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Elune's light reaches it's zenith edition

>Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent Dawn
>WoWg community for NA

Previous thread: >>503139012
Biblically accurate Lone Wolf.
kinda bored, anything fun to farm for a couple weeks until sub runs out? secret mount or something? got aotc, ksh, and 2500+ in blitz as ele
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first for loli (e)rpers
>In 2024, WoW saw many different events, including Plunderstorm, Mists of Pandaria Remix, The War Within Pre-Patch, and, currently, the WoW 20th Anniversary. Between all these events, the main common ground is the eventual substantial buff to the acquisition rate of rewards, with Plunderstorm receiving buffs to Plunder per game, Remix adding large chunks of Bronze to activities, among others; waiting seems to usually mean an easier grind for rewards in WoW.
>Ion Hazzikostas explains, in his interview, why this seems to be the prevalent case:
>"We can always buff the rewards. We're never going to nerf the rewards, really, right? If things go out too fast and generous, we'll never pull that back."
This an outright lie cause they've nerfed tons of things in the past including timewarped badges recently.

>"Hopefully, the players understand we'll be fast and responsive if it feels like we've missed the mark. We hear the feedback from the community loud and clear."
This is also an outright lie because they take 2-3 weeks before even doing a first round of tuning fixes while often straight up arguing with players that they think the rewards and cadence are "just fine" until eventually relenting and caving in.

The bottom line is if players can log in day 1 of an update and do some basic math to figure out it will take X amount of time to do something and see that is clearly too much time, then obviously the devs should have been able to do the same. Taking 2-3 weeks to go "oh yeah I guess you're right" after having weeks/months in PTR and internal testing is not acceptable.
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kill yourself.
awww scared of little girl hmm?
You don't belong here
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fem humies are built for love and footjobs
Kill yoursef troll pedo
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>Complete every anniversary sleuthing quest
>Rewarded with two gay dogs dancing on the beach
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you are missing out anon. loli chars go wild
need the front angle asap
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a toast! to wowo wawa!
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Life sure is good.
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BGC pronebone
I've been here for 20 years and not for even a second have I been a pedophilic freak like you. kill yourself.
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Loli and cub porn is based. Fuck off, tourist. Go back to your reddit safespace.
>Legion was last expansion anyone was excited about
>Legion Remix has more hype than tww

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>PCU tranny in the thread having a melty about loli
I'm roleplaying as a twelve year old Gnome getting raped in an alley in Stormwind right now.
World of Warcraft is the best MMO for stuff like this!
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Convince me to resub.
Porn is an acceptable argument.
>pedofreak also lives in poverty
sad, but don't care. just hope you don't bother anyone else when you inevitably get around to killing yourself
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Uhm actually sweaty
not really worth it now. this is the period where everyone unsubs for the content draught. If you start now you will never be able to catch-up to current raid/m+ top end and pvp balance is some of the worst it's ever been, as usual. even playing casually the questing is definitely in the shit and delves get old before you even unlock tier 8. blitz is fun but you get auto losses from team comp over 2k pretty much nonstop
play enhance, any group you want
lol this general is ded we are all in wowcg
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give it to me strate i can handle it
huns boughted the gold?
i have never played wow in my life how do i get into this?
i play tank and i don't raid or pvp
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>in depth discussions about gameplay
>a couple of based bros discussing the lore
>a great vibe, feels like a sports bar in college

>grim atmosphere
>doom vibe
>no one is here to talk about the game
>coomers, trannies and trolls

The TLDR is that delve itemization is going to get gutted come season 2 and in a tragic turn of events delvetards are too fucking stupid to even understand why.
It's like a child not understanding that candy doesn't make for a healthy diet. Sad.
prot pally is very strong then.
I don't like paladin
can't believe i fell for the shills telling me tww was alive
the thread is so completely fucking dead there's no one to talk to
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You can talk to me, but only while on your knees.
Given your use of BFA Saurfang, now's the perfect time to resub if you enjoy the Horde barely existing and the only on screen members are just blue team Orcs.
Oh ok
*Proceeds to george floyd the disgusting winged snake*
Damn, threads dead?
How will Kelly survive now? She'd have to go bitch and moan in xivg or something.
barry and kelly play ff now
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Hahaha! Humorous. You lesser races sure do have vivid imaginations. Worry not, I'll get your girlfriend to kneel before me instead.
On some characters I see Bag of Timewarped Badges x5 and x25 but on others I only see them as bags of 1. How do we see the x5/x25?
in english?
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All my chars see these 2 extra bags for sale, dunno why some here don't
I only see the coldflame ring offered once in you're screenshot tho?
Currently you can exchange Bronze Celebration Tokens for a Bag of Timewarped Badges, sold my Historian Ma'di. Each bag is 1 token and gives 20 Timewarped Badges and cannot be bought in stacks. They have to be bought individually and opened individually. Recently a "Satchel of Timewarped Badges" and "Box of Timewarped Badges" have been added to the vendor. The former costs 5 tokens which grants 100 badges, while the latter costs 25 tokens and grants 500. It's a much more efficient way of exchanging the Bronze Celebration Tokens for Timewarped Badges, but at the moment they show up on the vendor for certain characters, with no rhyme or reason as to why.
Listen I've got the DEA breathing down my neck. Give it to me straight, will I have to hand in my hand gun and badge or what?
Why is female nightelf so popular amongst tranny population?
You have to hand in your badge but you get to keep your hand gun.
Just warband-transfer tokens to the character(s) on which you can see the thing you want to buy?
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Sad news. People still take Mick's opinion seriously in the year our Metzen 20+24
>heelsvsbabyface is playing WoW again
are we back?
i have good news, i was able to get a piece of the korthia covenant set without needing to have completed the corresponding covenant's campaign on an alt, but i did complete another covenant campaign instead, the korthia stuff is at 4/9 just like wowhead says
I've been doing that. I was just curious as to what makes it visible.
Maybe if you buy all the stuff from that vendor it will make it visible? The 10 and 15 tokens items
Grubb is based
yep, it took me close to a month doing all the anniversary stuff to get all the armor sets 60,40, then 20 doing the "secrets" made it easier
Maybe it's a level locked thing?
Everyone's playing fresh classic lil sis
loli is based
name and server? i wanna rape her too
Has anyone from wowg gotten any classic classic classic world firsts yet?

They'll reach Westfall in 2 weeks and quit.
how easy is it to farm for a token for game time these days?
>4 posts in 20 minutes

classic won.
>TWW early access 319k viewers
>Classic classic fresh 326k viewers
People are more hyped about classic fresh than retoilet poop
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even the ai gooners are playing classic...
Who is even left here at this point?
Respond with your toon and what you're doing in game to verify.
Getting into m+ on my ele Shaman
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Won the axe on mythic. Might farm crests later to max out the rest of my gear and raid log until 11.1
Titans grip was a mistake
I wouldn't mind it if they just let you mog 1h weapons since they'll never balance smf.
Post female tauren/worgen/panda/vulpera/dracthyr
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>more bike codes stocked
>nowhere near me has the wow promotion items yet
i remain perturbed
So now that fresh flopped, when are we getting 11.1?
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>retail getting mogged by the 4th fresh server release on twitch

