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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.

>8.4.0 | PTB
>Doomed Course Chapter Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJZ1czmKfUE [Embed]

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD Poll:

Previous Thread: >>503078402
Bash the killer main you know irl
>bikini but that would show too much skin
>beach bandeau but that would also show too much skin
>do both so its maximum coverage and minimum sex appeal
I've always hated gay as fuck designs like this, especially when half the men just have full shirtless tops
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I love Jill
bimbo kate
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Throat GOAT Kate
Okay I did it. I set the browser sound to my monitor speakers (volume 0) and the rest of my sound is all on my headsets. So I can open twitch on the browser and I won't hear it but it will be in the recording cuz I set the recording to use audio from both channels.
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I love David
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You wanna know how I got these scars?
>oversized tits
>green eyes
>no tattoos
not kate
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Cool, hope it works out for you
Good luck
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They said BIMBO Kate though
Is this the gayest general in vg? Honest question.
No, but we're up there
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The majority of the player base is actually straight, just statistically speaking. It's just the most visible parts that scream to them havens about being lgbtqwerty+ or "Allies".
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Then who is?
Probably /owg/
Yeah just did my first match with a ttv that was live, this is turbo fun holy shit. The recording is kind of shit cuz my game sound is too loud but I can still hear the streamer. I'll lower my dbd sound.

But yeah, this is fucking gold. So much fun.
at 910 escapes now. gonna have to put in some work to make it to 1000
so when does pentimento get nerfed because totem builds are "too strong"?
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It's been 3 years bro get over it. Just cleanse the totems.
Even with both of those yellow addons that buff pig’s ambush attack, I still struggle to get value from it
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/owg/ is lesbian
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>Maps exist
>And totem builds
>And limited, predetermined placements
>Including on top of spawn points
>Too strong
Don't put that evil on us Anon!
Even if you're just joking, don't you put that evil on us!
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bimbo kates
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Bro your final form?
>all 4 survivors are teabagging in a circle at me
>I hit one
>some firecrackers go off and they start running after I down two
I don't understand. Did they just want to blind me?
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>skin that makes you easier to see over tiles
true form isnt comp enough
I've been playing survivor for 2v8 and I have to ask
what am I supposed to do in pallet standoffs with Wraiths?
how do I know when they finish uncloaking?
do I just wait for the swing and hope I react in time?
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absolute baby mode
now 3v2 is the ultimate survivor challenge
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>Plays "Competitively"
I rescind my impressive compliment
Just drop the pallet and make distance, Wraith is busted right now and uncloaks in like 0.5s
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>Nea and Meg
bro that's 5v0
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I think the dude banned me from his stream? I'm getting this after the match ended. He probably thought I was stream sniping since I joined during the loading screen. I don't know.
Threadly reminded according to the canon dbd comics
>Franks likes Julie
>Jullie Likes Frank
>Suzie likes both Jeff AND Julie.
>Joey likes Suzie (KWAB)

Also Julie is an edgelord retard who's origin is that she didn't remember her dead rabbit name and the mute mask IS her "canon" mask
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no one cares feng avatarfag #387
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>Single Reaction image
Damn all that dogfood she ate really fucked with her memory...
my friend started slugging with wraith after getting teabagged one too many times
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Nothing wrong with that.
>I go down on 1 gen left with two people alive
>they don't even try, just wait for me to bleed out
>forced to wait out the whole timer just to get into another game

>team gets destroyed, me and one other survivor alive at 4 gens
>they get first hooked because they have been crouching in a corner the entire game
>they wait out the entirety of the hook timer in a vain attempt to survive

solo queue makes me so fucking miserable that I cannot accurately put it into words.
Low mmr.
I can't fucking climb out of it no matter what I do.
Survivors won't do generators. I will literally end games with me completing 4 generators and no one else completing a single one, and getting 4k'd. I do not fucking understand what these people are doing the entire game if they aren't in chase.
I don't play survivor so take what I say with a grain of salt, but if you want to climb out of it maybe it could work to try to run a distortion and just play as safe and selfish as possible to secure hatch often. Don't help people if it puts you in danger. I've had plenty of matches where one survivor barely participated in the match and got the hatch.

