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Previous: >>503079323

>Character Trailer - "Chasca: Feather-Fletched Peace"
https://youtu.be/dRbFN8hrCLs [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/laXquVN79Qk [Embed] (JP)

>Character Trailer - "Ororon: Elusive and Unfathomable Hues"
https://youtu.be/cLhXZ_CYuVg (EN)
https://youtu.be/s7ITxcK24OM (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)

>Current character banner: Chasca, Lyney, Ororon, Sucrose, Barbara
>Current weapon banner: Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage (Bow), The First Great Magic (Bow)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's (blue) ZhongTao, YanTao and FuTao.
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They're going to buff her right?
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>another pyro main dps

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sustainer waiting room
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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I got paid to cheldpost
>English and Japanese trailer
>Chinese game
>no Chinese trailer in OP
pay me welkin and bp and i could make it the cleanest thread on 4chins
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How do we feel about Mavuika powercreeping Xiangling finally?

Q: - ICD: None
Interval: ~1.8sec
Multiplier: 238% (Level 13)
Needs 250%-300% ER
needs ATK, Crit, Cdmg stats
EM Ascension

Tap E: - ICD: None
Interval: 2 sec
Multiplier: 230.4% (Level 10)
needs 0% ER
Only needs offensive stats (ATK and CDmg)
CDmg Ascension
+134 base atk
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we love siggy here
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Can’t enjoy Natlan’s shitty world design anymore. Cya
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klee tummy
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Who won
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why are they allowed to have clothes designed to show off their belly button but the actual belly dancer, nilou, is all covered up
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wrio love
>he thinks Mavuika's burst will be up when you start abyss
she's going to be just like acheron and feixaio and you have to build it up first LOL
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Thoughts on the first confirmed straight genshin?
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Thread theme
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I will now roll for Mualani
cause dawei is a weeb
Dehya is showing her tummy
>5* needs to burst to do its thing
into the trash it goes
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Guaranteed yes, after the Zhong disaster they are essentially required to make archons disgusting
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I knew that, whatever these names are
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Why would pajeets betray the cheldcord like that?
Mavuika is a no roll for me.

Her bike in the air is retarded, more so than Casca riding the gun in the air.
Natlan flopped
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I really, REALLY like little girls
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>literally every single Natlan character for 4 patches straight wants either obsidian codex or cinder city
Back to discord, pajeet
What set do I prefarm for Mavuika?
Archons are the biggest sellers so they would be dumb to make her weak.
Ayaka being lusting for Aether cock since forever
How similar is the Chinese language
to Japanese
are you a failed normie?
Literally who cares? If her off field skill is basically the same strength as Xiangling's burst she needs no burst at all. It's like saying you need Nahida's ready.
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>Interval: ~1.8sec
still lying eh
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Groomttore will save Natlan
how many amazon gift cards did they give you?
its more like japanese is similar to chinese since japanese derived from chinese, but the sentence structure is very different
They know their language sounds like trash.
isn't that a good thing
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Mualani status?
>Koult can run ZZZ on his IPad
what fucking IPad do you have? you gotta be loaded my 10th gen can't run it
>clip studio
Show me your art
>Characters from region want the region's artifacts set
>who cares about 50% damage bonus
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>being lusting since forever
this post costed angelo 3$
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Citlali but she's not constrained by the sensibilities of a gacha coomer audience
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any boys rolled Clorinde here?
not enough porn along w/ xilonen goddamn genshin sure crashed in that department
about as similar as English and Russian
the only thing they share is kanji, the language itself is completely different
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sex with alhaitham
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tick tock genkeks
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Remember that by not replying to shitposters trying to derail the thread you're literally stealing money from some discord paying jeets to reply to each other
unironically why? what compels a group of retards to shit up 4chin threads? i barely have time to jerk off and they waste all day trying to make threads unusable
Depends on the team, but probably either Obsidian Codex (onfielder), Cinder City (off fielder and buffer), or Golden Troupe (already have a cinder holder in the team and using her off field)
I'll prefarm Codex just because i'm not satisfied yet with my Mualani pieces. If Mavuika uses another set i will strongbox everythin into EOSF
It's not a lie
the artists are busy drawing ba instead
I rolled her but I seriously doubt she can charge battle will fully
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These people sound really pathetic. I will no longer negativepost or reply to anything inflammatory purely to piss them off. /gig/ love!
Tencentfag, they still mad on hoyo
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Wish I could groom Dottore
>needs 0% ER
No, just a full bricklan team
>Raymond's game
do not redeem the bike saar
Kind of, the kanji/hanzi have inherent symbolic meanings and words are made out of them so if you know one language then you can kind of read the general meaning of the sentences even without knowing the actual readings in the other language
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Got C4 Kirara from standard, is she worth building now? How do you build her?
im not one of the discord raiders
not even a pajeet
I use an ipad pro m4
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you know simple math proves you're lying right
Another genshin killer?
What is this the 30th one?
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I just got paid to shitpost on gig for the next 3 hours, get ready.
You can clear the abyss easily right now without a 50% damage bonus multiplier character, it'll just be even that much faster when it does eventually charge up
You're dead xiangling troon
I started Genshin recently and have C0 Zhongli, dont ask how. I am a Zhongli fanatic and his banner is coming up soon. If I did all the story content possible now for all the primogems I could get, could I realistically get to C2 during his banner? I have basically the entire game to do.
There are genuinely people that are so mentally weak that this level of rebellion and chaos sowing is enough to satiate their little egos
Japanese and Chinese are related as much as Chinese and English. Japanese just has a lot of Chinese loan words and kanji.
japanese is its own thing, they only adopted chinese characters. kinda similar to how europeans adopted latin at some point because of its prestige.
Tencent is like some cartoon villain always trying the most ridiculous tactics and not only failing but propping the main character up.

Dogshit snapshot character

Not my Archon
>quick google
Fuck that's way out of my price range
gotta say that it can get a lot lower if you move around the enemy
>cant support a simple reverse melt comp because of slow as shit app
damn the manila spammer probably gets paid well to do this now that i think about it
>could I realistically get to C2 during his banner?
Yes, you would need at worst 360 rolls(realistically 320 rolls while losing 50/50, and more than a month.
C2 zhongli only works for coop though, since you already have full shields at C0 for your party
Why would you ever want C2 Zhong?
It's fake Saar. Please it's fake Saar believe us saar
I'm noticing you're not providing anything of worth here

Still not a lie
I cracked and decided to have a look at the current leaks on hakush dot in. That new yet to be introduced character is a cutie and Mavuika's C4 is intense.
Basically a 20 second full Yelan burst dmg increase buff to the party without any ramp up time. Her C6 is also kind of nutty as it basically makes her both a powerful dps but also a strong as shit sub dps. Mihoyo have clearly decided to drop the whole archons being support focused for the most part and are giving us an archon that does it all. That's a Neuvillette tier spike in powercreep compared to previous archons, Furina included. Makes me wonder just how absurdly game breaking the cryo archon will end up.
Spoilers for anons who don't want to read spoilers.
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Do you think Mihoyo can top Volume F ?
4chan has always been getting discord raids. But we have been having too many newfags in recent years that many anons have started to relax.
Hes my favorite character of all time and I wanna use him in all the co-op content I ever run.
probably yeah
dude makes 18h shifts everyday he must be loaded
Mihoyo couldn't top teletubbies.
>mavuikatards can’t do simple math
How many times do you think xiangling burst hits in 14 seconds mavuikatard. Do you know how to do division?
Getting the urge to pull for Chasca just so I have a reason to use Shenhe now that Ayaka is in a ditch
You get to use his neato burst to get shields instead of holding so its technically a damage boost
It's a fujo who lives in phillipines she 100% lives off welfare from either her parents or government
Chinese and English are both analytic languages, while Japanese is synthetic. In terms of structure, Chinese and English are a lot closer together than either of them are to Japanese.
What the fuck is this new archon quest. Took 30 mins and they just tell to complete the book thingy? Is there more story in this patch?
Chasca is better than Ayaka but her best team mates aren't Shenhe
>he pulled uglychino

