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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>2nd Anniversary Commander's Report

>Update on November 21

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
Maintenance - November 21, 11:00 ~ 15:00 - https://timee.io/4ya
SECRET GARDEN - November 21 ~ December 5

>Upcoming Events
Union Raid - November 22 ~ November 27
Co-op: Harvester - November 22 ~ November 24

>Current Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28
Flora - November 21 ~ December 5

>Current Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Volume: Beat the Gun [Mission Pass] - December 1 ~ December 31


Sex with flower girls.
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Yo! Core+2 SBS.
Does Flora grow her own weed?
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*pees on your garden flowers*
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>cutesy event music
>go to challenge
Always throws me off.
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The AZX?
Why do people keep posting her face
everything reminds me of her face...
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I love my dog Biscuit
How many Nikke are girl failures?
Volume is based.
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Brick you on what, you're seriously gonna roll for a 40 sec B2?
>he didnt roll her his first 10 roll
do lucklets really?
>Flora can subsist on dew alone
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schizo nikkes are immune to mind switch
I actually like the event lobby music this time. It’s so calming it’s actually quite nice especially when I’m losing my mind writing a 9 page essay
I get where Biscuit's coming from. I'm a cat person and I swear if anything happened to my cat I would go apeshit.
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>roll 5 singles
>get Zwei dupe
>roll 10 once
>get Flora
May your rolls be blessed today, bros
Sex with biscuit
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Flora works with Naga bu the only reliable way to proc her shield like that is with Rouge.

Guillotine's and Scarlet's S1 proc her shield immediately but the trial doesn't heal fast enough to heal them back to full and abuse it.

Ein - Flora - Treasure Laplop - Rouge - Naga seems nice.

Do your tests right you stupid nikkers. Good night.
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20 pulls
So is the dog food also made from Spendamin?
Only niggers and trannies like cats, niggertranny
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You can do it Skk!
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its just that good
Hmmm.... Where's the new main story chapter?
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Later, right now I want to hug her and take her on walks
Yes! Splendamin is made for everyone!*

*CG is not liable to any negative effects of Splendamin.
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ANOOOONS, new survey in the notices page. Don't forget to answer it for some jims!
Nobody cares about /nikg/ testing you're all too retarded. Just wait for Skypag.
After some rough banners I got Flora with just 23 pulls, thanks Shit Up
Yeah, I've had scenarios pop in my head on occasion if someone or something harmed my dog and I really don't think I'd react logically; I'd probably snap.
Flora is exactly as schizo as she looks
in a few months
>people always talk about 160 wall
>currently can't get past 120 because no resources
its ogre
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Can't I just eat her ass instead?
It's the fact that they (unless it's like a german shephard) cant fight back and rely on you to protect them. A weaker version of a mother protecting her child, because in that case it's her own flesh and blood and thus far more potent.
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Raptilion is a faggot retard and should be gunned down for even suggesting we can coexist with these beasts
Total Rapture Death
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I just finished my 360 word essay and that was a doozy if i can do it you can do it hehe
Already did
Shit on them for lame platonic bond
>scarlet bs
Shit on them for making 60$ skin for a past slop
Shit on them cause they keep making past slop units.
Volume is great
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2-3 months
After anni it's usually in Feb
Then its April, with the half anni
Then its August?
Then its Anni
And the cycle repeats
>killing off 4 teams just to do subpar damage on one team
Go kill yourself, retard.
>dogs are literally black and spic community choice and he posts this
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>tell nikg faggots that nikkes are not black or latino they are just tan asian for over a year
>they get mad and piss and scream
>then this happens
get fucked retards
yeah here
>Cinderella skin is shit because it covers her ass
>SBS skin is shit because it covers her ass
>Dwife skin is shit because it's almost the same as the original
>Rapunzel sucks because I'm not the one talking to her in advise sessions
Why would anyone pull 4 great units away from other teams with better supports to make one garbage unit seem okay?
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The Admire?
I still don't care about volumigger
Skypag will just cope with Maid Priv stacks only to conclude it's not worth it, Flora's designed for a future unit that can proc her S2 reliably.