I believe for mmr escape is all that matters, not the points.
>in its current state
Yes. What else would you use? You're not there for points. Better than nothing.
My conscience gets the better of me when it comes to saving people though. I think about how much it would piss me off to be in a situation where someone doesn't save for literally no discernable reason.
Doesn’t increase your mmr, it has to be a an exit gate even if it’s only after hatch is closed by killer, using sole survivor wake up iron will self care would probably be the most selfish yet survivable build you could go for
Oh well. I guess git gud is the only option left then.
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zombies for pyramid head when
>Survivor on high ground hook
>Injured survivor is proxying the hook
>Know the injured survivor can't get the unhook, meaning someone else has to
>I will absolutely know which way the survivor is coming from because it's a highground hook
>Me being around the hook is keeping 3 survivors off gens and will likely result in a trade
>I do this and it works
>Survivors freak out in postgame that I'm a dirty camper
I really want to know their thought process. Even they knew I was fucking them raw with that play, that's why they were mad about it. Do they want me to just sprint in a random direction knowing that the injured person would unhook for free? Hilariously, the match started with them proxying a downed survivor on a pallet long enough for that survivor to screw me with power struggle, so they did the same shit from the survivor side.
imagine the smell
If I was trying to climb on survivor I'd probably run Lithe, Windows of Opportunity, Autodidact, Unbreakable
Lithe, WoO, and UB are self-explanatory but Autodidact is basically a pocket pick to not instantly lose the game to antiheal builds
this is why I have Kindred always on in solo q
lots of times I get proxy camped and everyone sees it so they let me go 2nd stage but 2 gens get done and the killer gets a 1k or 0k because of it
They lost their mind at me but they should have been made at the injured survivor. If that guy just leaves, I'm trolling if I camp the hook. While I'm at the hook and I can still see him nearby, I'm trolling if I leave.
After getting molested by survivors running instaheals in every game with WoO faggot buiilds I need to get metapilled
Billy is really fun for this by the way. The 180 degree drifts are impossible but it's really nice to know anyone I find in the open is instantly dead rather than them just eating the hit, running to main, and popping an instaheal.
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>Come back to the game after 2 years
>Enjoy Halloween event
>Enjoy game, and more casually than before
>Blood points a little slow going after event ends
>Week of significant bonus Bloodpoints
>Not really in the mood to play
Why does this happen?
the game has very little variety and next to no skill expression so its only fun in short bursts
play 2v8. i'm currently at a 920 winstreak with green nea.
there's an easy way for you to prove this number and you wont.
>2v8 starts
>instantly hear huntress' humming and nurses wheezing (alternatively bing bong into instant uncloak)
no thanks
>Play Killer
>Match type 1: Easy 4K stomp where survivors run into walls, throw pallets after eating hits, and clearly don't know how to run anything
>Match type 2: 5k hour SWF gives you one hook per three gens with full meta perks and items while comp dropping then teabags you at the exit gate. Bonus points if Springfield map offering
>Match type 3: actually get momentum at the start of the game followed by a DC from a butthurt survivor (play Trickster and this is every game you get a map he's actually playable on)
not surprising this gets old fast
when killer plays nurse why does it even fucking load me into the game? just skip directly to the loss screen, delete my item and let me queue up into a real game for fuck's sake
just hold w
or whatever the cope these days is
I already did
>just hold w against the killer that goes through walls, can't be pallet stunned or vaulted, that can catch up and instant kill you from any distance and can correct misses with the second dash ensuring 100% accuracy on every hit unless the nurse player is a retard
Perkless itemless survivors have more strength in their role in every match than Nurse has at her role (and the killer has to actually be playing Nurse)
you faggots deserve nurse shitting on you
have you tried not getting hit
>100% accuracy on every hit unless the nurse player is a retard
I'll give you this, they should have left her lightburn mechanic in. Only for her.
Yes retard, hold W, her distance isn't infinite and you MIGHT get out of range if you ran early enough.
Whiny losers like you deserve to get caught tho tbqh
running a nurse who's pretty good but not really good is the most fun survivor can ever be outside of swf meme squads
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I have been playing 2v8
Though mostly survivor since killer queues are ass and I only like 3 of the killers, and am only good with 2 of those.

