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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>503272250

LLLL: Autumn gacha / 1.5th Anniversary
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TOKIMEKI Roadmap to Future releases on Switch and Steam April 24th
Aqours x World Dai Star collab

Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie releases in Japanese theaters November 29th
Cerise Bouquet + Dollchesta + Mira-Cra Park! 2nd unit split single releases December 4th
Nijigasaki Final Chapter part 1 OST releases December 4th
Superstar S3 insert single 2 releases December 11th
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie BD releases with Futari de Hitotsu and BLOOM OF COLORS [YOU & I edit] December 25th
Superstar S3 insert single 3 releases January 8th
Superstar S3 insert single 4 releases January 15th
Ai Scream! releases January 22nd
Nijigaku Monthly Songs singles begin releasing each month starting January 29th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 BD releases January 29th
Lilla no uta S3 releases January 29th
Hasunosora 4th single releases February 5th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 2 releases in Japanese theaters winter 2025
Aqours 4th Solo Concert Albums release on the respective girl's birthday
Aqours Finale Live will take place on June 21-22

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database
>LLLL story links

>dead game offline/private server guides

anyone get to play the demo of the love live VN yet?
>Why, yes, my type is still learning her multiplication tables. What of it?
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farto... dayo...
There's a demo?
hate dead
Are you in Japan?
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Rina is an enabler
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my prediction for today's episode: this gypsy bitch will fucking ruin everything again by making herself the centre of attention
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>I don't remember anything since I saw μ's and Aqours' joint concert.
She's the Superstar™ after all.
There was a joint µ's and Aqours concert in that timeline? How?
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Jesus Christ, what happened to the #LLAS tag on Twitter?!
You tell us
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I miss him, bros....
Maybe they were anon, maybe they were
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Nozo in the morning
dollche is live.
I wonder how this visual diarrhea genre got popular. Vampire Survivors was impossible to play because of how busy it could get.
It's just reverse Touhou but for zoomers.
I guess Lanpoo and the monster girls are not Aqua Shooters after all.
*not getting
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Margarete and Tomari are so mean for not telling Liella that the competition doesn't actually matter. I guess Liella would just throw if they knew Margarete's plan.
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Margarete composed a rock song.
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Tomari center song. I guess the remaining 2 are Margarete center and Kanon center.
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S3 is so much better at handling the characters than S2, maybe even than S1. In S2 Tomari's character would've been over after episode 4.
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I cried!
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Mei is crying
And that's it for Ren's screentime this season.
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Holy fucking kino
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cute idea for a song actually
Ren appeared this season?
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Kanonbros........ Other characters are being allowed to do things....
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Next episode has the title of an Austrian pastry.
Muh kanonwankfag is going to have a meltdown when he sees these screenshots
I guess La Hermana is going to arrive as a last minute final boss so that we can say goodbye to Liella.
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I actually hate the ending of this episode. Not the end result, but that the classmates where allowed to do that bullshit. I'd have preferred a draw instead of that rigged nonsense.
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It's very disrespectful to both Margarete and Liella that the entire school got together to write "we just want 11-gilr Liella" instead of any kind of result.
That's what the school wanted all along
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Who cares about the school? The whole point was to respect Margarete and Tomari's feelings, and they were already fine joining Liella, they just wanted to beat them first.
Very important shot
Why are Chili-chan so sultry bros???
Who is this girl? The rival for the movie?
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So they're finally officially 11 now?
Fucking autocorrect
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They got married quickly...!
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They are sisters.
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I can't believe Liella episode mogged Dollchestra live
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Was worried the fact that Tomari and Natsumi were so distant was just going to be glossed over after the groups merged, but they exceeded my expectations with this.
Not a high bar tbf
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Yeah true... Let's see if second session will be a little better
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Lot of foot shots this episode. Just saying
The show is really good with some characters and awful with others. There are only 4 episodes left and they're probably going to focus on Kanon and Margarete, so it's time to accept Ren and Kinako won't do anything and Sumire and Chisato did almost nothing.
Who would of thought fan service would save Liella. To think it started with Shiki's ass. Shiki's ass saved Liella
uh oh staff intern forgot to region lock the video
>Flatchestra live
Where? I'm subscribed to the Love Live and the Hasu channels and I didn't get the notification.
Heard that one of liella va's bullied some loser virgins during school years, is that true?
Nips are hating the exact same thing I'm hating. Nobody likes that the school rigged the results. It's absurd to me that they thought this was a good idea when they could've just made them draw.
Tomato’s ass*
That isn't it though. Those 30s spots aren't region locked. The full video is up and region locked
They did actually. This is the actual MV

That's just a TV spot, an ad to get you to buy the CD. So they want worldwide to buy the CD but actually viewing the MV? Nah fuck off gaijin
no wonder I haven't seen any hype
>Nobody likes that the school rigged the results
I severely doubt that. Holy shit you would have seethed no matter what they did.
No, I'm just shocked they went with the dumbest possible conclusion when the result would've been the same no matter what happened.
