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>The Final Shape
>Episode: Revenant
>Destiny Rising

Revenant - Act II Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aor-hjJ8bCc
TWAB (11/21): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-11-21-24
Update 8.1.5: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny_update_8_1_5
Raids and Dungeons: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/raids_and_dungeons
Developer Insight - Combatant Modifiers and More: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/combatant_modifiers
Developer Insight - Next Generation Armor: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/next_gen_armor
Developer Insight - Solo Ops: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/solo_ops

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>502985782
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tomb of elders fucking blows
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Asking again because I didn't realize the last thread was over. What do I keep and what do I shard?
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This as well. Thanks in advance.
Finished House of Wolves and The Taken King.
House of Wolves wasnt bad, a bit rough with some of the things but Skolas being a Fallen that controlled Vex technology by raiding the Vault of Glass and then pulling Fallen from other timelines into the combat was great, the missions didnt feel too bad, does feel like alot of the negativity from people about this was an overreaction.
The Taken King lived up to the hype, the Vanguard actually being involved with the story, how the Taken show up, patrolling the dreadnaught, the strikes, walking towards Oryx's chamber and then the raid, really good expansion.
>The Taken King
Some good little stuff was added with it as well when it released, with some later down the line, that made it even better. Armsday, SRL, new subclasses, multiple strikes both new and remade ones with taken enemies, new crucible maps etc. You also had the april update as well. I wish every expansion was like TTK but even if bungie was always in a good spot that'd be a tall order I imagine
we can't see perks you fucking shithead
You will sympathize with Eramis
You will forget the past
You will let the whims of a child playing apothecary dictate strategy
I really don't even understand the breakout section, I know the pacing/quest was ruined due to the doing it all at once thing.
We probably would have had to gather shit for the emp from vex or something stupid.
Regardless why the FUCK would we do that? We're now criminals who aided a sociopath escape justice for no good reason, who we also let just leave instead of escorting her.
Crow also for some reason I guess was okay with it but he's part of the vanguard so couldn't he have just unlocked the door?
None of that shit made any fucking sense.
Because the whole world belong to Eramis, and no one will ever say no to her.
ummm have you ever been a narrative lead for a video game? you havent? okay then sit down, listen, and stop questioning the story.
if bungie out of fucking nowhere lets me crush eramis' skull with my foot I will take back all the bad things I said about them this season
lol imagine doing that and hearing the ether popping sound
She literally gets an echo and fucks off to repopulate Riis.
>who we also let just leave
it's ok lad, eramis is still just chilling in her cell even after being freed
is she actually
lmfao this game
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>Snoy paid $3.6b for these clowns
why did they do it?
Snoy panicked after Microsoft bought ActiBlizzard.
>give bungie money
>nothing changes
Money laundering?
Bungie was a pump and dump scheme, and japs fell for it.
>gorillion projects in incubation, that all conveniently died after acquisition
>whole ass "Destiny Universe" media project helmed by Luke Smith, yet they haven't done shit since 2021
they dumped it all into marathon and knitting circles.
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Shit, my bad. Let's try this again.
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>shotgun and sniper
Glim them all
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And the second
with no exaggeration, nothing here is worth taking up space in your vault let alone on a character
this has to be a troll. you literally didn't get one good roll
when are we getting the dg minecraft server?
whenever i play minecraft i eventually die somewhere inconvenient and then i get fed up and quit
My Destiny conspiracy theory is that there's a deliberate effort to keep certain classes from looking better than others in terms of armor. Bungie knows it'd be stupid easy to make Warlocks cool since they wear trenchcoats so they give us gay ass robes and bad helmets.
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So true
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Post mogs!!
Right on fellow huntsis!
I hate GMs so much it's unreal.
birthplace is free
Just like yours
*rapes you*
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This season artifact is so shit it's unreal.
The finisher perks might've been almost usable if they didn't kill Severance Enclosure because it made too many particle effects.
>clown + vorpal / firing
vault for the memes, dogshit all around, you will never use it
>threat + volt / surrounded
vault for the memes, you will never use it
>fourth + desperado
extremely niche, you will never use it

objectively all rolls are dogshit I would glim
The mini arc synergy is kino
>>503353484 (me)
to expand on this non exotic snieprs are PVP only and for PVP you want
closing time + lone wolf (new hot shit)
snapshot + opening (old hot shit)
For PVE you don't use snipers unless its
supremacy (craftable from last wish)
anything that can even slightly copy supremacy
The shotgun is meh by default, you have better alternatives but the roll you would want is fourth + surrounded since i think thats the most damage. You can also keep slideshot + surrounded if you want to
im on my third to the pain jolting feedback roll for the auto
Fucking Same, except that's the only pair with jolting feedback ive gotten on the auto
can we stop with the shitty ass perks no one fucking uses bungie?
Member that time she started House Salvation and commmuned with the Darkness and started several plots to kill evryone not House Salvation?

Member that time she caused Rasputin to kill himself because of some stupid bullshit she pulled?

None of that matters now. She gets to hop on a high horse and shit talk you and Crow and is shown and treated as *JUSTIFIED* in doing so.

I hope Robert Brookes fucking dies, that fucking faggot is the sole reason for the Kumbayah bullshit writing since Season of Dawn.
she must be someone's self-insert
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>me with my Truth
>Old cranky lesbian that's so amazing she was personally scouted and recruited by the First Knife but definitely isn't evil
got a masterworked double perk exuviae to drop. the roll in the season pass is better. watta looter
>plays woke game made by woke devs
>cries about woke story and woke characters
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>play woke game
>instead it puts you to sleep
im playing stalker right now
why is there a nigger and a tranny in my game?
am i allowed to cry about them now?
All westacuck games are pozzed slop
guy changed his babys diaper in the middle of our farm
thank you ill be here all week
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I'd be fine with wokeslop stories if the characters were sexy so i could jack off to them
thats all it takes? coom material?
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Which is why Warframe is the superior game
>holy shit there are fallen in here!
coomer is 1 step away from being a tranny, ofc he is fine with dei shit
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Only sinners in gacha hell use the f*llen word
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this is why warframe is better
niggas just wanna jack off and not play video games
just go watch porn
why 1 when 2 work
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We need more preggo characters in vidya
Yes. A shitty wokeslop story can be ignored as long as as the characters are cute/hot and can porn can be made of them
Ex: Refanzio or whatever the fuck. Dogshit woke garbage story but the characters are hot so its GoTY.

