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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDPhkX2oMmQ [Open]

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVPqv7ZyfWo [Open]

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>503300810
Kazuya is too lucky brehs...
Kekken 8 looks decent I will give them that and only that.
Milk Maiden...
Tekken is a coom game not a fighting game
Kazuya is a faggot
Imagine being Kazuya and worrying about world domination like a faggot instead of breeding this.
if kazuya is evil, why did jun marry him?
This one
Why does this nigger put tekgen in the OP? Get our name off that shit. I don't want to see this general.
Does it really matter if your partner is "evil" to other people?
As long as they are nice and loyal to you are they really evil?
because women value good over evil
Hows Kazuya evil? He even tries to not breed so theres no more demons in the world.
When he became dictator in that timeline which evil deed he did? Kill sneaker faggots?
Kazuya is not really evil. Heihachi is closer to being evil than he is. Kazuya is simply a loner who hates everything.
Idk if you shitposting or not but you genuinely raise good questions about Kazuya's moral compass
>Hows Kazuya evil?
I didnt play tekken but he just looks evil and I was making a point that women are shit
Women aren't shit. Men aren't shit. We're just animals with desires. Women desire strong men. Men desire to be strong so they can have said women. It's just life. Kazuya and Jun are the OG Adam and Eve.
Tekken characters to guest-star in SF6? It's funny that you can get a Geese vs Akuma match in Tekken 7. Haha
Since they fired Ono (Harada's best friend), I doubt relations are the best between the two companies now.
Fuck outta here with your retarded midwit "I just learned what redpill is last week through andrew tate and rick morty" ass bullshit.

Attraction goes beyond this surface level shit, which is why some chicks dig dorks, or losers, or nerds.
A 10/10 who came from a rich family and doesnt need to worry about money, already has all these roided out pretty boys all around her doesn't see them the same way a regular chick does, so her taste is different and she rather seek a man with different qualities, since she can even provide and doesn't need to seek anyone making more money than her.

Also being an evil person clearly makes you unlikable. Women don't like rapists for instance, except the most deranged ones.
I didn't mean strength as in physical strength. Maybe excellence is a better term. All men desire to be excellent. We are the competitive sex. We're meant to wan to be better than others. Even nerds are driven by this competitive spirit.
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Not only Ono's firing, also SFxTK flopping hard and TKxSF being cancelled.
Nakayama seems to be more buddy buddy with SNK, hell I can even see a Guilty Gear rep since Woshige was historically a Guilty Gear player.
Rick and morty is some serious bluepill shit, the creators are even convinced women make less money for the same job with the same experience at the same hours. Are you really that contrarian?
That being said I think S3 won't have any guest characters.
Kimberly should have looked like this
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>women don't like rapists for instance
Most of my girlfriends have admitted to me having some sort of rape fantasy. The others have expressed interest being taken advantage of nebulously
women are not as wonderful as you think they are.
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
Women are all about that equality and good pay until the Russian mongols start raiding your borders. Then it's back to being cute little housewives until the war is over.
SFxT flopping was a tragedy because that game had a lot of qualities that modern Capslop doesn't have. The roster for one was insane.
Women love equality until equality means being held to the same standard as men
ook but what does shuckle think about this
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>I eat up whatever slop is served as long as it makes me money

>Its good that the game is big in japan because it makes me money

>the better player used to win more in previous games but its fine because I as a professional make more money now

>I hope the system changes in such a way that more westoids play (so that I can make more money)

The absolute state. What a disgusting interview. Only funny thing is that he acknowledges that its dead in the west.
The pay2win gem system irks me.
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>jump in on the opponent
>they block and instantly drive reversal
it was easier to win in sf5, all you had to do was be better.
Its harder to win in sf6 because skill is not a determining factor.
Sellout Tokido
Why does Tokido think this game is big in Japan because of its gameplay? It's big in Japan because Capcom takes your DLC money and gives it to vtubers. The game would have been equally dead in Japan had the marketing not been so insane over there. This whole game is artificial as fuck. Reminds me of Overwatch.
god i love cammy (white women)
don't you just kill them for that
i legitimately don't know what posts like this are supposed to say. is capcom supposed to not market their game? we know a ton of people play this game in japan, how is that "artificial" because of marketing.
Uhm... well you see... SHUT UP
How will pros react when Capcom announces this is the last year to win a milly after capcup
keep playing probably? what choice do they have really
>Why does Tokido think this game is big in Japan because of its gameplay?
he, and capcom I'm sure, dont know. its very much possible that they even believe the soundtrack is part of the reason why its so big in japan, which is probably also why they dont want to rock the boat.
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she has a free pass to piss on me anytime she wants
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alright now I'm mad. it's been an entire year. Where is the fucking outfit 4 announcement?
I’m actually starting to think that every character is only going to have 3 outfits total. They don’t fucking care, the avatar slop is too easy and makes too much money.
no i don't think so (unless costume 3's sold like shit in which case they will lol). what wouldn't surprise me is if they do the outfit 3s for bison/terry/mai/elena before everyone else gets their outfit 4 though
Remove anti air perfect parries and watch niggas lose 300MR
you guys do realize that the era of swimsuit costumes is over, right?
Chun Loli
Cunny White
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Sorry devs can't make costumes as fast as they used to do because the models are too well made.
Next time you look at Terry's face on the loading screen i want you to remember you don't have a costume for your waifu because devs have to focus on piece of arts like him.
I just want any outfit at all at this point. Thankfully I'm on PC so there's mods at least.
why do you want to jump so much? i don't understand strive is unironically more grounded than sf and you want to make it even worse
Bro, your empty jump grab?
Anti airs used to be an important skill before you know.
I dislike how it turns everything into a mix up situation and make fireball characters even stronger and dumber to play, the whole "Will he parry or mash on my landing?" mini game is just dumb.
And fuck at this point it's probably stronger than doing DPs.
The marketing is way beyond what any other Japanese game gets. This is one my twitch's most streamed games almost daily due to the insane vtuber boost.

