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>What the heck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as Age of Decadence, A Hat in Time, Axiom Verge, Baba Is You, Battle Brothers, Card City Nights 2, Cave Story, Civilization, CrossCode, Cultist Simulator, Darkest Dungeon, Darkwood, DashBored, Dead Cells, The Desolate Hope, Disco Elysium, Environmental Station Alpha, FTL, Hollow Knight: Silksong, Knytt, LISA, Lobotomy Corp, Loop Hero, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith, Monster Train, Noita, OFF, OneShot, Rimworld, Rain World, Slay the Spire, Starsector, Subnautica, Sunless Skies, Underrail, VA-11 HALL-A, Yume Nikki, etc., as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Pillars of Eternity, Rayman, and Valkyria Chronicles. /jrpg/ is welcome. Idle, roguelite, shmup, 4x / RTS / city-builders, and RPGMaker games are cool too.

Mobile or consoles, Flash or Unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads, however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.



>Steam Group

>Dead Thread (RIP) Pastebins:

Last thread: >>501675532
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I finished it.
Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a very good metroidvania, very fun. A bit less RPG-like than Unepic, but more straightforward.
However, it's pure fanservice, so if you don't know the franchise, you're left asking "whomst this" and "whomst that".
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Hey /indie/, divegrass anon here. Tomorrow and over the weekend we'll be playing a qualifier tournament for next /vg/ League. All we need to qualify is not come last. Surely nothing will go wrong, right? Come watch.
>Surely nothing will go wrong, right? Come watch.
Every game I watch, we lose
luckily I'm busy on Saturday so we have goof chances to win that one
Every team I support loses.
reminder that slugcats.
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are fucking losers
>Every team I support loses.
I only support /indie/ and /egg/ and they always fail.
I supported/nepgen/ and /civ4xg/, they lost.
I supported the Katawa Shoujo one during a match, one poor fucker had his spine snapped in two.
How do I get good at Disco Elysium? I just lost on Monday by getting morale damaged to death. This was after I started with a balanced build of 3 in all stats. I'm just frustrated that I kept screwing up thanks to bad dice rolls and wrong dialogue choices.
Just savescum.
Take him to Detroit.
>losing at a visual novel
I guess I'll just reload, but it looks like my last save was 3 in-game hours away from when I died.
How about you think once before you say something stupid?
You're supposed to *perform*. It is not only your skills that make up your character, but his personality. Act and think like you were the character himself. If you have to savescum you're doing it all wrong, except if *savescumming makes sense for your character*, if that means anything to your "performance".

That being said, I got three bad endings before I finally got the hang of things and got to finish it. I did savescum the bunker door because I was the fucking human can opener, baby.
I'm so hungry and tired
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i finished food quest ending in gourmand.
i have a question.
does he not have access to depths/ascension ending?
i'd go there and check myself but i'm already burnt out on the game after like 4 playthorughs.
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You dare make the OP picture my eternal hated rival?
I'm stealing your christmas present.
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he has one, though the ascension endings of dlc slugcats aren't really interesting aside from artificer. If you haven't played the saint campaign and you're not too burn out I higly recommend it. It's really different from other playthrought gameplay wise and it has some of the most memorable and heart-breaking moments in the game
yeah i'm just wondering if it's the exact same as survivor except he's fat or if there's something cool to it like seeing some slugpups
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it's the exact same cutscene as survivor except he's slightly more fat. There's no extra slugpup or anything
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i'll probably finish the game because i like it so much i just need to take a break to not make it feel like a chore.
honestly top 3 best games of all time for me. heard there's a new DLC coming so i'll probably finish downpour before it drops
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Are there any other games within the "singleplayer MMO" genre? The only one I know of is Erenshor, and it isn't out yet, with only a demo.
not indie but Xenoblade chronicles.
I don't mean something loosely considered like that or Amalur and other related games; I mean a game that literally sells itself and is purposely made to be a 'singleplayer' MMO.
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Shill me your favorite games right heckin now I swear to god there's too many video game and too much shit i promise you I have not heard of your favorite game tell me what is your favorite parts and why for the LOVE of hootenanny I pinky promise i will read
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That's a lotta damage
Alaloth hit 1.0 today. How is it?
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Synthetik 2 is amazing.
.hack and crosscode style themselves that way
alternatively there's the giant pile of dead mmos with nobody playing them, so they're basically single player
Not my favorite games but just semi recent games i had a blast with
>X Morph Defense
Because i fucking love tower defense and explosions are cool
>Aliens Dark Descent
It was a great real time tactical, top tier aesthetics and great atmosphere
>King Arthur: Knight's Tale
Cool turn based tactical. I wish i played it after they added a "not piss easy but not retardedly hard" difficulty, but at least it's here now
It's fun
Echo Point Nova, Troubleshooter, Hero of Ice Fairy (weeaboo Cuphead), The Last Flame
>shill them
No, fuck you, I give you the names and that's it, you do whatever the hell you want with that.
It's an OpenXcom total conversion mod.
It is 600 years after mankind lost the war. Earth is a backwater periphery of a vast interstellar empire, largely beneath the notice of the elusive Star Gods. You play as a crew of mutant musclewomen who escape from a research lab and become air pirates.
I'm so glad this hidden gem is finally getting more attention in 2020s.
Read or Die!
>the giant pile of dead mmos with nobody playing them
With servers still up?
No monthly fee or more cancerous forms of monetization ruining them?
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Mortis is posting OFF art for some reason.
shite, that sucks. couldn't get through the series due to how formulaic it was.
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you watch it for Nobuteru Yukis art and aesthetics. it's using anime as a visual medium first and a story telling medium third.
The game is still very good, but... don't expect to know who Parn is. It's kinda like playing a Souls game without introductions or item descriptions, you meet people, and they're called "your best friend, Rohan the Very Nice", and he tries to sock your face.
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I really like Vintage Story but I'm keeping it on hold until the new update comes out with more content and quests to do, from what I've heard it's coming before the end of the year
In the meantime I'm having a go at Blasphemous and its bretty good
>no monthly fee or cancerous monetization
i thought you wanted an mmo
And I thought the point of a singleplayer MMO would be MMO without the drawbacks
So what DSP did with WoW? Turn off all chats and play solo like a friendless loser?
That sounds double retarded. Not only do you get the drawbacks of a live mmo, but you also lose the upsides.
I mean, he IS american.
I'm trying to finish Lorelei and the Laser Eyes and the red maze is ruining the whole game for me, repetitive trivia questions while I'm just trying to find the last fucking key for the 1973 door
Rain world made me love video games again.
Rain world made me hate video games again.
Rain world made me horny again.
Love world made me rain video games again.
>open slay the spire
>only ever want to play ironclad and silent
the balance on the other two seems wonky, but those two are pretty perfect
slay the spire seems like the type of game i'd only play if i'm taking a fat shit. just like every card game.
will they ever make a mobile version?
It's been on mobile for years already.
im too depressed to play indie games
play indie porn games
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i wonder why so many people want to live in japan
living in japan isn't going to solve your depression
>my country is ruined by immigrants from different culture!
>immigrates to different culture
There's a special kind of irony to it.
But synthetik 1 is better
>12 signs that you may be gay
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That game filters me hard.
Horror game made by people who say they hate horror games or at least the ones full of jump scares leading to one of the best horror games I've every played. It's tense as fuck, has great art, setting and sound design, touches on some interesting philosophical themes and the ending didn't let me go for days after finishing it
>Pathologic 2
Couldn't do it justice in the character limit, but one part I like is how your choices matter in the story. Time is an invaluable resources and you have to make choices which quests and characters to spend it on while also desperately fighting hunger, thirst and an incurable disease. You never pick between the "good quest ending" and "bad quest ending" in dialogue, you're sometimes simply forced to refuse to help someone because you don't have the time...hell for at least one quest the best outcome is not doing it at all.
It's an amazing game
Also what >>503118893 said. Vintage Story is like Minecraft but more fun for me
Okay, I played about 2 hours of kitaria fables. I can safely say that it's okay. Like, it's literally the kind of game you play to pass time one afternoon and never think about ever again. The story rushes all over the place, the gameplay feels a bit like those very old action mmo from 10+ years ago. You got a dark souls dodge roll, you got a sword, you hit enemies, they show an attack cone, you dodge roll and that's pretty much it. It's very unoffensive, it's not bad but it doesn't do much. The farming game element is a side note almost. But! It doesn't do anything truly wrong. The attacks are accurate to what you would expect, you don't get stun locked.
I'd say for the fruit juice I had to gave up to pay for the game while it was 90% off ($2), it was a good deal.
There is coop and remote play together, I haven't tested it because my connection doesn't allow it and my friend group is almost non-existant.
Look around for the healing consumables. They are everywhere.

