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Previous: >>502889701

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 17/11
>Kai no Kiseki two part spoiler interview with Kondo
>Falcom Plans to Release Multiple New Titles by Fiscal Year Ending September 2026
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki Soundtrack Launches January 2025
>Trails through Daybreak Shizuna Rem Misurugi Figure Announced
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana launches January 7, 2025 in the west
>Interview with Toshihiro Kondo | Bringing One of Adol’s Lost Adventures Back to Life with Ys X: Nordics
>Ys X: Nordics is out on PC, PS4/5 and Switch
>Kondo interview regarding the use of AI translations:
>Falcom President Talks All Things Trails, Daybreak 2, and Kai in Our Biggest Interview Ever
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II Announces February 14th 2025 Release Date
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
ZAMN. Estelle has THAT!?
Based OP
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>Oh, him? He's my fiance, Lloyd Bannings. He just proposed to me haha.
This thread is now property of Heiyue
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Sora news....where.....
The only one that fulfills those things for Van is Shizuna. They both love sweets, they both love Saunas and Hot springs, and Shizuna loves riding Van’s car
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I love Na-chan and La-chan!
What about Jolda?
doll joints....
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Jolda doesn’t have Shizuna’s aura
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Leave the RAT to me, Van!
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Reposting it since it's early in the new thread but I've uploaded the full Kuro 2 Visual Collection.
Get it while it's still hot. Probably don't include it in the OP since it'll get taken down eventually. Feel free to reupload it anywhere you'd like to.

One thing I'd like to add is that this might not be possible with the Kai visual collection (at least with my current methods). I ripped the kindle editions of Hajimari, Kuro 1 and 2 before with Calibre but the DRM bypassing plugin hasn't been updated in a fair bit. We'll see when we get there but the best I might be able to do for Kai is take screenshots of every page for it and upload them.
No Roido you suck
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>next MC will be a girl
>she'll use a bow
>will have a shota sidekick/lover
>will be set somewhere in this region
>coomer artist
It will happen
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Das rite
She's a kid, Van doesn't even register Agnes as a woman because of her age. It seems like he prefers women his age.
Shizuna and Van unironically have the best development with each other, their personalities also bounce off from each other greatly, it was even noted by Elaine.
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He couldn't even take Robo Rufus, so the RAT would completely demolish Jobbings with minimal effort.
Cucknes likes to watch Shizuna’s date with Van
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She'll save us
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Hungry game time.
24 characters.
No dupes.
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Someone post Gunlord
I think the person that can support Van should also be someone that he’s not afraid of “dragging” into the darkness. In conclusion, Shizuna.

Shizuna also has her demon slaying sword, which means that she might be able to rid Van of Vagrants and truly free him.
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which one? kincaid or machias?
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The RATtest
Lloyd party
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the RAT
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Shizuna's ass
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Tsundere Van
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Well yeah, she is not Shizuna. Van can be himself around her though, no?

He does yeah, I was just throwing another option out with my limited knowledge.
She could also wait if she was so inclined but this is a bad idea.

