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World championship tomorrow edition

>Play online:

>Join our team and weekend's tournaments:

last thread: >>502706825
Where are the sexy waifus?
This game is unplayable.
here: https://2700chess.com/women
fabiano said chess is meaningless
Why was Gukesh selected as the candidate?
I stopped liking chess after finding out the following

0-900 elo - learn the basics and don't be sub100IQ to win everything

1000-1800 elo - whoever memorizes more moves of theory wins

1800-2000 elo - be smarter and a better thinker to win

2200-2400 elo - more memorization

top GM lvl - actual thinking after 30 moves of prep
He won the candidates tournament.
Yes yes we all know what his real interests are
>1000-1800 elo - whoever memorizes more moves of theory wins
this is not true at all
t.1900 FIDE
if you don't know most openings 10 moves deep some fuckwit that only learned one will beat you
No, I’ll get to the middle game and have no idea how to proceed and then I’ll start blundering pieces.
you're not gonna get to the middle game if you blunder a piece or the postion in the opening
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>I need to memorize opening theory to stop myself from blundering pieces
>opening traps don't exist
>last thread: >>502706825
What went wrong?
Ding WILL win with black.
who made the ding vs gukesh team battle on a weekday? i thought it was yesterday as usual but i missed it when i realised it was on friday.
Sure they do, but you don't need to know most openings 10 moves deep in order to not fall for opening traps.
if you don't you fall into a largely disadvantageous position
how many wives will levon kill and replace?
>develop pieces
>control the center
I can't think of any opening that puts you into a largely disadvantageous position by following those principles even if you don't have specific lines memorized.
What openings are you playing that require memorizing multiple lines and variations 10 moves deep that you can't play off of principles? Have you considered not playing such shitty openings?
I was lazily and ineloquently saying that I'm the fuckwit that only learned one opening and I will very quickly blunder the position once I'm out of prep.
great idea on paper except for openings that make exactly that difficult
I may have overexaggerated with 10 moves but you need to know at the very least 5 of each opening and don't forget sometimes your oponent choses which opening you're gonna be playing and in that case you need to know theory
>I can't think of any opening that puts you into a largely disadvantageous position by following those principles even if you don't have specific lines memorized.
castling is often dangerous
Show me. What position in the najdorf makes you lose right out of the opening if you castle, barring the obvious stuff where you're castling into a tactical combination that you should know without memorizing lines of theory.
>barring the obvious stuff where you're castling into a tactical combination that you should know without memorizing lines of theory
right so you do need to know specific lines then, got it
not really true