What does that have to do with intervals retardGOD
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only chasca story quest and the usual world stuff
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>team DPS calcs
imagine taking those autistic spreadsheets seriously, none of it takes into consideration the fact that you would be facing real enemies, with move sets, resistances, positioning, elem shields, gimmicks, etc.
it literally doesn't matter wich team deals more damage, at the end of the day a team using Dori instead of Clorinde will kill a boss faster because she has a claymore.
theorycrafters are the most pathetic and useless retards in the fanbase and so are you cucks for believing their trash.
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I wonder which one of these is the land of Pyro and war and which one is a subregion of the Dendro region
Siggy onahole...
Probably gets paid more to shit post than dumpster diving for pagpag.
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Tectone say hes completely given up on genshin on his newest video, "its pretty much dead in the fucking dirt" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK_X08rfZLA&t=100s

how do we feel about this?
Sometimes I think about just going on welfare so I finally have time to do all the hobbies I want or to learn new skills. This cunt uses it to shitpost on a Laotian competetive pencil sharpening forum about 2d women
Intervals is how many times her burst hits in its uptime retardLORD, you literally can’t do math and you pulled 1.8 out your ass to cope and make it seem like XL and mavuika are anywhere close
Ipad air is good enough too for Genshin and ZZZ desu. I bought the latest only cause I got a good deal from my service provider
Yeah no shit her best teammates are probably F and B I just want an excuse to keep using Shenhe even if it isn't optimal
plz respond...
Yes but English is an Indo-European language and isn't related to Chinese or Japanese just like them aren't related at all.
It's obvious filler that they tacked on since they realized Iansan is completely irrelevant so they gave her a filler AQ before tossing her into the dumpster with Kinich and Wriothesley.
>Ayaka is in a ditch
You can still clear endgame content with her though
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God Natlan is so shit, there's no saving this region
top one is a subregion of the Dendro region
bottom one is the land of Pyro and war
hope it helps friend
wait you guys get paid for posting on /gig/??? and I'm doing it for free???
I'll never understand what kind of retard thought sumeru's empty desert design was good in any kind of universe. if you need to add deserts for the story that badly, you can make them the size of a small forest and nobody will complain
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>Someone is paying jeets to reply to themselves ITT
Immersion gang is suspiciously quiet...
Did you forget the story or something
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didn't know that was a thing
maybe bringing my level 60 chasca to a bounty was a good idea after all
i feel like they made natlan the joke comedy relief region because Snezhnaya and Khanriah are gonna be so gritty
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on an unrelated note I miss desertkino so much
-3 dollares from angelo
so basically you're saying that I was shitting over the place for free?
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he said the same thing 2 years ago but he's still talking about GenGOD GODpact
he ain't going anywhere.
beside pyronado ticking twice as fast, you retards are forgetting the fact that she snapshots bennett's buffs
have you ever tried using xiangling without bennett? she does no damage
the grass... it's breaking my immersion...
I've seen enough doujinshi involving fairies to know she can take it
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I’m tired and my chatGPT hit a limit from generating AI images
Wrio got two whole AQs dedicated to shilling him and you spent most his his SQ with him rather than a random NPC. He got it better than most but both bad banner placement and a lack of personality soiled his chances.
>you can now be locked out of this achievement if you never fail it and complete all reputations
You know you can just prove it's not 1.8s in an instant and yet you're not doing that.

Still not a lie
Angelo here, sorry ran out of google play cards
That's altogether largely irrelevant as the fact is that English and Chinese are much closer to each other than they are to Japanese. The point was mostly that the original comparison was inaccurate in a fundamental manner.
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I regret shitting on Fontaine. It was so much better than Floplan
>t. Basedozier trying to take the credit
>the desertslop is unenjoyable just like literally everything else from 3.x
>natlan's map is more tightly packed though it relies on exploration gimmicks too much
I'll take Natlan over Shitmeru any day.
unheard levels of anxiety
Buy an ad you worthless faggot
>dps lost cube
>damage boost
top kek
You literally made the claim that xiangling hit interval is 1.8 in your first post mavuikatard. Show us your math of how you got there so we can see your retardation
why do bald men shout more than normal men? is it because they realize they're failures and can only get laid by using money?
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>All these replies seething
Natlankeks are so insecure holy shit
Immersion fag is gone. Sparklefag is gone. Neuv doomposter is gone. That screenshot has done so much damage kek.
uh oh melty
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i look like this
If you're going to have a desert in a game you should make it as large as possible. It's supposed to be a large barren region that looks like it will never end, not a minecraft biome.
And the Genshin desert is anything but empty, they're probably some of the most packed regions in term of exploration.
and you counter-claimed. Now prove it. You have 9 seconds.
>fuckers are STILL seething about Natlan being a lush landscape just like central america is instead of a barren shithole like persia is
why are you like this
Posts like these just tell me you're upset you skipped something and feel regret
Fontaine was so much better, i remember booking patchdays off and waking up at 4am to immediately start the new quests.
Meanwhile i haven't even unlocked the new statues of the seven
>We will never get a new Sumeru jungle region
>They had the opportunity to and its the only empty spot on the map
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I like Natlan
you too was generated by AI...?
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where can I buy google play cards?
>replying to your own post
Angelo must be in damage contro right now
You made the claim. Prove it for us first and your math of how you got it.
The retarded interns that were responsible for Tsurumi Island were put in charge of Sumeru so you ended up with a dogshit map that's completely gated behind garbage. Mihoyo knows they fucked up with the desert spam, so with Fontaine and Natlan they brought down the size bloat in exchange for a map that's more dense.
in google play
>Why aren't they black?
>why are they so advanced?
Kekaro they can't hide it
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in order to tell that teccy talked about genshin here you need to have actually watched this video
the fact that i'm sharing a thread with someone who unironically watches this guy is more of an insult than whatever tectone would have to say about my game
Genshins that are chubby chasers?
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>defending soomeroo
Cucktone posts here because no one else watches his content
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heeere jeet jeet jeet
how's Clororonde team shaping up? Do they Electrocharge buffs make him better than Fish
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Same. It had god-tier exploration, OST, world quests, atmosphere. I don't understand the hate it gets
They though "nation of war" means apocalyptic hellscape with people eating ash and feces like le Dork Sools.
>this one, specific area thats barren should be used as the basis to represent ALL areas
Are you this fucking retarded?
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I really hope you're right anon
imagine having a discord dedicated to shitposting these threads. SAD
the fact no one is mentioning it means no
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>female-centric region with tall female archon and one single relevant male becomes the game's most iconic region, is beloved by the fans but hated by /gig/
Pic unrelated, I am of course talking about Inazuma
Fontaine was the first region that disappointed me map design wise.
Thank god for Chenyu Vale.
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>still can't disprove what I said
I won
Based raidenCHAD
You tell me, is her kit fixed yet?
>animation lasts the same amount of time as his hold E
>still get a shield from it with C2
>actually does damage unlike hold E
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People ITT are still mad about the male banners. Also, we're getting raided by dbz too.
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Lands ravaged by ACTUAL WAR
not nerds in dinosaur costumes fighting purple hilichurls
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the dark souls franchise has done irreparable damage to the gaming industry
now people refuse to acknowledge the good parts of a game if it has even a single drop of whimsy and optimism, every game HAS to be a depressing edgefest or else it sucks, even if said whimsy is used to make a conflict more impactful like it happened in 5.1
They’re eventually going to expand each nation, right? Liyue gets Chenyu because China but surely they’ll go back and add stuff to Sumeru, Fontaine and the rest in future?
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So what is here and how do I unlock it
i'll give it like 10 minutes they might be yknokw playing the game
Yes at least in AoE
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>one single relevant male
Who? Thoma stops showing up after act 2 and Itto is relegated to events as a clown. Ayato didnt even show up and lol Gorou
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>still knows he wrote pure bullshit in his post to prop up brickvuika
It’s like you want me to make a pasta to post after you since you know you’re lying
your lord?
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Bro you GODzuha?
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fuck off shounenfag
Tsrumi Island.
Do the Serai island world quest first then the world quest that removes the fog will show up for you.
you're too afraid to remember him, he BROKE YOU and raiden, too
Raiden >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flopvuika
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just swim there. the NPC next to the teleport point near the coast literally tells you this
>still can't disprove what I said
Raidencord raid
I unironically forgot he existed because he was introduced in Liyue lmao
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Not great but it will have to do
>female-centric region
and all of them are cuckshit
just fly/swim there and clear the quest, it's pretty short
based, but untruthful. the only good thing about inazuma is that's it's not fontaine
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booba sword mogs that shitty motorbike
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I got C1 Chasca. She's now the best exploration character in the game.
Chasca/Dehya/Ororon or Citlali or Mavuika/Cloud Retainer
>anemo resonance and speed buff
>best flying in the game
>healing and res shred
>Natlan set buffs
>destroys overworld mobs in a single burst regardless of elemental resistances
>can swap between Chasca and CR for speed
>all hags once Citlali gets here
>near infinite flying in Natlan by swapping between Chasca and the flex slot
And I still have 420 more fates for Mavuika, Citlali and potentially Arlecchino cons. Life is good my friends.
If I wanted cons for Chasca, which should I go for? It sounds like Mav's aren't that interesting so I'm probably only C0R1 her.
a game character cannot cuck you in any way unless you're deranged
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>t. cuck
>15 people on a screen
god i hate those cunts, they made threads in 4.7 unusable.
Mondstadt needs to be expanded to the north for Snezhnaya unless they do what they did in 4.6 by making Dornman Port tiny and empty.
do people really refine every 5 star weapon they get?
Cuckolding is a thinking man's fetish.
touch grass, maybe then you'll have sex
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xis did you forget to drink your dilation pills again?
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>try to go up
>1.5s later plummet to the floor
even for verticality kachina mogs this shitty bratz doll, and she is literally free
Wait you can play this on Steam? I was looking for a new gacha after I dropped Snowbreak.
He's from discord, so you are not wrong.
Exploration chad here, no team without c6 chiori is top tier
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How do we feel about mavuika failing to powercreep Xiangling ?

