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Previous Thread: >>503074246

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Oct. 29 - Nov. 26 | New Re-Supply Gacha: The Night the Bonfire Blazes
[Current] Oct. 29 - Nov. 26 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thief Artistry
[Current] Nov. 12 - Dec. 9 | New Coalition Unit: Dreamer - Moonlit Sentinel
[Upcoming] Nov. 27 - | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
CN news:https://pastebin.com/FtVf0QmE

[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 17 | Targeted Search - [Ashes and Blossoms] (Centaureissi U.W.)
[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 17 | New Event - [Scars Among Pigeons & Daisies]
[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 10 | New Year Event - [Lunar Conviviality]

[Upcoming] Dec. 3 [Darkwinter] / Dec. 5 [Haoplay] | Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium - OFFICIAL RELEASE
More: https://pastebin.com/zQGa4E3Z


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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Cool people will use Kai
Normalfags will use Fx
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Okay. I fixed it.
Please refer to this map
The absolute state of dork15 fags
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We posting boats?
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My cute wife will never get a skin
>public shitting
Make the middle east and north africa blue for funsies please :)
>t. latinx
>The absolute state of spiclandia and mohammedstan(europe)
Lol lmao
>My cute wife
literally who
Was Boneville one of the "teleport" dolls?
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My wife of course
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Terras is on a roll lately
t. soon to be radioactive dust
Lol lmao
I need Terras to draw Spas wearing her old school uniform
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My handsome bodyguard (I do not sleep with her)
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KSG looks like THAT?!
Sabrina is really Terras' magnus opus.
Kool Kai you say
>2 more weeks sisters!!!
Kek, even
Klukai x4, no, x8!
>Cool people will use Kai
weebs aren't cool
KaioKlunk x20
I agree, I can't wait to turn my wife into a F1 car
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Diiiiiiiiiid someone call????
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I like seeing her happy/openly dorky
is it because 45 isn't around to bully her anymore?
This makes my penis the big penis
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She's only happy around (you). She's pissed off around anyone else for the most part.
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Can a chinabro confirm how bad the powercreep is?
Idgaf about tiers or meta, just curious.
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>happy and dorky
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Yeah, tell your sister to come to my office
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>got abducted to the rape banya yet again
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She won't leave her big sister alone, so she's coming anyway
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Is Cluckay a stacy?
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>Dolls have fotten so confident in kidnapping Robin they actively do it in more difficult ways
Who will kidnap SKK next?
clunky is a dumb bitch
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Stacies don't do this.
How convenient is it to reroll in GF2?
PPK forcing you to carry her to her rape dungeon.
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She's a better doll person than she used to be
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Would Krolik cum if I grabbed her ears?
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Clukay,Lucia,Lunasia 3 way Stacy off.
not a Stacy
>post mod Lucia
not a Stacy
not a Stacy
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Maxed out 416 is both the strongest AOE and single target, that the boss introduced with Vector is designed to counter her and specifically her by slapping her with enough damage debuffs into 0 damage.
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Hug your dorks
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don't touch her ears, that's how she gets pregnant
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Lol at how she's built!
Look at how she walks!
Look at how her hair and hips sway!
Literally built for SEX!
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Her own team members are competing against her.
not really convenient. The newfag banner is just characters from the permanent. Whatever promo banner we get at release will be just for waifu reasons. Might as well just enjoy the release goodies or hoard them, and use your time in something else like getting a shower, stinky
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Thinks and tries to act like she's a stacy, keeps suffering from girlfailure moments
Eh she doesn't do it for me for some reason
Clunkers, however...
Status on Wishing Coin? sell or hodl?
that spoiler should've remained closed, I won't use that skin on 416
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I also love hugs, I never let go though, SKK~
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What the fuck are you doing
>10 years later
So that was a fucking lie
>Still acting as beepo's sexy mom
I love her so much
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I thought I downloaded the full version...
Dande the holy spirit
Lunasia the mother
who is the daughter?
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In the end, theyre all the same in The Commander's presence
me on the right
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That's supposed to be Elisa
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William getting cucked hard in every timeline.
she is black
We love black women here
Dolls for this feel? https://youtube.com/shorts/zsQTY-UN3TU
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She thinks SKK is a good man
I am going to marry her
too big
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Is she okay
She is can
How do you guys roll with Kimie? Spreadsheet has both Heal Eff. and Skill Haste as valid choices for her Special algos. Her Auto skill looks like something I'd want to spam as often as possible.
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filled with shikkicum
I'm glad that her body is still human, unlike those Nyto Niggers
Heal Efficiency if you have a dodge team, Skill Haste if you're using her as a generalist with Mai AI1 on bench.
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We let them get away with their shenanigans
How important is rerolling and how good is the 4mil prereg reward for GFL2?
I hate nyggers though
useless and useless
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theres's more than 1 server?
>Her mech is just part of a simulation
She really was just an EW Nygger, wasn't she
jade beauty
if the leak israel roll for Suomi her ass will cover your ass the best ass the best thing that come from finland, finland anon should dress like her as a joke.
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Mori's stuff is so cute, it never fails to make me happy
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Luv me Finnbutt
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I'm a lorelet, what's the difference between a nygger and a T-Doll??
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When are we getting more shortstacks?
Global release date?
2 more weeks
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Did you know theres 2 servers, family? Make sure we all get into Darkwinter!
Darkwinter came out first
Of course we're going there
Getting tired of finding broken soundposts
