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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Touch Bloodstain:
Someone make a real thread.
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I love sluts!
You can't see Rya's right nipple
no, you can see both
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apparently this one can also one-shot
sure boss, but you gotta pay up front however
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>pays up front
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sorry boss, but the payment didn't go through, the DLC still isn't in my library.
Add me on steam and I buy it for you
>pays behind
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Good morning
this AI shit is so bizarre
Why are tommy robinson and gordon ramsay serenading an invcel?
Normally these are spamming and annoying but this one is just so nonsensical what could the prompt have even been?? Orange and blue man in harmony make glowing red monkey seethe?
You didnt
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holy fuck you actually... wow
thanks man
Np lil squishy
where do you get this money maddy
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DEN DUELS???!?!?!?!?
kys faggot
I use inspect element to double my steam wallet before buying anything so that it's free, and you don't have to say that
i should kill myself because i want to play elden ring?
58% yourself grass you pedo
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Is it ugly on purpose?
dead thread dead game
get told to kill myself when i try and get people to play the game
Wash your greasy hair at least
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im palying pve today
>still thinking about that image of me from 5 years ago
Stop telling people to play some weird mod, get people to play normal fcs first then ease them into the mod
I'm going to remodel your shithole
don't make me pull up your steam name history and your tranny selfies, seethe
Like it or not, that's your image here now. Also we've got no reason to believe you've changed lmao
>the grasstranny is already on the defensive
uh oh melty incoming
Elden Ring wasn't even out 5 years ago, there wasn't an erg
I think about you every day babe...
it's been 2 years of eldogshit PC online I'm not jumping through hoops because retarded erg users are incapable of installing a 70mb file that auto updates itself
things that wash over me like nothing and have 0(zero) affect on me LOL
the genesis of erg was not the genesis of the whole internet
lol you called it it's already fuming
Someone post it
>erg talking about me again
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>more /dsg/niggers shitflinging
just let /erg/ die
Then stop trying to?

Also why are you talking about it then?
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you have been invaded!!!
It happens every single time the den maps fag posts
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pretended to suck dick on video award
still lives with his parents award
most retarded tranny award
ugliest faggot award
chopped off their own dick award
jerks off to racemixing award
shittiest net award
lost every major football event award

yeag that's grass
im spoonfeeding you more fucking info whilst calling you a shitbrained moron, moron
it takes 3 seconds to search "elden ring den maps" and then 4 clicks and a unzip drag double click batch file and type the password and you're in
FCs need 3 more whilst den maps only need 1 more so *in theory* it's a lot easier to get someone to game + net is far superior but no
erg users want to sit around for 30 minutes waiting to play on the same 1 of 3 circle arenas that are far too large and with dogshit net
because erg is retarded and doesn't want to play eldog on better net
And yet we play the game together more often than you
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>why don't you pvp w erg?
that's someone's son
I wish there were more players on seamless to invade because invasions feel so much more exciting when you both get spirit ashes to fight beside you anywhere, and also Mineral rocks so hard and the picture you posted looks just like this one girl i knew in high school that was obsessed with me and wanted so badly to be me but one day she accused her dad of SAing her and her family fell apart because of it and she moved to oklahoma and my friends and I all were pretty sure she just made it up but was too proud to admit she was lying and also everyone thought she was a closet lesbian and now she posts dumbass MAGA stuff on facebook for her creepy uncles's 4-6 likes on avg
at 3am with 2eu players and 2na players for the most dogshit experience
if i was still sleeping like shit i would be in those FCs
because i was 7 months ao
It's always fun seeing hosts and their friends freeze for a second when you summon as an invader before realizing "Wait I forgot I could do that" and summoning theirs too, I think most people forget that they even can outside o-
From ruined Miquella.
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Imagine making Radahn a boss twice. What a mess.
From has issues with their popular character.
