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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
Weapon Banner: Red Spring (Sword) [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Gifts of Fleeting Dreams: 7-day Sign-in Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Somnium Labyrinth - Somnoire Adventure Event] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]
[Pincer Maneuver Warriors I - Recurring Combat Event] [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Depths of Illusive Realm - Phantasm Amass] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]

>Timeline, Rewards and Media Contents



>/wuwa/ Friends List

>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>503020663
Which weapon do you think looks the coolest?
why do we like her again?
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Hello yes my name is Rover.
Yes I'm not taking her to Rinascita.
Yes I am gay homosexual

Same reason everyone hates Lingyang
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She's so fucking cute and hot
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ok bros i admit it, birb is shit

i kept coping she was good since I had skipped jinny, now that cammy is out and I've touched a character people say is on her level, i understand
turns out i was in denial all along
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Uh oh melty.
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wuwa !
Did we won?
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I need more art of Wuwas blowing and fellating (me), specially Cammy, specially all Camellyas
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bwos I started like 2 days ago, smol update
im getting fucked in mt firmament, i can't uncap any of my characters and i genuinely do zero damage, the mobs are level 65 now, it takes like 2 full rotations (so two shoki ults+ her enders) to kill 1 small mob, and like 10~15 to kill the bigger ones

how the fuck do i deal any damage?
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i laughed
Echoes are a massive source of strength, just level atk, dmg% and crit ones you have to facilitate your life. Post the ones you have if you want too if you have more questions
Level up your echos anon
that's what you get for buying an account
They're good in different ways anon. Changli is made for quick swap time and back and forth, ideally with anko or Chixia. But yapyap teams work well with her too.
we are wuwonning since release. But if you are talking about the game awards, the juri is made up of woke journalists like IGN etc. They won't let wuwa win anything.
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damn i didnt even realize they had stats, no wonder i do no damage
ive been pressing autoequip on every character, all my echos are random shit at level 1
Gotta level your skills and weapons
more like rigged
tho imagine the cope for the free ssr if they didnt win kek
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why is people pretending wuwa is a massive success on CN from the billibilli thing? it has always flopped harder than zzz there since the beginning, is japan carrying it and korea now lol
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ok to be fair my weapons are level 30~40 because my friend told me not to level shit weapons
im rolling standard for the 5* greatsword and waiting for the shortsword at 45

as for skills, i cant uncap my characters so i can't level them up, they need more story progress to uncap
i need this like you got no idea
You need to use the proper echos with each character with good stats...
Otherwise you're going to do piss poor damage.
Yeah, I don't think you should worry too much about set bonuses at this stage, and none of the echoes you level now will be useful in late game. But at least equip the highest rarities you have of these stats for dpses
>Cost 1 - atk%
>Cost 3- elemental dmg%, if you don't have one use atk%
>Cost 4- Atk% or Crit rate
Crits are late game stuff and the thing to aim for but you don't have enough sources of that early on to be reliable. So really it's pretty straightforward stuff, just level all highest rarity atk echoes for an easier time early on, don't bother tuning them unless you're in really bad shape too. You want those tuners later
Do other gachas even get close to Wuwa when it comes to gameplay?
Good morning saars please be the playing of the Mihoyo games saars
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my friend, use purple echoes until you unlock gold. Don't spend too much exp tubes on them as you'll be replacing them later on with the highest tier echoes.
Rush leveling up your database level so you can unlock 100% gold echo drops and start farming for echoes in earnest.
Good luck!
You actually entered the game during some of its best state in echo farming. IR giving echo drops is a good innovation.
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why cant taoqi heal the whole team ffs
>sensor tower
>flopped harder than zzz when zzz went to 15% of its peak
There's only two correct answers, you either fix her or join her.
Can I test Lumi right now?
MRover about to get his ass tentacled. 2024, colorized
That's fair. Echoes and weapons will always get better but for now leveling a ok 4 star weapon because you need to for now, and also because for weapons like swords and rectifiers you may need more than one for a team is ok enough. Especially if you're only partially leveling them up
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Poggers is pretty great at boss fights and flashy kits specifically. I'd like WuWa to up their bosses even further too, and have faith they will. Bosses in action games just elevate every single facet of it, from gameplay to characters and stories
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in here
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bwo our thread?
>pretends he doesn't care about the game not making money
>is the first one to defend the instant revenue chart is being brought up
lol wuwa lost so hard dude
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mk, thanks for the advice
i actually fucked up with short swords, i thought the event sword would be better but turns out its shit, it takes years to stack up and i get less energy so it bricked my (admittedly shit) rotations

