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Grimtotem Tribe edition

>Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent Dawn
>WoWg community for NA

Previous thread >>502937741
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Another night of pugging. Good night anons~ <3
why are the wow generals so dead nowadays
what happened?
Give me (You)s
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easy game
for mommy whitemane always
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Already live on NA servers
nini cutie
post mp4s
I want to keep them just in case Blizzard add the tbc variant colors but then again, they'll probably put it behind another currency so you are forced to play their shit.
probably tons of reasons. I'd suspect alot of the pve people are on the more casual side. while devles gave great loot they quickly hit a wall in m+ and stopped showing up.
.5 patch raid on heroic was very difficult for the loot it gave and didn't retain average raiders that way either. So most sane people don't keep posting here if they aren't playing.
TBC recolors probably 2025 anniversary, thats how they keep paypig subbers subbed
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Henlo everyone!

This season is definitely harder compared to previous ones, or maybe the increase in key difficulty is much higher between levels.
Love fem humies
nah you just fucking suck
God i love your nelf hunter so much!
Yes it's a lot harder than anything in DF, but then again DF was piss easy m+ wise and people who got used to that easiness got walled by TWW m+
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I wouldn't say it is harder, I think I am still doing good, reached 2.2k score in a week so I think it is pretty good performance so far. I am still pretty low ilvl, 616 only. A friend of mine who was 3.4k in DF is now stuck at 3k apparently. I am aiming for 2.6-2.7k this season (400 below my DF performance), but I like the dungeons, except for DB.

>God i love your nelf hunter so much!
Uhhh, sure.
Between the squish, the change so only kicks can interrupt so CC can really fuck pugs, and tyran/fort turning on at 10. This season blasted alot of booties. I know the gate keepers love it but I miss the more chilled out m+ of season3
the face turns me off
>noo don't merge with /wowcg/
>everyone from /wowg/ goes to /wowcg/ anyways
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Are you ready for Super Squirt Week?
the shaman tier chest + that cyan shoulder are top kino mog
well done
You and your multiple personalities are not everyone.
Plus the new scaling
They are going to nerf shit for sure next season
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Autistic Hector pooed his self
Depends. They got white or asian girls too?
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It's hunter tier chest actually. But thanks!

I am actually pretty comfortable that I can do 9s, if the rest of the group is also good, but for 10s and higher, I need like 10 more ilvl.
post her feet
let them go. in a couple of months classic^2 will be dead anyway
You have to go back.
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I said, no.
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In preparation for Super Squirt Week, does anyone have suggestions for resources around the must have battle pets I should level to 25?
Also does anyone know how I can make this minigame look more like Pokemon?
post full
Best poster ITT tied with ice cream enjoyer worgen
>turn on guide mode
>report every pandaren dk and paladin named holyfirez you see
>funny lil message from blizzard next day thanking you for narcing on bots
3x Nexus Whelplings
is it a crime? in my court hearing today i was accused a racism because i called my creditor a stinking french pig over the phone. when they asked for a statement i said no discrimination was done, he was annoying me and he was gonna get it equally regardless of where hes from. meanwhile he's trying to gouge money off a unemployed man.
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Uhh, I don't know what makes me "the best poster," but thanks, I guess.
Mythic crests dropping from +9 at the beginning was definitely quite a steep wall.
Ooo, I see. I haven't been playing since 1 week ago, so I don't know about the early mess.
Kill yourself :)
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Today I have acquired the snowfluff dreamtalon which is, arbitrarily, the last Emerald Dream mount I needed. Slightly sad most are just the same stag and dreamtalons. I know a lot of people had issues with the Amirdrassil patch as a whole and this being THE definitive Emerald Dream thing but I find the zone comfy enough. Did you like the zone?
Keep your mount safe from moonguard.
>go to vendor on live NA server
>not in her inventory
>item doesn't even show up on Wowhead
What do you get out of tricking people like this?
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felcycle STILL not solved.. it's so over
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Prepare yourselves. The XIVfugees are coming.
rape correction
why would they come to wow? wouldn't all the visual novels be more their speed?
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Bots get the rope
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will token prices go up or down on patch day?
slow day huh
I advertise it when I'm looking for a geared group and I myself am geared too
They're just acting like they're disbanding as a polite way of saying they don't want you in the next run.
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I love Sally
why is tumblr like this
It's always $25 regardless of patch status.
Bros, I hate Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks so much.
Gold price won't change, the patch doesn't bring anything where you have to spend money on so people won't buy the token.
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they canonically did her dirty
>gets the opportunity to repent and actually change the world for the better
Nah, that's the opposite
Name, server???
It's okay, you'll understand when you're older.
Is shield arms warrior at all viable? not as a tank and i don't expect to be topping dps charts but would i be just super gimping myself
Are you fucking stupid bro? That's like asking "can I play outlaw with 2 dagger?"
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You tell me
How much time it takes to level 20 to 40?, sadly I don't like too much the base races and I want to unlock an allied race one
about 2-3 hours
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no, not an rp one :(
I see but is there a good method? or I just keep doing dragonflight quests?
Spam timewalking dungeons
This is my first time logging in in a month, is there a fast way to get the anniversary token things?
Just do all the tww weeklies and bi weeklies thats like 120 bronze
WoD is faster. if you're alliance you just do the human path of elwynn westfall redridge (skip the rambo section past where you go across the lake) and duskwood
can you raid without joining a guild these days? I like this game but my social anxiety prevent me to play at higher level.

