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Oil Edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Sep 17: 60-Day Patch 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7147864422081646859
Sep 19: Chemical Agents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnHr4URSXis
Oct 15: 60-Day Patch 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/7291982050853715743
Oct 31: Truth Enforcers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m053YyNixug
Nov 13: Democracy Space Station https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1856900453667164360

Nov 12 1.001.203 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4445709535659688161
Contento wa doko desu ka?
Take a EAT that belongs to me? Bayonet.
Wearing ugly armor? Bayonet
>decide to give Flamethrower another honest chance because why not
>it's excruciating as fuck because it has no crowd control by itself and you're stupidly vulnerable to flanking due to how badly it handles
>ammo consumption is terrible, its only saving grace is that its DPS kills most enemies before they can get close enough to hit you
>constantly setting yourself on fire so Inflammable armor is mandatory
>you even have to sink your primary slot into close defense because the Flamethrower is unreliable at it
>and if you bring Gas Grenades for your own crowd control, you outright lose the ability to close Bug Holes

This thing has more problems than what AH addressed about it in the 60-day update. Like, besides re-reverting the particle mechanics to Escalation of Freedom, it needs buffs to ammo consumption, handling, and fire dot damage needs to actually be useful. Hell, there probably need to be multiple fire status effects besides regular burning and Napalm burning, make the Cookout and Breaker Incendiary inflict its current burning status while making the flamethrower burning something actually useful like inflicting slow.
Most of it would be fixed if they gave it realistic flamethrower range. But of course, realism only works one way with AH.
bro your halt stun rounds? your autist seed spreadsheet?
Slow or stagger. Honestly, it shouldnt be so weak at close range with so many downsides for such small upsides.
It doesn't even melt chargers like it used to.

Peak physique helps it though at least.
Bring a ballistic guard dog and it'll help keep shit off you better.
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ggs anons
Sadly, you can't bring Peak Physique since you absolutely need Inflammable. Like, I don't actually mind having to wear Inflammable when using a flamethrower, but at least don't make the weapon require another perk just to not be shit.

That's the whole other problem with the weapon, why should you need something to keep enemies off your back at close range? It's a fucking flamethrower, anything that gets close to me while I have this thing going should literally melt into puddles of goo.
You want the cursed flamethrower guide?
Supply pack, medic armor, gas grenades and stim.
Just keep stimming at all times and never move back. Throw gas out like crazy and you'll kill everything.
There's a lot of anti bughole shit. Eats help, and you can use the torcher too because you will just have a shit ton of time to just mulch them.

