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Bird King edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>503341286
I'm gonna level my desert to 5 later today (it's 4 now but have errands to run), when can you join?
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You guys might actually be the funniest people in the world
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is there a lumu up
Newfag scrub here, how do I stop dying while trying to holster my heavy bowgun and heal or use an item in general? I'm just too slow to evade some attacks so I end up taking damage eventually, but sometimes the monster just doesn't let up to let me holster and I die while unable to dodge or even stunlocked.
mhw lumu is here doko
World PC room
Well i don't play ranged faggotry but can't you sheath?
Thanks for the hunts
I love huntresses
I lot of gitting gud at monhun involves learning monster patterns and moves and figuring out when it's safe to do shit. There are some things that can help you with that. The quick sheath skill will significantly increase the speed at which you holster your weapon. Speed eating will increase the speed at which you use items. Neither of these are a 100% substitution for knowing when to act, but it'll increase your margin of error.
should I get a 5700x3d to play monster hunter wilds
It's the best you can do if you don't want to upgrade your motherboard.
5800X3D exists
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Yes, it's good. I mean look at his smile.
Wilds will have Gravios
Wilds will have aids
Are the range weapons fun on keyboard+mouse? Thinking of learning them because I haven't touched them since Tri on account of disliking (being bad at) aiming with sticks. My 360 controller died and the switch pro controller, beyond just being pretty ass in general, has an L-stick that doesn't register all the way up.
Judging from Elden Ring it doesn't feel as satisfying to bonk with keyboard so considering non bonk weapons. Also recommendations for controllers are very much welcome
Good hoonts
3/16 or something
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this says a lot about society, or something
you know what monster hunter doesn't have enough of
you should be rolling for monsters before every quest
and equipment
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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You guys are so fucking funny
anon hasn't gotten to late game
>'mmmm... muh decos'
that's my hunter's name so good to know, although i haven't upgraded my pc yet so i can't play it
I love huntresses
>portable games
>ultra particle mega piss vomit
Why are portable fags so ... why are they so ... um... why are they so ... gay?
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lumu is kill
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lumu closed
I love huntresses
>I lot
i went from spending 25 minutes on rise shaggy to killing shaggy + rajang in 20 minutes the next day
Huntresses won
Trans folk won
Hunter chuds lost
erp room?
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I got him to do this like 5x in a row earlier but wasn't recording.
you didn't get anon to ask
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monsters have less HP in multi monster hunts. You achieved nothing

xiv sisters we WON
get fucked worldchuddies!
Why are seanigs so mentally ill?
This thread is a fucking dumpster fire
sister we've shifted the blame to the chinese please keep up with the meta
they play miceborne instead of funbreak
nice pcheat
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>dies in 1 minute
u wat?
I'd wipe the floor with all of you in PvP
anon's understanding of PvP is Penis vs Palm
Show us your arena times then
*Iai Spirit Slashes behind you*
nothin personnel... kid
Prove that's you nigga, record yourself right now.
I dropped out of SB after Risen Chameleos I think
The OCD in my brain makes me want to go back and kill the TU mons like Amatsu at least once. Are they worth it?
SB Amatsu is GU Amatsu but he has an epic cinematic oneshot where you have to bing bing WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO into the air with a great wirebug. Not worth desu
Based downloading rise now
That was the trend with everything in that endgame. I assume the other Risens are like that?
and? on average they have 30% less hp or so, so 20 minutes to kill both is still much faster than killing one in 25 minutes
they're completely different monsters sis
You hunted two monsters that only have half HP, 60% if we're being generous.
You'll make it as a monster hunter tuber any day now, Doj
No don't break my wings noo NOOOO NOOOOO
ur so mad
I can't decide if this is the least interesting flagship over seregios or not but it's definitely bottom 2
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>click on a video
>cope claw in the first minute
You didn't finna beat the quest
not him but i abuse the claw and wallbang game mechanic to the fullest as intended by the developers
is it even possible to get A ranks solo in Iceborne without troon claw?
it's music is only good thing about it
Oh no... Bros it's as we feared... Wild shitted and flopped..
shagaru has 39k hp in the solo quest and 25k in the multi monster quest. I took 10 minutes to kill him the second time, at and this pace it would take around 15 minutes to deplete 39k instead of 25. not sure what's so confusing about this.
i think magnamalo is worse by a little bit, seregios is better though
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>39,000 HP in 15 minutes
>43.33 DPS
>25,000 HP in 10 minutes
>41.66 DPS
So you're actually killing it at a SLOWER rate
Magnamalo is horrible but it's not really boring
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I can feel my blood pressure rising when fighting a Black Gravios.
Abit late anon
Will Arkveld have a tail you can actually cut or will it do that faggot shit all the nu flagships have where you only take off a tiny 3 inch strip of its tip and it doesn't affect its hitboxes or moves at all
god i fucking hate that shit, specially with magnamalo. half his moveset is around his tail, then you cut it off and he just fucking regenerates it instantly
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it doesn't regenerate you only cut off one of those side spikes
it took me 25 minutes the first time, so killing in around 15 is an improvement
He might have confused magnamalo for velkhana, where like 4 of its 6 moves are tail stabs at various positions
im velkhana
show cloaca
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How do I get rid of this? Tell me.
Fuck it
carry it to the canteen
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At long last my Saber armor is finished.
play lance
hey... are you single?
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I wonder if you can do a Gilgamesh armor in World.
I just think Saber is cool, chill bro.
Why are you guys so prison gay?
marry me?
is the gaismagorm set worth making as soon as it's available? with burst dereliction and WE it seems good
Yeah its a pretty strong set early on if you can handle it.
terminally online
I guess my only problem is that I lose attack boost, I have attack boost 7 with rathalos right now so I don't know if I should bother
im homoerotic irl too...
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my wife is the best
Perfect timing I'm looking for mine right now
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
Just had the weirdest fucking dream. I must be sleep deprived
the embarrassed smiling cat with arm behind back sticker
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I'm one quest away from the Urgent Quest i need for 4* quests, but that one quest is the fucking piscine liver quest
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Dereliction is hard to handle because your health is draining constantly. So if you get poisoned as well or you take a lot of chip damage you're fucked. Hope you're good at not getting hit, have 2 healer cats, or know how to scroll swap consistently and optimally
i like how she says she's gonna eat a lot and get really fat in both World and Iceborne endings, but then she never does. Fat fuckers seething

