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Previous thread >>503093476
Birthday edition

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
>They love you too
Are you sure?
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100% as long as you do your best everyday!
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Happy birthday Celeste!
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I love my cute wife!
Me on the right
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Drills too thin. They almost look natural.
Small drill humiliation
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Happy Birthday to the girl I despise with every fiber of my being
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Celeste posting?
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She owns me.
She doesn't own you anything, she's an Ultimate Gambler, she has no debts
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Happy Birthday to the beautiful lady
My place is kneeling before her.
her and hiruko are my favs
>Peko Pekoyama
>Martina Electro
>now her
If it ain't broke
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She would never wear that, she's not a harlot. Even her swimwear is cute and frilly.
>glasses woman who can kill you
my third greatest weakness
We all wish we were Hifumi.
We all wish we were Celeste.
Nobody does.
I do.
Everyone does.
Noooo, I feel bad for him and don't want his fate
>he doesn't wish being able to win any and all games and get lots of money
Liar liar liar
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Thank you anon I'll put them in the pile next to the others
I would, no joke, cum in my pants.
A lot of women probably don't realize this, but for men, giving money or presents to women is an intimate sexual act. This is because one of the main purposes of a male is to provide his female mate with resources. So by taking his money you are basically similating being his mate, and it subconciously satisfies that part of his brain. It's very gratifying and can sometimes become equal to or greater than physical sexual contact.
groomer femanon chan...
But isn't the purpose of giving someone a gift to just please someone?
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When it's between men and women specifically, the act of him giving her resources to please her is a mating ritual. Even if neither of them are aware of it, their instincts will sense it and the chemicals in the brain act accordingly.
I wanted to attach this picture to my post!
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The best gift a woman can give a man is a collar and leash.
I thought you were going to say a baby.
I would be thrilled and aroused if a Dangan girl gave me a collar and pulled me around with a leash.
Would you let her beat you though?
Walmart DR.
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>next page
Kamukoma anon, get down!
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There's one more page but it's lemons so I'll skip it.
Mikan the cutest
Please send. With sauce
It's cartoony, probably not what you're looking for.
goodnight /drg/
Saiouma saiouma!!!!
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Yes girlfriend!
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Kaede marvels at the weight of Miu's Irumas
Case 3 girls
>find a pic on pinterest
>reverse image search it
>all the results lead back to pinterest
Why does this always happen?
Komaeda FEET
I would try Yandex, Bing, Google, and Saucenao
built for fat otaku cock
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Saucenao found it right away
Whoops, Saucenao kept giving me nothing over and over that I just stopped using it at some point. Guess I was just unlucky. Thanks.
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Is this the dream I wrote with my hands?
Or merely thoughts born from faraway lands?
The decisions that one day I carved in marble and fire,
Which I then exalted and decorated for you to admire.

The book of my life that I've been keeping,
Open scars hold the pages, I hear them ripping.
Will they be able to tear the page where our love found us?
Or would they dare to accept what time brought us?

A step to the edge, the dance calls me.
The book that burns, its sound stalls me.
Everything will change, but your breath calms me.
Like a distant spark that managed to catch me.

If I could rewrite the book, I would.
But erase the warmth you gave me, who could?
Maybe in the chapters our souls celebrate,
Is the path that will lead us to the heavenly gate.

Our stories dance on the tip of a brush,
My Chiaki, you are my muse in the quiet hush.
Though my book succumbs to the world's ill-intent,
I will rewrite this love, our psalm of love, until the end.
jus u n ur hand tonite
kissy u
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Happy birthday Celes!!!
u after i kissy u
How can Shuichi not be blowing his load in his pants? I know I would be.
Shuichi doesn't blow loads, instead his penis steadily oozes cum at all times
Meant for >>503382470
That sounds unsatisfying.
Being Shuichi is hell
I would love to hold that weight. Or be crushed by it.
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>cropped out the Hajime/Kamukura selfcest
-fag is a tranny!
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Man, i'd love to give her a rose whip and get a collar in return
That would very well signal our desires and natures
Then she could start to challenge me to chance games, obviously win, and get to use that whip as a price, and install all sorts of other hot attire on me
In no time i'd be walking around the school in a locked shock collar and with ropes under my clothes
she'd just laugh when people ask her what's the other key on her neck for
kys (kiss your sister)
i want to kiss those boots while they kiss
why not wait your turn and kiss her on her mouth instead? making lip contact with a dirty shoe that's been all over the ground, busy school floors and madarai's face wouldn't be as pleasant or exciting as you think it is.
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Her boots look delicious though and i don't deserve anything more since im just some stranger to her while he sister deserves sloppy kisses
maybe they'll spit in my mouth afterwards
and lets be honest mukuro is also a bootlicker
more like
>kill your sister
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I'm going to send a pipebomb to the artist for their incorrect Komaeda characterization. Why is he acting like a confident Chad picking up chicks in a bar.
Dissapointly shakes my head. Kamukura's voice is as endearing as can be, especially when he's bored of his mind and yet still humours the other person (Komaeda).
The artstyle is cute and the artist does good expressions and paneling, unfortunately.
>mukuro is also a bootlicker
good point actually.
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Mukuro is a great representaton of us Junko simps
we want her to hurt us, be cruel to us
shut up timmy
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you just know mukuro was smelling those junko clothes and tasting her boots all the time when she was pretending to be her
or rubbing her pussy while fully clothed and imagining its her sis
silence tim tims the adults are speaking.
that happened
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if the school mode continued past leaving the school then "junko" would go insane from her identity crisis and make you crossdress and pretend to be mukuro
shut uupp eat lentils
yeah u need ur lentils makoto that's right
put the cheetos down bro
lesbian posting hours are the weirdest
im ordering 3 pizzas
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i didn't expect all the femdomfags to materialize out of thin air the second i saved the thread
next time i'll let it die then. god, none of you appreciate all i do for you -.-
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we've established you're one of us, and in fact lesbians make best subs
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Which video game(s) would your Dangan love and play the most? Excluding makoto playing league.
>we've established you're one of us
This is true.
>and in fact lesbians make best subs
I have no idea why you said this as it was unrelated to your first sentence.
i'm only a sub on tuesdays
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Junko would play sims and act haphazardly, sometims focusing on fancy clothing for the characters, sometimes on destroying their life and creating the most tragic scenarios
first thing she'd try to do is put a baby in the basement and delete the stairs
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I had a prophetic dream where Chiaki told me that her favorite genre was racing games.
and mondays and wednesdays and thursdays and fridays and saturdays and sundays
You actually dream of chiaki? I once dreamt of her but she was extremely uninterested and didn't even reply to me.
I think i dreamt of sayaka twice
even wrote about it here but i forgot the dreams already
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She appears in my dreams from time to time, even if the dream has nothing to do with Danganronpa or video games. I have some spooky ones I vaguely remember.
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He's well trained.
I really need to get this off my chest guess who did just did a triple barrel roll and crashed their car in a ditch? They just towed me back home.
If I had a dream about Chiaki, let's just say that I'm going to need to change my pants when I wake up. And... wash my sheets.
God is punishing you for your cuckold fantasies
Please repent before you die
B-But I've never cuckposted...
Aren't you too old to be pissing your bed anymore?
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when i dream of sayaka i dream of the knife and crazy eyes and uncontrolable murderous intent
what did you post? If wholesome Kaede x Shuichi femdom then im sorry
What spooky ones?
I think it becomes more common as you get older.
Factorio, Trucking Simulator, Minecraft (creative mode only), Cities Skylines, any type of construction-based sim, Kerbal Space Program.

