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>VV has a demo now: https://youtu.be/u4Br8Pt11f0 [Embed]

>SMT VV patch 1.0.3 is out. includes 6 new navigators, one new quest and demon

>SMTVV is nominated in the best soundtrack category in the golden joystick awards(voting closed)

>New Raidou project leaks on steamDB(reveal when?)

>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks are now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

>Ignore the Aliceschizo who is most likely the same person

Last thread: >>502833745
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i will be back when your shitty rai*ou remake is a pipe dream and you crawling back to your whichever shithole you've originated from. and i will never play any of the rai*ou shit games since you fucks displayed hateful faggotry and hateful remakes about me, trying to create slanderous remakes about me being someone else i had no relation with, huge false samefagging accusation because of le ""esl"" posting and no idea why even. even alice won't make me play this shit instead alice somehow whispering me not to even touch your shithole rai*ou shit games. creating a false narrative about me, such mockery is unbelievable. obvious group of little sodomites larpers and erpfuckers.
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Didn't even realize we were at bump limit.
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actual second for mastema :)
this thread has gone down in quality a lot over the years
because of you rai*ouniggers
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me neither. loveposting does prove too fun...
cute Raidou...
You forgot to update the OP that VV lost in the joystick awards.
You will play the SMTVVEX updates for years to come and you will be happy
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and somehow i typed remakes instead of remarks, infinite insomnia victim. i blame this website and my terminal online addiction and fujoshites and my father for introducing me to video games and his adult movies at extreme early age. you will pay for my lack of sleep and the other general from x franchise will pay for it, for massive shitposting. but above all, i am hetero as fuck and faps to women and loli.
The Aogami love confession quest that ends with a Marduk fight will be kino.
Based raidouGOD for learning art (extremely difficult skill to learn) to draw things they love about SMT.
Hmm, you reminded me, I didn't (re)post this cute art of Thor-sama which comes from a great collection of Bikkuriman-style SMT demons.
great stuff even if it's not that many
married fat sow
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he's so ugly, i love him <3
that's the artist's hand and he is an man in his 40s
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alicefag(me) right about everything i am definitely out and you won for now.

alice i will be there, xxx from another series/franchise i will be there
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>belly bulge
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Where can i post alice loli and women if i don't like this place, where can i post along side with you elsewhere?
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was I a good Devil Summoner?
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a belly just for you me. also fapping again to the full picture for the billionth time because it's so fucking cummable and sexy it's unbelievable. how thefuck this modder created such a masterpiece?
You are already forgotten
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Different anon that recently got a tablet and hoping to learn how to draw good so I can make stuff for favorite things, SMT included.
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Yes, you were. Hopefully more people will give your game a chance in the next decade like what happened to DeSu 2 and TMS.
V has come to
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never played game but the girl is sexy, was she sexier as a loli?
Good stuff anon, keep at it! I've been getting back in my megaten groove, so hopefully I can also draw again.
Positivity piss me off.
Wanna say that to my face fucker?
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You call that Boogie-Woogie? Watch THIS
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The only canonically married protagonist.
kill yourself for betraying me
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I love her so much.
>t. Principality
Everyone does
loving that dyaus, good luck anon!
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alright, haven't done this in a while, tentative drawfag here. throw your ideas at me and i'll see what i like.
Marriage is a sacrament of the church to recognize the union between a man and woman, and doesn't apply to demonfuckers or homosexuals.
Mastema introducing Dazai and Abdiel to zelenin.
Chris the Car running over a character of your choice.
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Redraw this with Mastema and Yoko.
Can you draw any of the Ronde characters? If you want
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Lilim dressing up as Lilith from Darkstalkers
pocket sized nanashi
Why did Chiaki only ever kill male manikans?
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feminist game
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Thank god this never happened and we got Sora instead
>devil summoner
>didn't summon devils
no, you were the worst
I wanted Jack Frost
Call me a faggot but complaints about not summoning demons always felt retarded when there's much more significant issues like the dungeon design
No, and I blame Ishida.
Summoning demons is the series core concept, it that's flawed everything else may as well be damned
But it's a devil summoner game
I don't think summoning demons makes or breaks a game honestly
Titles like SJ would have still been amazing due to it's well crafted dungeons and writing
Even Personas get summoned for YHVH’s sake, it genuinely doesn’t make any sense. It’s like Ishida made the game the way that it is to specifically piss fans off.
Well, congratulations to the devs then, since they made such a great game that even if you strip away a big part of it remais good. That means they worked on everything, from the core all the way up to other aspects of the game.
Sadly that's no the case of Soul Hackers 2 that fails in everything.
>It’s like Ishida made the game the way that it is to specifically piss fans off.
literally every Ishida game since TMS
Even if SH2 summoned demons, it would have still been seen as underwhelming when compared to other previous Debisama games due it's randomly generated dungeons and lack of animations due to being on a low budget.
That's the whole point, they didn't even developed well the main point of the game, what makes you think they cared about the rest?
Because it's completely irrelevant to everything else.
Just like anything you say
i always like seeing if... art of you want to do anything of any of the characters.
Sure man. Go ahead and believe that summoning demons is the breaking point for the quality of a game when the combat and dungeons matter much more overall.
Post save file
all me
Ringo nude when
im not talking to real people, why do i still post here??
You should join Larrue's Discord, that's where the real Megaten discussion is happening.
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OK then, you're a faggot. Devil Summoning in Devil Summoner always encompassed more than just having demons in combat. Loyalty alone relates to
>overall combat effectiveness
>whether they follow orders
>whether they offer to negotiate for you or take mortal hits for you
>whether you can use them in Mystic Change
And a sequel could absolutely do more with the concept, because that's what sequels (used to) do. Just increasing how much your demons interact with you, how they exist in the world, would make the mechanic more memorable.

A Devil Summoner game with good demon rearing mechanics could absolutely be a good game even if it still had mediocre dungeons.
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SMT 1 angel is definitely inspired by Lalah
Mastema is definitely a Char Clone
and finally, Zelenin looks like Artesia
her other alias is sayla mass
what I have a problem with is actually asking for the same old design to come back each game
not only its a good design and suitable for the context, you should be asking for more redesigns of mob demons from game to game, cause that's exactly what Kaneko did
SH2 failed utterly and amusingly just let it go dude
SH2 Redux will fix it
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i like this one lol. enjoy!
don't you know anon, the death of god in V is actually a metaphor for the legalization of gay marriage in japan
The number that you have dialed is currently busy. Please hold the line and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Snake Yoko a cute.
kek, saved.
Agreed, she is a cute.
Common Yoko W
>A Devil Summoner game with good demon rearing mechanics could absolutely be a good game even if it still had mediocre dungeons.
If the dungeons aren't good then it's not a good game. Especially when they're something that players will spend the most time in.
VV sales when? I am not going to buy that game at full price
It's on sale for 25 bucks right now.
>excluding Steam
AIEEEEEEE fuck Gaben
Just hack the demo with the debug menu.
I bought the digital deluxe edition at full price and will be buying the DLC day one
Is Dx2 worth trying out?
My buddy told me to make an account now because some Dx2 excusive demon is avaible.
Had a look at the compendium but didn't see Nuwa, any chance of her being added?
im gonna spoil SMTVVEX every minute of every day in this general when it leaks/comes out, im fucking sick of VV
Navarre was a good addition to IVA and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't.
We'll be getting SMTVVEX updates for possibly years you're going to be occupied more with it for a while to say the least
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You'll get to see their wedding first? Lucky...
You're the reason why modern Atlus is shit.
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Some r18 amane wip
Aaand forgot link. Excuse the stupidity
NTA but this is a good time for me to get into other IPs until VI comes out
Smtg won
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Oh my...
smtg has never won and continues to seethe whenever a new atlus game comes out or when their precious V didn't win any rewards
Do you think the majority of /smtg/ has a neutral-to-negative opinion of vanilla V?
Base V was pretty awful yeah
Dazai has actual development there so I still liked that.
we are neutral-chaos desu
Most of /smtg/ was extremely negative to base V when it came out. So much to the point we managed to make the fujos actually leave the general for a good while until VV happened
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Pretty sure the opinion is a bit more negative for base V. Gameplay was good ofc but the fusions got more limited in the mid game, the ‘dungeons’ were atrocious, weird jump in difficulty just from levels alone, setting was desert but a different color, and bosses were meh to neat.
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Be honest, how far did you get before you quit? If you lie YHVH curse yee.
It felt like I was the only one who saw the merit in V and what story they were trying to tell. Now that VV is out I see most of what I saw reflected in the new story. I wasn't crazy, they just used light narrative, scattered NPC dialog, and myth references out the ass. Its really not the best way to tell a story but I'm glad more people are seeing V for what it is because of VV because I enjoyed what I saw. If the future added context even adds more context, opinions will only just continue to improve.
End of Daedalus beginning of Valhalla before 3ds crapped out on me :/
Absolute Cinema
Smart Guy.
Least obvious samefag
SMT VV magically fixed everything bad about V
It's peak
But the dungeons are still pretty awful. Shakan is quite literally just Demon Castle but gold.
I mean fanartists were drawing V fanart for the years of radio silence after its release. Granted they're all fujos but they were clearly charmed by some essence in V in the first place to get so invested, and not ditch it in favor of some newer fotm fujoslop.

