play against?
whatever happened to the steel x digger duo ranked streams?
I love footfag champs
Yes. I unironically have to pick up quickplay to actually achieve progress in chests and some missions too like jungle minions and stuff time to time. Gotta bounce around arams and quickplays thesedays unfortunately. They also seem to be getting rid of coop vs ai for easy reward grind by making missions PvP exclusive too, it's really annoying and bothersome.
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Vel'koz's fat obese niggered body, Zed's last resort choice

Back to single Q
no but no champ is
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It's actually kind of a hard choice, but it's probably Surprise Party for me just because of the chroma variations. Probably some of the best chroma choices for any skin in the game, period.

I wouldn't change anything about him, either, except, like with Ahri, the change that gave him two Qs and longer CDs between them as opposed to a singular short cooldown one. Dumb change. He's a bit bland to play gameplay-wise but has a decent amount of counterplay besides and I just generally think he's okay.

>no champ is
interesting take

This is losers queue, kek.
sorry, i was the vi bro
briar lost
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briar won
she won 35hp thoughbeit
too big
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Infernal with one of the good chromas of your choice

Make Curse just apply on damage instead of specifically fucking auto attacks

I think he's fine. He's not fun to play against, but he's also not the most frustrating thing either- he's got actual counterplay, given that if he whiffs both Qs he's shit out of luck
Dumbdigger kept begging for high elo players to duo him for free lps under the guise of "they can't carry my games, it's impossible, if it is then win my games and show me" multiple times.
He's also stated playing with Steel gives him terrible players and he doesn't like that.
Steel keeps getting bullied here after posting his face and having that spread around, also with multiple other people willing to erp and women existing for the rest of the simps he doesn't have anything going for him so is less active since not needed as compared to in the past. Also they keep having identity issues with the sissy/I'm a man thing so yeah a break was probably needed.
where are the good streams
I love what they did last season with those new support item components
A shame they instantly got removed
Most items feel okay use wise, none really seem to be useless.
I wish there were more of them, but I can see why they don't want to add more when it's already so hard for them to balance what they have.
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>dogshit at playing adc
>still want the cait premium pass
convince me not to do it
did the spammer finally get defeaated
Non of them atm, they're all boring/ran it's course.
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You'd save 1k rp and only lose a chroma for the prestige and an emote
there's still nami and soraka spam so no
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I want old riot back
he will live forever
So where is the blue essence emporium?
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i love sarah!
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Good night, /lolg/.
that's unfortunate. I was rooting for their duoing to climb
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wish my lolg was streaming..
ran it's course?
lolg streams are alright
In order to climb, I'm gonna have to start banning my team mates champions when they play them in a role they're not supposed to be played in like Vi support or Ahri jungle.
I like them, especially while the spammer shits up the thread
The build that got me to masters this split;
Ban Vayne.

You’re are welcome lowbies
on what champion
great I’ll get to building this on lulu
Forgot runes
Dark Harvey’s
Ghost Poro
Ultimate Hunter