Q: - ICD: None
Interval: ~1.1s
Multiplier: 238% (Level 13)
Needs 200% ER with fav
Fast enough to support reverse melt solo

Tap E: - ICD: None
Interval: 2 sec
Multiplier: 230.4% (Level 10)
needs 0% ER
Only needs offensive stats (ATK and CDmg)
CDmg Ascension (still does 0 damage)
slow as shit and can't even support wrio/ganyu melt solo

i warned you
the bike moves too fast and has no weight in the animations. that's the only problem.
Dornman Port will be another Chenyu Vale, they've teased it so many times that there's no other way out.
>touch grass
go back to xitter to your xisters cucktroon
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go walk through Natlan and the middle Inazuma islands and tell me which one has been ravaged by war
meant for >>503091662
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who hurt you sweaty?
I hate how so many people missed that Dark Souls is good because it does its atmosphere well, not because its atmosphere is tragic.
it grants +200% move speed when moving away from enemies....
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no straight man is skipping this
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>still can't disprove what I said
C1 and C2 are both really strong because they allow you more flexible teams. C1 also helps with exploration. C2 straight-up gives you something like a 40% DPS boost in AOE situations.
C6 is also absolutely nuts, but it's obviously very expensive.
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>doesn't beat arlecchino
>doesn't beat xiangling
>scroll is the only thing keeping her from completely being irrelevant
What is her purpose?
Fromsoft has whimsy and optimism though it’s a misconception it’s all gloom and doom
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i just LOVE watching others have intercourse, and i LOVE genshin impact
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>still can't prove what he said
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how is she doing elemental damage?
Isn't she only usable with other Natlan characters? she's a walking advertisement for Mualani, Kinich and Chasca
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rate my taste
Sumeru's story was great up until the wanderer dinduification.
Stop tempting me, i lost my 5050 to keka and need to save for Mavuikas titties..........
Rolls on every banner/10
>no aloy
we know angelo
Another attempt to push the shitty nightsoul mechanic that everyone will be happy to get rid of when Snez releases
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I'm retarded and can't solve this children's puzzle.
Why do you think I put CR in the party? Also, you can just swap CR with Xilonen if there's a lot of climbing. Less speed but stronger in combat + better climbing. (You DID get Xilonen, right anon?)
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Furina Cuckcels think Fontaine beats Sumera let alone Natlan. Embarrassing
Do sisters really? I thought hoyo was supposed racists ones.
Capitano was nearly killed by Mavuika without Motorbike
question for anyone that is still not using Xiangling for whatever reason they have in the current year: will you start using her if her skin tickles your fancy or will you keep her on the bench?
You only need xilonen for her xenophobic burst
Ororon (and the bat dinosaur)'s gimmick is they can use charged attack to extract graffiti and shit from cave paintings
move the boulder to block the amogus rolling around on the ball
>even a single drop of whimsy and optimism,
Did you even play Dark Souls 3? Siegward doesn't represent the slightest bit of optimism according to you?
you cant be black AND advanced
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is chasca + shenhe a real combination or am i being memed on?
i have shenhe (shelved for years because >cryo) and i would like to actually use her again but i'm not pulling for a meme combination
that's a phlogiston effect
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I think Furina alone has more art than your entire regions jobsquad.
i started with miko banner, i cant have aloy.
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Too bad, I still use her in the current year.
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Mavuika leaks reignited my passion for the game. Bike + greatsword is such a sick combo
and haikaveh and zhongchi mog everything, and?
Minus points for having Neuvilette, but otherwise based and hagpilled
first shonenshit?
he was holding back because it would be dishonorable to go all out while Mavuika was nerfed
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I am. Citlali is significantly more attractive and I'm sure her several hundred year old granny butt still looks fantastic.
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>we still don't have drip marketing
Huh, so they really are waiting for the TGA like they did with Yaoyao.