Multiplayer: canonically Mario Kart.
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Rhythm games naturally because she's just cool like that
Wow he is literally me.
Would your sibling be weirded out if they saw this post?
I don't have a sister, but if I did, I would probably be disowned by my family.
XD ur so Funny for saying u would do incest with ur siblings soooo quirrrkkkykyyyy #pro furry #pro shitter #go take a fucking shower
I would love to be her bra so that I could hold the full weight of her breasts with my entire body for hours every day.
i am not into incest as a fetish. i like despaircest because i like junko and mukuro and toxic yuri. my family would think its weird but wouldn't disown me for liking it.
not me
I love breasts, bras, and boobshape SO much.
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Are you me?
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Saihara: What kind of posture is that?
Akamatsu: Uu~ My hands are so numb from the cold that I can't play the piano...
Saihara: Ah... It got cold quickly, huh?
Akamatsu: The indoor heating was turned on just a moment ago so it will still be cold for a while.
Akamatsu: Oh!
Saihara: Eh?
Akamatsu: You're warm~~
Saihara: Just a moment ago, those were between her thighs...
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Akamatsu: Shuichi-kun, your body temperature is higher than I thought it'd be.
Saihara: It's because. I tend to wear quite a lot of layers in winter. For one thing, I'm wearing a jersey underneath my clothes right now...
Akamatsu: ...Ha? Jersey...? Where is it...?
Saihara: ? Yeah. Eh, what?
Akamatsu: Too thin... [as in the fabric is thin]
Saihara: Don't strip me at school!
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Akamatsu: Wa~rm
junkan is good too
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This image triggers in me the masculine instinct to build a hut, light a bonfire and hold her in my arms to keep her warm and safe.
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>chiakifag wants to build a mudhut
You and I both know that is not what our masculine instincts tell us when we see Chiaki.
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And now I'm stunlocked, great.
Take care of your urges before you post please
Based post
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A/S/L? Lol jk. or am I?/

Yes. Yes I am.

Absolutely embarrassing botched post.
Why did you delete your imgur albums c. 2020
If you don't mind answering
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It's not that bad. You're just being mean.
It's bad on many levels

>cringe ASL "joke"
>joke is immediately followed by backpedaling suggesting low confidence and insecurity
>botched spoiler tag
>filler one word response to less than 1/3rd of a fanart dump

Just a disaster.
Making a bad joke on le mongolian basket weaving forum is serious business u guiez
The ASL joke didn't really bother me but the way you're tearing the post down is very comedic for some reason.
Thank you. Unlike some people here, I try.
Samefagging is even more cringe.
Instead of typing that out n posting that you could have read a short, strange but well-written fanfic at the bottom of the fandom tag from back when THH was the only game
I want to start reading fanfics of my favorite ship. How do I proceed from here?
Search the ship like (character/character)
There's less than a minute between these 2 posts.
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Words: 292,311 Chapters: 34/55
Does this mean it's unfinished?
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Stevie... did I just catch you saving a low resolution sample just to be able to share the image around? You'd better have the original in your folder or I'm literally disowning you.
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Mad because you can't steal my image and have to find the original yourself.
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Literally the second image that pops up when you search on Pixiv, you disgrace. Pray to your god that I never find you, because the day I do, I swear I will obliterate you.
Just look at those fat thighs and milkers. I bet her butt is very large too. Why are women like that.
To make you want to... you know...
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carrying a piece of my heart wherever she goes.
I think he's making it up to save face in case he comes back to making mainline Danganronpa because his other projects didn't pay off as he'd expected and he doesn't feel like showing it. "Well, I'm currently focused on my other super important stuff, but since you guys are asking so often I think you guys might be in for an another Danganronpa game".
It's all for the sake of mating.
This is a fantastic portrayal of her.
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I'm not an ass man but I'd smack Miu's ass with a 360 arm swing.
I would definitely have to lick off that sauce.
No, that's OOC
pov: shuichi is seeing heaven and angels as he's drowning
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What are they chit-chatting about?
This nigga stopped making Danganronpa literally the moment it blew up, and since then has only been making vaguely Danganronpa-like games.
Dumbass nigga. Kodaka be a retarded nigga fr and thats on my mama.
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He is a good boy trying to talk about the weather, video games etc
she is manic and keeps saying how she'll plap him into the matress and will make him cry from overstimulation
That's a lot of blood
Have you been reading DR0 recently?
That's what he said
who's going to lick her clean?
Chiaki dancing would be great to see in motion.
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Now I'm imagining her dancing like Shermy from Peanuts (the kid in green shirt who dances like he's sleepwalking)
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Luv him.
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Tsumugi without glasses looks wierd but cute.
let's be honest, DR was screwed up by executive meddling and fans. You can tell in 2 already he hated Junko and would rather write better main villains, which he did in Rain Code and this influenced the choices he made in V3
I want Kaede to train me.
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Gonta without glasses just looks naked
I read an interview with him where he said he would have kept junko alive if he knew there was going to be a sequel
I wish someone wrapped me like this. I'm cold.
maybe, but that would have changed the first game's ending, and it doesn't mean it would have resulted in a similar story for her
dragging out Junko after the first game and giving her prominence across the entire series was a mistake. Her original defeat was too disappointing to make her anything but a Doctor No of the series - the first big villain who just turns out to be a small part of a much bigger organization. And the Ultimate Analyst bs simply doesn't work when you remember all her mistakes in the original game.
Junko, Tsumugi, Kirumi, Celeste and Toko are for ryona.
I like Junko but I kind tying so much plot to her makes it hard to come up with sequels after she's dead.
I wouldn't mind a full reboot, but how would you even top the current games?
I would love a DRIF style novel where Kaede lives.
Bet these are empty frames...
Just bought raincode I didn't know this general existed
Shushushu... no one has the right to know.
I'm gonna play Rain Code after I finish the game I'm playing right now, then we can talk about it anon.
Raincode, more like GAYncode, lmao.
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I hate this unfunny forced meme.
I don't understand what this meme means.
it was so wild when junko came out of nowhere and began making out with shinigami
Junko has good design and personality, but she has shortcomings as a main villain

