Sex with Sheepsticked in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation>INFORMATION & GUIDESWiki: League players: tracker:>STATISTICS game data:>ESPORTS on D2G...>>503110327
cringe op wcyd
Sex with Hoodwink in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
>>503430626woah cool it with the SEXO POSTS
bro it's just a game calm down :axe_laugh:
>hey, you know that guy you reported and disliked?>the guy that fed on purpose?>let's put him on your side again. just for shits and giggles.This game is dying and deservedly so.
What the fuck is wrong with Russians? I thought it was just a meme, but the quality of games really does go down the more Russians there are.The slightest grievance and they start running it down. Putin needs to send more of them to the front line to die because this is ridiculous.
Bros it went horribly wrong
>>503435595team of russians vs team of latinx who wins it
i havent touched dota in over 6 months, how's the meta rn? i'm seriously considering picking up the game again just so i can finally reach grandmaster tier on my favorite hero. i got immortal but stopped at level 28, and i feel like i left things unfinished
>>503437678who is your hero?
>>503437959weaveri looked at dota2protracker and apparently ze bug is kinda dogshit right now but im used to that, i just dont know what the overall meta is atm (or if it has changed at all in the last 6 months)
>>503438241carry meta is kinda shityou want a carry who either goes khanda or orchid or who can just gigafarm like alchemist/DK
>>503435595You'd be constantly angry if you had to live in a communist shithole concrete apartment block probably sharing it with several gopniks.
>>503438241Weaver's probably better than he's been throughout most of Dota history IMO, he buys Gleipnir which is the best item in the game and his Shard lets him farm super quickly. As always, the only thing you have to be mindful of is how much disable the enemy team has.
>>503438241>weaverAll weaver pickers should an hero.
If I stack a camp, I notice that I get some gold out of it if someone clears it. If someone else kills that stacked camp, is it a 50% split between me and him or is he a cuck for clearing my stack?
>>503438498>DK>gigafarmpick one, AND ONLY ONE OF THESE
Yeah I just came back from mega creepswhat are you gonna do about it?
>>503442509>When these creeps are killed by an ally of that player, the hero who stacked them gains gold and experience based on 30% of whatever the ally got. This gold and experience is not subtracted from the ally, it is granted to the stacking hero on top of what the ally gets for farming them. This bonus gold and experience is not granted when the stacking player or an enemy kills the stacked creeps. A sound effect and the typical gold visual effect indicate whenever gold is gained from stacked camps.>These creeps grant their killer 15% less gold and experience than they normally would do.
>>503444685Thanks. Is liquipedia the go-to wiki for Dota? The other wiki fandom is outdated.
>>503444753they are both outdated, its a thankless job and nobody wants to do it anymore.
>>503444367lemme guess: the BB/MK felt himself up and didn't respect fan of knives and the sniper thought shadowblade was a good buy against a zues
>>503445913Pretty much, especially the not respecting fan of knives part
whoever implemented this change at valvefuck you you stupid fucking nigger
kez status?
Why can't Valve make a show like Arcane?
>>503448007Fun fact: Expiration Date was supposed to be a pilot for a TF2 TV series but Valve running on Valve Time(TM) pissed off whoever they were working with so the project was dropped.But that was back before Netflix streaming and shit was taking off, and it was expected to air on TV. Things might be different now since Valve can take as long as they want and then release it whenever but that requires Valve to want to do it.
>Zeus gets first blooded by Night>He rage quits>Wind follows him>NS too for some reason>We fight 3v4 for a while with me alone in my lane while Mid is 1v3>Huskar ragequits after I poop in his mouth and die afterward>The only person who doesn't leave on their team is MKI just wanted to play Axe
are the welcome quests for dota plus forever? even if it expires i can still do them if i resubscribe later?
anyone up for some dota? maybe we can play some unranked instead of tryharding rankedmy steam friend code is 41647433
>>503455594Post profile, I don't want to accidentally add PSG or Rain
>>503450382cool turbo game loser
>>503450382>5/1 on TurboThat's just sad, you should at least have double digits brooling nonstop. What's the point of turbo if you're not doing that?
>>503456848>not reading the post>replying anywayThat's just sad, what's the point of posting if you're not doing that?
its outstanding somehow nyx is saved for 3rd pick so i pick DB and get fucked in the ass
>>503448037Isn't pretty much every carry in this state since the patch e patch?
>>50345922149% isn't bad
this looks like censored blowjob lol
>>503459585Kez POV
>>503460051Why is your entire comment section full of people calling you gay? Are you gay?
>>503460051i dont delete comments so most of them are just mad cuz badi do not associate with homosexuals
>>503462074I think you're a gay sex haver
Sometimes someone posts a comment on your steam profile because they got mad at you. They subscribe to your profile and after a year they post another comment repeating the same thing.How pathetic do you have to be that you still remember me after a year? Did I really tilt you so hard?
Who /Shen/ here?Tbh I find mines the only working strat, literally nothing else works for meBy the way fat fuck gaben keeps reducing my high scores, it shows 400k instead of 885k in the leaderboards
>>503462596I won with Kez using knife throw, swashbuckle, counterhelix, and stampedeKnife throw is absurdly overpowered
>>503462573I wont lie, I kept a notepad of some people that really pissed me off and were toxic towards me in crusader, and when I got to divine I decided I was high enough to look them up again and they were all still in crusader/archon sans 1. I added them again knowing they wouldnt know who I am and rinsed the shit out of them for still being the same rank after a yearFelt good, petty but good
if you lived in a commie block you'd also want to run down mid at the slightest grievance
>>503463017maybe there should be a commie block matchmaking pool so i don't have to see them
Each server should have separate banlistsIf you speak the wrong language on a server you should be banned from it
>>503463640seethe thirdie
>>503463017>>503463235what are you ziggerphobes?