I thought /mhg/ was just being mean when they said worlo was only played by indonesians but posts like these make me think maybe they were right
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She's perfect the way she is.
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kek nice try Ironix
what did she mean by this?
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pc room

I'll see if I can do level 5 forest tomorrow
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nevermind, it's far easier on singleplayer than in Multi, got it done really easy. I should have prolly finished up all SP quests before doing multiplayer
fate stay night and other type moon products are primarily consumed and enjoyed by SEA peoples
But I'm EU
You may live in EU but you stay a SEAnig
If I'm a seanigga then you're a bean eater.
tendies never beating the allegations
I can't believe I managed to meme-up indog as a mhw boogeymen.
Basically I was watching some FU videos 2-3 years back and it was full of indos and other seamonkeys playing the game on their phone. Some idiots kept spamming steamcharts about world playerbase and I said "well look the playerbase crashes when SEAmonkeys go to bed" then I used the screencap from that dumb peruvian that used to play here on his shitty laptop at 640*480 with potato graphics "LOOK THE GAME RUN A TOASTER".
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not only did this fight suck but i cant believe the intro quest for him was a fucking rampage quest
oof, seething...
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very cool, I'll join if I can
is this ffxiv?
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How to send a SOS flare? Why is world multiplayer so weird
Radial menu or the regular menu
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Even in the middle tiers of master rank people still don't know how to properly do wyvern riding
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>still don't know malzeon's moveset
>have to fight him after gore and chameleos in 1 quest
took me 40 minutes and 2 carts
There actually are indonesian world players no joke and they do shitpost
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Everyone's a hammer main these days.
Wonder what happened.
i don't get it. the guy makes a saber cosplay, which means he's indonesian? is fate only liked by indonesians or something?
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For me it's Heavy Bowgun. Oooga booga melee cavemen need not apply.
word of advice: if you see someone (or more) post something retarded, it's probably something reatarded and not worth looking into it
Always unsightly when people do the "unbiased 3rd party" bit to try and save face.
ok but no one is joining my hunt and i just wiped to Teostra. World is so stupid
save face from what?
I've learned to just roll like crazy when he does the *teleports behind you* thing. Don't know what he's gonna do til its too late
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A simple Sabre cosplay is causing a melty.
Lmao you fucks are unreal.
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Seething Bazelgeuse
post a pic of your huntress, so that we can help identifying the problem
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this artian top is the problem. definitelly
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Killscreens please.
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I like it when mons make the "It is fucking over" face in kill screen
>no coom mods
>chameleos is a punching bag the whole time
>suddenly goes fucking crazy with his laser and 100-0's me
fuck this nigger
It's good when [GAME] does it!!!
*jerks off my tiny lance main dick*
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>Lance out of nowhere
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killscreens like this >>503482217 where the monster goes
always crack me up, post more like this
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Quiet, there is a Vaal Hazak around.
In rise, at low rank, as a noob, is it more important to wear full sets for the set bonus or pieces sets for the skills? Also in endgame as a real hunter how do you guys do it?
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Seregios is actually fun to fight (he fights like a big chicken with pecks and stomps) and his gear has an interesting gimmick
Nargacuga, Tigrex and Nergigante are actually boring
how come you guys are not nearly as funny as redditors

>Nargacuga, Tigrex and Nergigante are actually boring
holy shit taste
*dry humps you*
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Did you search in Low rank yet?
How do you "properly" wyvern ride, you nerd
I can show you. Bend over.
I mean even if you optimize riding it's still doing less damage than if you guys were all wailing on the monster during that time. Unless you mean people who even fail the wall bangs
Rise had set bonuses? What?
Hunting Diablos, spider mon comes in. Diablos becomes mountable. Host mounts it and just beats up on the spider, the invading mon. Doesn't even throw the mon into the spider, just beats up on it and Diablos leaves.
Rise set bonuses give bonus to Resistance but they're not a big deal so go with whatever skill you like. Most endgame sets focus on maximising damage output to get faster kills, but the major ones aren't until the endgame of Sunbreak, so take your time.
it does but its like +5 defense and nothing like in World with actual skills attached
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You're better off not making mixed sets until endgame unless you happen to have the extra parts without having to farm more. The reason for this is you'll very likely unlock a better set in like 2 or 3 more fights as you progress so it's not worth farming now. Just use full sets with basic attack skills like attack up. When you start getting one shot it's time to upgrade to a better set. If you can't then it's time to upgrade your current set with armor spheres. Once you get to endgame which is at the bare minimum after you finish the expansion story and the credits roll is when you can start making mixed sets but even then I'd wait until you fight everything other than the final boss before doing that unless you cant progress because you're carting nonstop or timing out. Anyway this is just a basic guide and as you learn more about the math involved you'll probably do things slightly differently
kek could be worse. I've seen playing ride the monster to another zone to slam it against a water trap
Oof just noticed the typo. It's fucking over
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now this is funny!
You guys are so fucking funny
We're all so fucking funny!!!
You fags were never funny plus you're trans
Name a single white man in /mhg/
Jar is jewish
Who the fuck is jar? You mean the guy from Star wars?
Ooh mooey mooey! Jar Jar Binks, da clumsy Huntar from Astera! Yousa no rememba?
You ruined star wars. We don't need no comedic relief round these parts
why isnt chameleos armor invisible
Monster hunter is a series for good boys and girls...which is why we're exposing them to crossdressing in the new one. So they don't grow up to be bigoted
chromed colors are not invinsible
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>he isn't a solo hunter
I post this whenever somebody posts something in the thread that I don't like. Can anyone guess which post triggered me?
men are always bigoted tho
You've hunted with me, Doj.
You have no right to call yourself a solo hunter king.
Uuumm, Chudster? You know I didn't ask, right?
This. With their hairy chests and their big dicks and their powerful musk and their strong muscles. Fucking bigots!
Nobody in this thread even fits that description. Except me of course
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yeah haha god I can't stand it