Body swapped VIIs?
Cunny lover Van
I haven’t played Kuro 2 or Kai yet, but is Shizuna and Van ending up together actually possible/teased?
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Guys, he said no dupes.
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Nah I’d win Shizuna
holy sovl
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They became closer in kuro 2 and in Kai there's a pretty huge tease about Shizuna being in love with Van. It all depends on how falcom will take this development, Shizuna seems like the person who doesn't really understand romantic love, so there's a great potential for its development.
Hunger Games anon here. Are these dupes or should I count these as separate characters?
those are dupes.
Definitely separate
Shizuna's ass is a separate character....
Doubt it desu, Shizuna didn't get the kind of importance that Elaine and Agnes got romantically speaking; only chance could be a harem, but I don't see it happening either.
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let shizuna and her ass be separate. it's funny.
Dupes if you counted tsun Van and UOHHH Van as dupes.
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I'm just gonna say dupes for now. I don't wanna set a precedent for someone to send in all of someone's body parts as separate characters. As funny as that sounds.
Shame, I would've posted the entirety of Exodia
It’s definitely possible, no matter how unlikely. It would be a really bold decision by Falcom, but honestly if they handle it well it could definitely be Kino
Well there's still an unresolved development between them. Shizuna clearly mentioned Van as one of her aims to overcome to achieve her true sword. Her connect event also hints that her role as a cursed sword bearer is to exterminate demonic gods, like vagrants-zion for example.
Is Gigachad Lloyd and Lloyd party a dupe too?
Yes. Only one should be used.
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Tyrone Arkride
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naked kloe
Cute and canon!
thicc booty
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Zoa Gilstein
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this bitch
Van is so old haha...
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graham cracker
She loves Crossbell
It’s more than possible, considering he rejected Agnes (and still doesn’t see her as a woman) and that he and Elaine simply aren’t compatible, he might come to the conclusion that Shizuna is the girl for him. Going by how much closer they’ve gotten since Kuro 1, at this rate they might actually get together
Japanese player.....
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Pretty solid lineup.
Will start in like 15-20 minutes. Maybe less.
Place your bets and stuff.
Osborne will scheme again or job in the first round. And Karja....will she win again
its the same fucking characters every time
I remember way more ys guys being in one of the older ones.
Where is Goku?
/fg/ have carefully curated only the very best falcom characters. if your favorite doesn't get in then they simply are not good enough.
Bottom left
I don't think so, she never got that kind of event in the main story, not even a hint, unlike Agnes or Elaine, it's until that connect event in the Grim Garten that she showed slight interest, because I don't remember anything of the sort in connect events in Kuro 2 either, I will replay that one, but the options are pretty set in stone atp imo. And regarding the sword the two of them will definitely clash, but I doubt it will go beyond that and Shizuna realizing her true role, and probably help exorcising Vagrants. I would be pretty surprised if it went further, although I wouldn't be surprised if she joined ASO.
Ntas, but they had us choose between Anies or Elaine in Kuro 2, so I think it's very much likely it'll be one of them or even no one at all.
She showed interest in him in her final bonding event in Kuro 2. Just because she didn’t outright say she liked him doesn’t mean that she didn’t. Also, if they make you “choose” between Agnes and Elaine in Kai 2, it sort of defeats the purpose of a canon ending and atp they’d just make it a choose your own waifu
Kondo wanted the Elaine connect event in the main story as well.
I see, thanks for the uploads. I hope it'll work for the Kai visual collection
All connect events are canon THOUGH. Even Kondo didn't like that some of the connect event weren't in the main story. Kondo pretty much said that Shizuna views Van differently, he tried to dodge the question about Shizuna loving Van romantically >>503005515
But his last sentence was a dead giveaway. It can go both ways really, there's enough development for Shizuna to start showing romantic interest in Van in kai 2 or if falcom wouldn't want to include they can easily do it as well.
in Ys X if you jump and spam attack and switch characters at the same time repeatedly the fall becomes a thousand time slower and you can basically just glide across the map and possibly get out of bounds in the right spot with enough height because of the way it teleports the other character and does a combo attack if you switch while attacking
i gotta try that lol
Elie Lu (Xin)
desu its pretty stupid how theres basically no cooldown for switching characters as long as you can mash the button fast neough
Thanks anon!
Bottom right is pure sexo
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Let's get started.
Oh my god it's the Broly culo meme
I think someone should add your mega link to pastebin or to the OP.
Lloyd & Joshua already jobbed
gardenmaster looks like a grieger in that one concept art
>Shizuna's ass snaps Misty's neck
My sides
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Agnes talks to her dad.
Van had no more sweets....
this is the second time van died from hunger lmao
That's what happens when you don't have enough sweets...
Also one of the reasons I think it's pretty much set
I'll have to rewatch that one, but I don't remember anything hinting at romantic feelings there either, you got the far east teasing and Shizuna did want him to meet his grandma I think, but nothing really major like that
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Rean comforts Elie after Lloyd's passing.
romantically speaking there, because far east is a pretty big deal actually and so is the Ikaruga's leader, I hope she shows up in Kai 2.
Kek. No Karja sweep this time
