Previous: >>502763592>What is Sword of Convallaria?Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.>FAQ>Helpful links and resources>Current EventsA Fighting Night in Beryland (2024/11/22 – 2024/11/17)>Current Banners[Debut] Homa (2024/11/22 – 2024/12/5)[Destined] Inanna & Alexei (2024/11/15 – 2024/11/28)>CodesSOCEN100D (Valid until March 31st, 2025)>GuildsSocksTouch Vlder TailSorceress HatVlder SanctuaryApply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to.
Wait Guzman has voiced lines?
>>503249897The event is not voiced
>>503249624damn brat
>>503250403he voices with one of his attacks during the fight cutscenes>>503249897first time I hear it as well, I guess you normally only hear voices when you're the one controlling the character
>>503249897Yeah, they're great. Dude has awesome lines, design and animations but devs dropped the ball hard on both his kit and his role in the story.The sick girl in Papal route should've been his daughter, come on, it was right there!
Homa helps him a lot was using them in the grind maps but she helps everyone else too.
what is better on homa irian bow or longbow? I have meteor line, star raid and mega melee aswell4yps4h
>>503251819I'm using Meteor Line
She nearly took me for all I'm worth, but I got her.I remember you guys saying Longbow of Martyrs is best for her, and it looks like armguard is her best trinket? I don't have a spare, guess I'll give her flint for now. Wait, shit, flint is aoe and won't trigger her stuff, right?Which tarot does Homa want most?
HOMA BROS REPORT IN. What's the damage? 60 rolls here.
>>503252513100, nothing else along the way.
>>503252513160GarciaIggyMomoHomadrained my funds ... hopefully can save enough to pity young rawiyah
>>503253185You have a month or so. I would recommend the 5 dollar daily, it's about 1 1/2 multi's worth of resources if you're concerned. We'll also get 6-8k worth of luxite with the new SoD.
>>503253185>drained my funds ... hopefully can save enough to pity young rawiyahGood luck to both of us bro. I've got like 4k lux left, hitting 23k in time is impossible so it'll be down to luck.Anybody got the optimal Homa skill tree choices? I don't wanna brick another character.
>>503253706yep I've been getting the monthly. Got bp twice at first, but it just didn't seem worth it to continue buying it. >We'll also get 6-8k worth of luxite with the new SoD.that'll bring me to about half way to pity, if worse comes to worst i'll just swipe a bit and pray>>503253795yo good luck to you too man. 4k is all you need. 2 multi's easiest young rawiyah of your life just gotta believe in the convallaria in your heart
>>503252470I'm using Hierophant tarot for single target attack damage but thinking of switching to priestess to turn her into my main healer
>>503254679Thanks dude, I appreciate it. Hopefully my luck finally turns good when I'm going for my fave character's alt.>>503255101Shoot, I spent most of my green dust getting a decent Magician for her. And what do you mean by "Hierophant tarot for single target attack damage"? It's the aoe damage reduction tarot. Tbf, I don't know what extra effect it can get at 60.
>>503256312The 60 one gives bonus single target attack and single target heal
>>503256608That sounds pretty nice, is it more than the +16% damage magician gives? Just realized magician should amp her carnival damage too.
>>503252513140, that wench swindled me for all I'm worth. Also got crappy 50/50's, Iggy, Beryl, Col. Maybe I'll level Col, but now I have 5 seekers to pick from.
>>503256936+20% single target damage/healing, so Hierophant should also buff Cool Breeze healing by 20% on top of the already existing -20% AoE damage taken, which I think is pretty decent.
>>503257416Damn, that is pretty good when you put it that way. Once I got more dust from the shop, I'll try maxing my first Hierophant.
>>50325251324 pulls, but that's just balancing out the hard pity on Hasna's banner. 204 across 2 banners is average.
>>503258025164 would be average
>>503258143Damn, average people sure are lucky.
>>50325251322 rolls here, still have 40 left over to save for Pamina.
>>503253795>Anybody got the optimal Homa skill tree choices? I don't wanna brick another characterYou're probably going to permanently have both Rank 1 skills, left to be able to put Baloor on a unit for Homa's trait and right for P.Def down 3 and healing flexibility. Then basically just pick the skills that match the color scheme and switch the 3rd skill slot as you see fit.>>503252470>Which tarot does Homa want most?I'm memeing it up with Justice tarot + Rampage Archer + Mega Melee Crossbow + Double Wand engravings.
Feels good, boys, she's perfection.
>>503260157Thanks, I found her rank7 skill didn't look like it mattered so I went with the aoe slow, hope that wasn't dumb.>I'm memeing it up with Justice tarot + Rampage Archer + Mega Melee Crossbow + Double Wand engravings.That is an absolutely wild build, hope you have fun with it you madlad!
>>503260157>I'm memeing it up with Justice tarot + Rampage Archer + Mega Melee Crossbow + Double Wand engravings.imagine that with hasna perfume talent + cocoa's stew, she'd shit out damage holy...
>>503261020>imagine that with hasna perfume talent + cocoa's stew, she'd shit out damage holy...That's kinda what I'm going for. 30% crit from Rampage, 30% from Crit Up 2 from engravings, 15% from Hasna, 15% from Justice, plus 5% from base crit is 95% crit rate. Star-raid would get to 100% crit rate, but mine is only 3 stars, so the secondary effect only has 70% chance to proc on a crit and I wanted an excuse to finally use my 5 star Mega Melee Crossbow.
Do I get anything from clearing 10-5 of the tower more than once? I've been doing it every week just for fun, but this one is a pain.
>>503268496Nope. Your rewards are based on your highest floor level so you only need to do 10-5 once. Unless you finish after the reset, in which case it doesn't count (fuck you Magnus, ya fat cunt)
>>503269601Nice, guess I'm only going up to 10-1 from now on then, since that's what determines how far you fall iirc.
>finally home>finally homa>60x later, Character Collection Achieved! shows up>>>it's nonowill>continue the rest of the summon>
>>503269737Nope you only need to clear enough to get the weekly rewards (so 9-5).
12-9 Hard's some real horseshit. Billa's turn 1 marked aoe attack instakills any one of my characters from full hp, even the ones with higher mdef with dmg reduction buffs on 'em. Then Billa goes immediately after my sacrifice dies to it and aoes 2 or more characters from full hp to dead. Wish I could start with Ragnarok on turn 1 to nuke those pillars.
i don't get what happened in homa's character story
>>503271165Nevermind, AIDS team wins again. Luxite Shrapnel is the most busted skill in the game.
Reminder everything in the event farming stage 10 can be gomen'd.
>>503273719The translation seemed kinda shitty. My understanding was Homa had something bothering her, MC picked up on that, she lied saying she was just worried the cat and her parrots weren't getting along, but after MC leaves it's revealed she...was disappointed she wasn't able to help kill Calamities as much as she wanted to? I think that's what it was. The implication being Homa wants to help make things better for everyone, but doesn't want to be seen as selfless as she is.
>>503273720I miss these old tower comp units.
I'm guessing Baloor doesn't count as Homa's assisting attack?