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DarkWinter for 6ft male
Haoplay for 5ft male
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I have faith
>Yuzhongs only daughter
>dresses like a whore
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That was the intention, commander
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You'll be sure to keep her safe right SKK?
Dolls are fully robutt, no organics at all. Beep boop and clang clang. Nytos are basically https://youtube.com/watch?v=tEJGSXPuZ6E but with little girls
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What kind of Daewoo shitbox is this?
Some chink car?
Hyundai Casper
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I have faith that she will make it to gf2
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You're damn right I will.
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This guy >>503149239 got it
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What'll happen when Lunasia finds out we have a bird daughter?
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>gets really clingy at the idea of being taken away from SKK
>Lenna says she acts like his daughter
>Helena wonders what that is
>SKK says its not important for her to know
>Helena starts questioning that a daughter is not important
If she calls SKK papa (or oto-san) itll be precious
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Have you apologized to her yet?
Dolls for this feel?
Why the split between Haoplay and Darkwinter?
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doesn't look that bad actually. Wheels are gross though
Smoking dolls don't get smooches
that bird daughter is her daughter
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*Our daughter
Do you think Helena will even like her?
this is somehow imoko's fault
Deadbeat, Groza is the better Mom.
>not a single relevant scene with her
Why did Yuzhong forgot about her?
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I miss my dolls
Antje gangbang...
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Be careful, she sucks!
Why is MDR grey?
love love kiss?
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Under the starry sky.
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Anon. Out of curiosity, is that file you posted also a link? I always see them and I copy paste them but it gets me to no where lol
What's the endgame like? I heard there is a 3-4 substats gear grind like Genshin
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>>"Shitcan, pull it out already."
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Bros... w-why... why are there... TWO servers?
>roll attachments with atk/crit/%atk for the sets you need
>reroll their enhancement until as close to maximum as possible
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>basically flat
>10/10 legs
It's like she was made for me
Ok fine.
>pulls the card she wasn't looking at
Nice, another pair.
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>Illegal action detected
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Delicious bunny
Lurk moar
4chan sounds
Warm and sultry Suomi sauna activities.
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should've hydrated...we'll fix that in no time... :3
Cant believe they made another de lacey down to the omg skk is so good i must do skinship
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Why did Groza become the canon wife for GF2?
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Yeah, this confirms she's and the PNC cast are not coming back since they decided to reuse her character archetype.
Purged half my friend list on PNC because a lot of them were inactive, give me some friend requests pls 132563
who knows, she doesn't have anything particularly unique for her character. I guess the I am squad leader I am the responsible one trait?
Obviously because of ASK.
Nobody watched the yuzhong interview on youtube where he says he wants to do a gf1 and pnc collab for gf2 in the future?
should I install the fork? master last updated 2 years ago
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ASK was his childhood friend
Shame that ASK left him and probably ghosted him
Anal the Germans
Not until you fatten that ass up
>childhood friend betrays
Jokes aside, ASK probably saw how easy the bag was to just be freelance and work on AK and AL, having popular girls in both, over being a dedicated artist for Shoujo Zenzen
I can't wait for the nostalgia skins for Daiyan and Centauressi
>Lunasia own Chinese restaurant
>Groza cant cook
score one for Lunasia
They should be the same version
>and AL
I wish the fucker would draw some skins for my wives.
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Famibros? Our status?
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Is ASK even making AK/AL stuff lately? I remember she does FGO most of the time.
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Groza probably fucked SKK at least once after ten years on the elmo so she has that going for her
Last thing ASK did for AL was Clemenceau and her skin August of 2023.
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somos darkwinter :3
Unhand me, clingy bitch.
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My buddy wants to get a Carcano like that one that killed Kennedy for the memes but I remember hearing that it's an infamously shit rifle
her weibo full with AK and AL post, looks like she choose them over GFL
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I know the SMI clips are dogshit, but that is about it.
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She is next
It's over...
Family bringing hydration for me and clukay's all night sex sessions.
I swear boatniggers come here to update us on ASK social media every 3 weeks
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Seems like I have to use a standalone client.
they're our sister though
Groza can cook, you dumb fucking bitch.
That's the furries.
Boatniggers are our old rivals.
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The worst that could happen is he shoots it once a year and becomes a nice wall prop.
Don't make me get grape out of the safe and point it at your post.
How did this happened?
I never fucked a grape
clips are fucked but sincerely nothing wrong with them
Did you smooch her ?
I am going to sex Russians.
as you should
why the fuck would anyone use steam?
I WILL post le funny 5000 hours bad review post and you WILL give me (You)s
hows she so cool...
>cant cook SKK favorite Chinese food
Lunasia win again
Lunasia is a bitch and didn't talk to me for 10 years.
I think I did, but I was drunk that day
I will invade her personal space, I will small talk her, there will be no coffee metal music or alcohol.
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This but there will be metal and alcohol
I could eat Gyoza's slop all day.
>Not found
Every fucking time
I could eat Gyoza all day.
Worst, he switched to Slop Archive
Chong's alluring doter...
We should've commissioned emojis long ago
imagine the 10 years worth of sex
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have a popsicle :3
Thank you family.
How is the fanservice these day after the Raymond fiasco? Is it comparable to Snowbreak?
thanx familia :3
Trying way too hard to fit in
yeah it's a real piece of shit. pretty much everything the mosin has a reputation for except reliability. the main problem with owning one today is the magazine system. it was designed to use ammo that came in disposable brass clips, but no one sells the ammo like that anymore. people try to use reusable steel ones like a garand has, but if you don't have the bend in them just right you will have constant feed jams. you can't even single feed it without a clip so it just ends up being a buzz kill.
does having 4 kids with the main character count as fanservice?
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>multiple merc groups hired
