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Previous: >>503012749

>Character Trailer - "Chasca: Feather-Fletched Peace"
https://youtu.be/dRbFN8hrCLs (EN)
https://youtu.be/laXquVN79Qk (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Ororon: Elusive and Unfathomable Hues"
https://youtu.be/cLhXZ_CYuVg (EN)
https://youtu.be/s7ITxcK24OM (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)

>Current character banner: Chasca, Lyney, Ororon, Sucrose, Barbara
>Current weapon banner: Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage (Bow), The First Great Magic (Bow)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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My chasca is doing like 100k per charged shot, how bad is that?
And Chiori. But it's too late for me since I activated C6 ages ago.
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...the losing game

Thank god Aether isn't a fag like Caelus
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i think having ultrawide screen is terrible.
I think c0 gonna be enough this time around, Furina rerun on 5.4 right?
Fully buffed or no?
If fully buffed, that's mega ass
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We fucking lost hard
It does 50k on 2 enemies.
We love Bennett here.
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>xilonen fully bricks her
>Needs 2 cryo to melt l
>Reddett adventure team is even worse
Ain't that neat
The rampant powercreep was in shitstaine thoever
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When i win the lottery and make my own genshin clone all my /gig/ bros will get cbt invites.
>Erm… this actually sucks because
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He's literally about to get a womb tattoo once we see his Pyro Traveler animations. I wouldn't get uppity if I were you.
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I can't believe it, we finally made it to Celestia!
fully buffed with >b, furina and shenhe
>we hate bikes all of sudden
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thanks bwo
She still cant be a solo cryo?
She is literally worthless then and on other cryo bricks level.
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>rolling for archons
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Wow they DID NOT fucking play test Ororon on controller.
>Hold A to Jump into air to shoot one of the puzzle things
>Hold B to actually aim bow at puzzle thing.
>But you can’t aim the bow with the left stick only the right stick.
>And if you let go of B you just fire your arrow immediately and drop out of the sky.
>So you have to awkwardly use your left thumb to move the right stick to aim while continuing to hold B button with right Thumb.
>And all of this for what should be a 2 second puzzle if the devs playtested on controller even once.
Natlan really is just a cursed fucking region isn’t it.
Oh, You mean per PEHC bullet? That's 400K+ per charge already, not bad
I look like Lan Yan and act like her
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Ifa's gf is so cute
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Fixed, the helmet also should go
why are people using yanfei on chasca teams
So does pyro traveler ride a tricycle or
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Why are there so many Aztec names in Natlan?

I thought it was African inspired?
They hate that bikes appeal to men.
The worst thing about mavuika is she's balanced
Archons are supposed to be POWERFUL so what happened? Was neuvillette and furina that much of a mistake?
What main stats does Citlali want? i assume cinder city and er substats will be enough for her burst so something like triple em or em/em/crit?
Bwi, you can hold the left shoulder button for charge attack on controller?
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another day
another ororon abyss clear
your screen isn't an ultrawide bro its a super ultrawide, ultrawide is 21:9
Tankfei probably. Since the useless onahole damage is not relevant for Chasca she can at least provide some utility
being stuck with emilie isn't what you could consider winning..
No i mean in total, some bullets do 40k, 60k etc.
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this looks really goofy, but it amuses because of it
only about 10% of Natlan has African shit
the rest is all the Americas
i do not know who kinch is
here are some cliffs on the lore
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my condolences
When you’re on the ground yes, but for some fucking reason Ororon can’t use the left trigger to aim in the air.
ONLY the attack button.

Don’t believe me, connect a controller and do his trial right now.
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i dont really know the difference, but thanks for telling me that
Maybe it's the non PEHC anemo bullet?
If you can only deal 100K+ total per charge, then there's something wrong
Did you use Anemo goblet instead of ATK goblet?
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I regret saving for Mabricka Lawrence
Why are these the only things that the shitposters talk about?
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>you only need 44k to defeat a 4m HP boss
>somehow 80k dps is bad and bricked
Do you hear yourself?
this is animal cruelty
why are loompags like this
Looks so dumb, and the helmet really irks me
sounds tasty, will roll day 1
Yeah that sucks, made him feel clunk
I have Emilie but I feel that Furina will be better. She will buff Kinich and buff+vape Mavuika's burst hits.
culturally appropriate btw
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Welp, time to spam it on the survey
because the saletrannies are cucks. duh
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People keep replying and giving them (you)s when they make posts about that
I wish I were boo tao
But every DPS is 80k
She's an archon
She should do more
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>43k cryo
>58k pyro
>13k hydro
I'm running atk/atk/crit with 60/170 crit
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Mavuika will be a brick btw, ignore the previous 6 being meta-defining for at least an entire year until better stuff was released
Emilie is hogging some of Bennett's buff uptime, and maybe Mavuika too if she does her initial burst hit, there's just no time to fit more fully buffed Kinich Es.
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What is deepwood
What is scroll
What is only hits every 2 seconds
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What did Mexicans mean by this?


How come Mexicans have such a big love for Genshin Impact?