Post one thing you like about women NOW
I like bullying them for making me aroused. Slapping them and choking them and calling them names. It's a simple life but it's my duty to straighten out whores
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We're all men, just being dudes. What's wrong with a couple of guys just oiling up and having a go on a Sunday? Grow up, bro.
pretty sure monhun jesus wouldn't like that
He's the first one that tagged in! Read your scriptures, my guy.
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oh thats coo- what the fuck is mh puzzles?
Now's cooler older brother
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this >>503490361
Just solo'd the rathalos first try.
it must really suck then
You guys are gay. I'm going to watch football
Shut up, retard. I guarantee you're a goatfucker or insect person.
You guys are so fucking funny
post huntresses
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You guys really need to grow up
Damn nigga you strong
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Fuck, the games haven't started yet
>not for world

why the fuck do mons get a free hit if they scream you out of the air
punishment for not blocking or rolling or superman diving or not running earplugs
This does not bing nor does it wahoo....
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the natural predator of morlos and mildsies
imagine the smell
does anyone else skip literally everything every npc says
hey alright

When are we getting a real Monster Hunter again?
February 28th
In the post world games yeah but in the pre world games I generally try and read what they say
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I just skipped everything in world. I did watch the cutscenes though. I did in rise too if they were interesting but I skipped over the bullshit in beta wilds
I have not once skipped anything an NPC has said in any game other than Rise and GU
Well I don't see a point in reading what they say now since they have voice acting now not to mention in my opinion the writing isn't as strong as it used to be despite how cringy the old writing seemed to some people here. I'll still try and skim if it seems important though
The writing of the older games is kino and full of soul and complement the simplistic stories, the only games with reddit/shitty writting are the modern ones (that includes GU, specially GU)

I guess zoomers are confusing writting with story because all their opinions revolve around youtube videos
why do NPCs have names in rise? I just noticed they have names like Rondine instead of just being Village Merchant or Guild Woman. it's soulless
Get used to it, Wilds does the same thing.
casuals didn’t like titles instead of names
and they must be catered to
Why is the palico talking?
It's because of the follower system which wilds also has. It's just easier to say rondine than buddy island merchant
I can't believe this piece of shit game comes out on my birthday
you were born to be a wild child
Okay guys, which skill should I play as a Monster Hunter fan?
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Actually yeah, I'm surprised no one did this with Lunastra considering the Simba mod for Teostra.
my wife, Alma
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Sorry guys i posted the wrong picture
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>tfw just watched the weapons showcases
I'm considering maining CB for the first time
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I'm sorry to hear
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I made no mistake
I love her
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hunting Alatreon and some other monsters
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I don't like this guy
dumb huntress
needs correction
no I did okay for the first time I think
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Uuhh saved.
not bad but should've cut down on the baboon ass
>24 mins on Gaismagorm
Something came up so I'll cancel the room, maybe in a few hours!
you did not blindly first time gaismagorn within 24 minutes
there was never a room
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I love my wife
doubled down*
Me and most people, yes
I took 15ish minutes, my gear was good and the fight was easy
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I'm a shitter I know it
the only coom mods Ive ever had installed in world are naked and bimbo handler
can I fuck her while your on your hunts?
Idk how I would prove that my first Gaismagorm was 15 minutes, I don't save killscreens
and my first Gaismagorm was like a year ago
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Don't ask me, ask her.
The proof is actually that I'm cool and you're a cringe shitter stupidhead
proof: your posts
Xhe's right..
Weird, not sure what happened to host of lumu but it's still up 1/16
Gonna be playing for 2 hunts/30 mins whatever
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Emulating GU for the first time, Valour is the only style significantly changing the movesets right?
I tried the OP ones, GS is alright, LS is strong but I don't like relying on iframes. Haven't unlocked crouching fire yet for HBG.
SnS was fucking nothing.
Hammer and Lance surprised me positively. I had a lot of fun with them I think I'll continue the progression with those.
Any other sleeper hits you would recommend? I think I heard HH is unique.
Just check each weapon on this.
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he cute
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New handler, who dis?
any chance of doing the safi'jiva siege?
my estimate is 63%
which jak personifies /mhg/ the best
has it ever been done before?
put a shirt on damn
countless times
are any of the safi weapons even good?
how many player characters do we need?

they look very cool imo
If I posted it, I would get banned but it would definitely be a tranny one with a shaven beard.
imagine taking longer than 5 minutes
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erhm wat
Hey bros, just started playing World recently and really fell in love with the hammer, but is it true that the meta playstyle is centered around trying to get jumping attacks?

The jump attacks are cool, but not something I wanna play around, so if that's the case, I'll focus less on the hammer.
I’m glad to be completely functional. Kids need to do sports before they end up all retarded and shit.
what if you played the weapon suboptimally instead
Wouldn't that be gay?
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I think they look awful
i respect your opinion
why can't I accept some of the event quests in mhr? specifically the 6 star mr ones. It won't let me accept some of the 6's but other 6's it lets me
playstyle is centered around hitting the head and getting KOs
idk are the mr requirements different
how long does the siege take?
i've never done it
hammer and CB look cool
Girl soles are a miracle of the universe
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I dreamt of Primzeno but he was kicking my ass. He kept doing moves I had never seen before constantly. The thing is I haven't fought him in over a year now. What does this dream mean? I'm afraid of the unknown, I'm afraid I might be a shitter when confronted with a monster with moves I don't know about? I can't even remember what weapon I was using.
Do you ever dream of MonHun?
I have probably close to 5 thousand hours in monster hunter and have never dreamed of it
I think you want to fuck malzeno
30 minutes or so. depends how much fatty gear is present
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yeah I'll agree with that. never seen these before.
looks like the soul edge
i dreamt that someone was about to shove a corkscrew up my urethra then i woke up
I dreamed that I was playing monster hunter, but it was completely normal.
Most of me dreams are just mundane like making breakfast.
Or reoccurring nightmares.
I'm very scared of Deviljho to the point where I sometimes wet myself a little bit when he shows up, especially savage Deviljho. If I know there's one on the map and I'm playing solo I either reset the hunt and clear it fast enough for him to not spawn or I do it in multiplayer. If he shows up in multiplayer I ghillie up, hide and pretend to go afk.
I once had a nightmare where a savage deviljho was chasing me through Elder's Recess and it was from a first person POV. I thought I would be safe when I made it back to camp but he followed me into the camp so I used a farcaster to get away but the farcaster dropped me directly into his mouth. I woke up screaming in a puddle of my own piss.
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I had dreamt of monster girl snu snu.
>is fate only liked by indonesians or something?
no, spics like it too
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I'm cropdusting my shitty meme that I made over here, hope you enjoy it. I hope it becomes real.