>none of them can stop her
>in fact she has a pile of bodies outside her cave
Is this the true extent and power of Homete? No one besides this lone dude managed to get her offguard and he couldnt even keep her offguard long enough to finish the job
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Those 4koma were NOT a fucking joke.
Very nice
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All that's left is to pick her up.
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mount fuji! :3
That's a man
Intriguing gacha poll
>Groza every time you visit her bunk
Also for the record before femSKKfags think this is referring to SKK it isnt, its referring to a Broker she had befriended who tasked her with staying and bodyguarding whats there. Homete's daily routine is pretty depressing and I don't have a screenshot of it.
>walks outside the cave
>sits on a tree for a few minutes
>gets sad, pouts and walks back in the cave
>mercs come to try and kill her
>she kills them while they cower in fear
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Dumb horny bitch
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Shouldn't have ghostwrite /gee eff gee/
Seem convoluted just to assign a number
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you're telling me that the /gfg/ as a whole is responsible for voluntarily ghostwriting for mica?
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Family's really racking up those famifrequent flyer miles...
>/gfg/ is the reason Lunasia becoming batshit insane
no wonder we love her
>SVD/SV98 echo
hopeful ending with SV98 finally managing to believe in herself, implications are she will return to SVD with a charged battery
>9A91/AS-VAL echo
Sadder ending for the old lady employing her than for the 2 of them, 9A91 starts contemplating her life more deeply
>P90 echo
P90 shakes off a group of mobsters that a retarded actresshired through her dad to kill her, P90 walked off smiling in her iconic look never to be seen again, giving the undeserving dumb bitch actress some advice to b urself
>Homete echo
Killing mercs that keep getting hired to kill her and capture the thing she has in the cave (its never stated what it actually is) and winning very confidently. All in all its not nearly as depressing as /gfg/ wrote
Explicitly stated or just your headcanon?
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Which doll should die then?
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Win Chink Imoko VA's autograph
Ameli and SG-556
SV98 can't even juice her BFF up by herself like SOP did for RO. SVD will run out of backup power and lose all her memories of what they went through together.
not mai raifu, not care
AK12 so cute
>>P90 echo
>P90 shakes off a group of mobsters that a retarded actresshired through her dad to kill her, P90 walked off smiling in her iconic look never to be seen again, giving the undeserving dumb bitch actress some advice to b urself
P90 should've one-upped TAC-50 and killed the bitch
Rude, she can stay
Replace the Trash Sig with KAC-PDW
She'll be fine, there was a village nearby so she shouldnt be in trouble unless you wanna doompost about a story meant to convey SV98 finally gaining confidence
Yes, dumb bitch got off too easy and P90 is way too nice a girl to have left the way she did
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She'll make it in, watch.
will she be as lewd?
smooching Germans
I'm going to grape her in the mouth
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But of course.
Only Antis want her in
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All you need...
>owned by brain washed cultists
yeah, that fits...
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Flo in gf2?
Infested Cluck...
One. Million. Agents.
Super possessive Clunker....hot_
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Just a matter of time
What happened to Tororo friendship?
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Now post canon art.
isn't it impressive how closely they managed to replicate ubislop
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Oh come on it can't be THAT bad
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Wtf I thought the cosplaying receptionist was Chong's chf
is ASK cute?
You can have more than one chf, though
My guess is that Haoplay countries have more stringent laws regarding international payments that are too annoying for MICA to cover for themselves so they leave it to a third party.
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Did this one get revealed?
dont look at receptionist chan weibo she post her bf her bf is fat chinaman
Kill yourselves and go back to your shitholes
>P90 echo
Does that mean we'll never see her in-game?
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didnt realize there wasn't even a birthday story for hubble anymore. RIP this game.
what kinda nerd reads that shit
give me sugmama with the oath skin, that's real shit
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Yesterday's datamining indicated TT-33.
Average haoplay citizen on dec 5th
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>One year behind CN
Not a good look. We are seeing GFL2 hype deflate before our eyes
Didn't have time to test out GFL2 CBT. How much roll currency can you get per month?
I have so many question on this
Who owned Haoplay? Why the 2 server? Why not split it evenly across region? The whole SEA player base is fucked
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Schale in gf2?
>girls frontline line 2
Hey SKK, check your phone
Go back where?
>Have to chose between el peruANO o el boliviANO
I want to tribute...
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>Who owned Haoplay?
Chink, subsidiaries of X.D. Globlul
>Why the 2 server?
Partially marketed for overseas (JP-KR-EU-Latinx)
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I'm in a Haoplay region and will downlad it from steam but I will simply modify the steam launch options to open the Darkwinter server and will get to play on Darkwinter AND still have my hours tracked
I'm sorry
I think that's a bit of a stretch.
Imagine all the lewds that SKK randomly gets every single day
All thanks to the corporate restructuring a few months ago. Less manpower to maintain fluff contents.
Huh, when did Cartesian Theater end? I assumed I still had a week or two left.
No, but it is what it is.
When does the current CN banner end anyway?
On tuesday
Break room sex with OL M200
Downloading STALKER 2. Sorry bros I'm /s2g/ now.
imagine all the numbers he blocked or go into an unused number
>unironically stupid enough to buy slavjank in its 1.0 state
Game won't be good without at least 5 patches, why
Still sleeping...
it's never gonna be good
nobody bothered to make a modding cult out of far cry games and that's basically a reskin of one
Did they add region towers or something?
beepo is too tall...
>t. never seen a short woman with long legs
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Isn't that just a normal sized woman?
They all use the same model
The downfall of turning into a 3D game
Everyone will use one of the same 3 models
patches and mods
I think CCP doesn't allow cunny
ENTER: Genshin
no they allow it mica just wont commit
that's why they killed all the female babies during the one child policy?
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They don't have the same model. They have similar heights to facilitate animations and prevent things like this.
I don't play genshin, good to hear I'm wrong then.
Being 1 pixel taller for convenience doesn't means that is different
Having different body proportions means they are different, retard.
30s edits don't count you know
I think you're just tech illiterate and don't understand what having the same model actually netails.
es, you can modify a model to have slightly varying proportions. It's still the same model.

