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Visual Novel General #6078

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTLR+C and paste them with CRTL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>502891195
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Karenschizo BTFO
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Good enough
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any vns like maggot baits? i dont care much about the gore or h-scenes but rather the setting
I wonder how the AI Karen OP feels right about now.
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I mean we've done this to him hundreds of times by now
he knows better
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he will try again
don't let your guard down
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>evil women
always kino to conquer morally deficient heroines
The ABSOLUTEL STATE of braindead moege manchildren!
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>can just use multiple creation figments
Grimdark city?
Gekkou no carnevale
Jouka no monsho
I only read plotge doe
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>A chaste Yamato Nadeshiko who will kill self if forced to have sex
She should kill the rapist instead
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so many schizos in this general nowadays, and to think you guys used to complain about me
SakuMoyu bros, it's happening...
true chastity is biting one's tongue, you wouldn't get it
goes to show how much people hate fatties
It is, it kind of makes sense while they are part of his legion but iirc he can still use them after Ren steals half of the LDO.
VNDB link for it
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>try to read moege
>get bored 2 hours in
>switch to something good like plotge or H rpg
Why are moege so bad?
When you finish a really good ge, do you process it by simply not reading for a while, or do you read sloppa so that your next anticipated read isn't soiled by how good the the last one was?
>2 hours in
moege are simply not for ADD zoomies
the sloppa one
>Try to read plotge
>NTR scene 2 hours in
>unavoidable heroine rape
Why are plotge so bad?
it do be like that
get filtered
Rape as drama
In the words of God KIng Todd Howard "It just worrks"
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i dont find this hot more than i find it interesting
Why does this kusoge have male MC on futa h-scenes? i don''t want to see a gay foreplay session where the MC rubs his cock along the cock of his girlfriend. And sure as hell I dont want to see the guy fuck the heroine in the ass while she shoots her jizz from her massiv cock. What is this gay shit? Kamige my ass. I didn't waste my time MTL this shit to see faggot bait.
futas are a girls you faggot
a girls what
Is that sakura no toki?
Male on futa is extremely heterosexual doe
Only futa on male is gay
First scaji VN?
If it has a cock and it turns you on, then you are gay.
simply false
>mtltard reads scatji trash without knowing what scatji trash is all about
>get surprised by it
There was no futa shit in Sakura no Uta.
mtlnigger karmic justice
I rather fap to bestiality rape scenes than this gay shit.
>bestiality rape
those are awesome though
What's next? Wanna tell me that trap sex is also not gay?
Nijuuei had yaoi
Moekan unknown
H20 had trap
Subahibi had Yaoi and Futa
Ikikoi had mc getting dildo'd by gf
Tsui no sora remake had Futa humiliation
Supreme candy himawari unknown
Imagine being such a NEWFAG. Im straight btw but try out anal masturbation at least once. Its pretty good
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you're right anon, nothing else quite says I'm straight like anal masturbation
Has Itsuka Furu Yuki seriously never been translated? And no reviews on vndb?
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Alright after a bunch of half cool half retarded shit in this final phase they finally have something cool happen
>Dying Heroine
Gay only exists when theres another man. You put the action in a box because you are close minded.
More for me then, first time I tried it I came instantly
many such cases
90% cool 10% retarded*
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>tfw you took a whole bunch of really good screenshots of this game but then your SSD died and you lost them all
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NTR Type C > NTR Type B > Netorase > NTR Type A > Netori
no idea what VN this is from but i have a strong feeling that it's utter shit.
Type A > Netorase > B > Netori >>>>>> C
I lost a bunch of JOP screenshots this way. Remember to back up your files bros.
many such cases
Backups bubby, backups
we need more mass murderer heroines
>over 40 years
>fights all day on shitter with imaginary enemies

>jopGOD (hadler)
>still in his 30s
>travels the world
>kamige enjoyer
Dead Days
Love & Cutthroat
Ouju no Shima.
>transforming heroines
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AI 2 was such a mistake.