Tww sisters what happened?
Late Jan-Late Feb
Aren't you that avatarfag who was bragging about reaching 1800 in pvp the other day then got dunked on by the whole thread
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Sex with orcs.
No, I don't do pvp. I'm the guy who spammed the thread with troonposting last week until someone finally recognized me and said "put down the meth pipe".
>tww is dead for next 4 months
>try out classic again because bandwagon
>hit level 8
>already board
>get a quest to kill literally 22 mobs that are currently being spawncamped by a hundred people
>log out

why exactly are people so hyped for that game mode?
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Where's the purple one Ion.
this reminds me of when robin is fighting those goons in the alleyway in one of the 90s batman movies
>too braindead to enjoy classic
just retoilet things
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Trading post mayhaps
shit's bussin
The one problem with dracthyr is that their lips are not sexual enough. Their tongue is too recessed in to their mouth.
my friend also reacted like this when i tried to play classic with him, he is 30 years old thoughever
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My consort.
>you must have big brain to autoattack 30 bears for 2 hours

whatever helps you cope at night
type 2
development has really slowed. when are they spending the classic money paid by the classicvcks? we kept saying thanks for funding retail? because we haven't had a .3 patch since BFA which was six years ago. which was when classic released. if anything it feels like we're getting less than ever while classic keeps getting more versions, servers, new releases. can't wait until the classic money gets through the pipeline and funds sweet retail!
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What body type should I make my new Vulpera?
you already posted this with some different words not even 12 hours ago and i called you a retard, gonna call you a retard again, retard
Retail lost....
you never answered? it's criminal the increasing box price as more and more things get put on the store, I only paid because I thought it was getting put in a pot with all the classic money and spent on cool new features. retail hasn't had one update or bugfix in months but new classic servers released yesterday. how long does it take the classic money to get to retail?
>he fell behind the curve
see you next fresh bro
I made one female for remix but I rerolled because I vastly prefur the male voice.
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the female elven desire to cheat on their elven mate and abandon their racial purity when they see humie specimens
okay lil bro, can't handle it leave.
No one responded to your stupid post in the classic thread so you had to post here too huh
They look nothing like that ingame
>retoilets confirmed all playing classic
uh oh
For me, it's tauren. Sorry chud.
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This but with femnelves
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Or so I've heard.
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How are VDH in M+ nowadays?
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All dracthyr, type 1 and 2, belong to TAUREN males.
they dont get invited
They both get fucked by Anduin btw.
Is resto getting buffed for s2?
mediocre and too prone to dying to RNG like getting no parries when jumping into a pack
Anduin is for Sylvanas only
Sad, it was my favorite tank. All I see is prot paladins now zzzzzz
how much ilvl do I need to solo delves as enha shaman?
made of paper
losing 2x sigils on everything+tank nerfs hurt the spec quite a bit
Yo Ion. Pop up the 11.1 PTR already. I wanna see who wins next tier's bestdrip competition
VDH deserve the nerfs for keeping other tanks out of M+ for so long
>10 o'clock Pylon can be started inside Ratt's Revenge by clicking the Red Button 1000 times and gains 2 orbs but not fully activated.
just break your mouse bro
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I haven't played for a very long time, last time I was playing bear druid was king of m+, it was awesome. Really love playing bear, but that was like the only patch they were ever good.
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is this real or slop?
its very good slop at least. can you make another one, but with a hairy butthole ?
ring me up when I can finally blast through all that bullshit and get my fucking bike
it's mediocre for my usual standard
and no, not gonna make an alt version
this is pretty good
what are you using
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not doing the event but just use Xmouse for 5 seconds and rebind scroll wheel to click like the pooegg players
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Bros...this is the moon guard AH...did classic fresh win?
local setup stable forge diffusion
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This is the illidan alliance AH. We're finished.
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Goldshire...its over....
its month 4 into a retail patch, the vast majority of the playerbase got aotc and quit 3 months ago
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I can't believe it... look at this shit, classic fucking won....
>illidan alliance
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>Character can actually make jokes, flirt, and say all other kinds of weird shit
>Blizzard refuses to incorporate our players into the fucking story despite being able to speak
Will they ever change this? Guild wars 2 does a pretty good job of incorporating your character into the story and they feel like actual people. It feels like wow has a shockingly low amount of spoken dialogue
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quick drive by xally feet lick
Lol theres 11.0.7 soon. New tendie next week
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yes yes
they started adding quirky dialog options in dragonflight. like how you could sign the dragon isles guest book as "teh evil penguin of d00m" or "alexstraza" or whatever. thats the best youre gonna get
>w-we're three (three not four) months into an expansion it's to be expected that our game is dead

Holy cope batman
Thats an actual non issue and no one gives a shit
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time 2 goon?
give her a pp...
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Hacking the game
>being a healer with taunt
this feels like a hack. it reduces the boss's current target's damage taken to 0.
easy with crafting. enchanting/alchemy
harder with flipping auction house mats or farming
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thingen of how i will never be smart enough for enhance
I just bricked my rogue by doing out of bounds stuff
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>Hahah...classic lost...we....won....*ack*.
>Horde side illidan is a fucking ghost town

Classic won bros
This worgen does pretty good jb
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>Retail won! We have...unbalanced classes...dead realms...dead threads on 4chan....
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Maybe one
wdym bricked?
my character is stuck in a loop of falling through the floor and disconnecting immediately
is pugging still toxic?
are you still a faggot?
I accept your concension.
use the site unstuck feature
how do you even recover from this lmao
better now until you reach challengers peril affix
would knot
Oh that's fine then at that point pugging should be painful, the affix is very punishing but only shows up at +7 right?
yes. but not the first 6 deaths.
Whoa, I've never actually gotten one of these legendary drops before, despite hundreds of kills of bosses that drop them. I guess the secret is to cosplay as the boss that drops it?
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give me race for hunter?
Yea that's kinda absurd, I really wonder why blizzard decided to push m+ into this direction.
I think that they increased the drop rate
grats! nice find
fits well with the sylvanas mog
alliance femworg
horde goblin
they're retarded. at least they now know that there's 2 groups of people that do m+
those that go up to +10 and just do that to fill vaults
and those that push +18s
challenger's peril is still a dogshit affix
Better than dealing with sanguine or incorporeal, but still not ideal. At least you don't have to worry about getting ass fucked by some weirdly timed affix
Sylvanas bow has a big drop rate because it was seen as mandatory for Huntards before Sepulcher in SL.
I imagine when people get the higher tiers of Abberus and Amirdrassil on solo mythic farm as well, you'll see a bunch of them running around. Once the build requirements are met.
femthyr (visage)
comparing sylvanas' drop rate to naszuro drop rate makes my soul hurt
or fyralath
why are they so cute bros
>Oh man...thanks for the practice, classic. It almost felt like a challenge...*ack*.
holy shit champs lets go make sure you have the hogger weak aura for his auto attacks clear comms clear comms bubba you take hogger you tank here dps dont parry haste the boss its dangerous steven you heal the main tank lets go boys this is it world first hogger watch threat and clear comms sylvia get a soulstone up on the healer and a healthstone on the tank lets go boys pop everything we got this
Classic boomers on suicide watch, holy kek
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how the fuck do you unlock shadowlands world quests on alts
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Holy SHIT how will boomers ever recover
speak to the npc and skip the campaign
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It's currently bugged.
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The unstuck put me out of bounds again

going to kill myself
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>Classic is peaking
>Its not only retaining players but it gets a boost of new players every semester
>All the popular streamers are streaming Classic
>OnlyFangs get more views than Liquid and Echo do during world first race
>Classic devs are actual in touch with the community and not blue haired troons
Let Classic shine. If you're a retoilet cuck, its success literally doesn't affect you at all.
Are you good now?
Yeah just had to walk through the wall, thought it was funny that it tried to teleport me to stockades GY but instead put me under it
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>Dies again in a few weeks
I don't understand it and I never will.
people run groups for mythic fyrakk now, the axe is a guaranteed drop on mythic + some people show up even if just for the mount drops
who she painting her toes for?
>I don't understand it and I never will.
nobody does. blizzard wins either way. most of the money goes into retail as relaunching the same classic servers costs them virtually nothing
what happened to classic? did they get classic plus finally?
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>pull everything the mdt route said to
>come up short by a percent
>who she painting her toes for?
Canonically Elune.
I did a run with my dk and I got an ember kek
>a couple of months later classic died
>a couple of months later sod died
how many more times until classickeks finally learn this lesson? remember that poe2 is coming out soon and all the ecelebs will probably stream only that for weeks
no shot. isnt it a guaranteed drop on mythic?
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For early warrior leveling with a 1-hander + shield would I want higher top-end or quicker swing time for my weapon? The weapons in question do the same dps
looks like it
are my eyes decieving me or is that literally a parrot? why?
nobody actually wants play classic past level 30
they just want a little nostalgia trip every year
I didn't say guaranteed for everyone
opinion discarded
i would take faster 1h. slower 2h for big mortal strike deeps
classic will flop
see only 1m people watching on twitch that's a flop
classic+ will never happen
season of mastery doesn't count as classic+ because it doesn't
dragonflight and tranny'thyr are high quality, we have not been replaced
season of discovery isn't classic+ we are not being replaced
we are not being victory lapped after 3 months of no bugfixes or updates