The real problem will be your teammates killing you when you go in to solo the breach.
>why should you need something to keep enemies off your back at close range?
Because your turn rate is slow and your movespeed is shit while you are holding down M1. It's very intentionally designed that spraying will leave you vulnerable without someone covering your ass from something ganking you.
not gg boys, i am so washed up and the OPS is bad. vid unrelated
join kiddos
a really nice qol improvement would be to add a max donation button on the dss
o-ops bad?
Even better would be being able to acces the dss screen from the "hub" instead of through the mission select console.
it's weird, I thought that was what the bureau terminal across the armory was for. Now I really don't know what the point of it it
yes. bad.
The siege upon Managed Democracy continues.
File deleted.
The greatest Helldivers and Super Earth Leaders are all Indian as the datamining of official infor mation showed us.
Is it any really question? Indians are the mightiest warriors in the Human History and loved by all women and young females.
Glory to Super Earth my friends. We will lead you into the gratest acheievements.
Is this why my diver's skin is always poo colored?
spoonfeed me a fun bugdiver build, I'm bored
Airburst RL
Airburst Strike
Eagle Cluster Bombs
Constitution + recoiless
Try and make it work.
It's really fun when you figure out the strengths of constitution.
Ask to be killed by bayonet? Bayonet
>Flame impacts
>Flamethrower support weapon
>Eagle Napalm
>Orbital Napalm Barrage
>Supply Pack
I'd say bring Firebug hellpods but you'll likely get kicked if you do that
>RR + EAT + Commando + Railgun Orbital
Why yes, I am a king. How could you tell.
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>that final extract
Isn't the game easy enough already?
3/4 bots 10s this time
To be fair at this point it's not about easy, it's about using the content we have, to have fun.
Speaking of shitty meme weapons, how do I make sterilizer fun without just relying on gun drone?
idk, pair it with the torcher and use it purely for cc?
I use it only in a full brap loadout. You between brap dog, gas nades and gas strike you can keep a breach on lockdown for a long time. The sterilizer comes with a lot of ammo. I like doing that.
melee em' sterilzer in hand
Arrowhead should make fart clouds explode if hit with fire. That would make the Sterilizer fun, keep the Crisper on hand for just that purpose.
Your thermites? Your EATs? Anon, dont act like you can struggle against bugs. You are not that bad, right?
If there's an update today it'll be in ~2 hours, right?
Yes, 11 CET.
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forgot to mention had to get my slop out of the oven
will rejoin once it's consoomed or will host a splinter lobby if that one fills agane
>Increase size and range of flame thrower
>Crashes PS5 users
There is your answer
There is no update coming, there would be leaks if there was
hotfixes and patches usually don't have any leaks associated
Yes they do, stay ill-informed
>they showed the papers for the 60 day patch therefore ummmm they always do leaks?
>flamethrower with smoke
yea or nay? also how effective is smoke vs bugs? or does the flamethrower make you get too close to bugs for it to work?
>I am ignorant and proud
I can tell
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Smoke does literally nothing. The only viable flamethrower build is armor with fire resistance, stratagem flamethrower and a jetpack. Plus Halt if you have it so you can stun chargers to burn them.
>constantly setting yourself on fire
This shit right here is why i don't use it anymore, i won't even entertain the thought of grabbing one when i'm doing a "bring no strategem weapon 2" run
smoke's pretty good vs bots, I'm just not sure how bugs react to it
the only reason it was good in the first place was because it cooked behemoths when behemoths were the most troublesome enemy on bugs

they've completely trivialized bugside heavies to the point that everything else can do it easily, so it has 0 niche since if you wanna be up close you're better off just using arc thrower
Beautiful my friend. Beautiful.

It is not poo color. You are.
I'm tired of people demanding new content, the game state could be the final patch and I would not even complain about it since it had enough dynamics that still now I find new way to play it.
I'm not expecting new content and when it arrived I'm either glad or have to deal with it like DSS.

you want new content now? play something else
oh like the leaks that were posted multiple times already?
You're talking to zoomer faggots that grew up with candied dogshit like Destiny and Fortnite. You could explain why for a hundred years straight and they still wouldn't understand why this game can't have a bi-weekly season pass with loads of FOMO content no cap on god fr fr.
fortnite and destiny seem to be doing well with regular content updates thoughever
>can now predict with 100% accuracy every enemy seed before the mission even starts
>finally have a good reason to start using stratagems I rarely use
i think that's his point
fucking retard
why cant ah do it
muh small indie company
Nigga, destiny 2 content is usually making you play years old shit again with new coat of paint. Oh and also they took it away in the first place
I dont think you know what live service game means.
why couldn't steeled veterans have a light armor set instead of 2 mediums for no reason? don't say sweden give me a real answer
>Eagle Storm has been sitting at 3% for 24 hours
>People dont even want to donate their pointless samples to it
Lol. DSS is dead.
HD2 gets a big patch every month, so what you people are complaining about it?
I won't be donating samples to eagles until they fix the host getting the kill credits simple as
Is this big patch in the room with us right now?
Why would I donate for a bonus that might end up somewhere I don't want to play?
balance patches are not content
dropping numbers and reducing a gun's mag size does not take a month
Swedes are throttling the gain so it doesn't go live until they want it to, just wait for the sudden incline once it's time
I think he's talking about the 1-2 guns, 0-1 boosters, 3 cosmetics and 1 armor perk we get the new warbond every month
I've been thinking, with how the left Gar Haren with 0 resistance, why don't they make more planets also at 0 resistance? it would make more sense that planets that are either cut off or are sending their forces to invade another planet wouldn't be able to mount a significant resistance, it would allow gambits to be valid strategies instead of something you only do when the planet is 70% captured already
It means fuckall. Meaningless marketing buzz term.
>we get the new warbond every month
(should I... should I tell him??)
now tell me one game that drops content every month that isn't a card game
most of this tread uses the app and yet no effort has been made on just playing on Gar Haren untill the blobs follows
I believe most of this thread is high skill players that won't play bugs anymore because they're too easy and boring
bugs are fucking boring, even the most braindead shit loadouts can clear them
>most of this tread uses the app
wow a whopping 80 people tops, assuming of course each reply is one person which obviously isn't, not even 1% of the playerbase
>the app
What? You guys got an app to be a better MOwagie or something?
Becouse that would be hillarious.
I shan't be donating to the DSS because I haven't finished upgrading my ship yet
devs need to do something about tree heavy biomes cucking stratagems and crashing games, dad gamers aren't going to put up with that shit without a planet specific MO
I've been doing D10 Gar Harens all yesterday. The planet is okay, if not annoying because only straffing run is really viable as a eagle strat on that biome, but it's sometimes nice to just have 200+ meters of sight to snipe at clumps of mobs with the airclussy launcher. The big tree maps favor sterilizer/flamer nicely, though, since they tend to create a lot of choke points.
my ship will never be fully upgraded because I refuse to get the sentry one
last one I need is the second-to-last sentry one, don't plan on getting the mortar one either
I'm going to hate the day they force us to take it
No, you don't get to vote or contribute, you are just sending your votes and samples into the void.
My ship is fully upgraded and I'm at the caps but I'm still not donating because the DSS is shit and picking up samples for it is more of a hassle than its worth
It makes mortars not the worst stratagem anymore.
like multiple have said, the best improvement it could have is simply increasing the range by at least 30%, if not 50-60
it would make it so much more viable and reduce the odds of you lighting yourself on fire; and the reason you light your self on fire is because either the fire splashes off a hunter onto you, or you light your feet on fire when trying to dive to avoid said hunter