t. lifelong najdorf player
you playing the najdorf doesn't change the fact black is often safer with the king in the centre
You don't. If you understand tactics, those patterns will be visible even in openings you don't play. You can see the potential for a greek gift in a variety of positions for example without knowing the exact line that brought you to that position or memorizing every possible move to get to that point from the starting position.
>If you understand tactics, those patterns will be visible even in openings you don't play
hello midwit
well i've memorized a big chunk of giri's najdorf course and he castles in almost every line except against the english (where he delays castling but still recommends castling eventually). are you saying giri's lines are wrong?
first you said
>largely disadvantageous position
and now you're shifting the goalposts to
>lose right out of the opening
so which is it? because it is true that castling in the Najdorf in many lines does open you up to an attack and you'd be better off staying put
both idiots
here's a great example: almost the entire poisoned pawn variation
the idea you'll find all those tactical lines otb is just stupid and something only a < 1500 retard could believe, it's notorious for being a tactical nightmare and the sequences can get very long and nasty, and often castling is actually a losing idea
>here's a great example: almost the entire poisoned pawn variation
black decides to go into the poisoned pawn variation, not white, so what's your point? i've played the najdorf for 12 years and never played the poisoned pawn variation because of the amount of theory
no, i'm saying giri chose not to cover lines where castling is bad, probably because they're more complicated and would take up oxygen from other lines he wanted to cover instead
it's true *most* mainlines you should delay castling, but the claim was
>I can't think of any opening that puts you into a largely disadvantageous position by following those principles even if you don't have specific lines memorized.
>What openings are you playing that require memorizing multiple lines and variations 10 moves deep that you can't play off of principles? Have you considered not playing such shitty openings?
and certain lines in the Najdorf you just cannot do this, you have to know tactical lines to be aware of, why you need to delay castling in some lines or stay in the centre in others, and the Najdorf is clearly not a "shitty opening" so this meets all criteria
>black decides to go into the poisoned pawn variation, not white, so what's your point? i've played the najdorf for 12 years and never played the poisoned pawn variation because of the amount of theory
again proving the point: you DO need to know the theory in this variation, so you've avoided it because you're unsure of what to do and you can't figure it out otb, and your king is unsafe if you fuck around with it, so it gives an example of an opening where you do need to know theory instead of blindly following a checklist
whether white or black chooses this was never the original question
The Kramnik v Danya battle was on Friday too and that was by far the best recent tourney.
>so it gives an example of an opening where you do need to know theory instead of blindly following a checklist
not really. what have i been playing for 12 years then? what's your rating btw?
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what is this autism?
The statement that started the discussion was:
>1000-1800 elo - whoever memorizes more moves of theory wins
which is absurd and the kind of thing only people who don't play chess or are very casual about it would believe
Splitting hairs abou najdorf lines doesn't change the fact that it's a comically dumb claim
if he's talking about otb, then it's true. anyone that takes chess seriously enough to play a real tournament is going to memorize a lot of prep because that's the meta. they might blunder after they start thinking, but you have to survive until that point, so at the very least you'll be done time, if not an entire piece if they get you in a trap.
first of all considering he starts with 0-900 it's clear he's talking .scam ratings, second it's not true even OTB in those ranges, he didn't say "if your opponent memorized more moves you are at a disadvantage" he said whoever memorized more wins period don't know why you are playing devil's advocate for this retard
I play a lot of players in the 1800-1000 range. Opening theory is simply not a factor. Quit your trolling or check out your local club online-only anon.
this. it's almost always tactics and bad endgame technique that decide games at my club. i play at around 1900 OTB.
It's just online blitz shitters who believe it's literally impossible to not fall for tactical traps in the opening using just raw thinking, a.k.a. in the EXACT SAME WAY you would avoid falling for a tactic in a middlegame or endgame position. Apparently they also believe that every super sharp theoretical line in every opening (the kind that really can't be figured out without prep) MUST be on the board by force, always, and that you can't just calculate things on the board a few moves before and go:
>nah this resulting position is uncertain and way too dangerous, i'll just avoid it and go for this other move instead

It's painfully retarded and reeks of people who have never played an OTB game in their lives.
NTA but if some opponent plays an opening you know nothing about you'll at best lose time trying to go for the most innocuous line(which might also be his prep) and you just might get in time trouble. And it's not just tactical traps, you might just get to a worse position where you have no counterplay and you slowly get grinded down. At around 1800-2000 fide you really need to start taking your repertoire seriously, especially since that's the elo range where everyone plays all the meme sidelines that you rarely see in top chess.
who said that tyler1 uses an engine? lmao. i miss that bald dwarf...
tyler1 proved that all you need is to grind out thousands of games. his only mistake was playing rapid, he would've gotten faster results with bullet.
>and now you're shifting the goalposts to
So what's your definition of "largely disadvantageous" then? Your whole argument is vaguely worded fluff.
I met Naroditsky briefly at a tournament 2 or 3 years ago. The man is like 6'2" or taller, but his presence is not very imposing because he has an awkward affect. I was waiting for pairings to come out and so sitting in a random seat in the hall. They had announced the pairings for the upper section first, unbeknownst to me. I'm totally zoned out staring at the floor when Daniel walks up to me and says "I think you're in my seat." I said "Oh sorry." The end.

At the same event I also met Aman Hambleton; as he walked by me in the hall I said "Yo, chessbrah what's up" and he dabbed me up and said something and kept walking.
>he has an awkward affect
it's pretty obvious that he has low self-confidence yeah
Extreme cope. Everyone goes out of theory on move 5 until the highest levels.