Kinda surprising that they're willing to tease the new characters for this long considering how much of a dissapointment Lan Yan is.
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your ugly, saar
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Because the game series became a parody of itself after the first game and most present day internet gayming forum dwellers are unironically too young to have played anything older than DS3
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Genshin peaked with Raiden
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>what a fucking normie
and nothing of value was lost
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Read slower. He said that he lost and that he's a shadow of what he used to be when he wasn't a walking corpse.
Just stop being a shitter and unbench your cryo for the current easy abyss.
Where my hero Ajaw
I genuinely can not figure out why you randomly start going ape shit and screeching about your boogieman. You do this so totally unprovoked.
"ack" lives in your head rent free every second of your life.
genshin peaked when the only content were the videos on their youtube channel
It's funny how dumb that is when you think about it, why does a Chinese game care so much about an American event lol
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Para mi, es Fischl!
Shame her combat animations are fucking stupid
So much for the strongest granny
No, my 2 main teams don't use her
sister?! you can't say that! you have to doompost with us!
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It's ok to lose to keka.
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>adepti are genius innovators
>Cloud Retainer makes a shitty bicycle that gets easily driven off course by wind
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Goddamit.... I was doing that but he just kept rolling past my cock rocks. I didn't realize you had to do it in a specific spot. Fuuuuuuuck lol
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Uh oh doomcord's most paid employee just arrived
>only 5* claymore i have for mavuika is a R2 skyward
>she can't even use the substat
It's fine but not great. Still requires Bennett and Furina to output modern DPS damage and in that case you might as well fill your cryo slot with Charlotte for better synergy with Furina.
If she gets a barefoot skin I'll play her burgeon with nilou and nahida.
this ship makes sense, i approve
how many giftcards do you get out of this?
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*'s delightful little boy
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Ochkanatlan is pretty fucking cool lads
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I use her sometimes when the situation calls for it. I hope the skin is good, but she's actually kind of sex already.
Sure, I have seen Natlan NPC doing elemental damage with Phlogiston but they all need to channel it through some kind of weapon or equipment. That girl without vision is doing it with just her kick. Is there any other Natlan NPC that can do that
Serpent Spine is better anyway
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>1.4 million damage for the while teams rotation over 20 seconds
What the fuck is this shit?
Hu Tao can do that much damage with like two vape charge attacks. And she's a 3 year old character.
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For me, it's Iansan.
i guess it is kinda sensible when you think about the recent efforts they've done for reeling in returning players and because of the X-box release
>like they did with Yaoyao.
But Yaoyao and Yunjin's betas came out AFTER TGA.
And they still drip marketed Ceasar despite gamescom coming out after the ZZZ 1.1 cbt iirc
What he wishes hutao would say to him but instead she's getting raw dogged by the zhong
>Pyro sovereign gets his ass beat and turned into a bike for the archon that killed him
Is this what they call a humiliation ritual?
You don't understand, Natlan has batteries that make it so any old party thot can out-engineer thousands year old gods
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uh oh very shaky hu tao webm
You're not beating the cuckcel allegations
kill yourself yuritranny
Well, while it isn't a bad thing in itself, that means that characters are getting less flexible.
Understandable as we approach one hundred playable characters of course, to have characters that works best with their nation sets but they're getting very specific. Up until Fontaine and the MH/GT domain, in my opinion we now have less options for artifacts.
But not a tragedy since we have so much sets already.
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>see six
>are six
So how long will newfags spam about that fake discord screenshot?
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>Get C3 keku first year of the game
>First 5*
>Last 5* on both standard and limited at the same time
>No more kekus after
i just hope xiangling gets a good story presence, I only want to use well written characters and she's gotten very little of anything over the years
Shenhe shreds cryo resistance and her quills do work on Chasca. It's not the greatest team of all time, but it does work.
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It is a meme RNG-reliant synergy that relies on rolling Cryo bullets followed by another bullet that causes a reaction (likely Melt).
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you wouldnt want to be her bike????
What autistic false flag are you even trying to do, !Akemi? It literally doesn't even make sense and you just look retarded.
that's not C0 tho
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Will Mavuika be able to outsell Raiden?
Because no one cares about Chinese awards. They don't even care about whatever is they call their election bullshit. 90% of everything is just a show so that the rest of the world thinks they aren't 3rd world is cosplay. An American gane show holds more prestige to them than their "elections".
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I actually love Xiangling's design and have no faith in them to release a better one. It's working with her annoying ER needs that puts me off, not the actual character.
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With Chasca C1, you can build a reliable reverse melt team with Shenhe, unironically. At C0 though, you could try Xiangling + Furina for maximum vape/melt, but you wont have a Cinder City holder
>wormvillette flops
>as a result, the pyro sovereign gets to be a usurper's slave to power her machine
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it wont even be close
It's just so funny how you have total mental break downs over literally nothing. And how you are constantly freaking out over "ack" entirely unprovoked. Truly the most mind broken clown to ever use this site.
>in my opinion we now have less options for artifacts
is this really the case? how many characters use emblem as their best set?
mavuika will be the lowest selling archon of all time
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>Pull for Mavuika
>She's cool as fuck, day one C6
>Grab all six of her refinements while I'm at it
>Start cruising around on her bike
>The volcano in Natlan erupts and causes an earthquake
>Hands start shaking
>Can't control the bike because there are no proper roads in this archon-forsaken hellhole
>Crash into a wall
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Pagdan couldn't even out sell Chasca if she had her banner up now.
what's the fastest way to get pyro treasure compass
Those are C0R0
that is C6R6 and a waste of money now that mavukia can just nuke for that much at C0R0
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>C6R6 Solar Beam
Thankfully she wears a helmet
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Just do bounties and requests every week, you should have it by now
Pray and worship...
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cyno outsold pagdan btw
>press screencap button
>he gets mad and kills you for cheating like in the zelda games
would've been sovl
kys pag
You can't really grind it out since it's tied to maxing the different tribes' reputation, your best bet is to explore and do quests for reputation points while also doing weekly bounties/requests
Posting twice in the same minute will never make you multiple people, !Akemi.
You will never "trigger" anyone. You will never be the "epic troll" you think you are.
It's also fucking hilarious how hard you're trying to force this autistic "c6r6" "meme". Because everyone knows you're the only person to ever say that, while you were false flagging. And now you try to pass it off as something your boogieman said.
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>relying on luck
You VILL >xfb and you VILL be happy.
how much better is chasca's sig than skyward harp since SH is probably the best standard weapon
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We are literally Zhongli
Confirmed by Mihoyo
why is it fake
Why would a flying bike need a road?
Who would bother building roads for the only vehicle around when it can fly?
>see Childe in Liyue
>stab him in the face
>run into him again in Fontaine
>suddenly we are best buddies

Have I missed side content that explains this
Mavuika is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
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Is C0R1 Mavuika a better investment than C3R1 Raiden?
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>paid jeets get called out
>thread slows down
It's fucking hilarious how !Akemi is literally the only person to reply to this post >>503093180
He's so fucking mind broken. He rages so fucking hard over posts he think are by his boogieman.

Does it suck knowing that you ruined your life for nothing?
Your life's a joke, and literally the only thing you can do to cope is pretend you "trigger" people on 4chan.
I don't really use Bennett anymore and I clear abyss every time. (No Neuvillette either.)
At this point, these characters are like handicaps for women, newfags and retards. You don't need any of them, but you can use them to make the game easier than it already is.
he didn't fly so good
Mavuika's pyro beam DEMOLISHED hu tao
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>1.4 million damage for the while teams
NO 5* limited is worth the C6R6. Simple as
That's SOLAR BEAM to you, buddy
Iansan's grimace shaped enormous dumptruck sized ass....
let me guess, you're also f2p
you have anal worms
anon, someone had to take this picture you know?
Imagine the people who luck shitted 2 of these and than refinded them LOL
A good 20%, but I wouldn't recommend rolling on it since her cons are better value.
Kachinabwo, the thread is usually fine at this hour. Shitposters will come on in an hour and thats where things get weird
!Akemi DEMOLISHED his own life by trying to "troll" on 4chan, and becoming obsessed consumed with "ack".

!Akemi rages because he's porn.
!Akemi rages because people shit on his mentally ill fetishes.
!Akemi rages when people say he's wrong.
!Akemi rages when he can't "get the last word".

So he spams as hard as he humanly can to try and pretend he "wins". Because it's the only thing he can do.
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>Raidenkeks shitting up the thread because Mavuika is unuseable with her and she makes Clorinde even better
Love to see it. No wonder they're shitting on Mavuika en masse.
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Ganyu and Kazuha trails from IT
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We love Fischl here
I prefer Mavuika's sig over this ugly green stick
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>women, newfags and retards
But the /gig/ usage rate...
I’m noticing that after the discord was discovered I haven’t seen the femorroid poster
>HSR now lets you reroll artifact substats

