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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

MGQP part III has finally been released. Further information here https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html

https://pixeldraincom/u/GNYWfV8p (3.01 UI Patched)
https://pixeldraincom/u/4ek8KWa6 (3.01 Raw)
https://pixeldraincom/u/JGbQ88GB (3.02 Raw)
https://pixeldraincom/u/ndQyVNXB (3.01 Manuel Edition) + https://files.catbox.moe/vh3uo6.rar (The most recent Manuel patch, you will need to repatch the Manuel edition with this)

Castle of Temptation has finally been released
NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated : https://mega.nz/file/5Z1QnDZQ#4fFLCwIIP5xWrs0e8xVptgGHnmYOx8qNY37-PiWtHmc
SHRIFT II 2.56 has been mostly translated https://mega.nz/file/KIEAnAAR#gZSP8wYdutRThD3wJkcd1L2mPTgpzUdPyKzdVG4BOKw
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784
MGQ collab with REBF

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

Get the /mggg/ canon as well as apocryphal savefile for Paradox here (Part 3 ready):

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>502985009
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>Elf Princesses first ability she uses in battle is named Kyoka Suigetsu
Oh fuck
Part 3 flopped
When Raphaela joins you in battle against Cosmo during Monster World route, if you lose by giving up, she won't leave your party after reincarnating and her equipment will be removeable. Wonder if this is a bug or not, feels kinda bad to capitalize on this.
That's insanely interesting but Aren't their equipment unique to them? I guess she does have gems.
feels like an exploit cuz when sariela temp joins you can't take her gear off
It sold the more than the other two parts combined, while achieving a higher user score.
TrTr won using some outdated fossil of a game engine.
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>btw, fancy a quick fuck while you're here?
what a beautiful village
true coexistence in action
It's interesting to note that the Mantis Girl in paradox doesn't kill Luka and keeps him as a mating partner. She is still noted to however kill "prey" by eating them, so yeah, be careful around her. Flower Mantis Girl however is a good girl, she doesn't kill people and normally invites men for sex.
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>monster need daughter
>rape normal
it sold on the reputation of part 1 and 2
>hiruko cute
>manuel coexistence
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i knew the chaos eroding the world was bad and it was affecting plants and fish but fuck, that is VILE
It's kind of hard to tell if the encyclopedia entries are 100% telling the truth when a large amount of monsters in the wild have a line like "It's been ages since I've seen an adventurer out here" or something similar to it describing them not having mated, dryfished, or even tried to seduce a human man in forever.
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Indeed, it is simply absolute peak
Enjoy your stay anon!
I didn't mention that when I went through it since I was more focused on the cute interactions with the Harpies and the Humans living in the town (the couple doing laundry was lovely) but yeah, I don't think I'd eat that
Nor the one with a mouth
During the collab, when you're playing as Lars, you come across a village in the eastern half of Noah and a NPC who notes some of their chickens have been "blessed" with an extra limb or two. So yeah, shit is fucked.
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>harpies struggle with tasks like housework due to not having hands, so they get their lovers to all all the physical work for them
>in return they're rewarded with love and affection
simple life, harpy wife, happy life
it's a perfect system
>that op
>koron kind
>sonya goddess
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It is done. Eva is jobmaxed.
Except for that 1 healing job that requires plant, slime, and whatever species... what's the deal with that?
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>harpy wife, happy life
>they get their lovers to all all the physical work for them
even better than that, they don't, they actually work together with their lovers to help. truly they are perfect.
Thank you for helping your simpler sisters.
>Except for that 1 healing job that requires plant, slime, and whatever species... what's the deal with that?
you can turn any race into any race now you have no excuse get back to MAXXXING

