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eiyuu senki edition!!

Previous Thread: >>503362490

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




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+5 speed to all anons, no contribution!
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mid roots
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Didn't he say like 2 months ago that he's still working on a new game?
Well yes, what else is ambitious supposed to mean in the context of hrpgs? If you want something extra like sex toy integration, play Purple Cop. I wager there's some actual VR shit too, but I wouldn't call any of it ambitious.
anyone got the latest RJ434109 to share?
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Is it not in the bin?
Now these are character designs I can get behind

I'd gladly join their secret organization
Any new on caneladev's new game? Guessing its another 5 ~ 6 year wait?
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sharkrager bait
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Looks like Washizu
Need new shotage. Desperately.
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>girls being whores from the get go instantly makes the game garbage
kekw holy inceL shit
I'd read the spin-off of loli washizu doing over the top reactions while akagi bullies her
So is Leanedev fucking dead or what? 2024 is already coming to an end and D&B is still missing.
Why was loli washizu a thing?
obsessed and mentally ill
Lolis are cute
Dragon and Ball?
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Anyone played RJ383251?
Was it good?
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>RJ01228533 in 2 days
I loved jumble , but didn't care too much about the demo for that one
Yes. Go play Counter Strike.
>rat sex
A very clunky scene hunter. People play it for the art. Considering how soft the brushwork is, this is a prime example of a game that appeals to submissive men.
He's too busy concocting the billion bugs when the game releases.
What are some features or changes you would add in Black Souls 3 to improve on bs2?
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Should I play the original Wizadry remake while I wait for cuckshed game?
As long as BS3 has a token trap I can rape I will be happy.
Why are you gay?
I'm not
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>Dev: "Game is done and summitted to dlsite for sale on 23rd. Gallery room will be patched in later"
>People: "Why don't you just complete the gallery room first before putting it up for sale"
>Dev: "Okay give me like one day I'll tell dlsite to change the release date to 24th"
>*24th evening*
>Dev: "I'm so terribly sorry guys everythings bugged I can't get it out on time I'm so sorry also I haven't ate in the last 24 hours I'm dying please forgive me"

Will you forgive him and buy his game
Everybody is gay for Bill.
BS3 will never top the Bill/Snake god threesome scene though
>fumika 2 will release before bs3
show the dlsite page
tits too big
google yandex ascii2d iqdb wait saucenao
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RJ01031310 doko...

I like this dev but she focuses too much on tits instead of the rest of the body.
makes me wanna play might & magic 6 or 7 again, but i've already played them so many times that the appeal isn't there anymore. i'd play his game though, just for nostalgia's sake
I hope the release version will have way more cool clothes
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It's not good don't bother. VN on rpg with minimum gameplay. Art and writing is bad. 90% of the sex scenes are gangrape/multiple-P. Only consider if you have a gangbang fetish.
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thanks, her best character design so far
Some random publisher already picked it up. I think it's Hanabi?

Preach brother, preach! Say it how it is! HENTAI GAMES SUCK!
Is it purely netorase or can you play a netorare route?
The female character looks nice.
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100% netorase, 0% netorare.
Game is linear VN with zero dialogue options / choices to be made.
Male mc got hit with a cuckolding curse. He then go out looking for a cure while his wife fucks the whole town to keep him alive. In the end you find a cure and you two get back together and continue living a happy married life and the whole town literally just clap their hands and cheers for you. She remains loyal despite riding half the town's population and even fucked a few dogs.
I'm too starved for NTS bro, I'll play it even if it's complete ass
>Some random publisher already picked it up. I think it's Hanabi?
Oh fuck I completely missed that, great. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to come out
what a shame, red hair wife looks super good though...
here's your ge
>100% netorase, 0% netorare.
Oh well, shit, I'll pass then. She would have been perfect for a hidden corruption story.
It's annoying that it's tagged as netorare in the website.
Are they still pretending that NTS are not NTR
>Male mc got hit with a cuckolding curse. He then go out looking for a cure while his wife fucks the whole town to keep him alive.
heh, sounds pretty fun actually. The previews look pretty hot too. I'll probably pick this up.
It's not. Your red hair wife didn't "lost to a cock" or "becomes another man's property". She remains loyal and the whole time she's fucking other people she's doing it to keep you alive. There's no "neto" in this shit. It's just a very weird gangbang cg viewer with one of the most lame setup ever.
it's 4.7 though
its gotta be really good in some areas, worth a try
NTS is just NTR for women
What the fuck is NeToSare?
who cares
netori is better than your mental illness
She looks great and the scenes look hot, it's probably good for people into netorase.
In the end it's just a different kind of fantasy. You will die alone.
netori but more polite if i'm conjugating correctly.
i only play femc ge and self insert as the heroine
i self insert as the one playing the game
I can forgive him. H-game devs have fragile minds most of the time. Not all of them have a good workflow like other ones do, such as hakika.
NTR but for trannies roleplaying as the woman
Momoka ge doko?
netori, netorare, netorase are all just various ways of conjugating the base verb to indicate who's doing the stealing. netosareru would be a conjugation of netoru meaning to do netoru to someone but in sonkeigo so netori, but polite.
Fapped billion times to old JSK games like vampire girl, fuuma girl, demon girl, and the red haired fighter girl. But now i can barely fap to his newer game what happened?
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I agree she got better, but I liked this one too
I’m the same way. The problem is that he’s repeating scenarios too many times now. The recent one with the purple haired girl is just an inferior version of Reimi’s game.
getting old
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+2 Love to all anons, no contribution!
What JSK games are most worth?
I can already tell im gonna love this hag
Not sonkeigo, it's just more formal.
>getting old
Maybe but i can still fap to his older games but i also like newer games from other devs like coolsister, shark etc

I like the red haired tomboy the most and Yumisu 2nd maybe just personal preference
ah right, you wouldn't conjugate sareru to sare if you going full out sonkeigo. keigo is way too complicated for me.
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She should be like this for the whole game
>and buy his game
Depends on who's going to publish his game on Steam. I doubt that he'll go with Kagura again after they took like 2 years to release Yutaka's game, but I'm not going to pay for some chink MTL shit
why do all the girls look the same
It will probably be Kagura because even though he may not like how they do business, they still hold the highest potential for selling the most copies cause they're the biggest publisher by far. Unless he's a very principled guy, in which case he'll go with whomever will fellatio him the best that isn't the Fox. IMO still a shitty idea from a business perspective, much like how the IVAV dev shot himself in the testicles by not hard censoring his game, to allow it to remain on DLsite.
i fap harder when the dev is female
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>netosareru would be a conjugation of netoru meaning to do netoru to someone but in sonkeigo so netori, but polite
What the fuck am I reading? You removed the ru part of godan ru verb, which is the only actually conjugable part. Things like "reru" or "seru" are 助動詞 (however you translate it) and they're attached to certain conjugated forms, which in case of both of these would be 未然形 - ra.
You're my new favorite ritual poster. Sorry polcaman, you're going down a spot.
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game where girls are processed and turned into products against their will?
Any save.txt for RJ01212921?
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hol up, keiko dev is a SHE?
>What the fuck am I reading
i confused toru for an ichidan verb. guess the correct conjugation is netorisareru?
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is the database dead?
>litterbox stopped working for me
Feels bad.
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I love you anon
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He didn't update the hash.

I repeat

nah he's alive and probably even working on something as we speak
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Which one bros?
Is is it just rape or is there love?
would you really expect someone so braindead to update it?
for books for creditcard
point market for amazonpay
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they will never blob
for me, it's for books
I recommend amazon jp.
Forbooks works but it has a crazy annoying fraud detection.
OLge when?
bunny officelady?
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You can forgive the dev for being female, she can't help it
Likely starving for a good dicking
Face it broski, you're enamored with the idea of their release, not the actual games themselves. After they're out, you'll shift attention to the next eye catching game. They aren't even good.

I use Point Market but my visa stopped working yesterday. Anyone else having the same problem?