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cute and canon
Throwback to a few threads ago when reanfags had a melty because one guy cuckposted them once
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Agnes fucking hates Estelle.
Lloyd don't look...
Estelle keeps losing her shit
>Van dies from hunger
>Anelace dies from thirst
I don't think the bushes are doing a good job...
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Nevermind, guess they made up.
Bestelle? More like Worstelle
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>Osborne jobs to Juna
Crossbell wins again
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What did she steal?
Moneys on Shizuna’s ass taking this to succeed Loli Shizuna and avenge Tsun Van
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Very wholesome night.
GIlstein...uh oh
>pinkette bimbos
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It's happening. Only Rean can save us from Zoa Gilstein like last time...
shizunas ass is too powerful
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Shizuna's ass is singing.
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The RAT how does he do it?
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Kondo cancels the Sky remake.
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lol the ysbros got massacred this game
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Osborne can't escape
No way Osborne jobbed twice to Juna
That's my president!
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The nigger Gilstein is next btw
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This is turning out to be quite a long game.
Osborne...saved Elie...Crossbell....?
Based Osborne, killing Crossbellan whores.
the rat is awfully calm...
Wait no he killed her lol
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Rene solves the Crossbell problem.
Haha naked Kloe and Shizuna's ass seem to be awfully close
Osborne is dead, Juna won
Honestly the Kondo picture is how I feel about this game
Osborne you retard kek
Agnes died.....
Is Ezer in love with Karja? Is Karja in love with Ezer?
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Emilia got an infection...
Rean has done fuck all
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No more Rean.
the rat has a plan
it's over. Kondo is gonna win
Okay, Rat, it's up to you now.
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Crow is next btw
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Nothing's really happening.
trust the plan
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Gramheart has had enough of Kloe's horniness.
The last Sky character.....
Lechter is next btw
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What was Gramheart's plan here?
Kek what the fuck
He already won, all that's left are CID agents
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The final two...
classic kondom
Kondo's reaction lel
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She got her revenge!
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The Harem Queen....
Rata I believed in you...
ratbros... not like this...
Cucknes lost.
Giga Stacy won.
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EmiliaGODs how are we feeling?
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Emilia won. Gramheart got the most kills with 3.
That was a long ass game...
In his Kincaid in Heaven form he would've surely won
It's over...
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Really was lol. Good night
You did well... better luck next time.
Very cute, lively artwork
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playing metaphor and it's nice but it's got me missing my falcomslop. is there a kai patch in the works or did prinny kill those
Based madlad
A couple anons were talking about translating the item table a week or two ago but there's no actual translation project going on as far as I'm aware.
Kai patch is probably not happening, at least not until a pc port gets announced. If anything, Kai will probably be localized in 2025, so the wait might not be too long
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Trails of the World releases in Fall 2025
god bless falcoom
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japanese it is i guess...dekinai-chan here i come...
God fucking dammit!
If Van (me) can't romance this ass in kai 2. I'm done.
/fg/ was so ungrateful for the Kuro 2 patch that nobody wants to do it.
Dude Van is SO lucky for fuck’s sake
Kuro 2 patch was a godsend and any dumbfuck cuck who complained about it should genuinely feel shamed
Doesn't seem likely. No clue when Nisa gets to it.
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imagine the smell...
Can we get some new content?
The best I can do is Kuro 1, but worse, haha
Thanks Kondo-san
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Cumming inside of an ovulating Towa!!!!!!
Could’ve sworn I saw something like this on R34…
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No problemu!
Mascot sexu!
Towa is the biggest upgrade for an old character in kuro. Nerdy look makes her sexier and those pants and that ass are just perfect
I haven’t played Kai yet, but who gets Towa, Rean or Crow?
i was grateful for the patch and the anons who made it i just wasnt grateful to falcom for making the game
even in my post after beating it where i shit on the game i thanked the patch anons for their work
I liked her before, too. Short girls are my jam
Crow and Rean share their women like true bros
Yeah, but the tools not being updated for tables is an issue.
That is a fantastic ass
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>who gets Towa, Rean or Crow?
No one. No relationship was confirmed for any of them.
Who won harder… Van with Shizuna’s ass, or Rean with Towa’s ass?
I am the guy that shows up here sometimes for kurotools stuff and It takes barely any effort to add support, I haven’t checked the thread in days to know if any specific tables have been said but adding support for tables is fairly easy and most of the schemas from kuro 1 or 2 still work
So, do we think Kyoto Xanadu releases next year or what? I assume we'll find out for sure next month.
Pick your Zolga
Exposed ass. Bending forward. It's perfect.
Kurt sucks.
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mp4 is allowed now haha
absolute garbage quality
>still no sound
....on Sully's tits!
>Shizuna can't be a romance option because she was not before