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Nice fucking meme blizzbabs
>want to run keys for gear
>tank and healer is cancer to play with pugs
>dps never get accepted unless you're already stacked on gear
why did they have to make m+ such a ball buster, i just want to play the game
>opinion discarded
i don't even like/play arpgs, but let's not act like it's not gonna be a big release. ecelebs won't miss the chance to jump on the latest trend
i can't unsee it now. whenever i use cleave i will think of parrots
it's joever
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>All versions of WoW are doing decent
>Retards from both camps throwing mud at eachother
Attack FF retards
Not totally true, pick a fotm dps class and you'll get invites
classic lives and dies with ecelebs. it has no actual staying power. retail has 10 times the players of classic on average
Source: trust me bro
>Attack FF retards
that shit is already dead. you know it's bad when even paying shills doom on the game
weird innit
why should i be made that classic funds my future gilnean mansion full of rescued elven maidens
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>classic won after all

Retail sisters, what happened? Why did we lose?
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I'm sick of your bullshit /wowg/
What if in a future Xal Atath boss fight she becomes a huge and stomps people with her huge bare feet lol
what did we lose
what a fat hideous orc sees after a day of shitting himself at the mental hospital
been rewatching DBZ over and over lately, it's truly like a fine wine
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>what did we lose
please have a horsecock
Gul'dan should be the final boss of wow
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weird innit
I mean the fucker got got in warcraft 2 or 3)? yeah he's cool but it was kind of an asspull to do an AU thing to bring him back
>Be me
>Do key
>Notice the healer is slightly hairier than others
>Finish the key
>He messages me asking if I got any nuts
>Say no
>He goes on a rampage
Turns out it was a chimp...weird innit?
>be me
were you ever, at any point in your life, someone else?
innit lad
super is such garbage compared. took the power level sperging and shouting while powering up, but looked at the fight choreography and said no thanks. it's like 8 year olds trying to play DBZ on a playground.
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Think, Karl, think! They're monkeys, it couldn't happen.
As me or as a worm?
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Vol'jin got fridged for Sylvanas
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What's the story behind the missing eye?
I'm rewatching the android and cell episodes, and every 5 eps someone gets an asspull powerup but someone the fights still have a sense of gravitas, and that great final kamehameha struggle between cell and gohan with goku's spirit behind him is just KINO
>list 50000g worth of materials
>2g deposit
>list a 100g green weapon
>50g deposit

what? why?
>list +11
>fill up on DPS and healer instantly
>wait 45 minutes for a tank
>on friday night
The tank shortage is actually killing the game. There's no fucking way I'm putting up with this wait 8 times a week for a full vault. Even DF S4 was more active than this.
deposit is based on vendor price
too much pressure on the tank in keys this season
you still have to do the job of leading, routing, pulling and tanking, but your survivability is also far more in danger than it was in DF which creates a lot of stressful situations
new tanks get discouraged because of the knowledge barrier to not get wiped flat by random tank busters from trash mobs or other bullshit
for me it's piccolo & 17
>being a kiddy toucher is le based and redpilled!!
Face the wall you disgusting dysgenic niggercattle
What's with all the retarded healers it's life no one knows how to heal if they don't have a smart heal they can hit on cooldown
>this retard got triggered by a 5 hour old post
>demolock in Dornogal has the Argus scythe for his pet
what the flip, how
>dornogal on my server is suddenly empty

What the fuck is going on
glyph + you can get any loot on any class now
ancient old as fuck grandpa glyph that makes your felguard equip the first 2h in your bags. the only reason more people don't use it is because they'd have to remember it exists, go farm the mog, and not accidentally vendor it.
why is everyone hating this guy? when did people get so fucking lame and gay? its erp who gives a fuck lmao
bruh we're so fking cooked rn fr
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I'm just gooing waiting for starting zones in fresh to die down so I can play
turtlewow is better than fresh
Are the Hozen playable now?
holy cute
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>queued 15 mins
>kicked in 5 for literally no reason
>banned from dungeons for 30 minutes

what a great system :^)

why do you get banned for being kicked lmao
is this what a Nelfie says when she cooms?
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worgenfags get gassed
trollfags get gassed
dracthfags get gassed
taurenfags get gassed
pandafags get gassed
orcfags are ok just don't talk to me
undeadfags can't get gassed but i wish they could
foxfags get incinerated
yeah this has been my experience in trying to tank, and even on prot pally which is op as fuck
doesn't help that there aren't any standard MDT routes so people playing a different spec get pissy when you don't use the exact route they like to use when they tank
were you the guy who signed up as tank and followed along as havoc standing around before trash packs as if waiting for the tank to pull
undead get a visit from the ashbringer
>nerf our survivability across the board
>almost every pull has some bullshit that fucks either us or the party up
>challenger's peril's existence in general
yeah nah, i'm fucking off until season 2. before i dipped last month, +7 to +10 was absolute misery.

>Even DF S4 was more active than this.
that's because it was an easy season. i even bothered to get 3k io during it. not doing that shit again, though. i'm just going to be content with KSH from now on
But this is in like 0s and +2s
At some point we need to start sending shitty devs to jail. There is no platform to follow Sylvanas in my current run. She teleports and there's just no way to follow her. The path is gone before she even changes platforms. And ?Anduin just auto-kills you because Blizzard devs are incompetent fucks and these retards can't go do simple things like just toggle off run-breaking abilities in old raids. How many fucking years have we collectively waited for them to do basic QOL shit that would take an intern 20 minutes to implement and test like "don't do this thing that will make soloing a 10 year old raid impossible"?
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no i was playing a hunter alt, tank pulled up to the ogre before Id even tabbed into the game then got told to "stop pulling mobs hunter" and kicked in the middle of his next 20 mob pull leading up to the goblin

very bizarre

can't remember if there was another hunter in group desu i was that short time in the group
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So. I just beat the game. Now what?
Got all my portals today as a mw monk and I am looking for leveling up a melee. Which melee class is the most brain-dead but with high dps?
I've posted this before but I don't know how retards haven't figured out how blizzard conducts business yet they've been doing this since TBC
playing any content early is a massive waste of time
>they tease a patch
>fags get hyped during content draught waiting for it
>patch day/xpac day hits
>fags buy new xpac and resub in droves
>find out 80% of the content is all timegated or grinds are absurdly slow/shitty
>blizzard slowly unlocks timegates and "fixes" slow grinds over the course of a 1-2 month period
>rinse repeat next "patch"
Blizzard games reward you for being patient and playing late
take remix for example, everyone whined about the grind (who didn't exploit frogs of course) and what ended up happening? they continuously "fixed" the grind until the final month where you could literally pug mythic siege and get everything including tusks instantly