>“Liella are trying to rig this election because that’s the only way they’re going to win."
>leave the decision up to the school
>the school decides they want all 11
>"no not like that"
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Margarete won, by a lot.
Bashing her head on the floor cured Tomari's autism
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Now that the dust has settled, what was the writer's problem with Kinako and Ren?
good MV and song
cheesy plotline
they're gonna win LL without resistance/rivals
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No, there is one...
Why are you guys bitching, we literally got a good song, Liella is finally 11, feet, sister-cest, and ass?? What more do you want
Were these shots really necessary?
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>"What the fuck. No. It was a perfectly fair election. And only founding Liella members can count the ballots."
What they're going to do the rest of the season? I have an idea of what it's going to be about in terms of the story (it's obviously going to focus on Margarete because she's the one that has to make a big choice at the end), but there are just 4 episodes left and they have to get through prelims, the Tokyo qualifiers and the Love Live itself.
Japs are racist to Austrian simple as
Idk I'm just going to see what happens instead of thinking about how they're going to finish it out.
Either they OVA or movie it, I hope they transition the end of the season well and don't fuck it up again like s2
We gonna spend the last episode of the anime preparing their departure for the legally-mandated overseas movie trip, and pull the rug at the last minute, blueballing us yet again
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can't wait for bitter akuwa fags to finally leave love live brahs
>muh akuwa fags out of nowhere
Can't wait for you to leave first
Bro Niji is just two years older than Agua, their death is sooner than you think
Did you get bullied on twatter again?
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>"No more trusting the plan! I know how to win this election fair and square."
>"Tomari! What the hell are you doing?! Don't eat the votes!!! That's insurrection!"
>"It's fine. I'm only eating the votes Keke and her sister brought during the break."
Finally. No hags, no flopqours, no nijisnoozers
Just Liellakino
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that's ok, niji will have a proper finale
>Sunshine is announced in Dengeki in 2015
>PDP is first shown in Dengeki in 2017
Holy shit, you're right.
Don't forget that Hasukings rule these halls, pup.
nijifags not shitting up the thread with genwarbait challenge: impossible
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kuripans are not for genwars, they are for love
Imagine if the hypothetical Hasu anime reuse the "school closing" plot out of their ass lol
Don't you have a live going on?
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I'm region locked......
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Why did they make these if kuripan are exclusively for love?
that's assuming they won't stick around after the finale movie and not get more content and games
being less seiyuu-focused group, they can focus more on 2D without relying on the seiyuu schedules
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>mfw died to Rina-chan Sentry for the hundredth time while sneaking through her apartment to steal her panties (it's required item to advance Ai's route)
shut up zura
Tired of Ai being a pedo jokes
Even if anon posted screenshots from twitter of 5ch showing japs sharing his sentiments, let's not pretend the first reply wouldn't be literally who?
You can thank staff for neutering everything else about her
>she still gets more fanservice
>no small girl gets any
Continuing the tradition of shitting on any smaller girls. And yes, Natsumi's conclusion with Tomari was just like we expected.
hags were saying this about flops years ago and they stuck around for a full decade. You're retarded if you think you can use past groups to predict modern LL when the model has changed drastically.
They literally paired her with the lolim@s during Ijigen's MC segment
You being a poor third worlder does not mean staff did not make it available for you.
You mean U149? That's not exactly lolicon, despite the meme spouters...
>ktk actually hitting 90% of her notes this live
We're so back dollchebros
The ktk can't sing was always a meme
She was pretty bad during 2nd live for sure, especially next to Nassu who gaps her hard.
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Pomu isn't that big, or thick
>Pomu isn't that big
Doesn't she has Kanan sized melons canonically?
Kanan’s tits are never her official size, she’s closer to dia than to Mari’s size yet often looks even bigger than the later.
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These costumes are pretty good.
Dollchestra would be perfect if chesto girl didn't look like Shuggo
Kosuzu is a small cutie enough to make Dollchestra high tier.
This is the supposed """fanservice""" that's saving Liella? That's a man's a--
Never mind, I coom. Liella is saved.
Tomari is the one with ass
They have fanservice of the three most mature designed girls. "Safe horny" or whatever. They can fuck off.
>it’s not fanservice if it doesn’t pander to my specific kind of pedophilia
So liking Kinako/Chii or Natsumi is now pedophilia, right? Fuck off. As expected of a satisfied mature lover who got pandered all he wanted.
>mature lover
Yes. Mature lover. I know you think everyone who doesn't prefer mature women are somehow a pedo, you can go and apply for LL staff.
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>literally conclave ass
You can't say the staff is NOT shitting on Natsumi, after her imouto's dumptruck buttshots especially. You can't even make this shit up.
Yes anon, this is how clothes work
Why would your shirt outline your asshole inluding crack in middle?
fucking retard
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>c-clothes can't form any shape!
Fuck off, along with the staff. You know if it were any of their favorite mature girls, we'd have a service shot right there.