I have never seen stupid ugly fat Americans or stinky South Americans and Europeans/SEA expressing their love for Genshin like this
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Explain to me how DPS makes sense when everyone has different artifacts.
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They treat archons as the premier characters. Mauv is dps focused for some reason yet she barely does more dps than other pyros.
What she needed was to be an off field support like the rest of the archons, then she's uncontested in her niche
Why do you keep asking
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We got new leaks on Xblanque.
Massive spoilers ahead.
>implying they aren't samefagging
To be honest I don’t think that Natlan is that contrived in itself, it just clashes with the rest of Teyvat. My brother went to Tanzania for a month and even in rural villages he was helping to build he said they had a connection and the odd TV scattered around. You’ll see photos from Nigerian mudhut villages with at least one guy flexing for the camera in a fancy suit and a sportscar. It’s when you remember that the rest of the world has knights that things start to stick out. That and it’s poorly implemented unlike Sumeru’s internet and light constructs which felt like they fit in the world.
my chasca hits 100k melts i can sometimes see in the clusterfuck with like 3 40-70k EACH other shots
Chasca's mom is ugly af
SURELY this time /gig/ will be right...
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what a whore
Off yourself Ortiz
>Emilie is hogging some of Bennett's buff uptime,
Why wouldn't you just do Bennett last before Kinich?
>13k HP
Nigga why aren't your artifacts leveled? What about your talents? Weapon?
Did I miss the free 400 primogems for finishing the archon quest? I dont see it in the events page anymore
Mavs is supposed to be the God of Pyro, the ultimate ceiling for the element, yet Arlecchino Overload with only 4* supports does more than 100k DPS. I think Lyney and Tao also mog her.
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when does the off dps begin?
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DPS calcs use KQM standard which I think means that they get to choose 20 substats and where they go, and the rest go into HP/Def/nothing
Some bosses waste a lot of time/have shields/prevent you from doing optimal damage so you can't just assume you can deal damage throughout the whole fight.
Chat, is this real?
when pyro and cryo interact they result in a melty reaction
Hu Tao skin better show feet
>Why wouldn't you just do Bennett last before Kinich?
Because Emilie's burst does stupid damage if cast inside Bennett's circle.
It's a winter outfit, bro
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here's what i'm getting sometimes
Do you remember kachina?
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You need to turn on gyro aiming mode, retardsis.
I want to lick Kachina's whole body
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Not enough purpurbloom for lvl 90, talent lvl 8. She also has c2 furina.
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It's time to settle this. There's no shame in being honest.
that right team looks interesting
Yes her English VA is back on the new archon quest
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Just finished leaving the world quest on auto and spamming choices because I dont listen to voiceless NPC slop.

Ask me anything.
rancho cucamungasaur
what causes chasca to summon bolts of elements on enemies when you initially activate her E?
not even aiming at enemies yet but they have elements applied to them?
yeah she the one that died
Congrats on skipping some of the best written questlines in video games
>330k in one E
That is honestly pretty embarrassing as on field DPS.
passive 2, activates on nightsoul burst
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>some of the best written questlines in video games
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It doesn't
I've fapped to her 3D videos a few times
Do you want another yelan, but in the air?
ah i guess with just chasca as the only natlan in the party it would be proccing it whenever she activates her own E then
What does the chinese anemo 4 star do?
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Genshin lost...it's over
Her flight is kinda bad, sprint lasts seconds and she only goes further at snail pace.
Probably not, if you only have primogems for a single character. Get somebody you actually like
I enjoyed the Hu Tao rape
Yes she’s better than the saurian for exploration
flying in this game sucks, probably because they're afraid of letting you go too fast.
8sec shield
applies VV
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>everyone wants her to be support
>gets the kit of a main DPS
>can't compete with the top tiers
>needs to be played as an E-bot for Dendro in order to stay relevant
This feels familiar
Ooooo, congrats.
Maybe one day wuwa will actually put pressure on this shit game.
Better yet it'll leave not-china
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holy fuck hydro claymore next
rolling for exploration is a meme, one day you'll just get tired of it and switch to normal characters without exploration buffs for comfy experience
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Her C2 makes her as good as some other DPS at c6 apparently which sounds really familiar.
roll who you like
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Sometimes at night
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Charts don't lie omg
yeah, right after anemo claymore varka
>switch to normal characters without exploration buffs for comfy experience
Nigger, Sumeru desert without Yelan was the single-most painful experience I dealt with.
I don't roll for exploration, but I also don't find that to be true.
>Genre tags: Sexual
uh extrapolate??
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Doesn't Lynette have the Yelan run too?
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>the game knows if you played the prelude where we go to the flower-feather clan before doing this quest
i kneel
Sniffing Mavuika's sweaty suit after biking is definitely sexual wdym?
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gyroscope has been a thing on PS since 4.0. It's how I've played around spinning my friend's Neuvillette. I have no idea if you xboxfags have it though. It's called Montion Sensor Support in my menu.
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My Jean struggles a lot at keeping the team alive, what am I doing wrong?
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It's been 3 days, have the /gig/ scholars finally reached a consensus about Chasca as a character?
Yelan's run is unique since you refill your stamina while doing it so it's even longer distance. It's why her c1 is comfy for exploration at least when there aren't any vertical shit around.
link me the best chasca r18 image
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how much of a pain is it to explore the new area without Chasca or any flying unit like Wanderer or CR
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Fuck finally
not consistent and her ass is shiny
What team are you using? What are her artifacts?
I really hope Varka is cool.
I really hope Varka is cool.
I really hope Varka is cool.
You have /gig/gers in here clearing floor 12 with fucking Heizou and you want to talk about powercreep
Metatards are actually retarded
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>Hu Tao

>All lolis that's a fact

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts and be any age
Teen loli
true loli
legal loli

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

and soon we will have more cunny
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chasca is so pretty...
On the one hand. The mootorcycle combat animations look completely retarded.