Regardless, any regional success is quickly made bittersweet knowing the game is even deader than Jive was in the west.
>my twitch's
Disregars my
ERROR: inappropriate character mod detected. Please reinstall and verify local game files to continue playing.
>knowing the game is even deader than Jive was in the west.
but it's very objectively not. i have no clue how you got to this conclusion
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>Japan because of its gameplay?
It was the gameplay though, specifically Modern Controls. Watch core-a-gaming recent sf6 streams, Japan is literally running rampant with Modern players. Who woulda thought that the one gameplay change from V to 6 that would revive SF in Japan would be the removal of motion commands and the addition of auto combos.
It absolutely is. Especially EU where Dix is fucking dead. Japan carries this glorified phone game.
calling people mashing around in modern mode "playing" is quite a stretch. You shouldn't count vtubers/women who stream the game and don't play it for their own enjoyment. You shouldn't even be counting people who are still new and don't yet know whether or not they will stick with the game. You also shouldn't count people who don't like the game but force themselves to play it as a skinner box.

When people say the game is dead, they're talking about how many respectable gamers are playing and enjoying the game. When you only look at people who actually like the game AND are comfortable playing fighting games, its a much smaller number than jive, as bad as that game was. Sure you can spin any chart and count a mom playing on modern with her son as an extra head, but at the end of the day, we're talking about whether or not the game is being enjoyed by people.
if you really think this game is less active than jive you are really reaching or you never actually played jive.
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Haitani made more money in year 1 of sf6 than a whole decade of playing 3S, sf4 & jive. Turns out that shilling Modern to attract new players & vtubers pays 100x more than impressing combo nerds with makoto back in SF4.

>B-but that just makes him a souless sell out
I get it, to the worthless NEETs that infest this place, the concept of appealing to new audiences that will bring in the bacon rather than dusty, miserable boomers seems like a betrayal or whatever, but it's not. Some of us actually have bills and families to look after.

>B-but calling people mashing around in modern mode "playing" is quite a stretch.
Every single pupil that Haitani trained up on Modern mauls 90% of ppl in here in terms of MR. If they're not "playing" or considered "real" players, than what the fuck are you bums LOL??? Motherfuckers where probably silver & bronze shitters in jive too.
Hi Haitani
suto6 is just a huge success and every fighting game in the next 10-15 years will try to follow in it's footsteps. what you're hearing is the cries of those who dislike that idea but they know it's true.
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>Especially EU where Dix is fucking dead
Not really, I find match quickly at high MR
>high mr
Run the FT5
So the new shitpost angle is calling Street Fighter a Discord game?
Here's the tl;dr to this gay post

>They made it dumb and shit and you WILL like it being dumb and shit
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>This basement dweller is pretending he cares about the local scene while also not leaing his house and shitposting all day
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I currently have 1860MR
I don't get how the narrative slowly shifted to "game is a success in Japan but it's a Discord fighter anywhere else".

Just say you don't like the game. I don't either.
>mtg makes more money than ever
>game stores are still closing
mtg is... le dying???
The ever thriving SF6 community

>60% of the playerbase is in Japan
>dead in EU
>barely clinging on to players in NA

That's more of a problem of some locals more than anything else.
Keep saying it and I'm sure Tekken will take over any day now
Shuckle, I know you lurk here for a very specific reason.
You were nothing short than a one-trick pony.
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I'm platinmum 5 on my modern account and platinum 1 on my classic account.
Thank you.
ITT: Jivers realizing how 09ers felt when design philosophy changed and started to longer appealing to them, start throwing hissy fits.
shuckster baby I love you
SF6 will be remembered overtime as a great game but as a not so good fighting game.
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I want to see shuckle's small frame get defiled by Rog meat.
because some of the schizos here actively angry this game won
Cool, now go back making Shen's type of relatable fg memes and fuck off, that's all you can do.
At least 09ers quietly moved over.
Jivers has to make it LOUD AND CLEAR they aren't happy about SF6, and they pretend to be in the right too.
They're not even in the same genres. If SF dies, people will more likely play LoL than Tekken. And vice versa applies too.
Everytime I hear about Tekken it's reviews tanking, chipotle, maxishillian trying to revive it with phdx or whatever his name is, and Aris calling it a bathroom game because cuddlecore won a big tournament
>why are people not interested in doing 2-3hours of flight to get shimmy/throwlooped ?
Yeah, I wonder why. Only reason crMK DR simulator is bearable is because I'm in my underwear.
Every time I hear about SF6, it's the same shills like Sajam pretending the game is a huge super duper success while restreaming the same boring ass Japanese tourney while not even touching this shit game
Costume 3 being released as the "content" to bridge the gap between Ed and Akuma should have already been seen as a complete joke but they can't even release fucking cosmetics now to give the illusion that this game has any support.
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>the nrs player doesn't play street fighter but will give it flowers
and this is bad because...?
I think it is worse for 16ers because 09ers could've at least used the excuse that the game was abysmal on launch, which was the case, but 16ers are against a game that seems to be far more successful and better packaged in terms of content on launch than SFV was so it feels like they're fighting an uphill battle.
I know this type of post might sound extremely arrogant but I agree with the notion that harvesting a new playerbase is important so that fighting games can thrive and survive.
the script is running out
16ers really are the losers
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I'm a 09er and I have no idea why jive peeps shit so much on dix, it's perhaps the least different Street Fighter sequel in the entire series.
If you want to see some real trauma dig up some old posts from 3S schizoids going crazy over SFIV.
They would be right because 3D ruined the whole 2D genre.
I don't know how mfers play fighting games with cold hands.
If it wasn't for the 2D fighting game genre to get into 3D graphics this genre would've been dead by now.
Better dead than with legs spread
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You don't actually like fighting games, you just like the idea of them
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SF never recovered from going 3D.
I set my opponents costume to be default in the settings so even if they release outfit 4, its like you just flushed your money down the toilet.