>ynr Chika's vacuum crotch
Those crazy mf women are the ones responsible for LL having been neutered, I'm sure, especially young looking girls.
I know you're just shitposting but can't you at least find better examples for your bait? All I see here is actually a pair of quite nice and plump thighs which is infinitely sexier than e.g. Pancakegarete right here >>503454759
Fuck off, actual shitposter (Natsumi-hater-kun, I'm sure).
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SIP reference? Sunrise confirmed for bros.
burd is so much hotter
It’s a basic stretching exercise, or at least for the initiated.
Nya knows who's the superior group
Don’t use boggednya to shitpost
It's a meme, you dip.
>imas has successfully adapted to current time by making a uma clone with sprinkles of yuri (gakumas)
>bandori has successfully adapted to current time by making bands that cater to depressed and suicidal gen Z (mygo ave mujica)
>meanwhile Love Live
Liella was made for Gen Alpha but they've no money.
>by making a uma clone

It's literally old, imas formula with dude for some reason being in position of power over school girls, but this time he's a trainie who shouldn't be trusted with anything
At least in horse game, your presence is non existent, instead of being central figure in your harem's life.
The fans killed SIFAS over Karin and Ai taking the competition seriously once. They will never be ready for Edge Live.
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people weren't ready for the retardness of the trAitors
Hasu is far better than all of those
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Tsuzuri grroming a future Dollchestra member
Liella could have captured the younger demographic, but they forgot Aikatsu exists.
the balls to insinuate that akaitsu isnt dead bro
I’ve seen you in /uma/, I’ve seen you in /revue/ before its death, I’ve even seen you on /gbfg/. Just shut the fuck up, can’t believe that in all these years that this general has existed I would finally find an sad excuse of an im@s fan, if you’re one at all of course.
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This is a Honoka.
And why were you in all those threads?
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Same, Ai.
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It's literally the first chapter. How new are you?
Anime canon dies after the movies. Seethe more.
>imas has successfully adapted to current time
>by making a uma clone with sprinkles of yuri (gakumas)
By abandoning "creepy male otaku" fanbase and catering to normalfags and women first.
Fuck off phone addict teen. Hasu is literally irrelevant dogshit that should be a bannable offense to even talk about.
>pedo starts crying again
Their /a/ threads say otherwise
I could sob to almost every post there
>talking about the one group with an ongoing game should be bannable in /vg/
this nigga a retard
>their /a/ threads say otherwise
You mean the meme kids with their repetitive threads and posts? Yeah, whatever they do has nothing to do with the anime that was actually anti-lolicon, pretty frantically, too.
Ignore the retard.
there need to be a study on why it's hard for love live fans to get along with other love live fans who like different group... you don't see console war like this in imas or bandori community.
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All of these series went through the same castration bullshit, so yeah it's strange only LL gets called out.
Ai is crying?
Why do you crying about shit that has nothing to do with LL?
genwar is canon, even official LL posts genwar
>February 2015 issue
>Final Live announcement, plus summary of the entire Love Live! Arigatou Project news.
>April 2015 issue
>Teaser image for Love Live! Sunshine!! was published.
All they had to do was not announce a new group immediately after announcing the current one is going to retire or have big announcements for different groups so close together.
Hagfags started blaming Aqours for killing Muse, then flopfags saw the PDP announcement as their chance to shit on a new group. Niji ended up with a fake rivalry with Liella because the Niji anime and Superstar both got announced around the same time.
Only Nijishit
Hags also retired at a time of their absolute peak, so people definitely wanted more and it was impossible not to compare them with the next group. Plus they literally were not even allowed to talk about the other group until fest in 2020, which was stupid as shit. A lot of hagfags actually accepted flops after fest because they finally interacted and encouraged the newer groups.
>you don't see console war like this in imas
Pretty much. I think I was starting to warm up to them before 2020, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a massive genwarfag before then. It all seems pointless now so I just try to enjoy the current groups instead of being mad about it.
>Hagfags started blaming Aqours for killing Muse
Reasonable based on the timing
>then flopfags saw the PDP announcement as their chance to shit on a new group
And then you go off the rails.
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>they literally were not even allowed to talk about the other group until fest in 2020
meanwhile in 2018
I only shat on Liella because of the no merch for Niji.
Turns out, Liella would never get merch lmao.
Yep love how he paints hagfag genwaring as somewhat justified but flopfags genwarring is just out of nowhere
Here's your (You)
You don't remember the coping saying PDPs wouldn't get voices and songs?
If your parents beat your ass, it doesn't make it okay to beat your kids.
>the nijifag victim complex isn't real
There was no reason for flopfags to start shitting on SIF project like it was going to kill their group.
>we didn do nothin
This really struck a nerve with the genwarfags
@ is laughing at us....
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I'm going to BREED Cumpydumpy and there is nothing /llsifg/ can do to stop me.
There was no reason for hagfags to shit on Aqours as if they were the reason they retired. Muh timing is just an excuse to be bitter cunt.
hasus is not for sex
GKmas mogs us game wise yes, but I think there's less franchise wars after ijigen anyway, it was a pretty enjoyable event for both franchises and the crossovers were great.