>instantly hear huntress' humming
Lucky, all I usually hear is Wraith's whooshing and Were elk's pay-to-win non-lullaby after I've already been hit.

Once I start playing I'll usually go for a while, trying to stop on a good note like match type one or three. It's more just getting started...
Define a nurse that's pretty good but not really good
a player that has between 2 and 5 matches on nurse
Then why is her killrate so low if all it takes is 5 matches to be really good?
Issa joke cause actually she is irregular and takes time to learn properly
do nurse players have any other argument other than "BUT HER KILLRATE THO"
Never faggot he doesn’t need them. Would be cool though
>4k at 5 gens while rotating hooks
>nurse is just too OP... you were good but it's just a shame the character is like this
I actually felt for this dude, he was pretty chill. Hopefully it will be a while before he finds another good nurse.
Literally perfect woman
The perfect woman has to like buttstuff as much as vaginal, if not more. Does that apply here?
nooooo i just watch a video on how to loop like a god and it's a fucking nurse. I am going to cry about it on 4chan.org
Lol no. We’re pretty straight. We’ve just had some undesirables latch on to us
Going to turn off the heat in my room and instead spend all night making my PC generate nonstop stable diffusion pics of Lara Croft getting impregnated
Dbd is a game for girlfriends and homosexuals, this general is only straight because it's here.
And it barely is kek
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probably not far from how dbd girls smell
>Perkless itemless survivors have more strength in their role in every match than Nurse has at her role
nursefags are so insanely delusional
>there is a 1000 winstreak on nurse
just say you're dogshit at nurse and move on, shitter.
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I want to suck him off then nut inside his ass
This is speaking in general and not just for nurse, but in any multiplayer game, there must always be viable counterplay on both ends. No matter how effective and difficult something is to do, there must be viable counterplay from the opposition, and by viable I mean the player should always be able to counter what his opponent is doing if he plays better. This can mean being more skillful or correctly predicting. The less counterplay a person has (regardless of how much they 'feel' they have), the less balanced something is. The problem with the Nurse is that as we all know, against a Nurse at full capacity, you have zero counterplay. It is always 100% on the Nurse's end if they miss a blink attack, and perceived 'evasion' or 'prediction' you performed may be factually true for a less skilled Nurse, but untrue for a Nurse playing at full capacity because they can always react to anything you do.
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this but demogorgon
Rat bros what build are we running now that they nerfed distortion?
the same build as always
Left Behind, Iron Will, Fixated and Sole Survivor
haven't been playing too much since i've gotten back into League but I escaped like 8 games in a row solo using that build
Surveillance is such an underrated info perk I love it. Especially when you pair it with surge and pain res and you can turn every gen white and instantly know where to go when they get back on the gens
Why the fuck do i have to work when i could be gaming
Survivor were never meant to 1v1 a killer you dumb piece of shit
if that's what you pulled from that post, you truly are retarded.
nurse players are braindead.
suck my cock retard
bet you would love for another man to suck your dick wouldn't you, fag boy?
two more days until 2v8 is gone FOREVER
I hear you're the best. so of course I do
well you heard right, but nurse players have dick cheese so i'll need to pass.
change the generals name back to assg
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Remember when we used to call tinkerer ruin undying "adept blight"
What are pig’s best addons?
The gag is that besides exhaustion perks, you'll only get value out of the best survivor perks less than 50% of the time. Whereas you get value out of the best killer perks 90% of the time
gag this
>*unzips dick*
i heard hatch is a tie, so while you don't gain mmr you don't lose. better to play for hatch in a losing game than to try and escape and fail, if its mmr you want.
you aren't running the "best" perks then, retard.
you always get value out of Iron will, resilience, unbreakable (because every killer slugs now) and off the record
you just run retarded perks.
