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Squad up in the name of True Love - Edition

Previous thread: >>502947406

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be5R10zTbMY

Reminder: You too can get a WT gf!
first for my best friend kommyhuct
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The Israeli Air Force (IAF) Base Ofira at Sharm el-Sheikh came under attack by 20 Egyptian Air Force MiG-17s and their eight MiG-21 escorts. Not realizing the extent of the attack, Israel quickly scrambled two F-4E Phantom II fighter jets. The Israeli pilots proceeded to jettison their external fuel tanks and engage all 28 MiGs in aerial combat. In just under six minutes, seven Egyptian MiGs had been shot down and the remaining Egyptian planes disengaged and returned to Egypt.[1] The Israeli Phantoms returned to their base.[2] The Egyptians dispute the Israeli account of the battle, but they never did provide their own version of what happened.[3] One of the Egyptian pilots killed was Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's half-brother, Atef.[4]
>76% WR
>8:1 KDR with 4.6 kills per game
The T29 is disgusting and I’m convinced it’s better than even the 10.5 cm Tiger.
i hate spitfires
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The big br shift last year was very very kind to it
>americlap shit is handheld
wwwwwwwoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh no way dooood
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>pidor/monke/BBC POCCNR spammers are redditors
it all makes sense now...
Centauro chads, I kneel...
can someone explain to me how there's no outrage over the fact that the best plane in the game got an engine upgrade and is now even more niggerheld?
is that really an ingame skin
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POV: you just got uptiered in a A6M5 otsu
sekushii gaaru.. sugoi
They are very similar, particularly the penetration and reload rates are almost identical
T-29 has better turret armor but the 105 Tiger has better mobility and a rangefinder

I prefer the kingtiger personally, juicy rangefinder one-shot snipes at 1500m+ never get old
That's just the A6M5 at the BR that americans think it belongs at.
.50 cals are much more useful than the rangefinder which is very situational. Especially all the new self-propelled howitzers can’t tank .50 cals frontally and those retards tend to push they think they can punish your long reload. On top of that having 3 means you can track retards almost instantly if they try to retreat before you reload.
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dude is too much of a nutcase for anyone to care him also being a redditor
why did he screencap his own convo?
>they still decide to turn fight in a F-14 and get shot down
odds of him also being the obsessed schizo?
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>armed: heavily
>BAC: 1.4
yeah it's Focke Wulf 190 time
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>third-person, mouse-aim, name tags, cage fight game modes
>unrealistic g limits, can't rip your wings, can't compress
>despite winning and killing the most players on average, chingchong nipnong players still want their hard2use one dimensional turnfighters to fight historically accurate opponents, i.e., P-40s, early P-38s, and fat Navy shit
anyone wanna squad up? I have every nation crew locked cuz i refuse to team with mutts rn
The game became so much better once I started wallhacking in ground. Been two years and no detection, it just occasionally doesn't work for a few days.

I love setting it to show bushes, so I can specifically target bushsissies. My gamesense is just really good with regard to bush users haha
I really want to fuck French women (and planes).
haha nice
post IGN I'll play russkoids
have you tried not turnfighting zeros, americhud?
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i tried watching that anime and it was so shit it's unreal
Kevin Nash and The USSR both got raped in 1992.
How do i make voice crew the mutt voices when set to english
>it makes them bongs for me
>.50 cal some pidorussian yak 9
>takes a million shots before it finally gives me severe damage and it STILL is UFOing around

>get plinked once by pidorossiyan .50 cal on some TD thing
>instant, unextinguishable niggerfire
nuclear weapons dropped on moscow when?
right after nuclear weapons dropped on fashington
>some guy .50 cal's me in my yak9
>must've hit me 100 times, STILL manage to evade him and sky rape

>he carelessly got shot down by a roof .50 cal like 1 minute later, prob was shooting a 152 with his MG belt
>seething in chat like a retard
mutts range banned when?
that song in the new war thunder ad fucking sucks
>seeing ads
what does mutt tank crew say when you press W?
It sound like
but I'm not sure
>mishacord status: riled up
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>instantly cry to janitor vanya pidorovich
this are the "people" calling you a mutt
Z_Nimble_Z melty
war thunder?
tubesteak69 moment
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They better make the Oplot a TT vehicle
>amerifat niggergun that sets everything but sovietniggers on inextinguishable fire with a single tap that's fired from a whole array of hoses with near-unlimited ammo
>"oh no the pidors are OP!"

