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Lost in a Labryrinth Edition

I don't even know if this card's on Arena.

Previous: >>502269509

>News & Reminders
Monstrous Rage is banned in Alchemy
Temporal Manipulation is banned in Historic.
Universes Beyond sets will be standard legal starting next year
Damage assignment order in combat is getting removed starting with foundations
Buy the pixel Ajani avatar and sleeve bundle, extra life sleeve and pixel Fblthp sleeve from the store until November 15 to benefit charity

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I have a draft I might post. Got a mythic player to full rope me. Discuss.
Dead thread?
You took all his ropes? Gross.
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Ajani be with ye
Using a ninja deck in historic. Not even close to meta but it's almost arousing when some teferinigger uses four (4) board wipes and still loses on turn 6.
Dude the n word is not cool on blue background boards chill out im at work right now.
Ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmm im telling on you!
Was in Tinybones? I went six wins with him and four of those were from opponents who scooped sooner than they probably should have.
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Dang i almost got wizards of the coast
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You all would probably like this wouldnt you because youre all GAY!
>immersturm predator + forsaken miner seems like a good idea
>put together a list with mostly uncommons
>unranked standard bo1
>5 games against mono-rares exile removal
>1 rdw
is midrange dead?
where do you go to brew?
Draft or jumpstart
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BTFOing these red decks with a timely Unsummon is some funny shit
Foundations bringing classics back
>the lobotimzed "deck-building" experience with tap lands, chaff and cards not legal anywhere else
>open my wallet and feel bad when someone plays a mythic that immediately becomes the only relevant card in the game
no, i dont think i will
Fuck you jumpstart is fun
Jumpstart? More like ... Rump- ... -fart.
dude Quick Draft is wild
my opponent just Grim Tutored for a Day of Judgment
Jumpstart is a perfect kitchen table power level experience
just lost 3 games in a row in draft to incompetent opponents playing 2-mana bomb rares that carried them while I drew 80% lands.
feeling great.
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9/10 of my draw steps were land this game.
my opponent was a new player having a random number generator make all the worst possible decisions for him every turn just to prolong the suffering
>page 10
>page 5 (no bump)
Pack it up fellas migrate to /tg/
Dont tell me what to do retard
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my draft opponent filled his deck with terrible cards just so he could highroll oneshot me with his rare before going 1-3
that's actually kind of awesome
standard gruul behavior
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Love this shit
Unranked Bo1 is rigged to give you matches against decks that are considered to be 'similar in power', and you'll never find a good representation of decks while playing that mode. Do ranked either Bo1 or Bo3, or unranked Bo3.
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guys i need help silver pepega what to cut
Thats a lie I only play ranked BO1 and it picks decks based on what you are playing. They claim its not true but it 100% is, as some one who switches between deck types often its very apparent when you start seeing the same 3-4 off meta decks vs yours.
The game trys to force each deck ID towards 50% winrate unless you are in one of the paypig game modes.
Probably a dumb question but why do streamers and Youtubers not play a land before going to attack phase? I see it a lot and they literally sacrifice options of play when doing it. My only guess is to bluff that they have an extra card?
i fucking hate planeswalker and their little minigame
erase these niggercards from existance
I play a lot of ranked Bo1 (in historic, not standard) and have not experienced this. I get a wide variety of decks while playing the same deck, regardless of which deck I pick. Maybe standard is different.
>mono red aggro 60% winrate
>every brainlet and thier grandmother is playing it on ladder
Whats your favorite mono-red counter deck to farm these faggots.
Agreed and observable
There are lots of situations where you may end up drawing a card, or having an "exile you may play it until end of turn" effect. By waiting to play your land you avoid losing a card in the second situation and keep the option to get a tapped land out of the way in the first situation. These aren't always going to be relevant, and since you're asking it probably isn't in the videos you're watching, but it's best to always play as if it is so that you get into the habit of playing that way and don't end up missing the value when it does matter.
what the fuck you are playing?
ladder is nothing but monoblack discard everything or reanimator cheese faggots
because a lot of them has gotten coaching by pros and been told that's how you need to play and build a habit to do so without really thinking about the strategic ramifications of having less mana available. Basically they don't really think.
Ofc there is exceptions but it's usually only in what anon below posted.
Also most pros are cheaters or belong to the social circle of wotc and don't trust content creators saying certain cards you never heard of being good, they are playing the secondary market.
Probably too late, but resilience, turtle, katana, aetherize, and probably a terror or a sprite. Maybe both, and add voyage.
Another 7-1 finish in constructed historic
Isn't that bo1?
i'm mirin'
You didn't play the game.
holy moly overlords + zur, eternal schemer looks so good
and it's all mythics....
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Oh boy, things are about to get weird.
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I think the mad lad's computer crashed and I won lol. That wasn't even my Doppelgang!
From the looks of that board, he could've won simply by swinging in with big dudes ages ago, he just really wanted to doppelgang.
Yeah, I have no doubt he could've squashed me whenever he wanted to. He missed lethal for a few turns where he could've just Nissa ulted for trample but he just kept ramping haha.
now 5-3
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I really needed more spells but the ones i do cast will be devestating.
Looks good unless you face any removal.
I don't think you can play the Cyclops with so few spells.
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I was scared of too many balmors. Now i unbderstand you should play maximum balmors. Sure strike is busted, thibk twice is also busted on this format i lke it.
Cyclops is busted with balmor youre retarded. Super retarded. Trample and cyclops and any spells is busted.
yeah but you have 5 spells in your entire deck.
glad it worked out but that deck could easily have gone 2-3.
Balmor would definitely not be the cut, the other anon is right in that it'd probably be cyclops.
I dunno what the cyclops hate is about but if you give it trample its retardedly busted you guys are fucking retards
It's just a bad card. If you cast one spell, it's basically boarders. If you haven't, it's way worse.
I like Cyclops but I play it with a bunch of Fleeting Distractions in spell-heavy decks.
it's a matter deckbuilding.
you were lucky to get your gems back.
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How much can 2 Play-In points be worth?
What are they even good for?
I'm trying to justify doing some Trad Draft but the EV for gems is so bad when I don't care about packs and can freeroll Premier and Quick.
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20 points to enter one of these: https://magic.gg/events/qualifier-play-in
They rotate through different formats, next one is Foundations Sealed. Probably not worth it for you if you don't care at all about packs and can't cash out when they do a good format.
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how did my opponent get these Plains I am so fucking jealous
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hope this guy burns in hell for his luckshittery
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