I wish JCB was available in my country but it's too small and irrelevant to have it.
this but unironically
Can we fuck the loli?
sadly no
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>OL without a business suit and pantyhose or alternative legwear

All valid forms stem from "netora" like in the image. I don't get what you're trying to achieve at all.
Okay give me games with fem devs that aren't shy to self insert as a slut even better if the dev has other ways of income...
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Im sorry but I only look at you as a friend ..
RJ01255392 is out
fucking weird nipples
I hate how lazy devs have become. They can't be bothered to even hide nipples under clothes or to make them erect only after the heroine gets aroused and isn't wearing a bra. Lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy fuckers!
I don't believe it, I still remember how fucked the vagina placement was in the game.
Is all of the sex one-sceners?
I've already played them... Gehenna mtl is just beyond terrible
So is this like the Yutaka games where she's just completely clueless about sex? If it's emotionless then it's fine but Yutaka's childlike indifference always turned me off.
Gehenna is still labeled as Q4, so it should release in December. I don't think they've ever delayed a game after listing it like that.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
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I don't think my new step-sister likes me.
Boring. Give me step mother.
latest is v1.4
c r i n g e
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We need more ge where you fuck your sister, her friend, your mother, aunt, cousin, neighbors daughter, every girl in the school, including the teachers, the obligatory girly trap, the female store owner and the genki childhood friend.
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No Eupha, no play. I'd rather play EraIm@s instead.
+1 Rio, no contribution
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That was easy. We're like best buddies now. And all it took was some blackmail.
holy kusokino
rare slop
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We need more games were you fuck my sister.
No way fag
>40 girls
>everyone one half baked scene
No we don't need more games like that. Get your shit taste out of here.
Scars of Summer, both games, so good.
True ending is really sweet.
>so good.
except it's awful
Girls are worthless after you've fucked them once, fuck off retard.
You conquer a female then move on to conquer the next.
>so good
No idea what are you talking about.
it's a walking gallery with 0 (zero) gameplay
Theres at least 3 minigames.
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Succ (friendly)
Try first speaking with a halfway attractive girl without stuttering, bad boy.
I didn't like Scars of Summers either but it's dumb to complain about "muh gameplay". The important thing about h-"games" is the narrative experience.
Which gets watered down with any kind of shit gameplay that adds nothing to the game but tedium. Not hard to understand.
Your sister can go fuck herself
Versa's roast beef cunny.
Except there is no narrative experience, you just walk to the next heart icon so you can view the next scene. None of the characters change and every single one of them is trash, including the MC and the FMC
Anon was complaining about zero gameplay though. Obviously when I mentioned "muh gameplay", I'm talking about the anons who complain about lack of gameplay and not about bothersome and boring gameplay, which I also dislike.
My point is that the gameplay isn't the problem. I did say that I didn't like the game either.
Also the world is static, there is no interactivity. The only difference between playing the game normally and viewing the gallery is the time you save walking around in the game.
I don't care about this shit game but I know it pretends to have gameplay. If you make a purely narrative porn game with branching paths at best then make it absolutely clear. There is an astoundingly amount of porn games that have nothing to offer but narrative but still try to cheat the player into believing that they have gameplay which always ends poorly.
pretty much this, it should have been a VN. that way i know the game has nothing to offer, it's crazy that they make this whole map and pretend it's somewhat open world, but there's fuck all you can do there
It could be worse, remember it could always have been hypnosis
I'm playing a lot of female protag games as of late on the recommendation that they don't have the problem like male protag games (every girl has only 1-2 screnes). But somehow I can't explain it but it still feels like exactly this just with one girl. The scenes don't feel like they build on each other, they still feel completely isolated as if I'm playing with 20 girls except there are 20 scenes for one girl. I can't explain it well but it happened in like 5 female protag games I played.
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>childhood friend of 15 years
Too scared to confess
>strangers barely known for 15 hours
Let's fuck
pitch me a hentai game in style of disco elysium, go
go back
>hentai game
>in a style of kino elysium
go back
That's very common, hence why the retard(s?) who miserably attempt to critique games with more than one heroine with "but they're shallow and isolated scenes" rhetoric are just baiting.
These shits don't give you the right games. Anons of supreme taste like me hold back on giving recs.
back to... where?
Male MC games have stronger girls IMO because there's a relationship to be built with each. Meanwhile feMC games have dime a dozen tropes such as slums, massage guy, hobo, chad, etc. and it's really hard to care about them. It's just a slutathon to the end.
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The best feMC games have marriage and such, it's why everyone remembers Makina despite it being a regular feMC game. It has marriage scenes with several characters.
You play a rich schizo guy well known in town that wakes up with a young woman in bed. You don't know what happened but all kind of women in town pretend you have had sex with them and impregnated them. You don't know what is true. With your schizo mastermind you try to find out which women you truly have had sex with and which if any is actually pregnant and who that woman in your bed was that has the best claim on the matter. If you lose rhetoric women might fuck you and truly get impregnated by you as you are also a horny guy. But only few women actually want your child out of love in town, most just want your money.
Back to port.
back to the past
What would be THE plot twist? It needs one.
probably one of the most frustrating games I've played. Survived maybe 10min. The culmination of everything wrong with computer RPGs. Anyone who insists on making an RPG, including character creation, and then insisting on things being resolved with dice rolls is a hack.
There is little more frustrating in a video game then your ability of accessing a different path being determined by a diceroll. And if your solution is to just savescum until you do win the diceroll, why is the diceroll even there and not just a choice? You would have thought by now developers would recognize dice rolls are a crutch in table top RPGS to account of human bias, not an optimal solution, and with the computer being the DM, you don't need them. Fucking Bethesda figured this out by just having higher skills unlock more options, but it seems we've devolved back to devs thinking copying tabletops is a good idea.
All of this goes for Baldur's Gate 3 as well.
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Any good slutges recently?
I played the sequel of that game with the right girl and it didn't have marriage with the main girl. You could get close to an old rapist or a fat guy. One side girl had a small love story with a donkey and another married a shota, this was the most love the game had. Fuck this game.
>What would be THE plot twist? It needs one.
You were actually gay the whole time
afaik, dice roll is "fixed", so if you realod to savescum, you gonna get the same result.
All girls actually are pregnant and are in love with you but your schizo mind sees them as evil women who are just out for your money.
Goblin Conquista stood out for people because of the story and the kino pregnancy arc. I haven't played Dragon Conquista yet but I think it'd be hard to top those.
That's an even bigger downgrade. So if you want to access a different route in dialogue, and are unlucky, you'd have to restart the entire game?
Thus, post-game content begins, where you become trap and fuck men for even MORE money???
You're sterile.
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This is one ugly font. At least the girl is cute.
You can't get stuck. The game is about soaking the world in and experimenting and getting funny outcomes. The ending is fixed and except for 1-2 dice rolls completely independent from the RNG.

The game should be just played relaxed and fun, the dice rolls only determine events on the journey, not the outcome.
Nah, you can save scum, don't know what you're talking about.
Probably. But, people misunderstand the dice rolls, I think? You think (I think) that when you roll low, its dumb rng. It gives you a chance to get extra "win", instead of making you lose, you lose cause your stat is low for the check.
Think of it as a static check - if Skill X above Y, you win, else - roll dice for a chance to overcome your bad Skill X
I don't think so, I was able to savescum a few times.
>There is little more frustrating in a video game then your ability of accessing a different path being determined by a diceroll
I agree in part, but I dice rolls are completely OK as a mechanic. The problem lies in wanting to go in a fixed path over accepting unlucky outcomes. DE sometimes does a good job of making the "failure" as interesting as the success but yeah, if you want to be an actual good cop and solve the murder you have to savescum which sucks.
I wish the game rewarded you more for being the shit cop die rolls force you to become instead of shitting on you.
Anon... That's not how the font is supposed to look...
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RPGMaker 2k has some font issues, I got it to pic related back then but don't remember shit what I did.
Maybe I was drunk, I swear some dev was saying that the game is aware of savescumming...
I never said stuck. I said explore different routes. Things like:
win dice roll get A outcome
lose dice roll get B outcome
If you've seen outcome A, your ability of seeing outcome B is entirely luck based, and you'd have to savescum/restart the game over and over again until you get lucky to see it.
It's not? since it was consistent across all menus I thought it was.
>Eiyuu Senki thread
There are no routes and you can discover most things trough different ways or the game offers you another chance. If you never attempt low risk dice rolls but are patient and do dice rolls at the right time when you have a fair chance it's unlikely to fail in this game. Most people are just greedy and immediately try every dice roll even if they have barely any chance of hitting it and then get mad.
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speaking of
A common effect of dice roll based outcomes instead of choice based is if you say make a charismatic character and fail a persuasion check, you go down the same route as an uncharismatic character, making your characters stats essentially worthless. So even if you've made a character tailored to go down a specific route, it's out of your control whether you'll actually be able to do it.
yes, it was very nice