How do I go about meating this elf?
Ive decided that Im just a fucking retard, I just dont "get" enhancement shaman. I practice the rotation then when I do content my damage is just garbage I dont know why. My damage with ele is much better
i hesitate to pug Heroics
too many overconfident retards
Did you manage to take down Queen?
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I am literally too stupid to play anything other than Warrior and Paladin
Im fine with puging normal. But then I remember even pugging 5man dungeon could be pretty rage inducing at times.
No, because blizzard are cowards and wont bring back gladiator stance
You can pug normal and heroic and usually the first few bosses of mythic. Beyond just trying to find randoms in group finder there are often discord communites and the like that provide retard pens you can join if you have social anxiety.
the thing with normals is even if you're surrounded by shitters, there are dozens of potential not shitters waiting for a slot
in Heroic all it takes is one retard who doesn't know the mechs or is too busy jerking off on the other monitor and you're fucked
>took me hundreds of attempts to beat ?? zekvir on my rogue
>try it on my 580 ilvl tank
>beat it in one try
I'm a fucking idiot
Which tank?
Next time do it as outlaw shits free if youre outlaw
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would you a fox?
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What's the most canon class for Earthen?
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Yeah, with my big fat dracthyr dick
Violently and without remorse.
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Officially 2.2k score. Now the real challenge begins.
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I'm so confused, wtf do I do here? I've ran the delve twice because I thought it was bugged or something. I finished the delve for the campaign, unclogged the grate and killed the enemy but "the waterworks restored" never completes. Am I doing something wrong?
zug theres no way i could pull outta that
IIRC you just go back to the quest turn in and there's something you interact with
>FDK and ENH both hard meta specs right now
spellbladechads we are eating exquisitely good.
warrior. based solely off that one quest where you hand out weapons
Congrats! You started well after me and still got to 2k before me because I'm a pussy about going higher.
how can i get a vulpera erp gf(male)
When was the last time ele shaman or brewmaster was meta for m+?
Talk to skullfox.
As a horde player, how do I do the sparks of war quests on an ally dominated realm
Never but its good right now

faction change
Was thinking about lvling a warrior to 80, Got a lvl 70 gnome, lvl 52 void elf or maybe starting a dracthyr, unsure which to go with, Either way will be fem and slutmogged obviously
azeroth needs more femworgens anon
you don't lol
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become what you must
>will be fem and slutmogged
Why the FUCK is so much of the campaign locked at 80? This is retarded. Doing just the campaign landed me at level 77, if they would have just kept the campaign going it could have went to 80. What a shit design.
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they absolutely knew what they were doing when they made femperas so sexual
can they please buff other specs or at least nerf ret/enhance please

braindead 2 button shit like those 2 shouldnt be this strong, make them good even high tier fine but literally the best spec in the game? no
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idk i don't normally meet people from wowg :c
i gave up. cleared heroic up to her multiple times and just can't follow through, i'm bad luck for groups it feels like. surprised someone remembers that tho lol
Is ele good? I thought the only shaman was enhance atm
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was tempted but already got a lvl 80 druid and dk
I think i know what must be done
enhance is the meta spec (as in literally the best at what it does bar none, not just "kinda good")
>muh braindead spec reeeee
your special boy faggot class isnt difficult either retard
quickest way to make 50k gold?
I need to buy a mammoth
Redpill me on that
Yeah, which would make ele shit in comparison no? That's why I was wondering why they said ele was good right now

Does this elf like worgen men?
Work a job for 1 hour and buy a token
p2w piece shit of a game
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fox > elf
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and wolf > fox
This is the natural hierarchy
Why do people say that BDK is the best pug tank? wouldn't prot be better since you can also heal your group, AND you're currently the best tank?
i am SO glad i wont be seeing you furry freaks for a few weeks
bon voyage!
no furshit in classic
not no way
not no how
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it's not fair to include wolves
night elves will be getting BVLLED in classic though
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>no furshit in classic
>piles of femtaur
plap plap plap plap
they're retards
prot pal isnt really the best either
you never know when you're going to get a stinker that cant play the class effectively
druid is probably the best followed by prot war then maybe bdk
the bar is so low on bear and warrior that any retard can do it if they dont over pull
protpal needs to know when they're about to eat shit and because its teh best you have a lot of fotm rerollers that dont know shit and as a consequence of that, they eat shit
bdk can self sustain most shit tho if they also dont overpull
the freaks are on
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well ele IS good, the only time you legitimately cannot play ele compared to enhance is like 15s and 16s+. Meta only really decides the game at the highest level, and even then your biggest problem will still be people who simply dont want the non-meta spec. There's a ton of otherwise good stuff that just cant hang.
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>play frost
>keep bricking keys because of that retarded ass frostwhelp talent having 24 billion fucking range and i keep forgetting about it when i press pillar of frost
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Glory to the Goon'dorei.
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all elfs are promiscuous (even if they refuse to admit it)
baelgrim appears to be a shaman of some sort
>giant fat tits
>mr olympia abs
i dont know whats wrong with you people honestly
Bear druid just doesn't seem good for me. I've never had a dungeon with a bear and thought to myself "man that guy really made this dungeon easy". Maybe I just haven't seen any good ones.
>everyone's playing classic now
What are you still doing here anon?
gooning to video game assets didn't make it clear enough
holy humanbait
Ele is really good. Easily the best ranged overall. Huge burst, great aoe and honestly really good mobility.
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Why is that? Higher the better, keys are fun!
I don't really see anybody taking any casters except augmentation. Maybe It's different in lower keys?
Because I'm lazy and also keep thinking my ilvl isn't good enough to go higher.
Whoever designed havoc to have the fel rush be meta, I hope you kill yourself. It's so fucking annoying. YEAH YEAH IMMO FEL RUSH VBENGEFUL RETREAT GLAIVE IMMO FEL RUSH