>>503275989assisting attacks are always specified as such in the move tooltipbaloor is just a trait like lash's followups
>First Longbow of Martyrs for Homa and Focus Wand for Hasna from event shopOh yeah. It's all coming together.
>>503273980They got Baloor's name wrong. Homa has a skill called Barul Attack, but I'm not sure that's correct either. Google translate just renders it as "Wing Attack".
>>503276640goddamn two great rare weps at once, crazy
Anybody else have a "New" icon permanently stuck to the Shop button? Pretty sure I've clicked on every new item.
I have that too, annoying
>>503277504Everything for my goddesses.
>"lets strike a deal">instantly bashes his head inlove cocoa
>>503279173>Listen... About your mother; we're cool now, right?>*BONK*
>trinket armguard>gear skeleton staff/crystal burst armor>weapon doomsday scythe/guardian's willehhh
The papal bitch and the goblinas needs to stop bullying my boyfriend
>>503283649No. He needs to stop being a useless leech.
>>50325251370 pulls, my luck has been absurd with pulls. >>503277643Yes and it's annoying>>503282718You cannot complain when you get an armguard. I got another fucking True Lens.
>>503283649I mean the event so far made Miguel look way more competent than usual since he's not just jobbing out to us. Beat Garcia, beat Guzman, dodged Garcia's "nothing personal" attack.
>>503282718>>503284172yeah really. I got another fucking beheading blade and true lens, I don't want to hear it. My rare drop was the swift sword.
homa shrugs when healing, and gives a peace sign when exploding
>>503284990The exaggerated swagger of an Elaman (smug)gler
there's 3.76 mil coins in the shop
There's only 30 platinum star chests
Show me your day one Homa's Wanted to really try her out today but Ocean's Adventure makes her look too good and the new clash makes everyone look bad.
>>503286259I rolled Edda instead.
>>503286259Low P.Atk because I built the Armguard for P.Def to clear Weapon Trial 2 and didn't re-engrave yet. Also mediocre tarot rolls lol.
>>503286259i don't see myself using hasharalam's carnival much so i went with the passive instead
>>503286723they feel a little similar in that Homa supports physical attackers while Edda magical. Both can also can give a followup attack.
>>503287060Homa's is nice because you can put Baloor on Col or something and go to town on the other side of the map.
>>503286878>>503287031mirin' the 5* armguard. I gotta check out wand+wand now
>roll for delicious brown>get support for my Acambe Beryl Nungal team instead
>>503286259she looks to be a low base POW unit like Nungal
>>503287060edda's followup sucks ass
reminder that you need to do your first event sweep within half an hour from now if you want to be able to do the second sweep before reset
>>503288561No I don't
>>503288561Hate it when there's more than 8 sweep stage tiers (plus you need to spend 60 stamina to even start them this time). Had to use a potion I was saving for star sweeps.
>>503286259My only two armguards are on Safi and Auguste. At least I have a 3* Martyrs.Thought her overall power number would be a little higher given I went all on breaker talents for Auguste and she has 3.2k p.atk but her HP is kinda middling and don't have any HP% buffs on her gear.>>503287031>i don't see myself using hasharalam's carnival much so i went with the passive insteadYa desu while Carnival is fun it costing 3 energy means it's hard to use Barul or Cool Breeze and the reaction skill dispelling debuffs is huge.
>>503273797Yeah I was surprised to yeet the boss off like that.
>>503289105Does Wheel work with her parrots?
>>503289476Wheel of Fortune? It shouldn't, it's an AoE attack. Same as how Flint doesn't work with the birds.
>>503284990How do you make her explode?
Post damage reports>120 pulls for Edda+Homa>only 5k luxite left>still a Glorialet
>>503286259I haven't really leveled the breaker tree since I never rolled for any. Definitely need to up her stats to make her feel better since she feels pretty weak right now. Also having what looks like another Nungal situation with a low power level is making me seethe.
>>503290092Also, how the hell am I supposed to star up Homa if I have Cocoa+Acambe+Auguste in the mines and Safiyyah waiting in line?
>>503290241I'm also suffering decisions like this, but I went with 4 instead of 3.
>>503289476Here's an armguard interaction list>>503290171My attack is only 3.2k like other anon because I pumped breaker and all attack % for Auguste.
>>503290092>>503258025Still have 38K Luxite for the rest of The Gauntlet (tm).
>>503290092I got Hasna as the first of 10 last time which left me able to run into "rate UP character guaranteed in 1 summon(s)" this time which is what happenedGot a spare Nono, Lily and Samantha on the way
>>503290241If your just going to use her as support primarily Homa is fine at 1*. Also why do you need 5* Acambe? Isn't the usual advice for him 3*? The initial NRG boost is nice but you can roll Taair later. Same for Safi, she's fine at 3* too unless you really like her.
>>503288561I haven't even completed act 3
this is fun
>>5032909022 stars is a 50% dmg increase on her bird.
>>503290902+3 initial NRG is a big fucking deal on acambe, it snowballs since he gets 1 extra NRG per turn for every 3 NRG he hasit can end up being over a dozen NRG over the course of a long fight, it changes him from mid-tier to godlike
homa's's telling me to chase dupeshelp
>>503292225I mean do what you want with your pulls, but if you're not swiping, I'd advise against it.
>>503292225Homa would try to gets dupes of you given the chance
Homa needs to wait until I finally 5* Gloria and Cocoa
making mixed babies with homa
>>503291898But it does nothing for Homa herself and there's other ways of increasing the birds damage like boosting Homa's p.atk. You either keep her at 1* as support or get her to 3* with 12% bonus attack and the +1 movement. >>503291905That's fair. >>503292452
>>503294535No.Strong males that will work the farm after I'm gone only.
>>503294641Homa's (You)r top guy, she's got your back
Homa took way to long to come Homa. Got Alexei and Saff (dupe) in the process, too. Almost 25k gems I think squandered. This bitch better make Auguste into a god.
HP is so heavily weight toward Power, my Rawi that is currently equipped with a back up level 50 axe and a level 60 diaster bottle both with only 5% atk on their engravings has 2855 Power because of her 6583 HP meanwhile Homa has +41% bonus p.atk across engravings and tarot but only has 5482 HP and her power is 2690.
>>503295146Survivability is the most important factor in how strong a unit really is, 4500 atk wouldn't mean much if they get one-shotted first turn. Higher HP also extends their Healthy range.It makes sense that it's the most important stat for overall power
>>503279173My first thought was "Go be a jew somewhere else."
>all these cowardly support Homasif you don't build her as a DPS with a melee mega crossbow, the 30% crit when close range passive, and at least 4k attack then you don't truly love her
>>503295473I mean sure but it takes it a bit far. Everybody who has Cocoa probably has her as the highest power unit purely because your trying to maximize her HP but she does almost no dmg outside of the mushroom.
Now that Homa has come we're in for a dry spell to restock on rolls
>>503296435She's not meant to do massive damage, she's meant to act as a support directly boosted by having high max HP
>>503296327I might actually, her range sucks anyway and her assist damage isn't great without good stats. She has some built in survivability and assist stuff so maybe she's good teaming up with a DD.