You're retarded. That position is dead lost no matter what and his move was barely worse than the best move
yeah, you got me, I stopped playing at 1000 chesscom elo
but only because the only thing stopping me was opening memorization
finding moves in other's games and puzzles were easy but the fact that I HAD to memorize tons of openings before even being able to play middle games or endings made me lose interest
typing moves on a piece of paper or on a computer bad but mindlessly memorizing opening moves good
I can spend my time more productively anyway
>posting gothamjew
>but only because the only thing stopping me was opening memorization
this is the biggest cope in chess, fischerandom exist and you would suck just as much at it becaese tactics>>>>>>>>>endgame technique>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>openings at such shitter levels
feel free to try it if you don't believe me
I could trounce 1000 elo playing h4 at the first 2 moves no matter what. You're just dogshit and unwilling to let your ego feel that blow.
the ultimate chesslet cope
if only it also inlcuded something like "I'd actually be titled if I cared", it'd be perfect
h4 a4*
>what's your rating btw?
Higher than yours apparently, and an actual FIDE one. Can you stick to the actual meat of the topic, instead of arguing by "I played for X years," or "but my dad worked at the Najdorf factory and I love him so much so I know it inside out" and stick to the topic?
Oh get a grip, you went from "losing out of the opening" to "largely disadvantageous" and now you're complaining about vagueness?
We have a concrete variation, the poisoned pawn variation of the Najdorf, where you cannot just mindlessly castle and expect to be ok.
Which specific part of this do you object to?
If you want to refine your statement to >>503474027
>at the ~1800 level, you can generally follow basic principles and you'll be fine
then yes, that's true, but the specific claim was
>I can't think of any opening that puts you into a largely disadvantageous position by following those principles even if you don't have specific lines memorized.
which is outright false, and has many counterexamples.
If you intended this to be specific to a 1800-ish level, then fine, who cares, they'll blunder in the middlegame anyway. But this statement in and of itself is wrong.
Jesus fucking Christ, My Client is so terminally cringe and homosexual it's unreal. He makes the Gukesh interview nearly unwatchable. Total chess journo death.
you're just bad at chess and were blundering in the opening
the solution isn't to memorize all the opening moves in existence, it's to get better at chess so you can stop yourself from blundering in the opening
you don't have to memorize very much at all to do this
I range between 1200-1300 chess com, only play one opening as white and black, and only know the theory well for one line for each
memorization plays very little role at that level except helping you not lose on time
I never said largely disadvantageous, someone else did. I took that to mean losing out of the opening. So what is the definition then, Mr. FIDE?
Even knowing 12 moves of theory on almost every branch of my openings, I usually get up a pawn at best. Whoever thinks they're just losing in the opening on move 6 bc they didn't memorize something is fucking bad and couldn't see a tactic at any point of the game anyway.
you're not forced to go into the poisoned pawn so you can play the najdorf without it. your point is moot.
if I could play fischerandom against people my skill level then I'd be fine
>I could beat people worse than me and new to someting easily with my vast experience
yeah, great discovery
I mean if I dedicated myself to chess for most of my life then yes but there are more important things than chess
>And it's not just tactical traps, you might just get to a worse position where you have no counterplay and you slowly get grinded down.
Or maybe you might end up outplaying your opponent in the middlegame when you're both out of theory. If there really are zero ideas for any counterplay in the position tho, that just means you chose poor moves in your calculations to begin with and misevaluated things, so it's unironically a skill issue.

You do make a solid point when you mention time trouble tho, admittedly. In fact i'd argue the clock factor is probably the biggest reason to memorize theory in amateur chess (especially for rapid games and faster).
>>I could beat people worse than me and new to someting easily with my vast experience
>yeah, great discovery

