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old >>502990163
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>NA PvP has a schizo ranting for hours and drinking his own piss
>this schizo is a black man that lives in filth,
>sleeps on a mattress on the concrete floor,
>grows marijuana,
>and he plays Horde
so NA PvP is going to be kino.

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<Harlem Shake>
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Is Priest fun?
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What's the purpose of allowing players to avoid PvP on PvP servers?

They should just disable dungeons and trash farming so players are forced to engage in the PvP they love so much.
How do I make a witty post that will get (You)'s?
Finally no stupid anime garbage in the OP
fresh is doa.
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Healsissies won
This would be a good guild name
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Not being human on a melee class is an instant kick, we're REAL PVMPERS
non whites WILL seethe at this webm
only smite priest
Why the fuck would you need a clone character, what is the point of that at all?
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>tfw rolling horde on pve
1-5 hunter
6-0 priest
dubs rogue
Showing more shamans than paladins on pve for me, doesn't seem dead at all anon
not only fun it's actually the 2nd best class in the game overall after mages. 2 extremely strong builds for healing pve, 1 good build for support pve, 1 amazing build for healing pvp and shadow spec the 2nd most powerful pvp spec in the game after SL locks. the only shit thing about priests is that they can't farm solo lvl 60 instances like mages, hunters or warlocks for gold
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>every retard using the EXACT SAME leveling route
>"hmm on a fresh server I'm sure doing the fucking EXACT SAME route as 80% OF THE FUCKING SERVER WILL SURELY HELP ME LEVEL UP FASTER!!!"

I know WoW players aren't exactly big brain but this is a whole new low kek
Voting for guild rules, vote for the rules you want. https://strawpoll.com/NoZrzeWdaZ3
What is happening here, why does he one shot the undead rogue?

What you can expect:
>Loot council that is fair
>Extremely relaxed atmosphere but high performing raids (No PTR, split runs, preclearing or other cringe)
>Experienced leadership that have cleared most vanilla content besides AQ and Naxx
>Weekly world bosses and experience/support with PVP ranking (Everyone in the guild is Scarab Lord and Rank 14)
>Active 10 year community both in and outside of the game. We hang out IRL.
>Cleared every content on Blizzard classic from Ragnaros to the Lich King HC

What you can NOT expect:
>Guild collapsing before: U̶B̶R̶S̶ ̶/̶ ̶M̶C̶ ̶/̶ ̶T̶W̶O̶ ̶R̶A̶I̶D̶S̶ ̶/̶ ̶B̶W̶L̶ AQ!
>Some prolific /wpsg/ and /wowg/ shitposters, they're all banned
>Transphobia or racism, all genders and races are welcome.

All classes and races welcome to join as long as you're /vg/! However, be advised we also recruit in-game and on server discords.

DM letman for more information.

stop using my images @@@@
Stupid anon.

Server launches are completely different to leveling on a estabilished or low pop server.
Server launches mean you can just zerg rush every elite or red quest.
>drinking his own piss
I thought you didn't mean that literally....
I thought wrong...
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I can rewatch this over and over
link doesn't work
i feel sorry for these sissies
>leveling route
man they are boomers and shitters. all of the no life spergs will spam dungeons all the way to 60 and ding with only like 3-4 days /played
None of the 4chan guilds that are le heckin based with racial slurs and trolling are ever good. These are the people who collapse 3 bosses into MC.
Will there be a RP server?
yeah you can RP on any server
this chud just learned firsthand that trans rights are human rights

eat shit
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I'm going to poopsock my character to max level, get Pre-BiS and then stand on a dreadsteed at the entrance of Hillsbrad and Stonetalon, put pet on aggressive and enjoy the biggest cryboomering of 2024 lol
almost like chuds are low iq
odds rogue
evens mage
>actually thinking of playing on NA PvP because of the sickass name and 50:50 forced realm pop
i will tank you all that pre-bis btw
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Even the PVP one?
but no one else is in my dungeon other than my party members?
it will be fucking kino. peak schizophrenia. >>503016424
DM isn't in until phase 2, soddie
gib restedexp download link
Man the LGBT movement is retarded nowdays .....what is this flag
I was fine with gays, lesbians, bisexuals and even trannys if they passed well and were honest about it.
But jesus they just went overboard and are now adding mentally ill garbage to it.
At some point someone should say "stop" at this madness
>Classic a solved game, and these extra changes won't change the fact
Any point in playing if you are not picking Warrior, Mage or Priest?
whens that?
What is the most "I'm not fucking around" race for pvp, I don't want to make a joke character
we're already past that point.
it's going to become illegal to not be a straight white male in America.
yeah nothing is stopping you
orc, ud, gnome, dwarf
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We only take fwarriors and rshamans, no shitters allowed gotta be big dick PVMPER
i would play if there was a server without addons
it's lame that something like questie exists, takes away the fun of leveling
Any ERPers? Where are we rolling?
so don't use questie?
Wherever you want if you boss me around
epic zug zug
You have to add nelfie or human female pictures
>PvP cucks actually want to give sweaty degenerates the honor of killing them and ruining their experience.

PvE chads keep winning. My toon, my choice.
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I simply just cannot decide what class to roll. Every class I think of has some drawbacks. This is fucking frustrating.

I just want
>ez raid spot
>ez pvp
>ez pve
>ez lvling
soddie is that way
can someone explain to me what phases have what pvp gear?
i get that aq = r14 weps.
i just don't get what pvp gear is available during MC and the next tier of BWL.
is it something like:
MC = r10
BWL = r13
AQ = r14
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Hand them over.

That thing.

Your male Tauren bulls.
Enjoy your snooze simulator I guess
Are you going to castrate him Russian style?
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Don't worry, I will. In dungeons I will whisper you things to say in party chat.
kys turtle tranny avatarfag
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Why would we castrate our sybian???
see >>503016462
this is astroturfing, right?
like the pinkie v. brownie wars?
Enjoy letting other people force you out of gathering areas and force you to find a new leveling zone.
human if you’ll still be playing when these servers inevitably progress to wotlk.
So Mage or Warrior?
I think you'd be a mage more.
Make me do a naked kneel apology for every mistake too please..
What are you gonna do with him then? Rape him Russian style?
I hope my tauren shaman will survive ashenvale on fresh....

the NA pvp server madness continues, they are bullying this smoke alarm chirping poarch monkey.
The retard who has never played on a balanced PvP realm has an opinion.
Oh nyo the cute poster ghosted me.
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Just git gud
this guy alliance?
shaman except the leveling is kind of ass
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>yfw your class has a free kill on 60% of the server
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Gonna role up a Male NE Druid and stalk Ashenvale killing any Hordies I see.
Totem twisting is autistic
that's from the end of this video >>503016424
lol. you wish.
You can't have everything but maybe consider shaman
Raidspot easy just spam chainheal
And with dual talents you can try the crit ele pvp build.
Just leveling will be ass
what if they're girl characters
you wouldn't want to scare off the women who play this game would you
>mentally ill girl repeatedly calling him a nigger
has fresh lost its seal of approval from the trans community
For an hour until you get bored... then I bet you'll swap to being a breeding bitch for cows.
damnnit, i have to level up another male gnome rogue
dood looks like black nigel thornberry.
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Fuck 'em.
I think he wants others to suffer just like him
He wants them to be forced to endure the same retarded garbage he goes through.
There are some people like that
>Race to 60
>Only time spent in the world is in capital cities waiting for summons for world buffs
>Never at risk of death

Truly, the real "PvP" experience.
Why don't you discuss Cataclysm? Every time I open these threads, people discuss boring vanilla or sod.
alliance is such a chad faction
this nigga linked his socials on the discord, he has a kick channel where he does the same thing schizoargues with people
>plays gmod

>he plans to roll pve
>but isn't starting on hc which will be less populated and thus faster to level on, transferring over anyway when you die
What's your excuse for this stupidity?
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I'm gonna play undead warrior I think, based or not based?
this is the classic general, you'll have to go to retail for cata discussions
how will hardcore dungeon spam be faster than pve dungeon spam
my speed leveling route requires me to die 5 times before level 10
we don't play turgid slop like cata
HC is a in-game money pit, honestly. Barely scrape together enough to even train.
I've played 20 years of this game and I have never seen a bad undead warrior.

They're always excellent and know their shit
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I'll be waiting for you in Orgrimmar, sissy.

idk wtf is wrong with the dressing room facial hair.
>reserve names on pve server
>call myself gayniggaqt on hardcore realm
yeah its going down
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Doing the first SFK run with my Paladin buddies for Verigan's Fist tomorrow!
across private servers and classic I've leveled almost every character to 60, but I'll never do paladin because that class is seriously so fucking boring in vanilla
>Horde get SFK and SM
>Alliance get the worst dungeon with the worst loot

Loot rebalance when
Female UD Warlock..Female UD Rogue..the choice is hard, all I want is to kill gnomes all day
You don't like parsing and minmaxing and doing full HC clear before others? Sheesh.
Is there a new patch where Alliance can't enter SFK or SM?
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My tits are so big
>only combo that gains nothing from its busted racial
>get to pay the edgemasters cuck tax

good luck
I never came across a cute heal slut
All the healers i play with are some psycho dudes on speed whipping me to go faster
gas anyone leveled a lock with imp drain soul, and using the buff to drink super fast? I've heard you can just nuke shit and have full mana again in 10 seconds since it doubles your drinking speed
>snutz isn't even leveling a character on pvp server
fresh is legit doa. all the streamers will do a single run on onlyfangs before quitting the anniversary servers.
Um server?
I'm clueless about the game tho, I just want to RP as the nameless one from planescape torment
added to the harem
I leveled 5 warlocks in vanilla and never noticed increased effect of drinks.
What's the main NA server gonna be? Is there a consensus? Do we even know the names? The PVP server? I don't want to be left behind, I want the most populated server
Thank god, I don't want streamer freaks on my server and their retarded followers
Am I leveling a horde mage or warlock?
druid or priest for NA horde pvp?
priest MC shenanigans are fun
but stealth camping redridge is also fun

NA pvp server nightslayer
they'll level on pvp concurrently becuase that's where the content is. they legitimately have nothing else to do until mop
thats the real reason were getting a 3 week delay, so streams dont have to nolife hc, start pvp 2 weeks later and get corpse camped
Might as well play a m*ge at that point.
Streamers are fags.
Keep them away from this game, I don't want them or their fucking pathetic orbiters shitting up the game.

