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Previous thread: >>502990159

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
[000] The Princess of La Manchaland Rodion
[EGO] HE - Fell Bullet Yi Sang

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Red and Cobalt Scar Ish and Heath coming soon. Most obvious EGO they could do.
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R Corp bros when will it be our time again?
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Rodya LOVE!

Captcha: YAYAY
so is a woman who is 135cm considered a gnome (and therefore not allowed in the City)?
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Wolf and red hood stuff in the next Walpurgis most likely.

i played ruina today and enjoyed it thank you for listening
Ish already got an EGO during last Walpurgisnatch. Her odds of getting another EGO are low
>heath is a dog again
yeah I believe it
That's the debuff from the redhood fight. I really hope they don't add that as the Walpurgis event.
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what the fuck ish...
>VOREclair is soon
Crimson Scar Sinclair.
Cobalt Scar Sinclair .
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Also here's the other effect, that is seemingly not used anywhere at the moment.
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SinGOD will get Cobalt Scar.
What a bunch of hacks, it was the perfect opportunity to add Elena to round up the bloodfiend roster.
ID. Heath gets cobalt scar ID/EGO
just got to urban plague lads
anything i should watch out for?
>immediately jumping to impuritas
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shikeks? indexcels? your response?
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Double 000 or 000 and EGO?
Double 000
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>LoR Walpurgis
>It's just an EGO for wolf
>IDs are just Kurokumo
You like?
She's right, though. Heathcliff is getting all pissy over nothing, it's not Ishmael's fault that his sweetheart stood him up at the manor.
way too early
I hate to say it to you shippersis but the ego is most likely going to Ryoshu, she's at 6 while everyone else is at 7. So you're hoping for a double 000 or bust.
Cope. It'll be Ish and Heath. They're literally made for those IDs, anything else is a robbery.
anon can you help me with something?
I cant find the stagger image that gets over the sinners when staggered, I can find the ones that enemies get but is not what I want, could you share where the 3 of them are?
wait so is this EGO or ID?
friday needs to come faster holy shit
Looking forward to your meltdown tomorrow.
It has nothing to do with shipping schizobro Ishmael is objectively the choice candidate for red hood and Heath is the same for wolf
But she's right? He just went there to get pissy at people who hate him like a retard. He didn't have anyone he deeply cared for, Nelly was clearly not it either.
>Double 000
considering the Friday stream
we are probably getting double 000 IDs like how we got a double BL 000 for anni and the stream with the green marker showed Double walpipi 000
It better be a badass EGO with the Cobalt Scar Gear or based on the transformed Wolf.
Yeah you're totally posting about that in every thread because you're not a shipfaggot and only want it because it ''fits''. At least own up to it nigger.
It's not even shipping stuff
>Heath is literally called a wolf multiple times and treated as inherently evil/malicious no matter what
>Ishmael is hyper obsessed on killing a target like red hood
This is super obvious to anyone.
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>Wolfcliff is real
AnthroGODS... we're eating Good for next walpipi
Ish already got somehting last Walpipi AND is ahead when it comes the number of 000, her chances of getting something are abysmal
Everyone is at 7, though?
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It's going inside the book and them recreating the red hood abno fight from LoR in Limbus.
Was the chart posted recently wrong? I didn't really try to fact check it.
>One of the worst fights in Ruina
oh boy, can we fight judgement bird next? give him 3000 health this time while we're at it
Completely disregard the story of red riding mercenary and will be bad Wolf and keep attacking those voices in your head I'm sure it will keep you sane
I hope we do get the red hood fight for walpipi that sounds hilarious.
How many hours until stream, babs?
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Meursault, Rodya and Outis all have 1 ID over everyone else, and Don is behind by 2 in relation to them.
Hong Lu will have the Red Hood EGO/ID
>Secondary limbabs will be filtered by killing the Wolf first and triggering Red Hood's fury
This next Walpipi is going to be great.
total monzo rape
>Heath is getting this
Fuck this is so ugly
So fucking cool aaa
Also feels like this is exactly the kind of thing your average heathfag would enjoy.
Sorry but I don't fuck around with the game files, I found the images on the datamine tab from the discord.
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>we're getting the Wolf/Red Hood fight in Limbus
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>The bad end ID will finally be released early in the season again
>It's going to be a rushed piece of shit.
it'll be rodya and she'll talk about how she'll eat you up
>bleed stuff
Now I'm suddenly hoping for a meursault id.
yeah it sucks ass. On a related note, I know people don't like the Love and Hate EGO's design in Ruina but I personally like snake dudes. I just wish it wasn't snake parts going into Roland's outfit though.
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>They knew how popular wolfdon is so they're giving her a wolf id
time to put on the suit and deep dive I guess
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should have given him a snake body
>160mb update
>No actual new content
Huh? I thought Deyvat Sinclair was next week?
She's gonna get an ID in the middle of the season like Crackcliff, and then her season ID after RR5 most likely.
It's literally listed in the resources rentry in the OP.
>ruina ego ids
How is this gonna work? Or is this just lobcorp again
correct it is indeed next week
typically they pre-load stuff for ids in an update the week advance, of course as well bug fixes
thats why some people have seen the walpipi status stuff, and its why before devyat rodion's release there was a major game breaking bug due to her retreat thing
Shitcliff got an 00 though
00's aren't real IDs, even the most powerful ones like Crackcliff
Mon ange
Yeah, heathfags can take this one. I want my little galaxy prince crybaby Sinclair EGO
you can check the C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\LocalLow\Unity path and look into the folders there
or just use the asset drive
Did they reuse the same exact icon from the cobalt scar loland realization?
You're assuming we're gettin IDs based off them at all, and that it's LoR related.
It could be LC and we get IDs for the EGO gear, or It's LoR related, we get an EGO for it, and the IDs are unrelated.
Easy. The ones that give synchronize pages. Which means we could get a little red id.
That's from the red hood fight
Man I wish I had that one fanart of Love and Hate Roland but he was a naga.
>Heathcliff becomes a furfag AGAIN
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The only thing I could think of that'd be against Ish getting Red Riding Mercenary is the fact that this is a Ruina rotation and the last thing she got was during a "Ruina banner"
Even then, we've gotten EGOs that have Ruina designs during the Lobotomy side of things for Walpurgis, though Ishmael did get an EGO last time so I would assume she'd get an ID this time to keep things balanced
All that being said, KJH is notoriously bad for balancing out content distribution so who actually knows
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hey bwos are any of these slash ids worth raising for passives sakes or anything or should i just keep running what i have
thats where m searching, and no is not the ones in Battle VFX > Stagger
those are for the enemies, unless the game uses the sames and extremely modifies them for sinners, but doesnt seem like that
i'll see if I find them there, thanks anon
Looks good to me.
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>end you're dream
bl outis has a decent support passive
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He technically saved the dream though.