play some axis planes and get humbled how 20mm cannons do less damage than your fiddy cal, having like half the velocity and range
>play some axis planes and get humbled how 20mm cannons do less damage than your fiddy cal
but i already play britian
What the fuck are we supposed to do about fires without extinguishers anyway? Kill engine and dive or is that an old urban legend.
Nice try u/kommycuck
>hold W
>Yes pidor!
If you're not a peadophile then you won't like it
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>the destructive power of 1(one) .50
soviet 20mms do more damage than everything
and are higher velocity with lower drag, despite being lower velocity with higher drag than mg151 IRL
>t. mutt
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There are better pedo anime anyway.
did he died?
yeah it will be top tier MBT in the Ukrainian tree. But why would you play that when you can play a Strv122/2A6/M1A1?
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based pidor poster
sorry janny but it's thread culture and thus on topic
One more week until the next dev cycle starts
more like reddit culture
Best we can do is Thai flags in the Japanese tree.
literally every western style MBT is a leopard 2, a downgraded leopard 2, or a leopard 2 in a bodykit(even the M1)
the cold can of dr pepper of posts
>both beloved by plebbit
excellent analogy
Reddit also likes oxygen, I’m told.
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Fine by me, I like ukieshit
Hope they combine it with poland or something
Why are you obsessed with needing people to like reddit just cuz you use it? Most war thunder players do lol, no need to cope post
>liking something
>having emotions
double plebbit
>yessss kind stranger!
>have my reddit gold!
Anton, where's the news on the next event vehicle?
Why are you quoting your walls? Why are you inhaling like some r/thedonald refugee?
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it's pidor posting hours in /wtg/, what you gonna do about it gajin?
pidor pidor pidor
>pidoredditors going nuclear after being exposed
you love to see it
Does your landlord know you’re busting holes in the walls in xor apartment?
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>yuropoor wakes up
>mutts already shitted the thread
such many cases.
Anyway, do we have any leaks on the next air event?
>Every enemy has runic name and full bush turret
Asian prime time sucks
I miss banan :(
>small lighthearted quip about how a russian word is pronounced
>nuclear seethe from sasha and friends
Why cant russians take a joke? they were all laughs when posting "mutts amirite" for the 1000th time
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it's always the case with people that screech about america
gayjew should make a giant banan tank decoration temporarily usable every year around april fools
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Join lowiq we don't discriminate
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BR compression is getting crazy
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>we don't discriminate
yeah but I do, thus, I will not be joining
Give me one reason not to just load the CV 105 with smoke shells and follow around chinks on the team.
I'm in LowIQ and I discriminate.
>less than a decade between BUFF taking to the skies and the end of WW2
by WT standards thats barely a full BR
You would have to play Sweden in order to do so.
new collection of drivel just dropped
They'll just aimbot through it
>more crateslop
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this map is fucking wild, can you get it in high tiers?
It's crateslop indeed, never opened a fucking crate in this game, but still this time all the camos are fucking KINO imho
(picrel is the crates i cannot exchange for warbonds yet)
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yeah and it's a shitshow. If you run into the mall with a chinkchong ZBD04 and you place yourself into the "saferoom" watching towards the enemy spawn it becomes fucking doom eternal and the lemmings will try to attack you en masse, extremly fun urbanslop
Thinking about the day in which HARMs will come into the game. Do modern USA\RU\NATO AA systems have any warning receiver for when they are being painted by a HARM? In game it would be pivotal (switch your radar off when the SEAD plane launches)

On the other hand, i would FUCK the tornado with some AGM88 on it
Can i hand over my thermals in exchange for lower BR? would gladly have my abrams back to 10.0 i dont want gen 1 thermals anyway
Just make sure to always sell the esports trophy crates cause they sell for decent compared to update crates
I think I'm going to skip scimitar bongbro
I'm already at 7.7 so I might as well move onto warrior
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these swede TDs are so fun
If it were 7.3 or 7.0 it might be fun (would have to deal with more WWIIslop heavies and retard-proof side armour but manageable).
But it's DOA with the Fox also at 7.7. Literally does the same job but 10x better.
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last time i played them you can squeeze this tank under the trailer in that map and shoot from there
new spot slop just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_f5jcebjlU
>are being painted by a HARM?
Only the AGM-88F, -88G and SiAW have the additional terminal MMW seekers the rest are passive only, so wouldn't give any indication.