You first, framelet.
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Stop acting like a woman, keeping grudges and shit. You're a grown ass man
I'm just lucky i hyperfixate on booba and ass doesn't interest me very much. Makes it way easier to enjoy skins, etc.
first 10 btw
Bros... The event homescreen is making me feel weird... What do I do...
>animal wars
is this better or worse than dub wars and country wars?
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i am dum
>Only 9 pages
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50+ rolls, pretty rough but can't be helped.
when will her bond and background fluff be bleached to match. Mumble rapper no, kpop starlet when
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Thanks, doro.
That means for the whole duration of 2024, we've been stuck in a crystal city. And that's about to happen again in 2025.
The AI text club is right there and accepting all co(o)mers.
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>pulls out yarn
cats are niggers with 4 legs and you worship them lmao
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Sometimes my luck is... Almost frightening...
kpop stars are gigantic bitches, it would fit fine with no personality change
Volume is a spicy Latina and you can never change my mind.
I could swear it was established some time ago that the Raptures only ever attacked humans but were otherwise docile and indifferent to anything else (aside from a brief period where they were recorded eating animals).
How do probabilities actually work? if I do a ten pull with a 4% chance every time, that doesn't give me a 40% chance to get an SSR in every ten-pull, surely?
Built for begdruging gloved handjobs and cumming into her plants as fertiliser
I thought that was Noise...
who cares retard
blackpill me bro
>if I do a ten pull with a 4% chance every time, that doesn't give me a 40% chance to get an SSR in every ten-pull, surely?
You have 4% every time you pull and that's it. Unless a game explicit tells you the x% stack which wouldn't because you would get stuff quickly, then it's x%
Short answer, no
Long answer, take a statistics class
Is Noise a latina to you as well?
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Permutations and Combinations are taught in high school...
Well it says they wreak havoc on the ecosystem not the animals themselves so it probably has something to do with them being a horde that runs around breaking shit, scaring off the wilderness, and their natural predator being a rat eating autist
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People who try to attach ethnicities to anime characters are genuine subhumans. No better than twitter trannies who cry about light skin.
They really are improving the chibis, wonder if they'll add a new mode with them.
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Stop remembering things
She's a sniffa? dang I really should try to pull her.
crown's design complexity makes it really hard to draw her (default) look.
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This is Ark propaganda. Don't listen
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she is Ariana Grande what ever her race is
But luck is literally a tangible force in Nikke world rather than being wishful thinking. Since they can actually weaponize luck in combat. So...
I wouldn't be surprised if she's supposed to be half korean, half filipino or something like that
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Alright smelldev, I'm pulling
>sour grapes
>sour grapes
>sour grapes
>SEApag cuckposting
checks out
Crazy that she got away with this
That makes sense. Especially considering some Raptures are the size of a grocery store, they're bound to cause damage and panic animals just by passing through.
>he bricked
ariana grande is asian thoughever
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What would Biscuit's butt taste like?
What's supposed to be so different here? And desu the way she acts, she could be as well a damn brazilian
this is a yuritranny manga btw
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wtf she is doing it in the open
wtf i like volume now
Cats are pests and do literally nothing but leech from you.
now that the dust has settled, what do we rate the event?
30 pulls ezpz
stfu retard fag
>What would Biscuit's butt taste like?
another dog's saliva
immediate 10, Biscuit events are undefeated
I kick stray cats to death because I am based and dogpilled
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Don't care, it's still fun and based
>t. White heterosexual man
No you see, I need to indulge in my fantasies of fucking a hot latina
I could have sworn the explicitly stated that they are doing that.
Why does Flora keep calling me worst Powerpuff Girl?
Sorry the Brazilian Nikke is reserved for the next Privaty Alt
Flora has autism. She's perfect.
0/10 its dog shit
I still don't like Volume and it's not because she's black.
>male gaze shots
Haha, no.
The "surface content" they're working on has been explicitly stated to be based around the "SD models" (chibis).
bros you didnt tell me flora is fucking retarded...
Women can't have autism.
>male gaze
KEK go back to twitter
I still like Volume and it's because she's black.
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She doesn't look pleased for some reason.
I wonder if i'll date one one day.
I like Volume
When will that be released? After Champion Arena?
I'm not a smellfag but I like it when girls have that fetish for some reason
Is it just me?
nikkes prefer them small
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Lets go flower girl in 10 pulls
fucking Volume's big butt
She doesn't want her first time to stretch her out so much bro. That's why you have to lube her up and be very gentle while teasing her tiny nipples and caressing her tiny waist.
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No, it's hot when girls are pervy. That's why privaty being a degenerate is awesome.
>calls us blossom
bitch i'm a buttercup
>Missilis most of times make autist nikkes and weirdos
I wouldn't doubt that Marian was also corrupted by them
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Probably. I don't know if they've specified the release date any more than 'next year'.