I miss when this spec was 100% braindead unga bunga
Rework aug into a tank spec. all issues will be immediately fixed
rapebait in general
i appreciate what they were going for honestly
i just wont play it in pve
the former dh/rogue dev got promoted btw
wtb more anti melee mechanics
either kill aug or forcibly convert a handful of specs to support. I'm so sick of these lizards
What is your ilvl?
>the former dh/rogue dev got promoted btw
That's fucking sad considering the state if both rogue and dh.
>more supports
there would be mass dpssissy suicide while in their 50 minute queues
Rogue not getting bard is criminal.
male kul tiran warrior or female gnome death knight?
Monk having a 4th spec as support would fit nicely. Give the least played class something shiny, and a melee support would fill 2 niches.
my worgen needs this elf, how would i go about finding her
Think about it. No more pures. Mages locks rogues and hunters all get slapped with a support. Now that there's more options they can really lean into them being a pillar of gameplay and make it really night and day the difference between having one and not. Suddenly all these dpsoids have access to a piss easy, giga value spec that gets faster queues. I HAVE A DREAM. THAT ONE DAY DUNGEONS WILL BE 1 TANK 1 HEAL 1 SUPPORT AND 2 DPS. And idk make it to where you can't benefit from two supports shit at once I guess.
idk man maybe its an okay idea in theory but i think aug is a terminally boring spec to play and i am doubtful they have the ability to make support interesting at all
>the playerbase spent the last 4 seasons bitching about supports
>the whole oracle situation
We will never get another support, the anon saying rework aug into tank is right.
I'm not saying they need to make them fun or interesting. Just strong. I feel like dps queues in general would actually get better if all the pures actually had a "quicker" option
I want a support spec where I heal and buff the group like this. No dps. Just pure support. Give whole group stat buffs and shields.
based slut
I always liked disc more when it was the shield spec. It could be nice if it didn't have to be balanced output wise as a full healer and instead could shield and amp
You can do that as a healer on RP realms.
to make dps queues quicker at least 1/3 of current dps players would need to be willing to play that role and i dont see that happening. i play dev evoker and if i want faster queues i just go pres, aug only feels remotely fun in a coordinated group
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Are the dracthyr considered members of the red/blue/green etc dragonflights now?
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I claim the first .mp4 posted in /wowg/ for the glory of Pandaria, and the splendour of Yu'lon! Praise be unto the Celestials! Peace at any cost!
They are freak slaves like the dragonkin
What is the origin of all the dragonkind anwyay, were they all just slaves made to serve the real dragons?
Which tank has the least buttons to play? I wanna be lazy while I tank
Kinda based desu
Why doesn't Blizzard disable /dance, kids play these games for Christ's sake and all dancing is imitating sinful acts of carnal fornication.
Speak for yourself.
what healer should i play if im a retard and want to get carried in rbgs
wish I had a femgob sugar mommy to give me gold
Too soft. They should just ban everyone from playing the game. People are dangerous. Should just not let anyone log on to be safest.
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well well well, what do we have here
well if anything
it doesnt look like troonrp
literally everyone abandoned this thread for classic
they've had like six generals today holy fuck
its so over for season 1
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I don't like playing devastation, but I'm guessing I'll be forced to play it until higher m+? When can I start playing aug in m+?
play pres, sissy boy
They never bring it up. The only story Dracthyr have is relegated to the Sundered Flame shit and the aspects never talk about it. By the end of DF the only context we have is the arbitrary Dracthyr Horde/Alliance teams and Emberthal leading what remains of the rest. As with a lot of DF they get ignored by the end.