>prime example of a game that appeals to submissive men
you wut mf?
How about I seed your ass, faggot.
You misunderstand it so hard. In most games, its inverse. You are NOT charismatic enough to pull this line off, but dice allows you to pull it. Thats how its works in Disco. If you ARE charismatic enough, you basically cant fail.
>There are no routes
I don't know if you're an ESL but different outcome based on results is what routes means.
>fair chance
Exactly the point i'm talking about. If you're unlucky your decisions are irrelevant.
Dice rolls are trying to simulate the uncertainty of real life. Your suggestion is far more boring, it's why dice rolls keep existing. Since you are basically suggesting that your maxed charisma should always work in every situation which makes no sense and would make the game really boring.
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lets get it on then
Any other suggestions thats more interesting that rich guy who may or may not fucked all women?
>I don't know if you're an ESL but different outcome based on results is what routes means.
Are you serious, retard? Routes are story paths. DE doesn't have routes, it just has opportunities for finding out more about the lore and mini stories. You can't solve the murder or solve the mystery by your own means. The ending is completely fixed and has only minor variations at best. And it's completely fine that the devs didn't want things to go completely your way, this is how the game is designed. And there is enough content for 3-4 playtroughs this way but absolute instant gratification retards start seething when they don't see everything in the first playtrough.
>basically cant
but you still can
And you failed to understand the criticism. The uncertainty of real life is NOT something you should be trying to introduce in these kinds of narrative games. Outcome should be based on choices so different characters will get different outcomes. If it's all dice based your actual character and choices are for all intents and purposes irrelevant. A really luck and really unlucky person will always get the same outcomes regardless of what they make. That's the boring part. Choice based outcomes make the narrative interesting.
And don't get me started on having dice rolls in actual gameplay like in combat. All that amounts to is "if you were unlucky restart the combat until you aren't", as all that happens if you die is you get the load last save screen.
someone knows where I can get Beyond Citadel demo?
When will they release SEQUEL 2?
>The uncertainty of real life is NOT something you should be trying to introduce in these kinds of narrative games
Stopped reading there. Completely entitled tranny behavior. Devs can design their games how they want. You are allowed to dislike them for that reason but don't pretend your opinion is how things should be done to do them correctly.
Yeah, both Night Tail and Alisa Grimoire are excellent plotge with satisfying erotic content.
A lot of those games design their scenes as relatively isolated from the other sorts of scenes, and from the main plot in general. It makes them easier to write/make because they don't have to account for everything the player may have done, but as a result it means the FeMC's character acts inconsistently and may as well be a different character each route. That might be why the girl always feels "different".
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You are actually brain damaged, here have a picture of the relevant post.
>this is how the game is designed
yeah it's badly designed
>they don't see everything in the first playtrough
I am literally making the argument dices hurt replayability, as if it's dice dependent your next playthrough could end up being the exact same based on luck.
Why? If you chose, but the choice doesnt lead to the consequences you wanted, you still made a choice. Because if you didnt, you wouldnt get neither bad, nor good outcome. Youd get NOTHING. If you dont pick a check in Disco, you get nothing. If you chose to jump from building, you either get inside the factory in alternative way, or just dont. You still can get inside, you arent "cut off" from content.
>Devs can design their games how they want. You are allowed to dislike them for that reason but don't pretend your opinion is how things should be done to do them correctly.
Same problem with anons here and h-games.
The worst thing is when gal goes through "corruption" in different routes at the same time, and while shes been fucked by homeless dude, still behaves like shes never seen a cock with another dude. Like, lol lmao
You don't even know how the game works, you absolute retard. You have played for 10 minutes as described in your own post. If you know what you're doing in DE there is no chance.
It works fine if part of the narrative is that the protagonist is a fuckup.
>If you chose, but the choice doesnt lead to the consequences you wanted, you still made a choice
If you are using dice rolls, you aren't making a choice, a choice is being made for you. The outcome being good or bad is irrelevant to the argument.
>If you know what you're doing in DE there is no chance.
Anon, there are dice rolls in the opening first few lines of the game as your body parts are talking. And your ability to see one or the other outcome is not based on the character you've made, it's based on your luck.
If your only option is to click "roll dice", then sure. But you dont have to, and when you do, you chose which dice to roll, with different chances.
That would only make sense if we were talking about the game rolling an even 50/50 every time. But you can push dices into being 99.9%. You are an absolute retard that has no idea how dice game works, if you are good the dices are always in your favor. In Baldurs Gate 3 the game even offers you an option to get 100% for your desired choices.
only old shit or nothing good in latest update
t. one of the few faggots who actually seeds
It’s in the blob bin.
Man I hope they add actual wearable tentacle clothes. Locking it behind just a few scenes is pretty disappointing.
If you're 100% determined to leave nothing to even the tiniest bit of chance you are still free to save scum. The game doesn't punish or hinder you. Either don't play the game or be this amount of flexible and reasonable. But don't be such a crybaby about a design decision.
Any new group fem-mc games on the horizon , like Nightmare Girls or Noxian Nights?
that's still the problem and if you are really lucky/unlucky it invalidates your character. Think about what's more satisfying, being able to make a dumb strong character and smart weak character that will succeed at opposite stuff allowing you to try out different outcomes in different playthrough or being really lucky and your character succeeding at everything because you rolled high.
>can push dices into being 99.9%
so you can still fail if you're unlucky. Instead of just being "your choices have lead to you being able to overcome this challenge".
>in your favor
so the outcome is still luck dependant.
>implying everyone plays wegs here
what's the blob bin????
Its drama. It adds drama. Thats all there is to it, its one of the best way to add drama on a mechanical level. And, if youd play the game, youd knew it. It also adds humor. Some extremely funny situations are only there because you fail a check.
the bin with the blobs
dragon conquista was fun but I can't help but feel bad for the merchant girl and her mentor who both got mindbroken by BGC and BSC respectively though I guess ending up the prince's cumrag is a better fate than becoming so lewd you suck off your pack mule
also all the side girls mog the main girl, that fucking trading company bitch is so fucking hot FUCK
That just brings it back to the original point. If the solution to wanting to see a new outcome on a subsequent playthrough is to just reload until you do. why is the dice roll even there to waste your time? It's bad game design because it doesn't reward/punish choices, and only serves to waste your time.
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Remember to kick your voodoo doll of barraged1.
We both know this is just the typical 4chan argument where you are offended and are going to die on the hill of a pointless argument.

Like I said, you are free to dislike or hate DE and the decisions the devs made. You are free to hate chance in narrative based games. But this is the extend. You can't make a reasonable point why it's inherently bad and why it should never be allowed to be used.