Worlo: Crying wojak
Iceborne: tranny wojak hanging from rope while basedfacing
Mice: Nintendo basedjak
alright so anyone wanna help me with safijiva? keep in mind i never did the siege before and will spill a lot of spagetthi. i know the basics of the fight though

id: v7A3eDR-wp+$
pwd: 7243
total shitmon teath
lets go boys one more!!!
Was wondering about the lack of sound..
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safi death
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you don't have to set a password for world, if you make it accessible through ID only
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come here and say it to my face
oh i see
will keep in mind
didn't read
So in world on switch axe, when you're going for part breaks with axe mode is spamming wild swing the best move you can do or should I be spamming the overhead swing?
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Guard? MAXED.
Guard Up? MAXED.
Defense Boost? MAXED.
Divine Blessing? MAXED.
Felyne Defender (Hi)? ACTIVATED.
Unknown moves? Lmao I don't know any of the moves and I don't care.
reach and opening window.
does velkhana have insane hp in sunbreak or something? maybe i wasn't supposed to do the quest immediately after finishing the game
I already know what's behind that spoiler
it's not funny, screw you
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lumu 2.0
Alatreon and some other monsters
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safi lumu is also up. just finished a siege.
Ah damn didn't see
Can fucking Iceborne monsters stand still for 2 seconds.
Grow a pair and go hunt the fucking pickle until you dominate him, that's the only way you'll get over your fear.
I was only scared of him in old gen. Mainly because he really feels like he come out of nowhere when you least expect it and ruins everything.
5th gen I just borderline ass rape it.
BROS i just had THE realization. Monster hunter is pokemon for adults holy shit.
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I dont have an issue fighting it. I fight it fine when I use mods to give it a different model. It's the appearance that scares me.
Is that why we're so autistic.
Look Jho in the eyes right now and say these words. "You're ULGEH" repeatedly until you get over it.
So only gen one of monster hunter is good?
Speak for yourself i was tested positive
... ly autistic.
No positive, and positive means good so i'm not autistic unlike you loser
they should make a pokemon-like game out of mh
>thats stories retard
stories was so shallow and vapid that a baby could play it. remarkable how little depth there was
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Good hunts! 5/16.
sorry about your aids
Don't insult us. Monhun is actually good even the new ones are decent
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Pokemon is Pokemon for adults
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It's movie night weeeeee
What are you watching?
Give me Magnet Spike
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rise master rank is kinda shitting on me bros, and to make it worse i got destroyed by the HR teostra for 30 minutes before i managed to kill it, still don't know how to deal with supernova (besides just running away) or the instant roar
The Bunker 1981
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>Run all the way back to the monster
>Hit it once
>It dies
That's the thing about rise. You can absolutely barrel through low rank and high rank with practically no thought whatsoever so you don't spend time to really learn the monsters and by the time you get to g rank the chip damage really wears you down because you didn't learn enough to avoid chip damage by that point. Then you get dereliction at the start of endgame adding on top of that
If this hasn't been shilled already some leaker believes we've got a trailer this week, another at the game awards, another sometime after that and a demo, at some point.

Shocking revelations I know but apparently one of them will reveal a new classification not related to the inktopus so that could be interesting.
I'd be surprised but it would be nice to get new kinds of monsters. The way mainline monster design is going though we won't even get any interesting designs within the new classification
Where did you get that figurine?
Does anyone here play Rise on ps5 and know why whenever I boot it up, it drops the resolution really low? In game it doesn't look that bad honestly but while I have the game running, if I go to the ps home menu resolution is very low and goes back to normal when I close the game
>only gens 1-5 are objectively good with their fair share of flaws
>gen 6 is when things TRULY go downhill
at last, i truly see.
I've been hunting primezeno and the more I fight him the more I think I may be in love
worldbab i......
thx for the hoonts
trailer is obvious. they still have the tundra and "gravity well/energy" maps to show off.
demo i highly doubt
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I wouldn't be surprised by a demo. Sure they want to avoid more leaks but at this point most stuff has been leaked and the beta left a bad taste in many people's mouths and if they aren't shown the game runs well they might not buy
Careful, his benis is spiky
Futa huntresses
yeah i pretty much went through LR and HR as fast as possible, no defender shit though that's for fags

i'll have you know i also got filtered by teostra in world and two goontresses here had to carry me through it
>Zinogre is put to sleep
>gear up for TCS
>just before the final swing, LSer puts down a shock trap right on Zinogre, waking him up before the TCS hits
>in almost 20 seconds after waking up Zinogre carts the LSer
>LSer wakes up monster while I'm in the middle of TCS
>recieves instant karma
>this has happened on 4 seperate occasions this past month
I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
This but only male on futa huntresses
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get fucked
choco wasn't going to make it. i'd say its deserved.
cute femboy
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can someone help me set up GU for multiplayer on an emulator...
what armour is that thong?
i gotta be the 1%er LS player then because i've never done this, shit i've waited until the monster woke up only for the retard with the charge weapon to be staring at me like i was supposed to do something
>that flash of explosion
fuck that just reminded me
>90% of hunts i join that has a gunner in it, will require an epilepsy warning because Zinogre WILL BE FLASHED TO HELL AND BACK
>sometimes will spam 3-4 flashes in a row
>bladie has to wait for him to recover from flash cause he gets unpredictable with his pawslam spam
i can't take this...
longsword is the most braindead boring weapon in monster hunter
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That's Shin Megami Tensei
i wouldn't even say 1%, more like 60%, it's just so fucking weird this has happened that often in the past month.
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Download ryujinx canary
Install MHGU and dlc
run ryuLDN in network
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use sudachi
I can't, sorry. It's too vile.
that would be rangedsissies actually
thx bud!
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>Download ryujinx canary
Thank you so much!
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returners/noobs playing morld because milds is gonna launch soon
nta but it works, nice. Guess I should update the portable install now
>everyone's a slut
Can we get a modest god fearing trad huntress for once?
sweaty huntress ass
too ambiguous, i'm gonna need to see the front
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that's pretty good.
pepper detected
superior pawg
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ichi da tranni
I'm not really enjoying Iceborne. Clutch claw sucks, tenderising sucks, every monster having 20K hp sucks. I'm up to Namielle but i'm bored as fuck.
I can post my two but I don't think you guys will like them
>up to Nami
>still hasn't learned to play the game
user error
This video converted me to Hunting Horn when I watched it almost a decade ago. To this day, it remains cooler than any NuHunting Horn video, and will always stand as a testament to why classic Hunting Horn was cool long before Rise introduced cringy anime moves and Wilds sadly continued that tradition with the latter's excessively flashy new moves.