I personally like how VV expanded on the MC's characterization hinted in V, doubling down on yes he was extremely antisocial and deliberately pushed people away yet almost every ending simped for humanity's sake bc he yearned for their approval all along, after VV law showed the wish he got granted was to be friends with everyone. It's very cute
Fucking retard, we're 3 ediffernt guys
beginning of valhalla.
i didn't lose my save or anything. i just died and got discouraged because the enemies got a lot tougher and i didn't feel like grinding more
I'd like them to explain the suit and tie though. It gives me If... flashbacks with Hazama's funeral scene.
Well you have a picture of kyuyaku but I beat the nes version.
A tip for all aspiring megami tensei gamers, the rotting sea of flames difficulty is greatly overexaggerated by certain people (Cough, marsh, cough)
Instead of doing your grinding there, you can do your grinding in the two tiles of infini palace you can access when you take sky city there before you properly unlock the dungeon. Much faster than grinding in hellfire
>playing games older than Nocturne
Couldn't be me!
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You're missing out
>pirate the mitama DLC
>suddenly mitamas everywhere
Nice game
>we need to protect and fight demon and shit
>haha let's go back to school
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You don't need a console you can just emulate it on your pc
It would've probably worked better with mitama hotspots (they kind of already exist) over sharing typical spawns
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Nintendo games aren't gacha games, you'll be alright. They won't climb out from under your bed and stab you in the night and then get you addicted to opium.
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Weird how Nocturne is a fanservice game but doesn't have Alice or her buddies.
What other demons do you think it's weird are missing from Nocturne?
Nocturne is not very good
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I know I'm ultra late on this but...
Magatsuhi is data.
EVERYTHING is data. It all comes back to data...
Even humans can be broken down into data. The amala drums are prayer wheels but the patterns on them are designed to resemble the human genome, the literal data that makes up humans. Yeah sure DDS is the only series that actually starts autistically calling everything data outloud but its always been there. When you use an amala drum you're transformed into raw data/magatsuhi and travel at high speeds through the amala network.
Demons are data but also humans are data and reality is data. Its data all the way down.
you need to pray that Metaphor wins the TGA's, it will mark something big and it will change Smt forever.. you have to pray for Metaphor to win.
>Weird how Nocturne is a fanservice game but doesn't have Alice or her buddies.
Base Nocturne isn't fanservice. The Maniax content IS the shitty fanservice that tries to connect itself to previous entries by creating some marvel tier multiverse.
I'd say base Nocturne still has some fanservice demon picks and callbacks but it's still in the realm of normalcy instead of the total wanking and multiverse bs of Maniax.
Metaphor is nothing like SMT so why does it even matter
No demons, is story focused and not challenging at all
>"oh wow what a cool crossover"
That's what you sound like.
Why do you guys hate 5 again?
Base V ruined a lot with how awful it was, I consider VV to be decent/average, but base V was really bad
I don't know why you would give up, compared to most games in the genre, it's pretty tame with the BS it does.
How do I download the mod
I don't care about some rigged awards and I don't care about Metaphor.
I'm more worried about why you care about those in the first place.
>MCU begins
>MCU ran itself into the ground so hard that it ruined multiverses across all media
I don't think the idea will ever recover in the mind of people due to cinematic universes making them common place
Umbilical hernia is shit and the modder should be ashamed for giving this to his Alice mod.
>demo bypass not only works, but cloud save is working between PC and the deck
Sasuga atlus
They literately just put in a single check in the demos, for indies it doesn't matter, but for bigger games there should be more than a single switch defining what is and isn't a demo
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While true, I think its ridiculous npc brain/trying too hard to fit in to start seething about it retroactively in old media. I've literally seen this "nocturne bad because amala" stance emerge from the primordial void in real time within the last 10 years. Not to be "that guy" but I really think this is a western aligned brand of seething too so its kinda funny to see it applied to eastern franchises. I feel like the average guy here would have a meltdown if you tried to explain the concept of toki no wa to them because all they could think of relating it to is star wars or marvel nostalgiabaiting and multiverses.
I think some people think they're way more of free thinkers than they actually are because they don't realise the subtle ways in which their own preferences and entire concepts are shaped by the sea of consensus around them. Hating something because its popular isn't free thinking anymore than slobbering over it is, thats completely binary thinking.
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Cool stuff, never thought of it that way before but it makes a lot of sense. The DDS2 connection is fun because the reuse the drum model for Brahman
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>Gameplay was good
The MCU was the only big thing to really define western culture in the past 2 decades for film and it drastically reshaped the rest of film to be worse where it's in decline. And the idea was used very badly for most things that spawned in the MCU and the MCU now uses it as a crutch. The idea is tired and people don't want to hear about it anymore for a while. It happened with westerns and gangster movies, where the concept of crossovers was once cool but now is pure nostalgia bait and nothing more.
why do demons in V have more MP than HP? I am talking about early game demons..
also enemies literally one shot everything on Hard so unless I get to start first its a game over
I never liked this kind of crossover myself.
Skills have massive increased costs from previous games
Do you like the crossover of you + soap
It's not that deep in my case, I just dislike when the multiverse bs is used as an excuse to retroactively reinterpret and misinterpret things written before it.
Even back when the multiverse as a concept wasn't popular like it is nowdays I hated things like the Zelda timeline in the early 2000s because it just amounted to just wanky theories that missed the forest for the trees. And for SMT it's more of the same: it just amounts to fanservice and I'd like it to stay it that way but more often than not you get the most fanboyish theories get mistaken as fact.
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I have no idea why people would hate taking baths unless they live in a cold and humid house... so yeah I win the argument, soap is the best and it would win the battle of the multiverses.
How about you + some bitches on your dick
I look and sound like this.
can i pet you
If it matters to anyone
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It matters to me bro, it matters to me!!!!
Now draw them getting impregnated by my penis
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holy fuck this is good
You got a twitter or something?
Just got to the diet building and I feel like the dungeons in SMT 3 so far have served better as interesting visual set pieces than "dungeons". The puzzles are usually pretty braindead on both the player side and developer side (except the moirae sisters puzzle) and it never really feels like I'm dungeon crawling. If I want actual dungeon crawling I'll play a drpg like wizardry or older SMT games. I think if SMT V had more interesting set pieces like 3, people wouldn't have been nearly as hard on the dungeons that are in the game.
SMT4 has the dungeons mostly heavily integrated into the game world and nobody shittalks it. Only SMTV since it has the most flaws
Hey uhh its the guy that liked ADiA again I just have a small question about Smt. is maxing the shit out of agility good in it since I remember doing that in ADiA basically invalidated random encounters which made dungeon exploring a lot less tedious
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The extravagant imagery some of these japanese SMT artists draw in SMT2 fanart makes my cock hard.
It is admittedly just one persons interpretation/extrapolation of originally very limited graphics that leave a lot up to the imagination, so its entirely possible atlus would never even create visuals like this and go for something entirely different, but it almost makes me want to see a remake just to see some of the visual possibilities SMT2's setting provides in modern day technology regardless...
they are on bluesky now and modern atlus doesn't care enough about art direction in games anymore, even metaphor's stuff was mostly very generic set pieces
People definitely mention how bad the dungeons in IV are. Some are just literal hallways.
Based on what I've read on bluesky, there's a strong chance that they will become what xitter was before Elon AND sell/use user data to corpo and AI.
So far they haven't done anything to say they will sell data to AI, but they had a massive influx of new users because of people fleeing due to AI, which was a lie they made to fearmonger since you can press a single button and opt out of X's AI. Only time will tell, but it's 100% going to be a place where a lot of people leave to, and then the rug will be pulled under them
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Social media is and continues to be a mistake.
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Found a random majin tensei fanart within the fujo artists earliest posts, quite based
It's something that removed a lot of needs in society since it's instant and can be accessed anywhere. It's always going to be used and abused by governments and corporations to make things worse for the people. Every world government already pulls data from data centers to compile to find out if anybody is connected to terrorism, but social media makes it easier for companies and governments to do that data harvesting as it's public. But the ease of use and speed of trends have made it where trends could last 10 years but now only last a week outside select ones.
thank you
post full, also please have nude varriants
>Every world government already pulls data from data centers to compile to find out if anybody is connected to terrorism
And it's pointless, at least in the US. Almost every time there is some kind of mass shooting the FBI will say the person responsible was on their radar but they just never bothered to respond. And you'll find damning posts left behind from the shooter like videos of him shooting fake human targets in the woods and "practicing for the big day".
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It's mostly since they can only view the data if they have a legal reason to. They can collect it, but they cannot do anything until they have something clear the system knows for sure. Most things are done with algorithms, so a shooter might be talking about a normal hunt or something worse. Part of it is how the FBI works after some major events that made them more standoffish unless they have to. It's extremely messy overall and there is conspiracies that there is benefit for allowing such things go unchecked, but saying anything more isn't megaten related outside maybe DeSu. But at least it's not China level surveillance.
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Someone please tell Khonsu this is not how it happened... right?
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Shame that I already knew about this whole section going in. Being chased in any game stresses me out, but it was still fun avoiding diarrhea horse and kicking his ass at the end.
brown fragility
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>there is benefit for allowing such things go unchecked
no, the governments are simply unable to monitor everyone on the internet, and those people on the ''radar'' the governments can't do shit to all of them at once because if they did you will have hundreds of thousands of people thrown in jail for being ''suspecious'' and no one is retarded to pull a dumb catastrophic move this to happen not even China
that's why /pol/ is filled with chuds (potential school shooters) but no one doing shit about it except in rare cases
oh so now Larrue wants to preach to us?
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Does anyone know if there's cheat codes for Majin Tensei available anywhere? I fucked up by not saving the game properly, got stuck in a position where i'll 100% get one-shot by a boss and am at risk of losing several hours of gameplay
just use cheat engine
Cheat engine, you aren't even close to the BS parts of the game yet
pure projection
>Alicetroon is Larrue
It all makes sense now……
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for DDSaga, would you have liked the option to change your "transformation" into a more standard demon like Jack Frost?
also whatever happened to that nigga here that used to post about Ben 10 x SMT
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I hope you all have a wonderful Friday, /smtg/!! I love you all!
No, that wouldn’t make any sense.
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thank you raidoufriend, you too. currently working and gonna try to fulfill some more art requests later
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I don't hate that idea on it's own, but I think it should be it's own game. A spin-off of the spin-off, if you will. Eat enough a type of demon, unlock it to turn into. Otherwise the singular atma avatars work really well.
Hell, if anything, if a re-release of the DDS games ever does happen, that modding could allow playing as other unique demons. Having Bat or Lupa on the team would be fun.
I'm also reminded that EraMegaTen has a Devi-Change mechanic for some of its characters (namely Nanami from the Nocturne TTRPG) that allows for that, I THINK
thank you!
and you too!
my brother was watching me play DDS one day and said "hey is that Nocturne"
what should have been my reply?
>It's Nocturne but better.
"bend over and drop your pants"
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Can you really blame him when SMT games on the PS2 are barely distinctable from each other
Nocturne is the original smt btw
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Look at this screenshot of Nocturne.
it was actually close to unanimous. I came to appreciate what it does after coping with how unfinished but before VV I personally wouldn't recommend it as an entry to the series
PM and his harem of school boys...
Everyone agreed to not acknowledge that game.
Since Atlus actually found their third pillow with Metaphor does that mean Metaphor is the new top dog now?
Nice massreporting, troons
Cute Raidou!!!
>So far they haven't done anything to say they will sell data to AI
It's speculation because their suits do know people in the AI industry and the fact that bluesky is growing and their servers are not going to pay themselves, especially if the userbase doesn't want to pay, which is one of the reason why xitter is in trouble right now.
The part about bluesky becoming twitter is factual however, straight from the mouth of the founder.
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Hello fellow Raidouposter, I hope you have a nice Friday as well.