Same. Imagine walking in on your girlfriend sniffing your underwear.
not retarded... just schizo. There IS a difference
Bliss or Bunny?
The flowers are saying you're gay
My flowers would never say that!!!
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Oh shit they finally brought back DC girl.
Any leaks?
wtf is this real?
Why is the game telling me I haven't done First Affection when I know I did?
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wtf is this emoticon is that supposed to be a rose?
Ok you're right, Flora is schizo, Biscuit is retarded.
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Leaks or datamines?
this happens to me when I switch to a new device on nikke for the first time
She looks tanner now though.
>Biscuit as going to sniff SKK dick
>he politely warns where she is descending her sniffs
>looks angry
My dick is in danger...
looks very dumb imo
yeah, tan asian.
ugly ass bitch if she ever gets released it will be the worst performing banner ever
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it's a flower dumbass
She'll be the banner that causes EOS 100%
Imagine they release her before any of the other pilgrims/heretics lol
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Why is skk stopping Biscuit?
ur very dumb imo
sideways emoticons are really dumb, just like the dick one. It just seems so silly.
Just like Volume
You can compare a lot of Day 1 Nikkes with skins and their chibis
There was a small but noticeable change
he's not into bestiality
You don't want a love bite down there.
mages in nikke when
She'd smell his semen and instantly go into heat
He forgot his peanut butter.
floras right there bro
>7 multis on Flora
>3 SSRs not one of them is her
Guess I'll save like I said I would
Tiny Vapaus particiles might go into her brain and destroy her NIMPH.
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>they didn't give her a sexo redesign
Why? Even K got a redesign because presumably the original wasn't up to their standards
Here's you
8==========D O:
This is the Nikke that makes this game go -90% revenue
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>see everyone drawing her
>do it
>10x and she is in my team
Very nice and I will stop right there
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>if we don't pick the berries they'd harm the surrounding flora
>us picking the fruits when they're ripe is actually helpful
Can an /out/fag//an/fag confirm? I'm not that knowledgeable on this.
Someone explain the pointy ears.
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is she wearing a fucking BDSM harness?
only the sexiest nikkes have the right to look at SKKs dick and even fewer can taste it. Biscuit is an ugly unfuckable nikke and stands at the bottom of the ladder.
I have a fear if I don't get Flora, she'll be meta for something and I'll regret not getting her.
Not if she's remotely meta, there are "straight" men here who pulled for the tranny Grave.
I didn’t get her in the first 10 now I’m fucked for Christmas and bricked for the rest of next year
desu it sounded like bullshit to me, because as far I know fruits that "rot" on the floor end up serving as nutrients to the soil
Gayest post itt
>SKK never tries to fuck any of the nikkers that look like teenagers
>Stops Biscuit
Gee I wonder why
why are so many people posting their Flora pulls?
she has no meta and no ass value whatsoever
you might as well just post a brickwall
stfu troon
( ° ͜ʖ͡°)∩
You will regret calling Biscuit ugly when her super sexo skin releases and then you go "I always liked her"
>base volume has body stockings + thong nothing covers the shape besides the hair
>bard volume has some scarf thing blocking one ass cheek and the booty shorts blocks the contours but shows lustrous tan
>base volume does the whole leg spread and tits swirl like it’s trying to do breast stroke but is covered up
>bard volume has more volume, shows skin, great cleavage, and drips ale on them but the bounciness is stiffer and there’s no leg movement
This feels like a sidegrade and not a straight upgrade. So I gotta ask, did they at least give a strong meta treasure to Volume this patch? Cause if I can’t even use her besides gimp content I’ll just wait for her to get a summer alt. Bard isn’t hot enough to make me spend cash especially when I’m reminded her shitty looking burst doesn’t change. It’s ridiculous how most of the slutty looking girls end up with a burst that loses to Naga who is given for free.
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I don't think this is the case. At worst it'd probably attract insects before decaying into the soil. Might depend on specific fruits that could be dangerous. I didn't get this. How do you have a plant and not have it generate oxygen?
Retard they're just doing it for the collection. They already have every other nikke, that's why they can waste rolls.
oh hey it's Graveschizo, how have you been "man"?
>Flora gives everyone plant names, kind of like what Alice does
imagine if she was the only one who knew who Sixo was, and when we ask, she just says that Bluebonnet is really Amaranthus
That's what I was thinking too but maybe there's more to it?
SKK has turned into a complete dork this event
1- butthole
2- shes my wife
3- shes a bit retarded and a bit autistic
4- suck my balls
>I'm retarded and can't understand other people enjoying a non meta unit
ok retard we know
She cute
>expecting anything normal at all
Biscuit has literally zero sex appeal. Cope or post proof faggots
Volume is never getting a summer alt, or any alt at all
If you wouldn't fuck the cute dog girl idk what else to say except you're gay
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im saving because i have to otherwise i would, i think shes super cute
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I don't play this game for damage numbers.
if they gave anyone a treasure, we would have known by now. It'd probably be next banner at the earliest
>durrr no ass or tits and 40s b2 trash lmao
>half the thread is rolling for her anyway
lemme guess, some kr autists realized she was actually broken?
Did this happen to Rumani as well? I skipped that one cause wasn’t around to see if rng was turned on but I wonder if this is how they attract pulling for shitters.
