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BJ(J) edition

>Full 7.1 Patch Notes:

>FREE FANTA (Goes Away at 7.2)
In conjunction with these adjustments, players can obtain a phial of Fantasia from the wandering moogle in Old Gridania (X:10.7 Y:6.4) for a limited period of time.

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Future Meetups and Events
•Nov 23rd, 5:00 PM PST | Goblin, Solution Nine ( 15.3 , 14.4 ) | Br'aaxskin Treasure Maps Bring 3 >>502798268
• Nov 23rd, 5:00PM EST | Zalera, Crystal Empyreum W5 P4 | Iron Giant + The Wild Robot >>502830895
• Nov 24th, 7:00PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces >>502705709

Last time on /xivg/:>>503030772
catboy supremacy
Need me a menheralala
my moonie? built for draining sunnie+'s
i am
a suicidal moonie
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Face 4moonie EB for my moonie...
Tall buff femhroth that rips me away from whatever im doing to break my pelvis for her enjoyment and gives me a peck on the cheek at the end.

Send xeet
need someone to talk to?
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is anynyan gonnya play classic
What do you like better: petties or cutties?
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Good night /xivg/
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Thighlander sisters.
The date.
It's time.
M or F face 4?
it wont help
Good night everybody, I hoped you like my dragoon
My sunnie+ is racist against moonies and bully plaps them
I am
A maleroe
Who is now
A hrothgar
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i love
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May I give her a pet even if I'm not her FP?
I have to pee so bad but it feels really nice holding it
hey.... do you like.. blue moonies..?
I am
A femra
Who is requesting
to see this hrothgar
that's hot, how rough is she
Why is there no hetero xiv art?
we like this right?
same but my femra
When is mare gonna come back? My rava+ misses sleeving catgirls and femras
it doesn't need to help, you can just vent for fun or something. or not, idk.
I love all moonies.
that was drawn by a woman so it's hetero
I may or may not have a miera Rava friend whose name rhymes with 'Babe' that is interested in you
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Temporary /xivg/ Loporrit syncshell, will delete once Mare updates

Syncshell: LSS-9WH0MC92E
Password: mareisdeadlolxivg
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i love femroe good bye foreva
stop giving me materia my daily log in gacha boxes...
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We love alliance raids
Hrothgals... femhroths... I need them......... please...................
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oh cutties... they have to be paired not exavtly like together but ok like i can have cutties but not petties but i dont like petties if the person doesnt give me cutties. well sometimes . one time i had this like 50 yr old woman pet me and feed me goldfish and call me a good little kitty that was awesome
myeehh ... eehhhe... i did say this out loud though and my fp pet me and then said u can have a proxy pet
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met my thread twin

catboy to catboy communication... a single braincell bouncing back and forth like a game of pong....
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what are the rpgs you edit into your pictures?
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Yuri EB who hates Futa on Crystal...
How does anyone find this attractive man
Futa is whatever but these hypercocks are just silly
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i really really like this
Yaoi EB who hates Cuntboys on Crystal
my moonie wants to see this hrothgar too if he is straight
my homosexual manslut crush uses this emoji ('v')b
Nta but my moonie says hiiiiii...
hi did u miss me
Femlalas will never get my catboy to pay child support. We are professional deadbeat dads.
>expert as bard
This should be a war crime.
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mostly black souls tho i also put different VN text over them. like this is from dead days but i also have some with subahibi or gore screaming show
not really i saw you last thread
This is why I love to bully moonies
you love to be bullied
Hey you fat pig oink oink
Like in a gay way or in a fujo way?
anon that is barely above average..... don't tell me that you're a dicklet?!
thighs too big
tits too big
waste too narrow
hips too big
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moonie fangs
be nice to mr. skathe
My new favorite biofem poster... I think your posts are so funny...
As a sidenote, what do you think of Akemi and Miki? They're kind of annoying, right...? They're kinda stealing your thunder methinks...
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Do you..?
only when the + is big and juicy
apparently it's been a running theme/joke from FFXI that Prishe only does anal?
i'm very nice to him
sexually of course
Most futa porn is like this unfortunately. Disgusting hypercocks that are never proportional with their bodies. I LOVE futa and big cocks but nothing turns me off like a lack of proportions, and unfortunately a lot of modbeasts outside of xivg don't give 2 fucks about proportions and just want to be the biggest shebvlls around, ironically making them miles less appealing.
>black souls
You fucking poser bitch kys
uterus cat?

5 months since DT came out and only thing you have to show for it is getting fisher to 100
i want to be pussywhipped by her
I told you i was going to strangle you and then I went to bed I missed your reply
you should take more pics of your zen instead of the same few
Im not downloading pedo mare
>anal only
Is this a pajeetland forced meme again?
That made me smile
I hope you have a good night
They'd be better off with normal or slightly larger sized, honestly.
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Here you go.
Hey there bestie, how is life
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Collecting moonie fangs!
my femroe uses c:
ok but before that



hey hows it going
>find cute moonie+
>defang her
>declaw her
>debarb her
i love moonies!
black souls is sick as fuck though
My internet cut out so I played some DQ3. Really works as an MMO detox.
Moonies never have +
Fiddies with lipstick meme actually
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moonie fangs!
What hat is this?
Yeah I would plap this fiddie
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my femezen likes moonie fangs...
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What hair is this, I've been looking for something similar
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One we cant get
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weird post
because i de+'d all of them.....
i am
a gay catboy
I am
a straight femroe
who will rape you
my femlala needs to be reborn on the battlefields of crystalline conflict but she's hesitant to take the first step into ranked...
what is it
about finna moopcats
i want to kms so i pop back in here to remind myself it could be so much worse

bait used to be believable.......