same thing with plunder
same thing with the anniversary event
same thing with arena ("inflation mechanic allows late players to hit 2k+ literally the day they hit lvl cap with ease")
same thing with mythic+ when everyone is geared and all dungeons get nerfed into the ground the final month of a season
Are there any encounters in legion/bfa that are still a pain to solo on mythic? Farming mogs and mounts.
Got it.
you're supposed to walk off the side and it will throw you to a platform
whats so wrong with darkspear trolls? theyre pretty cool.
Based gnome plays
t. fellow gnome(mecha)
Don't listen to those guys it's actually frost dk, but ret is also very easy
remix had a hidden 2nd layer (green hunting) which rewarded only the most insane mentally unwell nonstop grinding, and it never got buffed despite wowhead trying to rile people up about it. if you saw how long it took to 100% you'd think it was from early EQ.
what mg erp guild should i join
brown hands typed this
You mean frost dk hands
t. warrior
t. pinklet
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>you're supposed to walk off the side and it will throw you to a platform
No you're not.
Shut the fuck up.
No fucking way did they pull something that retarded in this dumpster fire expansion.
No fucking way did they decide that during the final phase of the long-awaited fight with yet another Horde Warchief turned into a villain for "reasons" did they decide to say, "Hey, let's make the players just jump off the fucking platform, going against every previous rule and mechanic we've thrown at them. And let's make it so if they jump off in the safest direction, towards the center platform, the Gary Stu Anduin just 1-shots them instantly."
No fucking way did they do this.
No fucking way did they decide that the best way to cap off this fight that should be monumental was to just fucking pile drive all logic and common sense and say "fuck you" to every player.
Literally the most cuck spec in the game
>No fucking way did they decide that the best way to cap off this fight that should be monumental was to just fucking pile drive all logic and common sense and say "fuck you" to every player.
This comes as a surprise?
>plate dps can't decide which one of them is the most braindead one
I love the tears for augmentation, the jealousy is palpable.
Well if we're talking about what's brain dead AND also brought for mythic+ then warriors out
I don't even think about your non spec, scaly.
I legit don't understand what is happening here. Are you complaining about the final phase of the Sylvanas battle where you have to move between platforms? Is this what triggered your autistic ass?
t. shaman
>cuck spec
The chaddest spec, you do nothing and carried while everyone else is sweating doing their rotations
Do more damage, noob.
pretty true, unless the warrior is tanking you wont likely see too many. Way more DKs and paladins as dps.
>Watching while everyone is in on the action
You self reported as a cuck lol
you're a cheerleader
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This maye upset some people but for me 'hard' specs aren't 'hard' at all. I've tried:

>Arcane mage
>Demonolgy lock

Specs you inbreds said were 'hard' and I crushed lmao. Btw one of you idiots said I couldn't keep more than 90% upkeep roll the bones on outlaw and I just did a 14 SV and had 93.4% upkeep so get rekt and apologise right now.
If you didn't do it during current content there's no obvious indication that you can or should move between platforms.
Your screen is getting bombarded with particle effects because Sylvanas is spamming spells and AoEs at you, not to mention teleporting around and turning into shadows and whatnot.
Then she does a brief cast that's named thematically the same as her Phase 1 spells, so you expect more damage spells to come your way. Instead, it turns the whole platform into a damage zone, Sylvanas teleports to the next platform over, which is way too far away to jump to in any version of the game, with no indication that you CAN jump to it, and if you wait too long you'll fall to your death trying to jump to it. And then the center platform is sitting there, available, looking like you're either supposed to use it to reach Sylvanas or focus Anduin for a bit. But if you try, it's an instant death.

This fight breaks just about every single rule on how to design a good fight.
It is unforgivable for a billion dollar company that's been making this MMO for what was 18 fucking years when 9.2 came out to just be this fucking trash at designing fights. Holy fucking shit. How can you still be this bad at your job when you've been getting paid so much money to do it for 2 fucking decades?

I'm pushing ~1 mil on this alt. It was enough to burn down every other boss before wipe mechanics like Garrosh's screaming kicked in, and I can get Sylvanas to within single-digit percentages of going down, but it's not quite enough.

I just didn't know you were supposed to just run off the fucking platform while she cast that spell, so dps won't even be an issue next attempt.
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I know you don't, because you're stuck in m10s. It's hard to see us chads at the top of the mountain when you're stuck at sea level.
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>This maye
NTA but what's the point in pushing beyond +10?
>pushing keys above 10
NTA means not the asshole?
"The point". It's a fucking game bro. Do you just play your character and get the best gear and then quit? There are those of us that actually want to use that gear for a challenge. If you get the gear and don't do anything with it, wtf are you doing?
"Not that Anon".
this is your brainrot on maze+
>Do you just play your character and get the best gear and then quit?
Uh, yeah? That's exactly what I do. In fact that's how the content cycle works for my guild as well. We clear what we decide to clear, then take a break and play something else until the next content patch. That way we keep everything interesting instead of feeling like a job.
Who is the best Warcraft waifu and why is Xal'atath the best?
you can't keep roll the bones going more than 80% unless you have a healer or ougmentation evoker to protect you while you concentrate.
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Absolutely pants-shitting seethe from another mazie.
HOLY look at this mazed cuck. A healthy relation with WoW is:

>Do current content
>Quit when you're done
>Play other games/do other hobbies

This permamazed retard is stuck in a terminal loop of playing WoW. I genuinely cannot understand
No spec in wow is hard. Rotations in wow haven't even had a hint of difficult since they destroyed rotations in WoD
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I miss Ambermill
>Got all my portals and gear
>Now I am doing cheevos
It's easy.
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I can't choose between Xally and Sally
Based and objectively solid take on gaming. I agree 100%.
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>see bismuth
>mine bismuth
>it fucking disappears halfway through
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>Demonolgy lock
literally nobody with an iq above 80 has ever said this is hard
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>self reporting as too dumb to keep up a 45 sec cd
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she can't be topped
It's because of the toe rings.
what ilvl am i expected to have for +7 keys
You are on someone's route . It happened with me while herbing this week, with 4 herbs in a row, shits insane
Really? I started doing 11s when I got 4set at like 606 on my FDK. TO be fair frost is pretty crazy rn but still.
Skill can compensate for missing ilvl, but you won't get invited for a +7 with anything less.
i'm 612 and getting rejected
this game's LFG system is dogshit because everyone just wants carries
arthas deserved everything that came to him because he gave up jaina
the dynamic of autistic m+ spammers being relentlessly mocked by mountsmogscheevoschads will never not be funny to me.
Yeah, that's the stupid RIO score making it nearly impossible. I had to claw my way up there by clearing all dungeons at +2, then +3 and so on and so forth. Even with 621 ilvl I was getting rejected because of the RIO score. Not an issue anymore, but it was back then.
why are tokens getting more expensive if nobody is playing right now? i have 3 million gold and i want to stock up on game time but 300k is a lot for one token
would've been taelia if she was around longer
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Holy shit you guys are so in deep you don't even realize how fucking deep in you are. If you do nothing with the gear there is no point in gearing is there? That's like training to be an olympic athlete all your life and then never going to any tournaments. The point is to give yourself a challenge and to actually do content that is challenging. All you cucks are just stuck in a cycle of gearing for no fucking reason just to get the shinies and then do nothing with it because you know deep down you'll fail. You're shit at the game so you do the bare minimum to get the gear, and then pussy out to actually do anything challenging with it. You are actually stuck in a fucking hamster wheel with blizzard updating you with new pieces of gear every 6 months so you can get it in a few weeks and quit. Absolute cuck behavior. It's no wonder though, 99% of you on this board are not only pussies that will do nothing for a challenge, but are also so fucking bad at this game that if you even stepped outside of an m10 on a non meta class you'd shit and piss your pants. Fucking hilarious.
literally stopped reading here
i have +6 clears on all of them, i guess +7 is just where you don't get to play anymore cause that's the next tier of crests so everyone wants people 10 ilvls above despite being at 600 themselves
I didn't read any of that. I'm happy for you, though. Or sorry that happened.
No shit, that's the system working as intended and is probably the most rational use of it. I don't give a fuck about your ilvl any retard can get a high ilvl
HOLY SHIT how do you even recover from this post
Yeah, except I already had high ilvl from raiding, but low RIO since I didn't do M+. Doesn't really matter as I got there eventually, but I can see how it would be frustrating to Maze Rats.
The classes I'm having the most fun with this expansion are DH and DK. I guess I'm an edgelord now.
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Damn I ain't reading all that good luck with whatever it is you said tho
not an edgelord, just a metaslave
you get rejected most of the time because dps are just a dime a dozen
you put up any key on LFG and dps to heal/tank ratio is like 25:1
you'll naturally be rejected because party leaders can just cherrypick exactly the DPS they want
this happens at high r.io/ilvl as well
only ways around is to play your own key, roll tank/healer to get invited instantly to everything, or overqualify for the content you queue for
it's not a system issue, it's a playerbase issue - there is just too many dps players
>not reading all that
>proceeds to take the time to reply
Actual cucks.
+8 is the breakpoint for gilded crests, +7 is when dungeons start dropping hero track gear
the good thing is once you manage to upgrade your key to 8 you usually get a bunch of giganiggas applying to farm crests and carry your ass so it's much smoother climbing from then on
But I don't care about the meta. I play tank.
Unholy and frost have always been fun, its nice that frost is actually good now
Classic Xal fag doesn't realize it's not an elf woman. It's an eldritch monstrosity wearing the corpse of an elf woman as a costume.
Say that while playing a brewmaster or vengeance.
>make healing and tanking 10x harder than DPS
>have no tanks and healers
the eternal pitfall of MMOs
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>considering AH mount solely because i hate flying to the place all because i miscalculated shit i wanted to buy even with trackers
yes, i am lazy
Do 4+s for crests that will get you far enough to get into 7+s.
>there is just too many dps players
I wish we could figure out why so blizzard could take steps to fix that.
i like maze+ and seeing the maze guy have a melty makes me feel secondhand embarassment to be quite honest family
There are always people who take video games too seriously. As if any of this matters in the grand scheme of things. So long as you're having fun and the game doesn't get in the way of your day to day life, I don't see the harm in it. Play whatever makes you happy.