>I lose bc I don't memorize
>Oh you win without memorizing, well that's bc you're good
>I don't suck tho btw and it's all the memory's fault
>you're just bad at chess and were blundering in the opening
yeah if my oponent knows the opening and I don't, how am I supposed to not blunder something
> it's to get better at chess so you can stop yourself from blundering in the opening
so I'm supposed to get good enough to outcalculate someone's knowledge of many lines in the king's gambit (me friend only plays that as an example)
and also "get better at chess" until I play someone who has memorized more moves and theory and lines in their opening so I lose because I haven't
clearly it is since you're low elo (filthy rich coming from me I know)
>and couldn't see a tactic at any point of the game anyway.
easily disproven by me doing just that but there aren't any tactics to spot if I get a far worse postion in the opening
>>I lose bc I don't memorize
>>Oh you win without memorizing, well that's bc you're good
a 1600 beats a 1000 elo 9/10 times if not more
>>I don't suck tho btw and it's all the memory's fault
well when I played an opening I and my oponent knew then I would win more often than not so yes
>yeah if my oponent knows the opening and I don't, how am I supposed to not blunder something
it's pretty easy to exit the opening without a completely losing position unless you are awful at chess. you're acting like if you don't memorize theory your opponent is walking you straight into mate, that's not a realistic representation of chess
>so I'm supposed to get good enough to outcalculate someone's knowledge of many lines in the king's gambit (me friend only plays that as an example)
>and also "get better at chess" until I play someone who has memorized more moves and theory and lines in their opening so I lose because I haven't
I mean yeah, that's what I did. you're making it sound like it's some impossible task but it's really not that hard
also if your friend plays the KG over and over again and you keep losing try not playing into the KG for once
I can't even imagine how insecure you must be to act like this it's so pathetic, at 1000 you are both dropping pieces in one move multiple times a game memorisation has nothing to do with your losses
being bad at chess doesn't make you dumb, coping like this does though,let your ego take a hit and move on
this goes beyond chess you won't get far in life if you blame your shortcomings on everything but yourself
please tell me you are a teenager this is so sad, again play fischerrandom and get a reality check you really need it
>so I'm supposed to get good enough to outcalculate someone's knowledge of many lines
That is quite literally what "improving" means, so, yes.
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If it were me seeing that wolf eyeing the grapes, it wouldn't have gone down like that. I would pluck the grapes and give them to the wolf because I respect him and care about him.
>you're acting like if you don't memorize theory your opponent is walking you straight into mate
more like I'll be put in a worse position where I can only defend and one slip up (which otherwise wouldn't have mattered) now makes me lose completely
>also if your friend plays the KG
I've only played with him a few times and used him as an example some other openings you have to play into or know their moves or at least what they are trying to achieve
>at 1000 you are both dropping pieces in one move multiple times a game
false almost all of those can be eliminated by just playing longer time control and checking the move you're about to make before making it (you get faster at this the more you play)
>memorisation has nothing to do with your losses
except for when it does
>this goes beyond chess you won't get far in life if you blame your shortcomings on everything but yourself
I'm not blaming everything else for not wanting to get better at chess because of what I though was required, that's the conclusion I came to and so I decided I don't want to spend time on memorizing stuff instead of playing to even be able to play
again, if I could do it against people at my skill level I would and I would be fine
>bro just become an FM or IM to play with your friends
no thanks
You're friends with FMs and IMs? Lucky.
>more like I'll be put in a worse position where I can only defend and one slip up (which otherwise wouldn't have mattered) now makes me lose completely
you are playing against 1000 elo players dude, you know in your heart this isn't true
you have no fighting spirit and just want to bitch and moan. pathetic.
why is chess so autistic?
everyone playing it online is a nigger faggot doing cringe openings and can't actually play the game
it's almost always E4 and "good" players are doing pre-planned openings and don't even THINK about shit until later on in a game
shit is so boring

we need chess 2.0 where it's a 12x24 (long board) grid with 2 rows of pawns and a second row of knights or something and a nice big open middle section
not what I said and if it wasn't clear I meant
get so good to outcalculate someone's prep and seeing as they are better at chess than me I'd have to get better at chess than them by the same amount
how can it not be true if it's exactly what was happening when I was in an opening I didn't know
>you have no fighting spirit and just want to bitch and moan. pathetic.
fuck off for trying to insult me like this
>idiot who thinks he's smart tries chess
>becuase of "le intelligence game" myth and his unwarranted ego he thinks he's going to be a natural at it
>he sucks
>starts blaming the game because otherwise he would have to admit he's not as smart as he thinks
classic, the number of time this happened most be in the millions lol
I've met a couple of such morons IRL too
dumb manga poster
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>Well OF COURSE I lost, this 1027 rapid player most have spent 100 hours studying svidlers grunfield course I never stood a chance, what a stupid game you just HAVE to memorize openings or you lose
new lolcow just dropped, please stick around we have been in need of one lately
When was the last time that a World Champion is going into the title defense as the absolute underdog with very slim chances of defending?
>1000-1800 elo - whoever memorizes more moves of theory wins
Not remotely true. Almost all games in this range are decided on massive blunder at some point. Theory is left fairly early because one side played a non theory move and the other side didn't know best continuation response.
So your friends have enough prep that you would need to become an FM to play with them yet they aren't titled themselves?
That's soooo weird.
Well, I'm sorry you're bad at our memorization game, anon. Perhaps you should try your hand at something else like stamp collecting.
Probably Euwe after Alekhine cut the booze
>My Client
What? Who?
Mike Klein, chess scum reporter that always ask moronic questions. Even reddit hates him lol
>making shit up
you too?
maybe I will
I was overexaggerating
Just wait until I start taking tumorogenesis-enabling IQ-enhancing nootropic research chemicals to improve my dismal chess game.
How many hours befor Godkesh vs DIngdog?
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This type generally assume that they can approach the game on intuition and feel. They don't realize that chess has its own unique positional and tactical language that requires experience to understand. That no matter how clever they are, they are woefully outmatched by even low rated beginners who have some months of experience in comparison to their zero. This is why they then assume, since they possess the superior intellect, that the low rateds they are losing to must simply have memorized everything. This assessment may hold for months as the supreme intellectual fails to achieve the rating they believe they ought be entitled to. At this point they either rage quit and write walls of text about the "solved game" or they swallow their pride and set to learning the game somewhat properly.
Is there caste racism in indian chess?
post your account, you won't because you know your games are decided by major blunders in every fase of the game and openings are the last of your problems but by all means prove me wrong