Everyone knows Genshin has 3 models for females, Tall, Medium and Loli. And that doesn't stop characters within the same model group from have different proportions.
GF2 has 2 models, tall and normal. Do you think they fucking create a character from scratch every time, new skeleton and model? lmfao, fucking retard. They take the existing base model and modify it however it's needed.
>b-b-but that makes it a new model
Tech illiterate.
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Are these the same model?
they all made from the same cube
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What do you have to gain by lying? There are 5 heights which have different proportions between characters of the same height.
The reason people say genshin has 3 models is that there are very slight differences between characters besides colors, not because they have the same height.
Sabrinas model looks nothing like WAs.
NTA but yes, it's the same base rig. Scaling up is literally just holding a key and scrolling the wheel. There's two base rigs there.
Do you know what a rig is?
what is this lame argument about. That mica uses a base model and makes alterations for each doll?
Fucking RETARD
Does Belka have a bigger ass than Family now?
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>Sabrinas model looks nothing like WAs.
that's because pic related.
Anon is retarded because he shitposted genshit for years without understanding what he was shitposting about.
It's the same BASE model. They make alterations and it becomes a NEW model
I don't mind them using the same base model for all Dolls desu, I just wish the in-game animations had a bit more of a variation because once you realize every HG girl holds it the same as the others and all the other respective guns for their class it kind of annoys me, at least give them a variance in stance swaying or something
Look, just because MICA uses the monkey head in blender to start their modelling doesn't mean they come from a base model.
>is a different model, but the new model is almost identical to the previous model
Holy shit talk about low standards
they make enough changes that each character looks unique. whoever was upset was just upset that little girls in gf1 dont look like little girls anymore
Your eyesight problems are unrelated to anyone's standards bro
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No it clearly isn't, if you scale up the midgets to the size of tall doroos they have gigantic bobbleheads because MICA understood that some features scale differently with height even with how idealized doll anatony is.
>geriatrics can't tell the difference between spas and 97
the only upset i have is Jimmy not turning Ksvk back to mature body
G11 is so flat
ksvk default - perfect
mod 3 - why change her proportions in a meaningless direction it's already perfect
dushev - different enough that it gives a whole new different flavour, i like it
gf2 - see mod 3
Her mod3 story explains it though
>vector is a new size
I hope they add lolis soon
Lotta my beloved
Default KSVK: Adult
MOD3/GF2 Dushev: Teenager
Basically this
Jimmy will cry
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Ok time for the real question: what doll has the biggest tits? Is it Sabrina or Peritya
Get to work, dorks, I need the answer by EOD on my desk.
I will too
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Anon thinking every humanoid has the same model unless the rigs are completely different is kinda funny desu.
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Don't you know all the Half-Life 2 NPCs use the same model? They're all based on the same rig.
if he wanted to make his audience(me) happy he should add my doll wife. fucking liar
Yeah he should add girls rejecting you. Oh wait
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big if true
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>literally the OP
>3 posts in a row
Is this a new record?
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Did you know that Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker are the same robot type but with different color schemes?
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Feels good to be constantly winning.
>croque when you imply Gundam, Macross, Transformers, and Power Rangers are all the same thing
Dumb bitch
any mod to swap the resistance fighters into gf2 girls?
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She will plant empty sprues in your bedsheets for this. You'll find Tamiya Extra Thin in your shampoo bottle. The ops room will be airbrushed top to bottom.
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Well apparently Sabrina and Belka have the same size with their default skins, but Sabrina has a slightly larger bust size with her swimsuit skin, specially if you take into consideration that Belka's skin has a bit of push up, making her tits go slightly more forward.