We already explained the nature of the game to you. That the game is designed for you to just have fun and explore the world. That you fucking up is part of the experience and what the devs intended and leads to some of the funniest and most memorable moments. Just let go. We called each other insults but there is no real animosity. It's just banter.
You will see different outcome if you chose different option. The stuff that you get from failing the roll are generally either for fun, or just fucking easter eggs. If you want a different outcome you CHOSE DIFFERENT OPTION.
Like, you can talk sense into a kid, or jsut fucking punch him. If you try to punch, you can fail. Its funny, and I think it allows to easier talk sense into him later.
You can achieve the same effect by doing something like "you need 5 str to overcome this challange" but don't tell it to the player and allow him to try. It means your character choices matter, you still won't know in advance if you'll succeed, and on subsequent playthroughs you can get a different outcome with a different character
sorry , i meant into the nightmare . not nightmare girls
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The bin for good blobs.
Tell me Anon, are you a good blob?
Thats how it works already, you need 5 str to overcome the challenge, but if you have 4, you have a chance of 88% to do so.
everything else >>503508415
>You can't make a reasonable point why it's inherently bad and why it should never be allowed to be used.
I did multiple times. It hurts replayability and makes choices and character creation irrelevant.
Except you can't, even in the opening sequence of this game. And this goes even harder for other games like Baldur's Gate where 20 is an auto success and 1 is an auto fail.
The choices are irrelevant though, which you just don't get because you have not played the game. That's why everyone hates arguing with people that have not properly experienced the game. DE by no means is perfect, but it's tiresome to talk with someone that has no idea how to properly attack it. I myself have strong gripes with the game despite liking it ultimately.
I have no idea what about opening you talking about
will playing black souls CHANGE MY LIFE?
>The choices are irrelevant though
I don't know why you insist on forgetting what I've written. They have different outcomes. And your ability to see different outcomes is entirely luck based. It doesn't matter if they "are irrelevant later on".
is it actually any good? from the ost alone it seems promising
How Black Souls breaks you (52:00:00)
Again, even in the opening sequence of the game when the organs are talking to each other you have dice rolls. In a better game the outcome would there be based on the character you've made 3 seconds before, but here they are dice based. And if you are consistently unlucky/lucky you won't see the other outcome ever.
what outcome is denied to you entirely due to rng?
>calls you a pedo while teasing your cock with her cunny
>tells you to go fuck her sisters if you can't control yourself
this is how Black Souls broke me...
The one with monologue about how nice it to feel nothing? Dice rolls are based off of the stats you start the game with.
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yes, it's the king of hgames
Ok? In a JRPG it may be denied to you to make 20 damage, you just do 19 due to RNG. The game robbed you. We acknowledge it. You can rest now. You are justified. You have properly conveyed that your opinion is superior and all design theory should follow your logic. You have victimized yourself and you were properly heard.
fr tho is there some overarching message in black souls? why is everyone sucking this game off?
there are some games I keep around for a single scene to go back and fap to, BS2 has about a dozen
where are the blobs in black souls 2??
Really? I thought people just played it for le story?
Do you comprehend the difference between there being a roll and there not being one? I assumed I didn't have to explain the process down the smallest minute detail:
If need to score 4 to pass a test, and the difference between one character and another is they have 1 or 0 by default and then roll a six sided dice. If one person is unlucky and always rolls a 1 and another person is lucky and always rolls a 6, the initial stat of 1 and 0 are meaningless, neither of them will be able to see the other's outcome.
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I don't know how, but I fucked it up even worse
Correct, and that's why choice based consequences are a superior form of narrative game design then RNG based ones.
Ok, king. Have a nice evening.
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I am.... Iam...
I am Heavy Weapons Guy... and this is my weapon. She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds. Oh my God, who touched Sasha? Alright...Who touched my gun!? Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe. I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet. Waaaaahhhhh! Uwaaaaaaah! Ahahahahaha! Cry some more! Heheh. Cry some more.
you too
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well, given the filename it might even be related to the version of wine used.
I have another screenshot with worse fonts as well.

If I remember correctly, you really needed MS Japanese fonts, anything else would look garbage.
It is not. It might be prefered to you, because you like to have a total control in your games. Cool, but people like drama, people like chance based outcomes, entire industry of tabletop games is build upon the dice rolls, and its fine. Its not for you? COOL. Unfortunatly for you, other people exist, and they dont share your opinion.
Try easyrpg emulator. I know it feels dumb to emulate an rpgmaker game but there should be no performance impact and the files should be contained and isolated from your system so it will probably work properly.
>almost every alice
i did like le story but it's to me a great hgame for the porn bits too
No one likes dice rolls, what people like winning them without effort. Otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for people to get frustrated over getting a result they have no option of affecting.
And in table tops dice rolls are a crutch due to not having an unbiased medium to control the flow of the game. There's a reason every game that overrelays on RNG dies, and the ones that succeed have essential mechanics that allow you to circumvent the RNG (like card draws in card games and rerolls and modifiers in dice based ones). But in all cases, these are still crutches.
I like dice rolls.
But seriously, youre such a fucking faggot.
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What's wrong with these fascinating girls?
Isnt this dead ? There hasnt been a dev update in 2 years no ? Unless im looking in the wrong place
I'm going to end it all the blobs this place myself if I don't know what the fuck is the "blob bin" today!
If you like the actual act of just rolling dice you can use this https://rolladie.net/ to have fun, and don't pollute narrative games.
I need an opinion answered. I'm working on a new way to deliver sex scenes in games which massively reduces text in favor of showing more the emotional state of the character as well as their arousal. Test is only used to describe the most important bits. Is the flavor text really important to you or what is really important to you about text in sex scenes? I genuinely want this system to be better than typical sex scenes are but I'm insecure about my taste and if my direction will appeal to people.
kani walk?!?
I get it, you just want to win every time, 100%. You should become a feminist or something, lots in common.
Text is more evocative then images because it give me more to imagine. It's why I can fap to text only games.
Can't blame blondie, guy was set up to be the bad guy.
I CAN however blame pink bitch, the true antagonist of THP
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What's the Star Paizlar girl doing there?
Is Star Paizlar 1-3 any good?
Can I have your most favored recommendation in that regard for genuine reference?
These swines just don't care about any innovation. I'm tired of speaking to them.
ideasguy board is 2 blocks down
Ah, so you have brain damage that limits your memory. As expected from one that like to just throw dice.
However I have made multiple examples of how dice rolls get in the way of replayability by preventing you from seeing the failure outcome or the success outcome if you are too lucky or unlucky.
Even gave a specific example with
>what's more satisfying, being able to make a dumb strong character and smart weak character that will succeed at opposite stuff allowing you to try out different outcomes in different playthrough or being really lucky and your character succeeding at everything because you rolled high.
You can be the first to find out. I just saved the images from DLsite since I thought they were funny.
Corruption of Champions or EraTouhouK are what comes to mind first.
>guy was set up to be the bad guy.
what does that mean? how was he "set up"?
he's a terrible human who abuses his power
But he was always going to be.
Pink Bitch had far more agency than blondie and chose to be an even larger cunt.
Your view is fundamentally flawed because the most important part of H scenes is not the scene itself but the events that lead to the scene . The scene itself should be short.
The most satisfying is to get a win, when your chance of success is 4%. Theres nothing quite like it. And its devastating to lose, when your chance to win is like 96%.
You know, drama.
I don't get it at all.
>don't skip the OP
>it is 1 hour long
I agree with you but the sex scenes still has to exist. According to me theory 99% of games blow all their sex gunpowder in every single sex scene instead of spreading it properly and building up, What is often the first scene in every game (multiple orgasm heavenly sex) should be the last scene.
Just skip the game at that point
And THATS FINE. Its okay to not get it. Not everything is made for everyone to enjoy. There are plenty of games that dont have rng. Movie games, visual novels, no rng in any of the choices or mechanics.
Are there any recent (last 15 or so years) fighting eroge?
Mugen doesn't count.
So as I've said, people don't like dice rolls, what they like is winning them without effort. And this is why it's so easy for people to get frustrated over getting a result they have no option of affecting. And as I've give many examples to know, it's bad game design for narrative purposes if you wish to explore different outcomes, as all it does is waste your time and make choices and characters irrelevant.
Fairy Fighting
Very nice to ignore the part about how devastating it is to lose high % check, eh?
I got filtered by this game.
I am not ignoring it
>And this is why it's so easy for people to get frustrated over getting a result they have no option of affecting
Like having seen outcome A in one playthrough, and wanting to see outcome B in another and being stuck savescumming for 30min.
>scroll up to find out what these fags arguing about
>fucking disco elysium
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Are there any non-NTR games where the dude gets the girl by being persistent?
I...see it
any blackmail game?
You all gave me good advice a few weeks back when I caved and decided to play Black Souls, do you have any advice for me on playing Black Souls 2?
what outcome were you forced to savescum for?
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If the dude in your pic is right then all games fit this criteria.
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
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It fucking works! Thanks man
Take it easy.
keep going to alice
Anubis save u...
Why are you asking for personal anecdotes when discussing a concept as a general? For all you know it could have never happened to me personally or could have happened to me at every check in the game, it's not relevant to the argument.
how so?
That's not how blackmail works
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>mysterious underground fighting competition
>most stages are clearly aboveground
Anyway, does any include sex scenes or mechanics, with or without patches?
Because what you talking about isnt how the game works. At worst, you gotta re-try a check later.
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underground doesn't necessarily mean under the ground in English. In other news, flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.
it's called "role playing game" not "sucking your dick game"
DE overload your brain capacity, go away, play another Sequel
Assume he is right.
>the only way to get girls is chasing after them
Suppose there exists an erogame where the main character doesn't chase after girls.
Then, we can deduce the main character doesn't get girls. Thus, the game is all-ages.
But this is a contradiction because we said this was an erogame. That means an erogame where the main character doesn't chase after girls doesn't exist.
Are talking about disco elysium? I don't know if you've just entered the discussion, but it's about dice rolls as a tool resolve narrative outcomes instead of choices in general like in Baldur's Gate 3. But as I've mentioned previously in disco elysium even in the opening sequence you have dice rolls when the organs talk.
In roleplaying games, you do not chose the outcome, but the action, and then the outcome happens. Thats the core of roleplaying games, you just cry that you dont like roleplaying games. Its fine, eat a candy.
Newcomers ipfs down
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StudioS needs an engine upgrade. Their fighting games just feel like minor variations of Strip Fighter 4
in h games I wanna see more cunnies than hags
in h games I wanna see more roastie cunnies than pristine cunnies
Use this one.
Completely the opposite of what i'm arguing for, but I don't blame you for misunderstanding, you might need at least room temperature IQ to follow.
Outcomes should be based on consequences of choices, not dice rolls. Because choices and character stats are something you are responsible for. Dice rolls make your choices and character irrelevant and being consistently lucky/unlucky will lead to the same outcome regardless of whether your character has +0 STR or +1000 STR. And it hurts replayability because two radically different characters will go down the same route if you have the same luck, or will result in savescumming (thereby making the dice roll irrelevant in the first place, as it just wastes your time).
Princess Gloo?
Any tactics RPG eroge? Other than futanaring, that's it.
Azure Orphanage I guess, but the translation kinda sucks. If you play it then you should probably play on a high difficulty since normal is piss easy.
you mean like Azure Orphanage and Tears to Tiara?
The dude in the pic obviously meant courtship. Rape, femdom, blackmail, etc. don't count.
Anyway, I'm looking for a game where the dude desperately pursues the girl until she gives in even if she rejects him at first.
>That means an erogame where the main character doesn't chase after girls doesn't exist.
false if the girls chase and rape the MC
>Tears to Tiara
Should I play this?
Any luck based games? Where a girl has to do lewd stuff due to unlucky rolls?
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halves all anons hp, no contribution!
Kamidori is a staple if you haven't played it. Rance IX is also a SRPG but there's not much strategy honestly.
Succubus Senki
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Was gonna go back to playing Dragon Conquista after I reinstalled windows 10 because my shit got fucked up somehow, but I'm getting this.
I got all the latest drivers and everything, not sure what I'm missing.
pls anyone kind enough to explain what the "blob bin" is?
avatarfag shitpost
RJ01274900 any good?
it's one of the classics like the Rance series, but I've never finished it (meant to replay it eventually, but never got around to it).
private bin for oldfags
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Eiyuu Senki
oh yeah as >>503518804 mentioned, but goes for all Eushully games, including Amayui, Rhapsofy and Ikusa Megumi.
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Amayui is a staple of the genre
So... all the people redirecting to it are either trolling or pointing to something you can't have acess to? Not on my world wide web (﹏)
blob bin, give me the blob bin
it's the bin where we keep the blobs
not directly
Is there a full translation?
I want more retarded and cute vanilla main heroines.
Sauce on right?
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E-Eiyuu Senki
That's a shame. Scenes where a girl has to strip or fuck because she lost a bet are hot. Are there at least any games with RNG on whether a girl does something lewd?
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Goblins are so lucky...
Both games are, thats potentially over 100 hours of gameplay, more if you are completionist.
stop shilling eiyuu senki...
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The prequel game for the sequel game that came out a few days ago that also has Conquista in the title
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Any similar games to Touch The Girl?

