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Previous: >>502966260

>[Campaign] The FGO Thanksgiving Special 2024
2024-11-21 20:00 - 11-30 19:59 PST

>[Summon] Thanksgiving 2024 Pickup Summon
2024-11-21 20:00 - 12-02 19:59 PST

>[Campaign] "Lostbelt No.7" Pre-Release Story Clear Support Campaign: Part 1
2024-11-19 20:00 - 11-26 19:59 PST

>[Summon] "Lostbelt No.7" Pre-Release Story Clear Support Pickup Summon
2024-11-19 20:00 - 12-01 19:59 PST

>[Event] Chaldea Tam Lin Cup - The Next Generation's Triumphant Return
2024-11-08 00:00 - 11-21 19:59 PST

>[Campaign] Singularity Repair Support Campaign 2024: Part 6
2024-10-27 21:00 PDT - 11-30 19:59 PST


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/puv2s2.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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He's our last bastion for vanilla stuff for less popular servants
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The thing I always found interesting about these things is that somehow the mistakes tend to keep circulating on fgog and yet the moment it hits /alter/, they immediately gets noticed.
At some point it feels like fgog is deliberately posting shit here so someone here can translate/explain things for them. Even though this is the general that's supposed to be 2 years behind them.
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Post pictures of characters in the Prisma costumes
Seiba's dick is MINE
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Not like this...
It's actually not that strange. Actual japanese readers would not bother to post on /fgog/ precisely because they're full of shit. So, if they want to discuss FGO in english, it's down to /alter/. If you can read japanese and want to talk JP content, you either proxy to post in japanese sites or go to twitter to holler at other real japanese players.
Sexy little girls?
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Do girls like scars
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It’s over (until I get more NP copies for coins)
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In handsome guys
Magical mom
Why are your tits so big here?
okay bros how do I get scars, but not the mental kind
I actually got an 8 inch surgical scar on my shoulder but never had an opportunity to show any girls so idk desu
Are you already popular with women?
Because the male servants won’t stop groping them.
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Have an autistic sword duel with your rival
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I want an excuse to use her.

Less than a year until her buff at least
just level some skills, bro
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>Inflicting wounds on yourself to get scars to impress girls
If the Head Nurse saw this thread she would turn her back in shame, and we're 30 posts in. Good job, /alter/. You failed to protect the Head Nurse's smile.
>sitting at 100 boxes because I want to save for Illya's bone zone
>don't know if 1.07 mil FP is enough for the next 6 months until the next lottery
>currently at no coins. Completely cleaned out.
>need like 10 grails' worth which is 20,000 coins which is probably like 4 mil FP
>don't plan on rolling until summer too so I'm not getting coins that way either
>might have to spend more apples tonight just so I can grail cast for the next couple months
This fucking sucks. I need the apples for bones...
She would turn her back in shame she you couldn’t see her poking holes in the condoms she plans to use after seeing your scars.
Since when does she smile?
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She smiles when (You) takes care of your health.
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peak female performance
When you buy a happy meal at your local McDonald’s
Yeah and she'd probably knock something off a table with her oversized cow tits when she turns her back
you need aprox 350K FP per grail
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Big rabu
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Eat up, Master
I will now roll for Morgan.
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i remember reading a study like a decade ago that found female initial attraction towards scars on men is high but then fades. I remember some people tried to extrapolate that basically to alpha/beta pick up artist type stuff. Women being attracted to risk takers etc. but the loss of attraction being that they wouldn't be as good a provider as a "betabuck" provider because they might end up getting killed and they'd be left with nothing like in cavemen times or something idk its been a long time I like them personally.
Hands up bro.
Go away, Mister Brosnan.
Just make an fp bot
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make my day
I know. That's why I ballparked 400k FP per grail.
You should have made an FP bot if you really cared about grail casting.
>lost 63lbs since April
I like to think the head nurse would smile for me, and that would make worth the effort alone.
Grails are more important than bones, stupid.
You can farm bones in any free quest.
Artoria is so lucky
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Good job bro
Mom Love!
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FP slave accounts are the best
>Wake up
>See this
Wat do?
I kneel. Keep at it bro.
when mating with horses
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excellent work
>actually making FP bots
I thought you guys were just shitposting...

But I want to finish farming bones one day... That and I actually hit my stakes farming quota. With this batch of 300 stakes I will be covered for stakes for the next 2 years + Ordeal Call. It's part of why I'm resistant to getting more boxes.

Maybe if I can get 100+ apples starting now, I could consider wasting apples on more boxes right now so that I don't miss out on grails...
Fuck me that's hot
Then why even hesitate in first place?
Imagine putting limited resources over limitless resources.
I don't need FP slave accounts because that's what I have you added for. You are my FP slave. Now keep picking my supports, slave.
wake down
post your fp
>I thought you guys were just shitposting...
I keep the blondie crypter FP CE on my support just to have my FP slave click it with automata
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The obese think they deserve praise for not shoving food in their mouths every 5 minutes like an animal
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I just let the account botters do it for me
she wouldn't say that
Where is the best place to get Great Knight Medals
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Great job, bro, I'm proud of you.
Losing weight is a lot harder than maintaining weight retard
Camelot, Royale Castle
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Nightingale would not say that
>its so hard to not gorge on food every 5 minutes
disgusting, do you not have any willpower like a human would or are you just an animal
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There's more apples from here to Illyafest than there were from Teslafest to Tam Lin Cup. It was 80~90 gapples worth, until Illyafest it's a bit over 100 (you can always farm with the bronze apples you generated from all the farmed boxes too). Similar amount from Illyafest to christmas next year.