Redpill me on blood efx for world and rise, do they work well? Do they look good?
Do they create an intuitive way of knowing if you're hitting weakspots if you disable damage numbers?
There are mods to disable all that shit
But I think monsters have too little HP, specially story quest monsters.
go fuck yourself mongoloid retard
im so fucking sick of you daily blogposts
i'd like to see them
Evens I keep trying to kill fatty
Odds I play one of my backlog games
0 I go out and get some donuts
no for iceborne because you need to tenderize so its useless KEK, i did play through base world with it though and it was fine
and rise has sparks and shit so you'd probably need the mod to disable that to be able to tell
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Why do you hate him. Jho didn't choose to be ugly, don't you think God already hated him enough to make him look this way?
>hey partner! what are we hunting today?
Him >>503539565
Soles, so take those shoes off
>Spend all weekend watching weapon videos again
>Find Torpedosoup's channel, he explains the weapons better than arekkz
>Want to play a fancy weapon instead of Lance
>Watch his Lance video
>Want to play Lance
>Watch his switchaxe video, never even considered switchaxe
>Want to play switchaxe
>Watch more
>End back at watching someone else's video about gunlance (playing this now)
>Want to keep playing gunlance

Fuck me. Why can't I just pick a weapon?
All this from a fag who has 90 hours in the game and might have done 1 or 2 quests after pink rathian.
dunno what that means but you have hitstop if you turn off damage numbers.
hitting an uncharged zinogre on his forelegs will have 0 hitstop and look like your weapon just went through a sheet of paper.
hitting zinogre on his head will have enough hitstop to be noticeable, but not intrusive.
Hitting a downed zinogre in the head and having 3 jagras in the path of your weapon will generate so much hitstop that you'll lose time before zinogre gets back up.
I still have this problem x-thousand hours later across the entire series, so best of luck to you
>Why can't I just pick a weapon?
Who says you have to pick one?
I just finished killing the tobi kadachi, what the fuck were they thinking that was so slow and boring
>thigh exposed
Try again, slut
Oh no.
It's so over.
I got over this problem quickly after watching michaelmh
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I love huntresses
Imagine being a "heterosexual" man and being angry about seeing women's skin
>First video that popped up was about how long hunts take
>The gunlance video was explaining how gunlance breaks the fuck out of parts and causes flinches
Well that's that then.
disgusting goontresses
Beautiful Tittresses
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That's it, I'm going gay and playing hunter.
Not-Saber can get it
Still open ?
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here they are
The princess and her knight. I never lewd them
>imagine being a man sick of seeing slop and just wanna see something tasteful for a change
pretty common yeah.
if i wanted to see nothing but disgustingly thick modded sluts I'd just play Genshin or go to /gig/ 2 blocks down.
pits & tits
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You guys really consume this much monhun content? Why? You could be playing the game yourself. About the only monhun content I've consistently consumed was content about old monhun games you can't play anymore like frontier, explore, mho, etc
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God damn, you get mogged by literally everyone.
>slop equals boobs
>tasteful equals Niqab
kys closet case
Same reason why i picked up the GS. Shame how that weapon got raped in world and wilds, at least the wild horn looks interesting
soles & holes
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no one has ever said this in the history of every single monster hunter game
...you okay dude?
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Don't worry, it's only going to get worse!
genuine retard
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>my handler general
reddit is that way
>failed to join quest session
Shut the fuck up and buff me, healslut.
pretty cute but the eye tattoos are kinda weird
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Fact! The Handler is a hunting horn main.
literal troonface
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Fact: The Handler is my wife.
handler is not attractive
what a controversial opinion
Armor designs that are both cool and sexy that show off tummy light toned abs on the slider with light choco skin and vanilla hair and redish eyes. Hairstyles leave a bit much to be desired but good enough. If all else fails I will just make a bald black man.
Thanks. And yeah I know most people don't really like the makeup but it's something I'm a little autistic about so it's a mainstay for me.
Not conventionally but I like her a lot. She's the only one I have lewd thoughts about.
You gay? Cuz you sound gay. It's fine if you are, no judgment.
pls calm down sir. no one is taking your "women" away.
LUMU is still up
5/16 now
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What. I played earlier today.
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Why? I like monster hunter, what kind of answer do you expect?
where coomer mods
So do I and I stopped watching monhun content years ago. You're just a consuuuuuuumer
sorry chuddie, I have sex with real women daily so such mods are unnecessary
you'll never be a real woman and your parents are ashamed of ever raising you tranny
She's an ugly bitch but it's intentional
That is the coomer mod.
>talk about sex with women
>muh troons
lol you mindbroken faggot
you lost
uh, yeah, she's obviously not a tractor, so?
how funny would it be if there are zero real trannies here and the endless crying by /mhg/ posters is actually just a reflection of their own private obsession with transexuals. are there any confirmed trans posters here?
are you a girl?
>thinks it's one person
meds pls tranny
Honestly its gotten to the point where I think its exactly that. A bunch of closeted weirdos.
oh no 2 mentally ill trannies what a world of difference
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This is because of mods, my character has a full armor that covers everything. No idea how many pics he took without me knowing it
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>the handler is more attractive as a boy
There are multiple self identified homosexuals and that's practically the same thing so the insult still applies
Yeah sorry that was the HR version. I was using MR.
trust me there were plenty of trannies here in 2018-2022, and they'll probably be back for wilds.
some of the european troons still are obsessed with this general and will hurry to make a new thread and spam their faggy ritual posts (as you can see in the beggining of this thread) and discord drama erp shit
>checks time
ahh no wonder 3rd world trannies waking up
>There are multiple self identified homosexuals
Yeah and they're all furries.
And play Lance.
And have microdicks as evidenced by that one time things got too frisky.
just admirin'
nothing bad happening here ma'am
I'm not a Euro. I just wake up early because I like to go to sleep early and get some gametime in the morning before work.
They have small dicks so they compensate by using the phallus shaped weapon. Typical lance fags
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Am I a scrub for using Adept Style
>hunt for lunagaron jewel
>think it'll take ages
>second try
>get two
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wrll it fucking sucked so now we're watching kung pow
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LOOK AT HIM >>503545754
so it was actually indonesians playing world after all
>my character has a full armor that covers everything.
Literally doesn't matter, see >>503541080
Now post steam id so we can continue.
Afraid so.
how do i join
Anyone else notice the uptick in degenerate posting lately? The discord fags are already settling in for the wilds launch. Swooped right in as there was a lack of posts and the general was empty. It'll be a rough couple months.
>Anyone else notice the uptick in-
has literally been this way for well over a year man.
he's too powerful
can you trannies fucking kill yourselves or go back to your containment general? maybe put some more 5k hours into afking in balmung
just let it happen
uh oh
Yep I told you anon wasn't gonna like that!
Damn... at least its still kino...
based mindset
just play however you want.
Literally didn't hunt it.
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This thread is hilarious. This is why world is a mistake, this is why americans are a fucking mistake.