We really just can't stop losing at every turn huh?
>more dogshit characters nobody uses in OW
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For me, it's silly hats
I wish /vg/ had ids and competent janitorial staff
I'd like to take bikes for 500
What motorbikes can go off road
What is a dirt bike?
It's so fucking funny how you're literally going to die while screaming about "ack" on 4chan.
Lyney C2 or a Chasca?
chongyunkeks are strangely absent too...
chasca, pulling for cons is a whalebait.
Will get Kazuha's but ultimately don't care. The next two better be Eula and Alhaitham.
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when is abyss anon going to collect the new clears?
I pay for welkin but nothing else.
Though truth be told, I could have had nearly all the relevant characters completely f2p if I had only skipped a few luxury pulls like Xianyun C1.
>More awesome characters that everyone uses
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>p-prease rike furina
You're getting less chance to get 4 bullets with only 2 elements and less dmg bonus.
You can just use Shenhe, Clitloli, B/other pyro and do melt instead.
>b-but F
F is too valuable.
you're saying ... it's sean's POV?? FUARKK...
heizouschizo has been awfully silent...
Same with yanfeischizo......
Why is everyone more excited for HSR 3.0 months before it is out than people were excited for Natlan only a few weeks prior?
Can Mavuika get all 6 atacks without taking up field time?
>cuckcord exposed
>Mikaschizo silent
>new DPS needs xl b and f
name a bigger redflag
I saw him briefly post after the patch went up but he also accepted submissions made from before the patch which I personally feel kinda messes up the data but ultimately it's whatever
It's always awkward when the abyss resets like 3 days before the patch
They still don't have an actual game to play so I'd say we're still winning
I think he gave up since there was so little engagement regarding a new server reset chart. It's not like people would randomly post them almost a week after the abyss reset.
You're going to be randomly screaming about "ack" one day.
Your chest is going to start hurting.
You're going to feel short of breath.
You're going to ignore it because you're too obsessed with trying to fight and harass a figment of your imitation.
And you're going to die slumped over your keep board, mid shitpost.
I'm not saying you can't use them, I'm saying they're not necessary. It's fair for people who just want to clear and get on with their lives to use them.
What I take issue with is the people who claim that you can't NOT use them and still clear. That's just patently false.
>best gacha youtuber say he given up on the game
This game is doomed.
hmmm...the ayatocouncil is suspiciously silent...
We knew this was gonna be a dip region from the travail trailer. Now if no one's hyped for snez then its well and truly over.
Even they know it's a pulling based game
She actually doesn’t need them at all. She just needs random PECH slop and the best assortment of PECH slop happens to be the best characters in the game. You can make teams of absolute random shit hence why even shenhe works for her
>Razorschizo suddenly nowhere to be found
You say this but even Tectone plays the game manually and says it's more fun than Genshin.
>tectone getting exposed for beating his ex-gf
kek bbc-loving grifter btfo
boring copycat, you will never be him
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yo chasca burst actually has pretty insane range
Navia and Mona are still the hat queens
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cheers to silly hat enjoyers
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whose pov?
>neuv"lords" and "gods" suddenly aren't claiming "victory" for the 20th thread in a row in a day
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this whore doesn't look ugly why many people dislikes here?
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>Mavuika is taking in sunlight!
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>figment of your imitation.
Tectone's wife got manually rawdogged by genshinGODS, that's why that low test cuck is still seething about genshin
gamingschizo hasn't posted in a while huh?
>Alhaitham 10
I was going to ask why you people are hiding but then I remembered what happens if you post him.
>What I take issue with is the people who claim that you can't NOT use them and still clear. That's just patently false.
Yea but 99% of the time it's just someone begging for (You)s, just ignore.
kaeyafags real quiet rn
Can't be a copy cat of something that never existed, !Akemi.
You have never once had a single shred of proof "ack" exists. Yet you've been spamming about them every single day of your life for the past 12 years. Over half your life.

You literally gave up the best years of your life just to scream about "ack" on 4chan. How do you live with yourself?
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>figment of your imitation.
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I need a height difference like this in my life
Reminds of people who use Bennett for Arlecchino instead of Chevy. They see a random youtuber say "best in slot" and it's like their brain shuts down.
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>why do homofujotroonfemcels call a hot anime elf ugly?
gee i donno boss
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>literally smarter than all of Fontaine
Look at that clown makeup bro
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ChioriGODS are pleased with this round of passing entertainment. Carry on.
>hutao posters aren't getting defensive about mavukia and arlecchino
something isn't right....
!Akemi is taking in more and more mental illness.
Nope, not the real one, not talking to you anymore.
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>doing quests in the new area
>some random kid starts reciting Big Smoke's order
Wish I had taken a picture so I could've put it on this
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>completely given up
>2 out of 4 latest videos about genshin
he will never leave, genshin owns his soul.
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>Should I roll for Mavuika?
As of the current beta (which means nothing, check back in s month), these are the reasons to roll for Mavuika:
>you like her
>you are new and do not have a Pyro DPS
>you rolled Mualani and want to free yourself from Burning
>you want a jack-of-all-trades exploration character (for Natlan)
>you REALLY liked the Master Cycle Zero in Breath of the Wild

>What does Mavuika do?
She is Raiden again, but she charges up from other characters using nightsoul points or doing normal attacks. If you don't know what a nightsoul is, it means she needs other Natlan characters. Mavuika can store up to 200 charge and needs to hit 100 to burst (she does not use ER). She provides 80 points herself so you just need 20 more. Having any other Natlan character is enough for a smooth rotation, but the more Natlan your team is the higher her damage in super mode will be.

>Raiden charged up my team's bursts, what does Mavuika do?
When she bursts, her stacks are converted to damage percent buffs for the active character. It's 0.25 per stack, meaning +25% at 100 and +50% at 200. The buff decays over a 20 second timespan, so practically speaking it's for her during her burst state, but if you wanted you could swap to someone else real quick and have them use it instead. Or get her C4 which makes it so the buff doesn't decay.

>Raiden had off-field Electro application, does Mavuika do that too?
Yes. Tap E and then swap out. Every 2 seconds nearby enemies will get hit with an AOE pyro attack. There's no ICD so each hit will apply pyro, but it's unclear how much. Current guesses are that it'll just be 1U, which makes Mavuika immediately replace Dehya and Xiangling in Burning and Mualani teams.
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>figment of your imitation.
>best characters in the game
X doesn't even do anything in this comp retard.
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Accept or Refuse?
>>you rolled Mualani and want to free yourself from Burning
You're not free lol
She's cute without her make up
Natlan goddamn sucks
It's funny how you always, without fail, will delude yourself into thinking that if you just keep repeating the same retarded thing over and over that you "win".
Why do zoomer hate makeup so much anyway? I blame feminism.
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sex with hu tao (winter edition)
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>People shitposting nahider were jeets (sumeru natives)
Why didn't Natlan invent phlogistion lightbulbs and still use candles?
Groom him
That shit doesn't grow on trees
We hate natlan here
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I feel like she never smiled during the archon quest and always had resting bitch face. Seems like they changed her for release and gave her a more relaxed expression, which would explain why she's much more likeable now.
2 seconds is good
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I'm sorry for breaking your IMMERSION...
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>Doing one of the tribal challenges
>Have to collect some random coins in the Masters of the Night Wind tribe's area
>Random quest starts as I walk through the city in the middle of the challenge
Hags will never flatcreep her
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Is Catlali's signature weapon total shit, or actually good?

Is this just 28% bonus damage?
Or is it a unique modifier on enemies?
its ok, thankfully you or your jobsquad cant leave natlan anyway
You can run Mavuika and Xiangling together. The problem with Xiangling in Mualani's team is that she doesn't have a pyro battery (Bennett doesn't do anything in that team)
>Empty desert
>A map that's more dense
>>Literally Talking shit and expecting people to not find out
I have an AR57 account where I'm still 30%~40% max on all regions except the first two. But I'm still doing explorations here and there to hunt for teapot accesories I might need, so I still have a fresh outlook on how "dense" every region is and I can say for sure you're talking shit.
Sumeru Deserts still have more underground surface in comparison to both Natlan and Fontaine. And you can't go 10 feet in the underground areas without finding something to kill, pick or solve.
Even on the surface, many outposts are dense as fuck. Like I can see dozens of glowing chests in the distance everywhere I look. The only "empty" areas are the stopgap dunes at the edge of the explorable deserts, especially South of Deshret's Mausoleum and the 4.x Noistoi edges. But such "empty edges" exists for all regions/subregions. The empty waters near Toyac springs have far more empty areas than the 3.x deserts for instance.
And then let me remind you that the empiest Area in Sumeru was released during the Fontaine patches, not 3.x.
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shut up bitch and go make me some coffee
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I hope they don't fix the "sliding up a mountain" bug, chasca is straight up broken for movement if the wall you want to climb is slightly slanted
>why many people dislikes here
But fruit refills your bar...
anyone got the mats list for Mavuika and Lanyan? i want to start prefarming stuff
NPCs with glasses are statistically the most annoying.
Yanfei got a 5* weapon before klee lmaooo
After Natlan and how complete shit the story is, the quality of the voice acting (or lack thereof), the fucked up character kits that only work properly in Natlan, how ugly the designs are (a fucking motorcycle really?) I unironically agree with him.

Like, any issues with Fontaine aside, it still maintained a level of quality and consistency Genshin was famous for.