This artist is a favorite of mine. So glad they draw Raidou of all characters.
>Old jaded boomer, struggles to improve themselves, quality of their work steadily going down.
>Popular and successful millennial, could retire by their early 30s if they wanted. Everyone awaits their next project.
>New kid on the block, already well liked by many. Only time will tell if they can further prove themselves to be among the greats.
>Schizo with no friends who spends years shitposting in a general he hates
And they have no real advertising at all or ways to profit. It really seems like they will pull the rug out of everybody eventually, they want to get as many people on board as possible before doing so.
But you guys are my friends...
>>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form
How horryfing, I hope this "community" burns and crashes for the greater good. Do you really need to write a book about some random retard?
>t. avery
we know it's you
>I hope this community crashes and burns for trying to warn others about a molest, annoying retard who targets just about any megaten group he hasn't been banned from yet
that's how you sound
It's almost like he's a schizo himself or something
Anyone who enjoys reading such a compendium of degeneracy would be no different than whoever is described there. But I guess that's the sort of people who gets attached to this franchise.
>Just read my novel which is totally not my fetish baka!
>t. warren
Who mentioned anything about a fetish? Projection much
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the only degenerancy I want is Thor's ass on my face desu
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>Who wrote and shared a 60 pages document about the life and deeds of some retarded zoomer with obvious mental problems for shit and giggles in the name of some morality that clearly nobody who shares that document would ever champion for.
You are not better than him for making fun of a (another) broken zoomer. Just list all his nicknames instead of prostituting his private life then pretend you have some standards.
>shit that never happened
Oh so you’re just schizophrenic then
I'd agree with you if it was just some schizo doing harmless schizo shit, but the dude in the document is a pedo and an animal abuser so any sympathy I'd have for him is gone.
NTA you're arguing with btw
wacom deez nuts
>Everyone agreed to not acknowledge that game.
Then why are people still begging for IS to release more TMS units in FEH?
I don't know what's more surprising, the fact there are people who care about TMS or IS acknowledging it exists
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God I wish I had a mom that I could fuck
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Maybe you should leave your room more often then.
I fail to see how me not knowing these things means I don't leave my room, but you're correct
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and as i clearly stated, you're projecting your colored people hatred by keep mentioning brown people as an insult because you clearly hate yourself guts and you're even going to the next step and silence me out for figuring it out. attaboy, fuckboy
Rouge the bat is hotter than Alice.
None can resist bat tits
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kill yourself! and this is not tumblr, deranged fucktards
>necro mention and asspained
discord thread dwellers of mutts and creaturas confirmed
Keep seething, Pablo.
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HoMM3 is better than smt
you keep projecting and it's a definite projection of cope and sadness and denial and i don't feel any pity for you anymore. keep maldding, richado
>/vg/ are like cave dwellers who never seen light in their lives and don't even know what is homm
you have to be eastern eurpoean to know about it unless you are a nerd
if atlust was ahead of everyone they could copy western turn based rpgs which are clearly superior to any jrpg slop besides maybe Xeno series
you have to be this you have to be that and you're an asian merican who clearly knows about smt because it's japanese right? your logic is fucked, taste your medicine please
Ban evading again are we
no? you're ban evading i am someone else you fucked up spammer
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>if atlust was ahead of everyone they could copy western turn based rpgs which are clearly superior to any jrpg slop besides maybe Xeno series
Random lurker here. Alicefag owns you all.
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really, you're getting demotivated by a one single post? posters are really that affective and cruel sometimes? cant you like, hide and move on? logoff
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I found more art of Priest Raidou and whew
so easy to hide
are you bystander poor jew? COs want Qadistsu back
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>forgot the art
I am retarded
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wtf i love law now
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He's got a cute corset in this one too
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stop fellating these scumbags, m*ds. oh wait you're the very same breed, nvm hehe
>a whole minute apart.
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I'm glad Raidoufags draw this sexy cutie
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friend, these people are literal lolcows without a mirror in their homes, they made themselves pretty comfy in here also they are from shitcord. just make fun of these sonicho-chan gaylords wannabes
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Why does this general have so much retards mad at each other? At least it fits the series themes of opposing ideals clashing. Congratulations for the larp everyone.
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Bro I'm not even pretending to be two people I'm just posting art I found kek