well, actually I wrote a first chapter of a fanfic where the villains are Ultimate Despairs who are allied with but independent from Junko and have a different perspective on Despair. When Junko loves Despair because she sees in it chaos and uncertainty, they believe that Despair is a perfect tool to establish a lasting (twisted) peace and order across the world.

As for full reboot, you can come up with whatever. DR works on a barebones lore around a confined environment. Lore was always my least favorite part of the series, it was all about black comedy, murder mysteries, characters, and their drama
>As for full reboot, you can come up with whatever. DR works on a barebones lore around a confined environment. Lore was always my least favorite part of the series, it was all about black comedy, murder mysteries, characters, and their drama
What are the minimum requirements to be a Danganronpa? Talents and class trials? Does HPA need to be referenced? Hope? Despair?
>well, actually I wrote a first chapter of a fanfic where the villains are Ultimate Despairs who are allied with but independent from Junko and have a different perspective on Despair
Did you post it somewhere?
Tenko is super underrated. Her breasts and thighs are hot.
I think DR cast needs important abilities that play a role in the mystery, Talents do this job well. Maybe you can replace them with superpowers (desu few characters had them) and make it about young superheroes forced into a killing game or something. Depends on how much you want to have an unrealistic setting

Hope/Despair is secondary. V3 did well with Truth/Lie. But you need to put characters through fucked up shit. This series is primarily about shock value and (underage) waifus

Don't use mobile apps of those sites. YT links work better on wattpad because DA ones have ads and they ruin moments lol
Oh I thought it was going to be *the* Despairs from the 2nd game.
>Co-written by AI
Anon, please!
Also you must be like the 4th polish person posting here.
Girls are really stupid.
Which characters had superpowers besides Izuru and Junko? Luck does some crazy shit but it's still all technically possible to happen.
Bo Polacy to femdomiarze beznadziejni
Twoja stara.
>Her breasts and thighs are hot
That's not enough to be popular. Look at Akane.
"girl" is a term used to refer to children so yes. children are stupid, but you're stupid too.
Who are you talking to?
That's ryonafag.
ryonafag would get reversed ryona'd by dangans
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Well, women tend to get mad when you imply they are old, so "girl" could also be used as an appropriate way to placate them.
>reversed ryona'd
So they'd treat him very kind and caring?
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"woman" doesn't necessarily imply "old". you will probably make someone mad way faster calling them a child.
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>Hey my boyfriend saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe. Can we buy you a drink?
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>the person he saw
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>licking the ahoge
This is porn
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Dumb bitch.
Kaede should beat her.
she's nibbling on it.
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Kissing your gf, tasting junko's juices in her saliva, and noticing bite and lipstick marks on your gf's neck...
She's hot but her personality is so unlikeable. She had some funny moments in her salmon suite or whatever it was called but her personality was too grating. Didn't provide much of anything and just spammed annoying catchphrases. She's so annoying that she isn't even a feminist icon in feminist scenes

Ok bby
I wouldn't even feel cucked if she did it with another woman
Keep this bitch far away from Kaede and Mikan.
>Kissing your gf, tasting junko's juices in her saliva, and noticing bite and lipstick marks on your gf's neck...
matsuda gaming
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Interesting! Once again we see that yuri and ntr have completely separate fanbases!
It's either she has fun your dangan or she has fun with you, choose
What are your thoughts about him?
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anyone have any pictures of any of the girls/characters with blood on their face I can't ever find any
Do you know any comic artists that characterizes him well in your opinion?
i didn't care that much about him but i thought ryoko's obsession with him was cute.
Who gave him kissies?
does it matter whose blood it is? or how much of it?
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I have this Jumko
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After saving this one I realized that Twitter mobile ruins image quality when you use it to download but when I went back to download it through a web browser an hour later the tweet was already deleted... I even uploaded it to Danbooru hoping someone would at least know the artist's name but apparently nobody does.
She does that just as the school break ends so he has to finish classes and go home in this humiliating state with a visible erection
Pink thread was found at the crime scene. All evidence points to one person.
She did it to signal the school hussies not to approach him.
She can dream
Holy booba
What makes Junko's face so punchable?
Tsumugi and Kirumi have pretty punchable faces too, but Junko wins out by a tiny margin.
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I only finished THH and i wish it wasnt such a black-and-white case of fighting for survival
that is, i wish there was a way to give the students a life of blissful ignorance at school and the tension was between that or discovering the truth and going out there into a hostile, homicidal, post-apocaliptic world
People like Kyoko would strive for the latter and never accept captivity, but i wish more other people would enjoy it, imagine having to choose between spending the rest of your life making love to your clingy hyper-feminine childhood friend or giving it up to wander the wastes with bacon hands

