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do you think Vanessa would show us her ballet moves?
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I can fix her
Alive game, EoS 2026
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liv lov
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She can make me worse.
just caught on to the latest news and... we are so back bros
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>Oh, these? My boobies? My massive fucking titties? My super stuffed milkies? My honker bonker doinky bonkies? My fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper god damn motherfucking tits?
>Oh, these? My thighs? My titanic thighs? My super duper thicc logs? My funking dunking hypernova stumps? My fatherfucking pants tearing, ground shattering, reality bending gigantic pillars? You are talking about my child giving extraplanetary body snapping legendary goddess fucking mountains?
>Oh this? My booty? My bubble butt? My bouncy caked up dump truck? My thick chonky double-wide badonkadonk? My goddamn jean splitting, thunder clapping, door frame shattering wobble wagon? You mean the mighty celestial planet busting superpower that is my BIG FAT FUCKING ASS? Well what about it?
Fuck yeah let's go Vanessa! be a commandant!
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Bianca looks very lovely in red.
never thought I'd root for Vanessa
Vanessa's mom is an even bigger bitch than she is, it's hard not to.
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At what point do they add more endings in Matrix?
Luna patch also comes with its own version of insight from cursed wave. Originally planned for sometime in February but now we have no idea
that madorea fight sucked ass
Is it the power of Gary rewriting the plot? That's the true measure of a Chief...
Thankfully only the story version has that annoying ass mechanic of dragging the attack button.
oh that's GOOD
decent chapter, spiral of chronos is next... I'll start that in a bit andddd maybe finish tomorrow
She is also the legal guardian of Rosa, remember? Lithos must have suffered horribly before his final death.
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Just heard the news about global catching up, congrats pogger bros
fucking baller. I'm happy that I invested time in this game as a new player. I know I'll at least have plenty more content to go through for quite a long time.
I hope this game lasts a decade.
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A shame what happened to Atiel.
Fuck the ARU honestly.
ARU? sucks
Asslam? sucks
Kowloong? sucks
Nighter? even worse
I was honestly surprised what happened to her. I was expecting her to be another recurring construct character.
My man Simon has awful luck with constructs he gets in his squad
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>unlock tutorials for basic combat mechanics at lvl 40
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>ARU? Sucks
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ARU is hell, but it's been getting better recently... Luna did nothing wrong by blasting it into pieces. Ascendant Atiel would have been a lot cooler though...

>Oh, that new character with a unique sprite?
>Oops, she's dead in two stages.
Never trust Kuro.

Simon has awful luck in general, but he is still the second best commandant on Babylonia. And despite his health, he is definitely not a pushover.
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Came back after hearing of the plan to catch up. Would make me pay more attention to the game since it would feel like I am getting fresh content.
why did Nanami get a fatter, fuller ass? Why did Liv get larger breasts?
I need answers
Liv's chest is full of lov, Nanami's ass is full of uhh...
No joke i stopped playing PGR after Limbus came out since the big year gap discouraged me.
It seems like I should come back now
big cogs
also why did Lucia get rid of her ass????
Liv breast is over flowing with Lov, Nanami is just kuro crafting the perject hebe body type
I wanna suck liv's big lov
Simon just needs to never eat anything Noan tries to give him. I think he's been sent to the Star of Life for food poisoning 3 times already.
>Getting CC's like Spider and possibly those like Rexlent to help with the move.
So...are we in for a smooth ride? https://x.com/sp1dre/status/1859420264397930742?s=46
paincage skull bros we won
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Good move by Kuro by asking Spider and Rexlent. I'm hopeful but hiccups are inevitable, they are doing something bold and risky, made me respect them even more.

But they can't really fuck up the BC/R&D tickets, mats and PPC skulls distribution for sure. I'm in for the ride
Rexlent's video, he confirms that Kuro did ask him his input before going through with the decision.
What button do I hit you use this. This dogshit minigame just introduces things with no explanation, why is this game so bloated with side content.
How do you feel about the catching up news? I hope Kuro doesn't fuck it up.
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On first seeing the news, somewhat worried.
Knowing that CC's like Rexlent had a say in it, relieved and ready to see how this goes.
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Look at all those anons coming back and newcuties coming in. Yeah I think Kuro made the right decision long term.
I have ~110k BC right now. I hope my plan to get Lamia's Mermaid Princess coating and Alpha's Yakuza coating doesn't get fucked. Never regret the Karenina Idol coating, it's an amazing coating. I'm going to get Goth Qu if I can.
Should I abandon my Bilibili account right now or until global caught up?
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>110k bc
Why was he doing surgery on a chicken?
You have to tap the blue button above your head. If you're on PC you have to click on it with the mouse. Yes it's stupid.
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It also doesn't help that Simon was drugged by "Noan?" or someone related before. He should have his own taste-tester, like Gary has Karen.