I'll make the thread a little less gay but idk who else likes BIG women...
AND the fact they keep interacting with me, no realization for their own existence. just like women and cats. weren't you saying i am that namefag samefagging or some shit?
Wait, is that Junpei from 999?
If you aren't paying for the product you are the product. Social media companies all sell user data off to the highest bidder.
im not your bro, sissy. and i told you last thread don't post women, you're not allowed to fucking post women when you wank to fucking men, you're only allowed to post ingame screenshots of women for discussion and argument material purposes. kill yourself, deviant
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I hope the next SMT has a Demon Haunt with a dating sim option where each demon has a 16 hours long route and randomly generated dialogues after that so Aliceschizo can sink all of his time there and then we can have peace again.
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I'm not the guy who was talking to you from before, I just joined the thread to post fanart. Also cats are cute.
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He's the guy from DX2.

So hot.

I wanna dress like this, this dude is pretty cool.

Cute, lovely art.
person, this post wasn't made just for you but in generality. Please gain some newton issac and plato points into your numb skull
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I love Subway Boss Ingo!
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a pocket godslayer for your pockets!
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please draw chibi Raidou seen from above doing doe eyes to the viewer
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I don't play gacha or follow this game at all but here's my ranking of how cute all the girls are
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I mean there's literally Asherah and all those goddesses from Strange Journey
I actually lucked out and got a story made involving a guy, a Yaksini, and a bunch of Lilims and Leanne Sidhes. It's more watersports than sex though.
Your third is my first, agreed on second, first is third naturally and last is last.

That's pretty hot...
my fucking man
>Congratulations for the larp everyone.
you should've been here for the lawfag vs. chaosfag argument.
the chaosfag was really convincing and i might be a chaosfag because of him.
I'm a chaosfag if it's Jimenez new ending.
I'm a chaosfag because I want to be used by the female demons
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I just want to marry a Lilim and live happily with her. Imagine walking while this cutie has her hands and head resting on your shoulders while floating. She's such a sexy, lewd, cute demon.
this but pixie flying around my head and being a cute and helpful little assistant
Chad shit
Pixie is a good girl too, you have good taste.
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yeah i can do that real fast. sorry he looks a lil mad... it's the hat
Can you doodle Pixie making a pouty face please
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ah much better! (this was the first draft lol)
It’s literally just a handful of retards that scream at each other over nothing. That’s all it takes.
incredible... thank you
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These two are so cute together.
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Ronde is a chad game indeed
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All the pairs have something that appeals to me. It still surprises me even.
>neutralfag has a demon gf
>Demon neutralfag has human bf
What a waste of decent character designs
never ask a neutralfag the race of his gf
Instead of Vkun and Aogami it should've been those two.
Aaawww, he's jerking off on the last panel!
Isabeau getting executed by firing squad
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Post a pic of your favorite demon I'll start!
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I like so many demons in the series, but she will always be my numbah one
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I just can't pick a favorite, lots of cool designs and lore. I'll post just one of the favorites though.
Wife is Lilim, of course, with no other demon claiming that position.
Very cute, I like these a lot. I'll put him in my pocket and he can guard my phone from tricky pickpockets.
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There's a severe lack of cute art of the D2 characters. At least some japanese players in Twitter know what's up.
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I have a lot of fav demons so far but you reminded me I never looked up Alp art. Well, looking up "alp megaten" on pixiv brought up two pictures lol... there is no justice for my breast milk stealing waifu.
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Harpy a cute!
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I love Thor-sama too, of course.
I'm thinking of a list of various demons I love that aren't humanoids now, but I still have one more humanoid I want to post...
Parvati is another humanoid fav of mine. I really like her design. This fanart of her draws her more sparkly but I still like it.
need Dx2 model Harpy...
No bullying!
Cyak is probably my favorite weird mascot critter. It's weird to call him a mascot because he never became one, but he is one in my heart. I was actually surprised to see they never brought him back. I wonder if the reason is that he looks a bit like Kuribo from YugiOh... well, Cyak came first (I think) so I doubt it.
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I don't remember if demons in Dx2 have multiple green dialogue boxes or not
I did not draw this, I am just sharing it
honestly looks AI
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oh good YHVH...
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I found no fanart of Hanuman on pixiv. Well, that's a shame. I think he's very cool.
I also don't particularly want to look up art of Nebiros despite liking him a lot because I don't want to see porn of a certain demon more than I already do.

Here is a pic of my sexo goddess. I love this design a lot, much more than the other one (which I still like but it's not sexy). She also looks so tall in-game which makes her more striking and sexy.
Her face makes her look like a One Piece character, cute
she looks so scrinply, I want to hug her
Looks like she messed up when trying to place her hand down for support and is about to fall backwards.
She even looks embarassed.
nice tits on that Yuriko
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His design just clicks for me. Genuinely prefer him over Cu Chulainn.
Kek you are right. I find it crazy that If... Hathor has a figure but we never saw non-pixel art official art of her like at all. So that figure either is based on art that never got released to the public or it was made up by the sculptor. I like her face, very cute.
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>even his kotobukiya mini figure is cheeked up
I will never forgive Fatlus
I agree, it is very cute and gives her a certain personality. She looks like she doesn't like being called cute and revealing her weaknesses, like being a klutz, but fails often.
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Neat display if a little busy. Iirc the Kotobukiya line of mini figures exists at all because at the time Atlus was owned by Kotobukiya's parent company or something?
It's probably the best SMT ever got in terms of figures, even if some look weird, because they simply look SOVLFVL.
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Love how she looks.
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Oh man, I kinda want it...
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My favorite school shooter got an incredible garage kit
Damn, this general has really become worse than /pg/.
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Generally I'm both surprised and not surprised that MegaTen gets garage kits from fans at WonFes.
Shut the fuck up, you-know-who
This image and those garage kits are nearly a decade old
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
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Oh yeah, I know, I saw their dates and I actually got surprised cause I expected them to be older.
I'm still impressed.
guaranteed to have at least one cum tribute
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I need this.
what's that demon on the right?
Rakshasa's old design.
Used to be my demonfu before I knew he was a dude
what? how couldn't you tell?
I'd say you are a coward but I understand in this case
nta but he does have a pretty feminine "HA!" attack noise in dds. other than that, long hair and pink? i think he should waifu him anyway. vasuki a cute.
oh no he is cute without a hat, foreheads like that are my weakspot
smtg's favorite manlet, now with me everywhere I go! aregato
The part where you tell yoko
>you can trust demons
>you shouldn't trust demons
Which one is law and which one is chaos? It's confusing because their positions end up being contradictory what one thinks is the "obvious" matching choice.
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I always thought his DDS model looked like he had a cat face.
You can't be this retarded. Yoko is against demons, while Tao supports them.
alice alice alice cute
That's pretty topsy-turvy for a chaos rep and law rep respectively, innit?
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My extremely trustworthy best friend who has never betrayed anyone ever
Not to be that guy but often Law options have you be nice and selfless to others (demons included) while Chaos options have you act selfish and suspicious of others (demons included).
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based based based based based based based based based based
Do skills that affect ally MP costs also affect the user? From wording alone it sounds like no, but I have to be sure.
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this school hallway section is so fucking badly designed
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The Lord, in His infinite wisdom said:
Unto the trees - bear fruit and be ever fertile
Unto the fish - multiply and be multitudinous
Unto the Sons of Man - be bounteous and kind. As you witness the Lord in his glory and gain welcome to the Kingdom of Light(* = the dropoff point called the 'Eastern Kingdom of Mikado' run by Akira which is close to the human world enabling trade) bring with you your wonderful gifts(** = such as Adidas) unsullied
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Mastema is wrong
Law is wrong
>Fire bullets
>Force bullets
You always see some retarded V fag defend something awful from their entry, but you never hear them defending the school "dungeon" or it's arc.
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VV's school arc* is the kino that saved the absolute state of Tao
Fanatical worship of any title is the creepiest shit, especially with modern fans constantly throwing out words like peak all the time.
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waltuh... fire the agi
minotaur should've smirked at the end
smt vi announcement in
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Happy family outing.
Nice Cinderella dress colored capelet faggot.
if i died would you cry?
Mastema lost
Louisa Ferre won
Mastema lost
Yoko won

