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Ragna/v/3 - x3-x10 Pre-Renewal with a lot of renewal-flavored customization
Ragnadev's server for the 4chan community

>Basic resources:
www.divine-pride.net - has some of the non-English and kRO items
iRO wiki has a lot of information, but keep in mind its supposed to be a wiki for iRO
irowiki.org - /wiki/ for renewal, /classic/ for pre-pre
>Skill descriptions
Over the several iterations of the game, skill descriptions vary wildly. There's also the issue of skills behaving differently depending on the emulator. iROwiki is mostly complete but sometimes it's completely wrong, specially the pre-re version since those are no longer open for editing.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Addons/Revised%20%Pre-Re%20%SkillInfoz/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub
irowiki/wiki/ probably still best but scroll down to changelog. Since iRO added 4th jobs, it's now showing the new descriptions for skills. Some 3rd job skills were entirely reworked.
>Source code:
If you want to look up a skills formula, buff effect or anything hard coded, it's all inside src/map/ folder. battle for damage, skill for skill conditions, script_constant for variables. Sometimes pc file has useful stuff too.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE - RO translation project

first for fuck m*RO
Yeah right in it's tight little asshole right? Shoot those fat ropes int that MyRO ass?
shut the fuck up l*ll, stop projecting about getting your ass railed by arab immigrants
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Buff SuNo
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Alternative server if you want to play without drama and have fun
There is more QoL there, a better(actual) dev and some of us are there
I'll only consider **RO if you publicly execute L*ll and the spic
Xth for wth is that image in the OP.
Where's my wife bros..
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E**nui, fren, please come back....
Bouncing on my cock sorry Gredex Lull is mine now
Quiz area go get her.
He said he was coming back for /v/4
That post was me, actually, I was just baiting
If you really cared you'd know how to find them and where
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i have no interest in either of them
didn't see her
Goodnight Lull! patpatpat
>Multiple suitors
>But they only play with male sprites