Noan's cooking or Lucia's cooking, which one is more deadly?
I'm over here at 160k so I'm alright for a while, might have to start buying packs again to keep up but I hope f2p's and newcuties can keep up via Pain Cage like usual.
I'm about to uninstall again, this recitavito fantasia is the worst thing I've ever encountered in a video game.
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As a month-old newfag, breddy good. I'm sure oldfags have their own thoughts, but the news has me pretty excited.
Yeah recitavito is widely considered the worst of the roguelike modes we've got. The only reason to put up with it is to get cappricio for free, but with news of Lilith being a dark amp that they're also handing out for free means new players can just ignore it entirely can skip it entirely once she hits global
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Anon, Repetitivo isn't even the worst Selena Coating gamemode in history...
selena's fault btw
You're gonna have to fill me in on this one I only started playing 2 months ago
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All these newcuties not old enough to know about APUS.
What the fuck is this slay the spire looking shit?
During Garnet's patch, there was a similar gamemode to the one going on rn with Camu's edgelord coating. But it was worse. There was no CW, there was no timestop yet, enemies hit harder, there were more stages, instead of getting currency to just buy the coating, you'd get gacha tickets to ROLL for it in a vending machine, timegated btw... It was bad.
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kinda like the current simulacrum gamemode but 10x more grindy
Roguelite where you had to follow the most optimal mapped out path because you had stamina otherwise you wouldn't get full rewards and completely defeats the purpose of being a roguelite. (Hence the red line dictacting which nodes to go.)
Think about the current event that has Camu's coating but even worse. I blasted through it with my SSS NieR team.
The next one will be in Nanami patch with Bridget's sex coating, it's better than the coating is worth it. I destroyed that event with Nanami and her pizza cutter spam while Alpha and No. 21 watched.
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>selena deep blue warzone coating hell farm

That farm made me dislike her. I was on deployment when this happened, tried to farm last minute, farmed so much to the point my phone died on me. Oh.. I didn't get that coating btw, so close but my phone gave up.
it's better and the coating is worth it*
I'm in the same boat as you (three months old newfag). Yeah, it does look nice, and we'll probably have enough BC to get anyone anyway. But I'm still a bit worried.
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>simulacrum but more grindy
>had to roll for the skin
Jesus the fucking christ
Noan's practicing to get his medical license.
Lucia is probably still the worse cook. Noan's faults were outside the actual cooking process and I think one of the times Simon got poisoned, it wasn't even with food Noan made himself but just he happened to come by.
To be absolutely fair, you were guaranteed the skin if you did it all. But it was a fucking grind if you didn't lucksack the skin early. In the end they should have just made it a currency to farm for, but they didn't.
I don't even want to get Selena because Capriccio's interlude scarred me emotionally. she's dead and I don't enjoy using dead construncts.
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Never forgetti
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>you were guaranteed the skin if you did it all
You had to to the ENTIRE event to get enough tickets for the guarantee. And it was LONG. Twice as long as the current event, I'd say.

>Noan passes by
>All food in the radius of 10 meters instantly turns into a poison swamp
I kneel...

Do Echo Aria and Tempest's hidden stage.
Selena will be the next big bad, trust the plan. Her schizophrenia keeps getting worse and worse.
We're going to have multiple Selenas running around and nobody can tell if any of them are canon.
She likes being touched by (You). Just hug the girl and it's all good.
Yeah I'm just gonna uninstall again. I tried doing retarded fantasy thing again and it's just making me hope everyone working on this game dies.

Illusive realm doesn't feel like this.
>Do Echo Aria and Tempest's hidden stage.

I did both. And tell me if I'm wrong. At the end of Echo Aria, we kill Selena, but somehow she emerges from the Red Tide and no one knows about it? I don't get it. And I don't get the hidden stage. The whale cry is supposed to be Selena, OK, I get that. But who's the person who look for her? Alya(doubful)?.And isn't that hidden stage set before Echo Aria anyway, since she should be out the red tide? Will she appear again in any major role? I like her a lot.

Alos I just learn that if I set a VPN I can pay rainbow cards 20 euros less, nice. And actually use Paypal instead of Paysafe.
why are you even doing it
Just use A rank Vera:Rozen. That mode is just aids
>S-rank Noan releases
>he's a fire amplifier
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Because my main menu froze up and forcibly directed me into it when it unlocked. They clearly think it's something I should be interested in and that tells me the developers are subhuman.
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Just don't bother with it and do the story, anon.