On the other hand, I now look forward to the stream of Doujins where her bike runs out of gas at the start of a fight leading to instant loss.
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How much ER? How are you building her? Post your jean
She should have no issue healing the team.
>limited to 3 runs a day
only losers own androids and losers would play on PC anyways
Whatever I could scrap that her energy recharge in it
Varka will be an anemo manlet in shorts. It is written.
Burst talent level and artifact mainstats? She usually struggles to full heal HP behemoths like Yelan or Furina but Atk/Atk/Crit + Fav on lv 8~9 burst is usually good enough for most of your needs.
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i hope he'll be as buff as citlali
I've got 100 fragiles. What are the odds it's unlimited?
Celty but fire
Jokes on you I'm okay with that.
Man, I hate how no one is wagner tier buff.
>Android. What the fuck
Salesfaggots getting uppity again. What time is it?
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I can't get anything better than C from the flight warrior challenge, I hate these chickens so much
Yeah with fucking Furina, which precisely shows the powercreep since Fontaine
>stream of Doujins
Jean's healing scales with attack. Equip an ATK% goblet, and healing bonus circlet for the heals. You don't really need to bother with getting ideal substats on your supports, and ER sands should be okay especially just in the overworld
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>What time is it?
Only 100k? Literally unplayable. I only pull for characters that deal >500k
>tfw only newfags are using apple since oldags know jpn apple store is more expensive than Mihoyo's site
that does make sense
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Really nice ass.
it's over
I rolled just for her shiny bubble butt
it really is strange how genshin managed to skip the doujins and figure stage of popularity and went straight into normalfag zeitgeist. every five star in the game should have had a matching figure available for purchase on release with how renowned and wealthy this game is and there should have been thousands of doujins but instead we got like 6 figures (half of which weren't even listed on MFC because they were from chinese and korean manufacturers) and ZERO popular doujins.
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Uh oh
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Chaska status? Is she good? How would you rate her?
Its not worth it to pull for Chasca's weapon if you already have a high refine skyward/amos or an R1 copy of the flower bow right? I think I'd rather save the gems for Mavuika's weapon if i manage to get her, i only have 5k primos left
Do you actually use Sethos CA or just his burst?
Really ugly ass*
DRR first opening is still a banger
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Why is there a big difference between ios and android in japan
Lewd or sexual pictures of Kuki just dont do it for me.
She's for Itto, and Itto is a bro. One mustn't covet the girl of a bro, unless one is a snake.
You joke but mualani does 3x that in the same time frame.
Wriothesley and Lyney, according to these random out-of-context sales rankings
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Mavuika lost
>lame giant robot #345 instead of geo regisvine
>weird plant boss that mimics other enemies instead of another giant suarian variant to keep the trend
worldboss fags btofd by Natlan
multiple 100k bullets per shot semi consistently, no b no f
>played by richfags (native Japs)
>played by poorfags (probably SEAggers)
fleepitano only wants the gata puta (and simps for Mavuika)
Wriothesley will probably sell better on his rerun than he did the first time around.
After 1 year plus waiting, everyone knows it'll be his last rerun.
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Her damage may be mediocre, but that ass is top tier.
>start tribal quest for reputation points thinking it'd be fast like the tribal quests from the first 3 tribes
>words words words words words
>>words words words words words
>words words words words words
>>words words words words words
>words words words words words
Holy shit I'm not going to be able to get enough reputation points for the weekly bounties by the end of this week huh?
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>Wriothesley will probably sell better on his rerun than he did the first time around.
convince me to roll for chasca
Calm down Ororon
My conditions for rolling for on-fielders

a) hebe or hag, preferably hebe
b) their best teams don't contain bennett or xiangling
is there an instance where the rerun outsold the original run?
hey this is the same guy that raped nilou
>he isn't literally Itto
uh oh pasensya na po kawawa ka
Android only makes up 35% of the Japanese mobile market. Most nips are iToddlers.
Itto doesn't know what sex is and thinks girls have cooties.
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Us fr
Kazuha, Hu Tao
ER sands?
The main struggle is that she takes a long ass time to recharge her heal, I have to keep running arround spaming skill to recharge it sometimes
The best selling banner in historynof genshin is 3.4's Hutao/Yelan rerun
how much does he need his C1 really?
It'll be exactly like all the other "doubling" events: regular resin only, 3 runs max per day.
if you need someone to convince you to roll any character you already know your answer
Chasca's gameplay feels more than Neuvillette than a charge attack bow user, and enemies just straight up fail to reach her hitbox when she's up there. Also she flies. Way better than I expected.
Solid 8/10, maybe Citlali or Mavuika will make her even better.
She has a braindead noob-friendly playstyle
And? If only I was chink-y enough to care. Crawl back
only because she got shafted massively on her first run
chat, is this arlefuri?
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>Wuwa actually does better
It's fucking over.
Obviously. Genshin is 30% more expensive on JP ios while Hsr isn't.
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Even futa Lumine isn't safe from getting a tan from spending too long in Natlan
Just got back from lunch break saar? Sorry I'm not installing your game
Blame social media fans for scaring away jp artists over dumb shit like shipping, yuri/yaoi and skin colours
And albedo eula too I think
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what is all that over there
That's how he copes with the fact that kuki rapes him every night.
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Just genocide all the Xitter niggers(ideally Amerimutts) and watch the doujin artists come back
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looks spooky
What are your artifacts like, what are the talents looking like etc. and do you have her weapon?
Judge by yourself. That's c2 furina btw
Why is ororon so big
from where did you take that picture?
You can enter this area from the Ochkanatlan questlie but I don't remember any stone walls/buildings that far underground
>You're deluding yourself with false information, so I just wanted to tell you the reality
In Mandarin please?

I'm sorry you were born brown
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biggest hebe tits so far
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>ER sands?
Here's what I meant. lol. My jean has about 170% energy recharge and that's been enough for me
Loom's tits just got powercrept?
countless mods that change player models and weapons, but are there mods that change enemy models?
Yoimiya's are bigger
>honkai expy
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>biggest hebe tits so fa-
>dragons can be people from the new world quest
Aaaaaaaand just like that sovereigns can be humans without whatever the fuck happened to neuvillette
Mihoyo opening the door once again for nonsense
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Am I getting stupider, or are Natlan's kit rocket science ? I feel like on top of the usual weird naming of things and overall name-referencing (instead of using "skill"/"burst"/etc), the kits of Natlan characters are a headache to understand what the character is supposed to do, how they do it, with who...

Chasca's one is still a mystery for me, and that'll be one of the reason I won't pull for her. I mean, I get the "Ride the gun, aim at baddies, wait for bullets to load, serve a dose of FREEDOM" thing, but that's only thanks to the free trial. The text is a nightmare to go throught. I really hope they introduce a "Brief Description" as they did on HSR.
Sovereign =/= normal ass dragon
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The number spam on Chasca is too fast. I can't tell if I'm supposed to be doing good damage or not.
Also what level is she?
Shit is legitimately getting more and more convoluted with each new area. Mond/Liyue kits are still the best mhy has ever created
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Post kino screenshots
>HYV casually drops lore on lizard people
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Natlan Character Design - Is this really Genshin anymore?

I know many people are loving the whacky design choices, but I'm sorry, they are just not vibing with me at all. And it frustrates me, because I do enjoy the characters themselves in the story and their lore. With that said, their designs and playstyles just feel so out of place in the context of the game as a whole. Furthermore, imo, their combat generally feels a bit dull or even awkward at times, while their exploration, especially in Natlan, is fun as it's so expansive. The Natlan characters are just off.