Streamers and content creators in general have been a fucking plague on WoW. They've fucking rotted the community of the game from the inside out.
Mage. I must be the only warlock.
He is too lazy to walk there obviously
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my female human rogue would very much like a healsissy friend to level with tomorrow...
let's do our best to support each other!
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>EU hours
>theorycrafting and ERPing
>NA hours
>Streamer, streamers, streamer, niggers
HC Tauren Warrior bodytype1
Streamers are tourists. They clog the servers with their sycophants. They cause massive queues on day 1, especially guys like asmongold. They don't actually have a lasting positive effect on the server because they quit early and their followers soon after. The culture they bring is also trash.

I hope none of the big streamers roll on nightslayer.
I'm futa
1 is for best.
well that's even better
My guess it's only going to be payo and ziqo but those have pretty small channels and actually like playing the game so whatever
Why do fem ud have their knees rotten off but not their tits?
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I remember day 1 nostalrius, I think it was ~4k people at launch and it was insane at the time. they lost everyone's shoes multiple times as well, would get them in your mail a few hours later. funny how buggy servers like that can make such an impact.
Need more info sis but I'm sure someone as nice as you will find someone even if it's not me..
Why do her pants look so weird looking up from the bottom
it looks like it is change to sweatpants or joga pants
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one final goon sesh before fresh
Whats a good wpvp class that isnt rogue?
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nightslayer discord is based as fuck
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Yeah, never forget that Asmongold fucking killed the community on the server he joined for SoD because all he entirely clogged up the Alliance side of the server with hundreds of dead accounts from his followers who joined, played with him for like 2 weeks, then quit en masse once his 5 minute attention span ran out and it didn't get fixed until the server merge several months later.
Server is ran by 1993's
Why is the west not as based as japan....
Why do they hate sexy girls...
Warlock it is, your raid spot is mine.
im unfamiliar with the term
as in birth year? literally me.
Mage, Hunter, Warlock with right pet out, Druid.

Priests aren't bad either, spriests might go OOM too fast in sustained WPvP. I don't think people realize just how expensive hopping in and out of Shadowform is in vanilla and you don't wanna stack spirit on them either.
I wanna play OCE but I don't want to be forced into PvP every 15 minutes.
he will come back for tbc pvp. everyone realized tbc arena hard mogs wrath
wtf does that mean?
Anon 1994's are already thirty too
Everyone hated TBC arena kek, fucking either a 45 second CC chain on yku while we oneshot the healer or it's two restodruids humping a pillar for two hours straight.
Debating going Tauren hunter so i can manipulate my deadzone instantly with fish or noggen so i can throw some people off who try to deadzone me
American Israelie ? Company
AIIC (1993)
>realized tbc arena hard mogs wrath
amazing how that happened after thirdies preached for YEARS that wotlk arena was the pinnacle of wow based on their 3.3.5 trinitycore garbage
75% MS and preg really the pinnacle of wow pvp lmoa
*continues running away to despawn your pet*
That is retarded
Tauren is literally garbage for that
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I've always played on a pve server should i try playing pvp this time?
Oh man I joined a boomer guild on PVE and they're so goofy in chat. better than nigger spam i guess huh
tbc arena was much more popular than wrath. participation dropped off a cliff 1/2 thru S5 and got worse every season. TBC was a lot more consistent even with the early seasons being cucked by terrible design decisions
>electrical equipment + axe pun name
I dunno, it’s just a little boring. I need a better more unique sham name.
Doesn't work on 1.15. Tauren have normal hitboxes.

This was confirmed in the $100k Mak'Gora tourney.
world pvp is shit, bg pvp is shit, we'll never have epic av, sad...
I cannot in good conscience recommend it
I have to use it because everyone else is using it
Also I need to go visit my mother in a few weeks and I'm staying the xmas season and I can't play there so I need reasons to justify not playing
um, I'll be on the NA pvp server!
How many classes can I realistically get to r14 over the course of this fresh
With the abridged timespan before TBC?
Should I roll fresh tomorrow? All I want to do is ERP as a healslut but there's no RP server :/ I'm not subbed atm but when I was playing Cata and Era a few months ago there was basically no ERP on Era and just a tiny bit on Cata. You think Fresh will have more? I don't expect Retail levels but if it's gonna be like Era I won't even bother.
when is fresh launch?
Why not is it that bad?
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Awww I'm so sad. I hope you find someone to play with anon. Stay positive.
Are you EU? Roll in the EU-PvP Alliance side. I wil ltake good care of u. ;)
kek this retard thinks he's getting r14
It's both the most fun and the most miserable experience at the same time.

The most fun thing about it is that it promotes grouping up together. The lone wolf dies, the pack survives.
be my healslut and we'll power level like crazy tomorrow
all of them, its not hard to hit honor cap now, the only bad part is the time gating
Based clueless posters
Are you a girl irl?
what time does fresh start
Rogue niggas camping cities and flight spots 24/7
Stop playing PVEasy and join the fun
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I play human rogue but quest teldrassil for she
awaa... and you sound so nice, too...
take care and have fun tomorrow!
No rp server so I dunno... I'm looking to do kinda the same but I'll actually play the game, anything else is secondary and a bonus to me. Probably won't find a lot of people for it so you'd need to stick to one or two people you find.
5 est
yeah i'm a healslut who always plays priest i've done 1-60 like 4 times it's the most fun class and the best healer
20 hours
hearing from a reliable source that our schizo will be rolling na hardcore tomorrow
Do you think they’ll time gate ranking? I sure fucking hope not, I dont want to wait till aq to get good pvp gear.
what time is the launch? midnight?
Added to the harem.
When is launch?
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I feel like this is a pretty bog standard balance druid talent setup but maybe some chicken vets can educate me.
No they won't be timegating ranks. But you can't rank until phase 2.
Anyone know if thorium brotherhood is available at launch? Not tryna heal on my sham.
19 hours 50 minutes
>5pm launch
what a retarded time
>looked back to 2019 fresh
>remember the fun I had
I'm gonna do the exact same class i did in 2019.
Hunter with a rogue alt. The top dogs of solo world pvp.

nah they wont, but it has its own timegating, you cant start till phase 2. and then i believe its 12 weeks if you cap honor every week.
I'm sad enough to consider rolling NA but I'll have to sleep on it anon. Last sleep! Good luck whatever happens
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Fresh is going to have the same ranking system as sod. (which has also been what is on ERA for a long time now, since they made it a thing in sod)

-No decay (you keep your rank)
-there is a static honor cap each week (addon called Ranker in pic related is a must if you plan on it) this means you no longer compete vs your own faction or need to poopsock it
-max rank is tuned to each phase. It will probably be like sod. PvP won't be out immediately but when it is out (phase 2 with diremaul and bgs) the max rank will probably be 10. Phase 3 BWL it will go to rank 13 and with AQ40 finally rank 14.
you stupid motherfuckers worrying about getting into a dungeon group have shown that you never actually played vanilla. literally all you need is /who mage 17-22 and you're fucking set. you wont have trouble finding groups on launch.
probably for the best. Thanks for saving me from a meme i would have regretted since it doesn't work
Is anyone rolling on the PVE server willing to treat me like garbage while draining my gold and resources?
It’s only 8 weeks if you cap honor. There will be niggas in full R14 gear before bwl even drops
warrior and hunter are both much better with nightfall
enhancement is completely unplayable
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why is there no rp server this time around
That didnt answer my question, faggot
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this is cope
fresh is doa
When do we get to see the new servers in the server list? It’s <20 hours to launch and there’s no sign of Fengus for me
it answered a more important, unasked question
put on the dress noshoes
Ok ill try it out, what class should i play i was going to go warrior but it sounds like its going to be miserable on pvp
this is not unreasonable at all they dont eve require a second 60
also babby ranking 10 is free
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cute little farming slave, hope you find someone to exploit you and siphon aaaaaaall ur free time away nonny<3
warrior is fine on pvp, honestly. there's layers so it's not like there's going to be 200 mages out for blood.
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The PvP server community
This isn't 2019 anymore gramps.

Mages run dungeons with four mages. They don't even need other classes besides one healer. And if they don't that means they're dogshit and you wouldn't want them in your group anyways.

You really think we're gonna carry your pathetic brownie ass to 60? Lmao fuck off
I'm looking for this experience too...I want to trade all my mount gold away
Get a hpally/priest buddy to follow you around and you suddenly turn from the biggest vanilla PvP meme into the scariest wreckingball.
Thank the lord for that change, I ranked in 2019, never again I told myself. But with this change I will do it again.
They don't wanna release too many at once I guess
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Thanks, I really hope so... I don't deserve a mount.
I feel sorry for this guy, what the fuck did he do to deserve this lmao
i wasn't talking about 2019, i was talking about 2005, but go off king.

im also going to be one of those mages, but i'll be whispering other mages to put together my own dungeon groups. itll be so easy.
>what the fuck did he do to deserve this lmao
He's black.
I’ve already picked out my main (undead rogue, of course), but what should my alt be?
>Orc Warrior
I 100% want one for TBC arenas. I mained warrior the first time around and had a good time.
>Undead (s)priest
Never played one but it looks really fun in pvp. I’ve also never healed so it would be cool to try maybe:
>Tauren durid
The only viable “meme” spec in the game, but it requires you to farm MCP. Wsg flag running looks cool doe.
>Orc Warlock
Never played a lock to 60. Orc lock looks cool but idk how the gameplay is
>Undead/Troll Mage
Had a mage to farm gold for my warrior in 2019, but I never pvpd or raided with it.