After Natlan though? How can you possibly not agree with Tectone that the game is in the trash bin?
how much better is c1 for exploration?
hu tao, yelan, ayaka and nahida already did that.
Is the C1 interruption from Xilonen meaningful enough to keep C0 Neuvilette from shitting himself?
>artifact transmuter
>primos for completing the AQ
>new standard selector
It's over, EOS in two weeks!
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Delusion and sunk cost fallacy have enveloped Mavuika pullers completely.
Her numbers have been revealed, her skills have been dissected and the conclusion is absolutely final: Mavuika is a weak character. Overshadowed by Hu-Tao, by Arlecchino, by Yoimiya, by Diluc, by Klee and even, some say, by Dehya.
ANOTHER pyro DPS in a game saturated by them, with no new supports to complement her, now or ever.
But STILL they CANNOT turn back. Mavuika pullers have already saved hundreds of images into their folder of her, they've declared their intent anonymously and on social media that they will PULL. The weight of all the pre-farming presses on their back. Those 46 Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Cores are burning a hole through their very conscience.
"9... 63... 114..." the Mavuika puller recites under his breath as he stares at all the Contention talent books in his inventory.
He KNOWS it's a mistake, he KNOWS he will be filled with REGRET. But STILL, come the 1st of January, his mouse will inch closer and closer to the 10x wish button...
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>why many people dislikes here
It is good on Citlali and maybe Baizhu. It's just regular damage percent.

Worst case scenario you can use it as a massive EM stat stick.
I shitpost the characters I've pulled
I doompost the characters I'm going to pull
neuvilette also has this sliding thing so its here to stay
She looks like one of those plastic instagram whores
Yes, C0 neuv has no problem dodging but with his C1 or Xilonen C1 you can play him in melee range
If you're going to pick a C1 to give him interrupt resist, you should have picked his own C1.
>Making sure his favourite characters are SOVL
because nilou isn't a belly dancer you fucking retard. you just that because you're an ignorant mongrel
I'm gonna post your UID again
Don't forget about all the characters they skipped just for her LOL especially the ones she makes better than herself LMAO
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Miss Herta... I love you... I love you so much... Miss Herta... The pearl of the Genius Society... An unmatched gem in the cosmos... The most beautiful and cutest within and beyond the Silver Rail's reach... Miss Herta... I love you so much...
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the nahitroon is here
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>1st of January
Wait, is that actually going to be her release date? If so, KINO.
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Is there one for her sword too?
>the quality of the voice acting (or lack thereof)
uh oh
The hagtroon is here

>new weekly boss
hopefully Lan Yan should be fine with 0/0/0 talents, right?
>It's just regular damage percent.
So it's basically worthless.
28% bonus damage is nothing when you have supports like Furina who give 120% bonus damage, and artifact sets that give bonus damage as well.

Think I'll just go for Citlali's c2 instead.
My immersi-ACK!!!
based and same I wonder how many anons do this
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Nice pedal bike, granny
If you have Gorou you can try it out since Gorou provides the same amount of IR as C1 Xilonen in a team with at least 2 Geos
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I haven't even posted in this thread yet and also I like hags too, don't even try this.
fuck off nahitranny
Xilonen mogs the shit out her and Guizhong
go back to your discord
If I want to use Mavuika with Kinich, do I have to give her deepwood? Can't replace Bennett because the team needs sustain.
I shitpost everyone and roll for who I want
neuron activation
men are that retarded.
jokes aside they would probably hit it off. xianyun would most certainly be pretty intrigued by dragon technology.
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Discord is for actual troons and faggots, that means you xister.
>The Big 3 of gacha are now solidified into HSR, WuWa, and ZZZ

How does it feel to be forgotten?
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>lose some wait
>sometime this weak
>and roll for anymore
>hold my bear
>massive potential
>FGO is simply a bettter game
>according to zajef
>alhaitham (scarlet king (king deshret))
>Eula hyperbloom
>you deserve it for people a shitty game
>Dehya will become good later like Kuki
>frogposter haves a shit opinion
>Open your nose
>stop making the ridicule
>how do I blame for those hours?
>I should have readed
>China is a C0 F2P tournament
>skull issue
>everyone is obsseded
>Lumine's beauty deserves some braise.
>I want everyone genshin girl
>refuses to address adress
>Your boogieman
>you are the only person
>it's actually funny how
>what is wrong with you
>No one other than you
>you are CONSUMED
>no matter how much
>by the same person
>your own post
>has nothing in real life
> "everyone" agrees
>repeating yourself
>refuse to ever
>will never admit
>the most mentally ill person
>thinking you "trigger" people
>I always knew I was a God.
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>made by adepti magic instead of Draco Yakub energy
Yeah I'm thinking that it's based and valid
>big 3
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FGO is simply a better game
>xhe is a flopnice spammer too
the cheldtroon is here
Hey, Angelo here, I ran out of gift cards so you won't be getting paid this month. Sorry
That's a man.
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it was just a joke
Wuwa made like $7 million last month. Game is dead.
If you're insane, Citlali can hit 120% too. +40% from Cinders, +28% from her signature, +60% from her C6.

More seriously, she's competing with Zhongli, not Furina. Zhongli gives you an impenetrable shield and universal res shred. Citlali gives you a pretty damn good shield, damage, a universal +68% damage, and a "BUY OTHER NATLAN CHARACTER" shred.
>sliding up a mountain broken
Bruh you know she can fly right?
well, where's his calcs
I don't see them
>her CAs!
Yeah jstern already showed that
>Her personal damage!
That's cool but no cryo and no hydro are good enough to compliment that
She's stuck to xilonen as well so half her team is already taken with no option for flexibility
ZZZ is probably the first to EoS among those 3. Genshin will stay for the next 3 years at least.
>To build Lan Yan
>You have to farm 1.0 Liyue domain
>Kill Whooperflowers all around Liyue and Mondstadt
>Smash rocks at Chenyu vale
>Fight some underwater boss at the every edge of Natlan's debut
Newplayersbros... It's going to take 50 hours of gameplay to just to set up the fucking teleport waypoints...
No one asked
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Furina sisters, our response?
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If she's Phase 1 then yes, we're actually getting her in Jan 1st, an ideal time for people to spend their Christmas/New Year bonuses to her.
I don’t use neuv but I will say her C1 basically does nothing for bow users like yoimiya
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If Mavuika is pyro Raiden, does that mean that Citlali will be cryo Koko?
yes, both are trans too.
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not really in gameplay but otherworldly they seem to share a common interest
>28 bonus dmg to active party member
It's good. Seems like supports getting a party wide buff on their signatures is going to be a recurring theme from now on.
Furina's rerun about to flop again in 5.4
she's cryo layla+
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>b-but motorbikes don't belong to Genshin!! muh immersion!!
Speedreaders are shown to be retards once again.
Now post the bike.
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ZZZ would have to make 20% of what it's making to be in any danger of EoS. The events consist of rhythm minigames, TV dungeon crawling, arcade games, login events etc. The bulk of the game each patch is like a 6 hour voiced quest not including the unvoiced dialogue for other events.
can c0r1 mavuika solo abyss like arlecchino
We are long past the era of schizophrenic kits like Kokomi.
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I'm planning to use her for Hu Tao.
Citlali, Hu Tao, Yelan, Furina.
Yelan and Furina will give so much DMG% that 28% from Citlali's weapon will do almost nothing.

I don't care about survivability. Just the damage.

No idea what you mean by this.
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Can Mavuika even generate Fighting Spirit when she's solo?
How do you get furina stacks?
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i dont like mauvika's bike because it makes her cool normals useless and actually fighting on a (mount) just looks akward. id prefer if she got an infusion.
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Never compare straight CitlaliGOD with a yurifag like kokohack.
if you do NA yea
but who was healer
what am I looking at?
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Layler bros, I like Citlali but I don't want her to replace my eepy elf girl...what do?
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How good is dilusional with cloud retainer C2 and citlali?
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Uhh bros, does Obsidian Codex not work on Mavuika? If she's off-field, it won't trigger at all right? When she takes the field she needs to spend NS to trigger it before using burst? And it doesn't last through out her 7 seconds? Fuck, what artifacts do I farm then
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>Another award lost to the better game

Guys... it's really over isn't it?
>Is this weapon good?
>yeah it's all right
no, mavuika without xilonen cannot function as a dps
wait i thought she was Bennett and Xiangling in one unit?
Seems fine. More damage than xilonen gives, but citlali's won't boost off field sources
koko stilll has the superior trans aura
>EM scaling shield
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>Not really tried Mualani a lot in combat but she is decently built so decide to try her for the new tenebrous boss
>Misses every burst
Holy shit you guys weren't joking about the clunk
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Xingqiu writes lesbian novels???
Omg... I have HSR installed but its not good honestly. The story is fine but other content is boring shit
Raiden's burst
>When nearby party members (excluding the Raiden Shogun herself) use their Elemental Bursts...
Mavuika's burst
>When in combat, Nightsoul points consumed by nearby party members are converted to Fighting Spirit
Likely can
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>muh immersion
fatui have guns.
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>sub 90k at C0R0
Arlecchino won
MaSHITka lost
sad, I wanna solo with them on both sides
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Does that mean I'll get free Fugue later?
wait why are you using who tao on a C6 Furina team lmfao
28% bonus damage is very minimal even.
Guns have a several hundred year old history, unlike bikes
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Ah, ye olde secret weapon
who is your 4th?
Nice, that means that she and Xilonen together can easily cap out her Fighting Spirit.
>Xilonen rotation twice
You're supposed to play HSR for the first 5 days of each patch then quit for the remaining 37 days.

