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>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix

>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix: Run It Back with Snoop, Eminem, Ice Spice, and Juice WRLD in Battle Royale!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Fortnite Crew Will Include the Battle Pass, LEGO® Pass, Music Pass, and More Starting in December!

>Coming Soon: Progress Your Fortnite Passes by Playing Any Experience

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Learn What’s New in Rocket Racing V31.40!

>Brick or Treat in LEGO Fortnite V31.40!

>Fortnite Crew November - Kyran Aryk

This is the one
Reminder that CTL and all other Team leaders are Ramirez NOT Syd unless stated/shown otherwise.
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Final verdict
>final verdict
Final verdict
Do you believe OG passes are legacy passes? Or remix skins? What do you personally and realistically feel like will be the case?
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My Helsie duo has started not showering and we do our ranked (Reload Build) duos in the same room, I'm starting to get tired of it, plus she borrows my controller and gets Cheez-Itz all over it. It's infuriating.
I’m hoping they will.
>early again
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Don't use this thread I am still baking mine.
>Still caring about CTL
We got RTL, that's the end game for the silly bear skins. And she is a ghost with good ass
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Let’s say Legacy Pass is coming. How would Epic fumble it?
>Giant Lynx on her way to wreck Tilted
>And she is a ghost with good ass
oh yeah i think its the guy that keeps posting persona shit too
can't imagine being that pathetic lolololololol
No collab characters that are not under Disney
>And she is a ghost
That’s only because it was early Fortnite and they were lazy, she has officially been retconned as Syd now.
>It's back
>I'm broke
What are the odds I could convince one of you to get me that ¡Que no panda el cúnico! emote.

That or lend me $10 so I can pay it back on friday since I can't bank on it being in shop till then or at least till Friday morning
The complete BP is too much for a single month, if they do it, they will be mini passes with 2-4 skins max.
>none of the images were updated
Some were though?
yeah it is. he orbits every namefag in this general, phone posts and is the carl poster.
They split them up to fill out the whole year, they don't include banners, picks, and other things like fall trails.
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By giving (((OG)))'s a cope skin. They should get nothing.
There's not enough for c1s1 to bundle into a single pass either way, it's probable that these are more like best-of with something Remix/OG-scale of roughly 4-5 characters a month
Reposting this again.

Please Epic, more rock band songs next week, give us something valid.
If the thing about crew getting all passes is real then I guess I will be getting the snoop dogg stuff and the hotline miami halloween character after all
I would be okay with this just so I can finally get shit i missed years ago because of military.
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>she has officially been retconned as Syd now
Actually Ramirez has been cemented as Cuddle Team Leader
Not a single one of those bands are still considered good.
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I want to say legacy stuff because I can't believe they'd fucking make 5 more skins a month in a 1000 vbucks pass (potentially with vbucks refund in it)
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Okay, but this is the last one from me for now. I'm trying to play GTA3.

Based Capgod.
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I just saw the announcement about crew on twitter. So battle pass double dipping is dead, correct?
It's been dead for while now.
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Post YFW Oldtroon gatekeepers get BTFO when the Seasonal Shop Returns and Renegade Raider is available for all to purchase alongside an all new OG Pass with new skins

We eatin' good soon
Macaco damage control is out in full swing tonight!
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So Crew is getting a revamp but what about old Crew skins returning?
That looks more like Syd than Ramirez to me
you’re also the “whiter than you” poster. You’re a worthless faggot
You don't want Lexa
Is just "leakers" shitposting. They already know what OG passes are but will shitpost about them to generate buzz in social media.
Not really. It just became somewhat autistic... for regular BPs. You can double dip OG, Music and Lego passes (not at the same time, focus on one) without issue
not dead completely, but you're cucked from owning them so your best chance is
>buy crew late into the season and get everything
>likely you'll get the next pass but most of the late stuff will be locked
but as we knew double dipping, that ship has sailed
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What do you mean? I just did it for S3+S4. I see that it'll be dead going forward though.
if you have the patience to wait until a battle pass is about to end to buy crew, then max the next within 30 days, then it'll still work
Thank you!
>cruelty squad fag is a latelet
typical lmao
Sort of, you can get the full pass only while crew is active and then it deactivates. After that you can't earn anything anymore, so if you get crew at the middle or end of a month do all the time gate shit, you can still get most of the next pass next month, but can't get the bonus rewards or super styles.
Instead you get the lego pass, og pass and festival pass, but they're time limited.
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>Post YFW Oldtroon gatekeepers get BTFO when the Seasonal Shop Returns
You had me
>Renegade Raider is available for all to purchase
Ew... You lost me
>alongside an all new OG Pass with new skins
Alright whatever
nice maki
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>Panic at the Disco
>But only mentioning their first album and not the psych rock kino that was Pretty Odd
I mean I guess it'd be a novel experience if it's actually Brendon and Ryan getting back together, but if it's just Brendon parading the name around on his own still then why bother
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Headed to McDonalds, anybody want anything?
seed oil free burger
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Yeah, so it's dead for all intents and purposes. Unfortunate.
That's not Maki Master silly
Shut the fuck up fat retard and kill yourself
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im not a latelet, im saying that if OG seasons are really a month long like previous leaks indicated, they're going to make and sell 5 fucking skins for 1000 vbucks (potentially with a refund included) every single month

thats not sustainable lmao
Uhhh, Hi-C Orange
The new Crew plan is honestly good for Epic. There was way too many people just buying crew and unsubbing for skins or the pass I wouldn't be surprised if Epic lost money out of it.
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Yeah and everyone knows Maki's name is Rio
double quarter pounder with fries and a dr pepper.
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Latinos of Fortnite. Lorepill me who’s this bug guy in the item shop?
the gaycord ain't gonna like this
1 skin a month
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Haha imagine haha...
Reminder Zero Build players was the reason we got nerfed asses.
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This is an exciting week. Ch6 is right around the corner
genuinely do not think epic has the content output rate to actually do original remix passes every fucking month for like two and a half years straight. they haven't even given us as many ch2 remixes as they had ch1 remixes last year and they had a full fucking year to plan for this one
not saying that confirms legacy shit but if its not that then what they give us is going to be just straight fucking dogshit
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Holy shit are we actually getting legacy passes?

kek, but I'll admit, the band has some decent music
You're welcome.
How do you think they'll fuck up OG passes?
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remember what they taken from you
is it true that you want to kill yourself
Is there any porn of Dennis?
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Whether or not we get OG skins or recolors or remix skins, I'm hopeful for the future that I get a classic Lexa skin. I was hoping for a remix during this season, but that fell through. This announcement has given me new hope!
Let go Grizz its getting sad
Their first 3 albums are good, I'd take pretty much anything off of them in Festival. It's just a shame that the original lineup fell apart so early.
2 skins max, both remixes
>Accusing me of 7 different posters just because I call out macaco
Medication is in order. All I said was macaco and you wigged out on me.
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>carl poster
carl is free to be posted by everyone
Your patterns are easy to spot
Little icon on the skin to show your not “OG” will get me mad.
I just want the skins no strings attached. Who gives a flying fuck anymore about exclusivity.
I believe the only thing you should care in life in general is skill proficiency in something you like and enjoy that’s an actual activity (art, physical activity like track or martial arts etc , math, etc) that you need to both learn intuitively on your own and learn from other sources like books or classes
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I miss being on tumblr in the 2010s sometimes, now I am here.....Still beats lolcow and crystal cafe.
I would go back to tumblr but man, All my fav artists are on Twitter.
superhero from an old comedy show, popular but not as popular as the other show made with the same cast, el chavo del ocho
just throwing latin america a bone more than anything, like neymar and onda onda for brazil
Tu Dios. But honestly, he's a super hero character created by Chespirito, he was a comedian and was a master of making popular shows with low budgets, even if some of his jokes were really repetitive.
Why would you ask this?
So in theory, if the new jeans season happens, you could unlock
9 skins from chap 6 season 1
9 skins from chap 6 season 2
4 skins from new jeans festival pass
1 to 4 skins from next festival pass
5 skins from OG pass
5 skins from OG pass #2
2 lego pass skins

for $12, thats 37 skins
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>He's not an artist who can draw porn of vydia waifus and get paid in vbucks