Warframe is safehorny.
Like I said keep the arcane embrace :^)

Grave swash is fun
threat detector closing time for red minigame
threat detector surrounded

keep a voltshot roll if you actually like using it and shard whatever you don't

on the mechabre

demo highground
demo opening shot
triple tap vorpal
air trigger voltshot
clown vorpal stick alloy mag on that it was buffed
keep a snapshot roll if you like it for minigame and the only opening shot roll you have but if you have better snipers for minigame then glim I think the origin trait is good enough to make even mid tier rolls somewhat decent in minigame though
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>white belly
Full of my cum
i want to play as a pregnant woman in Destiny
why is playing as a as an appealing character bad?
>(((datto))) falseflagging (you) into bloated vault
kill thyself
Warframe won.
latinx leak
we get it you can stop samefagging now
I didnt say it was bad
oh dios mio
They're jingling keys to distract from how shit everything else about the game is.
Tranny buzzword
ja ja ja ja donde esta la leche me gusta largo penne
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Leaked facial textures for a new character leaked
We already know this. The bento shit will unlock Chatterwhite, and it will be shit like
>"Kill 50 guardians in crucible/gamboon, with Hand Cannon kills in Gamboon counting double"
>"Complete two final bosses of a dungeon/raid, with a raid boss counting for two" and stuff.
>200 kill with weapons of sorrow like malfeasance and touch of malice
>200 kill with Gamboon weapons
>Kill 3 Nightmare bosses
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If I was tranno I'd be busy sucking my swarthy wife's strapon right now.

He worked hard for those rolls so I'm helping him to salvage what he's got.
>50 pvp kills
they better have team scorched
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class items shade like ass
>N-no you
It may be a buzzword but it does in fact describe a phenomenon where only certain things can be horny.
Muscle mommies, butch lesbians, clocky girls with sharp jaws that look trans, small tits, brown girls, short hair and facial scars.
Anything that isn't a petite demure white girl with blond hair and big boobs.
they should make it so no hesitation gives the user an inflated belly when healing

its like reverse get pregnant
Pedonigger cope
this, desu
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>big boobs is pedo
yea ok you aren't serious people nevermind.
You literally added that at the end so save face
Kys pedoscum
hawk tuah emote
you acking emote
lap dance. NOW
>liking girls that don't take creatine shits is pedo now
the western mind is rotten
is there a way to turn off the game automatically launching in fullscreen each time? its an annoying issue
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>replaying d1 properly
>doing devils lair
>actually struggle finishing it
throughout the strike people joined until it was a full fireteam and it was actually cool as fuck even if we died a ton, even the tower was full afterwards, very nice
are you saying your having fun?
*you're, sweetheart
she's a titan your lap would get crushed idiot
yes, even if it's a bit clunky with the 30fps sometimes
I know what im asking for buddy
Datto here
The removing of crafted seasonal weapons makes my rolls feel more precious! Thanks Bungie!
lets freaking go i got slideshot destabilizing rounds! this is exactly what i wanted!
>You will sympathize with Eramis
I never hated her
Her intentions were good but her autism always held her back
She needs therapy and a friend in her life
What killed the hype
Based Datto saving Destiny again
and a good dicking amiright
Eramis belongs in my crab boil
>freezes your crab boil
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>No Dreg’s promise
Where is it?!?! You add prison of elders lite but not Dreg’s promise? Why? I want reasons, you can add poopoo icebreaker but not the MARVEL WITH TEN THOUSAND ARMS?! actually I don’t care, I’m not even playing this shit season lmao
It's sad to see bungie try really hard and this general just shits on it completely
hello bungie
You should’ve added Dreg’s promise then
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to watch anime and read manga
need........ content.........
Anyone wants to help me farm Fatalis on PS4?
I would but I play PC
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oh my god
that guy wasn't kidding
>try really hard
have you seen how little we're progressively getting with each episode
i think they just gave up and are saving what they can for the next expansion
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It's not even just cute/hot characters, an appealing aesthetic in general can help a ton, unfortunately modern destiny has tried it's hardest to be as ugly, tacky and unappealing as possible.
its so fucking funny how not even the "woke" crowd this was designed for fucking hates it
literally no one on earth likes Nimbus
it goes beyond autism anon
since the collapse she has attacked humanity in several thoudsand if not millions of raids, so much so that she teams up with her ORIGINAL ENEMY TO FUCK OVER HUMANITY MORE
shes so fucking retarded
Reminder that the Streamers, Our Benefactors, love the story, and if you disagree with them, then your opinion means nothing. All others will comply.
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Why did bungie decide only to listen to streamers? Also why do people hivemind their opinions so much?
This guy is from ALF?
I don't think so but he is from shrek
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>gets revived
>revived 8 years later
>dies again
>gets revived
i suggest every fallen and eliksni hater necks themselves at Hangman’s Pass in the EDZ
>Why did bungie decide only to listen to streamers?
Appeal to one streamer, get their 10,000 strong braindead audience for FREE. It's cheaper to appeal to those who tell others how to think instead of to those who can think for themselves.