>Sets up a situation for Sancho to get the bough
>Makes the ones stuck there able to either free themselves, or get put out of their freaking misery
>Ultimately leads to Sancho moving forward, and carrying papa's dream with her

He is still a major asshole, but he clearly wanted this outcome.
My interest in the next walpipi just nosedived, hope they can surprise me.
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bros... i'm starting to get bluepilled....
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heathmaelbros how are we feeling now that the next walpurgis is garaunteed to be Red Hood ish and Crimson Scar Heath?
>Isn't hype for Wolf and Mercenary shenanigans
Well what WOULD make you interested?
So when Hong's canto comes around is the Mili song going to be Iron Lotus 2.0?
I am a big fan of reds aesthetic, just not who it could go to. So I'm hoping to be surprised.
If it's a Library of ruina walpurgis, I really doubt it.
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Unfortunately(?) since the game's release, Ishmael has been the prime candidate for Red Riding Mercenary given both of their obsessions with hunting someone down, so unless PM decides to pull something out of their ass at the Nth hour, it'd be foolish to think it could go to anyone else
I am aware, hence my lack of excitement.
Red hood can't possibly go to anyone but Ishmael considering how on point they were when choosing the sinner for Philip and solemn lament
>, Ishmael has been the prime candidate for Red Riding Mercenary
Just like Rodion and Olga
>"There’s no need to be nice to me… I’m destined to be a big bad wolf…"
>"I was fated to be bad… It doesn’t matter… I don’t have to care…"
>The taste of flesh was so good after such a long absence. Since then, it got harder and harder to keep himself in check. Still, it didn’t matter to him. After all, he was “destined” to be a big bad wolf.
>Wolves could not cross the line when doing bad things. And wolves had to be punished. Wolves always needed to be an example.
I never really considered the possibility or thought about it until now since Ruina also has a literal vampire abno in Nosferatu, but looking at Big and Will be Bad Wolf's flavor text and lines, it's actually kind of easy to draw a parallel between it and Don and the bloodfiends in this Canto. A creature that is desperately trying to fight against it's own nature and hunger, lamenting it's destiny to 'be the villain' simply by virtue of it's own existence, and then eventually succumbing to that hunger and thirst when it becomes too much bear despite knowing that it will be 'punished' for it.
>Just add in a SoTC level opponent bro
Are you retarded? We'll get Elena Don eventually, be patient
I don't like that pic
what does solemn lament have to do with gregor
le depressed xddd
You're right
Red Riding Outis confirmed
>what does SL have to do with the dude that's borderline suicidally depressed
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Nn, more wolves
Sinclair is getting his waw ego during walpurgis so you're all wrong btw.
Hong Lu's a better fit for Funeral than Greg
>Roland EGO
>Horribly ugly or inferior to the original design
Every time. Why does he ruin everything?
He's need a groom EGO to complement his bride EGO.
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so what are Red hood attack animations going to be like?
nothing would make this thread seethe harder so i hope so
Heathcliff's side bitches btw
>Elena Don
NTA but doubling up on a bloodfiend ID for anyone would be even more retarded. It they ever do Elena/Nosferatu it shouldn't go to the 4 existing bloodfiends
3 coin dog sex animation
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W. O. W.
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He will share Hong Lu’s WAW on his seasonal banner and it will be lame.
you're right actually. Nosferatu Meursault and Elena Ryoshu, take it or leave it
In theory, you could make an argument for Sinclair and his relationship with Kromer, but I'd imagine the reveal of Red Riding Sinclair would cause quite the reaction, to say the least
>Elena Ryoshu,
That's pretty good actually
>000 Heath
>000 Ish
>WAW Sinclair
Do you accept the terms?
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Nn, my man
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how did you like last thread, anons?
you guys try way too hard
my disciples are the best of the best
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What do you guys think of the current Limbus power levels 1.5 years in? Assuming we still have 10 years left, where do you think we'll end up?
>fairy festival fight during the previous ''ruina walpurgis''
>the id had nothing to do with it
You anons are speculating way too hard, just wait until tomorrow when the director will probably spoil every upcoming id again.
As a fighting force we're probably near the realm of Grade 1 fixers IMO.
Considering the last Ruina walpurgis night was the fairies but there was only a single fairy ego added, isn't it pretty possible that there's only going to be a Big and Will be Bad Wolf ego, and the IDs are still going to Ruina guests instead?
This should be the regular assumption, but we like pretending to be retarded.
I think we're going kinda fast (Urban Nightmare-level threat resolved in La Manchaland) but I imagine when we get to SoTC levels things will really slow down, especially at the end of Inferno when Dante nukes the city. At SoTC most of the big hitters of the setting are now open, so the powercreep can take its time
What about uh... Red Riding Ryoshu?
Remember how most of Ruina was around SotC tier?
Probably the same thing here
SoTC took forever in Ruina as well, so I can see us cruising at that level for atleast a year or two.
I swear if the red hood and wolf IDs go to anyone who isn't ishmael or heathcliff i'm shitting in the hamhampangpang frier
There is no way they are giving ryoshu another walpurgis bleed ID two times in a row
Sinclair will both be the wolf and red hood
director would do this
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Red Hood Faust and Wolf Sinclair
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>Dante is such a big shot in the city that the trio at the start consider killing him a once in a life time opportunity
>expendable enough to be made a manager and be urged to kill himself if the situation is bad enough, meaning he's lower on the pecking order than at least some LC executives
Who the FUCK am I?
If it was actually a Wolf ID that'd feel like they were blowing their loads way too soon so it's probably EGO
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>(Urban Nightmare-level threat resolved in La Manchaland)
Reminder that we've been consistently told that P corp has been trying to downplay its threat level too, and that it could be considered even higher than it's current level.
I'm worried that this won't be for an ID
What the fuck are any of these """connections"""?
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>so much coomer art
>very little actual porn and even less good porn
I just can't wrap my head around this
What do you think the first ALEPH will be? Mimicry?
Dante is John Limbus, CEO of Limbus
Faust was lying about the button being a suicide button, it does something else that Dante would consider worse than suicide
My proof? Just trust me.
I'd imagine it's a Limbus original.
>Big bad Wolf applies bleed
i love being dumb and stupid
Why everyone is talking about those 2 WAW abnomalities?
ecchi franchise
Walpurgis is approaching and there was a datamined status effect that Red Riding Hooded Mercenary applied in Ruina
Is Barboutis getting kicked out of the bleed team for furaffinity Heathcliff?
Ishmael and Heathcliff dual banner this walpurgis with their lob ego IDs
You know what? I hope it isn't Crimson Scar Ish and Cobalt Scar Heath. I hope those two go to someone else.
I hope that we get something truly retarded like Cobalt Scar Sinclair and Crimson Scar Meursault or shit like that.
I love headcanons.
cobalt scar sinclair makes sense though
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okay, I totally understand if anyone calls me and ishhater, and, while I am
I think I went a bit too hard on her this time
Just say that you are a meursaultfag who likes Crimson Scar, no need to excuses
Why are people talking about cobalt and crimson scar? was there an announcement or leak
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Sinclair is literally about to get an ID what's the point of even pretending he could be on this?
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look at how cute and silly she is
Sinclairdev made a deal with satan
Distortions and Abnormalities are basically sibling concepts, right? And we have humanoid and creature-based ones, as well as location-based ones (like Shelter from the 24th and the eldritch school from Distortion Detective).