just missing u xo
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NEED to pick this femezen's brain but I shrimply have not have time yet
mine does
My catboy would literally eat your ass with you in that exact position
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how did they fuck up the expansion with an advanced technological world
it has electropunk disneyland
what the fuck went so terribly wrong
My male midlander? Femlala owned.
She should get slamraped by my Miera as a warmup
Mine does and it's pent up
>it has electropunk disneyland
>what the fuck went so terribly wrong
didn't some plugin dev make it so if splatoon or some cheat plugin gets detected that it bricks your dalamud?
I want to us splatoon and every cheat under the sun because I am over this game but don't wanna get plugin banned
sigh... why did I even bother...
>could be much worse
That's what this place is good for at least, hopefully you'll feel better soon bestie
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...? how so? because i can assure you ive played through them all. well, im not done with BS2 yet. i understand theyre very poser series that many people fake being into but i dont play like that. ill gladly talk about any of them with you if youd like.
aw thankyou luv luv luv luv. um i dont have any opinion on them really. miki's name makes me think of miki hoshii from imas though so i get happy feelings reading their name
idont remember if i rreplied frankly. also i know i just get lazyyyy here you go new screenshot. thinking about calorie
killing myself
not enough wuk lamat
i miss 48man DRN, bros
Is Ninja fun in PVP?
What are your thoughts on the modern day ebins vs. the ebins of eld?
cute bdp femezen, would pet and give her toooons of gifts
Aw it turned out great, very cute post!
Don't let *that* femlala see this...
The problem is that it's fucking disneyland. Nothing has any teeth. There's never a time where it feels like there's stakes.
no thanks

i sure hope so!!!!!
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Report in!
the first attack on tuliyollal was pretty good at that but there wasn't much else
>didn't say no to the ass eating
I don't know where anyone else is
you WILL sit through the mandatory 10 minute queue
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nya~ my meownie looks and meows like this nya~
What if I was a malera instead?
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>There's never a time where it feels like there's stakes.
this is really not true, its just that as the expansion progresses it puts you into "peril" multiple times but it doesn't actually do shit with it
>oh no wuk got kidnapped lets learn about llamas
>oh no there's a cyber army spaceship here ok lets talk about peece and friendship
>oh no this bitch is gonna assimilate everything ok lets go play in disneyland
by the end of it you realize that you were being told a story, not playing one and its the worst feeling
i've finished with the relics a long time ago..
i wish i had any reason to go back
shut up bitch
i dont think itd be my thing at all like wouldn't it just sort of feel like a bidet

bro the horns..
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she's miera owned buddy
>miera played by a biofem
Why is this so hot to me
Builded for my Melf
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abusing your workers is ok ok ok if youre cute
i dont really care if im being honest
but i feel like old ones idk a lot of them felt like they had more.. character... but that just may be exposure ? i dont know. i need to be around a little longer to think on that. i liked the one old poster um idr their name but they were a catgirl who "wuld tlk like this meow" i think their name was fr meow or something. i vaguely remember them.
yay everyone should give me gifts
eheheh... ehehehehehehehehe-
Thumbnail looks like xavier renegade angel
thoughts on
>male midlander
>male elezen
>male roe
>male lala
>male hrothgar
>male viera
>wouldn't it just sort of feel like a bidet
Only one way to find out! It'd be more gentle than that though.
the contrast king
>literally zero posts
It's so fucking over
>bro the horns..
I'll sand 'em smooth for you, kitten
You forgot to add these to the OP
your moonie looks like she could pull her leotard aside and the tsunami of hell-brewed girlstink erupting from her crack would make me go like https://youtu.be/1xOOFCltZuc?si=4mSt6ha4dcfLMu6t&t=442 ANYWAY dc and eb status
what happened after you got put into a mental institution? did it help you get better?
when people say fixed bridges and fixed ice for spheen what do they mean
i'd win
The fuck is this OP picture?
the bridges are fixed so you can use them :)
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only I know hate betrayal, and darkness... my life is filled with anger and rage and sadness
when people say you're 38 years old what do they mean
too blonde and clearly gay

fine, can be really good can be terribad, occasional charming, absolutely not, fine, not my thing, safe bet

more gentle than a bidet? what kind of violent bidet have you been using

thats princess to you
futa comes from porn addiciton, porn addicts tend to go balls deep into bizarre shit
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Ask them not us silly bloonie, what it means is that you have a static order on where to go and in what order based on the crystal you get tethered to
I know what you are
Post when you beat BS2, it's peak
When you don't queue down you have nobody to blame but yourself.
I am
a depressed femlala
who got yelled at in party finder
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>ok guys just do fixed bridges correctly please
>tanks and healers go first, everyone does it right
>4 dps instantly dead
how do we feel about more reasonable sized futa
like a femboy aesthetic
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no. i got put in because i tried to kms on christmas when i was 18. i was in there for the minimum 3 days then left idk it sucked but i made friends with this cute russian girl and i taught her how to find knockoff brand purses but also got sexually harassed a lot and my roommate had schizophrenia and wrotel etters about killing people when she got out. then i went to a residential unit for eating disorders but i hated it and made besties with this girl and peple hated us cause we didnt want to get better and just talked shit the entire time and bonded over our love for drugs(and i gave her some that i snuck in) i was in there for like.. 2 weeks. i was also in a ton of like partial hospitazlization
none of it helped i just liked the attention so i kept going because i was the most mentally ill
i will i will dw dw. i just need time and concentration. i need elisabeth carnally
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it gave you an erection didn't it?
be honest.
no I can't get those it just gave me a tummyache
A tongue is soft and warm, water depending on the pressure can be a bit more forceful, you know?
ban all australians*

*all pacific islanders are considered australian
>none of it helped i just liked the attention so i kept going because i was the most mentally ill
That's real man, you're oddly cognoscente
>fine, can be really good can be terribad, occasional charming, absolutely not, fine, not my thing, safe bet
thank you for this information, it will be put to good use
damn sorry to hear. that was p much the last thing i've heard from you. I didn't know you play XIV either
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i make great posts actually
dont lump me in
Give it your best shot, little man
do you mean trans
Mods are back so you have no excuse...
i dont know actually

ur still wrong nigger u cant get me

like what...
my hagezen needs a lolizen to take care of
my lowlander died of retardation
only if it's a lolizen+
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does my fit go hard
where is confess anon when I need him
you know i like my femra drippy bruh
then be prepared for a hagezen+
>like what...
Lolizen should not have +s.
deal, she will be bullied by a girl half her height and twice her length
no that's fucking gay
you're wrong about australians, it's the fucking kiwis shitting up the thread every time
i love glubbra
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The fit goes hard
that's hot
i need to meet this lolizen rn
*sprays u with hose*
it's cool and really comes together... but your face... I can't smooch you like this...
>no AST
>their AST is unkillable
>you get a SCH that casts LB on a solo player in backline