>Radahn is liked
>immediately turns him into a loser who get brainwashed
>fan love Miquella
>instantly retcon his entire story to make him bad, even through the late-minute retcon is painfully obvious
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Don't care, still fun, still played, and still will continue to play
I understand ehy you're annoyed if you think that den maps is better, but you'd probably have an easier time finding people to join in different groups, if people here aren't being receptive then you're not gonna attract people by teying to force it
I'm not saying this to be rude or ironically, but have you tried dsg? They're usually better at the game and dive more into its mechanical systems than us, they're probably more receptive to downloading and trying mods like that that work better with like meta fights
Not meta I mean but more like mechanically crunchy
Idk the word
taht's my boyfriend
you're so cute
Kill yourself
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... he is from dsg
but nyobody in dsg wants to play elden ring pvp
I can't help it, you're a cutie pie
>is getting assraped
>swaps to skeleton armor or red bug helm/flower chest to max heal
>tries to out zwei THE zweiguy
many such cases
I dont understand then, that doesn't make any sense
If the reason for posting here is because people on there don't want to do it, and people from here also don't want to do it, wouldn't that just mean the outcome would be not posting it here either? That doesn't make sense to me
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Change that filename NOW
hello vriska serket
Why did lore discussion for this game totally die when the DLC released?
It didn't, it picked up a lot, but unfortunately it was mostly focused on pre-existing characters so moat of the discussion is about character motivations and stuff like that instead of new revelations
There's some hesdcanons about what the gate of divinity is but a lot of the "big" questions have very little lore stuff about them
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big damage
I'm going to cry for real
I wonder...
>takes the pvp in this game seriously
It sucks how Elden Ring's pvp is so horrendously bad it's completely ruined the reputation of asymmetric pvp, just in general, for an entire generation of zoomers. Times were that people agreed that the pvp was fun, both invasions and fight clubs, and it was a lasting part of vidya culture.
What sword is that? Why is it on fire?
>Times were that people agreed that the pvp was fun
in your bubble maybe, there are a lot of people out there with either a vitriolic hatred of souls pvp, or a complete lack of interest in it
I respecced a tiny bit for the next fc to bring smithscript daggers in exchange for some health
I expect to feel annoying for using them
In what world?
You will never satisfy 100% of people but I also will not fall for your attempts at historical revisionism. "No the game doesn't suck, things were just always this bad!" is cope. Elden Ring is a clear negative outlier in the perception of the online components for a variety of reasons which all combine to make it feel bad, and these have pretty clearly poisoned the well for the asymmetric online formula in general moving forward.
I member arguements about if pvp was a mini game or the mode meant to give the games longevity
How long since you stopped taking your medication?
>Elden Ring is a clear negative outlier in the perception of the online components
I agree, but don't pretend that souls pvp was some widely beloved thing, it was always something that a minority of the playerbase engaged in with any regularity

I think a lot of ER's negative pvp reception is that it's much more popular than the dark souls games, which means more casuals who aren't interested in it and only see it as something that annoys them while they're having fun with their friends
impossible to sink in more than one or two hundred hours into any of these games without engaging with the multiplayer sincerely, say what you will about the brokenness of certain weapons or available tactics, but facing off against other players is the last true great challenge you can keep building upon for long term gameplay, parrying a boss as nauseoum gets boring fast by comparison
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fire knight UGS
I have started a replay of dark souls uno, i fell back upon myself and wept a little when i witnessed a hollow soldier open and close a door on his pursuit of me in da Burg, what happened to little interactions like these? bloodborne had the right idea, I wish Miyazaki wasn't a big vindictive baby that took away features and passion purely because he malds about the playerbase just not getting it with his little motifs of stagnation
I dont think I agree, that CAN be a path people go down, but there's also mods, or challenge runs, or new builds, I think it mostly comes from different ways to give the game variety
Pvp can be that hut I don't think that it's the final step, just one of them
terrorific shit
never seen that
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only for sufferers of AIDS with enough time to jerk off and troubleshoot installing shit
>challenge runs
autastic and masochistic
>whichever one the other was
who cares? if it is unfun it is a waste of my time, beating up another human player? now that is fun and proof of your prowess as an individual over another sapient being, whereas prowess against the computer is barely better than masturbating and undoubtedly a greater degree of homosexual
Pinning M*dison down and raping her...