also can't cause I would dox my other accounts as I use the same nicks
About 16 bong? I think?
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lmao wtf is this face. also, when is game 1?
the last 10 games ive played on chesscum have been against indians. i hate it. i hate indians. either they are cheating or they are going for some gimmicky early mate move and if you don't follow along they abandon the game or let time run out. i hope ding fucking wins this fucking championship so they all get butthurt and fuck off.
this assumes that the "supreme intellectual" has no humility and is a moron about how skills at different things work
Yes that's the "solved game" personality type
chess is pure logic and calculation; if you lose, it's because you are stupid
well put, when I was very new to online chess every time my opponents did any tactic that started with a sac I would assume they were cheating because "how would you ever consider that?" makes me cringe thinking back at it, it wasn't until I started doing puzzles that I understood how chess works and how much of a bitch I was
chess is pure memorisation; if you lose, it's because you are stupid
you're right about chess having its own language and how low iq individuals can destroy "smarter people" by simply being more familiar with the game's mechanics. and you're right that a lot of people are over eager to blame shortcomings on lack of memorization and whatever else
but i think your point goes off the rails with the whole "solved game walls of text" bit. there is SOME truth to that position (bobby fischer held it), and i don't see a lot of people spamming it to begin with. so idk
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What's your excuse for not being as good at chess as he is?
i dont believe he is good at chess, im sure whatever rating he achieved was as some charity case with fixed matches
ok thats a fair reason, I guess you could make another account, play a couple games there and post it if you want but that is a lot of effort
I don't want to laugh at you just make you see that you are wrong about this, we could teach you some stuff from your mistakes too
anyway if you wanna quit do it who cares it's a game, otherwise do puzzles it's way more important than learning openings and much more fun too for most people
also if you really want to avoid theory don't play e4e5 d4d5 play something less common eg. b3/6 Bb2/7 every game I guarantee 99% of 1000s don't have prep against that
NTA I abort every single 1.b3 or 1.g3 game because that is the most boring shit possible. I'd literally rather lose than play it. I also play 1.d4 g6 2. Bh6 no matter what because I would also rather lose than play against the modern
yeah I'm not a fan of fianchetto shit either but if losing to gambits and other traps mindbreaks him it's a good way to avoid them, I already told him openings are the last of his problems at that rating anyway
>tfw drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the gianicolo hill overlooking rome
I came to the conclusion that to get better at chess I would need to spend time memorizing stuff which was not appealing; that made not want to play anymore