>>503463715when i have the opportunity to be rude to russians i will take it, they would do the same for me
Can you even get an Arcana on Candyworks?
>>503464120ive got 2 alreadyjugg and rubick
>>503464307How many rerolls? I'm on 100
>>503462863>I wont liesounds like you made this up.and I'm the psycho who wrote this last thread >>503360349my money is on you never climbed out of those ranks and this is your fantasy. Post your dotabuff and then also take a screenshot of this thread + dota2 client with profile open.
>>503464337not that many, 60?
>>503464354>and I'm the psycho who wrote this last threadI remember being 16 too anon.
>>503464098south americans and russians are what's keeping this game alive on NA and EU servers. Without them legend games would have herald ranks and immortal games would have ancient ranks due to lack of players. There are 446k active players this month, without them we'd be lucky to reach 100k
>armlet>shadow blade>terrorbladeyup you already know what's going on
I'd you lived in a commie block you'd also be pretty skilled at dota, it's too bad right?
templar assassin in bondage when?
>>503464808All the good russians, christian russians were genocided by the commies. Now you have a mass of subanimal mongrel cannon fodder and i'll be glad to have hour long queues if it means never having to interact with this plague ever again in my entire life.
Hmmm today i'm gonna push high ground
>>503465884>genocided by the commiesjews
>>503466913same shit
time to neglect my responsibilities, family, and all my potential by playing this game for several hours... again.
>>503467320nobody has potential, it's a meme just like talent
>>503467320>>503468157yeah, but hard work pays off. keep grinding dota, you'll get that immortal soonTM
>>503466780>Furion/Lycan/Bear force one are strong 10+ years ago>"NERF THE PUSH, STOP THE COUNT-">Towers get stronger>Glyph gets refreshed>More gold on the map = Easier buybacks for every single person>Removed necrobook>Illusions deal less damage to towers>Towers get splitshot to clear waves>Comeback gold makes pushing high ground incredibly risky and game throwing - One good player getting caught means you are now losing/even after winning all gameValve had people on their staff that didnt like the fact that some heroes were specialised and taking down towers really fast and because of this completely warped the game into a see-saw throw and counter throw game of "Who wants to dare to try to complete the actual game objective first".Meanwhiles strats like hiding in base, and just split pushing and avoiding each other for 20 minutes is heavily rewarded. Retards honestly. I always said right from when they started working on dota "Wtf do the crreators of tf2 and l4d know about RTS", in the same vein blizzard had no business making an FPS with overwatch. I knew they'd warp the game like this
>>503468513And yet games are shorter on average than ever, the buffs were not enough and high ground is too weak, pushing needs another nerf
0-6, 0-7 and 0-4 3 russians in my team lmao tell me why i shouldnt just queue 50 attack points across the map and play roulette
>>503470037My guardian games are always going to 60 minutes because people always throw going high ground. Maybe it's different with the 10k gold leads at 20 minutes in immortal.
>>503470037high ground is not too weak
Why are ziggers here pretending that any actual humans don't hate their guts? What causes this ziggerphoria?
>>503464808those people are on NA and EU servers to avoid playing with their countrymen
>>503470750They are delusional, they live in a fantasy world were everyone that doesn't speak russian is american since there is no way English is a world language widely understood by essentially everyone while russian is a dead language spoken only by thirdie subhumans
>>503470037>Yer games are shorter than everPeople people have been condition to play as>We get some kills>We are winning>We get some towers and more kills>We are winning even more>We have a level and item advantage, we should press the advantage and push hg to win before the enemy can find a way to catchupFor the entirety of dota's existence before valve got their grubby mitts on the wheel. And now that strat is a bad strat and people have quite figured out that 5 man sieging T3s when you're ahead isnt the game winning play it used to be.People do itEnemy catches upEnemy then barrels down mid and ends the gameIts bullshit, its mario kart tier balancing that rewards people that die over and over and over again and still manage to summon gold and items out of their ass. It makes the laning stage utterly pointless and a waste of time like the devs want the game to be Hots
>>503471218Watch the early TI's they were all death ball strats where the games were decided at 10 minutes because there was no comeback mechanics. This system sucks but the old one was worse.