LMAO get fucked.
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Clearly not since you confused me with 4 different people
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Fortnite is a Satanic game
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OGs, your days are numbered.
You will be just a G.
A thug. Criminal.
Kind of shit deal when you can buy a account with 50+ skins for less
Don't hope for anything good,it's healthier that you expect nothing. Tim is a retard.
that fake bp leak put lego and festival passes offset a bit with the main seasons a bit, epic will probably do that too
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I need more artists doing Ruby stuff desu
Neither can you
anyone who thinks they're gonna structure the future BP's so you can get everything in a single crew purchase is a fucking retard. they're gonna go back to hard timegating shit specifically to counteract this, they wouldn't have changed it to fuck over double dipping if they weren't gonna completely fuck you in the mouth on every component of this
They’ve fixed it since this, it looks better now. There was a .webm comparing all 3 versions so this is outdated.
>Let’s say Legacy Pass is coming.
It's not. I'm more than willing to bet it will be remixed skins.
Sure add me
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>its another schizos calling eachother out thread
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It has to be OG passes
I’ve been waiting for this day.
I will prevail, I will get these skins
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>figure out where I kept mysteriosly dropping a single note
>start messing up on other parts I used to do completely fine
>cant even improve my score because Im going from 1 missed note to 4
first metallica FC NEVER
where'd you hear that nonsense?
Get me a big 'n' tasty
>Fortnite is a Satanic game
What's with the upside down 666 on the bus? It's kinda creepy.
Ok “based meowskulls poster”. Samefagger
But anon you cant double dip so its clearly bad
I know who you are
I literally do not give a shit if my Midas doesn't have a first edition stamp, and you're copy of my exclusive ch1 skins and console skins don't either. I want to play as who I want and so do you, as long as we get everything who cares about the digital equivalent of a baseball cap sticker.
I believe it won't be remixes solely because epic can't even put skins in shop, imagine making 5~ more skins per month
this site is just a small handful of discords arguing at eachother
It's time for us OGs to boycott this game and show epic how we feel for them betraying us!
You can't get those 50 skins on an account that has the rest of your skins and competitive accomplishments like Unreal Skins/Backblings/Umbrellas from previous seasons though
>Medication is in order
bold talk from a nigga constantly stalking the thread all day lmao
She looks fat
Tim said they're doubling production on these God awful outsourced skins, so it might be possible.
I’m willing to bet serious cash it’s a micro pass with 1 or 2 skins month with a pickaxe, glider, and some sprays and emoticons
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No you dont you faggot, im not one of your schizo pals
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>4 Strikes
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Here's your super-secret super-special OG info:
>The OG pass will not be progressed by XP like the standard battle pass and festival passes
>It will work more like lego, with there being quests that give you OG tokens which are used to progress the pass
>Pass will contain reworked versions of Renegade Raider and Aerial Assault Trooper alsongside new pickaxes and backblings for them
>The Aerial Assault Trooper remix will be given to you immediately on purchase of the pass
>Modern movement and mechanics are in the OG mode, only the weapons and map have changed
>A new brella is given for winning a game on the OG map
That's all I know currently.
You got this one wrong
>9 skins from a single BP
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>OGs to boycott this game
>Fortnite community toxicity dissappears overnight
Nobody will buy that shit
No fucking way
The game will be bloated with filler passes that are glorified monthly packs
She makes my dick fat
>I’m willing to bet serious cash it’s a micro pass with 1 or 2 skins month with a pickaxe, glider, and some sprays and emoticons
That sounds more likely what's going to happen I believe it
>yet another RR cope
No way they will do this, nobody is going to care
Gimme few
Gimme fiah
Gimme dabijabiziah
Ooh yeah heh
Pay it, brokie.
Post proof or gtfo
>it's just renegade raider and Arial assault
DOA if real
Insulting Ruby needs to be a crime
They’re setting themselves up for a massive disappointment if there’s no OG skins
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How many times do I have to screech into the void that I don't fucking want Renegade Raider. Ugly fucking skin!
>Aerial Assault
Who fucking cares!!!
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I went from missing one note that I somehow never saw on the slowest part to playing too fast on the slowest part which results in multiple strikes
maybe Im burnt out
>getting paid in vbucks instead of money
lol lmao
I hopeso, it'll fail instantly lmao
I want her fat.
holy guhhhhh
This is false because we already know that you can level this up with xp in any mode retard
Now this I can believe
Denying me Hangtime for so long isn’t fair. Barring new Rubies she’s literally the ONE skin I still want.
>make new unified XP system to progress multiple passes at once
>proceed to not use it at all for your monthly passes
this is almost retarded enough to be believable
OG passes will be new cosmetics because the target audience for the OG mode already owns the old ones
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og passes confirmed holy shit
people who got bp skins og will have a new style that gives them brown stink lines
>the target audience already owns then!
Lmfao no they don't, nobody owns most of this ch1 slop, most of og was purely played by newfags. Kids were broke in ch1, and now they all lie about being og, just like the furfaggot
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Ignore him. He a little weirdo that's got nothing else going on than to keep track of people for years and dig through archives for a gotcha moment. Poor anon caught a stray meant for me.
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What backbling is this?
>I want her fat.
Good taste.
>wrong right off the bat
Fully expecting OG passes to just be 1 shitty remix skin per month for 1400 vbucks + some filler trash
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Retard got BTFO. Which means OG passes are cumming
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I know just the kid to call
FUCK I just missed it. Thanks.
you guys vastly overestimate how much of the playerbase is actual oldheads, and of that how many of them finished or even bought the old passes.
My condolences you have to deal with him Anon, I guessing I saved one of your Meowskulls gifs and got caught in the crossfires kek
I’m a StW oldhead and my main is a shop skin, what does that make me?
damn, evie got btfo'd
and then she eats him
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Im washed up man
aaron judge levels of washed up. meaning I was never that good to begin with
>ruby gets fat
>still mogs opal
You love to see it.
Even if they were all old heads, nobody fucking uses old skins outside of the big 5.
>that one rapper who killed everyone
I have seen 8 ball maybe 20 times over 3 years and most of that was in this season.
am i considered an oldhead starting at chapter 3?
What should I say /fng/
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>Immediately starts off with disinfo
Oh no no no.....OG trannies your renegade raider skin??? You have to make shit up because you can't cope with losing it can you.
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Most players who spend money aren’t old players brah
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OG skins are like young women in their prime. If you missed out on getting them, you'll never get them. So go settle for some post wall roastoids, losers
A 15 year old is fine too.
Skip, nothing of value in this season
You literally latch yourself onto the backs of posters. Get a fucking life
On one hand the shit flinging og shit makes the place unbearable
On the other, it takes up the coomer talk
>lists Peely and Meow who literally no one ever uses
Omega, Calamity, and Lynx I see all the fucking time
>No augments
jokes on you i am already hagpilled
>ruby gets fat
She Works Out Too Much for that to happen
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Renegade Raider is going to be in my locker and there's nothing you can do to stop it
fuck, anon
>rapper season
>no bars
Man, I was excited to play the winter StW venture, but it kinda feels like a waste to grind it before the new BR season, and I didn't get any Christmas skins last year when I started out cause I didn't think I'd be playing this long. Hopefully it isn't abandoned by December.
They're higher rated and I see them all the time. I never see any of those but you know who I do see all the time?
Renegade Raider and the 800 dollar phone skin, but only in stw. I see Lynx rarely in stw and never in br but it's always the hero.
So you're a betabuxxing loser who can't get fresh young pussy AND a latelet? Wow, you suck
that's because they've all fucked off
>Not abandoned
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Remixed Chapter 2 Locations, Non-Chapter 2 Loot Pool Items, The Bosses.