Don't need deep story or gameplay, just groping and fucking with some light BDSM, with more focus on interaction than scene loops. Stuck in wall, sleeping or timestop would also be acceptable
Did they ever import all of the online gacha's scenes into Gold? How does it even work?
Underworld doesn't mean under the world its used for the blackmarket/criminal world
Vitamin quest has a few lewd action you can do while in battle, and so do the enemies
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All right, what the fuck am I missing? More hagshit, probably, but I still want my 100%.
The 10GB download has all the gacha content in terma of story and scenes. How? A master hacker did it.
they did, and fully translated too, you can grab it here, read the readme for full information of the WWX part
no new playable, just cutscenes sadly
That's a very funny way to say an bitter underpaid dev
The only translated part is the events that came out in the global version, you will have to hook the unreleased events.
t. I helped with the project
I'm retarded, what do you mean by hook?
Is there either an eroge or a doujin where siblings have incest even after they married? like they loved each other but knew they couldn't be together but after growing up and marrying different people they got together from time to time to fuck each other?
ES killed the thread, stop shilling it
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As a Sequelfag, Eiyuu Senki and Eushully games are also fine to discuss here. If you don't like it, don't reply to it.
But nvm, I seems winkel translated it fully like what he did with the OG Eiyuu Senki console port.
When the global shutdown and the japanese server shutdown and they announced an never ever offline version, I thought the project was done.
>DOESN’T change character and event names back to Japanese
I'm thirsting for a translation.
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+4 Love to all anons, no contribution!
>Pin needle eyebrows
Looks like absolute shit
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Does Ivan have a scene?
I use this to play h-games on my vita in bed, what are some other rpgmaker 2000/2003 h-games?
She does and a new costume
yeah, 3, in fact
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Alright, I'll actually start playing it now.
child harlot
whys this slop look appealing to me RJ01276894
she gets ANOTHER scene in GOLD while fucking PERRY has ZERO SCENE FUCKING UNFAIR
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just buy it on a whim?
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Who is your favorite non-Oyari Eiyuu Senki? Mine is Copernicus.
hot design
need... autistic hag...
rapid rating my backlog clearance of this weekend:
a decent improvement on the "Inn My Wife" formula, detailed sexual stats page that changes girl's standing CG based on progression and shows that the woman is a complete whore already, three endings, cute dev mascot
rating should be higher
>nymphomania priestess
still a boring piece of shit with insane potential and the most incompetent dev on the planet
just average NTR game, I guess? hypno route is the worst, lovey dovey blacked is the best route, BDSM route could've been better, corruption route is good.
dropped because the "cuck" is actually a good guy and I would feel bad cucking him. his scenes were actually good, and I am sure the game is great as well, just not my style
not sure if the guy is even japanese, but this was garbage, the only thing I liked is the pussy gauge
kino trivia quiz, somewhat funny, otherwise shit game with non-existent corruption. buy if a fan of asuna and want to know where croissants were made, I guess
insane pacing issues, but otherwise kind of alright, though there's not much "game"
gyaruo's route was the best
hypnoslop, but I did like that there are two POV's, and that you can actually stop the cucking from happening by not being a complete retard
should've been a VN, wordswordswords very boring
certified hood classic
should've been a CG set
should've been a VN
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they got my goat mochi to draw for the ge
Are these translated? First and last ones look neat.
I haven't bought a h-game since 2014 and I will not do such again
only ge I bought is black souls 1, 2

though I do warn you, for the last game, you can safely download the 100% save and just watch the scenes
you won't miss anything, you literally do the same thing over and over again, nothing on the map changes, nobody's dialogue changes
we need more paulage...
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So yesterday I played Nightmare Knight and enjoyed it a lot. It reminded me of the good old classic Clymenia slut 'em ups but bigger and better. The corruption actually had some thought put into it, you're usually given a choice between doing something lewd or losing a lot of money so there's an incentive to get corrupted. Surprisingly the combat isn't completely braindead, it's not even remotely hard but it's not too easy either.

Otaku Plan's TL is okay, it's serviceable, it feels like a very heavily edited MTL by an ESL person like a lot of OtaPlan's TL do. The game does deserve a much better translation but what's there doesn't detract too much from the enjoyment.