Nevermind I regret trying to discuss it with you
you HAVE to say that
You don't have to say that and THINK FAST, L2 R2
IMO people complain about the online for two reasons
>Trying to coop in the open world sucks, there's a reason 1/3rd of the PC playerbase has the Seamless Coop mod installed, and since the open world is the vast majority of the game's content it means the coop usually feels clunky as fuck
>No real online play covenants or serious tie-ins to the lore sucks a surprising amount of soul from both coop and invasions.
>Even after multiple patches, the pvp balance is mostly "lol lmao xddd" and it's trivially easy to do 3000 damage/hit with almost any weapon, so your average host's experience with the red man is getting oneshotted or gangraping him in a corner. No matter how much people complained about true combos in DS3, this is worse. And furthermore, every other host coming with overleveled password phantoms + the lack of solo hosts means the redmen are forced into meta sweatlord oneshot builds just to survive, I have literally never seen the kind of casual/themed/roleplay build in an invasion like I saw in DS1-DS3
>making solo invasions impossible, plus the presence of way more offline summoning mechanics like ash summons, means a huge fraction of the players just won't ever participate in the online system at all, whereas in earlier games you were pushed way more strongly into it more consistently
It is only natural to regret your reality being well-challenged when you are loser
my boyfriend was looking at my hands when I was playing Elden Ring next to him and he kept saying how pretty my hands and fingers are :)
I hope that maybe Fromsoft will have seamless type co op by default next game, but honestly I think they'd somehow mess it up if they did, esspecially since I just realized if they did, it'd be on THEIR netcode
No they didnt
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LD FC tonight?
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dont cry
cosplay and soulful invasions in elden ring can only work at low level and even then you always have to have a back pocket carian ret+lightning miseriecorde for max level pw phantoms
who palying they pve rn
You know what? I dont care if uts an unpopular opinion, Im going to say it
I hate Fallingstar Beast
Cause there's nothing more to discuss, remember?
Who is patches?
Patches is the Furtive Pygmy.
One thing I always liked and headcanoned about patches is that of the three characters he interacts with/talks about (I'm going to ignore Tanith because it does literally nothing so I have no idea what it's supposed to be), he obviously tricks and is mean to you, he's mean to Diallos, but he talks about Rya but isn't mean to you, he just asks you to help her
Which while sure could just be because he's joining/going to the Manor and she's a talent scout, I like to imagine it's because he can't bring himself to be mean to her like he does with other people
Mean to her*
Kinda said the opposite of what I meant to say
goddamn girl, you really self-insert into rya
It's retarded, don't pay it any attention.
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I forgot how much I don't really like exploring mountaintops. I should go kill mog and go to the dlc.
I want to taste varreposter's blood
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it probably tastes like salty coins in milk
i don't think hardswapping is unfair or anything, and i think if you're able to do it fast enough with some consistency then that's worthy of some praise and you earned it, i also just think it's really, really fucking gay and i can't help how i feel about it
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She's talking about her boobs
I would like to touch her boobs
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godless witch, get ye gone
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I ask that you endure
Wtf why would you even say that, that's so weird why did yoy say that unprovoked nothing even hinted at that
What if I don't have that ash?
I'm sorry, I don't know why I would say something so perverted for absolutely no reason whatsoever
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remove snek
>no rot incant seal
makes me sad
there's literally only 1 good """rot""" incantation
yes and I want to buff it
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Eldie Ring babies
jesus kek
Stop answering yourself to try to bait people into clicking on your AI trash, faggot.
Based and called the trash out.
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What is that retard's big idea?
dsgtroon coded bump
I can't keep up with this drama. How about you fags post some quality pvp webms?
Only troons play PvP.
Then just post some quality pve webms instead of obsessing over troons
What the fuck is this abomination.
Actually I prefer PvP to whatever this is.
i'm glad you've made your choice
>fight against a monster centipede made of fingers that gives me nightmare, ends up with the guy dying at 0,1% health remaining
>stupid cheating invaders getting rekt like the bitches they are

Yeah that's a quick choice.
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Kissing Madison on the lips because I love her and no other secret, nefarious reason.
stay away from her, she's mine
m*dison already has a bf THO...