Anyone know good survival games? Preferably games that make you feel powerless and puts you in an environment that constantly tries to kill you.
I've played through Don't Starve, Project Zomboid, Vintage Story, and Better Than Wolves, but I'm currently looking for another good game that gives this feeling.

Preferably something thats first person and isn't very interface heavy. Doesn't have to be a sandbox either.
Darkwood obviously
Looks great. Thanks for the recommendation anon.

>Vintage Story

Glad this game is getting more and more popular. Its gonna be the ultimate comfy game sandbox one day.
Rain world is pretty good for that feeling of being powerless and everything is trying to kill you.
One day...
what the others said. i dont think that having a balanced character is the point of the game. you can make your character have any kind of background and knowledge, there is a huge variety of stuff that lets you determine who your character is. and while having too much points or not enough points in any type of skill has its "problems", they arent problems in itself, they are thing that make your character coherent and give them ways to deal with situations in more interesting ways than just being disgustingly average.

there is a saying that applies here: "jack of all trades, master of none".
not everything. i am just getting the hang of it and while you are at the bottom of the food chain, you are not at the very bottom of it. the game is a lot about figuring out how to deal with your environment and outsmarting it in a way, but at the end of the day, yes, it is very much about survival. poor slugcat dying a million deaths.
cherish this moment, anon
it won't happen much often
Goat Simulator

Speaking of demos, it's been a while since I've had anything to hype. Any recommendations?
so, did you solve the eyes yet?
Man I don't know what it is about rainworld, I literally replayed it earlier this year, but I almost have an itch to play it again. Something about its world and atmosphere is so addicting. I guess I could go back and do all the DLC guys stories or whatever.
not really. you probably played an old build. U13 changed things up completely and fixed many performance issues that can ruin a first impression.
i loved synthetik 1 and dumped about a 100 hours in it and i can confidently say Synthetik 2 is way better.
Same. It's fucking hard.
play rain world drought.
think of it this way.
rain world downpour is a bunch of mods that were high quality enough to be added into the official product.
Drought is the same. think of it as a 9th slugcat and he fits right in.
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is draught on console yet? save it elitists.
I already have downpour
The secret is all in the movement. Slugcat is so fun to move around as you can throw him in an empty maze and you'll still get dopamine just from jumping all over the place
It fucks me even harder than my ex used to peg me.
it isn't and it's not going to be as long as there won't be console workshop
>Horror game made by people who say they hate horror games or at least the ones full of jump scares
Correction they hate popcorn horror, high horror doesn't fill itself with jumpscares for no reason. I don't think there is anything wrong with popcorn horror but I get why people don't like it.
Playing Moons of Madness, besides the game basing itself too much in jumpscares (it's not that bad though, they aren't very harsh) the game is pretty okay. It's mostly a walking sim but it has enough puzzles to not feel like it just like Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

Honestly I wish there were more cool story puzzle games with interesting and complex puzzles. And I know the answer is "Play point n click games" or "Play First person adventure games" but any good ones you guys can recommend?
Void Stranger
class of 09
Fuckin uhhhhhh Way of the Samurai 4
Combat is decently fun, you get to goof off a lot and do all kinds of side quest shit to unlock new routes, costumes, fighting styles and weapons, it encourages multiple replays with different endings and the like, and you've got a lot of freedom for character customization.
Not to mention you can romance a cute loli if you play your cards right, though you will need to do some out-of-the-way stuff to do that.
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>teacher who raped and murdered her
That's fair
>girl who bullied her and arranged for her to get raped by somebody else
That's fair
>girl who she suspects posted a private text on the wall and played her
That feels like a huge step down from the previous two
>boy she used to be friends with told her to leave him alone
Seriously? Is she just going for every-
>two timed her with one of the aforementioned girls for his own amusement and is basically at the center of all the issues that led to her getting raped twice and killed
So how was this asshole supposedly not as bad as Kudoh again?
Won't work on any modern PC. I tried it.
I do know you can emulate it via RPCS3 as an alternative since the PC port fluctuates between "functional", "shits pants aggressively" and "deaf person experience" because lmao Ghostlight
/indie/ vs /mjg/ on soon
I wish slugcats were real
Tfw no pet slugkot
off to a good start...
Scug if he real
get a raccoon for real life slugcat experience
if you had a pet slug and a pet cat it's almost as if you had a pet slugcat
get noita'd
>it's an expedition that starts off in shaded citadel with no lightsource episode
>Glad this game is getting more and more popular.
I've seen it posted here about 2-3 years ago and started playing it on and off. I have the same issue as you. I take the game very slow so a playthrough can last for over a year for me however you want to define a playthrough while there is no real endgame yet, but there is always a new update looming over me and with the last few adding shit to the worldgen I'm always cautious about starting a new run when it means potentially locking myself into the current update for so long. Not to mention mod compatibility
seconding void stranger
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You can't into Nördics
>Stalker general officially became Stalker 2 general
I come to this place for Stalker advice for I have nowhere left to go.
What should I look for mod-wise if all I'm looking for is just CoP with a custom character? Like I literally loved everything about CoP, gunplay, exploration, artefact hunting, quests, achievements that award perks, EVERYTHING except playing as a glowie. I don't want tacticool shit, I don't want autistic balance changes from spergs who are one discord convo away from transitioning, I don't want LE HARDCORE SURVIVAL, so I'm pretty sure the mainstream trifecta of Misery/Gamma/Anomaly is not for me. What should I play instead if I just want CoP without Degtyarev?
Secrets of Grindea. I'll just copypaste my steam review:
I struggle to describe how enjoyable this game is. Downright magical. I haven't felt so... adventurous... in years.
It plays good.
It looks gorgeous.
It's fun to explore.
Its secrets are obscure enough to make you feel good for figuring them out while being clear enough that you (almost) never need any third party assistance to figure them out.
It has a perfectly simple story that doesn't take itself too seriously as to be pretentious, and its parody setting doesn't overindulge in itself as to ruin the immersion.
Its characters are authentically goofy yet very endearing.
It's brimming with soul in every little detail.
It's so great, in fact, that not even fighting the cataclysmically awfully designed (on the hard difficulty) final boss could ruin it, and the frustration was immediately made up for with the ending.
Masterwork of a game. A passion project of unending passion. I never heard of it in its 13 years of pre-release development, stumbled upon it by pure chance, and am infinitely grateful for that cosmic coincidence to have brought upon me awareness of this game's existence.
Try Wayward. It's a low power survival game where building a house will probably take you days and where bronze gear is currently the peak of power. I'm reasonably confident it should scratch the itch.
>Rogue's Tale
The comfiest traditional roguelike I've ever played. It's incredibly smooth controls-wise, it has the most satisfying metaprogression I've ever seen (don't sperg out, trust me, THIS metaprogression is one of the good onez), and it's nice to look at. It's also so fucking hard that you probably have to be literally mentally ill on some level to enjoy it. It nearly got mixed reviews due to difficulty alone. I have 500 hours in it and have gotten all 550 or so achievements.
I spent much more time with SoC than CoP, and in most of my COP playthroughs, most of what I did to mod CoP was just cosmetic, so I couldn't tell you much aside from saying that the Call of Chernobyl mod (the original open world COP mod before people took MEMERY and added it into the mix) lets you pick your faction and stuff. I'm not sure how much it's been improved or how many addons have been created since I played it years and years ago, but it was basically just a free-roam of all the STALKER zones from all 3 games as whatever faction you decide.
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Me too game, me too