Check, Submit, get me out of this shit season, bring back high skill bullet drop/trajectory, please and thank you.
You don't get laid, you shitpost on 4chan all day lmfao. And no trannies don't count.
just sharted on this game, are legacy passss returning?
Too late for that buddy
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>no you can't have my old skins they're mine!!!
>no I don't use them ever they just sit in my locker
I think this is the exact fucking line of thought epic is running on to sell this shit in the first place, they likely have the data that the people who own the old skins never actually use them so they're just figuring its better to sell them to people that want them rather than hold them for a small minority that isn't even running them.
>all these buzzwords only adrianno and the tranny use
Lmfao sure honey
So what’s the cope going to be if legacy passes don’t happen?
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>I've fucked more 19 year olds than you ever will in your lockercel life
Everybody abandons this game due to anti consumerism
Ironically the closer you are to being a chapter 5 latelet the higher the chance you are of actually not being an incel.
If they're not going to do a trade market, then they need to resell them full stop. I think epic is too retarded to understand their own data honestly, have you seen ch5? Og2 was the Hershey squirt on top of the shit cake.
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>carl is free to be posted by everyone
They changed it at the last minute due to shadowy forces that hate our way of life.
I think the cope will be on epic's part as they've just wasted even more money on a venture literally guaranteed not to make any money
erm nevermind
>has money to buy emotes but not a fucking computer
Based ugly bastard fucking prime women
>Using his lingo
Don't be gaslit by this samefag (the guy you're replying to) who doesn't even play the game actively and his lingo, he will lose, he's only holding onto his skins which will be in my locker soon.
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>He stops at 19
Lol what a loser
Why do japs like el chapulin so much?
There won't be any, there will be a massive redditfaggot posting there and here saying "i told you so" and another massive redditor post that says they're sick of Epic's fomo and they're quiting.
With how bad this chapter was, if ch6 starts bad this will actually be the beginning of the end. This game can't take another ch5.

I would laugh if no legacy passes actually incited the FTC to sue epic again for unethical sales.
Pick one. They balance the game following what sweats shitpost about on Twitter.
I just don't have the free time nor the space for one. Hell I pretty much only get to play on my lunch at work
>CH1 OG players are unironic pedos that fuck babies
>OG skins are like young women in their prime. If you missed out on getting them, you'll never get them.
Who else doesn't really fucking care? The only appeal for chapter 1 BP skins is the rarity. That's it.
Imagine begging for free shit from anons on here and then saying nevermind because you wanna be a choosing begger

As sad as that is for you it must also suck to be the other guy that someone is willing to turn down a free gift from them because they're simply that unlikeable
Chapter 4 OG skins are the only legal women, and yeah I'm a C4 OG
Helsie is barely legal
>Playing Rocket Racing in foreign server
>See the guy who beat me to 1st by 1 second in the previous match has "Youtube" in his name
>I just beat him by in the following race, getting 1st place myself
>Look up his stream, he's live, and scroll through the race to see what the fuck he was doing
>Guy was intentionally going backwards to loop around the course checkpoints, weird cheese shit
>Race ends, I beat him by 0.2s
>He says "No! 2nd place, this bastard is fast huh".
Feels good
After 7 years of FOMO bullshit and they only walk things back half passed, they deserve it at this point. Ch6 is either the death knell or the rebirth, and it's in Tim's autistic feeble hands.
I want you both to know, the guy you're replying to is either a gay third world furry who is into diapers hit, or a literal tranny who's into BBC shit.
Anybody who uses any of those forced memes is only one of those two failures.
I don't think Timmy's known what's even been happening with Fortnite for years now...
I respect him for not taking free stuff from a faggot.
Alright dude you do you

Guess I won't brother offering to gift anymore
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Hey MrBeastanon, how are you doing?
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Gift the world your death
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>hype up OG shit for years via constant nostalgia wanking and ball-tickling
>constantly make copes and allude to re-running old shit
>finally announce a dedicated, permanent throwback mode complete with its own custom pass
>proceed to drop another dogshit set of copes that costs an extra 1k veebs instead of the legacy shit
genuinely could not be a more disastrous move for epic to make, and it would still be perfectly in step for them to do this. I can just imagine that fuckface tim sweeney thinking he's a fucking genius for doing this, "well people don't want to buy our recent shop skins and every metaverse venture so far has failed" he says with a slight wimper, "but surely devoting dev time to making 4-5 objectively worse versions of old skins every single month for the next couple of years will make us money!" the dumb balding bastard exclaims with newfound confidence, right before biting off another chunk of someone's fucking remote
It's so cute how people recognize other posters. I love it!
erm you need to be like bruni or machinistposter, they just do it indiscriminately
>pretending to be nice
You’re a roach
Trvke Nuke
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wtf why am I in the pic???
No cope I'll just uninstall
Got it give me three second to type that in, my ass is trying to meta game this by scumming StW dailies and one shield defense
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I'll always be there to support you mr breast anon
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You bought the rock emote to look at ass or feet.
I bought the rock emote so my spacefaring skins will have a comfy asteroid to lounge on.
We are not the same.
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she’s in next season
You should be taking care of your dying mother instead of trying to buy the friendship of random people on the internet.
I think I sent it to the right person
Cool, now post a screenshot of you using the emote ingame with her
>genuinely could not be a more disastrous move for epic to make, and it would still be perfectly in step for them to do this
If it's not legacy passes for real I hope to God it's this, it'd be like that Mister Frog bit but in real life
It'll be a train wreck dumpster fire!
>I want you both to know, the guy you're replying to is either
I actually know exactly who he is, he hasn't received most of the skins from chapter 3 onward, he's actually really upset about this since when he got back into Fortnite most of the cool skins had already come out and he missed them, so all he has to show for it are Chapter 2 skins and prior, it's literally all he has left.

He's far more upset about not having all the chapter 3+ skins than we are upset about having all chapter 2 and prior skins. He is white though, the 19 year olds he's fucked he's paid for aswell.
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Wish granted, now she's a Hope cope with cats instead of demons and blue colors with a cat ears headband plus a tanktop beneath the jacket
I also own femMoonson, you're not special
>Implying my cool robros need a floating rock when they have feet jets
We are not the same.
i bought it because i fuck with el chavo and el chapulin, and i hope the chespirito group burns for squeezing and tainting his legacy
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What's your opinion about this skin?
reminds me of bananas
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I think this is the best survey skin
>i hope the chespirito group burns for squeezing and tainting his legacy
Qrd? I unironically only know him from Fortnite
That sh is bananas
I'm so happy they pulled babymetal and I didn't have to endure any
>chocorato chocorato
Posting, fuck faggots who worship small brown jap cock.