>>503296327didn't take the passive, I'm bricked already
>>503296584who are we skipping?
>>503297536CarisAgataTaairTristan (undecided)
>>503296584>probably two months until Agatha and TaairOh well, if I'm patient I'll be able to get the 3.0 units I want (Young Safi/Kvare).
>Agatha is my favorite character design>forced to skip her because low on pulls+no spot in shard mine+metafaggotry gauntlet comes right after herits over
>>503297536Honestly if the new end game content shifts away from just score racing and trying to clear maps asap then Tristan actually might go down in the rankings, that or you'll want her at higher stars where her unyielding lasts for 3/4 turns.
>>503297536>SkipCaris Shacklulu>GetTaair Alt RawiyahTrsitan>UnsureAgathaLaylaPamina
>>503298021>"forced" to skip your favorite for metayou don't deserve her
>>503298021If Agatha is seriously your favorite then you probably have 2 months (going with the common assumption that Caris/Schak/Rawi/Pamina are before her) to save for her which should almost guarantee you get her if we get 70ish rolls a month and you aren't starting from 0 (or just buy the gem pass. And then you can save for Kvare whose her #1 synergy character and that's currently a meta comp.
>>503298487that should have been clear from not knowing her name
>>503298660agata isnt a real name
>>503298791yes it is, much like alexei it's not uncommon in slavic countries
>>503298791Acambe isn't a real name, what do you call him?
>>503297536>skipCarisSchackluluPaminaLayla>GetTaairYoung RawiyahYoung Saffiyah>Leftover PullsAgathaTristan
>>503300141Basically this, but with Kvare
>>503297536only interested in yandere maid and safiyyah alt
>>503299617Akambe is a surname, pretty sure I used to know a guy with it. don't thing any names are completely made up besides like NonoWill
>>503298965>SlavsOk but we're talking real names, not cheeky breeky made up names :^)
>>503297536I don't know. Aside from the males Kvare and Taair maybe I'll roll for Luvita, Papal trio, Saffiyah alter, and the maid.
>Homa releases>joy and peace returns to /socg/feels good bros
>>503302051well no we really aren't, we're talking about the names of fictional charactersluccians are clearly slavic brutes that adapted to their icy hellhole by becoming actual animals, makes no sense to ignore that theme and give one a greek name
>>503301740>I don't thing any names are completely made up besides like NonoWillThere are people named Schacklulu?
>>503302789That would be why he included the word "like"
>>503252513First 10 roll.
>>503252513got spooked by garcia then rage pulled 40more to get Homa. 70 total pulls
>>503297536All of them, waiting for titty witches now.
>>503297536I'm skipping all except Taair, Kvare, Rawiyah Alter and Safiyyah Alter.
>>503252513now at 3.09% legend rate but I got her!
good god Auguste is a monster. How busted is Tristan for people to have said to skip this guy?
>>503311086Tristan is all about big burst of damage (one-punch woman). I prefer Auguste because he can move around and clear small mobs.
>>503311086>How busted is TristanWell basically think about how good Auguste is and then imagine something better
>>503297536The bottom row's order might be different now but I'm still going for Caris, ShackLulu, Agatha, and then waiting for Layla
>>503311086>How busted is Tristan for people to have said to skip this guy?Always found this silly, Auguste is an insane carry for any hard content we've gotten so far and he'll continue to be that all the way until Tristan and he'll be 5* if you farm him. Anyways Tristans gimmick is her burst, she sacrifices 90% of her HP and then for 2 turns (3/4 at higher stars) she does more damage then 5* Auguste which is kind of crazy to think about that. And while in burst (starting at 2*) she gets unlimited resolve.
>>503311086Very, her only caveat is that she can run out of steam in large maps.
I hate seeing Gloria more than any other character by far. Her existence is a giant block of cannot enter because she can ignore tanking and just nuke the entire area. Even Momo you can play around.
>>503312606Why would you volunteer such humiliating information?
>>503312786>no argumentI accept your concession
Homa's stats are a lot lower than the other Breakers. Presumably because she is a bow unit but doesn't suffer the Watcher stat penalty (and Nungal gets the destroyer bonus).What confuses me is that Hasna has the stats of a mage, but has comparable stats to destroyer mages. So for some reason she gets the destroyer bonus as a seeker.
>>503312914roles are more of a suggestion, it's good for there to be atypical characters
>>503312914Hasna has seeker base stats, a bit higher than Col and a lot higher than Saf but it's still around 1300-1400 as opposed to destroyers 1500-1600
>>503312914People already bitch about Hasna not getting 5 move. If you look at it from another angle, she's a Destroyer Mage that doesn't have a Watcher weakness and hit Breakers extra hard. Defenders usually have lower M.Def anyways, and if she can't kill one she set's up for whoever comes next to finish the job.
>>503312914At some point they've given up roles and treat every role like elements.
>>503312914I was really surprised how easily 1* Hasnas hit 3k power from the gameplay I've seen.>>503313856Eh I would say their mostly still true to the roles but occasionally we get atypical ones which is fun.
>>503314186Difference is they now prioritize elements before adding kit to force them to "somewhat" comply to the preset roles. The most obvious one would be Luvita who is fire first and breaker second compared to Flame Sorceress who is destroyer first and fire second.
>>503314831That's just the same thing as Simona with ice
>>503315358Back then they insisted on sticking with roles. Simona is watcher first and ice second. You bet if Simona was released one week ago she would somehow be a seeker.
>>503315646>Simona is watcher first and ice secondElaborate on that
>>503314831Well Luvita in context makes sense. They were always going to make the "Witch Trio" a Breaker, Seeker, and Defender. Gives the three a little bit of interaction instead of the update being Destroyer city. And since Hasna already filled the "Magic Seeker" gimmick, the Blue Lady is a more traditional Seeker (5 move, jump, double hit basic, way to boost own crit) anyways except with an Anti-Mage twist.
>>503315646if they stuck with roles when Simona came out then what made you jump to seeker like that?
>>503315721Deciding character class (Breaker, Watcher, Seeker etc) strictly based on functionality instead of taking elements (Breaker = red = fire element. Defender = green = plant element. Seeker = blue = water element. Fire burns plant, plant absorbs water, water extinguishes fire, hence Breaker > Defender > Seeker) into consideration.>>503316020Their kits still make sense because they wanted to make things seem less forced/hamfisted, for example the seeker (ice) witch is an assassin. Still the consideration isn't strictly about functionality anymore but mainly about element. If functionality is still king, Luvita would be a destroyer just like Flame Sorceress and Beryl.
>>503316386I don't think it's necessary that they are going to turn Breakers into the "fire element" in the future. They decided to make 3 mages, wanted them to have a rock paper scissors thing going on, and hey at this point why not have some color coordination with elements? Like Hasna isn't Ice themed or shoots blue lightning just because she's a Seeker.Besides, you could say that Colors = Elements has been going on since the start. Destroyers have a bunch of "Dark Element" units like Night Raven, Abyss, Lash, Acambe, and Guzman. Watchers likewise have "Holy/Light Element" like Samantha, Angel, Gloria, and Inanna.