Start Cull and ALWAYS leash if not jungle. Ask for one if you are.
>Heartsteel, Riftmaker, Bloodmail
this gets you to reddit if anything
the build that got someone to masters this split
his wallet and a jungler booster
>velkoz still playing with bl*ckstar
>Samira is broken again
Gonna have to start perma banning her.
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you are just too low elo to understand
Knowledge drop
support vi is aryan build
told you her awshucks persona was just an act
what the fuck is an awshucks persona
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for me, its briar support
Am I the only one who really fucking hate jelly?
I stand with you
she's an attention whore
they killed ai games anyway
new ai is butchered as fuck
i used to play a lot of bots because my internet was shit and i would play at least a bot game for first daily win
old intermediate bots chewed up any bronzie
the new ones are docile as fuck, plus jungle bots are just retarded as fuck and a blind monkey could exploit them
can rell get a good skin now?
high noon was cool though
building this on Ivern right away
good night, jelly.
yuumichads wake up a new build came out
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Now this is based
isn't she unplayable in high elo?
>king grey rogging out over jelly.
I want to fuck Dabs until she sissycums
squirts from her atrophied dicklet from having her prostate bullied by my cock
my lolg is not a whore
there is definitely a noticeable dip in the stats as soon it hits masters, however she still had 52%+ wr on every rank last patch.
I rarely see her these days, what happened then?
vbl simp?
*eats soul food with vel'koz and her bull*
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why are you dodging in norms just play the fucking game
i feel like you just need the perfect comp to play her in higher elo games, too many tanks too taking your w rotations. you can shred them sure but you are also front lining and will never outlast them in team fight scenario.
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I thought the essence emporium was out?
no I meant even in my pisslow elo no one plays her anymore
>play for fun mode
>anyone with triple digit iq can tell from a glance at champ select the game isnt gonna be fun
>leave because 0 consequence besides some stupid nigger with a "fahny" pictures folder might make a retard post on an internet shithole about it
its really simple if you take .02 seconds to think about it
it is
clunky and unfun, ugly unless you're into bestiality, tl;dr she's a flop and was only popular for being a free win
4% ish is still pretty good! after the top most picked
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>Playing high elo shit in low elo when most players are too retarded
Star Guardian Lyra (She is a 30 year old office lady forced into the role. Gap MOE.)
Withered Rose Lyra (Every rose has it's thorns.)
Pool Party Lyra (Gold-kini since I've seen so much art of it on my timeline recently. Will have a cow pattern chroma.)
Immortal Journey Lyra (In a classic and chinese dress of her ancestry.)
I thought it would have something on the client page indicating where it was but I found it
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So Part 3 of Jinx Fixes Everything is gonna be in her home base fixing up her new weapon/turning it into a blimp, right?
Been really enjoying the detail they put into the client game so far so I'd really like to see them do such a big "open" environment.
>Fight Jax as Jayce
>Guy does as much damage as me
>Constantly having to tp back due to his fucking leap
>Keep trading with each other with both of us dying
How do you poke Jax down when he's just gonna constantly leap towards you? I can just E him away but kinda hard to auto him with ranged when he flies over the whole wave.
Female yordles are always flop champs.
>Everything is gonna be in her home base fixing up her new weapon/turning it into a blimp, right?
Nope, it's her mini gun and rocket launcher combined.
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>Leaked merch of Viktor's new design but a horse
>Mask has golden crown like those weird thingies Jayce kept seeing
>Has a hole in his chest
>Looks more like Orianna
Yeah, that's my point?
In episode 4 we see that the remains of Fishbones and Pow-Pow are in her base while she's hanging there with Isha.
So she's going to go back there to build the new combined version. That'd make a lot of sense for Part 3 of the client game.
any streams?
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*reveals you with a magical bird*
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i dont think il ever get tired of this autistic goblin
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fucking bitch
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Why is Lillia so fun
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can we already post christmas-themed fanarts, or do I have to wait until December?
Are there christmas songs on the radio right now?
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I’ll stream soon!!
yesterday i heard last xmas while shopping, red hatted cancer is a go
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2 more weeks goy
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who listens radio in 2024? however, I've already seen some Christmas-themed stores where I live
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post your wheel
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Heeminder Sona is white because I self insert as her spiritually so she must therefore be close to my race, also look at her is that an Asian woman?
dead thread tonight
i put emotes in there but i dont know how to use them
I was gonna then this goofball said he would and still hasnt started up
Quickpressing T does the emote in the middle of the wheel
Holding T opens the Emote wheel and then you use your mouse to pick the emote you want to use
oh i use t for items
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happy holidays it's time
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Is Sona single? It'd be nice to date her...
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>Is Sona single?
no, she isn't, bye
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>vex briar lover
>not a single vex/briar game
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i love them but i do not play them
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champs for this feel?
sion passive
>Team mate Malphite getting his ass kicked
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I pester him about it often
But he does not believe
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probably needs more briar propaganda. get on it
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last thread
Need more hands
kys silverfishniggerlover
I don't think windupmerchant cares for women since he's gay
What killed vgs now
bad players apparently
Greedy niggers took ZOFGK from me. I will never forgive them.
river shen
Majin got evicted for refusing to pay rent on time and is on the streets again

im burnt out on league x) some1 else will have to do the hosting
ZOFGK more like REDDIT
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my last 20 games have been briar and shes the only reason i came back to play this shit game
>you'll regret creating a situation that allows me to fight at full power
asol for sure
si17 here... just going to play decay games master elo is so boring nothing but smurfs on alts either hard inting or have 99% wr and emerald streakers with +30 net wins leading them to be impossible to decay out.