Also, Rain is cute, she deserves a blob.
Played ES for a while today, spent way too long trying to take Gordion while underprepared hoping the game would give me something good for taking it before Alexandria. Instead it gave me the middle finger and immediately flipped the city back to hostile. Great game
RJ01180465 is sovl. It's not that erotic and the characters looks silly because the dev seems to think that any girl with breasts below "cow" is not worth drawing but it's easily on par with BS1 in terms of creator vision. Just the care put into the attack and skill animations is something else.
But I wish it had less shaved man ass.
>very heavily edited MTL by an ESL
Don't tell me OtakuPlan's TL is worse than Bazed's ChatGPT
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And of course I forget the picture.
yeah I feel you lmao
>Surprisingly the combat isn't completely braindead
It absolutely is. Cast attack up and then spam the 3 hit. That's all I've done the whole game. I agree about the rest, especially about Rain being cute. My only real issue is the story parts where Rain feels guilty for cheating only shows up during the main story stuff. In the scenes she sluts it up with no remorse. It'd be neat if she was always kinda guilty but just couldn't help herself.
Bottomless and topless are both great, but which is better if you're a flatchad like me?
>you're usually given a choice between doing something lewd or losing a lot of money so there's an incentive to get corrupted.
It also gives value to money in general. You can whore her out for money to avoid the cheating scenes that get you the ntr bad end, but still corrupt her.
>a choice between doing something lewd or losing a lot of money so there's an incentive to get corrupted
But how easy is it to get money? Every game that does this you always end up with at least 10x as much as you'll ever need immediately
topless with male swimming bottoms
>giant tits
>almost no ass
Getting Pyra flashbacks.
It is definitely better than ChatGPT TL but that's a very low bar.
I did a playthrough before it got TL'd, and almost all of my money came from (sex) work. I don't really recall any large sources of money that didn't involve sex. Maybe you can use the casino? But that's the end of the game, past all of the money checks.
Same happens with Babylon.
Mtl plan TL is worse
>no links anywhere
A-S is washed
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i wish the gachashit one is still alive because it keeps the gameplay almost 1:1 and kind of a sequel to gold but the eos signs are there months before the announcement
cmon tenco announce a sequel or spinoff please..
>But I wish it had less shaved man ass.
Same, feel like it this catered to my fetishes they'd be my favorites but I still respect the passion. Feel like the first game had a better climax even if the second one was more fun and fappable. But the main girl is probably the least sexo even if she is sexo. SERIOUSLY EVERY CHARACTER IS A FUCKING TIDDY MONSTER AND THERE'S BARELY ANY TIDDYFUCKING, thankfully I still have RJ432234
there are alot of wegs where you can do that if you're willing to sacrifice your dignity.
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Not too easy, monsters don't drop much money except for the bosses (that you can grind but also in exchange for your corruption meter), early game you mostly get money from doing quests and there's a finite amount of them or working at the usual HRPG places such as Ye Olde Sexual Harassment Bar.
>Feel like the first game had a better climax even
Personally I think Goblin having an epilogue scene is part of why that's true, it helped make it feel like a complete ending. Dragon "ends" and then throws you into a post-game free roam where there's nothing to do really besides find a few more h-scenes. I think the side quest where you go back to the hypnotized city probably should have been moved to the post game and then after doing it the game actually finishes.
Still not donating to you, Dazed.
so with black souls 1 having dark souls aesthetic, bs2 having bloodborne does that mean black souls 3 is gonna have elden ring vibes?
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This unironically
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There better be a game about BA Arisu and the rest of the game dev department making an eroge.
>free translation
It will have Armored Core vibes.
Im sure he started development before elden ring was out
I finished RJ01144692. It was pretty good, thank you for recommending it.
yeah pretty much a bunch of nothingness unless you're a JOP
but I mean actually seeding the ipfs files
b-but it's a rip-off of some shitty ren'py weg!
>Ye Olde Sexual Harassment Bar.
Odd how this sells me on playing it
we getting black souls 3 : sekiro edition
Possibly, possibly not. There's a pretty high possibility we get another Souls style game from FromSoft before he even gets to Black Souls 3
reminder that for RPG2K you're better off using that RPGM emulator
Are the fucking bots back? We're halfway through in a mere 9 hours.
I finished it recently and felt like it's someone's RPGMaker game that happens to have sex in it. Which isn't bad, as the game's still entertaining even if you ignore the sexual bits like I did. It reminds me a LOT of war demon kirsten, especially because the MCs in each game are both white-haired strong women who are kind of dumb and aregoing on an adventure in which they heal their trauma in the process.
Buy an ad
google yandex ascii2d iqdb wait saucenao
all me
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Genshin threads are going crazy right now. One thread every hour.
There's a bug to get free primogems if you make your account name the same as your social security number.
Not an argument, cuck corporate samefag shill.
I'd say it's somewhere above BS1 in overall quality. Take that for what you will.
Where are all the gender bender ge
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best girl btw
>social security number
sorry bro, euro here. we don't have those. good luck fishing elsewhere
we have at least one person in the last two threads who spams like a bot so that isn't helping
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I wish I knew bro...
right... i'll go replay my fav game before hitting the hay. i might get 10% in if i'm fast.
>above BS1
strong words

i tried it a little in the meantime but it just looks like copy of bs, like character creation, rape, leveling, the door at the beginning that won't open... is the story at least different?
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>best girl btw
Don't assign genders to cosmic horrors.
Essentially she only gets corrupted by cheating when she does it with the look alike and a playboy. I don't really like that decision especially with how that ending goes. But I guess it says a lot that no matter how much she fucks around due to the curse, her heart only really gets swayed when fucking the look alike. Should have had more cheating heart events though.
>strong words
BS1's carried hard by the endings, I'd say NPC Dreams is a more consistent experience overall than it though the highs and lows aren't as sharp.
>i tried it a little in the meantime but it just looks like copy of bs
It's very, very heavily inspired by BS and isn't afraid of admitting it, but it still has its own plot.
I'm glad that Savini was able to have hope again and that Kaname's decision to take care her child was rewarded. It's nice to see how good a child she has, but at the same time I kind of get the feeling he's going to feel the same despair Savini felt in regards to how goblins are.
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It was joek.
I love evil blobs.
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And they love you!
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>most of the game is already in the trial but the trial ends on a certain day
>skip to next day with chinktool help
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I love all of them
Never gonna play Black Souls for the same reason I'll never play Demons/Dark Souls/Bloodborne etc etc but who is this person and what role does she play in the game?
Isnt Mabel technically you're grandfather?
She's an alcoholic and she makes some bad life decisions.
What do you keep and not keep in New Game+ in Demons Roots?
Sequel-bait exposition is her main role. Her 2nd role is being stupid cute and bullyable
Card based ge when? And dont pretend you didn't see, I CAN SEE YOU READING THIS. And dont run to the next thread too.
I prefer EMMM's completely insane characters. Leaf/Hatter/etc.
where is my rimjob?
Is the dad Dr. Frankenstein the monster's grandfather?
How do you still remember this? I forgot it so i asked again but i wasn't the first guy who asked it but i just had this idea and forgot it was answered.
Succubus Duel
which ge
Did this ever get that update he promised?
late november bros.. it's almost not late november any more...
wasn't RJ247298 supposed to get removed from the store? or was that only kagura's english translation that was getting taken down
Just Kagura's version I'm pretty sure
>Rain is cute, she deserves a blob.
I'll put it in the queue
what did they fuck up that made them do that? I thought it was getting removed because of the similarities to an existing game
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Lumina game
Whatever that reason is must be retarded. Black Souls is fundamentally very different than the Souls games which have piss weak lore and are ARPGs and are not turn based.
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I am greatly looking forward to this.
just open the FAQ at the top menu in the standard bin
Why are you playing a MTL?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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The one on the left is male, by the way
this is the one I remember someone telling me was a real deck builder like dominion or heart of crown. While from the preview images it does look to have the same costs for the basic territories and succession cards as heart of crown the reviews I see call solitaire which changes the dynamic of the game a fair bit. Also it's a furry game and partial AI so pretty shit by default.
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i was hoping the one on the right side would be too
>must be retarded
I like Miyazaki's games for the story, the visuals are nice but the combat is boring. The problem is you have to slog through the combat to get to the meat of the story lines and in most cases you can miss out on content and story routes by fucking something up by "accident" and not being able to undo what you did forcing you to replay a game you didn't want to replay just to be allowed to experience what you would have like to have experienced

Black Souls does the same, call me retarded as much as you want for me having reasons for wanting to play games and not playing those that deny me that reason but you're not going to win me over by being simple minded, especially straight up lying with "fundamentally different" when the very reason I don't want to play them is the one thing they took directly from Dark Souls that you cannot argue against. For fucks sake your posting like you haven't even played Black Souls, how do you not know this but defend it so brazenly

