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Previous: >>503014302

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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I'd suck cock for Miyabi
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Wise got fucking MOGGED
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banging . . . BOOS!
He looks as gay as wise now
I'd suck Miyabi's cock.
is the game still the same slop as in 1.4?
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>Miyabi thread
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>Idol lolis

all lolis that's a fact

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts and be any age
Teen loli
true loli
legal loli

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

and soon we will have more cunny
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They won't power creep her attribute right we don't have enough ether agents, they won't waste the 5* on another ether support?
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Hope she turns out good and not shackled to Yanagi until EoS, she's really grown on me.
>ellen ice
>zhu ether
>meeber ice
you know the code, anon
Why wouldn't they?
There would be limited 5 star versions of every element+role combo eventually.
if anything we haven't gotten any limited supports yet.
>There would be limited 5 star versions of every element+role combo
you'd be surprised...
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Serious question:
Do people unironically believe that the game is dying? Is this all about those shitty sensortower numbers?
I might be wrong but ZZZ seems to be the worst game out of the 3 hoyos to play on a phone or tablet. Wouldn't it make sense that most of the revenue is on PC and PS?
sexo glare
it's shitposting never acknowledge it and kindly never make a post about it again because it's it spawns a shitstorm 50% of the time
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Anon that chart doesn't even have the cn android numbers it's a multiplier, it's all shitposting the only ones who knows how the game is doing is mihoyo themselves
the game is dying. burnice literally made nothing
>floor 90
>DEB again
Please no. Floor 60 was too soon
It's shitposting. Ignore it every time.
I already uninstalled this dead game. I just come here to shitpost now.
HSR is the one unironically dying with Sunday joining the main cast.
It's shitposting. This game is doing extraordinarily well on PSN, I assume it's doing well on PC too.
who's a good third for mibibi and nagi
>quickswap character instead of hypercarry
Only the most pagjeet of pagjeets does the salesfag shit. Truthfully this game is likely not that expensive to make. It makes money hand over fist. If it convinced me to part with some cash, then I can just imagine others.
kill yourself
Her BiS support is probably coming in 1.5 so just use whichever support you have built the most.
Astra Yao is actually Ellen's BIS support.
caesar burnice lycaon soukaku astra
Are there new leaks that changed that?
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hagwife rina
>Truthfully this game is likely not that expensive to make.
Anon each patch costs around $500 million to dev. It's unsustainable.
fucking murder yourself
this is wrong
it's even worse
each of ellen's nipples cost 1 billion to model
What's wrong with wanting her to be on field more? Or do you think quickswap is more resistant to powercreep?
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Nice shitpost, but this is the Shiyu that will bleed into 1.5 and they always make the buffs shill the new limited.
Dawei, shut down the reactors we have more important projects...
Hoshimimi Memeyabi
Calm down seapag
Dear lord how much it cost for yanagi's tack to be modeled this patch
most fragile general holy kek
shit character designs
shit world designs
shit gameplay
shit music
shit story
shit UI
eurocuck hands typed this
I assume this is you lashing out since someone disproved some autistic spam of yours, correct?
It seems like its dying because they haven't put out a character quite as appealing as Ellen.
Imagine spending so much time in a billion generals you can even formulate this opinion, kek
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>More Anomaly
God, just shoot me now
I love these lil fellas.
I always send feedback asking for more bangboo content. I'm gonna add bangboo dance and bangboo rock band minigame to the list.
Anomaly is so much more fun than stun teams.
Can I get some wide mbbs?
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get a life lol
I think mibibi is too smol bros...
more free (you)'s please
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Dodging Machine Gun fire from the Mechas is the most stressful part of this whole tower lmao
>adult women
>instead of kids and men who compose 80% of stunners yet compose 90% of all mental illness
She's fun size larping as tall.
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She's just the right height
I just found out someone finally compiled the music of the game from various source in a single archive. The last one dated from the CBT, so having an up-to-date version is refreshing. It's not perfect but in the absence of an official release of some sort, this is still the best we have.

>miyabi still a month away
>chink wank a month after that
>absolute minimum 2.5 months til anything interesting is released
holy fucking shit this is going to be a slog
>Imagine spending so much time in a billion generals you can even formulate this opinion, kek
>get a life lol
>they say as theyre posting in a general for chinese gacha
top kek the lack of self awareness is astonishing
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There's no actual challenge with Anomaly, I'm just filling the colored circle and waiting for my free 300k+ damage with no assistance. It's getting tiring, just playing a singular agent type back-to-back with a single playstyle only, farming for the same discs with one optimal substat

Feels like they're trying to wring the whales for their money right now then they'll fuckover anomaly so hard it'll be one for the books
Its shitposting and flinging you need to learn to ignore. Its made up guesstimated bullshit data that straight up makes up a good part of it. Even if a game didn't have a PC port it would still be suspect. Wuwa is mostly over the hill with revenue tower faggotry. I hope that it dies out in ZZZ sometime soon too.
No matter which game you're a fan of its cancer that doesn't add anything and is insufferable.
>chink wank a month after that
every single game fandom has this type of doomposting
Chink new year or whatever he's already counting on it. Typical fatalist mentality.
>chink wank a month after that
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>can only hit 300K
OK shitter
probably referring to Astra Yao
the astra yao bitch's banner is paced to run right at chinese new year. it is absolutely obvious she'll be chink wank. picking the pockets of chinese kids' new years money is the surest revenue they can make.
When's S rank Anby and Nicole alts?