He keep losing to women
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Schizo theory time
Louis is the result of Louisa fucking Mastema
Alex is his half sister
Don't die man
Mastema lost
Sister Gabby won
>side with chaos, no Arthur
>side with law, no Arthur
This game is so heavily biased for Neutral
Arthur is the best thing in SJ desu
>patch 1.04 to fix the bypass
>cracked in few hours again
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Here's my wife Mermaid !

They have 2 or 3, I don't remember.
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only faggots engage with faggot posters. normalfags
this poster is a real faggo
>not single alice
what gayfaggot lying shithole
So this what happens to the general when the latest mainline entry ends up being disappointing and causes nobody to discuss anything worthwhile.
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The loli tomie clones are the far superior evil demonic little girls.
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i DON'T CARE about any drama anymore i am in heaven
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new kino release freeeen
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I remember this being brought up here like a month or so ago, and since I noticed it while checking through the alternate megaten wiki I thought I would also point it out.
Bunrei (分霊) is 100% confirmed the reason why multiple copies of demons who are individuals exist, the term is used very often in the japanese scripts to the extent the alt wiki has its own page for it
Asking your heroine to make some bunrei so you can have a gangbang
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i wonder what jack frost tastes like
Ice Cold. Not yellow ice.
Why did V fail?
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Call this general the ruins lol
Because its dead
Oh so Tony4U is back... shut up Tony4U
that's an amazing picture
you ever think how chaosfags use their strength to save their friends sometimes...
Video games? Actual game discussion?
Have you played SMT1 and 2 yet?
If yes, have you played Shin Megami Tensei: If... yet?
If you haven't you literally have no excuse. Play a SMT game you never played before instead of constantly whining that nobody talks games here. This is a fucking imageboard, start your own damn gameplay discussion, nobody is stopping you, in fact I HIGHLY encourage you to do so instead of crying that there is no gameplay discussion.
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I miss gaming magazines in general
>they're acting like as if they're from the matrix even though their fashion was before matrix
ahead of everyone else
discordlolikiller55, you're not impressing anyone
why would I kill lolis... thats mean, Nyarly
I play the game and yeah they do. They have two when you use them a bunch, and then they get one or two more when you use them a lot in battles.
Neat. Do you think you could check what term "potential" actually is in Japanese? Goko and Yoko (lol) both say it. I'll see if I can find some Jap dialog of both scenes. It feels like Atlus West's translation attempt for a term that doesn't exactly mean potential but its the closest they could get to a term that's probably more broad so I'm wondering what it really is.
like snow
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>Failed to outsell vanilla V by 600k copies
>Barely fixed any of the issues of the vanilla game besides the removal of level scaling
>Yoko is one of the worst rerelease girls to the point she unironically makes Alex and Kasumi look like well written characters
>Didn't receive a single nomination in TGAs while Metaphor has tons
>Received an nomination in the joystick awards, but lost to Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Rebirth
>The official soundtrack didn't contain anything interesting information when compared to vanilla V soundtrack
>The only advertising this game ever received in the west was being promoted on some shitty food truck
>The game didn't get advertised well in Japan either as Doi placed Nahobino cutouts in cheap, gross looking chinese restaurants
>Took them months to include simple things that should have been in the game since day one
>Couldn't even bothered to give vanilla V players some sort of discount
Dare I say, the worst JRPG of 2024? No other JRPG this year performed this badly in terms of execution and sales. Even something like Ys X had better reception in the west despite being made with nickles and dimes.
Atlus should take a break from developing mainline titles until they realize what they did wrong and how to avoid that for VI.
Foul Schizo
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>>Yoko is one of the worst rerelease girls to the point she unironically makes Alex and Kasumi look like well written characters
Genuinely think you're insane
Not really a fan of VV either but yoko is by far on the more tolerable end of the rerelease sloppers spectrum. Trying to claim fucking alex is better makes me think you're seriously deranged
Atlus barely advertises anything outside mainline persona
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Revelations V Vengeance
I understand why the internet killed them off, but it would have been cool. Last time I went to a book store and checked them out, they were still giving xbox (OG) demos
You should institutionalized NOW
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
You forgot to mention Xenogears in your post.
No matter how much you try to force associate it with ringoschizo xenogears will never be cringe. Kill yourself.
He didn't say Xenogears was cringe, schizo
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Ok, Nuwa
Attempting to associate it with a schizo even when the schizo is rambling about unrelated retardation is inherently trying to make it cringe. Are you stupid?
kill yourswelf, fujoposterlover1
You're getting pretty hyper defensive.
Nigger he was pointing out how he always brings up Xenogears, you've overthinking it
/smtg/ plays IVA (Apocalypse Difficulty)
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>can't even find an image without her fawning over Yakumo to post
I know what your op is and I'm not falling for it. Xenogears is based and ringoschizo routinely shits on xeno. You will not divide xenobros and smtbros no matter how hard you try.
But he was the first person to mention xenogears in this thread? The schizo was rambling about VV. Am I losing my marbles?
Shut up, retard. I just think Nuwa and Yakumo are cute together.

That's exactly what I wanted to post, so I posted it. And Nuwa is her chinese name, any problem with that?
>Am I losing my marbles?
Yes, take your meds.
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Let's be sure to remember them before it was gay too.
*riot gun*
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You all shut the hell up.
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There are OPS taking place all over SMTG at all times but I will not fall for them. I will not be divided and I will not be mislead by the hands of the devils behind screens. "They" will do their best to sow discord and infighting but you must prevail, and do your best to drag them into the light. Do your duty sons of adam and eve.
unironic schizophrenia
Nuwa is a literal prostitute bro
This poster is a devil.
what is the difference between a devil and a demon?
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I don't think there is one in the context of SMT
devil is the big bad demon
demons are the lackeys of devil
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Demon comes from daimon, which means deity. Devil is diábolos, which means slanderer, accuser.
A demon is a magical being. A devil is an entry of truly corrupt, insincere and nefarious character, they can be a demon or human. There are devils everywhere for those with eyes to see them.
>devil is the big bad demon
I always hated this bullshit because it reminds me of my Southern Baptist childhood where Lucifer and Satan are treated as the same thing and evil has no nuance, its just some red asshole surrounded by fire with a pitchfork and a pointy tail.
Devil is to describe the horny guys with pitchforks.
The Devil is Lucifer/Satan.
Demon is a word that describes evil spirits and it comes from the greek word/concept of daemon, which were spirits (both good and evil iirc) that possessed and inspired people.
In abrhamic myth, good spirits are Angels.
Angels and Demons are both the same kind of being but the key difference is that they either stand with good (Angels, who stand with God) or evil (Demons, fallen Angels who stand with Satan).