this game fucking sucks i thought the ego was gone but its back more than ever.
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I can get to emerald I just need to not tilt queue
If I ever play 10 games a day I lose them all
If I stick to 3 games a day its easy as pie
si17 would never post without a victory screenshot
nah its me.
>heres your opponent bro, your teammate will be a diamond 3 peaker who winstreaked

really heckin fun and epic game you have here
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I know for a fact you can do it
this is my account btw
When did the wiki move from fandom?
So fucking based
apparently, riot decided to make an official one in collaboration with the people running the fandom because people were complaining about the fucking ads on fandom. sadly, the fandom one is still up and is still the first result on google
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tyty i can do it
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>in the streets again
[spoilerwhats his main?][/spoiler]
Go to street fighter general you literal nignog, silverfishsloth isn't going to suck you off
Don't you literally have a general to talk about SF in? Why do you keep talking about it here and advertising your SF streams in the League general?
hes delusional and thinks that SOMEHOW posting about street fighter in the 4chan league of legends general will get him a girlfriend
>but thats fucking retarded
>every darius has the dunkmaster skin
>every alistar has the cow skin
>every singed has the beekeeper skin
what is it with brainrot champions that makes their playerbase gravitate towards le funny xD!! skins
>fun skins are....le fun?!?!
>qiyana, but sticc
why? WHY??
for me? its woad darius
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"they" has doubled as a singular use pronoun for centuries now
she ugly
what are they then
it makes me laugh
it makes retards irrational angry
whats not to like?
nta just saying
Not at all.
is lolg ever happy?
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i'm happy
My cute wife and Ahri having a nice Christmas.
who will host now
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Goodnight /lolg/
good night, babe.
bill, who will make shitty tranny lobbies, and shitlips who will make the biggest toxic waste retardfests with people who have never heard of 4chan as 80% of the lobby
why does everything upset this place
Because 90% of people playing this are bitter cunts
*fucks Kimberly and Chun Li after beating up Ryu*
Too many players actively avoid him if they see he's host. Makes for good quality lobbies but they just don't fill.
jellyblackedfish is still the worst whore itt
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You like Nami.
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saved and good night
ur a shit kid niggums no1 likes u. no1 gonna join a faggot niggers lobby when they quit out after getting dicked on silver players
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le cursed
does wiggums really ragequit vgs after getting shit on by silvers? Chat is this real?

Do I like Nami?
i also cry and shit my pants too :)
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guys i just played against a full ap rell and that bitch was tanky as hell whats going on
When are the last 3 episodes dropping?
I want to watch arcane without getting blueballed by a cliff hanger.

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what time is the lolg watch party again?
only merc treads can save vgs now
Oh shit, I've gotta rewatch S1 tomorrow then.
Thanks anon.
after playing dota 2 for 10 years and quitting im getting back into league. are there any really fun or interesting heroes that are like dota heroes? i played league a long time ago so i pretty much know every hero before taliyah.
*cums on ya face*
get cumd on nigga
hey look the dota spam is back i guess he takes turns with the nigger?
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its actually surprising to see that the thread has devolved even further beyond what i thought imaginable in only 8 years
prob same person
anti-streets posting is spammerpilled ngl
same with cuck posting
king grey bros we got too cocky
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anyone quickplay NA
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Haha yeah
Which league of legends women are Asian??, Who is Asian and also has the fattest fucking milkers closest to Sona? Its extremely important for my self insert.
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I need to change that.
>Which league of legends women are Asian
All Ionians
>Who is Asian and also has the fattest fucking milkers closest to Sona
Sona is technically Ionian, Ionian at birth but then was adopted by a Demacian