>>503471218hg used to be way weakerno free visionno free armor from towerno super glyphno high ground in fountainfountain damage was patheticfountain didnt give true sightim sure there are other buffs i missed
>>503470884and I welcome them with open arms. If my choices are >dipshit foreigners of similar rank / fast queues>dipshit local players of low rank / slow queuesjust own up to it and accept russians/south americans on our servers is better then the alternative.
tfw diagnosed with schizophrenia
>russians tryhard smurfing in unranked>i have pos 3 hw and an afk pos 5love when the matchmaker expects me tó carry these games
>>503471820>they were all death ball strats where the games were decided at 10 minutes because there was no comeback mechanicsThats an organic problem where the deathball, pushing, "end game fast" heroes are too powerful, and the "stall the game out until I become a monster" strats were weak because the equivalent heroes were weak. (I mean feels a but unfair considering waternigga was consistently broken for all those early tourneys too and got picked a LOT and he's one of those ricing lategame monsters).How they should have fixed it was buffed other stalling/defensive heroes to hold base better, to counterpick the deathballing strats. Things like Lich Ice Shield, Treant Living Armour, Ogre tower bloodlust and fire shield, arc warden bubbling a tower, furion sprouting a tower, or even heroes being able to place static defenses like nether ward, plague ward, serpent ward etc. to make pushing more difficult, OR heroes with aoe abilities that punish the deathball, the king of these being echo slam. These all should have been buffed/reworked and improved, and more abilities added so if you see the enemy doing a push/deathball strat, you counterpick with these heroes and suddenly they cant end as fast anymore. Instead, they artificially solved the problem by just making uphill and sieging/base destruction harder in general, so now nobody can push fast and its really punishing to do soUnrelated to this, but comeback mechanics were always fuck awful. If you've played well to win the early game, and are ahead, why should the enemy get a buff for this? (Massive comeback bounty when they kill the pos5 that was out of position)The "On the back foot buff" should be the fact that they are standing in base, defending with a tower, creep and high ground advantage. Not an artificial bounty that says "Oh the enemy mid got 8 kills in a row because they're playing like a god? Just chain stun them, now you're just as rewarded for one good play as they are for 8 good plays"
my arms hurt. how am i supposed to click buttons when they hurt?
i think im gonna stop playing unrankedhaving "fun" with friends isn't worth the miserable experience
>>503473374use your fingers to click buttons
>>503473304You're right, they should've buffed Techies instead of removing him
>>503473304>How they should have fixed it was buffed other stalling/defensive heroes to hold base better, to counterpick the deathballing strats. Things like Lich Ice Shield, Treant Living Armour, Ogre tower bloodlust and fire shield, arc warden bubbling a tower, furion sprouting a tower, or even heroes being able to place static defenses like nether ward, plague ward, serpent ward etc. to make pushing more difficult, OR heroes with aoe abilities that punish the deathball, the king of these being echo slam.buffing these things helps both sides, not just defense
Game became so bad lately.
Game became so good lately.
>>503473374now your arms have something in common with your safe lane heroes, they can't carry.
Arcana rerun?
>>503473924fingers are on the arms anon>>503475958thats right carlos, A+
im done with solars glimmers or pipes never am i gonna even buy 1 component of those items
>>503476945Need them to break open the vault and run some of these arcana and versus screens. I'd pickup drow and the avengers looking screen instantly.
>>503478109unless you're divine/immortal don't buy support items on supports. You only build items that let you spam spells harder and more often.
how can someone queue carry and not pick DK is fucking beyond mehow can u let this hero through then at 14min ping his armlet+mom+bkb and complain, ITS YOUR FUCKING FAULT FOR LETTING THEM HAVE THIS HERO
>Sell box to afford crownfall act 4 pathfinder pack>Money pendingFuck you valve.Let me unlock my imperia already you fucks
Now that the dust has settled we can agree old battlepasses were a better value than this act thing
>>503483470And old Arcanas were better than the Venge and Skywrath nu-Arcana
>>503483470I prefer the mechanics of this battlepass, but there should be more chests and rewards and shit
>>503483470yes by far. fuck valve and their minigames
*falcon rushes u* xD
>>503483470sex with venge
God bless you whales helping keep the lights on at Valve! I've been playing dota2 since the beginning and haven't spent a penny on this game. If it ain't free it ain't for me, a motto I live by.
>>503484383I particle mog you
>"Bro the matches were way worse, just trust me!"if this retard had the ability to chain glyphs one after another and those glyphs caused towers to multishot then his midas strat would've eventually won him the game.>>503468513>All memepush auras no longer affect your team's creeps because they shouldn't>Medallion of courage gone, solar crest basically an item you cast on your offlaner
>Playing Lycan against Tusk>Chase him down>He uses snowball>Then uses shards>Fucks up royally and traps himself in the shards with meAlright time to eat this fucking walrus>Then suddenly he does some weird ass sliding teleport out of the charge and gets away?????>Look it up>He has some retarded facet that lets him jump to targeted alliesI'd kill for a patch that just removed any mobility added post 7.00.
>>503483470>better valuehow so?
>buy pipe on visage>lose>buy scepter>winThat simple i guess
>>503485950Uuhhh you had to spend money that's value ok
>give me even more free chests and shitYou guys are insanely greedy.The current battlepass is already extreamly generous most other f2p games wouldnt give you this much stuff.It really goes to show you shouldnt give out any free stuff because these 3rd worlder beggars will always demand more and more and never be satisfied so Valve should just kick them to the curb and stop giving them anything.
>>503483470no. i spent 0 dollars and i got an arcana and immortals from candyshop with multiple new sets. Everything being optional was great.
>>503487302also factor in how the content behind a paywall had a discount available for 50% offnone of this bullshit week long sale for bp levels
>>503487134dotards take freeloading to the extreme, never seen a more entitled, demanding, annoying community of gamers. Crazy how much the culture in dota2 revolves around third world customs.
>>503485950Right now to get everything you need to spend $80 ($27 on both arcanas, $28 on 4 pathfinders)In 2020 $75 got you a level 100 BP+ 1 bundle (220 levels). Some people got everything up to windranger arcana grinding, though that was probably with abuse. You could get QOP and Skeleton king and Wei and Pudge personas pretty easily though. And you got more lootboxes, taunts and an extra terrain over this BP.