are there any decent craftable weapons?
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Hey wuwa what’s shaking
Remember to ask for more slampig, more loli in the next survey!
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second half meant for >>503058635
the event sword is actually pretty comparable to the ssr for raw damage and such apparently. But if its messing up your rotations that's a problem, certainly.
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I'm gonna ask for more HAGS
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I just got her again from the weapons banner, I have her RC3 now and I can get her to 4 from the coral shop. I am winning.
wuwa literally fall like ZZZ anon... and is still doing less money than ZZZ which you are mocking kekw, both games are a failure but even i can see ZZZ getting over 40m with miyabi, wuwa doesnt have oh shit characters anymore, is over.
The event sword IS your best option. Commando is second best, unfortunately all 4 star weapons are pretty bad. You do get a 5* weapon selector, but they really should alleviate some of this, shop also gives you limited weapon currency so you can technically get limited weapons without wasting astrite but it's barely a band aid. Admittedly 5* characters even with subpar weapons can perform really well so it's not the end of the world, it just kinda sucks
Do we know what her combat role is yet? I must see her on screen at all times
thats what i heard but apparently its that good mostly on cammy since she spends a lot of time on field, on rover its been underperforming since i dont spend enough time on him to stack it up
maybe i need to touch havoc instead, but the more frontloaded nature of spectro felt better for jinshi/shoki
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I'm really enjoying being able to play without damage numbers a lot. I'm glad they added that. IO hope we get more options to add to and also hide the UI soon.
She's red mage from ff14. Damage dealer.
>flopped harder
classic esl retard
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the fuck happen, people is claiming this boring hag got clapped by camellya, in what world.
I somehow doubt she'll have ass of the same volume as Lumi
You're already using the best 4* weapon outside of the BP weapon (Endless Collapse).
If you need more energy you can just slot in 3-costs Energy Regen echoes in the meantime.

Back then I leveled up my crit 4-costs even though they were purple just to tide me over a bit but didn't bother leveling up my 3-costs and 1-costs.
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Based, mine has been stuck in S3 for the longest time and she's still extremely effective. I seriously want more dupes of her
Epin. Thanks
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Oh man, I shouldn't have done the exploration quest if I was going to lose this
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Another SR fully leveled.
Next is Mortefi then Aalto then Lingyang...
So fucking many... So few shell credits..
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Genshin because wuwa is a copy of it.
Did these fuckers really not add an option to filter by set for the batch merge
i dont play zzz, but who are you even trying lie too, camellya is the only character i was hyped since jinshi theres no more characters im interested into and the clown girl looks like a mid indie vtuber
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Alright time to try angry nerd man in IR. I'll report on how he feels.
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Getting sandwiched by WuWa loli thighs...
What the fuck is happening here? Why is Jinny smiling?
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Ok right off the bat turning it that his dodge counter becomes his full bar skill is really fucking cool.
You cant even read what you're saying? How can a 45m peak to 10m is a bigger flop to a 100m peak to 15m?
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you cleared difficulty 5 with the 100HP debuff, right?
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Choose, white man
Sorry but I have to say this, genshin new pyro girl literally mogs Camellya. What went so wrong for us?
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Showing her the splendor of lord arbiter
Sorry for
But it's not on panda
Why would you level males?
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She should use the Temporal Mandate to lolify herself
I kinda like using Cammy's basic sword attacks. The vines are definitely better for AOE but the sword seems pretty strong too.
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They added more to the recruitment dialogue for every character didn't they. That's pretty cool. The verina one especially is nice content.
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Where the fuck is best girl?
IIRC her sword form does more damage.
>Initial leak of Shorekeeper happens including her love quote
>Tourists claim its fake and she isn't for (You)
>Stream happens
>Codes are literally Black Shores Shorekeeper For You
>Story she's literally in love with you
>Camellya PV comes out
>Tourists claim she isn't for (You) and is only interested in people she fights
>Story directly proves them wrong, again
Wonder what will the excuses be for Camorra?
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>But it's not on panda
Why do you lie?
no excuse, only melty
They have to stop suiciding though. It's actually so sad what's happening to the two chars next patch.