Hey, as long as you marry her and take good care of her and the kids, I won't stop you.
Of course no one will stop you, no one else cares
Don't do that.
They said snow halation is cleared hard by imas classics...
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even /@/ knows the GK schizo is the one pushing the franchise wars narrative, what a silly individual
Too bad half of the girls and most of the songs suck.
>4 episodes left
I wonder if La Hermana is going to come in, or if they're saving her for the movie. Next episode has an Austrian title so maybe she's actually going to appear.
You can check the tweet count during ijigen for snohala and it mogged everything by a mile.
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Why not? All the raibus are healthy young girls who would most definitely enjoy sex.
I always liked the pure type first year. Hanayo, Ruby, Kasumi, but Liella broke that and made them all first years but none fit neatly into that. I guess Keke was the pure type of the first group?
Hasu completely ignored that and I don't think any of them have a main attribute. Sayaka is the cool type dork, Rurino can only be smile type, so that leaves pure for Kaho, I guess. Kozue, Tsuzuri, and Megumi don't really fit into any of the type molds, but neither do the 104s. KTMT is too hyper to just be a pure type, Ginko is too pure-like to just be cool, and Hime is too cool-like to just be smile.
Clearer than Liella at least.
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Kaho is smile. Sayaka is cool. Rurino is Pure.
Kaho is smile, sayaka cool and rurino pure.
Megu is smile, kozue cool and tsuzuri pure.
They may not all fit neatly but that was hardly the case before anyway.
>kozue cool and tsuzuri pure.
Besides Tsuzuri having a bad singing voice she doesn't fit into pure at all.
PDP is SIFAS which led to the death of the SIF games.
So if you think about it, niji actually killed the last bit of relevancy µ's had
Being supportive and nurturing to the group while taking a more passive role is a trait most pures have, and tsuzuri fits damn well
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Dazzling game was a really good insert song. Visually on par, if not better than the 2D MVs we used to get for singles.
that sounds like Kozue, Tsuzuri is the one being nurtured half the time.
So that's why they kneecapped Pana's godly voice...
This paired with episode 8 is kino
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breeding kach while she crushes your balls.
[Team ONIBE] Love Live! Superstar!! Season 3 - 08 (NHK 1920x1080 x264 AAC) [F949B05C].mkv
Bros... My raibu's been my waifu forever, but I found another anime girl I like more... I barely think about my raibu anymore... what do I do...
Kozue’s main goal is winning love live and she’s the driving force in the group for that, nurturing the others would come as secondary and if the group decided to not compete in LL she would probably accept but would die inside. Tsuzuri’s goal is helping the others like Sachi did with her into becoming true school idols, it’s a world of difference.
You say that as if any group had any rivals worth anything. Fucking A-Rise was the last time anyone gave a modicum of opposition to the gen's group and that was like a decade ago, and they even gave µ's a parting blowjob befoee the finals.
Saint Snow gave Aqours a scare before the zero, hoo ha hoo, episode and then jobbed to Leah's knee.
The rival groups in Nijigasaki get buddy-buddy with the girls after meeting them.
SunnyPa only cares about their island.
Stop selling me on fucking the Kach, she's a daughtercore raibu. I like having mine squeezed so it's hard to resist the idea. Stop.
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The most delightful sound.
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An umbrella handle keychain is certainly up there with some of the most useless LL merch I've seen.
Good for you.
girls frontline 2 in 10 days..
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10 years ago, on this day, Aki no Anata no Sora Tooku was released.
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>don't watch Hasu
>can still hear this image since someone posted the scene before
Kozue is powerful
>retard thinks a single guy is responsible for all the writing in the whole series
No, he fucked up at the last minute. Literally fucking why?
How the fuck do you manage to be retarded enough to not expect to join together in the end?
That's not my problem, it's the mob students getting too cocky and ruining their competition.
>giving them a cheesy happy ending that was literally going to happen either way and none of the characters have an issue with is... le bad!!
Margarete not having an issue with it is OOC.
Nobody expected Chisato to do anything of worth, she was just shat upon by the staff again, end of story. All three capable and loved girls were at the other team, aside from Shiki who already got her episode, so it wouldn't have been a competition.
>zero ass from that angle and distance
Natsumi is still the girl the staff hates the most.
>Tomakanote wins
>complain because Kanonwank
>Liella wins
>complain because Margarete's issue isn't solved
A tie was the better option, and this was better delivered than just having them conveniently tie on votes.
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Liella really thinks they can just sleepwalk their way to winning Love Live, huh.
This was basically a natsumi season and this episode in particular was natsumi kino
Its time for the schizo posts about her to end
>Natsumi kino
You mean her being a fucking ugly nobody who finally got to get her superior, better-at-everything sister not to actively try to control her? What a kino. This shot >>503501921 says it all.