People will invite augs in 2s even though they really shouldn't it doesn't matter.
a goat is right there anon
It's been said a hundred times before and i'll say it again, but classic is simply a better version of the game. It just is. There is a reason it's always the most played version of the game whenever there is some kind of refresh.
don't meet up normally :c
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>kills you
how do you respond?
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
it's the ``best pug tank'' in low keys because you don't need to depend on your healer
honestly it's amazing how bad a lot of players in the 10-12 range are right now
Die, i guess
>As with a lot of DF they get ignored by the end.
I noticed that too, I wonder why desu
It's a shame. Monk is the only tank I like to play, but it's garbage in M+
It's pretty much accepted that at some point after .0 was finalized they went through a lot of rewrites to better deal with the reshuffling.

well gimme a hint so i can fin ya!
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You can't kill me if I do it first!
anyone competent quit or only runs high keys now
i gave up on my alts
i had a dawnbreaker 10 on my bdk that i barely timed with like 13 deaths or some shit
and a dawnbreaker 10 on my mw monk with 65 before disband ;)
Speaking of people being bad in the 10-12 range last week I filled my vault and then some while 2 chesting basically every key and this week every group is a fucking nightmare. Earlier I did a siege were I had 30 interrupts as fury warrior with a havoc dh and surv hunter in the group who both had single digit interrupts at the end of dungeon. I feel like I've fallen behind and now every key is going to be a struggle against inflate ratings and ilvls. Maybe I just got lucky last week or something?
As awful as BFA and Shadowlands were I would have been genuinely interested in seeing what Danuser's baby was for Dragonflight.
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memefox would turn that vulp straight
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i'll pop on moonguard in an hour or two for a bit xP
velf rogue... the usual inn no belf for anyone soz
We need to merge with /wowcg/
Why? Nothing good could ever come from some retard who just makes up words and compiles them into sentences to make it seem like he's saying something when he's not.
None of it goes anywhere, it's stupid.

What type of men does this elf like most?
revert nerfs to stops
revert 15 second timer
m+ is immediately 100% more playable

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Reminder that TWW is still Steve Danuser's work.
Because it was so close to the weekly reset, we’ve left the Hall of Fame open for additional entries until next week, when then Hall of Fame will close permanently with regional weekly resets (on Tuesday, November 26 in this region).
Nerub bros there's still time...
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Best looking class for ele shaman?
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Danuser's and Metzen's baby is just a BfA 2.0...
Alright you fucking crack addicts, give me a rundown of the latest expansion.
i like playing this song while tanking
The Return of Bea!
you're going to make the dysphoria come back!!!
What da fug!? Did you Maye switch back to fem human?
>void foot slut main antagonist
>dalaran gets anal vored by her
>first raid tier is a nerubian raid, the queen jobs and dies
>the sons of lothar end up saving the day (again)
>next patch/raid tier is a kino goblin zone & raid
its okay. first villain in a long time to be pretty hot
>zone 1
Men die so women can take over
>zone 2
We kill men so women can take over
>Zone 3
Woman explains why it's not nepotism to give her daughter high-paid, cushy jobs out of harms way
>Zone 4
Alleria almost gets everyone killed with a critical woman moment
Turalyon and Anduin cheerlead Alleria while she confronts Xal'atath, Khadgar ends up in a wheelchair
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thoughts? yeah I think KLING won.
>image resolution is too large
go kys 4shit

I wouldn't be surprised cause he is very bi-polar schizo like that where he drastically changes his mind from day to day.
Even for him though, would be pretty wild if he just faction changed again so quickly.
It's like being asked what would I do with zillion dollars, I don't bother myself with these scenarios that simply wouldn't happen.
He is some mentally ill gooner who is literally online 24/7 and pays furry artists for porn. Do you think a guy like that has ever worked in his life? I guarantee you hes one of Blizzard's most loyal paypigs.
>Calls someone else a scizo
>saves literally everything they post in a folder to impersonate them
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a toast! to wowo wawa!
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Cool back piece.
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I just had to reserve my name before one of your frauds took it, calm down.
Stolen valor!
>say something negative about maye
>pretend i'm his stalker
Lol, you're funny.
>dont nootice and remember how fuckign insane i actually am
jesus christ
pathetic, actually
Not my fault Death Knights are running the Plaguelands and finding a bunch of old Lordaeron stuff around everywhere.
whatever happened to that one autistic greek dude who did nothing but talk about how round his manda was and how he was based for getting mounted by his own dog
certified stacies
iirc someone here said he trooned out and killed himself, unironically
ralph is dead?
maybe theres some justice in the world after all
>visually good zones
>ok quest line with a more annoying sylvanas and a disabled american sheboon
>abhorrent dungeons that resulted in the worst mythic+ season to date
>terrible raid without a single rememberable fight
>MDI and RWF have the least amount of views ever
>m+ has the biggest drop off from any season ever
>some good transmogs from the arathi zone
>professions started out amazing but got crushed by bots and whales
>crafting mafia is stronger than ever while bots turned gathering into an absolute waste of time
>the expansion will have 3 tiers
>Xal got us a lot of porn
>Heh I better type in all lower case about the namefags I seethe about
>That way nobody sees how retarded and mad I am
>I look so cool and nonchalant now
>getting mounted by his own dog
I thought he was the one doing the fucking.
>>terrible raid without a single rememberable fight
I think nexus princess and queen are both memorable desu
Shut the fuck up, m*ye you disgusting gooner neet freak. Go pay some furries to draw you disabled ugly character.
thats the best you can do?
thanks for proving my point, asshole
>aw shit here we go again
I hope he's in Hell.
So is imo Ovinax and the Silken Court.
Wonder what anon deems "memorable".
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so this......is the power...........of soloq....................
Requiring your entire raid to carefully go through their addons and check off certain boxes makes a fight memorable now?
if you're trying to get 1.8k for an elite set don't bother with bltiz, just do solo shuffle
You are playing against r1 boosters who duo q with healers.
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Is demonology any good in m+? Seems like a cool spec
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>Fishing at Bloody Pool
>Someone lands beside me
>'Randomly' disconnect
Always makes me a little bit sus
>i have to install 45 weak auras for this boss
>what an amazing fight I'll remember forever