> just make you see that you are wrong about this,
if I am wrong then the only way for me to find out would be to dedicate a few or more years to getting good at chess to see what anons here see
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It's going to get ten times worse if Gukesh wins.
aborting niggers are one stwp above game abanodoners
my favorite is when they abort against e4
Pinoys are worse than pajeets when it comes to cheating. Thank God Wesley will never be champion
what is it about him that makes me want to vomit
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This soi faggot ruined both WC interviews. It's unbelievable that someone like this has a job, let alone such a prominent one. Idk how he always gets some WC gig.
why are you playing a solved game?
proof ?
*turns on engine*
because my opponents haven't found the solution yet
good retort actually
>objectively isn't solved
Intuitive intellectuals without experience should be able to solve this:
took 5 seconds and I suck at endgames
I won.
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>championship match airs at 3am for me
Fuck. I have the whole week off because of Thanksgiving break and I was looking forward to watching this. Guess I'll have to watch the vods.
Was this post implying the puzzle was hard or easy? It's a sub 2000 puzzle that requires literally no calculation
it's memorisation
OK, finally got 2500 libullet after trying for a year. I'm finna log out and never log back in to that account. Simply as.
of the rule: King should take the opposition.
btw how are chuds coping with how high arjun's rating has climbed?
That's you, isn't it beary?
obvious cheater
congrats anon
*memorises every move in every postion without learning how to play* in you are path

(you)r reaction?
you may have me beaten within the confines of the chessboard... but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve
*bends you over and rapes you*
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Solved it instantly without thinking.
Read the Soviet Chess Primer, lads
*teleports behind you*
heh nothin' personel kiddo
*bends you over and rapes you instead*
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lol, imagine if this dude had to work for a living
t. Ding, Nepo, Fabi, and Gukesh
they prep for this shit like 3-6 months in advance and they have a whole team just looking for novelties for the opening. and then after a grueling 6 hour match that's probably a draw anyway, he goes up on stage and mike klein gets to ask him what's his favorite color or whatever inane bullshit he came up with.

no wonder he choose to simply play his favorite variant on a boat with his favorite mate and girlfriend, chilling in the pool and relaxing afterwards, maybe winning TT while taking a shit.
>This soi faggot ruined both WC interviews. It's unbelievable that someone like this has a job, let alone such a prominent one. Idk how he always gets some WC gig.
mike klein
im thinking so hard, cant sove the chess puzzle
will someone help me connect the dots
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>imagine if this dude had to work for a living
that's fine
but the chess world should have canceled him
i guess moral outrage only applies to mentally ill fischer isolated somewhere alone eating shit but not to weak willed entitled fatass magnus
ofc he has chess.scum, he's a good boy, a team player
magnus is right about the world championship
carlsen is a faggot and aspie and or autist and or tourette's downie
not even the best player in history lmao
and this years looks like it's going to be a stomp
>but the chess world should have canceled him
Never. Not with the FIDE world champs history. Two of the most beloved former champions also butted heads with FIDE over the match and the way it's run and by whomst. Large portion of chess community quite likes it when the most prominent players tell the governing body to fuck off.
I hope not. I don't think Ding is cured of whatever his psychological problem is. But I also don't think 18 year old Gukesh is necessarily a shoe-in to maintain control of a fourteen game long classical match. Gukesh has had phases of weakness before, for this reason the match is still potentially interesting to me. However if Ding drops a game early on to one of the characteristic absent minded blunders he's been making all year, he might very well crumble right there.
objectively correct top 3 chess players of all time list
1. kasparov
2. fischer
3. carlsen
kasparov did it because he was a kgb asset - the whole point of his 'butting heads' with FIDE was to keep the title for russia
and as for fischer - he feared karpov
I know some of you like looking at the stockfish evaluation during the world championship games, so if you are also interested in the Leela eval but did not have a strong GPU, you should check the new lc0 blog out. In the blog there is a link to spectate the Ding vs Gukesh games with the strongest Leela net running on multiple 4090s.
Also there is a leaderboard for the odds bots on lichess. Apparently the queen odd bot is IM strength or higher even.
I could've sworn there was a rule where you couldn't castle if an opponent's piece was attacking any square in the path to castling but I guess I just made it up
did you just forget about kramnik or what lol
you cant castle through check, are you sure it wasnt just the rook square being attacked?
kramnik cheated in a world championship match
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Specifically the king cannot move through or in to check. The rook can move past those squares. In pic related here it's legal for white to castle long. I know e4 is probably a better move than 0-0-0 in this diagram but that's beside the point.
>white's made like 5 moves
>black's only made 2
holy shit, he's fucking cheating bros
why did i know someone would post this? only 7 minutes, too.
because you know autists on this site never pay attention to what's important and always find some other minute detail
bake him away toys
Ah, yeah that was it. White Queen on g3 was attacking the b8 square. Black long castled, so the King stopped just short of the Queen's attack.
What's important is that I'm technically correct, which is the only kind of correct that matters.
Tyler1 has a mentality that is unattainable for 99% of us plebeians.
what time EST does this match start? i'm rooting for Ding to cause butthurt to poos the world over.
it started?
At first I thought tyler1 was a retard.
But now I know tyler1 is a retard with an amazing ability to recover from tilt and focus for hours.
>3am game time
oh, so i guess i'm just not going to watch this year's World Champs.
6.5 bong
Yeah it's 2am for me. No way. I exchanged neetdom for working way too much some years ago. I will probably wind up checking in on the middle game when I get up to pee at 5am.
fischer was better than the other two
looks like it's an aussie WC thread this year boys
Pretty grim how awful the state of chess is rn
Meanwhile i've just played in my small town's championship, organized by my club, got 4th place and next year i'm aiming to be the champion. The people over there are some of the nicest i've ever met. Internet chess drama has never even crossed the conversation.