Do with that info whatever you want.
>chinese schizoposting
I don't understand chingchong, what was it even about?
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Same modelbros do not look
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What's the study of doll tits called: synthetic mamologity?
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>Sabrina and Belka symmetrical docking
hate posting
Belka's breasts are filled with heavy cream and Bitburger for my enjoyment.
Applied Ballistics
Now compare ass sizes
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If this post ends in 9696 I'll draw Groza sucking dicks for pennies behind a 7-Eleven for collapse pieces.
I'll leave that fun to the ass enthusiasts.
Let me guess. Is the hand and feet size standardized?
This means nothing unless you compare total cm3 on each boob
what does that mean
like fuck I know. I'm just lazy (and photoshop keeps crashing)
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Has there been any hints as to who else might be in nu404? Who else would fit in?
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Boobs of the same size pressing up against each other.
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Vee Tactipink
No STAR, you are not literally Ryan Gosling.
But I just bought your other skin...
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I still don't know how to achieve this
oh so its like frottage but for tits
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the gay bomb
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2 squads in nu404


Ruchey (Vivi)
Harpsy (TMP)
Welrod (dork)

you need to let the ar camera take a photo of your dick so she can see it. that's when you'll get that animation.
Whoops. Ruchey is PP-90. She still calls Vector Vivi.
Two Vivi's!?
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I will
not learn the new names
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don't deadname them chud
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>Welrod (dork)
>give AR Doll an AK
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'luv sana
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The commander will never hold any indecent thoughts about big sis, right?
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Nah, I don't particularly care for her base form.

Now Forma Beluga, I'd plow the everloving fuck outta her until she realizes how poor her taste in whiskey was and takes the Islaypill.
Jews are trying to steal my semen again.
are they under the floor again?
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Just embrace her and it'll all be over. She's well worth it.
Oberstein aren't Jew they're White European
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What's the difference?
>vietnamese complaining, darkwinter and haoplay not available to them.
Have we finally rid ourselves of Nyugen?
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On the topic of meme guns, how's Keltec's selection? Like KSG or Sub2000
its actually worse because two of them Indog and Pagpag are in
Are they Dorkwinter or Haogay?
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you do have to wonder what's underneath the armor.
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The Oberstein family is the GF version of the Soros family.
It's fucking over
drag down on the clothespin, for me I don't how to do the 'locked' tv animations
Haoplay: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore
Darkwinter: Indog, Pags, Other SEAs
Pick your poison
Where are all the men? I thought we were making progress with PNC. Don't tell me MICA actually listened to the incel chuds.
stale bait, but it's almost a year since the last male banner (Penumbra) and the past 3 freebies (Tony, Okabe, Salmon) are male.
It's Cheetor time!
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Capturable full robobabes fucking when Meecah?
who is the Black Rock of Girl Frontline?
I was talking about GFLEX2. Why aren't there any men? It's stupid. If they want the game to succeed they need to stop listening to the incel loud minority.
>past 3 freebies (Tony, Okabe, Salmon) are male
This sounds like the males didn't pan out and now they have to release them because they had paid for the designs
>2 more weeks
>the magic number hit 4 millions
meme magic is real
Chirp chirp bros we are so back
and dupin is the only m*le that has an arma not even the launch males have gotten any love...
>girls frontline line exilium xilium 2
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Lunasia frontline
They stole The Lacey's tail...
Can you make a STUR cool music collection?
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416 loves kissing niggers
Flares or hollow points?
bro your bartendender?
klukai tongues my anus
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It'd just end up being nu-metal and post grunge.
Aki has one too
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They just copied it on Dede's wish
yeah? who?
forgot because I've been using flo and kimie so much lately, he's very fun with events that do extra stats though
I still don't have him and I've been playing since launch so I forgot about him too
Doll that listens to yacht rock?
Do you think rerolling on the steam version is gonna be easy?
I wish reroll niggers were rerolled at birth
reroll me your self you bitch
>yacht rock
wtf is that?
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Flares unless you have some reason to care about HG dps. You'll have a harder time collecting enough flares. If you feel uncertain, just throw an echelon into a saved target simulation (or target dummy if you give it some evasion) and compare outcomes.
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>2 versions of GF2 in the steam store
I forgot.
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Nice try.
>stur picked a 2000's playlist at random and made it her personality
I can't believe that I was STUR this entire time
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This dork deserves a noogie so fucking bad holy shit
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The only access to music STUR has ever had was PS2 extreme sports, racing and rhythm game licenced soundtracks.
Surprised there isn't more linkin park in there
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Me personally, I think girls with cyan hair and round glasses that are also working in the researching field are whores.
I limited it to one song per band because I don't want to link the entire Linkin Park discography.
But there's no Linkin Park in there, though. LImp Bizkit yes.
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>In The End
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im actually having trouble deciding where to put andoris in ranking. On one hand in the challenge content tailored for tanks this cycle she can soak up the one-taps that the new bosses can put out but her self healing isn’t enough and still needs suomi shields and for most general content at this point there’s no reason to bring a tank.
So unless you’re going into super endgame with 40/40 risk bosses and boss rush then do get her but otherwise is a solid meh
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This is a very cool thread
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Is it STURturday already???
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Stur is a loser
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2 is going to be twice as gay, right?
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A lot of wannabe ATF agents ITT
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>very uncool losers trying to claim that this very cool doll is a dork
Nice try.
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All these STUR-SOP posting is making me more horny for the dog rather than STUR tbqh.
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If you're so cool, then DODGE THIS TEARGAS!
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i think you're pretty cool STAR
Gay as in unfun. timewasting mechanics and game modes then yeah.
God I wish Springfield was real.
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Erika rerun
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Star is actually in love with Dande!!!
There can be nothing worse then Bingo and shitty gimmick orientated events
no she is in love with me
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I miss this comic.
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>another taisch offbanner
man, so tempting to roll
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You NEED Taisch, you know that.
It seems SLAP rounds can actually increase reload speed if they're the only ROF adjustment on a unit.