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this event is pure kino and fun
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>shortstack dog girl
>zero sex appeal
the real retards are the paypigs who roll every banner
she's one of the least popular nikkes.
I never understand meta fags. Like we're playing a game about cute girls. Do you guys really care more about numbers than just pulling for a girl you think is cute?
Daily reminder that El*gg was the second worst selling character of Nikke's history
SKK (me) is really retarded in this event.
I have literally every nikke except for Maid Privaty what else am I supossed to use my tickets for
Flora is rubbing off on him
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being retarded is the ultimate chick magnet.
no, she's for cuckquean sex with actually attractive nikkes
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What kind of shitty anime trope is this
Not meta, not plot relevant, no sex or even a little flirting with the commander. What is the point of Floras existence?
My guess is actually that regardless of banner we have enough whales n dolphins here that pull on everything. The difference is not popularity but ssr rates. Like have we ever had a banner where a lot of people posted their pulls and most of them were dogshit? Other than festival/meta shit I mean.
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what would happen if i put my finger directly here?
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That's one big assfang.
>immediately starts sniffing the shit out commander in bond story
yeah, just admit you didnt pull her and you're upset.
Who was the worst?
I have 150k gems and 250 gay tickets I can afford to roll for cute
*sniff sniff*
This does not smell aromatic at all
The chibi is sexo and you will use it for "surface content."
Prevent gases from escaping. She will build in pressure until she explodes
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>he doesn't realize we're actually collecting opium poppies
but she does that due to her flower retardation, not because of anything else
non-anni events aren't voiced?
Quency, last month
It honestly would be better if they'd bring along the fruits back to the ark and stop feeding people that shitty splendamin slop. Then again, maybe that Aurora flower can fix nikkes like Crow or Yuni.
>girl only sniffs the shit out of you and invites you over to her house because shes retarded
okay and?
ewwwwwww stop posting this disgusting bitch
yes new cutie. Va's cost money
Man, Happy Zoo is my least favorite unit.
it's drugs
Nope. Christmas and Summer are tho
Flora's voice sounds like flowers.
kek @ the biscuit / happy zoo hater schizo
are the nikke players actually gay? how the fuck did Quency's fat ass not do well
Why are you not into animal play anon? That shit's hot
That... actually makes sense.
>spreads Cinderella’s cheeks wide open
>take a HUGE whiff
>”that doesn’t smell very beautiful”
>take another HUUUUUUUGGGGEE whiff
>licks lips
>tonguefuck her anus
I don’t care about chibi, what is surface content?
It's the only unit I can think of where you had sex with a woman ON THE SURFACE.
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The No Tears
The Pure Happy Ending
The Want to Dream
The Audience Has Spoken
The Ab... Grabe
The Genius Fairy
The Became a Goddess
The Scientific Swole
The Firepower is Not Her Forte
The Strange Man-Superhuman
The Godmother
The Deep Scars
The Witness
The Protector
The Chrystal Chambered
The Rewriter of Stories
>Va's cost money
not for long
>Flora subsists on Mountain Dew
no wonder she's joining the gaming group
Most events aren't voiced. Only ones important to the main story usually get that treatment and most of the seasonal ones.
we reach this point where Not limited/pilgrim = not sell since all the whales stop spending because they are at max level
Leona is great. The rest of them suck though.
I can't believe they actually released a nikke with a visible asshole
as a butthole enjoyer I am really proud of shiftup
Maybe I should spend some of these...
SBS New Years is too now, but the SNeon event still isn't.
>What shall I do to be able to help?
>Contact Blanche and Noire
>Try to use my magical eye
It's official. SKK is Guillotine's older brother.
of course, sweetie, of course
So there's a whole squad dedicated to plants? Who else are they gonna add?
Is there a way to turn off the special effects of Cinderella’s aim bot thing? When I wanna shoot down circles the extra clutter gets in the way.
I've had animal girl fatigue lately.
Leona is decent.
Nah, get to 1000 first.
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Thank you for your post
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The problem is doing what they say
On thing is advise, which you can follow if you want it
But at the same time
If you want to roll with your dick (or heart) go ahead
If you want to invest in your waifu go ahead
If you want to use your waifu in any kind of gameplay go ahead
A brick is a brick, but it will be your brick and yours alone
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>Flora calls Syuen Lobelia
>Lobelia symbolizes malevolence
kek, sounds about right
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I just want Volume to sit on my face and start farting
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Do it
I broke 160 wall a while ago, got like 120 blue tickets. Is there any reason to save them at all?
I'm so close to getting 10. Soon I will find out if /nikg/ drains your luck pulls.
I mean if you wanted flora or any other non pilgrim nikkes from it you'd have to wait till she's added to the pool but otherwise not really
No, spend blue whenever, save rainbow tickets for anniversaries and such
If they somehow implement personality into AI, the line reader's jobs are finished.
I find I am almost guaranteed a pilgrim whenever I do 100 blue rolls
Not really unless you want to wait for someone specific to enter the pool. Cinderella and Grave are most likely joining on the christmas patch so if you want chance for extra copies that's when you should spend them.
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I don't have RH, Doro, Noah, Isabel, OG Scarlet, Harran, or Marian