Considering tool-abnos like YOU MUST BE STRONG or Heart of Aspiration, why haven't we had a person who distorted into an inanimate item?
Please stop pretending to be retarded, we are getting guest ids and a wolf/red ego.
Thank you.
This was done preventatively to stop her from committing sexual assault
My pet theory version of the "Ryoshu's sword is her daughter" is that she distorted into a blade that can't be drawn but can still cut somehow.
We're getting CRIMSON SCAR ISHMAEL AND COBALT SCAR HEATHCLIFF. Get that through your head.
Were there any tool abnos in Ruina? They're kinda forgotten
how big will be the melty if ishmael doesn't end up with crimson scar
To be fair, the reason we were able to resolve it was because we had Sancho who putting aside her power also had a strong emotional connection to the place (and also general golden bough resonance stuff).
Were it not for their shared history and we were just a completely unrelated party, maybe Don would have just spammed his giant blood bomb instead of choosing to settle things with a final duel or whatever.
Basically, Limbus Company is currently pretty specialized in dealing with golden bough and distortion stuff. But that doesn't necessarily translate into them just being able to take any Urban Nightmare level mission and being fine. I'd imagine if they tried to take on an Urban Nightmare level syndicate for example and was all of a sudden fighting 5-6 Jun-level opponents at once using their Rules of the Backstreets equivalent and maybe a Ricardo style boss at the same time, things would probably turn out poorly story-wise
we're getting crimson scar rodya and cobalt scar gregor
It's just 1 retard having an episode, hopefully he will kill himself tomorrow.
I mean there really aren't that many candidates since Ishmael has only gotten an EGO from walpipi
Yeah, that's true. It isn't a 1-1 powerlevel thing
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>they think there will be more shitcorp ids
Back on your cuckchair faggot slave, it's the time for the better game that had actual characters.
Good. Tool abnos fucking suck. All of them are like "also the nugget explodes if you use it!!!! :P"
>t. 4/10 game enjoyer
Know your place, trash
They could've been implemented better but I respect the idea. I never ended up using them though outside of observation log requirements because the drawbacks are never worth it
I've grown more attached to the idea of Cobalt Scar Don for the reasons that was mentioned earlier, I think it would actually be pretty thematic.
Technically there was stuff like Heart of Aspiration which is a tool abno in LC but got turned into a giant heart abno in Ruina.
You could argue that Dante still had his memories in the prologue so he still had a lot of value from whatever secrets and info he knew. But once he lost those memories, he became a former big shot since he no longer knew all those juicy secrets.
most pm porn is behind private accounts
state of the internet more than anything
Price of Silence, Singing Machine, Red Shoes, Heart of Aspiration, and Bloodbath. Technically all of them except Singing Machine got given redeisgns in order to actually fight directly though.
Heart of Aspiration
Don't forget your tickets sir.
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please point me to where I can find good porn of Don or Ish
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see the fact of the matter is that they blew their load with Philipclair too early and now they don't have any Ruina guests that are hype enough to actually use in walpurghisnacht until we get into real start of the city territory later
What about a Xiao ID
A random index or a shi id would be more hype than philip.
he said sotc territory
Just for this comment, Ryoshu will never get her Yuji ID
Singing Machine, Red Shoes, and Bloodbath aren't tool abnos though, despite their appearance.
ishmael getting a second ego for walpurgis would be insanely lame
>Not being hype for Pete Don ID
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yeah well 5 limbux says that it will happen during an intervallo between canto 8 and 9
A Yujin ID could drop and it would be no pop and bring in no dimes.
We started with Pierre's Bistro during the first intervallo and later we got Hook Office, there are plenty of Ruina guests who can be ideal candidates for Walpenguin IDs
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It would obviously be an ID if she is getting something
Director doesn't care about gimmicky Distortions that can't be directly fought anymore. He wants high power levels, it's why he's dragging his feet on making the Distortion Detective VN (he lied about Limbus being too all-consuming).
what did red mercenary and wolf do in Ruina again? is it more bleed shit?
>It would obviously be-
Don't jinx it
El Director moves in mysterious ways
Heathcliff will get both a little red id and wolf ego.
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>he isn't hype for the strongest fighter in the City ID
>He wants high power levels, that why no DD VN
Doesn't Moses capture an Urban Nightmare distortion for Dias before the story stops? Her having E.G.O and Ezra + Vespa means she can deal with relatively high level stuff like that
is there going to be a new 00 on walp or is it just going to be don/hong shard farming season again
I don't think Ryoshutards get enough hate. We should swap her and Ishmael's places in the /lcg/ hierarchy.
They should never ever do 00s on walpurgis again, so no.
Praying for a 00 but it seems unlikely.
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We're gonna be getting ABABABABABABA Heathcliff and ABABABABABABA Ishmael and that's fact.
I'm fine with 00s on walpipi if they don't cut into the amount of 000s we get
I don't agree since Don is now cucked out of a lobcorp id until they do a new rotation.
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>had to shard Devyat Rodion and Dulci Rodion recently
>Walpeepee coming up and will have to shard Red Shoes as well
Why is this bitch so greedy?
they shouldn’t because i want to farm hong shards in peace but they probably should
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
You could always just, not shard Red Shoes.
in the bloodfiend meta? are you crazy?
No can do chief, I need every ID and EGO
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She wants ALL your shards and ALL your lunacy and ALL your thread and ALL your XP tickets
if i already have them does she starve
The school distortion was a location that 'distorted' into something else because of all the intense emotions there right? I don't think it was ever 'human' to begin with.
So going by those rules, it wouldn't be a person distorting into an inanimate item, it would have to be another inanimate item distorting...? I suppose it'd be possible but functionally it'd just end up like cursed items or something right?
Actually, maybe that's what 'Relics' are, come to think of it.
this is really well done! love him wiping the gun as well before re pocketing v nice
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Assuming the leak is true and we get the most fitting option(Heath and Ish) get an ID the only sinners without a walpenis 000 ID would be