Mango Party's games are (usually) a safe bet for decent English translations. Too bad my potato laptop doesn't have enough RAM for X-Angels.
What the fuck should I do in Fallen Princess Lucia? I'm at the part that I need to get some sake for the bridge builder and I know its the prize for the casino but the price for it is ridiculous
Her javascript top made me chuckle
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yoooooooooooooooooooх кaнни эpoтикa
spoiler that shit nigger
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you missed a nipple! I see it!
What's your ge of the year?
this year was one of the most dogshit years I can remember, and to commemorate that, i nominate scars of summer dlc as the erogoty
It's been so long that I can't really tell you if there's an alternate way but I remember slots at the casino not being too hard to win at as long as you're save scumming
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baba is h
I love my students
This has Baba is You gameplay? RJ?
2024 is such a bad year with full of mediocre ges
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h games for this feel?
I want another NPC sex game.....
I want another FeMC corruption game....
this but with a dog corruption path with virginity loss
There's a weg that does this
this but with a blob corruption path with virginity loss
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this might be a dumb question, but I'd like to try an alicesoft game but most of the games have NTR (and by extension ugly bastards) are a no go for me are most of them avoidable or the 'ntr' as simple as like a rape h-scene if you lose sorta deal? I'd like to try doHna:doHna, a few of the later rance games, Galzoo island, and evencile since those one seem neat. rape and Netori are fine but both seem to get muddied between the lines.
ask again in the /haniho/ general before they die on page 10
cute sweater anon
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Dohna Dohna has rape scenes but they're almost all only if you lose, besides one where it triggers if you take a bad path in a dungeon but you can just look up how to avoid it. Besides those, Dohna Dohna is basically a vanilla game. Evenicle is a vanilla game between the MC and his wives but there are rape scenes of other girls. Rance IX has some of Rance's girls getting raped on loss but even if you lose, you have to actually select the scene on the menu to see it if I remember right.
Anon and the Tower of Kusoge!
daughter little sister or mother alice?
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not quite the same but the same concept of sokoban with a twist. The goal of each stage is to kill all enemies, and both their and the protagonist's hp is represented by hearts on the tile above the character that can be pushed around like blocks
Figuring out how to kill everything but the gray golem hurt my head a lot
which slop
( * )
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yeah it was genuinely a good puzzle. Most of the puzzles in the game were a bit too easy but there are a couple good ones in there. Which is more than most h puzzle games have and are entirely too easy (except when the dev accidently leaves an unsolvable puzzle in the game lmao)
Alicesoft sucks.
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Alice's soft sucks*
>game is slop
i still like it, so what?
Favorite games with smegma/piss content?
the way he fucking sweats bullets

wtf is VP
This but just smegma
alicesoft has like 1 good ge and that's Evenicle, then they killed their own cow by making Evenicle 2 with a whole casts no one give a fuck about, fucking retard
serena's game
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He knows that rabbits are fearsome predators.
It's a classic for a reason.
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I look and act like this irl
XD ge doko?
Violated Peasant.
would be a better game if you play as the big black male with a colossal cock, witth Serena forcefully married to you
pounding her every day, kissing that angry face with a will which never submit
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November bros we won!
>literal vn added to the bin
a new low

Is that in dlsite? can't find it.

"Serena's game" is a useless description, if I fucking knew what was Serena's game I wouldn't ask for the name of the game
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+2 def to all anons, no contribution!
lazy newfags
based newfag, make those nigga work for you
Is that Shylily
Dohna Dohna is great too, only the rance games are mid and overrated by newfag boomers who still pretend sengoku is good
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Moralfag boner + regular boner is a lethal combination. I will immediately 5 star your ge
guchi ota having a mental breakdown on ci-en while gaijins harass him for delaying his game
Rance VI is a genuinely good first person dungeon crawler. Only thing really holding it back is the orb grind
Is the bin still updating? I keep getting errors trying to access it.
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Dismiss all feMCge.
Return to shotage.
Classic blunder
Never left shotage, but I'm never ever touching anything by -ackika ever again. Absolute dogshit artist and games (leafgeo).
It's 100% of him though. This guy made a 200IQ move where he made a game releasse announcement post with a date, summitted a 1.0 to dlsite, greenlighted the sales, and right before the day of release he emailed dlsite to halt the sale, calling it off and wrote a blogpost saying his game needs more time to cook.