>Also why do people hivemind their opinions so much?
Because, as MGS2 predicted, there's so much GARBAGE out there that people suffer information overload, and so find themselves outsourcing their own opinions to "trusted experts."
Meet me in the hangar at midnight, we're drinking then heading to the Eliksni Quarter to pull some hotties
Choose one
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They are fucking afraid of them. Because if streamer is not happy, their audience of ~1-10k people is also unhappy.
Yes, Bungie is that pathetic.
where the fuck are all the pinnacle drops
Um.....good writing?
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>Adding cosmetics and microtransactions in a game where you're locked in 1st person for 99% of the game
Its a shame that a game series with this much potential would shackle itself to decade old consoles. What a waste
>My Destiny conspiracy theory
They are soulless faggots.
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so how bad is trials right now?
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scout on a shit map
Where's the content
in my ass
>Getting 25cm of snow today in leafland
It's so over
he looks like Alan Wake from the newest game
recovery is a dump stat, right?
how fucked am i with this?
bro!?!?! your rift?
BRO???¿ YOU’RE RIFT¿¿????
.....where are the attractive characters
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not in this piece of shit game
fuck bungie
a2>2b>>>>>>stellarblade protag
>tfw making bread is more fun than playing destiny
whicher female character has the dick from nier is the character i like
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I will play Stellar Blade if you post 10 seconds of actual gameplay
Because the female form terrifies the tranny
>2b crossover
you know they would go out of their way to make it fucking hideous
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Because Bungie is full of trannies afraid of attractive women
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how the fuck is the d1 tower more full than the d2 one lol
I just want sexy dragon women in destiny
I wish I could get an empty instance, I'm forced to suffer last-gen cucks
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why does the coom look so soulless
like they were forced to make the titties at gunpoint
koreans are soulless
salvation's edge not dropping pinnacles because fuck you
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gotchu bro
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>he hasn't already hit cap
YNWBAW Bungietroon
>he doesnt think i like titties
They're dolls. When you open photo mode and have them jump around, you're playing with dolls.
Your AGP doesn't count tranny
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can we get more buffs to voidlock?
>making up new terms for why liking boobs is bad
Why isn't there a big team battle CTF mode with Tanks and turrets and the like?
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forge mode when
i think thr d2 community could make better strikes than the current devs
Where is forge/theater mode?
Retarded coomers always forget that there should be something more to a game, than a mere boobas and bundas.
First Descendant is a proof to that. Literal coomerlapalooza, yet nobody is playing it by this point.
weekend numbers...
so when are they bringing back crafting?
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Revenant weapons will be craftable in 2027's first expansion. They'll exclusively be from the exotic mission and harmonizers will now be purchased with silver.
>i think thr d2 community could make better strikes than the current devs
That's why it would never happen. If Rise of Iron scarred the A-team that hard, imagine what good map design would do to them.
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It feels like the current goal of nuBungie is just to make slop and hate their glorious past.
i skipped act 1
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How dare you?
Lack of crafting is not why no one's playing. TFS was an out for all the normies, only the most addicted tards are left
It doesn't help that you can't repeat cutscenes so you can see your character in action or that since 90% has been vaulted that you can't see the cool older ones at all.
i really feel like i should skip act 2
>TFS was an out for all the normies,
All my normie friends got me into destiny during plunder or whenever when King's Fall got put in d2 and I was excited to play with them.
Its so funny how despite not playing destiny all that actively anyway I could sense the shift in the game's perception in the collective unconcious of gamers
>2014 to Nov 2020- Destiny, The game that copied warframe
>2020 to 2023- Destiny, the game that the devs deleted 90% of for no fucking reason
>2023 to 2024- Destiny the game that killed the game studio that made your childhood
Your character rarely ever does anything but stand in the background in cutscenes. Everything else was removed.
nah if the game wasn't stale as fuck they'd have stuck around. nothing about final shape actually felt like a real conclusion
totally bamboozled lol
no idea why they couldn't see me
I kind of wish two Nova Bombs were merged so we have a third different super, same for Golden Gun, Shadow Shot…hold on, do Titans have less supers than the other two classes? The fuck?
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It doesn't matter if it "felt" like a conclusion, it was one. Anyone who was only being strung along for the story or whatever had a safe point to just put the game down and uninstall.
Game could be fucking poggers and people would still be dropping like flies.
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hey anons i know we're right in the middle of episode 2 but i just wanna let you guys know that saint 14 and osiris have always been gay and saint loves fat loads in waste disposal port, just in case you forgot after the end of episode 1
>hold on, do Titans have less supers than the other two classes?
They don't have "variant" supers, but they have the same total. It's because bubble used to be a top tree Sentinel thing that you just held the super button down for.
Lmao if Bungie used 2B it would look like the abomination Ubisoft made. Bungie is allergic to hot characters because they're all far lefty freaks
i thought far lefties were pornsick and can only jerk off to agp big titties, as per >>503389698
It’s been a long while, that’s how Well used to be with Dawnblade too, right?
No, Well was an independent super(and the only new super in Forsaken). Top tree Daybreak was mostly the same as modern baseline Daybreak, and bottom tree was a significantly better version of modern Dawn Chorus Daybreak.
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Where's a fucking hopeposter at... i feel sick to my stomach and need hopium with some white pills...
Is the Shadestalker armor bugged or am I just unlucky for not getting 60+ shit?
I guess I’m developing dementia, because I remember someone activating Dawnblade and then stabbing in the ground
they'll probably unlock the high tier drops in act 3 maybe
What does the average coomers raid report look like?
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The only hope is that heresy gets made by Desperate Bungie and is actually good as fuck (please god please bring back the Dreadnaught patrol space) and distance making the heart grow fonder or whatever and people come back for heresy, and then they riposte that shit into Apollo actually being pretty good too.
so what you're saying is we need to hope for the future?
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it's over.
>it was one
nothing ended.
Yeah same, strikes feel more of a challenge whereas d2's is just easy, even some grandmasters are
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No, something definitely ended.
bungie somehow gaining 30k players despite deleting 90% of the fucking game is legit insane
how did that happen
>Bungie flipped bounties in mobile app
Yes but there's a fine line between hope and pure delusion.
I'm not sure where I am just yet.
>me outside the fallen side of town antagonizing fallen niggers in front of tower security in the hopes they get arrested
Unironically you might have been invisible. It's a glitch that happens rather often.
The witness key from SE can net you any weapon or only weapons you've unlocked from the raid?

Ive only gotten the adept glaive before cashing in the key and got the normal glaive out of it.

Anyone know know specifics of what the key can net you?
Any weapon that you don't have red border for. I was cucked out of the glaive for weeks until the witness key finally gave it to me for the first time during excision.
Gotcha thanks for the info
>cucked out of the glaive
more like saved from the glaive
todays the day
If you use weapons I don't like you are getting kicked
If you play hunter you are being kicked
I dont remember if I am remember this correctly but all primary weapons do the same amount of damage right?