I was testing against a target dummy with LWMMG (level 110). Acting alone and with no equipment she stops shooting at the ~3.5 second mark, then starts again at about 16 seconds. If I give her SLAP rounds, she starts firing again at 10 seconds.

No SLAP, Calico ROF buff: starts again at around 9 seconds.
SLAP + Calico: 14.5 seconds.
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Any chance for a doroo based on this gun?
what are you planning to do to Lam
please let her go
lam's desk service..
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Is the super professional bean counter a dork too now?
not until she apologizes for her buggy code
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>buggy code
Surely it's the teal bin's fault
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Post a dork you want to have sex with!
Because if I don't specify that, one of you guys will post a screenshot of my post.
Yes but her personality will be based on coping about losing the Siggy. Enjoy your Zas 1.5
(you) dork
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What if dedovshchina is a thing at G&K?
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Man, this damage art is the hottest skin in GF1 bar none, even defeating the likes of PA15 or ZB.
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I love mental illness
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I'm aware I need her, only if it's her actual rerun banner and not off-banner back-to-back.
We know, Betty
I want to fuck Dush
I wonder whos gonna be last doll of gf1
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Still up
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The holy site is BACK
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the worst gamer is still here
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jannies rightly fear the femkj fucker
With the Chinese server down, surely they're going to add the rest of the story events to the campaign early, right?
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No... It can't be...
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ill see you guys again after my short vacation
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activate it
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Xanax is still alive? Wow.
>Shoot your brilliance into the world
What a lame catch copy.
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I will reroll until I start with 4 SSRs and then afterwards I will only roll for sluts, not caring about stats at all
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so, CN has like 20 AR SSRs, and 1 LMG, 2 shotguns, 3 snipers
very obviously we have to reroll for the LMG, the sniper and 1 shotgun because ARs will be powercrept bad during the first year
Tareus claim she is forklift certified, but can she do this?
I bet she can collect S K A T E with ease
What's this
>simulation yield increase
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Surely O*AS40 will join the tummy gang right?
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Suisei for GFL2 promo...
>Drag down on the clothespin
I must be stupid because this doesn't work for me
Do you have to do something else before it?