I knew that Clit chan would be likely bad, because cryo, but the amount of incompetence that went into that kit is something else. Freeze Melt character that scales with EM? How can you be so bad as a game designer and still not have been fired? This game has its fair share of bad game design with character kits as well, take Shorekeeper as an example. But holy shit. EM has 0 influence on freeze, freeze is dead to begin with, and for melt to do damage you need to actually deal damage first (aka NOT being a fucking SUPPORT).
Seriously, I'm confused. What in the world is this garbage piece of shit kit?

And the archon is also a joke. Nobody needs more of what she provides, while everyone still uses the 1.0 4*...

Shit's dire. Really dire. You can have attractive characters, but if you give them kits that nobody needs and are bad game design on top.. what do you expect to happen? ZZZ goes through the same with Miyabi, Lighter and other chars as well.
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>how it feels to play IR Mortefi
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maybe I should build Encore but what's the bread and butter of encore's kit?
is it the basic attacks after ulting or
heavy attack (quickswap) when her forte's pull?
I can go and watch maygi but I might fall asleep with her numbers on screen calc
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I stand corrected, I simply searched for WuWa tag and didn't found it, they should really properly tag their shit better
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>Wonder what will the excuses be for Camorra?
They gonna have another melty.
Haven't you seen their comments about the leaked picture?
yeah, they must've known how satisfying it is to tap triangle twice for the double missile combo
Yeah no its really fucking fun already. I'm having a blast and I'm only like room fucking 5
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most of them time i only click image and didnt bother to read the thread
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can I get a toot?
need all the help I can get
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Wouldn't be surprised. I just heard most people on here talking about how you don't need to level her basics. (I guess it's okay if you're low on resources.)
I saw the leak, saw some comments and suddenly decided not to read the rest for my own sanity.
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I mostly combo her with changli and have them both quickswap their skills or encores heavy attack, pretty much spam her resonance skill after she ults and she dos pretty decent damage
There were a couple retards fantasizing about her being mad and punching (You) directly after that leak dropped.
They're just straight up angry at that point, why do you think wuwa reddit is unusable?
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Her heavy attack is bait and ruins your damage. All the damage comes from basic attacks so she needs Sanhua on the same team.
You're focused on the basic attacks. What I do is I nuke skill while in ult form immediately then make sure to dodge cancel once the sheep is coming in for the last one and use the skill along with that afterwards. On the third cycle or so you end with her heavy attack/explosion.
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It's both but mostly the basic attacks, you do like 2-3 full combos (and dodge counters too) until it starts to run out and you do heavy and swap to another character. Kinda hard to gauge the utmost limit, you can do up to 3 if you're really fast in my experience, don't know how far you can take it. She shreds tower bosses with Sanhua and Shokie, not even with stringmaster
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all the loli jinny posting made me try her
its cute, only issue is shes too short so the camera is above her during 1st half of her skill cutin
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At least the leaks one seems to have somewhat ok mod that banned the lot of them.
They immediately cried out abuse of power, only to get ignored instead.
On the right.
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Ah, on my right next to me I see, only natural of course
people do need off field pyro app, theyve been asking for it for years, her E has no icd so people are happy about it
mualani teams for example need her

agreed on the freeze granny sucking, thats life
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>Jinnycord wake up
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I just use her as hypercarry with Sanhua
SK > SH > Anko Echo > Double Skill > Liberation > Go Ham
When out of ham use heavy and back st SH
Or like pic
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I don't understand why I quit in 1.1. I had such negative feelings about the game at that time.

Now I'm having fun, actual fun. Jinny is great, Cammy is great, peace and love all around.