Are we ready to admit that talent tree-slop was an absolutely devastating mistake yet?
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yeah, it's what I play on my warlock for maze +
it always has damage for every group of trash mobs basically, very nice and comfy
yes its awful and wow devs should actively do the opposite of what players ask for
your brain is deflated
lol no
Don't know what you're talking about, but I mean retards being unable to crack the right eggs and the sheer chaos when things go wrong.
I realize you're from a cutting edge world top 5 guild, so this goes beyond you, but it do be like that.
go back retard
who up getting they classic classic classic world firsts?
IMO it scratches the itch of "not very hard at all, but highly satisfying and engaging gameplay that does reasonably well in most situations"

Very very comfy to have a bunch of resources rolling between packs, doomguard etc.
Some classes make you wish you had more points, other make you question what least useless shit to put the points into to get to the one somewhat good thing.
>MMO boss where people not standing where they're supposed to causes the boss to become more unmanageable
Based Ion once again revolutionizing the genre.
How is that different from any other encounter if you bring it down like that?
kek that anon would have had his mind blown by broodkeeper diurna if he'd actually played df
Good morning friends.
>"oh my god how the fuck did you miss an egg AGAIN"
Kelly's four steps ahead like that.
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>dps don't crack the eggs they're supposed to
>the sheer chaos that results
So soul. So memorable.
Thank you Mr.Max for changing the way the game was played.
NTA but a memorable boss to me would be something like Ragnaros, Illidan, Lich King, Algalon, Four Horseman, Nefarian, Kael'thas, Elisande, Kil'jaeden, Aggramar, Argus, Denathrius.

You know what's not a memorable boss? Some literal who bug creature as a filler boss in some shit raid nobody cares about. Ovinax? Is that the slug bug or the weird mantis bug? Who cares?
Silken court? Two random made up generic model nerubians that don't do anything special? They're as memorable as the court bosses of eternal palace that I literally can't even remember the names of.
>implying rashanan isnt the most memorable boss in wow history
>schizophrenic loon posts insane shit every day
>people with a functioning brain and memory notice
>mock him for it
They're not perfect and they were a lot worse on DF release but at this stage they're at worst just the same as the rest. They're no more or less cookie cutter than previous versions but I would say on average I swap around individual nodes more often than in the past and the difference between M+ and raid builds can be pretty drastic.
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Brutal claw!
People were too blinded by the sales pitch of 'Vanilla SOUL old talent trees!' to realize they were just being sold the same skills they used to have plus a mostly binary choice between single target and cleave/aoe.
Now I admit there is SOME variance/agency and it's fun to tweak talents when you're doing prog raids and trying to counter certain mechanics that your group is struggling with but overall the new trees are mainly bloated busywork that further drive away new players and/or enforce the mindset of just copying the best build off u.gg/wowhead/icyveins without actually learning your class properly and instead just pressing the buttons that light up.
the motherhecking chaosrino!
Good of you to admit you're a schizophrenic loon posting the same shit every day Kelly. Progress.
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>My RP character? I'm an Orc. In Stormwind. Named Dominique.
>These are my two friends, Man'ari Eredar Fel Dominators and World Breakers.
>Welcome to the Alliance.
>i have to install 45 weak auras for this boss
Can you seriously not kill a raid boss without weakauras reminding you to breathe?
Always nice when the add tank is actually paying attention and grabs fully hatched drakes when the dps fuck up. Got through a lot of rough heroic pugs with good co-pilots.
Nigger probably uses Hekili as well, give him a break.
Have you done mythic ovi'nax?
NTA but I have, my guild just installed a weak aura "pack" for it, the Northensky one for the raid.
Literally just invovled importing one string from wagio and that was it desu
You really couldn't cut being horde for even a week?
People are weak, so many mechanics in this game can just be eyeballed but niggas would rather waste copious amounts of time installing weakauras that auto-assign roles rather than just relying on raw gamer instinct.
Look at H queen. Really all you need to do is split the raid and go. No need to laboriously arrange for 6 designated people to pop the fucking pimple, anyone whose done that attempt more than twice should know just about the right time to pop it. You have every capable dps go for it and whoever gets the debuff just runs it out. Fucking easy.
But no, we have to wipe and wipe and wipe because 'Oh sorry guys I thought I was going third XDXDXD'.
>Shadowlands BAD
>everyone chose the same things
>here are all your legendaries and conduits as talents + new hero talents
>everyone chooses the same thing and adds 10 new keybinds

Noooo how can this be happening
You're real observant.
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>Have multiple characters on both Horde and Alliance
>This boggles you

Weekly Timewalking quests now require level 30 to drop item rewards.
Developers’ notes: Players from level 10-29 are still able to engage with Timewalking, however, we do not want to incentivize creating a character for one run and then deleting the character.