I also don't know how the locked tv animations work
Its Friday
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Meowmeowmeow! (kitties rule this general!)
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Double sim bonuses for the final event before the server goes on indefinite vacation
GF2 leaked model of 45
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You jest but weapon types really have barely any sway over a doll's viability compared to her class and kit.
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Imouto sauce
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TWO tails.
Total supremacy.
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Damn right
Actually maybe I have a better use for it
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On delivery
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If Riko only has one tail, how come she's the senior?
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actually I was wrong, it was drag to the left not down, I was just usually going down left so I assumed it was down
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Thanks Vee bro!
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Got it.
Now for the TV secrets...
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Kots or Buns?
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Doter long legs
This >>503198503
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Fluffy dragonfly!
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Abby is super popular!
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So this is that Wubbly artist
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yes, you have to reroll for sabrina+1 sentinel
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Pull points
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>Arena Breakout
When are we going to get more peak collaboration again like DJ Max and Division?
Meant for >>503200545
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GF2 collab ideas?
Meant for >>503200280
Oh I'm sorry. I meant, VA-11 HALL-A
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This real? This is terrible lmao
Black Lagoon
Metal gear Gray Fox skin for Blades
To be honest just don't collab with other gachas and Im happy
I thought project moon was closer to us than arknights but now my eyes have been opened and it makes sense that slop collabs with slop.
Also how dead does arknights have to be to collab with this IP?
>how dead does arknights
Arknights isn't dead but Limbus sure is kek
Man, I don't envy how their threads are going to be from now on, lmao.
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Muv Luv. It could be about a Stasi bikini contest.
You niggas collab with Honkai Impact 3. You have no room to talk
so the gacha cartel allegation is real.
>Honkai Impact 3
But GF1 collabed with Guns Girl Z you doroo
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ready or not
they will joke about how cracked some homeless drug addict is at taking down human swat officers that they have to send dolls to apprehend them
>Honkai Impact 3.
way to out yourself as a drive by poster
an IP that owned by Tencent, the newest tps shooter from chinkland is good so Chong definitely going to collab with it
Still don't understand why they didn't copy VC gameplay for gf2 instead of xcom
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Tall pale white haired beauties...
Nyto Leva
I played Lobotomy corp and Ruina but never touched the gacha. Is it ties to the games like Bakery Girl is tied to GF?
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God I love Sanakan
Collabs have been pretty meh ever since GSG one.
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Bro, nikker collab is only a matter of time now...
Yeah, it's a good game overall but avoid engaging with the community it's complete cancer now
A bit more because their jefuty was in the prequel, not sequel. Or Lunasia from gf1 affecting gf2 would also be a way to see it, so imagine that and things like dead people reappearing again.
Having a singular "goddess" and beings that branch off of her is the reason why I thought gf was closer to limbussy than limbussy to arknights, but it appears ji-hoon didn't think so.
Maybe the appearance of vampires is what made it closer, it went from a sci-fi to a sci-fi fantasy.

Still hoping for lobotomy or library collab.
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GF2 get
Nikke get
>Yao Meng gets the soulless gacha with the shit community
>King Chong gets the sovlful collab with the old games that were made with passion
Make it happen Yuzhong, it would be an easy big W.
Arena Breakout looks like mass produced slop though
limbab community is a mirror of this one.
Does Krolik throw swords or what?
Isn't the game a weird cover shooter?
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>we give them good girls and they give us shit
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Could I have a Bride please
nikke already has a sword character that attacks with flying sword slashes
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The ideal collab
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for Anus that trade is worth it
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Could be possible
King Chong and the Nikker guy seems to be on good term
Yeah, that seems to be the reason behind Limbus-AK collab, so the same thing could happen to us.
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How dare you call jashin meh. Even ZLS is good if you ignore the grind that you need to do (division also had this)
It would be saving the one good thing about Nikke, and giving her home in gf universe of love and hope.
We already have a slampig tho
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Imagine getting sandwiched between two
Bnnuy is too dumb to feel motivated
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She is motivated
She's just surrounded by idiots
What's Nikke even about anyway?
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Rare superior meido Hanyang 88!
GF but SKK actually got laid
GFL fanfic but the T-dolls are this
Anyone hype for girl frontcuck 2?
As a cuckchad, i am so hype about this game
You deserve a Collab with Idolmaster since you love idols so much
>Girls Frontline Line
Because she's naked under that coat and knwos whay KJ wants
Then there will be two!
Gfl but with less cuck
Not anymore bro. Snowbreak beat us in that department too.
yuugiri my beloved...
I like that I was assigned to do all the side story/dating sim segments instead of the main story, it was EXACTLY what I wanted.
Hasten Girls'Frontline 3: Oberstein
No one care about that disgusting incel game
Snowcucks in the thread already?
Girls Frontline but with less complex story and MC is canonically got laid
>less cuck
It literally has a dedicated cuck event
why you're so scared every time Snowbreak got mentioned???
So is she any good? With 2 Hashrate teams, I could use a stand-in for Dushy.
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One more Milly
>ESL again
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Sure but it's um@s instead.
I love the cucking in nikke so much
But nikkek always in denial
Davebros won so hard
Kill youself
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Give me Maxwell or I riot.