I might try leveling a few of them, and if I dont like em just turn them into xmute alts.
america is a truly weird place, brainbroked and buckbroke by politics
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You should take care of us anon...
NA sadly T_T
What are you playing as? Any chance it's Human RPing as Worgen :3
Female (Female)
I'm wondering because Cata at launch on the largest PVE server actually had a decent amount of TRP profiles. It was nothing compared to an actual RP server but I think just the sheer volume of people made it alright. Nowadays it's pretty bad though. Era there is legit no one with TRP on Whitemane though. So if Fresh is gonna take after more like Era than Cata (which totally seems possible, feel like Cata drew in a lot of retail ERPers) I'm not even gonna bother resubbing. Also it seems like everyone from Grob is rolling on the PvP server which makes things even worse. There's not even a guarantee that the bulk of RPers will be on the PvE server like was the case with Cata :/
>fresh is today
I cant fucking sleep bros
It’s so close and yet so far. I need to sleep so I can play but I can’t
Max honor every week is a minimum of 10 weeks because of how wow caps your honor and progression. 1st week can go from 0->4, 2nd week 4->7, 3rd week 7->9, 4th week, 9->10, 5th week, 10->11, 6th week 11->12, 7th and 8th week 12->13, 9th and 10th week 13->14. This is the way if you max honor each week.
What happened to the guild Jellyfin/plex? Theyre both down.
we dug this grave ourselves with slavery, but people really are getting negro fatigue. Blacks need to let us relax.
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>guy in my guild in 2019 classic was a first gen rank 14
>he played 20-22 hours a day wpvping during bg queues nonstop
>kept complaining of health problems near the end of his ranking, would say his legs and hands are numb, keeps getting ringing in his ears and left eye felt "droopy"
>he hit r14 and took a short break, came back about 3 days later but then went MIA
>someone on his disc weeks later stating they were his sister said he passed away

I think it was the ranking.
Roll NA on PVP sis, we'll go together through the adventures of the Alliance for THE LIGHT
Maybe check it out and if it seems dead just forget about it, I wish they had done an rp server but it what it is. They probably don't want to release too many for the anniversary
Question from someone who has never raided and whose only WoW experience was as a supreme casual from 2008-2011. When people say "dad guilds" in contrast to guilds like >>503017704
, are they referring to guilds that are so shit they never clear raids? Or just guilds that clear slower+later than the diehard sweats?
Oh good, same.
I'm gonna come back to the game for Fresh. Was considering trying hardcore but I think I'll stick to regular.

I played a lot of SoD and had a TRP the entire time but nobody ever roleplayed and especially not after they killed Lava Lash.

Would you wanna level together? I'll play tank warrior. Probably human, or night elf.
>PvE server
You didn't beat the game
>fresh is literally tomorrow
>my gm gets off work
>instantly logs into era for a raid
jesus christ its jason borne
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the cute e-strangers that you let rule over your life deserve more than you ever will<3

i'm probably rolling hc though! roll with me there nonny, imagine emptying out your bank while i sweet talk you into num-locking yourself off a cliff!
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Three weeks until Onyxia is too short. Could've just waited until after Christmas.
party guild
>PvP server
Nobody thinks you're cool.
>"Are you the one who's ass I'm gonna beat?"
>"Are you the one who's ass I'm gonna beat?"
>"Are you the one who's ass I'm gonna beat?"
>"Are you the one who's ass I'm gonna beat?"

Can someone explain to me please why American negros seem to repeat phrases non-sensibly? Because the other party has clearly heard them? African negros don't seem to do this. I am confused.
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dadguilds with this feel?
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There are people, in this very thread, who will be rolling on the PVE server
god I love healsluts so much.
Please keep slutting it up so I can get dps spots as a hybrid
DVT into stroke is the strongest combo in the game. The true neckbeard slayer.
Sadly tho-se guys are dead
mmmfmmphh sex plap pregnanto licky licky pregnant get pregnant sex plapplap lickypussy mmffgphhhh
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Natural allies in dungeons:

Warrior+any clothie
Druid+any clothie

The "Haha I need it for my offspec xD" groupings:
Priest+any Int/SP user

Know your enemy. Know your friend.
african negros would just go
>''ou wey wey click click click dubala?''
>''ou wey wey click click click dubala?''
>''ou wey wey click click click dubala?''
>''ou wey wey click click click dubala?''
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Does int leather even exist before the 50-60 range in vanilla?
Yes. WC even has an entire unique Int leather set.
>walk in
>shirt drops off and just stares at you
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good evening.
Holy shit lmao, what a legend. This is why I enjoy living in a three story house. Always have to run up and down stairs.
I'm still kind of unhealthy and will probably die soon
based medfag
rest in peace WoW boomers of the early/mid 2000s
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Tempting...what was the server called again? HC is fun and I guess dying isn't so bad if I get to trade you my stuff before that..haha...
Week 1: 0 > 4.6
Week 2: 4.6 > 7.2
Week 3: 7.2 > 9.6
Week 4: 9.6 > 11.4
Week 5: 11.4 > 12.64
Week 6: 12.64 > 13.34
Week 7: 13.34 > 13.68
Week 8: 13.68 > 14
I wish I could tell which of the servers will have more RPers a month or year from now. I'm kinda skeptical about PvP. That sounds like it's gonna be the sweaty server that will slowly drive out all the RPers.
I'd play Nelfie Priest if I resubbed :3 are you gonna be on the PvE or PvP server? I wouldn't play Hardcore either.
>no cast reduction on wrath or starfire
>moonkin form
No! Ignoring that you can't even cast insect swarm as a moonkin, the real reason 31 points in balance is dogshit is because you can't get nature's swiftness
I once thought I got dvt when I was grinding bugs. Luckily it was nothing but I was scared
I'll only roll for healing gear I promise.. or anything you don't need. T. Hpala ;_;
you're going to be saving cloth pieces with high int. a lot of leather has a bunch of weird stats that are actually pretty good for druids, but if you're healing you just need a big pool of mana.

unless you wanted the leather int gear for leveling as balance. in which case i'd warn you its more enjoyable to eat pencils than do that.
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A nelfie priest sounds really cute! I'll play on PVE. PVP sounds annoying if I get ganked during a quest. I just wanna be comfy levelling and tanking dungeons with my healwaifu (that's you!)

Do you prefer your tanks to be girl characters or boy characters?

Picrel, I tank in SoD as a female humie rogue.
does enh shaman get any good late game gear out of leatherworking?
>does enh shaman get any good
Wow was designed for world pvp, you're not playing the real game
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the new video is up!!!

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Rogue PvP solo flower picking potion n poison making kill clothies on sight alliance genocide
Yet you'll only play horde, explain this
there is no 'bog standard' balance druid build. there's many different balance builds that you'd take depending on doing pvp/pve and straight dpsing or dpsing and offhealing, many of them dont take moonkin. just google them.
Don't care, I'm a buff/debuff bitch and still get fat loot.
basically those sweats spend less time clearing bwl mc and onyxia than your dad guild does clearing mc
the 3 hour molten core will filter you incredibly hard anon
I'm not sure what I'll play yet. But come on anon, join us on the pvp serv, please
ahh help me this leveling and partying with other chill guys is too fun nooo how i wish there was a party of 12 neckbeard virgins camping my corpse ahhh why did I go PvE
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This is the new Asmongold. I hope you enjoy having her simps flood your server's starting zones!
I've no respect for anyone spouting about wpvp when they play the easy mode coward faction for it. If you like wpvp you go alliance.
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Burnice would never play Horde

Also playing rogue when you should be playing a fire mage or destro lock, holy shit you're a retard (just like your idol) kys Bricknice TikTok shitter
very freakish face
>dual spec means I will be a dps in raids
lolnope, the exact opposite
made for loads
>Balance doesn't even use Moonkin form
Man vanilla is such dogshit no wonder everyone just plays Warrior/Rogue/Mage.

the main character retvrns
Has blizzard confirmed character copying to Era before TBC?
natural enemies me (hunter) you (whatever gear you think belongs to you)
this video probably gives zoomers and gen alpha nightmares because of how liminal it is
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>rolling mage on pvp server
>rolling warrior on pve server

simple as
>his human male Warrior (r14, scarab lord, gladiator, hand of rag, thunderfury, corrupted ashbringer, warglaives, shadowmourne) isn’t parked on a nice hill somewhere waiting for MoP arenas
>rolls on corpsemaker in front of an enhance shaman and warrior
I'm not healing lol. I know I know, SORRY. But I'm just not doing it. Dual specced ranged dps and melee dps
oh gosh don't worry anon you'd be giving me lots before we hit that point. ur a fun lil' resource dispenser, right? gotta extract as much as i can before you're all dried up<3

it was renamed to doomhowl or some shit idk i'll probably make an alt on pve too for tbc but experiencing hc fresh sounds fun
Its only good for PvE but balance is trash for PvE, it is what it is. You dont take moonkin form for PvP because you want the utility of your other forms. Utility in PvP is better than some armor and 3% crit.
My dual specs? Elemental and enhance.
need prefresh goonfuel
>Being gay is a strength
then youre not getting into a single raid LOL put on that dress bitch
>>rolling warrior on pve server
actually kinda based, warrior sucks dicks outside of bgs where you can have healer support. i might also do this since i enjoy teamfights as warrior. but after im done lvling my hunter on pvp.
Who is this madman
Coward spotted, sadder than playing pve
anon you are gonna look real stupid when DPS hybrids are in your raids rolling for loot in a 20 year old solved game
Healing is fun in hc and I'd rather I do it than some retard I don't know potentially getting me killed through incompetent healing
guess your not raiding either lol