It's an excelente game. Don't ask me how I know...
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Is that michael thorton's model?
Do you happen to at least remember which of the versions was still faithful to vanilla? I'm downloading 1.4 for now,
Not a clue. I can't even remember which AMK version(s) I liked in SoC, and I played those much more.
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>Nine Sols
>platforming segments are all side-scrolling bullshit for the first 50% of the game, the later half gets less aggravating
>platform is painfully basic and easy anyway
>2 to 3 seconds loading segments, which are plenty because each zone is the size of a short SNES Mario stage, plus you have to travel to the main hub to be able to teleport to other areas, so extra loading time.
>1 to 2 seconds animations when interacting with NPC, which you'll do plenty of times
>2 to 3 seconds boss animations every single attempt, both 1st phase and 2nd phase
>regular enemies are kinda lame and boring to deal with, hard to explain without writting wall of text
>bosses and mini-bosses all have a single cancer thing about them that ruins an otherwise great fight
The game is designed to pad time and only the boss fights are worthwhile despite their flaws, everything else is plain and forgettable. If it wasn't for the platforming exposing the game design philosophy, I might've overlooked the other time-wasting shit and have a different opinion about the game. I'll say though the lore and characters are endearing enough and the dialogue/translation is super competent for a chinese/taiwanese game, whatever the devs may be. I had a WAY more enjoyable time with Afterimage, and that game has it's fair share of flaws too.
Inb4 NEETs and zoomers calling me an ADHD zoomer. The bosses are simply not worth the time required to go through the stuff between each of them and deep inside your soul you know it's the truth.
Shame. Still, I'm grateful for the general directions. Hard to find good imput on stalker these days.
Yeah it's getting old. I'm sure /sg/ would be more help once the S2 launch hype dies down a bit.
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Welp, the demo was cool. Although it wasn't what I expected.
+nice ass. What else could you ask for?
based and egg pilled
I'm not sure there will be anyone left worth talking to. I sure as hell am not willing to listen to the shmucks who got memed into playing 2. That's like taking RPG recommendations from a BG3 fanboy.
Carol wishes she had such based, cute and funny *official* art as Nobeta.
Steaming hot little witch!
Is Nobeta's game any good? What's the gameplay like? Is the level design any good? Who's her voice actor?
Is it like Wurm?
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>Is Nobeta's game any good?
Yes but very short.
>What's the gameplay like?
>Is the level design any good?
Is okay.
>Who's her voice actor?
Konomi Kohara. The same VA as Roxy in Mushoku Tensei.
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Oh yeah Wayward is pretty good. I should get back to it and finish my run.

It's an island survival roguelike.
You don't say it. Pedophiles are hated and lynched on sight in France, unlike in the US where it's okay.
'mignonne et marrante' sounds cute and funny to me but I don't speak a word of frog.
>Play Slice and Dice
>Love it
>Play the demo for Die in the Dungeon
>Love it
>Try Slay the Spire
>It's alright
I feel like I'm missing something. This is meant to be the "absorbed me for 1000 hours" deckbuilder, but I only find it pretty alright and prefer its derivatives
Wrong words.
i was baiting you to correct it
useless frog
Maybe that transparent manipulation works on reddit where you come from, but not here.
>american tries to not be racist for 2 seconds: IMPOSSIBLE
>faggot get upset
>brings up his favorite website
you struck a nerve, the pedo is angry
>USA rent free in his fr*nch mind
The post that triggered the samefagging pedophile.
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It's cringe o'clock again...
>ask a simple question
>general suddenly has a melty
At least I don't have to bump the thread from page 10.
Blame the pedophiles who don't like to be called so.
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>Yes but very short.
Grim. Actually under 6 hours going by PC players polled. No wonder it's bit of a meme game.
What is /indie/'s ideal game length?
600 hours.
Slay was better in early beta before the abhorrent overtuning and reliance of more RNG features.
Aound 40 hours for a single player campaign.
Multiplayer and sandbox games have no upper limit. A good MMO can last thousands of hours with friends.
5-10 hours generally
I'll play again if I want contentslop
You like them short, huh. That explains your micropenis.
phone corrected aaa to again kek
that's why I like you so much anon!
Based slice and dice enjoyer I'm absolutely in the same boat.
Couldn't get into slay the spire cuz in the back of my mind i was having more fun with slice and dice
Depends on genre but 20-30 is ideal.
kowalski, pull up France's legal age of consent
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You've got it twisted. You think "Misao comes off as petty for demanding the deaths of Saotome and Kudoh". But Misao isn't actually supposed to come across as reasonable at all. The author intended for everyone to be at least somewhat sympathetic and that Misao, while tragic, has gone too far. It just so happens that the author is a fuckwit and didn't realize that Sohta and especially Yoshino are actually so hateable that most players would think "they fucking deserved worse".