Retard I run ds unbreakable every game and it has won me many games but most of the time the killer isn't tunneling/slugging. They make a difference like 30% of the time
>ds unbreakable
>most of the time the killer isn't tunneling/slugging.
what fucking universe are you living in
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sable's fat ass, quite frankly
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i need 50 wins in two day. ive got this
and her fat cock feeding me milk in the morning
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chuck, we do not care.
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these console killers are so bad. lmao
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>so bad
this you?
Hex rework idea: any hex that is active at the start of the trial will only light up on a totem 20 seconds after the round starts (will prevent spawning on top of it and insta-cleansing)
Does anyone know if bran is still fat and jerks off to cartoon ponies?
Oomfs has "exhaustion=crutch" as their username while also running windows of opportunity
Would fuck this entity ngl
Man I’m glad the geniuses that made this meme did
Butt stuff is for fags. The vagina is there for a reason.
>he thinks p*ntimento and d*vour cope need buffs
i know that feeling brother…
lovely trans posts <3
please forgive pillz ‘the fat negro’ he has nothing going on in his life
i wish i was too…
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1200 auric cells so you can buy one Feng skin or one night with the JRM?
Get new images
Did the 2v8 winstreak poster just lose to a Mordeo and Deathslinger?
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>images.jfif.jpg gojo.jpg
Is this winstreak following the Pro V rules where you can deem a match as "not counting" if you want?
quick question
is there any benefit to breaking totems in 2v8?
I see so many people doing it, that I question if there's a mechanic I forgot about
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Meg: Meg
i wanna get meg preg
no, they're just doing it for points or they're completing old tome challenges
Noed should be basekit in 2v8 if all survivors are alive and not in the dying state or caged when the last gen pops
no im at 960 now
>550% bonus bps if you play surv 2v8
It's giving social welfare taking from the oppressors to give to the oppressed
>bring 4 commodious with wire spool and socket + built to last
>autowin every match
Why does anybody pretend that survivor is in a bad place rn?
I love DBD
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I wish Rebecca was real
Oh yeah? Post ONE screenshot of you playing it
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>brings Corrupt, Pop, Pain Res, Grim
>wins every game
I've seen wayyyyyy more toxic killers than survivors in 2v8
I was already grinding 2v8 survivor for the extra bloodpoints before the blood buff
this only makes my job easier
it's the queue times
that's enough to drive anyone mad
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2v8 has like 20 minute wait times if I'm waiting 20 minutes to play killer I'm sweating
so far i've really only ever encountered one team of pathetic losers slugging for the 8k, otherwise it's survivors being cocky teabagging as they get a free escape because my console huntress team mate can't land hatchets
Free trial weekend killers are so funny y'all
New perk: frenzied vengeance
After a generator is completed, frenzied vengeance activates for 30 seconds. If another generator is completed while frenzied vengeance is active, all survivors become exposed for 40 seconds
Man Billy feels bad to play against. Dodge chainsaw after chainsaw and he just immediately starts charging again and getting faster and faster until he finally gets you because you can't make any distance.
I'm not even saying he's OP because obviously if he's taking 8+ saws to down you he's losing tons of pressure and might as well be playing an M1 killer with that time to down, but it just feels like ass to go against. Wesker and Huntress also have this going on.
Man Billy feels good to play against. Dodge chainsaw after chainsaw and he just immediately starts charging again and getting faster and faster until he finally gets you because you messed up.
I'm not even saying he's weak because obviously if you're dodging 8+ saws you're really outplaying him so he could have created tons of pressure elsewhere with that time to down, but it just feels like sex to go against. Slinger and Dredge also have this going on.
Which female survivor would make the best femdom?
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Okay after some tweaking and experimenting I've reached the ultimate setup.