Are these the 'human beings' making fun of me for rolling on a Normal server?
What the fuck is this demented hellscape of a video, it's like a cacophony of souls lost in hell eternally tormenting each other.
Are they opening up name reserves for Fresh yet?
not really. off the top of my head, belt off bfd hydra is about it. plenty of green quest rewards though
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i only played retail once and it was legion, there was some shitty rogue spec with roll the bones and that was very fun and brainless
My dual specs? Nuke spec and SL+Shadowburn so I can wipe out every single H*rde niggercattle I see.
>druids are the smoothest and strongest levelers early game
>everyone says they are terrible until 20
ah, another case of everyone is wrong but me.
all the real dps would leave and you wouldnt be able to even clear MC if you tried that
see >>503025868
you can try and argue it but the more you do the dumber you make yourself look.
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What class/professions would you recommend? Fresh HC sounds like it can be a little fun.
Yeah Outlaw was really fun. It's kind of weak in Retail atm but the identity is still there.
>but after im done lvling my hunter on pvp.
yeah thats what im going to do the best part about pve is you can level whenever you want
1-20 is like 10% of the game lol and they're not even that bad 1-20 that shit is overstated, moonfire/bear and hots running on yourself is fine you're still better than a rogue probably at that level, probably still better than a mage too cause you're not drinking
How dare you insult my PvP prowess. I'm going to roll alliance just to prove you wrong.
why are you sitting in pvp disc carebearbro
MC is a joke anon. You'd be correct if I was trying for world record and that kind of thing.
but just a regular full clear MC is easy as shit with most comps as long as players are competent and prepared.

You get let into the garden of eden and the first thing you do is eat the apple.
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Didn't take a good look at server names yet but hope to see you there then. I'm off for now so enjoy finding more paypiggies.. I'm not sure just one is enough for you afterall. And yeah maybe PvE alt when ded, I think you can transfer.
When do the NA servers fully open? I want to name reserve my tank warrior on a PVE realm. I'll probably be lonely since none of my friends are playing WoW with me, but I hope I can make friends to heal and play with me.
what makes you play? is it your abilities? your class? gathering? pve? pvp? getting loot? showing off loot? parsing? unwind and banter after work?

this may sound completely retarded, but i don't really like parsing... speedruns and speedkills seem so much more interesting and teamwork oriented.
i beated the game in 2019, this is just to have some fun
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if you use addons like this, you didn't actually play the game.
thanks for the idea anon.
>pve is you can level whenever you want
true, downtime on pvp getting camped? log on pve do a couple of quests, log back on pvp keep lvling. and with the 3 weeks till mc, gives us enough time to hit 60 on both for phase 1.
>Not already having it memorized
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>lil bro doesn't have every quest, npc, and vendor location memorized
Installing now. Thanks anon!
Oh really? What did I play then?
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Smoking a pack of cigarettes as I quest the Badlands. Yep, I'm thinking Kino.
how long does it take to get the wintersaber mount?
its a joke because you have real classes carrying you, good luck doing it with all memespecs
Priest or Warlock for a dualbox on the pvp real? I'm honestly thinking lock just due how ridiculous it is in PVP plus the insane summoning usefulness.
Unbelievably kino, also
>we all ready to pull?
>BRB 2 mins, smoke
>actually take like 6 minutes
Clean lungs can't do shit about it when everyone's already in the dungeon
>mind breaking for 2 after this pull?
Where will be the main /wowcg/ guild
good luck rolling on gear, fury warrianon
nightslayer (nogslayer) alliance
>racist is also illiterate

many such cases
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How is he coping rn?
Can't wait to load into glades tomorrow and see 9000 rogues
It's 2pm PST for everyone.
Work out what that is in your timezone, that's when they open.
> they're not even that bad 1-20
thats my point, they are arguably the best 1-20 levelers. maybe shaman are better idk.

The only time you need to eat or drink on a druid while leveling is if you pull too many mobs and almost die or if you do die and then rez. no eating or drinking, no down time. and you can tank, heal, or dps dungeons all in one spec just have 2 sets of gear. Druid leveling QoL is like S tier even if their speed is B tier.
>10081 posts
>5pm EST
KINOOOOOOOOO (for east coast wagies like me)
when the servers launch will it be a new patch to download or can i just log in and play
And then you're desired for raids due to not existing as a class. Druid is pretty cool I agree with you.
Just log in and play.
In fact what you should do is log in hours before and just wait at the server list. Assuming the anniversary tab is active during the day tomorrow.
Being in the World of Warcraft with my friends.

I know you PvE trannies don't get this but chilling with the boys outside org/sw duelling and shooting the shit trying out dumb shit is the very core of WoW.

Your parses? Your speedruns? Wont even matter in a year.
The friends I made along the way? The real human connection and laughs we had? Cherished forever.

You autists will never understand. This is a SOCIAL GAME. The raiding and BG's is just an excuse to talk shit with your friends. Countless times I play completely useless DPS classes and still get invite after invite for dungeons/raids. Wanna know how? By fucking TALKING to people unlike you spergs who only have eye for their own parse in fucking SM GY.
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I actually cant decide between warrior or warlock. I think i might go for the welfare warlord gear + weapons, so warrior is tempting but idk.
>In fact what you should do is log in hours before and just wait at the server list.
is it an auto update? or do you have to keep opening/closing?
>can't decide between the absolute shittiest or the absolute best pvp class

lmao'ing @ ur lyfe
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I'm ready to game.
Shame it won't be with some of my old friends.
Sometimes it's good to move on.
he's not, he just trolls on the classic forums 24/7. He's made 10 threads similar since dual spec was added. He's attention seeking like crazy. That's why he has 10,000 posts
warrior is fun i have played it before, you can totally style on shitters who dont know their class but it is rough against actual pvpers.
these are the kind of bored, unhinged losers who will derive absurd amounts of pleasure from making your game experience miserable. you only have yourself to blame if you end up on a server with them
yeah i know imagine playing a warlock instead of warrior lmao
>falling for the SL meme
every single raid in vanilla is easy
its going to be fucking painful spending more time than is needed in them and that is exactly what will happen when every warrior in your raid stops showing up after some retard spec took their gear
doing 5 mans with random shitters and world pvp. i dont like 5 man try hard aoe groups.
How many posts have you made on 4chan?
as a resto shaman me and the other resto shamans will make it very clear to guild leadership that we have higher priority on shaman dps gear because we are actually contributing unlike some dipshit memespec
welfare ranks can be gained by playing pve in av
11 euros a month... for a 6 month subscription...
its tempting...
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people on the forums keep using the word "swipers"

what does this mean. I haven't played in years, so have missed out on some new lingo apparently.
Credit card swipers. Gold buyers.
swiping a credit card
its just Frosstfire the unhinged lunatic who think he "won" or something
too bad you'll never use it since you're already the healer
Me(Elf) after giving him everything I own.
Where's the gay sex at?
I was told this place was full of fags!
as opposed to ending up on a server with this pornstar's viewers after they die at lvl 5 in hc? >>503025181
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yes, I'm buying gold from chang as soon as it's available.

how could you tell?
i'm not forced to interact with that cow. its not like she can camp me on her zombie rogue
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Good girl.
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From the second you login these little botty boys in webm related will be spawning and farming gold.
Say thank you to Xi Jinping.
what's her name
So will the biowomen from xiv come over or are we stuck with the trannies
Thank you for keeping the crafting mats low Chang, you are my greatest ally.
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>yfw 90% of the people signing up for guilds before server launch won't even make it to level 40
Man, look at that flock of Dwarf Rogues. Nature is so fucking beautiful.
XP boosts when?
Are shamans good pvp healers?
we got dual spec now
sorry sweaty :^)
Not really. They get mogged pretty hard by hpallies.
Ram an hpal up your ass and you become the best pvp class in the game
can't use both specs at once. GM already noted you as main healer in your guild note, bro.
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Why is it always the healers who go "smoke break brb 5 min"?
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what kind of pharmaceutical sentience destroying cocktail soup of drugs is required to write something like this and live it out
the only reason healers are healing is because they want dps gear. that T2 you're eyeing because of all that spellpower? healer prio
Right now they need to do a small update so the anniversary tab appears. But after that there shouldn't be any more updates. I imagine they'll do that hours before the launch though.
I’m not looking for a guild until 60. Not going to bother with shitter guilds that won’t even make it a month.
i only play this game until lvl 30 then I drop it am I going to make it this time bros?
melee doesn't need spell power, lil bro.
95% of the shitters you meet in wpvp don't know their class and can get punished hard war (def on of the classes that punishes misplayes the hardest) and in bgs >>503029259
they have a stressful job
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you're going enhance and not ele and trying to compete with the warriors? good luck fella
We're just sucking dick, calm down.
also unfortunately about to get chokeslamed off the server by ally, nightslayer ally is megasweaty
you gave up before you ever tried. literal cuck mentality
As another anon said, they're actually taking a break to give their boyfriend a quick blowjob. They just can't say that publicly so saying it's a 'smoke break' is easier.
This time, THIS is the one Annivseary edition
lmao. I'll have my dps set for wpvp and farming, no issue, and the guild will cheerfully feed it to me because I'm actually contributing
more seriously enhance is fucking dogshit, obviously in pve, but also in pvp.
This is the one
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>nightslayer ally is megasweaty
nah druids are very bad until cat since bear is so low dmg but then they get the 30% speed in cat talent and its smooth sailing from there
Fellow Paladin bros ready to have some comfy levelling and keep skipping around to wherever undead mobs are so we can show them the power of THE LIGHT?