At the risk of being the annoying drunk here i say that the entire modern internet is a poison. It alienates you from the real world and from what's really going on around you. You go outside and nothing is like what you read online. Especially chess. I've played chess in person. It's very different than playing no-face randos online. I can't realy explain it. All i can say is that you guys should look for your local club and join it, best thing you can ever do for your chess
You're probably right
Unfortunately I'm a retard so the likely scenario is I'm gonna stay here complaining about it and do nothing to change it
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psychoanalyze the players based on their chair choices
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Based otb recommender
Hard agree on the irl > online point too
Looks like Gukesh's is a sponsored choice. I'm sure it was something like some gaming chair outfit immediately got in touch with his handlers to try to get the chair in. That logo looks familiar, it's probably one of the bigger brands involved with these thing. Ding had some elaborate ergonomic chair in the match with Nepo as well. This one looks similar just without the fancy backrest design.
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>Ding switched from a normal chair to a swivel chair
it's over
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Nepo match was a swivel office chair as well. This is the one with the fancy backrest i mentioned. I like the appearance of Nepo's chair better but honestly if I'm sitting in one of these for 6+ hours per day, I'd go with Ding's choice.
oh, you're right. my bad, I was thinking of his chair in the Candidates.
https://www.shogi-extend.com/adapter - paste the url here and click 最初の局面 to look at the game in browser from the start position or 最後の局面 to start at the latest position (these don't update with new moves automatically).
The tiebreaker of the 74th Osho challenger tournament is being played between Takuya Nishida (sente) and Takuya Nagase. The time control is 4 hours per player.
The opening was third file rook vs. static rook. Nishida built a mino castle while Nagase made an anaguma variant.
This looks like the poster of a horror movie
Just do it, anon. Just go there and play. Doesn't matter if you're a turboautist social sperg, chess clubs are some of the most autist-friendly social spaces in existence. It doesn't matter if the only thing you can talk about is chess. Doesn't matter if you're not good either, people there are very eager to teach and welcome new players
3 hours
until what
Until they nervously bang out some QG or Ryu Lopezu theory and then spend five hours to make a draw.
Ding's e5 has been very shaky thoughbeit
I know he beat Gukesh with it but still, it was really bad against Nepo and since then
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I’ve thought about playing casual games otb but I fear that I’d be so distracted listening to what my opponent has to say that I wouldn’t perform up to my true ability. And probably no one else at the club has this problem.
When are the Americas hosting a world championship? My beauty sleep, brahs...
when theres 2 americans in the championship
as far as i understand it, only india and singapore bid for this one.
Rex in St Louis would probably bankroll the US bid if there was one american.
there'd better not a be a fucking 15 minute delay
that shit's so gay.
needed to prevent pooing
pretty sure there is a delay but the broadcast schedule may have accounted for that in the posted start times. wcc is the only match in all of chess with serious security and anti cheat. they give a shit for this specific thing and only this. candidates? whatever the fuck the local venue does and how they interpret the security requests. wcc? fucking isolation cube and dedicated separate bathroom and break room. wcc is what they could do for all majors but don't because it's expensive.
>Gukesh 3:1 favorite in the betting markets
Nice broadcast FIDE
I have a bad feeling.
Okay, I lied. I'll just watch the first game of the match then I'll go back to a normal sleep schedule
what's with a lot of lichess accounts being freakishly strong for their rating? just made new account and some accounts are very sus
good morning sirs, good morning dingbros

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