Fuck jap crap and kpoop
thick sports bra instead of bandages
no masks
no horns
normal belt
thick boots replaced with sneakers for better kick support
underneath of skirt has a protective void, not even thick spats with no ass just literally a black texture
existing face model re-used, but not one that would fit, the most inappropriate one they can possibly use
What’s your problem with Bruni?
Not really when >>503040272 exist.
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Shoes never
If the NewJeans leak ends up being real then Babymetal is 100% gonna be on the next asian music pass
So who is "mrbeastAnon" I legit don't know who most of the named people in here are, what's your deal with em? Was he rude or something
the huge TL;DR is that they tried to sell NFTs and recreate an animated series and both were so fucking low quality i felt ashamed and i'm not even mexican, i could defend the fortnite and rocket league collabs, but those 2 showed they only care about the money
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There's no way in hell this skin will be good. They would rather spend company resources on shit like pic rel instead.
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Hold on I have a pic....there you go
What was the Japanese music that was playing in the DImmadome POI before they replaced the music with unlicensed stuff?
I would've bought Kicks if I could use them in stw
Fuck off
Ook ook
NTA, the people in charge of the Chespirito estate are sellouts that keep whoring out his image and keep doing shit like >>503040750 said
Fuck you tword coded flat assed Joni skin poster. I'm so glad I monkeypawed away your skin when I did.
and people wonder why newfags want old skins
second best?
I'm over it; i don't care. You can't please everyone and I won't let the overwhelming negativity of other people affect my mood

You only get one life and I'm not gonna let it be full of hatred or resentment
worse, he's gay as fuck
My bad. Was it Korean music?
I mostly just want old emotes, the ability to finish female drift and some of the old toys that Epic stopped doing
Who are the schizos of these threads?
>chances are the estate reached out to Epic by spamming their email for a collab and whored him out for a few pesos
Dam that sucks but uh, thanks I guess.
>Love this design
>Complicated and sexy enough that they will 100% fuck it up somehow
Are legacy passes coming or is one guy orchestrating shitpost narrative
it may be this https://youtu.be/WIKqgE4BwAY
if not, you can check the list of songs that were in the nitrodome here https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Nitrodrome#June_6th_2024
Holy melty
How the fuck does that affect anything?
The one who is trying to ruin my chances of getting 1 emote right now
Sure ill spoonfeed you, its Gimme Choco - BABYMETAL Anon.
A guy who's a huge fan of MrBeast and almost exclusively used his skin

Hated for being gay and setting up an identity on an anonymous image board
whatever happened to that one other gay looking skin that was like this, he was completely shirtless and had a robot arm. I think just the shop image was leaked and the skin itself just fucking vanished
>I monkeypawed away
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Enjoy. My apologies for kicking up the hornets' nest.
You forgot to mention he's also the busfag
>How the fuck does that affect anything
Homophobes. People can't even post male skins with some idiots freaking out
Neato, thanks anons
he’s not the busfag retard
so you dislike him for basically nothing, what actual issue does he create for you to specifically dislike him cause I'm not hearing a real reason here
>spend vbucks on something from the website store
>go in game
>it appears in my locker
>later, time to buy something, realize it never actually subtracted my vbucks
>this has happened 3 times now
did he call his discord friends to defend him on an anonymous imageboard
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i want this season to be over already
>"so yeah this gay retard keeps being annoying and shitting all over the walls"
>"okay but why do you dislike him?"
>Mobile fag (literally)
>Obnoxious avatar fagging
>His Avatar is a groomer
Simple really
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Not falling for it
they gaycord is real
is this a schizo meme im unaware of or something
Fuck you Tim! Bring back old gaming collab shit and I'll spend
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This skin? This was datamined 2 weeks before Mega launched. It's safe to say this skin was scrapped since it's been almost 2 years since it was datamined. I guess they didn't release him since everyone hated it lol.
His sins are wanting to fuck Mr Beast
Aside from that he's harmless i guess.
I think he's also an Adamfag
No, I'm just straight up telling you I don't believe you
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no (you)
how the fuck did anyone at epic ever think anyone would've bought this fucking thing
>so drunk he cant even spell his skins name right anymore
It's the same fucking game running on a different device; not a valid argument
Stupid reason
>avatars a groomer
I'm not up to date on that but that's valid if true
Babymetal when?
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I'm not trying to convince you
im assuming its a bug or something, i've basically gotten 3 whole ass bundles for free and im just worried they'll notice and take them away or something
>they wasted a modelers time making this shit to not even stealth drop it never to return
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>being this new
The fuck is this nitpick shit you are choosing as points? You judge a man for playing on his phone and having a bit of fun
Isn't that Kris or whoever it was the works for Mr. Beast? I'm not in the loop on more than the name past the fact some people say he didn't fire the guy and the dude had shadman on his wall or something
After ReoNa and/or any Vocaloid songs
They desperately want anything that isn't a cute white girl with a big butt or a celebrity to actually sell.
Currently there are 14 (15 with that guy) skins missing from the game. Some of them actually exist within the files of the game, so we don't know why Epic hasn't officially released them.
Still waiting on that Silver Surfer wrap, Epic...
I would have bought that glider
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How bad would Epic fuck the design up?
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Oh you are doing the tranny baby talk shit, my mistake
The cleavage window gets fully painted over, sawed-off butt, and leotard bottom turns to white pants
they'd give her a completely different, censored outfit, or it's a black bodysuit
Ivan ruined the skin for me so thanks I don't have to buy it now
How do I scum Shield defense 8 solo with low to no resources and no current help
That's literally it. Guilty by association. There's no hard evidence but people claim he knew the t-word was a groomer so he was protecting one by not having fired him a long time ago
it's opal wearing the dress
It's dead Jim, just like Gemini
He had the shadman art up in their shared living room bro stop coping
I mean the pants and shoes look good, it's literally everything else that it's shit
>just like Gemini
Nta but I'm a libra
>low to no resources
Farming is so easy though
So question, since again, I am out of the loop on most of that shit, out side of the poster what else was Kris doing?

>Guilty by association
Not really how it works, it's a problem to still have him hired but its anything thing to say he's a groomer as well since, by definition, he isn't in this case and there's no actual evidence as you've said to support that he is, just that he employs one and then didn't fire him
recruit some infinite teddy players
>falling for it
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Unexpected delay aside, excited to finally wear kicks in a few hours? https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US/c-Category_Fortnite/c-Fortnite_Gameplay/what-are-kicks-and-which-outfits-can-i-use-with-kicks-in-fortnite-a000092738
I am lazy and don't play often enough, hell it's either do this now and fast for the 100 to end off before maintenance and daily refresh with 400 V so that I can try and get the next dailies done fast to get at minimum 100 and then hope the skin is still there that way.
Don't have that, and unless you think you got time I can't find people to bring that aid
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Og…. Passes …. Please….
Ofcourse the furtroon is excited about shoes
He was in a discord with a minor user posting naughty things and saying stuff an adult shouldn't be saying with a kid present