Also snow zone is kino.
Those snow wolves rape me though.
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i do, the performance was super dogshit
stuttering waves was real
Why are you posting the edited one?
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What riled up the zoopags?
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She's going to be an alt
Pagpag logic.
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Fixed your Encore.
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Beyond the sea
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hmm thanks for the clarifications. I was under the pretense that she was a heavy attack nuker since the "tutorial" vids leans heavily on her heavy attack when forte's full but almost all the encore ToA solo/dps vids I've seen are Ult -> BA. (Some even doesn't trigger her heavy attack)
Also sponsored by Kuro
Basically you do the heavy attack as a cherry on the top when you leave her!
>Unicorn motif included in nation's symbol

Shokiefag from shokiecord falseflag as Jinnyfag from Jinnycord to make Jinnyfag looks bad btw
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"The Carnevale beckons"
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Oh, is the drip finally starting?
I don't know, anon. I decided to download zzz because some of the mods are my type of coom and it is alright but I don't really think I am the target audience for such games. They get super boring to me once I get the character I want and realize the endgame is ... tower in wuwa or the boss rush in troonbreak.
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>40 day drip
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It means Honk.
Wait huh? Her tiddies are honking!
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easy, one has ps5 the other dont, and zzz is topping on japan on ps5 charts every month, is over genshin in sales on console and no more gachas in top 10 for jp ps5, when wuwa gets ps5 release the revenue will get divided even further to like 5-7m lmao
That Shokie is so CUTE she's rocking that outfit, her headband really complements her hair perfectly too. God I love headbands
Hope it's defense
Feels like a mix between Laguna, Ragusa and Ravenna.
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Breed the clown
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>Feibi's staff
>Bulante's mask
>Roccia's gauntlet
>Charlotta's gun
Is she meant to be a 4* or 5*?
Weapon of Rinascita's magistrate?
def bulante

Commora weapon soon?
Are we getting 5 new characters in 2.0? Holy shit my savings are ruined
Yeh. >>503060954
So those are weapons or accessories that Rinastica characters will be carrying. Nice.

BTW I'm glad that Kuro went for Venice inspired nation for a Water region.
I don't like Kingdom Heart
What's the middle meant to be? Aero Rover? Or maybe he gets the staff?
This looks so fucking cool but I still won't use brickzhi
I'm gonna roll for that
What the fuck is that red tape?
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We have zero foreshadowing about Rinascita so they can make up whatever they want.
Wuwa gets better from update to update. They unironically just need to attract new players.
It's a necktie anon.
So by looking at the Emblem in the bottom right. I'm assuming that Rinastica's Sentinel is Unicorn.
Another homo?
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>even solon is running schizo marketing now
Fuck off
This is kino
Rover in a suit skin? I'll take it
I was thinking the same. No foxes this time around.
I don't think so. I think initial characters in main story will be 5 new ones that will be released over following months.
Fancy toilet paper because wuwa is a shit tier gacha.
The sentinel will be a giant horse
>Vtubers uses unicorns as a symbol of purity and girls that don't collab with males
What did Solon mean by this?
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"À mon seul désir"
Rocchi coffin
Carlos rifle
Bulent clown mask
Feibi staff?
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Kitsume will probably be Sentinel of Not-Jaoan of Solaris 3.
Imagine the size of his pet resonator's dick. The cuckening comes quicker than anticipated.
>Upon a distant shore
>The Carnevale Beckons
>Let's set sail
>To the hidden archipelago, "the Land of Echoes"
>And behold its grand unveiling
hm, loreGODS?
I still need Fishing Hamlet with sea creatures themed monsters, and The Shadow Over Innsmouth inspired story chapter.
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A big damn shame really
Dumb zoomie, unicorns have been tied in with virgin girls for hundreds of years.
Yeah that's where we're gonna play NOTpokemon with our echoes.
I guess thats the end of drip today. Maybe tomorrow we see characters
Holy cool
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>unicorn sentinel
So like pic related but without the grotesque mutations?
Resume your duties, wuwers. It's (r)over for now.
It's probably going to be a majestic woman monster like Jue
You just know
I like this picture because Unicorns have cloved hoofs like goat or cow.
IIRC Blackshores teaser had some brief screen shoots showing a cloved hoof print on the beach and some text talking about Sentinel. Looks like we were teased about new region long before 1.4.
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Can't wait for Kuro to reveal the characters and only show one (1) male. The other male is the Lord Arbiter himself.
basic attacks have slightly higher multiplier and get all the bonuses from her forte, but obviously have lesser aoe, so leveling them is crucial for single target fights
alas, many people are still confused and think they are useless and only use bloom mode attacks

mainly basic attacks
Does that mean Unicorn Overlord collab is in the works?
There will be 2 males
Bulante and giga horse cock sentinel
>Bulent clown mask
That's carnival mask. Or theatrical one.
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> they're copying Natlan (Echoes => Saurians)
> they're copying Genshin