God I wish there was an RP realm fuck
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I hope the FemNelf Warrior sluts are ready to tank my dungeons. If you lose aggro to Rain of Fire, you're shit.
you're tranny and ugly
you're a goddess
Thank you
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>mfw going out of my way to check up on all the AoE grinding spots while questing, just to gank the faggot mages for a bit
sorry bro, still not healing.
>b-but my imaginary scenarios!
still not healing. You're literally coping by making up shit that hasn't happened
I absolutely am.
>since bear is so low dmg
its not low damage before 20. also you cast spells at mob until you only have enough mana for bear, or it gets close, then you go bear for a mob or two then come out with near full mana, 0 downtime. People who say druids suck before 20 only say it because either they suck or they heard someone on reddit say it.
play a
feral druid
farm gnomeragan
till tbc
faction lock + paladins being broken attracted a bunch of pvp schizos
real question is will enough retarded boomers roll pvp alliance to dilute them
>and keep skipping around to wherever undead mobs are
is this even a good thing to do? paladins get exorcism at 20, but it costs basically as much mana as it deals in damage. I'm not even sure it's worth casting when you first get it due to that
it is low compared to how good the class becomes very soon after anon
hunter is also fucking shit before lvl 10 but becomes a leveling god the moment they do their pet quest
>not having a smoke free policy for your guild
>I'm not even sure it's worth casting

he's a retarded autistic RP'er, do you really think he cares about any of that?
lol what a time to be alive
really? dang the best part of 2019 classic ally was being the underpop side and getting fights everywhere. hopefully the zugs still show up in numbers
where are you rolling?
>hopefully the zugs still show up in numbers
oh they for sure will, everyone expects horde to get faction locked on pvp
Anyone roll a rogue in OG Classic and have fun PvPing on it? I'm torn between mage and rogue. Mage was immensely fun in world PvP.
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imagine getting sap'd and then 1v2 by those nelves .. giwtwm
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holy kek NA pvp server is gigabazed

Any lewd name suggestions?
do you think they'll let us copy our characters like 2019 classic, if we just want to stay with vanilla?
Yeah, the ((())) who control blizzard won't pass up a chance to charge players $25 for something.
cringe. trump retards aren't welcome in classic
You lost
>I was fine with gays, lesbians, bisexuals and even trannys if they passed well and were honest about it.
Weak minded centrist normies like you are the reason all of these things are plaguing society now by the way
I was a rogue in OG classic and in classic. its ok in world PvP. not great at battlegrounds. I wouldnt do it unless you like the stealth assassin class fantasy, dont do it thinking you will be a god in pvp.
The Shattered Hand is now marked as kill on sight.
homie, I'm rich. I didn't lose anything, you gave me a tax break. You're the one who lost lmao.
I dont think it is, I think you just notice because you cant pull without healer or tank. A rogue might just stealth, say nothing and catch up with the party 4 minutes later and noone really cares
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>Plays World of WARCRAFT so that he can avoid conflict
This really gets you to thinking
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*dots you*
*Faerie fires you*
*uses rank 1 AoE ability to get you out of stealth*
*roots you*
*blows you up from 40 yards away*

There is nothing more fun in this game than completely destroying a shitter rogue.
>3 raid lockouts per phase
>thinks a healer is going to be given caster loot before the 10 mages and warlocks
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Warlock and general macro dump

>create your highest healthstone
/use Create Healthstone (Major);
/use Create Healthstone (Greater);
/use Create Healthstone;
/use Create Healthstone (Lesser);
/use Create Healthstone (Minor)

>cast unending breath on yourself
/cast [@player] Unending Breath

>names in chat will be class colors
/run local s,l=SetChatColorNameByClass,{GetChannelList()} for k in pairs(ChatTypeGroup) do s(k,true) end for i=1,#l,3 do s("CHANNEL"..l[i],true) end

>won't recast drain life if you're still channeling it, but will cast it when you're not (swap out drain soul to make that version too)
#showtooltip Drain Life
/cast [nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life

>one button questing rotation
/castsequence reset=target Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption, shoot

>one button for your pet utility skills, also makes you dismount (erase that part if you don't want)
/cast [pet:Imp] Fire Shield; [pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; [pet:Succubus] Seduction; [pet:Felhunter] Spell Lock

>rape stealthies in the face
/console targetNearestDistance 20.000000
/targetenemyplayer [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 50.0
/cast [harm,nodead] Devour Magic
/cast [harm,nodead] Curse of Agony
Damn, that's unfortunate, because I was a god in PvP on my mage, maybe I'll just do that again. I switched to Rogue in TBC for ez 2k rating, but I don't really know much about 1.12 Rogue.
i'm going to be a good healslut for my daddy..<3
That’s why rogue is so rewarding though. Punishing to learn with a sky-high skill ceiling.
That sounds hot... Imagine not doing anything and feeding the enemy free honor over and over again.
If we get through this Deadmines with no deaths I'll give you a nice warm treat of my cum all over your face.
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why aren't the new realms showing yet
>ERP faggotry

thread ruined again. see you retards tomorrow
the easiest way to show you are someone worth playing with is being 60 in a reasonable time window and farming prebis with the sweats
will you rub it in my hair too and call me a stupid whore
tbf Cata has been extended by like 4 months so far
>3 raid lockouts per phase
yeah, no
besides sham can't even use swords so aurastone hammer goes to a healer and sorcerous dagger will probably be free roll. don't even want a staff because a shield is huge in pvp
Yes, you vapid brainless suckslut. When you need mana because you're so stupid I will just feed you a load of cum to fill your tummy up.
Retard here. For launch tomorrow, do I have to start up Cata Classic or WoW Classic to get access to the Anniversary realms?
>sky-high skill ceiling
You mean the most blatant overpowered stealth mechanic ever added to an MMO.

Mind you EQ, Guild Wars, Warhammer Online, FFXIV, Runescape, ZERO MMO'S have ever given their rogue class permanent stealth. You got 5-10 seconds of it at most. The fact it's permanent in WoW is insane, the fact they can restealth TWICE in combat completely scott-free is completely broken.

The entire class was actually born when a dev was fucking around with Godmode
They canceled anniversary due to backlash
>Do I start up "not wow classic" or "wow classic" to play wow classic
retail and talk to chromie
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I will be tanking your dungeons and you WILL be putting me in a chastity cage
I was trying to think of an ability in warcraft 3 that gave permanent stealth and I couldn't think of one. they're all temporary, or night elf shadowmeld which doesn't persist when you move or attack.
What's the point of an unending breath macro when you can just turn auto-target self for buffs?
Which sex/race combo has the most autistic playerbase. I think it's Fem Orc or Fem Troll, maybe Fem Human
looking forward to it.
XIV technically has permanent stealth but there's no way to increase from 50% move speed so it's worthless. Man imagine WoW style stealth with XIV's aggro system now that would be fun as fuck.
Male Tauren
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i intend to ramp it up a bit when fresh launches too
Fem troll 100%

Guaranteed speed parsing tranny going "Go. Go. Go. Go. Go! Go! Go!" in his head non-stop. More than likely on meth/upper meds.
fem human/gnome/orc
It's cute ERP, keep it up.
female troll 100%
i have decided to play priest (again) (i like them cause they are fun in pvp)
>friend wants to play hunter
wtf synergizes with that?
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Everybody thinks playing female Dwarf priest is the comfiest job ever. They don't know what it's like when I reach my breaking point
Cum on loli feet!
You definitely look like you need your chastity cage locked up while mommy AoEs the mobs.
I knew a fem troll player who was a woman irl... I guess women can be autistic though.
druid does
priest/paladin/shaman/mage/another hunter
Any of the Hybrids honestly.
kinda funny how this is the only recorded instance of a paladin actually doing this in a pvp environment
>Skin tone 2
>Systematically declining any and all Paladin applications to my groups
We FREHIN' up here in this 'nilla boys
too slow to keep up with hunter
So how did rogue perform in the mak gara tournament?
Homosexuality synergizes excellently with the Hunter class.
oh boy if he makes it to tbc with me and we're playing druid hunter drain comp.
Easily female human
they all drew hunter, which is their worst MU
can't really blame bobka or perplexity or w/e for losing to mes's hunter
this but the darkest skin tone possible
eq did give rogues permanent stealth, though
>no guild
>no irl friends
>no discord friends
holy fuck am i gonna make it for fresh? im not in a clique or anything
only advantage i have is i'm off work for the next 3 weeks and after that i basically work from home and have maybe ~2 hours of actual work to do. maybe i can keep up with the pack and get into a clique?
To be honest he died for a good cause, it was worth it in hindsight
brehs, were world bosses laggy on SOD? i remember on 2019 fresh they were like 2 hour lagfests with constant boss resets.
i can't do it again. i can't.
I'm a hc player so no pvp does rogue typically beat warlock or mage? I'm assuming the former is fuck no and I've heard the latter is 50/50. Don't they also lose to druid?
Remember when nostalrius was a mega server pop with literally no lag issues?
eldorado.gg... home...
I'm going paladin this time but I've never gotten a paladin over level 40ish in vanilla. Ever. Not once.
Exp to level jumps drastically at 50. So lets say I hit 50. Is the appropriate play respeccing prot, getting a thrash blade and a shield and aoe grinding in wpl? or maybe even in ZF. I'm thinking that's what I do, but let me know if there's a equally optimal route.
>@everyone KAZZAK UP LOGIN
>@everyone KAZZAK UP LOGIN
>@everyone KAZZAK UP LOGIN
The best rogue in the tourney (Perplexity) died a week before, meaning his gear, trinkets and consumes were atrocious.