It's what makes it a good game. No time wasting.
So she's shit lol
I thought the signature would be much better than that.
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>we got Bikes before horses even appeared in Teyvat
>the closest we have are the Stone soldiers of Remuria
186 points for mav burst
why the fuck would you even use XL here
3* weapon doesn't count
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another easy victory for my C6 Furina investment
Why not?
At least our filler quest is less than 1 hour long instead of 6 hour long
Slightly related but I always thought the sniping hillichurls minigame in fontaine was funny as fuck
>Just a measly two centuries of existence?
Lol okay
that's cool and all but mavuika should be riding something like a harley, not some need for speed tokyo drift bike
that's her best f2p weap bro...
Now add citlali
Do these theory crafters even read Mavuika burst? She needs 200 points to even deal reasonable damage, 100 to be usable and that rotation can't even reach 100 points.
Mavuika is NOT goofy
Eula is NOT racist
Citlali is NOT anorexic
Raiden is NOT a dictator
Dehya is NOT trash
Fischl is NOT schizophrenic
Furina is NOT afraid of the gays
Arlecchino is NOT insensitive
Chasca IS ugly
how are there even things left for hu tao to kill
Go jerk off with your discord buddies you fucking loser
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she does less dmg then any current top tier DPS... I am not pulling for my 5th pyro dps sidegrade. Just give us a bennet alternative already.
...on opposite day!
>main dps Mavuika
HOLY SHIT western TCS are fucking brain dead I can't believe they actually fell for this meme. They really are no better than gig
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My bad
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Nice character, GrannyKEKs
28% DMG is a 10% real increase, even if you already have 280% from other sources.
That is pretty great.
Honestly, that's how I feel about all content.
It just melts.

Usually all I care about for damage checks is those events with bloated HP pools.
Seems fine with half of the time periods the other nations went for.
If anything, the fact that the Fatui come in normal wooden boats and not massing hulking steel ships is what's ruining my immersion.
That or Skirmishers don't ride jeeps if we have Adepti bikes and guns
please understand, she is built for Qucusaur cock
>xilonen twice
>wasting Bennett circle
they do the calcs for comparison to show exactly why she would be ass in that role
it is fun. reminded me of sniper elite.
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chasca my beloved
Am I crazy or are some menus bugged?
Like I've had issues with the Blacksmith yesterday and today when I ascended a weapon I couldn't immediately level it up?
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Come home white boy
>mavuikka starts at 200 spirit in abyss
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So this is the power of Arlefuri...
I wonder why they never added horses in the first place.
Phrolova is playable?
honestly I kept mine at C4 because my roster was already too bloated with on-field presence
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now i know that is bait so I won't reply, but does WuWa really hold any relevancy nowadays anymore? It feels like its one genshin killer away from withering away just like ToF did.
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Citlali's shoujo
>“Philip Langhing chased the wind. He longed for Sandy to call out to him, to urge him to hurry up. He couldn’t help but think "how strange is this, the first time I’m truly understanding men.”
>In that garden, the red roses bloomed abundantly, the sunlight filtered the rough, the green eases, casting dappled shadows. A gentle breeze carried the faint fragrance of flowers.
>Rose bushes, her heart a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Today she had deliberately torn her skirt, its the hem, swaying gently in the breeze, blending seamlessly with the surrounding roses.
>Suddenly, she heard familiar footsteps behind her
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Mavuika is just another reminder why you should never C6 on main dps units. First Diluc, then Hu Tao, then Lyney, then Arlechino and now Mavuika.
>character is a shielder who wants to do damage
>she does Cryo, so she can do reverse melts
>so make her shield scale off EM so you can build damage and survivability at the same time
It makes sense. Compare that to:

>this character is a healer, but we want her to do damage too
>so healing bonus and HP will convert to damage multiplier bonuses
>also all of her main constellations increase the damage she can do in her burst super mode
>her weapon also increases her damage and helps her regenerate energy so she can keep her burst topped up
>also she CAN'T CRIT so ignore all of that and just use her fucking E and use that fancy burst JUST TO REFRESH IT
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if you mod enough... anything is possible
It is when compared to gunpowder weapons that appeared as early as almost a thousand years ago
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Out of character, Arle tops
why even comment on this if you don't know how mavuika works? do you think he does 2 xilonen combos just for fun?
>Kazuha in that team
God, he's retarded
idk, lorewise varka is supposed to have taken all the horses with him but that sounds retarded
because horses are boring fucking animals
they don't run, they aren't strong, they don't have good stamina, they just happen to be faster than walking and easy to domesticate
why the hell would you add a horse into a game when you can add something more cool like dinos with magic powers
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Kleegods always win
I’m laughing at his micropenis
People just don't understand Emilie getting scroll is also broken as fuck
You have 3/4ths getting buffed from it and all of 3 of them are doing damage the entire rotation
They should have done it and given us kino jousting combat
Xilonen gives 93 points every time she does her thing. If she does it twice that's 186 points
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this is the book Citlali is reading. It's male x female romance
lots of retards on twatter were thinking she was reading yaoi or yuri book and now they are seething she is into straight romance book

+ the Ororon lines (Ororon suggesting that Traveler should spend more time with Citlali) and the fact that Aether is "canon" Traveler are not helping with those people going schizo mad
>Granny is actually a very straightforward person. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, you know? It's hard for her to hide what she's feeling. You're the same age as her, right? Or... are you even older?
>Sorry, I shouldn't ask. That was probably rude... But, if I'm right, maybe you could spend more time together. Granny's been surrounded by people younger than her for a long time, and she's probably had enough. I know she'll be happy to see you.
not too mention kinich is so fucknig good against void shield
muttlani is gonna get walled hard by that boss
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Why are they turning their backs on their biggest and most influential audience?
2 seconds is plenty, she out damages XL, doesnt require 300 ER and the AOE is quite nice. She also buffs Mualani herself with her burst. XL is literally worse in every aspect.
Wormderer wormflopped
nintendo patented horse riding.
it's a meme. clitloli will be cryo BiS by FAR.
Why is Mavuika using Earth shaker? It buffs elemental skill damage which is useless for on-field Mavuika. Am I missing something?
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Ah yes the ball that isn't mentioned or shown in the game at all.