I'm just hoarding till then.
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You know we hate chink wank for reasons other than just them being chinese right.
That's like calling zhu yuan chink wank.
Fat fuck
Mm, I'm a casual but I can breeze through endgame quite easily riding on Anomaly's back- goes to show how piss easy this game is and how easy it'll keep getting with the anomaly spam
go look at the other mihoyo games' chink wank. I have no faith we'll suddenly be the game where they decide not to.
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>stalker is 160gb
I'm using the flagship Samsung phone and ZZZ is still shit to play on phone. It's just HRTfags spamming the chart because their cuck autobattler only can brag about their collapsing mobile revenue.
Shes perfect.
Motherfucker she's already known as a pop/movie star. It's not going to be like "other games"
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you don't think china has pop/movie stars?
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how many loads do you think the rebels blew into Rain?
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Post your
>Favorite character
>Why you like them
>Your favorite piece of art of them

Jane because when she's not being a sexbomb super sultry, competent and lethal secret agent, she's just kind of a massive fucking neet who hoards shinies she likes and probably sleeps in a room that looks too fucking much like mine (so I'd be right at home in her bed).
One each
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Should I get her for Mibibi cope...
redownloading genshin. zzz is fucking boring
No content, dead game
Yes the point is chinkwank isn't based on "we hate it because it's chinese" It's mostly hate on the generic wuxia shit chink gachas can't stop pushing out.
you can do like me and throw your 50/50 at her. then when you lose you can also lose all interest in miyabi, like me.
Mine is guaranteed right now, for the 50/50 I got M1 Rina which was kind of nice
I want to break her
I can't post it here
that's your own made up definition. chink wank is just 'chinar numbah wan'.
seriously you're fucking arguing about semantics with a definition you made up in your own fucking head jesus christ I can't believe I wasted 2 replies without calling you a retard.
Ok go ahead then.
Which gachas were hated for chinkwank being china numba wan.
Give me examples.
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I like Zhu Yuan because shes surprisingly well adjusted and relatable for a gacha character
how's the current content?
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>She just wants to have fun in her life (relatable) and she's reliable where it counts. She's aloof but puts a lot of trust in her close companions, so it sounds nice to have someone like that
>I don't actually have a favorite picture, but if I had one, it'd be one that clearly shows she doesn't wear a bra under the maid outfit
>other mihoyo games'
read dumbfuck I already told you up there. this is the last reply you'll get from me.
here's a hint and watch all of the scenes john lee appears in.
I swear you are the dumbest fucking retard I've seen playing this game.
What content?
It's electrifying
Liyue hasn't been fucking "china so cool" for fucking ages if anything it's fucking irrelevant outside of lantern rite.
John lee even got lore mogged by the French.
comfy and barely demanding engagement
Very 'side game' status currently
hope you like sesame street.
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i like foxgirls, i like competency, and i like more modest attire. bonus points for only half-wearing her haori, i'm a sucker for coats being worn loosely/like capes.
i don't have a particular favorite, but here's one i like that hasn't been posted in the thread yet.
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Miyabi, everything about her design just appeals to me. I started this game because I saw screenshots being posted of her and I was even a little disappointed to see the changes they made to her.
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This might be the hardest event so far.
I can't keep track of all the bangboos running, how do you do it.
Respond to this and if the last digit is even you do a single pull then save. If it's odd, you save period.
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Corin my love
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>I like her energy and design, also can be both comfy and sex.
>Its not my most favourite one, but its the best one I have in this office PC.
>showing a underage anime character on your office PC
uhhhhhhhhh bold move I guess.
Idk if this will get me called a schizo but this fame seems like what Granblue wishes it could have been since its inception. None of the story beats have really captured me, but the aesthetic and presentation of ZZZ is top notch.
Lucy is my wife
Nah granblue is living its best life now by actually turning into actual games.
Yanagi is best wife material.
>Now that her eyes got changed more people shifted to making fun of her ears
I hope the ZZZ devs don't take it the wrong way and nerf her ears
>Obscure dying fighter
>Monster hunter clone that the devs abandoned soon after it was released
>living its best life
Yeah relink was pretty good too bad the aren't updating that game still
Maybe that's true for the series as a whole, I figure he meant the gacha game itself.
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if that's how it works then more people should make fun of her size
Sure, I know that's always been their goal, but if it could have started out like this I think it would have.
If they shrink her ears I will fudgin uninstall
>brainbroken cucks would rather be scammed by a skinnerbox than play actual games
This is why the game industry is dying, not becasue of sweet baby rays inc or whatever.
I fucking hope not. God forbid we have some fun with a character.
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i don’t have favorites none of them would be my friend anyways
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Saying a non-gacha game isn't good is still a valid complaint, dude. Just because it doesn't have gacha doesn't automatically make it a good game.
It makes it a BETTER game, yes, but not necessarily good.
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It's concerning the amount of people actually caring about the playerbase "health", you don't see WuWa stinking up other threads. Wouldn't you rather have a small but passionate fanbase in this niche instead of sharing it with all the casuals and gachabrains out there?
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Fuckin sluts
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Doesn't take much to be their friends.
Belle and Wise literally do fucking nothing and larp as store employees and everyone fucking loves them for some reason.
>Monster hunter clone that the devs abandoned soon after it was released
this is something that puzzles me, are gacha players just incapable of conceiving the idea of a one and done game, not etternally updated live service?
i see this often when single player games are released and some retards months later post the steam charts talking about how the game is dead
yeah bro the game is dead, people bought it played it and moved on, what's so bad about this? does every game need to enslave you?
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>I love her design and personality, Especially her trust missions, I really wish she had more relevances
Brother, ZZZ is a mihoyo game. It will always be filled with SEA players and a bunch of normalfag weebs
>you don't see WuWa stinking up other threads
Did you miss the last thread.
Also nobody who plays and follows the game cares about any of that.
Just finished to this, thanks
Are you having fun?
I don't think it's gacha people who do that.
Sir do you have the full uncensored version tho
I don't play neither the gacha or the games anymore, but I can tell you I spent months on rising and they had a shitty meta with 1 extremely overpowered character and a group of 3-4 top tiers in a cast of 40 fucking characters that were so much better there was no point playing anyone else unless you liked to torture yourself and they kept it like this over half a year until the tournaments were always mirror matches with the same 2-3 characters appearing. I actually hope the game is in a better state now.
Relink was not a single player game.
you also left out the fact that they’re good at the proxy business, which is their way in for lots of groups
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Except majority of the units don't even know Belle and Wise are proxies you dumb skip shitting fucking faggot.
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I wasn't here last thread, I have an actual life outside of 4chan unlike you bwo
Yes, but there's less chance of the undesirables taking root in this game
Why do you sound like a SAAARRR
>Relink was not a single player game
my point wasn't about single player games it was about games that don't get updated forever, the single player analogy was to give an example
relink was released, it had its post launch dlc, people played the game and moved on, what's the problem with this?
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Why do you sound like you're crying.
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>good at the proxy business
Personally I wanna see more NPC or enemy proxies you encounter either in commissions or in the city. It feels like there's potential for a game of mind chess.
There's that Mole guy from S11's agent story and he was kind of a mastermind of sorts directed the rebels, so it sounded kind of interesting.
The lobby's are dead now that's the problem
I have no confidence any sort of mind chess story would be successful. First of all it will filter 90% of the playerbase
>cunning hares know they are proxies
>belobog know they are proxies
>victoria housekeeping know they are proxies
>sons of calydon know they are proxies
I usually check kemono.su for uncensored patreon stuff but it doesn’t look like it’s on his
Qingyi know they are proxies
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I like sharks, and I like girls. She's also super good at her job despite wanting to just hang out with her friends like a normal girl.
My favorite is too big to post here, but I do really like this one
>Wouldn't you rather have a small but passionate
I'd rather have a dev team that doesn't take advice from retards to sabotage their own game.
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Anby, because she's like me: Autistic as fuck and bad at reading social situations. Plus I'd like to do very lewd things with her, like holding hands.
Isn't kemono dead.
no they aren't and who gives a shit about the lobbies
just play alone
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Yeah, you're right.
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But the fucking cops don't, you stupid bitch and neither does section 6.
Is it just Zhu Yuan that doesn't know? Even S6 at least considers you a Hollow Investigator.
It's back alive now. Well, "alive" since there's still a lot unupdated and not a lot of people know that it's back up yet
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Jane mainly because she's charming and I like femdom.
and thats the majority of units you retard?
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PLEASE can someone tell me if I have enough to guarantee Miyabi? These are my current savings, I have a monthly Pass, and I'm 50 pity away from a coinflip
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She has since left that life behind
>arguing with the trashfag
Actually, why the fuck is there a Rebel faction anyway? The fuck are they rebelling against?
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>cunning hares
>victoria housekeeping
>belobog industries
>sons of caldron
all of these factions worked with wise and belle specifically because they were phaethon, you know, the renowned proxy. there is simply no way you can cope out of that, since they appear in story in person interacting with said factions.
already you lost the majority, but let’s keep going
>soldier 11
she needed a proxy and met you that way through shepard. this is as explicit as it will get
>section 6
while they don’t know wise and belle are proxies, they do know them as skilled independent investigators, skills that were cultivated through proxy work.
>criminal investigation team
this is the only faction that actually applies with your delusion. 4 out of 21 is not a majority.
you are right, ill stop
>just play alone
No. Fuck you
Qingyi does and Section 6 knows they can navigate hollows from their first meeting retard
The Man
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uhhhh yeah probably lol
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Yes because no one uses any of those powercrept units and they may as well not exist, so go fuck yourself you fucking retard.