Like take Sohta's backstory. It sets him up as a tragic boy who's almost a mirror to Misao and was never able to find anyone who accepted him for him. A product of his society.
COOL. He still raped and murdered a minor.
What the fuck.
If you want to experience the main features of the game, 50 hours.
If you want to experience all the game has to offer, 1k hours
No! You can see the nipple anon!
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Any cool mods for rain world downpour?
expeditions are addicting.
i mean there's rain world drought
I like being able to beat the main game in 20 hours or less, but having the option to come back for dozens if not hundreds of hours of sidequests. I mostly play JRPGs (Hat World, Crystal Project, False Skies), Roguelikes (DCSS, TOME, Achra etc), plus assorted dungeon crawlers and other RPGs. I don't mind longer games mind you, but I'll probably never beat their main story.

I don't like short games because I'm always worried about getting my money's worth, and when I pirate I feel bad because it's an indie dev.
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lots of talk about rain world in this general which i appreciate.
so anyone here interested in video cutlt's next project?
seems they're working on a racing game with fightning mechanics.
eh. doesn't sound like my thing, but rain world didn't sound like my thing either so who knows.
Finally finished, I never want to see another maze again in my life. Although I'm too much of a brainlet, I still would've considered this a masterpiece if it weren't for the boring and repetitive sections. After playing Sayonara Wild Hearts, I was hoping they'd shake things up to a similar extent, rather than recycle.
Vintage story is great, but yeah devs are taking their time and while there is no end game, there is already concrete lore so far.

By the next update, there will be more of lore-based content to explore.

The good thing was on how much the realistic gameplay it goes, although some people want MORE realism...
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Seems like we will receive some delicious lovecraftian horrorkino mixed with dracula babes before the end of the year boys. And yes, I'm crossposting this from /horg/.
>RAVENSBURG is a haunting RPG where you play as a vampire. Here Lovecraftian Horror meets Anime. Liberate a cult-ridden city, uncover mysteries, and fight horrors beyond imagination while befriending attractive companions. Build your mansion, and explore the city’s darkest depths.
It's amazing that a turn-based game has managed to squeeze in multiplayer and have it be able to work well. Wayward is one of my personal favorite games just because of this.

An alternative for a game like this is Elin; the new game of the Elona Dev.


Slay The Spire was released in 2017. It was THE game that brought deckbuilding from board games to digital -with roguelike- and basically the father of this combination of genres. Nowadays it's hard to see a Roguelike game that doesn't have a copy of the Slay the Spire map.

Of course, the years go by and by now everyone will have played some copy of it... Not that this is a bad thing. With each new game comes a different kind of innovation. But it's also not surprising that you look at the original game and say 'There's nothing in it that I haven't seen a thousand times before'.
is there some actual gameplay footage?
there's a youtube trailer.
I've seen one of the devs post more indepth gameplay footage but i don't feel like going through their media tab to fetch it.
Thank you for the review anon
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"Metroidvanias" just need to stop. You're never beating Super Metroid. Think of something else to make already.
If it wasn't from them I wouldn't be interested at all
but because it's them I'm curious
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i just wanna say Synthetik 2 is very cool.
i know alot of people tried it months ago in alpha and didn't like it, which is fair because it had a ton of performance issues and missing features, but it changed drastically between each update and it's in a very good state right now on update 14. if that applies to you i think you should give it another go.
if nothing else, the OST is still great
>we can't make anything in the vein of another game because the original exists and thus is the only game in the genre you need
Damn...Card-based combat niggas on suicide watch...at least Slay the Spire fags are eating like kings...
i wish this game had more meat to it.
best combat system in the whole genre imo, compressing the "deck" into a 6 sided die where each side is functionally a card is a stroke of genius, it makes adding buffs/debuffs to each side intuitive and gives every class alot of personality based on the die they have assigned.
it just needed more variety in enemies, playable classes, and especially in events.
same as the other anons, if it wasn't made by videocult I wouldn't even consider playing it
funny you guys should say that.
Joar (main guy behind the team) always kept saying that the main thing that matters for an indie dev to succeed is finding a way to market your game or grab people's attention.
game from no name indie dev- no one cares
same game from a team that spent years building a community on forums and discord and advertizing on social media- hit indie game
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This is my only comment. A smug duck is my only comment.
Says the schizo shilling french pedo game
Well they definitely didn't start with a game that was heavily marketable, Rain World got trashed by professional reviews and mostly ignored for a full year after release, it only picked up steam much later.
>Here Lovecraftian Horror meets Anime
The way they're phrasing that is not filling me with confidence.
Nor is the six-fingered girl you posted.
God I fucking hate networking and socializing so much it's unreal.
>can't have a successful game unless you suck dicks, get streamers to direct their fans towards your products or waste years of your life associating with forums and fanbases just so you have people who'll remember that you made something (and they expect it to be heavily inspired by the series fandom you are associated with)
making a hit indie game doesn't always mean that your next game will be a hit too. Rogue Legacy devs next game, Full metal furies, was considered a massive failure by the devs, so after that they made Rogue Legacy 2 to try to make some easy money
i mean yeah, "Indie" doesn't just cover game dev.
you're your own developer team, your own publisher, your own marketing team..
making a game and selling a game are two different fields of expertise..
Tell me what you like about it.
I played 1 and liked it after the initial acclimating period.
Lovecraftian is a red flag. Not because what the definition entails is necessarily bad, but because people using the word are retards who have never read a book in their life.
X meets Y is also a red flag.
Here [...] is a red flag.
"Build your mansion" is a red flag.
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welcome to society, enjoy your stay
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if you liked synthetik 1 then you're familiar with the general "flow" of the game between methodically positioning to reload and then unleashing a bullet hell and how addicting it can be.
the guns are punchy and their soundeffects are exquisite, the game is in an actual 3D engine now and that means they can implement actual physics for alot of things, this comes up alot for grenades for examples since you physically throw them. there's more classes and this time they make sure they play fundamentally differently than each other, in Synthetik 1 it had a porblem where all classes approach the same vanishing point in high levells because they all converge towards the few better strategies. not in Synthetik 2.
it has more bosses. but desu those are hit and miss. there's one i personally fucking hate. the final boss is definitely a highlight though.
actual variety, in S1 the areas get very repetetive especially since some of them are just recolors of each other.
in S2 there's actual level design and weather effects and geometry going on with hazards that matter, and it has a sort of branching paths thing going on where first area picks from a pool of 3 areas, second area does the same, etc.
more difficulty configurations/challenge run options.
and generally just more content, more weapons, more classes, more enemy variety, more bosses, more areas, if there's something you liked in S1 there's more of it in S2.
and there's a classic mode that makes the game control more similar to synthetik 1 if you don't like the new shield or grenade mechanics etc.
only thing i'd say is just like how you kept an open mind before synthetik 1 finally "clicks", you should do the same for synthetik 2. it'll feel weird at first because it controls a little differently than any other game in the genre, but after your first run your brain should acclimate and you'll "get it".
i recommand starting with commando and knifing people.
Also, reverence is my gunfu. When you get it you'll "get" it. Beautiful gun.
Where the fuck are you getting six fingers from? Are you blind?
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I think he means pic related.>>503326367
Are you trying to say that the guns trigger is a finger?
I could see that I guess, but then that means there is no trigger on the gun.
I find it more believeable to believe it's a finger since if it was a trigger, it wouldn't even be linked to the thingy where the bullet is.
I thought the same at quick glance, but it's definitely a finger with a distinct lightning artstyle choice. Even if it was a trigger, the positioning is utterly retarded even if its supposed to be a type of pressure trigger that by default already touches the "C" thing and you need to apply pressure to squeeze it and shoot the gun.
six fingers, one miscolored finger, no trigger
five fingers, malformed hand