>wanna make alt
>dont know which job would be useful in parties
>no eu leveling parties
>dont know what gear to roll in mvp parties
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Roasted Myro is mine and mine alone
I didn't go to sleep! I went to take some grocery!
Bring me a snack :3
I hope you like kiwi because I bought a ton!
I do! patpatpat grinding while eating kiwi
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Please don't name drop me in this thread, it happened too many times last thread...
Come back now
silk = nonoko?
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Grapefruit is cute
Grapefruit is smart
Grapefruit is kind
Grapefruit is the light of my life
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Cute admin
Cute Lull patpatpat
"I will leave" - you, like four hours ago
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And you believed me? LOL!
silk = gredex
Don't leave....I like talking with you and seeing you enjoy yourself on MyRo....pat
Your grapefruit fakehate memes fucking sucks
Your nonoko/xan/gaydex teenage drama fucking sucks
Terminally online DCuck Bullies are dumb as fuck
favorite movie?
Brokeback Mountain!
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All those, I need to update my list one day
dev, does someone have to annoy you to change a character name?
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Careful, if you annoy him too much he can ban you without you breaking any rules
Can you ban me from taking my dick outta your plump fat huge asshole too
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>intentionally grief two parties despite people trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and tolerating your bullshit
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Can you link me the rentry page where griefing is against the rules?
Why did I not get banned after griefing? Why only after the failed pvp event?
How's taking huecock daily going out for you?
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No rules yes, but your faggot ass broke every single fucking courtesy and etiquette. If you didn't get that then I don't know how you're still breathing. Dead Branching a map is fine but you were intentionally summoning it in their very vicinity on top of pulling packs of other mobs intentionally which has always been viewed as the most rude behavior in this fucking game
so what guild do i join in m*ro? feels like i'm too late and everyone has a clique now
Depends if you know portuguese or tagalog
Isn't your dev brazillian?
>no rules yes
So, my initial statement about the dev banning people for not breaking rules is correct? Thank you! Not reading the rest of your post since it's you moving the goalpost
There is no /rog/ guilds on myRO but there is 2 4chan guilds, both small but one of them doesn't want /rog/ refugees so you'll have to meet people ig
>both small but one of them doesn't want /rog/ refugees so you'll have to meet people ig
It's bullies isn't it
It's a 4chan server you fucking 'cwybaby' faggot maybe redditdev should rename xher server to /r/agna.
>inb4 someone gets banned for saying "nigger"
Speak with the fatass here>>503070490
She's their ambassador, you need to know Portuguese otherwise you're not plapping that butt.
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Wow, this is a nice hairstyle
I think bullies rather play with /rog/ since they don't have to compete with anyone this way, they aren't on myRO
>it's a 4chan server argument
yes it's 4chan, yes some of us are assholes to others, yes we call other niggers, but some of us have the decency to not grief another party like some subhuman french or brazilian
You're not getting my (You) l*ll
>you need to know Portuguese otherwise you're not plapping that butt
Mga kapatid na pilipino ano ang gagawin natin ngayon...?
Is your asshole loose after heavy use?
No way this is a real language, you made this up!
>They aren't on MyRO
So you still haven't found out who is who then, that's great to know and I can't wait until you meltdown again
no, you're an unreliable narrator at the best of times. i just hoped it was true.
at least you keep the thread bumped constantly. that's cool i guess.
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>lull samefagging hours
Lull let me pound you
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Hehe, got my care! Karma wins again...
You're gonna have to post your arm buddy, you need to be at least brazilian pardo brown to have access to that plump asshole
Rimjob stream when
I'm not sure if thread is any better when it's lusting after a schizo faggot
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Made for me...
I miss Ennui
>at least Brazilian pardo brown
Is there another way?
Made for Big Brazilian Cock
Im sorry kind anon it was fun...
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Is it true that Arab immigrants rail your asshole on the fr*nch subway?
like your big fat french ass
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Cute hairstyle
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Holy autism. The queen of shit will never stop seething, so it's not like anyone needs to tease xer even. Instead, post your rarest namedrops and the reason for it.
For me? It's Wewuzsashin/Kong. Never met a more good-willed and selfless nigga, especially with them being new to RO.
I'm gonna hairstyle your ass pubes with my huge cock
Unblock me please....
Slow down Gredex, that ship moved on
what the fuck is happening here
This OP pic doesn't have anything to do with ragnarok online
Lull spamming and samefagging AGAIN
>trash the thread
>blames me for it
Are you really that desperate to get fucked and for everyone to know you have a huge ass that you keep samefagging like this?
Lull doesn't sleep.
Keep in mind she came originally from /trash/, I think advertising there and in /b/ weren't such great ideas after all.
Fucking Gredex was behind posting these threads I fucking hate him so much, I'm glad Nonoko ditched him
Grapefruit is responsible for all of this
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Bone of my sword...
Boner of your ass
What does cleyton have that I don't?
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*cute vocaroo*
Lullllllll do you miss playing with goonieeeee
goon calm down
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grapefruit left me for myRO.....
>Another bullies member on MyRO to troll Lull
Ragna/v/ is saved
Grapefruit isn't from Bullies nigger
If Lull has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Lull has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Lull has only one fan then that is me. If Lull has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Lull, then I am against the world.
we know *****x
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Time to grind to evolve my Bonyun!
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can you guys not into ignoring trolls?
i was just testing your community's defence measures against trolling.
you all failed.
i will now go back to posting my ass on /trash/
would have posted the bbc pics too if {{you}} all were not retarded
Your ass is slurping on my cock
Stop pretending to be my wife.
Love this pic!
Grind your ass on brazilian cock?
>tags: $rape $huge_butt $anal_grip
Gredex did this
gredex was the reason nonoko quit
Gredex was the reason Lull became evil
Lull was always evil, he scammed the server's first Alice card from a noob and tried to buy a BSB for 1m from some noob that went on a Dodo thana party (and then wiped the party next time because nobody sold it to him)
Gredex was the reason Kiborex got cucked by Feath
>G***** out of nowhere
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Sorry for that one Meth, I'll let you have Gopinich next time
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>virgin neet failed men cucking other virgin neet failed men