Who gets the magical girls, which will likely happen in 3 walpurgis at their latest?
Don and Rodion have an easy fit, but what about the third?
Do they have the balls for magical girl Hong?
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At that point she wants all your love and attention
Needs a stagger VFX on the second shot but well done Anon.
Knight of Despair Hong Lu WAW E.G.O.
Kinda fitting that he compared the school to Shelter, considering its lore narrative is that it's a P-Corp contraption gone horribly wrong.
nobody wants heathcliff vore
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KoW Faust and SoW is retconned from existence again
nah we’re getting alriune hong lu ego this walp
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Meursault should get a walpipi ID next so I can fill my entire friend support list with him
Poor innocent anon, just the mere existance of Big Bad Wolf in the game will let people go wild. Doesn't have to be Heathcliff specifically.
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I already know that you faggots are going to have a melty over tomorrows stream because your headcanons didn't come true, I curse Monzo for giving you mentally ill children something to work with.
I was sort of hoping or expecting him to get an ID since he was on the first Walpurgisnacht with his EGO but no ID yet. Since he already got Cinq this season though I'm not expecting it anymore.
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I hadn't thought about it before but KoD Sancho is pretty fitting, with the whole "trying to be a hero but nobody actually cares and she is forgotten, then becomes mindbroken(but still hasn't given up on protecting people)"
When is the stream anyways? Want to tune in and shitpost on this place because I'll be happy with what they show.
Putting this into my book of grudges
all the furfags left the game with vellmori, we’re good
Did it go horribly wrong if it does exactly what it's intended to do
The face of a serial rapist, domestic abuser and general scumbag
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Just waiting on UT5 now
thats not qoh
Why would you say such mean things to your co-worker?
But she uses hypnosis and thats bad
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I kinda want and don't want director to spoil every upcoming id again, sinners for this feel?
Tis the truth!
Just don't watch the stream or go on 4chan or look at anything relating to limbus for two months
Yi Sang
utterly ruined
How does it feel to be the biggest fucking faggot in this thread?
Lying is bad Anon.
Now apologize to Ishmael.
he's right, though. she has the face of a seductive loli on the body of a mature titcow, it's fucked up
your opinion doesn't matter to me
Meursault shot her when she tried assaulting the manager. She's guilty.
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EoS announcement tomorrow, Limbabs
Then it's a good thing I wasn't giving you my opinion and instead was stating a fact
Fangs are cute, but that one is no good imo. Looks like a loose piece of something about to fall out of her mouth.
People will disagree, but I've also come around to the idea of KoD Sancho and conversely QoH Rodion since you could potentially argue that the QoH's issue stems from the idea that if evil no longer exists, she's no longer 'special' but just a normal person.
But well, I think the most likely outcome is the popular idea of QoH Don and KoG Rodya
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What is /lcg/'s thread summary?
a single shitty ooc image doesnt define a character
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<She was just giving me a Hug...>
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I think it'd be pretty cool if they did some Synchronisation E.G.O. ID's with stuff based on the Ruina E.G.O designs (even barring the fact that only like 3 Abnormalities in total got Synchronisation pages), like Hornet or Harmony.
i'm gonna make nicolina real when they invent custom AI sexdolls in 2065
god she's cute
There's no need to cover for your abuser. We're here for you.
I should play through VTMB again...
>T Corp box
How does it keep getting away with it all
I’m scared that so much time will be spent on limbus that they’ll forget how to make normal games
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In the end, La Mancha Land was a bunch of Malkavian retards, but only Sanson actually bothered to put dots into Dementation.
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this assumes they knew how to make normal games in the first place
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I fully agree with your interpretations but on a pure "how well would the outfit fit the sinner" basis it's a pretty easy QoH Don, KoG Rodya and KoD Faust(or maybe Ishmael if they have the balls to make her hair blue and longer) so it will likely be what they go for.
this is like saying you're worried hentai artists will forget how to draw normal art because they've drawn too much porn
IshMALEfags had nothing to say when ao
>anti-pilotfag meltdown
>ABABABABABA Zenaniggers
>T Corp Don
>Sinclair hate
>Ishmael Bullying
>Linton/Cassetti posting
>Voice ripper
>touristpilefag meltdown
>Velmori vs Nai_Ga
>EoS fox cameo
>debates over retarded and inane topics that only barely relate to Limbus
I think thats all?
this happens thoughever
you forgot "sinner for this feel?"
yeah but they aren't just going to lose game design fundamentals they've been using for the past 8 years, all they have to do to make a "normal game" is not put gacha monetization in which they've said they plan to do (eventually)
they’re not making the game either
they were talking about outsourcing
>sinners for this feel
>futafag meltdown
>Rodya is fat
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<Meursault. Please deal with this man.>
you forgot OC/yume sinner posting
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that was the first thought that came into mind when the anon suggested it
"what would meursault actually do if he got ordered to shoot someone"
and instantly knew I had to do it
I spent more time trying to find the VFX that the sinners use in game than actually making the gif, but I just couldnt and it was getting late, the ones that are easy to find in the OP are the ones that abnos use so I just went with those in order on how they appear in game, stagger stagger + stagger ++
if anyone can find the ones that sinners use I would be grateful, I know stagger + is red and stagger ++ is greeinish
That's a fair assessment.
Who do you think the most likely candidate for Servant of Wrath is in this case though?
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>counters you
>counters you
>counters you
>counters you
>eats you
what now FAGGOT
Why do we have 3x the amount of meltdowns compared to /v/?
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untrue, I am still here and holding out faith
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Rodya, No!!!
Calling people a faggot isn't very nice!
French Blood fighting game...
Hypothetically if a PM fighting game actually happened, who do you want to see on the roster? Would you try to spread it out between Lob Corp, Ruina, and Limbus or just focus on mostly Limbus characters.
I could imagine Tomerry being the big grappler kind of character
you forgot p corp penis compression
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>emboldening the furfags AND vorefags
A whole new cast of characters
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>short hair
>ugly as shit
>light green
>betrayed by a close friend
>uses some kind of axe
>erosion(beta rupture)
>meek normally but became a monster full of wrath
Is there even a need to ask?
I sure hope we don't get SoW
one more day
*vores you*
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>>ugly as shit
The monster form, maybe. But what narcotics are you on otherwise?
NTA. Vomiting crocodile is the best part of SoW. The magical girl design is just bad.
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I like the T corp Donfag and the incomprehensible zenafag
>puke green