Whenever I see a streamer in the lobby I just open his stream on my browser and leave it in the background. I won't see anything from the stream cuz my dbd is fullscreen. I won't hear anything from the stream cuz the sound of that particular browser is set to go to my monitor speakers which have a volume of 0.

Then OBS is set to record that browser window specifically, even if it's in the background, and it's set to get sound that is going to the speakers, even if I set my monitor to have speakers at volume 0.

So I just hit record and play the match. After the match I can watch the entire thing from the streamers POV and hear what they were saying plus see anything that was said in their chat. It's perfect.
if a streamer doesn't have vods is it really worth watching though?
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Now that the dust has settled, was he actually wrong?
vittorio sex
It's worth watching because I'm the killer in the match. I don't care how popular or not the streamer is. I just enjoy watching matches where I'm the killer from the survivor POV and I enjoy hearing their reactions as I do stuff.
i'm such a good paypiggy for bhvr
give me more stuff to buy
Why did Evolve fail?
Lack of trans flags
It was shit, had terrible gameplay, was pay to win and it was horribly unbalanced
Do you main pig?
i dont have a main
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>break two mouses in one day playing league
>go back to dbd
>its fucking boring

its over.
But enough about dbd.
do you need to watch some skibidi toilet while you play the game too? fucking sperg
theyr reducing weskers power cd too btw
Wasn't this literally debunked that one time BHVR tried hosting a competition?
afaik they had a team of 4 survs on comms with nurse as killer. No one was allowed perks.

The Nurse 4k'd every match.
You mean this one >>503510435 ?
Does anyone else feel like claudette is a funny name?
I want to learn how to play hag but for some reason trying to play her makes my head hurt and I’m fighting against every bit of killer instincts I’ve built up from playing characters that can actually chase
>play hag
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How to play hag
>down the first retard who steps on a trap while injured
>set 6 gorillion traps at the hook and any path leading to it
>force trades until you win
Now you've got what it takes
She isn't fun to play as or against.
Her chase music sucks too.
Yeah but she's hot
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Whenever I get a Hag daily I play chase Hag
Shes the pinnacle of M1 killers with this build and requires no brain to play
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But you need to teleport to do hag's daily...
Wait this game has dailies?
>here's 35k bloodpoints for playing a shitty killer goy, don't spend it all in one place!
>killers immediately tunnel out the haddie in 2v8
How come fucking mobile of all things has better moris and skins?
Can you have 2 of the same killers in the match?
Gameplay is ass so they have to offer something that the normal version can't
>can you have fun in DBD?
try using your brain
What's the gameplay like?
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>How to play Hag
here's the quick version
basic idea is trap any idea survivors will run
place traps slightly outside of normal view (if there's a chokepoint in a fence, trap a few inches to the side of the choke) so they can't see it.
trap loops by placing traps in the corner. triggered traps force the survivor camera to stare at it so a corner trap will kill the survivors forward momentum and often break their fast vault
always be trapping. you are not an antiloop killer. if you want to get to a loop, place your power, and watch as they hold W, just fucking play artist. it is OFTEN the best course of action to TP to a trap, get the hit, and immediately replace the trap as they run off into the sunset
you are a momentum killer: if you ever run out of traps on the map you lose. bad traps are better than no traps.
you cannot trap the entire map so don't try. dense traps on half the map are better than sparse traps over the whole thing
the secret weapon is 2-3 trap hooks and degen your way to a 4k. Hag doesn't actually have to be this degen to be good but it is undeniably effective