Yous dont have to say thats
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maddy is grass

*t poses*
You dont have to say that and no, I dont think
hey gemmy
*kisses u*
Cause she's got a good heart even if she's not exactly "innocent," for her role in the manor's activities. She sounded genuinely sorry about lying cause she was afraid of cruel treatment and people like Patches know what other things cruel treatment can lead a good person to do when it's all they've known. He doesn't want her to be treated the way he was because he doesn't want to see her turn into a complete scoundrel because it's the only way of treating people she's experienced first hand.
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wha wha wha
i have 37 int and i just checked so ur wrong...
Arent you not suooiised to help a reptile shed?
Patches doesn't have a degree in reptileology
gemmy do i have permission to post a webm of two caged up femboys kissing each other while holding hands
uh... ur gonna get banned... and i'm not your mommy... just do what you want. you are free.
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I swapped to euphoria because i wanted to kill with the ash of war but he didn't heal
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aieeeee pata running attack save mee
behead pata fags
wake up
>convergence changes type A and Type B bodies to Masculine and Feminine
Based beyond belief
why did she leave?
no idea. i guess they didn't like me playing passively so i didn't get hit with madness
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I'm doing the dlc on my 18th character while I have the invasion finger on
How many characters do you have, erg?
one that I use for pve and the rest for pvp that i play once in a while.
ok ill do it next time ur here btw i just came handsfree for the first time
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look ma... no hands
is there an ash that buffs ur weapon with magic like flaming strike and lightning slash and sacred blade?
does xhe even play anymore since the chainsaw bug got fixed?
probably because he was fleeing too much, but the invader is to blame for that since she abused iframe status buildup
this is just a duel where one person has double the heals
abused? isn't that a feature of the game?
yes, that is indeed the risk you take when invading. if your opponent is equally skilled and you can't get one up on them then you're most likely just going to lose by attrition, which is why you shouldn't be attempting to duel as an invader in the first place. weirdly enough, almost every invader i come across does this, i even try to make it easy on them sometimes and fight enemies even knowing an invader is around, but more often than not they just watch me fight before coming to do so themselves for some reason.
No, actually, now that I think about it
Nah, just one of those bugs that's existed forever.
starting a new playthrough is kind of annoying because I want to use a dlc weapon but it's a long ways away
However this is the first time I've played since they sped up a lot of the weapons R2s so that feels great. The regular Halberd R2 uncharged no longer feels like a useless joke move in pve
I can drop you a dlc weapon if you want
The average invader is just as much of a shitter as the average host.
It's just that they don't have 2 teammates and matchamaking on their side so you get to see what they're actually like when alone.
Also add to that all the people doing Varre's quest at midlevels.
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Well THAT'S a SIGHT for SORE EYES!! The REDMANE ARMY!! WHA-!??! You are ALL going to TAKE TURNS RAILING my BROTHER?!?! RADAHN'S FIRST?!?! And YOU are going to REPEATEDLY COOM into MIQUELLA'S tight BUSSY!?!? B-but you are TOO LARGE! You will RUIN him for EVERYONE ELSE!!! EHHH??!? And after RADAHN STRETCHES out my beloved brother PERMANENTLY with ANTI GRAVITY HIP ATTACKS and ZERO G SPINNING COCK LUNGES, OGHA and JERREN will DOUBLE-TEAM him?!?! EHHHHH??!?! You're both gonna SPITROAST him like the DIRTY TWINK WHORE he IS?!?! JERREN is gonna FILL him with his RED MAGMA-like SEMEN?!?! ALL while OGHA WHISKS his MIND AWAY with PLEASURE like A RAIN OF GRAVITATIONAL ARROWS?!?!! And NEXT is IJI?!?! HUUUHHHH?!?! YOU joined back as the BLACKSMITH of the REDMANES JUST to FUCK my BROTHER?! WAIT PLEASE DON'T USE YOUR CARIAN MAGIC TO BROADCAST THIS ACROSS THE LANDS BETWEEN!!! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE DON'T!!! I BEG YOU!!! WAIT, you WON'T until HE arrives??!? And WHO could that possibly b- WAIT the TARNISHED?!?! SAY WHHAAA-?!?! You are going to BEAT ME again and FORCE me to BLOOM? Making me be REBORN and SPAWN more clones like MILLICENT and her SISTERS who are PART of ME? THEN you'll ORDER RADAHN'S KNIGHTS to hold us down and FORCE US to WATCH our beloved BROTHER get VIOLATED by the ENTIRETY of the REDMANE ARMY from EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE? And YOU'RE SAYING that seeing my SWEET BROTHER getting GAPED, will RUIN my ENTIRE WORLD-VIEW?!? My WHOLE WORLD will SHATTER like the ELDEN RING as my MIND BREAKS from seeing such a HORRID and TRAUMATIZING thing?!?! And this will cause me to develop a DISSOCIATIVE PERSONALITY DISORDER, where I will KEEP MUMBLING TO MYSELF I'm UNDEFEATED, which will eventually DRIVE me INSANE?!?! And then, I will be FORCED into the BASE OF THE SCADUTREE where I will be LOCKED and TRAPPED in DEEP WITHIN, with only a SMALL window to see my BELOVED BROTHER getting FUCKED THROUGH while I become A DROOLING INVALID?!?! YABBA DABBA DOO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!