Check the compendium for a rough estimate. The thing about next year is that Gudaguda will have raids which might be attractive in materials and bond (though short lived in duration), so you should plan in advance an apple budget for that and christmas as farming events later down the year.
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I love torpedo tits bros.
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This Morgan CQ made me so mad that I broke my new fucking phone
gaining weight is actually harder than losing or maitaining weight
Seen this image a million times. Get new material.
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BTW don't forget your daily free FP roll, bro, is worth one grail per year.
If that's true then why am I fat?
Where’s my bro at
Take the ozempicpill
wait, its actually worth 2 grails per year.
I'm here, bro.
Im not a cheater
Imagine walking into the second archive and the 30 Mary Annings just stare at you
This Morgan CQ was ez as fuck, bro, I got it first time. In fact these have been the easiest CQ ever.
You’re an imposter
Cheating implies a competition, there's no competition, it's just your own health
The issue right now is apples now vs apples later. I only have ~100 apples left. I won't make 4 mil FP even if I burn them all now. That's part of why it sucks. It's just going to be "get 4 grails now and miss out after" or "miss out now and get 4 grails later", not "get every grail" vs "miss a few grails for no reason and get the rest later".

They never use my lv 120 supports...
It's actually weird. When the bot owners do their runs, they only ever use my lv 80 Carmilla instead of a different lv 120 Assassin or other Servant. I don't get it. Even if the bot farmers are cheating with auto-win scripts, why pick my Carmilla over everybody else? Makes no sense.

I made zero plans past Illyafest. Don't really see myself caring about Gudaguda raids. The only mats that I really need after this are basically only bones, fangs, and spinal fluids. Nemomas doesn't give any of those so I don't care, and I think I'd rather save apples instead of using them on raids if I can help it.

I did count the apples in the compendium just now, and it says we'll get 10.5 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 28 + 4 + 20.5 + 16.5 + 9.5 + 29 (from Illyafest? Wow) = 146 apples so maybe I'll just start burning my whole stock now.

As if I'd forget that.
What would your bro post to prove his identity?
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fun fact, if you replaced the coke or soda in that image with water or natural fruit juice, it would be just a fine and midly healthy lunch.
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Love these sisters' perfect "serving cunt" designs. Cannot believe Foxtail is when they looked best/uncensored for the last time.
just suck my dick already kiara
I imagine your second archive is like that Succubi room in Interspecies reviewers
My favorite cake
Thanks autistsis
>pharmaceuticallly induced crash dieting instead of learning decent habits
Enjoy your rebound weight gain and lean mass loss, among other things. Ozempic is a good last ditch effort for morbidly obese people, it's not the miracle drug it's being marketed as. Crash diets don't work.
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Kiss her lips.
Pat her boobs.
Lick her crotch before Gawain deletes it.
Still too much carbs
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yeah but people understimate a lot how much fat and damage a cup of coke does
>t.fatass in recovery
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>Lick her crotch before Gawain deletes it.
I miss them so much in the actual EXTRA timeline.
I'm literally just parroting data and takes from non-kiked doctors.
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hey bros don't mind me, just gonna back up all the data in case....one of those enemy ghosts of historical figures destroys the base or something.
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Bro you looking a little red there
>Non-kiked doctors
Haven't done this in a while, here's all my BB clears for this event's CQs.
The Spishtar and Carmilla quest IS possible to min-turn with BB but it the script I followed used an np5 Reines and in my trials an np1 wasn't enough. I tried looking for people with a decently high NP Reines here and on rayshift but no-one added me back, so I settled for the much easier 4 turn.
BB also slightly lacks the damage to 2T the Europa quest. She can reliably break the first bar on turn 1 with a buster brave chain but the increase in HP on bar 2 is too much. With an NP A B chain she brought Europa to a little over half HP, so I wager even another buster brave chain wouldn't be enough. Once again settled for the much easier 3T.
The Morgan CQ was whatever, I think the theoretical min turn is like 10 with Bazett, I've seen people do it in 12 with Melu, but 14 is still pretty good and frankly I can't be bothered to try and go lower.
The rest of the CQ's were extremely easy and not worth talking about.
>Lick her crotch
Just thinking about it makes me very hard
I wanna do this lovingly to her for hours
oh yeah haha, i spilled some wine earlier its ok, ill pass to the laundry room later.
Would she even feel it?
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Same. Her fight in this vs Gawain was so good. And that Palladion scene gives one chills. Too bad about the fight resolution.
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Mom's cake....!!
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Of course, I'd take that plate out, pour her vagina with wine and eat out Melt lovingly.
But we aren’t old enough to drink…
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>that pic
>her vagina
uhhhhhh bro i got some bad news...
Rilly >>> Rhag
Just showing how many new Servants I got during the Castoria banner. Which is not a lot.
>fine and mildy lunch
Do you even know what’s used to make those nuggets?
French fries are not mildly healthy lmao

Chicken is used to make chicken nuggets
A fucking pizza is more healthy than McDonalds.
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>Been many years since SERAPH's release
>Melt posting still makes me horny.
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a Mom love is a Mom love, you can't say it's only half.
Jalter would sing this
A mcdonalds hamburger is actually reasonably healthy, the beef isn't even processed or anything
Love me Mom
Love me Auntie
Love me Milly
Love me Yui
Simple ass.
>Make AI porn of servant
>Start wanting to grail her
God damn it.
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>nearly-naked woman still makes me horny
What does she have an expiration date or something?
We should have even a bit more apples not accounted there from Thanksgiving and the usual christmas calendar gifts. Also reminder that backline one and two stars also generate golden apples from bonding (and they bond pretty fast).
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Castoriabros... how do we gain more popularity?
No she’d sing
AI porn is too powerful. AI does anatomy better than 90% of artists when it doesn't fuck up.
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She needs a buff...
Except hands. Not even the AI can figure out hands.
I'm not looking at the hands when I'm jacking off though
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Literally me
>NA xmas