it doesn't help that the flame effect is so wide so it blinds you most of the time to what enemies are rushing and eventually hitting you
additionally a slow effect on enemies would be really nice, but just increased range would be an immense improvement without affecting balance
it's the opposite of how I use pings, I want to ping big enemies for teammates to know it exists. But I don't want my mortars to waste time shooting at it
The game is extremely easy now which makes it pretty boring. It's disappointing when most /vg/ lobbies can play on d10 with no comms or teamwork and consistently full map clear with no deaths.
this is a live service game
the entire point is that they release regular content updates
and for the first few months that is what they did regularly
it is to be expected, you should be expecting it
ESPECIALLY since of the 12 or so planned live service games sony planned to release this year, only like 3 launched, with concord being one of them (i think the third got canceled) leaving just helldivers for sony to pour their resources into

>play something else
and thus the game dies
Just stop bringing RR, sentries, barrages and thermite or reduce how many you bring and the game gets harder.
reminder that irons1ghts is a fraud nigger and he posts fake leaks
also i fucked his mom multiple times and he definitely browses /hdg/
Pasty white/hapa nerd hands typed these posts


new stratagems and new terminid enemy types.
HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT's this easy to spread misinformation
The gloom is here!
i can tell that you just copied the latest news link retard
Shut up, please shut the fuck up. "Live service" is nothing but a cancer and traps devs in unsustainable sweatshop conditions. Which are the opposite of how AHS wants to operate. You should have known what you bargained for when you bought an Arrowhead game. They're a small, slow paced, indie studio. Again, you should have known and expected this. You have nobody else to blame for your overblown expectations. So fuck off back to genshin incel, cawadoody or whatever else the dumbest/poorest generation is playing at the moment.
>b-but then le game dies
Irrelevant, as long as I can get three others to play with, player count can drop indefinitely for all I care. Muh galactic war is irrelevant and may as well be scrapped.
Haha! Great copypasta, friendo! Take my upvote!
Mechanic-wise I think Darktide has one of the best implementations currently and Helldivers should copy that one. In Darktide, Flamethrower staggers anything smaller than a Charger-equivalent. However its direct DPS is rather low and it relies on stacking burning effect to deal damage. This elegantly fixes nearly all flamer issues:
- It feels good and useful against hordes, tradeoff being limited range and being useless against elite enemies
- You can kill medium-tier enemies (like Brood Commanders) but its inefficient if they are isolated, directing you to flame mediums mixed into hordes and shooting them with normal guns if they're alone
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Where is the patch.....You guys told me it was coming today....

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