I will accept your apology now for being stupid bitches.
The oppressive world government?????
Imagine how good this game could have been if it weren't chinese.
Against NEDF leadership, I guess. Last I remember in S11's Agent Story, they just got tired of being told what to do.
Don't think there was any deep conspiracy to it, not even typical shit like a conspiracy of TOPS being involved or something, they just were tired of being commanded around, and there was a sort of socialist camaraderie between the rebels, that they don't even have an actual leader.
u lost, read game bettr nxt time xd
i have no idea what content you've completed so far but you should have one coinflip by miyabi's banner
maybe you can get to pity from doing content during miyabi's banner
I love tsundere ojousama and she does it so well.
I have no art cause I'm on me phone right now
Don’t buy into the shitposting. People are enjoying the game outside of /vg/. There was a lot of excitement here for the Yanagi event before things settled down and it’s back to business as usual.
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does zzz have a lore/voice story thing like in genshin and hsr where you can read what characters think of other characters?
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even caesar came out of the woodwork to dunk on the animeretard
People listen to those?
you retard S11 met you at scott outpost this event
>People are enjoying the game outside of /vg/.
Is that why the game keeps making record lows every month?
retard and gay
>jap jpeg gambling simulator
>korean autistic skinnerbox
>american politi-slop where Nicole is an actual whore and Billy is somehow trans despite being a robot
I can't actually imagine this game would be handled better anywhere else.
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Billy would be non-binary.
yeah apparently some people read haha lol
The chinese are the only ones making good games these days.
That's pretty boring. I was thinking it would be TOPS being the ones behind them but I'm sure they've also got their hands in a bunch of other factions anyway
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>try to farm some shitty Z merit
>use the deault HZ and not the blitz