Like a Kinetic HC and an Energy one do the same damage right?
I remember that kinetics did 10% more damage since the game launched but dont remember when they changed it
I think they removed the bonus damage but only against bosses with The Final Shape, presumably because they likely thought it would make Microcosm too strong
Impact is damage. For instance all of your 140's will do 84/86 base damage. Energy matching shields does more, kinetic does more to unshielded, etc.
excision taking 3 phases because most of the 12 guardians keep dying to the floor 6 months later
do we have any info on the next dungeon?
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what do you even get from excision anyway
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bungie insider here
its siva
Anyone playing on ps5? I've been wanting to get back into d2 but I want people to run the new content that's been released since TFS.
I am but D2 has crossplay anyways
Well, I guess the idea would be to talk in party chat but I guess I can join a Disc...
heres the join code bro
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>5 weeks of Act 2 still to go
>no point in actually farming the guns because of weapon rework in apollo
>dawning gets 1 new gun and 1 new cooke recipe (for Nimbus of course)
>Act 3 is like 4 weeks long
>Heresy lasts 4 months then Apollo releases
Grim. I wonder if Bungie even has anything to show at The Game Awards this year for Apollo or Flopathon.
a pinnacle if you're not there already?
i have a feeling like that game is in development hell again, they really should just cut their losses and try to put those assets in d2 or d3 instead of marathon, nobody wants that game, not even reddit
destiny 2 is boomer game
>weapon rework in apollo
im gonna quit if they try to sunset my shit again.
the fact that its brooks slop is already a bad omen
>im gonna quit if they try to sunset my shit again.
You're gonna quit, bro. Not only are they sunsetting weapons via the Level 1-5 Weapon Tiers, they're sunsetting armor with Armor 3.0 which is just Armor 1.0 but it goes up to 200 in blocks of 10.
he meant armor rework, we're getting armor and set bonuses like monster hunter
so all legendary armor will be useless in 6 months
im glad bungie is gonna give me a reason to quit
Years of Farming Invalidated: Sunset Funset
Years of Farming Invalidated 2: Tiers of The Kingdom
the game is on its death bed and its clear that they will dich it for marathon.this just bs to placate the streamers who play this game for a living
Don't forget the most important change: discipline and strength will finally be readable now that they're being renamed to grenade and melee.
I still don't get the point of renaming the event from Solstice of Heroes.
i still think marathon coming out in 2025 is wild considering we know next to nothing about the game
like shouldn't they be spending the whole next year marketing this thing? how do they expect the game to do well if barely anyone knows about it?
Cant wait for Battleground: Dreadnaught and Battleground: Court of Oryx.
I'm going to glim every Nimbus cookie bounty.
So they can stop selling its armor
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I still use those solstice armors to this day and always have the Voidstreak equipped. Its been so long but I remember the armor grind being a major bitch and if you got all 3 or something you would get the sparrow
thats the weird thing
after they killed my teammate outside, the warlock came back in through the window and saw me instantly and killed me
picrel is what I was wearing...
Give us the Primus, or we blow the ship
They'll definitely reuse the Altar of Oryx but fuck up the presentation. I doubt they have the talent to copy D1 even if they wanted to.
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im soft locked
oddly good mog. is this supposed to be a mecha of some sorts
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did they not advertise the juju mission?
spawned on the wrong side of the barrier
since theres no wipe for the boss
you cant just reset and try again
you have to do the whole fucking mission again
fuck this
this is false
i was drunk lol
i just like to cut an imposing figure whilst i punch warlocks to smithereens
go through the portals lol
i died and spawned on the wrong side of the barrier, the side with no portals or minotaurs
there was literally nothing i could do
Robert's doctor here
Robert has aids
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>go through the portals
i see no problem with this
it's propaganda of """"overdelivery"""" and """"clear communication"""" of your purchase which shant be mentioned on this hallowed forum again
need a raneiks checkpoint
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Finished Rise of Iron, the fight in the replication chamber was cool, but it was an otherwise ok expansion.
Kinda funny some of the assets from here are in vesper's host though lol, mainly the spiderweb like black stuff.
I can see why some older players dont like how bungie's doing destiny 2 and how lazy it feels they've become
new japanese inspired mog
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you're a traitor to both common decency and to Shaxx
so besides powercreeping how exactly would you get people to keep farming for new weapons/armor
The easiest way is what bingle is already doing - take away the old, so you MUST use the new, and then appeal to the streamers to force consensus and love of the new system.
>traitor to both common decency
Precious scars+graviton lance, so yeah.
well for starters dont make the weapons and armor look like utter dogshit
I've only needed safe harbor since the title first became a thing. Didn't play the one glitched weekend that guaranteed everyone flawless. That weekend is the reason everyone has flawless and you never see it gilded back past lightfall.
>the one glitched weekend that guaranteed everyone flawless
What happened there?
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>I am... the bay harbor doomer
First week with The Immortal(Adept), you couldn't flaw your card. Everyone kept their mouth ahut about it and Bungie didn't know until after reset when they saw the bulk of the playerbase magically went flawless, had a gorillion adept immortals, and got the Flawless title. Smg's got nerfed to oblivion because of how prevalent and powerful that gun was all lightfall.
I remember that week. I don't think it worked that way. The whole thing was that if you had gone flawless in a PREVIOUS week, you somehow counted as going flawless that current week, so flawed cards at 7 wins were giving immortal adepts. Those who weren't flawless in previous weeks were screwed. There were so many beggars for carries that weekend. Bingle then made it standard that if you went flawless that week, you could keep farming adepts on that card.
Uhhh Hanami?
According to /oursister/, you must be a experienced game dev with at least 5 years of professional experience to even dare call Bungie lazy.
ah yeah my bad, i must now consume the newest eververse store pack as a tip to Bungie for doing such an amazing job
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post more memes
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>I know you're connected to the player count doomposter. I know you're too careful. You keep your assets in glimmer. You don't belong to any factions or clans. You were top of the leaderboards on raid report, but you traded it for fucking patrolling the cosmodrome. I know you studied off-topic posting during content droughts, but I don't know what a hopeposter needs with advanced thread derailment. I'm on to you motherfucker.
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I know that silhouette!
i got an exotic tonic >,>
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Just found my old MoT shirt from 2019 while moving.
The golden glitter is gone.
making destiny 3
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if shaw wasn't written to be so ditzy-headed he might've actually made for a good Vanguard operative in the narrative...
can't wait for bungie to recon him into the witness killer
I have my blue aot shirt from destiny 1 somewhere. The white print is coming off, and has been for quite some time. Which is why I only wore it like three times.
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not posting
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Inverted Spire Strike re-work is the best yet
this is not up for discussion
also, Nesus at night has the best views
this is also not up for discussion
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>playing void titan
>not using sentinel shield
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i had no idea it was opposite day
it is fun <3
manticore works better
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someone post the nikocado
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what would hive worms taste like?
chicken probably
The Hall Between! :D
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dg does ib? 6 stack for the stasis sidearm?
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Not dying in 2 hits in this week GM is fun, actually can play aggressive for once while not being a consecration titan.
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no, not that one, the other one
but i want rangefinder iron reach...
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aye, that we did... long ago...
i remember...
>log on
>only 2 members online
what happened... we used to be a CLAN
ill log on right now
clandestine root of nightmares run?
>horsecock weapons
nah sis, pick another raid
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its too late now
i havent played in a long ass time but kinda want to get back into the game
is it "worth" coming back ? did i miss out on any good stuff ?
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use that roll with gifted conviction bro
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neat idea
point is im still stuck in here
what shit roll are you trying to get? strategist/jolting is what i wanted and have
might stop anyway this shit is ridiculous even with double drops
So how is prison of elders? Is it FUN? Is it as FUN as the coil? Should I buy the episode because its FUN?
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Strange, I remember there being more gambit
Even just watching Destiny 2 PvP makes me angry from all the bullshit that happens there.
PvP should disable all abilities and replace all weapons with the broken white Khvostov.
He'd be tolerable if he kept his helmet on at all times. No one wants to look at his goofy ass goblin face.
needs a cooler helmet then
I hate this shit characters do where they finish each other's sentences on comms
For example in Echo Encore
>Ikora: Maya is creating pluralities in in the vex. They used to be collectives ruled by a single mind. Now she is turning collectives into communities.
>Osiris: This makes them unpredictable. We must plan accordingly.