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The thing I like about this fight is the fact that it's an homage to the first boss of Blackwing Lair
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There better be a whole questchain dedicated to Edgerunners.
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How do the classicbvlls deal with no tag sharing?
Even Jay'lore is more memorable.
I really liked Razoregore in Vanilla. Whole raid gets split into 8 or so task forces and a lot of it is kind of spent just chilling, shooting the shit and killing packs of orcs as they spawn while the kite team is gaming their hearts out. It was really a unique experience to be off with 4-5 other guildmates in a corner of a boss arena performing a specialized role for 80% of the fight.
>also groups split with tanks
>who are marked with a marker
>instead of just following your tank, it's a wipe because retards don't know which one to go to
>also retards who think if they're the outer group, they also need to drop the poison on the outer, so they will struggle through the blades, fuck it up, drop it somewhere else and the whole thing results in the scenario I described above
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What do you think her visage form looked like?
they better let alliance tame that living grong model
those mecha models are not gonna be tamable for yeeeears guhhhh
WoW unfortunately really suffers from this issue where people are afraid of taking the initiative because they don't want to get yelled out. They want exact orders to follow to avoid any responsibility of their own and honestly with how pointlessly sarcastic and uninformatively toxic people can be "y lust now..." it's no surprise that so many casual players just opt out of thinking for themselves.
this might seem a bit silly but i believe that her visage form was a female human with big boobs and a big butt and that she loved to get freaky with it and bounce on it crazy style lol anyone else feel like this?
um... based?
Oh really? I'm observant for noticing this guy's documentary blogposting he does every day? The ones that are kind of hard to avoid because he posts so frequently no matter the time or day I open the thread? Very observant indeed.

Well I didn't think it was multiple characters I figured it was the one character you race changed on.
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There's artwork but I imagine like her siblings she'd have a vaguely humanoid form that leans heavily into her element, likely something similar to an ethereal only wrapped in wind instead of nether vapour.
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ok this still fucking sucks
Yes, observant. Because he already showed >>503048924
>tank in solo shuffle
i want to talk to you anon
in real life
just name a place and we can talk
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>Well I didn't think so I got mad
Thanks for sharing.

Good night wowg
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this reminds me of Mythic Kromog progging in BRF with the addon that marked each players soak spot for knockup…
gods i was strong then. ill never reach those heights again
don't queue tank lmao, they suck dick
concession accepted

Lmao i'm not mad I simply asked you a question. Relax.
much lower solo shuffle max rating achieved on blizzard's official leaderboards by tank specs compared to dps or healing specs, for one
Why aren't delver maps account bound...
M+ parses matter because I have a bunch of 100s in that and therefore it matters because I said so.
I hate Arcane series but I love Arcane spec
I will tame the cyber gorilla and name it Winston and I will be very unique yes
Can any Frost DKs ITT tell me why murlok io has them running Frostwyrm's fury so often? I was under the impression that running it with Breath of Sindragosa wasn't very good.
>spent nearly 2 hours on a group doing brd normal and i get my 40th relic key, off hand heals, and cloth gloves
worth i guess?
I wish templar prot was good for M+ I hate the cuck weapon sharing spec so much.
forgot to say it was just the final boss. and it was closer to 3 hours
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which one has the most gold wowg
None of those have gold
Surplus ore 3 months ago
once the mats are sold
I don't, so it doesn't matter.
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>"I don't like raiding but I have good parses in mythic+"
>parses no longer matter all of a sudden
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>From the moment the dark Tit-ACK
Really wish I didn't have to fucking deal with that cutscene every time I logged in.
Built to be bred by Dracthyr men.
Did you manage to get a girlfriend on wowcg
She does this to lure dracthyr men
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Alexstrasza would never allow herself to be touched by a disgusting drACKthyr
t. orc cuck
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>Everyone starved for artisan's acuity because there aren't any npcs that give it out every week this time around
I'm not an orccel sorry, it's just the truth.
Reminder that dracthyr don't have genitalia
Mine does. A big throbbing dragon cock and heavy leathery musky balls.

Sneed and suck
They're definitely going to ignore that and make sure Emberthal has Ebyssian's welps in the future.
I never shit talked miguel though
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Anon I am literally undateable. I am a pariah. I may as well not even exist. Any time you see me mememe about a girlfriend or talk to people about being friends I am making a shitpost because I am simply not worth interacting with. The only reason I plan to play Classic is because current day WoW requires you to be a parsetranny and I just like to get lost in the sauce and enjoy the world.