My hot streak continues>20 rolls for Homa (was at 177 pulls needed for rate-up pity)>3 max rarity weapons today, one of them being an ever-burning blade
>>503317295Definitely that duality could be a strength or weakness depending on how they make use of it in the future. It's just a bit odd knowing some characters are on a certain role having certain skills in their kit only because devs couldn't abandon their conscience of completely ditching roles. For example the plant witch could've been an assassin MATK scaling Defender with 5 tiles movement, but that would feel so wrong, right? So they're restricted by both role and element.
>>503316386The elements and roles syncing up for the trio of witches is just there to emphasize them balancing each other out.There needs to be variety of roles among otherwise similar character types otherwise there's no point releasing the new characters, this happens to be the best opportunity to use the red-fire, blue-ice, green-plant combination
>>503318379I think now that they've decided to break the rule even once, anything goes. I'd say they should just rework the roles altogether for more flexibility. "Watchers have lower stats" and yet Gloria hits harder than majority of the roster and her kit is insanely overloaded. "Defenders can only move 4 tiles and can't jump" so we can never have a green assassin who can go to enemy backline and chase seekers? I mean you could blur the line between Breaker, Seeker, Destroyer, and Watcher because there's no definitive restriction to those roles, but Defenders are just screwed because Defenders defend.
>>503318152It's simply too early to say that the Color = Element thing is going to be the norm moving forward. Like yeah it exists in this sidestory update, but if you're going to differentiate 3 magic related units why not make the skill icons look nice by leaning into the admittedly slightly cliche element combos? Crimson Night had like one mage in Kvare. Tristan has a lot of explosions and shit but is a Destroyer. Kiya is also a Destroyer but has 5 move. 1.0 is basically setting the "rules" of the different classes so that 2.0 can start to deviate in interesting ways. Can't be weird if you have no baseline after all. 3.0 is the earliest we can draw conclusions.
Should I increase Edda stars?
>>503319153What rule? Element has never been tied to role, before the witch we had ice based Watchers, defender and destroyer. Units like Divine Grace have access to fire.Fire is good for doing big damage, makes sense for a breaker. Ice is good for giving a movement advantage, makes sense for a seeker.
>>503319579I threw her in the mines because she would get to 2 assist attacks per round the day before Homa dropped, I don't much care to go further it was mostly just to occupy a spot after Gloria was done
>>503319791You're missing the point.
>>503319959There's no point to miss
>>503320037Read the conversation from the start then get back to me.
Went back to check Iceyfuns Homa vid to see what his Homas power was. Only 3010 and that's with 4*, 3600 p.atk, top tier engravings and a talent tree that probably has everything relevant for her. Kinda annoying how some characters are just going to not have a high power score.
>>503320274Who cares
>>503320274high power score doesn't really translate to usefulness for non-dps
>>503320274We need a pin/favorite character system so they always stay on top
>>503320817>>503321030This is the reason I care, I want to be able to sort characters how I want.
>>503320817It should be functional, not derpy and nonsensical
i should probably stop being stubborn and just bring meta to weapon iii 70 already
>Event refers to Elysium as ParadiseNot beating the MTL allegations
>>503321375Does anyone even deny they're using MTL?
>>503322189They use AI voices for character introductions on twitter too
>>503321375I though they were talking specifically about Beryl's carnival area? Homa says it's not much of a "Paradise" and then at the end of stage 3 she says Beryl is calling everybody back to Elysium. Homa's parrot being called Balur in her bond story is more egregious.
They need to learn to respect Momo
>>503294641Sex with Candlelight
>>503329487You can't do that, Candlelight is mai waifu
Fellas, how do I build Nonosex?Is her song aura good?Should I use her as the HoMM harpy to poke and run teleport away?
>>503330149I'm mostly using her to inflict vulnerability and aids in PvE. My three most used skills are the aids passive, vulnerability, and either aggression aura for auguste/homa/alexei or AoE spin to spread aids even more. She's probably great in PvP with her poke but PvE is more important.>Song Auratoo expensive with long cd
>>503330149She has several good builds but to simplify, you choose infection-sleep build or support cocktail build, and then if you want the other you have to castalia, you want the vulnerability aoe in all casesBoth song aura and the sleep build are great in live pvp, sleep is useful in pve when you have tough groups that aren't immuneHarpy is also usable for pvp stunts but I've only used it to safely throw vulnerable and sometimes tactics on difficult weapon boss fights
>>503330149I gave a bottle to throw and send her into crowds to use her vulnerable move and then the AoEI also have her song equipped but I never remember what it does
>>503330592Does her triple attack give 3 stacks of aids?Also does flint/armguard inflict stacks?
>>503330149Also the infection build is not limited to an AIDS team combo, she can put to sleep all on her own with an instant trinket and fortune tarot aoe
I'm starting to see the vision.Thanks guys.
hehstupid bot defense setups half my levelwhy do they even try2ez
This event is cute
Beryl will make a potion to turn Calamities into cute pets, and then everything is gonna make it.
Lads how do I figure out which one of Homa's birds likes me if she won't spill the beans?
>the kitten makes a chattering soundI just want this homa VA on replay
>>503332497seems like it's just filler material to me
kinda bummed they put stages 9 and 10 in rocky numerals as well this time
>>503333480Because events are indeed fillers.
Are there any pieces of gear besides armguard, scroll and Guardians Will that clearly belong to one of the characters?
>>503337094The scythe-sword is Garcia I think
>>503338357That's a Hanged Men weapon that the Papal States use a copy of as a torture device, the one she has isn't the same as the Beheading Machete
>>503338546Ah, well then I've got nothing. Is the lance Leonide's possibly?
>>503339216I assume Silent Guard, doesn't look like it his is more of a jousting lanceClosest I can find in the 70 units I have is Dueling Dagger is almost exactly Lightning's sword
>>503337094Berserk Incense's description makes it fit Alexei. I wouldn't put too much thought into trying to match the appearance of the sprites since the Unique Coat is supposed to be our coat based on flavor text, though the sprite doesn't match the the MC's art. The Vlderian Longbow can belong to LilyWill or Agile Eye if you accept that gear designs are pretty loosey goosey.
Watching Auguste zip around the battlefield jumping through ledges and obstacles killing people is entertaining
I fucking hate this new event format.
>>503346981How so?
im going to fuck Homa's bird while she watches
>>503347062>must do your daily swipes for points>boring chore "challenge" fights you need to watch videos about>same shit over and over with every event.
>>503347838That's just how events are in this game, that's one of the reasons it can't keep players. I only like this format because it has extra resources.
>>503347838>fights you need to watch videos aboutJust pack it in mate, you've got no hope with this game if that's at all true
am I gonna get fucked with excess later if I pick primary colors for talents from the rewardsas in the colors that are in 2 stages instead of just 1I don't know cause there are plenty of nodes that use 2 primary colors and those that only use 1 use more of it than the otheron gold talents I've ended up bottlenecked by the 3 unique colors and by 1 of the primary colors with 100 excess of the other 2 primary colors
>>503346981>newIt's the same as the first event we got
>>503347967that anon's already owned up to doing the videos bit for free (you)s
>>503347967I'm not interested in wasting time figuring out how to do some boring, overtuned bullshit chore I'm forced to do for luxites.