Can we do Satan of Morroc this weekend please
That was Gordon, not Lull
make the vocaroo
If Gredex has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Gredex has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Gredex has only one fan then that is me. If Gredex has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Gredex, then I am against the world.
we know Lull
France won
i still want to marry Gredex but i'm shy
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This general don't deserve my memes
Ya all blew it
Time to post less now
G****x is a bullies alt
Grapefruit didn't deserve this
He is and his actual discord is a fake
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There is something blissful about farming, listening to a podcast, and eating an icecream at the same time
The peacefulness of life...
France was a mistake
There's something blissful about farming cocks, listening to cocksleeve monthly and fattening my huge ass at the same time
The peacefulness of cocks...
g****x was a bully plant to get close enough to nonoko and drive her away
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>forgot to pop berserk potion once again
what did they ever do to you? qrd?
Lull achète toi un ami ou quelque chose. Pu capable de lire les memes shit ici et je met pas toute le blame sur toi. Au moins t'es un meilleur ESL que les autres attardés. Bonne journée et fuck Macron
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Wow that art is terrifying
You're too loose, I lost interest
Lull made my favorite anon quit the game
Obsessed schizo
That's just the line of brazilians waiting for their turn to soul link their dicks to your fat ass
Are you really French? Do you wash your butthole after each session?
you didn't hear it from me but N***** and X**** are bully alts too
>not censoring n*****
But where's grapefruit in all of this?
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What the heck
ok and the other?
>Clayton put it in so hard that shit came out
Lull go take a shower I know you're french but this is ridiculous
What the heck? You're milking my balls with that butt of yours.
the threads went to shit after nonoko left, you guys shouldn't have bullied her
Bitch we knew this from the start. Anything that get drawn here is made by bullies for bullies. The nonoko player even made xanto believe "shes a real woman from his same country" and prey on his misfortune via manipulation. I shit & piss on you all rats and I always had the upper hand on the narrative of this server which is why you got called out and quit out of boredom. You only have this shit narrative going and that says more about all of you terminally online idiots.

Suck my big french cock
>guard [1]
whose jew is this?
>t. n*****
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>when all the mobs respawn in the same corner of the map for a big aoe farm
Love that feeling!
>Suck my big french cock
لم أقرأ ولكن حظا سعيدا أخي، إن شاء الله سنقود هؤلاء الكفار القذرين من أنوفهم قريبا ماشاء الله
zaku is not a bully....
It's the opposite, it's been healing ever since the whore left
i love that feeling when your bubble butt pressed against my crotch, frenchie
The feeling of Pereira cock in your asshole?
Your ass smells....
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Why is that blue bear called Leib Olmai anyway? What's the lore on it? What's the inspiration from?
The lore is my cock, the inspiration is your big fat ass
Do you let people rim your butt?
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>Leib Olmai is a fascinating figure from Sámi mythology, regarded as the spirit or guardian of the forest, particularly associated with nature's abundance and balance. The name roughly translates to "the Bread Man" or "Man of Life," reflecting his role as a provider and caretaker of sustenance. He is seen as a protector of animals, vegetation, and the harmony of the natural world, often compared to figures like the forest spirits in other indigenous cultures.