Its so tiresome
You should share...
Yes please I'm so fucking tired of this motherfucker Shoro
*sends a tidal wave to your tiny island*
how are the maori protests treating your little hovel btw
is it for meeee :33
share what
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>Job that is known for a lot of aoe damage and can be annoying in the backline picking people off if given the chance
>Give it a new skill that requires YOUR dance partner not you, BUT YOUR DANCER PARTNER to secure and get killing blows.
>This gives you an attack that gives you a buff that gives u a faster lb for you and your partner
>The attack animation is so long that most people will heal before the damage goes off.
I don't understand who at SE was cooking. Its a good idea but what the fuck.
>Zepla was visibly disgusted when someone in the chat shipped her with Xenosys. She asked him to not do it again.
Is this what short people have to go though?
Your tits were so cute ngl I'd make your eyes roll back
i always did find it weird that that helmet makes your head a gaping fire hole, never really understood the connection to the rest of the set
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that would be illegal anyways, my glubbra is too youthful
why are catboys like this?
Miera post
i live somewhere else surrounded by chinese so zero impact on me
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I am a femlala
who's reached her limit
Bald and short is a deadly combo. Isn’t she married too?
it's time to break it sis..
*raises it a little*
now what
I used a Phoenix Down on her.
She posted her tits? Where
played by awful people. all they do itt is anonymously shit on other people too
im trans
Xenosys could be 6'5" and he would still be objectively disgusting, ew
>shipped with a pedophile
give it to me
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me too
Do you like Meena, princess?
thats cool im supportive of you
Some short people are cute. That guy is crazy ugly no matter what height though
I'd be disgusted too if people shipped my with xenos
Sis please don't say this, there's pedos posting right now
didn't know heiko was a catboy now
Sis you need to be in a party to LB...
Ugly bald dudes with porn addictions are gross lol
catboy post, your kind is known
thats literally this entire general
Bald man is also a pedo lest we forget.
holy sex
pure sex
Do you like meena?
Man, I'm fantaing to miera now
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oh she's special
/pet /pet
have a popsicle little friend
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Yeah, I know.
i nweeeed two kwill mewself ! ! ! !
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I'm in one.....
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lmfao nice try xenos, but Yoshi is 5'4
I mean if youre bringing him up, Xenosys resembles the kind of guy who has no regard for his partners sexual pleasure and will gladly bruise the bottom of your throat like a teenager getting his first blowie.
He would also forget the condom, always, so you always have a bunch in your purse and you really wonder why he never bothers.
Oh and then he treats your clit like a fucking Italian ice with his fucking sandpaper tounge when you just wish he would do it right for fucking once,,
>shipped her with
They could have shipped her with literally any human on Earth, man or woman, hot or ugly, and she'd have the same reaction if she hadn't already expressed interest in them. "Shipping" an actual human being with another actual human being and then telling them that is freak shit that's barely acceptable if it's a close friend or family member saying it to you. A stranger saying it to you should get launched out of a cannon.
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*interlocks my fingers around your hand really tight*
ha! that will teach you to keep your hand open like this!!!
he does play a malera after all
yeah i know, i was saying even if he WAS 6'5" it wouldn't matter, he would still be repulsive
He's not going to fuck you again spudsy. You're too old now.
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Dare I say
can't give you anything that doesn't exist yet
I'm thinking of putting together a unique meetup, but I'm thinking of the logistics of it
>already that fucking short
>go with an actual dwarf beard for your facial hair
How does he have nobody in his life to advise him against this?
So how do I get a thighlander to molest my shotalander
Woh..... this almost looks like a lala version of green bun.
My femlala gives the driest blowjobs this side of the Agelyss River
I don't know who that is. Please understand that being online has atrophied your sense of what it's okay to say to people. Don't touch grass. Brick yourself up in your room like a 13th century nun and never speak to another human again.
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you guys ready for tomorrow..?
tyler martin's toothless whore mother wasn't home to raise him
this all describes my first bf lmfao
you cooked with this
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this is literally my moonie
i didnt even start it
its over
i dont have tiktok either
Am I on fucking reddit or something...?
Jesus fucking christ
It is completely made up and then are angery

last time I joined a PF and asked a clarification question I instantly was hit with "lol what don't know the mechanics?"
nah i missed like 3 days worth of dailies
Any up to date alternative for Gagspeak?
Jesus.. You guys went fucking berserk on Xeno.
ok, present wol for bites
no lost my account for 2 days so I'm 2 days behind
Hector guide shows what fixed bridge is
Ok lil guy. Nobody cares.
You haven’t seen anything yet, reddit boy.

Xeno is a nigger.
boooooo u suck

same its a moonie trait
Go to the plapshack right now young man.

My moonie is going to bed.
Good nyaight my nyagga
i mean, yea. i think of myself as such, theres a reason i usually try and talk to people about their own mental issues. im very self aware, and experienced with it. i knew going into all of those that i never wanted to get better, i either just liked the social aspect bc i had no irl friends, or i wanted to look like i was trying to get better to my parents and stuff
eh. i dont really care anymore. therapy with my solo therapist helps though. just because it helps to have someone to yap to and not get told off for talking too much. thank you though. i appreciate it
Actually you are the nigger Lionel and you owe him 23k.
>dyel (his arms are thinner than happy's in every pic they took together at the media tour)
>personality is playing the easiest job in an easy game and then screaming at teenagers online
What's there to like?
Do I want to play lancer, marauder, thaumaturge or arcanist (summoner)?
Which one is my favorite?>>503048732
my femroe
will get split in two tonight
by a maleroe
They’re both niggers. One is a schizo nigger and the other is a bald nigger.
lancer because it turns into dragoon and thats my favorite
>It is completely made up and t hen are angery
Wait so... are you in your 20s...
for once I agree with Zepla, I'd also be grossed out if someone shipped me, especially Xenosys
speaking from experience I assume?
maleroe hands typed this post
liking 17 year olds doesn't make you a pedophile
Should I remove my /c/ from my plate before jumping into ranked PvP
thought this said malera for a second
now im disappointed
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a lesson i wont soon forget
my malera
will get split in two tonight
by a maleroe
dwarves are cool and he will always be short, might as well own it
I have an announcement to make
I am EU, I have woken up
We will now transition from NA XIVG to EU XIVG
Please no, I check people's search infos during the 30s countdown and always get a good laugh when I can check the weird shit they're into.
Xenosys would been better off not playing into being Asmon 2.0 and just remained angry, jaded beard guy like he was before late SHB. That said, being unliked while short and bald is a skill issue, even if you won't get plugs or height surgery.
Need O'kiku (op) eb
we need the
poster to check in lmao
>femroe on malera
No height difference, shit taste
Hello Leviah
Height surgery is demonic.
>I have an announcement to make
>I am EU, I have woken up
>We will now transition
Anyone on Crystal want to play the game?
What do you have in mind anon?
the pedos protecting their own
This hair just looks SO fucking good.
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i got claire jumpscared in my cc game :3
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I meant you should give me yours... They'll grow back
Will people fall in love with me if I pocket heal them in CC and FL? How long does it take to get a stalker if you're not a femlala?
ENOUGH with the Xenosys discourse. It is time for femboys to claim the throne
haven't had a problem with it here
plus you're on primal and if you're standing in the wolves den everyone there is too angry to feel lust
my wife looking exceptionally adorable with her new haircut
there's no such thing as pocket healing in this game
I dont like mexican glamour
is that that femra again