>>503348194That's fucked, you're fucked
>>503348094That was me that admitted that but I always try to get the word impossible in there
>7000 luxites down the drain>no HomaI shouldn't have pulled for that filthy harlot Hasna.
>>503348194Saffiyah, Auguste and Homa literally solos everything, the fact that her birds are instant makes everything way too easy
>>503347985no. well maybe in the ultra ultra endgame but im an autist who min/maxes talents and i still desperately need some of the stars that drop from 2 stages (mostly stages 1 & 3)
>>503348434I'm calling you the chicken and egg scrambler and that copycat is the devil forced dullard
>>503348727good to know these 30 aren't gonna bite back yetthey're not even gonna cover the last 3/20 ranks before the breaker all HP% nodes
>>503348531>Pulling for Hasna at allLol.
>>503349407I needed a breaker killer and she's very sexo.
>>503349579You didn't need any such thing.
>>503349789Beryl doesn't cut it and she's too squishy.
>>503350040i-is the breaker in question in your pants
>>503350040Just admit you rolled her because she's hot.
Waste your Luxite, piggy. Spend it on the weapon banner and Homa dupes. You already have me, you don't need it any more.
>>503321328I brought the Hanged Men team to it. Not full meta but it was a surprisingly easy clear.>>503350410I actually got a dupe of her on my way to Homa. Put her at 3* but it'll fuck up my numbers getting her to 5*.
Simona is still my wife
I threw 40 rolls at homa and nothingGonna skip now since i'm not a homasexual
>>503352770This but 50 pulls, I'll just save for Rawiyah Alter and Taair.
>>503350410The bird does ass damage anyway so I just stick her on Hasna for the move and ATK buff
is rawiyah alter before or after safiyah alter
>>503353001beforeRawi alter might be 0.5 probably
>>503353092Before, but Rawiyah Alter is now before 0.5.
>>503353143Idk, we're already in 0.5 range. Release was July 31 so if Rawi is in jan then that's already a 6mo gap, so 0.5.
>>503328978Always avoid Momo defences, also Xavier. Someone tried to hide him close behind a flag yesterday.
>>503352995the bonus mov is so comfy, can't wait for homa to get her 3* mov too
>>503247442Sorceress Hat, 1895 Homa icon with mushroom border
>>503355627would you trust mushrooms that homa is selling
>decreases magical damage taken by 100%>increases magical damage dealt by 40% and you take a portion of the damage dealtWhat the fuck was 9-5's problem?
>>503356135she would offer you one while smiling, then after taking a bite you collapse on the ground and she takes you back to her rape cave.
>>503356909fuck mages
>>503361287so what you're saying isi SHOULD accept her mushrooms
>>503362512No her rape cave is full of mud monsters
>>503332863Yeah, the sound her JP VA made for cats doing their chattering at prey thing was nowhere close to what that actually sounds like, but it was incredibly, wonderfully cute. One of my favourite Homa lines ever.
>hierophant increases single target damage/healing at fourth slothuh wuh, what an odd combination with aoe dmg down
>>503365828off to a good start
>>503365828It's great and a really practical tarot. AoE damage is always annoying since pretty common and hard to avoid, and basically everyone has single target damage. I only have one and want another one for Homa.
>>503365828series II tarots kinda combine 2 series I effects under conditions so they can be attractive without making the rest obsolete
You can really feel the Homa star level bait. She's always NRG starved because her useful choice skill has no cooldown. Her range and movement sucks and it always feels like she's one tile off from being able to get a hit in without barul attack so 3* probably feels good, and then the 5* NRG I'm guessing will make it feel like you're not always starved from using her choice skill. Also if she actually steals NRG that would be even more annoying for the enemy especially if it can proc multiple times, the buff stealing is just the cherry on top.
>>503370441she always feels one tile away
ehh it got messy at the end but i'm satisfied
>>503373018>christian missionaries colonize indigenous people, colorized
bruh i was getting so close to quitting since the story was boring but elysium stories are greatright from the first scene i already liked it because cocoa is a stupid girl hehe
Best unit in the game. You either have her or you don't. Pray that you get spooked by her.
>>503376343no no she has low power level with max gear that must mean shes weak do not redeem
>>503376343>You either have her or you don'tpeople die when they are killed
>>503376783Sorry I should have said your account is le heckin bricked xD
>>503370441Your Gloria bro? She helps mitigate both the movement and energy issue. The actual bait is Hashalaram Carnival which is cool but your better off just saving your energy for Barul Attack and Cool Breeze the majority of the time. Harmony being passive healing + dispel is really good.
>>503377219I don't think I've ever gotten a good use out of it, feels really awkward to use. And as per tradition I take a skill in the "ether" category and within 24 hours wish I took the other. Should have taken the adjacent damage passive over the scatter attack. I'll never learn to just wait until I find a need for one.
>>503377219Yeah, I think I should swap Carnival out for the passive after using her for a day and hardly using it. Two aoes that disable all enemy active AND passive skills so all they can do is basic attack and reaction sounds really good, but I've been having trouble implementing it effectively.
>>503378126>I don't think I've ever gotten a good use out of it, feels really awkward to useIt's probably decent if you need to distract an enemy since you gain dodge, I imagine there'll be some harder content where you want to use the attack to bait an enemy into attacking the unit with disturbance. No active/no passive skills can also be good for certain harder content. >Should have taken the adjacent damage passive over the scatter attack.Ultimately I don't think your going to really use either
the most satisfying skill in the game
>>503377219I don't have [overloaded broken tier 0 unit that does everything]I think the dodge from HC might be the best part about it. Haven't used it much since it's tempting to just use her choose skill every time but I'm still trying things out.
>>503380871>t. momolet
>>503370441>She's always NRG starvedyour candlelight bruh?
Some youtube videos show Homa with a slightly different design. Was this from when she was an npc?
>>503384258if misfortune erosion hit first, and then exploded their infection after a small delay, then it'd be a lot more impactful and satisfyingbut as is it's just a quick slap and a bundle of numbers with lackluster vfx
>>503380871For me, it's Nergal gut punching the foe into next week. Wish I had a webm of it.
>>503381849Gloria really is just a fuckin failure of design. She does too much of everything too well and is part of every best preforming composition in all content forever. She's overcentralizing to the "meta" in a similar fashion that I imagine this energy mega buff twink people keep hyping up is for the Chinese version of the game. People without her are playing an entirely separate game than people with her. And I am once again complaining about how I am forced to see that retarded dramatic flag animation at the start of every single clash battle. She's got the kind of importance that I'd expect from a unit you can only obtain via actual purchase and not just a generic gacha. It's just obnoxious.
>>503296584When will the hag witches come? I failled getting cocoa and hasna so my motivation is low like my gems are.
>>503384409I actually used her a lot early on, but dedicating one unit to just NRG battery things feels like massive cope so I'd rather just be out of NRG all the time. I'm glad Homa has what appears to be a busted 5* NRG trait.