>all of the collective iq of the slime race went to her, leaving the rest to share a singular braincell
honestly this explains everything
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...although they really do appreciate the assistance
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i can certainly think of a few ways
Even with the horrors of the MW and AW, there is at least still one pure place in the universe.
and some people wonder how she landed 5th place in the OG poll
I can but I'm not going to.
Weak, but that's okay, Eva will be fed to my Lime.
When can I turn any race into any other race?
Cause I want to racemax angels but they can't be anything else at the moment besides other angels.
she should've been a wife option due to being a legacy end for OT
fuck trtr and this gay earth
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>When can I turn any race into any other race?
chaos route
pic related is missing a few iirc but most are there
for angels you have to reverse them into humans, and then go from there
I heard you have to get every race change before getting the option to have reverse changes which allows you to racemax
Wasn't there a button in the skills menu that disabled skill types so they wouldn't bloat the combat menus?
With all this autism, I really need to get some clutter out of my way.
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like so
But when can I do that?
>have to do every race change
What if I didn't do the collab that gives more options and now it's too late because I'm in the chaos route?
chaos route

as for collab shit uuuuuuuhhhhhh i don't actually know but i assume it will just work itself out eventually?
Didn't Chaos route give the pre chaos route options? Can you turn human into a Yoma and Demi-human?
>Can you turn human into a Yoma and Demi-human?
You're fine then.
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>you're shit at leading, lucretia you're in charge now and i want you to keep fucking nonstop to repopulate
>as for you refletzia, you're coming with me to kill the dark goddess since you love fighting so much, once she's dead your fame alone will deter any attacks on the harpy village, keeping them safe without more war
little ilias is really competent at delegating tasks honestly
Yeah, she did a good job. I was happy to finally learn the truth about the Harpies past too, and that we could prevent it in this world. Lucretia continues to be one of the GOATs.

I'm still forcing Reflestia into Mandatory Therapy until they get better though.
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oh and also this
>"If I fail and die, just tell the Dark God I was revolting on my own to spare our people"
>"Don't worry I was gonna do that from the start"
I don't blame her
Thanks, everyone's menus suck frankly.
This slime is very cute...
a purin-cess! :D
>you get to have high affection vanilla sex with Kanon but not with Alma
This shit boggles my mind
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Leave my pudding princess alone, we're busy?!
Does normal attack booster work on skills that have normal attack in them?
Considering Koron not only doesn't kill Luka in her loss scene and keeps him as a sex slave afterwards (making her better than most of the bosses already), but also explicitly enjoys having sex with him, yeah she's really kind. She doesn't even tease him that much.
trtr is a hack news at 11
Oh... that explains her blushing expression I keep seeing in the MGQ discord. Makes sense though, dragons are sensitive to pleasure.
And people try to act like she needs to get put down like Hiruko.
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3.02 havers is this actually true? can you use MOUSE CONTROLS (sort of)?