SMT uses Demon/Akuma as a catch-all term for all the mythological creatures they employ in the game but what we usually call Demons are part of the Fallen (aka Fallen Angel) class.
In the japanese version of SMT, the delination between allied demon and enemy demon is clearer and it gives more meaning to the choice to use this word. It's something they never managed to localize and it's why myths like "demons are just tools" are so prominent in the western fandom.
"Demons (悪魔, Akuma) are entities serving as both enemies and potential allies, and a key feature of the Megami Tensei franchise. In the Japanese version of many games, demons allied with the player are called 仲魔 (nakama), a pun on 仲間 nakama (companion) and 魔 ma (demon)."
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>and it's why myths like "demons are just tools" are so prominent in the western fandom.
I feel like this is phrased in a weirdly "i'm smarter than thou" way considering they literally bring this up in the games themselves as a philosophical question quite often
>Lucifer and Satan are treated as the same thing and evil has no nuance, its just some red asshole surrounded by fire with a pitchfork and a pointy tail
This is because in Christianity I'm not sure if there is a clear difference between Lucifer and Satan or if there is a point in having one in a believer's spiritual journey. I never looked into it but doesn't Satan mean something like "the Adversary"? so it can be used to describe Lucifer too.
wait this nigga is actually VV? I thought he was one of the modded demons
It is a modded demon but the dialouge isn't modded, it was just my only screenshot of the dialouge
It is posed as a question in the games multiple times but it's not a fact that's set in stone. (You) are allowed to see them as you see fit but it's wrong to say that demons are *just* tools because "SMT is Pokémon for red pilled people".
>NTRfags got to Nuwa and Abdiel already
Nuwa is just IVA Medusa
But with individually rigged toes
All the Nahobino pairs are ripe for NTR fags. Aogami worst of all.
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Demons are just sex slaves, and NOTHING more. No autonomy, no rights, no sentience, they are HOLES FOR HUMAN COCK.
i'm preparing for hydra wish me luck chat
should be fine
Sex with Hathor
Kill all lilim. Total lilim death
In VV is Matador Red Capote stronger than sukukaja x2?
Based Principality.
Is SMTouhou allowed here
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If you just talk about the gameplay and mechanics I'd see no reason why not, only a schizo would get upset at that
I wish it had a sequel, it was fun. :(
Is the dungeon editor out yet? You'll be able to add custom "demons" and a lot of stuff with it to the game.
do not sully my wife's image you BASTARD
Please, stop this and go back to Yakumo...
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Beat the Karma Society Tower.
First Team Rocket fight was easy. Second took a few tries and just remembering to bring Void Elec, but nothing crazy.
Should've guessed Heat was gonna keep being a pissbaby. Lost the first attempt but managed the second with some Void Fire. Seeing his angry dialogue for benching Serph for any period of time was fun too.
I'm excited to get to this game after Nocturne. It's impressive how good it looks too.
NTA but I enjoy the DDS games more than Nocturne
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Nice, great game
ALICE continuation story when ALICE turning into good loli redemption arc when
when you kill yourself
never ever no way Atlus will ever do something original with legacy SMT characters
enjoy the millionth story about Alice, Nebiros and Belial killing innocents to give Alice more friends
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Can you even call yourself a Alice fan when you don't even own merchandise of her?
What is your wishlist for SMTVV EX?
>Aogami quest about being Susano-o
>Koshimizu and Yuzuru reunite somehow and closure for Koshimizu's death
>Marduk, Krishna, Lailah recruitment quests
>Lahmu quest for Sahori closure (a big never ever but I can dream)
>Yoko quest for some proper backstory on her and what being a goddess of chaos actually means
>new map areas to access with rails

I'd ask for a dungeon but I can't trust them to make anything good.
Being able to upgrade unique skills at least for early demons so I can keep using them even in the end game.
Vengeance (Apocalypse) mode
Demon navigators being the demons you own, Demon Haunt having more interactions, risks and rewards.
But I want all of thin in VI, tired of the same faggot main character and every area being just seas of colored sand.
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>Different Aogami/Tsukuyomi essences have different innate skills that support different play styles
>some late-game miracle that lets you swap out Nahobino's innate for the innate of any other demon
It'd be absolutely fucking busted but 'Bino might as well not have an innate to begin with, plus only really allowing for up to 3 active synergistic demons in terms of innates does kinda hurt more specific team compositions.
Might as well just let V be even more turbo autism team-building game that VV made it.
>every area being just seas of colored sand
That's why I want them to add a new dungeon either like twisted tokyo or amala but I don't think it would be good.
yay i will
wow birdfag
>Implying that you're getting any of that stuff
I'm getting your mom's ass tonight.
He says 可能性, which means possibility. No religious or esoteric vocabulary here, very common word used exactly how the English word is used ex
>その可能性がないとは断言できない I can’t say for certain that’s not possible.
>それにはふたつの可能性がある There are two possibilities
Demon haunt dialogue is very hard to find so I can't see what panayoko says.
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they will, i will give them 1 million dollars to innovate and create nuance for Alice
Post your Alice figures.
Thanks for going to that effort. I'll try to find her maxed demon haunt dialog on my own and see if I can post it in JP. I'll scour youtube first and if I can't find anything I'll try gifting her to max and switch the language before I see the dialog.
wish she had a figure like this
You're into necrophilia?
>t. Yakumo
True, proto-fiends especially.
her portrait looks p good
>fight superTao somehow, she SAID she was gonna stop you now matter what but after Mastema she just went loljk bye
>not so much an "8th day" because that doesn't really fit here but a little more elaboration on what happens after would be nice. Technically only you, Aogami, Lucifer, Mastema&Satan know about the mandala system I want to see Yoko's reaction to being essentially correct about everything even before knowing abt it and Tao's justification for inadvertently serving it 100%
>more dancy fight songs than ambient tracks
>if it's paid dlc at least bring voice acting chiwa saito makes my pp the big pp
Retard soiboi shit that I would soiface at unironically
>superboss Nanashi + SlaveFlynn + canon goddess and piece of shit annoying healer Asahi
>They can all use smirk
>you still can't
>If you try to deliver a killing blow to Asahi Nanashi delivers an instant gameover. Can only ailment spam her to prevent healing.
If it sells well, maybe

God I can only imagine if Dx2 also made a 3d model for this Hathor
and alice was a human in smt1 so she's more than that
alice is there?
fuck you
I don’t fuck nonwhites, but thanks for the offer.
Probably Alice Margatroid from Touhou but not SMT Alice. It's Touhou so it's full of cute girls anyway.