The last time i've seen this much decay was back in the day when chatpalace was a thing. I hope you guys are not physically challenged cause mentally you absolutetly are. What a shitty colony
uhhh..im no instance owner so i cant invite
Yep, that's some good old classic monhun.
>brimstone slash
indeed it is
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I love frilly dresses!
I did though >>503501705
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where's all this lance's are gay shit coming from?
then wtf are you doing promoting it here you humongous faggot kys
>Literally doesn't matter, see
I know that's my huntress bro
is that a commission or did you draw that yourself
God I wish Wilds was coming out sooner
I kneel....
why do you ask?
>atk up, def up, and heat resistance buffs blinking rapidly like that
>almost 24 minutes for Tobi
>"there's no way I'm that bad, something must be wrong"
>check head vs tail hzv
Alright, game, guess I'll go grind Almudron for the next couple of hours
increased framerate mod
hunter arts realy where ass
Exactly the point, embrace it.
i see.
good composition and character design, i like it
I just ran Absolute Evasion just to get into SP mode tbdesuh, I didn't like them very much
Shame THEY were what got to come back and not the styles.
uhhhhhhh.... nigger : D
seriously tho, you'd be surprised how much afflicted early mons can tank.
and then you have mons that zip and zoom all over the map like Royal Ludroth.
Afflicted mons just be like that.
Why is MHW so good? Will we ever get another MH game that feels like World?
not him but look for dorimoge5 on Twitter
all me btw
I'm no stranger to HP-bloated shitmons thanks to Hypers, but I think 24 minutes is a bit too long for my liking
bloddy benchod basterds arts are ass bitch
Namedrop the people you hate
Is there an open room?
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the rest of their work kind of sucks
>protected posts
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Is this how Alocholic groups are? a circle jerk of shitty people that shouldn't be alive
The people that gave the okay at nvidia devs to skimp on vram when 12gb is the new baseline so a simple 5070 is not going to cut it
cheers, his SF stuff is good and it seems like he's obsessed with some obscure capcom character... kek
For a bunch of mentally ill self inserters wallmart americans playing easy mode monster hunter

that's a weird answer

a really really fucking weird answer

Mirror hits hard i guess
how hard is rise's hardest mon compared to worlo's
Risen Shaggy vs Fatalis I'd give it to Shaggy
World doesn't have monsters you can level up from what I remember
Fatty is easier overall because of the siege equipment they give you, but just comparing them as monsters he's probably harder.
Between Primozeno, Max RS, Max RCGV, Fatalis, and Alatreon, I'd say the former three are harder.
All five are easier than Dreadfuck Rath.
sounds very pokemon-like to me
really? not "will literally not stop" primalzeno?
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Wilds will be like an uglier, easier version of World with more downtime between quests and quest prep
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>stop playing the game for a few months
>want to go back
>need to relearn combos and secret techs yet a fucking gain
will we get rise 2 for switch 2
It's all muscle memory for me mostly. I just let my body take the wheel.
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>chineseGODS already hunting gypseros in wilds
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE, I like the new tail move though
This is actually a good question because obviously they'll make a GU3 but will it be designed for switch first and foremost like rise or will it be designed for PC first like I assume wilds was
Both are pretty nonstop but Primalz's nonstop phase is more a gimmick than a 100% uptime thing, it's just Shaggy's natural state
How the fuck
ahh i see what you mean.
tho i guess it's a personal thing that, BECAUSE of shaggy being non-stop, it's easier to learn his patterns, rather than Primalzeno's gimmick as you don't really get much time to practice with it, and it always ends with him teleporting to you and nuking himself and the area around him.
But i get what you mean.
It’s going to be a portable title why would it be designed and specced for pcs and consoles
why are you insulting him
>voice the entire hunt
pls shut the fuck up holy shit...
imagine if this was in english.
it's a voice mod i'm pretty sure, not sure for what purpose, it's ken's voice lines from sf6 so it's out of place as fuck and annoying
What combos you fucking retard
>t. r*ngedfag
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You only need 20 minutes at best
>wounds stay on and are visible during the entire fake death animation
>flash bang can be guarded on reaction
>charge and tail swipe attacks play at 0.5x speed
Faggots here really unironically thought they were going to buff the monsters for some reason
Nigga is crying about a low rank shitmon being slow
if wilds is anything like world (I can't imagine why) then they're gonna be suck and slow all the way down (up)
You should ask your manager at Capcom for a raise
Well we don't even know how portable the switch 2 would really be unless you believe "leaks". Besides if they're planning to release on everything like wilds then why wouldn't they design for PC first? I guess it would be easier to test if it runs on switch first though
Low rank monster should still kick ass
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>if wilds is anything like world
Oops, meant to say like Mice (Rice)
You should ask your troon pimp if you can get your titty skittles for being a good bitch
Now post the Nargacuga webm
And here’s Doj to play both sides like clockwork
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rajang is a joke shitmon
4U tricked you

Shall we inquire which title it was that introduced this "invader" triple roar staredown behavior, while we're at it?
Even if they buffed monsters the game would still be easy because that's their mission statement now. What part of "we will be making each game easier than the last from now on" do you fags not understand?
Okay but Gypceros is an actual shitmon
None of you ever had trouble with it…. Right?
None of you are seriously that fucking bad at a series you dump hundreds of hours into every entry right
Low rank 4U gypceros is 10 times harder than any monster in 3U P3rd Gen GenU World Iceborne Rise Sunbreak and Wilds
if you struggle with any of the weapons you are low IQ. It's that simple.