If you are enjoying the designs/playstyles, please don't take offense with my opinion. Personally, I'm just hoping they'll scale back a bit on the rather overblown key concepts of their designs, while trying to keep up creativity of future character playstyles. Because it just feels like the characters from the previous nations all had a cohesion within their nation, while they also still fit into the grander design of Teyvat.

And now we have Natlan, where the characters tend to have some flavor of over-the-top design choices. In this sense, they are cohesive with each other in this type of regard, but don't really fit with the rest of the world, or rather they stick out oddly. Obviously, this is my opinion, but it's really been bugging me more and more as Natlan characters are revealed. It's like each character is progressively getting more and more wild, and now we have a character flying on a giant revolver/railgun kind of like a witch, but also a cowboy? Like, what is really going on here? Oh, let me guess. PhLoGiSToN

I don't wanna ramble further, just needed to get this off of mind somehow lol
If stuff is dying, you're winning
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Chasca can't shot Dvalin
Go to 12-1-1. Can you kill the croco in 1 rotation?
kokomi once again being btfo
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lmao they probably coded him as an object so she can't lock on
>he's copy pasting redditshit now
Whew lads
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so why didn't they drip
Genshin gets quite a few doujins though. Not as many as Blue Archive/FGO, but Genshin gets far more than Star Rail and ZZZ, because Japs still pay for doujinshi.

It's fanart, which is usually done for free on Twitter to advertise their Pixiv, that is lacking for Genshin.
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Raiden was supposed to be my future-proof carry...
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>Same tier as Diluc-sama
This is the coolest shit ever.
But of course /gig/gers gotta doomshit their pants.
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Arlecchino never jobs
Oh, I'm still stuck with a green relic that only gives up to 9.9% ER, havent been able to find a single blue one with that stat yet
40. Does levelling up help with ER?
Still werks on my machine
the only doujin I can think of for genshin that was even any good was asstrologic and the yoimiya gets eaten by hilichurls one
first for emilie fucking won
Aloy bros... will C1 save her?
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Night Kingdom
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what revived the hype?
This is so fucking stupid
Atleast he motorcycle DLC in BOTW had a canon explanation
where is chasca c2? isn't that supposedly a 100%+ damage increase
Is lthe C6R5 yneylove anon here? I want to tell him to kill himself.
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She's pregnant and can't fight anymore
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I cannot
They are not
Reminder that CN ios accounts for 70% of monthly gacha sales while global which includes all other regions is a measly 30%

What I'm saying is that Genshin will win the monthly pvp again since Chasca is a huge success on CN so prepare your shitposts
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So... Are we allowed to wait for the canon explanation in Genshin?
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Chasca's "mom" is hotter than her...
>Mavuika off-field pyro skill has no ICD
How many Tiktok hours did Chasca get?
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Can Arle consistently forward melt in that team? I kind of doubt since her NA is pretty fast.
Do you remember where Mavuika is from?
Sorry bloom bro, but she's that bad...
Alice redpilled Natlan.
Reminder that we have a bunch of metrics contradicting each other so none of that matters
Wait if next patch isnt a new area, are we not getting a new boss or relics?
What do I prefarm for mauv?
It's actually ~1s slower than Xiangling
But you don't have to funnel ER into her, it's guaranteed application and has perma uptime

Xiangling is fucking dead
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I get to remind Sparklefag this month again? Neat

>source: my 10cent cheesed ass

I'm too retarded for that actually, please educate me loreGOD

Based and SOVLful
There's only a c0 and c6 list. The c6 list ranks every post-fontaine c6 at SS, except Clorinde and Sigewinne.
Where did you guys even hear this from?
on that list wrio is at c1, raiden at c2, tao at c1
>1s slower than XL
Forward vape Neuvi dream... gone...
Trading sheer application for ease of use
now I can run solo pyro instead having to funnel shit to Xiangling
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>please educate me
I'm not a loregod but she is from pre khaenriah war when technology was pretty advanced, see all the robot parts littered around.
Teyvat now is in the dark age.
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I agree. Natlan gives me the ick.
you can sometimes use game8 or paimon.moe to read about some characters. But yeah Jean unlocks helpful stuff as you level her up too. But as the other anons told you, her healing scales with ATK
Those are there so older players can cope
>replies to r*dditshit
Q: - ICD: None -
Interval: ~1.8sec -
Multiplier: 238% (Level 13) -
Needs a balance of ER, ATK, Crit, Cdmg stats - EM Ascension

Tap E: - ICD: None -
Interval: 2 sec -
Multiplier: 230.4% (Level 10) -
Only needs offensive stats (ATK and CDmg) - CDmg Ascension

Mavuika mogs the fuck out of Xiangling.
Why did they give her a shitty bike instead of cool flying?
>lets reddit live rentfree in xis head
CheldGODs... our response?
pollution is simply cooler
>Interval: 2 sec -
It's over...
It's okay she van vape him
>.2 seconds difference
someone help me understand how this is a problem

>Shows massive punch move 2 patches back to back
>Not a single punch animation in her kit
It's not, because unlike XL you don't have to build mav for 400% ER.
Because her ass looks more erotic while riding a bike
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Who is this even good for
cute hebe

ugly hag
They don't want to let you fly properly in this game
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I'm going to kill that cheating whore
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Was there ever any doubt?
Ayato, Clorinde
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holy shit. Do you need to do any nightsoul bullshit to make this work, or just press E and fuck off? Cuz I've got a real nasty 4pc GT that'll bring her up to 84/232 crit stats. I haven't touched the new artifacts and I don't intend to, I just wanna run her as a skill bot
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How many children can Mualani produce?
She lost most of her power, you can't expect the playable Mavuika to be like the one we saw in cutscenes.
BUT JAPANESE PEOPLE STOP USING IOS NOW SINCE THE PRICE INCREASE (please ignore xilonen got top 1 on iOS just fine teehee)
Isn't she mexican? A whole soccer team would be an easy guess.
>/gig/gers can't comprehend an archon in a biker suit has a fucking a bike
Arle already can do that with Layla
Why did they made Citlali into another mediocre cryo applier? We got like 9 of them now
2 per year on average until she's 40
Besides lyney, ganyu and tighnari. Is lyneys bow good on anyone else if I got it off weapon banner?
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>I fucking hate normalfags face
I've been saying this since 5.0 hit: Mavuika should've had Dehya's kit/burst animation, but turbocharged. Imagine going super saiyan with her and doing Dehya's burst with Mav instead.
Pretty sure /gig/ loves her, there were quite some melty yesterday from wormxissies and r*dditfags though
a collective of plenty
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it doesn't have a set duration, it runs off of her nightsoul points so there may be an uptime issue
>Interval: ~1.8sec -
It's actually less if you do the counter-clockwise movement trick, and there's Gooba's too. Also bigger AoE.
Xiangling still mogs, sadly.
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Kachina can produce more.
Mav is literally Dehya, skill is off field pyro, burst is a series of punches/slashes for a short duration. Its funny how similar they are.
Shenhe's buffs are so fucking bad holy fuck. What were they thinking? Replacing her with xilonen in my chasca team gave me better results despite her being c0...
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Lord Kaveh I kneel
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>someone help me understand how this is a problem
Fewer vapes per second. If you want to take advantage of no ICD you need fast as shit Pyro application.
>bigger AoE