No, that wouldn't be right. I already muled a bunch of shit and used Grand Merchant for PVP characters a year ago, I want to just play through the whole game + dlc again nice and slow and enjoy it
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these copypastas honestly kind of impress me in a strange way
MARIKA'S TITS!! RANNI-SAMA?!? YOU WANT to RELIVE the EXCITEMENT of the SHATTERING but go even FURTHER??!?! WHHAA--!?! YOU are going to create an AGE but with ONE key DIFFERENCE?!?! The UNIVERSE in which this AGE will take place, will be * GULP* LOCALIZED ENTIRELY WITHIN MY WHORE BROTHER'S BUSSY?!?! And FUTHERMORE you are going to make EVERYONE 10 TIMES STRONGER?!?!? So what you are SAYING is, the SHOCKWAVES from ALL the FIGHTING will be HITTING my BELOVED BROTHER'S PROSTATE??! And each FALLEN WARRIOR will EXIT though his URETHRA and make him TREMOR in PLEASURE?!! You REALLY mean that there will be HUNDREDS of STRONG GUYS ALL inside my brother, AT THE SAME TIME!?!? And WHENEVER he ORGASMS, ALL the FIGHTERS will be FULLY REJUVENATED, ENSURING that the BATTLES go on INDEFINITELY?!?! IF someone HAPPENS to get KNOCKED OUT, they will get TELEPORTED in front of my BROTHER and RADAHN and then be FORCED to HELP YOUR BROTHER RUN an INTERUNIVERSAL TRAIN ON MINE!? WHHAAA--??!? THERE'S EVEN MORE?!?! I'm NOT going to be ALLOWED in this AGE?!? INSTEAD you are going to place me in the NULL REALM, ALONE, REGULARLY giving me ONLY JUST enough TINY PUFFS of OXYGEN to SURVIVE?!!? And THEN, you will place a PORTAL in FRONT of me, SHOWING my BROTHER getting PLEASURED in REAL TIME?!?! So I will be FLOATING around in the ENDLESS VOID, GASPING for AIR for my DEAR LIFE, while being TORMENTED by the SIGHT of my BROTHER GETTING VIOLATED?!?! And I will be LEFT and ABANDONED there, LOCKED AND TRAPPED IN my very OWN PERSONAL HELL, ROTTING for ALL ETERNITY?!?! But the ASPHYXIATION will in fact AMPLIFY the PLEASURE RECEIVED to UNKNOWN HEIGHTS?!!?! CUM will be FLOWING OUT OF ME like a RIVER and EVENTUALLY I will FILL the VOID with my CUM?!!? And THEN I'm going to be FORCED to DRINK it ALL, while being SHOWN to ALL YOUR SUBJECTS through a magic PROJECTION in the SKY?!?!? My HUMILIATION WILL BE SPREAD ACROSS the UNIVERSE, MILLION of BEINGS ALL LAUGHING AT ME?!?!? YABBA DABBA DOO LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
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it CAN be fun to use a mod that ports sekiro's deflecting mechanics and other stuff from older games just for the novelty of it, but at the end of the day you're still fighting the computer just with a different set of tools
the most fun i've had in elden ring outside my first playthrough was twinking in stormveil
Kek, positively seething
i wonder who you think you are replying to
hostcels are pathetic
Based invcel rapist
It doesn't matter. Every retard other than gr*** that gets upset is merely a bonus.
hosts and furled fingers SEETHING
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Finally got seamless working again, I forgot I manually edited my regulation.bin. Im embarassingly rusty at invading, I actually felt bad when the host bowed after killing me because I did not deserve it
why do you keep posting this tranny? can you stop?