>>503387730>Energy mega buff twinkThat guy is even worse and it really raises the question of what the fuck is going on with him because he was giga busted even in SOD.>>503388394>Hag witchesNot for a while, which is too bad because that entire patch is fucking worthless.
>>503387730>>503388539To the Taair point, yesterday I was watching some gameplay of CN whales/long time players and in the content I saw they were actually using Safi Alt more than either Taair or Gloria. Her damage buffs, co-attacks/co-defense, healing and being able to reposition your allies are all really useful for any kind of content.
>>503390991That's great to hear since she's one of the few future pulls I'm interested in
>>503384861I actually think that version looks better than the portrait we currently have, looks more detailed. There's a few cases where they have "beta" versions of character art randomly like Man face Caris, Magnus in certain scenes and now Homa.
>>503388394>>503388539I hope they're a while off since Homa decided to break my luck streak and I only have like 24k left. That definitely won't be enough for Caris if she's next AND Luvita and Flavia. And yeah I have no idea why they made a unit like Taair rather than just make harder content let you use 6+ less busted units instead of 5. Too much good stuff in one guy.>>503390991I haven't read her and Rawiyah's skills because I want to be surprised. I assume they're both busted though since even I've seen Rawiyah in Chinese PVP.
>>503391634There's like 8 characters in between Caris and the witches, you'll be fine if you're only pulling a couple units from Crimson Night.
>>503388442>but dedicating one unit to just NRG battery things feels like massive copeLoL
>>503391634I've always liked in TO where you could use 8-12 units at times. Hope we get muti-party content at some point but feels like the community would complain about locking units in to team A or B
>>503395578>muti-party content at some point but feels like the community would complain about locking units in to team A or BThat's what ToA was, two separate teams completing different content. The new mode in TW/CN uses even more of your characters.
>>503395578Just like Dragalia Lost...
going through hard modes makes me glad that fool's journey gimmicks last for only one chapter each
>slowly working through Auguste's boring ass chapter>you killed the only person that was ever nice to you>the only person you ever lovedOh that's why you dorks like this lame nerd.>girl is nice to you once>imagine life togetherHe's literally you.
is iria route goodi don't like iriansnungal's nungals are fine though
>>503415017He's a schizophrenic incel but with actual power and military prowess to back it up. The modern one just writes angry comments on the internet.
>>503415017I don't like him though, I was hoping he would do something with his schizo moment but all he did was have a melty
>>503415568He does a lot in the actual story though. Auguste is probably one of the biggest reasons iria is so fucked.
>>503415017Yes he is literally me. Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
>>503415017Auguste sucksHe really, really sucks
>>503415017t. Lutfi>>503416167t.Gloria
>>503416808Gloria not only upholds knightly virtues better, she looks better too
>>503415190I think the union is just incompetent and he's got the biggest sword.He's basically responsible for the world war happening but I'm sure the papal states put him up to it somehow since those jews are behind every subversive action in every route, including the real life route.>>503416024Heh...epic...>>503416167Correct.
>>503416914Auguste isn't meant to be a knight anyway, he's more of a broken oath paladin.
the reality of my leftover luxite is sinking in as i'm very slowly accumulating more after spending 30k+ recentlyno regrets though
>>503416914t. Teadon.
>>503397803I can't believe these devs still haven't made custom loadouts because that was a huge issue with TOA and it's a problem in this new mode too.
Shop (New)
Gave Homa 20 extra rolls for a dupeI didn't get one
>>503425993I gave Homa 70 pulls and nothing, I need Homa D:
>>503415656>Auguste is probably one of the biggest reasons iria is so fucked.He might've actually saved it in a sense, because of the melty he had the king was only injured instead of outright killed and then he ran away. If someone else had been put in charge of that raid they probably would've outright killed the entire royal family, or at least killed both the king and queen and created a contested succession to fragment the nation further.
I just realised I took Inanna out of the mines 2 days ago while she's 3 days away from 4 stars and popped Beryl back inI think I might be a genuine retarded person...
>>503429186Coolest move currently in the game
>>503391634I gave up on Homa because Rawiyah Alter and Taair are bigger priorities lol.
>friend sent rep half an hour before reset
>>503429186God, I wish I had her.
Does CN have any SoD content beyond what we have now?
>>503430702Crimson Night, 4.0 isn't out yet.
>>503430702They got the Luccia update something like 3 weeks ago
>>503430785>>503430792Is that an expansion of the Elaman route or a new different route?
>>503430903The other anon is bullshitting, Crimson Night is an Iria prequel set in 992 that shows why Rawiyah and Safiyyah went on their separate ways.
>>503430903It's a prequel about Rawiyah and Safiyyah's time in the military academy.
i hope you've been remembering to do your 2x event sweeps
>>503434068I forgot because of daylight savings change...
>>503434068Maybe I would if the game wasn't broken, I clicked on it and it says the stages are locked so there's nothing I can do
>>503434068Of course. I do my first one after reset and the 2nd whenever I login to claim the daily stamina.
>>503434361did you do Act III of the event storyyou can't do the sweep stages until you do
>>503434621I'm not being forced to do different stages when I want the sweeps, that's idiocy
>>503434721you have to do 9 other stages before the 10th stage you'd want to sweep, what difference does 3 story stages make
>Ever-Burning Blade from today's sweepNice.
>>503434882>forced to waste my time with useless filler stagesActual bullshit game
>>503431196Speaking of 3.0/Crimson Night, is that supposed to be coming in December? Not sure if I should bother digging into a long spiral route right now.
>>503434882Technically 2 stages since stage 1 is a cutscene. It is a little annoying if you didn't plan to spend an extra 60 stamina to spend 200 stamina to spend 20 stamina to spend 20 more stamina 3 hours later.
>>503435192Late December, I do Elaman runs sometimes to build up my knowledge and also get Astral Tears.
>>503435192Yeah they said mid December I think, so we're probably not sticking to Caris > ShackLulu > Agatha > Taair.
>>503435332>No Agata>No TaairSuffering.
I bought the 3 trinkets for ~2k astral2 common trinkets and 1 luxite greatshieldStill no flint or scroll
>>503436118>He bought it knowing the ratesGiga retard.
>>503436179Pretty cheap gamble desu20 or 30 bucks
>>503436243I paid nothing and have two scrolls, congrats on getting scammed.
>>503436243>throwing away half a week in the rice fieldRetard kek
I will buy another trinket pack just to cause more seethe now kek (the 3k astral gem pack from launch)
I dont play your game but I require your strongest memes and cutest images.
>Seething over a retard getting scammedYou can sit right there while luckGODs get the trinkets they want.
Got a flint from the pack kekAlso 10 rolls and some materials
>>503436708you should play
>>503437393>Showing a pic of someone whose debut is goneAnon...
>>503437393Stupid advice that encapsulates how completely useless Cocoa is as a character
>>503437494t. garciaroller
>>503437664See? Useless bint
>>503436243Thank you for delaying EoS by one day
Who's the smartest character though?
>>503437751Can't argue with that I guess, I hit up her last dual banner to get her. Garcia's great.
