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Hunting for Arisen Edition

>/ddg/ NEWS
- End of the Struggle Remix teaser https://x.com/TadayoshiMakino/status/1853724863216927227
- LightSpeed Japan Studio led by Hideaki Itsuno: https://www.gematsu.com/2024/11/lightspeed-studios-establishes-lightspeed-japan-studio-led-by-hideaki-itsuno
- /ddg/ will participate in VGL23: >>500347152 >>500349403

- Project: Dragonforged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuyrtuDyVGc

- More Clan features have been restored
- Quest boards (Season 2 specially so) offer lots of easy XP/Gold/RC rewards >>502399913 >>502826401
- Halloween and Ghosts and Goblins events available until November 29th. (7 days left!)
- List of all possible BBM equipment https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1elVWK5t0QArUQmSdwAly_vB11ARa5hy2
- Latest maintenance changes >>502247837 >>503121006

- Nominated for best RPG of the year
- There's a leaked early version without Denuvo available
- OST now available
- A list of mods worth checking out >>503105331 >>503105589

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

>Wanna play Dragon's Dogma Online? Click here:

Last Cycle >>501973303
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
DD taught me that willpower can manifest anything, so I'm gonna will the DLC into existence at TGA.
Why did Ulrika do it?
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That's for doireann, ulrika's for sweaty boobs in your face cowgirl
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>Pawn name
>Pawn level
>Pawn vocation
Pawn ID
>Additional info
2x fastest cast speed rings
Defeat Lesser Dragon for 99x Fig

Thanks for everyone/anyone who hired her recentl
But then... Which beloved is for missionary for the sole purpose of procreation?
your pawn
>Multiplayer mode: Tower of the new moon
2025 year of the DOG
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===== DD2 Mods =====

::: GAMEPLAY :::

> Wild Loot - Updated
> Dullahan - Modular Vocation Overhaul
> Balanced Augments
> Durnehviir - Dynamic Enemy Encounters
> Simple Difficulty Tweaks
> Weaponlord - Unique Weapons
> Additional Pawn Commands
> Weakspots for Archer fixed
> Updated Seamless Warfarer
> Monster Infighting

::: QOL :::

> Faster dialogue skip
> No (sprinting) stamina cost out of combat
> Better UI All-In-One
> Clocky
> Show Name v2
> Mouse Wheel Movement Speed Grand Cruise Control
> Proper Camera Controls for PC

[get just one of these two]:
> Simple Camera FOV
> Camera Tweaks - Curated

::: VISUALS :::

>Bright Fantasy Reshade
> Graphics Suite
> Pale blush
> Enhanced Shadowfiltering

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::: Uncertain if it still works ::

> Tasteful Weapon Redesigns
> Unofficial Dragon's Dogma 2 Texture Patch - SKIN UPDATE
> Stop Selling Yourself
> Safer Roads
> Hide Wyrmfire Upgrade (aka Disable Dragonforged Effect)

[only for stong GPUs]:
> HD Texture Overhauls
> Smaller Lantern
> Quality Water
> Quality RayTracing
> High-Res VFX
> High-Res Tattoos
> High-Res Fire and Smoke

::: Mods for goofing :::
> Skill Maker
> Enemy Spawner
> Transmogify
> Not So Random Chests