Also the Low Smoke motor will make launches hard to detect.
I really dont like esport skins
I dont mind a little bit of unhistorical
but they are all like CSGO tier of shit
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>one week until devseason
>major update just dropped
damn it sure would be total SPAA holocaust then (not that now AA is really effective)
make it 2 and we have a deal
red tank in scoreboard means I have awful kda right? does the game have sbmm?
And that's why this game will forever be shit. Because Gaijin doesn't need to do fuck to improve it, they just have to keep shoveling on slop for people to consume. Nobody plays for fun anymore.
You must go back.
I play for fun
>t.exclusively plays denmark sim to sink ships
If you have the fox there's no reason to play the scimitar at least while they're the same BR since it's basically a warrior so it's fat and slow compared to the fox with no advantages of either. It would've been just fine at 7.3 but the heavy niggerbunkers of 6.7/7.0 quake in fear over something that punishes them for being the usual braindead retards they are with no spacial awareness.
i only play for fun and gave up the grind years ago, i love the cold war shit
My current Russian tank lineup T44-100, IS3 and SU-122/54. Are the 7.3 obyekt or btr-80 worth using?
>Nobody plays for fun anymore.
but I play helicopters
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12 days
im not going any higher
Sry anon, no deal
Get the zsu-57 instead of either of those since it's a better tank killer than the BTR and more mobile than the 268
There's always a December update. You'd remember if you weren't constantly ODing on corn syrup.
I'm so sorry...
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join Nigger508 for free banan