>bronze bond
Actually a large amount of my bronze Servants are bond 10 already. I've been diligently bonding at least one bronze Servant at all times because they deserve love too. I finished bonding every Part 1 bronze Servant recently, and have moved onto Part 2 bronze Servants though I'm already half done because a few of them got bond bonuses on some events a while back.
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Hamburgers are a perfectly fine meal.
Fast food hamburgers, not so much. Mainly because of the bread which is made with refined flour, and has added sugars and other stuff in it.
If you make your own burgers with proper bread, then that's perfectly fine.
Chicken nuggets, fries and pretty much any deep fried food is a no go. Stop eating that.
Take the carnivore pill
SMEA (or even just inpainting) largely fixes the hand problem
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Osmosis pill*
Fast food joints use similar bread to what 90% of hamburger buns people buy at the grocery store or what 90% of non-fast-food burger joints use. To suggest it's a fast food problem is dishonest.
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I agree with you there, it's a bread problem, not a fast food problem. You should only but bread from bakeries, or better yet, bake your own.
>americans wake up
>thread devolves into burger nutrition discussion
Very nice, congrats on those clears bro.
>The Morgan CQ was whatever, I think the theoretical min turn is like 10 with Bazett
Someone posted a 7 turn clear a few threads ago, it used Ibuki, Arc and Bazett for it.
>americans wake up
Bro, it's 10pm.
I wonder how many posters we have in the threads nowdays
removing ip count was a terrible mistake
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let me check the IP cou-
Yeah there you go, I hadn't seen any clears myself but I knew the theoretical limit was quite low. Regardless, I'm happy with my performance. Thanks for the compliment.
I just nutted inside a trailer trash roastie, i'm about to go to sleepy-bye time Bro
My estimation is around 60.
Everyone should post a list of all their friends so we can check.
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I love this slutty wizard
Most grocery stores sell decent bread if you look for it (and plenty of bakeries pump out garbage too) but to be frank shitty bread is near the bottom of the list of shit you need to avoid, it's not good for you but as far as processed or otherwise unhealthy food goes it's not *that* bad. Don't bother agonizing over getting the right kind of bread if you haven't cut out shit like alcohol or processed meat first, they're vastly worse.
Oh yeah? Where's his gold fous sis?
I've got 70 confirmed /alter/bros on my list. I'd say a good chunk of them don't really post regularly anymore, but I also haven't added everyone that does.
50~60 would be my guess as well.
>he threw away his broginity
Now Salter will never marry you.
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Over 100
Why Are You Gay?
Working on Dantes at the moment
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who knows
I'm not. I like dick.
When did you start posting on /alter/?
For me it was around the first rashomon event
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No, You Are Gay
melt posts after her buff and a year away from being available again are painful.
Probably the knk event iirc
I started FGO around the time Camelot came out on NA, around late 2018. I saw a thread on /v/ and decided to make an account. My first post was on /fgog/ because I didn't realize there were 2 different generals.
I think it was the perfect time to start the game, I got reruns of all the events I missed, I caught up around the time babylonia came out, managed to do the solomon raids with everyone else, and the start of part 2 was generally really hype.
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Since launch, Okita was my first five star
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>on JP karna rerun happens like 2 weeks after fae fest
>we're gonna be stuck with 2 weeks of road to LB instead of just having the xmas rerun overlap with road to LB
Could Merlin genderbend himself?
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Ok drop the tickets and V-bucks and no one gets hurt
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Slutty wizard for a dumb slut... Seems pretty dangerous to me!!
Congrats dumb slut!
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When did automata get auto-leveling?!
I swear it wasn't there during summer!
......Virgin Bucks?
Speaking of gold fous, we get like a metric fuck ton when those milestone rewards, right?
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Summer 3
Why don’t you AI generate some bitches
Yeah if you have everything done you get around 3.5 servants worth of gold fous
n-No.....don't even joke about that....
Maybe I'm doing exactly that right now. Maybe I'll post them this weekend. Maybe.
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>only 3.5 servants worth
He is right, you basically made a statement of trailer trash>salter
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July 2017, for all purposes as long as /alter/ has existed. I got waver on the same 10 roll as her.
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depression hit me like a train and i feel like doing nothing for the rest of the week.
The start of 2023, around the time LB7 came out
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Do it or Dont We're not going to suck your dick over it or anything
Another hypocrite post, how shocking! What level was your Merlina again? Thank you, idiot
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Since when we had /v/ threads before getting kicked back here.
Not even a little bit? A kiss on the tip?
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Who'd suck YOUR Dick Loser? UGH!
It was, it was a beta feature
Considering F2Ps are about to hit 7 2k/2k servants if they've collected all non-RP ones since release I'd say that's a decent amount to get all at once.
Well, I was hoping you would do it.
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F-five... I guess... Shut up...
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honk honk
Just go for her swimsuit
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Launch, so the /v/ threads before alter was made.