She's the cooler Dehya.
My trans icon...
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>counter-clockwise movement trick
not doing whatever the fuck that is
>bigger AoE
Well artifacts don't replenish nightsoul points so no problem there.
Does Clit make melt Arle a reality?
Don't tell me you forgot /our/ girl, Amber
mavuikas aoe on hers is ass and it's random targets
you have more control with xiangling
It's over...
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She can't do these numbers with Layla
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NTA but Pyronado has bigger AoE than that
>Iansan is another womanlet instead of a child
Plenty of jp players did stop using ios store. I can only imagine new players or ones who don't care or know are the ones still buying from ios store.

Chasca is selling better than amy genshin/hsr banner since firefly/furina rerun except feixiao and xilonen on CN store.
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thats a best case aoe example

here you see a real gameplay example of the aoe range (ignore the shitty c6 bikes after)
She's an elf, that was almost always going to be the case.

Klee is the only actual elf child.
It's not random. It's the ones nearest to you.
And Mavuika has a bigger AoE than in that pic.
Chasca want both Citlali and Mavuika?
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Can she do 100
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>Does Clit make melt Arle a reality?
At C0 you need a second Cryo with Clit. But C6 Kaeya made it real a long time ago.
>It's the ones nearest to you.
Well that's still random when it comes to abyss half the time.
She's the fucking archon the range needs to be much bigger if they aren't going to have it multitarget.
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It's looking like the head chef of wanmin is stronger than the pyro archon
About 300 Fontainians.
Most gigachad team I've ever seen. That one Anon that bought every Kaeya form the shop must be overjoyed.
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Grandma's kinda cute during her ult...
who cares
You still rollan Mavuika despite her silly gameplay?
Arle can't hit air she is trash
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Unironically yes and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise
well i gotta cope with this shitty off field becausee they literally will never release another pyro off field
it took them 4 years to release this mess of one, we'll be EoS if they ever release another
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Sure, she's perfect for mualani
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because of
You can shoot down the ruin dragon with Yelan or Fischl, tho
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They should've done and repeat this event a long time ago!
She's always cute
Mavuika Ororon and Chevu overload gonna be so fucking funny
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lipstick erotic
Mavuika constellations looks kinda boring, desu
just makes her hit harder
oh and i wont ever use her bike in combat, that shit is retarded and looks clunky. she's being a 4pc cinder slut support
>Ororon in overload
>cuck circle
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That would be 50% less profit
my fuarking hero...
>despite her silly gameplay?
You just press E and swap, what's silly about it? I do it with Fischl, Chiori and Raiden all the time.
Sorry. I didn't meant to reply YOU.
anyone has the Citlali materials pic?
I want to prefarm for her
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>Mavuika stocks <<<
>Arlecchino stocks >>>
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I don't care if she's not Xiangling anymore
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Be honest, have you forgotten this fotm already?
i mean. i will because i love her design, am collecting all archons and desperately need a pyro off fielder that isn't xiangling
i won't be too happy about it but it's either that or 300% ER xiangling
I'm conflicted as hell since I also want Citlali but don't have enough gems to 100% get them both
Might give her a 50/50 and if I lose it I keep the guarantee for Citlali instead since she matters a lot more to me
>She lost most of her power
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you don't need electrocharge or hydro if you have Mavuika dealing Nightsoul blessing damage, his A1 passive will still trigger. His A1 also line up perfectly with Mavuika E and they both have no ICD
I can't fucking wait
>not rolling for bike kino
imagine being a homo
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>release Nilou
>but don't release Xiangling 2.0
I dont get Dawei
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>Lanyn's passive
i'm too retarded to understand what this means
how much extra damage is se getting if she has let's say 1000 EM?
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Lynard C2, yes or nay?
Do I get Mavussy or Clit for Chassca, or both? Surely Ororon isn't her BiS Scroll holder, right?
I want to impregnate Citlali, have a cute daughter with her, raise her together with love and care and when she's old enough have threesomes with them both. Then I can impregnate them both together and make her a granny for real.
about 3k and 7.7k clearly
I never cared for her. Geo is just too much of turn off for me.
Oh makes sense
I thought project mugen got cancelled
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defend this
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I want you guys to know that I called it even before we got natlan leaks btw.
Roll C6 for 2 charges :)
You will have 100% up time for 3 shields
Why do you mention it? Did the say something new?
prereg is open for it
If you want to know how hard that'll hit in practice, it depends.
1k converts to 7k, then apply %DMG and %CDMG, and adjust for resistance + defense.
Could be like 25k on the skill and 50k on the burst.
Wanted to go C2R1 but her cons seem kinda meh so might just be C0R1
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>go to /gig/
>scroll past every single post as fast as my index allows me
>catch a glimpse of a webm about mavuika gameplay
>reply "FUAAAAAAARK" with a picture of vegeta kneeling
>go to /hsrg/
>post fofo porn the moment my cooldown expires
>get banned
>repeat after 3 days
fucking rilai's attacks come out instantly
they literally teleport onto you
Same, those cons honestly are really ehh. I expected something cool and gameplay changing at C2 so I saved for it, but it's really nothing cons
seeing as her off field duration is tied to nightsoul consumption and c1 gives 120 more points of nightsoul I'm betting 100% uptime on press e is locked behind c1 like dehya c2
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>Cit E gives 24 nightsoul and requires 50 soul to be upgraded
>Upgraded E drains 8soul/sec and pulses cryo every 1.5 sec
>A1 passive makes Frozen/Melt reaction give you +16 soul (8s cooldown)
>Q gives +24 soul right away and the skulls restore 3 to 9 soul after a few seconds
>24+16+24 places you at 64 nightsoul which upgrades the totem and starts draining points
>Totem lasts for 8 seconds (64/8) and since it pulses every 1.5 seconds you get 5 pulses
>If you can trigger a melt/frozen reaction with the initial E the passive might come off cooldown at the end so +16 soul for 2 more seconds and one more pulse
Isn't this kind of underwhelming? Did I overlook something important here or is she not actually meant to be a cryo off fielder?
>chasca can climb most walls as long as they are slightly reclined
holy wormderer explorationcreep lmao
What the fuck is a nightsoul point
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citlali scales with HP right haha... ah..
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Post your oldest artifact
Post brutal moggings
wormnich sold less than chasca btw
I kneel....
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Any geo bro?
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I'm going to wallmart, want anything?
zhongli sidegrade that does a bit more dmg but has a weaker shield whats not to like
>We have Genshin at home
>Genshin at home:
Currently planning on C0. I'd need a convincing playtest to want C2. Skipping weapon. I'll just use serpent spine or whatever other cope weapon works.
she is a shielder with res shread and 40% damage bonus anything else is extra
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Apple pie
In this case it's the other way around
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I wish I made a video but this puzzle area here, the fucking dinosaurs SLIDE
They don't dig underground or walk, they SLIDE like some puppets. Shit is bugged. And I laughed so fucking hard.
that's pretty good
if you reload the game it's still there too
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Of course.