>super ugly poofy pants
>horrible haircut
>those green jewels randomly placed midway on the arm
>that toy axe
It's just bad, sorry
>Agent: Customize-a-character. An all-rounder with slightly more ranged options than average for the archetype.
>Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary: Aggressive run and gun playstyle. Not really a zoner, can't control space well.
>All-Around Helper: Small-body stance change character. Iconic "cleaning" stance, but also does "laundry" and "cooking".
>Gebura: Akuma to Agent's Ryu. Uses various EGO, gets better results but expects better input.
>Adam: Summoning zoner. Uses LC-only/removed-from-LoR abnos - or at least MOSTLY does that.
>Angela: Parallels Adam. Summons LoR's spotlight abnos via her book. Comparatively melee focused.
>Lulu (+ assists): Slightly weak character with powerful supers. Calls in her friends from the street and Streetlight Office.
>Tomerry: Obligatory bigbody grappler.
>Crying Children: The other 2/3 of Philip. Can split self apart into Unhearing and Unseeing children.
>Distorted Yan: Ridiculously esoteric playstyle on a bigbody character. Virtually unplayable.
>Catt: High agility, very combo-reliant. Can briefly distort install, gaining a small hitbox and many large attacks.
>Blue-Smocked Shepherd: Pseudo-clone of Red. Less aggressive, has several reflect and counter moves. Can summon Reddened Buddy.
>White Lake: Very graceful and mobility focused, with big hits from weird angles.
>Servant of Wrath- Kind of gimmicky; lots of "autopilot" attacks that are powerful but predictable. Good for new players.
>Flower: Counterpart to Catt. Much less techy, no distortion, generally simpler.
>Moses: Pseudo-stance character. Uses her pipe rhythmically to augment attacks.
>Ezra: Variety of workshop weapons. Lots of reach and variety.
>Marksman of the Mist: Ironically not much of a zoner. Dangerous piercing projectiles but bad area denial.
>Yuria: Dangerously gimmicky, powerful defensive zoner. Many tool-using teddy bears.
>Vespa: The only "normal" fixer in the cast. Relatively average but with reliably good damage in the right hands.
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Should I watch the sopranos?
Limbus company.
I want more voices to be ripped.
what about the p corp penis compression fag
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>Ahh, Dante, did i just eat you? Sorry, I was just famished, but feeling you writhe around in there feels so good
>Mm... I can feel you finding it harder and harder to resist, those struggles getting weaker and weaker
>I'm just gonna sit here and digest for a bit. Being this full just feels so pleasant
Sinners for this feel?
Why are you like this?
To learn about Dante's culture, yes.
Why is /lcg/ suddenly a Sinclair general
Are you all fags
>can tag in all 12 sinners with unique movesets
>All of the sinners are weak as shit and dies in 1-5 hits
>Once all sinners die you can kill Dante who can’t actually do anything on his own
You rike?
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Are we getting an actual corporate livestream this time or is it just another livestream of el director's sopping wet dog avatar drawing green circles over powerpoint slides?
I would hope he had the decency to get a table to sit on with a screen behind him this time, but we'll see. Powerpoint presentation has its own charm.
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Don't you go shifting the blame, Rodion.
>an actual corporate livestream
why would you want this?
after years of sitting through FGO livestreams I like the shitty streams
Post he armpits.
Hope the latter. Director doing "actual corporate livestream" sounds soulless.
Why do you say that, Anonclair?
Arknights streams are just haimao straight up getting to the point with news and a bit of sillyness, that kind of corpo stream is great while still feeling professional.
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i'm boycotting the game if director doesn't use his vtuber model
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''soul'' is all about how you do it
I don't care, i'm never going back to "permanently 6 months behind" nights
combining these two posts with a U Corp Tuning Fork to make tomorrow's livestream have Kim Jihoon doing Schajang cosplay
Heath will get a wolf EGO suit ID, they're not gonna skip both Netzach and Tiph to give him a Gebura EGO
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director is cuter in person anyways, i wanna pinch his chubby cheeks
>Ahab: Setplay-focused character using her crew assists to keep enemies off or establish oki. Can use EGO to permanently sacrifice an assist crewmate to enhance her base moveset.
>Barber: Glass Cannon. Fuckhuge normals without the big-body problems Yan or Tomerry run into and high damage output. In exchange, doesn't take punishment well in the slightest.
>Erlking: Switches between fighting onfoot and on Dullahan ala the Part 5 characters in Jojo All Stars. Gameplan is to get on horse ASAP.
Sure. But El Director streaming somewhere in his room looking like he is about to kill himself cannot be achieved by going full professional corpo mode.
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They'll probably try to do an actual livestream to get some experience, as of late pm/director/his right hand woman has been attending a lot of irl events so it makes me think they're trying to grow their brand more than just through their games.
Isn't WL dead and buried? I can't imagine they'd get any character slots in this hypothetical game.
No, PM is fighting a legal battle to get its rights back, which implies they want to use it.
Could buy the abnos being imported at least since Ruina established they're fair game (Servant and Hoyoyo+Lion), but I dunno how the status of any of the nugget characters.
Just had a fucked up thought. What if they implemented the status effects from the original games into this hypothetical fighting game spinoff? Kinda like what Arcsys did with Persona 4 Arena
I can see Light and/or Emotion Level being used as the meter equivalent if that's what you mean.
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Nah, I mean stuff like this but with statuses in Ruina/Limbus/etc. I think it would be kinda funny
>Bleed: When you attack, take damage meaning you have to play defensively until it expires which means you have to play defensively.
>Fairy: Stronger version of bleed where you take damage if you attack, but also take bonus damage if you get hit.
>Alls sleeper IDs
Index goobers
The clowns
Oscar and the lolis
Fucking Tomery
>Burn: Typical poison-style damage over time as seen in games like Blazblue
>Tremor: Counterhits become Fatal Counters, gaining increased hitstun or knockback
so how will steam season pass changes affect limbus
Penis of Wal when?
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>tom id and merry id
>fuses two sinners together
Please tell me these count as special bleed effects and bleed becomes even more OP.
[Love Town Hero] DonClair
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I found it
It shouldn't. AFAIK what's being asked is for season passes to announce the dates of the release of the content within the pass, which doesn't apply to Limbus since the contents of the Limbus pass already have an unlock date.
The day we fight the Abno behind this thing is going to be the scariest day in the history of L.C.B.
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<Yeah... wonder who it could be...>
D-dante-nim... My knees... are shaking on their own...!
I... I k-kneel... PLEASE SPARE ME DANTE-SSI!!!
Doesn't it sorta look like a moon rock version of The Naked Nest?
the only limbus aleph is not going to be a fucking naked nest aberration, fuck off
I will follow you home and kill you for implying that shit abno could get into Limbus.
Wait... Hold on... I'm getting a vision... Walpurgis... E.G.O... Ryoshu... Wall Gazer.... Sex....
>1 tier 5 gift (Lunar Memory)
>3 tier 4 gifts (Sundered, Punctured, & Crushed Memory)
he's going to limrape us
Top 1 abno that will never ever be seen again
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I'm so glad Angela didn't get this i avoided seeing vore art