ChatGPT is so useful
>Lull's butt trembling after receiving so much cum
France is so useful
You guys lost the narrative (nor never had control over it). I've been taking the piss at you since the very beginning. You think those were really pics of me too ? Can't ask me from a bunch of third world niggers huh!
>Nobody to ERP with Lull anymore
>Now he ERP with a chatbot
>A bot is using that big fat ass instead of me
It's grim times for /rog/...
Lull a cute!
this might be the worst general on the board
yes Lull a cutie!
i dont care about IRL Lull, a frenchie male. To me Lull is an idea, a figure thats detached from his IRL counterpart, something, someone I would love to cuddle and penetrate.
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I think I mindbroke this general
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Got a cute card!
t. buckbroken
We need more dodoposting, it's the only good kind of posting in this general
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you broke yourself when you tainted your hair green like a faggot when you were young
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Dodo and Goon unironically own the only fun in these threads
don't you have a server to be working on instead of samefaging? where's the invite link btw
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Wow isn't this card kinda strong? The demon fungus card is only +5MDF
Alice is losing some weight say something nice
I need to slurp on your asshole
>implying what I wrote wasn't true
we expect screenshot # 400 in two days since even you are losing steam here. This general is truly atrocious and repetitive and theres no point to funpost here anymore. We're doing damn fine on ragnav between, we had 60 players at some point yesterday. I just think the threads are not worth it anymore and thats from someone who is getting paid while I do so.
I hope goonro starts soon so I can make a stalker and spawncamp
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>ro in 2024 bitches at me for buying aloeveras at 10k, says its worth at least 50k
>karlos puts it at 5k
weren't you the good guys xister? where is the outrage?
baby rogue***
Oh yeah, without tranny guess it's gonna be a baby wiz precasting SG at very slow speeds
>no tranny
I will not be playing priest on goonro, sorry bros
I don't like grapefruit
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good job sissy~
The higher lv cap makes up for no trooning out
Why would you say that about the guy that unironically killed and raped your wife? Are you a cuck?
The thread would be so much better if Lull gets banned. He samefags way too much.
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Playing on a server pre Abbey/New world is weird but fun
Having to go for +9 gear, every normal [1] items are actually worth something since you don't just put tidal/wool on everyone
I kind of love it
>no assump
I will not be playing priest on goonro, sorry bros
How's your gr/angel/deviling hunt going? With how much time you've spent, you should've at least one right?
Oh no... sister... don't tell me... you... got...oh nonononononono
Cleyton is pounding your fatass daily
No matter what you do, I can't afford to simply hate you.
Suffranium finally coop mandatory ? based
Theres no priest on goonro retard
GODBLESSTHEUSA did your guys manage to do nidd last night?
>no magni no res
I will not be playing aco on goonro, sorry bros
Not him but yes, and with 2 parties too
he got special treatment from dev despite not breaking any rules
he rapes this general simply by posting my** screenshots and (i hope) having fun playing it
he's still winning
one day!
now put a shop in Payon with Ballista [2] for 50m as a cope~
he got killed two times, there will be another party soonish
You take my cum so well....
he meant theres only baby priest double retard
God damn you really are a cuck, happy for you I guess bro
the mad lad actually took TWO (2) different groups to nidd, and then succesfully led a seyren killing party afterwards
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Even though you hate me, I appreciate those kind words
But I love your fat butt
And he appreciated your cock in his wife's mouth
>Keep in mind she came originally from /trash/
/trash/ rejects lull though, they literally disavowed him so far that he got fewer (You)'s in there than he does here, it was honestly impressive
He's talked about how he cries all the time whenever he gets shitposted, he also had a meltdown and posted pics of his ass and spams the thread for 20 hours a day with no sleep. Does that sound fun to you? I'd rather kill myself than live that accursed existence
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21 Amulet, 21 and my pet will evolve...
How did Chelle's mouth feel?
Why did you post your butt on trash?
>t. seethes so much about lull he ragequitted
yeah I've been playing on a high rate server to satisfy a bit of nostalgia for the old days without spending too much time, and then I run across this thread
>oh a 4chan server, cool
>namedropping constantly
>guy repeatedly posting screenshots of nothing like it's his blog
>posts lusting after anons you know are men like actual faggots
>accusing random posters of being particular players like schizos
>the blogging retard thinks he can get away with griefing because it's not in the server rules on his server???
>people are replying to this retard over and over
>constant posting about the french???

jesus wept, maybe I'll come back in a few months
good luck trying to make them post here again after the last 2 threads
find it yourself, i'm not searching there, they keep posting cocks on the archives
While that happened in the thread, in-game like half the server banded together to help people finish a long questline and then did parties to go kill an endgame boss with said people.
Half the thread is Lull samefagging.
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I lost so much free exp because I forgot about this repeatable quest...
dont forget the schizo full of himself that has to keep talking about himself all the time just to put himself above others
Why are you ignoring me about how tight chelle was? You were so happy to brag about it in global that day. Clearly ro liked it, why not help a homie out?
stop gripping my cock that hard, your fatass is shivering
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How cute, you're unable to fight your own wars so you're trying to have me insult them or have that person insult me

You're weak
>he got 2 parties going for nidd
What a Chad. Doing my quests for nid now
I haven't said anything you haven't said yourself Lull. You said everything you did was in the right no? So why suddenly change your mind about Chelle?
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I'm unironically done posting from now on.
For the rest I'll see you in game till EoS
see you tomorrow
Ingame and thread are opposites. Ingame (especially since Lull ban) is schizo free and more united than ever.
>guy repeatedly posting screenshots of nothing like it's his blog
That's Lull, he got banned for griefing and generally being black, and now his life is spamming this thread 20 hours a day everyday and trying to deceive newfags into playing his shit brazilian server full of monkeys
>posts lusting after anons you know are men like actual faggots
That's Lull samefagging, he also posted pics of his ass in a /trash/ thread
>the blogging retard thinks he can get away with griefing because it's not in the server rules on his server???
Yeah he's an absolute retard
>people are replying to this retard over and over
He's replying to himself over and over
>constant posting about the french???
Yeah it's because he's either french of quebecois