perks are corrupt pain res sloppy [freespace] which I usually use on Surge. All the shit with Franklin's, Knock Out, Monitor, Deerstalker, etc are gimmicks
how did he get away with it
He did nothing wrong
he raped millions
What makes survivors so cancerous?
Dbd is awful too
Do you guys play other games or do you just grind DbD
>can't hear any of the sfx on the fucking moose huntress or whatever, including the scream she usually does when she winds up
did my game just bug or is this thing actually just fucking bullshit
nah, were-elk is just pretty quiet most of the time. he was even worse when he came out if you can believe it
>few killers with coherent sound design gets it muted out with a fancy cosmetic
I'm surprised for all the bitching survivors do over killers that I don't see more outrage over this because its actually just fucking stupid
Am I the only one who feels like spooknjukes is fake as fuck like he is forcing this good guy persona
Every dbd youtuber does that
Thats the vibe i got from him too.
absolutely. met enough people like that irl too
yes. he goes out of his way to be a dick on purpose and then does performative callout videos on people being rude back to him as "toxicity". he's a little tattle tale bitch
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The same, but imagine having to control the killer with a touch screen instead of keyboard and mouse
>dbd official forums are being raided by arabs
kek this is actually funny
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by arab dbd players or just random towelheads?
>that one guy with the myers pfp calling them rats and pigs
holy based
people unironically use forums?
i can't play the video but looking at the comments that's probably a good thing
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kek why does bhvr allow this
I'm not sure why I'm constantly getting survivors with spanish/portuguese names with 140 ping today. Did BHVR do something overnight?
Não, acho que nada mudou.
You've been put into low priority queue unfortunately
>be chased by the killer for 150 seconds
>keep ending up in matches with killers who can end chase fast if they aren't dumb
For what reason? I dindu nuffin
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Are these survivors about to have a good time? Only time will tell...
7 out
>Mikaela wearing just the top half of a dress
Why can people do shit like this but I can't mix and match stuff on Cheryl and the RE characters
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I’m sorry, but if I see more than 1 toolbox in a lobby and I’m not playing a strong killer that I’m great at, I’m just gonna dodge your lobby. As far as I’m concerned, everyone with a toolbox is using a commodious with wire spool and socket with built to last. Not dealing with that
had a dream where I went to Hooters (never been there in my life) and Kate was there and my waitress
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its pretty obvious thats entirely on the license holder, either through not wanting people to fuck with the characters' preset appearances or just wanting to force higher sales through making you buy the whole set at once
cheryl still fucking annoys me though because they included her t-shirts from the game but didn't give her a pair of unlocked jeans to actually make the full outfit
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I already own every Jill skin though they already profited off of me. Just let me wear her cute beret with her Christmas sweater.
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Why? I play Trapper and have no problem with gen speeds with my build
Weren't sets actually unlinked at one point and reddit threw a temper tantrum because Classic Jill had a head piece that was literally identical the default?
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Oh no...
how much bp do i need to go from 1 to 50
He plays on console so it would be difficult to be legitimately happy
if I remember right a little over 1.5 million is what it costs if you actually try to get good stuff from the tree rather than just pressing the insta-level button
So this 2v8 was just wraith and friends
>*bong bong*
>*bong bong*
I'm glad Wraith is getting out and socialising.
you mean wraith and huntress
Why no nurses?
cause nurse is as unfun as she always is, and isn't even a meta pick. you might as well play blight
Anyone who can play Nurse competently isn't playing 2v8
Sable breeding
i wish i was capable of winning a match without lethal pursuer
Do I lose too much mmr, if any, if one clown escapes through the hatch?
What do you mean? Why makes it so essential?
I think you gain a little with a 3k + hatch escape.
>Regular 4v1 game: Survivors kill themselves no matter what happens or which killer it is if they go down first, dooming everyone else instantly
>2v8 game: Most survivors don't DC on first down, some do but even then its fine and they can't kill themselves on hook to utterly ruin the game