But Ahri.
>No 4fun mode
>ARAM and SR only
>Ranked has been ruined since the beginning of this split
How am I supposed to grind this pass
just stand next to amumu so he can ult when she e's in
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>Ranked has been ruined since the beginning of this split
lil bro ranked has been ruined since season 8, ranked is about to reach the point where its been ruined longer than it functioned
wipe my cum of yo face
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i remember talking to a riotdrone who was hellbent on telling me that ranked matchmaking is the fairest,most purest form of matchmaking that one can experience in any competitive video game
he wasn't trolling
Perfect I love Ahri already after only like 10 games :3 Whats Ahri's best skin lads???
So is the OP wrong and Sona is in fact Asian since she is Ionian?
>got so tilted I ran it down again
guess it's time to stop playing for a while
*shits on Velkoz's face*
eat my feces, whore.
Good one norm
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Briar players look like this irl.
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which chroma? i don't play her but want to get into qiyana jungle eventually anyways
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this shit is impossible man i got 38 kills and 43 assists in 2 arams and only one of them counted towards it
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wish I had those rn
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I'd get the one with the red mark, but the ones with the orange mark are alright
What's Zes's bench?
I get them from mastery do they stop giving chests?
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yeah, I dunno how it works. I have played like 5 aram matches. I got the snowball one in like 1 or 2 games, but that one seems fucking impossible
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How do I play TFT ?
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Which league ladies would rip/cut/slash/tear you to pieces?
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OTP for this feel?
there's a cap

you were supposed to get one of those buffs when you get an aram heal but the retards at riot must have thought it was too op and made it a 2% chance or some stupid shit like that then added the quest and didnt test jack shit fucking morons im telling you 5000 employees btw
You have to destroy the inhib and kill people with the buff it gives you. All without dying once.
no clue, i couldn't get into it since set 10
i got into tft cause music but then every set after that was disappointment so i never bothered with them
just try to get lots of units from the same trait or something
watch streamers and do what they do
I just build FAMILY and win games in normals, don't know about ranked though.
wait fr?
jelly bimboification?
now lolgs got some taste
a neet fujo does not wear make up lol
For fun? Play without guides and just try builds out

To win? look up 2 or 3 top comps and learn their openings, if you are brand new just look up some easy vertical comps that are decent.
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well I got 3 more in the last game, apparently. no idea how this shit works
>2 normal games
>2 losses
>whole team feeds their ass off for no apparent reason
cool, love queuing up for 3 minutes just to ff 20 minutes later
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Here's how it works:
>When you pick up a health pip (YOU pick it up, not just getting the AOE heal) you gain either Mad Scientist (size change & stat boost) if you're playing Zaun side or Backup Battery (Every 15 seconds, reset non-ultimate cooldowns) if you're Piltover side, for 15 seconds
>When you take out an Inhibitor, the whole team gets the above buff for 60 seconds
>One random ally also gets either Raid Boss (boost a bunch of stats and grow big) Zaun side or City Leader (Summoner Spells have a 15 second cooldown) Piltover side, also for 60 seconds
The mission is to get kills in those time periods.
Which game is everyone moving to once Riot announce another 3 splits in their video?
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No thank you. I'm keeping my Soraka.
theyre smelly?
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i'm a grown ass man, nigga
who cares how many splits there are?
I wish you could hide champ mastery, it's kinda fucking annoying when your team thinks just because you main a champ you'll automatically win them the game without any kind of contribution from their part.
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>Broken, clingy Goth Girl Vi who latches onto you after Caitlyn breaks her heart
How do you respond without making her cry?
According to the 40% decrease in ranked games played I would say about half the people that play ranked. Once this game loses its competitive relevance ARAM won't be able to save it. This game didn't come up because of alternate modes.
when the fuck is the next chapter of this gamd
Good. Fuck these cunts who think that playing 10 games a split, then griefing every time they play because they're "rusty" is ever a good thing.

Ranked is competitive when all these shitty 1 game a month casuals is gone. I'm glad they move it to 3 splits, there is nothing more infuriating than seeing a d1 acc with no games played for 28 days to immediately grief because hes washed.
Wait this looks like my goat.
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Alright, I gave TFT a try... I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm currently winning...
>cunts who think that playing 10 games a split, then griefing every time they play because they're "rusty" is ever a good thing
how often is this a thing?
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>premade duo
>start attacking team
>one of them gets system muted for telling someone to kill themselves
>”lol” in all chat
>his premade seethes and does the whole “equip rope and chair” “go 0-1 in real life” and then “kys” one letter at a time
>im petty so i take like 6 screenshots of the shit he said and send it in and instantly get report feedback
>win next game and enemy Rengar starts calling his top laner inbred trash
>tell him that he didn’t do much ganking
>he starts seething and spamming “inbred Kys”
>starts going through my history and laughing about how I’m gold
>glance at his and he’s never left silver
>mention that and he starts going crazy about hacking my MAC address and hanging me in private messages which of course I saved and made tickets for

Who pooped in their cereal?
That still happens. All 3 splits did was add more problems. The game quality is the worst its ever been because they've reset everyone 3 times in a year. The ladder has no time to stabilize so games are complete coinflips now. High elo players have been repeating that they are having last season GMs and D1s play in the same games.
clean league up
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Sorry, but this is my goat. I think you're mistaking her for that other goat.
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Anyways four dollars a pound. GNM.