please stop trying to guro me in different ways
>height surgery
He'd still pass his manlet genes which women would know. Also the painful surgery prob gets you 2 inches at best? so he'd be like 5'6
Lmfao how is claire so bad years later
This guy is such a loser lol
has Val addressed the allegations?
i am literally right behind this hrothgal
this is a girl tho
If my moonie logged in, would you give her huggy wuggies?
>posts female character
never have I seen such a perfect example of "femboy" actually meaning "girl with dick"
Kiku is male
Yamato is female
Carrot is joining
there is no fucking way my race is gonna be able to wear the hat
I'm going to paint this cat's glasses
Newfriend here, Chaos or Light? Do not solicit me for RP.
I'm down for anything really
it has to look female
otherwise the whole point of a femboy is moot
how many sicknesses do you get daily to avoid playing with friends
My fulala is a girl with a dick
Anyone that hates Yamato is a friend of mine. But yes, I still want a Kiku EB that towers over me and has a +
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>he still hasn’t cleared the unreal
>he still hasn’t cleared EX3
>he isn’t fully geared for FRU
>he isn’t almost done with the Pelupelu quests
>he hasn’t gotten all of the new frames
Do you even play the game?
>Xenosys would been better off not playing into being Asmon 2.0
this would imply he's a big YouTuber which is not the case
no i just gpose and erp :)
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Same but on Chaos...
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goth ryne
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>Do you even play the game?
sis... your male markings?
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im pretty excited for it, its a shame its a mogstation thing a lot of the upcoming mogstation stuff looks really nice its gonna make me poor
it looks really nice with hats too
Either-or. You can travel between them anytime to get to PFs on the other. (more PFs are on Light)
Bro I havnt even touched the fucking Savage. Extreme I couldn't touch cause of no sub but doing that this weekend, same with Unreal
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my based defender
no, tycho, val fucks lala lewders now and isn't gonna talk about it
Yeah i'm gonna be buying a lot of stuff. It's part of
>Zero's attire
Sooooo most likely $18
we should bring "webbed" back
i am
a gay hrothgar
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are you the black guy
I'm geared for FRU but I don't have plans to run it. My current schedule is working on leveling up alt jobs and pushing towards unlocking Mentor Roulette again.
urianger if he smelled like a barn
Zero's attire has a hairstyle, accessory, and weapon included, it'll be more expensive than usual
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i am playing the pixel remaster of 2
I am progging EX3 in PF
I am feeling despair
the graha set is all individual pieces with really good dual dye channels and the modernslop set is really nice too. plus that gacha male character set looks cool. its gonna be a rough time on my wallet
>this is what passes for "content" in xiv
no wonder this game is fucking dying
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Fiddie this this for my Fulala?
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Very true
Alejandro forma de perfeccion
Why thank you /dote
ya i miss it
male midlanders
What the fuck is a cureburn party?
The hyena girldick thing is largely a myth
what game is this? I wanna play it
does she wear cross pasties on her nipples?
that would be so hot
>alexandrian fiddies using hyena beast souls
yes but they have pictures of dead jesus on them is that ok
>anti pedo was a pedo himself
many such cases
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The real oracle of darkness…
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whats up
I am an Ark Angel FL (femlala)
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i am a WAP femlala
big fan
not necessarily a pedo himself in this case, but he plaps pedos
i am not them but it is realm of the mad god
who else finna boutta raid
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Perhaps later.
>7% meld on first try
i'm cool as fuck
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time for drinking fun leveling with fp happiness spiral START
holy fucking shit
Did you know fiddies CAN read?!
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I feel sick to my stomach but i cant tell anyone because this is how i make money this is how i define myself we like this everyone likes
This plap goon cum pump pump pump
Everyone likes insatiably getting off and off their hunger is never ending and im the food
What am I
I had so much hope for the future only a couple years ago. I was so close to being normal and now. Im a celebrity. Im a cum dumpster. I'm a disappointment to my lover. I do it to survive
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he'll address them by doing it more
my moonie will get split in two by a sunnie+
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>my femlala waddles into your room
>visibly heaving from the effort of climbing the stairs
>sweat dripping from her piglike physique, she lays a plate down at your desk
>she shuffles away, tripping on your dirty laundry left on the floor
>her body hitting the carpet makes a loud THUD
>she looks back at you, tears in her eyes, beached like a whale unable to move herself