Get fucked
The last 2D street fighter almost killed the genre
>I set my opponents costume to be default in the settings
That's so gay that you can do that. Might as well just stick to modding then.
>SF fag thinks SF is the whole genre
Pretty sure we have 2D animated fighting games up until not that long ago.
You certainly don't play them, that's for sure
Are you some seething skullgirls freak or something
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I'm someone that laments the death of 2D that SF4 caused
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>the best he can find is sonicsol
>it doesn't count because I said so
Chris_F has a more nuanced take on it.
SonicSol gotta be one of the least talented content creator out there.
Even when saying just basic factual shit he comes of as unlikeable and angry.
Sonic "stix_hittin" sol
>Makoto LARPer
Thanks for confirming what we already knew lmao
This happens in all games. The que times go up once you hit the very high ranks because there's less people. The alternative is having very skilled players destroying less skilled players. Does anyone want that?

How dead is this game on Playstation?
How do pros make people respect Akuma's fireballs? It seems whenever I throw one they just jump the other one and punish me or they just jump over my first one and manage to punish me, I know the LP fireball is the one with the quickest recovery but sometimes I never get to punish the jump in
How exactly do Daigo and NL and others manage to lock others into it?
It feels like the vast majority of people I run into are on PC
16ers will never be able to swallow the bitter pill that there's barely anyone who wants to go back to sf5. Plenty of people play 2,the alphas, and 3S. Plenty of people want to play 4 but the netcode stops them. No one wants to return to sf5 beyond one hit wonder midlevels like 4philz and pokey. The game is too dumbed down and had an awful launch to be mystified by casuals and streamboars while also having nothing to draw actual players to it that the other games don't offer+more.
I never labbed it but i just do the usual light into heavy and i can anti air the jump in.
Tho i faced akuma who just spammed the lights and could anti air right away, depends on the spacing really.
>the higher you go up in skill the smaller your player pool
why is this so hard for fighting game players to understand? 6 is the most played fighting game and avgs around 13k players daily. If you're in the top .1 of the playerbase your pool shrinks considerably.
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>"I'd tote go back to *older game* if it wasn't for *some bullshit excuse*"
Nigga no one in the FGC care about the games in themselves, at best they're nostalgic of the time they played that game.
People only care about the newer game cuz they're in it for the clout or the money or just to stay relevant.

SF4 rollback mode will change literally nothing.
Loads of HRTers on today
>6 is the most played fighting game and avgs around 13k players daily.
That is generally Japan responsible for the majority of players. If you live in EU, it's probably less popular than Tekken. If you live in NA, it's probably less popular than MK1 and Smash.
What are some fun multiplayer somewhat competitive game that can be played on pad?
I tire of this dead poverty genre.
>it's mostly popular in the region fighting games are popular in but not in a region where they aren't
Who said it was? Of course fags will mostly play (current thing). Doesn't change that there are people who would go back to it if given the option. If anime shit like bbcf or 3S and 98 can hold a few hundred players daily, sf4 with rollback would do fine.
idk but im thinking of picking up poe2 despite not playing the first one just for something to do. tired of this mickey mouse game.
Japan is absolutely not the region where fighting games are most popular. It's just SF6.
Team based sports/games will always be more popular than 1 v 1.
>football, soccer, basketball far more popular than boxing, MMA, tennis, golf

>shooters and mobas far more popular than fighting games, card games, or other 1 v 1 games
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Chivalry 2. It's not competitive. It's just pure fun.
this looks extremely off. am i meant to believe only 5k people have played fortnite in the last 30 days? less than a 100 for tekken 8?
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>unlisted on steam
>still mogs slimer 6
It's just sample size. But the popularity for top 20 seems very plausible.
I've got about 10k hours in POE. It's a good game if you just want to play something for 15 hours a day.
yeah the numbers are insanely poor + so low that you couldn't get anything useful from this
>okay 6 is garbage but.... but its fostering a new playerbase and keeping fighting games alive!!!
16er crying session for 7 years
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What about at round start
Also if anyone else can contribute to this >>503487291
I'd greatly appreciate it
you'd have to be retarded to play this game with the extra input lag on PS5
I'm pretty sure among the younger generation MMA is about as popular as soccer ( At least in EU ).
Back in the day here Tennis and motorsports used to be more popular than footy too.
So was that CatCammy profile on bsky real or....
About xhim being a tranny?
Xhe's a Cammy player, dude...
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Why are Juri mains like this
>I'm pretty sure among the younger generation MMA is about as popular as soccer ( At least in EU ).
nigga no
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>all the sf6 girls vs Mai
my sf4 dan is OD
why is she so mean?
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Hey mum!! I have big news to tell you!

>What? You finally found a good girl? Graduated? Got a nice job that's worth keeping?