my hero
[After Attack] If target is staggered or their HP is lower than 50%, apply Infection
Infection: After 4 turns, the target is killed. Spawn a Living Nest on the opponent's side.
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Heath is not getting the Wolf ID this walpipi because it's Ruina turn, but he's the only one not getting walpipi stuff whatsoever so he'll be getting something. So the only correct answer would be Nemo Heathcliff
He looks like he has an idea most ingenious.
we're not jumping to SotC retard
It's gonna be a LC Walp again
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He looks like he'd be fascinated with a few stories about Fixers.
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we've gotten LC agent IDs that wield Zayins and Teths, and Ruina IDs based off of Myths and Legends and retards think we'll get SOTC and Alephs
It's perfect.
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its not even project moon
its just limbus company
limbis is real
10 years
and we’re getting waw lobcorp ids next, your point?
>LC agent IDs that wield Zayins and Teths
Der Shooter and Funeral WAW.
>Myths and Legends
Crybaby is nightmare.
'Lip is Plague
Shooty and Funeral are WAWs
Big and Will be Bad Wolf is WAW
Mid-to-Late December at best and Early January at worst.
we'll find out in 27 hours, stop being a temperancelet
and people seriously think we aren’t getting alephs until purgatorio
The bloodfriend IDs are all SotC since they are well-fed. Explain that, lorecuties
Nyo, i dyont think i shall.
No Nyoposting
I assume they not going to hand out Alephs until all sinners stop being WAWlets. But we have to see. Doubt it's until purgatorio.
I just want sinners first Aleph ego to be some kind of special at least, having them randomly pop up in the extraction is kinda bummer
>Doubt it's until purgatorio.
You are straight up retarded if you think they're waiting at least 2 years to release an ALEPH.
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if niggers start voreposting im raping kjh
Yi Sang would NEVER do that
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Caiman here.
No problems.
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i like her
she's cute.
you just have bad taste
so like >>503044831 would cause KJH to receive the forbidden sex?
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What did Caiman add to the story?
>You are straight up retarded
Yes, I am. I meant "I doubt we have to wait until Purgatorio to get our first Aleph." Sorry for the confusion.
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A cute Meursault moment.
She is also sexy.
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She was much needed sex appeal
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Is shi association heathcliff any good?
I spent 8k lunacy hoping to get any heath IDs because I'm finally on his canto, but this is all I got.
I really don't want to use rabbit for canto VI
shicliff is hot ass like the rest of the shi jobbers
you're gonna have to use rabbit unfortunately
You're better using his base ID than Shi lmao
What about the base ID? I heard its the best out of all the base ID
Made my dick hard.
His Base ID is a pretty good pick, actually. You can use that instead of Rabbit.
Level him up though.
shut up!!! two aoe s3 BLAST!
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reminder that ryoshu like B.B.C (big brat cocks)
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Hello limbabs.
I got bored and leveled up all the N-corp ID to max, and tried them out in Hard Dungeon.
Is it just me or are they just completely ass? I got lucky and crafted both Wholeness + Bloody Mist, yet I still felt ass. Ninclair just become a dead weight at floor 5.
Seems like a waste of resources.
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thew only thing you're correct about is that it's not an ID.
it's gonne be an EGO since it's ruina.
Ryoshu's not that big
>I heard its the best out of all the base ID
That be Outis, but basecliff is in top 3 best base ID and is usable. You can use him at least until you got any non Sunshower 000
>B-but Sunshower is good in Canto VI
You don't want to use the resources for something that only good in certain story nodes you'll only play once
Hello, Seiaposter.
You just got trolled by the Niggiest Corporation of them all.
Have a good day or night.
I wish she got more art, she's cute
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Remember when the best Blunt unit in the game was base Heath
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i made a folder for her and everything and literally only have two pics in it, the maid one and her sprite T_T
I find them fun, but have always liked NCorp.
Agree with you on NClair though, never really cared for him.
yeah I enjoyed all two months of it
I remember. Base Heath was my top damage often kek
You're missing a third, a drawfag did her naked
I don't have it since I'm a filthy phoneposter reading stuff to feel sleepy
rip, straight up nsfw stuff isnt really my thing, but thanks anyway
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speaking of blunt IDs.
they better make the eventual king of greed rodya ID one of the best blunt ids of all time.
they could pull alot of stuff to use for her mechanics.
like KoG in ruina has
>healing and extra damage if you overwhelmingly win a clash
>destroying opponents next dice in clash if you win against the previous one
>gaining strength and recovery from doing massive aoe attacks
>"You don't want to use resources for something that's only good in story nodes you'll play once"
H-haha... yeah...
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She's cool, if a little cranky.
>the eventual king of greed rodya ID
You really think they'll give it to her?
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Look on the bright side: he can solo Toad.
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fits her lore too well to not
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>>destroying opponents next dice in clash if you win against the previous one
>Director starts throwing unbreakable coins everywhere for the next 5 months to counter her
I don't believe you're "stroking your shit to this rn" anon.
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He's not even the best ID that can solo toad
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>My braindead ass yelling DISAPPEAR WITH THE STORM every time I S3 in slash luxes
I'm a loser, but I am free
and no I do not know the phonetic korean I am just guessing
He says "It's wild hunting time", and then laments, mourns and despairs.
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>deploys him on the pierce lux
>still tops the damage scores because of Coffin stacks
This man is a menace.
You’re free because you’re worth less than a dollar
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Insane that this screaming schizo is so fucking strong that it's worth deploying him even against Minus Coin enemies
>deploys him
>clicks on him repeatedly
>schizo laughing
He's so silly
i love that he has multiple laughs too
Why is Rodya associated with hypnosis all of a sudden?
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When I was redoing the Railway, I put him up against the Invidiae Suncliff from the final stage. His L.M.D. rolled 37 against Suncliff's 35 from Binds.
He is simply too powerful.
It's kind of fun running the Shi trio in MDs with their Slash gift. In story stages though? Go with rabbit or his base ID.
Rodyaposts have become extremely low quality all of a sudden
Hex Nail corrosion.
one anon had a fetish for it
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It'd be such a weird thing to try and balance for Limbus because at its core, King of Greed is just "win more" which is fine in Ruina because it was a boss you could play around or limited in use as EGO pages, but in Limbus' simplified gameplay you already either stuff an enemy's attack or eat shit and the main way you "win more" is just by getting higher clashing numbers which in turn makes you invincible (ignoring unbreakable coins).