And like the other anon said, all the other rogues basically got hard countered by the bracket. Meanwhile Hydra as spriest pulled druids and a warrior with the fucking coward debuff.

A good rogue would've had a decent shot against Snutz in the final.
I think if you can be hard countered by a bracket and have only a decent shot at beating warlock its a bit of an exaggeration to call the class God mode. Warlock has the reputation as the strongest dueler and not surprisingly warlock won
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>a middle aged slav with $400 worth of server tech in a bunker somewhere in the mountains has better networking than blizzard
fuck this gay ass world
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God I can't wait to level Druid through Teldrassil again I genuinely think it's such an amazing leveling experience and even Darkshore and Ashenvale are pretty decent.
Nobody beats warlock but rogues have a better shot than most, especially in WPvP.

Mage matchup is a solid 50/50. Druid depends heavily on the druid player's skill (most are dogshit since it's by far the most punishing class in PvP). If you manage to gib them outside of Bear form it's basically GG.
Is everyone here going PvP?
>loses to hunter
>loses to warlock
>loses to druid
>50% vs mage
So not God mode then obviously

Does rogue beat anything?
SL warlock was banned in the tournament because it's far and away the best dueling spec. Snutz won the first duel tournament on Soul Link and it wasn't close, and ever since that it was banned. He won this tourney too, but it was much closer (except for the finals, because Mage can't really kill Warlock). Also, SL is simply not a very fun spec to play in BGs or the world, because you'll just end up dotting some dude on his mount and he'll run away. Your killing power as SL is incredibly low, which makes it not very fun. In premades, you'll be forced to defend farm/stables while the rest of the team has fun.

Outside of SL, Rogue can beat SM/Ruin Warlocks pretty reliably, and if you vanish/reflect DC it's an autowin. Rogue vs Mage depends largely on the phase. Early phases, dagger rogues should be able to kill mages. CB/Prep Rogues have a bit harder time. Later phases, you'll see Mages spec into Ignite/Barrier, and they'll get an edge on Rogues. Rogue vs Mage is the best asymmetric dueling matchup in classic, though, and so it's mostly skill-based, not MU-based.
Night Elf Hunter is the only valid class and race for the main character.
Every other class and race are all NPCs.
How are the Classic raids ranked by difficulty, from easiest to hardest?
You don't understand the biggest upside of permanent stealth: getting to pick your own fights on PvP servers.
>God mode class can beat a class whose pvp spec is banned
>people can just run away when you dot them
But its very easy to catch people on 100% mspeed mounts in stealth is it?
Am I autistic if I look down on people making female NE druids or male NE warriors?
maybe warlocks will be good one day
Am I autistic
Ya rogue is the best at cheaping people in the open world but that makes sense for a stealth assassin that's waiting for someone to be vulnerable. It doesn't seem like rogue is very God mode when they lose or go even to half the classes (obviously even vs themselves)

Do they even convincingly beat warrior? I genuinely don't know. Do they curbstomp shaman, paladin, and priest?
have you made it to blizzcon?
>no tenkey for work
MC, BWL, AQ, Naxx
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>Oceanic got a server
Thank fuck. Its on boys.
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Shut up, you get a red head option, the super long ponytail animates when you're casting spells, a good looking freckle and non-freckle face, and big fucking bahonkers.

Absolutely the fucking comfiest bullshit ever, only gobbo ladies ever match that kind of character power.
What about Onyxia, ZG, and AQ20?
wpvp is great having stealth is a huge plus being able to pick fights and avoid gank squads
u can beat any class 1v1 if you have cds but you are vunerable in group pvp which is where mage is broken.
bgs kinda suck and your job mostly is to defend objectives and nuke anyone roaming alone
id still pick mage tho
yeah, it's going to be a shitshow with
>forced population balance
>forced layer balance
I expect it will be converted to a PvE server within a week
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Imagine being a trinketlet class
Is rogue even good at organized wsg or ab? Aren't they bad in av compared to ranged? Where are they God mode outside of wpvp when your target is engaged or low hp? It sounds to me like they're middling at competitive duels and bad in organized group objective based.
yeah because of infinite resets and the warrior can't heal. rogue can sap/eat. a string of lucky overpower procs/crits and the rogue goes splat though
its a long game fight but again you just abuse resets because when bubbles down they can just sap/eat. if the paladin is reckoning there's a 99.99% chance the rogue loses unless the paladins a retard which is also quite probably
none of those classes (outside of mage) have a poly. rogues don't have a charm, or fear. neither do paladins.

literally wtf is that image?
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yeah, I think I'll go mage then. This was the kind of shit mage was doing to people in phase 2, just filthy damage
a retard filter
congrats you just got filtered retard
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>female NE warrior
Im safe
>post retarded image
>hurr durrr you're retarded i trolll youu

Do rogues beat warriors pallies shamans and priests significantly worse than they lose to warlocks hunter and druids?

Fox in ssbm has a winning matchup against every character except arguably marth and about 40% of top 100 players main fox and it still isn't considered God mode or a big problem
>act like a retard
>get mad when you get called retarded
They're still the best WSG flag defender, the best solo capper and defender on AB.

Even on AV they're the only class which can yoink graveyards with a single Sap

I understand you got a bit triggered when we called rogue a god class (which they are). No need to get your panties in such a twist anon, you simply like playing the most broken stealth class ever put into an MMO and that's okay!
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>he actually doesn't know
Male ne anything is awful so looking down on female nelf druid makes no sense. Look at male night elf casting animation lol it's so fucked

Troll mage caster is just shit as well I don't know why it's so popular when undead male and female have cool looks and the best casting and movement animations
>good at organized AB/WSG
most premades would have 1 or at most 2 rogues
they're good on defense in WSG, and they're good at ninjaing nodes (particularly mine/stables/farm) in AB
they're also very good at defending nodes because they always get the opener on the guy spinning the flag
it's a boring life, though

>are rogues bad at AV
they sort of have a purpose (capturing bunkers/towers and ninjaing GYs), but they're nowhere near as fun as ranged classes, especially in the drawn out AVs where you fight on a choke point for 15 minutes

Rogues are very skill-dependent, though. A legitimately good rogue like Perplexity or Snutz or someone will make Rogue look like a fucking amazing class, but mere mortals struggle on them.
most fun class for world PvP and later BGs? considering rogue but idk
Rogues don't lose to druids.
warrior unironically
mage if you're not going to consoom
I do play a bit of rogue but it's never been my main. I just think describing one aspect of their kit as never before seen absurdly overpowered God mode making the class completely broken is a wild exaggeration when they don't actually win vs the field in 1v1 and aren't the best class in organized pvp either.

Like I said though, hardcore player so I don't pvp in classic (sadly, wish they'd add bgs with no permanent death to hc, I do find them very fun)

AB in a vacuum is one of my favourite games
Respectfully disagree on the male casting animation
>look at wowhead link for realm names
>instant comment uploaded is wall of text in pic rel

Kinda glad theres just 1 type of realm, makes choice a lot easier, can play with both anons and frens :3
yes you sap or stun...
why warrior fun? and wym consoom?
I don’t get this chart, can someone explain?
you need to pop a free action potion and grenades in every fight on a warrior
Anyone have the NA PVP realm
Class pop breakdown?
>you can run and hide bro!
this is not nearly as cool as you think it is. Priests can also pick fights by mounting up after a fear, how cool is that?
It's far from the worst but caster players on horde really seem to love troll and it'd be my last pick

Female troll is pretty awful too, just not a fan
Play on a PvP server, hit level 25+ and as soon as you approach your first flagged enemy player fighting a mob at 25% HP tell me rogue isn't overpowered.
Uh oh here
And if they don't happen to run within 5 yards of you? Warlocks can deathcoil fear people on mounts. Mages can sheep them. Why list people being mounted and running away as a warlock weakness when they have to happen to be right next to the rogue to get hit in the same circumstance?
Trinkets are class specific in vanilla.

These class trinkets only save you from specific forms of CC. Not all of them like in TBC and beyond.
you literally cannot beat an even mildly competent frost mage if you don't pop a free action potion, and you'll probably need iron grenades as well
Based ty
Now, assuming the rogue is just an average Joe I'd be likely to live or even win the fight as warlock or mage
>warlock insta void sac, hearthstone, start casting fear then cancel to juke kick then full fear and win - this will beat many players
>mage blink and sheep, reset and completely destroy them, a rogue at 25 has no chance vs a mage at all

But ya rogue is strong at ganking people, i don't think it makes them absurdly overpowered or God mode
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Uh oh roguebab melty
lol what a nigger faggot
>want to play pvp
>my domme wants me to roll on pve with her

what do i do...
its not every fight but yeah if you don't use FAPs and engineering you're going to have a bad time
you're also going to lose to any mage that knows what they're doing anyway
>pvesissies world's collapsing when their cope as to why it's LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY THE GAME on a pvp server is exposed as just that
I dont even main rogue. I can't pvp in my version of wow, and I'm not rolling one this fresh
I'm excited to watch the race to 60 :3c
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>Comfy 8am start and it's going to rain all week
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>but mere mortals struggle on them.

the class plays itself once you get T2 or better gear, you can literally delete people within a single CS+KS combo

don't delude yourself into thinking every duel is going to be this honorable fight where everyone starts with full health, all CDs up and knows exactly how to react.

just don't play alliance unless you like being cucked by orcs
You'd still have the mob hitting you while you're in the stun retard.

All of this theorycrafying in your head must be great but in reality you'd be dead within 3 second.
mother knows best
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roll pvp with me, you have a new domme
because coil and fear don't dismount or stun or slow.
are you being disingenuous or an actual new player?
On mage I wouldn't be in a stun at all after blinking. On warlock I wouldn't suffer cast knock back through void shield for a little bit

It's not theorycrafting I've played the game as and vs rogues on pvp servers before.