We're gonna get cucked..?
wow shitters coming out in droves once we get a hint of drip huh
>in wuwa
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So the sentinel is a loli

Ragunna seems to be clearly inspired by Venice. Which is nice because we dont often get Venetian inspired areas in general I feel
It's just one faggot.
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They have been copying mihoyo ever since solon and his clique got fired, anon. It is nothing new.
>Two big pieces of Kuro news today
Damn. Exciting.
Btw Blockshores teaser has hoof marks on the beach. I wonder how Blackshores is connected to the sentinel
he must be paying for 4chan then
Are they copy cucking too?
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Way to out yourself for being a brainrotted hoyocuck after 4 years of conditioning with a floaty nigger faggot that repeats every single line 2 times back into your fucking face
ask /fgog/
I think I can see it
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The tie could be Madama Magistrata di Rinascita
What if its a male though
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That giga horse cock? Mine.
It's probably Rover since we don't have any indications about his weapon but he was leaked
Man I wish I had a Baizhi gf who then becomes my wife.
Seems like they're all 5*
it will finally be canon
Woman. Unicorns prefered company of virgin women so I think Sentinel will be a massive manwrore and tlhe set a Prima Nocta law were he deflowers every virgin.
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So are we getting dropped out for the aristocracy?
Yeah if the game was made by hoyo that is.
Probably a clown costume for Rover.

Doubt it, the alphabet there isn't R. They all seem to reflect their assigned characters.
>FemRover gets a clown costume
>Male Rover gets a nice black suit
It's definitely a mommy unicorn protecting a loli magistrate (Feibi)
Did they confirm Feibi was the cunny magistrate of the italians? I only saw leaks about her being a cunny priest / nun.
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It's not confirmed but it would fit extremely well
So the newbie level up rewards give 40 pulls for the selector gacha but you need 80, where do you get the rest, just monthly shop?
Lingyang model young boy who learns how to be cool and takes rover as his rolemodel could be cool too desu
Sorry bwos, Solon here. The game is not doing so well and we need western cuck audience. So we are releasing the game on ps5 and adding canon ships, official ntr and will be releasing only males for a year.
Don't worry, you will get a free clown skin.
Seems like the tweets have stopped. I was hoping for more stuff to be revealed...
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>It doesn't even know who the lead dev for Wuwa is.
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I'm done
Rinascita will flop
Rover will come back to Jinhsi and propose
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Fusion Rover got revealed, guise
>all these brainlets thinking it is a unicorn

The Hippocampus theory has never been more alive.
Delicious. Thank you for the free meal Anko.
Dumbfuck, there were hoof marks on black shores' beach. Where the fuck are the hooves on that freak?
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i would like to be lucky again :(
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And a new character too, but with thicker thighs
Monthly shop, battle pass, event. Usually 17 a patch
>SSG Cammy
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Call yourself a stupid bitch.
If they added cucking I'm moving on to GFL2 and will be shitting on this thread for the rest of my days
Nobody cares.
Sentinel HL-1 has been dodging the Man In Blackblooms surveillance despite the groups 'noble' mission
>it is still trying
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Her suitcase is so girly, it looks like a toy but I guessed correctly it would be chained up
>favorite song I like plays
>singing supposed to end there
>bridges to the second part of the lyrics
>"There's a second part?! Tf"
>It's made-up
Aw, I was going to find the full song with the original singer instead
>"the beast of possibility"
>sponsored by Kuro
Pretty based of them to go full harem canon
Man I hope we get a character voiced by Yuko Kaida
It's called Unfinished Song for a reason.
It's all just bait for incels, so Kuro can cuck them in the next region. It's hilarious.
Interesting, iirc it was implied Rinascita was being vigilant/hostile towards blackshores
I kinda really like notChina and I get the feeling Rinascita just won't be as interesting.