The >man of shad thing is iffy because you need to know his reputation to understand how reprehensible he is, the poster itself wasn't hideous but was pretty gross regardless
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>He had the shadman art up in their shared living room
Need… legacy….passes
As a latefag, I would be excited about this if they went all the way and changed the movement and building speeds.
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Only way i'd care about this is if i can get the original or recolors(not shitty remakes) of dire, hybrid, and fable.
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I’m somewhat excited, not too happy with the pricing, but I think it could really make a few skins better in my eyes. Are you excited furfag?
Do you remember the 24th night of December?
Why does he have chicken legs
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I posted fennix because I knew one of you would somehow get irrationally angered by seeing him. So answer the question now that i have your attention.
January 6th will determine this games fate
Just saw the rumors. Guess I can potentially cross off another one off the list.
Gemini is pretty cool, it's better than Gopher because of the SSL requirement. There's just zero decent server software.
who the fuck actually cares about the fucking shoes the skins wear? this is such a retarded cosmetic concept, not fucking once have I ever thought "gee this skin is cool but I think it'd be better if I paid the price of a whole other skin just to swap out its feet".
Fucking Sam Bridges got into Fall Guys.
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They wasted a driver skin on a flat ass woman.
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You say this but kicks are already more interesting than the overpriced lego sets for a lot of players.
>even leakers don't say anything about old bp stuff returning
It's time to let go bros...
>more interesting than the lego shit
thats such a low bar that juice world could still jump over it
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Dont worry Sar we got another Driver skin
True but it's not an outlandish opinion to say kicks will make epic more money than the lego shop stuff they tried to push so hard. People love their fashion.
>kill some bot in the middle of two of them fighting after one lazily placed a brick wall for cover
>go to reload my heavy shotgun behind the wall while the other bot approaches
>they fucking shred my shields off in a second from a rapid fire SMG because bots are actually able to recognize the wall was slightly raised and my fuckin feet were exposed
jesus christ
Jackie is a cute
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I would love V from Cyberpunk 2077 he's genuinely so perfect.
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I'm excited for kicks.
I do

Aphrodite is completely ruined by her shoes and if they give me something more regal and fitting then her outfit improves tenfold
Anyone have a pic of Toph in the shoes?
Can Goku use them?
Mrbeastfag shut up
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not yet but eventually 95% of skins can use them by spring 2025
Honestly, it would be funny as shit if you could alter the size or the did a few cheap joke kicks.

I'm mainly waiting for timbs
This but Fem V
I think she's cute.
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>I'm excited for kicks
why? they're a fucking scam
>2 jorshits for 2000
>2 jorshit skins and a jorshit backbling for 1800
kicks are basically a tax on retards
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ill be excited for Kicks if they give Persephone back her stupid flipflops
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>who excited for shoes
this skin will finally be useable.
when we getting hat cosmetics?
Buy I already have Blaze and she's better.
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Goku Black, Piccolo, Gohan, Cell and Frieza can.
Black Goku can.
Since Sony is ticking Sweeney’s pockets I hope they do something when DS2 comes out.
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because they look funny
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>Fem V
>Mrbeastfag shut up
mrbeastfag isn't the only person here who likes cock you know
I cant wait for bundles to be even more expensive becuase theyll force a shitty instrument and shoe in it
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they would do 40% better than whatever the fuck this is
With the sharks sorry
>literally nonexistent ass, flattest "ass" in the game
Nope, try again.
you'll have to wait for tomorrow
1 step closer to Drip Goku
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>not edgerunners
>the obvious thing that brought fags back to 2077
>no let's just have the game character
i don't give a shit about that. The skin is a jumbled mess and the shoes fixes her somewhat.
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This but Panam
It's probably just going to be Johnny Silverhand because they can reuse Keanu's face model from Wick, and some signature car shit.
Unfortunately I don't think any of the Edgerunners girls could probably make it into Fortnite simply because they'd either need redesigns/censorship or straight up are just not fit for it.
She doesn't give a shit, either. She literally can't with no ass cheeks.
So, if your character wears high boots like Han Solo or Festival Phaedra they are cucked out of Kicks, right?
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his smile is perfect
nice crimson chin and linebacker shoulders
Let's just say for brevity's sake they could bring david, lucy and at worse rebecca in. Lucy I could already see getting the cammie treatment and rebecca just forced to wear a shirt
Shade is the defacto driver skin and has a ch1 badonk thoughbeit
hey at least she's more man than you will ever be.
male V is cringe because you can't romance Judy
Rebecca is a Toph case of either sizing her up, or a Sakura case of making her as large as any other character, which kinda fucks with her design. She's genuinely too short for the hitboxes, and that's before you take into account her running around in underwear and a jacket.
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Go to bed cuckotha
>we now have a gay spammer avataring with shit unrelated to this general
Lame as hell

I'm going to go play Zero Build
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She's gonna look stretched
won't be any worse than vegeta
>male V is cringe because you can't romance Judy
i thought you wrote Jackie and almost called you based
It’s not the anime
its the Jonesyfag
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>he doesn't fuck the lesbian out of her
i can't see them adding sandals since they'd need to basically make feet models for every single skin that doesn't have actual modeled feet
though i can see them adding socks+sandals like hers, since they'd just need to make a socked foot that could be universally-applied to every skin
Ya I know, I miss the days when the bus driver guy wasn't here
>She's gonna look stretched
i honestly think it's hilarious when they do that or make super big characters tiny like Hulk
what a chud thing to say
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Add him so I can exclusively target Spitfire skins
He's customizable so I doubt it
Is it bad that I imagine like, Leelah body proportions for her because they'd not cook something up from new for her
You can with mods
the cyberpunk defaults are customizable but they have a canon look like the customizable fire emblem protags.
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Me dropping at Pleasant Park
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>being a Buildlet
Worse than the gays
Cyberpunk as a whole isn;t based because I cant spend 30 hours with Jackie and eventually marry him
The very definition of aislop
What does it mean if I'm starting to prefer AI over normal art? I also enjoy supporting them more than some narcisisstic artist
Ironic for you to call anyone a narcissist, cig
support an aisloppa that's doesn't make dogshit at least
You don't know who I am
I think it looks good
I know that you’re a piece of shit and cancer to drawfags in this general
>I think it looks good
This is the same guy who keeps chasing away drawfags btw
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I know... and I've been let down before. (As recently as this season.) However, it can't hurt to look toward the future at least a little positively, right?
As it stands, the possibility is so slim that it's not worth entertaining. The OG mode is probably just Chapter 1, and Lexa is C2S5. Even if they do remix skins, she probably won't pop up. However! This might not mean anything but C2S2 was also found in the "offer catalog," so Chapter 2 might not be off the table.
I'll just have to wait and see. I'll be patient! And I'll be hopeful!!
uh oh iword melty
What happened to Raven Syd, is it scrapped?
they'll probably turn it into a starter bundle for Ch6
I can live without princess lexa but a rerun would be nice
oh this is the talent schizo it makes so much sense now
Nobody said anything about money besides you
it was apparently the starter bundle for this season but instead wavebreaker got rereleased.
i have no idea if bringing back old starter bundles is the new norm or if this was an exception
maybe next season we'll get her since starter bundles/crew skins aren't usually tied to the season's theme.