Nah man I reached Master Rank in this genre that nobody plays for a game that only the Japanese know exists. I did it mum!
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Punk is a Cammy player
he's gay
>How do pros make people respect Akuma's fireballs? It seems whenever I throw one they just jump the other one and punish me
by getting a proper sense on the distance when throwing fireball is a good idea.
it's further away than you think
Punk is a Karin player coping with Cammy until she gets added to the game in season 3
He's not actually gay, but he did say something super sus about Neph in his video, and then had a mini melty on stream about not being gay the next day.
AHAHAHA this game is so fucking dead. DIX LOST IT WILL NEVER STOP LOSING
Punk has a cute gf though
li fen texted me that she's horny and to meet her in battlehub Asia 0016 in a chipotle costume. There's gonna be a lot of garlic sauce flying let me tell you lol
gawd 6 will continue breaking 16ers
brings a tear to my eye
I genuinely like both end-of-life SF5 and SF6 in season 2, what is it about crabbas where they'll do anything possible to avoid just playing the game?
lil troon said "and SF6 in season 2" as if theres been any significant changes since the beta
dix is dead not like i could find a game if i wanted to play this dogshit which i do not HAHAHAHAHA 11 ENTRANTS ONLY 11 KEK
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but enough about jive
a honda almost got in capcom cup
how many players does your local have?
sf5 had hundreds DIXXIE TRASHHH
Release SF4HD+netcode already capcom you fucking cowards
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back to fgg with you, cuckcheez
who the FUCK is cheez and why are you glazing him so much
Wasn't me.
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09ers really thought SF6 was gonna be their breakout moment into glory but it ruined them into complaining and coping every single day.
09ers are even more pathetic than dixxers. Grow the fuck up already and stop gamewarring already, grandpa.
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>sf5 had hundreds DIXXIE TRASHHH
09er and 16ers need to be purged
your time is over old men
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Angrybird vs Endingwalker rematch coming up
Was kino last time
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>dumb down your game
>retain neither timmies nor veteran players
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i miss making fun of trash ass SF5 when it was current ngl
Link to glasses AKI mod pls, holy
OD DP should be cancellable into SA3. I'm already risking my entire life to do the DP itself.
Wait there's no mod for just the glasses?
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It's time for men.
I'll check in at 9PM when they actually start playing the game.
they'll add fadc dp soon
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They call him 007
0 wins
0 damage
7 blocked reversals
>Cammy still stays with him
Crazy what good dick does to a chick.
remember when Machoor got cancelled because he told people you can't have gay orgies in an Islamic country?
Literalment qui
what and who
not even gamewarring but why does japan not like tekken? watching obama and half the people he plays are from SK (which makes sense) instead of domestic
I wouldnt laugh like him after being throwlooped like that
Yeah, given that trannies are porn addicts it's pretty accurate. Excess Estrogen is basically cancerous + causes you to become aggressively horny.
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>try once again to play ryu
>after 20 minutes i end up on the verge of having a stomach ulcer
i had no problem playing Kage, but sf6 ryu has the worst case of t-rex arms i've ever seen
i'm convinced satan himself whispers what's my next move going to be directly into my opponent's ear.
not because satan's evil, he just doesn't like me personally
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So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame injuries, we can blame fatigue, we can praise Kusanagi's effort but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks.
Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in Joker and the lads, but MASSIVE reinforcements are desperately needed in January. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about this season, or our chances in Capcom Cup for that matter. Not playing like this. What do you think, /sfg/? #JokerAtTheWheel or #JOKEROUT?
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cammybro...tell me the allegations aren't true...cammybro...
>3 seconds of gameplay
>5 minutes of "how did it feel to lose/win?"
fgc should just take the g out of the acronym
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its been like that since 4 dominated, only 5s failure gave tekken the chance to flourish the way it has
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SFL EU being live has been enjoyable for shitposting desu
Why don't they do it this way with US?
but enough about jive
SSF6 will add level 4s
Who was the best asian Sim in SF5?
Or SF6 for that matter, is there someone called Mochi who plays him?
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they are all installs too, and necalli will be the 5th character in the season 3 pass he will have a green and red lvl 4 install.
USF6 will add mega evolutions
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based we need charizarderino in the game
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cammybro...the allegations...
yep, so you better start practicing sim now.
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jokerjokez is going to be the laughing stock of SFL EU
what allegations?
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And this is why you never ever EVER burn yourself out to coinflip a round
they're claiming you use bsky app
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You know what, watching Takamura look totally lost against Kimberly makes me feel a little bit better for seething about her in ranked
>hyper feminine and sexualized bimbo
>not trans coded
cammybro would never
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Cammy downplay has entered the chat
most pros actually kinda get freed up by gimmicks. they just live in a bubble where people don't use them
I cant believe cammybro betrayed us like that
If they hide from half of a video game and get carried by the other half, can they really be called pros? They sound more like the bigger fish for the actual pros to catch.
Why am i supposed to pretend i'm putting in the same amount of effort as the average Blanka or Honda player?
Like who designed this and thought "This is fun, people will enjoy this"?
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imagine the amount of poop stored in those cheeks
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Ed's hair actually works on Juri pretty well
if by works pretty well you mean makes her look like a bull dyke then sure
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It's just like my wife Violet from Arcane
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More punk rocker type than dyke
bro that's a butch lesbian
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Lmao US getting called out on their dogshit execution
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low rank players do think it is fun and enjoy it. theres a reason after making headbutt slightly less braindead, they also make stmp braindead
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>the exdp cut
poop isn't stored in the buttocks
how big are her tits
ISDD sounds like Captain Price lmao
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I wish SF had more hot sexy chicks. The series tends to lean more towards cute girls
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hes just british retard. they don't really sound alike as far as british people go
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It's over, the potato has spoken
Don't even bother with the games
theres poison who got semiconfirmed as a troon in 5 i guess, and laura
what are you guys watching?
Anyone want to play a quick set?
Yes Harada, now surrender her to capcom
Yes he does, they both have east end London accents
I will impregnate her 25 times
what game
cheez... you replied to the wrong post...
They look so ridiculously huge in this picture compared to others it makes me think it’s edited
shut the hell up cheez
yeah, that's exactly what's gonna happen and no salty posting at all.
mirror pic so yeah
YHC-Mochi and Torimeshi both have strong Sims in both SFV and 6.
I don't want to be racist but I legit thought the EUROPE SFL was held in Africa before reading the title.
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My tongue buried inside Cammy's rectum. Simple as.
Europe is for Africans...
This game has so many fucking retarded parts to it, like fully unsafe strings that then space you out to not be throwable, just let me throw the fucking retard
>Ruins your character
Stop gripping then, weirdo
Love this extreme battle tourney stuff... I've racked up like 10k drive tickets already
finna need the whole bottle of lube for Mahreen
Mouz vs Birds coming up
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Bird sweep incoming
can you get infinite tickets?
I mean if you enter every tourney and win, you get 3.6k tickets... each tourney happens every 8 hours and if you go to one with only 3-4 people its like 20 mins.
i feel this game has the largest amount of completely safe sweeps i've ever seen in sf but i didn't play 5 much, was that a thing that they went with there?
ironically Yuri herself is normally stacked dunno why she was a flattie in Destiny.
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how much is it gonna take for cammy players to accept she's broken?
>shorter sets means you have to play more random to out random your opponent before they random you
Is Capcom ok with this?
normal people know this already, only trannies/porn addicts say she isnt.
Are you serious? Play ST or 3s.
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Cammy players will NEVER accept they're playing the training wheels top tier
just give her 9k health + make it so her OD DP doesnt side swap already. would still be broken like that btw
Chun? Honest.
guiles sweep in 4 is damn near unpunishable
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What about European women?
Side swap OD DP is the most tilting thing in the fucking game
Akuma's randomly sideswaps occasionally, but I don't think it's intentional
i've personally never seen akuma's od dp side swap. but for cammy it's just a feature which is really absurd in this game
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Dudley is gonna get in.
It's if he does it while the opponent is still high in the air, he can swoop under them, but the slam afterwards still hits behind him
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Valmaster looks like he's going to cry bros....
SF5 sweeps where harder to space out generally.
6s sweeps are still just as punishable, but it has a few exceptions.
jamie, chun, DJ, akuma, JP(no one has ever used his actual sweep), ken depending on the matchup.