You follow the MDI route and use cooldowns when your boss mods tell you, don't let the shitters in this thread gaslight you into thinking tanking is hard
we do know why
they keep making it harder on tanks/healers to do their jobs and shoulder too many responsibilities that dps players ignore in PUGs, like kicking spells or avoiding damage
new tanks/healers get discouraged and veterans get fed up with it and gravitate towards DPS, the easiest role
There's a lot more to it than that, but I guess if you're a meta slave that's accurate.
Tanking is more punishing and immediately noticable if you fuck up.
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seeing dps complain about key wait times is like seeing art majors complain about why they can't get a job

if you really want to play m+ as a dps, push score as a tank/healer first. treat dps as a new game+ role.

tough shit. the lowest responsibility role will always be littered
>like kicking spells or avoiding damage
>new tanks/healers get discouraged and veterans get fed up with it and gravitate towards DPS
Big true.
theres not a lot, but some. you need to properly gauge the groups capability and know boss mechanics but those are pretty minor compared to holding hate and not dying.
nta but punishing and hard are two different things.
>friend tells me raiding in this game is really fun
>watch someone do a dungeon
>random noises playing every second to tell them what to do
>big ass indicator in the middle of their screen telling them what button to press to do the most damage
do people actually play this?
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remember when it was 50/50
hordebiased expansion were too strong
also the first thing a low io mazerat DPS player will do when they die is to blame the tank or placing the boss/pack in X spot and not Y or the healer for not healing them
then wonder why there aren't any tanks/healers for their groups
>There's a lot more to it than that

Yeah like, uh....hold on lemme think....I guess sometimes you have to LoS around a corner?
This is exactly the kind of retarded take I would expect from someone that doesn't realize that the art majors were the canary in the coal mine and now everyone's getting fucked.
Dungeons, even maze+, are far less complicated and interesting than raids. And half the fun of raids is watching your retarded guidies somehow fuck up standing on the right egg for the 50th time in a row.
>doesn't attempt to counter the point being made
concession accepted
I'm not getting fucked because I wasn't a retard and did research into how much money I would make with my major before choosing it
I do most of the interrupts, LOS pull, kite mobs over DnD, avoid tank busters, cycle through defensives in order to buy time for priority targets to die, chain pull new packs to stay in combat (if you know, you know), making sure I am not frontal cleaving the group, making sure not to get knocked back into bullshit, make sure to have self heal available to recuperate from major hits, try to self sustain as much as possible during group damage to buy time for the healer to recover etc..

Meanwhile as a DPS all you have to do is pop your trinket and do a rotation.
ill never forgive blizzard for what they did to stops this expansion
Ok but none of that is difficult and only the most retarded mouth breathers cleve their own party
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Meh.. It's OK. I can get by with pic rel and hard stuns most of the time.
Gear is in no way analogous to training to be an Olympic athlete. In that case, the training is itself a huge part of the challenge. Gearing up is more or less the side effect of doing weekly content. I haven't even remotely tried to gear up, I started this expansion a month late, and yet I'm still something like 614 ilvl. It just happened.
oh you misunderstand, I do tank for my group, have for a few years in M+ now. And all those things you listed I do automatically so I dont even register them as specific things to do, just part of the whole package.
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Never forget what they took from you.
No one said it was difficult. I said there was more to tanking than playing DPS, which is objectively true. Nothing in WoW is difficult.
>Nothing in WoW is difficult.
Idk anon. Some of those photography world quests get pretty rough
>any of those things

We all know you just do your rotation (yes tanks have rotations) and cycle cooldowns. Tanking is easy
I just got the expansion yesterday and wanna try a few delves for leveling. Where do I go to start one?
>Tanking is easy
I'm sure that's why there's a tank shortage.
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>tanking is easy
>nuh uh here's a bunch of stupid bullshit I do
>none of that is hard
>I never said tanking is hard

Technically no you didn't but we all know you were trying to imply it was
You'll see a bunch of little archways on your world map, go to any one of those.
remodeling old org into the blackstone shit heap it is now after LK is the biggest fucking crime against cities Blizz has ever done.
I'm pretty sure you're talking to multiple anons thinking they're all me.
Tanking behind hard or difficult has nothing to do with the shortage of tanks. People are too scared to lead.
While there might be some truth to that, wouldn't that indicate that other roles are easier to fill because they require less of the person playing?
So we both agree tanking is easy. That's all you had to say instead of sperging out
I didn't sperg out. Once again you're confusing me with multiple anons. I said there was more to tanking than DPS and we both agree that's the case.
>dood just le heckin play warrior its so easy in solo shuffle!!!

every fucking match is torture and i honestly and genuinely am considering self-harming i just hearthed out of my last match because i just couldnt fucking handle playing a match where i cant do fucking anything against casters
.....yes? No one's denying that. Still doesn't mean tanking is difficult. Most people are just sheep who want to be told what to do instead of leading from the front
i dont believe you
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I'm not saying I'm good at the game, but this does make me feel like maybe I do actually deserve those Mage Tower appearances that I got after resubbing in the last few months of Legion.
Which is why people play the easier roles that require less of them, hence the tank shortage.
warrior is one of the worst classes for shuffle.
Tanking is easier than DPSing.