In Echo Aria, you fight Siren (a Red Tide monster with Selena in its core). It gets blasted by the Longinus Spear, and Selena falls back into the Red Tide. Ishmael comes by and being "The Merciful One", fixes Selena. But due to the previous circumstances (two deaths, basically), she has lost most of her memories, so she just starts wandering around. The person in question is (You), Gary. (You) were childhood pen-pals, and (You) have been searching for Selena ever since she became a Construct.
>Will she appear again in any major role?
She's the 5th anniversary character, so she must do something big.
if you spam click you get a red button that says escape deadlock or something and clicking it gets rid of whatever tutorial you're locked into
I am more than happy to catch up with CN and finally get excited about new things real-time but I really hope there's mega compensation for this, I needed those skulls for SSS's and SS3s and I need GOOD VALUE PACKS
I just hope the translation quality doesn't take a hit (playing JP)
Oh, major spoiler on who the merciful one is for me, I guess. Stopped reading there, but thanks anyway. I'll be able to use Selena then. I love my suffering waifus.
my children
Oh, sorry for that. They do have the same sprite though, you must have seen them both already... The rest is from Tempest's and Caprisun's affection stories, if you want to read them yourself.
Holy shit Chapter 17 tarts already hard.
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You? saw yourself being forced into a menu and literally gave up
Me? aped out until the skip tutorial button showed up
You have a fundamental loser mindset. And it will follow you long after you uninstall.
God I love Bianca so much....
Also we're going to catch up with CN...
I didn't expect that, EoS NEVER.
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Sex with witches
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Enjoy anon
oho me lore
hey that's not me...
why did I forget they leave skk genderless, for now.
>God I love Bianca so much....
post your sss stigmata with her gacha coating RIGHT NOW
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Nyo, I'll post an image once we got the superior coating.
its good but i like her gacha coating a lot more
I'm with the other anon on this one
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It's going to be one of the best chapters so far. Remember to lov and pat your Lee! He deserves it.

Liliv lewd...
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wtf who
HELLO wtf she's a commandant?
nnnoted :D
I lov Sica. She's a cutie.
There was also that shit about having to survive X days managing a refugee camp in the cold. God that was miserable even while following a guide
i literally CAN'T wait for that coating.
she is cute!
I thought Not!Frostpunk was interesting. But I agree, it had no room for errors if you wanted to get all rewards.
Oh the Frostpunk like events? I kinda liked the concept of it but yeah was a bit annoying.
so... is Lee his middle name or something? I don't think I've seen a specification on it but he's called Morian in his interlude
Pretty sure it's just his nickname. His real name is Morian.
oh! tiny! look at them boys
Is it fine to buy Capriccio's shards with vouchers? I don't want to dal with that horrible mode.
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>Wake up
>Check thread
>That's a lotta posts, what happe-
>We're going to cast time compression magic on you
It can speed up the process if you're okay with using those on shards instead of memory resonances.
I don't really care much about high end modes anyway.
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We won bigly
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Poor Liv. this node reminds me of a WW1 short story I read a while back. it was as tragic if not worse.
Best bröthers on Babylonia.
eyyyyyyy it's me! and Lucia!
>was reckless with upgrading some characters since i thought stuff would be months down the line
>speeding up
aiiieeeee im retarded, i should have never sss'd my sleener and should have waited to sss bianca
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Nono, you made the right choice.
I wish I had Sleener at SSS
lov liv...
ohhh yeah
The Lov Virus Outbreak...
>Wawu player.
If I would buy a starter account for PGR, would i benefit from it?
If yes, what are some good things to have on the account, including units?
In general, how easy it is to get signature weapons, if that's a thing here?
Hello, kind of a new player here.
Is there any way to top-up using a JP vpn for cheaper transactions on PC? I cannot seem to make it work in game.
i think the prices are server locked for the most part, you can't pay in yen unless you're on the JP server
Global probably has different currencies like gbp, euro, usd etc
but i already play on JP
ok, gotcha, thank you
PGR had codashop which you could pay super cheap with Saudi Arabian currency for a while, then they fixed it.
I couldn't believe it
Yeah you would benefit, is it worth it? Not really since the game is very F2P friendly, might also kill the fun of building up your stuff as a newfag, you would also need to experience the story from the archives while alternating to normal story for the gameplay (there is story in the gameplay sections too) so that would be annoying, honestly up to you but I would not recommend it, especially if you plan to spend anyway.
For signature weapons the pity is at 30, rate up is 80%, the rate is very high so you get it early often you can also pick any weapon at any time, for context an S rank (5* equivalent) character is 60 pity with 100% rate up on release, 70% on rerun. A ranks are 10 pity with same rates, you get to pick any at any time too.
>read the news
>comfy game getting sped up, won't be comfy anymore
I have 5k bc and 5k event tickets. It's over for me isn't it.

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