Maybe im just looking for a different game
danganronpa with branching paths would be perfection
There is a bonus ending where they stay at school. You have to rat Kyouko out during the trial.
Oh i know but it's a joke ending, obviously Junko wouldn't let them do that! And Toko wouldnt just die...
Aren't you afraid of getting spoiled coming here without finishing the games?
I wish she did that to me.
I think i've been on the internet long enough to recognize many of the characters and their fates
I spoiled myself about V3 mastermind through porn
they're both the "big baddies" of their respective games and every weak, boring person has an instinctual response to villains of any kind that makes them wanna slay the demon lord and save the day.
as to why junko triggers your bitch baby instincts, i'd say its because junko, in the game she's the 'final boss' of, actually committed devious acts whereas tsumugi is (presented as anyway) just a nerd who ran a season of a reality tv show that traumatized people
I want to be Junko's bra. I want to bear the weight of her breasts, I want to feel her soft skin against me, I want to be immersed in her scent, I want to feel her jiggle when she walks and talks. I want to be close to her in a way that I never would be able to as a human.
>Toko wouldnt just die
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gamer feet
>toenail polish
Yeah that's going straight into my mouth thanks
>wanna slay the demon lord and save the day
I have no delusions of being a "good" guy or wanting to "save the day" (far as I'm concerned, fuck humanity anyway, what has it ever done for me?), though.
I will admit, tearing apart the top dog would feel good. And it being a female, aka a weaker sex, only makes it hotter.
We all feel this way.
We don't feel this way, branon.
>i'm mad cus ain't nobody having sex with me :(
We all feel this way.
my very first interaction with danganronpa was a series of pictures of Makoto getting raped by Junko in her different personalities, with crazy eyes, so i kinda knew she's the mastermind
We don't feel this way. Only this >>503480828 anon does.
who's we? you and ur 30 foot long tapeworm?
Makoto is so lucky.
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Junko would babytrap Makoto just to get an abortion
Yoi are coping if you say it doesn't even make you a little mad.
It doesn't, because I'm not you.
Who do I believe?
I don't want to be a bra. Junko probably never changed or washed it. Disgusting.
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Her managers, Matsuda, Izuru, Remnants of Despair and Mukuro cummed in this bra.
most people have grown out of getting angry when they are denied something they want by the time they can post here (even if most people who use this website have not matured past the age of 12)
become some toxoplasmosis in her brain instead and then you can literally be inside her
Is he trying to share one with her? Because it looks like he'd rather hold a balloon than her hand.
Nagito and Makoto have luck. Gonta has strength. Maki has speed. Any character shown going toe to toe with Monokuma would classify as a street level superhero.

>no constructive criticism
Just tells me I'm too good and people are mad
How do unwashed bras smell?
>inb4 like sweat
They stink of sweat and have stains.
>Junko probably never changed or washed it
That's a good thing. If she changed and washed it, that means less time spent being worn by her.
>Togami in V3 universe
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>no constructive criticism
I don't care about your wattpad fanfic, I laughed at the nickname.
He's giving out balloons here, so he wants to give her one. Plus this balloon is heart-shaped, how romantic.
>I don't care
At least you care enough to inform me of your indifference
What is gooba?
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Isn't it funny how Himiko canonically peed herself I thought that was funny
We know already you have piss fetish.
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Why is a part of your brain dedicated to remembering that I have a fetish for pee
Sexier version
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Nothing. I looked closer at that picture and realized it's not really visible.
I like this one because you can see their bras but the skirts being replaced with shorts is a downgrade.
okay wtf ive had this femdom pic saved without realizing its from danganronpa
probably because of the colour scheme
i wonder how many other femdom pics i have like that, sometimes i go through them and realize i recognize that ass (chiaki) now
We all wish we were Nagito.
I wish I was Junko. I want to make Nagito a slave at my beck and call.
What would you even use him for?
Nothing, bro is just trying to be different for attention
Taking care of the house, cleaning, cooking and so on.
Island trio treat
girlboss + guyfailure
I don't want to eat this.
If I was having a bad day I could beat him up.
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Receiving a meal from someone you love is nice, isn't it?
I just realized that Junko spends all her time in the mastermind room and she can't leave to use the bathroom, so if you were her slave she would probably make you... yeah... do that....
Top tier /v/ post
Kaede looks like she just woke up after having amazing bed breaking sex the night before.
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thats almost every couple in danganronpa
Maybe that's why we love Danganronpa. We are all failures and we want beautiful alpha women to put us in our place.
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His hair is perfect as a mop to clean the floor.
I would use it to mop my pussy juices
Yes please. Scary, vicious women with unresolved traumas/mental health issues that need a servant/punching bag
I feel bad for the lil' guy. Imagine getting murdered because your gf thinks it will give her a megaorgasm
for once i will agree with the "we" hivemind.
I would love to be a punching bag for any of the attractive female characters in DR. Being an Ultimate probably puts a lot of stress on them.
There are no unattractive female characters in DR.
>inb4 sakura
I would gladly die if it would help a girl orgasm.
F*kawa tho
it should have been me and not him grrrr
Sakura is exactly who I was thinking of.
Had a massive glowup in UDG.
Sakura is a true alpha woman, I would like to be her mattress.
This sounds like female orgasm joke :(
What does that mean?
I like that Chihiro is actually voiced by a male voice actor and Sakura is voiced by a female voice actor.
Nah, I just want to have fun with my silly willy Booki
Nobody is that much of a masochist.
toko isn't ugly.
Shuichi is amazing
What about a perfectly even fight that ends in blood-covered sex and bruises on both sides?
Everyone here is.
I don't hurt women.
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You could be something like the ultimate butler or the ultimate therapist and help those girls improve
a lot of women can't orgasm, or it requires an incredible amount of work and luck to make them cum
i guess you can imagine a woman who only cums when there's on top of a cute dying boy
wait, that's Genocide
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"It's impossible for female to have orgasm, you would die trying to achieve one"
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Look, if it was THIS Sakura, then we would be talking. But in her ogre form, I am not interested.
The ugliest!
Sakura, Tenko and Akane beating shit out of me.
No I just think it would be hot if a girl got off while killing me. Ideally from smothering me with her pussy.
Being a butler would be nice. Not a therapist though, I feel like that gives me too much power.
This is the only cool kind of violence. Ryonafag needs to understand that bullying a target that can't fight back is Not Coolâ„¢(tm)
>a lot of women can't orgasm
>or it requires an incredible amount of work and luck
if you post retarded things while having access to google you should be beamed immediately
Are you projecting? Did some guy say this to you before?
Hot if she attacks you and tries to overpower you but you struggle for so long at some point the animalistic urges take over and she tries to rape you instead while biting your neck or choking you
Yeah i can imagine Junko doing that to Makoto in her "mastermind" costume
he self reported. sucks so bad at sex that none of his partners finish.
Yeah, the only factual thing about girls orgasming is that if they squirt it's pee
And her name is Taylor Schabusiness.
stop being retarded or i will be forced to send u a shrapnel bomb
This would be lame. Akane has 2 brain cells and wouldn't know how to make it sexy. Sakura is pure and wouldn't either. Tenko is a sub that learned how to throw people
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I have done intensive study on this and all my research shows that squirting is just pee, sorry
Nobody here has had sex.
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>a lot of women can't orgasm, or it requires an incredible amount of work and luck to make them cum
To be fair this is because most women don't have sex with men who are big enough to make them cum. Women who do have sex with these men cum often and easily.
>during sex she choked her boyfriend and cut off his head with a chain
>then she placed his head in a bucket that his parents found
Are you telling me that anon would like to end up like this?
eat 25 apple seeds, all of you
But I posted that thinking like that is a bad thing, not a good thing
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I'm not denying that girls can orgasm just that when the orgasm is strong enough for them to "squirt" that it's just pee from over stimulation. Multiple studies confirm this too.
Size doesn't matter because women come from external clitoral stimulation. Danganronpa.
It was always pee. Porn ruined men.
>25 apple seeds
This wouldn't even give you a stomach ache.
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Please share your wisdom with us, miss lesbian masochist
i know that, mf, and i'm really not surprised you know that too. -.- piss addict
That's a man. You're being baited.
eat 40 cores then
>typo literally in the first word of the linked section
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All that talking should give you ample tongue exercises, shuichi
As one porn addict to a group of another.
What is grool?
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Saiouma feet
>300 mice literally being mailed to you right now
>Simply, a clear, white, or greyish white fluid.
>It is the combination of vaginal mucus and various other vaginal fluids.
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Excuse me, I have SEX IN MINECRAFT.
Ouma ship guide