Neither is hard

Hardest role is Healing M+ for sure
What timezone is it?
Factual post. Glad that's settled. Now can someone for the love of God post some Xal'atath feet?
>Hardest role is Healing M+ for sure
t. the MW monk
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>Tanking is easier than DPSing.
on the backend, this is definitely true because no one really cares about the tank's performance unless they die or fuck up a pull
>t. tank
is there a better rated mode for warrior or am i just better off not bothering
Melee classes in all games are essentially fucked.
Find a buddy and do yolo 2s
you can build a house anywhere, using any props, textures, NPCs from the games history. you have a prop count and size limit which can be slightly upgraded with gold. people's houses arent phased to you unless you are partied with them, OR they're in your favorites list. you may have up to 20 favorites per zone, you'll get a warning if you add a favorite house which would clip into an existing favorite. and there's a toy which temporarily despawns all housing to prevent griefing.
Imagine if Kultiran women looked like this.
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she's up there for sure but can't leave mommystrasza out
What would happen if I made my house in the entrance of the local bank or AH?
people leave party or unfavorite you and it despawns.
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Fucked to death by orcs.
2s and 3s is the best bracket for a warrior. the former with a good healer if possible
gj anon
This doesn't really work in a theme park mmo, there isn't nearly enough empty space for proper housing to be done. There would be a few good spots but also plenty that would just be complete non starters like stormwind.
I bet they will just copy the housing in ESO.
it's the opposite of cozy and doesn't really feel like a place where people live
It fit the theme they were going for with Garrosh's Horde but it looks retarded especially now that he hasn't been warchief for 10 years
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You guys realize that knowing routes, knowing how to group mobs, knowing where to move bosses, watching healer mana and cds are all things that tanks have to do in ADDITION to what a dps does. Most tanks except druid have a more busy rotation than dps as well. To say dps is harder than tanking is just stupid. Have a bad dps? You dungeon takes 2 minutes longer. Have a bad healer? Your group wipes. Have a bad tank? Your group wipes, or takes much longer because they don't know the route. This general is just filled with dps chuds that like to think that dpsing is hard.
Has it been 10 years already? Fuck.. Garrosh really did nothing wrong.
the elevators especially. am I to believe dozens aren't crushed to death weekly? especially given how many foreign tourists there are now you'd think they'd carve a ramp up to the zeppelins and make the elevators industrial use only.
Please take Tina back. I'm sick of this tranny.
It would only get worse if they redo it not to match the modern horde. It will be faggot elves and foxes everywhere
There's no point, mate. The DPS on here are delusional and think they bring something to the table that only they can bring. Tanking is obviously more involved. Healing a close second (depending on class).
Cool, still not hard or difficult in any way especially when MDT does it for you
goon with him
>t. has never tanked a day in his life
you just follow an addon bro
Your entire role is replaced by a one-click macro.
Uhhh I have that's how I know it's easy as fuck. Specifically when I came back in dragonflight I wanted to play something easy because I'm getting old and specifically chose tank
Let's see your RIO.
Lmao instaseethe after two people point out MDT does everything for you
"Just follow an addon". Even at the very core if this was the ONLY difference between tank and dps. Literally the only thing, it'd still be more difficult because you still have to follow an extra addon. But it's not, there are multiple extra things you have to do as a tank. All dps does is follow behind and press their rotation.
>knowing how to group mobs, knowing where to move bosses,
that's called doing mechanics, everybody has to do this
what's next? reminding us that tank have to remember to breath?
How does it do everything for you? It's just a map letting you plan routes ahead of time. It doesn't tell you anything during the run. How is that any different from scribbling notes on a paper reminding you of where to go?
>leave to get some food
>come back
>tank retard is still seething trying to gaslight people into thinking tanking isn't easy
Nta, I think the general pressure on tanks is the routing and percentages. The last time I've tanked was during DF S1 and I can't be assed to tank again because all that routing(which is actually braindead-easy) sucks the fun out of it imo.
>hurrrrr only the tank ME *points at self* ME TANK only the tank can memorize routes NOBODY ELSE. ME TANK BTW
Nono you don't get it, routing is SUPER hard and apparently so is grouping mods and cycling defensives
Dps doesn't have to do this. This is in ADDITION to the mechanics of the fight. Tank does everything the dps does AND positions the boss and adds, groups them into an area, pulls additional adds as well. Sure these are small things, but they are things in ADDITION to what a dps does. Keep adding all these small things up, and its much more than what a dps has to do. Bottom line is that a dps has X amount of things to do, and the tank has to do those X things as well in ADDITION to multiple other things. It is inherently more difficult because of this.
It's not hard, but clearly more difficult than playing DPS, otherwise more people would do it. Check mate, nigger.
gotta be aware of mechanics and defensive usage + routes. so i would say its harder than dps
>tank does everything the dps does
Tank rotations are extremely simplistic and nothing like an actual DPS's
You're an idiot if you think this.
>implying 300k overall shits in a +2 won't start piping up about your route if you deviate
everyone memorizes them
kek, this is your brain on pure DPS.
>gotta be aware of mechanics
So does everyone else in the group
>and defensive usage
Wow cycling cooldowns is so hard
>he angered the crayon eating tank mains
oh no
you tank retards pretend like dps and healers don't pull for slow garbage tanks all the time
>tank is universally considered the easiest role
>only retards on 4chan try to argue differently

The only thing difficult for you retards is keep aggro from my Shaman in m+
If you have to memorize 5 things is it hard? No.
If you have to memorize 6 things is it hard? No.
Is memorizing 6 things harder than memorizing 5 things? Yes.
Dps brains are stretching real fucking hard. Probably also why so many in this thread hate augmentation evokers. This is hilarious desu.
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We trust you, bro.
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I just spent the last three weeks learning how to work in blender so I could make my own WoW porn. I have made two animations and now find myself unsure where to go from here. Zug Zug.
it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for a dps to memorize a route
I will never look at the BBB (big BLACK brutosaur) NPCs the same
>GM name is in the guild names
whats some other guild red flags?
This is where you go next.
>tanks are retards
What else is new, if I see patty cake not get interrupted one more time ima lose it
>they don't know about the layoffs and real unemployment rates
>they don't know what 23 nobel prize winning economists said about the economy in the near future
>they don't know about the impending riots over automation and AI
>Dps doesn't have to do this.
yeah they do, that's called positionning
Dont forget it's also literally IMPOSSIBLE for dps to stack adds
if tanking is so easy why aren't you niggers tanking your keys
we have reached a new low
As a healer I can tell you that DPS cucks would much rather stand in shit on the ground to do 2% more damage than interrupt and position properly.
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M+ will eventually bring this game's PvE to total ruin.

There's a reason the original WoW devs didn't create endlessly repeatable dungeons as its own form of endgame. It's not some stroke of genius idea, it was in the minds of people back in the 90s. It's just the devs back then weren't retarded enough to actually do it.

There is another reason Classic is so beloved - because wings & soda raiding is the epitome of WoW. Optimizing the fun out of it by EJ and adjacent autismos killed it.
Well then you dumbass americans shouldn't have voted for Trump then, you reap what up sow
>There is another reason Classic is so beloved
funny how classic is only beloved for a month lol
Isn't it obvious? The retards who think tanking is easy are the same idiots complaining that they can't find tanks to carry them. They play pure DPS classes most of the time and refuse to play anything requiring even a minimum of responsibility. Never trust a pure DPS class.
Yeah most DPS dont position properly and make shit hard for their team
Just like most tanks dont properly pull/position packs and bosses and make it harder for everyone else
I know anon, most people sucks, doesnt change my point
You're not even playing Vanilla, but nu-WoW with a ingame store. Classic was solved 20 years ago and you have a clear path to gearing from the moment you create your character until you reach level 60. There is no room for you to figure shit out. It's been done.

Also fuck off to your own containment general.
>tanking is hard
Do retards really
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Does everyone get disconnected when they leave delves or just me?
Sooner or later they'll get rid of depletion and timers. They will do it like delves.
Got killed since flex, and mythic requires too many people. There was nothing more comfy than raiding 10-man
Post your RIO.
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time well spent, king
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For the Horde.
You're right, I need to do more work into learning proper rigging techniques.
I feel using your impulses to learn a useful skill is a step up from just playing videogames.
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10 man raiding was pure kino, one of the reasons I enjoyed MoP so much desu
if TWW received 0 patch updates there would be not even 10% of the people playing who currently are

but you already know this
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i really wanted to try and improve but i'm just not having fun. this is the least fun i've had in wow. all i want to do is hurt myself or break something. i might just buy an 1800 boost
They're too retarded to tank and they're too socially inept to befriend tanks.
PvP in this game hasn't received any meaningful updates in over a decade. It's a footnote in a game all about PvE. Don't bother.
if you're having that much trouble and not having fun then just pay some cunt to boost you
Holy shit you're garbage
It was happening to me the other day on Mycomancer Cavern, but ONLY Mycomancer Cavern. Fucked if I could tell you why.

are you a world first raider? no?
then you're not figuring anything out, you delusional queer
retail is solved in like first 2 weeks and raiding in the following 2 weeks
Because tanking isn't fun, blasting things with lightning is, and i enjoy the competitive aspect of DPSing
when does rogue become fun
Classic Andy seething. If your game was so great, how come they're only adding one of each realm type? Check mate, nigger.
When outlaw gets buffed
>complaining after only six rounds
>in a game mode where you actually have a meaningful amount of control over your results
You know nothing of pain.
>no argument
that's what I thought kek
your game is so shit a fucking realm refresh is enough to lap your multi-million dollar expansion with 1500 devs working on it for 2 years LMAO

you are fucking finished
absolutely cooked, as the zooms say
Yet here you are in a different general complaining because your own is as dead as your sex life. Rally makes you think.
it just feels miserable because all of the advice ive been given feels unactionable almost like they just want me to keep getting stomped. i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong. i can't figure out how or why i'm being misplayed. i can't figure out what i'm doing right when i win a round. it's like the game doesn't just want me to actually learn, just be ground down by a millstone for the benefit of other people