Ah cool. I can work on my side project then.
And maybe figure out where the fuck I'm missing 4 attack fous from. Might be the partially completed ooku main interlude. That or I'm retarded and didn't buy or claim them from somewhere else.
>auto battle
>auto open lotto boxes
>auto clear present box
>auto level servants
>auto level CEs
>auto roll FP
Why are you even playing the game at this point? I bet if Automata had an auto login and auto read feature you would use them too.
Summer 3 shortly after 3rd anni
Is that shrek?
Man what a throwback
ai slop
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Back when fgogalter won the poll and some retard misspelled in the first OP resulting in the current thread name
>Why are you even playing the game at this point?
I don't, that's the point.
Why kama tho?
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This game is just an excuse to spend time chatting with my bros.
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Bro half the thread is AI slop.
>>auto battle
>>auto open lotto boxes
>>auto clear present box
>>auto level servants
>>auto level CEs
>>auto roll FP
I do none of those things
Automata grew beyond just recording taps? Man, I'm too lazy to mess with that shit.
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Posted for a month at launch then dropped the game for a while. Came back in 2018 and posted for a year then dropped it again. Then came back once more for Skadi and I've unfortunately been trapped here ever since. I still take weeks to months off depending on the severity of the content drought
Yeah it can also do your laundry and cook you dinner.
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what will be her buff?
Remember when jannu alter broke our streak?
AI auto-summary would honestly be better than some of Albert's writing
Quit horsing around /alter/
But you're considering it, aren't you?
100% NP damage to self
they are pretty hot imo
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yeah for sure, i was definitely there and didn't come in during the fate zero rerun event
A little after the Fate Zero rerun event. I started near the tail end of it and it took a little bit of time to remember /vg/ was a thing. I posted a lot in previous generals but then stopped since the games died.
Her super invincibility stacks with itself
She'll get one of those jank buff-but-not-really where the extra effect only works on Oberon or something
cuz only CQs and story boss battles are worth playing
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That was the most fun I had in /alter/. Seeing the countdown until the daily reset while still trying to desperately log in was hilarious.
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~summer 3
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Sunk cost
I'll go down with this sinking ship
Being depressed is gay dude don’t be gay
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I can fix him...
dick scar doesnt count shlomo
Anal Sensitivity EX
Automata literally does have an auto read feature bro
It took a while to get bond 10 to get enough coins but i did it!
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Holy based
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Post FC so I can add you wubro
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Love the game, love the sluts, love this general.
Simple as.
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I only have 15 servants left not 9/9/9+.
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>best character design
>best outfit
>best personality
>best girl
I'm almost at 300,000 Friend Points (from 0) just by having my NP5 Summer Ibuki on Support with the MLB ticket CE.
If you have a Castoria with max skills or even a Vitch, you could still gain at least ~50,000 or so.
good luck
Well done Wubro
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You don't know love all you know is lust like the coomer you are
head nurse is very very cute
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So I just started playing this 3 days ago, I rolled this bitch which I liked a lot and got her to this ascension level which I believe is the last one? How do I further level up?
I guess I would like to get her sister too.
I haven't used that Free MAX ascension that is available for new players yet, cuz I wanted to save it but is there any reason to do so? reaching max ascension for Euryale was pretty easy, is it cuz I'm a new player and get like more items drops or what?
>he didnt know about the auto login scripts
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Is that right?
Don't compare me with your kind, loser! I'll teach you about love anytime, sweaty!
Maeve-sama love!
Cute Rikyu
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too obvious, but still guaranteed (yous)
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Already bros bro

I'm pretty sure I almost removed you in the past since you went veteran for a little while
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/alter/ needs to drink its gluten-free lard.
Nice feet
Yes, that's her last ascension, she has a costume but that's event locked and you missed it. You can get her higher than level 70 which is normally her max, but that requires a special item called Holy Grail (if you've completed a story chapter you've seen it already). You can get her to 100 with just grails and experience, and to 120 with more grails and servant coins (you get these by leveling her bond and by rolling more copies)
Generally you want to save the instant ascension for an SSR servant, since these ask you for a lot of mats that you definitely won't have in hand.
I have 1 grail, no reason to hold back and not use it right? I have some coins and I rolled a second card which I used to level up her NP.
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FGO won Best Ongoing Game Category Grand Prize in Google Play's Games Awards, it's still very popular and relevant so obviously we have new players joining all the time, any time.
bro kisses his mom on the lips
Can't have been me, never missed a log in other than when Santa Jalter fucked us all over
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My MLB CE Castoria only pulls 2k FP a day. Sucks for me.
If you're absolutely sure about maxing her then yeah, no reason not to use them. You'll need 9 of them to take her to level 100 though, and another 10 for level 120. It's going to take you a long time. So take it as a long-term goal if you decide to keep playing.
>Pokémon sleep
Finally a game for us real hardcore players
>FGO won Best Ongoing Game Category Grand Prize in Google Play's Games Awards
Does this mean we'll get free SQ as a present?
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I've been here since the divide. Hell, I was on /fgog/ when it was JP only. I was on /a/ with the UBW threads before that, and I was on /jp/ enjoying Type-Moon VN threads before that. I was a Type-Moon addict before the Fate/Zero anime and watched it live on Nico Nico.
Good times.
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Is that greed I'm sensing?!
soulful summer servant
Sorry to hear that, bro. I'd have to guess the Castorias are oversaturated.
I guess I will use it, also so far I've been playing with just 2 servants(mine) + 1 belonging to somebody else, is the entire game like this? or just like the first chapter or what. can I have more than 2 of my servants in battle
only JP will
gaijins get nothing
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Now do 9/9/9 appends for every servant
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Yeah yeah oldkek, you're really cool, we're all so impressed.