Holy shit, they are cutting out the TV HZ aren't they???
They haven't updated any of it at all.
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That's not corin....
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It's the same people who do sales posting and shitposting saying a game in dying in every general. It's literally copy pasted posts just some names changed used in every fucking general. FGO has been dead since launch at this point going off them and that piece of shit dunked on everyone making money and won Japanese mobile game of the year some fucking how.
Wukang wont win shit
Nope. All we've got are profiles from leveling up trust and even then, those are locked until they're story relevant and have met the twins formally
Jane is cool but how she fights makes no sense to me.
Like her ballerina spin and other shit looks cool but makes 0 sense.
>expecting japs to ever capitulate to chinks
They would rather kill themselves and vice versa.
>good games
Back in the day all the characters would have been free or unlockable in game without mtx. The game would have a fully cohesive story, maybe 50-70 hours of playtime and be sold for $60 on shelves. Fuck modernity, nothing good that was predicted has happened.
Congrats? You have a very high chance of getting a S agent on pull 82 so I was just baiting to roll for kot.
>kick people with blade shoes
>kick them till they bleed to death
What's hard to figure out?
How do you put a fucking knife in your shoe?
Bah, its because le male is coming.
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Very carefully.
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I still haven't done Arpeggio Fault, Hollow Zero, new Shiyu reset, any of the main story patch, both Bangboo events, and barely did any sidequests or Agent stories.
ellen agent story leaked it’s about her and her ex boyfriend
Oh yeah you'll be fine.
you are a cuck
>anti-sales posting to because you got told you your game was dying and broke your cope
this is why everyone laughs at /zzz/iggers
I went to Random Play to pick up a movie today. I wanted some recommendations and asked the Bangboo cashier about the managers. It looked over to the back door, and another Bangboo slid a slot open, shook its head and closed it promptly. For a moment I could hear something going on in that room. What’s you guys thought was happening back there?
You DO NOT want to know.
it's arguably worse
Tv will be removed
Nothing Illegal for sure. I see a NEPS officer go in late at night when I have a bowl at Chop’s every now and then. Same one every time, I think.
crazy how miyabi will be the first character to powercreep vfx and other characters. guess ZZZ is entering a new chapter
>noooooooo never improve
Miyabi confirmed to be brick?
Miyabi confirmed to be bricked up?
who feeds howl
Miyabi confirmed to be skibi rizz toilet?
Do you not see him licking shit constantly.
Zesty ass
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>spend 300 Energy on Routine Cleanup
>parse everything through Bardic Needle
>get LITERALLY nothing in return
Bitch, you could've at least given me some potential side-grades for future use or something.
Lighter's animation seems really uninspired like an A rank or just me??
Really? I've only ever seen one hang out in front of the shop late at night before the manager showed up. Really makes a guy wonder what could be going on in there.
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Bros, I finally got an upgrade for my Zhu's disc #5!!!!!!!
afraid so
>thinking 300 energy is a lot
I literally spent 1200 backup energy from HSR and got 1 usable piece.
I'm so sorry bwo
>attack disc 5 with terrible subs
bro just use a disc make to get an ether disc, anything you get blows that out of the water
>thinking this is the first my day doing it
>to get an ether disc
ATK% is better on Zhu.
Also, I don't have any calibrators left.
Nah, I feel it too. His presence in the story is also nonexistent. He's a filler a banner.
For team order, what slot does quick assist from EX takes, left or right?
Right. Only exception to this so far is Seth who goes left
Play on controller and select who you want to bring in.
You rotate from left to right, unless the skill states otherwise (like Seth's hold BA and DA do).
You can't QA against order with a controller.
is there really a difference between the a rank and s rank animations?
i can imagine da wei telling them to make sure miyabi is extra cool because she is a void hunter but does he really tell them that x character is a rank so make sure they are extra bland extra lame extra bad?
I do not enjoy Yanagi's gameplay
Yes you can.
No you can't.
QA is not swapping. It's Quick Assist.
Your over reliance on the internet to solve your most basic of problems is the reason you have such dogshit trouble solving skills.
>This is the type of retard giving out advice
No wonder why this game is doomed.
>doesn't know anything about the game
>doesn't bother to test the shit he's saying
>still says shit
It's always the most retarded ones who are the most confiden't.
Feel free to post a webm of you doing Quick Assist against order.
Really the problem of our times
nta but you can't chose who to swap to if you quick assist, that's why you have to tweak your team comp with seth because his quick assist goes backwards compared to the other characters
lmao no you can't, even if you hit reverse swap, quick assist takes priority
The reason this game is flopping is because HSR succeeded because everyone was already tired of Genshin.

People are not going to get tired of HSR any time soon, so they have no reason to move to this game.

Launching this game too soon sent it out to die. Them's the breaks.
Not at all, any normal person would have figured it out with zero effort. You are the exception.
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Lucy wife?
>The reason this game is flopping
No, KOLEDA wife
Why does everyone in this general hate Indians so much? Racist as hell
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? did you misunderstand?
I don't like yanagi play style, please tell me lighter is gonna be relevant if we got more bosses from belobog chapter? I could probably go with miyabi instead, if somehow I luck on piper on random rolls.
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Fuck off
you overestimate the popularity of hsr, hsr is an autobattler so it does well on mobile and therefore sensortower
but if you look at psn rankings genshin is almost always first and zzz is often in the top and hsr is nowhere to be seen in the top 10 and even top 50 most of the time

hsr is a mobile "game" that only does well on mobile
the pajeets are the main ones shitting the thread, the salesposting is them, the metafagging is them, the incel meltdowns whenever a male character is even mentionned is them, the porn posting on a blue board is them too