This is such fucking stupid argument, I have no idea why someone unironically uses it. By this logic Rixia, Noel, and the NU class VII girls can't be options.

It can go either way but can't we just agree that there's setup with Shizuna in regards to romance
Yea. Not sure what's the point.
Did this on my phone haha
that didn't stop falcom from caving and letting fie get romanced
She does?
in cs arc I meant. they went out of their way to make fie a pure friendzone option in cs3
None of those are canon
I tried updating an schema once but it didn't turn out well. t_itemhelp is a new table that needs support, falcom moved the effects of items/crafts to that table. t_active_voice needs an update, the new mid-battle voice lines have their subtitles there.
There are others that don't work for me, but those two are priority.
How can Kurt suck what doesn't exist?
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That's not the point retard. The point is they eventually became romanceable. Nobody is arguing they are canon.
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cant wait for the mod that removes the black underwear
Estelle is amplified by Joshua. Without him she is nothing.
Vacuum suck and hard work!
If it's not canon then it doesn't matter
What's the point if it isn't canon?
I'll take a look, shouldn't be too hard
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Made for rebound sex.
My sister belongs to me!
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Rean...you didn't tell me his break meter would reset...
She will be canon.
Agnes, Elaine or no one is far more likely anon.
Shizunatards have brain damage.
calm down bro don't melt
Hi Joshua
She thinks Julia is hot
Joshy is right. He carried SC
Hi Joshua
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Made to be KEKED by her best friends
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I think Lloyd should creampie Tio.
Foursome kino
Haha... there's enough Rean (me) to go around.
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Impressive thinking
But I'm Rean!
I think so, too!
Haha, that's our closeted bisexual Estelle!
No.....Estelle is a CHUDETTE. SHE HATES GAYS
(You)? Are (me). Haha...
Even in the original Japanese she wants to see a candid Julia photo album, complete with blushing face. Anon checked.
I am (him)....(him) is (me)....
I hugely appreciate their work, from what I remember it was just one falseflag shitposter pretending to be a NISAFag that was slagging it off. /fg/ patches and the zerofield patches do so much for the community, otherwise we'd probably be completely dead given how long the Kuro loc times were. the fandom is already pretty dismal compared to the peak hype cycle around cs3/cs4 but with no patches there would probably be no /fg/ anymore
And now we gotta wait around 2 years, haha... Hope it gets reduced somehow
Cute Alisa. Sexy cleavage
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Arios....know anything else bud?
No wonder you mastered it, haha...
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Renne told me it wasn't a safe day, but I came inside her anyway
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Rat really raped all of them
why did you steal my post
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And while holding back for 99% of the fight until he decided to stop fucking around. Animating the 1 boss vs a mob of party members really sells the sheer power of these guys.
Okay, just made a schema for t_active_voice