Will you be in the Mahoyo 2 thread tho?
During the first run of Imaginary Scramble back in 2022.
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Jalter the queen of /alter/
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I don't use automata
You can have a max of 6 servants in a party, 99% of the time you're forced to pick a support servant from a friend/story. The battle always starts with 3 servants on the field while the remaining 3 stay on the back waiting. You can re-order the party any way you like though, so that your first 3 servants are all yours. Party cost is going to cuck you for a bit until your master level goes up though. If you're having trouble with certain quests you can post your friend code here, people generally like adding latelets, as long as they keep playing.
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Fear the Jalrus
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now show the electoral college votes chud
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A properly made hamburger is a full meal
McDonalds doesn't properly make anything
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Imagine, dating a cool and beautiful idol with tens of millions of worldwide fans. And also she's a witch, or at least witch-adjacent.
she looks like a bob type character
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I like her, she's pretty cute and fluffy! Really gotta read dumb Mahoyo...
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>get a login ticket for one last roll
>two bobs
Cursed account.
4chan is reddit though
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Imagine there are people actually rolling for these nasty freaks
>Quetz on rate up
She always makes me happy whenever she appears on screen, but i cannot afford to spend SQ until Summer next year. Maybe she'll spook me before Valentine's Day in 2026.
picture not related*
Taiga is not a freak. She is cute! CUUUUUUTTEE!!
>skipping Tezcatlipoca and Draco
Bad call bro..
200 boxes and not a single fucking extra drop. Fuck this game.
>story locked
Honestly, I would probably go for Fujimura-sensei over the female FSN Masters
>Verification not required.
how much sq do you have currently
I'm breaking the bank to bare minimum by spending on Tiamat in April. If Aniplex were generous, then I would happily spend some SQ here.
Yeah? Aren't they added to the pool once you clear their story?
Like, 300?
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They are added to story summon pool, not to regular rateups.
You have to purposely spend sq on this shemale.
Clearing the story only unlocks them for the story summon, any other rate-up they’re not featured on won’t have them.
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Should I grind this lottery for QP?
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Next SSR ticket I guess.
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/ourgirl/ love!!
According to
Quetz will be back in February, then April, then February and April again of the next year.
I really want her, but I don't want the worst-case scenario of
>not getting her in 300 sq + 10 tickets
>jeopardize Tiamat
When's that?
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Abby sex
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October 2026
We have too many servants on rate-up, they really do intend to empty our reserves before LB7 huh.
Oberon in two weeks and Kirei for new years too.
After a whole year of nothing, they opted to cram a lot into two months of action.
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>Next SSR ticket
October 2026, 30M DL campaign
LB7 has nothing worth rolling for who cares
Bro your tez?
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Remember Shuten?
This is her now
Feeling old yet?
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I'll pass.
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>np10 bob
I look like that
Kuro looks like she'd be out of my budget...
This is just how it is ever since they implemented 3 weeks long event. Content pace gets gutted but they keep putting up a bunch of old servants on rate ups.
Why the FUCK is Miyu not showing leg fire her
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Sorry, more like three weeks. Road to 7 Part 6 is Muramasa, Melusine, and Oberon, one week each.
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So, I want to summon this lil bitch, I looked at the "summon info" and the highest drop rate I saw for her was in the Lostbelt no.7 with a 0.057% drop rate, seconded by 0.056% in the saint quartz summon story, I'm only at chapter 2 right now so I should roll in the lostbelt 7 if I want to get her, right?
Also, If I uninstall the game does my save game gets deleted along with it or does the game automatically backs it up in their servers, the idolmaster games let you make a bandai account so you can continue later, is that possible in this game?

Also, add me if you want, 751,718,218.
I just started, I'm only interested in little girls, if you have overleved loli servants I'll use them.
I really don't find these 3 attractive no matter how you dress or undress them.
Also their proportions in this are literally just grown women but with giant fucking heads. looks uncanny. Cover up their heads. that's a 20 year old athlete body but with a head twice as big as it should be. fuckin weird.
>This shit ends tomorrow
uh oh...
Miyu should be wearing Illya's outfit
Kuro should be naked
that's how most cunny is drawn though
It costs 1 AP, just fucking do em.
There's a thing called a transfer code you can genereate in your MY Room tab. Do it and keep the info someplace safe. If you uninstall or can't access your phone your data is lost forever without one.
Stheno is general pool so she can show up under any SQ summon. She sucks though and is a bitch. Get better taste. Her sisters are all better.
You're shit out of luck. she literally just had her only rateup in years like 2 weeks ago and I don't think she has any more. You have to pray for spooks.
Just go play blue archive.
I was in your position like two days ago and I just bulldozed through them
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Unironically re-roll since she's in the starter pool, and getting double 4* is pretty easy (the starter roll has a 26.3% chance of getting 2 four stars).
Otherwise, you'll just have a chance to get her eventually since the rates on any non-rateup banner are essentially identical. But as a day 1 player, I still don't have some 4*s.
Login data is stored locally, you need a transfer code or email support if you delete the game data.
Don't summon at random, the chances of getting her from that are slim to non as you saw. She'll get a future rate-up during her sister's event next year.

Also why do you want to summon her? She'll call you a worthless creep and deny time and time again she doesn't like/love you while making fun of you.
I've been stallinig for like half an hour now, I forgot to equip the damage CE to anyone in the stall comp...
>>503037974 (Me)
Actually listen to this guy >>503037984
Didn't know she had another rate-up
You can get Stheno from your starter roll. Look up a reroll guide.
She has a twin sister Euryale who is in the free FP rolls so you're guaranteed to get her if you didn't already know.
She's actually useful in gameplay too.
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what kind of fucking cuck wants to play this game for Stheno of all fucking people
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Betraying my species for Shuten
can you keep up with me?
Already have her >>503029926 This is me,
Worth restarting to get Stheno, then roll normally for Euryale? I already got Euryale twice before
Anon, I'm all for rolling for love, but Stheno is actually useless.
Absolutely unless you're willing to wait for >>503037984 which still isn't guaranteed.
Free FP rolls are essentially infinite so you're definitely getting Euryale maxed again.
I don't think I want to keep up with you...
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>srs cp
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Yeah definitely, Euryale will show up a million times over as you're playing normally. Just secure Stheno on a brand-new account and do your free daily FP rolls.
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Thanksgiving 2x succ doko?
There was like one hunting node where her IK made her the best solution, but it's so rare...
Okay, I'll do it, so how do I delete my save?
Why is Koma being racist...?
Been playing for more than 7 years, and I still haven't been spooked by Stheno yet. I don't know if I still have any other SR in the general pool outside of her that I'm yet to roll or be spooked by.