Something I could see happen though is it getting increased damage and defenses for every clash and enemy coin beaten for that turn, as well as maybe a more permanent bonus to damage, healing, or clashing every time they defeat an enemy or stagger them. At the very least I could see her healing on kill or on stagger.

Likely she'd also have some sort of ramping mechanic as well which would allow her S3 to become Gold Rush/The Road of Gold/the King. If they wanted to get really spicy with it, they could make it like Philipclair where at max SP you transform into King of Greed's more ferocious state and further compound those bonuses at a cost. Maybe HP and SP spent on each attack as given she'd likely have sustain in her kit, maybe her attacks become unclashable but with protection built in so you'd still eat attacks but not blow up from them. The whole idea being her HP and SP fluctuate and she's always chasing after more to keep herself going.

If Heathcliff is getting the Wolf, and Ishmael gets Red, I'd be shocked if Rodion doesn't get King of Greed.
i dont get it
>all of a sudden
It's just one guy who asked for a drawfag to draw it a few threads back
Best just ignore him
yeah and the dialogue is totally ooc so its worthless
>I'd be shocked if Rodion doesn't get King of Greed
Noted, you'll have KoG Outis
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So true, Rodya has no need to hypnotise someone when she could just incapacitate them.
>Odysseus was the king of Ithaca
>Outis gets KoG
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It should've been Rodya hypnotizing Dante into giving her a second lunch. That way it'd be IC.
Livestream postponed over the weekend.

You got too cocky, Dante
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Never forget Kankan's predictions
I think he's saying 누가 함께 사라져라 which is something like, "You'll disappear too!", but the first part is throwing me off and I can't get an accurate translation.
how am i meant to be leveling my characters to the requirement every chapter if i'm constantly using up all my energy to do story stages and i can only progress the story 4 times a day because of energy costs?
kankan gave hong lu funeral of butterflies tho
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How would they fare in the City?
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Doesn't count
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She's only eating in her IDs because in Crime and Punishment Rodion is always starving, she's not actually a gluttonous monster
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how important will robot girl be in (former N Corp employee) Meursault's Canto
>Always eating
>But totally not a gluttonous monster
I ain't buying it
in the joint
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>12 IDs that inflict burn
>2 of which only inflict that burn incidentally and their kit does not revolve around or have any synergy with the status in any way
>Additionally, even if you wanted to run them, both of them are on sinners with actual dedicated burn IDs, so there's no actual reason to
>Two of them are only available every 3-4 months and are also the most important IDs for the status
>Three of them are launch (or in the case of Hong Lu, close to launch) IDs and it would be extremely charitable to call them nearly unusable
>Said launch IDs bench passives provide virtually zero help to the archetype, other than Hong Lu
>Base Hong Lu provides a more critical use for the status by keeping ENTERclair's dumb ass mentally stable
>Only two actual things to add mechanical depth to the status (Dark Flame and 4MF), everything else EGOs you will never use (9:2 on a burnless sinner and aforementioned mentally ill dumbass) and MAX: 30
>Burn office featured for one scene and jobs immediately
>We still have no Liu IDs wielding a weapon
>Shootis is the worst possible representation for Der Shooty, firing the gun is the worst and clunkiest part of her kit
>Despite this, we are getting a bunch of rupture IDs, a status that needs to be completely redesigned from the ground up because one singular ID completely fucked it up forever
You're projecting! she's not ALWAYS eating, the glimpses of her that we see through the IDs are eating, but she's never eating a lot and they're at mealtimes anyway
>fell asleep and missed the draw pile

do i just kill myself?

no im not going to draw while its dead thats boring
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>Noted, you'll have KoG Outis
I hate how PM did that and planted within me a lingering fear and doubt for Rodion related content, but Dulcinea is a promising start along the path of retribution.

It's more important to note that the King of Greed was the Magical Girl of Happiness and the whole idea is that the latter turned into the former because she couldn't get enough to keep herself happy, so she kept getting more and more things of whatever she could get in order to satiate that impossible need for happiness which is Rodion's MO as she gambles, eats excessively, tries to take the spotlight, and more in her quest for her own happiness.
>Two of those IDs are burn purely by technicality because they CAN inflict it on their stupid roulette wheel, and one is on a sinner who is already a core burn member of course. It's like calling SUDDENLY a burn ego
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>but she's never eating a lot
why is she so fat then
>>Shootis is the worst possible representation for Der Shooty,
I forgot about her desu. That being said, I don't think she'll be of much importance.
There's no shame in admitting your wife is a ravenous creature of endless gluttony. After all she's a big girl and needs to eat a lot.
What a horrible thing to say! No, she's not, and she's a perfectly healthy build for her height and she eats probably just as much as anyone else her size would, which is totally respectable
She isnt!
Spend 26 lunacy to do a refresh and make modules out of that.
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Play stalker 2 anyon
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The plight of the Burncuck is a painful one, and it yields no rewards on its own. While the time for retribution may come one day, it will happen on the Canto of the Fourth Sinner.
And even then, the status will still be shit.
Magic Bullet Outis is a travesty and an insult to the Abnormality and the E.G.O set.
I hope she makes an appearance.
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And despite this, Burn is the #1 status in MD and around a #4 outside of it.