>Fujos who like ships with canon evidence
>Fujos who like ships with no canon evidence
>Fujos who like hate sex
>Fujos who like domestic abuse
>Creepy barafags
>Girls who self insert as otoge protags
>Female pedophiles or pair the sparesfags
>/ss/ pedophiles
Ourumi, Oumiu, etc
>Ouma x non V3 DR character
I wish women could be satisfied with oral alone.
Luckiest broomstick ever.
Give me a single piece of evidence that this is not the case.
better clean it before it rots from the deposited wetness
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Cat siblings, her and Tenko
that guy likes to besmirch women to rationalize his ntr fetish
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Winning so early in the morning, my day is made
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hi all! looking for a /drg/ e-gfs..!
We're not interested. Fuck off creep.
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Cute!! I want to scritch her ears.
Try talking to a woman for once.
wow that's rude..
Now I know you're baiting.
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>talking to women when you're supposed to be on your knees squished between their thighs
Bad sub
What kind of men do you like?
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Bro is simping for Mahirufag
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Bro doesn't even like women and thinking any would even touch him. Lol.
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Anon...you don't have a chance
>Creepy barafags
Are you one of those people who hate Ougoku because "look at them next to each other, it's basically pedophilia", even tho they're the same age, furthermore, Kokichi is half a year older than Gonta? I don't like Ougoku either, but it's such a dumb reason to hate it.
hi all! looking for a human sacrifice for demonic rituals..!
it's okay to have a skill issue.
I sacrifice MF to bring back Togamifag
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I thought THH released at the start of the year and 15th anniversary was just around the corner but it's still a year away. I'm disappointed.
It's an old /drg/ copypaste.
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is there a shred of proof that ougokufag and himikofag are not the same person?
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Komahinafags have massive brainrot
I hate fujos with passion.
Let's beat up Celeste.
Butthurt posts
based fujo
Not because of any ryona fetish, but because she's a massive bitch!
Yes, I am shaking and crying over a twitter post. Boohoo. Boohoo.
That she's a massive bitch, selfish and immoral, only makes it hotter to submit to her whims
For me it's fake drills.
False advertisement like that deserves genuine punishment.
I only submit to Kaede
>this artist (your and my picrel) drew humongous amounts of Kamukoma R18 and unsettling Komaeda fetish art
We all wish we were Hajime here.
What kind of fetish art?
The fake drills make her more attractive to me.
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He totally listens to MCR
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Nagito if well written
Why Christmas colors?
Because nagito is religious.
Sayaka is so lucky
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Who? They're both "her"
He looks here like Araragi.
We would all love to be the mattress in this situation.
The one being assaulted!
This is how she gets her beta boys wrapped around her finger. Soon he will be paying for her lunches and doing her homework for her.
No, they will be watching Danganronpa together.
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Should be obvious
Wow... massive. I don't even have the proper words to express how much I revere this.
what is even attractive about big boobs? doesn't it suck from the woman's pov to have a natural body part of her be sexualized? chiaki big bazookas
Not once in my entire life have I ever considered a woman's POV.
theres a reason breast reductions are getting more popular
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Love the way her body stretches out that apron.
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Because your ancestors thought bigger breasts = more milk for baby = better odds at survival. At least that's the common theory. Some cultures don't even sexualize breasts so Idk.
goodnight /drg/
Die shitposter.
She looks great dressed as Celeste.
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Komahina if it was shit
Female Nagito would be lame as hell, 0 threat 0 mystery 0 charm
I'm not misogynist, women just don't work as the mysterious outsider archetype at all
Fuck you
In females,breastsare a manifestation of higher levels ofestrogen; estrogen also widens the pelvis and increases the amount of body fat in hips, thighs, buttocks, and breasts.