tell me, why would i not hate the 'jeets?
Indians are the new jews for blaming random shit on
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How big are Lucy's breasts canonically? I've seen all sorts in fanart and mods ranging from flat to G-cup. Obviously the huge boobs are farfetched going from her original design but maybe B or C cups would be possible?
>withering waves
lmao I guess thats not winning
sounds like you have schizophrenia
This game aswell as WW is a fucking bitch on mobile, Pokemon's or Balatro is gonna win for sure.
i don't think people really care about the actual playability of the game on phones, wuwa is getting a shitload of votes in chinkland despite having a dogshit mobile port with terrible optimization
afk or pokemon
how are we going to get hayabusa without winning??
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Honest thoughts?
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Is the optimal Lighter team a Lighter/Burnice/Piper team? Can that team work?
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She's got a decent enough pair
>quick glance at playstore
>zzz 5m+ downloads
>pokemon pocket 10m+ downloads
its over
They're giving him out as a survey reward apparently.
pokemon and it's not even close
this is definitely one of hoyo's weaker games. it looks really good, the character design is great, but it's just sooooooooo boring. the gameplay is literally just pressing the attack button a billion times because every enemy has a gorillion health, and every so often you press the switch button when the enemy does something yellow. it's not bad enough that I can't recommend it, but don't go into it expecting something fun.
lighter is for ellen
This game is a head ache. I think that this is the best way to describe it. Its boring, the menues and super cluttered and head ache inducing and I just could not care less about the story and combat. However, the character designs are amazing, and i absolutely love the animation style and the look of the game. Other than that, i didn't really like anything else. What a shame, this could have been great
I really wanted to like this game. The story is funny and enjoyable and that is the only reason I lasted untill now because the UX is horrible. The combat is not fun. The UI is hard to navigate. There is inventory management. To bad they didn't learn from hsr and released this halfed backed game that is at least two steps backwards from hsr while increasing the gatcha mechanics.
>Favorite character
Lady Luciana Auxesis Theodoro de Montefio
>Why you like them
I like her design a lot (especially that hat of hers) as well as her rough yet elegant personality. She's the perfect combination of a tsundere ojou-sama and a delinquent biker. You can see both those sides of her clearly.
>Your favorite piece of art of them
Pic related. She's fun to tease
btw, Seth is my favorite because he makes my PP hard
First time played at 1.0ver, disgusted by Tv dungeon and quit. Now 1.3 come back the Tv is lesser which is good, but the Auto Aiming System still Worst Experience. In Hollow Zero Nineveh boss battle, i am dodging the range attack from the boss which on the sky, the stupid aiming system keep auto forcing turn my POV onto some random small mobs and no button to change target or cancel the Target Lock on. How to Dodge? I already turn off Automatic Camera Rotation, POV Still keep locking on enemy.
Very organic posts.
nintendo will sue if they don't win
That's the truest thing I've heard, holy fuck...
>copy/pasting google play store negative reviews
ok thanks for bumping our little ole thread I guess
Big love and respect for the developers, the game is perfect and I enjoy playing it but I have 2 problems , the hollow exploration through the tv system is not a really great experience and the cut scenes not being animated and being more like a manga style I wish if we can actually explore and traverse the hollow with our agents with animated cut scenes.
Replace Piper with S11 and you've got the right of it.
>Can that team work?
It will obviously "work," though Lighter does very little for Piper here. Lucy or Caesar will probably result in a more well-rounded team but Lighter will suffice just on how strong the buffs are for Burnice.

These two posts exactly 90 seconds apart surely seem very genuine and real.
Currently lvl 36, this game is very repetitive and meh. the animation for the story is great, the music and style are great too but damn everything else is just so... Average and the burn out is just easily achievable.
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>hide behind the wall made by nineveh
>Still get hit when it explodes

Huh, do I dodge on the final second or what? That thing is hard to time with.
I absolutely love the combat and characters but jesus christ the TV system is the most TEDIOUS BS ever , and it doesn't help that so much of the endgame/events consists of it being shoved down your throat regardless of your choice. I'm done with this game unless they completely Remove the TV's (which they most likely won't, to maintain the illusion of making the game unique).
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ZZZ for this scenario?
TV mechanics is off-putting Combat is pretty meh compared to other Hoyo games, even though it's the flashiest one Character design is top tier though Character Trailers are really nice Characters, even the main protagonist, actually have a "character" and not just some bland and linear characters like Genshin's cast which is really good CHARACTER DESIGN IS TOP TIER
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I'm pretty sure it doesn't do damage right? If you want to avoid it anyways just stand a little bit back from the wall. Too close and you'll get a knockback tick after it goes away.
The game got too repetitive. I have a world I can move through but it's just the same few meters every day with nothing new. What's the point in making a map I can move on if I can't freely explore? The whole TV thing gets annoying really fast too because you have to do it every single time. Very little combat, which is the thing I was looking most forward to. So much for a hack-and-slash. The designs are getting rather... colorless? Which makes it less enjoyable.
I really hate the hollow exploration (grid-based movement), just the aspect of it, has brought down the game experience significantly for me. Whenever I'm enjoying the game and i have to do the hollow explanation, I want to pull out my hair, even though it has a speed up, it feels so slow and is a huge waste of time for me. But apart from that, I really like the game. Also I have been unable to switch quests. I'm stuck in the main quest and have been unable to do the other side quests.
my gorgeous wife Rina
My rina suddenly died at full hp and it happened twice after the wall broke, I have no hecking idea why, I'll look into it later.
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Post ZZZ sex
ngl if you think the game plays like this then you are the main reason for your own boredom, like do you really only switch units when you see the yellow flash?
one more for the road