I am feeling very bloated and have been braaaping uncontrollably for the past half hour
is IS-1 gud?
Fuck no lmao. It's a KV-85 but worse at a higher BR.
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navalbro teach me how to long lance
it's a KV-85 wiht actual armour, so yes
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arcade-bros, do you guys make the minimap bigger than default? seems like an important thing
Hover over the minimap and scroll. You can and should hide that Nvidia tooltip.
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rush here with go-karts, hold back enemy main route without have to worry somebody coming from rear. Good change)))
>arcade air
Sure, I don't care, but I don't mind.
>arcade ground
Cringe beyond understanding. Get out of here.
>Hover over the minimap and scroll
oh shit thanks didnt know that
the nvidia tooltip i want shown on purpose tho cause rarely instant replay tanks my fps a bit on some games so I wanna know if its on
can thr straight to c reds not peek that road anymore?
I tried rb ground and I keep getting sniped across the map by people that I literally can't even see let alone spot, not for me i think
spam towards spawns, the obvious routs leading out of them, choke points, and caps
at 91kph they're already some of the fastest torpedoes out there, in AB theyre even faster and you can reload them on the fly instead of sitting in a magic circle
and try to keep back, your guns arent particularly great and shes a fairly fragile boat so you dont want to get into a brawl
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>War Tinder
Trannies don't count
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What BR?
I wanna smash a wehrsissy...
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Why do the Type-81's missiles refuse to lock on to helis??
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Hang all trannies
Anyone elses sharpening not work with dlss native ?
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>CHAD Combat
>TRANNY Combat
not War Thunder
>ACE Combat
many such cases
honestly don't know why i'm still here, same can be said about that shit game
Ready for your 0.005% chance at winning an IS-7, pidors?
why do japan keep getting paper vehicles?
project wingman > ace combat
its like the best parts of it condensed, never played a more fun plane game
crapanu saferusu((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
You need to be 4km close to the target.
Alright, shitposter, I'll bite
What paper have they received this year?
Where my O-I?
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I would like to use this thread to remind you that Bubi literally did nothing wrong
soviets are not axis
germ 20mm nowadays are - at best - mid
jap 20mm are even worse
>F15E gets nerfed slighty, basically no change
>US mains on the forums already complaining about russian bias because the Su34 can cobra
im playing air arcade again :)
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>things that never happened
That was years ago.
If thats what you enjoy, all power to you)))
I fucking love Luftwaffe stuff in 80s-90s anime.
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Great spawn point Gaijin
Don't know if you've followed like the last 150 years of world events but Japan and Russia aren't too friendly.
thought it said toxic players and got hyped it'd show me
thank you my friend
>"realistic" war game
>vehicles frequently getting buffed and nerfed based player performance
man after 6.0
people on naval can basically snipe your ammo rack from across the map where you literally just spawn
I guess I will go back and fight some moffett bots
Unironically wait for a Naval Arcade EC session to appear, you'll get them reloaded as soon as you dump them all meaning you could sit in an enemy cap and keep spamming them. Alternatively you can fire them all off, J out and spam more if you are getting spawncamped.
anal through pantyhose
>realistic war game
you see? do you see?
if you dont want to nerf performance, make the repair cost x10. risk reward nigga
>last week
>mention how the game takes a good 5 minutes to load from the point when i click play until i get the hangar screen
>this suddenly happened around a year ago and i thought my hardware was just aging
>update drops
>game takes less than a minute again
it's realistic in the sense that it isn't world of turds
besides that, there's absolutely nothing realistic about this game
beating crimson with the SP-34R was the most fun I had
>Air Assault still capped at ABR 12.7
>which means I can't even slowly grind my Baz Meshupar or Barak II out of their stock stats, let alone getting my self a new Fancy Ra'am
>Or have some fun in grinding out my Gripen
Jesus fucking Christ, this is the exact reason why I'm out of War Thunder for more than half a year and the devs still don't want to do anything about it?
Also Black Friday sales when?
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what four in
cruise control alt tab experience
Have they changed something about trees? I keep getting crashed when flying over them.
the fuck
do dutch tanks still have british crews
do it with VR and a HOTAS faggot
Same reason Sony made gaijin turn down the max volume of the game - they don't want to damage players' ears
Should I bring half and half ATGMs for the BMP-2M or full AT?
Ik ook ik ook! Leopard dood, wat nau?
Why is DLSS Quality literally just completely free FPS in any other game but an ugly pixelated mess in snore blunder?
>2000 RP, a smidge under 5000 after skill+premium bonus
>no research bonus because new vehicle
>1970 RP added to vehicle research after \rank penalties
how we doing rasist bros
Does the Romanian Osa speak Romanian or Italian?
Germany should get a premium F-4 ICE at 13.0
Why is spain in top tier air RB

what the fuck are these devs issues
how the fuck is map is of any relevance in air?
with the exception of stuff like pillars, which creates some different dynamic in a small part of the map, it's all just terrain you fly over
same reason we dont have axis pfps
Remove Gonad heights from the game
>remove one of the only maps where there's terrain to help you avoid the fagour and aim120 spam
remove yourself instead
we do?
there's a german tanker pic who looks like john paul II
>where there's terrain to help you avoid the fagour
That's my complaint, there isn't enough of it. We already have Sinai as an effective flat map, we don't need any others.
>we gotta solve the problem by making it worse!
i can tell your mommy drank while pregnant
You're a fucking retard bro, drink some anitfreeze
>su-34 fills the kill feed
Holy shit thank fuck we finally got a halt to the burgergroid menace
Because nobody wants to listen to that made up dutch gobbledygook
anybody has problem logging into the game? when I open it I just have blue/black screen
I can hear hangar sounds but no visuals
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What's wrong with them? How can you bleed all your speed in a turn then think going vertical is the solution?
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>grippy mogging f-15e on a regular basis
>the guns only superplane
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>hype thinking about pigging premiums to get to sexy top jets
>look at gameplay
>dont see anyone, dont fight anyone just shoot rocket into nothing
ace combat truly understood how to fix modern plane fighting
You are talking about the same people that got the F4U-4 down to 4.3 and the F8F-1 to 4.7.
I perfer me Object 120 desu
the most fun I've ever had at top tier arb is running through the middle of the map at multipath altitude with the periodic flares on and having the entire enemy team try to gun me down
Since when did the Freccia have TEN FUCKING SPIKES?!? I thought it was the same cucked 2 or 4 as everything else?
he made it up
so are bushes destructible yet?
>good at packing noodle rockets
uhh dunno!
i prefer having both
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>post discount shopping spree
>better get my spade game up
>soon to unlock some medals
>might just get a little closer the next battle
>about to lose hard to forced 50%
>still, better keep that score % up
>this player card update drops