If anything his retarded character RP is on point.
>dev delays ge to make it better
>anon wishes death upon dev
I can't return to somewhere I never was
Filter by columns is broken.
I want to jack off to the videogame NOW
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>Wow, this lake is so beautiful, I heard that everyone who comes here to swim ends up kissing and having sex all day long, and now we're here and I brought a very nice one-piece bikini with me...
>In that moment, I couldn't tell her how I feel.
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>Game scheduled release on May
>Delayed to October
>October comes
>Delayed again till early November
>Early November comes
>Delayed till late November
>Made annoucement saying he's releasing game on 23rd
>24th, still no game
>Dev said sorry still need more time to cook
>People following him got tired of his bullshit
>Immediately plays the victim card saying he
was depressed and haven't ate and shit
>game has magic sexy girls/monster girls who fuck you for your seed
>somehow a bad thing
Never could get over that kind of stuff
Why can't you just do other things and forget about it for a while? Surely a kusoge isn't the only thing in your life
Succubi don't just drain your balls, they drain your life energy. You know, a thing you need to not die.
fucking hate that shit
You take that back! Hakika never missed.
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kill yourself
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You are entitled to your own opinion, however shitty it may be.
>one-piece bikini
the bottom or the top?
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How are succs dangerous literally just use a condom. They can't succ through latex.
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FAK U! no contribution!
Hmm, yes, let me just cum on the very obvious murderfox attempting to seduce me while covered in bloody talismans.
>as you can see
>, as you can see
>i can see
Did a retard wrote this?
I would ryona this bitch so hard
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Shotas on summer vacationge
Well in the trial version from earlier this year she accidentally uses a "brain smoothing" device at high setting to unknown future effect. Maybe she'll be like Yutaka but with a quizzical, scientific mindset? We'll have to wait till release to get the full picture though, dev says there's been some changes since that released.
Should've been FAK U No sex
>game has progressively lewder photo/art modeling
yep kamige
>play RJ364930
>struggle to keep thirst and hunger because there's not much firewood to pick up
>you're actually in the red if you try to service them to keep them away from raping you
>unlock zone to the west of the base
>so much shit in there
>game drops to 5 fps every time it tries to highlight all of the items
Shame nightly sex and player initiated sex share the same CG between all the boys.
An electronic simulation of a brief period in the life of a young human of the feminine persuasion. Serena, her name, is is derived from the Latin word serēnus, meaning "clear, tranquil, serene".
Hakika mind broke me.
are you going to show other men your willy now?
Stop projecting your repressed desires onto others
can you beat 5 blobs?
How else will you regather all the fragments of your broken soul to fuck the grim reaper for all eternity
where the fuck do i go in black souls 2 everything fucking 2 shots me
try crying to your rabbit
The VH FAQ/links is broken.
>3v2lim instead of 3v2iim
Purple cop lover still up to his faggot tricks, I see.
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Is this game bugged? I can't seem to find the last two pieces of info. I think I've tried talking to everyone except these two but the game just gets stuck in this conversation with no textbox if you try talking to them.
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-3 all stat to all anons, no contribution!
Considering the picture and "edition", can't be surprised at all. Am a little surprised anons actually post in this thread and not make a real one.
ur bugged. get out. they're inside th
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Are they HD blobs or are they SD blobs?
depending on which blobs
blob bin, give me the blob bin
What a fucking disappointment that game is. Short ass, no effort, paid demo.
Witch blobs
>/weg/ that must not be named pops up out of nowhere last thread
>Next thread VH links are fucked with
Should have known...
Nobody cares about VH.
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Red-haired blobs.
it's a plot to make people hate ES
I kneel
Not needed considering the spam of it prior. >>503362587 this shit (and far more).
>nun in ge
>actually preaches christianity
I think anon is just that autistic that he doesn't understand that he drives people away
he's probably the same one who spammed roots too
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ritual poster I only play lolige is gone, how do I cope
Enicia is the best shark girl
Ritual post about roastie lolige instead.
Maybe he's playing lolige?
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Go play lolige?
play some lolige of course
like RJ01143953
good loli artist never make a ge
good ge maker artist never draws a good cunny
it's over
Why is she losing stats?
fake. alcoholic hagloli.
Enicia is the only sharkge I couldn't really get into
I want Youmaen 2
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RJ01284820 Just dropped fellas!
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I would marry an evil fox if I could. No joke.
>Dohna Dohna
What is Spt and Luk?
Between the MC and heroines. If you don't get the rape scenes then it's just 10 lovey dovey h-scenes between the main girls.
Ohoho blobs
Holy sexo idgaf if I die
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paralyze your lower half, no contribution!
Finally can properly see the hag to flat ratio. Annoying the dev didn't do a proper lineup of the girls.
blob soul
sequel: blob
blob party hero
blob prison
violated blob
night of blob
blob sacrifice
blob memories
sengoku blob
blobna blobna
Karryn's Blob
karryn is a shit game
Roughly equal ratios of cow to medium to flat, but yeah, he should stick to lolis. Green seems extremely cute at least.
whats the downside to smoking with the caterpillar girl
karryn broke me
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*blob your path*
>Release her
>She finds out the world has become more evil and depraved than she could possibly imagine
>She comes back to you humbled and willing to start a loving relationship
don't do drugs
Blob Souls: -Either of blob to story, key and the egg-
Is VP better if I just fail every quest? Or should I be trying to beat enemies?
just whore yourself out in the 1st run and solo everyone in the 2nd run
blob and the lewd blobs city
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cum girls vol.3 goddess continent is pretty good, if only it was voiced and had more scenes with the innkeeper
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>Literal succubus
>No scenes
Why would anyone do this?
An evil person would definitely do that.
DraCon spoilers btw, meant to change the filename but forgot.
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>open folder
She at least forces you into a cult, right?
how do you transform into the girl?
Thank you anon
Is the village also A clan of murderhobo elves that killed their previous breeding stud this time around?
get the mirror of truth item, then change on the save spot
She does.
danke dork
how do i farm souls in black souls 2 efficiently some of these covenant prices are crazy
sex tits but could use a bit more meat on her thighs
how do you get the mirror of truth bro, how far do I need to play to get it?
Essentially, If I am femc protag gamer only is this game worth playing?
Damn what's wrong with her
I think Brussels sprouts are my favorite veggie after broccoli
like in the first 10 minutes? just don't wander around and follow the main quest
Gimme a rundown.
Works on my machine. Maybe the JS didn't load.
Reload the page.
I don't mind the lack of voices, I do mind the lack of sound effects in the sex scenes.
Please blogpost when you play it.
Hypnosis religious goblin-servicing sex cult. Reily goes to the Holy City to investigate something but finds her merchant friend at the gates. She's now a nun in a lewd costume and acting weird. She brings you to speak to the priest but the priest brushes Reily off and takes her friend to perform her daily baptism ritual thingy. Reily sneakily follows to find her friend praying to some sort of idol but the priest knew Reily was there the whole time and turns the idol's power on her hypnotizing her into joining the cult where she can end up spending a year, with time skips, servicing goblins, praying while being harassed by goblins, servicing corrupt church officials and the like, all while watching her goblin pregnancy grow. The idol is some sort of goblin (I think, it's not explicitly revealed at the end of this arc but it's pretty obvious) with hypno eyes. The baptism is servicing his cock to receive his cum. The priest is the succubus. Also, a donkey gets NTR'd.
Need more games where a woman thinks she's fine, but can also get controlled by a succubus.
Maybe he shouldn't have raped and banished/had elves executed and strangled a baby as the final straw.
It's partially a genetic thing like cilantro I think. I can't stand brussel sprouts because of how bitter they are, but can eat broccoli with ease when people say the same thing about it
I want to self insert. Post homeless
male mc harem games
Just finished RJ01132085 that was on my backlog, and i dont know how to feel about it.
The beginning of the game was fun, lore was interesting to see how it developed, really liked the girls and sex scenes, but there was a lot of reused bodies and poses. By the half i felt it was just a chore to do the quests, gathering items was just meaningless, weapons/armor from chests are just trash.
But i liked the ending... Airi ending was peak. If i had to rate the game, i would give it a 6...
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is this a VTuber? this looks like a VTuber. Has VTge asker's request finally been answered?
She's not an actual succubus though. She's a gargoyle like every other boss in this game.
>Has VTge asker's request finally been answered?
Only if you've played it lately.
oh right I guess that's part of it too. I'll play the demo but that's all he'll get from me
Okay, that's true but come on, look at her. That's a succubus like that other gargoyle in the area is a unicorn impaling a lady.
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/vn/ blob here
Speaking of avatarfags. We'll find you next week if himecut really is supreme. RJ01252613
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>Dragon Conqueror is too easy
>game about GOR
>too easy
they can't keep doing this...
Does that work with VH? it needed Fatalmix executable if I remember correctly
But were you hard?
I remember another himecut ge in dev. by Nanahari Fuyuki something something what is the ci-en for that again?
this thread sure is fast
FatalMix isn't used anymore in 2023, they replaced it with a different one named VH01.exe
But the reason why those hacked exes were used is there's some arbitrary memory limits on database handling in the vanilla RPG_RT that cause crashes due to how fuckhueg VH is
Those issues don't exist in easyrpg and I would frankly recommend using it instead
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found an image online but I can't locate the Ci-en, is the page gone? anyone help???
>Those issues don't exist in easyrpg
I consiered the possibility but wasn't sure hence I asked.
But interesting they ditched Fatalmix.
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I literally found the game after 10 seconds of googling.
Stop being lazy.
I think he's only posting on fanbox.
i can't really blame h games for being too easy when whether or not battles are stressful is one of the most common things mentioned in reviews. you can always use weaker gear to make it harder.
they can at least go for an completely free easy mode and an actual game hard mode instead of only having the easy mode
i agree, but you wouldn't believe the amount of idiots whose egos can't handle playing an easy mode but will whine about difficulty. it's just easier to make the game easy and let players that want it make their own restrictions.
Fatalmix started crashing.
Regardless, easyrpg literally isn't RPG_RT, it's 99% clean room re-implementation and 1% peeked at RPG_RT.exe in a disassembler because a strange misbehavior was necessary for things to actually work properly. I recommend EasyRPG in all instances where it's compatible with games simply because it's GPU-accelerated, runs on literally everything natively, doesn't handle windowed/fullscreen retardedly, allows remapping input, has a wide-screen hack and in general just works better.
The only instances in which EasyRPG doesn't work now are those weird games that use the more complex parts of other hacked executables like DynRPG.
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>you can give RJ420798's MC headpats
But why are (You) in the girls bathroom?
comforting her
I saw another anon say that if you don't pet her enough she cries too loud and some men overhear her and come over and rape her
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zoom zoom
ge where you play as an invisible guardian (spirit?) protecting the femc?
Technically every femc game with a virgin run.
Me. I drop femc games where sex is forced on you. Sadly pure runs are pretty rare.
Interesting to know. In case I ever want to revisit VH.
yeah it's kino
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Well, you're not invisible but Tanuki Silveria's Quest, it's in the bin.
I still think the monkey scene is super hot.
Dazed kudasai...
I found the name as well you no-reading-comprehension retard, though he got ci-en before and now it's gone
>if you don't pet her enough she cries too loud and some men overhear her and come over and rape her
what happened to the (you) mc if that happened? is it NTR?
NTR Sugoroku
Gambler's game
Lilitales (1 scene)
Naked Story
Illegal Mahjong
Use this for next OP
Stop posting offtopic
I don't see you bitching about our Alicesoft OP
it's pretty clear that poster is deranged and won't give any notice to being told to fuck off
I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time you've been told off either and you don't seem to care. Just like him you'll keep ritual posting anyways.
Sadly there's no cure for ritual posting. The only thing you can do is wait for the faggot to eventually get bored of it and stop on their own. t. former ritual poster
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how are the chances?
on closer inspection OP broke the VH FAQ link so he's 100% shitposting and not just an autist with no social skills
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Just finished Syahatas bad day and loved it. Anyone got some recs for 2d pixel art sidescrollers like this?
Why hgg2d has separate stream channel
to spam nsfw
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Parasite in City if you somehow haven't played that yet.
Anthophobia is very similar too. it's a weg with a jp artist but it's in the bin so it's okay
I want a femdom nurse game where mc has to cum to level up
Most charismatic H-game villain?
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The MC is literally me.
Why is it ok when that game does it but not purple cop?

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