Shes not, and its just at the top of my pictures and so is easy pic to click to convey mood, and idk if you want me to, sorry
if you're serious then that's an unfortunate looking biological woman. hope she's doing all right. don't post her anymore.
why not invade in regular?
You think Marika is quiet or loud? Quiet Marika or Loud Marika?
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>summoned to help defeat bayle
>look at scadutree level
>host dies 45 seconds into the fight
every time
grow a spine, maddy
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*Attempting to invade another world... (Bounds: Near/far)*
>*The Host of Fingers has begun fighting the area boss. Returning to your world.*
I DO try to do regular invasions, it just does this all the time
Im sorry and you dont have to say that
damn, it's really that dead huh?
and seamless invading is faster?
you're a narcissistic lolcow for constantly posting your face here
I literally like just got 4 seamless invasions in a row in 40 minutes where I invaded the second I queued
That is more invasions (that actually result in a fight rather than ending from the boss thing) than I usually get in an entire night where I devote it to trying to invade in vanilla
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>get summoned again
>host dies within a minute again
why do people do this?
>a minute
that's good
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if you die within a minute of fighting a boss you're not good
You know what? Fine, I'll say it
>he has slow finger movement
hosts lasting a whole minute is better than usual
Cam you beat Elden Ring using only the triggers, bumpers, face buttons, analog sticks, dpad and menu buttons?
probably not
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>playing on console
lol poorfag detected
It's joke about not being able to enter name if you use controller on pc without using keyboard
what a great joke
It's not that good, it's a kind of okay joke but thank you
you're so cute
Kill yourself
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love yourself
love myself
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>only Torrent takes damage
>my character screams
ez skip
anime is really bad and also cringe
messmer vs midra
who wins
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that's somebody's son
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still less than thicclenia
anime website, anime game.
>anime website
>anime game
so we just telling lies now huh
sorry your general is so dead you have to come here for any sort of interaction. i'm not lol
Who are you talking to?
femanon has a bf btw stop being a cuck
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you incels need to stop picking on maddy :/
this is elden ring general not maddy general, stop talking about the ugly lolcow cunt
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fucking finally made a webm jc idk why ts is so hard
turn your brightness down jesus
lil nga brightness is down. idk why its that bright after converting to webm. im still trying to learn how to do ts.
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why is this faggot still posting his mid ass clips?
post stats pls
how come my rellana swords don't do that much damage?
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50/50 dex/fai
where is that?
I just shat and ejaculated and now I'm ready for Elden ring
I like the idea of doing a FAI INT build and using the RTB, SoNaF, and the Staff of the Great Beyond
kinda cool that both of the FAI INT weapons are also stance weapons that make excellent use of Rellana's Cameo
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>make fun, creative build
>runed poiseblob at the Liurnia shack with a GUGS

>make the most minmaxed build possible, by using every single piece of equipment and consumable imaginable to have both optimized defenses and enough damage to delete any player's healthbar in seconds
>clueless host + phantoms going through the game
yiff in hell
My cat looks like that
i fuck that cat
one of the arenas on the DEN maps mod
>tranime webm
post hidden
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it's one of the like 3 actual int/fai weapons in the game, yeah. I just went with dex/fai specifically to maximize the flame-version of the weapon art
I love meli meli
>anime webm
post viewed
is 108 too low for Mountaintop of the Giants? I'm getting owned in the Zamor Ruins
git gud
Probably closer to 120ish is what I'd expect to get over the course of it but 108 isn't unreasonable, there's like a like weird difficulty spike in mountaintops
the femanon has a bf btw don't be a simp
Yes you are.
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Because Rya can't cum from anything but rape and so every few weeks cycles between self loathing isolating herself and being disgusted by herself and ending up purposefully putting herself in dangerous situations partially in the hope that something will happen to her, like that she'll get raped and relieve whatever frustration built up or finally put out of her misery and won't have to deal with what/how she is any more
Why are you playing on kbm, you freak.