>>still in his 30s
>>travels the world
>>kamige enjoyer
All of these things can be true and you'd still be deeply unhappy and trying to fill a hole inside you that can never be filled. I'd know.
>trying to fill a hole inside you that can never be filled.
Just become a trap.
Is there a worse tag than "no romance plot"?
After taking a look at it the only vn with that tag I like was Rance 01 and it shouldn't even be on it in the first place, there are at least 3 different romance subplots on that game.
>Is there a worse tag than "no romance plot"?
Unavoidable Death of Heroine?
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>Only trap heroines
sound isn't working
>Seiji gets Akira (no direct relation but he's her dad's rival)
>Ayumi gets Dan (they both like games)
>Rinko gets Yurika (both ojou-samas)
>Mizuki gets Shinno (wants to rape her)
>poor Kira gets no focus and is doomed to be irrelevant (I hope I'm wrong)
I dropped it because they managed to make dream sequences (the first game's main feature and the coolest part about it) a boring slog and introduced a bunch of literally who characters with a dumb reused E17 twist.
I guess I'm the only person who thought 2 was better than 1. The Somnia were actual puzzles instead of just trial-and-error, and they fully embraced the absurdity of the whole thing.
Werkz on my machine
She's in the third route
Maybe I should've read more than the start of the third route before posting.
The somniums and gameplay were better, but the plot and mystery was way worse.
In particular, the twist is inexcusably bad. It's the ever17 twist again but worse in every way. The fact that Uchikoshi had absolutely no idea how to reveal it properly so they just have a character look directly at the camera, go well it's about time you knew the truth, explicitly break the 4th wall, and tell the reader what was really happening the whole time is insane. The dude couldn't think of a single way to actually integrate the twist underpinning the mystery into the story.
kek what a hack
Honestly, that twist felt really inconsequential. The main plot twists were the fact that what you thought was 6 years ago was actually the present, the whole thing with Bibi, and the identity of Tearer + his motives. It sort of felt like they just shoehorned in that E17 plot twist right at the end because they wanted to put Takumi Nakazawa's name in the credits.
>twist felt really inconsequential
>the fact that what you thought was 6 years ago was actually the present
>the whole thing with Bibi
Anon that was what I was talking about. Both of those are ripped directly from ever17 and are the main twists of the game. The fact that he also did Blick Winkel again is an afterthought.
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Finished Marie route. If I had known I was like 2 hours away from finishing the route I wouldn't have taken a month long break from the VN. I swear this shit happens to me with every VN... Anyway I'm more confused as to how I feel about this VN than ever, but the ending for this route did make me feel pretty emotional. Onto the final route. NO fucking clue where they go from here I love marie but Kei is the only girl to prove herself to be a good heroine so far. Very low hopes for Rea
Rea's route is the best one.
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Rea's route is good, but will continue your observed trend of Kei being the only good heroine
Kei is the only good girl in the game.
NTR is an otaku loser paranoia. Any real work of literature written since the 20th century has the women cheating on their man as a symbol of newfound sexual liberation of the changing gender roles of women in modern society.
Your Rusalka?
Prostitute heroines that work for free?
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We HATE fatties in this general.
This general is for SLIM girls only.
Double bonus for slim flat girls.
>his type is slim pale teens
yawn, wake me up with you develop actual taste
>I'm unable to masturbate if the girl doesn't have gigantic ass and tits bigger than her head
Actual caveman behavior
I bet you're black too.
Yes to all three.
>his type is slim pale teens
yes and my favorite beverage is water
This is my type of woman.
My type is girls with long black hair tied into a ponytail.
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This is my type of woman.
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This is my type of woman
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This is my type of woman.
>tits bigger than her head
erobunny fucking when
Perfect mediums
Any VNs about mechanized infantry?
Not quite what I had in mind with the mechanized part of my infantry
>NTR is ... le bad!
99% of the pro-ntr posts in /vn/ are just people baiting, nobody here actually reads ntrge.
Glad you understand.