>wah wah wah im a faggot caster with 6000000000 escape and cc options

ive played about 30 rounds total on fury, won less than half, tried arms and then ragequit after getting shitstomped and now i'm trying ret
nta but that general is moving way faster than this shitty thread even when the tanks were crying
I've said it a hundred times, the key to shuffle elite set is just queueing. 1800 is doable for a shit player in any season if they can brush off 0-6s and not throw the moment a seething shitter starts foaming at the mouth.
t. shit player
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Yeah, today. If you had paid any attention in the past 3 months you'd see the same thread for days on end without reaching the limit. Today they're getting a fresh start with a few new realms, even announced by Blizzard themselves, which is why they're artificially getting more traffic.
>hear they FINALLY nerfed Spine of Death wing to not be a pain in the ass
>Go do it to hopefully get the Blazing drake
>Find out the nerf is only for heroic, so Handmaiden is always crowding the lot table
It's doable for anyone but it's such a fucking grind

>win 3 games
>gain 45 rating
>lose 1
>lose 55 rating

The elite sets this season look awful it's not worth it
The fucked thing is that I got Blazing Drake literally years ago and STILL haven't seen Handmaiden.
Life-Binder's Handmaiden is the nice looking one as it's based on Mommystrasza though
Ok, but you said the general is dead and...it's not.
dont waste your time
spam the raganos weekly when cata tw is up
The guy is on here rather than his own thread, talking about Classic. Enough said. If the general was alive and well, why talk about Classic here?
Ok but the general isn't dead.
I want the damn achievement. I only need Blazing.
This is why you're not getting invited to parties.
Jesus, ret is so easy to play but it makes so much fun.
that's because there is A LOT going on. wowboomers will undersell this. you need to know what other people's spells do, what matches typically play out like, and if you're not a quick learner you need to inundate yourself in hundreds of encounters before you can even start reading what's going on in the moment and what your opponents are doing
Dragonflight was such a a wet fart of a story. I mean it wasn't offensively retarded like SL was but man I struggle to remember what happened aside from the boring fire dragon trying to burn a big tree.
>Dragonflight was such a a wet fart of a story
It was kindergarten-tier with huggy-wuggies and friendship. TWW isn't better though, filled with girlbosses. I miss the brutality and edginess wow had.
Dragonflight was what wow needed at the time
Gameplay yes, no one needed the story. It's utter shit.
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>I struggle to remember what happened aside from the boring fire dragon trying to burn a big tree.

The Aspects got their Aspectral powers back and the Dragonflights are repopulating their numbers after almost wiped out over the years.
Oh, and Iridikron found Neltharion's old Macguffin and gave it to Xal'atah.
Dragonflight was the only expansion I skipped in its entirety because of all the forced woke garbage. Faggot dragons everywhere.
This is Dragonflight summarized in a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dktNcYGjgVE
i am going to kill you with a hammer this instant this is a credible threat
I'd shoot you in the face before you ever got in range, nigger.
tens of thousands of vulpera, night elves, humans, orcs, trolls, and many others worldwide sided with some proto-drakes they'd never heard of or seen, leaving their former lives and forming a cult around the proto-drakes.

they did this because apparently some esoteric dwarven gods of legend lied to these proto-drakes 20,000 years ago. while they may lack narrative cohesion, they are known for memorable dialogue such as calling the player and their party "titan puppets" in a smug voice before fighting them to the death, and in razsageth's case saying "it seems your titans have abandoned you".
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will always be funny to me how people say df was a gay/faggot expansion due to the gay frogs and centaurs when it was really about the dragons making babies again kek
it took a bit of hand holding, but i now know how to gear my staff crafted
did you miss the tie in quest that showed the primalists are an extension of the twilights hammer cult?
>did you miss the tie in quest that showed the primalists are an extension of the twilights hammer cult?

Wait what? Then they really aren't justified at all, the Twilight's Hammer are pure fucking evil.
>see token characters
>shit pants in rage and shoot up a school
americans are mindbroken
its funny, enhancement became fun again too when it cut out 70% of its rotation with this new lightning build and became a 3 button spec like ret.

turns out more buttons =/= fun
the dracthyrs being hideous, oblong grotesque models and the general vibe of the xpac being "hecking hasbro friendly dragonfrienderinos" was probably the bigger issue

i sincerely doubt anyone actually was absurdly upset over beef and wellington
>Wait what? Then they really aren't justified at all, the Twilight's Hammer are pure fucking evil.

exactly. the primalists are the newest incarnation of a twisted cult. i mean for fucks sake one of the first quests in the entire expansion after the landing zone shows them burning down an infant nursery and corrupting the babies so bad they had to be put down.
enhance was way more fun last xpac THOUGH
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I don't know about Enhancement, but bloating a class for the sake of bloating it doesn't sound fun. Why play X with 7+3 buttons when you can play Y with 4+1 buttons with more or less the same DPS? Sure, there should be room for skill expression, but that should be achieved through how the class plays (burst, DoT, etc.).
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I think the first part is the big issue desu, they somehow managed to fuck up playable dragons with how terrible and gay dracthyr look, that should have been an easy win but instread they completely shit the bed.

Turning dragons and whelps into heckin cute doggos is fine desu.
nah, the entire lava lash/flame shock/primordial strike interaction chain and funnelling is just an absolute fucking pain, convoluted ass tab swapping nonsense for no reason other than to overcomplicate the spec that already had 3 aoe buttons, 4 if you count ice strike/frost shock combo (which also why do we need to incorporate a 3rd strike and a 2nd shock?)

the whole thing was just a bloated cumbersome mess. the new lightning build is a return to form of fast, low bind big number stormstrikes and lightning bolts. that they ever made lavalash and flame shock the star of the show was a fucking mistake and a half
They look like they're straight out of Second Life. They're just bad; the human form also looks bad. The running animation is the cherry on top.
>"Hecking Hasbro-friendly dragonfrienderinos"
This pissed me off the most.
i miss shadowlands, bros...
>good class design
>nice zones
>good pvp
>good raids
>good dungeons
>covenants were nice
Elemental is still funner than enh which has always felt like a retarded disjointed warrior so who cares

ancient post but imagine how much more orgrimmar would pop if it was iron colored instead of weird brown
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The homo dragons were why the Dracthyr became disliked. Imagine if they looked more like Nefarian's chromatic dragonflight instead? That would look badass! Every single character customization of the Dracthyr looks feminine, frail and weak. Even the body frames. Disgusting.
>>nice zones
>>good raids

You should be force do Korthia dailies and Sanctum as if it was current content for an entire year in punishment for this terrible post.
Because current Blizzard hates everything remotely masculine. Check the new dwarf in TWW, a beardless, nerdy cuckboy. The way he talks fucking enrages me.
it wasn't that bad
it was nice raid
unironically skill issue, terrible
Imagine if we got the Drakonid instead as the playable race, would have been kino.
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heh... nice try huntard
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>the human form also looks bad
It's cute that you think I was talking about ingame.
What looks so good then? Female is your human female, male is your belf male with drag make-up, they look shit.
even now I'd take em as a alternate evoker skin
cringe boomer post
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cringe zoomer post
Finally, got a good looking HD mount that isn't a dragon. Shame about all the gnolls I had to slaughter, I like gnolls.
>Blizzard finally made anduin not look like a faggot from 1400s France and made him look manly
>khadgar is an old man who pulls puss on the reg
>turalyon is another old buff man who survived in demon hell for decades and subsisted off of elf pussy the whole time
>"Blizzard hates masculinity"
What mount is that?
>Anduin "insert erectile dysfunction joke here" Wrynn
>the guy who literally cucked himself by bringing a real chad home - who then fucked his favorite chandelier in front of him
is this what manliness passes for in the EU?
Were not in Legion anymore it's time to change turalyons stupid armor
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It's from Three-Falls Lookout in dragonflight. Gotta farm 3x20 pieces of meat from gnolls.
seeing what they did to alleria's armour, are you sure you want that to happen?
You should get the other mount too

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I'm so sick of Blizzard's 'delayed ban waves' that allow bots to fester freely for months on end
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*casts a spell on your mind*

You will now like hags
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Is it true? Did they make Alexstrasza gay for some blue ice dragon bitch? I didn't play DF.