Just like Sumeru's burning tree.
holy shit shes just like me
Koko was designed as an on-field unga electro-charged driver and healer against HP drain mobs/mechanics.
Enjoy building both crit and EM on your Clitloli to both have shields that last more than a squeeze and do "damage".
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i really like chasca's jp voice
Genshin Star Rail?
Emilie. On second thought I guess I can just put it on her instead.
Well there's a sure fire sign the game is dying, why would they not make 2 images lol
Nintendo lawsuit incoming
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>She outdamages xl.
>She buffs Mualani with her burst
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Is this . . ?
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to make people roll for explanation kits and increase time played. NPC-wise? idk, why model a large animal you're never going to fight or ride
What game is that? Looks like one of those hentai games
>Saar I want to redeem the giftcard saar
who keeps asking for these fart trails
it is embarrassing for a gaas that is 4 years to have spent all that time adding trivial shit that no one cares about
it is 100% content generated by interns what the fuck are the senior devs doing doing over there besides buying nuclear reactors
devs stop caring
Why is no one simming Raiden + Mavuika?
That's obviously gonna be the new meta.
Ironically Emilie also fits in the Mualani team but for some strange reason the trannycrafter put Kazuha in there.
>t. basedozier trying to take credit
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NTA but they didn't mean schizophrenic kits in the sense of weird stat scaling, they mean schizophrenic kits in the sense of "this character has the burst of an on fielder, the skill of an off fielder, the passives of a healer and zero buffing potential outside of TTDS"
kokomi's kit is schizophrenic the same way xinyan's kit is schizophrenic and the same way rosaria has physical damage buffing constellations for some reason
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>shown in the game at all.
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It would be normal skill, special skill and burst skill bwo
you have to use xilonen
It's just that simple
Otherwise you're not staking up the bursts lol
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While I'm usually firm on my stance of playing as Lumine instead of Aether, moments like this with more blatant (You) pandering than usual make me waver just a little bit. No I'm not a hardcore yurifag, Lumine is a futanari and she can please the women of Teyvat with her futacock so good they'll think they arrived at Celestia.
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Yeah I've messed around with a few setups, using Mualani to trigger scroll. Emilie and Kinich are both dropping insane numbers already. Imagine with a proper buffer triggering it.
Yeah, I planned to pair them since I Inazuma dropped and it seems like they should slot together so idk.
>why add flavor and detail to your world
By this logic they shouldn't make clutter objects like barrels and crates.
>using items mid combat
>burningtreeposter openly admits to not playing the game
oh nononono bwaaaahaha
They can’t even bother to add another zone or artifact set in 5.3 you really think they’ll make another event image?
Don’t be surprised if every end of event photo just has Aether as the default option rather than reflecting whether you play him or Loom
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They never did. Loom was just used as a baiting factor for female players or coomers who dislike male protags. Stelle and Belle aren't treated like this, so it's a Genshin issue specifically.

If you're a newfag you may not remember, but they chose to remove the birthday arts with Aether in the global accounts rather than add a pic with Lumine. Yet, on chinese hoyolab, they post a chibi pic both with Aether and Lumine. Genshin devs are really fucking weird in this aspect.
we know yanxiao
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>x character is good!
>you just need to pair them with y and z 5* limited characters!
She'll have 800+EM with just her Sig+Ascension and EM sands+goblet. Paste a crit circlet and you're good for 70/140 while still holding scroll (68% dmg bonus to her and the team). If you go Obsidian, you might get 70/220 with 800+EM in exchange for the teamwide dmg bonus. If you have another Natlanese in the team, you can go obsidian.
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Read her kit retard
>they took clitali the best girl from natlan and turned her into a femcel self insert

these freak devs just cannot contain themselves
yeah I would do that and keep mavuika on 4pc cinder.
Buddypoke quest
And the giant Flying Turtle
I see more than 2 lines. I see "seething". I know you're coping.
I couldn't care less.
Since you seem to be genuinely asking and not a shitposter.
It has its combat and for (you) factor going for it, but each with its drawbacks. The combat is cool for dodging and partying, but it's one note since it doesn't have anything like reactions.
The for (you) part is overdone to the point it feels like they forego writing the character well in favor of just making them worship the PC. It's like they went the full opposite direction Genshin did and way over did it.
Also feels empty, bare and basic at times, but so did Genshin when it started. If it found some windfall somewhere it could do better but I can't imagine that. Story kind of sucks too.
It could pretty easily disappear as it is.
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Evens I do Ochkanatlan now
Odds I save it till next patch and do it when I can do the flying dragon boss with Mavuika's flying bike
Yes? Genshin is a game structured around 4 man teams and reactions built upon that.
>when this character does NAs, it powers up her burst's party buff
>then when she does her burst, she can swap out and let other people attack while her skill goes off cooldown
>switch back to her and repeat infinitely
>to support her but not-directly-support her, we'll make an artifact set deplete energy on E use and make this fancy Inazuman bow coming out with her buff the NAs of characters not at full energy
>that way this character can always be in a state of using her NAs to charge up her burst
>and since her burst is such an important part of her kit, we'll make all of her constellations directly or indirectly buff it!
>brilliant, ship it!
>BTW her burst vanishes in between new enemy waves spawning
>so you are better off ignoring it and spamming NAs, which means that bit on the weapon where she does less damage at full energy is actively useless
Gaming is a 5* in disguise bro just give him Bennett furina and his dedicated support
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Because Raiden doesn't work with Mavuika. More specifically, she can't recharge Mavuika's burst. Mavuika works like Beidou, she wants NA hits, not just the NA animation alone like XQ.
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cryo really is the femcel element
I read her kit alright, how about you try understanding it first?
>calls any woman who reads romance novels a femcel
the freak is you
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>Why is no one simming Raiden + Mavuika?
I also want to use this team but there are two big issues
1. Raiden burst mode probably don't count towards the "basic attacks of allies generate stacks for Mauvika"
2. Mauvika burst don't need energy (Hoyo is using the Acheron/Fexiao gimmick for other games now) so she don't generate stacks for Raiden

so in order to run both you would have to have 2 other characters in team that have huge energy cost bursts and deal lots of basic attacks/are Natlan characters to generate stacks for mauvika
He soloes IT for me
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When will quicken get a good scroll support. It's not fair
oh shit so it actually is on the verge of dissipating
i never played it because an entire game of JUST liyueesque wuxiaslop would drive me mad, did they add any new nations or whatever with new tropes or is it STILL wuxiaslop?
I’m saving for Emilie unironically
jump into volcano and check the taste of lava... for science
Your Ororon? Aka best electro unit since Fischl?
it's because quicken doesn't need the boost, it still competes
use ororon
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>Koko was designed as an on-field unga electro-charged driver
Ah yes, the character with no EM buffs in her kit was designed to use an elemental reaction.

>healer against HP drain mobs/mechanics.
So the thing literally anyone with healing can do?

You basically just said "Kokomi was designed to be a hydro catalyst healer". That is indeed how people used her early on, but it was because her kit was so fucking bad people discarded it. It wasn't until Nilou came out next version as a stealth buff that the original idea could come back.
>4* made for electrocharged
No, fuck cope options. Everyone else is getting proper supports
stfu woman, get out of my general you reject
Be honest, how old are you that you fail to recognize the obvious pokemon reference?
You poor soul. There's many reason women wouldn't fuck you.
what's chasca's best team?
I understand it but it appears its too many big words for you.
Raiden Chevreuse Ororon (and later Iansan) Mavuika
Shenhe Furina
B Furina flex
>Crucible of Death and Life
>During this time, Mavuika's various actions will no longer consume Nightsoul points
>Codex requires nigthsoul point consumption
What's her best artifact set then?
of course the woman puts sex as her only valuable asset
think about the ritualposters
The women see that sex is at the end of the tunnel. You're not worth going through the tunnel for sex.
She still consumes points before burst, no? You get 6 buffed sec to attack after.
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silly sexo granny wife
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You get EM from your succ or K.
Most healers are pretty shit actually or can only heal on field character. People are fine with them because it's "good enough". They made corruption wolves at the time to shill Koko but they used stacking strong corruption like 1 time in abyss because shitters complained and naturally Koko was useless.
People used her for Ayaka freeze.
>Bennet's kit is clearly made to buff pyro units. I shouldn't use him to buff my non pyro DPSes
>Yelan's kit clearly wants 4 elemental types, I shouldn't use her in Double hydro.
>Xq's kit clearly heals you with his own max HP, I should build him full HP!!!
Ok, sure lmao.
If Kokomi was "designed" to use electrocharge, then that would be reflected somewhere in her kit. You can have her do it by sheer virtue of being a hydro catalyst, but that doesn't mean she was designed to do it. For fuck's sake, you might as well say that Xiao was "designed" to be Swirl DPS.

>People used her for Ayaka freeze.
Correct, that is how she was used. And notice how when you use her for that, you ignore half her kit and most of her constellations. Hmm.
More specifically she was designed to be an on field healer. It's just there were not many off field sub dps that would work with a kit like that.
>big 3

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