For rogue to have a chance vs mage in any situation they need prep and both blinds and 2 vanishes up. Without all that, no matter what % you start the fight with vs mage they blink as soon as you open and they get a poly
>I can't pvp in my version of wow
Don't worry anon, we can tell
that works both ways. put a dot or faeri fire on a rogue and you lock him out of his classes core mechanic. imagine if mortal strike reduced healing by 100%. thats what faeri fire is to rogues.
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>caring about how your class performs in AV
literally any ranged class can put up insane numbers in AV

I started ranking in AV wearing unwanted ZG blues, and would end games like 50-0, and I'm a complete shitter
And rogue can't stun or slow anyone who isn't within 5 yards of their slow stealth character, which is unlikely when someone is mounted moving at 100% speed. I guess you can see them coming and move towards their trajectory but, meh, in most instances the mounted player escapes anyway
>mage blink and sheep, reset and completely destroy them, a rogue at 25 has no chance vs a mage at all

mages have fuckall in terms of health pre-60, you're going to be a free kill in most situations where you aren't the one starting fights, excluding warriors, obviously.
lol, you're the one who is probably awful at pvp if rogues are this frightening to you that you describe them as God mode because they can win fights vs players at 25% hp but can't reliably win duels vs more than half the classes

Rogue is a good class but if you're this frustrated that
>anyone who doesn't agree rogue is GOD MODE really SUCKS at the game
You've just been mind broken by being inconvenienced while levelling a few times
Hi I am an autistic priest player and i only enjoy pvp
I'm so glad woke is dead.
can i please give you gold
Added to the harem
Yes i will be on na pvp horde
the most fun i had in battlegrounds in WoW was playing my friends elemental shaman and shooting people from afar to get the best kdr in AV. just sit back and rack up like 50 kills easy peasy pressing 2-3 buttons.

Then i go back on my rogue and its like
>just avoid the main battle and go use 8 different cooldowns to maybe kill the guy in the tower then stay there and defend bro
You sound very upset. I recommend taking a short walk to stretch your legs and to reflect on all the dumb retarded shit you just spouted on an anonymous Cantonese Yoghurt Synthesizing Forum.
Yeah, I think this might be the thing that pushes me to go mage over rogue. The rogue life in BGs is fucking lame
No, you can infinitely kite a rogue at level 25 which was the example level with no difficulty and unless the rogue opens with ambush and insta kills you you are dead with no chance at counterplay short of some massive consume use which is unlikely at 25. If you see them throwing a grenade while your casting poly, move slightly and recast. They still can't catch you. You must be terrible to lose to rogue on mage even in gank situations before rogue has multiple vanishes and at least blind. If you use sprint to catch the mage after they blink you no longer have improved sprint to break the nova and mage gets the reset and wins. There's no situation short of 1 hit kill where mage doesn't get the reset and kill until a very high level rogue with all cooldowns.

And guys rogues level too and have to be out of stealth to fight shit. They get hunters marked and they're dead. They get moonfired/fairy fired and they're dead, they get dotted by a warlock and they're dead, etc.
>if you're a person who can be convinced by strangers to drink his own piss live online on a cam, then you shouldn't play wow on a pvp realm
>caring about how your class performs in AV

AV is where you're going to be spending 99% of your time at 60 if you're going for R10+

something brownie cucks don't understand, that's why most of them end up afking in tunnel or at IBGY
make sure you go disc until lvl 30 (if you can get a wand) for best priest pvp experience while leveling.

wand them billy, wand them all down
n-no, you don't understand
i'm gonna have a bio female paladin giving me freedom and cleanses 100% of the time I pvp
>rogue is God mode
>Nah they have weaknesses
>they actually don't
Why are you so butthurt of and scared by rogues?
do that then level a rogue alt for tbc maybe because rogues in tbc are actually fun as fuck.
whats the name of the pve non hardcore server?
damn walle thats a blast from the past. ner'zhul forum shit talking was pure kino
why did they change the names? they were sovfvl before
melee get AB and WSG which are very friendly for them. ranged get absolutely cucked in small scale pvp. AV is a zergfest anyway, let the ranged shoot at eachother for a bit
reddit complained again
Me, I complained about them yesterday.
grifting reddit niggers complained
im the bio female paladin
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Reddit complained.

One week into fresh they're gonna complain about the leveling speed and how they have seven jobs and how we need 500% XP boosts.
>can't login to cata to redeem leftover tokens from wotlk without an active sub
i can do that on retail lol
do you want to be my girlfriend? I don't mind if you're kind of ugly.
dont forget 6 kids
thanks anon
Mages sub lvl 40 have what, 1.5k health? Most rogues will shred through your health bar before you even realize what's going on

You won't be starting fights with mana shield / ice barrier up, frost nova probably on CD too.
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Don't tell me you guys liked those lame fucking alliterative server names.
complain enough and get your own server
australians are too powerful
>verification not required
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Post discord.
>rolling on a doa server
very powerful indeed
it'll die like all the other OCE ones
not falling for it this time, gonna go NA realms
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Yes because they were the names of DM tribute run buffs.
I don't use discord. Message me in game when fresh is up and we'll talk.
only dagger rogues do that and daggers are pure suffering for leveling. theres like a sweet spot where hybrid dagger spec is kinda good but only single target then it feels terrible compared to actual combat
>server dies in a month because there’s only like 20 people who play in OCE
Arugal fucking sucked and was DOA, deal with it
one last level 1 to wand speedrun before freshie!
Probably the smart move. They seem really stern on the no transfers thing. Putting a warning up when you select a PVP realm that you can't leave.
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take a deep breath. have a short rest.
post comfy music.
the new ones are better
i kind of liked fengus but nightslayer is 10/10 pvp name
what does this mean
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We're finally going home bros
meaning i play until i can create my wand with tailoring + enchanting
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he’s practicing leveling from 1 to 5
at level 5, casters get access to lesser magic wand, which increases their kill speed immensely
only horde played arugal. server was something like 70/30 horde by tbc
people are just gonna opt to not play when horde get insta faction locked and instead they'll go on NA realms
west coast usa here. for some reason my grocery store had timtams and i finally got to try a timtam slam. it was fantastic, and they are much richer than i expected. thanks for reading my blogpost.
>lunula too big
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also buy some https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Nail-Biting-treatments-Fingernail/dp/B0D2RZFJ53 it will help you to stop biting your fingernails and chewing on your skin.
ahhhh i see

it will be easier to level it up via leatherworking since there will be so many people playing, you can stay at certain mob hotspots and skin everybody's bears or wolves or whatever
out of curiosity at what level do you get it?
>most rogues will shred through your health bar before you realize what's going on
How bad are you to not realize what's going on when they open? Unless they open with ambush and kill you in 1 hit mage uses blink and resets the fight. Cheapshot and 1 sinister strike pre level 40 does like... 160 damage? That's all the damage you're going to get vs the mage lol. Maybe you take 8 seconds to react to a rogue opening but I have blink keybound. Arguing that rogue destroys mage pre 40 is absolutely insane.

And at top level let's see how good rogue is!


7 rogues out of 64 players
3 advance to round 2
0 advance to round 3

Rogue stats are
3 wins 7 losses

1 loss to shaman
1 loss to druid
2 losses to warrior
3 losses to hunter

1 win vs druid
1 win vs priest
1 win vs hunter
timtams slap and they have mystical australian lore behind it, they would sell really well in america
level 10
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WoW classic but the graphics look like this.
Yes? No? Fuck you?
calm down fatso
I don't think so. Grinding a cloth-dropping hyperspawn should be the play at launch. Skinning would waste a lot of time
excuse me cunt we are having a discussion here, piss off
No you
excuse me for trying to make money moves, and im 85kg SKINNY fat tyvm
>daggers are pure suffering for leveling
is this hyperbole
I thought it might be cool to go sub rogue for max safety since I’m rolling on nightslayer
hard no
gross, spoiler that shit
I look at this image and the first word to come to mind is tranny.
is this everquest?
>ugliest most disgusting looking male characters when playing Horde
>prettiest female characters wearing the sluttiest outfits when playing Alliance
anyone else like this?
what is this? disney dreamlight valley?
Planning on leveling a druid with the intention to heal.
How painful is it to level as Balance? If I leveled as Feral wouldn't I need caster gear by like lvl 40 to heal dungeons?
sub goes maces/swords because hemo wants slow weapon speed
daggers is mostly assassination, and it’s lame leveling because you need to set up backstab with gouge
No, I don't watch sissy hypno.
lvl 8-10 depeding on rng, i dont really rush it tho - i stack cloth while i do other quest

havent tried that but im gonna stick to tailoring - i'll want that to craft my robes at 60 anyways
>Steam Deck: setup
>docked mode: setup
>resolution: 720p on a 4k monitor set to 1:1 scaling so no blurry stretches and edges are black because it's a small box in the middle of the screen
>add-ons: setup
>Starlink: activated
>subscription: ready to redeem a token tomorrow
>living innawoods: off-grid
>storm outside: heavy rains and strong gusts of wind with no signs of relenting for a few days
>wood stove: fire is lit
>home: we're there
what gender, race, and class do you think I will play?
Orc, Troll or Tauren for shaman? pvp server
>3 servers per region
>1 is pvp
There's no way this gonna fly, right? Queues would be 48h estimate time otherwise
just keep some pieces with +int and you'll be fine. leveling as balance is very painful compared to feral
It's Epsilon
thanks bro
sword sub sounds cool too
maybe I’ll roll human after all
Orc, the other two don't even tread water
Human Male Warrior, herbalism, skinning and fishing/cooking. Self sustained. Self reliant. Ready for that darl souls-esque adventure
It's huge hyperbole lol. Daggers do just fine levelling and are fun in dungeons. It's not as good as swords but it's perfectly fine you open for most of the mobs hp and then kill it, weapon swap from dagger to slow mace for hemo if you want to do it properly.