Btw I heard that SMT Alice was one of ZUN's inspirations for Touhou, is that true or just bs conjecture from fans?
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sickly looking Akira-kun
>why is there a face on his crotch?
I read Devilman on my formative years
what the fuck you're mumbling there, esl?
>superboss IVA characters
literally been asking for this from Day 1 except I was imagining Flynn having some connection to Masakado
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Of course!
Looks like Sanchez is projecting again
shame it sucks
>Btw I heard that SMT Alice was one of ZUN's inspirations for Touhou
Big if true
Guess we're friendly to the Aliceschizo now
holy schizo
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Some are better than others. I'm pretty sure Sakurako's remained the same from her first draft
sorry anon, but the game is trash
guess you should slit your own throat, attention whore zoomer twatter/discord immigrant. shut the fuck up you fucking off topic annoying rat.
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sucks because one of the anon's favorite character is in touhou indie game even though they're not the same alice?
Someone’s mad
someone is craving for attention from randoms online
Don’t flatter yourself, no one wants your attention
Sure it does contrarian faggot
then stop engaging with me, you're clearly doing that out of spiteful reasons like in here>>503390843
self-hating mutt
DDS3 when?
let me bully the cord immigrants while you watch, don't let them out smart you
Wait, I can't fuse elements to make mitamas in Vengeance?
yeah mitama are enemy only in V
I imagine that SMT Alice will be one of the first custom demons in that Touhou game anyway
they didn't even bother to put any of the smt demons in there as easter eggs
I fucked up then...
It'd have had to be legally distinct versions of them so I can understand why they didn't bother. At that point just wait for fan mods which are in a legal grey area.
Did you drawed this?
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>Mecha muhammed
my sides
Yes, Hazamanon suggested we'd draw Akira. I've been meaning to draw him for a while so I did.
Do you want them to be sued by Atlus or Sega? Because that will happen if they decided to do that.
My favorite Tekken character.
It’s a touhou game why would there ever be SMT demons in it lol
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48 portraits, 46 unique ones, 2 recolors
I have given up.
Wrong thread?
retard is sperging over alicegod
It's over
>smt wex
>smt sex
But that's just a theory, a gayme theory
Talking about yourself in the third person now are we
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What the fuck I missed Imp. 49 portraits then
I thought you would understand.
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Is this what spouse grief support groups look like in Japan? A police officer, the Prime Minister, and an 18 year old high school student?
Stop saying nonsense, baka!
There's a lot of story potential there, but Atlus seems to prefer making her a sidequest demon instead. Maybe instead if making a game with one extreme world saving/changing plot they should have lower stakes and smaller scale stories instead
it would be cool to see how she turned into a demon
my ultimate ask-for in a SMT DLC would be Baal Avatar and Noah bossfights
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>rewatch vv cutscenes on yt because Yoko's jp voice muhs my dick
>scene after Goko gives Tao her role and revives her
>Tao's eyes here flash light blue for one second before becoming brown-grey again
Kinda kvno, I don't think anything similar happens to Yoko before the sacrifice.
>I have to save everyone
>better kill these innocent high school girls that made fun of my lesbian friend
Because Yoko's powers are sealed and Tao's never are.
No more guest fights please. VV's world lore has plenty of shit to pull from.
>VV's world lore has plenty of shit to pull from.
such as...?
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If this was your destiny-assigned boyfriend you'd be a lesbian too.
DDS seems weirdly lenient with some of its choices
KO'd party members get 1 HP after the fight and don't have to be revived with a Bead or Recarm spell.
also any time a character gets a bad status effect in a random encounter that you don't want to waste a turn fixing, you can just retreat with 90% success rate; this especially applies with Charm which doesn't carry across encounters like Stun does.
That's mighty impressive anon, I'm jelly.
Anyone know when the pdfs of Tokyo Conception are due out? I know the physical release isn't out til next year, but the digital version is supposed to be out this month, and they're cutting it close.
>Marduk via time travel/alternate timeline shenanigans
>Amaterasu via time travel/alternate timeline shenanigans
>Demons representing other religions trying to find clout in the next world like Anansi
>Any demons with a snake vs bull story in their myth getting a quest and boss fight
>Lailah because the tree of life is in the game (good excuse to talk to dead characters because she collects human souls)
I thought someone uploaded the pdf here already?
isn't she also the angel(?) of pregnancy? haha
The game over tree in smtv is called "Guf" in the game files. That's the tree of souls Lailah collects from:
>According to Jewish mythology, in the Garden of Eden there is a Tree of life, or the "Tree of Souls", that blossoms and produces new souls, which fall into the Guf, the "Treasury of Souls". Gabriel reaches into the treasury and takes out the first soul that comes into his hand. Then Lailah, the Angel of Conception, watches over the embryo until it is born.
Also she's related to Lilith:
>Lilith is often compared to Lailah as an evil opposite, seeking to kill newborn children while Lailah seeks to protect them.
So she has 2 excuses to be added in. She could be a servant of the cycle and throne system as an opposite to Lilith and maybe Yoko gives you a quest to kill her to make sure all attachments to the throne are gone in the chaos hell world to come.
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it's time to play smtII, for Alice!
We will make Alice unlonely again
Be prepared to never see Alice in your playthrough as she's a super secret character that has a extremely small chance of appearing
>implying Alicefag isn't insane enough to try to spawn Alice
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All the alices from all the other smt and atlus games i played, pray fot me!
Alicefag was raped by his uncle
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Interesting information
Does he even know how?
If they have, I haven't seen it, and I've not seen it on any of my usual download places
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Dunno, guy just interested in my. My secret follower. Gomen alice coded
It was posted a few threads back
Much appreciated, friendo
But enough about IVA
IVA > your mom
looks good!

i've been meaning to draw him since then too.
i feel bad for putting it off.
okay, i'll at least do the lineart tonight.
i'll be back with it soon.

chaos has everyone adapt to survive and make everyone strive to better themselves.
And everyone isn't necessarily out to kill each other.

neutral tries to keep the status quo despite the status quo usually leading to conflict to begin with.

law unites everyone under a system where they are ruled by 1 being and they are handed everything they need to survive without having to better themselves.

follow the conversation here for the whole thing.
IVA was peak SMT combat and I'm sad V/VV threw it away
>vengeance save bugged out and now crashes every time I load it
>lost 3 hours of progress
well shit. Could be worse I guess, for a second I thought it was crashing cause they fixed the demo exploit.
What is Brothership
Walk to the Navarre spawn and bring him to the Navarre block to unblock it. Wasting my fucking time is so much fun.
Brother, ship deez nuts into yo mouth
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Who even keeps Mario RPGs in the same headspace as SMT, they're such different kinds of games.
You can barely compare Pokémon to SMT, how would MARIO even compare if it wasn't for turn based combat and stats??????
Wasn't responding to that post retard. I'm venting about Navarre's phat green ass flying in my face all the time for a very arbitrary mechanic.
Both are Unreal Engine 4 games and were made for Switch audiences in mind. Both of them also released in the same year, so essentially they're competing against each other on who's the best JRPG of 2024.
i hate how smt V is such a one and done game. it was fun going through CoC when it first came out and CoV (although maybe not reallyish especially with how samey it is) but I can't be assed to do any other routes again.
Then don't. You pretty much played the whole game. Anything new they add can probably be done on any end game save after or before beating Lucifer.
Open world/open level games fucking suck to replay because of how much time is spent running around
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he do got a bubblebutt tho
It really isn't a game with good replayability, I blame the lack of player choice, and that's thanks to how anal Atlus wants to be about V/VV story, it won't let you do fun things like helping Dazai murder Yuzuru, because were supposed to care about the MC's character or some dumb shit like that.
I've said for years the MC is basically his own character. It's awkward he doesn't talk when the game forces a personality onto him every choice has to abide to. You have to care about Aogami. You can't not save Tokyo. You have to be a hero. Why didn't they just let him speak and give him a name?
Oh so now you care about non-mute protags, huh
No one said Will and Ringo talking were bad, schizo.
They can't write it. Look at Metaphors MC, despite letting him say things it still defaults to letting the flying onahole or strogganoff speak for him a lot anyway.

At least for Vkun's case it ends up working out. the retroactive realizations about him, seeing how much Ao meant to him just by his actions after he's gone for example works with the narrative & themes.
Vincent was good.
He's also a shy social reject that doesn't talk much anyway, but that doesn't meant he couldn't say a few words, especially during important scenes with character deaths and so forth.
Catherine as a whole was a lucky fluke from Atlus
It's why they ruined it with full body.
>*mental breakdown*
He had a mental break down well before that.
what's your favorite skill/spell name (even if you don't care about the effect)?
for me its Mind Scream
hassohappa, antichton, capitulate to pleasure, spiral viper, SEETHING mansemat
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could just be a coincidence but there is a visual similarity between chair shots of tetsuo from "akira" and hazama from promotional material for both smt if... and its manga adaptation.
the chair even has a similar pattern in the "akira" movie and if... ps1 promo art.

there are similarities between these characters as well.
both were "bullied" and were nice guys who went bad.
and both become grotesque monsters at the end.

plus the akira film was influential when it released.
what do you guys think?
^ schizo post
hate hazamafag
hate raidoufag
like koshimizufag
simple as
they are post based off of roman leaders who killed to get into power along with people like napoleon. Leaders who betray kill and are arrogant for power
>triple charm/daze/sleep
FAGlus is run by NIGGERS
their transformations are both are baby-like.

i'm gonna fill your holes

could be.
SJ's Moan Bullets.
>like koshimizufag
?? the other two are way better posters tho
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I was shocked when I saw this because I was thinking the same thing about Ronde's Satoshi. I didn't finish if... so I don't know for sure but I feel like Tetsuo is referenced a lot.
>Aogami quest about being Susano-o
going into protofiend lore more, if possible using a flashback to how susanoo and amaterasu were killed. as an alternative option
>Yoko quest for some proper backstory on her and what being a goddess of chaos actually means
this is actually my first choice, I think one of the major flaws of VV was how it didn't properly develop on the victimhood of yoko and co
>Koshimizu and Yuzuru reunite somehow and closure for Koshimizu's death
dead people should stay dead I do not like when they're suddenly brought back to say someone in any story. instead I would like to see people who live reflect on their lives and ambitions, same goes for Dazai too. in a way that contributes to Tao's world of infinite possibilities.
>Ronde's Satoshi.
neat. what makes them similar?