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By Superstar power scaling, putting Kanon in one group is like putting prime Mike Tyson into a schoolyard fight and expect the group without Mike Tyson win.
There's no way the Liella 8 could win against Tomako Note.
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I'm not the onibe hater schizo but I gotta admit onibe is getting on my nerves with their fanfic translations.
Shiki literally says "Fight" or Faito in this moment, why change that?
I think I'll make Rin a pro dancer with an L-Tube channel.
What should Honoka be as an adult? Hobo? Bread? Baker?
>inb4 JAV actress
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eight episodes is more than enough
whats the final /llsifg/ verdict on tomari?
good raibu that didnt deserve no content and being ignored for a year, or shit?
>character speaks engrish
>subs change it to a different english word
This is an extremely common occurrence anywhere, and this is not even a particularly bad example. You could argue that they're keeping the intention while just "fight" would be confusing if you're not familiar with the jap usage.
She's cool. We could use some robot raibus who are actually really nice girls.
Luv u
>good raibu that didnt deserve no content and being ignored for a year, or shit?
Not true, they even referrenced something this episode
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>infinitely more fanservice than half of the cast combined
Jealous of her fans.
Don't forgot those magazine pages and radio skits.
Aqours had to sacrifice Tokyo dome so Liella would have the budget for those
There's no way those took away the Tokyo Dome budget.
Desperate huh?
You cannot prove I don't like Rin.
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I'm willing to forgive slightly shitty story choices in favor of more of whatever Dazzling Game is. Jumped ship to Hasu after Ijigen but I was still willing to give season 3 a shot. These new episodes of Superstar's are like comfort food to me and I feel weird actually enjoying it again. I can't believe they pulled it off, those bastards.
its ok to admit sperstar is good
Always an ESL
Aqours aside, this
funniest shit i've ever seen, i'm confidant there's people out there who believe that
Savior of S3.
You got a source to back up that twitter claim?
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I wave the white flag. I thought Sakuchan was cute already but I didn't think I'd like Tomari this much, I'm glad they fleshed her out and made her likable.
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My only issue is that we're only getting four episodes of the full unified group
i wanted more cute scenes of margarete becoming friends with everyone else this season desu
sure there's been a few of those moments all throughout but there was always the "they're the enemy" stuff hanging over it
make a 4th season please
What a unification. Disgusting. Trash. They should have just dropped Liella other than Tomokanote, but muh IRL counterparts need to be relevant.
Next episode looks like filler so there's no way they're dealing with La Hermana this season.
Cry more bitch
i can no longer enjoy these episodes anymore knowing they killed akuwa
always an ESL
Are they actually going to do Love Live again? It feels like staff realized Liella winning a second time isn't actually exciting and used the split to compensate.
>how do you do fellow akua bros
Next episode title is an Austrian pastry so it's going to be a Margarete episode. Perfect time to introduce La Hermana.
Another ren episode... please... even kinako got a role for like half of last week... ren hasnt had anything to do, not even any gamer jokes......
This season is basically:
Keke, Natsumi
Sumire, Chisato
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Saying three sentences and glancing back ominously once isn't "having a role".
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>oops, forgot about Kinako
Kinako is getting the center for this Love Live's winning song. Trust me on this.
that's not the niji director
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I think it's telling when Liellafags post the seiyuu instead of the actual character.
Imagine making this
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Yeah okay
Apologize for what
It's now clear all shortcomings stem from the executives not giving him enough control over Superstar, S2 wasn't his fault
>how dare you show my wild claims are the opposite of the facts
>now it's bad to chart ratings
an irelevant ranking, shiki ass was the most talked about moment this season. cope
I honestly blame how close S2 was released right after S1. S3 benefited so much from the one-year (?) wait.
lmao keep crying bitch nigga
>bitch nigga
go back
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>let’s not blame this one guy for all the flaws of that season, let’s all blame entirely these other guys about a process we have no insight into, source: my ass
Not as much as you do.
it won't happen anon i'm afraid
Liella had the seiyuufag audience on lock throughout the last year since that's all they had to offer but now people give a shit about (most of) their characters again. I wonder how this is going to effect their marketing/future as a result.
You need to show your asshole when it happens.
im not sure they knew s3 would be delayed in the planning stages so the shift to seiyuu content was necessary to keep some sort of interest in the branch alive while hanada took time to cook
>Tomari's jellyfish were named aneja and Margarete
God damn that was cute
Oh damn
Why do you guys want to be angry spergs instead of being happy that love live is good
He said something along the lines of that in a GBC interview
Also, ignore the fact that LL is literally the only work in his portfolio not critically acclaimed, surely his own fault and not the fact he has producers breathing on his neck
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Great taste
LL Staff told me Superstar is critically acclaimed.
I think they take advantage of both. You've got devoted virgins attached to two different sets of girls, two times the merch sales. An actually good gacha game would bring in triple that but alas
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Guilty Kiss want to know your location.
>the critically acclaimed third season
This show in a nutshell
Screenshot watchers in a nutshell
Mari if she was good
Holy cope. Wien fags are not everyone.