>henpri will be getting an official TL before Henpri 2 with the Forrest Dump route releases
Why would they make an Itsumama game where the dad is still alive? That's really fucked up. I don't want to cuck my dad. I just want to fuck my mom.
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i wonder if qruppo is even doing eroge anymore or if they're chasing mango/animu bux
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In some of them (not this one, one of the ones with three moms, I forget which), he's not only alive, he's a fairly important character and a total bro. They basically fall into three categories
>Dad is dead/divorced
>Dad is around but barely exists and it's basically only ntr by implication, none of the dialogue touches on it
>actual netori
Most are 1-2, only a couple are 3. I guess after making 10+ mom-fucking games they wanted to mix it up a bit?
After Henpri, abandoning eroge would be the second funniest thing they could possibly do (the funniest being making an all-ages game). It's hardly unprecedented, aquaplus made all those ads for Uta 2 saying "take gaming back from phones!".
I choose to believe they've been busy with the anime and the Nukitashi 1+2 remaster and their next project is coming soon. While I'd obviously like it to be Henpri 2, there's tons of potential for great routes there, them doing something totally original and new and moving on from Seiran would be totally fine too. I just want them to confirm they still exist and make things. (I'd also like inre and tonework's to do this too).
i have played all of them, only 4 have the dad as a char, in two they are divorsed, but in one of those two you still cuck him because you can fuck his new wife

in the other 2 they are still married, one doesnt feel bad because the dad is somewhat of an asshole, but the other one is kinda sad, the dad has an sprite and genuinelly trusts his familly
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>lesbian lets you hit specifically and only because it's you
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Nukitashi should've had more sensei sex.
All VNs should have sensei sex.
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>MC: I'll do better next time
>"if there is a next time"
at least she's committed to the bit
The hardest part of reading Dies Irae is knowing there's no way to rape Reinhard.
I came to pay my respects and commend you on your enlightened choice, o King.
People here do read plotge, anon.
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I bought my imouto the switch version of Clannad. I think she'll like it since she watched the anime years ago
>(the funniest being making an all-ages game)
All-ages can be very horny.
No you don't, and almost no plotge have any actual ntr, it's all just memes and shitposting.
>MC is such a twink that the lesbian dom doesn't mind doing him like one of her bitches
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>All-ages can be very horny.
It's the absolute worst when all-ages get horny as fuck.
Hentai Prison localization and Freedom Wars Remaster coming in the same time frame. That's kind of funny considering the premises
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VN with shimaidon?
It's actually really funny you should mention that.
I'm trying to play Wanko to Kurasou, but this protagonist is getting on my nerves. Why is this game so insistent that he isn't into it. I have some random girl in my home, who I'm literally grooming by giving her copious amounts of porn and this other dog girl that I'm literally fucking every other day, but the protag still insists he's actually a sexless saint.
>nobody here actually reads ntrge.
Does downloading a gallery save and fapping counts as reading?
I like it as smut though I don't insert myself as anyone involved.
Super Dimension Noire > Hyper Dimension Noire
I will die on this hill.
Doesn't that make you the worst cuck of all? Its meta ntr
It's kind of a weird game that way and the protagonist is a very weird guy.
Still, it's worth reading for Mikan.
purples are best
Yes I do.
Yes they do.
No, they're not.
I see myself as more of a voyeur enjoying someone's else suffering,
oh yeah? name three
bros, is it ntr if the girl fucked a fake digital version of you multiple times on the matrix?
Except you won't be able to name any actual examples that aren't just memes and shitposting.
Sakura, BB and the other Sakura
No, because it was her mother the whole time so that's okay.
There is a 0% chance anyone sane will commit all these hours into clannad. Your imouto also doesn't read VNs and it was ages ago. Very awkward gift, anon
>this scenario of the love interest having sex with others is not real NTR, because...
You're coping. Almost every single high rated plotge has NTR to the point where it is harder to find one that doesn't.
And yes, sex against her will and BSS count as NTR too.