Meanwhile my last 3 non-banner pilgrims have been edgy Scarlet

Why does she love me so much bros?
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>non AI text to speech was focusing heavily on making inflection a codable timeline through markdown language
it's coming
You use blue tickets to get any non-pilgrim nikke you've skipped
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I kneel Nihilister god
cute mast
They made a core shooter self buffer, an SMG. Do you know how dumb that sounds? Some bosses don't even have cores, and some mobs in which do more harm to you the further away won't get core hit easily.
So mini games, yeah whatever. If it’s chibi I’m not looking for sex appeal but uwu.
don't care, huge ass is a must pull
>trusting made up chink numbers
lol, brown
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My uttermost respect. No other hereticfag will ever be as dedicated as Nihilisterchads
will we ever "win" against the raptures
This Flora chick is useless if I don’t have true damage Nikkes right?
Lucky for me, Japan is immunized do to the Vocaloid craze.
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>it feels like whenever I'm about to get some rest, some Nikke comes barging into my office
>I'm going to put up a Do Not Distub sign on the door so...
>Flora enters
KEK, our SKK will never get any decent rest ever again
which nikkes are in the coachella lineup?
Both Red Shoes and Raptillion want to coexist with Raptures. We know what happened to the former, so does that mean Raptillion will...?
I'm winning every day against the raptures.
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This shit actually scared me a little bit
I'm NOT ready to Fight the Raptures
How would you rework brickwaifus to be useable in any way at all in the game
>skin system where they just cosmetically go over the viable team you're actually running
only thing I can think of that wouldn't get people mad like making gear the main source of power this late in the games life
do you think flora does drugs? Like she's obviously gotta be into pot atleast with her talking to plants.
I really like Rian, she has a great personality
bbetter rreeeeloooaad
wasn't the hot spring resort from xmas 2.0 on the surface? so technically bunnies and Ludmilla would count as well
And that SMG buffs itself to be like MG and with two lines of hit rate it becomes pinpoint accurate. Core or not the problem with SMG and shotgun have always been inability to properly hit things that aren't already fucking them in the ass but Quency can hit enemies at long range.
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Nihilister is literally the anti-whale. You need to actually play the game to get her.
Wasn't around then. Only heard that SKK was a retard pussy around Ludmilla so I don't know whether they did it or not.
She's useless even with true damage units.
>Laplop bursting with Frimmer/Mari: 12.5m per hit
>Laplop bursting with Frimmer/Flora: 11m
They already hit diminishing returns a long time ago. You're better off with an attack/damage taken buffer.
druggie nikke would be funny af tho
She is useless even if you do have because you would be taking Laplop away from iron/pierce team and Ein from electric team and her buffs are not big enough to warrant taking them off their normal teams. Treasure Frima is so bad that no one uses her.
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Before beating the raptures, it seems humanity is about to beat itself, again.
I like her, bottomless girls makes my pp into the big pp
please tell me it's bait and that you guys don't actually use useless collabsloppas
Anything Dorothy does after Ch26 is a direct consequence of Rapi's cockblocking.
Flora's MG sounds pretty beefy
mine's only 4 and will only barely reach 5 this UR, shid
Have you not taken the chatbot pill?
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I have a ryona fetish, but because it reminds me of how I wouldn't do any of that to a woman.

In short, I want to kiss Nihilister's booboo and tell her everything will be all right.
Flora should plant her butthole directly on my left nostril
I bought DWife's skin just to remove the retarded chin diaper...
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syuen is so insanely sexy
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>Biscuit - My dream has always been to take my dogs on a walk on an open place like the surface!
>Flora - My dream isn't that too different.
>Biscuit - You wanna take your flowers on a walk too?
>SKK - .....
Oh, Biscuit, never change
well that's one way to break your nose in preparation for correcting a deviated nasal septum
make sure a doctor is nearby
For the retards who are gonna go out to buy Mountain Dew because Flora check what's inside those bottles before you drink them

Wait, we're Blossom? Man....
We should collab with the Powerpuff Girls
SKK got fucking bodied by bees.....
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what kinda bees make milk?
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>The flower field really is magic eye and gives you a picture of Doro
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Noticed that I'm missing 3 date cutscenes from the Snowfield Hot Spring mini-game. Can I only get those cutscenes by resetting the event, or are they available in endless mode? I got Ludmilla the 1st playthrough last year, and Emma just now. Mica, Blanc, and Noir are missing.
god I wish I could have her back in my lobby
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Counters are the comedy jobbers
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biscuit in heat
This event has reminded me Rian design is still trash even though I like her
>I'm only capable of subsisting on dew.
>drinks mountain dew, retarded, and talks to flowers
yeah she definitely has a "secret" garden of something alright
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I want to get blacked
She was bullshitting so she doesn't have to eat dog food. SKK wasn't as lucky.
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Holy fucking sexo
It's dissolved rats
>we'll inevitably be called Buttercup and Bubbles
be careful
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Didn't know these were my Burst Skills
Kinda mid
Buff when?
>Nero and Leona are taking care of the garden
Timi is going to mess the place up right?
Tonight I will dream of lovemaking with Rosanna.
Still missing one Cindy copy to MLB her. Is she coming to normal pull anytime soon?
In his defence he was being swarmed. There were several bees already on his body and many more actively chasing him so the threat level was high.