I wish I could still feel the feeling of having fun.
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>trying player housing AGAIN
I must be on my 15th+ blue drake drops now, I'm starting to think the Azure drake doesn't exist. Every other week its a blue drake drop, its driving me looney at this point.
I would not describe garrisons as a genuine attempt
are you on the right difficulty
It was a genuine attempt by Blizzard standards.
Garrisons were supposed to be way more than what we were given to be completely fair. You were supposed to be allowed to choose the location of your garrison.
Says it drops on both in game and wowhead, did think that was the problem many blue drakes ago but IIRC I still got that fucking dragon.
It's one of those things that a bunch of retards beg for as a feature
It's something for people that don't play the game


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... nta but I think you and I are more alike than I previously thought.
I can get along well with people but I'm not good beyond that for any deeper relationship. I'm better off just being friends with people and that's it. It's a thing that is very hard for me to cope with. I'm not sure how you do it.
In the times we've spoken on /xivg/ or in game after CC I think positively of you because you're helpful, knowledgeable and nice. I like that about people. You don't have a big ego.

The parsefaggotry of raids and super high keys is insufferable. I have frequently mocked and bullied parse-obsessed lunatics on this game. It is what kills WoW and makes it un-fun.
For classic just stick to leveling and exploration and pre-60 content. The parsefagging is a hundred times worse on Classic. Those fucks are mental about it.
Blizz development process just takes too long, they're still stuck back in 2019 thinking that WoW needs to be more like FF14 and as a result the game is focusing on boring character arcs nobody likes, useless shit like housing and gay boss mechanics like the web strands on court. I was hoping Metzen would come in and tell them to stop listening to retarded refugees but sadly they seem to think housing should be THE midnight expansion feature instead of GOOD SHIT like another world revamp or playable high elves.
WoD was an unmitigated disaster on every level. Garrisons weren't even 1/10th of initial generic promise at Blizzcon alongside 80% of WoD. Out of everything you can throw at blizzard anything actually established during WoD has not been indicative of anything from then on because WoD was and still is uniquely a failure.
you just make the people you're attacking look much more sane with retarded scizo stalker posts like this btw
>GOOD SHIT like another world revamp or playable high elves.
It is highly likely we are getting all of that along with player housing in Midnight though?
Or do you mean beyond just the Quel'thalas/Lordaeron area?
what if it was called world of SMOKEcraft and we all smoked the fuck up and chilled out for a couple hours
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Maye detractors aren't sending their best.
Fuck that's really funny
I'm fucking dying actually cracking up like a retard on my phone looking at that happen in real time
What a retard
This is why these people don't make me mad, I can only laugh at their retarded antics.
I do not understand why he deleted his post, and I do not understand why you're calling him a schizo for it
What race should my horde shaman and rogue be?
t. herbvendor
Do you care about aesthetics or just want something that performs well?
Female goblin
Troll/Orc/Mag'har then.
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f-for the horde
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why is bro so mad
How dare you imply Kelly has a penis. She gets very upset at trannies for a reason you know, you'll hurt her feelings!
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already have that as a hunter, did get this gem of an auto-generated name when making a male gob though just now
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>Your Bloodthirst hit Gorebound Assassin 191,254 Physical. (10,504,823 Overkill) (Critical)
I kinda want to race change my femtaur warlock into this guy but I'd be losing so much dps on destro
The new DH set makes male blood elves look like actual gay bottom zest fests. Actual effeminate attire.
yeah it's annoying how some racials are just complete ass dps wise for certain specs
void elf is good for destro and aff but is terrible for demo since pets dont work with the racial
surprised undead and stuff like that didn't get fixed in the racial update desu
No one cares about our game anymore with Classic Classic Refresh Hardcore OnlyFangz edition tomorrow
so is the bike going to be available soon or are they going to timegate the steps of this bullshit scavenger hunt to force people to extend their subs?
Whatcha puggin bud?
holy shit...
fresh classic servers seem to be this months sub extender.
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quick drive by xally feet lick
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thinking about bees again
wow should have more bee content. like more different types of bee mounts and bee bosses and more bee dungeons and bee mechanics and bee armor
who pullen
Lots of bees in isle of dorn around cinderbrew meadery
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>this nigga lost to a fucking dagger
Long standing fact that Khadgar is a pretty shit wizard.
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we can be friends. sort of. dont think of yourself like that
>Greatstaff of the Guardian got snapped like a twig
Genuinely hope whoever wrote that part in gets their head cut off
There should have been a dungeon where the players get shrunk and have to go into a bee hive for some reason all while riding bee mounts to get around the place.
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more like who POLLEN amirite beesters? buzz away
not enough. maybe a bee race as well.
>khadgar obliterates xal'atath with atiesh's lazer beam
>the expansion ends right there
man wow character models look like theyre made out of playdough compared to xiv. such a shame that they didn't make the models look more like wow's concept art but in hd
I like what i'm seeing.
I haven't ever healed. How much do I have to know about my class and kit to heal timewalking dungeons while leveling?
If they ever do attempt to make a WoW 2, they shuold be copying the art direction of HOTS. That was the last game that had any SOVL from blizzard. Otherwise all Worlo models instead should just receive more hair and faces and other character customisations ontop of better standing running and walking animations for allied races. instead they waste all their resources in making a new race with the reused nightelf female animation rigs and call it a new expansion content like retarded fools they are.
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I miss the Mechari
long as your party and/or raid frames are moved to a reasonable spot on your UI, then healing is easy.
Khadgar, Rhonin, Kael'thas were all jobbers. White men should probably leave the sorcery to people like Jaina and Elisande.
It was a level 60 legendary, time to move on anon.
Pretty much this, retards don't understand the importance of building up stakes. They'd have shit themselves back in Wrath then Tirion jobbed to Arthas.
log in
log out
Tirion kind of owned Arthas every time the two directly clashed though but it was always some bullshit super saiyan shit on Trion's part
arms warrior
mage or rogue desu
>wc3 -> wow
>hots -> wow xxx