>>503488206this ignores that you dont have to spend a dime to enjoy the non-hat content
>>503487302We are talking about value as in spending money, not being a leech>>503488016It's funny because every redditors complaint about the old battlepasses being predatory or too expensive ended with valve just locking down and changing shit for the worse.
>>503488734>It's funny because every redditors complaint about the old battlepasses being predatory or too expensive ended with valve just locking down and changing shit for the worse.what? being able to buy hats from a storefront is a much better consumer experienceretard
>>503488206>you need toBut you don't have to.>Some people got everything up to windranger arcana grindingNot everyone has the time.>And you got more lootboxes, taunts and an extra terrain over this BP.You can get the chest sets, emoticons, sprays and emoticons by just playing the game, the immortals and the extras are entirely optional.We even get some dota lore and dota themed minigames which was way more fun than a shallow battlepass with only grinding. The cavern crawl is even easier than ever since players who only main can still play them since they made Valve made it easier with the scraps mechanic also no more people ruining ranked by playing heroes they dont know.
>>503487302my behavior is low so i dont get anything, rather just get older goypass and shit on wrlets or shakerletsalthough im razorlet and spectrelet ;/
>>503488734>We are talking about value as in spending moneySo am I. The value depends on the person buying them. If you only want the arcana or the immortals then you can buy them and if not then skip them. Personally I'm planning to buy the pathfinder pack with the custom creeps eventually. I honestly don't know how people think crownfall is bad when in the old battlepass, not only you have to grind for levels but you have to spend money to even participate in them.
>>503490160you didnt even get access to the bp cycle event without paying
>>503489786We dont have working wikis so this is necessary
>>503490375?what is wrong with the liquidpedia wiki?
Where is our free arcana though?
dear pudge players, please skin yourself. thank you
>>503490638you play the game then you earn one though candyworksall free of charge
>>503490160But when did I saw crownfall was bad lmao, I'm saying that if you spent money, old BP was better and gave you more stuff
>>503490760>I'm saying that if you spent money, old BP was better and gave you more stuffat least for the 2020bpbut you had to spend a lot of money and be there for the sale
>>503490743>>503490724>playing since april>over 200 rolls>0 arcanaswell at least I didn't get ogre
>>503488206for the 2020 battlepass you needed lvl 575 to get all the hats$45 for the bp+100 levels$60 for the 2 bundles that gave 240 levelsyou've already spent $105 and you're only level 340 where you get $75 dollars from
i cant get past the 2nd level of the bombermanthinking of buying a bottle of whiskey and getting fucked upITS OVER
>>503490760>I'm saying that if you spent money, old BP was better and gave you more stuffOnly if you pay more money. In the old BP you have to buy the BP and waste your time grinding or pay more to get the content you want, in Crownfall it let's you buy whatever you want directly. Collector's cache is even lock behind the bp, now you can buy them directly. Honestly the only thing missing is the terrain and weathers, that should have been in the pathfinders pack instead of the music pack and the spectre set.
>>503491338>The International 10 Battle Pass is jam packed with amazing rewards: the Sanctums of the Divine Terrain at level 160, the Toy Butcher Pudge Persona at level 255, the Disciple’s Path Anti-Mage Persona at level 305, the One True King Wraith King Arcana at level 375, the Eminence of Ristul Queen of Pain Arcana at level 445, the Compass of the Rising Gale Windranger Arcana at level 575for $75 you get level 220 not even high enough for the pudge persona
what is it about night stalker that makes retards just fucking shut down and lose all sapience
>>503491887pressing r for a limited power steroid that screams "IM HARD COMMITTING TO THE FIGHT NOW"
>>503491338>>503491880You guys never played a battlepass ever? You are doing math as someone who swiped his credit card and didn't play the game at all. It was pretty easy to get 100 or so levels being somewhat active throughout those 6 months the BP lasted, but there was a pretty hard cap around that mark. If you were good with wagers you could maybe get 50 or so more levels after that. Battlepass abusers got a shitload more though. And it wasn't hard to get an extra 50 levels bundle. As I said, $75 for WR was more for wager exploiters or people with insane luck getting free levels on Immortal 3, but some people did get that.
>>503492860>It was pretty easy to get 100 or so levels being somewhat active throughout those 6 months the BP lastedok 100 levels still only puts you at lvl 440 which wasnt enough for the qop arcana and that was spending $105spending $75 gets you lvl 320 you miss out of the wk arcanathis is where the value gets even worse compared to crownfallyou were forced to spend more yet still had to play the game for 6 months to get all the hatsnow you dont have to play at all to buy the arcanano one should be expected to exploit or play 40 hours a week to get some hats that you've already spent $75 on
>>503493465but if u spend more money its more value? lol
>>503485593>doesn't know about Drinking Buddies post-TI>brawling with Lycan instead of hitting towersAnon pls
>>503492860>It was pretty easy to get 100 or so levels being somewhat activeNo it wasn't. Are you kidding me? You must have a perfect cavern crawl, tips, achievements, prediction, buy the cache sets and wagers to achieve them. Those still take time, money and effort. Have you even considered your electric bill wasting time exploiting? Or the time you wasted earning money but you instead waste it grinding?