i'd say these are the only ones where sweep is actually hard to punish.
jamie's depends on the matchup, akuma's needs to be spaced.
and chun's was hard if not impossible to punish in 5 too iirc
tasty steve is the worst commentator in this game.
What like the ingame commentary?
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Not in S3 though LOL. That's for damn sure.
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when can i 3d print a decent fightpad
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The wired one of this is like $15 on amazon and it's great
I own this and it had some huge downsides, had a friend test and he had the same issues so it wasn't just me.
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>Amazing range for a crHP
>+1 on block
>+7 on hit
>Always used as a meaty where it's up to +4 oB and +10 on hit
Why the FUCK does she have this shit
why are the face buttons backwards
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Even more hilarious when they release this dogshit and you have to pay money for it lmao
It doesn't even cancel into his heavy power tackle, it's fucking insane
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Isn't this an accessibility controller?
It's cool that they make these to be fair, getting more people into games
RIP Brolylegs
am i a bad person for having low mr and how should i be punished if so
How low is low?
Because like 1300-1500 is average
Endingwalker has officially overcome his Evo loss matchup
The trophy is his next year
1350ish. my friends keep calling me a fraud and telling me to kill myself and that im not actually a master player.
Why the fuck are you friends with them then
because she the hard carry function
because when i say friends im referring to the inner monolauge
Relax Sonicsol, it's alright that you're carried by Cammy
For real though 1350 is part of the big middle ground for ranked players from like 1200-1600
Angrybird honestly reminds me of Daigo in terms of how he plays "Scrubby" and overwhelms people
Angry Bird now 9-0. One more and he will finish with a perfect record.
SFxT had simple inputs and auto combos and they were shilled pretty heavily during the marketing about the gem system but it didn't stop the game from flopping and the ppl who actually did buy the game never used the baby gems. They literally never got used ever. Point is, Modern probably has very little to do with SF6 success in Japan.
whats the biggest big brain read you can do
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i wish i was a shota
Does anyone know what is Ryu's side switch combo on Modern?
Why is Guile always consistently good or just straight top tier whereas Sim is always hit or miss? One game he's godlike and another he's dogshit. That never happens to Guile.
Isn't it just anything into EX donkey kick and then jump forward? Like Luke's one
i feel sim is just always bad until they buff him enough to be overpowered except for alpha 3 where he's broken as fuck
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I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss the Street Fighter competition. Then again I'm not built for this type of guessing in SF6

I don't think I'd be good at this game desu.
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>Seven Cammy's
>Zero Chun-Li's
There is no non-OD side switch?
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Top 1 honest Chun-Li and top 1 dishonest Cammy
cr.hp xx heavy hashogeki > DR cr.mp xx heavy tatsu
>be chun main
>actually playing street fighter amongst fraud roster
>developing genuine skill
feels good
other old heads found their niche and even still rank. You're making excuses and defeating yourself already
never mind. there's no heavy tatsu. Modern Ryu is too gimped
I love chun so much, I hope they dont buff her but really just look to tone down characters that already have no weakness in their kits
Modern Ryu doesn't have heavy tatsu, only medium. Also, does Ryu really not have a side switch option that doesn't use drive outside of a throw?
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Top 1 tip to improve?
play more
this is false
learn training mode and it's options to the point where you can make simulations
Mind reading is cheating and you can't justify doing it to me.
The only cheating I do is on my wife Chun Li, with her sister Li Fen!
this cachexia guy is always angry
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i wonder how many of these people are solo mains, because ranked hours aren't tracked by character specifically
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>need to spend more time in custom room than battle hub in order to get good

it's over for me
at your mr, you should be having people in contact with to run sets

dont ask me how, im just a 1500-1600 shitter so i just rankedboar kek
I can't believe Mickey's Toontown got replaced with Mickey's Slime Time Live
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i love seeing talent lineups for jp sf6 events cause its always like cute anime vtuber, cute anime vtuber, cute anime vtuber, cute anime vtuber, middle aged man, cute anime vtuber
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So it's the best button in the game right?
If this hits you're going to the corner from anywhere on screen
idom vs noah in top 8 of bums tournament
it's not that good at higher levels. it's so easy to whiff in neutral because of the lack of proximity guard
I've seen Angrybird literally press it like fucking 5 times in a row on pro players
idom is getting his ass beat jesus
Yes that's exactly my point, and it's why it's so good
Even point blank it's -2 lmao
I made it to 1600 after being stuck at 1400 for months bros
his st hk is also up there too
most st.hps are safe on block and have similar amounts of pushback tho
what did you change im a 1400 scrub
Yeah maybe if you're Akuma
You can't gaslight me, Ken
holy fuck these ads
now i gotta watch the stream in 480p for 20minutes
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>maybe if you're akuma
or ryu
or ed
or terry
or jamie
or JP
or manon
or marisa
or chun
or deejay

there's nothing special about ken's st.hp
>Or Terry

Strive won
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>there's only Slime Fighter, Kekken, and strive to be the worst Guilty Gear
Fighting games are over.
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looks fine to me
red box is outside of green box so it must be good
djs is -4
manons isnt all that
Permanently allocate 60% of your brainpower to look out for anti airs. Its very tiring, but you should never let them jump in for free since the reward on hit and on block are so massive.
zesty niggas up
idom will never beat noah. why is idom even qualified he's going to job to everyone there
idom is ass
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he got exposed ngl, will mai save him?
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idom better hope he gets the easy mode pool with dookie and fartslam at capcom cup
why is Capcom Cup even randomized seeding to begin with?
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>me in the back
was it done like that pre-covid? its been so long i dont remember
>1700 MR
>whiffs literally every single button
>not even being baited, they are backwalking out of range and whiffing by themselves
this game man
the game kinda trains you to do that
guaranteed they also anti-air with PP instead of DP or whatever their designated AA button is. these niggers would be in the shitter leagues in any other SF game.
Yeah you haven't played Terry if you think this
1700 is high enough you can't possibly be "carried" there.
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is there a shitter st hk?
The funniest part is that it almost looks like a Ken stHK if you squint, but then you realise just how different it is
its funny when guiles try to fireball drive rush from point blank
they don't know when its plus they just know they do fireball drive rush they get to do a high low mixup
terrys also love to do this because they are all brain damaged

you havent seen the 1.7-1.8k bisons i face. literal animals.