Even the horn has the notes righ there just for troglodytes like you.
No it isn't
t.800 hours and counting in 4U
Outed yourself already.
post your TA records with all 14 weapons please
this is the most delusional statement ive ever seen in my life
id sooner believe 2+2=5 than "gypceros in 4u hard"
embarrassing statement
He's kind of a pain but I wouldn't agree
in fact the owl in GU is a bigger spike than he is, what with the bouncing and even bigger thing than flashing
>fags here have trouble with 3U barioth
>these same shitters will be carting to nu gypceros (now with asthma)
Please stream your failures
>GU Malfestio wingslap hits harder than a G akantor charge
what are they putting in the fucking waters man.
>still hasn't streamed his clear
you first, fag
How 3 charge shield I r stupid durr
>wallsplat into upskirt
it's peak...
also that's probably the coolest turf war animation i've seen yet
monster that unnerves me...
my espinus weenus of course hshahahs :D
is that dude playing the full game ? hows he doing that? It got leaked already?
I like Gammy. :)
They didn't clean their fucking demo
>coolest turf war
well expect to see that alot because unless you are a TU monster (malzeno didn't get a turf war with Magna until Scorned released) all Manga's turf wars are that exact sequence. every time. If you are a Dos Elder, Barioth, or Rathalos tho, the very end, they shoot their elemental breath at Magna the moment they hit the ground and he takes dmg.
For some reason, all assets related to Gypceros are in the demo but inaccessible. Unused text indicates that they were going to feature Gypceros in the Open Beta or on their showfloor demo circuit, but this has not materialized yet.
World is shit
Rise is shit
Wilds is shit

You are addicted
Is the full Monster roster known yet?
MH4U is the best
>World shit
>Rise shit
No retard
>Wilds shit
Yes. Overall this post was okay.
If we're being honest, every game in the franchise is shit except for 4U. It's amazing how hard one great game can carry such a fundamentally terrible series. It's like Capcom's Fire Emblem Awakening
Yeah, for months now along with TU stuff somehow
Where can I find it?
I mostly play pre world monhun. Getting walled by the last 7 quests in 4U so I decided to make progress in 3U and now I'm getting walled by goldberg. Not hard but a fucking health sponge I keep timing out. I downloaded freedom 1 the other day and I'm debating whether I should just start that. I'm skipping wilds but I might get the next portable if it has cool new ideas like rise did.
>4Utrannies really think this
4U is just GU if it was shit.
>archaic clunky slop
>piss easy slop
>autododge asset flip slop
4U no difs
megathread of everything known or suspected regarding wilds
4U's exclusives are good but the weapons it introduced are ass and CDGS when paired with mounting is a bit too strong
I can kind of see this point of view but honestly it just seems like you haven't played enough games in the series
at least 60% of this post is fanfiction based on hearsay based on random comments in chinese forums, just post actual ingame data
Your post is shit
Your mom is shit
You're shit
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Mandem spending 20 hours a day in a general for a series he hates outside of one game that came out a decade ago
longsword users won sorry 4U fags
why are you still awake you fucking loser
I barely know what I'm doing but things sure are happening
Surge Slash is so weird
>snot fantasies
jpg thumbnails for all ingame weapons have been found, preliminary quest reward data has also been found which would suggest about 31 monsters, but 2 of those appear to be recolor versions of Rathalos and Doshaguma so it's more like 29 in practice.
it's just range my dude.
Surge slash was built for range.
0-2 I start Freedom 1 tomorrow
3-9 I keep playing 3U
>Azure Dosgaguma
I KNEEL to the TRUE flagship of Wilds.
Interesting, tomorrow I start Freedom 1. Kind of excited
doshaguma was kicking my ass in the demo on gunlance man
I didnt cart but I spirituality triple carted
Leak monster are artificial monster.
Why is fatalis not burning this entire region down?
Is it even part of the lore that fatalis hated the ancient civilization? Didn't he just hate schrade?
He made an example of schrade and it's surrounding region.
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Well wasn't it part of the leaks that the guardian monsters were dormant until now? Maybe fatalis doesn't even know they're awake? I could see him coming to the area in the expansion though
Cucktalis stays in Castle Shart like a good little cuck. His Grandpa and cooler older brother Crimson keep making fun of him at family gatherings and he can't get the motivation to leave his cuckshed in Grandpa's castle.
>mortgage already paid for
it's a pretty good gig honestly.
you're the fag that has trouble with 4u gypceros
who's the shitter really?
gen 4 gypceros is a fucking joke
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i drank too muhc
I'm neither. I don't really have trouble with any content outside of G rank stuff post tri.
>still no barioth stream
I don't see no candies
>guildie glowie armor
Can you please stop using stickers whenever I cart?
Be nice.
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failed a 22 min arena quest
I wouldn't mind Wilds looking like a PS2 game if it was actually crisp and stable
>break monster's head (broken twice for mizu)
>get just a scale
happened to me twice in a row
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>Cut tail
>No tail
>Check break rewards
>No tail
So you mean to tell me my hunter cut the tail off and just left it there?
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ty for the hunts my lumu friends
The guild decides what you get to keep
might as well post training dummy videos
now post the real one in Dos
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modders saved Gypceros
I just unlocked qurios crafting. What the best general guide with all of this?
Elemental boost for all weapons with elements, Attack boost for all weapons with no elements, and sharpness boost if it can reach the next sharpness level?
For elemental weapons, how much element should a weapon have for elemental boost to be better than attack boost? For example the valstrax lance should get all the attack boost possible while the ludroth lance gets all the element boost possible?
any way to permanently turn off spectator mode or are Wilds players just fucked?
Hmm I wonder if all these visible hit nodules and damage numbers are indicative of a monster that is not in fact dead
also nu bow is even more of an embarrassment than I thought, that arrow rain is ridiculous MMO nonsense
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Wtf? Was there a hidden gypceros in the beta?
at least the blob lobbing tracking is decent
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you have no idea how much planning knowledge and skill it takes zoom zoom
For just weapons you're eventually going to run mostly element as there are many, many more bonuses for elements in all the TU sets
for qurious skills you use the higher tier one with a chance to generate a downside unless you're scraping for a tiny single slot etc
How do I access the cracked beta?
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Is that tailslam mapped to another monster like Radar or is it supposed to be this weird
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there's a guide up on cs.rin, pretty straight forward to get the game working. If you want to hunt Gypceros you gotta install REFramework and mod the game as if you're modding Rise
Gypceros has a rubber tail that it can extend out past its usual length. None of the other flying wyverns that are known to be in the game would fit that animation
fuck I just remembered that I forgot to carve the tail in my last hunt
So did the wilds team just go "we make brown peopre sand adventure rike 4U and take bunch of monster from 4U, gaijin wirr ROVE IT"
So max out the element boost for all weapons with elements? What should fill the remaining slots?
I'm going to ignore armor stuff for a while since it's just rng and feels like a waste of materials when I can use them on weapons first.
yeah unless you're using something like strength hammer that doesn't use ele at all
the sharpness is mostly preference/weapon dependent because having a tiny sliver of purple with no protective polish is not really useful overall
Unfortunately, they forgot Steve and Zammy, making it a massive failure.
I thought seregios was in the chink leak that accurately predicted everything else they found?
Oh, he is.
Anyways they forgot Zammy, making it a massive failure.
See >>503557715
Seregios is EM0077_00_0. It doesn't appear to have a lot of ID data implemented as of the OBT build, but going off the reward money (16920) it's roughly the same tier as Blangonga (16560), slightly weaker than Gravios (17280) and Rathalos (17640)
>rathalos cucked steve
How the tables have turned...
Oof stevebros can we fall any lower? First they remove our roll sharpen. Then they don't even give us fully upgraded weapons. Still no variant or subspecies and now they're making us blagonga tier. It's never been more over
Seregios was never meant to rival rathalos. He was a nest raider that get chase away by rathalos.
I remember Gypceros being way bigger
Shouldn't have let it be the least popular fagship in the 20th anniversary poll if you wanted it to be treated with dignity
lmao so the flash basically doesn't matter at all now
Damn even fart cat beat him?
He was unlocked after Rath in GU.
>they kept that stupid multi directional spazz out charge it does
Fucking stupid monster. I knew they were going to keep him as annoying as he was in previous games.
I'm so glad none of his gear has ever been meta. I hope Wilds doesn't change this. What a waste of a slot.
They could have put in a cool fight like Qurupeco or, hell, bring back Kulu if you want a bird wyvern.
OR HOW ABOUT GREAT JAGGI, who we haven't seen in ages?
But no.
They bring back Gypceros.
Both Magnamalo (#56) and Scorned Magnamalo (#50) ranked higher than Seregios (#60). It's also worth noting that Seregios had the largest undiluted potential vote pool of any of the flagships since there were no samey recolor forms eligible to vote (I.E it doesn't have to compete for votes with itself) and it STILL came in last place.
Damn the poison don't linger and slide.
I was really hoping with all those gypceros files in the beta they would have stealth dropped him into the maps for all the epic youtuber channels to go "WOW LOOK GYPCEROS" and lots of hype.
The poll results just constantly remind me that the majority of MH fans just have the shittiest taste
It's not an accurate reflection of the general playerbase's taste. You needed a Capcom ID to vote so that automatically means only the biggest Capcucks bothered to sign up for it.
Oh. Maybe their is hope!
It's heavily skewed towards the post world games because 80% of the current fanbase have never touched any other game other than world and rise
Is that why all the Mice monsters charted at the bottom?
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I was hoping that Wilds would finally be the first game in the series without ANY of the shitmons from prior games, if they bring back Gravios it's actually over.
Rise is a pre-World Monster Hunter game.
It never mattered in any game that allows you to equip a weapon that has a shield.
Yep, right next to Morlo's Beochodeus.
Stop noticing things
>Series is known for bringing old shitmons back all the time