did osiris need to chime in?
am i autistic or do other people notice this shit too?
that's how they think other people talk, and they assume the mouthbreathing retards still playing can't read subtext. So they have to have a second character reiterate what was just said so the blueberry dipshits can have a chance of understanding.
I just hate Osiris and saint
They really only exist to be gay now
they should have stayed as legends
unlocking later acts on other characters is so fucking dull
Nah the mercy card was broken and couldn't flaw which was a big part of it.
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those numbers dont seem accurate
look at this for example
why bother
I am trying to hit pinnacle cap
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Did i lock myself out of this by skipping act 3
Turning off chromatic aberration will help
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velocity baton is absurdly good
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the perk is so good it carries the gun itself
the funny thing is that we have't even seen the perk at full power- we'd need a gun with rewind rounds or subsistence to really make this thing go crazy
i got three of those rolls before i got the strategist one
im not touching the dungeon ever again
What were they thinking?
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I blame Joe
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hello and good morning everyone.

yesterday i was able to complete the seasonal challenges for the week, get my final red border from gOs, and complete all GMs.
today, i will mostly be grinding the dungeon, finishing up armor sets and getting better rolls on the special GL, and learning strats for the solo flawless.

things i have remaining are:
>missing two armor pieces from SE
>missing two armor pieces from CE
>still need to finish the Pale Heart seal (just completing 10 more resets of the Pathfinder)
>finish the Onslaught Salvation triumphs for this Episodes seal (50-60% complete with them already)
>getting a good pVp Bygones from Gambit (will probably wait for Gambit double rep week)

and that’s about it, on the Crucible side i have already gotten a good Deadlock for pVp and pVe, and got good rolls on the new Trial weapon and refreshed rocket, so it’s just Iron Banner left to grind.
>and that’s about it, on the Crucible side i have already gotten a good Deadlock for pVp and pVe
how do you get deadlock anyway
Meh. Got the over_under/high-ground, the rb/ds, the grenadier/bns, etc. All suck without alh/slideshot/recon. Void holster mod also seems to be broken. So for now, lost signal is just more user friendly
its good with demo if you have armamentarium on the class item
you get hella grenade energy and can reload by chucking nades
its not too shabby
It probably pairs well with contraverse builds too. But this is a stasis spam season.
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>got an envious arsenal BnS bittersweet
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that image really is how it feels to get verification not-required
solo flawless vesper was pretty easy with the amount of healing and resistance wer have available but fuck me is it tedious
solo flawless vesper is like
>make one little mistake
>die instantly
its easy to avoid those mistakes but making those mistakes result in death
I'm honestly torn. I want to wait until dawning to do it, since mid december I'll have time to do final shape campaign on my titan as well, but I'm always worried that they'll nerf the safe spot.
from Comp, you do your 7 placement matches then every week you have three chances to get a roll, one on each character
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i think this looks cool
im in live with envious touch and im not sure why
Warlocks can hop on the antenna and use stag rifts and song of flame to stay safe without needing to shoot from the back of the arena
Say it.
just took my daily dose of HRT!
huntsis btw
why are legs so sexy
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Every time I see the leak and the doofy osiris in it I laugh
>I've been waiting to post it because it sounds like absolute nonsense. Even though I've confirmed the source
Yeah this is another Brookes masterpiece alright
Did brookes write Witch and Wish?
I recall those stories being generally better
Not sure how much he was involved in each season, but here are his credits.
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what was good about them? genuinely
savathun devolved into sassy wine aunt who can just have a cop-out plan for any outcome
savathun was revived, then immediately killed, then revived again off screen and she escaped off screen
eris became a hive, then a hive god for a few seconds, then just back to normal like nothing happened