And it's funny because it'd be a great spook by this point, I just need two more assassins to max out levels for future Ordeal Call requirements.
Yeah, their figures are completely off.
There's already a x2 succ going for servants (as long as you've cleared LB6's prologue), but the Thanksgiving campaign that starts tomorrow night has x3 succ for servants and CEs so it's best to wait.
euryale is a common pool 3star. you will have 50 copies of her within the year from rolling FP.
I had her np2 and got 2 more during my castoria rolls. I have enough to 120 her by bond 15 but i'm new so that's a really really long way off.
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>level 70 rider
>no gorgon or ana
What the fuck is this?
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Davinci love
Grats on your cute faerie love!
Uninstall and then start all over from the beginning.
You can use "Issue Transfer Number" to set a code in case you want your old account back, but otherwise just uninstall the app and reinstall.
You will have to redownload data, but hopefully you have decent non-metered internet.
The 4* pool size is 1/14 just for the record
I like twintails and I like petite girls. The medusas arent' getting any grails or targeted rolls. Ana's FA doesn't count.
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Have you gotten Yang?
>Ana's FA doesn't count.
No, she’s a mid girl
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my futahagwife
She doesn't have a sprite with twintails. You can't lie to me with fake final ascension artwork.
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Medusa Lily's nickname in Babylonia was Ana
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Good morning, bros.
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Remember the heavens feel official lingerie
Rin underwear should come with piss stains for added realism.
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>euryale good, yang mid
U fukkin wut m8?
I remember laughing at sabers
It's a shitposting autist who keeps posting that. I doubt it's the original poster.
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Why are they like this?
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I am looking forward to Aesc's release on NA, part of me wants to believe they actually have them re-record lines just to have her say Aesc instead of Tonelico.
I hear girls start to dress like that because of daddy issues
Toneriko means Aesc thoughever.
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goon night bwos...
Looks perfect for G4P Saberbros.
I mean yea thats Illya
goon night
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>re-record lines
Why do the cups get so much merchandise?
Uhhh, isn't the girl on the left from Blue Archive...?
Lolicon are rich
pedos buy it all, have you not seen the shrine some guy here on /alter/ has of the cups?
Koyama's more willing to do collabs than Nasu is.
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Its what the people want
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i’m back row bonding her
i’ve fucked up a few times and she’s surprisingly useful against moids
she’s laughably bad against women
If that was the case they'd have made several 5* alts of all the cups but to this day the only 5* cup is caster illya
You guys just didn't pay attention to all the other TM merch.
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It sells, duh. Prillya is outrageously popular. It is the single most successful title in the entire TM catalogue.
If FGO was ran right we wouldnt have had dogshit like santa Nurse/Quetz
>He doesn't like Santa nurse
Buddy, there's plenty of stuff FGO could have done if they're actually competent.

> dogshit like santa Nurse
You are what's dogshit.
Santa Nurse is good, faggot. The only problem with her is that we didn't get a sprite for the FA.
Her art is once again fucking awful.
Her event was unbelievably formulaic and I refuse to believe the writer didnt just half ass it in an afternoon
Goon evening bros.
>Her art is once again fucking awful.
Your face is awful
Your soul is awful
Your existence is awful
Despite what you may think, Grand Order is not a machine exclusively for capital. Nasu's autism won't allow it, and Takeuchi doesn't need it. And guess who's the ultimate directors of the project?
Nasu wants servants like Kukulkan and Cnoc na Riabh Yaraan-doo and BB Dubai. Takeuchi wants servants like Caster Artoria Summer Berserker and Uesugi Kenshin and Mysterious Executor CIEL. They do what they think is cool (or in Nasu's case what turns him the fuck on), not what they think will actually make money.
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Know your place lolikek:

Fate/Apocrypha 6,179
Fate/Extra Last Encore 2,760
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia 9,608
Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya 7,102
Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei! 5,503
Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz! 4,436
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei! 3,484
Fate/stay night 35,483
Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works 42,948
Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works Part II 39,669
Fate/Zero 56,172
Fate/Zero Second Season 46,344
>Her event was bad
This is a really bad criticism of a servant
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If FGO did what sold we would have a second Shuten alt and more Tamamo tails.
Fate/Zero confirmed as best Fate
Last Encore bros...
When the entire event exists surrounding a servant it shows how weak they have become.
Nurse has become a really bland one note joke which is a shame.
I like nurse, but for some reason I can't commit
/alter/, how do you guys cope with the fact that you reached pity?
I'm honestly so upset. Yeah sure I got what I wanted, but it felt like such a waste. Fuck.
RedGOD I kneel
What even is this in units of and why aren't any of the Prillya movies listed?
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I'll tell you the first time I hit pity.
>Fate/Extra Last Encore 2,760
god damn grim
The TM Revo theme song probably don't come cheap either.
>Nasu also offered an apology. He said, "And sorry, everyone, for the difficult-to-understand dialogue. But I want you to try to concentrate as much as you can."

Kind of funny how Nasu thinks the audience didn't like LE because they were too retarded to understand it.
I’ve never hit pity on paid SQ but I would only blame myself for not stopping earlier or trying again later when it’s not a cold period.
Now show gross sales dollars of all the merchandise...
this >>503041574
Post the number source since you've already got the link presumably
>Fate/Extra Last Encore 2,760
Hopefully this will teach the Mushroom a valuable lesson
Pedophiles BTFO
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By looking at salt pics from pre-pity.
I just laughed it off. The only time I've hit pity was with Oberon, I went into his rateup 100% with the intention of rolling maybe 2 copies and grailing him to 100, I kept and kept rolling until I had every 4* at NP5 (the infamous 4-way rateup) and then I hit pity.
I said "Of course this fag would do this shit.", and then denied him the grails.
It happened once, and it'll happen again (It's a 7% chance)
Average DVD/BD sales, and the data is for TV series only.
>split prillya into each season and didn't count any of the movies
>split ubw and zero into two cours but didnt for any of the other two cour shows
Uhhh...I have some issues with the data presented.
It taught Nasu that he's too intelligent for the plebs who consume his media. In other words he got the completely wrong lesson.
>average sales
How the fuck can you have an average of the sales? There is the sales total and that is it, period.
shut the fuck up nasu, nobody will like your 'passion project' like how people love urobuchi-senpai's passion project.
Average sale per disc, since the first disc always sold way better than later ones.
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Salesposting is just voodoo nonsense. That's what I've learned from seeing those threads on /a/.
Well that's a retarded metric. Last Encore only had $100+ collectors edition discs that were printed in limited runs.
If he wants people to take it seriously he'd post the source.
Sometimes these numbers are even just extrapolated estimates.
Full? I miss Ericebro...
I don’t, faggot would shit up the thread with ERP
>Average sale per disc
There is no 'average sales' number unless you are looking at the total number of sales divided by some chunk of time like monthly or yearly since release.
If Prillya season one sold 7,102 copies then that is the sales number. It isn't an 'average' of anything you dumbfuck.
>Fate/Extra Last Encore 2,760
>each of 6 dvds costs $50, blu rays cost $90
That shit is worth $828,000 in sales.
What should I use for the stall comp on Morgan, Merlin/Castoria/Jannu, and give one of them the damage CE?
Nta but series are divided into arbitrary episodes per disc/set and seasons aren't always the same length, the only meaningful metric here is $.
Your compatibility was so high that it overflowed and became negative.
erp is /alter/core
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>twintails and petite
this tbdesu
begone, ghost of curtis. nobody likes her. only the alter.
>Fate, UBW, and Zero got huge DVD sales
>HF trilogy grossed over 5 billion yen in Japanese theaters