You retarded, bro?
Oh nonono who's gonna tell him
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>if they bring back Gravios it's actually over
You should probably leave this thread now..
They brought back Gravios
I'm tired of elemental monsters.
They should make new status monsters that aren't midrank shitmons.
What do you mean? Pukei Pukei does the literal same fucking shit
He's just not a fun fight. Either you're constantly making him fall to the side by breaking his glass knees, or he's just buzzing around the arena like an annoying mosquito and 70 percent of his attacks force you to chase after him.
Pukei ain't fun either.
This has always been a fucking stupid sentiment. Not only do they bring back old monsters to keep things fresh for monsters that play similar roles (for example swapping gravios and uragaan) as well as nostalgia but it's also a great cost saving measure as they dont have to spend time work shopping another new monster. They will never stop bringing them back. Not ever
>for monsters that play similar roles (for example swapping gravios and uragaan)
unless your name is Monoblos or Gigginox
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Several rise exclusives made it into the top 100 including magnamalo, malzeno, lunagaron, goss, etc
I for one enjoy the occasional shitmon hunt
The second highest charting Micebreak monster is Espinas
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>19'58 to kill extreme allah with swagaxe
>compared to 15'51 with DBs
It's so over
They'll come back eventually but it might take years. I mean after all lao came back in GU
>lao came back in GU
for some stupid fucking reason
i hope he stays buried
You could easily argue a lot of the older monsters in the top 30 are there because of sunbreak since we know the vast majority of current monhun players haven't touched pre world games
no one respects DB users
do you think Hypnocatrice might come back?
>trips u
Yilds chromosomes deserve Gravios.

Of course especially after all the recent frontier stuff coming to the main series like GL shell evading, espinas, etc. I'd imagine ichinose would be the one to bring it back since FU was his game but who knows. Either way I'm sure it'll come eventually
What makes you think one of these dress-up playing degenerate gender bent masturbating enthusiasts would ever go and do that? Normal guys just play as a guy who they spent 5 minutes on in character creation after unsuccessfully googling gigachad sliders and normal girls don't play video games and upload pics of them to mommyissuesdotorg.
How original. The faggot implies that those opposing him are secretly faggots because he hates himself and can imagine no greater insult.
I just think they have an irrational hatred of trannies and think about them way too much. you are weird.
They would be completely forgotten about if they left.

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