Rover and Carlotta
Pure sex
I've always loved their disbelief. Marida being straight up disturbed. The Banshlee pilot being surprised and Audrey silently naming the beast. It really sets up how scary Gundams are.
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I'm really curious about how they'll tackle some of the sci-fi elements aesthetically in the new region. Camorra's rifle has a weird red core to it
I guess that's Konteleilo, since it's the only one left who has been leaked
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>blue inferno rider has blue flames
But she was really really late into Rinascita. Or not even possibly, like 2.5, which could be back to china for a different city. Rover seems the most likely answer
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what are you supposed to do once you reach the end of this path?
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>Carlotta points a gun at Rover
>Femcels, troons and fujos cheer in unison
>"Go out with me"
>Cheering stops
>Rover asks why a gun's being pointed at him
>"So you don't run away"
>Rover accepts her
>Ends in a kiss
A FUCKING Kelpie in MY game? And it's the next sentinel????
You are just mentally ill as thr people you try to make fun of.
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Kiss the bride
>Wuwa will become /mlp/
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ook eek la
you get 20 asterites
ESL heckler
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>Creates funny scenario
>Insta melty response
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The leaks say 2.2 at best, which wouldn't be weird if they go 2.0 for gunlord/loli, 2.1 for bulante/feibi and then 2.2 for konteleilo/someone else (phro?)
Aero rover seems possible, but we don't have any Rover specific weapons for both Havoc and Spectro, so it would be strange to have Aero Rover's being teased alongside these weapons
>but we don't have any Rover specific weapons for both Havoc
Your scythe?
Ayo where the real leaks at? Animations, areas, skills etc. Even /gig/ got a big chunk of actual leaks and not chinese mandated early advertising.
I can't read this shit
it says SEXXO
>Rover's picture connects only to Feibi's
>Bulante's connects to both Roccia and Carlotta
Doesnt look good bwos
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I'm at 1800/2000 echoes locked and I have no motivation to go though leveling all of them to check for good ones...
>Still doubting Solon
These don't seem to fit
Man wuwa has some incredible world-building going on. Now we're stepping into a whole new ballgame with western flairs. I wish I played this game since first day fuck...
Can someone post the gif of the lollo hamster looping in its rolling animation?
is beyond the waves possible on natural regen or do i need to spend my cubes on this?
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>it is all unironically pajeets
It's our local shitposter who seems to shifted to cuckposting.
Scroll down, it's a pajeeta, an indian femcel. Kek.
Get a life.
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Yeah, people seem to trust huanglong fedex more then the MIB
it'll be pretty funny if the reason we do manage to get into rinascita would be thanks to Ku money doing them a favour.
Whats with wuwa that makes pajeet ledditors seethe so much
Is there a way to cancel Sanhua sheathing animation. it's so fucking annoying
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100%. I'm so glad to be a day ~10ish since official Wuwa release Chun truther
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White male game.
vertical white spin vs horizontal red spin do super similar DPS, the former is just better at chasing (and scales off basic attack talents) while the latter has better AoE (and scales off of skill talents)
unironically it's mihomo fault, gave them a brainwash that makes CIA jealous
what is this it looks a lot like baki
Just swap lol.
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Not updated tho
What sheathing animation? I'm not sure what you're talking about.
kengan asura, pure martial arts, not schizo like baki
when she sheathes my dick in her ass in front of jinhsi, very time consuming especially since she's gonna swap it into her pussy by the end anyways
Who won?
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Why are we fast again. Did something happen?
Drip, accompanied by seethe.
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>not schizo like baki
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SOOLOOOOOOOON, gimme a Lilith expy in Rinascita!
does kuro update standard pools in their game?
We wuwon and our sistergame wuwon too.

Wtf why it getting smaller
Neet pagpags shitposting.
Burn out?

Is it just me or is 1.4 kinda boring? Like the characters/story is just like 1.3 with just a new coat of paint.

Camel Toe being another Rover-centric character like SK, the story focusing on the girls who have (mostly) a thing with Rover. Basically it feels like the same shit again with nothing new to add other than the same fanservice from the same type of characters.

Kinda getting tired from the same trope-y girl characterization in a different coat of paint desu.