but who fucking knows, it might be scraped for all we know
mental illness
>You don't know who am I
Yep, it's him and here I thought he finally ended his suffering
who? list 3, and they have to be actual artists and not rando schizos with 5 followers
because most top tier internet artists undercharge for the shit they make
>update night
>random ai rant

for what reason? Pick up a pencil and draw shit. Don't expect instant success. Appreciate the progressive gains over time.
Picrel is truth
Or I can just keep sucking artist cock like Ivan so I can get free commissions.
>tfw I still have empty sketch books years after buying them
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good night fags don't argue too much now
>the only thing that would have been good about this season was scrapped
Sasuga epic, you continue to impress with sheer incompetence
Holy moly you have a chip on your shoulder
blenderanon are you here
I think we've bullied some guys enough
Ignore that fag he will hit you with woe is e bullshit and never learn.
We're all retarded by default for buying cosmetics that don't do anything other than to look cool.
She's literally getting them this update.
I'm shocked that another retard took up the same shitposting and that he's more pathetic.
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took 2 mins to google them and find their prices
>porn artist
>less than $50 for a fully rendered drawing
are you low IQ? because $45 is nowhere near $800
and it seems to prove exactly what i said that most big artists severely undercharge for their work, yet broke low IQ aifaggots need to blatantly lie to justify their ai slop
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Since this is a disney slop game now can I get a toaster backbling?
That wasn't me, but here's one justmegabenewell
>other than look cool
Well the game is more enjoyable when you play as your favorite character, and I guess the gooners get an extra level of satisfaction when the character arouses them
Use them anon. Yeah it's really damn intimidating looking at a blank page, but you have to get the bad thoughts out of your head and just do it. Don't be overly critical. Take the time to analyze your work for future things you can improve on. Don't get too deep in your own head.
>Well the game is more enjoyable
They don't do anything other than to look cool anon! You're as retarded as everyone else who spent money on this game. Don't be dumb.
It's the talentfag aka Wandafag an old schizo that refuses to leave, all the posts that mention the Ivan guy are his, just ignore him
You fool. My superhero skin gives me a tactical advantage; my favorite streamer said so
question: is the waucom one screenless drawing tablet a good investment for someone wanting to try getting into digital art
I replied it because it's relatable. Getting envious of others way younger than me who can draw such amazing things. Had to realize they had to work hard to accomplish what they did. It's not natural talent. Of course I can't actually learn and improve when I'm not doing shit beyond having a self pity party.
>furfag artist
>extremely detailed and fully rendered art
>can actually draw
again $200 is not anywhere near $800
you're doing nothing but proving that you and aifaggots in general are retard and broke as fuck
Asking the wrong person. I'm taking the pencil and paper option out of convivence.
a good shop this once
the only good thing is the emote
everything else is dogshit
He dropped his prices then, when dota 2 was peaking he was charging 1600 for 3 characters, look up idstary
I like how she gets horny if she catches your female V looking at her ass
best t00 skin of chapter 5
How would you all rate the super styles of chapter 5 plus Remix?

Season 3 >>>>>>> Remix > Season 1 > Season 4 > Season 2
Moral of the story? Glowing eyes fucking suck.
they're all bad, they had a good thing with C4S1 and improved it in C4S2 and after that it all went downhill
i can agree wrecked were the *least* bad of this chapter
they're all shit
i wouldn't use any of it
I use the white styles of Wrecked on Brite Raider and Machinist, they look amazing.
S3 and remixes are the only good ones. the rest are abysmal dogshit with the exception of stygian green on hades.
Honestly yeah. Glowing eyes are always just ugly af. I'm not a fan of the greenscreen outfit with animated background stuff they did in S2 and S4
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She wants out...
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Thanks to the same guy twice I managed to edge out two of the shield defenses, I got my floating rock now!
anything you guys want to see this update?
Jonesy's bare ass.
locker qol updates
Can someone get a image of Mr. Incredible doing that floating rock emote?
Something this upcoming week whether it be shop listing updates, some skin or another that isn't absolute fucking balls, ANYTHING to look forward to besides Crew since there's fuckin nothing to care about besides some goddamn overpriced shoes.
Toph wearing shark sneakies
Skye's inner thigh
New Halo skin and pickaxe
Let me customize the button placement on mobile for Festival
A new MrBeast skin or at least another style.
OG Machinist sama, we all kneel.
not going to happen. it would cause a disruption in the leaderboards.
shut up you fucking idiot
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i've given up hope for this anniversary month unfortunately
my time and money back
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What are we realistically supposed to expect?
Season 2 was just so fucking bad. None of the skins looked good with them. And Aphrotie, Medusa(twice!),Artemis and hades had colors that were already very similar to their regular styles
>de-rezz de-stroyer gets fixed and finally given to players who won a match of reload
>saving over an existing loadout defaults the name to whatever you're saving over so you don't have to type out the name again
>fully replace the shitty metaverse wallpaper on startup
>eac splash image actually showing up properly
there's probably a few more things i'd like but that's about the gist of it
I think my doctor gave me an asthma inhaler by accident. I just went in for a cough that has lasted a week...
The inhaler makes my heart race and it makes me jittery which affects me while playing Fortnite. I've never had asthma and I don't think I was diagnosed with it. The doctor never told me anything, it was just given to me by my pharmacist and I noticed when I got home.
from my guesses and the patterns
>Live event assets/datamining if it's in-game worth a damn and not heavily encrypted enough
>Juice WLRD's two models
>Crew model
>maybe one or two new cosmetics/skins/emotes?
>updated data listings of things about to head into Chapter 6/OG Mode, so more to gleam about what's upcoming that is a little over a week away
we already know all the upcoming Kicks so that's not worth talking about
this nigga has asthma
>we already know all the upcoming Kicks
There's actually more been found but no icons or models as of now
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Jonesy (and Menace) are the Best. /Fng/ now have 2 JonesyGODs :)
they all kinda fucking sucked, except for wrecked's set and specifically montague from c5s1 using his diamond style and the purple superstyle
Due to an issue..
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Let me see your current top 3
Yeah i kinda figured. They added Lefty Config recently though so I was Just hoping for something better because the current right side is just awkward
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lol sure I'm positive its also the ohgees in here who are also thirdies begging for free shit
Hola amigo
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He is so cute and hot.
But Menace is the love of my life.
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A cute japanese girl for the crew skin, or any chance of sakura returning this season, i already have chun but im missing sakura and cammy

More dragon ball or bnha skins
fuck off already
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>warframe has better asses than us now
where did it all go wrong?!
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what fucking latinx bullshit is this?
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No, I want to talk about Jonesy and more cute fortnite male skins. Its our general now, bitch
isn't that boomer shit?
dbz shop asset update revealing they're finally going to fucking sell the nimbus again
I don't think there's anyone here except one person who genuinely likes him
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Downtime in 45 minutes!
>how dare you like men on 4chan
almost time for my valorant cock flattening
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No, I like him too. MrBeast is hot. And his skin is cute as fuck.
you sodomites are not welcome anywhere
He looks like a sped.
Man i hate that I skipped C5S1. I wish I had gotten Hope's emote and Jam Track
It's kind of sad that it's one of, if not the only emote with Japanese music. I'm so tired of the shitty rap emotes.
Announcement of Darkest Dungeon collab, with Paracelsus getting a skin with 3 styles, her default, original comic rendition, and her newer past rendition. 2 emotes, 1 being the afflicted status

yes I am delusional for 1 more plague doctor skin
He's just a generic white guy. There really isn't anything outstandingly special about him in terms of appearance. He's not ugly but he's not hot either. He really hits that middle ground of "eye of the beholder"
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We're not going anywhere, honey.
Go back to your mother basement, troon
>He's not ugly but he's not hot either. He really hits that middle ground of "eye of the beholder"
As does like 90% of us because if you arent some troglodyte or the 1% chad you are essentially middle ground
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bro please just one fucking match where 7 people don't follow me into salty springs I'm trying to rank up
Sodomizing women is the same as sodomizing men, it’s both sodomy.
You'd be surprised how many people immediately dismiss you for superficial values like skin color or Eyewear.

That said he has one major advantage over most of us and jts that's he 6'5. He's a huge dork but he'd immediately get more attention by towering over everyone in a room
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Sometimes I wish I don't see the concept art because seeing the final product can be super disappointing.

I can't forgive Aphrodite
I'm sorry, but MrBeast is sexier than any of the users on 4chan.
The people responsible for the butchering of skins like Dali should've been part of the group that was laid off.
This is such an upgrade it's not even funny. We were saved from "Siren but Asian" here really dodged a bullet.
>We were saved
No, having her made into an ugly Sims 4 looking bitch is not 'saving' anyone.
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Right looks like generic trash even for Fortnite's standard. You could find 10 examples of exact copies of that anywhere.
salty is a horrible drop
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Professional artist here.