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Maddy I took your advice on steam. Shoulda known better than to try and make new friends while this situation is still going on. What a fucking joke. Tell everyone I said hi.
You dont have to say thst and I dont know what youre referring to
That's kind of hot
It's funny how it's actually canon, you wouldn't expect it to be but it is
Yup, definitely canon.
Ohh nvm I understand what you mean now. Good luck
>using my magic to create a figment of my dad to beat you up
Fuck off. Don't patronize me.
Of course, sweetie, it's fancanon.
It is!
Even if it wasn't canon canon (it is), fancanon is more valid than ingame lore anyway
Do you know anyone else that also wants to be raped? Just asking.
It's not that she necessarily WANTS to be, it's just that's the only way she can feel those things and the closest she knows how to experience and express intimacy
Why are you ERPing on an Elden Ring thread at 8:50am PST, Seymour?
You need a boyfriend.
Oh that isn't erotic roleplay, thats a character study, from from the lorefag discussion we're having
Makes no sense
Sorry, I meant Rya needs a boyfriend
Oh, with her I don't think it'd work out. It already didn't with the tarnish3d (though they never got that far) but most likely she'd be annoying and make the Tarnished's life hell if got that far and eventually acted in such a way that would either end the relationship or make it so the only way for it to continue is if he got abusive
Of course, of course.
Now take your meds.
Is Rya a virgin?
No meds to take
No, the prequel thing to >>503479883 she has sex both when she gets raped and then afterwards when she realizes the starting sentence of that one
??? Why
Kill yourself
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making up disgusting headcanon about Rya. Her father is in charge of justice in the lands between so anyone who says this is sentenced to rape
Well she would tell you it too, so he would sentence his own daughter to rape?
she would never say this though
In his insane headcanon, she would.
And it's all that filth cares about.
She would, she literally asks you to kill her, do you think she wouldn't say negative things about herself?
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Tbf he didn't burst into flames until he stopped enduring
Apparently the ingame filenames for the Erdtree Avatar is "ShadowofErdtrees"
wait what the fuck
Sepuku only costs 4 FP?
It costs health so ueah
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Metyr told the GEQ to kill the gods. There are no gods except for the Greater Will and the host of his Elden Ring
Now that the dust has settled, who was the worse ruler: Marika or Gwyn?
didn't they both condemn humans to being cursed forever
>caring about fromslop lore
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Are you really gonna make a fuss over such a small little thing like that?
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he won
I still find it so insane that fromsoft literally threatened to sue over this tweet
Yeah cuz I'm a human. Marika could fucking nuke the hornsent off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. Marika is probably worse just because all of her children are fucked up and made the world even worse lmao. Gwyn is a shithead but I want to say the worst he's done is curse humans forever.
Gwyn's main issue is that he wanted to keep control over what he had and perpetuated the bullshit ignore the serpents effectively being a cabal tainting things behind the scenes, while Marika, despite being justified with the Hornsent, had so many woman moments that something like FF could pop up.
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Most music in Elden Ring blends together for me and isn't even remotely memorable. The one song that stands out above all the rest, however, is this song. I wish we had gotten more of this type of boss, but I don't think there's much else that could be done.
good thing the dlc saved the ost
i like godrick theme
ambient themes
dancing lion
>ambient themes
I wish I could get into them. I've heard them so damn much due to my replays and exploration tendencies, however, that I fucking hate listening to them.
yeah that's fair.
it's weird because I liked how the previous games didn't have music for most of the areas, but I love ambient tracks so elden ring having them makes me feel like I'm returning to an old friend. From a gameplay/presentation standpoint it's much cooler to have no ambient music for 99% of the areas and then blast the player with a cool track to show significance for a special area.
He was always right.
Hornsent are humans. Most don't even have horns.
What if Rya got isekai'd into the real world and she posted on /erg/ and started making stupid off topic posts and she was dumb enough to post her ID on /erg/ and her address was on it and I went to that address and raped her and raped her and raped her and beat her and raped her and kidnapped her and enslaved her and raped her and raped her and raped her
How do you guys play Elden Ring with a shield-only run (no rolling)? The status effects scare me.