>>503494231thiseven $10 was too much
>>503493793>u spend more money its more valuein crownfall you don't have to, you can choose which content to spend on
>>503491504low iq and depress
>>503494231People who abused that BP literally got to level 1000 with the 2 levels bundle bro. 100 levels is just the achivements, and wagering was a POTENTIAL 100 extra levels, say it's a 50% winrate because dota and that's 100. Everyone who spent $105 got to windranger, and that's better value than buying everything from crownfall
>>503494862Just take it slow, there are infinite levels and you don't have to rush
>>503494901>if you just abuse the system then it was basically free!lmao>Everyone who spent $105 got to windrangernot upfront thoughthey had to wait until at least the bundle sale and then they also had to spend their time to earn itwhat a fucking joke
Trying to get 15k in Spleen Sweeper for the Techies profile decoration made me start hitting myself again xD
>>503495863lmao get good
>>503494901>People who abused that BP literally got to level 1000 with the 2 levels bundle bro.Again those still take time, energy and effort. In their effort to save money by not spending in the BP they actually still lost money by grinding the levels and paying for their electric bills. All those stories you heard people only spending for the two bundles still have to grind 24/7 to get them just to maximize them.
>>503456795>>503456848Does being black and retarded ever get tiring to you?
>>503495086>>503495995I'm only mentioning abuse as the extreme best edge case scenario for potential leveling if you played the game. Not saying it was worth it or that everyone had to do it.The original point is: to get everything this event you have to spend a similar amount of money, and you get less. The most you can say for this event is that you don't have to play as much, if that's a good thing to you idk why do you hate the game but w/e.
>>503496640the jews let us say nigger in dota because there are none.
>>503496663extreme case scenarios are irrelevant in a conversation whether the old battlepass format gave more value than the new crownfall formatcrownfall is superior its not even a debate
>>503496871Dragonknight and Legion Commander
Hit 10k today, want to play a game with gorgc and then I want a break from this for a while.
>>503497248shout us out when you play on stream
>>503496663>The original point is: to get everything this event you have to spend a similar amount of moneyyou had to spend $105 to get 2 arcanas plus grind out levelscrownfalls gives 2 arcanas for $54its better value
>>503496640does being a loser and turbo lamer ever get tiring to you?
>>503497879No.Because I don't bend over backwards trying to fit in and appease a bunch of faggots on a basket weaving forum that don't even like me.
>>503496663>to get everything this event you have toYou don't have to and that's the beauty of it. The reason crownfall is better is because it let you choose which content you can get. They only worthwhile content in the past BP are the Arcana's. Nobody cares about the emoticons, taunts, loading screens, sprays, stickers, voice lines and the effigies. The immortals and non cache sets will sell by more than a dollar. That was the biggest complaint with the BP. It was bloated with crap no one cared for an absurd amount of money.
>>503498220is there anything to suggest that the arcanas wont be available for purchase after crownfall completes?that was another problem with the battlepassfucking fomo bullshit
>>503498758if there were available for sale the alternate styles wouldnt be therethe crownfall splash page doesnt specify if the arcana sales are limited
>>503498758I don't know about the store but they are tradeable/marketable after 1 year.
>>503498021bothered and angered
>>503483470cum on stomach
>>503500607>they never paid me !
>>503498021I like you :)
i havent played this dogshit game for like 2 years, how is the current health of the game?are russia/peru still animals?
>>503500607WoW died with the Lick King
How do you actually beat imperia i just roam around the little fuckers swarm me eventually?
>Match quality: dogshit>skill disparity: lmao :^)>don't heed the warning>1+4 vs 5What the fuck was I thinking
This game really needs a ranked overhal. this shit doesnt work anymore.
>>503503629Just kill them lol
>>503503891what do you suggest? they added psuedo-glicko
>>503503943do i actually win more gold with every attempt and upgrade my shit or im basically retarded?
>>503504095You can do that but you don't have to, just max knife throw and win for free
>>503504162thanks , hopefully i dont have to spend 50 hours doing this shit idk why but i feel like this act is ass i didn't like the minesweeper at all and i sure as shit don't like this
>>503504078seasonal reset, faster rank decay, at least 2 medals more becaus from low immortal to high theres like 6k mmr in difference.
>>503500607so glad this faggot quit dota2, can't believe how many of you watch this cooperate groomed race traitor.
>>503483470my baby is in there
>>503504728hes mixed race anywaysand doesn't have kids
>guy is marked as offlane>only offlane in pool>first pick him>after draft he changes role and instalocks tiny midonly constant huh
>>503505359The fact that you can change what roles you have selected after being drafted just goes to show how little thought valve put into immortal draft
>>503504728literally who
>>503505493but then how would we have support sniper and muerta?
>Hello, I'll be the retarded faggot yelling "gj9 tard" after every death
>>503505493>no you cant change your mind based off the your opinion of your team mates
>>503506585>draft guy with specific role selected since you need that role for your team>hehe lol he changes his role to something we already have better roll or hes gonna grief )))Kill yourself griefing nigger trash
>>503488206You most definitely did not manage to get all the arcanas/personas for the price of the pass + 1 bundle. You would be spending well over what this entire nearly year long event has cost, for an equivalent number of rewards.
>>503505493>check profile>exact same scenarioas god willed
Will the old battlepass arcanas ever be available again for the poor dotards that missed them?