all you gotta do is have a real strong offensive flowchart and NEVER bait a reversal, your damage is so high and your neutral and approach tools are so broken that you just gotta keep chugging, you 2-3 hit everyone anyway and if they waste bar on reversals you will burn them out quick with knee. Fuck bison
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Yeah I was seething desu
You can check them a gorillion times and they never stop doing it, also a lot of them don't know that DR bazooka knee is 0 on block from midscreen-ish
Guile and JP's crouching medium kicks are the most annoying buttons in the game
>Stupid range
>Moves them forward
>Hides charge for Guile
>Long range means it's an annoying fucking low check from Drive Rush
>Doesn't combo from counterhit meaning they're just going to do it 3 or 4 more times in a row
they should give cammy her sf2 v look
the last jive capcup (post-covid) was the first with the current format, pre-covid was when the entire tournament was a bracket with no group stage and the seeding was:
>32 players
>the LCQ winner seeded at 19th
>the 4 players who qualified through their region's qualifier (NA, SA, EU, Asia) got the bottom 4 seeds
>the 26 players who qualified through the tour leaderboard were seeded based on their ranking
>the previous capcup winner was still seeded according to their leaderboard position if they attended tour events and got points, if they didn't then they just got given the bottom seed
Why does this game insist on being as uninteractive as possible?
Why are you surprised? Tokido has been like this for 20 years, he's openly shameless about how much he can shill, every fucking Japanese player on the planet is a sellout shill if it means an income
>0.2% of the playerbase
>Not high
you would be doing the exact same thing if your entire livelihood depended on playing videogames
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This is Terry's cashout combo if he gets a DI stun, but it can be really finnicky getting the +8 frame advantage needed for his stMP to connect
You have to cancel the crHP into power wave really late
what's mai going to play like? you're not allowed to say fan drive rush
Hopefully on top of me in bed
>No damage
>Hard execution
>No good pseudo infinite in burnout
>No good mix
>Worst fireball in the game
>Terrible throw loop
Is Luke unironically the worst character at shitter (Sub 1800) range?
titty throw loops
He’s the most fundies based for sure
>Hard execution
On what fucking planet
/sfg/ told me holding a button for 18-20 frames and then immediately releasing it was hard
not that anon but i can't perfect knuckle at all, that shit is hard.
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Why are
>Let's Do This
players like this?
Harder Bnb than anyone else save Chun maybe.
If they're using "Let's Do This" there's a good 60% chance you're fighting some insecure MR-obsessed manchild playing on an alt account
Do people actually play on alts?
My MR is in the dumpster but who gives a fuck, I'm just grinding games to learn matchups
How we went from this to what we have now is beyond me. Complete mismanagement.
I've seen a fair amount of people admitting to doing that here and I wouldn't be surprised if some pro players do it too
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i don't know how to change my banner...
for a pro it makes a little more sense although its a bitch move for sure
for a nobody, it shouldn't matter at all
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There will come a day where I beat a Ken player with this, and they'll know they were defeated by the better man
cammy's c cups...
why do you guys hate the let's do thisisters
nlbc never figured out how to recover after the pandemic, many such cases
reminds me of sf4 combo scaling
i miss online nlbc....
Why do i keep losing? I feel like i anti air and check stuff a lot lot better than nearly every single one of my opponent, i did a bunch of Daigo drills yet i'm still hardstuck 1500 while routinely dipping under.
Nearly every single person i play have far less hour than me.
It's the milquetoast one for people who are afraid of looking silly by having an opinion
hes the hardest shoto now but he has drive rush overhead. thats enough to carry shitters.
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i never would've imagined bum's events would take over instead of shit like NLBC and WNF
I've never watched this bum stream before but it was way more fun than watching corny shit like Yipes or Logan
Just people getting drunk at a local and yelling over scrubby scrambly games, it's fun
Literally everyone and his mother block that one and unless he spend meter the damage he get from it is pitiful.
nlbc online getting cancelled because spooky got tired of dealing with texans (see: mexicans) shitting up the bracket with their awful connections did irreparable damage
You really outta just take the chip... doubt she'd be able to take you to the corner in time and if she does theres probably a gap after her second coward crouch kick to get a standing medium punch. (probably lab this to see what u could have done diff here)
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do excuse me
He still has his god crLP and god crMP, amazing light strings, not to mention crMK drive rush, stHP god button, as well as a braindead anti air for people who can't DP
Yeah I think the play is just reversal with SA2/3 against AKI, her movement is too weird for poor Terry
If I had done SA3 it would have won the round
this game is so fucked up beyond repair. so many characters just neutral skip on eachother for free, so the only way to balance it is to make it so you can random people out on your wakeup with busted options, but that means that there's no consistent way to win. its not just the system mechanics. the whole thing needs to be scrapped.
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>B-I-S-O-N (That's me!)
Chun's husband...
SA2 also anti airs unlike SA1.
>god crMP
Nearly every shoto + Bison have a better one by now
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looks perfect for project diva
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Let him go, hag
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Cammy x Ed
>both former Shadaloo used by Bison
>Ed punches, Cammy kicks
>both blonde
>both moody
They both wear blue jean jackets that expose their slutty stomachs
>both hot giga subs
They both also have my tongue licking their shit-encrusted buttholes. Simple as.
stop being gay nigga
They're both british
gief was annoying in five but at least i was safe in neutral. i hate fighting gief in this game. even neutral is just a coinflip because every gief knows to spam light kick drive rush now. can't walk anywhere near my button range without risking spd now
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luck is a trainable skill, just look at competitive poker
This game would have been saved if at any moment during development someone regularly competent just asked "Is this really fun or interesting to defend against?"
if you win by doing scrub gimmicks like resets into drive rush overhead you didn't really win and you cheated yourself and clearly aren't actually interested in improving
who cares about improving when drive rush overhead makes ranked number go up
they did ask but this game more than any other street fighter is aimed at the 95% of players who really don't think about any of that stuff or know how a fighting game should work at all. they are pleased by being able to mash and get big damage in every match
If they truly asked this Bison, Honda, AKI, Ed, Juri and Lily wouldn't be in the game.
This game lacks actual talented people behind the scenes.
And no, hiring pro players won't fix this because being a pro doesn't mean your opinion is good.
Shroud's new FPS game that just died in less than 3 months is proof that hiring a person just because they are sweet at the game, doesn't mean they understand the science of what makes a good game and what not.
Who thought it was a good idea for random assholes to interrupt matches in the hub?
>hiring pro players won't fix this because being a pro doesn't mean your opinion is good.
Truthpill. Daigo and Punk are good at the game but both got retard takes.
they consulted japanese moms and smelly twitter fujos on their opinion on the game. The game is designed for someone who has no idea whats happening to say "wow!!!" at every interaction
my idea of an ideal game doesn't line up with daigo but i think his takes are good. they seemed bad early in sf6 but as hes had more time to think about the game and more translated stuff got to us, his opinions make sense. punks takes are all based.
you need heart. You can't just play safe and intelligently in this game, you need to just commit to something and do a big combo into another random guess. You might be more knowledgeable than your opponent but you aren't making big plays.
those are pro players that are actually good. The "pros" that constantly talk about wanting to work behind the scenes or have input are the frauds like broski who find one robbery characters years into a game and cling to them for dear life because they can't play the game otherwise. They're the ones making endless twitter posts about the latest thing to appear knowledgeable.
Then you have people below even that level, like rooflemonger and james chen, who are just plain bad at fighting games despite playing their entire lives.
What are Ed's weaknesses?
ed is weak to my bbc
Ed's weaknesses are that he isn't Akuma and doesn't have great desert storm.
Things Daigo has mentioned wanting
>PP should only work on specials
>reversals that lead to side swaps (cammy's EX DP and EX amnesia) should be removed
>psuedo-reversals that have low risk and high reward (every TK EX divekick) should be removed
>walking back all the way into the corner from frame 1 roundstart should incur a meter penalty to discourage people from doing it
>heavies should wallsplat in burnout
All of these sound fine to me
No overhead
Slow DP. Can't crosscut and auto-correct reliably.
Weak conversions from lights
Loses the zoning game if you have an option outside of his flicker range like fireball > DR
nigga really said "weak conversions from lights" when every ed player and their mom mashes cr.lk > EX blitz > level 2 into 5 minute long dream combo the second they exit blockstun
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I sent a bunch of friend invites to people in ranked who beat me a lot and none of them accepted. +1900 MR will never be a reality.
Every time I fight an Akuma in this game I feel jealous. I think I'll just bite the bullet and main the asshole.
Daigo also unironically praised Dix's making aggression way too easy so everyone is mashing and raping each other like apes and he never criticized throwloops.
were you the moron in BH complaining about people 'stealing' your cab? don't lose, git gud, get a room, etc, etc. you are the problem
Yes I was, and I'll do it every time too. It takes me a while to adjust to a Guile anon, and I'm already bad at the game as is. Custom rooms are a no go because that involves talking to people more than I'd like to, and no one is going to get anything out of fighting me so I have no means to entice someone into joining a custom room with me beyond padding their winrates. Also fuck you and anyone else who interrupts matches. That was literally my first one against him.
>>walking back all the way into the corner from frame 1 roundstart should incur a meter penalty to discourage people from doing it
Braindead take. Punishing people from playing a valid strategy because you think is "lame" only leads to more problem.
Nickelodeon smash clone had devs who hated zoners, so zoning in that game was non existant, which made gameplay even more linear, less diverse, and bad at the end.
Trying to force everyone to play aggro is literally going to make the game even more boring because then, being aggro won't be hype, or unique anymore, and just the default style.
>What are Ed's weaknesses?
lingering hit boxes especially on his cr.mk, unironically sweeps are strong and obvs low fwd drc, lab it a
I think I'll make a smurf account. I don't stand a chance in master anymore.
are you one of those "people" who start their rounds with fullscreen walk back fireball DR every single time?
>Trying to force everyone to play aggro is literally going to make the game even more boring because then, being aggro won't be hype, or unique anymore, and just the default style.
Even Punk pointed that shit out like last year or so.
In Jive aggression was earned, but you could also even play lame with an aggro character like Karin if you had the footsies, while in Mickey 6, everyone is taught to do corner rapery.
People who say this game defense is OP are absolutely crazy, this is the most babymode game ever made so every random can feel like prime Punk dishing absurd damage from doing nothing but low risk high reward options.
The fuck happened to his nipples?
You know, this picture is exactly why Capcom is so slow at pumping out costumes, they don't even bother to actually model characters properly. No layers or anything, just a rushed out body.
Jesus christ look at his shoulders, straight out of the World Tour character creator lol
>Completely ignoring everything I said to strawman