God I hope they remove the ability to kill yourself on hook to cheat the matchmaking queue, just fucking quit and wait 5 minutes you pussy
yeah they could actually fix the game so it's not so miserable to play but i think instead they should make the game shittier on purpose
Compared to killer, survivor is stress-free baby easy mode. There is no reason for them to rage quit on first down other than being entitled babies
nah the game is too snowbally now, it's too easy for killer to tunnel for free wins. if BHVR fixed that and it was possible to come back then people wouldn't quit so fast.
i dont think ive played any other game where you can just afk/kill yourself during matches and suffer absolutely no penalty
Why the fuck is "ty" censored in the endgame chat?
Heil Hitler
most other games are much better, where losing doesn't involve sitting around and waiting and doing nothing so you can just get unhooked and tunneled out of the game in 2 minutes anyway
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>have steam profile visible in-game
>games are dogshit and get tunneled 50% of the time
>have steam profile hidden in-game
>games are relatively normal
Most survivor players are female and they have no sense of honor
if women play DBD then why am I still single?
You need to get pregnant.
this tbqh
I get annoyed at all the DBD videos that are some variant of "bro...x perk is SO STRONG!", like oughtz's obsession with fucking Gearhead and Retribution years ago
No matter how possibly functional any gimmick perk is it will always be less useful against good players than 3 meta slowdowns and a free space you either use on a fourth slowdown, Enduring/Brutal/Bamboozle for chase, or Nowhere to Hide.
Is larry's available in 2v8?
>anon discovers clickbait titles
Losing as a p100 killer must be embarrassing I will never know the feeling
>Okay after some twerking
bro is out here twerking SMDH
Only one of these is true. Pick wisely.
Unbalanced as fuck. Also I remember everything being super unsatisfying to play.
is billy's fast-rotation window at the start of a charge affected by his turn rate addons? because that sounds fucking impossible to practice with
The worst part about those videos is that they only get value out of the perk once or twice, while the other slots just have meta perks that they get consistent value from the whole video.
Jawohl Billyfuhrer
You don't need to give a fuck about the fast rotation window if you're using those add ons
This is why I don't mind Demi's videos because he's up front that he's demonstrating meme builds and they only pay off every now and then.
Again, so you're talking about dbd then?

Also, who was evolve unbalanced in favor of?
>losing every 2v8 game while playing as scout or medic
>switch to escapist and start escaping
Woah is that why they named it that? Seriously though fuck these lazy ass randoms who crouch in corners and don't do gens.
>it's a free trial tard hides all game episode
What do you want them to do? Get chased and last 2 seconds?
hot take but I really liked evolve. I'm sure at higher competitive levels that it was terrible, but playing a few casual games of it, I really enjoyed it.
I liked the idea of a game of cat and mouse where, given enough resources, the mouse grows bigger than the cat.
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got out of a 2v1 by clicking my flashlight at the Laurie hiding in the corner then acting cute to Huntress and Nurse.
90% of these nigger playerbase is made up of hacking niggers