>>503437832Prince Dantalion
>>503438010>Unironically takes a fucking Calamity as a petHaha, no.>>503438118In spite of his actions Dantalion is definitely one of the more intelligent characters. Notice though that intelligent =/= wise.
>>503437751Garcia is secretly a Cocoa super-fan, do not bring her into this
>>503437983Same. twice
>>503438175>made the machine that brings food to you straight out of Gloria's stomachgenius
Is it really good on anyone? Don't have Auguste. Guess I could stick it on Homa or Beryl.
>>503438837Auguste's BIS is the armguard, it's usually practical to stick this on your fastest character (Gloria in my case).
>>503437832They're all different shades of dumb. The only one I would really call smart is Homa.
>>503438837Give it to someone fast so you can influence turn order at the start of the round
>>503438927For the SPD up for another character to act sooner?
>>503438837good on anyone that doesn't need a specific attack trinket, better on someone that can use an instant skill to reset her positionBoom! Beryl is the latter, she's a late actor so she can only decide who acts next for round 2
>>503439017Yeah, she's one of the shrewdest around too.>>503439043You got it.
>>503439017>can barely even understand the languageknown ponkotsu
>>503439082Beryl can consider using the Disaster Bottle instead because Destroyers get increased damage from attacking enemies with a debuff.
>>503439101Most of the characters are either smart but prone to errors (Dantalion, Acambe, Teadon), think they're smart but actually dumb (Miguel, Lutfi, Garcia, Beryl, Xavier), or just plain dumb (LilyWill, Maitha, Alexei) and then you got heroines who are just blessed by the plot and will succeed no matter what regardless of dumb decisions (Gloria, Inanna, Cocoa, Samantha).
>>503439792>will succeed no matter what Unless (You) don't hold their hand the whole time, of course
>>503438837I have one on Simona, Homa (no armguard) and Inanna. Being able to make Edda faster than Beryl or get Saffiyah her dodge counter up quicker can be really helpful
>>503439792but in papal route gloria just dies unceremoniously
>>503440394>>503439943Yeah in the end it depends on (You)r decision. I'm just baffled at the amount of plot armor the story gives those heroines in their respective routes. Inanna's route being the "good end" of Iria required so much stretch.
>auguste blames you for being retarded each time he diesheh, classic incel
>>503439792>MiguelI'd argue he belongs more in the 'smart but unlucky' category, he didn't live this long by being dumb after all. As for some who you didn't mention:>AugusteHe wrote the Old Scrolls of Auguste so he's unlikely to be dumb, it's just overshadowed by his incel and schizo tendencies.>NonowillOn the average side, not a complete idiot but also not a genius.>TaairBoth smart and an idiot.>>503440493A great part of my issue with the story is that Inanna has too much plot armor and (You) have to do it for her. Is there even a single of these royals who you want to see on the throne?
>>503440641lukamar takeover of iria!
>>503440641>Is there even a single of these royals who you want to see on the throne?HRH Prince Dantalion.
>>503440714>Elaman destroys Iria againA classic.>>503440761>TFW no actual route where you can support Dantalion and get him to live
>>503440641If anything Miguel is the total opposite, he lucks into having a good amount of underlings despite not really being able to promise them anything and then gets them killed with his shortsighted tunnel vision
>>503440830They'll bump Safiyyah up to main heroine eventually and then Dantalion will have his day
>>503440981Eh, based purely off what I've seen people follow him for a reason. I'm actually curious about how he squares up against Luccians.
>>503440641>Do everything perfectly>Oh too bad the Union eventually took over Iria, the refugees eventually rebelled, the Sword of Convallaria couldn't do shit because we said so! Play another route gweilo!>Do dumb shit with Inanna>Make naive decisions for a weak minded Queen>Good end, everything turns out fine and nothing went wrong
>>503441192Auguste knows what's up.>>503441126That's technically 3.0 if you squint hard enough, since Dantalion had to wrangle Iria into something resembling proper order.
>>503441134>based purely off what I've seen people follow him for a reasonWhat reason is shown? Other than simply "he's the boss of the group" which is them following him for no reason.It's been a while but in his chapter isn't he himself unsure of how he got to that position?
>>503441402I just mean that he doesn't stumble onto talent, or at least the fact that he's in the streets at all shows he's not lucky. Then again one can argue that him being alive at all is a cruel luck.
>>503441614>he doesn't stumble onto talentLiterally Col
>>503441732>And he dies in the Papal route, he's only lucky if Col doesn't bite it too
>>503385441>3300 matkI understand now.
I think I'm taking the double skill off Homa. Her AI turns into a healbot when she has it equipped.
>>503449891/me breaks banner
>>503429186>trying to nothing personnel the blind ladyget fuckin baloored
Sex with Miguel
>>503456140New event revealed that when he's not gay prostituting himself he's a chicken fucker
>>503456140That's wrong, Col.
>>503456438Miguel says you should share things you love with people close to youCol wants to share Danchou's BWC with Miguel
Who are the hottest women and men anyway?
>>503456841Hasna, Safiyyah, Garcia, Candlelight, AbyssLeonide? Maybe, I don't know
>>503457093Leonide is hot with nice voice but they totally ruined his personality by making him obsessed with Caris. He actively rejects any kindness saying it's wasted on him and he doesn't need anything but Caris.
>>503459675>Auguste ruined by being a simp>Leonide ruined by being a simpBruh. At least Auguste is still entertaining.
>>503459827Teadon is all about Gloria and Magnus is all about Faris but at least they're still friends with each other (they have relationships outside their orbit). Sylvia is also nonexistent. But Leonide literally only cares about Caris and flowers. He's even more one dimensional than Guzman.
>>503460039The Papal route is guilty of having way too many characters with too little screentime and still no personality outside of it.
>>503460039Poor Xavier
>>503461798Teadon is a chill guy, Xavier is an obnoxious tryhard.
>>503459675the kindness rejection i think is just extreme modesty/humilityi wish there was more exposition on why he's so devout to caris though, though samantha in papal route does reveal that caris used to be really quite kind before she got disillusioned/grounded by reality
Apparently Taair's girliness is not a bug, it's a feature.
>>503463271That makes it better.
i chose the wrong server its over for me
girls frontline 2 in 10 days..
ok dont know how to reroll so i am out added banner list + simulator
>>503474983>500 Internal Server Error.when tried to check a character page shortly before your post
>>503475225>>503474983yeah its not loading for me either
>>503470523The amount of schizos flocking to that game will be interesting
>>503477240Not really, CN just has a concentrated amount of schizos compared to most regions.
>>503477295hopefully all the chinkschizos are busy with that game and leave other gachas alone
>>503477549I hope you realize chinkschizos aren't actually that motivated outside of CN and most of the schizos you see are just the average Global schizo.
>>503477679There's definitely more than a few chinks on this site and reddit with how they're always posting tieba links, have the latest nga dramas and care way too fucking much about what CN thinks vs the average shitposter that just reurgitates whatever shitposts they saw to shit up a thread.Though yeah, there's a difference between an actual chink spreading CN narratives and a bored retard trolling because they have nothing else in their lives.