We've unironically reached the point where there's people in /vn/ who have not actually read any VNs but uncritically believe every single shitpost they believe about them. That's the only way to explain posts like these.
If she didn't consent, it's not NTR.
Used goods is also NTR btw
If people actually read ntr they'd realize the genre has been in horrible decline for years.
There's still some bright spots - the new orcsoft game is excellent - but on the whole the genre is being hard carried by rpgmaker games, and even then there's very few good ones.
You could be right, but she'll appreciate that I was thinking about her at least.
Doesn't help that Atelier Sakura, or w/e that company's name is, keeps shitting out these awful works with horrid coloring and sterile, fluorescent lighting. AS's CG coloring is unironically worse than Miel's coloring, and that's saying a lot because Miel is like the McDonalds of nukige.
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Also shout out to Fujikino, who came out of nowhere and has released multiple absolutely excellent games that are legitimate works of art in a very short time (probably because the games themselves are short). They have problems, but I'm a sucker for someone so small and new doing something with so much ambition.
Well worth checking out.
I don't even bother with Atelier Sakura anymore. They made Marina, which is legitimately peak and some of the best of all time, and it's been all downhill since with a few notable bright spots and exceptions.They will release 20+ games a year and one or two will be alright, and every two to three years one will be fantastic but I just can't sift through to find it anymore.
I think the problem is less that his read doesn't read VNs and more that Clannad is just that big of a juggernaut, the Kyoani adaptation is a rare case of a an adaptation surpassing the original VN, if only because it has nice production values while being a more digestable omnibus of the story.
>newfag can't imagine anyone actually reading a VN
You can't make this shit up.
We get it, you love ntr, anon. Knock it off.
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*his sister doesn't read VNs
At least Studio Pork delivers on good new netori games.
Qrd? Never heard of them, but they sound promising.
thanks for nothing retard
>the Kyoani adaptation is a rare case of a an adaptation surpassing the original VN
I guess you are only referring to the after story? You'd only prefer the anime if you have no patience or can't read
This reminds me of the that present giving imouto eroge, where the game criticizes for giving literally anything to your sister and she acts likes she fucking hates you regardless of what give her. I've gotta get back to that, its only like 6 hours.
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Brand new company that makes short plotntrge with astonishing production values and effort and style. I really, really like them.
Oh, absolutely. Don't get me wrong, I love studio pork, they're incredible. But they're filling a different niche.
which one
we all love ntr here unironically dough
You see some people leaving negative reviews for Clannad because it was too big for the idea.
Stuff like Fate/Stay Night justifies its size by having many routes and memorable moments, Clannad is bigger than it needed to, doesn't mean the content is bad, a big dick is effective until it's so big that it can't fit anymore.
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>ntr, anon
Say that again?
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The name is long
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Burning Hot Redhead
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Hmm...is this really something safe to gift to my imouto? I don't want her to get any wrong ideas...
>You see some people leaving negative reviews for Clannad because it was too big
Zoomers maybe, any noteworthy site has Clannad as one of the highest rated VNs.
>Stuff like Fate/Stay Night justifies its size by having many routes and memorable moments
lmao this has to be bait.
With little sisters, its either this or her telling you to kill yourself. No in between.
>the shirokami robot heroine was the true mc all along

and it was fucking kino, actual unironic kamige
>I read clannad when I was 12 and it made me cry :( which means it's a 10/10 timeless masterpiece
I hate keyfags so much.
I told you the payoff was worth it.
People just watched the anime and then rate the VN without finishing it.
>lmao this has to be bait.
No, FSN never feels like it's getting too big.
this is me with g senjou, and im not rereading it, no way in hell im ruining those memories
Yes it does.
as opposed to?
>I coomed to Electric Boobaloo 50 times which means it's a 10/10 timeless masterpiece
nothing wrong to rank something high because it made you cry
FSN is mediocre
Meant to say M*L
>>I coomed to Electric Boobaloo 50 times which means it's a 10/10 timeless masterpiece
This is unironically true.