it will be a while before I get t_itemhelp.tbl because of all those headers it has. this one took a bit because I had to basically redo it from the start because there's a few random values changes in the middle of the file and I wanted to make sure that it would roundtrip and reproduce a 1:1 of the original table when decompiled and recompiled with no changes so there's less chance it would crash in the future when used in game.
literally just rixias body with the head swapped
no shit anon
Yeah, all the sequence there was pretty cool
Joshua vs loewe with the new animations is going to be so kino.
kino incoming
I hope they give this outfit to even more female characters in future games
I fucking hate that so much, I will never forgive them for fucking up Fie's relationship in Sen III.
Sure is. Nice butt btw
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-puffy Juna areolas.
Don't cheat on Sully!
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Nobody thinks that, not even (you)
Garbage character.
Why can we not say it in front of the RMP? What is it?
I can't say.....
That's a....
You can say though. Plus I am quite curious.
>"I faked my tests, dad is on the board of directors, his agents are watching me"
whats wrong with julia
She got completely flanderised into being loved by everyone for no reason. Kloe Estelle Noel and Ellie want her cummies so much that they revert to cavemen. And her door is 20 minutes long when all I wanted to see was Mueller.

I won't reply I'm flying an early flight. Don't talk about Julia. She doesn't deserve the attention.
>want her cummies so much that they revert to cavemen
Claire said I can't
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Thanks, map jump and place are some that need updates too, if you have time. I'm not in a hurry tho, Van's route is pretty long.
What if I ask Claire nicely?
She will arrest you
I am not Juna or a Crossbell citizen though? Can I at least make some calls when imprisoned?
>Can I at least make some calls when imprisoned?
Sure haha
Hardly ideal but at least I can call people for entertainment.
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Omg... Rosalind is such a girlboss XD Nobody can stand up to her X3
are you supposed to be able to fish off the side of the boat in ys X?
It was his hat, Chief Sergei! He was number one!
Only at the fishing circles on the overworld map
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looks like they restructured most of t_place, made a quick schema, should work. gonna head to bed now and I'll finish t_mapjump and t_itemhelp tomorrow

I never tried while walking around on the deck, but I know you can do big fishing on the ship by sailing to certain glowing circles
okay cause i have this bait that i cant seem to actually use anywhere
These two should become a canon couple.
That's what you use for the circles you see while sailing.
Yeah, those are for the fishing spots on the overworld map, which all have the same fish (Tuna Onyx) and are depicted by yellow sparkles on the map
oh alright thanks
Ogre van…
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She is adorable
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She sure is
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Mare will be revealed as Lazuli, who is somehow lapis’ sister for whatever reason
I can’t believe that fat lawyer did it again.
I wasn't sold on Van X Shizuna before Kai but now I genuinely think there isn't a more ideal woman for him. Those two have more chemistry than Elaine or any of Van's employees. She seems to care about him a lot too.
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it was nice that van recognized that even though shes a pain in his ass she always come through for him when it matters
How did Judith, Risette and Feri become such failures in the Vanbowl?
At this point, I just want her to do fucking something already
They never entered
Falcom refuse to actually let have any real screentime they just stand there in the background
Pretty sure it's still down to Agnes or Elaine
Of course.
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needs correction
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Agnes won’t win. It’s probably Elaine, but she’s such a pain in the ass to Van that they might decide that even though they have unresolved feelings, it’s best that they don’t pursue a relationship.

The most likely option is that Van remains single, desu.
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Lapis deserves better than Rufus
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Rufus deserves better than having anything to do with the picnic shitters
They (mostly Lapis) saved him
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Rufus loves the picnic squad
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Lloyd saved him
Count him too
Shizuna is perfect for him. Like literally made for Van. Don’t write her off yet.
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Next month at the shareholder's meeting
I hate so much that whenever there’s a secretive villain in Kiseki someone is always like “I thought it would be you.” Or “I had a hunch” WHY DONT THEY JUST SAY THEY WERE THINKING THAT MOST OF THE GAME COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED
My god that image is 3 KB that’s genuinely impressive
hmm... (could it be...?)
(tch. knew it)
If Van entered a relationship with..

Agnes - devoted but will spoil him. Unequal

Elaine - clingy jealous type. Mature. Cares for him but doesn't care for his hobbies

Shizuna - needy, immature but fun. Takes part in his hobbies

Renne - a lot of trauma bonding. Career woman so busy most of the time
that was in tokyo xanadu as well kek
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Leave headpats to me!
when is falcom going to do a adol vs rean 1v1
Ok Ester
Maybe in a future Ys vs Trails?
i think adol would beat the shit out of him
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Can I have a headpat
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Oh Joshy boy...
Van isn’t Van without his hobbies.