If this was Komahina I would ship it over Hinananmi.
Is this supposed to be some kind of own? Like "Oooo, women can't be mysterious, they have these chemicals preventing them from doing that, so you can't have female Nagito". Fuck off.
I take estrogen as a guy cause I'm a girl
Just finished reading the DR1 manga and idk why they made Togami more hostile specially towards Naegi. Everyone else, he's his usual cold self even with Fukawa but with Naegi, he's more hateful towards him.
That's some unrelated post from another anon
I'm not stopping you from drawing female Nagito, I'm just saying she would be uncool
Soudafag... (Mahirufag)
Post example pages.
why not? (bad answer = beamed)
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Have you ever cummed?
Chiaki would already be amazing if she only had her breasts. But the fact that her hips and thighs are also top notch just sends her soaring in my personal rankings. Looking at Chiaki lowers my IQ by 50 points and I become more of a drooling sperm dispenser than a human.
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Cute kot.
This is how I feel about most DR girls to be fair. The character designers struck gold with this series.
not an answer.
I'm a different anon
Chiaki has some very powerful combos.
She can combo me all night long.
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She is too good for me
I don't deserve her
Cringe ass take. Kill yourself degenerate male misogynist.
you need to be more creative. tell him roll around in a bullet ant hill or cover himself in honey and visit irl monokuma in the woods.
Toko fucking sucks.
toko/syo has the best dialogue in THH
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I'm gonna finger bang bang you into my life
Girl you like to finger bang and it's alright
Byakuya's cock without consent
Hajime's superior boobs
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Hate toko, the smelly femsub
love genocide, the funny and cute fiend
I'm a big fan of this body.
So am I.
I'd let her make a bra from my skin.
Besides not being able to reach the same degree of aggression and being less imposing cause that's obvious?
They would have to tone down verbal and physical abuse Nagito receives because audiences would be uncomfortable with man on woman violence
His self loathing would sound like attention whoring too
In case of Komahina specifically it would become more boring because a generic hetslop couple will never understand each other like two men
Women cant be creepy so that's another part of his character getting tossed out

Why are you being so emotional?
I'm entitled to an opinion
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I want to smoke hard crack wheneve this threads pops up because Danganronpa made me a weeb.
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This is the most awful post of this thread, holy shit
Oops meant for >>503418832
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Perhaps. I can't make any sense of it.
>file name
I imagine Junko completely stopped having periods at one point. Same may have happened to the female students participating in the killing games.
What's the scientific explanation for this?
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please elaborate
The whole game takes less than a month of in-game time.
In state of anxiety and stress, period may be irregular or delayed by month or even two. Another great Danganronpa post.
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oh come one
dangans like aoi and sakura are seen enjoying themselves in between the murders (like swimming, working out)
though i can imagine celeste missing her period because her whole deal was that remaining locked in the school was unbearable torment for her
Hormonal issues aside, some women stop menstruating during stressful events. Some stop for no particular reason.
Some would still be supposed to menstruate during the events of the game. Their cycles are individual.
That could last for way longer than "even two" months.
>besides not being able to reach the same level of aggression and being less imposing
what does this even mean
>they would have to turn down the verbal and physical abuse nagito recieves because audiences would be uncomfortable
all three games have loads of shit that would make people uncomfortable. including mentions of corpse fucking and incest. don't even get me started on udg. also, there's already man on woman violence in this game. the first case of the entire game is.
>his self loathing would sound like attention whoring
??? he doesn't need breasts for it to sound like attention whoring. it already does.
finally, you admit the real reason you don't like the idea of nagito being a woman. please just say it up front next time.
>women can't be creepy
mikan and junko are incredibly creepy
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the issue with female antagonists is that we want to fuck them
if they are creepy, vicious, unstable, insane, that just makes us want to fuck them even more
that means they cannot create the sort of antagonism male antagonists create
lets be honest if Junko was a man everyone would be fine with her death but since she's a hot girl everyone is fantasizing about "what ifs"
this argument is dog dick because lots of people want to fuck the male antagonists too. even ugly monster villains have people drooling over them.
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Kaz has way bigger tits.
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Those people don't matter though since they aren't the target audience.
it's not like making the antagonist male would turn the tables say for the part where we want to bone them. some of male antagonists don't really bring that feel either (if they're badass or charismatic, that is).
>still mad
Danganronpa's target audience are women. They're simping for characters like Nagito, Kokichi, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Souda, Shuichi, Gundam, Rantaro or Korekiyo. A lot of women also love female characters, but not as much.
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Disclaimer: Open at your own risk.
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Luv' my Nyanami.
The most unhinged women I saw on internet like Junko and Mikan...
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obviously im speaking from the hetero male perspective. i think the first game was made with us in mind, considering the male characters are so much less attractive (manlet, fatty, crossdresser etc)
if THH was fembrained there'd be 6 men like Byakuya
Uhh where do i find such women?
izuru is kind of hot
This artist does great Umineko art. Her sole interest in danganronpa is over those two only which is funny and rare.b
In prison.
>most unhinged women
>DR characters
god I hope it stays that way for you
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i havent played Umineko but Beatrice reminds me of Celeste
This is how we know 100% you're a guy
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Leon Kuwata? Ehh.

Leon S. Kennedy? Yes.
who's 'us'? you and your hookworm infection?
m*koto is actually very popular. he's shipped with byakuya mostly.
I'd use Junko as my personal onahole I were him.
She also likes V3 survivors though.
Danganronpa? Ehh.