When will Appetite stop releasing the same game over and over again?
Too small
>I coomed to Electric Boobaloo 50 times which means it's a 10/10 timeless masterpiece
It is a kamige among nukige thoughever
Rereading it after Remastered came out made me notice how the stuff I was reading recently was lower-quality.
FSN is genuinely a stand out VN.
Same thing with Ace Attorney, another "entry-tier" VN that's genuinely top-tier overall.
Appetite actually mixes it up fairly frequently, they do some fairly wild shit you wouldn't see anywhere else. Some of their games cater to extremely niche fetishes.
Miel releases the exact same vn 1-2 times a month.
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really loved how it was building up to a very heated resolution, only for everything being resolved in a very calm and levelheaded conversation i actually got emotional at pic rel
just like umineko
Extra is another good example of a VN people read as one of their first so they don't release it's legitimately one of the best.
kill yourselves spoilerfags
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Evil skynet mommy actually being totally reasonable and everything being resolved by talking it out is the last thing I expected and an actually great twist. The final sequence is excellent.
Poor Akari...at least it was all just the matrix so it doesn't count and she's still pure.
Oh my god, they're massive
Raita makes good cows, this does nothing for me.
Those picks are not top tier VNs.
The only one this probably applies to is S;G where the story still looks good after reading a number of VNs afterwards.
It absolutely does, and it has far fewer routes than Clannad too.
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Umineko is banned from discussion in VN
Karen hivemind working as intended
I've been reading VNs since the early 2000s and I've never read MuvLuv Extra
You probably should at some point.
Yep. Their brains stopped developing around that time too. Going so far as to claim clannad isn't too long when there's 12-24 anime shows with the same emotional payoff when they are actually written/directed competently.
>inb4 keyfags disagree
You ready? [sound]Angel Beats[/sound]
>Their brains stopped developing around that time too
> [sound]Angel Beats[/sound]
oh no no no no
I heard that, thanks for the soundpost.
I read fate and 1/3 into ubw recently and it's genuine slop that drags out with unnecessary SOL which is painfully obviously a result of retards telling Nasu Tsukihime didn't have enough.
>reading remastered sloplation
Then again you already made it clear you're an imbecile
>>reading remastered sloplation
What's especially funny is you can tell this anon has never read it and has no idea what the TL quality is, he's just wildly assuming.
I blame mobile but then again it actually fits since everyone can playback the piano OP, T.K or Tenshi's lines in their brain so it's ok
Retarded faggot I made the comparison images in the first place because it butchered every single emotional and big moment in the game by using weaker language. Not to mention writing fan fiction sentences that weren't in the original
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"I'll meet you there... at the end of time."
vns for this kino?
>try to break into girl's room in the middle of the night to threaten to rape her to teach her not to sneak glances at your cock in the bath
>get caught
>she gets punished
Hajimete no Okaa-san
Teacher is a sad horny cake too old for anyone to love or fuck (26), gets angry when she sees her students in a relationship.
middle age hags clinging to the last scraps of their youth are moe
gameplay ge or moege for my next vn

if gameplay ge i have yumina and beat blades haruka

if moege i have kakenuke and amanatsu
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reading chink kino, funny how Kugimiya rie come back to VN is a chinkVN
She does plenty of all-ages stuff.
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Need help finding a VN. All I remember is it was set in a mansion. You had to seduce the girls before some other guys could. I believe pregnancy was a possible factor.
last time she did anything was RN Dash. https://vndb.org/s500
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>Teacher is a sad horny cake too old for anyone to love or fuck (26), gets angry when she sees her students in a relationship.
Even yuri?
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>only loli heroines
>no sexual content
killing myself
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bros I thought Shiravune was done for after the bitcoin heist?
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no, it's very heterosexual
was "voiced by kugimiya rie" not enough evidence of an AA VN for you?
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oppai hours
I knew what it was from the start, just sad after seeing how much they tow the line in the actual game.

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