Anyway, try the server it's great we're killing satan morroc and nyd this weekend
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95% dodge
the next fire imp killed me with repeated hits.
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this is the video games general board
even with "video" and "games" on the title, 90% of the threads here are comprised of attentionwhores and useless drama.
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Today I learned that I posted pics of my butt on /trash/

What the heck
Why is your butt that big what the heck
your fat thighs causes that 5% chance of getting hit
When are we trying pub et again? There is also making a giant majestic goat, the one thing bullies didn't do according to dev
for me it's RapeGod on MyRO
how does lull's fatass feel?
unironically have never partied with him or seen him
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pretty much like that and I'm embarrassed to be a part of all this
>** shidding and fardding himself in the thread again
do the server a favor and fuck off to myro like lull
Lucky man
then what's this?
its gonna be okay sieggy /pat
that's not RapeGod that was an impostor
That was me RapeGod(Imposter) giving Lull the good D yo for real my hyper weapon pounded dat ass
who the fuck is rapegod
I know who the bullies on myro are. Lull is in for a surprise.
>every who hates me is sieggy
We used to do it every weekend but Dodo said it takes too much time so isn't making parties for it anymore
random loser on myro i guess
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Good old "see you tomorrow" meme. I'll show you how an adult with self-control walk the talk. You guys bring me no fun anymore sorry.
My memes are gonna outlive my presence here.

Have the last authentic signature from the real one

t. gone
retards having fun on myro
The latest pinoy who is smashing lull's butt into the concrete
Ok, that image made me /heh. Ty.
At least you killed one of those nigger horses
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So much competition...
could you post it again?
For a turn with your fat butt
SinX sluts...
no one cares fatass
Who is fatter Alice or Lull?
thighs are the same as butt, I think alice wins
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My suggestion. If you're bored with the game. Play in a party with Goon, this nigga knows how to have fun in the game.
neither, it's dodo, too bad she's getting smoked
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good posts
I don't really like Goon that much might be fun for you I just find him a little too high energy/obnoxious for me to want to hang around
grapefruit why did you block me...
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Because you're not embracing the madness. It's stupid but fun.
I fucking hate grapefruit
Dodo is different because it is meant to be eaten
Eating it is a waste, we need to bake more dodos
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>just realized I didn't need 100 amulets
>but 50 old portrait
aie, back to farming...
how about you kill yourself?
how about you lose weight?
this general is done for and can go die in /thrash/
Mdef is weak as shit dummy
Only DEF matters. MDEF doesn't really means anything v8rh2
Satan morroc when, fucker
>Pic of his ass
Source? I want to see it
grapefruit scammed me
that's gay anon
Reminder that I'm looking for a bride for a brideXbride wedding on myRO!

Requirement: Killing at least 500 mvps with me + reaching lvl 99 trans

Whisper Lullaby for more info!
sorry i only play solo
I'm not whispering you anything after you blocked me on discord you fat frenchie
You got my hopes high for nothing...Lull didn't say this
Could you soothe my cock with your big butt again?
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But I just said it?
I fucking hate Quebec so much
Haha what do you think of assassins...
You also said that you were going to post your butt again
That maybe they should level up faster!
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I don't even play this game but this general is hilarious
I'll trans soon >w<
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I'll marry you if you tell me who is your favorite meguca.
we need to nuke that shit
Lull is very Homuracoded
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>Hey ugly
Why is Bongun so rude???
Homu and it's not even close
Marrying anyone that is doing something to help make payon great again
mating press
cleyton has all of this french ass to himself
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No wonder Munak killed herself
Unblock me please...
fat fuck
>g***** spamming every l*ll post
Chachamaru = Gredex
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Yeah, I am going to pass.
Vanessa = Lull
homu is dark erotic dresses
meduk is pink frills
i like both
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And now he is talking about his ex...
what are some good ways to level as a sader early on? I can't use gc without heal, and I don't have money for pots, is the spear quicken skill good?
vincent = **
lend me your fat butt
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Enough of this pet... Back to his egg until I can evolve him..