>>503504728i would never watch anyone beside rtz and TI streams i used to watch mason when he was good
>>503509746yeah if player numbers drops below 400k they will break open the vault
>>503509592Tiny mid has to be the least worrying opponent mid, all you have to do is ping your teammates that he's missing with a rune.
>gunnar streaming to 74 viewers in WoWhow the mighty have fallen
>>503511162moo is streaming to 19 viewers on xcom2its dark days for na
>>503511162>>503511759Mean while us dubuchads keep winning
more nerfs when??
>forced to support>secure lane and first 20min as usual>my nigger of a carry weaver has neither gleipnir nor dedalus nor bkb>vs fucking magic sf>we lose>play vs him as an offlane>go 15-1, all chat report monkey while i do nothing but hunt him, hes 2-12>say i hope i could kill him irl instead in post-game chatAhh dota
>>503513481pretty based ngl
at least im winning more double downs than im losingim fooling the forced 50 system
I haven't played for a few years and just been spamming turbo to the feel back, have wards been nerfed? Feels like you can only have few wards out at a set time.
6 games with kez in my team.6 losses.
6 games with you on your team
>My sniper mid turns his first ten thousand gold into aghs khanda>He does no fucking damage
>>503512164ez dubu 4 wat
>>503504728i miss him everyday i liked that his autism wasn't as sociopathic as any dota streamer
fuck OFF im not playing this shit again literally she had 3k hp left dumb shit ASS game
>>503516150>autism wasn't as sociopathic as any dota streamer>"I am a world champion rts player guys did you know that">"No I dont need anyone correcting me even though I started playing 2 weeks ago and clearly dont understand what an ability does">"No the reason I fed 5 deaths and threw the game was- (Rambling nonsense about how it was his team that was to blame and that his 5 head strat was the optimal choice it just didnt have enough time to take off and he backs this knowledge up with absolutely nothing)>"But anyway, gg all, PMA, its just a game guys"He's the worst kind. He's fake positive when in reality he has such a superiority complex even in games he is a legitimate newbie in
>>503516485>losing on echelon 1How?
>>503510390*pings missing**Tiny leaves and gets 3 kills*OMG WTF WHY DIDNT U PING REPORTED
>Playing Classic queue to spam a single hero to get gud at them without having to constantly farm role tokens and interrupt my flow>Its a core, and I take it mid>Pick first>Suddenly 2 other negroes also want mid and start typing /roll in chat>I play along but tell them "If I cant mid, I have to go 1 or 3, I dont play support">3 picks naix>the winning role picks Qop and wants to take mid>The last pick has top lane and PL highlighted>"Guys we are drafting too many cores we already have enough">PIcks PL anyway>Forced to jungle from level 1>PL says "gg top is lost thanks *Player*" after he isnt getting free farm>Call him a retard and that he knew the draft and didnt adjust to it>Carry on farming neutrals and split pushing>13/4/12>Highest networth on team from level 1 jungling>WinI love this birb but fuck ever listening to people in ranked again. I'm just taking the lane and muting all
mason live
gubby just died lolwhat a shitterhes blaming other people too
>Play pos5>It's minute 6>My mid wants me to secure power rune>My carry wants to go get the lotusWhat do I do.
>>503519883By minute 6 you can generally figure out who the best player on your team is. Lean into supporting them as hard as you can
>>503519990Is there a "correct" answer, assuming everyone is equally smart/retarded? I assume it's the carry knowing to play safe while the pos5 goes to secure the rune?
remember me /d2g/?
>>503522085he won
>have a massive advantage>dogshit offlaner always split pushingjust group up and finish it, why the fuck keep split pushing for 40 minutes straight
>>503517020Her stupid mapwide fireball attack does alot of damage, idk if the columns help block it or what i was just trying to move out the way, but done and BEATEN way too many vampire survivors under my beltthere, crownfall done, gonna try tfor more arcanas in shop but never bother me about this again
>>503522923>not echelon 7lol
>>503519883You don't want to hear this, but it depends on the game. Generally the pos5 should help secure the lotus and the pos4 should rotate mid for the 6 min rune, but if your lane is either solidly won or solidly lost you should rotate mid. If the lane is solidly won then your carry should be able to contest the lotus himself because the offlaner is behind, if the lane is solidly lost than your carry should be hiding in the jungle.If you're low MMR enough that the enemy pos4 isn't rotating at 6 min then just stay in the lane. If you rotate mid and the enemy pos4 is retarded and didn't rotate, and your mid is retarded and doesn't care about the power rune, then you've left your carry in a 2v1 for no gain.
>Melee attacking tier 3s seconds after a pudge respawns>The absolute fucking niggers that I have for "teammates" AOE the creepwave as soon as it spawns>I get hooked into tier 4 towers and die despite using BKB
>>503524338>The absolute fucking niggers that I have for "teammates" AOE the creepwave as soon as it spawnsThere's very little reason to ever do that. If you have a Lina, she wants the creeps alive to get her passive to stay up. If you have an Undying, he wants the creeps alive for more healing from Soul Rip.Why do people rush to nuke the wave as if it's some danger.
is it ever worth dying for the enemy wisdom rune as a support?
>>503523610>if your lane is either solidly won or solidly lost you should rotate midI'll try to be more mindful of that during the game itself. I'm not doing it enough.