>I have over 300 rolls saved up for both Mualani and Citlali.
>I'm rolling for all archons, even if they are m*le
>I roll for all female characters
>Mavuika is hot as fuck
>I desperately need a Pyro damage dealer for my Mualani and am currently coping with Sacrificial Dehya
>Mavuika is probably best in slot for a few other characters I have, like Chasca and overload Clorinde.
>The bike, while being a bit silly, is actually really cool and its animations look awesome. I'm fine with Archons having silly things like motorcycles.
kek i saw it too
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Nice thread, genkeks~
That cake GYATT DAMN
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Thanks Sparklefren!
Please check my screenshot >>503043742
Clit will save Genshin
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Ororon jump is very fun
Never heard of tower of fantasy, but it's nice to see Genshin is finding sources of inspiration for our new characters.
Probably. I'll put her in a team with glazepitano, they'll work together for sure.
Its insane how hard wormpagderer lost to chasca
Good for Chiori. All crit.
C2R1 Citlali and c0 Mavuika will be the best Furina or Benny 3rd slot
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>minish cap
I want genshin to have a minature world so bad
Im bringing back Navia posting
You in?
>to zero in the first rerun
No one cares about your censored monoboob
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shit went so bad i forgot to post the result
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>Will remain the archon with the best kit
>dropped "save cryo"
why didn't they leak the skins yet?
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why did no one roll for chasca?
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I wanna fuck Navia so bad
Has Jstern ever been right about anything
mfw i don't give a single fuck about optimal teams and use characters i like instead
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I'm in
femorrhoid flop. an ugly one even
she would sell more if she was black
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a cutie patootie?
>homosloppa was the first flop to get 0 hours first rerun despite being shilled as better than c6 yelan
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Just wait for the beta updates, she will shred cryo res as well.
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Why does literally every mobile game that started development a few months after Genshin look absolutely incredible?

Why is Genshin a technical fuck up on every level?
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>Really want Ororon C1 but can't risk getting Lyney'd or Chasca'd before Xianyun
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because Iansan, Uwezo(POWER)
will be THE STRONGEST electro.
The bike looks stupid as hell
Why does her kit revolve around the bike when we never saw it before? Where was the bike when she dueled Capitano?
mihiyo only cares about their favorite game honkai, it's always been the case.
after seeing how much polish, qol and everything hsr gets how can anyone deny it at this point.
I need to see the c0 bike
>C0 Additionally, the terrain-crossing abilities of the Flamestrider form will be further improved, and when not in combat, when Mavuika's Nightsoul points drop to 5, she will gain an additional 80 points. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
She'll be another Fischl sidegrade but this time driving a car
No, I meant a...
>wuwajeet is now replying to ximself
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Man I don't even understand what the fuck zoomers are trying to say anymore
It's so fucking over
Can we get a non-homo >B, instead of this bike shit?
Fat XiaoGOD doesn't care about honkai worms ruining character designs and continues to write and immersive story
some woman have a puffy vagina, bro
I need to see the c0 bike
*C6 Additionally, the terrain-crossing abilities of the Flamestrider form will be further improved, and when not in combat, when Mavuika's Nightsoul points drop to 5, she will gain an additional 80 points. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
mihoyo aimed for the lowest common denominator. That's why everything looks so childish
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wu won
gen FLOP
>enter Chenyu Vale
>kidnapped by an adepti fish
>enter Natlan
>kidnapped by a dragon portal
>want to unlock a statue in the new area
>the local fauna mindrapes you
She is great for Arlecchino and Chasca!
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You mean c6?
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post something cute
as free to play is c2r1 mavuika good or should I go deeper
might have close to 500 saved pulls by the time she drops
Is that what they teach kids at school nowadays?
it's so fucking stupid, jesus
looks like a mod
>indian wuwa shill woke up
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c2 mav isn't that great like other archon c2s. it might change in the upcoming betas but so far it's really not something to want
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[Sad News] Wanderer is still getting more fanart than Chasca a day after her release
unfortunate but also maybe good. means if the arlecchino 2nd phase is true I can gun for c6 chino slowly
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>Was too shy to talk about (you) in front of everyone in the new AQ.
We fucking won.
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that's good news
granny sex
so Mavuika can't fly like Chasca? Only JOOOMP?
[Great News]