I'm sure the bee stings could be dangerous since the rates of bee allergies would be many times higher
as there are likely no bees in the Ark and thus no exposure to them. Honeybees are usually very passive but if they were wasps or something that can be scary.
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Thanks Shift Up for giving me another reaction image to use in response to Nikke asses. or pits
how dare you say that. Timi is a good well behaved boy
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Did anyone go?

I'm actually in this picture kek
>new banner
>pull new unit in first 10 pull
I'm convinced I have a dev account, this happens every time
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is this what happens when you respect the dot bros…?
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I've already spotted you
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He definitely took a picture of her arse.
No I don't have brainrot. The moment you think AI is human help is the moment humanity has fallen and objectively gone to the path of extinction.
nice rapi cosplay sis
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ez 20 tickets
>plays a butt jiggle gacha game
>"I don't have brainrot"
>bunch of non whites
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This u?
You look cute anon, I hope you didn't get groped too much.
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I can't wait for Arcana. She sounds sexy.
What's in the bowl? Raffle tickets?
Flora is kinda funny
Yes, the winner get's to spend an hour with Rapi
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On-topic reminder that Biscuit is tiny.
lets goooooo girls into tarot are sexy stupid
Yes its true. The fruit will act like a long range beacon to attract insects to come and once they're done with the fruit, they'll start eating the plant as well. Also, growing fruit consumes a lot of the plant's energy that it could otherwise use on itself, so removing it allows them to focus more on its main body so to speak. The same reasoning is why if a plant isn't doing well due to disease, etc, pruning it back some can be helpful.

>source: gf who is obsessed with plants and never shuts up about them
Fuck yeah you get it.
>Flora is sixo.
good she needs to be small enough to comfortably fit on my lap and maneuvered around with ease
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tarot is stupid and only ugly "occult" girls are into it
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>I'm actually in this picture kek
you damn well know that those occult girls are sexy and retarded
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You don't play the game brown man. I'm glad your gacha is ending, but more glad that you are still on the path to killing yourself.
So when are they releasing another rapist lobby screen? I need one more to fill the last slot (the Syuen is there for comedic relief). I had to removed Yuni because she's been cooified and seeing the old her just depresses me.
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They also invented astral racism
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Rolling for Rouge. Can I get some toots, friends?
cute anus haver
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Weird projection, but ok.
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Good luck!
Makes sense. Thanks for the info.
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Should have been Sneeder
>Volume original skin
>has a body stocking, but you have a full view of her plump ass in a thong
>Volume Dec skin
>lose the body stocking
>but now she's wearing shorts on top of the thong
Dammit, one step forward, several steps back
Biscuit is at least 7ft tall in this image. Look at the Doberman on her left, standing up like that the average height would be around 3.8ft tall and it's half of Biscuit's height... Nikkes are giant confirmed
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Just Yawn and her daughter.
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Should I work on taking liter or red hood to skill 10s first?
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they are related
I didn't know the difference between these two for a while
The shitters including you have been here ever since GFL is ending. Shitters like you always go to the current successful threads to shit up. It's not new, it's objective fact you don't play this game at all. There is a Princess Connect fag that use to hang around PGR, shouting "EOS SOON" before Nikke was a thing. I bet he's you because I haven't seen that shit in this thread yet. So go ahead, the door is open, go back to your home.
Is she good?
RH always. She has a stronger attack buff and it lasts twice as long.
>they acknowledged the opening of every event starting with a nikke barging in
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Is this worth it?
At least it's SSR.
Tit veins are not beautiful
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i literally have no idea what spurred this angry impassioned response, but ok whatever helps you feel better
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Tit veins are very beautiful
God they can't just keep giving her these adorable outfits or I'm going to fall for her.
low test flatty chaser
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frimmer sexo
buy 6 months of monthly gem pack, that will give you the gems you need for it. then its worth. dont buy raw gems for that
it's a scam you will have to buy three sets of paid gems to buy that
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>walk to a mall with Cindy
>everyone calls nikke911 when they see the greatest heretic of all time
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>So are ya Chinese or Japanese?
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You'll be doing both in the end anyway so
ultimately it doesn't matter .
No. It's a random perm SSR. It might help you
with the wall but more often than not it won't.
If you still want to be baited by it, at least just buy 6-8 months of the daily jim sub to reach enough paid jims for that
if that was her gacha skin, I would have bought
Go back to R*ddit and stay there.
If you buy the monthly sub packs you'll have almost enough for it
Its not worth. Its a completely random SSR. Go look at the entire roster. 99% of them are unusable garbage. You have a 99% chance of getting this garbage. And the last kick in the balls is you can't even get a Pilgrim with it, even when it would be very low chance and even half of them are garbage as well.
Yeah that's what I thought.
so whats the flower event all about
they are very beautiful but they should be more subtle, somewhere between her gacha skin veins and the ones in that image
Not to mention, it's a random LAUNCH SSR, too. So that means anyone from Helm onwards aren't included.
>uhm if a nikke isn't SSS tier she's literally unusable garbage
>Deflowered her Flower in 10 pulls
I wish every girl was that easy
>Flops and can't even catchup up in main story because he's running brick nikkes
Your response brickkek?
>play the campaign
>if a nikke isn't SSS tier she's literally unusable garbage
Preservation efforts for the future but Syuen wants to bulldoze it all down because it's expensive while ignoring how much damage Lap causes on daily basis so Flora asks you to help her finding something that is useful now to justify the garden's existence.
Is there a reason to not use these as soon as you hit the threshold to spend em?
flora has tom prove the value of the botanical garden she runs by finding a rare flower on the surface otherwise syeun will shut it down
A defender(Cinderella) should not be shitting out damage and making the attackers look bad at their jobs.