>>503524338Pudge is a fun, fair and balanced hero. Hooks are skillshots that often miss and it's not a 100% chance that you die when he hooks you onto his high ground, just a 98% chance. He does not completely destroy the idea of sieging, or turn the game into a fastest-reactions game of dance dance revolution, in any way
>>503519883>>503520193What do you think is gonna have more impact on the gameThe level 6 mid getting a power rune and using it to get a killOr having the lotus so you or your lane partner have a small burst of health and mana
>>503525190The rune of course. I'm not worried about getting the lotus, I'm worried about my carry trying to go get the lotus 1vs2 as I go to secure the rune.
>>503525410>Care, going to get rune>Care, pulling>Care, getting xp rune>Carry proceeds to 1v2 the offlane anyway and dies, flames me, buys back and jungles the rest of the game
>>503524864It's usually worth dying for the enemy wisdom rune if you actually get it at the 7 minute mark. Otherwise no.
>>503524864The 7 min wisdom is worth your life. Past that, no.
yo just won 1m of goyplus from the diabetes crib
mason is doing the highly toxic lump of coal again just broke his items
is naga siren the ultimate 1v9 hero? i got fucked hard out of lane so i just went afk jungle near base and still won with 800 gpm and top pushing / tower damage
>>503531256That's not why he got banned you retard
Honestly can't believe that no one's done a server comparison to tell what MMR means for each server. In my experience, playing Japan and Australia is free wins compared to playing SEA.
mason was banned because he did monkey impressions playing with the peruvians
why does wow have 200k viewers wtf
>>503532810they are doing some big streamer guild shit starting from 0 in hard core dnnoall the gay RP shit you see streamers doing watched a bit but wow is fucking boring
>>503532896sounds fun for the parasocial wowbabs
>>503531256last time i broke my items was probably around 2009 before one of my friends killed himself that was in garena
>>503532810why wasnt mason invited??
>>503534928grubby didn't allow it
>>503531256Why did he cry about his 2k ping (which was a lie)? Just play on NA fatty
>Kez>Kaya + Shivas + Aghs + Refresher>Using both ults one after the other, then again with refresher, combined with shivas, will kill literally any hero you will realistically fight in game with the second Raptor Dance>Even kills a BKB'd, piped, heart, K&S level 30 centaurBruh this shit is insane. I'm not sure how consistent it is because you're basically relying on a wombo combo after all that farm, rather than having consistent right click damage, but the fact that it stuns and kills through BKB and cant be stopped by magic resistance sources is insane.
>>503536335the catch is that you just made it 4v5 for 50 mins
>>503537076BLU's pants color isnt right..
I love it when the carry tries to ruin the pull by killing the jg creeps, maybe because he's a greedy jew who wants all the gold. I just kill his lane creeps instead while he's busy and get more gold that way.
>>503537076scout isnt a woman nothing the scout says would work said by a female indeed if we were from where the scout was from we'd be fucking dead but if scout was a girl (hes not) he'd just be gregnant
>>503537389>>503537524sorry bros wrong thread :)
>>503536687Kez doesn't need many items to contribute to fights and kills.I mean the part of his kit that you're even building around with such a build (Raptor Dance) requires no farm to deal heavy damage.Ravens Veil + Talon Toss alone functions as a very long range 500 damage nuke + silence + bkb piercing stun as well as removing vision
>>503537680The kit is overloaded. Kez feels like a League champion desu
>>503537947Its balanced by>Most of it is reliant on farm>Kez is a squishy melee hero and has to throw himself into melee range to use most of it>Have to choose which stance ability to use before aghs>Have to stance dance to use all of them post aghs>Mana issuesA league champ wouldn't have these power limiter drawbacks
What is the point of grinstroke help me get these tokens he does a line thing he has a silence some weird ult that binds 2 ppl and does the warlock q thing this all sounds shit
>>503540889it is shit thats why its worth the best tokenshes teammate fishing for someone who can use ink swell good or a teammate with enough braincells to jump when grim presses ult
Okay I officially found the build needed to beat level 6 of nest of thorns.The bat is a god tier spell, gets you all the xp you needmax knives are essentiallaguna blade is essential for killing every rosh that spawns.Save the analliation level ups if possible for the very end, it resets the cooldown each time so it can be spammed as you rack up the expevery other spell aside from counter helix is garbage. Maybe track instead of batI do not even want to attempt level 7, but if I get this build again I guess it wouldn't be much harderSange instead of yasha might help tooFill up your spell slots asap so you can get the upgrades you want, need to max knives first above all else
>>503540889In pubs you're basically forced to play him as pos4 because he needs to lane with an aggressive melee dude. Pick the Inkstigate facet and when your offlaner wants to be psychotically aggressive, cast Ink Swell on him and detonate it when he goes in so it stuns all the enemies. Line thing has a decent slow on it and gains more damage the more creeps it hits before it hits a hero, the ghost silences and makes the enemy stop to hit it or they'll take damage. Get one point in everything and max ink swell first, and you plus an aggressive offlaner can easily get kills in lane.His ult makes the heroes it hits take all unit target spells cast on either hero. So hexes, silences, burst damage, etc, will hit both heroes. Build debuff items like scythe or orchid and hope your team knows to press their spells on the soulbound heroes.
>>503536335What would you need shiva's for? Raptor's dance is pure
>>503540889Goonstroke has good kill potential and a decent roamer. Play him pos4.