Well...? Eat it...
im fox story except im fox would never get a "lover"
*german accent* und das is vat happened to ze little boy whos started his rotation wit Gekko
is it your first time playing it?
you doing the other PRs?
My wife, what the FUCK is this?
go to sleep xivg
what does fp mean
Do you have any nsfw album?
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>can't toggle jacket off
Only if you're coming with me...
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moonie to afk with my sunnie+ for extended periods of time
Yeah, I know. people aren't so self righteous when they're horny
floppy penis
you already mod, just mod the jacket off
(wet ass penis)
I am but a sunnie- but I could still afk with the best of them if you wanna........
if only i was faster.... you were right the whole time...
that hair looks cute on your femra
anon ive done all that I even got my 99 totems on friday that's why im so bored this game is dead
we're in fact so bored my static is doing eden raids and we're casual raiders
failed homunculi
>futrannies spamming their shitpost fetish
May I have one sex
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kissnotize my femlala....
and then while she's woozy, put her on all fours
and pump her donut hole full of your Bigger's cream....
i'm soooo bored
my femlala needs to get her frustrations fucked out of her so she can be well rested for the yugioh tournament tomorrow
My moonie didn't get much sleep
Shut UP Kyoppi
miera hands typed this post
what helmet is that on your little chocobro?
does kyoppi even rp
are you cute
ask chloe scarlet
favorite person, bpdemon target they latch onto for emotional dependency
nobody wants to play the game together
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no... i'm a donut earring femlala....
maybe....I dunno
queen's guard
serrit isn't into lalas and simmie is open about it
what does femezen saliva tastes like, what one spat in my mouth as a test haha
that's because there's nothing to do in this game
go play like, monster hunter or something
pretty much anything besides an mmo
My meena is 200 years old and has 16 grandchildren
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honk shoo mimimimimi
you sound cute
playing the game is boring
my fava is 200 years old and never scored
I can work with that. I've got a lot of things I can catch up on solo or via Duty Finder.
simmie's a lala lewder?
i tried
i made a pf for some chill weekly stuff and people were like "dumbass, i could just df for that" so now i dont bother trying with you useless fuckers anymore
how did you not know this
well if you wanna afk.......i'm at lb
What possesses fat balding men in their 30's to pretend they're women?
anon when he wakes up from a 4 year coma
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2:35 CC ET Crystal.
I wanna try out nuDRK so bear with me
i'm neither fat nor balding and I do it to make other GAM cum
Ah yes I see we are now entering the CC section where most of the players realize what jobs are top tier so the AST/PLD/RDM queue is clogged with people who lock it in Diamond/Crystal but are Silver tier skill level and trying to punch above their weight class
whos pretending
game is boring and shit and we all quit
plus classic wow comes out tomorrow
transgenderism and homosexuality
Men's lives are hard and they are weak enough to want the easy life.
what happened to the trash thread
My meena can help fix that
anybody on crystal wanna learn some BLU spells?
My mava is 144 years old and doesn't know how many children he has running around
you act like it's common knowledge
y'all fell off lmao
Socially stunted autists that are terminally online.
Jhazda spammed it until it died.
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i wish i was someone's fp. been a very long time
whats you with some anons here thinking this way?
No one is pretending to be a woman because they play a female wol
Is it unironically low iq? that they cant conceive separating themselves from an avatar?
not until i reach crystal (i just lost my rank up match)
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Goodness gracious
what spells?
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any xivg approved pvpers playing?
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>Many good looking glam pieces of crafter sets
>only specific crafter job can use them
it's his cum hahaha get it? it's his gay semen lmfao hahahaah good one!
Unnamed tranny
Not on Crystal
what makes a person do that
sex..with this roe...
job exclusivity is SOUL
you would always have been faster faster with the sks buff first...
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>No one is pretending to be a woman
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just go play on korea servers lol
I will be there after dinner
whatcha drinking, bpdelf?
He is severely mentally ill
I'm probably gonna be asleep in like, 3-4 hours
>play a female character
What kind of mental illness is this?
Severe untreated mental illness
does this roe only like carboys
It'll be 15 dollars each set btw also you have to actually have the job leveled to the gearset you want to buy
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100 million players of these games over here, all pretending that they're women.
any of these

#111 Peat Pelt (Matoya's Relict)
#112 Deep Clean The Grand Cosmos)
#115 Dimensional Shift (Eden's Gate: Resurrection)
#121 Mortal Flame (The Grand Cosmos)
#122 Sea Shanty (Matoya's Relict)
#124 Being Mortal (Titania)
#118 Winged Reprobation (Innocence)
>forcing you to play the game
>soul slop out of nowhere
for 2 no i had the origins version on ps1 years ago i am going to do the others also the ones i have not played before are 3 and 5
WHY does this not extend to the rest of us?
Yes, it's a third world thing
They lack object permanence
do ANY hetero people play this game at all?
Rori my moistwife don't call yourself piglike
Someone post that tweet from the biofem complaining that a man pretended to be her girlie friend
no lol
They purposely gimp glam because they want you to buy mogstation slop.
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5:55 CC ET Crystal.
yeah i just dont spam my character
given a choice, most men would play larry instead (male lara)
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>touching anything made by koreans
>especially their MMO servers
it's the same thing with calling everyone brown or otherwise screeching about inane shit in the thread, if we rangebanned everything except the west and yes that means australia too we'd have a far better thread
I'm playing right now tho
How do I know if I'm a bpdemon?
i almost always only drink vodka mixed with water and 0 cal flavor usually lemonade
alcohol calories suck
>see an xivger on enemy team
Hold your fire, that's oomf!
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I spent several hours getting WVR to 100 and I don't even like the set. I can't even make the shoes. Whata mistake.
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>also the ones i have not played before are 3 and 5
those two are some of my favorite because they're where the job system comes into play fully
who's playing
you go to a doctor and get diagnosed retard. if youre questioning im promising you you're probably not, its the kind of thing where you just know it
say please
this roe likes lots of things
you are a bpdemon if you have received a diagnosis of bpd from a licensed professional
On the plus side weaver has some clothes!
may this femroe please break my pelvis...?
Do trannies play Femhroth because of the wide shoulders?
>no apostrophe in their name
post album whore
Don't reply to me if you don't want to play the game.

What you feel like doing bro?