We have roles man......
no, people on here are just autistic retards
oh cool
some people like to save them up and open them all at once and get giga despair when they get 10 sets of nothing in a row, others like to get small little bits of despair when they open one up every few days and get one quantity of nothing
the arc not knowing what a seed vault is, now go eat your splendamin
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If you want to spend money, go take a look at the beginner packs and anniversary packs up right now. They're actually REALLY good deals (relative to what's normally offered in game). For the same price, you can get the first 3 packs here and get 40 pulls and a gear selector box, something they used to sell for $100 fucking dollars, and statistically speaking with 40 pulls you have a very good chance of getting at least 1 SSR, one that can be wishlist targeted and can be a Pilgrim.
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It's only been a hot minute after I started sawing logs until I heard a stentorian *Zing* from the door. I was then greeted by this pulchritude sight, which is making me go coo-coo bananas.
Back in my day I used Soline, Admi, Pepper, Drake, and Privaty to get to the latest chapters at the time. While under recommended power. Real burly men don't need to use pilgrims or busted units to make progress.
I hope it ends with SKK just allowing Flora to move the garden to Reclamation Site 01. It'll also help with cultivating herbs for Cindy and Grave's soup.
Unrelated but Burningum just needs a decent barber and he'd look pretty good.
kek do the English translators just have a dictionary open at all times and just choose "fancy" words instead of conventional ones? it's just weird
reports are coming in from black commanders that this part of the event is glitched and the audio cue doesn't play
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>Wasn't able to MLB Crown on her event
>Wasn't able to MLB Cinderella on her event
why does the chapter 18 battle music go so hard
this whole chapter came out great honestly
Dude just roll them later lol lmao
>Counters don't show up so that we can see whether Red Rapi is here and that this is post-chapter 34 or not
Cowardly writers.
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>Counters don't show up
Thank God.
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It is one of the best chapters in the game regarding character development
after the last event its nice to get the return of commander being a silly guy
You'll get spooks of them down the line. Maybe.
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If Shift Up weren't cowards...
>t. bricked at lv14/34
It's like they run it through MTL and just tidy it up here and there. It also seems like they outsource it to different companies for the story and big events
hopefully they redesign Red Rapi
>literally two ellipses as a butt
>Every skin must be a bikini or they're cowards
just shut up retard
laplace having to deal with the side effects of basically no longer being immune to things like PTSD but still wanting to be a hero was surprisingly poignant, I liked that a lot.
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As expected, her default is better.
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This game is pegi 12 sir
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My shortstack (formerly pear) wife is so cute
Misery is only effective when you've had fun and silly times as well. Without breaks overly brooding and never ending misery get monotone quickly and loses its effects. It's why 40k never struck with me but fantasy did.
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Nobody said that.
>While under recommended power
0.1% deficit doesn't count retard
first pull, is she any good? also i just found out you can click the orange text in skill descriptions for an explanation.
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>2 years
>No skin
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well /nikg/?
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Wait the special beginner support category, or are they under here?
Or are the anniversary stuff gone now since cinderellas event ended
Why is she carrying bottles of piss around?
I used magic eye because I thought it would bring me closer to Neon.
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They're a gift.
how the fuck do I deal with the fuckers who chain your nikkes, they have shitloads of HP and it seems like it goes through cover
I hate base defense so much
HATE PEPPER (after the cowtits reveal)
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shoot them before they stun you, retard
Any sex flora bond?
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Shut the fuck up, Global piece of shit.
Pepper's popularity on /nikg/ never recovered from the swimsuit betrayal
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I wish I could draw better.
>Story features Metis in name only after Chapter 22.
Did like the VA's quit or something?
Just burst faster bwo
I want Noir to look at my penis like this
lol no
>Sex bond in nikke
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Gay post.
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too much for your 80 IQ brownoid brain to handle?
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I actually did manage to overcome it by just thinking a bit more and holding all bursts until it popped up and then doing hood/naga/hood and nuked the stage in a way that it instantly ended the whole thing
skill issue for real
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>Let me check my anus in the mirror for a moment
Nikke is a smellGOD game
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Either you're a speedreader or newcutie.
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she's looking at you, dumbass
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wtf I can't believe they revived Scarlet's dead sister Rose just for this filler event
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Screw this guy. How tf do I deal with those flying shit that turn all damage to 1? Do I have to run SMG/LMG?
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>just thinking a bit more
Leave now before this place corrupts you any further
Hit faster, babu melts them because she does double hits
Based drawgod
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>special beginner support
Normal present box where you claim the daily gems. Every single thing here is hyper value. The $100 is less than the others, but the thing that makes it great is that it gives you "normal" price of $1 per 1.2 blue tickets, changes the 0.2 part to rainbow tickets, and allows you to get 100 tickets at once whereas normally the 1.2 rate is time gated. For example you can only get 1 ticket per day with it on the daily mold buy. Everything in this shop floored me with how generous it is (again, relative) and I'm glad to see they are starting to put better packages in the game even if it is a 1 time buy.