Girls Frontline but the dolls are piloted by human female brains instead of AI and there are aliens and stuff.
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Imagine being such a faggot
As someone who played (and whaled) on Nikkers as well as main GF1 and NC, its got 0 to do with being similar to GF1 besides the fact that almost every girl in it uses guns (some use blades), they are androids compared to our robots but theres implications some girls don't have the same body they used to have before flavor text. The game is essentially a softcore porn game with a surprisingly decent story and world building where I had left off (last anniversary) a lot of the bond stories go from kissing and handholding to outright implied sex.
I hate idols though.
You cannot imagine the amount of bullying I'll dispense upon Sharkry when she comes around. Of course, this also includes Vepley when she j
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>umanigger throwing stones from a glass house
Gamersupps Frontline
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Projecting a lot there, stupid attentionwhore.
Wouldn't it be more accurate that they're cyborgs?
Yeah, its androids my bad, its 4 AM and cant sleep
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I meant CYBORGS, I think I need to try and sleep now
>and there are aliens and stuff
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Sleep tight Beepo.
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this anon get it make the collab canon by making Shiburin is actually Lunasia variant
>Awake at 4 AM
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Blessings onegai
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>EN: Hard tack
>JP: Kanpan (dried cracker)
>CN: Stir-fried rocks
What's the Gook TL for this line?
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There are not enough blessings in the world.
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>edible emergency food in EN and JP
>literal rock you season and chew on in CN
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This but with Krolik
Vepley skin
Delete this post. Sharkry general
Go away Sharkry, no one likes you
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Checked some trends and noticed lcg collabs with akg, how would you guys react to a collab with either of those games?
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God my idolwife is so pretty
Having a single fan does not equal a general.
Why did vepley shaking her finger become a meme?
Don't play any of those games, don't care
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I'd welcome the on-topic images of Outis
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I would react like a retarded tribalist because I take mobile games VERY SERIOUSLY
I don't know anything about LC, and AK I only know to be a tower defense game with furries in it. So I can't say.
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its Chink TikTok trend
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It's a popular Chinese meme i think
I'll make the new thread on page 8
As if this place needed more tourists and autistic PMfags who attempt to force their shit everywhere. Fortunately, based yellow jew Chong ensured he would never collab with anything published by Yostar or Mihomo.
Can I only take one emoji during the event? I did it once and got red-eyed maido, but can't see it anywhere now.
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She could've been so cute. Why did MICA have to make him a boy
I hope you are lying. LC should never collab with anyone in game. If they want to sell their IP to others, ok. But I don't want to see third party IPs in the game.
Bratan... >>503200280
Do we know anything about future livestreams from mica?
Some evidence then.
>"Don't roll for him, he is a male"
>He does more than double the damage than all previous warriors
How does he do that?
he doesn't know
Nigga it's a doll. Have some creativity. Install a wombforce.
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It's so fucking over...
Get fucked, you belong there now, limbabs
No amount of vagina is going to change the fact that Penumbra is a male you seanigger
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I mean, Penumbra's auto-skill is just like Aki but a bit slower (12s vs 9s). Except, the former has a bunch of multipliers on his passive (derivative, more damage, and ATK speed), making his auto-skill hits like a truck.
Thank goodness we didn't get the collab
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Still very cute. And unironically the most <for (You)> of all dolls including Dede.
It was already popular in chink tiktok. Vepley started the trend with the koikatsu animations.
So far, none of the copycats are as good as the Vepley one and I believe you can import the animation to koikatsu.>>503209115
I also noticed that his auto skill usually does more damage than the ultimate, at least against bosses. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong with him or if this is by design.
>no amount of genitalia is gonna change whatever is in his head
You just made troons valid you fucking idiot
I'd say you're projecting, but now it appears you're a disgusting amerimutt.
Yeah, Penumbra's ulti is merely an emergency savescumming from the boss' nuke skill for 3s. His main bread and butter are passive and auto-skill.
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Smoochable dork!
Everybody universally regarded him as the next warrior powercreep until Sugma and Sol Alter mogged him.
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I hope limbabs enjoy their sudden influx of gay people and/or furries
already there
yeah also already there
That's a Lotta ___
Really? What I remember the most those days was
better yet, they get impacted by the furfags' insufferable bugmen community
Eh, Sugma alone is suboptimal without at least one blink Warrior to make her blink sustainable, whereas Penumbra is fine standalone. What makes or breaks between them is that the latter cannot act as a tank unlike the former.
Just because this m*le is the new powercreep doesn't mean I'm gonna roll for him.
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Ah, thanks for the confirmation. But it feels bad to see all the other warriors (event with A3) do so little compared to him
>transexuality lives rent free to the point of miscontruing a post
Ironic that you bring up projection
Don't care. I'll still use Bonneville and Nascita without him
There hasn't been a male banner since Dupin (who was a skip and even more so now that Angelus exists) until Penumbra, who was also needed to make Hatsuchiri and Nascita stronger.
Memory fails me. When do limited/exclusive dolls usually have "Affection gains with this character are doubled during event"? I saw that Centaureissi doesn't have it.
It's indeed unfortunate for the good ol' Warriors. But at least, Penumbra doesn't have to go alone on the battlefield.
Yes, I wake up everyday and the spread of transgenderism still plagues the world.
Now tell me, how did I misinterpret your post?
It's a non-standard character event format, plus it's a deprecated mechanic now
Usually, it occurs during ongoing characters or major events.
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Lotta cute
Is Dupin really that bad now? I was planning to get him on a rerun because I though he was fun
Alright, thanks.

Dupin wasn't very good at release. His Arma fixed a lot of issues, but it was short-lived because then Angelus came in and did twice as much damage as him.
Dupin's too reliant on dodge-stacking. Without tons of dodge stack, he's meh at best.
Not to mention Angelus selfharms to generate her own dodge stacks so she's less reliant on enemies or Mai hitting her
>still using basic bitch Sniper and warrior teams
Other teams just take too much time to build.
New Thread

they announced collabs a long time ago retard
I don't even have a Warrior team. Did normal Hashrate sniper team, Sacrifice and Pyro, but swordkot and spacechink are ranged Warriors that don't like being hit.
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