I join all the time but must have missed it.
Cute winter wife
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They're calling me goddess, damnit!
What am I to do?
Im mortal, i fuck up meteor phase, I fuck up basic hygeine. I'm no ones goddess!!
meanwhile I can't afford or craft it and I like it :c
At this very moment? No. Tell me where to find you and I'll add you as a friend so we can arrange that later.
I play for the large penis
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they also apparently get log-in rewards
No, you're not.
>20 maps
>12 portals
>1 final floor
>0 figmental coffers
put up a pf
just buy it
The log-in reward thing is an event specific to the release of Dawntrail in 2 weeks. Most of the time, it's just your normal FF14
t. just opened another gift box containing one singular piece of materia today
>KR are treated as higher class citizens than JP/NA/EU
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Primal - Exodus, old sharlayan
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anyone wanna fuck
You will never get pure white/black from your login reward bro...
For what exactly?
Pulling Sphene's little dress down in front of everybody
Yeah, let's
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7.3 will add the ability to purchase level 1 allclass versions of the DoH and DoL AFs with the catch that they require the current highest scrip and a max level craft unique to each DoH or a specific collectable unique to each DoL (just to prove you're at the level to wear it normally)
The DT ones won't be available until 8.0 and the 8.0 ones won't be available until 9.0 and will require level 110 and 120 crafts respectively
Trust the plan
post pic
I miss Leviah
Too pricey, maybe when they're 2-5 mil.

Cringe faggot fetish
it's simple. unlike a fat balding man who's wasted his youth, women are always desired by someone. even if it's just for their bodies. and that's all these guys want. They want, for once in their lives, to be adored. To be wanted. They're hungry for an experience they never received as a man. And since online praise is addictive, they can't get enough. They'll be here all day, all week, all month, 24/7 whoring out their female wol.
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Anyone want to do late night mappies?
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hello where is the rude/idgaf option??
This is a very cute hrothgal and this set looks very nice on her! /pet /pet /pet
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9:45 CC ET Crystal
>DRK lb is still pencil thin for some reason.
>They want, for once in their lives, to be adored
Just get a job and shower regularly
>Guy's mom just died again, kind of
>Has a small trinket to remember her by
>First thing you say to him is tease him for it using the name his mom used
who thought this was ok
I want to play this game. Based on this, what race and class would fit me? :3

I wanna fuck Sphene's custom sculpted asshole
the weird part is that some anons here are cute irl and could easily get a real gf if they got their shit together instead of gposing
based only if it's black
female raen
After a week of ranked I would much rather the mode die in a month instead of being forced to play with the absolute creatures that come from crystal and aether. It's not enough the mode has become too reliant on job comp, but non-primal players are much worse at pvp on average. Not a single thing went right for CC this patch, and we still got 2.5 years of it...
face 5 fiddie
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Trust in the plan... I will fit into the black and white mirapri schemes of Limsa Lominsa...
umm i logged out already but you can have this (it was a red materia)
male veena
Male viera veena
Pictomancer or WHM
retarded overdesigned vfx wowslop that nobody used unlike the extremely popular e1-12 and p1-4 raid sets.
I need a black EB
100% female raen
Not that large
male viera
But I like gposing more than I like having a gf
wait so koreans are still on endwalker?
is everyone ok playing a solved game or is there a bigger blind runner scene?
This was a test, you all failed!

I play Femlala.
you can get a fanta? i wish we had this
There's more to it than that. Plenty of men here are employed and shower, but they have terrible personalities. They're abrasive, rude, and self centered. They're borderline narcissistic. They can't have a conversation without letting the mask slip and revealing their true nature. It's like Kryptonite for bitches. They flee the moment the red flags show, and the flags show early. Don't believe me? Just look at this place. Horrible maladjusted narcissists for miles. There's a lot of soul searching they'd need to do, a lot of self-hatred they'd need to root out, before they could ever be good for anyone.
Yeah, "get their shit together" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this post but I agree. Most of the people here aren't bad looking. But the moment you talk to most of them it's like "oh, this is why you're single." As a female character, their horrible personality gets delayed a bit. People put up with their horribleness because they make hot gposes that make them cum. It's just selfish people putting on a show for other selfish people. You guys don't even play the game anymore, no clue why I still come here.
>extremely bad post
every single time
I want to take lewd pics with your fiddie
I know which femlala made this post.
>They're abrasive, rude, and self centered.
pretty much
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>I'm not pretending to be a woman I just completely changed my mannerisms and typing style to be more feminine, go out of my way to avoid referring to my irl gender, refer to my character in the first person, blogpost about doing stereotypical biofem things, etc etc etc
Well first I need to get out of this mahjong match because things are going terribly. Then spamming some instance runs on JP.
Who are you quoting
Yes, it's 5 or 6 months behind
I've heard some people recruit for "heading" parties which is basically blind. However there is a lot of Korean people who will just go through the trouble of playing on the global servers to experience it firsthand
I think the chance to get it is probably less than 1%... It's too good to be true.
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this desu
Anyone want to help me do some WT stuff?
probably, but at least you still got a chance
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>>I'm not pretending to be a woman I just completely changed my mannerisms and typing style to be more feminine, go out of my way to avoid referring to my irl gender, refer to my character in the first person, blogpost about doing stereotypical biofem things, etc etc etc
oops wrong picture
Trans wrongs
I'm not pretending to be a woman I just completely changed my mannerisms and typing style to be more feminine, go out of my way to avoid referring to my irl gender, refer to my character in the first person, blogpost about doing stereotypical biofem things, etc etc etc

I don't do any of those things nor do I even post my toon but once every blue moon. I made a character I wouldn't get bored of looking at after 1k hours, it's simple.
Impressively obvious samefag
do you like meena
i like wuk but i dont like trannies
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1:45 CC ET Crystal
usually when the /v/ threads get deleted the teenagers backwash in here for a bit if they don't make another sweetbaby thread
you get used to it
what outfit is this?
I'm not gay but i'd literally shove my tongue so deep your ass i'd be able to taste what you ate yesterday
thankfully squeenix is free of that taint
but they were far from the main thing wrong with dt
not helping you then
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this picture just screams that she likes a certain type of skin color.....
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Korean Dawntrail is still a week and a half away.
When are we getting cool open world content like WoW? Because beast tribes are NOT it.
excuse meeeeeeeee princess
you WILL have fates and forays and you WILL like it
I don't like Wuk Lamat.
As a character, she's just irritating as fuck. I played the game in English, but when people try to tell me I'm transphobic for hating a *character* in a game whose English voice is done by a trans person, I just lie and say I played it in Japanese. I don't have to provide a good faith argument for retards like that. I've never met a trans person in real life. My own life is busy enough, so I couldn't care less about what some dude does to his bits. This group is like, not even 2% of the population. I don't give a fuck about this identity shit. I just think Wuk is written like shit. I have so many receipts. I can talk for days about how dawntrail is poorly written and how wuk could be done better, and none of it involves the va at all.
Sprout or falseflagger