>>503477934Actual chinks are fairly rare because of the firewall and it's more likely that any CN speakers you find out here are Taiwanese, and that goes double if they're suspiciously good at English.
>>503478329They're far more common in popular CN gachas like hoyo, wuthering waves, GF2 or snowbreak. That place is chink central complete with the broken english and latest dramas.Or you can just head to the drama general in vmg and find them all congregated there because the mods of this site are allowing them to have their own general.
>>503478621>SnowbreakKek, the devs really fucked themselves over a second time on that one. But that explains why I didn't see any, I don't play any of those games.
>>503478621>Gacha Drama #6Christ they really enjoy that gossip
>>503479715I like drama too but most of what they're talking about is pure schizo, it's not even funny drama.
Act IV beryland is out
>>503435017I wish I could get more than the one I have, it seems WT 3 only gives me the same 2 or 3 weapons over and over.
>>503486110This is my second one in what, months? I still have my weapon boxes in case I somehow need to get it maxed too.
for any confused newfriends these are from a previous cake fight event and... that's all the context there is to it
Agata patting Garcia's head physically and/or in untranslated metaphor
>>503492821Physically, she's basically "fine I understand your point, but couldn't you do it without patting my head like you're my grandma?"
is it just me or is Maitha acting a little strange in this new event
>>503498230I knew she was a calamity
>>503498230i thought the mind-reading ability was going to reveal something right off the bat but it was surprisingly nothing out of the ordinary there
>>503498230She probably saw Beryl take the other part.
Buy Teadon a washing machine
it's kinda sad how many things in the event shop are completely useless by nowthe infinite pick-your-own shop was nice but i guess a balance between shop types is better for newbies
>>503493206she can pat my head if you know what I meanNOT IN WOLF FORM wolfgatha can try to pass as garcia's grandma all she wants
i love the dynamic between agata and garcia in this eventalso did anyone get the act VII extra condition?i cleared it in 3 turns and killed 6 after the condition popped up, still nothing. even tried another turn and more kills but still nothing
>>503513097made me wonder if it was supposed to be 4 turns from the start, if that would be technically possible
I think Homa is overrated
>>503513461that's what i meant, i cleared it on round 3/15, it still didn't count
>>503513097>and killed 6you have to kill 6 of the ones that have wheels, not the small ones
Agatha headpatting Garcia is the highlight of my day.
>>503514579ah I needed to clear all the white ones cleanly on first turn to get the trigger early enoughI just got the extra done by using standby at the end of turn 3 instead of attacking, because that saves some of its health to summon more on turn 4, it can only summon 4 per turn
>>503514579You killed 6 that appear when you hit the boss?
Miguel is stinky...
>>503516104>>503517517oh i misread it, i thought it was 6 kills after the boss spawns but it does specify "summoned calamities" so i had to stall more than when i previously tried
>>503521118Real men don't take baths
>>503529835Get in the bath or get penetratedNow
I bathe. Naked too.
>>503514501She's not tier 0. She is there to give someone the bird and to give someone PDef down III along with some situational debuff removal. T0 is characters are like Gloria/Cocoa/Saffiyah/Auguste.
>>503535582I can flip the bird at someone for free, why do I need to roll for someone that does it for me?
>>503535976You have two middle fingers. She has three birds. Checkmate atheists.
>9-17 hard is that mine stage where you're besieged by 100 papalsshit i thought this was a spiral stage for reason that i was glad to be done withthere's even a 7 character limit this time
>>503549152disregard i suck cocks, it was just a baby version of that stage and i double forgotreally didn't need a 7 deploy limit though
>>503555010not even someone asking for the renaming 100 day anniversary pulls in the comments.. it's over
>>503556417What about our TOA pulls...we lost three seasons...
>>503550562best scene of SoD
any rumors about who's after Homa?
>>503561639Should be Caris, also double shard event.
You all refrained from going for Homa until we're sure Taair isn't next, right?
>>503562893I'm refraining from taair until I know who's after him
>>503562893I tried to get Homa, didn't get her and so I'll just wait for Taair.
>>503562893I broke, and became a broke homasexual
playing clash has rewarded me
Oh nice they updated the Cornucopia like TW. You can exchange it for any weapon (including the rare ones) or any trinket, yes even an Auguste Scroll. You could also plan to save your Cornucopia for the future if you want signature weapons.
>>503564456thats kinda op what's the catch
>rep shop actually gave me a legendary fool's tarot>rolled matk + atkof course
>>503564693>whats the catchisnt the catch that the cornucopia costs real money
>>503564693The catch is that it still costs money and that's a pretty penny if you want to 5* an item.
>>503564763>>503564839very well i will now begin to purchase this
>>503564456>it has some pretty cute furniture againdamn i wish the decor feature wasn't nigh useless
>>503564693>>503564763Ya it's the SP. Honestly though it's a good change. The Cornucopia weapons themselves are awful aside from the staff/sword on a couple specific characters. You want to make the SP in a gacha game worthwhile and getting a rare/sig weapon or a rare trinket is a good way of doing that.
>>503564964>>503564839It's just the Monthly+BP that hoyoshit popularizedIf you have a job that allows you to afford it without putting a dent in your day to day finances then it's a pretty fine deal since just buying the monthly shit puts you decently ahead of a player that isn't doing so in terms of resources. Of course, someone who's lucky might pull out ahead of a casual spender who is unlucky so everything does come down to RNG in the end.
>>503564975I love collecting furniture but they clash with the housing aesthetic and as such I've skipped all of them.
>>503564456So do we save this cornucopia fruit for later? Or is this one not usable for future exchanges?
>>503565247It's less rubbish than the previous trinket scams, but who even asked for signature weapons to begin with lol?
>>503564456lol at the retards that bought 3 of the trinket packs.
>tfw whaled all trinkets>now can save cornucopias for max sigs immediatelyNothing personnel
>>503567370It was worth it to them.
>>503568691They don't get to decide what's "worth it"
Trying to get anyone who whales in any mobile game to spend less is a fool's errand desu. The market pump is absolutely absurd, even if you only had 1 million invested, you will be seeing an extra 200k in your accounts with the most boring of investments at the moment.
>>503569028That was sarcasm.
Beryl needs to get the fuck out of my ElysiumSick of her bullshit
>>503569836The devs already did a good job of killing most of their whales, but I'm wondering if they're going to push for more live PVP soon.
>>503570009That lil shit has the gall to give me bronze stars every other week.
>>503570009>Make a cute lolibaba witch>She's actually irritating as all fuck
>>503564456Might get this once just to have a ticket ready if the signature weapons are busted. It doesn't feel as much of a ripoff as the Inanna skin or the NEW trinket pack.>>503570027Keep saying to myself I want to play pvp but during the event I got tired of it fast and after playing in that first discord tournament I never bothered again.
>>503570597The weapons are all over the place, so you might want to wait for assessments on them. Of course part of the issue is that they should have made more for old characters and some of the new characters are dogshit even with them. The only nice thing about them is that any character who needs it is automatically a skip.
so...upgrading old scrolls is worth it right