Off-topic? Yes.
>what does this even mean
Women look weaker and so less badass
This extents to their personalities to an extent
In fact as far as physicality goes it's more than just a power thing - genderbend Nagito and instead of a sickly lanky skinny creep you have an uwu delicate cinnamon bun cringe
>all three games have loads of shit that would make people uncomfortable. including mentions of corpse fucking and incest
Apples and oranges
Crimes are not equal, fans will always be more lenient on over the top edge like corpse fucking than things that hit close home like domestic abuse and rape which only attract the fringe and don't try to gaslight me that it's not true
>also, there's already man on woman violence in this game. the first case of the entire game is.
And it's not everyone's beloved rival character so that proves my point if anything?
>??? he doesn't need breasts for it to sound like attention whoring. it already does.
>finally, you admit the real reason you don't like the idea of nagito being a woman. please just say it up front next time.
This was an incidental remark because of the picture
>mikan and junko are incredibly creepy
Fapbait is not creepy
Fapbait can never be creepy
In fact Mikan and Junko are the exact characters I thought of when I wrote that
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i was talking about hetero women, not fujos
its not like they want to date and fuck the manlet
Now that i think about it, Toko is a repressed fujo, she or Genocide 100% fantasized about "Master" fucking Makoto
yeah i'm a 6'7 blue eyes blonde dragon chiseled white dude with a three foot long dick
lick lick
>russian mukuro
I mentioned a Dangan, you janny-wannabe.
Feeling the warmth of Kaede's thighs would feel amazing.
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She looks like a Jojo character.
It's the green lipstick.
>if Junko was a man everyone would be fine with her death
Wait, there are people who felt bad for her and wanted her to survive? I thought everyone agreed she's an awful being and deserves to die. Also that her execution was really goofy.
>Wait, there are people who felt bad for her and wanted her to survive?
The game's main character, for starters.
Ok gamer2002
Makoto is such a filthy liberal, wanting to abolish the death penalty s.m.h. my head
>if THH was fembrained there'd be 6 men like Byakuya
No woman likes Byakuya, they all think he's cringy and annoying. Same women that drool over Nagito and Kokichi btw.
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If during the last trial Junko a sweet face and said she's just a victim of circumstance and needs a second chance with someone full of hope, positivity and love in her life, Makoto would betray everyone, put a ring on her finger and try to fix her for the rest of his life
The best part is that he would succeed.
Most of the fanart of him dominated by Genocide looks like its by women for women
What are the telltale signs that the art was made by women for women? For me it's chins that could cut diamonds.
I think there's lots of hidden psychos in our society, who would be "activated" by trauma, war, wealth, or being put in positions of power, but as long as they have a stable, controlled environment, like having a spouse and a plot od land to cultivate, they can be "managed"
Makoto taking one for the team and settling down with Junko to look over her would be a cute ending!
people who want to fix perfection are the true psychos
I want to bury my face into her boobers so much.
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I want to take her on a bizarre adventure.
What's Chiaki's stand power?
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Can't believe im on the same side as that cockroach.
>Not being able to reach the same degree of aggression
Komaeda is terminally ill, fragile, weak, 0 muscle 0 testostrone twink. What level of epic giga chad gymbro aggression are you talking about? Did Komaeda use his male muscle build to kill someone in the game and I'm unaware of that?
Komaeda's aggression comes from his personality and use of bombs and knives and whatever the hell he used to terrorize others. All weapons, independent of his strength.
>audiences would be uncomfortable with man on woman violence
Audiences however are not uncomfortable with child abuse and rape, murder, necorphilia, graphic violence and murders, suicide and explicit text. This definitely is a rational thought that makes sense. The feminist who hates men literally got killed by the incestous degenerate male in v3, I'm pretty sure Kodaka isn't western polbrained.
>attention whoring
You're a retarded troll. Komaeda's attention whoring is on par with Mikan's.
>Komahina...generic hetslop couple will never understand each other like two men
You're a retarded troll (2). You're against fem Komaeda just because you don't want your yaoi ship to be ruined by yucky estrogen female braincel?
>Women can't be creepy
That's just your thinking, alongside thinking that female characters are inherently unable to reach the same level of depth as male ones. I reccomend getting out of the incel/femcel hole you're in.
Realest post ITT.
Take her on a cycling trip and use your bike's dynamo to power her up in spare time
trying to fix junko, ending up on a leash
not trying to fix junko, ending up on a leash
you can self insert into nagito without making him share your gender, just saying
damn, so you just submit to evil and abuse? you're the biggest masochist/submissive itt...
>calls me a roach
>calls my post the "realest ITT" in the same post
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Hmm, thematically it could be a power with checkpoints, that she can go back to her save states and stuff, but I think it would be too broken.

>cycling trip
Thank you for giving me an excuse to post this image.
Had a dream where I was Mukuro and after getting killed this played as I lay there dying
come to think of it you plug her in while she cycles she can recover at least some of the energy through regenerative braking
if she doesn't like getting plugged, use inductive charging through the seat
Damn. A broken clock is right twice a day.
That's literally the exact point i was making. I applaud you for getting it.
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don't stick your tongue in crazy
*licks you*
do stick your tongue in crazy
Yeah, women might imagine themselves as Syo in that picture... because they want to cut that fucker's throat
Put your tongue on crazy's boots
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why is danganronpa so full of female murderlust
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Don't reward evil behaviour with submission and worship! This evil women deserves your scorn, not kneeling to kiss her boots!
I wonder how heavy they are.
the same as kiyotranny's
I don't mind whose blood .. I prefer the pink but I'm not picky
It's my fetish ha

Thank u c:

I love this
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Do not tease the kot
I wish she would post more
girl, don't put your sister on a leash, that's weird! that's what couples do!
they are a couple
they are despair sisters not incest sisters
only because junko won't reciprocate..
How long did it take you to learn to draw?
>piss addict
so are u
She's a woman so prob fast
it took me a year.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
i think he thinks sex has something to do with learning ability
Danganronpa targets men from an artistic sense. Milking fujos and yumejos is just a side hustle.
This sounds impressive to me but I have no frame of reference. I want to learn too.
i didn't learn properly, i mostly just looked at pictures i liked and tried to draw like them.
Did you go digital straight away or do you doodle on paper too?
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Paper too. I have a ton of notebooks and sketchpads
You're so perfect, I love you, please marry me.
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Monomi is so hot. If I had a teacher like her when I was in school, I'd be staying for extra credit lessons every day.
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She's a big girl...
ain't no way you made monomi aislop
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Tis from pixiv, fool.