No claws today.
almost every game i'm in. fucking graves hasn't played for 14 days yet can't decay him out. meanwhile because hes "smurfing" i get matched up with challenger duo with 98% wr.

this split is still infinitely better than split 2. split 2 i had a fucking negative 11 net wins at the start of the season because of boosted 1200 game monkeys tilting off the face of the earth.

This split im + 11 wins at the moment solely because all those retards got filtered out in emerald. I think season 15 will finish the job and all these emerald peakers who netted 30 wins to d1 will never be able to climb again. Finally my games are enjoyable.
>Half the playerbase left the game but it's ok because losers queue didn't hit me as hard this time around
Are you reading what you're typing?
Did you see that strange goat man in Arcane that got obliterated? I wonder if that was Soraka's people.
I like to flame and end it with :)
>wow that flash was insane! for someone suffering from no hands you're playing incredible!
> :)
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Nope. Do they have two horns and blue skins?
Does anyone look at this?

Everyone in tft looks up the S tier builds and buys that, and if you don't you'll lose every game. Worst game mode they've ever made.
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Check this clip bros
can I get ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Moar Sona milk pls?
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Got my first 1st of the set. All Visionary cause I got Hard Commit.
Carry Heim with the full Visionary boost and a tear is funny as hell. He just never stops shooting rockets eventually cause his spell fills on one auto.
y'know, I don't think he was a goat. Maybe a gazelle?
*Jesus stops you from doing it*
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daily reminder that you're the bottom of the barrel scum of earth parasites that don't deserve the o2 you're wasting
*eats some more o2*
you retard that's not going to help that'll just give you hiccups
Do they look something like this?
Where do I find funny builds - unironically, having F U N in TFT, and it gives a TON of pass XP what the fl*p
*hiccups and keeps going*
*pees on Velkoz's face*
Open your mouth next time, slut.
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>noone checked the clip
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*fingers Dabs' butthole*
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Ambessa seems shit
I think more of her power budget needs to go into her shield giving her tenacity or something
That being said she probably needs something else taken away in exchange
whenever I see her she's either 1v9 by pressing buttons at random or completely useless
Just like the good old times
vg vs vg
Im too stupid to play Zeri I think, she seems really hard :c should i try her? I dont adc much.
Explain these ninjas!
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>swap back to jungle from adc
>life is infinitely better
i'll keep pathing to bot and i'll keep doublekilling adcucks until they swap off that horrific role
nobody should endure the torment of that lane

i'll be the saviour
*locks in the most useless champ, dies 10 times and costs you the game*
>ff at 15
>enemy ffs at 15
>ff at 15
>enemy ffs at 15
>ff at 15
>enemy ffs at 15
>ff at 15
>enemy ffs at 15
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This was every game tonight
Sorry guys I hope the stream was still fun but the game quality was the lowest it’s been in a long time
Love you…
Good work emerald soon
Anyone explain wtf is this bug? Why did hwei ult go randomly upwards when all the mouse clicks are to the right side
did steel die? what happened to him?
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it's an input overload bug but whichever direction the skillshot goes to depends on the type of it

when it happened with qiyana, the skillshots always targeted the center of the map
if you look at the clip the skillshot goes right towards the middle of midlane

otherwise theres a generic input overload bug with characters like aphelios
swapping weapons and using Q or ult after an autoattack or weapon roll will cause the skillshots to go backwards or sideways even if your cursor was never there