I'm 32 I've loved them for a while
Wait, I could farm it from some gnoll too? Fucking hell, time to kill more gnolls.
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another day of monkey business in dornogal
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No she was like a long lost sister to her (in a way) Alexstrasza still very much likes cock.
if they did it didnt happen in DF. She just fucks her consorts whenever she wants.
Anduin is Jaina and Arthas' bastard lovechild.
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No, she just made up with her old friend.
>"some ice blue dragon bitch"

I hate zoomers
0/10 ragebait
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Easiest mount I ever farmed. Literally started farming it when you posted the first pic. Cheers.
Why has Malfurion been an absolute jobber for the entirety of WoW's lifetime?
Sindragosa is still a bitch. Fuck you and 'your magic betrays' you screeching.
Because he was also one in wc3
the writers hate him
>regular woman
I really do think pedophiles should kill themselves and if you're not a pedophile you should stop enabling them
DPS act like they're important and then never kick a single fucking thing holy FUCK
>still a faggot because of his actions and will be forever ruined with 0 chance of redemption if he marries the DEI mary sue or even develops feelings for her
>has done literally nothing of importance since he came back
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What was the point of adding the retarded "20 years in the Twisting Nether was actually 1000 years" plot point for Alleria and Turalyon when they just treat it as if it was some small military excursion and really were only gone for 20 years?
RIO needs a kick count so you can instantly decline any retard DPS who doesn't know how to do their only job besides mashing buttons
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Please drop the last warglaive, Illidaddy
>Add a kick count to IO
>People now perma-kick the dogshit spells on sight and let the important abilities flyby just so they can pad the meter
It's like I'm really at work trying to hit my key performance metrics
Retards will just kick random shit instead of what actually wipes groups.
i'd take that over the retards that don't kick anything at all
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and the champions of azeroth whenever they'd like
Alliance Pill me, I'm a Horde Supremacy advocate & have been one since Burning Crusade.
what you play is literally irrelevant in retail now
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We have hags
Who gives a shit? Factions are irrelevant now unless you're a loser into lore.

Katherine only fuck maghar futas.
ever since bfa ended the horde have been non-canon as far as the story has been concerned
doesn't matter otherwise THOUGH
it doesnt matter. The only 3 things limiting you are queuing with the other faction and races begin faction locked, and being pvp flagged in a city. And one of those is significantly lessened with the new gleeful glamour amors, and the queuing being addressed later
if you like generic tolkienesque medieval fantasy thats the faction for you

there's more layers to it than that:

a hag must be:

*woman in her late 30s-early/mid 40's
*unwed, no children or unwed with adult children
*desperate for or have a strong desire for intimacy
bonus: they're at middle age and try to act like a woman in her early 20's for attention
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I am a fox now.
Can't stop being the damsel in distress, and can't stop talking about his fee fees
Our purple girlboss shoved Atiesh so far up his ass that he sits in a wheelchair now
Side-character at best, simp of our blue girlboss
Is the house-orc of Jaina

Every villain or leader is a girlboss, every male is either a retarded hot-head who gets immediately corrected by said girlbosses or low-test little nerdboys.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Honestly, solving the stupid fucking plot point of "dragons can't reproduce anymore after Cataclysm" is at least something I'm willing to accept. Shadowlands contributed nothing of value to the lore.
Shadowlands should be retconned from start to finish and declare it as a fever-dream our characters had.
I was I had a girlboss to correct me.
>the stupid fucking plot point of "dragons can't reproduce anymore after Cataclysm" is at least something I'm willing to accept.

I still don't get why Blizzard even did that. Dragons are considered cool by most people, why the fuck would you want to kill them all off? It took the game almost dying with Shadowlands to pull their head out of their ass to correct their mistake.
go outside, bitch
did he even do anything to begin with? other than seethe at Illidan? 1000% that fag will join the Empire & attack the Alliance & Horde because "muh light"
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Play Vulpera.
alliance has the better hooved girls
Go to bed Baal.
dumb seething lorelet
i will play my dracboy and BURNINATE flea-ridden unwashed vulpera NEETCHUDS
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as a boy I used to hold in my craps for hours, days, because my parents massively overfed me and they were painful

people always say "head up your ass" figuratively

my ass is so slick at all times with grease, sweat, poo liquid, and it's so wide from doing cow craps for 46 years,

I'm 200% certain if I got beheaded by balkan soldiers they could get my head up my ass as a joke
What's the best race for a ret paladin in PvP besides human? Humies are boring.

I'm guessing Dark Iron Dwarf and Tauren?
Thanks for telling us anon, really appreciate this.
regular dorf
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post your first character. made this dude during a free trial period in 2010. made it to level 14 before the trial ran out and haven't logged into him since.
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>all the sub money from the classicbucks goes right to retail development
there is nothing more humiliating than that
dwarf and DI can escape rootbeam, silence, UA backlash silence, amplified curse of tongues with stoneform. idk if human racial even works in PvP anymore, it gets put on 90s cd when you medallion. in any case racial is so minor for pala compared to other classes. ladder suggests human, dwarf, DI.
Just finished my last mythic 10. Throughout this journey I didn't have a single brewmaster or demon hunter tank, and only had a single windwalker lol.
What are you playing? Monk is always one of the least played classes.
brew is just dogshit in m+ until s2 and beyond, surprised you didnt see a DH as they are everywhere
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>Joins your LFR raid on 15th alt to leech off of you for 300TW badge quest
>Do absolutely nothing except first 10 seconds then die on purpose and be alt tabbed all times
Thank you for your service, PvE slaves! i've been able to buy so many transmogs. Warband transfer is the best new feature.
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Can't, my first and second characters are now deleted. This is my oldest vanilla character, made just after AQ opened.
fellow 2010 free trialler. my friends started in 2005 - they wanted me to play, I went over one of their houses but he did that thing where he "made a character for me" then wouldn't let me play, so I never bothered downloading til years later. tried a couple stints in tbc, wrath, but it never stuck past level 20. took me til 2012 suicidal depression in college to get myself hooked. wish I started in its heyday.
Brewmaster needs much more health and its mastery should soak up more damage.
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>Play Vulpera.
I've made a mistake.
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>nothing for a challenge

an actual challenge - playing a real video game made by actual game developers and not batshit insane leftist ex-cia operatives

not an actual challenge - rerolling nelf so you can track one of the 52 weakauras for the specific dungeon where you have to meld the .5 second cast one of the 17 mobs youve pulled so it doesnt wipe the group, and if you didnt meld it correctly while standing in the pixel perfect spot to not get hit by the floating aoe thats bigger than the visual hitbox then the 2 brazilians who've used chatgpt to say hello at the start instantly leave after the wipe

enjoy your portals to dungeons which are 30 sec away from any given flight path, oh and your reskinned mount


>23 nobel prize winning economists say
>most doctors agree
>scientists warn that
Miss me with that keynesian huckster BULLSHIT, is one of them mr.krugman? He said we beat inflation 2 years ago
Sex, where are you babe?
>furfag post
not reading
Playing a demo lock. It was really hard to find groups when I got past 5s. I just queued up to a bunch while I studied until I got in a group.
nah, you just gotta lean into it. wear the biggest helmets you can find.
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I am the LEAST CONSTRAINED variety of person
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This isn' my first character but he's as close as I can get. Made him in 2006 on Steamwheedle Cartel and discovered rp and weird shit. I didn't reach max level until Wrath and then I transferred to Moon Guard and got into even weirder shit. I've been playing the game consistently ever since although I have a different main now on a different server. Now he just sits in the Valley of Spirits under a tree chillin' in retirement.
Human is still the most popular due to visuals and racials. Dark Iron is second. Fireblood is good but only with your wings. Stoneform is good too but is more defensive due to the damage reduction and 2% crit/healing bonus. Tauren has a 2% bonus too as well as a stamina bonus and an AoE stun

I personally think DI is the best because you get a STR bonus and stoneform minus the DR with fireblood. They look cool and don't have beard clipping.
If you're a horde chud, go Tauren. Tauren isn't as played because of how they look and since only top 2% minmaxxers only care about a 0.67% difference in damage, they aren't played because of how bad most paladin sets look on them

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