Call it
never because this game will never be an open world game, it's an instance game
Very funny the samefag responded to you to complain about that type of shit immediately

You read them like a fuckin book
>28 words without mentioning trannies
Good job, maybe you'll make it a full post next time
Baby steps though
gn ser
No one has called you transphobic for disliking Wuk Lamat's character. Cool story though
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>Succubus horns for caster and healer
why play this then
*motorboats your tits*
im personally a fan of the buttwings
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what, you don't like logging in and doing the same stupid fetch quest every day for two months until you get a mount that you can't even use because you spend all day idling in limsa and never leave town???
sounds like we need to add you to the list!
thank you, sis
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why is this always the case?
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I hate n*ggers and women and jannifats and lalatroons.........
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What boss is this supposed to be?
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>Every single shot of Hildi so far goes way too fucking hard
My femra is starting to warm up to the maloonies in this thread.
Maybe catboys aren’t so bad after all…
who's playing
could you ask that other femra to stop trying to guro my catboy
My fiddie bottom right but without penis
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5:25 CC ET Crystal
why not sunnieboys? we've got bigger cocks
I don't need to be seeing these falseflag posts at this hour, catboy begone
i still haven't done the newest dungeon
i just
dont care!!
My hrothgal top right but without a dick
post thighs
Anon, it's a Viper.
From bottom to right
>White mage
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me on the left (obedient moonie) with my mommy femra (that im searching for) and our serious monogamous relationship with cuddles and emotional support.
Something like a third of /v/'s population consists of teenagers with names like Rodriguez and Pablo who exclusively get their opinions from twitch streamers and outrage-bait youtube channels, and who may or may not actually play video games
They have copypasted personalities so you kind of get used to the exact order of posts after a point

We're getting full sets? I thought it was just tokens for Quetzalli gear or something
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aint no way whats goin on with bluds wrist
I have no idea who that femra is and I try to pretend they don’t exist
It's one armor with slight variation.
same wanna hang out
lack of taste
mental illness
post moonie
Because male sunnie cocks are for female sunnies (me)
I meant LEFT
No they announced actual armor
No clue if it's cosmetic only though
I hope Chaotic is successful, Diabolos Chaotic sounds kino
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Good morning /xivg/!
Why Elezen need such long necks?
post socks
My Sunnie bottom left and has the dick
No, people call you transphobic on the kneejerk assumption that "disliking Wuk Lamat's character" must be a lie and a coverup to hide a seething rage against the VA. People who are behaving dumb that way are strewn all over internet spaces.
good morning Domanra
more kisses for me to give
what for..
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>chaotic will be yet another "hard" large scale raid where you need to join a discord server for it and listen to some nasally 22 year old on his mom's health insurance "guide" 23 others through a floating-lady fight with in/out stack/spread meteor mechanics
I know it's a Viper, I'm talking about the armor. The new raid armor is based on enemies, we already know fending/maiming is Diabolos and healing/casting Succubus
Futafags are worse than trannies.
For long.........
You're supposed to be obedient, not asking questions...
I miss the futa thread in aco
you did kind of just go on a rant about trannies so
if you're that red eyed one, i don't want you
do trannies even like catboys
sorry about your having to work to survive dude
same i used to see the croc cucking me by plapping nearly every single one of my thread crushes
the more notorious she got the more badly they needed her massive sweaty steam-clouded croc dick
i logged out!! i havent been logged on in hours! haha!
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you have to make ark-angels that represent each of the current ffxiv races. what are the vices of the following races?

Au ra:
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Whenever you feel like you might be kind of autistic remember you could always be this guy
Or you could just go in and be a winner and then win.
>Swap gear
>change absolutely nothing
>default portrait
>for some reason my gear needs "updating"
I'm tired of this inconsistent crap.
I am tired of outrage culture. I know when somethings bad, I don't need to be reminded every fucking minute weeks later by some retard with no unique commentary.
"Ark-angel" is the most retarded shit I've ever heard and if it comes from the FFXI raid I'm writing that slop off before even doing it
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>want to use gear from current BiS gearset as a glam, dyed specific colors
>if i overwrite it with anything else it loses the dye
this game is so fucking dogshit
I haven’t seen many male sunnies post so I don’t really know how they are around here…
Oh.. well..
obedient to my femra wife!
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Right here bro.
You dont get it you have to get really mad over wuk lamat right now and give my youtuber clicks or else you're a woke DEI communist tranny
please for the love of god tell me that is two different people and not an alt
>345 wins
That is probably like 700 matches total what the fuck its barely been a week
It's all good lil bro. I hope by the time you get to my age, we've made things better for everyone.
Normally I'd just go in on day 1 and do it but it's looking like it'll release while I'm away for the holidays so that's out. I'm resolved to just be fine with no dealing with its bs if it requires a discord server and scheduling. The armor doesn't look that nice to me anyway.