the qiyana bug was fixed, everything else will likely never get fixed because it's a server refresh rate problem
Oooh, that makes sense. Thank you
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hwei might have some spaghetti in his code too
>Samira is OP again
>Forced to ban her so my team stops feeding her
okay but for real now there was just an 11/0 draven who was two levels ahead of solo lanes these weeknight lobbies are cursed
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*polymorphs samira mid ult*
Is it true that if a player only gets maybe 1 or 2 kills but dies like 10 or more times that their account gets a timeout penalty?
its like 12-15 deaths in 20 min for a 2 week ban if you get some kills you can evade the ban
I don't get why jungle is the least popular role when it's the most chill one
new smolder feels great, thank you phreak-sama
>submits a ticket to riot explaining that it was just a bad game
solo laners love flaming junglers when they lose the lane on their own
i like it because i hate the early game league is not a game until min 8-12
because it's unplayable without muting/deafening due to scapegoat status
You get flamed no matter what role you're on so I'm still not convinced that's enough of a reason to dissuade so many people from it
people blame jungle the most of out any role. they will also fuck you over as well like stealing your camps because they're behind and you "deserve this" for not ganking their 7/0 laner
how do you get flamed on toplane when the only person who can potentially see your garbage plays is jungle?
how do you get flamed on midlane when the only reason why people know you are shit is when the enemy laner gets a special announcement on a kill?
if you play jungle you are already getting spam pinged before you can finish 3 camps in half of the games
if anything happens to any of the solo lanes they are now following you around in the jungle and spam pinging in a large portion of the games
headin to ihop with all my boys for the night
you guys want anything?
i never get flamed when i play top or mid regardless of my performance
as a jungler i can be ganking bot getting 2 kills and a drake and the mid or top are going to be complaining they arent being babysat because they got ganked once
most players cant even help you by sitting on a bush to block invades the first 30 seconds of the game they just walk under their tower until the minions hit the middle of their lane
this is my experience as someone mainly playing jungle and role swapping when im tired of it
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Get us 6 pancakes.
can I get a waffle
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as long as you play normal for the first 10-15 minutes you can do whatever you want. this game did not get me banned.
a reason to live.
if toplaner types even a single letter that i dont like hes getting full muted so ive never had a toplaner complain before
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I can't wait to get home from work and play Briar
do you work as a cafe cutie?
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New ixtal champ doko
No I handle customs paperwork for freight trains
is everyone here also permabanning ambessa every game or is it just me
that's just you, I perma Master Yi (or Master Pee as I like to call him)
Sam, my bans are always yi or garen.
>yasuo mid vs enemy zed
>see Zed gets first blood
>lvl 2
No ff for like 40 minutes of getting ran through by the Zed.
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I perma malzahar
I dont care that he's not that strong he's a champ for handless retards who want to suckle on a nipple and get carried and it's impossible to int on him
booster seat the champion
uhhh sushi rolls
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What's the last match you guys played where your 4 team mates are just absolute dogshit? Like a Malphite missing his ult in a team fight in the jungle.
you mean all my matches?
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do not talk to my lolg

do not make eye contact with my lolg

do not send friend requests to my lolg don't even come across my lolg in soloq

don't reply to my lolgs posts and dont give my lolg any attention I don't care if you can't tell it's his posts you better fucking learn to read them

I'm warning you, you won't live to regret it, he's MY lolg and he's MINE and ONLY mine and JUST mine and ALL mine
Who do they play? I think I'm tired of all the streams, they've gotten a bit boring.
what happened to lyura
*accepts your lolg's friend request*
why's it so dead tonight? both the queue times and thread are slow as balls
>pass XP
tft has a different pass are you sure you are getting the xp you want
fucked her brains out now she's lying there like a corpse
Like drilling a hole through her skull and sticking your penis into her brain?
no just vaginal extraction without any unnecessary holes
I was gonna stream some but then we went to hang irl

I got a burger
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look at this kino icon i just got
just realized that Chovy is the Hector of League. but what is his item?
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Game is boring and the rewards are underwhelming.
Where the fuck is it? Am I blind? I literally cannot fucking find it.
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champ like this?
when I get a lolg love I'm gonna be yandere
They removed the tan, just go to the store and tick the box that shows BE items
Man, theres really nothing this time around except urfwick.
Not even any chromas.
Actually really lame.
You have to tick the chroma box to see the chromas
Musky old cum smell from unwashed pants with weeks old dried cum
https://www.twitch.tv/miximumdennis i am back on the game. currently aphelios in flex queue
you have a smell fetish?
fuck you for banning my champ now Imma lock in something even worse for you
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how the fuck do I get 5x counterpicked every single game
Briar is so shit
legit zero good matchups in any lane or jungle
it's a dogshit champ like yi and trynda they are only not trash when they have tard base stats and scaling but then they get a 90% winrate in low elo and have to be nerfed
good fuck cringe briar i hope the stupid goblino stays in the dumpster forever
Ye I only played like 2 SR games, and 6 TFT, waiting on one to finish for more XP.
You have to snowball and hope your team can finish before the enemy team catches up
If you fuck up even a single time early you're useless for the rest of the game
>It's another game where bot lane us gapped
Come to think of it, I usually win as ADC. Why am I not climbing through Iron as ADC?
Play ADC? No thanks, I'm not transgender.
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I love malphite.
>>you were supposed to get one of those buffs when you get an aram heal but the retards at riot must have thought it was too op and made it a 2% chance
wut, are you retarded lmao
You get the buff for picking up the health pack itself, no for standing in the circle
Picking up the pack is a 100% guaranteed buff
i have an intense need
this fucking bug is back again lol
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Weirdly specific
Those are not the health pack buffs.