If you want a new burn id RIGHT NOW? itll be liu lu levels of bad. PM likes to balance the ids as closely to eachother as possible, and burn simply has alot of damage right now
i see
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>Burn gets 2 Walpurgis 000's, both of which were the headliner for the event
>Burn is still shit as a status except in MD because of a single hilariously broken Glimpse of Flames
>which will probably get killed alongside Bloody Mist in the next MD
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Nobody designs Ayin because his design and personality are boring
His feats are all there is to him
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Good thing that Nagelposting out of this cursed wheels of Samsara.
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sinners for this feel
Glimpse will be nerfed a little, but unlike BM it wont just get canned.
You don't lol. Anyone who isn't a newbab had like half a year or more to grind between each new canto. Pausing your story progress to grind luxcavation instead is probably the best you can do. But don't forget to use lunacy on refills, just one is pretty cheap but getting a second one isn't that bad either and it'll speed up the grind.
I think both long-haired girl Sinners look cute in a ponytail. I just wish Faust had longer hair.
If I saw nude Apocalypse Bird, I'd just fucking kill myself right then and there. No one should live with that knowledge.
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Bet it tastes good.
so i'm meant to progress the story slowly and take long breaks from it and not fullsteam it ahead like in other gachas simply because i'm level limited? just trying to make sense of it
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I don't see Meursault shoving food down his gullet at every opportunity despite being of a comparable size to Rodya. Clearly her appetite is abnormal when compared to the average person.
>robotic mannerisms
>in the Nest of Nagel und Hammer
The only question is will it be an actual prosthetic user or a human just as autistic as him
You're supposed to add people here and use their overleveled shitstompers to get through the game until you get walled at TCTB because you can't bring a support unit. Optional soft walls at 4-47 and 5-30
s-stop calling rodya fat...
Lets look into this in detail

First, almost every single boss in this game can be soloed by a single support id, so if you truly want to just experience the story you would do this

Second, The early story is kind of balanced around the level ups giving you enough energy to breeze through it. Get a support id that has alot ot AOE for regular encounters and that should get alot easier too
Maybe. But I will cling to hope for a while longer, I think. And if the shittiness of the status costs me that... Well, I will stand stand with my fully Uptied Burn team. All of them. Even the blowjob brothers.
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She's a big girl.
I want to see Rodya in Hod’s clothes but they’re too small for her corpulence…
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Okay. She's chubby
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yeah i don't have friends sorry lol my bad
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Just go as far as you can with what you have. If you hit a point where your IDs just can't clash well enough to win stages and different team comps don't help then you're at the point where you need to level up your IDs. Also like that other anon said, use support IDs to carry you through.
Post your code, then.
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>Canonically lost weight in this mirror world
>boobs bigger than ever
I won't stop
Fine. These are both acceptable
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She put the fat from her stomache into her boobs
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Burnscholars, our patience will be rewarded. Trust the plan.
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>we are getting a bunch of rupture IDs
Have you tried running them without talisman? Hint: In the time it'll take you to reset until the stars align to hit 15x3 with multiple dead weights, you would have closed the same fights with like three other statuses back to back.
>Shootis is the worst possible representation for Der Shooty, firing the gun is the worst and clunkiest part of her kit
Easy fix
Uptie V
Make it so that she generates a bullet after every skill and isn't restricted to only gaining them with her S3 after having 4
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Burnbros stay winning… one of these days
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tried adding you

it's this
girls frontline 2 in 13 days...
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Why so steamy?
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Hey at least you've got arguably the fasted MD clears once you get GoF fused.
There should have been a Magic Bullet EGO that applies dark flame equal to pride res -2 or something.
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I wonder if there's any PM-related mods for XCOM2.
maybe she shouldve tried using the fucking gun as a gun instead of a bat like a savage
Yes I understand that they're completely undertuning the shit out of your IDs because talisman completely breaks the entire game. I addressed this point. I was not saying that rupture is getting flush with super good identities, I am saying that they are literally wasting their fucking time making these IDs because they need to delete talisman and then actually make rupture IDs have real numbers
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bwo where do I get gluttony resources with sinking?
It's the debut curse, she crawled so shootsang could walk
She just ex-thumb member please understand.
she doesnt have the italian swag and it ends up looking like absolute shit
if shootsang walks then whos going to run after him
I rember when people argued shootis is good and her 1 coin s3 is worth it
Dieci Sault/Sang, Spicebush, Edgar butler Ish.
why do you think she hasn't gotten home yet? she ain't very smart
>tried adding you
I've accepted the request. I've got all the Don ID, KimSault, LobShu and DulciRodya on there right now. KimSault or Ryoshu are probably your best bet for carries depending on the enemy's damage weakness.
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>every new association got a second banner the next season
>dieci got 2 more already
>zwei west got back to back banners
>meanwhile these dudes got nothing and had their tremor skittles powercrept
why does director hate oofy
fuuuuuuuuck it all makes sense now shes just retarded
oh thats why I struggled with resources after I added buttsang
Shooty Outis is bad but swinging your gun around like a bat is badass you just have dogshit taste
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i suppose her ramping up with every clash won would be a good enough second choice.
there is that one abno page in ruina that gives her same turn defense power up for every clash she wins.
could take that idea and make it a core part of her ID.
they definitely better go wacko with the lobcorp EGO ID and make it overpowered since it's an ALEPH.
and im pretty sure it's the fastest attack ego in lobcorp.
so they better atleast give her a skill with five coins
the thumb does it better plus outis isnt fully italian shes like
yeah shes turkish and cockroaches cant into gun fu
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Let's face facts
There are currently 12 0 IDs, 50 00 Ids, 61 000 Ids
It takes 50, 100, 150 thread and 20, 30, 50 shards to III->IV a 0, 00, 000 Id, which amounts to 14750 thread and 4790 shards to uptie them all or a little under 10 000 (Ten thousand) crates to uptie the currently released IDs
Uptie V will not be discounted, so at minimum it will cost as much as uptie IV.
If uptie V released next week, you would thus need, with BP, a bit over 1100 BP levels worth of crates to do the IV->V uptie. That's about 1833 enkephaline modules.
And we all know V would actually be MORE expensive than IV. Are you fucking ready to grind?
>cockroaches can't get into gun fu
what he say fuck me for?
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hes jewish though so hes channeling all that mystic kabbalah power to pull off his sick kosher tricks
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>Are you fucking ready to grind?
Damn fucking straight
The real gacha experience starts NOW
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thanks for the help anon i'll try and figure it out
She is decent as far as burn IDs go. Not like there was a competition in a first place... But magic bullet built up is so slow. And it's annoying skill rotation. Black flame is still only option to uncap burn. So there is that.
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I'll only uptie my favorite sinners as a display of affection.

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