Combat relies on characters. All characters except S rank are just 1 button mashers. And as this is gacha-based game you won't get many A ranks. You can complete story easily. They gave you pre-made character builds as demos for almost every story mission. But if you want to challenge something hard... Well free to play won't get you there in even a year. I spent some money on it. 2 Monthly subscription since start. It got me almost nowhere. Real money stuff too expensive and gives almost nothin

and according zzz all these complaints are just indian wuwa shills LMAO
You probably got hit by the blast if so
Just stand right next to the wall, having a gap could still make you take damage. As long as you aren't taking those 1-2 hp chip damage you're supposed to be fine
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That nineveh attack is definitely capable of killing agents.
As for dodging it, there should be a knocking sound you can hear. A few moments after the 5th and 6th knock is when the attack ends with a blast, where you can dodge or parry.
Senseless Sex Zero
What's with the random copypastas?
don't worry about it those are totally organic and natural opinions formulated by people who played the game, it's totally not a discord raid from the pajeets
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giving up already?
When did this indian meme even start?
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Can Rina benefit fully from the Caos Jazz off field buff?
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I live for this ass
>Has shield but can not manually block attacks

What did they mean by this, hell even a bear holding a pillar can press E to save his life.
>see Yanagi with a trust event
>assume it will be some silly thing
>it’s her having some sort of episode with going blind out of nowhere and needs me to hold her hand until she recovers

Huh? What the fuck was that?
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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Anon... the Montefio bloodline awaits...
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she just wanted to graduate your relationship to handholding so she made up some bullshit to con you into it
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Okay, how about a Lighter/Lucy/Burnice team?
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ESL discord raiders? In your /zzz/? It's more likely than you think.
I love Jew You In
Dealing with random medical problems is part of dating an old woman
I don't know man I swear last week it was pags getting all the blame.
Are you sure? It happened in Scott Outpost so I think it’s serious
I love Lucy so much
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How many times do I have to tell you that has become Piper
Apparently it's some kind of side effects of her Oni blood. But that stuff isn't really touched on in the game. Hopefully we get more details in the future but I'm not holding my breath. Her preview thing opened a lot of new questions.
Is she the only beta character that hasn't made it into the game yet (besides Lighter and Miyabi who are actually coming soon)? Is the problem that Hoyo just doesn't know how they're gonna implement a religious faction into this setting?
it's not a meme and it's not new, there is a lot of indians and a lot of them are very poor and have little to no access to console and pc gaming, so they naturally gravitate to f2p mobile games, they also happen to be sexually frustrated so coomer games attarct them too.
combine both and you end up with them shitting up every single gacha thread on /vg/
and take a look at >>503051763
every single time you see someone complaining about "cucking" "homos" or "troons" just assume it's a pajeet on discord trying to stir shit
Is Yanagi's period blood oni blood
it's probably just one bored retard
I wonder if her father will be playable in tge future
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If her design wasn't redone or scrapped she might be part of The Order. If she is then I wouldn't expect her to be playable, just a mid boss or something.
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Sex with wife soon
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Pic related?
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get motivated get motivated get motivated get motivated get motivated get motivated
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I'm building Rina with Freedom Blues. And you can't stop me.
he was only taught how to use it as a weapon as a joke
no she is playable
You are mentally ill
Seriously seek help, actually giving a fuck about this bullshit like a gossiping teenage girl
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>destroys your narrative
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Reddit complained she's too sexualized, sorry.
My image must've gotten mixed up with another anon somewhere else, not the first time I've seen that happen. Sometimes when you post an image it can get switched with another anon who posted at the same time as you anywhere else on the website. Weird as fuck bug.
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evil fucking succubus don't come near my family
fucking succubus i cum and make family
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Just woke up
What did I miss bros?
Cumming in Mibibi's ears!
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>How many times do I have to tell you that has become Piper
There is no fucking way in hell they turned that 10/10 sex design into this frumpt rat (who they made an A rank anyway). They would've made BILLIONS of of this character. That design, even if it's not going to be used in this game, isn't being scrapped. It's going to be used SOMEWHERE. It's TOO good to waste.
you missed the pajeet discord spam
>Moved her to HSR or Genshin.
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>They whitewashed Piper
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Dinner with Lucy!
>They would've made BILLIONS of of this character. That design, even if it's not going to be used in this game, isn't being scrapped. It's going to be used SOMEWHERE. It's TOO good to waste.

i'm sorry but gooner shit doesn't sell as much as you think it does, miyabi is the most popular character by far and she barely shows anything
truth is people are either indifferent or repulsed by gooner shit in non coomer games
only two things translate to actual popularity and sale, meta and hype
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Don't give it replies. It's as deranged as the schizo who say idols will be aged up. All just faggots rage baiting.
That's Koleda
they really made lighter to buff... ellen... and soldier 11? holy skip, CC's putting out their pre-release shill videos today
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Why won't the devs add more Ether agents? Nicole is the only free Ether agent and also the only AVAILABLE one if you missed out on Zhu's banner (which was ages ago and the majority of the current playerbase would've missed out on). Nicole is a literal brick without Zhu.
What are the A-ranks on the upcoming banners?
Who is Lighter for?
anyone who thinks idols will be changed in any significan way is a retarded tourist

they literally announced and showed their designs officially and even gave their names, if they change them it will be small changes like miyabi
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No straight man skipped Zhu. Seems more like a nigger faggot problem.
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Videogame mascots nowadays are very forced like the pachimaris in overwatch but this game really made bangboos work, I think they're unironically one of the best features in the game
astra yao in 1.5 is rumoured to be ether support, and one of the idols should also be ether if i remember correctly
Bro its another hag in high heels. Qingyin is literally the best seller in this game
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Miyabi is popular because she's the classic black hair + himecut cutie and also a katana wielder who fights like Vergil. Coomer appeal is not necessary with such a character.