Wanderer’s 4.8 event killed the game so hard we won’t be seeing him in focus for a long time
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ikr, they're laughing at us on youtube now
Obsidian = dps Mav
Scroll or maaaaybe GT = support Mav. GT is gonna depend on whether Xilonen/Citlali are better Scroll users when used in the same team
Iwant to see c0 bike
Why didn't she use her bike while fighting Capitano? imagine the coolness
it's so kewl, bros
femorrhoids WARPED you
why does the truth upset you
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This means we'll never see any Natlan character ever again because they killed the game even more
Why didn't Chasca just fly Chuychu back home on her flying gun so they didn't have to get ambushed by Abyss monsters?
What does a pag eater know about truth anyway?
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>not a single new support since release
>still T0C0R0
How does he do it? King
She can only use the bike after being blacked by Xbalanque.
he's more popular than any of your femorrhoid flops xis
she can hover, no up or down
>Mavuika's off-field E has no ICD, attacks every 2 sec
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Fontaine jumpscare
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I really, really enjoy Chasca. Super fun.
fucking kill him useless dino
ZERO survival instincts
>why did no one roll for chasca?
She only appeals to the Chink brain. Pure blooded Americans won't be seduced just because a hag dresses skimpy and has a big gun.
Chinks don't like her
The game reminding me that Fontaines sea creatures are much cuter and better then Natlans.
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Why is the wormderertroon spamming?
Any proud heterosexual should roll for Chasca's perfect, plump, shiny ass
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sex with brown dwarf
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>They treat archons as the premier characters
Bro your Venti???
>wuSAARs that high
>cumyella came out last week
something smells fishy
fuckin retarffffddd
Does the C6 out of combat refresh allow her to stay on the bike indefinitely?
I am really debating on C6 Chasca, if I make 20k more primos till her banner last day I will probably go for it
There's actually a building far off in the right in the empty area, that's where it is it. You can get there by doing all 3 mirror trials
I know more than a worm slurper that’s for sure, don’t know what your pic has to do with me. Did you know their bilibilli still hasn’t recovered the lost subs from 4.8? Pretty funny
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>New area is great
>New characters are great
>New quests are great

So why is /gig/ still so awful? What will make doomposters happy? I come here and its a bunch of sales nonsense and people saying Mavuika is going to suck.
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what happened to this btw
Have you guys noticed that anytime someone uploads gameplay of Chasca, it's only ever her at C6?
The better the game does, the angrier the doomposters get, and they shitpost harder out of impotent rage
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>she can hover, no up or down
I was going to ask if there were any flight comparisons.

>Pure blooded Americans won't be seduced just because a hag dresses skimpy and has a big gun.
You're not even American.
Real Americans like cowboy girls
>tfw I have C6 Layla now and I can just do these teams without wishing on a 5*
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i fucking told you you should get emilie
sesame street got wormed...
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...Thanks transmuter.
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Reddit is NOT happy.
So is Mavuika just Pyro Raiden but with no utility and glued to other Natlanders?
Serious question since I'm on the fence for Chasca and her.
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he flopped xis, cry about it
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I did
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>trusting shitstern "math"
didn't that retard calculate that xilonen was just a sidegrade for arlecchino while neuv and mualani were getting buffed the most? his calcs are always wrong, he often makes retarded mistakes like getting rotation lenght and buff uptime wrong or miscounting reactions
Oh yeah the retard who said arle had 93k dps, i remember him now
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Your Mavuika is bricked unless you rolled for Porky. You're a retard if you thought even Raiden c3 could compete with C0 Prok.
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What's her best comp with Mauvilika coming out? How good is Citlali over all?
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me and Iansan
he's more popular than any of your femorrhoid floppas. end of story
hes not top ten xis, sorry
Every math tranny is a retard. No excel spreadsheet can beat in game testing.
yjk if it was xbalanque driving the bike they'd be all over it
>blurry unrealslop
no thanks
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Natlan goddamn sucks
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If melt Arlechino is so good why does nobody use it?I assume it's just a spreadsheet team and has some flaw in reality.
>huur duur Mondstadt better
>huuur duuur Liyue better
>huuur duur Inazuma better
>huh.. monstatd what... whatever
>huuur duur Sumeru better
some find this really entertaining
Mauv seems shit for mualani no?
if he's in a poll with any femorrhoid flop no one will vote for the femorrhoid.
that's just how it is in the real world. males are more popular than femorrhoids. not that i was expecting a loony troon to know that
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why is she slut
don't car didn't ask
you die
zhongli makes your clears braindead for slightly less damage
majority of the teams in the game arent worth the trouble
not really, she still allows mualani to vape
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>Mondstadt better
>Nah I'm happy
>Inazuma better
>Inazuma better
>Finally, a rival!
Was doing some chasca testing and this is the best i could do. Nothing impressive desu. She's c0r0, same as xilonen. Only furina has cons, c2 to be precise.
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I asked her
chasca sales status?
She give damage bonus for the Character on field after her burst
no one even voted for him in a poll with hemorrhoids xis. much less with actual females
y-your bennett looks a bit w-weird...
Because no one has Rosaria and Layla built. It’s Arle’s best team for personal damage by the simple fact melt is a 2x amplifier while vape is just 1.5x. Citlali will offer EM buffing and melt buffing to further improve Arle’s performance
Lack of cryo applicators that can keep up
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holy fucknig ugly jump scare
see >>503049925
arle's best team is vape
I don't expect her to be "bad" I'm just not seeing the "special" like Archons typically have.
Just prolapsed myself while thinking of Kachina.
Scroll is buffing hydro with this rotation right?
I think furina and hu tao are cute
what you mean, he seems pretty normal...
He was adding an extra second to all rotations just in case, he always downplays his calcs.
First impressions Clorinde was 69k and Neuvillette was under 60k (pre Furina).
xisters' shitposting campaign failed spectacularly and now they are extra salty he's mogging their dendro worm
>So why is /gig/ still so awful?
It's late at night so our resident femorrhoid spammer makes up a larger percentage of posts. This causes some of the few active posters during these hours to bail and do other things instead, exacerbating the problem.
One thing you can do is filter the term "femorrhoid" and half the doomposting will magically disappear. Filtering for "flop" will remove most of the remainder.