either way it's fucked up
that third finger bother me more than the second finger/trigger
Depends on the type of game. Some games overstay their welcome in a few hours, some are too short after tens of hours.
Yeah, that's what it looks like to me.
The other option is that she's holding the gun like she's giving a thumbs up and there just happens to be a gun in her fist that she forgot about.
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Got around to playing Mouthwashing. It was 95% walking simulator, but a very good walking simulator.

Were the unreal segments supposed to be supernatural or all in Jimmy's head?
https://store.steampowered.com/app/3124080/Cardaire/ launched yesterday.
Looks like YGO! but stylized like those older Pokemon TCG games (where you get booster packs, make a deck, and run around fighting other people with decks)
Is it recommended to play Intravenous 2 on true difficulty? I played the first one on true and it was fine but I've heard the sequel is harder on true.
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The Time I Have Left
Jimmys head
Genre-wise it should be my jam, but the aesthetic clashes trigger my tism. What's the point of having harder-to-read pixilated GBA text alongside high-res UI elements like the life counter?
what the actual fuck...that didn't actually happen, did it?
Played it on Halloween with friends, it was an amazing time
I never played that, I'm afraid.
I hate it when the crops in my garden spread beyond their tiles. I ended up paving my entire garden with cobblestone tiles to avoid this. Especially since I have a bunch of trees and cacti in mine.
Rain World to Videocult is what Darkest Dungeon 1 was to Red Hook. I don't believe they are capable devs and RW is not a freak accident.
>It's amazing that a turn-based game has managed to squeeze in multiplayer and have it be able to work well. Wayward is one of my personal favorite games just because of this.
It's kind of surprising to see how many posters actually know of Wayward. I thought it was onw of those literal whos that nobody but me ever played.
>An alternative for a game like this is Elin; the new game of the Elona Dev.
I'm personally not planning to buy it any time soon because those corpocuck gooks that scream "no regional prices and no sales GIMME MONEY" don't ellicit too much trust from me. It's the same mindset as Nintendo patenting the feature of looking at things.
Atlyss came out yesterday and it's genuinely fun. The combst starts off like shit and becomes fantastic once you unlock your class. I'm playing bandit right now and it's great.
there were gameplay streams by the publisher
the game actually looks fun as fuck and has a lot of unorthodox choices for the genre, and there's no reason not to believe that it won't be a fun arcade racing game
>no reason
I already have a reason.
/indie/ vs /dng/ now
win or draw and we should be through
will hades 2 get a discount this winter sale?
I don't doubt Videocults talent at all, but what i actually mean by that is i don't doubt Joar's talent.
he literally coded like 90% of the mechanics back in 2011 on his own while working One hour per day as a hobby due to hisactual job taking most of his time. the rest of the teams came in just to port his code from an outdated language to unity and general polish.
all the things praise about rain world like the AI and movement and aesthetic were present in what's essentially a flash game he made on his freetime; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNYTIxHQ3jk
if Joar is in Videocult, then it's still in good hands.
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didn't expect to see babes in victory heat rally.
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Retarded statement. they are literally polar opposites.
Red Hook actively hates their community because they "enjoyed their game wrong", darkest dungeon 2 was made almost out of spite, like saying "THIS is how you're supposed to play our game".
Rainworld devs are on the opposite end of the spectrum, they love their community *too* much, to the point of letting them contribute and compromise the original vision.
rain world: i managed to get stuck in drainage system, right after the beginning which, as it turns out, you are not suppossed to do. i had a shelter right next to a huge pipe. leading me directly to an area filled with water and tons of leeches. i couldnt manage to get past that and apparently it's one of the late game areas or leads to one of the late game areas. either it's really hard and welp. now i gotta restart the game.

at least now i instantly found the actual area i am suppossed to go
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FTL basically got me re-interested in vidya. I went from like 2 hours of vidya per week to 15 hours per week just from playing this. But this fucking achievement is killing my joy for the game. It's maybe the most boring ship in the game, and the achievement is impossible.
At best, I got 3 blue events in the first sector and then didn't get a single one for the remaining sectors.
Literally impossible.
you are playing it wrong if you somehow manage to get less than 4 blue options up until the very end of the game
learn what quests leads to more of them, specifically learn what beacons are most likely to get you events and get engis with slugs
I don't remember this one to be particularly annoying. The one for beating 20 rock ships with the rock cruiser is easely the most rng and shitty one, as there are times where it's literally impossible to get it but there's no way to know unless you get far and rock cruisers suck ass.
Not really going through drainage is perfectly valid for a first playthrough that's how mine went.
the thing about rain world is every area connects to about 4 areas, and one of them is usually the lategame one but is hard to get to/requires movement tech so experienced players.
so if you're in drainage system, sure there's a path to subternannean (end game area) but you won't reach it naturally unless you know about it, if you soldiered on through drainage and progressed normally you would've mostly likely ended up in either outskirts or garbage wastes, both early game areas.
there's only really one are that i would recommend you "turn back" when you reach it: pipeyard; it fucking sucks and is located in the center of the map so it feels like you always end up there no matter what even though it's optional.
oh well, too late and also fuck those leeches. i know i can stun them with a snail but it's still too hard getting past them and once i get past them i will most likely drown. it gets frustrating.
that's fine, picking another path is fine. the world is your oyster.
>fear & hunger is made by a finn
just what the fuck is up with that country
Finnish culture is defined by 3 things: booze, sadomasochism and poverty cuisine
On a new playthrough my advice so you don't get lost is "keep going right"
You forget cold and isolation.
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I wouldn't expect a sale until after 1.0
Dev is Matt Bozon-pilled
random rain world gripe:
Slugpups should've been available way earlier or been a toggle in the menu.
locking them behind gourmand sucks because you want to do gourmand and then the other OC donut steals but gourmand only unlocks slugpups for the vanilla slugcats so you're torn between making story progress and starting a new vanilla playthrough just for the novelty of trying out slugpups instead of them being organically introduced into the game.
Personally i would've put them in the very fifrst survivor campaign as something you unlock by doing an optional sidequest of sorts that you can do midway through the run.
they are a bonus optional content (not of the greatest quality if you ask me) and i wouldn't bear them in vanilla campaigns
File deleted.
i like them, they were developped alongside vanilla and were in the game files since the alpha, ever since the games story was simpler, along the lines of surviving long enough to mature and start your own family and then one of the slugpups gets lost and retreads your journey in a NG+ of sorts.
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woops posted a screenshot instead of webm
>they were developped alongside vanilla and were in the game files since the alpha
they weren't
the lingo build slugpups were not ported into unity at all, some of their systems were used as a basis for current creature reputation modules
downpour pups were made by an unaffiliated modder, and they are much more stupid even than what the alpha builds showcased
What's the best kings field style indie game.
Lunacid troons need not apply
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There are no good ones
Just play the ones fromsoft made themselves.
Namely Eternal ring and shadow tower
Has anyone here played Blue Revolver Double Action?
I've been grinding it since I made that post and I got it.
>you are playing it wrong if you somehow manage to get less than 4 blue options
It's specifically for race-based blue events, which are rare enough that it is hard to get intentionally since you have to do it in the first 5 sectors. I was resetting until I got 2 new races near the very start and still I just barely got it at the final node that wasn't covered by the rebel fleet at the end of sector 5.
I haven't played it but from other people I know who did it seems it's a bit of a mixed bag. They changed a lot of things that made BR unique like its scoring system, and made it something much more bland. Now you can "easily" get >125M points in normal, and I saw some ~200M points paralel clear. Normal mode and missions are also easier now, but parallel mode is harder. Stage 5 has also been completely modified. The game is still good but it's weird how they decided to pretty much destroy the old game.
I kinda wish there was an option to switch between old and double action but I think the game is better overall I'm having more fun than I was before
You can still access it by going in one of the beta branches or smth
is that dog ok?
It's not a dog. It's a woman.
Stop being in denial.
It's not like kings field.
>I'm personally not planning to buy it
I pirated Elin, and only bought it after playing 10 hours. In my opinion, pirating is an excellent way to make sure that the game is worth paying for.
I don't mind if a game doesn't have a regional price or discounts (and I'm from a third world country), but it's true that there are games that I end up pirating and if they were a little cheaper, I would buy them without hesitation.