Any Wacom tablet is a good shot. I drew on paper until I started coloring digitally and was using a Wacom Intuos. They're relatively cheap and are not hard to set up. However you need to treat the screenless tablet like a mouse because you won't be able to see directly where you're drawing, which is a thing that throws off a lot of beginners.

Medibang, Krita or Firealpaca are your best starter software on PC. But they'll always pale in comparison to Clip Studio which is paid software. (Paint Tool Sai is also good but it crashes a lot and I avoid reccommending it). Avoid Photoshop at all costs, setting up that piece of shit is not even worth the hassle.

But just draw every day. Just a little. Even if it's just 2 minutes, even if it's just stick figure. DRAW. EVERY. DAY. Don't go to sleep without putting pen to paper.

Good luck, you're gonna need it.
First you complain that people use the same five girls with athleisure getup, then you complain when a few girl doesn't look like one of the other ones. You can use Siren if you want. I am happy to use unique-looking Lady of Cranes.
Looking unique doesn't matter if it also simultaneously looks bad.
>it's both
esl energy
That's just, like, your opinion, man.
>Professional artist here.
Leave. We don't want you here.
Gonna start saving my vbess for Rivals, Cyberpunk, and lego
this clears vinder art so hard
fuck off
That good ol' "b-but you can't even speak English and have bad grammar" defense. This general has taught me that statement means you have no rebuttal or response
I'm never going to compliment a person that draws grotesque fortnite art just to try to gross people out and get attention, it's on the same level as octoboy except they ask people not to share their art to people that won't like it
NTA but "it's both sodomy" is completely butchered english
I honestly forgot about the Marvel Rivals thing. What could it possibly be? Maybe cope skins for certain characters using the Rivals design? I doubt Galacta would be a skin
God I hope they put Smasher in
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What the hell, I fell asleep three hours ago expecting to wake up after the update was done and I'm already awake.

5 minutes
That person you’re replying to has shitty art. I don’t know why this general tries so hard to bash on vinderanon’s art when it looks fantastic
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>shop skins are going to be more rare than OG skins once the legacy passes are in


Until what?
just to think were moments away from total og meltdown
>Until what?
>Professional artist
Are you sure?
>it looks fantastic
all they draw is weird fortnite weight gain pics and gore, you're a bonafide simp, wear that badge with pride vro, hope she sees this
It’s very well done and you try to downplay that every time. Trying to act like worse quality art is better is textbook contrarianism
How is it "very well done"?
Weak bait
I really hope you Legacy Pass boys are just meme-ing and nit setting yourself up for disappointment
>67GB update
NTA but come on. It looks like chicken scratch. A critic would call it "abstract" I guess.
Her actual job is drawing pseudo/actual light gore for a tabletop games company

Speaking of which when are we getting a Fortnite tabletop game?
Truth Nuke
3.40GB on xbox here, tiny update relatively speaking
>info that has never been said before
With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today? Could you be her? It all makes sense now.
holy nghh
No it doesn’t lol. Try harder, miserable faggot
I'm tired of nearly every single rock song only ever getting into this game as an emote when it's buttfucked by Tiktok speed edits. What was wrong with having Tek It by Cafune play at its normal speed?

They talked about it ages ago and I found their art by accident when my DM wanted me to find more art
Where is the post she said this? I want a link
Post your work.
It honestly sounds better sped up
do your archive reps newfag, she has bragged about working for a "fantasy/scifi" company and it's a tabletop games company
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At least i got chun and Ryu, and luckily eddie returned
You are gay and smell.
>I found their art by accident when my DM wanted me to find more art
post the art then because she never said anything about having that job or drawing gore
surprisingly small update.
What are these people cooking up to make it this big jfc
Which Eddie did you get?

She literally bragged about having that job you stupid fuck

She is by all means professional just like >>503055363 is so lol at >>503055716
>he doesn’t have the proof
Ok cool lol
Multiple shop skins have always been rarer. A lot of the limited time stuff ran for a week at most and never returned.

The T-800 seems to be the latest collab skin that's been vaulted. He hasn't been seen in over 500 days, and never once appeared while the Terminator 2 collab with the Arnie skin was running.
usually if something's that big, it's reinstalling entire chunks of the game because epic's installer and their file format shit is fucking awful
>"fantasy/scifi" company and it's a tabletop games company
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>"Keep Dreaming with Juice WRLD"
Hell it didnt even return during the Terminator Zero premiere (enjoyable series actually)
where are the freaking datamines
>She literally bragged about having that job you stupid fuck
3-4 months ago, she'll tell you again when she reads this conversation
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I got the entire bundle, i wouldn’t mind getting a rivals venom this update
i'll give it a few hours until, "due to an issue we have disabled kicks. They will return in a future update as we sort out the issue."
Link the post because I don’t recall her talking about gore
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new wip reload map?
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1k vbucks = $12

Starter pack = $7

Crew pack = $17

If you buy the battlepass for 12 dollars in the first month and hit tier 100 you receive 1k vbucks. If it is slightly more buy the seasonal starter pack

Next month buy the crew pack. The "block" pass will have been levelling up starting on dec 10. The music pass resets in jan, so you get 3 passes to unlock in that month. You also get 1k for the next og pass from the crew and will be able to unlock the secret skin.

In the third pass you would have banked 1.5 (or 2.1 if you bought the starter pack for the extra 600) so buy the og pass.

This adds up to around 29-36 dollars vs the 51-57 price point if you bought the crew every month.

Each season lasts around 3 months, so if epic doesn't change anything you can do this until nov.

If you find any mistakes point them out.

she didn't, but it's what she gets paid to draw, there's a reason why most of her art is about death/depression/suicide, even if i hadn't have said this that artstyle SCREAMS gore art
finally. but only for one week basically. :(
Translation? I'm a basic person who only knows one language sadly.
wrap looks kinda neat
OG's owe me sex
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he looks so zoned out.
Crew giving you access to every pass across every mode might actually make it worthwhile. At that point the monthly skin and the 1000 V-Bucks are just a bonus.
Dying by drug overdose does that to you
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>join fill squad as cinder
>its three ice spices
>one of them turns to look at me on the helicopter
>just stares for a bit
>does the L on forehead dance at me
>wait until we find some good shit
>double-g bomb the helicopter and kill the whole team

That's what you get for disrespecting cinder you fucking stupid half-nigger pieces of shit
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>Street Fighter return in the shop tabs
How many years has it been since they last appeared? Why appear now?
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Whatever happened to the good old days, videogames used to be against drugs now they spend an entire season promoting drug addiction
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>skull wrap
>most of her art is about death/depression/suicide,
2022, two years. But I'm not taking shop tab shit for granted after Gears didn't roll out.
>he doesn't remember the chessboard art
not surprised it's newfags all simping
its shit
not only are you obsessed with vinderanon, you’re having delusions about her art
I'm curious as to why where honoring a guy who was a drug addict and died of an overdose
Vaping was the beginning of the end
oh hey now i can chug up my homies with that dank cannon
Ryu and sakura are very japanese they’d sell well for chapter 6
>use med blaster
>die instantly
Wtf epic???
>the simp saved every single waste-of-data smeared-shit-on-an-iPad "drawing" she posted
not only died of a drug overdose, he died of drug overdose because he didn't want to get caught smuggling drugs
The last time they appeared was back in August 2, 2022. The reason why they appeared now is that we don't know. Maybe Capcom made a new deal with Epic.
I doubt it's real.
Says he's been found in the shop tabs.
legacy passes
Uh oh the talentless thread shitters are having infighting!
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Allegedly he died because his friends would prepare his drugs for him and go "dude you just had such a big hit" when he was taking baby shit, then on the plane he did his own drugs based on those friend's lies and he just instantly OD'd
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Not falling for it
To be fair, Acane has like 3 more chances to show up and correct their pickaxe mistake for Vi back then.