I can see it
Thank you for keeping the MAU up, anon.
I miss the prepatch event it made leveling so quick
The prepatch wasn't even the fastest leveling at the time. MoP Remix was the fastest leveling retail has had EVER. a ton of people are sitting on a fully capped alt army thanks to remix.
yep. with mop remix you could do it in a 1-2 hours
Can't wait for Legion remix so I can do it again.
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Yeah but then you had to wait for remix to end to play the character regularly.
how do you know its legion remix tho. the hearthstone symbol was changed to a housing symbol. and then there's the fel stuff
Hey wowg, name one thing that you guys think would make WoW way more fun for you.
old models and animations
I prefer male tauren on females of other races.
Boy have I got the containment server for you
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I never paid attention before but I just noticed Nightborne are taller than Blood Elves.
Which I guess makes sense since they're just shittier Night Elves, but damn, I bet Thalyssra holds Lor'themar up against the wall for the kinky stuff she does to him.
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Eh, I'd prob be a lot happier with way more customizations of models and races. Surprised you want the old stuff back.

I'm not sure what the game could do for me to find it way more fun but I'm glad you at least have something, assuming you aren't memeing anyway.
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I couldn't agree more. We also need Bee Goggles.
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What are movies that are as cozy and campy as the quests in Drustvar? Fucking love that zone.
Cute nb
r34 comments looking tamer than usual.
It's bullshit that even the nude version keeps the shoes.
How the fuck is Drustvar cozy, it's literally a horror zone.
It's great and by far my favorite BfA zone, but nothing about it feels cozy. Spooky, sad, tragic more like.
i want that on my face ASAP
what is the sluttiest class for a belf?
It's cozy because it's a play on a lot of the old witch trope.
Holy Priest.
Paladin plate slutmog and Priestess cloth slutmogs
bm hunter with two wolf pets. In slutmog of course
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Paladin DUH
but that's animated, and not AI. not saying it's bad, but it requires effort. most of u fags can't even be bothered to click "sign up with google" on AI generators.
I want to hold hands with Lucille Waycrest
I find a csmpfire in azure span or winterspring cozy. Drustvar, like Duskwood, is spooky. Though there is something comforting about sitting in a house/tavern in either zone by a campfire
Man I can'r wait for housing, FUCK
Long as she's not emoting. The squinty eyes you can give them don't work well with expressions.
>literally the most religious classes that are sworn to celibacy lorewise
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> Spooky, sad, tragic more like.
Those are it's charm points. The dreary atmosphere is incredibly soothing.
this is wow, not earth. Where does it say that priests and paladins are chaste?
dh, these guys saying priest or paladin are morons
maye won
kelly won
barry lost bigly
>Taking demonic magic for their addictions
>Stole their source of the Holy Light
>"No sex though, that's depraved!"
whenever shit is falling out of my ass I think about wowg
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Barry humiliation ritual is complete
they certainly aren't in any winning form right now, and will not win that award
also a requirement for that award is to be multiplatform for some reason
The real travesty is that fucking Deadstiny 2 is on there at all.
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Wait that's the wrong screenshot
I don't care about his pun about the dream
I was saying THIS was the "w-woah"
>Xavius was just jealous of Tyrande so he kidnapped Malfurion and forced him to live with him, teasing Tyrande about it the whole time
>that quest where you help Malfurion cuck Illidan
>world bosses still have a 3 hour respawn timer
I swear if Kazzak doesn't drop his stupid pet before this shitty event is over I'll riot
at least Kazzak is really quick and easy to deal with. I've yet to see a nightmare dragon kill not turn into a huge shitfest
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I got 3 + 1 and had to throw one out
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I can't wait for Midnight!
>most d2 playerbase went to warframe
>d2 gets nomination over warframe
they did it out of spite
You've got until January, plenty of time! Surely!
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>realize back with Runas that if I keep clicking on named characters, they have easter egg lines
>click on Tyrande on bunch
>"No, I am not into blindfolds"
That's a Blizz staple, gag quotes getting clicked on a lot.
That's why Whitemane is canonically the perfect woman for making Simpsons and Futurama references.
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i like fire maeg but the dps not good
Playable sethrak
All classes get their old animations and spell graphics back via glyphs
orc bvll reaction
male human paladin reaction
im dead
Kultiran paladins
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1-3 dwarf shaman
4-6 orc shaman
7-9 mage
0 i do a ronnie mcnutt irl

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