Nor do I think it is fair to compare a single dev with a multinational. It's not easy to make a living from your game.
king's field has such shit gameplay the only game in it's family is lunacid
man, artificer campaign sucks.
>It's not easy to make a living from your game.
Even if it's an AAA game.
AAA dev is risky for entirely different reasons.
you have your fixed paycheck so it's not the direct finances your worried about, the issue is schizo megalomaniac higher ups can fire yo- i mean "lay you off" even if your game does well and all you'll get for explanation is an automatic responder e-mail.
The game worked fine and was a critical success.
Therefore, you are fired.
legit don't get what's so special about mouthwashing.
so a bunch of wagies fucked up and killed each other, big whoop.
>but muh artsy fartsy visuals
it's been done.
it has a loser girl and loser girls are hot.
You just want someone to relate to, anon. I'm totally not projecting right now either. Definitely not
>come home in the middle of the night
>/indie/ is in need of a bump
sorry can't be fucked to answer to the reply to my post right now so have this bump instead
penis penis penis
any TCG indies.
no slay the spire clones.
I .. *cough* I... dungeon... crawlers...
Shining in the Darkness.
No.. *wheeze*... new...
>Even if it's an AAA game.

Not really. Some games can't go wrong.
>Example: Pokemons games.
They are made by a group of 50 people at best, with a MINIMUM amount of resources. Why? Because a) they don't need more and b) they WILL sell no matter what.
People will cry, but they will not only buy the game, they will buy the same game THREE TIMES.

Sure, pokémon is the most exaggerated case, but many other AAA IP's are too big to lose money making games.
And that's if we don't go into most cases, which are when they 'lose money' but in reality the company expected to make X amount of money, and simply sold less than that (even if they made a profit, albeit a small one).

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Mods for Grimrock 2. This is all you'll get.
Legend of grimrock 3 NEVER EVER
Fucking swedes.
What is even the appeal of dungeon crawlers?
But I already make mods for Grimrock because there aren't enough
Then make sexy mods. About Deedlit.
What is even the appeal of living? You should just kill yourself right this instant.
Woah, with an attitude like that, no wonder devs don't want to make dungeon crawlers.
You get what you deserve by being so petulant.
There are VERY few TCG's on the market. Mainly because right now almost everything is a deckbuilder.
>Card City Nights 1 & 2.
>Inscryption (Small spoiler: It starts as a deckbuilder but then has a TCG part)
>Aces and Adventures
>TCG Card Shop Simulator...?

And... that's it? Unless you want to go the route of Etherlords II or the Pokémon TCG (If you didn't play the second one, a fanmade English translation came out 'recently').
Everything else are just deckbuilders.
You crawl the dungeon
No, I mean...
Usually shit because format doesn't really allow cutscenes.
All dungeon crawlers I saw took place inside, in the most boring and colorless dungeons possible.
Grimrock has some platforming if I remember right, but the rest is very limited too.
Again, from what I heard, 80% of team composition are literally unplayable and you'll lose if you try them, so you can't go 3 thieves and 1 mage, you always need at least one warrior, one cleric, one archer and one wizzard.
if you want story and shit there's always Baroque for sega saturn.
>All dungeon crawlers I saw took place inside, in the most boring and colorless dungeons possible.
This a you problem. you haven't seen enough dungeons.
I'm hoping Monomyth ends up being really good. I enjoyed the demo
Well I tried Shining in the Darkness and Grimrock. If these two, the most famous I know, are not engaging, then I have no reasons to check any other.
Where do I go to talk about Balatro?
I tried playing SOMA and boy am I somewhat dissapointed. It feels incredibly mid, I already knew the twist but the game didn't even attempt to hide it so it's not that big of a deal. I geniuently don't really find the philosophical question of "Would a copy (or a brain scan) of you still be you?" to be that interesting as I see it as something that we have no way to actually answer as we can't even define consciousnes to begin with so it feels like trying to learn how to run before we walk, which might have influenced my interest in the game as well.

The gameplay is a walking simulator with monsters. It's alright but it just doesn't click with me.

That looks great will try it.
I will try that as well
You can talk about it here.
What is the worst indie game that you have ever played guys?
For me it might be quite a basic bitch choice but it's Dustborn (I pirated it)
So... do you guys know any more horror RPGs? I have played Fear and Hunger and Darkest Dungeon already as well as Black Souls. It's generally such a fun genre mix that I wish it would appear more often.
Ah! you meant THOSE dungeon crawlers.
Personally, as a kid I loved Eye of the Beholder. I remember drawing maps behind my math homework.
However... Legends of Grimrock never appealed to me. And I tried! It's a game that has everything I love, plus it's an obvious nostalgia bait for a boomer like me.
However I could never play it for more than 2 hours. It puts me to sleep.

I think it has to do with the game being more of a nostalgia bait, going for classic mechanics without much innovation other than QoL.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, tho. It's just a personal preference.

>Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society.
I played this one for over 100 hours. I guess because it shakes up the formula a bit.
It's got story. JRPG combat. Farming. Secrets. Cute anime waifus. Multiple classes and a great freedom to make party builds. The game is not easy, either.
Like all games, it has its problems. But I think it's a good step for the genre. Not everything has to be a faithful copy of Eye of the Beholder.
most /indie/ darlings nowadays are bad
it's why this general has gone downhill
I played it when the "boomer shooter revival" shit wasn't a thing yet so all the zoomers had no actual frame of reference and oversold it to shit.
i always thought it looked like shit and played like floaty garbage.
So many. I occasionally look for games without reviews just to find hidden gems.
The worst ones are the asset flips.

Otherwise, I will fight to the death for any game made with love, even if they are unplayable.
>However... Legends of Grimrock never appealed to me. And I tried! It's a game that has everything I love, plus it's an obvious nostalgia bait for a boomer like me.
I mean, same. I tried it, I really tried.

>It's got story. JRPG combat. Farming. Secrets. Cute anime waifus. Multiple classes and a great freedom to make party builds. The game is not easy, either.
I mean, RPG gotta either have story or gameplay, and I disliked Grimrock because gameplay feels like "click, wait". Warriors can't feint, parry, erect a shield wall or anything, and there was no story I could tell.

And I just finished Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth so I'm game for a JRPG combat with lot of skills.
I disagree, I really liked DUSK and honestly I felt like most of the other "boomer shooter" revival games never get to the same level.
I really liked DUSK too. It felt simple and straightforward, kinda like Half Life. No meter, no ultimate, no fuel to accumulate or anything. Just guns, enemies and maps.
Yeah, Grimrock is TOO classic. I understand what they were going for, but every time I play it makes me want to play EotB. Not Grimrock.

That doesn't mean the whole genre is bad, just that it's a niche genre that hasn't had much innovation.
That's the thing it didn't overcomplicate shit (though it had some interesting mechanics at times). There are some games in the "boomer shooter revival" with good and complex mechanics that were fun, but not many of them just feel as "Oh, another FPS just like the ones which were made in the past". That's how Dusk felt.
i just wanna say Ultrakill is pretty great, regardless of your opinion of trannies.
I understand your point. And it's funny, that's precisely why I like it.
No secondary fire, no shooting the shock core to make a shock combo, no items to bother with. Just shooting, and a scary atmosphere that really appealed to me. I'm a sucker for cults stories in the south of the united states, like "American Gothic" thing.
against the storm. who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to put roguelite elements on a strategy game
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For those of ya'll who enjoy idle/incremental games, Unnamed Space Idle just got a big update.
And for people who haven't heard of it before, it's a quality idle game (with some amount of active "gameplay" and strategizing) about driving your space ship through alien territory and repurposing their tech to make your ship progressively more powerful in the face of a seemingly-endless horde of alien space ships.
I'm nearing the end of R5 now and figured I should post it here since I know we have 2 or 3 ilder fans.

I am also playing a game I found called Meritous. It's a bullet-hell dungeon-crawler where your only attack is a charged-up psionic nova and you have to clear out thousands of rooms in search of the keys to restore the Dome. Overall very cool, most interesting tidbit I found was that despite being developed in 2019, it was made to run on Windows 98 and has great forwards-compatibility.
Both games are free.
Don't really have any strong hate for any games I've played but I've always found Age of Decadence to be a pain in the tits and a somewhat unfun experience. Especially it's insistence on trial-and-error of the worst kind and practically expecting you to look up guides and build planners just to get anything worthwhile done
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Kind of a metroidvania, but without any map.
But I agree with you, I said that's why I like the game too.
why do rain world troons seethe when you call their game a metroidvania.
it literally is.
Ultrakill is good, it's just that the creator hired a voice actor who is a cunt.
Oh, sorry. It's the way you phrased it, it sounded like a negative.
i seethe at the term metroidvania in general.
Are you mad? Are you seething?
Lunacid is a metroidvania
I personally prefer the term metroidlite.
no anon NO
anon no
this is not google
call a doctor about your butt issues
you'd think it'd be a very ripe field for indies.
literally just brainstorm a ruleset and then make art for cards and voilà. indie TCG.
i understand that it's hard to make a *good* indie TCG, but it feels like there's no indie TCGs period. no one is even trying.
there's a bunch of crypto/NFT hearthstone clones.
in this house we use the correct term, search action games.
menu games
brothel management games
Trying to do the hunter playthrough in rain world and man... i thought i was ready i was like yeah sure toughter enemies + timer i'll just speedrun this. and then i find out one of your hands is permaoccupied with neuron fly and stomache is permaoccupied with the pearl.
it makes you how subtely evil that burden is. like not being able to grab squidcadas for long jumps because you need both hands, it's basically an amputee run.
On the bright side, you can carry extra spears on your back.
The opposite of indie, but the Tag Force games might scratch the itch if you haven't played them.
this >>503351910
looks cool. mechanically and gameplay wise.
not sure how i feel about the aesthetics and style tho, it feels a little too cozy, like stardew valley vibes which i hate.
wish there was something just like this but more SMT-esque.
do you mod your favorite indie games?
embrace your inner murderhobo instinct
Just play Eternal ring i know you haven't played it nigger
for me it's Teleglitch, I really couldn't get into the game
I'm done with the game. All the side and main quests, spells, weapons and armours. The last few hours were a complete grind because I couldn't find the side quest that was clogging the entire questlines and I had to grind 3k kills for the final achievement.
The game took 22 hours, I'd say that for $2, I definitively had my money's worth. It's more of a classic action rpg than a farming game. No relation between characters, 90% of the game is not farming game stuff but the farming is at least somewhat like a traditional farming game. And it has an awful grind achievement that takes several hours to complete optimally and can't realistically be completed the normal way. But at least it's only about a single hour to do it... Unlike rune factory which always have That One Achievement which requires over 10 hours of optimal grind to complete, the biggest barn in rf4, the max friendship (and big family) achievements from rf5, all items shipped from rf3 (and rf4 but it's a lot easier there). It's a farming game tradition. Perfection in stardew, unlock every skills in sun haven, etc.