ahamkara relationship melodrama. look they're like kitties in love :3
collect da eggs that we thought were all gone but now there's 7! one for each week what are the odds!
oop savathun planned for every outcome again, has a wish to enter unenterable portal just on her wing. and also has an egg hidden
more crow and his feelings
mara reduced to guilt stricken sister who does nothing anymore
exo nugget
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oh and xivu arath made 0 appearances in witch but became mortal because of eris and fucked off too, all off screen of course
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No. According to Bungie there were four teams working on seasons.
>jaded faggot tries recapping
please give the non-jaded recap of why they were good
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>butthurt faggot gets mad and goes "nuh uh"
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Wish story was hot garbage lol
witch was shit, all it led up to was a wet fart retcon
>okay go into this basement guardian, kill some hive, look at my cool hive form :)
>i did it anyway :) also btw i did something off screen that you're not gonna see that was basically a retcon
>okay eris, thats IT WE'RE.... not gonna do anything to you good job the ends always justify the means if a woman does them :)
wish was also dogshit
>wow crow you suck lol also grrrr i hate riven but wow guardian its terrible that you killed the last of an invasion (genuinely evil) race of evil creatures, also we'll retcon ahamkara reproduction and rivens gender for no reason but to make you feel bad for something you never did, YOU LIKE THAT HUH OH YEAH FEEL THAT WHITE GUILT ALSO CROW YOU SUCK BALLS DUDE
>ps mara is the best evar she could TOTALLY solo the destiny universe :)))))
...Has destiny ever had a good seasonal story?
seasons are genuinely the downfall of destiny, they should have just edged until dropping another taken king over and over
Arrivals was the closest we got.
Tricky question. I'd say, I was okay with seasons when they were less about interpersonal sloppy drama and just more about immediate happenings and mostly about business, rather being a creep that drops into personal conversations.
But then, they were kinda lighter on story?
Like other anon said, Arrivals were decent. It's not something amazing, but it also wasn't cringe inducing at every second. And bants between Drifter and Eris were genuinely fun. Year 2-3 seasons still had that Destiny feeling to them and lore discussions among community were peak during them.

It started getting bad with Season of the Hunt and got real bad during the Splicer.
Just woke up from a coma
Anything exciting happened since forsaken?
the game ended, everyone left
Bungie should have kept going with the half-expansions like CoO and ignored the faggots that whined, the only problem was that the rewards were dogshit.
uldren got a haircut
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i lfged a raid for a the first time in forever
i have been spoiled by dg runs
people genuinely still strafe in wells and have no situational awareness
Presage was the last time Destiny had any intrigue or mystery for me.
...........Monster hunting?
i wish Bungie would make more exotic missions like Presage, now they’re trying to make these super intricate ones that take forever to do
>now they’re trying to make these super intricate ones that take forever to do
Because exotic missions are how you will farm red borders from catchup mechanic in future seasons, so they have to take hours to do, so engagement is boosted.
atmospheric, short missions you can do without taking 40 minutes to play safe are overdelivery.
Bungie employee here
how do I avoid getting fired?
port in No Land Beyond
Actually put in effort, so your chances are low
Effort is only a small step away from overdelivery.
I have to follow bungies code so none of these suggestions would help me
the sad thing is that presage still sucks as a farm
tell me about it
i've probably done all the exotic missions (besides the new ones) 40 times each
the worst is fucking the one mars with tanks, it fucking sucks shit
what happened....
>about immediate happenings and mostly about business, rather being a creep that drops into personal conversations.
Destiny stories in 2019:
>WOAH DUDE theres some cool ass loot overthere go check it out!
>fun chatter on coms
Destiny stories in 2024
>Listening to old men have a private conversation between themselves
Bro i just wanna shoot bugs, why is robert brooks like this
Hunters are only good as onaholes
nighthawk takes half a second then you can use chil inhibitor
sentinel shield takes 9 seconds at best and can't be used on every boss
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>update Windows
>now the game stutters when I tab back in
Hunters are good for getting destroyed by big Titan cock
wat do
eramis dood
I hate whites, hispanics, and asians. But they have their moments.
post your hand right now, noah
>I hate warlocks, titans, and hunters
Does that make you an eliksni?
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I really like Encore as a concept
I wish they let you use a code acquired in the previous run to skip parts of it
Do we really need to do the annoying ass jump puzzle 3 fucking times?
>look at ass
oink oink
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Another week without Ice Breaker
it is what it is, fellow icebreakerlet
Rewind Rounds would be great. I have a Vantage Point with Deconstruct/Jolting Feedback, which is pretty good at just being able to spam it when it procs.
>outbreak top dps
They'll 100% nerf jolt again immediately after a weapon gets Jolting Feedback and a better third column than the current ones.
bug, they already said celestial should not be getting the buff they did to roaming supers
>switch off exotic helm when getting super
>put back on for super
today was a good day
forgot the fuckin pic like a dumbass
you sound like gold school rapper
That's a lot of garbage
I hate how bungie is incapable of writing aliens or eldritch horrors actually being alien to us. They were close with the vex but then they threw that away for a robot lesbian and her domestic abuse plotline.
Everything needing to be a different flavor of human instead of its own thing is a trend across modern fantasy and sci-fi. It's fucking awful, and I blame it on the writers being sheltered idiots.
>They were close with the vex but then they threw that away for a robot lesbian and her domestic abuse plotline.
To be fair the vex has little to do with the shit going on with Chioma and Maya. That's like, its own thing
The only way to really write aliens as alien is just make them not speak to us ever, really. The moment they speak they become anthropomorphized.
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need some hive honey on my dick
>To be fair the vex has little to do with the shit going on with Chioma and Maya. That's like, its own thing
Yes and no. Maya said that she separated them from the collective and gave them individuality, but then bound them to her so that they all act as extensions of her will. The mysterious shit that they were doing across the universe died once Maya got the Echo.
The vex had nothing to do with that story at all. You could have made the conductor take command of any faction and it wouldn't have had any affect on the story. That's a tell-tale sign that a story is weak, it not having any strong ties to the world it exists in.
The Vex myateriousness died long before this faggotry. CoO was the last time they had anything even close to a faction story.
maya is still isolated to the nessus network
everywhere else the vex are free
remember when season of the witch made everyone spawn balls? that was weird
This not-season's artifact makes Witch's ball shit look good.
>You could have made the conductor take command of any faction and it wouldn't have had any affect on the story.
Just saying, your point is proven because randomly in week 3 she nabbed a few Cabal guys.
the point is that she was doing the same shit osiris was doing in the infinite forest
how the fuck can the vex make a copy of saint anyway
the infinite forest was just a fucking simulation
and they cant simulate paracausal shit like Light.