Prseent box with timer on it, New Nikke Upgrade tab. This tab is mostly shitty. The first 3 packages however are pretty good, so good that they only offer them on anniversary and half anniversary. Its the same deal as normal where the value gets worse the more expensive they are, but the first 2 at least are really really nice, and the 3rd I suppose is good if you're really fiending for doll upgrade materials (I perseonally don't care).

One honorary mention of another really good pack is Recruitment Package 1 under the monthly tab. I don't know when they changed this but it didn't used to be this good. Very good regular buy now.
>start the event
>Flora immediately calls me a pansy
wtf shitup...
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You could test true damage at Ultra / Indivilla
Its hard to test without full investments on Frima / Flora
retard, pansy is her other friend
Excatly, she's telling (You) to look at her ass
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>destiny child reject finally get some screentime
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>Every Nikke with a treasure has a skin
>Except Hero
>Every Matis member has a skin(s)
>Except HERO
my theory on why they didnt redesign rian is simply because they have no plans to make her playable so theres no point.
Or the guy who drew there still works at Shitup and is really proud of it.
Hit fast. Two MGs or Babu/Ludmilkers preferred
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>Flora says I have different flower smell every day
>Calls people by flower names
Oh no she is going to figure it out soon...
I blew my stash on anni, mlb'd cindy and grabe etc etc. Right now after doing that I have: 15k gems and 60 gay tickets. Should I skip Flora to save for christmas/new year, or should I pooooolll?
Rian looks like she'll slice my throat by accident when she turns her head with her wind turbine blades.
hold for christmas brudda
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it's funny how she got a mockup skin before her debut even
>"Why does your cock smell like Crown's butthole?"
You need at least 1 guarantee for christmas, we've never had a christmas with more than 1 useful unit, but this year could be the year where there's 2.
Dickrolling is never wrong if you like her.
I don't really want to do that again.
No wonder everyone draws naked Crown. Her default design is a nightmare to draw.
what did they even change with the animation?
I have like 20 nikkes with unclaimed story gems, I have 10 more chapters and I can push hard a bit. I also have a lot backlog of tower. I think I can get 30k more gems (to get to 45k +60 gay tickets)
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>host skin contest
>don't actually make the winners into real skins
Why did kim do it
I hope we get a serious chapter with Cafe Sweety next
You can pull for Flora if you like her, just know her kit is disastrously bad tier.
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NIKG NA (6459), 2 slots. I need (you) to join, send in an application.
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Laplace is thicker than that.......
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My fuarking hero
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People gotta stop trying to cunny-fy Laplace.
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Oh yeah check out the Step Up Package tab as well if you want to pig some more. For the anniversary update they changed it to be less shitty. The first 2 steps were always good and now they're even better. The problem with the step up and why I think they changed it is while the final step was really good, they blocked you from it with a shitty step that had useless shit like gear experience or something like that. I guess their analytics showed that everyone was stopping on step 3 so they finally changed it. I still think its the worst step since I value rolls the most but you can definitely buy it now and not feel too bad, and finally access the great final step.

Lastly in case you're wondering, the rate to evaluate everything on is $1 per 1.2 blue tickets, and $1 per rainbow ticket (300 gems count as a rainbow ticket). This is the normal "good" price that's time limited, so anything better is very very good, hence why the new beginner support packs are so good.
Reminder to newcutes you can safely skip Flora since we are getting a unit selector banner for NY
>getting called Blossom instead of Faggotkiller Turbo Kamikaze Murder Death Weedotron 9000
Plaplace is a low-key revenue driver, I understand why SU would keep her skin for emergencies. A monthly pass skin for a boost, and the $60 skin for a big boost. They made a huge mistake with Drake by releasing the $60 skin before the monthly pass skin.
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