Meh. Not a fan of this kind of size difference. Would prefer something like this.
Both are cute but the 2nd one is too small for sexy time.
Hmm, I thought size didn't matter. Guess that was a lie.
You know that isn't what I mean.
Shuichi isn't man enough to handle that much woman
But it is, isn't it? That's exactly what you said.
All I said is that chibis are not for sex. You are trying to spin it like I alluded to penis sizes of normal men.
>All I said is that chibis are not for sex.
You very clearly did not say that. You said this
>2nd one is too small for sexy time.
Kaede is the biggest, heaviest girl of them all.
fat baby
I wish she sat on me so I could feel how heavy she was.
Chibis are not for sex because they are tiny. I'm sorry for not being explicit enough but I know you know what I was trying to say.
She must be very soft to touch.
It would feel like touching a marshmallow.
You're still implying it.
lapdog wolf
She's not my type but somehow I would love if she were my girlfriend.
Giantess Kaede holding me like picrel
I googled giantess kaede to hop onto the bandwagon but results were all foot fetish stuff
Opposite for me. I think she's a beauty but killing more than 2 people is a red flag.
You just want to have any girlfriend at all.
She's not my type to begin with.
That's fucked up.
Yes, you want her to be your girlfriend just to be able to say you have a girlfriend but you don't actually care about that person.
You can still happen to gravitate to someone who's not your type.
I don't see how that would work unless you consider them a fallback partner until you can find someone you're actually interested in.
i'm not interested if she isn't a killer
Maybe if she killed for a reason other than "Junko told me to."
That's one way to put it.
That's really cruel.
I didn't mean it. It's just I never thought that dating someone who's not the type makes them a fallback partner.
>Shuichi? Oh well he's a good boyfriend but he's not really my type, you know?
>He'll be at work. You can come over tonight, right?
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4B movement real.
what's the weirdest fetish you've seen mentioned here?
let the birthrates drop to hell and below
the bra transformation stuff
women suffer more from not having a child past a certain age
untrue. unmarried, child-free women are the happiest. it's men who lose their minds if they don't have kids past a certain age.
>i am not into incest as a fetish.
just a couple months ago you avatarfagged with kork and his sister what is that if not incest
That's normal though. I bet a lot of guys think about that kind of stuff.
Chiakifag avatarfags with Chiaki and he doesn't even like big boobs. Let that sink in.
unironically pure coincidence
the reason you want to turn into a bra (to touch boobs and be close to someone all the time) isn't weird but the whole bit about transforming into a piece of clothing to do it is incredibly bizarre.
Row row end the species
How likely are you get get b& for posting hunger games?
Probably very likely.
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Diapers I guess.
I'm all for humanity ceasing to exist. Let's gooooo
It's not bizarre. It's a basic fetish.
Which post made you say this?
Most likely nothing, for the past few days he has just been vomitting off topic shitposts into the thread unprovoked.
Mad because no bf
Yeah that could be the explanation for it.
Cringed on yo momma
The gf stuff. I thought it was funny.
The implication that I'm a gay man is funny and it's exactly what I want. Ty for the validation.
Things are getting dry...
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Is gonta programmed to come at 685 replies or is it really some autist monitoring the thread 24/7?
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You would think after so long, Ryonafag would get better material.
It's a demon who cursed the thread
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Ougoku here
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Ougoku together
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I just realized the dry meme. Basically women lactate from their breasts when they do sexual activities or experience heavy arousal. So a woman with dry tits is pretty much a woman who doesn't get laid much. Lol that's a good one.
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Is that true? That's hilarious.
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Her tits were also actually just very dry
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>*Chiakistraight avatarfags with Chiaki and he loves Chiaki and her boobs
I don't see the problem.
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Whenever I try to get a good conversation about her boobs going, you get mad at me or ignore me.
Kaede seems like the kind of girl to never have a single dry day.
This true love
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That sounds like a massive skill issue on your part.
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Doubling down on the dry meme when it's been pointed out that nipples erect when aroused just shows how much of a mega virgin you are. Do you enjoy embarrassing yourself?

That 4B comment must've really made your angry. Lol.
Maybe that's why he mentions her so much. Must be envious of kaedes tits
Everyone in this thread is a virgin.
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How so?
Soudafag is like a desert while kaede is like dessert
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Why would a supposed man be envious of a woman's breasts? You try so much to "own" me, but you just make yourself look like a total idiot.
Ryonafag definitely is.
He's just mad kiyotranny mogged him
>Why would a supposed man be envious of a woman's breasts?
Ask Mahirufag.
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Have you tried to think that your approach to the matter is wrong?
Clever and snappy. Nice one!
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What was wrong with my approach?
Kiyotranny definitely wasn't dry
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If you can prove that I'm actually "dry," I'll concede. How about that?
Eh... they kind of were.
It should be the motto of drg
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How the hell should I know? I don't even know who you are.
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Nothing? Thought so.
Then how can you criticize me?
It takes a special kind of patheticness to try to spin getting no response as a victory.
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Don't be mean to those with deformities. Let them have this one.
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>moving the goalpost
It literally proves that your accusation has no foundation. You have no counter.

How about this? Why do you think about my breasts so much? It's actually alarming how obsessed you are.
And samefagging makes it even more cringe.
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Excuse me? You were the one who implied that I am the problem first. Instead of blaming your audience you better reevaluate your material or you'll never make it into the big leagues, kid.
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Ougoku Christmas
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Chiaki wins.
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Things aren't looking good for anon
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Gonta win
Just saying, for someone who claims to love Chiaki's boobs you never join the rest of us in the boob discourse.
I do like boobs, though. Why? I like boobs and usually the women attached to them.
Uh oh. Meltie.
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That's all you got?? Weak.
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>you never join the rest of us in the boob discourse.
Bitch, all you weird motherfuckers talk about is femdom, cuckolding and transforming into pieces of clothing. Don't you dare try to gaslight me into your gay shit, Stevie.
We also talk about piss and dry nipples
I only talk about two of those things.
Nice bra and cleavage.

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