im litterally running the mission right now lol
>cabal guy appears with "compelled" above his head
>oh shit some silent story telling about maya mastering the echo of comm-
>osiris pipes up to let the player know exactly what they already figured out
Remember how the vex were able to manifest oracles, the things that let them manipulate reality, in the Dreaming City in Wish and it was just shrugged off and immediately forgotten? The writers likely don't even know what the vex canon was, and if they did they wouldn't care.
>Remember how the vex were able to manifest oracles, the things that let them manipulate reality, in the Dreaming City in Wish
You can always tell when its Robert Brookes behind the script because the characters start treating you like a retarded 12 year old who can't pay attention and are suddenly struck with the desire to make amends with genocidal maniacs.
So Strand was absolutely supposed to be in Witch Queen, right?
>last mission is you severing strands holding the traveler in the ascendant realm
I'd figure, yeah.
Throneworld, whatever. Same diff, just hive-flavored.
>Activating Deepsight makes a third eye appear on your character's forehead
>Also happens when you use a strand super
Are you doubting Mr. Joever's words?
its almost as if trying to do yearly big box expansions while juggling yearly content is a bad idea that leads to creative breakdowns.
Hello I would like to order some Hope with a extra side of hype please
Yes. The original plan was 3 darkness subclasses in each expansion (BL,WQ,LF) but plans changed and lightfall was rebooted and final shape was created to extend the saga.
Prismatic was such a fucking mistake.
It was originally supposed to be a campaign/patrol gimmick, but then no one preordered for a $50 campaign, patrol zone, and 3 supers.
Okay is anyone else having trouble loading into the tower or is it just me?
Yea it reeks of desperate bungie.
now the game's sandbox is permanently fucked up and also in a massive state of decline population wise.
Imagine if prismatic was just a patrol gimmick and maybe we got the class items for our normal classes?
Do you rike xbox/Playstation players slowing your load times?
I rike xbox/Playstation players hanging from trees
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Radiant should only apply to solar weapons like unraveling rounds and volitile rounds only apply to Void/Strand weapons
>still no exotic hand cannon that isn't kinetic or solar
You rike?
>Shotguns having a magazine instead of loading shell by shell is still exotic-only
>act 3 of echos was just doing the same exotic mission 3 fucking times
>the exceedingly dangerous maya escapes and nothing was learned or gained
double epic
>Maya kills her timeline’s Chioma because she “isn’t the right one”
>Doesn’t just eventually go “Fuck it” and use the Echo of Command to turn her Vex into copies of the version of her wife in her head
Hearing Oded Fehr and Brian Delaney crank out all this Tumblr fanfic tier Yaoi drama is honestly depressing. These guys deserve better than this
Oded Fehr's just happy to be getting work while not even pretending to try
>You and Rohan R R only hope
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I audibly cheered when I read that Robort Brookes got fired
faggot single handedly ruined the mystery of destiny
>the mystery of destiny
after black armory fucked up streamer faggots bungie will no longer do anything interesting ever again
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BA only fucked people up because they literally forgot to add a clue and were being smug about how no one was figuring out the puzzle.
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r u ok?
Most people have a feeling-assumption about shotguns where they're loaded shell by shell, thanks to movies and stuff. They probably don't even realize mag-fed shotguns exist. Hell, when Lord of Wolves came out in D1, people saw its mag system and asked how it was a shotgun.
the real mystery is what the fuck is bungie doing with all their money?
which do you prefer /dg/, human, awoken or exo?
cars for pete
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Heckin epic burn, fellow redditor. Here's some reddit gold, on me. If we keep pointing out that he owns cars, maybe the rest of the company will stop wasting money on circle jerk self congratulatory "clubs" and paying waste of "employees" that are only capable of drawing a paycheck.
sorry all we got is under delivery
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true but also >>503544929 knitting clubs and daycare for adults
cod, one of the biggest gaming franchises, has mag fed shotguns retard
shadow of the erdtree got a nomination for game of the year, why not final shape?
Yeah but the audience of Destiny are the dads who couldn't cut it in CoD.
What's the current status on classes? Haven't touched this game in 4 months. The losers are typically the hunters or titans depending on how spiteful or short-sighted Bungie is recently.
one had actual care put into it, the other was made by bungie
prismatic titan is broken as shit right now
prismatic warlock is actually the most mild
the haters were right, warlock was carried by well
you forgot the marathon tier
I beat the game (unlocked all the tonics so far)
are you happy with your life?
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>he boughted the tonics
How many Tomb runs for flakes?
4 full contest runs and 3 basic bitch tomb runs
i still have some flakes to spare. you get 5-10 each contest run if you do extra objectives
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is it possible to achieve a homeless look for my guardian? which class has the better options
probably easiest on hunter with the asymmetry and torn clothing
white rarity warlock robes work, since it's 90% of their fashion anyways
I've never had any issue with prismatic warlock clear, dps or especially survivability. However the class item is kinda bleak, fucking rift on 4 options that nobody wants and don't work with dive anyway. Boring as hell.
I fucking love my prismatic warlock build for hard content though, it nukes shit.
Inmost/claw class item. I need to rework the mods a little I think, I'm not really making use of armour charges but not sure what to spend them on. It kind of depends on weapons really, mountaintop doesn't need special ammo gains for example. Using a rocket sidearm as primary however I'd swap out some stuff for special gen.
Gameplay loop is pretty obvious.
>Lob a grenade, activate hellion, shoot bitches with guns, nuke a pack with melee to get chunk of darkness energy, grenade is back lob it again, hellion again, more melee. Transcendance for more spam. Parasite/mountaintop on this set when needed. I typically solo'd all the nightmares myself in HLS and it's fine in GMs. Song of flame can be switched to novabomb and slap a stareater on if necessary but weapon swaps to GL or rocket and song is still good dps anyway.
>d2 community learns the difference between damage and dps: impossible
I saw a bunch of hunters in that youtube comments absolutely losing their fucking shit because sentinel, aka bugged atm with bonus damage for no reason, and glacial quake, aka doesn't work on much, were doing super high damage.
They take the entire fucking dps section to pull off and didn't even break 3m which a proper dps setup can clear easily but lmao.
Fucking hunters and titans are so braindead.
Is what I would say but warlock players are just as bad I'm not gonna lie about my retarded team.
Still. 800/700k without artifact boost on dps supers is pretty solid.
I think that's what star eater nova bomb was reaching too? Song of flame I think is the strongest dps warlock option for bosses that don't run away/are out of range of the melee.
Also not to mention celestial still works in combo with still hunt and is still really good.
Fuck d2 players are whingey babies.
Raiden flux arc hunter is fun and I'm glad my only titan build doomfang sentinel got a temporary crack tier buff lol.
i honestly think they should keep sentinel shield as is because it gives it a reason to exist
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Um..... Marathon status?
nah it's always been good, I've been using it for a long time with doomfang and it's never been a terrible super
however roaming supers dealing decent dps but not amazing seems reasonable, all roaming supers should be able to do an emergency oh no I'm out of heavy 1.5m damage with some outliers having more if they take longer like geomag chaos reach or whatever
>nah it's always been good,
no, no one uses it, stop fucking lying stupid cunt
>concord was an absolute embarassing flop
>every person i've seen talk about fairgame$ says it's out of touch and a cash grab. and by every person i mean like 2 people because no one cares about this game
>then there's marathon
yeah i think bungie is going to die
>lasts an insanely long time
>clears rooms with complete fucking ease
>incredibly durable during it
>optional furiosa setup if you wanna do that shit
Nah, sentinel has always been good in pve. I've cleared GMs with it with no trouble even before the buffs.
Also nobody uses lots of good options, play something like path of exile for example there's tons of incredibly powerful playstyles that nobody uses because nobody knows about them because streamers ignore them.
Also what exactly don't you like about it? That it wasn't able to absolutely rip down a boss no effort at all? If that's it you're a bitch lol.
yeah they committed the worst sin, they made a game that is uncool before it even launches
>That it wasn't able to absolutely rip down a boss no effort at all?
yes, i don't care if you think that it was good before because it literally wasn't
try using tcrash sometime
>t. ragebaiting retard
I just want you to know you're the problem with video game players today. You specifically are why devs have been making worse games.
You are the problem.
they're making fun of us on /v/ again ;_;
impossible, /v/ never talks about video games.
Season of Dawn was a good story when it came out but got worse and worse in retrospect due to how the overall narrative progressed
On a scale of 1-10 how cooked is this game/Bungie
0 because there are no more cooks in the kitchen
Bungie dev here
Do you mean that? We put passion in our work
Can you put some work in your passion too?
Chef status?
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no raids?
how would a /dg/ meetup look like? should we throw a pizza party?
>go to pizza party
>um wait a minute... THAT isn't mozzarella...
>Go to dg's pizza party
>There's no pizza in sight
i am tall, blue eyed
Same but with brown skin :D
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That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly!That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly! That thing is in the lower stacks! That thing is in the lower stacks! Population count is... nil. That thing is in the lower stacks! servitor noises Your gear is out of order. Its returning to the anomoly!