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When the walking garbage is crying.
>most generous dutchman
>only way for superstar to get a good character is by copying other gens
Literally. And that fucking square body to make sure she's disgusting.
>unironically trying to justify lolcowization
Go back.
Are they going to scissor?
Please reread that post
Incest route unlocked
Natsumi has always been ugly as fuck. I don't know why the schizo is acting like the anime is a huge injustice to her.
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How come there is so many crying scene in Superstar compare to SIP, Sunshine and Niji?
Still seething Mari never got an industrial metal solo.
I think she's cute in a cartoonish way.
Because this was her last chance. And because they upped the fanservice of some girls pretty hard, while my favorites get treated like this.
Yeah, those unsold Ren nesos need a home.
Why does this retard spam his screencaps here when rarely anyone replies to him?
Surely the whining Natsumifag isn't for real considering she gets much more screentime than everyone outside of Tomakanote and Keke.
this is gay
I'd argue she has more than Keke this season.
Wow Ren finally won something.
Its bandfag, how are you guys not able to tell its him
So just like that, they became Lie11ia...
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Another filler ep?
All that screentime to shit on her. So good. Not a single service shot, what a delight!
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Sometimes I just want to be a chair
We almost got Kanon magic'd this episode
The Onisister conflict would have had to have been resolved one way or another and I'm glad they did it before they merged because I was hoping it would be part of it. But Tomari agreeing to join Liella beforehand kind of threw that off but it makes sense now. Tomari really cares about Margarete and Kanon, but especially Margarete. She was fully prepared to join Liella while still being distant with her sister. I thought the 3 jellyfish in the last episode were supposed to be representing herself, Margarete, and Kanon but the third one was actually aneja.
>some of the most "built for straight men" characters in the franchise
Fake and gay.
*by fixing
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sex x2
crunchymunchy is too cute for sex
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fucks given, zero

I wonder if the staff will continue with this for the remaining episodes
Yup, by giving her traits from other characters they fixed the mess she was in S2
TomaNatsu is a special kind of kino
She will be the most easily baited into sex by just being nice to her once.
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I don't know how I feel about the Birdcage costumes being the same as the Joushou Kiryuu ones. Feels like that should be a thing for group songs, not subunit ones.
too big
Kanon always ready to help... nothing weird being so far away from your from during the night btw.
I want to have sex with all the raibus.
I like how the staff acknowledge "kanon does everything" instead of sweeping it under the rug and pretending it never happened.
same but seiyuu too
can't forget it when they keep waking her in every single episode, I just find it hilarious how they are deliberately doing it, like they are trying to find a way to shill her even at the cost of looking ridiculous
This is Kanon’s story after all, characters should ask where is Kanon when she’s not on screen.
Literally what kanonwank was there this episode?
This was scary.
Salzburger Nockerln is an Austrian dessert, so it might go into Maggie's backstory and introduce her sister.
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Can't wait to meet Wien's sister, Salzburg Margarete.
Kinako coping a feel again lmao
Improving her.
one shot of Kanon not even doing anything is enough to mindbreak liellahaters
She's just standing there. Menacingly
The schizo keeps telling me they draw no fanservice details on Natsumi, but her ass is the most detailed one here.
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I'm not even reading this thread.
>nijifags can't read but shit up the thread anyway
we already know
The perfect punching bag for my fists!
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>most detailed
Tied with the others. Zero is still zero.
What a cute
I'll make Rintrash pregnant so she'll finally get over her insecurities by feeling like a woman in all its dimensions. She'll swell up in all the right places and become a Ringoddess.
>used magic to force the writers to remember her
Truly, a feat only rivaling Honoka's weather manipulation and Kanon's teleportation.
I guess it's safe to say that the only way people are not going to lose their mind over a leader is for them to be only good for their grit and emotional intelligence but be literally retarded at everything else.
Weird editing decision with the zoom in and sudden body shot. Nice gesture, at least, and it coincides with Ren's birthday.
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This was great, not often does everyone get to shine in the same chapter, really fun too.
>Weird editing decision with the zoom in
yeah, I wanted to take a screenshot but the quality was bad, thats why I ended up making the webum instead

> it coincides with Ren's birthday.
that might be the reason of why that scene happened
>reddit spacing
Sex with long hair kanako
People complained about Honoka and Chika too back in the day. The only solution is either giving everyone screentime and something to do so everyone is happy like in Hasu, or not have a leader and everyone does their own thing like in Niji.
Today is Liellas new episode.
Why the fuck are you talking about a group with a fanbase of 3 here.
Cry more bitch
niji still has a main character with yuu and even though shes the most inoffensive character ever brainlets still seethe about her
literally no winning here, LL protags are doomed to be shit on
except kaho for some reason
They literally draw the shadow and clothes wrinkles going into the butt crack. If it was any of the others you'd be crying about how they'd never do this for Natsumi.
We're a LLLL general.
No, I won't prove I play the game.