>>503430626R8 my hero idea. It's based off a bit of Nasus from League and the old Skeleton King with 3 passives. The idea is he's a hero with damage he can farm for, but no innate tankiness or mobility. Lategame he's meant to be like a raid boss. Also he has annoying debuffs especially for ranged heroes.>Hellion, the Hell Stallion >Innate: Fuel the FlamesEvery kill grants him 1 Fuel stack. Hero kills grant 10. Stacks are used for abilities.>Q: ScorchwhipSwings his whip on enemy. Deals 20/30/40/50 and your attack damage, and does 1/1/2/3 damage per Fuel stack. Has a 6/5/4/3 second CD>Flaming FuryPassive. Similar to Kraken Shell, after taking a certain threshold of damage you release an explosion that stuns and damages enemies around. >Cursed HideEnemies are cursed for 8 seconds when dealing any damage to you. Slows their turn rate and makes any mana costs they have also cost HP as a percentage of the mana cost >Ulti: Fury of the NetherworldOne enemy further than 700 range but within 1800 range takes damage and gets attack and move speed slowed every 3/2/1 seconds. The debuff lasts 1.5 seconds. Prioritizes heroes and prioritizes the furthest hero in vision.>ShardIncreases Scorchwhip attack range and makes it cost no mana.>Aghanim'sGet armour per Fuel stack. 1 armour per 10 stacks.
hurry up and give us juggernaut's sister personagod i hope they give her a cute slim tummy
Ok so I tried grimstroke he's not as shit as I thought a little skillshotty with his q but I got a few kills with it not as calculating as a pudge hook imoHis ult still feels like ass
>>503545440loli pugna first
>>503545840I got rekt in a scrim by a Grimstroke paired with a Lich, their ultis go very nicely together.
>Grubby left dota and grew his channels 4 timesDead game confirmed
>>503550020he died in hardcore wow at lvl 15he's dogshit
Hoodwink's fluffy tail.
>>503550208fluffmogged by ench
>>503550020>got carried to immortal>makes a good living by streaming and playing video games for 18 hours every day (makes more than most people with a masters degree)>married a hot skinny Asian woman who takes care of herself>free from/quit dota because he canhow is this fairlife is literally rigged
>>503550432grubby is of indog blood
>>503553583?hes streaming
I legit want to do unspeakable things to the cocksucker who programmed the minesweeper minigame.Legit impossible to do with all these fucking 50/50s
>>503557563there arent as many 50/50s as you might expect since certain patterns can be mitigated by calculating the tile of least risk on average. not to say that there are never any coin flips, just that certain layouts that look like guesses arent necessarily so
>>503558006Thing is you cant take the time to calculate those riskier positions because for some reason they decided to give you dickass time for a game where you have to be careful. If you dont get lucky powerups youre shit out of luck. And 99% of the time when the cocksucking clocks DO spawn, youre forced to use a precious ability to get them because youre not gonna get them in enough clicks otherwise.
Just uberd some dunkin donuts gaming fuel gamers are we heckin gaming or what Im gonna first pick veno and rush orchid I dont give a heck
>>503558140I don't get it. The first level is all you need and it's basically autowin. The later ones just give tokens don't they?
I can save Queen Imperia
Do I have to pretend to hate the vampire survivors game or are we allowed to like it
>>503558895Yes, Im trying to beat all 5 levels. Everytime I make it to level 5 im either on no time, or no mana, so I get fucked by the constant 50/50s or by not being physically fast enough to click the squares.
>>503559213Game it's so old now it doesn't matter
I have never found a missing call useful. I do not call missing. If you can't look at the minimap that's not my problem.
Thank god a real tournament starts tomorrow, this ESL qualifying shit is pretty garbage.
>kez "support">orchid battlefury>my support cm just afks when a lion is fucking tower diving me to make me miss last hits.>somehow this is my fault as a void.
>kez went through hero select>loseit's that easy
Thoughts on Marci as a pos 3?
>>503561486She can definitely take a lot of cocks at once.
I have not won a single game as grimstroke
I really hate how hard it is to figure out what a hero does. If you read the brief blurb it doesn't actually tell you, and if you go on Liquipedia you get 10,000 words on incredibly niche mechanical workings.
>>503561756same but with kez
>>503561769demo heroplay vs botswho the fuck reads about a hero to understand how it works
Kez might be the most horrible voice acted dota hero in the history of this shitty game.There is no redeeming quality.
>muh voiceactingmost onions reddit complaint ever
>>503565129He sounds like a fictional characterThere! Quality redeemed!*smug grin with raised eyebrow*
>>503565129any dotard itt could have done better. it bothers me so much since the voices are usually a huge make or break factor for me and ill likely never touch kez just because of his flat, shitty delivery
>>503565221>>503565291>>503565307He is annoying as hell, literal reddit personality and his voice acting isnt even that good.
>>503558958She should have human feet and be wearing high heels, this crow feet thing just aint it for a queen character
>>503567007I remember Vengeful spirit having hoofs now they're all bird people or something
black is streaming some animu spam game to 15 viewers wtf
>enable my retarded ck to get like 7 kills and dominate lane>he fucking abandons on the spot in the middle of the matchle only constant.
>>503500607love that every time I see this guy his hairline is 1 inch higher than last time I looked
>>503557563you're bad at the game, there should never be a 50/50 even if i removed the free click button
>>503557563>Legit impossible to do with all these fucking 50/50sUse the free space clear ability retard