Funny thing is that Punk is also a retard like Daigo who thought a game where aggression is free and the "lame" playstyles are bad, would be the answer, but unlike Daigo, Punk actually noticed how forcing the "hype" playstyle to be the standard for everyone while nerfing all other "lame" playstyles just makes your game even more stale.
Aggression is not skillful, or special if everyone can do it. Aggression is not fun to watch, if all other playstyles are gutted.
people complain about a bunch of garbage about MR, but nobody complains about the lack of "placement".
every good game with elo has placement matches and put you higher or lower based on that. in sf6, even if you are 800 mr in skill, the game will aalways put you in 1500 and force you to lose a bunch.
or the opposite, force somebody super good grind from 1500 to 2000
>Punk actually noticed how forcing the "hype" playstyle to be the standard for everyone while nerfing all other "lame" playstyles just makes your game even more stale.
Because Punk still has the skill to defuse the generic player playing defensive. Daigo so washed he wants the entire game to be rushdown fiesta so he doesn't need to worry about being dicked by a camping random.
>People who say this game defense is OP
when people say that, they mean that you can reverse the situation and do high damage from a disadvantaged position easily. yeah you will eat a 60% level 3 combo if you guess wrong, but if you guess right, you get 50% + corner + oki and for less risk that would be required in jive.
The entirety of SF6 ranked doesn't make any sense to me. Who does it serve to push people up only to smack them so hard they never play ranked again?
1300 mr is only like 20 losses. they can survive
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in japan pulling up to the arcade and getting washed 100-0 before you can start taking games off people is something they expect and are prepared to do. arcade culture is still alive and well there. this is why the number of people who play ranked in japan vs the rest of the world is so disproportionate.
The cognitive dissonance of master rank is the problem. When you lose that many matches you should be kicked out. Being bad and being master feels worse than being bad and not being master.
>Gief is popular in Russia
Heh, neat.
does the ussr still exist in street fighter or does zangief represent russia now?
>opponent hovers over quit
>thinks about it for a couple seconds
>flips back and rematches
>utterly destroy them in two fast rounds
that nigga is never gonna second guess the one and done ever again
They probably just accidentally pressed jump on their cheatbox.
>cognitive dissonance
oh man boomers, zoomers and weekend warriors have tainted your prized Master rank, what ever will you do
>Japan plays the game
>NA pretends to play the game
>Everybody else doesn't
This game is completely fraudulent isn't it? The popularity if a total lie, outside of Japan this shit is nowhere to be seen
Weak anti airs
Weak to legitimate zoning, Sim and JP can give him trouble if he gives them the screen. Sim's one of his 2 maybe bad matchups
Ed is the easiest character in the game to DI if they're bad and auto piloting
Ed's a strong character, top 3. Even the points I've made aren't exactly indictments any more than Bison downplayers saying he's got no reversal or whatever. Once he gets nerfed he'll be fun though
no i won't watch sfl