Imagine being a Hasu fan, thinking there are other English-speaking people interested in your group but never finding anyone to talk to. Lmao
>yuushit inoffensive
>calling others brainlets
sasuga jumpman
Not enough people here watch Hasu and it spends enough time developing each girl/subunit on their own without Kaho teleporting in and solving everything.
Kaho is like a big bipedal puppy. There's no way to be mad at her.
>niji still has a main character with yuu
Stopped reading right there
That’s the best thing about Hasu.
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Let’s talk about Liella
Why are hasugenwarshitters like this?
That's 2 more than Liella.
I have never understood this complaint for the three groups that actually have a leader. It would be strange if Honoka/Chika/Kanon did not act as a leader when they are supposed to act as leaders. It just comes across like people like to complain for no reason.
Also, it’d be completely idiotic to complain about Kaho. She isn’t offensive in the least.
>non-raibu sapping away screen time from actual raibus and making pomu her orbiter
>least offensive
Yushitters really have no brain
I like hime but I find her voice a bit weird, she reminds me of a certain vtuber
>spends enough time developing each girl/subunit on their own
Yeah it's also like 10 times as long
>calling others genwarfags while saying that you can’t talk about other gens
Do you really?
Not your boyfriend
Please use this Hime to shitpost, she’s a gamer she was born for it.
Lanzhu a shit
I'm fine with the leader doing leader things for the group, but S2 felt like it took it too far with Kanon. There was no reason to have her teleport across Japan to have her be the one recruit Natsumi after they spent the episode building her up with the first years or the whole Magarete plot where her parents fell in love with her while completely ignoring the rest of Liella. Hyping up the leader is one thing, but it just rubs me the wrong way when they start acting like she's the only girl that matters to the group.
Can't wait for Hasu anime to butcher the story so I get to see you faggots seethe
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I love strawberry milk.
blame LL staff for releasing different group contents on top of each other.
like they seriously can't space out the niji movie, liella anime, aqours not tokyo dome announcement, and SIM movie throughout the year
gotta inflate those trends on Twitter
This is not an issue with people without autism
I think she sounds cute without a saccharine, also reminds me of Maki.
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SIM tv show*
You would be complaining the series is dead if they weren't shitting out new things constantly.
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okay now AI generate R3BIRTH getting spitroasted please
Why nobody talking about the SumiKeke album cover
They don't do anything like that, Natsumi hater-kun.
I would if the hack writers didn't half-assedly resolve their conflicts
Shouldn’t Kanon be there too?
Screenshot watcher...
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It's from Spring 2023
doesn't count
Yeah you lmao
They wasted Tomari and Margarete's moments for an incestbait scene
I like Tomari now
never doubted them
Perfect cosplay for uggomechi.
TomaggieGODS… I kneel, please fuck my wife Sumire in the ass and take all the remaining screen time.
I think it's someone else being ironic.
mirai zaur
>Superstar S3 have much, much better reception than SIFAS S2
Which one of you doomposting back in episode 1 when Kanon decided to bail on Liella?
the spit roasted anon is my favorite
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Her being flat is what makes her extremely sex, giving her tits just ruins everything.
To be fair, both story also fall into the same pitfall by shilling certain character as best of the best compared to the other.
The difference is that Superstar shilled one of the good guys instead of the main bad guy like All Stars did
i will never understand what made this place more hostile to itself than other generals
Being better than All Stars S2 isn't a high bar
Kaho isn’t really the leader, Kozue fits that role much better and each subunit has their own leaders so Kaho is just frolicking around while sometimes coming with ideas, she gets her own stuff but she doesn’t get much more screen time than the others so there’s no reason to dislike her.
>White Delight
What will Shu have to sing next? Brown Bricks?
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Holy booba
She knows right?
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It's just coincidence
>Literally nothing
I know you're not into girls so you don't get the difference between fanservice and fucking nothing, but come on, Natsumi hater-kun...
what video is this from
hey guys, i think we should all get along
post mia ass then
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The fuck is with these eyes? She looks like she's melting.
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It matches her official art
Her eyes are really droopy
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Tsubasa la liberté 104 ver, I have liked the 104 vers so far but this is one of my favorite hasu songs and it was a perfect fit for the story so I hope they don’t fuck up.
This is Tomori
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Apologize for what
Best part of Tsubasa la liberté is 3:31
Do they actually have over 100 versions of individual songs? How do you fags eat this shit up?
Hasu dying in 2025 ...
You don’t like the eurobeat and cool jazz versions?
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Meds Nijifag
>niji out of nowhere
2035 you mean.
I can't wait to see if they actually have the balls to properly graduate the third years and continue on or if they're just going to end the resl-time story thing and shift focus to something else.
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Natsumi only exists to make Tomari look better.
Tomari is better than Lanzhu and Mia tbqh
Superstar is better than Niji in general
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wtf i suddenly hate the gincow fanartist! it's not right to give hime scandalously huge cowtits TuT
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Eh, maybe anime wise. Everything else no.
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Man this resolution is such a cop-out.