needs a pastebin
マルチプレイモ一 ド 「新月 の塔」 = Multiplayer mode “New Moon Tower”
We just know DD2 is an unfinished piece of shit, and I'm still upset.
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I was supposed to post this flop at the end of last thread
Capcom are the best rug pullers.
maintenance in 10 seconds
come do clan quests
forgot pic
Damn, I don't know what any of this shit means. Also, clan is now LV 2.
I want to but I don't want to
Those look like board quests? They don't seem that interesting, but I guess it's even more potential XP rewards for killing certain shit
I'll hop on later hopefully and contribute, CP is important after all.
how do i join the clan?
hop on channel 5 and we'll invite you
I'd be more interested in mods of most of them weren't just cheats to make an already easy game easier
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>Kindhearted Chirurgeon Elven Cutie
Creepy shota dude approves of that final line.
Meh, I don’t want MP as much as I want more monsters and hard mode. Where the fuck is my hydra?
wtf is wrong with the server? guides say that the ghost lantern costs 5 ghost mushrooms from the appraisal vendor but it actually costs 250
What guide?
someone linked it in discord
Wow, that's weird, that would be quite the grind if you didn't bother with the 1st Halloween event last month, if you can, get one of the Parade items from Gregory, that would help a lot with the marshmellows and gummies.
parade items? do they increase the droprate or something
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Excuse me, I got it wrong, it's Moonlight Halloween clothing, such as this vest, it guarantees 2 Ghost Marshmallows and 2 Gummies per kill.
how to get this anon? thanks
You need to get it at Gregory, you need 120 of every type of candy for it.
Dsconnect hell...
What are the odds anything even remotely similar gets bolted on to DD2 with a DLC?
Can you handle the official Dragon's Dogma platforming challenge?
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post-parkour meal
Hmm... Nyo.
Nice steak.
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any way to make pawn pose in ddo? Like, on command like you can with the arisen?
The only way they'll pose is through the reaction settings, so based on certain events, but on command is not possible, I think they're supposed to pose during photo mode, but that's not implemented yet sadly
My irl friend who got me into the series back in 2012 and defended the first game against all the haters who kept saying Skyrim and Dark Souls were better is now a DD2 hater and told me these exact words: "it ruined the first game for me". This hurts...
as a dd1 oldfag with 600 hours in dd2 i'm mostly just playing modded elden ring and ddon. you're friend seems like he could be kicked in the nuts regardless of what he said, fuck that guy.
Your friend sucks...
She seems nice.
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no wonder ddon got shut down when griffin boss fights are
>woooow look im spamming the divebomb attack
>please clap i'm enraged and take half damage forever and deal 15x damage even if you hit my weak spots to lower the gauge :))
Yeah, Griffins are assholes, I think they're one of those early bosses that really highlight the importance of green vocations and the exposed core mechanic, you really do want to end their rage ASAP, and it's hard without an exposed core, and of course, the stamina regen green vocations can give also helps a lot with such fights, wish I had known about the core thing early, would've helped a lot, there is one particular griffin that you can fight early on from a world quest given by the Goblin King, I know I simply gave up trying and never did it, it was too hard for me back then.
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Sorcerer's darkness dot thing works well enough to drain the yellow/blue gauge
I don't remember this enemy
Are there still no mods removing the sleep limits for unmoored world so you can stay there and kill shit permanently?
No, Modders are too busy making retardedly minor fixes for armour visuals
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I wonder what's in there
>hire healslut mage pawn
>despite having heal spells he does fuck all the entire time and continually drops in every encounter
>won't even heal outside battle
>nags entire time
That's a brinin'
the maze fucking sucks to do solo
I am also curious... She can probably store several things down her dress' cleavage.
Abyss (hard mode on the left)? Yeah, but the regular mode has trick to essentially cheese it, you can enter the maze, and if you don't get the Elven Ruins map, you can just teleport back to the cove and re-enter until you get that map, this particular map is good because it gives you 3 gold marks for just completing that level, and if you want you can continue and do the next level where Zuhl is for his chests, in short, the run ends after you kill Zuhl, you get 3 marks and a single set of chests, easily doable solo.
yeah I know all that
what build do you use to kill the ape? he takes me a while.
When I do it solo I prefer Warrior myself, and I just run around and loot chests until I find a decent weapon, and then I go after the bosses, you do not have to kill any enemy to proceed by the way, so you can just run past any boss on that level, and you don't even have to kill all bosses in the ruins, just killing 2 bosses and then moving on to the next level to kill Zuhl would also give you the same rewards.
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Post your Into Free song but for Dragon's Dogma 2.
Playing 2 just makes me want to reinstall Dark Arisen on my Steam Deck

>LVL 105
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Receive Pointed Fang 1x for Ring of Predominance Ring
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
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They're just mandragoras.
so this is something everyone in the clan can visit? And the clan points are something everyone in the clan contributes to or something?
Yeah everyone in the clan can visit it, everyone can contribute to getting clan points. We spend the clan points on decorations and expansions to the clan hall. There's also pawn expeditions you unlock with the points but they're not in yet so they don't do anything.
Why are there mandragoras in DDON? Is it a meme for the Japanese?
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...pubes? or is that just the body hair texture?
I guess it's just the happy trail bleeding into the crotch area unintentionally
I cry.
What are the other "HasExtraContents", for reference? Did anyone note them down?
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pray for my pelvis tonight
Channel 5 seems to be broken and causes your account to get stuck in S-6008 limbo. Going back to the promised land at channel 4 for now.
damn is it still doing that? i got that glitch an hour ago and gave up thinking it would fix itself after a while
I never had this happen to me. If anything, the gore harpies do enough damage to the cart and make it fall apart.
If it's lasted more than 15 mins you have to open a ticket so they can fix your character.
I haven't seen a S-6008 in so long by the way, you got really unlucky
some of the enemy poise values in this game are ridiculous, my pawn and i just hit those red wargs with a fully charged 2h attack and it didn't stagger it at all, even grabbed me through the attack while i was carving my sword through it's fucken head
What game bro, wargs are in all three games!
dd2, sorry lol
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Kill yourself /v/ermin
Channel 5 is okay now
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>Play DD2
>Pick Thief, buy explosive jump and explosion mine and rope
>Double jump causes enough stagger as it is on non boss enemies. Followed by heavy attack causes almost guaranteed criticals 9 out of 10 times
>Double jump allows you to climb bosses instant. Followed by explosive mine @ weakspot causing damage + stagger
>Rope is for staggering bosses if they are tripping. The window is short so this is a blessing also for those pesky flying harps

I literally cannot imagine starting as any other class, these skills are so useful for almos anything in the game plus thief mobility?

Then you have Mage, Archer(lol), and Fighter. The first 2 need lategame skills to even feel like you can be aggresive and fighter is okay you can parry and stuff but AI early game sucks ass without anything.