Truly the peak of Fate franchise.
>minimum 800K if all DVD
>maximum 1.5M if all blu ray
>plus whatever the royalties from netflix streaming are
Last Encore is a million dollar title. Let that sink in.
Please respond.
anyone else look at all those cirnunnos plushies and anxiously feel like you forgot to do a few hundred free quests?
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You say shit up, I say liven up.
Fotm nobody would care about if one ascension didn't have tits.
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I also say shit up!
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Kuro boxers
deforming illya's face with my boner...
The modest-chested one has more doujins.
Oath Under Snow alone has 2/3 of FSNs sales dude...if you add all the Prillya shit together it's only defeated by Zero.
>mouth sits almost perfectly
Teenage Malter is hotter than hag Malter.
my fucking dick
Summer Ibuki with the damage CE. Castoria and Perlin supporting.
By your retarded logic you can combine Fate, UBW and HF sales and blow Prillya sales out of the water.
>By your retarded logic you can combine Fate, UBW and HF sales and blow Prillya sales out of the water.
I got fucked by gacha and only got one of those 3...
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Had to put it in Catbox but I did a few pulls before doing Part 2 and check it out!
And by your retarded logic the nonstop stream of Prillya merch doesn't count.
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You could've just saved it as a jpg.
But congratulations on your bedwarmer anon.
FSN has gotten a ton of merch too retardbro.
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Love me cunny
Speaking of Prillya, where the fuck is the newest chapter Hiroyama?
Man fuck this shit, forget it.
I don't care anymore.
Not really. And none of it is almost porn
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Stop lusting after children, you sick pedo
only in this outfit (which isn't a costume for some reason)
her default ascension is mid
good morning, bros....
>Not really
Those FSN watches collabs are easily more expensive than rando clothes with Prisma pics on them. You genuinely have no idea how much of a merchandising giant FSN alone is.
Make me
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We all warned you what you were attempting was dumb.
If you play long enough there's a non zero chance she'll show up on every roll, but rolling for any given servant that isn't on rateup is a fools errand.
Hell, just saber figurines alone already mogs all the prisma figs. These newfags don't know that FSN being a massive moneymaker is why all the other spin offs like prillya gets to take a turn on the cash cow.
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Reminder that this is Morgan's canonical breast size.
Or else what?
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>1/2 AP hands too
I'm going to 120 Koma!
That was before I got her pregnant
>Those FSN watches collabs
Each of those watches costs about as much as a mid tier figure. Prillya gets like 6 mid tier figure releases a year.
This year it got those variant 1/4 scale figures which sold more than damn near any FSN figs except some of the stuff by Alter.
You have no idea about the overall economics of each title in the franchise dude.
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I don't care about canon breast sizes
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I look forward to seeing her bro, koma love.
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We are so back, bros.
i'm gonna waste 500m of box qp because i can't spend it without using coins
By my command spell it shall grow 3 sizes!
see >>503045030
reminder that right after lb6, chaldea summons morgan and she falls in love with guda
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oh well I tried rolling anyway, no luck.
I got this though, is it good
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>see nothing
There were no Seiba figures released this year, dude.
Your imaginary nonexistent figure does not mog pic related. I am sorry.
Annoyed they messed the hair colour on this one.
Name 3 archers that use bows.
Someone is coping
MLB or just on its own? MLB can be useful for 20% charge shitters. Non-MLB it’s just another cookie cutter 50% charge CE
Arjuna Arash Chiron Euryale Tametomo
So 50% charge is ordinary?
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Cup underwear?
>There were no Seiba figures released this year, dude.
There were like 5 Saber alters.
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Pretty common.
There are random FP summon CEs taht have 50% all over.
The only starting charge CE that matters is MLB Kaleidoscope or the MLB event CE of whatever event is currently happening if there is a charge CE for it.
Mom love!
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Yeah well that would be a point toward Heavens Feel and not FSN since anon insists on splitting them.
Bob doesn't use a bow. She uses a harp that's even less bow like than Tristans and a voodoo doll.
Name 3 berserkers that are actually berserk.
Lu Bu
Eric Bloodaxe
Nero, Nero, and Nero.
She had a stack of Guts
Eric Bloodaxe
Raikou (schizo thinks I'm her son)
Kiyohime (schizo thinks I'm her anchin)
Morgan (schizo thinks I'm her husband)
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erm...which servants are these???
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Good morning bros, have a nice.
Going to continue FSN myself.
>have a nice.
>have a nice.
Thank you, I will.
Morgan isn't berserk
those are the jeannes retard
no thanks, I will have a bad
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Being a schizo does not qualify you for being a berserker.
morgan is berserk for average japanese boy dick
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I meant day... brainlag somewhere along the way.
Thanks. Shirou is cringe and a little lame though.
Yes it does
I think the cups are super erotic and I would like to havr sex with them.
>no berserker red saber
>no beast blue seiba
Is it fair?
I imagine that if you squeeze her titties too hard they'd pop like a balloon
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Uhh you aren't allowed to have that opinion because of potentially lower overall financial benefit to TM as opposed to other works.
We are only allowed to like Zero here.
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Tell me about Tokiomi.
Why does he dress like a Kentucky colonel?
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why are you peons even fighting for 2nd place when FGO already mogs all of type moon.
Sex with Illya.
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Me on the left
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So True!
>Thanks. Shirou is cringe and a little lame though.
You WILL like him eventually.
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Illya sex with Heracles.
Are you sure about that?
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You are sick. Seek help.
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>Nasu stole the main conflict of FSN from Trigun