>Gooner shit doesn't sell
Tell that to Nikke
I like old caesars hair
Lucy is not a fan of incest
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Agreed. They all have their own charm and character and it's just entertaining to see them do their thing.
Why don't the devs release more Brown agents? Only one Brown character is not acceptable in 2024 going on 2025.
Tourist here, I saw screenshots of Miyabi and I want to try out this game now, is it worth it? Is she any good?
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According to (reddit) leaks she's Physical

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She won't be out for a month I think. Now would be a good time to start to save up for her.
Right now the way she is in beta currently she heavily relies on Yanagi (the current banner) to reach her full potential. Like heavy reliance. They may or may not change that before she releases.
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>Tell that to Nikke
nikke makes pennies compared to any hoyo game, it does worse than zzz on mobile when zzz is notoriously bad to play on mobile
i'm not even saying this with any animosity and i'm not looking down on coomer games since i also like hot girls but gooner shit is too niche and turns of way too many people to actually make big bucks, genshin and hsr succeeded because they do omnipandering and rely on hype to sell their characters, and i think zzz should do the same, they can keep the ratio male/female skewed i don't think that matters but going too far with the goon won't help the game at all.
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For your 2 trans fathers.
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I have 262 Encrypted Master Tapes. Should I get Miyabi's engine along with her?
She probably going to be pretty good, I'd say the game is worth giving a try. If the TVs bother you too much I think 1.4 is going to redo some of the beginner stuff so there's less of it.
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I think my favorite thing about ZZZ are how the weapons are just gifs on the equipment screen. Not even trolling. Characters not being locked to a select number of weapon archetypes has allowed them to be a lot more creative in weapon design. I do wish some of the sig effects were more noticeable in combat though.
The real question we should ask is how do you replace Nicole?
>40% DEF shred
>15% CR
>25% Ether DMG Bonus
>24% Bonus DMG w/ sig
>strong grouping
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At first I thought they was "forced" but after playing for some time I've realized that they are the most soulful creatures in the game, their child like way of reasoning and cute animalistic behavior feel endearing
Who else? And do we know who's on Mibibi's banner yet?
More uptime
lighter ben corin
for miyabi and harumasa a ranks wait for livestreqm
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>Zero new Ether agents since Zhu
>50000000000000000 Electric agents
By making a limited crit support do all of that but better and slapping on some crit damage or pen ratio buff on top just to be safe. Really not hard.
>50000000000000000 Electric agents
>over half of the enemies in the game are weak to Ether or Physical
Imagine a Nicole with just 15s uptime. She'd be the best support by a mile
shes a support dps, you just swap her in for 2 seconds press skill and switch out. worst unit for new player.
also please dont look at our games reviews.
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Cuck general
good to know, thank you anons!
Gonna give the game a try and save up whatever currency you use for the gacha!
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Miyabi isn't out yet and this place doomposts literally every single character before release. If /zzz/ is saying something is a brick they'll probably be busted.
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Zhu Yuan skippers should honestly just delete their worthless accounts
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You don't. I'm fine with Nicole being the strongest Ether support until EoS. She's peak design. Homosexuals will disagree.
should I roll yanagi or no guys???
Not a single limited has been a brick so far, the closest is Lighter but that's because no current team really wants him despite him being really good on paper. Will probably change with time and be a better pick up on rerun.
Even with worse buffs she'd be the best support as long as she retained her grouping.
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go ahead and reencode all your gifs takes 1 click to filter anyway
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Why does CN hate ZZZ so much?
For me, it's gotta be Grace Howard.
Motherly older sister with severe machine autism hit me right in the dick and made her live rent free in my head since. I still play ZZZ mainly to see her in action despite being kinda shit compared to practically every other electric agent. She's also the only one I still do trust events for despite having finished all of them.
There's too much fanart for me to post without going past the filesize limit, but I do have a soft spot for outfit swaps.
I didn't even play the game until halfway through Qingyi's banner (who I skipped to get Jane)
>The euro HRT poster ritual fag has awoken.
Go to work you dumb dumb
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If I had to guess it isn't appealing directly to them. Genshin and HSR have very deep CN themes and appearances. ZZZ has characters that are far more western save for Section 6. Even the Chinese faction, the police, has a far more culturally neutral design and outlook. One that could even be confused as western if you weren't paying attention. Qingyi is arguably the closest they have to a truly Chinese themed character.
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>takes 1 click
Same for me
Not gonna lie, I hate how this is even a thing in this game. Sure, it does add some more depth to the combat, but not the kind of depth I'd like to see in a game.
This Shiyu 7 that has those round ranged ethereals, who immediately run away and roll over the place wasting your time, was very annoying and not the kind of challenge I'm looking for.
not enough chinkwank I guess.
almost everywhere else in the world, like japan, seems to prefer ZZZ
hoyo has somewhat fallen out of favor with china also, with all the camera memes. wuwa rectifies this with constant (you) pandering, every girl is obsessed with you as their main personality, or at least crushing on you
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I almost forgot to do my dailies
You were almost free bwo...
true scholars know that obol squad is where it's at
seed, 2 meters mech guy
small girl soldier with a sentient gun
trigger the anorexic sniper
i'm getting lighter for s11 and he looks cool too
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I just finished my daily meeting. I'm already working hard
Nigga, Cam was just released, this is a retarded comparision.
China has a major population problem with shittons of young men that will never find a wife, makes sense pandering would sell.
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I don't know what a HRT is but nyo, I'll stay here
As much as i don't want too, if i was forced to pick between idols and OBOL. I would pick OBOL.
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I do not find Zhu Yuan sexually attractive
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Gay nigger faggot
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You got a loicense for that opinion?
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What does a bricked account in this game look like?
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It's okay to be gay. I support you.
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Homosexuality is a crime in New Eridu.
I do not find Zhu Yuan as sexually attractive as most other playable female characters
yanagi is also doing much better than camellya in japan, and she hasn't been around for much longer (and still has time left on her banner)
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>Working hard
What do you work as? A professional shit poster. Go back to HRT where you belong you euro Italian HRT poster!
Unfortunately until you get m4 S11 would rather have Caesar so she can just facetank while comboing. Caesar also provides instant grouping for S11. Third slot is also basically locked to Burnice who can provide good off field damage if you build her for crit as well as permanent inferno metal uptime, which was one of the things that was holding her back before.
What are these numbers even based on?
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She looks like a rooster
I only care about Zhu Yuan
the revenue ranking pattern of the app during the banner
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base 10 numbers by the looks of it
It's an estimation based on nothing real.
None of the revenue charts are real.
Estimated total revenue based entirely on iOS sales. Basically entirely worthless except for salesfagging purposes. That site even tells you themselves the numbers are made up and you should be skeptical of them.
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That doesn't make sense, though? She ranked higher than Caesar and burnice in JP
How many people are even playing this game on mobile? It must be fucking dogshit without a controller
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Sometimes you see what you want to see
Turns out its troons who see trannies everywhere
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Is lighter our sacrifice for la herta and mavuika drip?
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Hmmmmm why so curious? Also you got the country wrong again I've mentioned before that I'm from New Eridu and I don't know where this hrt is so I can't go back sorry not sorry I'm staying in *depicting sleep* general where everyone goes hhhhh.... amimimimimimi
need my cock between Zhu Yuan's cheeks
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>Rolled Qingyi without Zhu
>Skipped Jane
>Skipped Burnice
It's really fucking over for my account.
Hoyo does reruns right? When is Jane estimated to come back if so?
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I'm not involved in this conversation but I would say you're German if you are in fact European. I've known many Germans who were fluent in English. From both West and East.