Is nightslayer the hc realm? Sub rogue is an amazing spec in hc. 2 vanishes and you're not going to die

Keep in mind if you drop a target dummy and vanish the mobs will kill the dummy and still be able to see you in stealth due to some bug with companions. Equip luffa and keep a stack of restorative potions to cleanse all dot debuffs and you can always vanish safely
nah not with blizzards patented untested megaserver sharding technology! literally nothing can go wrong
>how painful is it to level as balance
pretty damned painful, you’ll have to drink every third mob
this is in contrast to feral, which essentially has zero downtime
>don’t I need a caster set to heal dungeons
not really, you can just buy +intellect gear from the auction house and you’ll be able to heal anything up to 40
Hunter, Warlock, and Shaman are all fun and viable when you don't have a bitch in your ear complaining on an easy ass game
>appointment with cenno so i can keep my fortnightly neetbux tomorrow at 9am
That guys an idiot. Sub levelling gets ambush to a near guaranteed crit, opens with it, and then swaps to a slow main hand right after. Noone is gouge backstabbing that's completely retarded
how many hours until the server opens?
i haven't done much testing with it but when i played classic hc on launch i got my lesser magic wand pretty quickly grinding bears and wolves near the logging camp in elwynn, everybody was playing so there were tons of bodies to skin

where are some good hyperspawns? i'll try some out rn since launch is soon anyway
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orc hunter
YO only 15hrs left to farm scarab lord!
not sure, i've only practiced teldrassil
i'm sure there's some defias hyperspawn somewhere
All classes are viable, f***ing clown.
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Just keep a tab open, the counter is live.
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imagine thinking you will ever get sovfovl 1v1 PvP on any vanilla megaserver

it's all going to be ganksquads in the open world, everyone else will be in instances
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Had tons of decent wpvp in sod when it was huge. You're an exaggerating crybaby
sounds good
that is why for the first time in my life I am going on the PvE server. I just can't do it anymore. You live by the gank, you die by the gank
cool can't wait to not be a crybaby fuckwad and communicate in general chat about threats and group up with people to take them out and have a fun time doing it
I need help brainstorming snacks and meal ideas to buy tomorrow before launch for a long weekend of grinding
>eu goes to sleep
>all the healslut, anime, and sissyposting stops
really makes you think
ganksquads are the definition of SOVL tho
Alright, thanks anons.
Also, at what point is it better to use Cat form over Bear?
Someone was spamming bbc and piss porn the other day along side the trump memes
Nooooooooo that guy had 6 million close personal friends who all rolled on pvp server and QUIT the game a few weeks in because of school shooters killing them while he had a great time on sissy

I usually get a bag of chicken
>it's all going to be ganksquads in the open world, everyone else will be in instances
Literally never is. And even less of a chance for that now since the honor system isn't even active. Gank squads will be focusing on lowbie quest turn in NPCs since no dishonorable kills. Everyone else will be autistically just trying to level and not waste time pvping.
I'm doing both.
>first brd run in classico on my woyer
>sgc drops. very cool!
>paladin also needs on it
>luckily i win
>ask him wtf bro did you really need on that?
>he goes "yeah"
>kick him and put on ignore, i aint playing with this nigga again
>luckily a priest is right outside and we get his dwarf healing ass
>suddenly a thought occurs
>ask the rogue hey bro you gonna be needing HoJ if it drops?
>no response
>ask again
>still nothing
>kick him, he instantly starts running to the entrance to leave so he wasn't afk after all
>grab another mage
>make our way through
>HoJ drops
>we can't down emp so call the run
lesson learned: never invite paladins/rogues/possibly druids to brd as a warrior tank
what do you mean bag of chicken, like tendies or frozen chicken breasts?
As soon as you get cat form you use it almost all the time, caster form to heal on between every couple mob kills or to moonfire tag. Bear is for sometimes surviving or getting a charge or bash off. Get the druid mana bar addon to see your mana while you're shape-shifting
Rogue. Warlock can't run away from anything. 2 or more people will always kill you. A rogue will usually kill you. >>50
cat form does like double the DPS of bear, you’ll want to use it immediately after you get it (at 20)
Tyson popcorn chicken
tough but fair
Completely your right. You have 0 reason to compete for any gear as a tank warrior
forcing balanced PvP megaservers is anti-vanilla

to be true ethical sovlfvl vanilla PvP servers with 1500 player caps you should only ever encounter PvP in the open world once per day
>t. zombie robber
reckoning bud
googling that only brings up a plants vs zombies enemy
>Tough tier
Naxx, AQ40
>OK tier
>Easy tier
>Babby tier
MC, Ony

Is this about right as far as difficulty?
forcing faction balance is the best decision Blizzard has made since releasing Classic
undead rogue (purse snatcher class)
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>All the original wow devs only ever played on Tichondrius (PvP) which was a 100-0 horde dominated server
>PvP fetishism only exists because they only experienced "PvP" servers

now i see
What tier is never reaching 60?
Am I expected to study dungeon guides before joining a group? It’s my first time playing wow and I don’t want to spoil stuff if possible.
You’re not really going to pay blizzard money for Classic-Classic are you?
Me tier
yeah man they all played the most populous 2024 retail realm and there is absolutely no difference between now and two decades ago when people picked realm by coolest name and had no clue about population or faction balance
need a sexy bratty neet daddy to give a rimjob to while he levels in classic
Yeah, although they overlap a lot. I’d also put a tier break between Naxx and AQ40. Four Horsemen, Sapph, KT, even fights like Gothikk can be hard. Much harder than C’Thun.
will I be able to get spots as an AoE mage if I play 24/7? I'm not great at AoE been practicing today but figure I can learn as I go more
Absolutely not lol. If you're not playing hardcore it won't matter at all. Some people might give you a hard time for being bad but who cares. Have fun, it's a great game
Find guild ASAP and stick with them. Otherwise you’re toast. Classic Andy’s do the same thing every time, they senselessly try to gatekeep easy content for a sense of elitism.

You do not want to be Stuck trying to pug. They just won’t invite you if you don’t have every add on installed showing your parses and raid.io.
It’s stupid but it’s what they always do, it’s why they continue to play.
Is there a way to find out what my ping is to US East before I pay for a sub?
in english
auctionator or auctioneer?
AOE grinding isn't that bad to get used to, the dungeon shit like ZF is a little more complicated and I can't do it though

If you play 24/7 you should get ahead of the pack but there will probably be some mages already in the typical spots
What the fuck are you talking about? He won't have logs on a fresh server and he's talking about wailing caverns and sfk and shit
aoeing doesn’t work ideally on all mobs, you want mobs that are all melee, don’t flee (and if they do flee, can’t flee far), no ranged or casters, with fast respawn times and wide open space

there’s not an immense number of those spots in the game, and so the common ones are gonna be contested
Probably not. Even one other person in your aoe spot usually makes it unviable. You'd have to be one of the fastest mages on your server to level to the first aoe camps (for horde this is like level 22) and you'd have to be a very good aoe mage to do it effectively enough to start outpacing everyone catching up to you.
>Find guild ASAP and stick with them
I joined the na pvp discord to find one but all I see are hardcore raiders. Guess I’ll have to find some other noobs in-game. The only parses I have are from xiv savage lol. I’m quitting that game and trying this since square enix destroyed the story.
i wish I had a cute wowtard bf so I could sit in their lap :/
When HoJ drops off Angerforge (which it should because we aren't getting p5 loot tables in p1 like SoM/SoD) that shit is so free. Rogue can solo him for hoj. Warrior/healer can duo him easy.
any tips for getting good at AoE farming? been practicing on the hillsbrad guys at 22 undead mage but not great
which is the best Orc skin color??
bright green or yellow
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Thanks, yeah thats not looking too good, US East is Chicago right?
depends on class. warrior classic green. rogue darker green or teal. hunter sage green. warlock teal. shaman classic green.
watch youtube guides
don’t be afraid to snap if you need to
don’t get greedy and use CoC/AE when you can just wait for a nova into blizzard

don’t get frostbite
Watch a compilation of the best aoe mages doing the same camps and try to practice. That hillsbrad farms spot is legitimately the most difficult to get right because you lack a lot of aoe tools at that level. I remember when doing it you had to like wand them a certain number of times and wait for them to stop fleeing and run back to you and keep wanting. Azurelode mine is better and the spot in arathi is the easiest freest shit ever. Definitely watch some videos and try to emulate the play, it's worth doing this a bit to improve all aspects of your mage gameplay anyway
The darkest one. Looks meh in the character creation screen but in game it looks perfect.
thanks guys! i'll check out some guides
I did level a mage to 60 back in 2019 but had to quit soon after. I didn't AoE except for ZF, which wasn't bad. So I was surprised I'm struggling a bit in hillsbrad. Could be like you said, less kit than a high level mage
I mean, I believe you’ll make it if you find a decent guild of like minded players who have patience to explain the game to you.

Don’t roll on hardcore, you’ll hate it.
I’m tempted to say don’t roll pvp server either since that tends to attract the biggest try hards and bad actors, however it’s somewhat of the authentic experience so play it if you want to.
I did the hillsbrad thing for the first time ever on hc and wanted to give up immediately I found it so difficult. By the time I left I was pulling 7 or 8 and getting them all down perfectly and it felt so fucking good to loot all those corpses

Then I got insanely bored of doing the same thing over and over at level 40 and went back to questing lol
Legion unironically had a lot of fun shit like outlaw, class halls, and some classes having their class fantasy on steroids like demonology

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