I heard the sunflower was the worst boss ever but I had lots of fun fighting it, took me 6 attemps at scadu 8 because every time I though it was over that little shit did something new kek
I dont think literally anyone says the sunflower is the worst, I've only heard positive things
maybe I got it wrong and it was the fingers thing who I have yet to find, I'm looking forward to Midra, mesmer and Bayle tho.

Thats said I want to ask, I feel it's mandatory for experience to summon igon for Bayle, I want the man to have his revenge too, but I also heard many people misses the summon, does it only appear once Bayle spawns in the arena? and does it increase HP too much? I dont usually use summons
His summon is just a few steps forward and to the left of AFTER you walk in, that's ehy people miss it, because it's unusual for the summon sign to be inside the arena
He doesn't increase the boss health at all, since like he's summoned after the boss is already there
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gotcha, when I enter the arena Bayla drops and THEN I summon igon at my left/Around the left of the entrance, right?
Idk when the summon sign shows up the very first time, but every time after the first attempt at least the summon sign I'd there immediately
proofs? not that i don't believe you but i don't believe you
FC tonight?
None, I made it up
Yeah well I'm not a hornnigger so
SEAMLESS Fc tonight?
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Mmm...I sure hope I get invaded today.
please what?
Marry him I'm assuming
but they're both boys
One of them will get pregnant either way
>datamining has literally proved that Radahn was going to be a mom and was pregnant when you killed him
NG+7 Gaius is legit the hardest videogame boss I've ever fought
His charge being a oneshot makes the fight nearly impossible
I personally never understood all the complaints about Gaius. Ultra-broken charge hitbox aside, he's a fun boss to learn.>>503537468
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"Surely trading will work this 5th time"
>0 runes
Yep, his anus is ruptured.
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fun fact, you don't get bigger in the final cutscene, instead they make a new manlet throne just for you.
who makes it? are there any carpenters left in the lands between?
Howg, Hewg's carpenter brother
Rough sex with Latenna
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She's taken
Is there anyone down for a FC?
I’ll pass
No one replied earlier so I made plans, sorry
Alright then
Oh fuck that's right I just saw that, my bad. Well good to know then I won't sit in a 1/4 lobby for an hour again
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Man Square Off has carried me the fuck through this playthrough
Confessing to sister Varreposter and being held close to her bosom while she pets the back of my head and tells me everything is gonna be okay.
I wish it was usable on claymore
Greatsword of Damn Fuck You Cunt
i would honestly take a 10 stance damage hit to square off if it meant it regained the ability to combo the r1 into r2 from dark souls 3
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How is it on that sword, explain
How is golden parry on caestus, explain
This was years back we were playing seamless + all using cheat engine to put invalid ashes of war into weapons. The game will now automatically boot off an invalid ash when u cheat it in instead of letting you dick around with shit.
Ohh well I wish square off was usable on claymore
if u only play offline you can try mods..i think there's a mod that lets u put any ass of wart on any weapon
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Tch, no rape tonight.
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If I had one, I'd post it. But I don't. That's why there are only two pages.

But I can guess it's Malenia objecting to Ledda waking up Miquella with a spanking.
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uooooooooh seggs
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All the giant women in these games make me want to be raped by one
>make me want to be raped
ok redcel
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>make me want to be raped
ok maddy
You dont have to say that and that wouldnt even make any sense
Malenia doesn't like Leda watching over Miquella sleeping, and Leda doesn't like Malenia's rotten ass
It doesn't help that they always beat the shit out of me too
Really didn't fucking help bro
does Miquella get ara ara'd by both of them?
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Sadly, no. They start to have an argument, he says... something, and they both melt.
is this what girls really like?
Shotas? Yeah.
I wish I could drink a "make me a shota again" potion and get ara ara'd by Leda and Malenia... do you think Ranni knows how to make them?
Ranni's retarded, she'd probably go "ask Seluvis", and Seluvis would make you a shota puppet to violate for his own pleasure.
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>finish making coop character
>put sign down
>try using a finger to see if there's any signs for me to summon in unfinished dungeons
well that was a waste of time.
People only coop with their friends.
what lvl? I get decent activity at 170
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