If I were to guess a country that was INGERLAND
Miyabi will save your account
I could understand the rest, but THIS?
>Skipped Jane
Yeah, you dun goofed.
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Their reruns aren't consistent. I'd be surprised if she doesn't get one but an exact time is hard to say.
>Posting HRTfly
You just exposed yourself as a ZZZ hater. Why do you hate play the game? Because you are a dumb dumb. Go back to your HRT thread
+1 social credit for every lie posted
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>fluent in English
smelly dumb kot poster
You would be surprised.
wuwa fandom is still small so anyone that wanted to swipe for her already has, not like her banner will have a big jump by the end
Similar to how NEPS Chinese influences have been equalized by western european police aesthetics, Section 6's Japenese traditional "Ike" influences are being equalized by surrounding it with American FBI aesthetics. I really like this approach, it makes the asia wank much more enjoyable. Westaboo asian art teams are always a breath of fresh air
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Isn't that one of those German Soldier Helmets?
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Please send pics that will help me not jerk off
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I would not. Only germans that went to university know English, that's the only place where I met those. If you travel through the country you'll quickly realize most of them don't know an ounce of English. Lucy tits rape.
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I need only make you think of one, such is my power.
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The creator's ass
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Literally every German I have known with whom I spoke knew English without going to University. I'll leave it at different experiences I guess. Obviously though, in any foreign non English speaking country, the common volk will not be fluent in anything but their native tongue.
I need my tongue between her ass cheeks
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I need more Yanagi ASMR
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thanks bwos
>one of
No. Vaguely similar? Yes.
anyone else plays the game without damage numbers? i feel like it's better
not that expensive if you correlate with the price of cat food and ramen.
I do, it's helpful for Tower where all the numbers get in the way of the tells.
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My experience is superior than yours though so I'm right, you're wrong. Lucy tits rape.
I only turned it on if it a new unit that I got
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Hmmmm we're not doing that
Not gonna say anything yet besides New Eridu
Firefly expy will soon reach *depicting sleep*
And I don't play games that I hate who even does that are you really that dumb
Yes. There's literally no point in them (unless you don't know the enemy's elemental resistances). Numbers are arbitrary, it doesn't matter if you hit for 10 damage or 10 million damage. What matters is how much damage you do in proportion to enemy health.
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So who are you pulling for?
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Hush, it is over.
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not even gonna build
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I turn them off when I do Solo Tower shenanigans
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We will never have tranny HRT fly. You just pretend to like this game because I just exposed you
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no, I like them, but I agree that in certain situations its better to turn them off but I can't be bothered to always toggle them every time, so I have them on all the time
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Enjoy losing, cucky!
>leave unclaimed in mail until expiry
>honorary mention for robo idol
Speaking of the Tower, what happens if you fail? Do you actually have to restart from the beginning, or can you just continue from the nearest multiple of 5 floor? It seems like the game makes a big deal out of no healing past floor 25, but if you can just restart every 5 floors, then it's whatever.
inflation on ridu is horrendous, 70% taxation rates, nitro fuel fans for 3k each
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You've posted "HRT" before so you're one of us you don't actually play zZzZzZ (further proof by not doing shiyu and tower)
Now you have to go back
Skip, Skip, Skip, maybe get depending what her kit is. Man I'll have a crap load of rolls ready for Obol
I grew up playing MMOs. I don't even see the numbers anymore beyond registering how often I'm critting somewhere at the back of my mind
if you're abandoned you restart from floor 25, I had to restart once when I was in floor 45 because I didn't pay attention to my lucy hp
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>Be me
>Won every character off the stable S rank banner except Nekomata
>Won her engine not once, but TWICE
>STILL haven't gotten her
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Oh, so it's a proper challenge? Honestly surprised to see this from a gacha.

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