> feel like Tetsuo is referenced a lot.
as mentioned, the akira film was very influential. so it's easy for me to believe tetsuo (and maybe other characters) are referenced often.
You didn't think it was bullshit that Aogami had so much to say to Koshimizu now that he finally overcame his autism and he just can't because Koshimizu died too fast? I didn't mean bring him back to life, just a chance for Aogami to talk to Koshimizu's spirit and say something like "Yuzuru is here with me for a while until the next world is born" etc, etc. It needs better closure.
no, they're annoying
what's done in the story is done. is there's anything to say it should be said via other means, or in a flashback to their past. suddenly bringing a character back diminishes the weight of their death.
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>some late-game miracle that lets you swap out Nahobino's innate for the innate of any other demon
the amount of broken shit people will do with this, it would be absolutely hilarious
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I've been out of the game for a while now. What is the limit of demons in this game? Has the amount remained the same or has it changed?
It's hard to do a flashback when Aogami was a brainless toaster for his entire life until Tiamat spit him out.
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>some late-game miracle that lets you swap out Nahobino's innate for the innate of any other demon
I memba when p5x censored her foota
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>what makes them similar?
Mostly how they both start off sort of 'weak' or feeling like they're in someone's shadow and when they obtain power they think themselves untouchable/immortal, but deep down they're still insecure and vunerable. It's obviously different scenarios since Satoshi gets tortured so badly for months that he goes insane and it's implied his soul split in two, but I noticed how the dialouge when he dies in the bad ending mirrored when Tetsuo was getting sucked up by the explosion and he was calling Kaneda for help. There's also how they look kinda similar
>it's easy for me to believe tetsuo (and maybe other characters) are referenced often
I think it's unintentional more often than not, but that's just speculation
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Aw, don't be so cruel to my fellow Koshimizuposter. They're consistent if nothing else.
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I am the Koshimizu ritual poster tho
lately I've been so busy I barely post here
>Mostly how they both start off sort of 'weak' or feeling like they're in someone's shadow and when they obtain power they think themselves untouchable/immortal, but deep down they're still insecure and vunerable. It's obviously different scenarios since Satoshi gets tortured so badly for months that he goes insane and it's implied his soul split in two, but I noticed how the dialouge when he dies in the bad ending mirrored when Tetsuo was getting sucked up by the explosion and he was calling Kaneda for help. There's also how they look kinda similar
that's interesting.
what does he say exactly is the bad ending? screenshot?

>think it's unintentional more often than not, but that's just speculation
that's fair too.
nta but there aren't many "bad" posters here.
there's nothing wrong with ritual posting either.
i admire your dedication.
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hey thank you anon, even if I don't post as much I still read the threads, there's always some interesting discussion going on here
Not true he had fun fightan. As long as it was weaker than a level 18 andras as those would pavement stomp him apparently.
We desperately need a new game holy fuck
we just got one...
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Sure. Before he turned into Angra Mainyu he had no problem killing innocent people and wasn't even scared when he died as a human because he believed death was a stepping stone for the next life, but dying as Ahriman is horrifying to him because it's a 'real' death. He was just larping as a nihilist kek
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Oh, lol. I feel that, I was posting a lot more a week or so ago but I recovered from my ailment that gave me so much free time and now I mostly read and lurk.

News on Raidou ports soon. Surely... maybe...
There aren't many posters here period so I feel like I know everyone here by the way they type, even if they don't include images
aw cute he's so scared
You mean when he was banging Kushinada and popping out babies and being the hero of the Kunitsu? It's kind of unknown whether or not he remembers that. You can assume but that's it. There is also the stuff about Type 0 they kind of went into about it being based on the "original" but there is more than one type zero. Your Aogami isn't the only one.
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I generally enjoy the culture of this general, I've been here way before I started ritual posting. I guess you're like me too, whether or not I have the time to engage with the conversations I'm still interested in the ideas and topic people bring here
You will play the SMTVVEX updates for years to come. You will buy the DLC. You will reside in this thread and keep posting about V. You will be happy.
i mainly wanted to compare it to tetsuo's death scene in jp.
idk if i'll get back to you about it tonight though.
i gotta check both the manga text and film text.
although, tetsuo calling out for help might've been a film only thing. i can't remember.

... how many different anons post here?
He's pretty pathetic lol, described as childish a lot
Yes, it was probably only in the movie. The 'help me' might have only been a dub thing as well (specifically the streamline dub), but I know he calls out to Kaneda in both languages.
>grind for 20 hours
>bought the DLC
>get more than what I did from grinding 20 hours in minutes
SMT has some fucking dumb DLCs
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They probably aren't bad rulers in any of the endings they take the throne in, honestly. Even when he goes full law schizo listening to Dazai.
>The 'help me' might have only been a dub thing as well (specifically the streamline dub), but I know he calls out to Kaneda in both languages.
i checked the film.
tetsuo calls out to kaneda at around 1:46:00 during his transformation:
>kaneda! help me!

and he calls out when being sucked into the explosion:
Stupid tsundere moralfag, glares daggers at any bitches when he's human but as God he's about to take 100000 eons of overtime to serve humanity and offer the same compassion Aogami gave to him.
>and he calls out when being sucked into the explosion:
at around 1:50:00
I would say the only ending that's a concern is when he kills Aogami because he's definitely horribly depressed based on how bad it affected him in CoV (and Kozuka saying how upset he was in that ending in the OST comments) and doesn't have Aogami to keep him in check but he doesn't actually do anything other than sit there in true neutral. He's supposed to have zero contact with humanity. I imagine he just doubles down on being a lonely recluse and sits on his throne utterly alone for eternity.
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What's with all the SMT youtubers making videos about Sonic now? Is there really nothing else to discuss about SMT or V?
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His glare is cute though.
What Wii U game is this?
why does the MC get progressively feminine by the years
SMT 6 might as well use female protagonist
VV was so bad to the point it forced smt content creators to discuss other things
they won't because of the mandates unfortunately
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He's so fucking dramatic. Like is this a japanese teenage boy or regina george?
V should have been the female protag. Thematically he is a girl in almost every fucking way. The can't make a more feminine male protag. So I hope they go in the full opposite direction for the next game. Aogami is popular. Maybe that will translate into Atlus thinking people want to see an alpha male protag.
Because they want to appeal to women but don't want to budget for a female protagonist.
Both SMT and Sonic attract the same people, "rebellious" youths.
They are paid by Sega duh
Now you know why they shilled SMT
No we must push the boundaries further for science
Nanashi wasn't feminine, he was just the youngest protag. Yes I know about the maid dress shit. You put any early teen boy in a dress before puberty really hits and they'll look like a girl.
So transvestite.
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Already in V.
To me looking back on that end with the context of VV he's giving the vibes of the bemusement one feels when self-actualization is cut short. He did everything technically "right" in true neutral, in realizing demons were burdens on humans with their violence and drag us into their alignment shit and being more bad influences than good. But like CoC Yakumo, he's not forced to reflect on himself or be honest with how much he need Aogami despite being a burden. Because unlike VV there was no character that encouraged anyone to think about the truth hidden by suppression, so the advice of suicidal retards (Nuwa and Aogami) to cut them off entirely looked as if it was the only rational choice. So he remains ignorant, having made the sacrifice because it was the right thing to do, but forever wondering why it feels like he missed something. Settling into his old habits, comfortable and unchallenged, pondering the brevity of man's life.
Honestly, I prefer Beta Nanashi. He looks more like Akira. Nanashi looks quite feminine, even as Akira (Lily)
Remember serph/heat fujos? Do they still exist?

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