Arcane has at least 2 more seasons meaning there is time for fortnite to strike that deal again, I will not forgive or forget the mistake that was doing everything right BUT pairing her with the correct harvester
I suppose his chances are higher than mr beast at least.
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I hate on Vinderfat because its easy, fun and free. You hate on Vinderfat because you are jealous of her artistic prowess and noteriety? We are not the same.
Can drawfags here just not be left alone by people who are glued to this board all day? Holy shit.
>Arcane has at least 2 more seasons
Isn't this the final season?
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there are a couple no one even remembers, the only ones people talk about are the ones that have massive egos
zero (zero) chance travis scott comes back to the item shop unless legacy passes happen
It would be better for us and them if they leave.
Tim Sweeney has already told Travis Scott he's free to return whenever he wants.
It's okay because of the color of his skin. We need to honor those of his skin color in any and every way possible. It doesn't matter what he did in life, as long as we're honoring him (because of the color of his skin).
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I’d like nujabes music in Fortnite but epic would rather honor a drug addict
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The amount of envy here against artists is pitiful.

Just pick up the pencil my dude.
me when i lie
Epic is bringing his coffin?
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no. i need someone to produce Desdemona content
I'd rather get a michael jackson concert in fortnite than juice wrld though
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unlikely, given Riot changed it to being a canon to the games series, when they finish with Jinx, they have 169 characters total, counting those that are in the show, to milk as new chapters. Then there is Echo and other plotlines that will likely have another cliff hanger by the end of act 3. I'm kinda just hoping to see Kindred eventually I may not play league but they are my favorites
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How can you not be aware of this by now?
you have the twitards for that
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One report of the epic launcher showing in Japanese.
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I don't care who they add since they all look nice. I'm more curious about if epic can do the art style justice.
>you’re also the “whiter than you” poster
Its true tho. You are brazillian.
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>Massive ego
>For stating that I do art for living and giving that anon genuine advice from my experience

you unironically can't say that
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>it's just juice wrld
>the naginata shit girl probably really is the crew skin despite her not having been marked as it
i'm downloading a 2.14gb update for pc
Is... that it?
>look up 'xanax overdose rapper' to read up on juice wrld
>realize I was mixing up juice wrld with some fag named lil peep
>"ah that was dumb of me, how did juice wrld actually die though?"
>look him up
>overdosed on painkillers and opiods
do they like, all do this shit?
I wasn't talking about you drawbro, I meant the ones people call by name, I was talking about the one that draws weird male fat fetish art
did people expect more? It's just an event update
Calling whatever you posted professional is kinda a joke
Yeah no thanks
>I doubt Galacta would be a skin
She's the only non playable rival, currently, and one of the main faces for the game from the start. Given everyone else in there already has a skin in fortnite and there is no galactus skin, she's the prime choice
There's 14 encrypted files, there is more
This is the only song I actually like of his and the emote sucks. Oh well.
>make a dead guy dance on fortnite
this seems wrong i ain't finna cap
>everyone sucks except vinder
this is a vinder simp btw
looks like that crash bandicoot gif
people were expecting the Crew skin to be unveiled, but now we have no active skin shown that is actually packing the multiple styles or data for anything fitting it. we're in the dark
Inner city black kids unfortunately have a higher chance of being introduced to drugs because the black community glorifies simple pleasures too much
Has there been an avatarfag that has caused more seethe than vinderanon?
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Rocket League players are protesting against Epic Games lol
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that's too deep in the sauce for me bro
>this person is good because they make the threads require filters otherwise they're unreadable
not a positive
I actually like that emote a bit. It would fit Lexa well
>black knight shop asset
>The reaper shop asset
>Omega shop asset
>Ragnarok shop asset

arguably it’s not the artist’s fault anonymous users chimp out when they post instead of ignoring it
honestly can't blame them
epic did take away their trading for this shit
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they egg it on constantly
>Bro makes a joke
>tword jannies over react and send him to the shadow dimension
Bro why are the assholes so god dam mean tonight
Well, how am I supposed to refer to myself? An amateur? A hobbyist? I'm literally a professional self taught artist. I do erotic comics for living and I get financed by patrons to do my work. I design, write, draw, do marketing, do taxes and all that shit by myself.

Whether you find my work to be professional grade is up to you. But I have to take myself seriously or no one will. That's just the blunt reality of being an independent creator and having to fight for the chance of just doing what I love for living.

What don't you like about my work? I'm always open to listen to feedback. The art I've posted so far are sketches I made relatively quickly because SFW leaning art gets me little traction so I try to just do them in my free time when I have the chance.
Nta but I think Psyonix has to be working on UE5 Rocket League to the detriment of live Rocket League.

It's like how Smite 2 is an upgrade to Smite 1 except it won't have hero parity for fucking five years
I like big booba too, but is their a "normal" version of this?
and now supposedly Rocket League is on its way to UE5, and this will probably create so many bugs, fuck up physics, ruin the graphics, and put a fucking knife in the performance. they're just getting their game slowly murdered, to the point that the only reason to play RL is for cosmetics now because actual genuinely new content dried up years ago.
what happened to make them protest this time
what's your art anyway I loved that Razor pic
Be careful they'll ban you for criticising them too
Is this really it? Just juice world and no crew skin again?
So, Hope's dead isn't she?
*You think she does
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Dickriding Faggot
How did you come to that conclusion, anon?
Honestly I think we're time traveling, or some shit. And Hope fucked off to go do something about some other shit elsewhere in time.
hope she sees this
Hope and Jonesy are both dead
Was there some kind of update or something tonight what are you guys talking about
We need more Razor skins. Skye skins are too different.
my girl
It's what your dad became
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>hope she sees this
You speculate that she eggs it on
>both dead
Is everything in your posts bait?
Bruh I thought we were finally free from that
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oh fuck off

Jonesy is dead, Hope lived, it's not bait to say the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rciL6vprauY
Original Gays can't stop catching L's
were not, the chalter 5 island is next door
Yeah because some man baby crying about imaginary tranny mods is far more engaging than talking about the fucking game kike
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the freebie
>hope lived
Exactly, you said both died.
Unironically yes
Slip of the tongue. :)
The first big crossover event next season is R&M, they are getting their own whole ass island POI
Bro you're taking what anonymous users on the Internet are saying too harshly. If there's anyone you need to listen to, it's your fans and people supporting you, not random strangers. I shouldn't have to say this in 2024, but please take everything you read on the Internet with a grain of salt.
Don't care. I want JJK.
This is a win if real because I need that Meseeks glider.
You post here all day yet you don’t understand the contents of the game
>op isn't updated
Wow you guys suck at this
Not using your pedophilic unupdated thread
Kinda clean
the knock-up-your-gf-then-OD-tf-out-of-there dance
only good for the katana and blue nimbus
Not fucking joking, if I get Chief, I'm buying a Series X just to get his black armor.
Her nagitana is fucking clean.
Anyone who says "clean" as a compliment is underage and has no idea how to articulate why they like something.
It's good. Blow me.
its kind of a mid 2000's term. zoomers merely appropriated it

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