These are the Inhib kill buffs.
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kill yourself
leave it open for 5 minutes it'll be fixed by then. though, if you've just switched accounts it's never a good idea to hit sign out otherwise you end up like this a lot, just altf4 client lmao.
u need 2 be shot in head fr fr
>if you buy the big bundle this event you get the prestige variant
they need to do this more often desu. not like i'm gonna get it though.
wait is it just a fucking chroma. bro we gotta kill riot.
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>vex and briar in the same game
i wouldve been too horny to play this game how did u do it
why are you running cleanse on rell
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too much stuns from ekko and vayne
im too autistic to think of sexualizing something when im not focused on doing that.
it was fine for several months
it's been fucked for me for a while, never had it not break.
I'm forced to play ADC to climb in Iron because every single ADC feeds.
Just play top lane Vayne or Corki.
idk i tihnk ur jhin did better than jinx but i bet his positioning was dogshit (iron so this is 100% the case)
u won with it i stand corrected u r a king
can you report iron screenshots for trolling outside /b/
Trannies are freaks, if that answers your question
you absolutely could.
>chosen of the wolf icons are finally in the store
bravo riot. really hard to ai generate icons, isn't it?
briar isnt a tranny but trannies are freaks.
I already got mine via the me, not sure about the others. To be honest the skins and icons are kinda ugly anyways, the only good thing was the splash art which is again not worth.
yeah im not a big fan of them either. i've got that sort of itchy annoyance in the back of my head where they've only released these skin's icons and not for any other skinline this year (or prior). something about it feels bad.
a real man would have picked Rammus
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>"I have cancer, can I have mid please?"
>"today might be my last day"
>he accepts and I go mid
>feed a little, but still win
>chat restricted for 14 days
cancer is a nono word
if u r actually terminal just bring it up w/ riot lol
ye have fun waiting 3 weeks for a response on ur 14d chat ban lole
shh dont tell him that loool :)
chimp out how RIOT is racist towards cancer patients (don't know if there is a word)
It's the only way you can start to fix this californian dumpster fire of triggered troons
Shouldn't joke about things like that, anon.
he isn't joking, anon. we all have cancer, we're playing league.
I thought support was the fag role.
>play tft
>carry has burn
>has true damage evo aug thing
>enemy has swain
>enemy swain heals through their ability and practically shrugs off the burn
>true damage is tickling him
lol tft is ass man
>ywn tickle him
C'est fini.
Why is Lux classified as a "support"?
>evo aug
isn't this some apex legends shit???
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holy fucking chad look at this dude didn't even buy a support item
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w/e this thing
second item is the support item
>no support item
it's right there.
Are you blind?
>he thought TFT was more balanced than League
>quickplay to test playing support
>adc is full ap malphite
>farms 90cs in 30 min
i dont want to int my team in ranked..
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umm I posted too fast oops
>reach silver 4
>riot turns on losers queue
I thought y'all were memeing about that stuff but I guess it's real. the teams I've been getting are unreal
nah, just didnt expect a 2 star swain to out damage a 3 star maddie ig
Why is it when I die once on Aphelios, it's genuinely over and I can't even come back from that one death?
sighs wistfully i miss playing league of legends but every time i actually try playing it it's so ass dude
got banned for unironically a completely on topic post that simply contained the word retarded on here I hope the mods were having a laff or something if not kill yourself

been making game winning plays with orianna heres one of em. bronze players need to kill themselves
>bronze players need to kill themselves
true actually. also
>fighting when enemy have elder

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