How did he get away with it?
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As the resident ShutenCHAD, I would jerk off so hard to this right now if I wasn't so depressed.
>lost account few years ago
>tempted to come back fresh
Should I...
>Knives acting in utter disbelief that Vash actually shot him
I barely remember most of Trigun, but that was fucking funny
You can do this
I believe in you
tut feeders
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Eric Bloodaxe
Eric Bloodaxe
Eric Bloodaxe
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Too much ass. Can't reach past the cheeks on any of them. PASS
Does Gunnhild really deserve to go through all that?
Marry medb
I appreciate it, but I'm not horny enough. Also it's getting late and I should head to bed. Hopefully I'll get a good night's rest and organize my thoughts. Maybe dream of oni too. Gnight bros.
Bro no! She'll insist on an open relationship!
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Good night bro
You picked the only bad choice
"Too much ass" is a meme. In most positions, the ass fat isn't really relevant.
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One day she's going to poke an eye out with those hand spikes
>Spends it on story
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There is art with this scenario and hand impaling. Also, one meme comic where she actually does it to his eyes.
Why do low rarities cost so many grails...
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Blessed. You now have to 120 her.
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Who cares about grail costs? Coins are all that matter.
Alright, time to start the lotto event!
(No, really. MGQP3 took 3 weeks from me but I wasn't going to put it on hold for anything else.)
If I slowed to a crawl, yeah
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we will eventually get any grails we miss from grail casting with the coin fix so not really, just get what you need
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Guten morgan
... dumbass, that won't give you any more coins than what you've already gotten. Coins are still the stopping gate.
>that won't give you any more coins than what you've already gotten.
pretty sure you will, since they are fixing so you can
>120 at bond 10 (no appends)
>be able to reset appends, giving back coins
They better add royal icing on the shop bros
>I quit before it came out and came back at the start of this year.
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farming while eating a scoop of mayo...
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Alright lets getcha outta here, ya freak
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I'm just gonna say it: I think karna is overrated
He's based doe
what the hell is this thing?
>>120 at bond 10 (no appends)
It's bond 15 dummy
greek shit they're all robots
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is quetzalcoatl for (you)?
Pov: you're a good boy
why is alter dead
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Thought Londinium would leave me ballin' but instead it left me bawlin'.
I prefer this kind of play from a younger looking girl
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If you love her...
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New Merch
Dead like Fate
Speech the rapist
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So what's the deal with this anyway? How come Buddha be summoned as a servant but Jesus, the (arguably) most famous figure in HISTORY cannot?
ask nasu
cute gdk keychain
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It was entirely meant as a slight against you
because even Christians have a bigger spine than Budhists
>Christians have a bigger spine
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Why not? They're not naming the wars after his allege cup.
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Sis rape is bad.
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Choose 1 ass
Eric Bloodaxe
i choose all of them
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This one
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Last day to farm. Keep at it!
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Eww Gross! Why would you even want that? Do you like having sex with other Men?
it's 2024, sex with women is cringe and lame
What? Jesus is undeniably a Savior class servant. So is Muhammad, Zarathustra, and Guru Nanak. I'd imagine Laozi would also qualify but that's more of a guess.
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Smack smack SMACK!
Maybe in the cucked west
Finally! a Heterosexual Post
Sharing your moments of passion with a women instead of your bros is what's cucked. The Greco-Romans agreed, if you think the great foundation of the western civilization is cucked, then that's on you.
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Who are your favorite characters in each of the gachas you play? Here are mine!
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horrible artist, not only do they all have the same face, they have the same ass.
>people in the sex obsessed west are not having sex
smartest person in the thread, unironically. :^)
>two girls
>two dudes
Perfectly balanced taste
illyacunnysex status?
too controversial, same as hitler
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Time to save?
>sex obsessed west
Maybe it's a culture difference, but I just don't understand why getting laid is being seen as some sort of achievement over there, starting maybe even as early as high school
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Saika Magoichi is a welfare anon
time for me to dump every apple i have into bond farming for bazett np levels
don't talk about real life sex...
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smell it
Why is the Morg CQ so annoying?
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>Arts Berserker
Is that indian dude a good enough substitute for Ibuki?
Nah roll for Meduseful
Genius of the Demon Boar Clan
Super Bunyan rank up
+20 star gain
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because it takes so long to properly start. it's like a boss fight with a long way from checkpoint to boss.
It's an achievement everywhere, for men*. As it shows you're a desirable person.
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how do you 3T this?
melusine GG
You NP 3 times
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all the shapeshifter enjoyers rejoice
Why are you worrying about an event from two years ago that won't be rerun?
I won't 3T this. I'll just farm it manually, it's a limited lotto after all.
Anyone with an np5 Oberon I can borrow?
Anon.. /fgog/ lied when they said events won't be rerun.
How many boxes you farmed?
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Wait are we getting two lotteries back to back?
Why was this never on the "events worth appling" image?
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Time to sex!
Because you can only do 20 boxes max in the christmas event
220 I think. I'll spend some more brapples today.
Almost no events get reruns anymore.
Buddha self summoned himself because he took pity of AITwice and his inability to break the cycle of death and reincarnation. He decided he would be there with him until he is freed.
Jesus like all Abrahamic divinities doesn't give a fuck about human suffering so you'll never see him.
not using Melushit
you sure showed that fictional doragon girl
Time to twirl!
Britomart gg
Why are there servants who are non-human things now?
They are all shit too.
Servants are supposed to be warriors of Human Order, or t least gods.
Consider the Blood Axe
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10 boxes!
Why are there anons who are just schizos?
They are all shit too.
Anons are supposed to be intelligent people, or at least people.
you think i chose being hunted by white coat satanists?
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>Anons are supposed to be intelligent people
Drown in your ideals and die, /alter/

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