Events are there but really nothing to motivate me to play. Is it just me getting tired or is the game getting boring?
they don't fight imaginary 2 meters tall mantis
We usher in a golden age
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Anyone mod their games?
>why is people pretending wuwa is a massive success on CN from the billibilli thing? i
Becuase wuwa is a success on CN? you think they play it on mobile?
buwn out?

is it just me ow is 1.4 k-kinda bowing (o_O)? wike the chawactews/stowy is j-just wike 1.3 w-with just a new coat of p-paint.

camew toe being another wovew-centwic chawacter wike sk, the s-stowy focusing on the giwws who have (mostwy) a thing with wover-.- basicawwy i-it feews wike the same poopoo a-again with nothing new t-to add other than the same fansewvice f-fwom the s-same type of chawactews.

kinda getting tiwed fwom the same twope-y g-giww c-chawactewization in a diffewent coat of paint desu.

events are there b-but weawwy nothing t-to motivate m-me to pway *:・゚*:・゚ i-is it j-just me getting tiwed ow i-is the game getting b-bowing-.-
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Generally speaking the moded models looks like shit compared to the high quality stuff we get.
But I might start using Jared PGR mods, they look really good.
Is he an official like Rexlent or what? Why is he the only competent modder here?
jared is an annoying cunt thougheverbeit
nope, im too much a of a pussy to try them, what if i brick myself?
No, I never understood the appeal of mods or skins.
Separate the art from the artist, fucking retard.
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I wike my shitposts wuwafied thanks bwo
>even Anko is grooming girls for us now
thanks Solon
ok? he's still an annoying cunt
Question for PGR bwos, if I were to buy a starter account, what are the giga meta characters and how easy it is to get signature weapons?
Play BT3 or Sparking Zero, or even L4D2, or hell Fortnite if modding isn't your thing, you'll understand how sovlful model switching is.
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I quit PGR. I am a wuwacel
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all in on S Qu baby
actually I have no clue but I assume she'll last a while
Yeah, iirc he has some access to PGR files to make his mods easier to port into wuwa.
Really qrd?
ask in /pgr/ you'll get a dedicated reply there.
I will stick for another patch or two. I am still unable to clean the tower but once I can do it I will probably move on as well, yeah.
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There's like a whole bunch of meta characters for different elements it's more like meta teams than anything. But also you don't really need to care about meta? It barely gives you anything. I don't really know what I'd do if I'd buy a PGR account, events tend to give you a lot of trial characters anyway. Ask in /PGR/, we're getting free lightning team soon enough too, it's not like the new player experience is unplayable or anything, you just do your weeklies and get every character every patch
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Here are the current meta teams, ignore the rank investment because that is for whales, and instead of Nanami for fire team the meta fire tank is the current banner Watanabe Epitaph, Lucia Plume gets replaced by Qu Shukra next patch.
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Kengan Omega, the author is a hack but it has cool moments. Kengan Ashura is much better overall because (I assume) the author was tardwrangled by an editor with really good taste. Read Wrestling vs Sumo guy around chapter 80 of Ashura, that's a good representation of what you should expect from the manga (feelings and autism)
Do we even have bright green haired characters in PGR and Wuwa? Why is everyone so pale in color?
Don't bother with pgr. It is super flawed. Also get a starter, it will makes things easier for you.
can't wait to pull for dante vergil and nero
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Baizhi had green hair in the CBT, I'm guessing they changed it because having someone that looks similar to Qu as a 4* might create some controversy. (Qu is the empress of china in PGR)
I'm really just asking whether they have bright colored character, sorry if I offended you.
I just felt like posting
Sorry if i offended you :0)
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So bwos, are you excited for Rinascita?
Hope we get another batch of drips tomorrow.
Kinda wish qu's hair is bright green rather than dark green
This scene made billions mald until today
bros i heard charlotta has a sniper or some shit instead of pistol + sword

if this is true, i am in shambles, ive been saving for her since the leaks wtf..
I don't really care.
I just need my clunny kit and animations NOW
>No hugs nor kisses
I was expecting water/boat oriented zone
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Qu is pure SEX
I wonder if Kuro would remake 1.0 to make it accessible for new players should they ever win TGA. Really hope they wouldn't cause they would have to put a ton more workload
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It was super cute.

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