Anyone got tips for non thief new game playthroughs?
You should be using Plunder too. Yes, thief is busted.
>Anyone got tips for non thief new game playthroughs?
Just be yourself.
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If Chaechu was food, she'd be ChaeCUTErie
yeah you pick any class because they dont matter, you rush to sigurd as fast as possible, grind for mirror shielde and proceed to turn your brain off as you have the best skill in the game

t. Mystic Spear main
why is her mouth so small
nobody cares pedo furry
Because cute

Does someone have this in better quality?
then i want in, even though i'll likely not contribute anything cause i almost never play and when i do i go solo (with pawns). I still do manage to login every day but can't do more than that
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Fighter is fun post buffs.
Both access for blunt and slashing damage, alright elemental weapon selection.
Some skills got a massive dagame buff which makes them powerhouses that are way better and more reliable than the master skill.
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nothing you can do with these yet, right?
don't think the arisen's room is customizable yet
We mostly use Channel/world 5, and to be part of the clan you'd need to be online and then be invited by any clan member, if you log within the hour then I could invite you in, you could also look for anyone with a /ddg/ clan tag (might show up as [ddg] too) and simply ask to be invited.
Aaaaaah loli pawns
Are they good for you?
yeah i can do that, i'm about to login
ok channel 5, sitting near Ophelia
Which NPC is that?
the daily stamp/revivals lady
Oh, lol, alright, I'm now near Ophelia, I'll wait for you
thanks again
You're welcome, anon, if you need help with materials, XP, gold or anything at all, just ask.
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I can confirm that Undead Nail Shaving drops from Lv 60 Frost Skeletons in Frigid Ancient Passage, seems to be a guaranteed drop, I'm not sure if this is the lowest lv enemy that can drop this material but this means that if you've reached LV 55~ you have access to a lot of XP with that one delivery board quest in BBI.
can you grab onto it mid flight if that happens?
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based CHU
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>LeveI 294
>Kindhearted Fighter

Send me a friend request to hire her.
What is it weak to in DDON?
Holy damage.
lol why, it's like in DDDA, but elemental damage doesn't matter that much against it anyway, it's all mostly about knocking it down and punching the shit out its eye.
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Because cool classes don't get holy
I disagree, but still, holy damage isn't that important against it, even if it its weakness.
What specialization should I put on my Mage pawn? She's like level 7 in the vocation and I have several scrolls but ever since I learned it was a one time use, I have been scared to actually use any for fear of wasting it.

Is this going to boil down to personal preference of what I don't wanna do myself like...I don't wanna seek out gathering points so forager, or I don't wanna weight management so logistician, etc?
Is there any way to cheese the eye?
Woodland Wordsmith and Forager are the top ones everyone uses because everything else sucks.
Logistician likes to combine fresh things that would be better left to mature. Fine if you're okay with it, but some people really don't like that.
Chirurgeon makes the pawn run to you to heal using an item if she has one, it's not like DD1 spring water. And kind of moot for a mage.
Hawker would be nice if you could control what items get sold, but you can't.
Aphonite makes your pawn not talk, which I guess someone might like.

They're not really well designed.
what the other anon said, but i had a logistician (hired) pawn and never combined stuff until they could yield the best possible thing, idk how that works
You mean solo? I can't think of any way to do that fight comfortably solo, it would take a long ass time on your own, you'd really want to do that fight with a party of at least 2.
The only cheese I know is that on the second phase of the fight, when the Eye uses multiple petrification beams, you can run to the sewer and just wait it out.
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Brutal... The Evil Eye is no joke, it's probably the hardest part of the Abyss.
Can make you right sick of crowds
'tis not a coincidence, and if you make a fuzz, I'll molest you first
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the shittiest gear I've seen
I don't get it... There's no point to it, where's the BENEFIT?
Attentive and loyal...
it's been muffled
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I have no faith a DLC would even be good. It would need the hard mode to feel like anything.
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Hey Arisen, groups have been drawn for VGL23 and we got a /vrg/ rematch for our first game! The other two teams are Nepgen and Eversoul, a mixed team and a new team. I'm feeling pretty good about what I made for /ddg/ this time so hopefully we won't get utterly btfo first game.

/vrg/ match: Friday 29th 4pm EST
/nep/ match: Sunday 8th 4pm EST
/esg/ match: Saturday 14th 4:40pm EST

Hope to see you cheering the team on for our (probably) final ride!
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>hopefully we won't get utterly btfo first game
We will, it's all over
>Evil Eye boss
>Take a LOOK at this!
>Bone Cyclops boss
>I have a BONE to pick with you!

Remember Hidell? It was so long ago...
Oh look, shota guy is using nude mods now too.

Can’t we ban this asshole?
If Chaechu was food you’d still be jerking off to it. How did your parents blow raising you this hard?
I barely remember it... Last time I had anything to do with that was because of the 1st Halloween event.
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That's not me, but since when are y'all opposed to women butts
>Can’t we ban this asshole?
We have to try... I'm gonna call Hiro and moot right this moment.
Would he wake up with a kiss?
It doesn't feel that like it's been that long, funny how much has been added since then.
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'Twill be a fine scrap

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