stop trying to turn street fighter into a reality show
It just feels bad to be a master rank when I'm incompetent. Wanting my rank to reflect my lack of skill is just asking too much I guess.
evens I edge all night long to chun li's feet
odds I grind to master
They're going to have to start adding region-based score multipliers for MR to get non-Jappas to actually play the game at this rate
Don't bother. Just play hub. It's better anyway.
and character based score multipliers
>akuma, ken, rashid, bison, dhalsim, gief, luke, juri
multiply MR by 0.8
>aki, marisa, kim, blanka, jamie, cammy, JP
multiply MR by 0.9
>chun, ryu, honda, manon, lily
multiply MR by 1.3
>figure i'll just boot up to do some drills in training mode before bend
>looking at menu screen
>end up booting up ranked
im addicted
am I good if I've beaten Sonicsol every time I run into him on ranked
>600~ master players in germany
>Master rank now makes up something like 20% of the playerbase
there are barely 3000 people in germany playing this shit
Getting addicted to Dix is pathetic and gay
Mickey 6 is the cigarrete of addictions: the most shittiest, stinkiest and nastiest one.
I tried playing tekken on a large tv from the early 2000s
I dropped every single combo
I sincerely do not get how people get addicted to playing this shit
Cigs at least give you a temporary fix for a few minutes, but this game? Zero appeal to normies since even /v/irgins crap on this game, every round is the same so you don't get a high of a different unexpected interaction or different playstyles, doesn't have the camaraderie aspect of team games just absolute garbage all around the board, I think even modding singleplayer games is more fun than this
have you seen what they look like when they are throbbing and covering you with a nice warm sticky load?
hungry for dix
thirsting for dix
craving dix
better than jive, troon
as a full time nicotine addict, i can tell you that cigarettes give you a temporary fix for about an hour or two before the withdrawal starts kicking in and you start craving another one. somewhat similarly, i cannot stand playing ranked in this game for more than 1 or 2 hours at a time or else i start getting annoyed at the videogame
Imagine being 40 and in your feelings this hard over a casual videotoy match in front of thousands of people on top of that...
wheres outfit 4
We JUST got some new avatar gear
Cigs suck
Humans are too sensitive to nicotine so after like 20 cigs, you already max out your sensibility to the drug, and you start smoking just to feel "ok" because you feel like shit without it, but it doesn't even give that high anymore
Thank God I never smoked too much to a point to get physically ill, but is a drug I definitely regret experimenting because even at its peak, the high is not worth all the chemicals in your body and blood
And in a same way I'm glad I never played Mickey 6 enough to be mindbroken into playing this garbage ass mickey game on the daily for free
>get non-Jappas to actually play the game
these people were never going to stick with ranked anyway, 2%ers and .jp play for the love of the game, everyone else moves on to the next game
jesus christ terry is so fucking strong and the retards that play this game can't see that
he has incredible neutral and neutral skips but the meta in this game is all about wakeup pressure which he sucks at
why can ryu do solar plexus from the same range as my biggest heavy normal but he gets proximity block and three plus frames and a 3500 damage combo on hit for one denjin
>yet another match of losing 50% of my health to the other player letting their ex reversal rip every single time i'm doing pressure
i'm done. i quit. i give up. this game is too shit. having a full meter of ex at the start of every round so that little timmy never has to hold shit and can just mash that shit every single time he's faced with any amount of danger is too much. i'm done. this game sucks my asshole. my only regret is coping as long about it being decent for as long as i did.
have you tried shimmying to bait their EX DP
>dude just hold backwards after literally every single button you press because the game removed hitconfirming
have you tried getting crapcum's dick out of your throat?
he has a point. people who mash reversals are a lot harder to beat in this game than jive. you don't have to know a lot about defense in street fighter to get pretty far in this game by just cycling parry/dp/super/button drive run

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