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Also holy shit. Stop whoring her out damn.
It's not just the result itself, the "competition" not being a straightforward competition is also a bit weird.
I mean I get it, but I still wish they just commit to one or the other.
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>Being niji
>Is not considered canon
>Has seiyuu hate her job
>Has JAV seiyuu
>Anime is shit
>Game is ded
It's tough....
>badmouthed by your juniors
>Has seiyuu hate her job
>Has JAV seiyuu
>Anime is shit
>Game is ded
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Horny raibu is the best raibu.
Even Japan doesn't think that, Niji can actually fill their seats unlike Liella.
Hasu has been active for a year and a half and they're already on their third set of lives. I don't understand why lives are every few months now instead of a once a year thing.
Maybe because you hate Niji?
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We have divegrass news. Here is our VGL 23 schedule and opponents. As usual I will take music suggestions for these opponents now. I currently have Miracle STAY TUNE! as the anthem and Yuragu wa for victory anthem loaded up for /nikg/ as previous chosen. So if you want these changed say so now. Otherwise we still need something for /smtg/ and /xivg/.
Any Eli solo because Nanjo would rather play XIV than show up to an LL event.
Movie theaters say otherwise
Yet they still somehow fill more live seats than Liella and by a significant amount, really telling.
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>Ginko will wear the m*le costume on Cerise Bouquet's Live
i dunno how to feel about this
Her binders would cause a nuclear explosion.
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Citation needed
I sure hope none of you guys would wear a shirt like this.
Niji filled both days of Karena completely, Liella had level 7 closed (7k seats). Go do your own homework, there was plenty of talk about it since everyone who attended can see the top level was closed off.
Tomori noises in GGO
Make Jellyfish the Victory Anthem against /nikg/.
If anon wants the FF14 Nanjo meme thing then I say for /xivg/ use Angelic Angel as Anthem, and Diamond Princess no Yuuutsu as Victory Anthem because it's Eli's center song.
Against /smtg/ use Camellia no Sasayaki as Anthem, and Eien no Euphoria as Victory Anthem.
I want Quiero QK as an easter egg celebration for when Kanon and Keke make a goal.
I'll consider the Eli stuff, it's kind of reach though and for dubious reasons. Thoughts on Yohane stuff for the fantasy aspect of /xivg/?
I mean it kinda is, that's why I suggested full group/unit songs instead of just Eli's solos.
>Thoughts on Yohane stuff for the fantasy aspect of /xivg/?
That could also work as well.
R・E・P as Victory Anthem could be nice too.
Give me electronic sloppa for /smtg/, my ears want to listen to Daydream Warrior
>Margarete and Tomari get more fanservice shots in one-season than any OG Liella girl other than Sumire did in 3
What did they mean by this?
They need to fill those arenas
>liellafags: enjoying the new episode
>hasufags: enjoying the new chapter
>nijifags: "but attendance numbers"
>it's ok when liellafags shit on niji
>soon as nijifags bring out the facts in response it becomes a nooooo just enjoy your episode
lol, lmao
I actually like this feature about her.
Is SIM a prequel to every other series?
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>deliver one of the best MVs Liella has gotten, probably the best alongside Nonfiction period
>actually generate fanart from fans for once
>still ruin the episode with the stupid ending
I'm so mad. They came so close to saving Liella.
Shhhh the Liella knight will have his mental breakdown.
>>actually generate fanart from fans for once
>>still ruin the episode with the stupid ending
Here the (you) you so desperately want
>liellachads: enjoying the new episode, the song, the mv, the fanart
>liellahaters: "but the ending"
I haven't seen any widespread complaints about how the groups were merged
Some people were fooled by the cool song, once the heads cools they will realize how stupid it was.
>just two more weeks
For me is that the whole sister fight was done too quickly, I'd rather this drama be a two parter than the Shanghai episodes, but even I don't feel that was worth pointing out.
>posting that shit raibu for no reason
Don't post Honoka next to garbage. You don't even like that trash raibu either, faggot
Minus Rintrash
Quit pretending lying retard. Nothing feminine about that garbage boy, faggot
As always it's never enough episodes for Liella
See you in 3 weeks then.
Rather arcs are not evenly distributed, much like the character's screentime.
Are you actually coping because people aren't shitting on the episode? Jesus seek Jesus or something
It's pretty much been going on since Tomari was introduced though.
Liella needs another season. I don't care if Aqours has to perform in a mall afterwards
It's not like Tomori's issue with Natsumi was resolved in one episode. They already had episode 4 for them, and if this was S2 it would've resolved and dusted under the rug back then. It was basically a 2-parter, just not sequential.
Why is this retard obsessed with venues?
>I don't care about venues because I live in a basement in the 3rd world so no one else should
Forced twitterfaggot meme
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Why are there 3 insert songs remaining for S3?
I'm not a woman. I don't give a shit about 3DPD whores actually. I don't mind how you enjoy it but I wish Love Live stayed a 2D only project and not mixed media. Especially because of the expiration date on women.

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