Mostly it bothers me because all they had to do was released alliance raid (unreal) and most people would've been ecstatic. Instead it's like ... one fucking boss, from a raid series everyone's sick of, and it'll just have the same recycled raid mechanics only now we're gonna be stuck there waiting for the weakest link in a 24-man squad to get it so you know it'll be shit.
I don't think my friends like me very much
Add the gear into dresser and onto plates, then take it out and apply those plates on it
same wanna eat cookies together tomorrow
What makes you think so?
Oh hey I played against him and got my ass kicked
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7:55 CC ET Crystal.
Going to be my last game.
I tend to get ignored, I don't get invited to stuff, I usually have to initiate conversations
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well you see
when you wear a collar on a normal size neck, its more difficult for someone to choke you out as it gets in the way! a common problem.. so a long neck makes that much easier!
How am I supposed to become your owner/wife if I don't know who I'm looking for...
I'm going to knot and creampie a femra.
i used to not like butt stuff too much but lately i've been obsessed with it to the point of someone farting in my mouth as i'm eating their ass becoming a favorite fantasy of mine and i fear if someone decides to rp some light scat during that, i'll go with it
From my experience this unfortunately seem to happen to a lot of people.
Maybe ask them about it
i got distracted from my responsibilities by being horny and playing ranked cc
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that's really retarded because I would need to unslot my materia and slot it back in
why can't the stupid ass system just not be a convoluted ass mess
why was WoW able to get it practically perfect the first time and then FFXIV decided not to copy that
Same. 90% of them were abominations, but there were a few nuggets of gold.
are you still awake
Tell me about femras and male middies
They probably like you anon, they're just forgetful. Tell them this is bothering you. I'm sure they will be amicable towards your feelings.
You look like the kind of girl who could use two FPs...
I've been trying to goon myself out of the idea of meeting people ig so I don't get wrapped up in something I regret in the future
>Lalafell: Greed
>Elezen: Arrogance
>Roegadyn: Wrath
>Hyur: Gosling posting
>Miqo'te: Lust
>Au ra: DYLM
>Viera: Futa mods
>Hrothgar: gay
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I want to share lewd catboxes of my wol but I don't wanna be associated with that and one pose has + content as a trial run for it
gott damn
goooottttt DAMN
I don't think this will be very hard being as they want to make alert periods for it so people queue up for it.
I wanna believe it's semi-casual content just for the fact it's a giant burden to prog with 24 people when 8-mans regularly have melties.
Surely they have that foresight right?
Are the Warriors of Darkness homeages to them
What thread am I supposed to use to post my sunnie+ now?
alright I'm sorry I just.. got no pics.. I need to make some.
censor the face
It's not much work and materia don't matter
It is retarded though, but it's not a big problem and easily circumvented
I'm tired of pretending to be pure. I want to embrace my carnal desires. It's just too bad that I'm a femlala.
The bitch on the right smells like cum and it's canon
Lalafell: greed and subversion
Elezen: pride
Roegadyn: ignorance
Hyur: whoredom
Miqo'te: laziness
Au ra: whoredom
Viera: faggotry
Hrothgar: same as the above
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I hate contrast and interracial but ever since a sub fetishized the fact that I was brown in an ERP scene and afterward refering to it IRL I've been enjoying the idea of conquering someone based on race
Good job anon! Post nut /squirt clarity will take you far! I believe in you!
>forgot to set up my workshop for today
i'm scared that my friends don't like me as much as i like them
I try not to be that fussed about it, they still do things if I ask sometimes. I just get a bit sad occasionally
It's ok, you're forgiven. You'll just have to be extra cute when we cuddle to make up for it!
no, other ff games had warriors of darkness
forgot that content even exists
please never bring it up again ty
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I tried sending /tells to a friend but they never respond
There's a really easy test for this anon. Simply tell them how much you like them and see how they respond.
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no, they're the warriors of darkness from ff3
they aren't the ark angles
the ark angels are literally the manifestation of sin in the world
the warriors of darkness are...warriors of darkness who came from a world where light was too powerful
this isn't rocket science
How spastic is dragoon gameplay?
They're the same thing
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Same person, literally all he does is xiv pvp, commonly swings between crystal and platinum, too
ff3 had the actual warriors of darkness yes, but the party composition of xiv's warriors of darkness is the same as the ark angels
The cowardice that binds you...
still pretty spastic but less spastic than before
god ffxiv pvp is awful
I ERPd with only 3 people in my six years of playing this game and two of them are from this General.
>Surely they have that foresight right?
Dunno. Lately they've been making so many dumb decisions that it's hard to have faith in them. But their actual content design for DT has been on point, so there's definitely some room to have faith. We'll just have to wait and see. Either way, difficulty aside, the thing we're being given is just not what I'm hyped for at all. I'm not even sure who they're trying to excite with this, because the rewards from it are in the ilvl where actual raiders wouldn't feel compelled to go for it, and the release window for it doesn't even let people use it to gear alts for ult or something. Meanwhile, the alliance raid crowd are pretty casual people who enjoy a multiple boss large scale content experience but don't want to be "trapped" by it, as evidenced by the fact that alliance raids can generally be carried by a handful of good players and there hasn't been much pushback from that formula. It just looks like they're abandoning the actual alliance raid formula to appeal to raiders who'll just treat this like variant dungeons all over again and abandon it citing shitty rewards.
What are their initials
We are now entering an era that despite pvp being controversial in general, most pvpers are going to look back on EW pvp balance fondly as being fun and great, 7.1 is that bad
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you should seek out an ophthalmologist, you seem to be suffering from some sort of disorder of the vision
i still dont understand what they were thinking with astro
what should i play in frontlines lads
I got 6 commendation crystals from previous seasons, already spent 4 on weapons, I'm in gold right now and genuinely do not have any motivation to continue. Theres no new reward, the meta is 10x worse, alts still present for inting purposes, nothing was improved.
I become a dumb, bumbling idiot when I’m with my erp partner since they know exactly which of my buttons to press to get me going.
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is it mine?
Chaos Alliance Raids will be like Alo Alo Savage, where the reward is cosmetic to try and get people to do it often.
People do DRS, BA, etc even though they're expansions old, just for the cosmetics.
Thanks anon, its been very tempting though
I feel extremely lonely in game and usually just wallflower but i'm starting to think maybe the anonymity is good
did you wanna.........afk........
Ohh well if that's what you want.. Sure!
N.B.,N.L. & N.T.Nonya Bidness, Not Leaking and Nice Try
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Balanced by people who don't play the game and don't pvp
They just look at stats on a board and go "Oh this job dropped to 49% in ranked analytics" and they come up with some retarded new ability and dont playtest it
There is no thinking or playtesting, this is the playtest
>another list i didnt make
The most irirtating part for me is how they added a fuck ton of crowd control for jobs which are absolutely braindead when applying it. Why the fuck RDM has aoe silence AND stun AND shield AND mitigation + AOE healing on LB? What compelled them to give smn long range stun? Why BRD has 3 hard CC effects?
I don't get it man, it just does not feel fun, almost like no one tested this shit.
>I'm on the list
Is this form the cross-DC Mixer?
posting my wol butt at the end of the thread

I shall be there
okay bro
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It surely is one of those days...

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