If you search those terms, you'll notice it started here >>503046680
and makes up around 15% of posts from the point on. They spam on cooldown. Once they get banned, as they inevitably always do, all the spam will disappear. But it's better just to filter it or learn to mentally ignore shitposts.
Sniffing Mavuika's sweaty butthole after a long motorcycle ride
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This was before they did change Arlecchino kit, he redid the calc after the change, I remember people saying that she would be pyro Alhambra but them they changed her one last time
Theres just a few schizos that reply to themselves a bunch.
We really need ID's but it is what it is.
>dendro worm
Apep was released???
ruh oh Arletroon melty.
>If melt Arlechino is so good why does nobody use it?
No one has C6 Kaeya, he's one of the hardest characters to max in the whole game.
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>still no ainu genshin
flopnazuma is a cultural failure
She doesn't look lile a genshin character. Literally a wuwa sloppa.
Muttolani goddamn flopped
>doesn't even have a sister to fuck
The absolute worst hoyogame protag by a large margin.
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So how good is she?
are you retards not tired of saying this about every single fucking genshin
All Genshin ainus are dead
I'm not a chink bug from Tieba so no.
>1 minute 12-1-1 despite C2 Furina, Xilonen and Bennett
Arlekino >>> flopvuika
Zhongli for hydro / pyro with a worse shield, but better damage.
What part of PERSONAL DAMAGE do you fail to understand
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i still love him though
Green wormfloppa getting humiliated by fucking Chasca despite the Naruto and Sasuke's VAs shiling is priceless, especially when the local wormer spent the last few weeks seething over her
A plant for freeze melt of all things
After Genshin succeeded, I think companies like Tencent were more willing to invest more in the genre
Too niche
diona sidegrade
wormfloppa poster x femorrhoid spammer are canonical natlan ship
You already used this cope that only them hated your worm wormer. Strange that it seems to have spread to bililbili, hoyolab and Douyin huh?
Maybe we’ll see him 2 years from now when everyone is already checked out post snezhnaya so he doesn’t crash the game again
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Why are people celebrating Mavuika applying off-field pyro every 2 seconds when her off-field damage is bad?
>still no fanart
>0 tiktok hours just like every single floplan character
>lowest floplan paimon.moe numbers
Shartsca flopped
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>didn't that retard calculate that xilonen was just a sidegrade for arlecchino
She kinda is. 108k vs 103k with a cheaper team is sidegrade territory. Overload is also above 100k and it only needs 4* units.
54 secs* but yes, she's very mid. For comparison, here's my c1r1 itto with dori. Maybe tomorrow i'll do another test with whiteblind.
>almost 300% multiplier is bad
>when you can forgo ER entirely and gigaroid her
Wriothesley's whore
> bililbili, hoyolab and Douyin
Holy gutter oil 4chink I don't fucking care about your shithole. Crawl back
Simple spreadsheet tranny shit, nobody will bother with that comp and rotation in reality.
wormnich sold less than chasca and couldn’t even go above iQiyi even paired with raiden btw
he flopped BIGLY
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Don't look chinkcel bro
>hoyo’s own site they made
Yeah you’re just retarded. You don’t want to cope with just tieba now huh?
>personal damage
>he unironically believes that wasting a teamslot on an useless cryo just to have every 3rd hit deal 2x damage instead of 1.5x is better than slotting in a support that will buff the entirety of her damage
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What will they talk about
Who seriously would fucking post there besides you and your fellow chinks? Seriously
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Xbalanque SOON
Arlecchino does more damage with C6 Sucrose than with Xilonen. So yeah, not a sidegrade but a downgrade.
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What set does she even use?
>Chaskwuh, I wuas the buad goi all alawng
Who the fuck voices EN's Allpa? She's clearly ESL. Why are they hiring ESLs for an English dub?
>who else [besides hoyo’s main audience]
You’re crumbling wormbro. Keep your narrative straight
>femorroid melty
Which girl do I use instead of Bennett in that Arlecchino team?
Nothing. It's just their grunts and moans from having sex
lol, now here’s a real poll>>503049869
>venti can't even fly
comparing the archons is fucking hilarious
Does anyone seriously use sucrose?
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>we went from this to gay ass bike drifting attacks like this >>503038353
I can't believe I reinstalled genshin for this...
>>503051330 >>503051485
FleepitanoGODs... Not like this...
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uncomfy gender wars hours
Retards are fatigued by Natlan designs and they want another Liyue girl with tights and rat tails #8235.
wormers got too uppity
Yeah, women (who are his audience) don't use mihomo's gulag in the global too, Chang
>females don’t use hoyolab
uhoh wormtard cope
>when you can forgo ER entirely
Uhm, artifact rng says "No".
Not needing ER is good but not that good because in reality you will end up having a dead stat on your artifacts and that's all.
Aussie here, qrd on gender war or whatever the fuck is going on in China and Korea?
She's so lucky...
Off field pyro is good since its on her skill rather than burst.
Plus she can use scroll
And give 12.5 - 50% damage from her a2.
It gets a bit closer when you consider running her with xilo, since you wont be running 2 scrolls. Or the issue with burn application.
math trannies (after resetting for hours)
wormflops never sell
I wonder with what cope the schizo will come up with when sunday doesn't get even close to sparkle's 36 tiktok hours despite powercreeping the shit out of her
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Venti can't even compete with kahuza. He lost his gnosis years ago, and now his power has faded to nothing.
Archon in name only. Wonder if they'll actually try to rerun him again, in his current state.
revenue reflects the general public's opinion and it's declining. therefore your opinion is wrong and your femorrhoids gigaflopped
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There was a secret feminist group controlling their president (female). Among the things they wanted to do was kill male babies. I'm not joking, look it up.
Her bike is part of her authority as an archon
Kek? Why? Aren't they at war with NK? How's that gonna help?
They are women, thinking right isn't in their genes. They must have thought that USA was gonna come to their rescue or something
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where is this from, cause I do enjoy the goofyness
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sustainer waiting room
I saw one anon post a video where both slid and I saw another person's video where one dino dug and one slide. It's bugged as fuck.
I do sometimes play her with layla and kaeya but I know I'm unusual for having a c6 kaeya. I don't like using rosaria with arlecchino because rosaria's burst is stuck in place.
ignore me I cant read
Do we know what the collective of plenty saurians look like?

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