using cursor and shift to job max would be so fucking handy
There is only coexistence or no existence.
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Alright other finishers, what's your victory lap group cleaning up misc stuff you missed/forgot?
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>hiruko cute
It's official!
Found neat combination of abilities. Using [Battle Start SP overlimit] a special ability, I can start with max SP and a little bit more. Which pairs well with the combat ability [Combat Skill SP Burst], which lets do 25% more damage with any combat-type skill when at max SP.
Also using [Random Force] a Magic ability that grants you a random spellblade buff at the start of battle alongside [Spellblade Chaos Element Imbue] also gives the corresponding chaos element at the start of battle as well, which is neat.
If "combat type" includes Tentacles, then >>503048964 just gets that passive for free since her tentacle skills are all free all the time!
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Today, I shall remind them...
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>decide to explore a bit after some harpy business
>let's check out that place again
>no damage, no damage, no damage
I'm fucking dead aren't I
She told to stay on the road, and you didn't listen! Why didn't you listen!
*She told you
Oh no you poor new cutie.
You are very omae wa mou shindeiru.
I forget if you can kill those later or if they're just straight immune to damage. Pretty sure they don't have an h-scene, at least not in part 1 or 2.
: )
In part 1 they had ~18k HP or so, honestly easier than Nanabi, and the only thing they did was spam a ~400 dmg party tentacle slap.
With part 2 they got buffed to ~180k HP, don't know if damage or tactics changed.
VN part 3 Eden
>Retarded Paradox Castle
this just summarizes the pocket monster castle trying to look for the 1 companion you want scenes from or gift items from or funny dialogue from.
>trying to look for the 1 companion you want
Bruh go to party change maid and press D to teleport to someone. The only catch is they need to be out of the party to be in the PC of course.
Go to bed young man.
I keep forgetting they added that..
I hope to fuck the ffourth route adds 4 more character slots for power levelling purposes.
Still looking to see where the train monster is in the chaos route for 3.02 but having no luck.
I’m currently in the 2.41 version of Paradox, what are some good party comps to run exactly for part 2 specifically?
You're favorites
How filled up is the pocket caslte compared to the demo?
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Well I found the one dragon girl.
Well for one, the entire church section of the PC is pretty filled up with all the empty seats being taken up by angels.
How did luka’s dad fugg lucifinia and live?!
Why didn't trtr decide to split part 3 in two, release MW and AW in 2021, and third route (with ng++) in 2025. Sounds like a better idea to me.
Well, for one, she was probably in human mode thanks to the ring and two, her powers were considerably weakened after roaming on the surface for around 500 years. Angels seemed to become weaker when they spend prolonged periods of time outside of heaven. Other than, Lucfinia was probably inexperienced as hell in regard to sex, or maybe I'm wrong, someone could correct me.
Because hindsight a bitch
The party cap is actually absurd in the chaos route, you get given so many fucking story important characters and you still just have 16 fucking slots
out of all the mods ive seen someone should make one to double the party size
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>I heard you had some fun with my son?
>mind if I "have some fun" with you too?~~
Please tell me it's Futamamo dicking Luka while being dicked by Futafina
>end bad trtr
i meant the full uncropped image
Considering how horrendous it is to get better gear for a whole party I think I see why it's 16 slots.
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If I was retarded and didn't save my save from before 3.0, am I able to do the collab shit before starting part 3 proper?
the west is less afraid of blood
the east is less afraid of sex
How long to get Queen Eva? I just beaten her
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I FOUND THE FUCKING TRAIN! Took what 3 days of searching all over the place.
say wheere
My long term project is making the cursed angels and ripra masters of every job.
Rem Coast, south of Enrika on 3.02 for the chaos path I think. Not sure if it's there for 3.01.
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Where is our suplex in Paradox!?
Where do you get more elemental cores in the chaos world?
I think you have to steal them with harpies from mitra where they spawn.
On AW route, Safaru Ruins maybe?
On third route, it's after a long sidequest.
So when we call them MW or AW are we saying which one we sided with or which one we're travelling through
Steal Materials from the artificial spirits in Mithra Castle.
I've tried talking a LOT and stalling fights and never had an enemy actually unchaos whereupon they'd drop it as normal loot too.
In my case >>503061817 saying "route" with it, I meant siding with. So technically traversing Makai. I feel like "route" will often be interpreted as your ally.
just MW itself refers to the MW world/side
saying "MW route" means you chose to side with them, because you pick the side, not which world to travel through.
So are Neris' consensual i need to know how based she is. (her having a scene is not a spoiler her scene was shown on da box and it's obvious she'd have a scene)
I joined Angel side. I don't care who is less shity. I did it because of what the trio de retarde did to Luka's dad.
so you basically can't kill them until you're near the end of part 2?
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>trio de retarde
don't bully, they have mental damage
If their non-movesets didn't change, you can kill them whenever you can outheal their aoe slap per turn.
It's not worth it though, they give no reward other than 15 Job Exp I think. It's like a Mimic, but with way more health and massively less reward.
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Retards come in threes over there.
part 1 loc superboss gear gives loc weapons for part 2's loc(black alice's loc stuff iirc) so theoretically it might be possible with part 1 loc gear as the labyrinth there gives mid game part 2 gear for most of its stuff.
Technically only Lilith did that, the other 2 just watched.
Minagi has the most sane responses followed by saja
This is the context of some first run newbie. You can get tanky and healy enough to roll them in Part 1 gear I think. I don't think their offense was buffed much.
part 1 loc was pure shenanigans when part 2 first rolled around before it updated the loc.

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