On the other hand, I imagine the butt poster unironically posting while fapping and panting all day like a porn addict and it's kind of funny
beret, thara shield, marc body, snowier clip
mob tamruans
press GC till they die
eat ice cream, drink green
repeat till going insane or hitting 99
Marc? Isn't that card the one that prevents freeze? Doesn't seem that useful on a shadow area. Also for zeny, tamruans don't help all that much on this aspect, is there another undead or shadow area that I could go?
Just go raydicks to 99 and sell elus and cards for cash
ok, what about weapons, can I hit stuff with sader or is he a gc only class?
i can assure you that i have no other characters in any guilds
and no this isn't nonoko
how long until nonoko comes back yet again?
dev i need you to do a name change
this is why I use a bird instead of the wolf
it's just too weak
Pretty much, you will have to endure e bit until you have both heal and grand cross. After that its smooth sailing. Hunt raydic, khalitzburg, vanberk, hodremlin, in that order. They all drop very good cards and some items. Especially hodremlin. Hodremlin also drop fruit that heals a lot.
You can also go 1 hand quicked with some 1 hand sword and a shield with peach tree. Its 2 % chance to auto cast heal, with 1 hand quicken and berserk pots you should be able to attack fast and heal a lot. Spear auto attack is no no, its shit. 2 handed spear holy cross is where it at. Spectral spear slotted woth hydra cards can 1 shot raydic.
yeah but that's usually a dumb idea, get yourself a haendgdongdung until you have enough cash for a excalibur and zipper bears and use gc
>Isn't that card the one that prevents freeze?
yes, it prevents you freezing from eating too much ice cream that you will be getting from snowier card
>for zeny, tamruans don't help all that much on this aspect
sell Katana [4] in bulk to WS, Destroyed Armor to sniggers/gunslingers (like 3-5k ea) for arrow/bullet craft and Red Chile to chefs
>is there another undead or shadow area that I could go?
geffen dungeon f2/f3
i forgot elemental swords were recently introduced and are easier to get than excalibur so get one of those too with 3 zippers
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i'll be suspicious of every new person now thinking it's in fact, N*****
grape***** is the new n*****
Shield boomerang and stings. NPC gear should be good for now
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Nice rat.
gredex is shitposting from the plane don't trust him
He's not even hiding it anymore, he has been buckbroken ever since **** went to **RO
silk is nonoko's alter btw
this one i doubt cause nonoko couldn't stick with one character longer than level 70 besides the paladin
when will i find somebody who actually wants to sit by me
he's literally gredex retard
Just make a cute/hot character
i don't want to play a female so i guess that's out
it's fine i'm used to it
It's over for you buddy
who the fuck is silk
so it goes
>be friends with people
>there's a male and a female sitting alone
>people will go to the female first
don't worry about it
Silk is a Grapefruit's alt
silk just confirmed he's gredex to me
fuck off g***** no one called you here
because people here will ship at the drop of a hat if they see a "straight" pairing
calm down xan-chan, he's in a plane right now
>xa*** melting again over being cucked
you guys should really just stick to one target
agreed, that target is fruitgrape
>grapefruit namedropping xerself again
dev literally offered to marry silk so he is nonoko
i hope it crashes and he dies
grapeshitter needs to be removed
Gruipfrate destroyed this place
Who's his next victim?
Get Graeped bitches
>still not namedropped
without gredex here there's no one to control ****
I don't really like fruit
Are grapes even fruit to begin with?
How many people do you think she erps with?
silk more like silkdex
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Grapefruit needs to stop namedropping herself like this. It's embarrassing.
stop giving her attention then
Grapefruit should've married me, I'll forever hate her
grapefruit is so cute and she always sells good stuff for cheap too
what did she do?
who the fuck is grapefruit
i'm having sex with grapefruit and gredex right now
my wife
t. Grapefruit
we know grapefruit, you can stop posting now
I hate you so much
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Her deals aren't so bad.
i kind of want to give her some money now
adding another rape vote on the poll
she can't keep getting away with it
already back at it nonoko?
I want to tie her to a radiator and grape her in the mouth
yeah, sure, there's more
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>WKUK enjoyer
I wish she would grapefruit me in the asshole
>Log in to an old character
>Still in a party with one of N*****'s old characters
right into the trashcan
I unfriended all her characters, felt too disgusted
mind explaining to me how this image is ro related?
>"I've never posting here again!"
>proceeds to spam thread for 10+ hours
What a no principle animal low IQ schizophrenic. I would honestly hurt him IRL.
shhhhh xer sleeping, do not wake that whore
qrd? who's never posting here again?
4 letters

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