Shizuna it is then
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wait...no... it's nothing...
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extremely cute bum
Yea I love it!
how would altina react if rean complimented her butt
With shock, embarrassment, and happiness all at the same time.
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Glad you enjoyed it.

It's all good.

>Estelle Schwartz
I guess it's... plausible? Estelle doesn't fall for Joshua but instead ends up crushing too hard on Julia. Don't think Julia would reciprocate initially, at least in part due to the age gap (she's like at least 8-10 years older than Estelle given she's about the same age as Kanone, which Anelace would still approve of and congratulate them on but I digress), but also Julia would be fairly self-conscious of it and at minimum mildly nervous of what Cassius might think. I guess if Estelle genuinely were serious about trying to get together with her he'd not really object, though Julia still might hold her off a slight bit until Estelle's just a bit older. Them actually getting together eventually might be kinda cute, if still a bit unorthodox a pairing.

>Noi Schwarzer x Towa (romantic relationship): how would others react to them ending up an item? How would McBurn?
Tried to be as thorough as I could with this one.

As previously mentioned, Rean likely wouldn't be too opposed to it. While protective, he would certainly trust Towa to take care of her, and honestly he'd probably be glad knowing Noi would be watching out for her too. Elise might be a little flustered at the idea, but likewise supportive of them, mostly happy knowing Noi was able to open up to someone in that way. Teo and Lucia honestly might be all the more supportive of such a thing, all the ready to welcome Towa into the family, deeply flustering her and Noi both, made all the more embarrassing when Fred and Martha end up on the same wavelength. Kai would probably be the grumpiest toward Noi, given how protective toward Towa he was when Rean was around, and if not dismissive toward her at the very least demanding she treat his cousin right "or else."
Angelica would admit to some mild jealousy of the fairy girl winning over Towa but at the same time find the idea adorable, and if anything glad that Towa has someone so dedicated to her watching out for her. George, at least when he's acting as Copper Georg, would be dismissive of the two, especially with how far Noi's dedication to Towa might actually be, only to end up realizing he might have truly underestimated the fairy once he actually threatens Towa in their confrontation in the Gral; once he's back to being George, he'd be noticeably more chill toward them. Crow, once he's actually back to being Crow in the Rivalries and beyond, would be the most open to tease the pair, probably being the one to point out that Towa's probably most happy being the taller one in the relationship for once, annoying both her and Noi, but he too would admit that he's glad to see someone dedicated to the little workaholic and keeping her from overexerting herself.

Randy would probably tease them too but have just a bit more tact in it, given how Towa's more a coworker rather than as an especially close a friend, but he would at least ponder (to himself) how exactly a relationship like that would work in a more... intimate sense. Schmidt's attitude toward Noi wouldn't change one way or another, she'd still be the annoying little mystery box he is yet to fully understand, the fact that she's snogging Towa on her off time would be mostly irrelevant to him. Likewise Aurelia wouldn't really be bothered by it, though she might give Noi a little moniker that'd mildly annoy her, like calling her "Towa's little knight" or the like. Most of the rest of the branch campus would vary, with some finding the idea bizarre at first but getting over the initial shock decently quickly, others thinking it kinda cute (and Musse using her active imagination to imply how things might "work" with them, to the chagrin of her classmates), with a scant few mostly apathetic.
McBurn, depending on how much he remembers of Nayuta's life when his memories start coming back, might find the fact that Noi fell for another Herschel mildly hilarious, though he might also slightly more seriously tell (warn) Towa to treat Noi right, as she deserves it given all the heartache and suffering poor fairy had been through even before ending up in Zemuria. At the same time he would probably be pleased to see them doing well when reuniting with them in Reverie, leading to a conversation or two that looks intensely weird to most outside observers of Towa, Noi, and McBurn casually chatting together.

Okay, didn't see any others, but if I did my apologies, please let me know. Hope you all have a good day.
*if I did miss them my apologies
Bah. Should try to be more awake in the morning.
Thanks, nice work fanfic femanon.

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