how the fuck there are still people playing this piece of shit?
Genuine question: how is the usage of filters that turn the game's brightness up not considered cheating?
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ur just bad
Touch a gen for at least 30 seconds, but that seems too big of an ask apparently
*misses skill check*
I have corrective action, thoughbeit
It's even crazier when you realizer killers never check lockers in 2v8 and the ability allows you to fast vault into them.
if you can hit greats the gen jockey class is broken as fuck
Just dropped my dinner on the floor and now I have to order takeout, kftf?
>stand on top of hatch at 2 gens left
>just alt tab and shitpost in here
>notice from the edge of my screen that soma showed up
>close hatch and kill him
Oh no... guys I think I'm gonna get banned...
It is, but you're asking that question to a playerbase that attempted to paint BHVR as ableist monsters by claiming Spine Chill's obscene brokenness shouldn't be nerfed because it was an accessibility option for the deaf playerbase
Same group of players that claimed the Prove Thyself nerf was unwarranted because they were totally all just taking it for the bloodpoint bonus totally
Same group of players that claims Killers are BM toxic shitters when killer gets teabagged in the majority of games
Same group of players that thought Dead Hard was fine because uh shitty killers can just wait it out???
Same group of players that believe discord comms aren't cheating when it tears apart the entire foundation of the game's design
>It is
I think BHVR has said reshade is not cheating.
First point was fine until you went on that absolute schizo rant.
>same group of players that claim Killers are BM toxic shitters
>reads one post above this
Shitty bait, nobody is actually so mad they would say all of this.
So where the fuck are the pallets and windows in Borgo
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borgo is killer country
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It doesn't matter how much bp or time they spend, some survivor mains like Leon and Sable are always bad
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>maps are so bad now midwich has been usurped as the worst surv map
What maps haven't been gutted yet? Gideon and badham?
Give me a meme build that has a extremely niche effect that I could only activate correctly in less than 5% of games but when it does work it wins the game for me
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>drop food on the floor
>[drawn out sigh]
Moment of glory mettle of man appraisal overcome for survivor
Hex two can play pentimento for killer (if you see flashlights in lobby)
getting all these annoying trapper challenges done in 2v8 is pretty cool, a shame it's so limited in the challenges you can complete or i'd have filled out half the challenges
it'd be funnier if the other killer could step in his traps desu
fun interactions? but then they'd have to make a new animation instead of fucking phoning it in like always
how could you give your own partner the ol spicy bear trap
It'd be funny but 2v8 is already survivor sided as is
>Be 110 Killer
>Get Dead Dog
this map is so fucking faggy
it would just make everyone not want to play with a trapper, just not worth it
>highest survive-rate on any map is still less than 50%
killersisters.... how do we respond???????????
>actually manage to do well early as killer
>survivors as expected give up and emote under hook
>slug everybody for their full bleedout bars
fuck you for depriving me of my match just because you didn't get to stomp for once
[Jeff pain noises]
It makes sense, most games aren't against 4 well coordinated SWF survivors as much as killers would like to claim as such.
a map could be a single hallway leading to the already open exit and the killer starts 400 meters away in a closed room and it would still have at least a 50% kill rate because the average survivor is so fucking stupid
Skull Merchant
And I killed myself on first hook in all of them except two
You really are a retarded slut.
>type "ty"
What the actual fuck is wrong with this fucking game
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wouldn't want
to have
bad language
in our
family-friendly game
would we?
I won't allow anyone to say "Otz" without the title "Sheik"
>get a nice first down on ghostface
>put them on a hook
>entire team rushes in to unhook literally 2 fucking seconds after I hook the first survivor
>get free exposes on everyone
>nobody did a single gen the entire game
what the fuck?
Maybe before they allowed Touhou off /jp/. Then there's Undertale, that new furfag MMO Abysse or whatever it's called, FF14, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter... THEN maybe DBD.
Why not just a play a different game at that point
>bro watch this epic play i'm gonna faceunhook and bodyblock this scrub
>wtf why did he slug us all
It's likely bhvr got some basic bitch AI chat filter purely to avoid the n word and never bothered to alter it.
>no bonus bp for survivor or killer
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Genuinely nice interactions? In MY DBD? In the year of our lord 2024? Never thought I’d see the day
I hope that these filters are put in place by manual entry. It puts a smile on my face knowing someone painstakingly typed the word "nigger" to add it to filters.
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why the fuck would you send yourself to autohaven as a dredge?
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Got banned and called stupid by Skermz for asking why he was running lithe if he hates it so much
pillznegros… we’ve been buck broken…
Best thing to happen in months. Based.
they were before your time junior. i wouldn’t worry about it.
I play on console and I’m the jolliest mf around, fag
PCucks have the strangest preconceptions about consolegods
u ate
cry + die
>so you're talking about dbd then?
Sure man
>who was evolve unbalanced in favor of?
Playing both sides was a slog from what I remember. Couldn’t say anything about it past the first few months cus I dropped it shortly after.
That’s on odd word for the Chinese/Russians
just make more dinner retard
just spoke with cote. you’re done kiddo
All good points. 2hu is cool doebeit
>I tunneled one guy to death before first gen popped
>team gave up because there's no point playing 3v1 at 5 gens
The fact this is even a possibility is making me giggle.
Started using zanshin tactics on hag to help me get a better idea of where to place traps and its made a pretty significant difference
only hag player in vg
how much are you paid to defend the game on web forums?
more like only hag player in dbd

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