Yea man im fine how's it going
Painting a Hunter's walls but intentionally getting paint on the baseboards and ceiling
>the entire species feeds on twisting intelligent beings wishes to be awful and actively rewriting reality to be worse
>there was literally 1 good one and he killed himself
>youre bad for killing them
i remember doing the wish keeper exotic mission with a lore nerd and he explained that before season of the wish ahamkara reproduced by granting wishes which had a small chance of creating an ahamkara, but with this new lore why the fuck did they even interact with other sentient species? why were they even evil?
monkey pawing someones wish so they'd want more wishes to fix the first made sense as a strategy for reproduction but i guess robert brookes didn't care for that and would rather then be an allegory for native peoples or some dogshit thats been done to death instead of them being aliens from outside our reality
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thats my dad
does the game still suck
amazing lol
dude is a mastermind in weird PvP plays
They feed on the wishes. You're lore nerd was spouting some Byf headcanon.
>sit in orbit
>look at activities
oh no.... this feeling, its back again....
i can't believe i was graced by the presence of a niche internet micro celebrity
it's pretty funny too you can see me notice the radar ping but look around confused
I want to be split in half by gigantic titan girl cock(gock if you will)
how are you supposed to stay alive as hunter without knockout or devour
idk i hate playing hunter
i have this same question for stasis and strand specifically
i just end up running a heal clip, support frame, or buried bloodline
i think that you just need to position yourself more intelligently and play safer
make out with a warlock until they agree to put on boots of the assembler
you mean speaker's sight
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i am a scarab
this good or do i need attrition orbs?
demo attrition is absurdly good
personally im using adagio
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Unrelated but I'm still mad the player guardian didn't get a kell title of some sorts. The king of Kell upon Kell's or something ridiculous like that.
Hi guys. Umm. Well... Y-Y-You look p-p-p-pretty today ha ha... Okay bye!
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what should be nerfed/removed
consecrate or synthoceps?
personally I think synthos causes way too many balance issues
if consecrate was left at lightning surge levels of damage it'd be fine and GMs would go back to actually being difficult content
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what did my fireteam member mean by this
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so what language does the vanguard speak?
surely in a post traveller society they would have adopted a Esperanto like language
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So what's Toland up to these days?
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got a compliment lmao
being keyed
depends on what subclass you play, but my lifeline is the mod that enables healing from picking up orbs
It'd just be kellslayer, another slayer again. Not even fucking kellkiller, shipbreaker, or houseender which would all be better titles.
he called you raging homosexual, the context is lost with machine translation

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