What's even the point anymore?
It always had 8, they added two more this patch
ah sweet
ESL babble buzzword soup
my favorite
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Since fucking when do bot fighters launch missiles?
>shows neither a bot
>nor a fighter
>nor a missile being launched
most retarded faggot award goes to you! congratz!!!
Who's not paying rent this thread?
like the [Shoji] kinda bots?
like six patches now i think
Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you'll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you'll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?
For me it's [BOT] Connor
fucking shit TOWs are so good now
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any week now bros...
>>>>sound mods
broaden your vocabulary zoomie
that sounded better in your head
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No, those escort fighter bots on Operation maps that escort those super fast strike aircraft.
i feel like i read something relating to that in patchnotes some time ago but i'm not gonna look for that
gotta be recent
they've always done that
>look on the forums
>mutts are STILL seething about the 27ER
kek post em
It's mostly extreme mental gymnastics to try to maintain the position that russian bias is a thing at top tier air. R-77 a shit? Well you still have muh 27ER. That's harder to notch and has greater range.

>t. F-15E that shot and went cold at mach 2
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Which premium out of these three is the best to get?
I just researched the 190 D-9 but I need a moneymaker to get enough silver lions for it
I have the golden eagles for any of them right now
I already play the Jug in the American tree, and I like boom & zoom planes in general
Or should I buy more for a better premium at a higher BR?
I feel dumb that I didn't get the D-13 during sales, but I hope it comes back some other time
i said post em not tell me your life story
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I got the Ta154 because it isn't a copy pasta and I like the way it looks
other two are probably more effective/efficient
these are all possibly the worst premium props germany has
if you're really that desperate for SL just get the 335 the 219 or the 288 because all of the ones in your pic are bricks that require your enemies to be complete morons
nahhh asking for premium recommendations bc you're gonna buy one immediately after two sales is craaaazy
there's a setting for that
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The Ju 288 is filthy good. Now it's even filthier to use with the new SB2500 bombs.
kek I also had the biggest WTF moment when I got clapped by one of the mig-21
the funniest part is that it is the shitty gen 1 missiles (R-3S)
>AA missile flyby/engine sound (my fingers start flaring the moment I hear the faintest thing similar to it)
>ATGM missile flyby/engine sound
>penetration sound
>bomb whistling
what are some other PTSD inducing WT sounds?
you forgot the bomb ground impact sound
Am I crazy or does the MiG-23 not trigger RWR? Or is this part of that RWR change?
The J-band it and the MiG-21 use isn't detectable by quite a number of earlier RWRs.
let me guess, you are in a Mig-21/23 yourself?
Mig-23ML/MLD sapphir uses J band
SPO-15 doesn't detect J band
Yeah I was in a MLD, alright then.
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owo what are the chances
bigger than a jg508, wartg, lowiq on one team.
>start playing pasta
>all these cool pasta props
>end up playing P-47 the most
well I never really get to play jug on american tree since I end up playing corsairs for most of the lower ranks
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flying the su-34 out now to get the modules
it feels like i dont need 22 of the 100kg bombs to destroy a base or am i mistaken?
top tier try not to hit a tree while multi-pathing challenge

its very boring playing at this tier if you cant climb desu
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pill me on fakours vs phoenixes
fakours are keyed
phoenixes are locked
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anything the obsessed schizo plays
>fikatsiya wakes up
>instant muh "obssesed schizo" boogeyman posts
playing top tier
>no u (random anon) the boogeyman
here we fucking go again

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