That is to say, we needed a bump.
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Space Funeral. If that counts.
>no, it's supposed to be shit on purpose!
Fuck off.
Act II of Inscryption is so cozy. I don't know why people always meme about act I being the only good part.
>plays game which is shit on purpose
>it's shit
what did you expect
Should I play Animal Well?
Everything Devolver Digital makes always feels so fucking reddit.
They're the electro swing of game developers.
God I hate paying taxes in Elin
Especially if you live anywhere that's not the meadow near Mysilia
Ratropolis. Card game + RTS is a match made in hell. Due to time pressure you end up just spamming cards without thinking.
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>what if Rogue...but female protag 3d porn??!?
too bad all the porn is with monsters
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HARK THE GHOUL had a demo
there're like a couple ones made with SOM
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Played the The Time I Have Left new demo they made for the Kickstarter, i think they doubled the
demo area plus added a (kinda shitty) boss fight.
It's...good. It tries something different and the combat kinda grew on me despite the fact that initially i thought it was stupid. The things that bother me are:
1) The MC makes no sound whatsoever during combat, making it kinda awkward
2) Finding items requires facefucking the walls and when entering Searching mode to flail the cursor around so you dont miss anything
3) I found moving around the Database awkward
4) Items are not organized by type
5) You're thrown into the game without knowing what your objective is, not even a clue like "I have to get out of the Residential Block"
Also to the people who played it, is it possible to get back to the Residential Block after entering the Maintenance Level?
will Repentance+ fuck up my mods if i download it? i want to try online but not at the cost of the mods
you can't play online with mods anyway. Idk how it works really anyway since I disabled them all before downloading the dlc
yes but i dont know if its going to fuck me up when playing solo runs after
Idk why, but I just get the feeling that you independent gamers feel really nice to hug.
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Ziggurat? Odd.
why? it was perfectly alright
Red Flower by GBoots for Knytt Stories +
Not because of the content but because of the bugs and horrible, unedited dialogue that drove me insane, not to mention all the little secrets that were hard to find and the chapter-like progression of the game that shuts you out of finding them if you progress too fast. I'm sure there are other indie games that I've played that were on that level or worse but I can't really think of any. Would the LOTR: War in the North also count or nah?
what's wrong with it?
Loop Hero
I don't make it a habit to play ultra shit game so even my least favorite isn't that bad.
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GoG games
RIOT - Civil Unrest 4FHC7 thirtynin 843AD621DA9
PL5W7B nintytoo 9BEE756879
Overcooked! Gourmet Edition
DQZXDAF7 zerofor C7FBC20C
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I don't know. I bought and played a shitton of unfinished early access indies.
Krater maybe? Starforge? Ace of Spades? Crossroads Inn? Roots of Patcha? Guns of Icarus? Shallow Space?
Dunno Too many dissapointments.
Came too late to bump /civ4xg/ but just in time to bump /indie/.
Thank you anon
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I'm playing CBN. Stop dying.
Cock and Ball Nursing?
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goat game
rain world: can someone give me a hint?

i am in looks to the moon and i found the robot, i have no idea what to do. my little helper only tells me to not kill anyone. so i dont. am i suppossed to just walk away and go somewhere else? also then why did i collect all these pearls in the previous room? i have them stored in my shelter and the robot doesnt react to them if i bring them
that's not what the helper wants
the little helper (the yellow thing) is telling you to go somewhere else, yeah, follow it it's giving you general directions, not precise directions, like "go left" or "go up".
the pearls are used as currency to trade with the scavengers and get on their good side so they stop killing you on site, the *colored* pearls have optional lore reasons for existing, but i suggest not worrying about it on a first playthrough.
focus on surviving and exploration, that's what the game is about.
so am i suppossed to eat the glowing "flies"? i did that once and i started glowing myself, but then i killed myself because it seems wrong. or do i need more karma to meaningfully interact with the robot? getting more karma is kind of a pain, as the way back to the robot is rather long
the next scavengers are way too far away, getting all 5 pearls there would be a pain in the ass.
>so am i suppossed to eat the glowing "flies"?
well that's an option
you can't communicate with the robot yet.
the little helper is now going to help you to find a way to communicate which lies elsewhere.
no, don't eat the flies. if you eat them the robot dies
one pearl is enough, you can store it in your stomache by holding the grab button.
the important thing is to not kill them. and to pay their toll when you enter their village or else they'll attack you if you try to pass through.

alright thanks!


their village entrance is where they have the tree with all the pearls? also good to know, i thought collecting the pearls was more important in gaining favors with the scavs. i know they have a merchant, but i dont care much for that right now anyway
I loathe Duskers. Everything always degrades, replacements are random, and the overarching story amounts to fucking nothing.
Cool Bigass Niggass
I'm going to sleep. Don't die.
Did Stronghold have a way to decide when I want enemies to be able to attack me? I want a comfy base-builder where I get to decide when shit comes for my booty cheeks
christ /vg/ is fast today
Playing kitaria fables made me want to play more sun haven. I don't really have any objectives or anything to grind for. I just want to farm, eat and fuck. That is to say, I want to create as many of the endgame crop as possible (which always give back a seed when harvested and give you a decent amount of all 3 currencies), eat 100 of as many food as I can to get the max permanent bonus from them and marry Vivi.
ICBM escalation seems alright, overdetailed version of defcon, but the AI is braindead, it literally won't attack, I nuke everyone in the whole world but they literally do nothing, they don't take territories, the only thing they do is send bombers long after that stopped being viable due to radar and missile tech
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*saves /indie/*
Both Void Stranger and Infra are good games, though not exactly what I'm looking for. I'm going to keep playing them on and off probably. Thanks for the recommendations guys.
remember all the gajillion indie MMOs that came and went.
not one of them is noteworthy.
maybe i could have gotten a gf if i spent time on myself rather video games
>defining yourself by wether or not you're in a relationship
I got one and the only effort I put in was shaving+showering on days I gotta interact with people, and brushing my teeth every other day.
It took a whole year though, but I am happy with the results.
Guess I'll fucking die.
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glitch was good
remember all the gajillion non-indie MMOs that came and went.
not one of them is noteworthy.
Disco Elysium stays the best depiction of what it feels like to live with serious mental illness. It's ironic coming from a game which on a surface level uses your character's mental illness as the butt of the joke.
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>picking train mission, ever
Yandere Simulator.
I fell for it. I really did, I wanted Hitman in a persistent world, but I got an eternal demo with too pany quirky easter eggs.
Yes. In sandbox, you could press F1 to cause events.
Out of all the things to come out of YS, the weirdest is like the fucking absolute bibliography of references it has on TV Tropes for some god forsaken reason
Because the guy updated it very often, but updates were just memes. There's a little nightmare mode, there's a Sans mode. If it's popular, he added a cheat to let you play as the Flavour of the Month character.
I was in denial of how bad it was until I realised he was more interested in having a community than making an actual game.
Perfect. Thanks
In my knowledge, only works for Stronghold, Stornghold Crusader, and Stronghold 2.
Legends doesn't have a sandbox mode, and I haven't tried 3 or Crusader 2 or Warlords.
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where does it want me to go? to the right or to the left?
>Hitman in a persistent world
I never followed yandere simulator development but the name already has not one but two red flags against something like that.
Why so? I liked the idea of having to survive in a world that you're ruining through murders.
Dishonored had a similar system where the more you killed, the shittier the world got.
Stronghold and Crusader were what I was going after, so that's perfect. Thanks again
It's my pleasure to help. Have fun.
You have an "x simulator" type meme game and weebshit. Not a combo that would or could ever take itself seriously like Hitman.
march is so far away...
I mean, I have Cooking Simulator, and I genuinely like it. But I see your point, Surgeon Simulator does NOT take itself seriously. I wish I refunded it.

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